2024-05-12: News Headlines

Britt Munro, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-12). The Students Did Not Invent The Encampments; We Inherited Them. popularresistance.org The fanfare over outside agitators, over how many students were involved (or not), over whether flares were lit (or not), over whose freedom of speech was infringed upon (or not), over which administrators said what, and when, and how — It's all a distraction. | From the fact that Israel is now bombing tents in the most populated parts of Rafah, an area the size of Newark into which 1.4 million people have been forced. | The fact that Israel has now sealed the border with Egypt, cutting off life-saving aid as it extends its policy of mass starvation.

Sherri L. Mitchell Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset, Peace & Planet News. (2024-05-12). Peace Walk 2024: Mindfully Bring The Sacred Back Into Your Journey. popularresistance.org Good morning. [Native greeting] Hello, everyone. [Native language]. My name is Sherri Mitchell. My name in my language, Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset. I am from the Penobscot Nation. My family is Bear clan from the Penobscot Nation and Crow clan from the Passamaquoddy tribe. | [Native language] I'm happy to be here with you today. It felt really important for me to come and support what's happening here for many reasons. As I've been thinking about what I wanted to say in these brief comments, this morning, there are a lot of things that I thought about. I have a very dear friend who is currently doing a pilgrimage throug…

radiohc.cu (2024-05-12). UN Security Council calls for immediate and independent investigation into Gaza mass graves with hundreds of bodies UN Security Council calls for immediate and independent investigation into Gaza mass graves with hundreds of bodies

John Zangas, DC Media Group. (2024-05-12). GW University Students Storm Campus With Second Encampment. popularresistance.org Washington DC—George Washington University Students stormed back by the hundreds onto the campus streets on Thursday afternoon. They told of their experiences during a police raid the day before, and then set up a second temporary encampment of tents near the University President Ellen Granberg's F Street Home. The student-led action came 36 hours after 32 were arrested during a predawn Wednesday morning raid on the U-Yard. The Press coverage was quarantined during the police take down of their U-Yard encampment so there is limited video of the raid. However, students described a disturbing sequence of even…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-12). White House: Israel Likely Violated International Law In Gaza. popularresistance.org The White House on 10 May issued a highly anticipated report on Israel's conduct during its genocidal war in Gaza, saying it is "reasonable to assess" Tel Aviv used US-provided weapons in ways that are "inconsistent" with international law but stopping short of identifying violations that would put an end to the ongoing military aid. | "It is reasonable to assess that defense articles covered under [national security memorandum] NSM-20 have been used by Israeli security forces since October 7 in instances inconsistent with its IHL [international humanitarian law] obligations or with established best practices for…

Lorenzo Santiago, People's Dispatch. (2024-05-12). US Announces Military Exercise In Guyana And Venezuela Responds. popularresistance.org The US embassy in Guyana announced on May 9 that military exercises will be held in the South American country. The US representation in Guyana said that two US military planes will fly over Georgetown and the region on Thursday. The Venezuelan government responded in social media posts, in which ministers called the measure a "threat to regional peace". | Guyana and Venezuela are currently experiencing diplomatic tension over the disputed territory of Essequibo. In December 2023, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro called a referendum for the population to vote on the reincorporation of Essequibo—which was…

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2024-05-12). USC President And Provost Censured After Faculty Senate Vote. popularresistance.org After a three hour meeting of the University of Southern California (USC) academic senate with President Carol Folt and Provost Andrew Guzman, the faculty decisively passed a resolution with 21-7 majority, censuring both Folt and Guzman. | USC has garnered local and national attention recently sparked by the cancellation of valedictorian Asna Tabassum's commencement address. The attention has intensified after the university's brutal crackdown on student divestment protests, which included the arrest of 93 protestors by LAPD, and overall cancellation of this year's commencement ceremony.

Daniel Frank, Massachusetts Daily Collegian. (2024-05-12). Over 130 Arrested At Gaza Solidarity Demonstration. popularresistance.org At 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, protesters set up an encampment on the Student Union South Lawn. Protesters were advocating for the University of Massachusetts to divest from war-profiteering companies involved in Israel's bombardment of Gaza and to drop the charges of the students arrested at the Whitmore demonstration in October. As the day progressed, dozens of police officers, many in riot gear, arrived on the scene and arrested over 130 undergraduates, graduate students, professors and community members. | The protest was led by the UMass chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Dan Feidt, Unicorn Riot. (2024-05-12). Unicorn Riot Nets Resounding Win For Press Freedom Against Oil Corporation. popularresistance.org Saint Paul, MN — The Minnesota Court of Appeals issued a ruling favoring Unicorn Riot on Monday, May 6, rejecting the oil company Energy Transfer LP's attempt to obtain newsgathering materials through a subpoena, blunting a three-year legal pressure campaign. | In April 2021, the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline started trying to force Unicorn Riot to give out sensitive and privileged materials developed in the process of covering the controversial fracked oil pipeline and the massive, historic organized resistance against it. (See our full-length documentary, Black Snake Killaz [2017], DAPL catego…

Ellen David Friedman, Labor Notes. (2024-05-12). Taking Bottom-Up Action Changes The Balance Of Power. popularresistance.org Consider two different ways a union can take action to solve problems. A top-down approach may solve the immediate workplace problem, but it may not change the balance of power. Engaging as many members as possible in a bottom-up approach may accomplish both goals. | For example, consider the case at right where a boss unilaterally announces an unpopular new schedule, and how things might play out depending which approach you take, top-down vs. bottom-up. | In the first week, the approach on the left might appear more forceful—immediate action is taken! But a request to bargain is an action that the boss kn…

David Hartsough, Popular Resistance. (2024-05-12). Susan Crane To Start Prison Sentence For Protesting Nuclear Weapons. popularresistance.org Susan Crane, 80, has been part of an international Peace group in protesting US nuclear weapons at Bàºchel Airforce base in Germany. Susan has been part of several Plowshares actions, and is currently living and working at the Redwood City Catholic Worker in California. She starts 229 days in prison in Germany in early June for her nonviolent civil disobedience at the Bàºchel Airforce Base. David Hartsough is author of "Waging Peace" Global Adventures of A Lifelong Activist and is co-founder of World Beyond War, and is a member of San Francisco Friends Meeting.

UC Alumni 4 Palestine (2024-05-12). UC Alumni Open Letter Sign On, No Donations Until Divestment. indybay.org As alumni of the University of California (UC), we demand that the UC Regents call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, fully divest from weapons manufacturers and other targets of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and immediately increase and formalize protections for current students, staff and faculty who are Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and those who are vocally condemning the genocide and calling for a ceasefire.

Yakov M. Rabkin (2024-05-12). Antisemitism and Antizionism: A Dangerous Conflation. pressenza.com Anti-Semitism is making the headlines. The Israeli Prime Minister describes as anti-Semitic the accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, and even American students who are calling for a ceasefire. What Israel is doing does in fact provoke anti-Semitic acts against synagogues, Jewish schools and even individual Jews. It is therefore important to understand what anti-Semitism is, what it is not, and how it can be distinguished from anti-Zionism. | Although anti-Jewish acts in Europe date back more than a thousand years, since the 19th century the term 'anti-Semitism' has been used to describe a hatred…

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-05-12). Saturday 5/11: Ceasefire Postcards Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee, 1122 University Ave, Berkeley, CA…

Phil Pasquini (2024-05-12). 1,000 Grandmothers' Action Calls for End to Genocide. indybay.org As the UN General Assembly today announced its adoption of a resolution in support of full-member status for Palestinian Statehood, activists from Code Pink and others were visiting the offices of U.S. senators in the Hart Senate Office Building to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end…

The Independent (2024-05-12). South Africa urges ICJ to adopt additional measures against Isreal over strikes on Rafah. independent.co.ug JOHANNESBURG, South Africa | Xinhua | South Africa's Presidency said Saturday that the country has on Friday approached the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to seek an urgent order from the court for the protection of the Palestinian people in Gaza amid Israel's ongoing military assault on Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city. South Africa has requested …

GABIK (2024-05-12). South Africa seeks additional provisional measures in Gaza. sanews.gov.za South Africa seeks additional provisional measures in Gaza | South Africa has returned to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to seek an urgent order from the court for the protection of Palestinian people in Gaza amid Israel's ongoing military assault on Rafah. | The urgent application filed on Friday follows the escalation of Israel's assault on Rafah, which poses an extreme risk to humanitarian supplies, basic services into Gaza, the survival of the Palestinian medical system, and the survival of Palestinians in Gaza as a group. | In a statement issued by the Presidency on Saturday, President Cyril Ramap…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-05-12). A Clubbable Admission: Palestine's Case for UN Membership. dissidentvoice.org I find it rather difficult to make it clear to my children why we are not eligible, for from one point of view it isn't quite clear to me. X, "The Jew and the Club," The Atlantic, October 1924. It must surely make certain ethnic and religious groups reflect, notably those languishing in minority status …

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). PNGO urges Palestinian government to declare Gaza a disaster zone. plenglish.com In a letter sent to the Palestinian Prime Minister, Muhammad Mustafa, PNGO justified its call by the increase in famine, environmental crisis and the spread of diseases in the coastal enclave. | The PNGO warned about hunger and serious food shortages Palestinians in Gaza are exposed to, the surge in malnutrition, especially among children, as well as the high mortality rates as a result of diseases derived from this scourge. | PNGO also warned about the difficult access to medical and health care, serious environmental pollution resulting from the destruction of sewage networks, inability of municipalities to rem…

Editor (2024-05-12). May 12, 2024. sitrepworld.info The Maid on the Shore — Solas Using A Fictional Antisemitism Crisis To Support A Real Genocide, by Caitlin Johnstone Israel has Lost the Global South and Continues Losing Much More | Pepe Escobar (Video) Israel's war has always been against civilians, by Lucas Leiroz Palestine and History: Macklemore v. Hillary Clinton, by Juan Cole Solidarity with Gaza — Princeton Faculty Members Join Students in Hunger Strike Weaponizing Antisemitism, by Ellen Cantarow, Jennifer Loewenstein Why Biden Is Consistently Pro-Israel: You get what you pay for, by Bill Astore You can be a Christian…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). U.S. undermines world peace and security, DPRK condemns. plenglish.com Pyongyang, May 12 (Prensa Latina) The United States is the Western power that violates peace and security in the world, denounced the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), after commenting on Washington's support to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Staff (2024-05-12). Pro-Palestinian protests continue across Europe. muslimmirror.com ISTANBUL : Israel's attacks on Gaza were protested with marches Saturday in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands. Thousands marched in Madrid to support Palestine. They gathered in the city center of Madrid on the call of non-governmental organizations and participated in the demonstration organized under the title "We condemn the genocide …

Ruth Fowler (2024-05-12). Oh, How Violent: Hollywood, USC, and the Sickness of Denial. counterpunch.org USC Pro-Palestine encampment, YouTube screengrab. | The encampments have gone. Tall metal riot fences ring USC. Underpaid security hovers nervously at metal detectors. They paw through your bag when you enter, past the receipts, gum, phone, AirPods, and the overdue library book you never even opened. They're searching for something. A tent? A Palestinian flag? A keffiyeh? A signed declaration of your commitment against genocide? What they are searching for is unclear, and it's apparent they themselves don't even know. The result is not the point; the display is. Like most college campuses, USC is invested in t…

bwitanek (2024-05-12). Pro-Israel Fascists Target CA Therapist with Vitriolic Threats / Harassment. fightbackbetter.com Since May 7 and continuing , Dr. Nichelle Kelehzan, who has been outspokenly critical of US policy supportive of Israel genocide in Gaza, became inundated with threats and harrassment on twitter and on her professional phone line. Dr. Kealehzan is a clinical psychologist and many of the callers threatened her practice as if they could discredit and destroy her career and reputation. Dr. Kalehzan has been documenting the occurrences and keeping details as to where the harassment is coming from and who said what. That paper trail could prove a means toward accountability and even liability. While the media and t…

No Tech for Genocide (2024-05-12). Tuesday 5/14: Disrupting Google's Biggest Conference: No Tech for Genocide. indybay.org Charleston Park, 1500 Charleston Rd, Mountain View…

Rise, Resist (2024-05-12). Demonstrators Shout NO to Genocide Joe Outside President's Palo Alto Fundraiser. indybay.org Biden attended a reception at the Palo Alto home of former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and her husband DCVC Co-founder Zack Bogue today. Heavy police presence kept a large number of Pro-Palestine demonstrators and about a dozen zionists with Israeli flags mostly apart when both sides showed up near the reception.

Staff (2024-05-12). Blinken: U.S. only halting delivery of 'high payload bombs,' warns Israel may face 'enduring insurgency' in Gaza. haaretz.com Secretary of State Blinken tells CBS the U.S. hasn't seen plan from Israel to prevent Hamas resurgence ‚ñ Hezbollah decides to withdraw combatants from Lebanese border with Israel, report says ‚ñ Egypt joins South Africa's genocide petition against Israel at World Court following Rafah offensive ‚ñ Sirens activated in northern Israel, Gaza border communities…

MEE staff (2024-05-12). Egypt to support South Africa's ICJ case against Israel as more flee in Gaza. middleeasteye.net Egypt to support South Africa's ICJ case against Israel as more flee in Gaza | Court must force Israel to comply with its obligations to allow aid and prevent further abuses, says Egypt | | Tents are set up by displaced Palestinians in al-Mawasi, near the border with Egypt in the southern Gaza Strip…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). About 300,000 Palestinians fled Rafah after Israel ¥s attacks. plenglish.com Ramallah, May 12 (Prensa Latina) Some 300,000 Palestinians fled in the last week the city of Rafah, located in the southern Gaza Strip, after the beginning of an Israel ¥s ground invasion, the UN condemned Sunday.

Staff (2024-05-12). Israel's new evacuation order in Gaza affects 300,000 civilians: UNRWA. muslimmirror.com Gaza : The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said that the new evacuation order by the Israeli army has affected nearly 300,000 people in the Gaza Strip. "We're extremely concerned these evacuation orders have come both towards central Rafah and Jabalia in northern Gaza," the agency …

Haaretz Podcast (2024-05-12). 'The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony shows what the day after the Gaza war could look like'. haaretz.com

noemail (2024-05-12). Israel Marks Memorial Day Amidst Lingering Shock of October 7 Attack. devdiscourse.com Ruby Chen's son, Itay, was killed in the Hamas attack on October 7. But unlike scores of other families of soldiers killed that day, Chen doesn't have a grave to visit because his son's remains are held captive in Gaza.

Jack Khoury (2024-05-12). Israeli army officially announces start of operation in northern Gaza's Jabalya. haaretz.com Months after the IDF declared that they had defeated Hamas' capabilities in the area, the army said that Hamas had returned to Jabalya, and called on residents to evacuate to Gaza City in advance of renewed combat…

Dafna Maor, Rafaella Goichman (2024-05-12). 'I've met waiters in Tel Aviv who have a better command of English than Israeli diplomats'. haaretz.com Israel is under the spotlight, yet its government has failed to respond with an effective public diplomacy campaign, says British journalist and analyst Tom Gross…

Ofer Aderet (2024-05-12). Israel set to commemorate Memorial Day amid war in Gaza. haaretz.com 826 Israeli soldiers and members of other security forces, as well as 834 terror victims, were added to the list of Israel's fallen during the past year…

Bar Peleg (2024-05-12). Palestinian empty house in West Bank set on fire by unknown perpetrators. haaretz.com The house's walls were covered with the slogan of 'Tag mehir ["Price Tag"] — 30 days since Binyamin died,' marking 30 days since the murder of 14-year-old Israeli boy Binyamin Ahimeir who lived in a nearby settlement…

The Media Line Staff (2024-05-12). Switzerland Tops Eurovision 2024, Israel Takes Fifth Place Amid Political Backlash. themedialine.org

Hadar Kane (2024-05-12). Air Canada extends suspension of flights to Israel until August. haaretz.com The Montreal-based airline said it wouldn't return to flying to Tel Aviv until August 6…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). Israel killed 143 journalists and media workers in Gaza. plenglish.com Ramallah, May 12 (Prensa Latina) At least 143 journalists and media workers have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli army since the beginning of its military offensive on October 7, official sources condemned Sunday.

Sheren Falah Saab (2024-05-12). Michal lost her son on Oct. 7, Najalaah buried her brother in Gaza. Together, they seek a different future. haaretz.com A number of bereaved Israelis and Palestinians have chosen to join the Parents Circle-Families Forum since October 7. Six of them tell Haaretz about their choice to stand together, with very little support from their society around them…

Jack Khoury (2024-05-12). A senior Gazan doctor died during Israeli detention. Officials refuse to explain how. haaretz.com Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh was arrested at a hospital in the Gaza Strip last December, with his death at an Israeli prison quietly announced four months later. Palestinian detainees who saw him say it was clear he had gone through hell, but the Israeli army and prison service have declined to disclose any details…

MEE staff (2024-05-12). UK Foreign Secretary Cameron says 'not wise' to ban arms sales to Israel. middleeasteye.net UK Foreign Secretary Cameron says 'not wise' to ban arms sales to Israel | David Cameron opposes suspension of arms sales but criticises Israeli plan to invade Rafah | | Britain's Foreign Secretary David Cameron arrives at the BBC offices in central London, on 12 May 2024, to appear on the "Sunday wi…

mforinoco (2024-05-12). UK Flown 200 Spy Missions Over Gaza, Complicit in Israeli War Crimes: Report. orinocotribune.com A report has revealed that the UK military has flown 200 spy missions over Gaza in support of Israel, adding that the International Criminal Court (ICC) could investigate British officials over complicity in war crimes. | "The Royal Air Force (RAF) has flown 200 surveillance flights over Gaza since December, it can be revealed," Declassified UK, an investigative journalism organization, said in a report on Wednesday. | Noting that the flights have taken off from the UK's sprawling air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri, and have been in the air for about six hours, the organization said the RAF has likely "gathered aro…

Richard Strubben (2024-05-12). Monday 5/13: Israel Out of Rafah – Demonstration in Monterey. indybay.org Monterey Conference Center plaza. Gather at the plaza in front of the Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, corner of Del Monte and Alvarado St. in Monterey, CA.

scorinoco (2024-05-12). Humanitarian Aid or Political Conspiracy: What Gazans Think of the US Pier. orinocotribune.com By Noor Alyacoubi — May 10, 2024 | As the US pier is expected to be finished in May, questions remain unanswered. Does it really aim to provide Gaza with immediate aid provisions? | The rubble and ruins that once were vibrant streets now stand as a blatant testament to the devastating impact of the unending Israeli assault on Gaza. | As Israel launched a barrage of bombings and artillery shelling starting on October 7, Gaza was plunged into a deeper abyss of suffering, while Israel declared the northern region of the Strip as a war zone. | Although many refused to abandon their homes, massive crowds of Pales…

mforinoco (2024-05-12). Canadian State Clashes With Pro-Palestine Student Encampments, Following the US' Lead. orinocotribune.com By Marthad Umucyaba — May 10, 2024 | A wave of university encampments, designed with the common goal of getting the respective universities to divest from Israel, among other goals, have faced state backlash throughout North America, including Canada. NATO, particularly in the colonies of the United States and Canada, have taken the gloves off and are prepared to brutalise students in support of the NATO ethnic cleansing plan. | The US encampments | State reaction, as is typical of the fascist government of the United States, was particularly brutal towards the students, even bef…

Imran Mullah (2024-05-12). Exclusive: Cambridge's wealthiest college to divest from arms companies. middleeasteye.net Exclusive: Cambridge's wealthiest college to divest from arms companies | MEE revealed in February that Trinity College Cambridge has investments in Elbit Systems, Israel's largest arms manufacturer | | People enjoy the sunshine while punting past the Wren Library, part of Trinity College, o…

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-05-12). Israeli soldier killed in Gaza Strip combat. haaretz.com Staff Sgt. Ariel Tsym of the Nahal Brigade, a resident of Modi'in, was killed during combat operations in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza…

The Media Line Staff (2024-05-12). US Reportedly Offers Israel Intelligence on Hamas in Bid To Delay Offensive in Rafah. themedialine.org

Sonoma County for Palestine, Marin County DSA (2024-05-12). Monday 5/13: Protest Congressman Huffman's Lavish Support of Israel's War Crimes. indybay.org Outside of Lagunitas Brewery, 1280 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma…

mforinoco (2024-05-12). UK Has Flown 200 Spy Missions Over Gaza, Complicit in Israeli War Crimes: Report. orinocotribune.com A report has revealed that the UK military has flown 200 spy missions over Gaza in support of Israel, adding that the International Criminal Court (ICC) could investigate British officials over complicity in war crimes. | "The Royal Air Force (RAF) has flown 200 surveillance flights over Gaza since December, it can be revealed," Declassified UK, an investigative journalism organization, said in a report on Wednesday. | Noting that the flights have taken off from the UK's sprawling air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri, and have been in the air for about six hours, the organization said the RAF has likely "gathered aro…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Boos inside and protests outside Eurovision final over Israel's act. aljazeera.com Israel's performance at Eurovision was booed by spectators inside the venue, while protesters were outside the venue.

mforinoco (2024-05-12). Leftwing Intellectuals and Artists Want Brazil To Stop Buying Weapons From Israel. orinocotribune.com A group of Brazilian artists and intellectuals including singer-songwriter Chico Buarque and his wife Carol Proner, have signed a letter for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to stop buying weapons from Israel. The initiative was also endorsed by Amnesty International (AI) and several far-left political parties who have requested a meeting with the head of state to deliver the note. | The signatories call for "the immediate suspension of all defense agreements and export and import licenses for military equipment with Israel and Israeli companies." The initiative came days after the Brazilian Army chose the Isr…

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

David Rothkopf (2024-05-12). Biden has not turned his back on Israel. But Netanyahu has. haaretz.com The Netanyahu government has, almost from the very beginning of the Gaza war, pitted itself not just against Hamas but against the U.S. president. Pushing Biden to breaking point may trigger irreparable damage to the already deeply-strained U.S.- Israel relationship…

Robi Damelin (2024-05-12). Amid war, we bereaved Israelis and Palestinians are mourning together. haaretz.com Since Israelis' lives were engulfed in horror on October 7, a catastrophe that has yet to end for Palestinians in Gaza, we bereaved families from both sides of the conflict are coming together to remember the innocent children whose only crime was being Palestinian or Israeli…

Elon Gilad (2024-05-12). The Evolving Story of Yom Haatzmaut, Israel's Independence Day. haaretz.com From parades to parties, bonfires to barbeques, since Israel's independence in 1948 its national holiday has been changing like the nation itself…

Staff (2024-05-12). President Maduro at Viva Venezuela World Festival Opening Ceremony: Culture is the Vaccine Against Capitalism. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said that Venezuela is building a solid foundation of national identity, based on culture, because "the vaccine to destroy Western capitalism is our culture, our music, our values." | President Maduro made these comments on Friday, May 10, while inaugurating the Viva Venezuela World Festival at the Simón Bolívar Monumental Stadium, in Caracas. He called the opening concert by Venezuelan artists "a beauty." | He highlighted the role of Venezuela's legendary artists and the generations that today constitute the Great Mission Viva Venezuela, My Beloved Homeland. "This is t…

Free Palestine! (2024-05-12). Wednesday 5/15: Nakba Day – Economic Blockade for Rafah. indybay.org Cinemark Century, 1500 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View…

UMMID (2024-05-12). OpenAI unveils Google Search rival Monday — How to access? ummid.com Microsoft backed OpenAI is poised to launch its own AI powered search product Monday May 13, 2024 which is billed as a competitor to Google Search.

Editor (2024-05-12). From PropOrNot to New Lines: How Washington is Weaponizing Media. scheerpost.com By Alan MaCleod / MintPressNews New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington's official foreign policy line, all while employing many spooks, spies and other figures at the heart of the national security state. Worse still, its parent organization, the New Lines …

Free Palestine! (2024-05-12). Sunday 5/12: Stanford: Defend the People's University. indybay.org White Plaza, Stanford University…

Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival (2024-05-12). Saturday 5/18: Reel Work Film Festival – A Thousand Pines. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St, Santa Cruz…

Pajaro Valley for Ethnic Studies, Justice (2024-05-12). Monday 5/20: Ethnic Studies in PVUSD – Community Town Hall. indybay.org Watsonville High School Cafeteria, 250 E Beach St, Watsonville…

SubRosa Community Space (2024-05-12). Sunday 5/19: Really Really Free Market // Tianguis Realmente Gratuito. indybay.org SubRosa Community Space, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz…

San Francisco Public Library (2024-05-12). Thursday 5/23: Corky Lee's Asian America Fifty Years of Photographic Justice. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library, Koret Auditorium | 100 Larkin Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Allan Fisher (2024-05-12). Saturday 5/18: Palestine Protest in Santa Cruz. indybay.org Ocean at Water Streets, Santa Cruz…

Pajaro Valley for Ethnic Studies, Justice (2024-05-12). Community Rallies for Ethnic Studies Outside PVUSD School Board Meeting. indybay.org WATSONVILLE, CA, May 8, 2024 — Nearly a full school year has passed since the Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) School Board in a shock move declined to renew its contract with Community Responsive Education (CRE), which had been guiding the district in its realization of ethnic studies as both a curriculum and a mode of community engagement. CRE is an ethnic studies consulting firm headed by Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, an ethnic studies professor and a nationally recognized educator who teaches at San Francisco State University. Since that time, the Watsonville community, which is almost ninety…

N (2024-05-12). Tuesday 5/14: Support Concord Renters – Pack City Council Chamber. indybay.org Concord City Council Chamber, and Overflow Room | 1950 Parkside Drive | Concord, CA 94519…

RSO Santa Cruz (2024-05-12). Monday 5/13: Workers & Students Unite and Fight for Palestine. indybay.org Science and Engineering Library, UC Santa Cruz…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-12). Berkeley Students, Teachers and Parents Push Back. indybay.org Rally at Berkeley's Old City Hall sends message that Berkeley School System will not succumb to McCarthy style intimidation…

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-05-12). Tohono O'odham Students, Elders Name Arizona's Newest Wild Jaguar. indybay.org SAN XAVIER, Tohono O'odham Nation, May 9, 2024 — Students from schools on the Tohono O'odham Nation, as well as groups of elders and nearly 1,000 Tribal members, have voted to name the newest detected wild jaguar to enter the United States from Mexico. The name chosen is O: ·π£had àëu: kudam, which means "Jaguar Protector" in the O'odham language. (O: ·π£had àëu: kudam is pronounced OH-shahd NOO-KOO-dum.)…

Angela (2024-05-12). Saturday 5/11: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

Karen Kaplan (2024-05-12). Sunday 5/26: Rise Up Singing & Veg. Potluck. indybay.org Avalon Visions | 2815 Porter Street, Soquel, CA 95073…

anonymous (2024-05-12). Continental Club Hosts Zionist Event, Attendees Get Covered In Red Paint. indybay.org Zionists Make The Mistake of Holding An Event in West Oakland…

Support WAMM Phyto! (2024-05-12). Tuesday 5/14: Join WAMM Phytotherapies and the Hook Outlet at City Hall to Stand for Safe Access. indybay.org City Hall, 809 Center Street, Santa Cruz…

Santa Cruz News (2024-05-12). Negotiations Fail, UC Santa Cruz-Gaza Solidarity Encampment Prepares for Police Repression. indybay.org Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UC Santa Cruz and UCSC Divest have issued a joint press release announcing that negotiations with the university have failed, due primarily to a policy intervention directed by California Governor Gavin Newsom. Today, the groups issued the following press release on behalf of students encamped at the UCSC-Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

Angela (2024-05-12). Sunday 5/12: Monterey Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Julie Wark (2024-05-12). Small Islands, Deadly Stakes. counterpunch.org China has considerable appeal in the Pacific as it offers market and donation benefits that are unencumbered by the regulatory millstones of Western countries, which are also offering deals like Australia's "Step Up" initiative and development aid, and the US "Pacific Partnership Strategy" on diplomatic engagement and security. These projects have bigger geopolitical agendas than aid projects and are mainly concerned with countering China and undermining Pacific Island autonomy by setting up a donor-recipient dynamic. | To read this article, log in

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Inside 100-year-old UK train station transformed into £23m luxury hotel. geo.tv From tracks to tranquility: UK's historic train station revived as hotel after dramatic transformation…

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Bill Gates, ex-wife send sweet messages to daughter on medical school graduation. geo.tv Microsoft founder, ex-wife are now proud parents of a medical school graduate!

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Joe Biden makes shocking revelation about Donald Trump. geo.tv Something happened to Donald Trump, says president…

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Jeff Bezos's fiancee Lauren Sanchez gets emotional over son's college graduation. geo.tv Emmy award-winning journalist congratulates son on college graduation with throwback photos…

geo.tv (2024-05-12). How UK's most respected Asian doctor turned attention to Pakistan. geo.tv UK's senior most Muslim doctor asks Pakistan government to focus on vocational training for poor…

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Aurora borealis expected to continue to grace US skies next week. geo.tv US federal forecasters predict geomagnetic storm activity to continue next week…

geo.tv (2024-05-12). Canadian police arrest fourth Indian man for murder of Sikh leader Nijjar. geo.tv Amandeep Singh charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in Nijjar's killing…

Karsten Riise (2024-05-12). US Planning Gaza Aid to Fail. globalresearch.ca

Felicity Arbuthnot (2024-05-12). Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three? globalresearch.ca It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine. | With historical foresight pertaining to the dangers of a Third World War, this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was …

MEE staff (2024-05-12). Three Tunisian pundits arrested over critical remarks, say lawyers. middleeasteye.net Three Tunisian pundits arrested over critical remarks, say lawyers | President Kais Saied has been accused of increasingly cracking down on dissent in the north African country | | A Facebook image of Sonia Dahmani (Facebook) | Tunisian authorities have arrested three political commentators over thei…

Staff (2024-05-12). Telangana: Owaisi urges AIMIM supporters to vote for Congress in several seats. muslimmirror.com Hyderabad Member of Parliament and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi recently made a strategic move ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. In a rally held in Khilwat, Owaisi indirectly urged AIMIM supporters in constituencies where the party is not contesting to vote for Congress candidates. His aim was clear: to thwart …

Staff (2024-05-12). Deputy Mayor adds fuel to demand for ASI survey of Ajmer mosque. muslimmirror.com Jaipur : Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra, another mosque in Ajmer, has joined the list of controversial monuments after a few Jain seers recently claimed that signs of mythological remains of Sanskrit school and temple are still visible there. Ajmer Deputy Mayor Neeraj Jain on Saturday also claimed that there has been a Jain temple at …

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). Donald Trump might face 100M-plus tax bill. plenglish.com Washington, May 12 (Prensa Latina) Former President Donald Trump may face an IRS bill in excess of US$100 million after a government audit indicates he double-dipped on tax losses tied to a Chicago skyscrapers.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-05-12). President Díaz-Canel congratulates Cuban mothers. plenglish.com On X, the Cuban leader highlighted the ability of Cuban mothers to sustain and transform the most difficult reality, with sensitivity, courage and beauty. | Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, on the other hand, called the Cuban mothers as heroines and also stated on X that "their love has no bounds". | Likewise, the President of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), Esteban Lazo, quoted the Cuban National Hero, José Martí, who said about mothers: "they are love, exquisite sensitivity and the support of our lives".

Robert Hunziker (2024-05-12). Surprising Rising Seas "Must Reads" pressenza.com Sea levels are surging along the US coastline, exceeding 30-year expectations. Scientists are confused, concerned, searching for answers. | In that regard, an excellent new series by The Washington Post d/d April 29th, 2024 "Must Reads" is an eye-opening view into the impact of global warming in real-time with real people and real images. For example, it's a quick fix for anybody who doubts human-caused climate change influence on sea level rise. It's real; it's happening now; it should be required reading for America's Congressional climate deniers. | And required reading for 50 million Americans who do not beli…

Pressenza Philippines (2024-05-12). Municipality of Cagwait Launches a Beacon of Hope for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence. pressenza.com Municipality of Cagwait Launches: | Balay Dangpanan sa Cagwait: | Cagwait, Surigao del Sur—In response to the cases of gender-based violence (GBV) in the Municipality of Cagwait, the Local Committee Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children (LCAT-VAWC) has established a temporary shelter, serving as a beacon of hope. This shelter provides a safe haven and protective custody to women and children in need of special protection. | Inaugurated in December 2023, Balay Dangpanan sa Cagwait has been operational since its establishment, offering solace and support to survivors of G…

Kurit-Lagting (2024-05-12). Community Organizations Host Successful Medical Mission for Senior Citizens in Sorsogon City. pressenza.com Held on May 11, 2024, at the Covered Court of San Roque Elementary School in Brgy. San Roque, Bacon District, the event aimed to address the healthcare needs of the elderly population in the community. The medical mission provided essential health services, including consultations, check-ups, medication distribution, screenings for age-related health concerns. | "We are delighted to have been a part of this impactful initiative, reflecting our commitment to improving the well-being of our senior citizens," remarked Ronaldo Laurora, Club President of Sorsogon Province de Ciudad Eagles Club. | Dr. Nenneth E. Alama,…

tvbrics (2024-05-12). Brazil to purchase industrially processed and packaged rice on international market. tvbrics.com 200,000 tonnes of rice to be imported from neighbouring Mercosur countries…

tvbrics (2024-05-12). Indian airlines to strengthen their position in international carriage segment. tvbrics.com Experts have made a forecast till 2028…

tvbrics (2024-05-12). In the first quarter of 2024, 5.18 million foreign tourists visited UAE. tvbrics.com Dubai confirms its position as the world's preferred tourist destination…

tvbrics (2024-05-12). Chinese specialists present unique heat-resistant aluminium alloy. tvbrics.com The material has a high creep and fracture resistance at a temperature of 500 degrees Celsius…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Lithuania holds presidential election amid concerns over Russia-Ukraine war. aljazeera.com Baltic state of 2.8 million people fears it could be next in Russia's crosshairs if Moscow wins its war against Ukraine.

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 808. aljazeera.com As the war enters its 808th day, these are the main developments.

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Ukraine's Lomachenko knocks out Kambosos to win IBF lightweight crown. aljazeera.com Two-time Olympic gold medallist 'Loma' stopped home favourite George Kambosos in the 11th round of the fight in Perth.

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Joy Neumeyer: Moscow's Story. newleftreview.org Joy Neumeyer on Jade McGlynn, Memory Makers and Russia's War. Twin studies, scholarly and less so, of the uses of the past in Putin's war for Ukraine.

unitedEditor (2024-05-12). "Leave the World Behind" and "Civil War": Movies about loss of public trust and catastrophe in the US. unitedworldint.com Hollywood has been forming a separate genre by spreading fear about the future of our world with dystopian science fiction movies. Some popular ones also cover actual threats. Recent examples are the Netflix movie "Leave the World Behind", produced among others by the Obama couple, and "Civil War" directed by Alex Garland. It's not surprising …

unitedEditor (2024-05-12). "Leave the World Behind" and "Civil War": Movies about loss of public trust and catastrophe in the US. uwidata.com Hollywood has been forming a separate genre by spreading fear about the future of our world with dystopian science fiction movies. Some popular ones also cover actual threats. Recent examples are the Netflix movie "Leave the World Behind", produced among others by the Obama couple, and "Civil War" directed by Alex Garland. It's not surprising …

The Independent (2024-05-12). Military deploys to keep Abim gold rush site out of bounds. independent.co.ug Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda People's Defence Forces — UPDF 5th Infantry Division have deployed personnel in Okemer village, a newly discovered gold site in Alerek and Chamkok Sub-Counties in Abim district to keep it out of bounds. It follows a directive by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to close the mine site to …

UMMID (2024-05-12). Tamil Nadu SSLC Result 2024 Out, Pass Percentage Tops 91.55%. ummid.com The Tamil Nadu State Board of Secondary Education (TNBSE) has announced the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (TBSE SSLC) 10th results 2024 on its official website tnresults.nic.in as well as on associate websites along with Merit List and Toppers details district as well as state wise.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Beyond weight loss: Bariatric surgery may reduce cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org When you think about obesity, you may not connect it to cancer. However, researchers long have suspected a link between certain cancers and weight. Among those are endometrial, ovarian, colon, liver, pancreatic and postmenopausal breast cancers, which together contribute to 15 to 20% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. Cancer risk increases with obesity More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are considered obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI is the measure…

UMMID (2024-05-12). Oracle expands its R&D capabilities in Morocco. ummid.com Software major Oracle has planned to expand its Research and Development (R&D) capabilities in Morocco by growing its local workforce to 1,000 Information Technology (IT) professionals.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Ankita Tops Karnataka SSLC 2024 Exams, Check Full List of Toppers. ummid.com Karnataka SSLC Result 2024: Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) has announced the Class 10 SSLC result 2024 at 10: 55 am Thursday.

aljazeera (2024-05-12). NBA playoffs: Stars shine for Celtics, Mavericks in Game 3 victories. aljazeera.com Celtics score 106-93 comeback win over Cavs, while Luka Doncic-led Mavericks beat OKC Thunder 105-101.

The Independent (2024-05-12). Bidco FC maintains lead on the Premier League Table. independent.co.ug Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Bidco FC has defeated Gaddafi FC 1-0 to maintain their lead on the 2023/2024 Uganda Premier League table. After a goalless first half, Bidco FC returned and intensified their hunt for goals to score after 84 minutes through Lawrence Tezikya. Bidco now tops the table with 52 points, one point …

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Eight more travel endorsements issued for Hong Kong and Macao. ecns.cn Eight more cities were allowed to issue individual travel endorsements for trips to Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions from May 27.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China delivers space data to Pakistan. ecns.cn On Friday, China delivered to Pakistan the data obtained by a small experimental satellite jointly developed by researchers from both countries, according to the China National Space Administration.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). In Numbers: International Nurses Day. ecns.cn

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Weight-loss surgery before kidney transplantation improves health and eligibility of patients with obesity and renal failure, Mayo Clinic study finds. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy promotes relatively rapid weight loss, reduces obesity-related health issues and improves eligibility for kidney transplantation for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease and obesity, according to new research from Mayo Clinic. Patients with advanced chronic kidney failure and severe obesity often are not considered for kidney transplantation, but according to a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, sleeve gastrectomy can improve high-risk patients meeting the criteria for transplantation. The…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-12). Georgia: International solidarity with Georgian civil society. fidh.org More than forty-five human rights organisations from around the world, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, signed a letter in solidarity with Georgian civil society, condemning the efforts of the Georgian government to introduce the law on the transparency of foreign influence.
As human rights defenders across the globe, we are deeply troubled by efforts of the Georgian government to stifle civil society voices (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-05-12). Tamil Nadu SSLC (Class X) Result 2024 – Direct Link to Check. ummid.com The Tamil Nadu State Board of Secondary Education (TNBSE) is set to declare the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (TBSE SSLC) 10th results 2024 on its official website tnresults.nic.in as well as on associate websites today i.e. Friday May 10, 2024, it is officially confirmed.

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Perry Anderson: Pathbreakers High and Low. newleftreview.org A decade ago, Christopher Clark upended conventional accounts of the origins of the First World War; he has now rewritten the history of the European revolutions of 1848—1849, and proposed a new way of considering their outcomes. Analytically, what differentiates and what connects these two outstanding achievements?

The Salafi Centre of Manchester (2024-05-12). A Brief History of Dawah Salafiyyah In Manchester. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Allah [The Exalted] says: ŸàŸéÿ™ŸéÿπŸéÿߟàŸéŸÜŸèŸàÿß ÿπŸéŸÑŸéŸâ ÿߟџíÿ®Ÿêÿ±ŸëŸê ŸàŸéÿߟÑÿ™ŸëŸéŸÇŸíŸàŸéŸâŸ∞ €&n…

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Xi stresses breaking new ground in ideological, political education. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping has stressed efforts to continuously break new ground in ideological and political education at schools in the new era.

UMMID (2024-05-12). How AI is Reshaping Political Campaigning in India? ummid.com The use of AI to resurrect deceased politicians and create synthetic media for campaign purposes raises critical ethical questions and underscores the need for robust regulatory frameworks.

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-12). Syria/Dabbagh case : First trial in France of the crimes of the Syrian authorities. fidh.org

aljazeera (2024-05-12). 'Climbing is for ladies too': Transforming Malawi into a climbers' paradise. aljazeera.com

UMMID (2024-05-12). NEET UG 2024: Centre incharge promised to help students in return of 10L, booked. ummid.com Gujarat Police has filed a criminal case against Tushar Bhatt — a teacher who was appointed as Deputy Superintendent at NEET UG 2024 exam centre in Godhra, for promising to help students in return of INR 10 lakh.

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-12). A Manifesto for upholding human rights in the European Union. fidh.org At a time when democracy, the rule of law, and freedoms are under threat in the Union, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisations are launching a Manifesto for human rights aimed at the candidates for the upcoming European elections in June. The goal? To urge them to commit to 10 priorities to uphold human rights during their next mandate.
| The Manifesto is available in several languages and is currently being translated into numerous European (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-05-12). UPSC Civil Services Prelim 2023 Answer Key released. ummid.com The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2023 official answer keys on its website upsc.gov.in.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Poster: Happy Mother's Day. ecns.cn

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-12). Greece: Acquittal of migrants' rights defender Panayote Dimitras. fidh.org

K F Pearson (2024-05-12). POEM: Clash by night. independentaustralia.net

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). PLA monitors, expels U.S. guided-missile destroyer in China's Xisha territorial waters. ecns.cn The Southern Theater Command will always stay on high alert, resolutely defending national sovereignty, security, and the peace and stability in the South China Sea, Tian added.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Xi returns to Beijing after state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Saturday morning after wrapping up state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Human Rights Campaign names Mayo Clinic Leader in LGBTQ+ Healthcare. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic's three largest campuses completed a joint submission to the Human Rights Campaign's 2024 Health Equality Index (HEI) survey and achieved the highest score possible. Together, the Arizona, Florida, and Rochester campuses were collectively recognized as Leaders in LGBTQ+ Healthcare. Of the more than 1000 hospitals participating, only 384 achieved the top score and the leader designation. Forming an enterprise HEI survey workgroup, LGBTI+ Mayo Employee Resource Group (MERG) leaders from each site and…

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China's CPI up 0.3% in April. ecns.cn China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 0.3 percent year-on-year in April, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Saturday.

GABIK (2024-05-12). SMMEs gear up for Africa's Travel Indaba. sanews.gov.za SMMEs gear up for Africa's Travel Indaba | With just one day to go until the start of Africa's Travel Indaba (ATI) 2024, over 120 hopeful and excited small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) are gearing up for the highlight of their marketing calendars. | Themed, 'Unlocking Opportunities', the renowned Africa Travel Indaba, which will take place at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, from 13 to 16 May 2024, is expected to connect the tourism industry with unlimited opportunities. | The event is expected to be attended by 9 000 delegates from over 25 countries.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Construction of Changtai Yangtze River Bridge in progress. ecns.cn The Changtai Yangtze River Bridge, which connects Changzhou and Taixing cities, is 10.03 kilometers long in Jiangsu Province. The complex is the world's first cross-river facility combining highway, intercity railway and ordinary roads.

noemail (2024-05-12). Kubota to Invest up to Rs 4,500 Crore in New Plant in India. devdiscourse.com Farm and construction equipment manufacturer Escorts Kubota Ltd plans to invest up to Rs 4,500 crore over the next three to four years to set up a new manufacturing plant, according to its whole-time director and CFO Bharat Madan.

Mark David (2024-05-12). CARTOONS: 'Made in Australia' is trending. independentaustralia.net

aljazeera (2024-05-12). India Lok Sabha election 2024 Phase 4: Who votes and what's at stake? aljazeera.com People from across 10 states and union territories will vote on May 13 to elect 96 MPs for the Lok Sabha.

The Media Line Staff (2024-05-12). Hundreds Dead, Thousands Displaced by Torrential Rains in Northern Afghanistan. themedialine.org

The Independent (2024-05-12). CENSUS: Moroto enumerators decry lack of protective equipment for exercise. independent.co.ug Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The enumerators in the Moroto district have decried the lack of protective equipment for carrying out the census exercise in the midst rainy season On Monday, UBOS rolled out the census program to run for ten days across the country. However, the exercise comes at a time when different parts of …

The Independent (2024-05-12). NIRA: Mass registration exercise to be held at Parish level. independent.co.ug Mbarara, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA) has decided to shift its mass registration exercise to the parish/ward level. NIRA is currently doing the registration of persons at the district level. Brig. Steven Kwirigira, the director of Operations at NIRA says the shift aims to ensure that everyone can easily access …

ANDREW MWENDA (2024-05-12). On UK sanctions against Among. independent.co.ug Why the British government is lying about its true motives in imposing sanctions on the speaker. THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | And so, the British government has sanctioned our Speaker of parliament, Anita Among, and two of our ministers. They claim to have done this because she stole resources meant for the vulnerable in our …

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Nepal's 'Everest Man' beats own record by climbing summit for 29th time. aljazeera.com Kami Rita and fellow Sherpa guide Pasang Dawa have been competing for the title of most climbs of Everest.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). 5 things to know about stroke. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A stroke can happen at any time and to anyone. You might be talking to your loved one and notice they're suddenly slurring their words. Or, while grocery shopping, you realize you can't move your hand to pick up a jar from the shelf. You can go from feeling as usual to feeling sick within a matter of seconds to minutes. Here are five key things to know about stroke: 1. Strokes affect the oxygen…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Masked Tunisian police arrest prominent lawyer for media comments. aljazeera.com Masked police are filmed storming the premises of the Bar Association's Lawyers' House to arrest lawyer Sonia Dahmani.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-12). Georgia: Parliament must drop the legislation on "transparency of foreign influence" fidh.org Georgian authorities' attempt to reintroduce the draft Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence is an attack against civil society and independent media. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (OMCT-FIDH) and the Human Rights Center call on the Parliament of Georgia to reject the adoption of this legislation, which is not compatible with the respect of the rights to freedom of association and expression.
Paris-Geneva-Tbilisi, May 7, 2024 — On May 1, 2024, the (…) | – |

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

UMMID (2024-05-12). 1857 Rebellion: Idea of Nationality in 'Flag Salute Song'. ummid.com Needless to say, this song can be read in the context of the current neo-imperialist crisis and communal disharmony. The young generations of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh should at least do this important work.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Poster: Happy Mother's Day. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China warns United States not to play 'Taiwan card'. ecns.cn China on Friday urged the United States to strictly abide by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758, and refrain from exploiting Taiwan to contain China, a move which is doomed to fail.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Starry night with rare aurora borealis in N China. ecns.cn A beautiful Milky Way arches over a rare aurora borealis in Xilinhot, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, May 11, 2024. The aurora activity was related to recent geomagnetic storms on Earth.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Upgraded China-Hungary ties boost bilateral cooperation and beyond. ecns.cn China and Hungary on Thursday elevated their relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Insights | Serbian scholar enjoys enriching experience in China for 14 years. ecns.cn Nataša Radosavljević-Gaberova, who is from Serbia, said in an interview with China News Network that over the 14 years in China, she has had the privilege of immersing herself in various aspects of Chinese culture, and it's been a wonderfully enriching experience.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). In case you missed it: This week's Top 5 stories on social media. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Check out a few of the most popular News Network stories on @mayoclinic social media this past week. Is emotional eating sabotaging your weight-loss efforts? Emotional eating is eating to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness and loneliness. It often leads to eating too much, especially overeating foods that are sweet, fatty and high in calories. And this can sabotage your weight-loss efforts.‚Å Recommendations to begin breast cancer screening…

UMMID (2024-05-12). US: Strong solar storm could disrupt communications this weekend. ummid.com An unusually strong solar storm hitting Earth this weekend could produce northern lights and potentially disrupt power and communications in parts of the United States.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Comicomment: America's double standards fuel fire in the Middle East. ecns.cn Despite proclaiming itself a "beacon of human rights," the U.S. has consistently rejected the just demands of the Palestinian people. What the Middle East needs are peace doves, not war hawks hiding behind a facade of peace.

Charles Rotter (2024-05-12). Climate Change: "An APPALLING Scam!" w/ Jordan Peterson. wattsupwiththat.com One of the things that happens when you start being exposed to a wide range of conflicting facts is you actually start to understand how unsettled, for example, even the basic science is in most situations.

Luiz Cesar Pimentel (2024-05-12). Surging Violence and Corruption Poison the "Marvelous City" of Rio. fairobserver.com Rio de Janeiro has become a scene of horror. Throughout the city, criminal militias coerce and paralyze millions of citizens in a battle for dominance. They have unleashed mass violence on Rio de Janeiro and brought the city to a standstill. On October 23 last year, the Carioca militia — a sort of hybrid mafia…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). How do you hold the powerful accountable? — Alam and Feinstein. aljazeera.com Photojournalist Shahidul Alam and corruption expert Andrew Feinstein on the journey into activism and the Gaza crisis.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Hormone therapy: Four things a Mayo Clinic women's health specialist wants you to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Many women experience night sweats during menopause Hormone therapy is a treatment that uses medications containing hormones like estrogen or progesterone to replace those the body stops producing during menopause. It can be a powerful tool for managing menopausal symptoms. "While hormone therapy can significantly improve quality of life and overall health for many women, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution," says Dr. Taryn Smith, a Mayo Clinic internist and women's health specialist. She emphasizes the…

UMMID (2024-05-12). GUJCET (2024) Result Declared – Direct Link to Download. ummid.com Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has released GUJCET 2024 result on its official website gujcet.gseb.org.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Dinosaur fossil find in Fujian a game changer. ecns.cn Chinese and foreign scientists in Fujian province have discovered large dinosaur tracks, which they said are the largest known Deinonychosaur tracks ever found and have led to the establishment of a new footprint genus species.

UMMID (2024-05-12). NASA to engage with Saudi Arabia for peaceful use of space. ummid.com Continuing his engagement to deepen international collaboration and the peaceful use of space, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson is on his way to Saudi Arabia to meet with key government and space officials.

The Independent (2024-05-12). Masaka mayor, division chairperson clash over utilization of new market. independent.co.ug Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A dispute has erupted between the Masaka City Council Mayor Florence Namayanja and Michael Mulindwa Nakumusana, the Chairperson for Nyendo-Mukungwe division, over the utilization of the new market infrastructure in the area. The apparent disagreement, which has also metamorphosed into a public altercation between the leaders, arises from divergent opinions …

noemail (2024-05-12). Coal Imports Surge 8% in India, Reaching 268 Million Tonnes in FY24. devdiscourse.com India's coal import rose by 7.7 per cent to 268.24 million tonne (MT) in FY24 driven by softness in seaborne prices and likelihood of increase in power demand during summer.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Most powerful geomagnetic storm in 20 years observed. ecns.cn An extreme geomagnetic storm was observed early Saturday morning, the most powerful occurring in nearly 20 years, a meteorological expert said.

noemail (2024-05-12). India Expresses Concern over Implementation Delay of IMEC Amidst West Asia Tensions. devdiscourse.com The delay in implementation of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) in view of the current situation in West Asia is a matter of "concern" and the expectation generated following firming up of the initiative in September last has to be "adjusted" a bit now, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Eid al Adha 2024 likely on June 16, Youm ul Hajj on June 15. ummid.com Hajj and Eid al Adha this year i.e. 1445 AH corresponding to 2024 AD, is likely to fall on June 15 and June 16, 2024 in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and other Arab States.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-12). Azerbaijan: Arbitrary detention of Anar Mammadli. fidh.org In a context of increasing crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan, more than 30 organisations including OMCT and FIDH in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders call for the immediate release of Anar Mammadli and urge the authorities of Azerbaijan to end reprisals against human rights defenders in the country.
We, the undersigned human rights organisations, condemn in strongest possible terms the Azerbaijani authorities' detention of Anar Mammadli, (…) | – |

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-12). European Elections 2024: FIDH calls on European election candidates to commit to human rights. fidh.org

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Ovarian cancer: New treatments and research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Editor's note: May 8 is World Ovarian Cancer Day. Three cancers — ovarian epithelial cancer, fallopian tube cancer and primary peritoneal cancer — are commonly called ovarian cancer. They arise from the same kind of tissue and are treated similarly. "The ovaries and fallopian tubes are so anatomically close to each other that we sometimes can't tell if the cancer is coming from the ovary or the fallopian tube," says S. John Weroha, M.D., Ph.D., a Mayo…

IAN KATUSIIME (2024-05-12). Deputy Speaker Tayebwa weighing his options? independent.co.ug Caught between Among's scandals and securing his future Kampala, Uganda | IAN KATUSIIME | When the UK announced sanctions on Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, members of parliament put up a spirited defence of their boss as they are wont to. There were also strongly worded statements from the Minister of Information Chris Baryomunsi and Parliament …

Carlos Lancho (2024-05-12). FIDH and Provea react to ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan's Venezuela visit. fidh.org

UMMID (2024-05-12). Karnataka SSLC Result 2024 – Direct Link to Download. ummid.com Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) is set to declare on its official website karresults.nic.in the results of the Senior School Leaving Certificate (Karnataka SSLC) 2024, also known as Pre University and Class 10 exams, today i.e. Thursday May 09, 2024.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Car Emerging as New Smartphone. ummid.com Factors such as technology developments and advanced connectivity levels across automotive OEMs and customer perceptions and service expectations from connected cars are driving the growth of the car as a connected living ecosystem market and capable of doing everything that a smartphone can do.

noemail (2024-05-12). India's Jaishankar Expresses Optimism for Resolution in Eastern Ladakh Border Dispute with China. devdiscourse.com As the eastern Ladakh military standoff entered its fifth year, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said India hopes for a resolution of the remaining issues with China and asserted that a return to normal bilateral ties hinges on peace and tranquillity at the border.

Eric Worrall (2024-05-12). 'The stakes could not be higher': world is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns. wattsupwiththat.com Should we nominate a special day – crying climate scientist day?>

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Northern lights illuminate night skies around the world. aljazeera.com Solar flares sparked the biggest geomagnetic storm in two decades, causing spectacular auroras around the world.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Palestine bid to full UN membership receives huge support at UNGA. ummid.com The UN General Assembly (UNGA) Friday May 10, 2024 passed with an overwhelming majority a resolution to admit Palestine as a full member of the world body.

Doe Wilmann (2024-05-12). Short Story: "I Am" fairobserver.com Something to consider when reading/listening: What happens after you die? What if you're wrong? He wasn't anything like Poppy had been expecting. Not that she'd ever been expecting to meet him. But, if she were to do so, she'd always imagined he'd have had, well, a bit more about him. She didn't know what exactly….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Recovering from a stroke. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Editors Note: May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. and a major cause of serious disability for adults. More than 795,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stroke risk increases with age, especially after 55, but strokes can occur at any age. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted…

UMMID (2024-05-12). Ex-IPS officer reveals name of Police Inspector who killed Karkare. ummid.com Former IPS officer, SM Mushrif, Wednesday said slain ATS Chief Hemant Karkare was killed by Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Govilkar and not by 26/11 Mumbai Terror attack convicts.

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. newleftreview.org Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo's new 'omics' strategy leaps into the future. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Imagine a future where healthcare is tailored precisely for you, right down to the molecules deep inside your cells. Targeted treatments and preventive strategies are customized to your genome. Your personal medical roadmap outlines hereditary genetic variants, provides guidance on environmental risks and offers strategies for maintaining heart health and preventing cancer, making it as distinct as your DNA. At the core of this future are "omics" technologies, which measure and analyze various molecules at…

◊ô◊ï◊ ◊ô ◊ë◊ü ◊û◊ ◊ó◊ù (2024-05-12). ◊î◊°◊ì◊® ◊¢◊ù ◊ó◊ñ◊ë◊ê◊ú◊ú◊î ◊ë◊¶◊§◊ï◊ü ◊õ◊®◊ï◊ö ◊í◊ù ◊ë◊ë◊ó◊ô◊®◊™ ◊ ◊©◊ô◊ê ◊ó◊ì◊© ◊ú◊ú◊ë◊ ◊ï◊ü. arabexpert.co.il ◊ú◊û◊®◊ï◊™ ◊î◊î◊°◊ú◊û◊î ◊ë◊í◊ë◊ï◊ú ◊î◊¶◊§◊ï◊ü, ◊ê◊®◊î"◊ë ◊ï◊¶◊®◊§◊™ ◊û◊í◊ë◊©◊ï◊™ ◊ò◊ô◊ï◊ò◊™ ◊î◊°◊õ◊ù ◊î◊§◊°◊ß◊™ ◊ê◊© &loz…

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Comicomment: America's double standards fuel fire in the Middle East. ecns.cn Despite proclaiming itself a "beacon of human rights," the U.S. has consistently rejected the just demands of the Palestinian people. What the Middle East needs are peace doves, not war hawks hiding behind a facade of peace.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Flying Taxis, Drones — Saudi Arabia's new initiative to make Hajj smoother. ummid.com In yet another move to make Hajj journey smoother, Saudi Arabia has decided to introduce flying taxis and drones for this year's annual pilgrimage to Makkah.

UMMID (2024-05-12). Solar storm 'frying' Starlink satellites: Elon Musk. ummid.com SpaceX owned satellite internet provider, Starlink, Saturday asked the world to get prepared for 'degraded service' as the solar storm is frying the astral objects.

noemail (2024-05-12). Switzerland's Nemo Triumphs in Eurovision amidst Gaza War Controversy. devdiscourse.com Swiss singer Nemo won the 68th Eurovision Song Contest early Sunday with "The Code," an operatic pop-rap ode to the singer's journey toward embracing a nongender identity.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating breast cancer through surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Editor's Note: May is National Women's Health Month Globally, 2.3 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, according to the World Health Organization. Advances in treating breast cancer are improving care and quality of life. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/kHXecY28KEk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Treating breast cancer may include personalized therapies or surgery. …

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). (W.E. Talk) Lu Xun's Korean Connection. ecns.cn Some scholars say South Korea is one of the countries where Lu Xun has been read the most and most profoundly. Why does the man regarded as the founder of modern Chinese literature have such deep influence in South Korea? What makes his work resonate with Koreans? | Park Jae Woo traces the history and significance of Lu Xun Studies in South Korea and talks about how to boost cultural exchanges between his country and China.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Q & A: Does collagen really help fight wrinkles and aging? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I see ads for collagen powder and supplements everywhere now, and my sister swears by it for fighting wrinkles. Does it actually help prevent aging? What exactly is collagen? ANSWER: Collagen has been seen in the media in regard to having anti-aging properties. At least 30% of your body — skin, bones, tendons, organs — is made up of collagen. Collagen is a protein of the supportive tissue of the skin, which…

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). In Numbers: International Nurses Day. ecns.cn

UMMID (2024-05-12). Hallmark of Modi's Poll Campaign – Falsehoods, Hate and Sectarianism. ummid.com The core module of RSS-BJP is based on demonization of Muslims through distortion of the medieval period of history in particular and glorification of the past where caste and gender hierarchy prevailed.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Solar flares to endure, seen as no harm to us. ecns.cn This year has seen a rise in the frequency and intensity of solar activity, a trend expected to persist without having a significant impact on people's daily lives, meteorological experts said.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Ode to Yunnan Tea | the Slow Life of French Musician Couple "Mixian" in Yunnan. ecns.cn The French musician couple"Mixian"has settled in Fengyu, a paradise in Dali, Yunnan Province. The permanent spring, rich and colorful ethnic music, and the long-standing Pu'er tea culture all appeal to them.

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Catalonia elections to gauge push for split or reconciliation with Spain. aljazeera.com Opinion polls suggest a comfortable lead for a candidate backed by Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Advances in minimally invasive kidney stone surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most small kidney stones can pass on their own. However, kidney stones that are too large to pass on their own or cause bleeding, kidney damage or ongoing urinary tract infections may require surgical treatment. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Aaron Potretzke, a Mayo Clinic urologist, explains some of the different surgical options for removing kidney stones. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/jGO6cb3XT2o Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: What are gallstones? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid, called bile, in your gallbladder. They range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Dr. Irving Jorge, a Mayo Clinic general surgeon, says people who experience pain and other symptoms from gallstones usually require gallbladder removal surgery. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/o5Snl52wSps Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 08) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please…

Carlos Lancho (2024-05-12). Colombia: ICC prosecutor should explain closure of preliminary examination to victims. fidh.org

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Q&A: Coronary calcium scan evaluates heart disease and stroke risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently had a CAT scan of my chest as an evaluation for pneumonia. I didn't have pneumonia, but I got an unexpected high calcium score in my coronary arteries. Does the calcium I eat affect this? I thought calcium was related to bone health? Now I'm being evaluated for my risk of heart disease and stroke. Should others in my family get their calcium score? ANSWER: A coronary calcium scan is…

noreply (2024-05-12). In India Sikh Community Dubbed as Khalistanis; Muslim Community Labelled as Pakistanis to Win Elections — Be it 1984 or 2024. Indian National Congress and BJP are Alike! pilwatchgroup.blogspot.com by | P.S. | Sahni | | The corporate | press in the service of ruling class parties — be it Indian National Congress | or BJP — damns the Sikh and Muslim religious minority communities to be | terrorists, anti-nationals and separatists. During those moments of slanderous | campaign by the media, the rulers be it in 1984 or 2024 maintain a deathly | silence. These minority communities are left to defend themselves. Both have | faced genocidal violence. The entire election campaign by BJP during the 2024 | General Elections was and is Islamophobic damning Indian Muslim…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Q & A: Heart failure during pregnancy — what you should know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm in the first trimester of my pregnancy, and I know that heart disease runs in my family. What are the warning signs of heart failure during pregnancy? How can I safely manage or prevent this? ANSWER: First of all, congratulations on being proactive and voicing your concern for yourself and your baby. There are some specific cardiovascular conditions, such as heart failure, which occur during pregnancy. Symptoms from this can overlap…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Fourth Indian arrested and charged in Canada over Sikh activist's killing. aljazeera.com Amandeep Singh was already in custody for unrelated gun charges before being charged in Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder.

noemail (2024-05-12). Police Officer Charged with Aiding and Abetting Wife's Suicide in Navi Mumbai. devdiscourse.com A case has been registered against a 37-year-old policeman for allegedly abetting the suicide of his wife in Navi Mumbai township of Maharashtra, officials said on Sunday. The 31-year-old victim got married to the accused, a resident of Kharghar area in Navi Mumbai and a sub-inspector with the CISF, on November 30, 2014 and the couple has two sons aged 7 and 3, they said.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China-Zambia Year of Culture and Tourism boosts opportunity for more exchanges. ecns.cn The 2024 China-Zambia Culture and Tourism Year opening ceremony along with the Zambia Tourism Promotion was held in Beijing on Saturday.

UMMID (2024-05-12). A bait, false trick or test missile — The curious story of Modi's public gaffes. ummid.com It is becoming clearer by now that all gaffes were actually a bait, a false trick, a test missile for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to gauge how far the public could go along with him, whether they could sink to the lowest level!

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Can honey help my cough? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My family's colds are still lingering from the winter season, and I can't seem to kick this pesky cough. I've heard honey can help. Is it true? ANSWER: While we make think of honey as a pantry staple and natural sweetener for our morning tea or breakfast pastry, honey has long been used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substance. Topical use of honey can aid in healing burns, and research says that…

Tom MacDonald (2024-05-12). Cooper Hospital seeks to train a new generation of compassionate caregivers. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? A new training program in South Jersey aims to address a Dr. Anthony Mazarrelli, of Cooper University Hospital, said the school's partnership with Bayada and Thomas Edison State University is designed to take college grads and build a u…

aljazeera (2024-05-12). At least 28 dead, several missing in Indonesia flash floods, cold lava flow. aljazeera.com Heavy rain triggers a flash flood and a cold lava flow from Mount Marapi, resulting in the disaster in West Sumatra.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Preventing pediatric falls. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is National Trauma Awareness Month. It's a time to spread awareness about injury prevention and trauma. Falls are the No. 1 cause of nonfatal injuries among children up to 14 years old in the U.S., according to the National Institutes of Health. Many of these pediatric falls happen at home or on the playground. Tom Halada, a Mayo Clinic registered nurse and pediatric trauma coordinator, says some of these injuries can be prevented. Watch: …

UMMID (2024-05-12). CGBSE 10th, 12th Result 2024 – Direct Link to Download. ummid.com Chhattisgarh Board Results 2024: The Chhattisgarh board has released the Merit List and Toppers details along with classes 10 and 12 results.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). 'New starting point' for 75-year ties. ecns.cn The friendship became even more mature on Thursday as the two countries decided to elevate their ties to new heights into an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

The Independent (2024-05-12). Manchester City back to top, Burnley go down, Luton set to drop. independent.co.ug LONDON, UK | Xinhua | Manchester City returned to the top of the Premier League on Saturday to keep the pressure on Arsenal ahead of their visit to play Manchester United on Sunday. The result means that two wins in their last two matches this season will assure Pep Guardiola's side the title, but if …

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China hits back at US crackdown against tech industries. ecns.cn Chinese ministers on Friday hit back at the U.S. crackdown against Chinese tech industries, vowing that the country will take all necessary measures to safeguard its own rights and interests.

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Pierre Vesperini: What to Do With the Past? newleftreview.org Above the fray of mediatized controversy, a classicist situates the heritage of the 'West' in the long view. A culture forged by the interplay of ecclesiastical, capitalist and emancipatory forces; the catastrophes of European world conquest and their weight on the present. Does Benjamin offer a way through the impasse?

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Xi attends farewell event held by Hungarian PM Orban. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan attend a farewell event at the invitation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife in Budapest, Hungary, May 10, 2024.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Melanoma misconception — dark skin tones at risk, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The myth that people with dark skin are immune to melanoma, a type of skin cancer, has persisted for many years. It's a dangerous misconception that has caused some people not to be diligent about protecting themselves against dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, says people with darker skin tones need to be vigilant about sun protection. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/rcsfbWZm6CY Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 57) is in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Preventing stroke. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and as part of everyday awareness, Mayo Clinic healthcare professionals suggest reducing stroke risk and knowing the signs. A stroke happens every 40 seconds in the U.S., and the likelihood of stroke increases with age, according to the National Institutes of Health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl7U_3jTpAQ&#038… Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read…

The Lever (2024-05-12). LEVER WEEKLY: What Is Their Ultimate Goal? levernews.com

Avshalom Halutz (2024-05-12). A disturbing new book about Netanyahu's relationship with Hamas. haaretz.com Author Adam Raz explains how an argument with his mom led him to write 'The Road to October 7.' Plus, the bittersweet opening of Kibbutz Be'eri's art gallery in its temporary home in Tel Aviv Tel Aviv, and what to do at Haifa's Queer History Festival…

noemail (2024-05-12). Joel Edgerton Reveals Why He Didn't Star in 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Despite Early Audition. devdiscourse.com Actor Joel Edgerton says he couldn't crack the audition for the role of Star-Lord in 2014's "Guardians of the Galaxy" as he never understood the tone of the popular film franchise.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Chinese FM slams US' false narrative on UN Resolution 2758. ecns.cn In response to some U.S. officials' unfounded claims about UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, hyping the so-called "undetermined status of Taiwan" and advocating for the island of Taiwan's participation in UN meetings and activities.

GABIK (2024-05-12). Labour dept institutes strict controls for service providers. sanews.gov.za Labour dept institutes strict controls for service providers | Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has warned service providers linked to the Labour Activation Programme (LAP) that they will not be paid without their performance being checked. | "The department expects delivery, compliance with contractual obligations, professionalism, quality work, measurable outputs and impactful interventions from you," said Nxesi while delivering his keynote address at the Labour Activation Programme launch in Kimberley, Northern Cape, on Friday. | Nxesi said the department has employed systems and processes to monito…

noemail (2024-05-12). PREVIEW-Basketball-No more 'business as usual' for WNBA, as Clark and other rookies in spotlight. devdiscourse.com A star-studded draft class headlined by the record-smashing Caitlin Clark is set to rock the WNBA when the season tips off on Tuesday, amid unprecedented interest in the league.

noemail (2024-05-12). Buddha's Birthday: Global Celebrations and Observances. devdiscourse.com The birthday of the historical Buddha or Shakyamuni Buddha, known as Vesak in several countries, celebrates the birth of the child who became Prince Siddhartha around the end of the 4th century B.C.

UMMID (2024-05-12). CGBSE 10th result 2024 declared, Simran State Topper. ummid.com Chhattisgarh 10th Topper 2024: Simran has emerged Class 10 topper of CGBSE 10th 2024 exam result of which was declared by the board official Thursday May 09, 2024.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). Ode to Yunnan Tea | French Traveler on Tea and Horse Ancient Road: Benzilan, China's Provence. ecns.cn

newleftreview (2024-05-12). Lola Seaton: Good Mistakes. newleftreview.org Lola Seaton on Anne Carson, Wrong Norma. Multi-form collection from one of the most erudite and ludic contemporary poets.

UMMID (2024-05-12). CGBSE 12th result 2024 declared, Mehak Agarwal State Topper. ummid.com Chhattisgarh 12th Topper 2024: Mehak Agarwal has emerged Class 12 topper of CGBSE 12th 2024 exam result of which was declared by the board official Thursday May 09, 2024.

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Guardians of the glaciers — life alongside Pakistan's vanishing ice. aljazeera.com The rapid melting of Pakistan's icy giants is creating hardships and challenges for vulnerable communities.

The Independent (2024-05-12). The 2024 census big question. independent.co.ug What happens when not everyone is counted? COVER STORY | THE INDEPENDENT | Census questions can be unpleasant and intrusive. The last Uganda census in 2014 had questions like: Does any member of this household own… (Assets; that is a motor vehicle, radio, television, donkey etc.)? What type of toilet does this household mainly use? What …

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China Brand Day 2024 held in Shanghai. ecns.cn The 8th China Brand Day 2024 opened at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center on Friday, demonstrating the world influence of Chinese brands.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Ode to Yunnan Tea | French Traveler on Tea and Horse Ancient Road: Benzilan, China's Provence. ecns.cn

aljazeera (2024-05-12). Indonesia's Prabowo: Victory, controversies and hopes. aljazeera.com An exclusive interview with the Indonesian president-elect as he prepares to take the reins of power.

UMMID (2024-05-12). India businesses embrace Generative AI, but public remains wary. ummid.com Alteryx, a leader in AI for enterprise analytics, released findings from the latest 'Market Research: Attitudes and Adoption of Generative AI' report that surveyed 400 APAC IT business leaders and 600 members of the general public to gather insights that expose the differing perceptions of how the world is navigating and embracing Gen AI.

ecns.cn (2024-05-12). China and U.S. jointly intensify climate action. ecns.cn China and the United States will intensify technical and policy exchanges on realizing their respective goals on energy transitions, and promote bilateral cooperation and capacity building on methane emissions control.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-12). Electrospinning biotherapies of tomorrow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The future of healing disease may involve a syringe, a high voltage power supply and polymer solutions coming together to engineer tissue. Mayo Clinic researchers are studying these different elements now using an electrospinner, a device that whips biotherapeutic fibers into a scaffold — or platform — for spinning regenerative biotherapeutics. An electrospinner is almost like a medical spinning wheel or loom. An electrospinner unleashes electrical forces that churn chemical solutions into nano- or microscopic…

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-12). Ataques israelíes en el norte y centro de Gaza dejan 19 muertos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias de Gaza confirmaron que el número de muertos por bombardeos israelíes ha aumentado a 34.971.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-05-12). Israel ordena evacuar el este de Rafah mientras siguen los ataques. telesurtv.net El portavoz de las fuerzas sionistas, coronel Avichay Adraee, advirtió a los residentes de la zona que deben dirigirse a la zona humanitaria de Al Mawasi…

teleSUR, JCM (2024-05-12). Número de palestinos asesinados se acerca a los 35.000 en Gaza. telesurtv.net Este sábado, el Ministerio de Salud de Gaza publicó su informe diario, que muestra el impacto de la actual agresión israelí, que dura 218 días.

teleSUR, ahf, JDO (2024-05-12). Más de 2.400 manifestantes antisionistas arrestados en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Al igual que en campus de otras partes del mundo donde se han relazado manifestaciones, las principales exigencias han sido el cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza y la eliminación de inversiones o vínculos financieros "en empresas con intereses en Israel".

teleSUR, MS (2024-05-12). 150.000 palestinos han abandonado Rafah. telesurtv.net La UNRWA estima que 150.000 personas han huido de Rafah, con nuevas órdenes de evacuación emitidas hacia el centro de Rafah y Jabalia, en el norte de Gaza.

Staff (2024-05-12). Aires de changàºí, cultura y sinergias con la tierra en Vista Hermosa. cubadebate.cu En un proyecto agroecológico como el de Vista Hermosa y del cual, afortunadamente existen otros referentes importantes en el país, la cultura aflora en el modo en que se atiende la tierra. Para ello se tienen en cuenta los saberes tradicionales sobre las prácticas agrícolas que las distintas generaciones han desarrollado de acuerdo a las condiciones específicas del territorio donde está enclavado el proyecto, el clima y su cultura. Estas tradiciones tributan directamente a la existencia de diversos sistemas agrícolas y fomentan la biodiversidad.

Staff (2024-05-12). Consejo de Seguridad pide investigación sobre fosas comunes en Gaza. cubadebate.cu El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU adoptó por unanimidad un comunicado de prensa para pedir investigaciones inmediatas, independientes, exhaustivas, transparentes e imparciales sobre las circunstancias de las fosas comunes que aún aparecen en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR (2024-05-12). Armenia y Azerbaiyán concluyen debate de temas de interés mutuo. telesurtv.net El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Serbia, Jeyhun Bayramov y su homólogo armenio, Ararat Mirzoyan se reunión con con la parte kazaja, punto intermediario para que se efctuaran las negociaciones.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-05-12). Consejo Presidencial de Transición de Haití anuncia cambios operativos. telesurtv.net Cuatro políticos asumirán el poder en turnos de cinco meses, respectivamente, hasta que se realicen las elecciones generales…

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-12). Cuba y México prevén estrechar cooperación en materia de salud. telesurtv.net Autoridades de ambas naciones coinciden en ampliar el convenio de colaboración que está en marcha desde 2023.

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-12). Cataluña se alista para celebrar elecciones autonómicas. telesurtv.net Alrededor de cinco millones de personas podrán participar en los comicios catalanes que además del interés regional guardan importancia nacional.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-12). Venezolanos exigen a Biden que derogue las sanciones. telesurtv.net Durante un acto masivo en Carabobo, se respaldó la gestión del Gobierno Bolivariano para que el país se desarrolle pese a las medidas coercitivas unilaterales de Washington.

teleSUR, MS (2024-05-12). Haití reanuda vuelos en el aeropuerto de Puerto Príncipe. telesurtv.net La policía haitiana destacó que esta reanudación se logró gracias a las medidas de seguridad implementadas y reforzadas para facilitar las actividades en el aeropuerto.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-05-12). Presidente Petro plantea construir acuerdo nacional en Colombia. telesurtv.net También explicó que este acuerdo "no es una reunión en el Palacio de Nariño entre unos cuantos notables, generalmente hombres blancos y ricos".

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-12). Inundaciones en Afganistán dejan alrededor de 50 muertos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades afganas indicaron que la cifra de fallecidos a causa de las inundaciones en la provincia de Baghlan podría aumentar en las próximas horas.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM, JDO (2024-05-12). Bandas haitianas rechazan despliegue de fuerza multinacional. telesurtv.net Algunos seguidores del exgolpista Guy Philipe y Jeanthel Joseph anunciaron que ejecutarán acciones contra los soldados kenianos previstos para la intervención internacional…

teleSUR, ahf, JCM (2024-05-12). Inundaciones en Afganistán dejan al menos 300 muertos. telesurtv.net Además, el PMA detalla que las corrientes de agua han destrozado a "más de 1.000 casas".

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-12). ALBA-TCP condena absolución de atacante a embajada cubana. telesurtv.net Cancillería cubana expresó que la absolución "traslada un peligroso mensaje de impunidad para quienes se propongan tomar acciones violentas contra sedes diplomáticas en la ciudad de Washington".

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-05-12). Siete fallecidos tras precipitarse autobús a un río en Rusia. telesurtv.net El chofer de autobús fue detenidos tras el accidente y el Ministerio del Interior ruso notificó que se ha abierto una causa penal por imprudencia temeraria.

teleSUR, ahf, JDO (2024-05-12). Boric destituye a autoridades militares por muerte de soldado chileno. telesurtv.net Esto ocurre luego del que pasado 8 de mayo el dirigente chileno infamara que conocerían "toda la verdad", así como esclarecerían los hechos para que los culpables "asuman las responsabilidades que correspondan".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-05-12). Otorgan libertad condicional a exjefe paramilitar colombiano Mancuso. telesurtv.net Salvatore Mancuso quedará en libertad luego de que el Tribunal Superior de Bogotá levantara las 57 órdenes de captura que pesaban sobre él.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-12). Líder guerrillero dado por muerto apoya proceso constituyente en Colombia. telesurtv.net Además de dar fe de vida, expresa el respaldo de grupo guerrillero Segunda Marquetalia al proceso constituyente que promueve el presidente Gustavo Petro.

Staff (2024-05-12). Conga contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia en Cuba defiende paz en Palestina. cubadebate.cu La Conga Cubana contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia llevó este sábado su mensaje de "El amor es ley" a avenidas céntricas de El Vedado capitalino, junto a pronunciamientos por una Palestina libre y en contra del genocidio israelí.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-05-12). Campaña para presidenciales dominicanas entra a su recta final. telesurtv.net La campaña electoral concluye el próximo jueves, pero los partidos dominicanos han convocado actividades masivas este fin de semana en zonas estratégicas.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN, SH, JDO (2024-05-12). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-12). Exigen a Gobierno español romper relaciones con Israel. telesurtv.net Manifestantes en apoyo a Palestina recorrieron el tramo entre la plaza de Legazpi y la Estación de Atocha, en el centro de Madrid.

teleSUR, rzr -JCM (2024-05-12). Putin felicita a Donetsk y Lugansk por aniversario de independencia. telesurtv.net El 11 de mayo de 2014 tuvieron lugar los referendos de independencia de las repúblicas populares de Donetsk (RPD) y Lugansk (RPL).

teleSUR, MS (2024-05-12). Inundaciones en Kenia dejan un saldo de 267 muertos. telesurtv.net Además, se reportaron 75 personas desaparecidas y 188 heridos de diversa consideración a causa de los aguaceros.

teleSUR, MER, JGN (2024-05-12). Conoce algunas curiosidades de Bob Marley, la leyenda del Reggae. telesurtv.net A través de sus canciones, el jamaiquino Bob Marley transmitió mensajes de amor, conciencia social y justicia.

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-12). Brasil supera los 2 millones de damnificados por inundaciones. telesurtv.net El estado de Rio Grande do Sul resulta ser la región brasileña más afectada por las inundaciones, donde se han reportado al menos 136 muertos y 806 heridos.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-05-12). Asciende a 520 los cadáveres hallados en fosas comunes en Al Shifa. telesurtv.net Hamás responsabiliza a Israel de cavar estas fosas destinadas a ocultar los cuerpos sin vida de las víctimas palestinas durante sus ataques a los centros médicos…

teleSUR, MS (2024-05-12). Universitarios en Italia se manifestaron a favor de Palestina. telesurtv.net Estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal de Milán se instalaron con carpas como parte de la iniciativa lanzada por colectivos estudiantiles de todo el país bajo el nombre de "intifada estudiantil".

teleSUR, ahf, JCM (2024-05-12). Ascienden a 137 los muertos por inundaciones en el sur de Brasil. telesurtv.net El Gobierno estatal de Rio Grande ha creado un sitio web donde ha puntualizado datos de interés.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-05-12). Avanza Rusia con la liberación de cinco localidades en Járkov. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con el Ministerio de Defensa ruso, las fuerzas del Kremlin también conquistaron la aldea Keramik, en la República Popular de Donetsk…

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2024-05-12). Venezuela enfrenta el bloqueo mediático con nuevo paradigma. telesurtv.net Durante la oncena entrega de Maduro Podcast, el presidente venezolano reflexionó sobre la importancia de la comunicación para romper el bloqueo informativo.

Maria Elena Saludas (2024-05-12). Towards the 6th International Ecosocialist Meeting. cadtm.org

CADTM International (2024-05-12). The CADTM Denounces the Lack of Action on Climate Change and the Neoliberal Approach of the Bretton Woods Institutions. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-12). The World Bank and the IMF: the creditors' bailiffs. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-12). The Mexican debt crisis and the World Bank. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-12). The singularity and importance of the 1st World Anti-Fascist Conference to be held in Porto Alegre from 17 to 19 May 2024. cadtm.org

Michael Roberts (2024-05-12). Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism. cadtm.org

ATTAC (2024-05-12). The Platform of ATTAC CADTM Morocco. cadtm.org

Sushovan Dhar (2024-05-12). India : popular movements, not elections, will bring transformative change. cadtm.org With the exception of a brief period, India has been more fortunate than many other nations in being able to maintain parliamentary rule over the last 77 years. With 900 million voters—more than the populations of Europe and Australia put together—the Indian elections are hailed as the largest exhibition and celebration of democracy. The nation's economic growth over the past 30 years —one of the fastest in the world—also makes the elections noteworthy on a global scale.
| India is undoubtedly at (…) | – | /…

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-05-12). "The Olympic flame, a wonderful idea from Dr. Goebbels"! cadtm.org

Michael Roberts (2024-05-12). India: Modi and the rise of the billionaire Raj. cadtm.org A general election in India starts today. 970m Indians, more than 10% of the world's population, will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history for the Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections. The poll will spread across India and take up to 4 June to complete. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term, and win by (…) | – | / |

newarab (2024-05-12). Azmi Bishara comments on Rafah, ceasefire, US campus protest. newarab.com | Negotiations between Hamas and Israel are unlikely to lead to an agreement for a ceasefire in Gaza as Israel presses its offensive in In the new interview discussing the situation in Gaza, Dr. Bishara reiterated his opinion that there will never be "a day after" in Gaza imposed against the will of the Palestinians without facing resistan…

newarab (2024-05-12). Egypt joins ICJ case as Israel pounds Rafah. newarab.com On day 219 of Israel's war on the besieged Gaza Strip, Israel sent tanks into eastern Late on Saturday, the

newarab (2024-05-12). Switzerland wins Eurovision Song Contest amid Gaza protests. newarab.com Switzerland on Saturday won the Billed as a feel-good celebration of European diversity, this year's contest has been thrust into the political spotlight with calls for Israel to be excluded over Swiss rapper and singer Nemo, 24, won the contest with 'The Code', a drum-…

newarab (2024-05-12). Was Dutch Eurovision contestant dropped over Israel tension. newarab.com Dutch contestant Joost Klein has been dropped from Saturday's Despite Klein's disqualification being due to an incident with a female production crew member, there had been widespread speculation that it was connected to tension between Klein and the Israeli contestant. | Klein had failed to perform at two dress rehearsals on Friday in the Swedish city of Malmo, and organisers had said they were investigating an "incident." | "Swedish police have investigated a…

newarab (2024-05-12). Palestinian house set on a fire in Israeli settler attack. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Israel intensifies attacks on northern Gaza's Jabalia camp. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Israel strikes Gaza after fresh Rafah evacuation order. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Whistleblowers detail abuse at Israeli detention camp. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Thousands of Israelis take to streets to demand hostage deal. newarab.com Thousands of The protesters blamed

newarab (2024-05-12). Pro-Israel website attacks pro-Palestinian students in US. newarab.com Pro-Israel website Canary Mission that posts dossiers on students and academics who show support for Palestine has been ramping up attacks against US citizens in the wake of the Weeks after attending a

newarab (2024-05-12). Israel 'unsure' if Hamas leader Sinwar is in Rafah: report. newarab.com Israel is unsure of the exact whereabouts of senior Sinwar has been top of

newarab (2024-05-12). What does Israel's invasion mean for Rafah's hospitals. newarab.com Health services in Gaza are under intense strain as Israel's seventh-month-long offensive took a new turn this week with the invasion of the southern

newarab (2024-05-12). When is criticism of Israel antisemitic. newarab.com Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the protests on That comparison dilutes the horror of Nazism by overlooking both the extent of the violence that Nazi students inflicted on anyone who was Jewish and their avowedly racist goal of purging th…

newarab (2024-05-12). Russia claims gains in Ukraine's Kharkiv region. newarab.com Moscow's defence ministry said its troops had "liberated" five villages in Ukraine's Kharkiv region near the Russian border — Borysivka, Ogirtseve, Pletenivka, Pylna and Strilecha — as we…

newarab (2024-05-12). Iranian parliament vote sees increase in conservative seats. newarab.com Voters had been called to cast ballots again on Friday in regions where candidates failed to gain enough votes in the March 1 election, which saw the lowest turnout – 41 percent – since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. | Candidates categori…

newarab (2024-05-12). UK looks to ban pro-Palestine groups 'like terror orgs'. newarab.com Pro-Palestine groups in the UK, including the prominent The BBC The report was compiled by former Labour MP and now non-affiliated peer <...

newarab (2024-05-12). Sudan's military fends off attack by RSF in Darfur city. newarab.com Sudan's military and allied armed groups have staved off an attack by a paramilitary group and Arab militias on a major city in the western region of The attack on Friday was the latest by the Arab-dominated Rapid Support Forces against el-Fasher, the provincial capital of North Darfur province, where hundreds of thousands of people are sheltering, many of them having fled fighting elsewhere in Darfur. | The RSF, which has been at war with the military for more than a…

newarab (2024-05-12). More than 300 dead in Afghanistan flash floods: WFP. newarab.com More than 300 people were killed in flash floods that ripped through multiple

newarab (2024-05-12). Three Tunisian commentators arrested over critical remarks. newarab.com Tunisian authorities on Sunday ordered the Dahmani, also a lawyer, was arrested late Saturday after criticising the Msaddek said there was a "police attack agai…

newarab (2024-05-12). Why is Macklemore's pro-Palestine song called Hind's Hall? newarab.com In his song titled 'Hind's Hall', the Grammy-award-winning rapper admonishes the US government, telling President Joe Biden "blood is on your hands" and declaring that he will not vote for him in the upcoming November election. | Macklemore, best known for 2010s hi…

newarab (2024-05-12). Canada police arrest fourth Indian suspect over Nijjar death. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Pro-Palestine professor launches campaign against Labour MP. newarab.com A British-Palestinian professor is running on a pro-Gaza platform in Birmingham Selly Oak, UK—a constituency with a significant Muslim population—against a prominent Labour MP. | Kamel Hawwash, a professor at the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham and former head of the Hawwash, a former Labour member, will run under the banner of Reliance, a "disruptor" group field…

newarab (2024-05-12). TikTokers call to block celebs after 'tone deaf' Met Gala. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). US student Gaza protests have been largely peaceful: study. newarab.com The overwhelming majority of Over 500 d…

newarab (2024-05-12). Jordan launches multinational 'Eager Lion' war games. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-12). Greek premier to visit Turkey in quest for better relations. newarab.com Greece's Prime Minister Diplomats said the day-long visit marks a new phase in their relations after In an interview published Su…

newarab (2024-05-12). HRW slams German ban of Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah. newarab.com Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on the The ban means that a non-citizen is expelled from one member state and is prevented from returning to the whole Schengen area, which consists of 26 European countries, for up to five years or longer. | "Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah has seen first-hand the atrocities taking place in Gaza," Yasmine Ahmed, UK Director at HRW, said. | "G…

newarab (2024-05-12). Journalists mark Shireen Abu Akleh's killing anniversary. newarab.com Hundreds of journalists, activists, and social media users marked the second anniversary of the killing of Palestinian-American journalist The Committee to Protect Journalists [CPJ] said it was "deeply alarmed" at the lack of accountability over the killing of the veteran reporter — a

newarab (2024-05-12). UK revokes visa of student after attending Palestine demo. newarab.com The UK government this week has revoked the student visa of a Palestinian student following her participation in a peaceful

newarab (2024-05-12). Gary Lineker says he 'cries on a regular basis' over Gaza. newarab.com Prominent British Speaking with journalist Mehdi Hasan on Friday, Lineker, host of BBC's Match of the Day, stated he would not remain silent about the atrocities committed in Gaza, adding that he had never witnessed anything more horrific in his life. | Lineker…

newarab (2024-05-12). Opposition leader urges Indians to battle 'dictatorship'. newarab.com A top opponent of Indian Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Delhi and a key leader in an opposition alliance formed to compete against Modi in the polls, was granted bail on Friday after weeks in custody. | He is amo…

newarab (2024-05-12). Tunisia punishes swimming federation in dispute over flag. newarab.com Tunisian President Images on social media showed the flag covered by a red cloth on Friday during the Tunisian Open Masters championship, organised by the national swimming federation at the Rades Olympic pool. | At the end of April, WADA suspended Tunisia's National Anti-Doping Agency (ANAD) for non-compliance wi…

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). UN chief renews call for ceasefire in Israel's Gaza war. presstv.ir UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reiterates his call for an immediate truce in Gaza, where Israel has been waging a genocidal war against Palestinians.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Genocide, domicide and ecocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Israel's intentions are evident; there will be no permanent ceasefire and the genocide will continue with the ultimate goal of raising Gaza to the ground.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Egypt to join South Africa's genocide case against Israel. presstv.ir Egypt says it is joining South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Iran: Israel's occupation, nuclear weapons main obstacles to West Asia security. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister says the establishment of full peace and security in the West Asia hinges on disarmament of Israel and end to its occupation of Palestine.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Gaza aid operations at risk of imminent shutdown, UN agencies warn. presstv.ir Dwindling food and fuel stocks could force aid operations to grind to a halt within days in Gaza as vital crossings remain shut, forcing hospitals to close and leading to more children dying of hunger, United Nations aid agencies warned on Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). UN rights chief warns against full-scale Israeli offensive on Rafah. presstv.ir The United Nations rights chief Volker Turk says he is "deeply distressed" by the fast-deteriorating conditions in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Humans of Gaza: Dr. Amin al-Bahiti, cheerful dentist killed while searching for food. presstv.ir Dr. Amin al-Bahiti, a 24-year-old Palestinian doctor, had a humble dream — opening a dental clinic in Gaza. However, his life was brutally cut short by the Israeli regime.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Wounded Gazans rushed to hospital following airstrike on Rafah. presstv.ir Injured Palestinians are rushed to Kuwait Hospital following an Israeli bombardment of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). High-ranking Israeli 'security' official steps down amid Gaza war. presstv.ir A high-ranking official at the so-called Israeli National Security Council has stepped down due to frustrations over the failure to reach political decisions regarding future actions in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). 'Intolerable': EU top diplomat slams Israel's forced evacuation of Rafah. presstv.ir The European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has denounced as "intolerable" the Israeli regime's move to forcibly evacuate Palestinians from the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Iraqi fighters stage cruise missile strike against Israeli airbase. presstv.ir Iraq's Islamic Resistance announces carrying out a cruise missile strike against an airbase lying in the southwestern part of the occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Hezbollah launches artillery, drone strikes against Israeli positions. presstv.ir Fighters from the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement have conducted retaliatory artillery and drone strikes against Israeli positions in retaliation for the brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). World support for Palestine's UN membership bid shows Israel's full isolation: Iran. presstv.ir The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says the international community's support for Palestine's UN membership bid indicates that the Israeli regime is more isolated than ever throughout its fake history.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Gaza death toll surpasses 35,000: Health Ministry. presstv.ir The Gaza Health Ministry has announced that more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli war on the besieged territory.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). South Africa urges global response to end Palestinian sufferings. presstv.ir South Africa calls on the international community to mount greater efforts to end Palestinians' persecution at the hands of the Israeli regime.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Israel launches ground offensive into Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp. presstv.ir Israeli military tanks have started to go deeper into the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza as part of a ground offensive months after claiming Hamas had been "dismantled" in the area.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Israel won't achieve goals by barbaric Gaza attacks: Islamic Jihad. presstv.ir The Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement says Israel will not be able to meet its objectives in Gaza through its brutal attacks on the Palestinian territory.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Zionist captive dies after being wounded in Israeli airstrikes: Hamas. presstv.ir Hamas announces the death of a Zionist captive from the wounds he had received during Israeli airstrikes against the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Israeli forces kill young Palestinian, injure another in West Bank raid. presstv.ir Israeli forces have shot and killed a young Palestinian man and injured a teenager during a raid in the northern occupied West Bank, Palestinian health officials say.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Netanyahu will go down in history as 'genocidaire': Colombia's President. presstv.ir Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continue their social media feud after the diplomatic fallout resulting from the Gaza war.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). French university students set up tents, protest against Israel's attack on Rafah. presstv.ir Dozens of student protesters demonstrated in front of Sciences Po University in Paris, denouncing Israel's recent attack on Gaza…

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Funeral of mother, son killed in Israeli strike on south Lebanon. presstv.ir Mourners carry the coffins of May Youssef and her 12-year-old son, who were killed in an Israeli strike against a southern Lebanese village.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). IRGC: Iran's strikes were timely punitive response to Israel's blunder. presstv.ir A spokesman for the IRGC says Iran's Operation True Promise was a timely punitive measure against the Israeli regime's strategic mistake.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Drone shows scale of flood devastation in southern Brazil. presstv.ir Residents of a flooded city in Brazil's state of Rio Grande do Sul faced the huge scale of devastation in the region.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Pro-Palestinian protesters take to the streets in Chile. presstv.ir Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters march to the US Embassy in Santiago to protest the Gaza war.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Security Council urges 'immediate' probe into Gaza mass graves. presstv.ir The United Nations Security Council has called for an immediate and independent investigation into reported mass graves near hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Majority of US college students support pro-Palestine campus protests: Poll. presstv.ir Sixty-five percent of US college students support pro-Palestine demonstrations rocking university campuses across the country, according to a new opinion poll.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Islamic Jihad chief: Resistance best way to terminate Zionist occupation. presstv.ir The secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement describes resistance as the best option to terminate the Zionist occupation.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Venice: Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters at G7 Justice meeting. presstv.ir Clashes erupted between police and demonstrators in Venice during a protest against the G7 Justice meeting.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Smoke clouds billow over Berlin after fire at factory with chemicals storage. presstv.ir A large fire at a Berlin metalworking factory on the outskirts of the German capital led to plumes of black smoke on Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Iran offers condolences to Afghanistan over deadly flash floods. presstv.ir Iran extends condolences to Afghanistan's officials and people over deadly flash flooding that ravaged the country's northern areas.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). US police tear-gas students, arrest dozens as Gaza war protests spread. presstv.ir Police at Pennsylvania University cleared a student encampment that was in place for more than two weeks.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Explainer: Why did Iran organize first intl. conference on nuclear science? presstv.ir The first international nuclear conference in the central Iranian city of Isfahan aimed to present new and fundamental developments in the field of nuclear science.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Tensions high as recession-weary Argentines march to president's residence. presstv.ir Riot police were deployed against a protest march seeking to head to the president's residence of Olivos.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Iran voices readiness to assist flood-stricken people in Afghanistan. presstv.ir A senior Iranian official has announced the Islamic Republic's readiness to send humanitarian aid to the flood-hit people in northern Afghanistan.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). Thousands attend pro-Palestinian protest in Bangladesh. presstv.ir Thousands of Bangladeshi students march in Dhaka in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and with pro-Palestinian student protests around the world.

Larry Johnson (2024-05-12). Understanding Military Exercises. sonar21.com Russia got the world's attention real quick this week when it announced it will hold a military exercise to test its Russia's defence ministry said it would hold military drills including practice for the preparation and deployment for use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. It said the exercises were ordered by President Vladimir Putin. | "During the exercise, a set of measures will be carried out to practise the issues of preparation and u…

hindustantimes (2024-05-12). No Indian Troops In Maldives Anymore; HAL Officials Replace 76 Soldiers | Details. hindustantimes.com The Indian government has withdrawn all its 76 military personnel from Maldives as per the May 10 deadline set by President Mohamed Muizzu who is considered pro-China. Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer said that Indian military personnel were replaced by civilian employees of the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The Indian military personnel were stationed in the Maldives to operate two HAL Dhruv helicopters and a Dornier aircraft for medical and humanitarian evacuations. Watch INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

Jinan Bastaki, Lena El-Malak (2024-05-11). Israel is obliged to let Gaza refugees in: a response to Alice Edwards. mondoweiss.net UN special rapporteur on torture Alice Edwards is asking Arab states to shoulder the responsibility for the refugees that Israel created. Israel must let them in as the state that is responsible for their displacement and the denial of their rights.

UC Alumni 4 Palestine, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-11). University Of California Protests Test The Limits Of Zionist Fiction. popularresistance.org On April 30, a mob of Zionist vigilantes descended onto UCLA's Palestine Solidarity Encampment, besieging it and waging horrific violence against students for hours throughout the night. On May 1, UCLA called in the LAPD to clear the encampment by force, unleashing yet another brutal attack on students before the blood from the previous night had a chance to dry. On May 2, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block hosted a town hall for UCLA alumni during which he glossed over the horrific events that took place on campus under his watch. | During his webinar, to an audience of 1000 alums unable to comment, Chancellor Block des…

Britt Munro (2024-05-11). The students did not invent the encampments. We inherited them. mondoweiss.net The student intifada draws its conviction from Palestinian and anticolonial resistance.

Anonymous Contributor (2024-05-11). Public statement from Emory arrestees. mondoweiss.net The arrests and violence against protesters are meant to tire the movement for liberation and scare us into complacency. They are afraid of the power we hold as a collective.

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-05-11). Biden's shifting 'red line' allows Israel to keep getting away with murder. mondoweiss.net Biden threatened Israel with pulling military aid if it invades Rafah, but Israel is attacking anyway. It won't face consequences so long as Biden remains vague on what amounts to sufficient grounds for suspending military aid.

SAMIR (2024-05-11). United by Genocide: Eurovision boycotted over Israel's participation. bdsmovement.net

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2024-05-11). White Residents Of Baton Rouge, Louisiana To Form Separate City. popularresistance.org The State Supreme Court in the southern US state of Louisiana, on April 26, gave the city of St. George the right to secede from the larger capital city of Baton Rouge. This has cleared the way for a group of wealthy white Baton Rouge residents to carve out a majority-white enclave of the largely Black city—recalling the history in the US of segregation and white flight. | Wealthy, white residents of Baton Rouge have been trying to secede from the rest of the city in some shape or form for over a decade. In 2012, a group of parents went to the state legislature to propose the creation of a separate school d…

As'Ad AbuKhalil, Consortium News. (2024-05-11). History Of US Activism For Palestine. popularresistance.org There is a long history of muted protests for Palestine on college campuses. Imagine, Palestine never drew the attention of the American left in the 1960s and 1970s. Few Americans knew the word Palestinian before the assassination by Palestinian American, Sirhan Sirhan. | Most leaders of the American left (including Michael Harrington and Jerry Rubin) were staunch Zionists and thought of Israel as a progressive project in the midst of reactionary Arab countries (not that progressive Westerners were free of the racism that afflicted conservative Westerners). | The AFL-CIO and all affiliates of the Democratic Party…

Alberto Toscano, In These Times. (2024-05-11). Antifascism After Gaza. popularresistance.org Over the past few years, discussions of fascism in the United States have, unsurprisingly, followed an electoral cadence, focused more on the presidency of Donald Trump — past and possibly future — than on the formidable far-right mobilization taking place through private foundations and state legislatures. In many ways, that's justified, considering fascism has historically required, for its successful seizure of power, an electoral and constitutional process, in tandem with militias and vigilantism. But today's so-called "fascism debate" — an academic and intellectual disp…

Dhoruba Bin-Wahad, Black Agenda Report. (2024-05-11). Rise Of Militarized Policing In Response To Black Dissent. popularresistance.org Since the mid-1960s, the militarization of U.S. police, counter-insurgency, and the surveillance capacity of the civilian law enforcement establishment, then relatively new, has today reached extraordinary levels of sophistication and questionable degrees of constitutionality. | The accelerated militarization of America's police agencies began exponentially to explode during the later years of the Vietnam War, as widespread student anti-war protests of the late sixties reached their zenith. During the same period, the Civil Rights mass movement of Black people for social and political equality in the South began…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2024-05-11). Locked-Out Firefighters Picket Boeing. popularresistance.org The aerospace giant Boeing locked out 125 firefighters across multiple facilities in Washington state May 4 after contract negotiations broke down. | "We want to be out there working and protecting the community of Boeing employees," said firefighter Jon Riggsby, vice-president-elect of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local I-66. "But the company won't allow us." | Boeing firefighters are on hand for fueling, takeoffs, and landings. They also respond to any medical emergencies at company facilities in Seattle, Everett, Renton, Auburn, and Moses Lake. | They're the first line of defense to prevent the spread of flame and tox…

Amber X. Chen, Scheer Post. (2024-05-11). Student Journalists Are Needed Now More Than Ever. popularresistance.org On May 3, we celebrated World Press Freedom Day, an international holiday dedicated to the importance of journalism and a free press. And, as of May 3, more than 140 journalists have been killed in Gaza since October 7—an average of five per week. In fact, in Gaza, more journalists have been killed in the first three months of the war than in all of World War II and the Vietnam War combined. | On May 5, the Israeli government raided and shut down Al Jazeera's offices in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, in the United States—where the freedom of the press is enshrined in our Constitution's First Amendment—la…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-05-11). In Africa They Say, 'France, Get Out!'. popularresistance.org On 2 October 1958, Guinea declared its independence from France. Guinea's President Ahmed Sékou Touré clashed against France's President Charles De Gaulle, who tried to strong arm Touré into abandoning the project for independence. Touré said of De Gaulle's threats, 'Guinea prefers poverty in freedom to riches in slavery'. In 1960, the French government launched a covert operation called Operation Persil to undermine Guinea and overthrow Touré. The operation was named after a laundry detergent, used to wash away dirt. This provides a clear window into the French attitude toward Touré's government.

Al Jazeera. (2024-05-11). United Nations General Assembly Backs Palestinian Bid For Membership. popularresistance.org The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognising it as qualified to join and recommending the UN Security Council "reconsider the matter favourably". | The vote by the 193-member UNGA on Friday was a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member — a move that would effectively recognise a Palestinian state — after the United States vetoed it in the UN Security Council last month. | The assembly adopted a resolution on Friday with 143 votes in favour and nine against — including the US and Israel [mdash…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-05-11). Using A Fictional Antisemitism Crisis To Support A Real Genocide. caitlinjohnstone.com.au One of the most frustrating things happening in the world right now is the way people of conscience are doing everything they can to bring a stop to Israel's US-backed atrocities in Gaza, and Israel supporters are responding to this by pointing at an epidemic of "antisemitism" which has no existence outside their own imaginations‚Ää—‚Ääbut we're all expected to pretend i…

Editor (2024-05-11). Gaza ceasefire proposal—Full Text. mronline.org Below is the full proposal for Gaza ceasefire and prisoners exchange, which was accepted by Hamas on Monday.

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-05-11). Saturday 5/11: Ceasefire Postcards Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee, 1122 University Ave, Berkeley, CA…

Edward Curtin (2024-05-11). The Plot to Kill JFK. dissidentvoice.org During my many years of teaching at different universities, nearly all my colleagues insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald alone assassinated President Kennedy, even while the general public questioned such a conclusion. This disparity between gown and town always amused and informed me that something in the "higher education" world was low indeed. Despite the fact …

Binoy Kampmark (2024-05-11). A Modest Proposal: The UN General Assembly and Palestinian Recognition. dissidentvoice.org Despite being described in some circles as such, the latest vote in the United Nations General Assembly on Palestine's status is hardly extraordinary. For one, it does not vest the Palestinian territories with statehood but burnishes its credentials to join the club. It pushes those scrappy, desperate entities so despoiled and abused into deeper involvement …

Robert Hunziker (2024-05-11). Surprising Rising Seas "Must Reads" dissidentvoice.org Sea levels are surging along the US coastline, exceeding 30-year expectations. Scientists are confused, concerned, searching for answers. In that regard, an excellent new series by The Washington Post d/d April 29th, 2024, "Must Reads" is an eye-opening view into the impact of global warming in real time with real people and real images. For …

Tamara Nassar (2024-05-11). Israel shutters Al Jazeera, continues to kill journalists. electronicintifada.net Gaza genocide most dangerous conflict for journalists, UN experts say.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2024-05-11). Palestinians flee Rafah as crossings remain closed. electronicintifada.net People "looking for safety where there's none" as Israel issues new evacuation orders in Gaza's north and south.

Julie Hollar (2024-05-11). GOP Grilling NPR Is a Tired Ritual That Needs to Be Rejected. fair.org Republicans made it clear that they wanted to defund NPR because they didn't like the viewpoints they thought it aired—calling it "a progressive propaganda purveyor" (WBMA, Every so often, Republicans in Washington engage in the ritual of shouting about public broadcasting's supposed left-wing bias, usually threatening to cut its federal funding. | It's been happening nearly from the moment the Corpora…

JANET (2024-05-11). Stop harassing anti-genocide advocates for Palestine! iacenter.org May 10, 2024 The following statement, issued May 2, is from the Canadian Palestine Association in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC). Organizational endorsements of this statement can be sent to cpavancouver@gmail.com. (Coverage of this statement on AlMayadeen English.) The repression against Palestinians and their supporters has been mounting across Canada in recent months; in every major city, there are cases of fraudulent charges (often later dropped) brought against activists who dare to clearly challenge the Zionist narrative. The latest of these politically motivated charges happened a few days ago in Vancou…

WSWS (2024-05-11). Sri Lankan university students, academics and workers support US students opposing Israeli genocide in Gaza. wsws.org "The opposition of students and workers in America and Europe to the war against Palestinians in Gaza is encouraging. We must oppose the world from being dragged into a third nuclear world war for the interests of a handful of imperialists." — University of Kelaniya student.

JANET (2024-05-11). Oregon, coalition supports Palestine Resistance on May Day. iacenter.org May 10, 2024 By Jey Clayton Portland, Oregon On May Day, months of struggle and organization among a diverse group of organizations and parties bore fruit with a rally that defied expectations. At least 15 distinct groups brought out 200 people. They formed new collective bonds and built relationships in order to strengthen the fight against capitalism and its many vestiges of imperialism and settler colonialism. Banner leads May Day event in Portland, Oregon. Photo: Lyn Neeley The emphasis this May Day was the fight against Zionist apartheid and the genocide against Palestinians. The crowd paid close attention t…

WSWS (2024-05-11). Japanese university encampments established against Gaza genocide. wsws.org Japanese students have expressed solidarity with protesters on campuses in the US who have faced a wave of vicious police crackdowns.

bwitanek (2024-05-11). Teaneck Cops Arrest Council Meeting Citizen Attenders at Mayor's Demand. fightbackbetter.com On Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, a grim declaration resounded through the halls of Teaneck — the death of freedom of speech. Layla Graham, a steadfast resident, engaged in an act of civil disobedience during a Township council meeting. With a sign held high and an audible alarm sounding off at ten-minute intervals, Layla sought to draw attention to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. However, her peaceful protest was met with an excessive display of force. | When an older gentleman yelled out in her defense, the mayor decided that he also must be removed. Layla stood up in his defense and told the officers to get their…

Editor (2024-05-11). May 11, 2024. sitrepworld.info Julie Fowlis — Dh'èirich mi moch, b' fheà rr nach do dh'èirich Patrick Lawrence: University — An Attack on Intelligence 'Genocide Joe' Suffers Another Mortifying Slap-Down at the United Nations, by Mike Whitney UN Vote Was for Palestinian Membership, Not Statehood, by Joe Lauria 'Barbaric': Whistleblowers Further Expose Israel's Torture of Detained Palestinians, by Jake Johnson Carnival Rides, by James Howard Kunstler Antisemitism and Antizionism: A Dangerous Conflation, by Rabbi Yakov M. Rabkin Biden's war on Gaza is now a war on truth and the right to protest, by Jonathan Cook N…

JANET (2024-05-11). Humboldt and Gaza — Berlin Bulletin #222. iacenter.org May 9, 2024 By Victor Grossman Berlin This is No. 222 of the Berlin Bulletin, which Victor Grossman has been writing for decades. Grossman left the U.S. Armed Forces in the early 1950s by swimming to the Soviet Zone from the U.S.-occupied zone of Vienna, Austria. The Soviet authorities took him to East Germany; later he settled in East Berlin when it was the capital of the German Democratic Republic. Grossman writes here of the German state's repression against those protesting genocide in Gaza today, with a look back at 1933 Germany. No books were burned this time in early May. But there were ironic parallels, s…

bwitanek (2024-05-11). Israel IDF Genocide "Hero" in Teaneck, Short Notice, Sunday May 12, 7pm, The Saddest Mothers Day in History with Two Mothers Killed Every Hour in Gaza Over Last 7 Months. fightbackbetter.com FightBackBetter staff is unaware if there is a protest planned but it is legit to protest the presense of a…

Anonymous Contributor (2024-05-11). For Those Who Would Act When Genocide is Ignored: A Report Back from the UC Santa Cruz Encampment. itsgoingdown.org Critical report and reflection on the launch of a student encampment in solidarity with Palestine at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). photo via Alex Darocy on Indybay.org "The lifeblood of our encampment has been the act of seeing what needs to be done and doing it, without waiting for permission or instruction. We…

WSWS (2024-05-11). Nearly 3,000 protesters arrested in US as crackdown on anti-genocide encampments continues internationally. wsws.org In addition to double-digit arrests at the University of Pennsylvania and MIT, police at the University of Calgary in Canada and the University of Arizona conducted tear gas-filled sweeps of anti-genocide encampments Thursday night.

Partido Humanista Internacional (2024-05-11). "How do you think to end violence?", Silo. pressenza.com The Humanist International held a meeting on 4 May 2024 to discuss "How to end violence", with the participation of political and social organizations and individuals from 9 countries (Angola, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Spain, India, Togo, and Uruguay). | In the conclusions of the meeting, it was agreed to draft a declaration to the UN on the current genocide in Gaza and to denounce all wars in other regions of the planet, as well as the systematic violence against indigenous peoples. A team was formed with some of the participants of the meeting to draft it. | This meeting on 4 May was the beginning of o…

WSWS (2024-05-11). "It's the working class' turn to stop business as usual and demand change": Workers speak out against police crackdowns. wsws.org Across the United States, workers are speaking out against the Gaza genocide and the police attack on students being conducted by both pro-war parties.

WSWS (2024-05-11). "It's the working class's turn to stop business as usual and demand change": Workers speak out against police crackdowns. wsws.org Across the United States, workers are speaking out against the Gaza genocide and the police attack on students being conducted by both pro-war parties.

bwitanek (2024-05-11). Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause — This Mothers Day Lets Commit Our Time and Energy to Ending the Genocide — 2 Mothers in Gaza Killed Every Hour! fightbackbetter.com "In the United States, the origins of the official holiday go back to 1870, when Julia Ward Howe — an…

Michael D. Yates (2024-05-11). Letters of protest: Colleges suppress dissent while closing their eyes to genocide, extended version. mronline.org As a former college teacher, one who witnessed the attacks on those who protested against the War in Vietnam and who studied the repression on campuses during the McCarthy period, I became so appalled at what was being done to our brave and courageous college students that I began to write letters to the leaders of what are, in reality, academic enterprises.

JANET (2024-05-11). Bronx, New York: Marchers deliver protest letter to Rep. Ritchie Torres. iacenter.org May 10, 2024 May 3. Activists from the Bronx Anti-War Coalition, Healthcare Workers for Palestine and their allies held a demonstration in three parts in New York City in solidarity with the people of Palestine and to stop the U.S.-armed Israeli genocide against Gaza. Health care workers take lead to bring anti-genocide message to the people. Bronx, New York, May 3, 2024. Photo: Brenda Ryan The first part was an action at U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres's office, where health care workers read a public statement: "We are here as students, teachers, health care workers and, notably, your constituents. As Bronxites … we…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). Geopolitical Paradigm Shifts and Coping with Psychopaths. libya360.wordpress.com Tariq Marzbaan and Nora Hoppe interview Professor Sergei A. Karaganov Tariq Marzbaan and Nora Hoppe interview Professor Karaganov from Russia's leading public foreign policy organisation, conversing with him on an array of issues, including Western escalation against Russia, the war in Ukraine, colonialism, and the genocide in Gaza. It is clear that the Anglo-Saxon industrial-military-media…

bwitanek (2024-05-11). Press Release: Princeton Admininistration Stonewalls Student Encampment / Hunger Strike Negotiations. fightbackbetter.com Princeton, New Jersey, May 11 | Two weeks into the Princeton Gaza Solidarity Encampment and one week into a student-led hunger strike, Princeton administrators have stonewalled negotiations with representatives of the encampment on their demands for divestment. Instead of making tangible commitments, administrators backpedaled on opening negotiations and merely directed representatives to existing institutional processes, which protest…

contact (2024-05-11). Fighter jets, attack drones hammer Rafah; catastrophe looms — Day 217. israelpalestinenews.org Israel expands its attack of Rafah; Biden admin reports that Israeli use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza "likely violated international humanitarian law"; food catastrophe looms as Israel continues to block aid trucks; South Africa wants ICJ to intervene in Rafah; UN General Assembly strongly supports Palestine's quest for statehood; Israel withholds millions it owes Palestinian Authority; UN wants investigation into mass graves in Gaza…

A A (2024-05-11). Israel's war has always been against civilians. strategic-culture.su

Akela Lacy (2024-05-11). Neither Candidate Has Much to Say About Israel. So Why Is AIPAC Pouring Money Into This Race. theintercept.com The American Israel Public Affairs Committee said its top priority this cycle was to oust members of the progressive Squad. But the group has also been quietly pouring money into another Democratic primary: a competitive race for an open congressional seat in Maryland. AIPAC's target? Former Capitol Police officer Neither Dunn nor his rival, state Sen. Sarah Elfreth, has been particularly outspoken in support of or against Israel, raising the question…

bwitanek (2024-05-11). Tell Bergen County DA, DROP THE CHARGES. fightbackbetter.com Dear Supporter, | On March 10, 2024, a community member was charged with a "bias crime" for conduct that did not constitute a crime and was not motivated by racial bias. | EMAIL THE PROSECUTOR NOW | Simply copy and paste the email language below and send it to prosecutor@bcpo.net | Counter-protesters gathered at the Real Estate Israel Expo to condemn the violations of international law and discriminatory practices by this corporation. Real Estate Israel had been actively promoting and listing il…

contact (2024-05-11). What it's like to be used as a human shield by the Israeli army. israelpalestinenews.org Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters.

Jack Khoury (2024-05-11). Hamas airs video of Israeli held hostage in Gaza captivity. haaretz.com The Israeli military believes the video of Nadav Poplewell, whose brother was killed on October 7, is likely old…

MEE staff (2024-05-11). Israel orders new 'evacuations' in Rafah as military action expected. middleeasteye.net

JANET (2024-05-11). So-called antisemitism bill passes House. iacenter.org By Otis Grotewohl May 10, 2024 The U.S. House of Representatives passed a controversial, bipartisan bill through a 320-91 vote on May 1. Known as the "Antisemitism Awareness Act," H.R. 6090 was written in response to the courageous encampments that have sprung up on college campuses throughout the U.S and across the globe. The encampment protesters are demanding that colleges and universities divest from doing business with the racist, apartheid state of Israel. The Act codifies a broad definition of "antisemitism" into federal civil rights law and targets vocal defenders of Palestine in particular. Democrat Ritc…

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). Glenn Beck's UNHINGED Request of Israel! youtu.be

Michael Welch (2024-05-11). Revealing the Myths and Realities of Israel-Palestine Struggles, and of October 7. globalresearch.ca

aljazeera (2024-05-11). Hamas says a captive has died of wounds sustained in Israeli air strike. aljazeera.com British-Israeli Nadav Popplewell was taken captive from Nirim kibbutz by Palestinian group Hamas on October 7.

Bheria (2024-05-11). Rabbi Kahane: A Look into Unapologetic Jewish Supremacism and Terror. muslimskeptic.com Recently, an individual named Reuven Kahane was arrested for deliberately driving his car straight into a group of anti-Zionist protesters, leaving at least one individual injured, as reported by The Times of Israel. But, as they have highlighted, he's also the "cousin of the infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane." As such, I though it only …

aljazeera (2024-05-11). Thousands flee Rafah after Israeli forces issue evacuation order. aljazeera.com Tens of thousands of Palestinians are being displaced once more by the most recent evacuation order.

Islamic Relief (2024-05-11). oPt: Chaos and panic in Rafah as malnourished infants, people in wheelchairs and injured patients among those ordered to leave. reliefweb.int Country: occupied Palestinian territory | Source: Islamic Relief | As Israel orders more people to evacuate parts of central and northern Rafah today, Islamic Relief staff in Gaza report scenes of utter chaos and panic. | More than 150,000 people have fled Rafah in recent days, and around 300,000 people are now affected by the evacuation orders as Israel's attack on Rafah spreads and intensifies. Many people are walking miles to search for shelter, carrying whatever possessions they can. Extremely vulnerable people including malnourished infants, elderly people, injured and sick patients, and people with sever…

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). Whistleblowers Further Expose Israel's Torture of Detainees. consortiumnews.com

American Near East Refugee Aid (2024-05-11). oPt: New Evacuation Orders in Northern Gaza Deepens Misery. reliefweb.int Country: occupied Palestinian territory | Source: American Near East Refugee Aid | A Report from Anera's Team in Gaza | Our Gaza staff are reporting the alarming news of new and unexpected evacuation orders, issued by the Israeli military, for all of the North Gaza Governorate. Our team lead in Gaza tells us: | "Today marked another devastating day here. The people of Gaza are in a fight for survival. We were in the north preparing for aid distributions early this morning when leaflets fell from the sky calling for an immediate evacuation (we had a 15-minute warning) of 200,000 people. Shortly after, a huge ex…

maxyyjones (2024-05-11). Aid Agencies Are Running Out of Food as Israel Expands Assault on Rafah. scheerpost.com

Linda Dayan (2024-05-11). Police clash with hostages' families as tens of thousands protest gov't across Israel. haaretz.com 'Netanyahu is leading the State of Israel to complete failure. Stop cooperating, overthrow the government and save the hostages and the country,' Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan is held captive in Gaza, called on Israel's ministers…

aljazeera (2024-05-11). Israeli army orders more evacuations from Rafah as it expands Gaza assault. aljazeera.com Doctor pleads for protection as forced evacuation order is widened to include Rafah's Kuwaiti Hospital.

Jessica Corbett (2024-05-11). Delayed State Dept. Report Covers for Israeli Crimes Committed With US Arms. truthout.org Foreign policy and human rights experts on Friday sharply condemned the Biden administration's delayed report to Congress about Israeli assurances regarding U.S. weapons use in the Gaza Strip and the delivery of humanitarian aid. The historic assessment stems from National Security Memorandum 20, which President Joe Biden issued in February. NSM-20 requires Secretary of State Antony Blinken "to… |

JANET (2024-05-11). Denver police refuse to clear student encampment in Auraria. iacenter.org By Viviana Weinstein May 9, 2024 Denver May 4. According to a report by the Denver Post, Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas refused requests by the Auraria campus to clear the tent encampment. This was the second refusal. Encampment at Auraria campus of Denver universities, April 28. Credit: Viviana Weinstein On April 26, police had arrested 45 students for trespassing when they refused to clear the encampment on the Auraria campus, which students set up to protest the Israeli genocidal acts against the Palestinians in Gaza. The students demanded that the University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State University o…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). Canadian State Clashes with Pro-Palestine Student Encampments. libya360.wordpress.com Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba A wave of university encampments, designed with the common goal of getting the respective universities to divest from Israel, among other goals, have faced state backlash throughout North America, including Canada. NATO, particularly in the colonies of the United States and Canada, have taken the gloves off and are prepared to brutalise…

MEE staff (2024-05-11). Eurovision 2024: Thousands protest in Malmo against Israel's participation in final. middleeasteye.net Eurovision 2024: Thousands protest in Malmo against Israel's participation in final | Large crowds of protesters descend on venue in Swedish city, as Israel's devastating war on Gaza casts shadow over glitzy contest | | Pro-Palestinian demonstrators stage a sit-in against Israel's participation at th…

Jack Khoury (2024-05-11). IDF says 300,000 people evacuated Rafah in south Gaza to humanitarian zone ahead of Israeli operation. haaretz.com Months after the IDF said it had destroyed Hamas' military capabilities in north Gaza, Israeli troops are being redeployed to the area to curb the reorganization of Hamas battalions. The army also announced evacuation orders for more areas of Rafah in southern Gaza…

Ben Samuels (2024-05-11). U.S. says 'reasonable to assess' Israel violated international law in Gaza, but won't halt arms aid. haaretz.com The admistration's assertion that Israel is not obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid — even qualified as an 'ongoing assessment' — will likely be the most contentious element of a report that will assuredly gain significant criticism from across the political spectrum…

Jack Khoury (2024-05-11). Israeli army returns to Jabaliya, blames Hamas regrouping on lack of diplomatic process. haaretz.com Israeli army forces are preparing for combat in Jabaliya, north of Gaza City, which it had claimed was clear of Hamas battalions in December. 150,000 residents were called to evacuate southward…

Médecins Sans Frontières (2024-05-11). oPt: Doctors Without Borders responds to Biden report on Israel's war in Gaza. reliefweb.int Country: occupied Palestinian territory | Source: Médecins Sans Frontières | The Biden administration's analysis of Israel's war in Gaza has not proceeded as a good faith effort to uphold US law | NEW YORK—The Biden administration has delivered a report on whether Israel is conducting its war in Gaza in a way that violates international laws and impedes the delivery of US-supported humanitarian aid. | The US Department of State's report concluded that it is "reasonable to assess" that Israel has violated international humanitarian law in Gaza, though there is not enough information available to verify if…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). 'End Israeli Apartheid': Naledi Pandor Urges Progressive Forces to Push for Palestinians' Rights. libya360.wordpress.com Palestine Chronicle "Progressive forces need to push for the inalienable right of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination, which has been systematically denied since the British mandate." South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, has said "it has never been so urgent for progressive forces around the world to come together in…

Jason Ditz (2024-05-11). Israeli Drone Strike Kills Two Civilians, Wounds Several in South Lebanon. news.antiwar.com At least two people were killed on Friday when Israeli drones carried out an attack on a maintenance workers team in southern Lebanon's Tayr Harfa. Several other civilians were also reported wounded in the attacks. The attack went after the maintenance workers who were repairing telecommunications systems, and subsequently attacked and killed a rescue workers …

Gideon Levy (2024-05-11). A Palestinian teen was standing on the street with his scooter when Israeli troops shot him dead. haaretz.com A boy stands on a Tul Karm street watching as Israeli troops move toward the city's refugee camp. Soldiers fire shots from hundreds of meters away and one of their bullets slams into the boy's chest. Qais Nasrallah was 14 at his death…

Seth Galinsky (2024-05-11). Working people in Iran oppose crackdown on rights, attacks on Israel. themilitant.com While the reactionary bourgeois-clerical regime in Iran has tried to mount large demonstrations in solidarity with Hamas since its Oct. 7 pogrom against Jews in Israel — a massacre planned and carried out in close collaboration with Tehran — turnout has been markedly small. | That's because large numbers of working people in Iran oppose the regime and its trampling of democratic, political and union rights; its persecution of religious minorities; its discrimination against Baluch, Arabs, Kurds and other oppressed nationalities; and its violent attacks on women who violate the rulers' reactionary dres…

Scott Ritter (2024-05-11). As US Pauses Sending Weapons to Israel, Campus Protests Escalate. thealtworld.com

youtube (2024-05-11). How You Can Help Stop Israel's Carnage In Gaza. youtube.com Interview with Omar Barghouti – from December 2023.

Ben Norton (2024-05-11). USA & Israel defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member. geopoliticaleconomy.com 143 countries, representing the vast majority of the world, voted at the UN General Assembly to support giving Palestine full membership. They were opposed by the US, Israel, and seven other small states, representing just 5% of the global population.

cpj.org (2024-05-11). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org Editor's notes: The list below is CPJ's most recent and preliminary account of journalist deaths in the war. Our database will not include all of these casualties until we have completed further investigations into the circumstances surrounding them. For more information, read our FAQ. The Israel-Gaza war has taken a severe toll on journalists since…

Jason Ditz (2024-05-11). Israeli Drone Strike Kills Two Civilians, Wounds Several in South Lebanon. news.antiwar.com At least two people were killed on Friday when Israeli drones carried out an attack on a team of maintenance workers in southern Lebanon's Tayr Harfa. Several other civilians were also reported wounded in the attacks. The attack targeted maintenance workers who were repairing telecommunications systems, killing one. A subsequent drone attacked killed a rescue …

WSWS (2024-05-11). Stop the US-backed Israeli attack on Rafah! wsws.org The assault on Rafah is being funded, armed, and politically directed by US imperialism.

contact (2024-05-11). Detailed study finds 99% of pro-Palestine protests at US universities are peaceful. israelpalestinenews.org Data from a leading source of real-time data on political violence and protest activity across the globe show that the majority of campus protests against Israel's war on Gaza are peaceful.

MEE staff (2024-05-11). UAE rules out role in administration of Gaza after conflict. middleeasteye.net UAE rules out role in administration of Gaza after conflict | Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed says his country won't provide 'cover' for Israel in Gaza
| | United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan at a meeting with the Hungarian foreign and trade minister in…

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-05-11). Dozens of deaths due to israeli bombardments in the Gaza Strip. plenglish.com Ramallah, May 11 (Prensa Latina) Dozens of Palestinians were killed or wounded today during bombardments by Israeli aircraft against various areas in the Gaza Strip, where almost 35 thousand deaths have been reported since last October.

aljazeera (2024-05-11). Thousands protest against Israel's participation in Eurovision final. aljazeera.com Pro-Palestinian protesters in Malmo, Sweden say Israel should be excluded over its conduct in its war on Gaza.

newleftreview (2024-05-11). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Iris Leal (2024-05-11). My friend, Nasrallah's biggest fan. haaretz.com From the moment we met, in London, Randala and I were nearly inseparable. We had so much in common. But she was from Lebanon and I from Israel, and eventually she became obsessed with radical Islam…

Living, Fighting (2024-05-11). "All Spectators Are Cowards Or Traitors": Reflections on the University of Arizona Gaza Solidarity Encampments. itsgoingdown.org Report and analysis from Living and Fighting about protests and encampments at the University of Arizona. On Tuesday, April 30 and into the early morning of May 1, 2024, hundreds of people, fulfilling different roles and moving fluidly between them, collectively constructed an encampment at the University of Arizona, raised a perimeter around it, barricaded…

Clodovaldo Hernández (2024-05-11). Why Do Corrupt People Steal From Us Again and Again, Without Legal Controls Functioning? orinocotribune.com By Clodovaldo Hernández — May 4, 2024 | We hear and read about thefts and mega-thefts of public assets and we ask ourselves a question that may seem naive or stupid: why can the control mechanisms, which are many and diverse, not prevent it? | Well, let us try to find an answer that is neither naive nor anything like that. To do this, we will use some clichés and jargons from our political and journalistic lexicon. | Society of accomplices | Let us start by stating that the recent PDVSA-Crypto plot has shown us what was once called "a society of accomplices," which from what we can see is more valid than eve…

Misión Verdad (2024-05-11). The Politicization of Sports Against Venezuela. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — May 9, 2024 | It is a myth that sports are a neutral space where geopolitical conflicts have no place and imperial powers do not impose their logic of domination and subjugation. Proof of this can be seen in the constant harassment to which Venezuelan athletes are subjected every time they represent the country in international competitions. | Delays in the issuing of visas, denial of visas, and the imposition of outrageous conditions are some of the obstacles imposed on Venezuelan athletes, which undoubtedly have had an impact on their performance, since the uncertainty generated by the s…

scorinoco (2024-05-11). Venezuela's Defense Minister Applauds Air Force Response to US SOUTHCOM Threats From Guyana. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Minister of Defense Major General Vladimir Padrino López applauded the Bolivarian National Armed Force for "Yesterday the US Southern Command, deployed in the Caribbean with a group of aircraft carriers, announced that fighter jets were going to fly over Georgetown. In just one hour we had an orga…

scorinoco (2024-05-11). Venezuela on Alert Amid US Air Force Overflights in Guyana. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino condemned the announcement of the deployment of US F-18 fighter jets in Guyana and said that the Venezuelan Integral Aerospace Defense System has been activated amid this threat and provocation. | On Thursday, May 9, Minister Padrino López posted on his social media a statement of the US Embassy in Guyana which noted, "Today, at 2: 00 pm, with collaboration and approval from the Government of Guyana, two US Navy aircraft F/A-18F Super Hornets, embarked on the USS George Washington, will conduct a GDF-coordinated and approved overflight over Georgetown and its surroundin…

Free Palestine! (2024-05-11). Wednesday 5/15: Nakba Day – Economic Blockade for Rafah. indybay.org Cinemark Century, 1500 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View…

Angela (2024-05-11). Friday 5/10: USCPR Power Hour: All Out for Rafah. indybay.org Zoom | uscpraction.org/powerhour

Editor (2024-05-11). Automated Apartheid: Walking Through Hebron Smart City. scheerpost.com By Mnar Adley / MintPressNews Asilent sentinel watches over every corner in the bustling streets of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, where the ancient echoes of history collide with the modern hum of daily life. This sentinel is not a person but a network of surveillance technology known ominously as the "Hebron …

Editor (2024-05-11). Glenn Greenwald: Russia Responds to Threats from West with Nuclear Weapon Drills. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-05-11). As an Incarcerated Person, I Feel Connected to the People of Gaza. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-05-11). Top UN News: A Week in Review. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-05-11). ScheerPost is a Finalist in Six SoCal Journalism Award Categories. scheerpost.com

Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem (2024-05-11). University Leaders Are in the Wrong. Students and Faculty Won't Back Down. truthout.org The student encampment movement is expanding as faculty find new ways to intensify participation and solidarity. Teachers across the country are providing an example of how the wider community concerned about ending the assault on Gaza can do more than stand on the sidelines of today's solidarity movement. On May 8, faculty at The New School in New York City initiated the first faculty encampment. |

Julie Rovner (2024-05-11). New Doctors Are Avoiding Residencies in States With Abortion Restrictions. truthout.org Isabella Rosario Blum was wrapping up medical school and considering residency programs to become a family practice physician when she got some frank advice: If she wanted to be trained to provide abortions, she shouldn't stay in Arizona. Blum turned to programs mostly in states where abortion access — and, by extension, abortion training — is likely to remain protected, like California, Colorado… |

Sterling Johnson (2024-05-11). Plan to Crack Down on Unhoused People Spells Disaster for Philadelphians. truthout.org The city of Philadelphia has released a 100-day Public Safety Plan with a section focused on cleaning up the "open-air drug market" in the city's Kensington neighborhood. The release follows recent reports that the city's jails are violent and understaffed, leading criminal legal advocates to call for a different solution to protect vulnerable communities living on the streets. The 100-day report… |

Jessica Corbett (2024-05-11). General Strike Brings Argentina to a Halt Over Milei Austerity Program. truthout.org Argentina's primary trade union federation on Thursday held another nationwide general strike, the second called since President Javier Milei, a far-right economist, took office in December and began pursuing sweeping austerity and deregulation. The South American nation's unions organized the strike "in defense of democracy, labor rights, and the living wage," according to a statement from the… |

Naomi LaChance (2024-05-11). No Contract, No Pirouettes — Ballet Dancers Are Organizing for Labor Rights. truthout.org As they perform Swan Lake, dancers at Miami City Ballet in Florida have been facing a union-busting campaign from the company's management. Their case went to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which ruled on May 8 in favor of the dancers seeking to unionize, clearing the way for a union election on May 14. These dancers are just one group in a wave of ballet companies unionizing with the… |

N (2024-05-11). Tuesday 5/14: Support Concord Renters – Pack City Council Chamber. indybay.org Concord City Council Chamber, and Overflow Room | 1950 Parkside Drive | Concord, CA 94519…

anonymous (2024-05-11). Continental Club Hosts Zionist Event, Attendees Get Covered In Red Paint. indybay.org Zionists Make The Mistake of Holding An Event in West Oakland…

Anon Yosemite (2024-05-11). Aramark at Yosemite Receives Second Marginal AOR in a row. Triggers contract cancelation. indybay.org NPS says that Aramark has "Created An Unacceptable Risk of Damage to Park Resources."

David Giesen (2024-05-11). Saturday 5/11: Down with the sales tax, up with land values: the walking tour. indybay.org meet in the American Youth Hostel Lobby | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-05-11). Tohono O'odham Students, Elders Name Arizona's Newest Wild Jaguar. indybay.org SAN XAVIER, Tohono O'odham Nation, May 9, 2024 — Students from schools on the Tohono O'odham Nation, as well as groups of elders and nearly 1,000 Tribal members, have voted to name the newest detected wild jaguar to enter the United States from Mexico. The name chosen is O: ·π£had àëu: kudam, which means "Jaguar Protector" in the O'odham language. (O: ·π£had àëu: kudam is pronounced OH-shahd NOO-KOO-dum.)…

Angela (2024-05-11). Saturday 5/11: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Palestine is still the issue" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2024-05-11). Saturday 5/11: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

Angela (2024-05-11). Sunday 5/12: Monterey Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-11). Berkeley Students, Teachers and Parents Push Back. indybay.org Rally at Berkeleys Old City Hall sends message that Berkeley School System will not succumb to McCarthy style intimidation…

Alan MacLeod (2024-05-11). From PropOrNot to New Lines: How Washington is weaponizing media. mronline.org If you read the Wikipedia entries for many alternative media outlets, they are written off as fringe conspiracy websites pushing debunked foreign propaganda. MintPress News, for example, is described as a "far-left news website" which "publishes disinformation and antisemitic conspiracy theories."

Andrew Korybko (2024-05-11). Here's Why Russia's Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine's Kharkov Region. thealtworld.com The five objectives that are enumerated in this piece encapsulate what Russia nowadays aims to achieve after over two years of intense proxy warfare with NATO. | Zelensky

Dean Baker (2024-05-11). With a Modest Financial Transactions Tax, Jim Simons Would not Have Been Superrich. cepr.net The New York Times reported that Jim Simons, the founder of Medallion hedge fund, died this week. As a result of his fund, according to the article, he accumulated more than $20 billion over his lifetime. Simons was a math genius who had made many important breakthroughs in various areas of math. Back in the …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-05-11). ITVGate: AstraZeneca pays doctors to promote vaccines on ITV. expose-news.com Every year, members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose money that has been paid to healthcare professionals. Disclosures for the year 2022 reveal that AstraZeneca paid …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-05-11). US doesn't need to sign up to the Pandemic Treaty for it to take effect; One Health has already been rolled out through federal government institutions. expose-news.com The International Health Regulations (2005) are already being "strengthened" with a One Health approach and One Health is embedded in the Pandemic Treaty. However, the United Nations and the World Health Organisation …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-05-11). Our Freedom Has Gone — Probably Forever. expose-news.com Since 1988, when Dr. Vernon Coleman first exposed the AIDS scare as an exaggerated lie, he has faced targeting from governments and secret service agents. This targeting has led to isolation, punishment …

geo.tv (2024-05-11). Indian election commission allowing Modi to continue 'brazen violations': opposition. geo.tv Congress says "no meaningful action has been taken to penalise those who are guilty in the ruling regime"

geo.tv (2024-05-11). How rich were rulers of India's Hyderabad who used diamonds as paperweights. geo.tv Reign of hereditary rulers of Hyderabad, India, lasted two centuries…

geo.tv (2024-05-11). Hajj pilgrims to see flying taxis, drone services in Saudi Arabia this year. geo.tv Pakistan praises Saudi authorities' extended care, use of modern techs for pilgrims' ease…

geo.tv (2024-05-11). Donald Trump's son Barron gives 'commitments' more value over father. geo.tv Republican National Convention scheduled from July 15 to July 18 in Wisconsin…

geo.tv (2024-05-11). Donald Trump may owe IRS over $100m after double-dipping on tax claims. geo.tv Former US president may take $100 million hit on Chicago tower tax fraud: NYT…

Manlio Dinucci (2024-05-11). Europa e Medioriente Due Scenari della Stessa Guerra. globalresearch.ca Sulla Piazza Rossa a Mosca, il 9 Maggio, si è svolta la Parata per il 79 ∞ Anniversario della Vittoria della Grande Guerra Patriottica del 1941-1945 contro la Germania nazista. Vi hanno partecipato oltre 9.000 militari con 75 sistemi d'arma …

ICRC (2024-05-11). China: ICRC Director General's visit reflects growing engagement with China. icrc.org News release | The Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Pierre Krà§henbàºhl, concluded a 3-day visit to China on May 9, 2024.

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). Antifascism After Gaza. inthesetimes.com

latintimes (2024-05-11). Pro players group wants the 2025 Club World Cup in U.S. to be rescheduled, but FIFA pushes back. latintimes.com The 2025 FIFA Club World Cup is set to be played between June 15 and July 13 of 2025 in the United States…

latintimes (2024-05-11). Texas judge dismisses rioting charges against hundreds of migrants who rushed a border gate. latintimes.com The same judge had previously dismissed 140 other cases related to a similar incident. A district attorney, in turn, presented misdemeanor charges.

latintimes (2024-05-11). Viggo Mortensen blasts Argentina's Milei, calling him 'a clown' and 'a puppet of the right'. latintimes.com The actor spent most of his childhood in the South American country and has always been vocal about his connection with it…

latintimes (2024-05-11). Cancun's hidden divide: For some residents of this resort town, the beach seems a world away. latintimes.com According to local authorities and media, violence has increased since 2018 due to increased flows of weapons and turf wars…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). U.S. Dooms Itself to Defeat in Peaceful Competition with China. libya360.wordpress.com John Ross Janet Yellen awkwardly bows to CCP official during Beijing trip Superficially in the recent period the U.S. has attempted to display two apparently contradictory sides of its policy to China. First hand Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China, showing off her (possibly genuine) like of Chinese food, engaging in a normal human way with…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). Britain At War: The Final Warning. libya360.wordpress.com Christopher Black On May 26, 2023, I wrote an article titled, Britain At War-Provoking the Consequences, attempting to warn the people of Britain and the West that their role in the war against Russia makes them a direct party to the conflict and that, as a consequence, Russia has the right to attack them. It seems the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). Ecuador: US Secret Services Enabled Kidnapping of Jorge Glas. libya360.wordpress.com Aidan Jonah A well-placed individual speaking on the condition of anonymity has informed The Canada Files that US secret services embedded in Ecuador — through spying on Mexico's embassy — ensured President Daniel Noboa knew of Mexico's plan to get former Vice President Jorge Glas to Mexico after granting him political assembly, enabling Noboa to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-05-11). Putin's Ultimatum Shows NATO No Mercy. libya360.wordpress.com France and the U.K. have taken the lead in provoking Russia as David Cameron's green light for Ukraine to use U.K. weapons on Russian territory and Macron's insistence on NATO troops to Ukraine has Putin once again warning the bloc of certain doom. What happens next will shock you. Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer…

Contributing Writers (2024-05-11). Palestine — awakening the conscience of the World — Reverend Munther Isaac. marktaliano.net READ MORE: |

JANET (2024-05-11). Solidarity with Palestine at Kent State shooting commemoration. iacenter.org By Martha Grevatt May 9, 2024 May 4 marked the 54th anniversary of the killing of four students at Kent State University by the Ohio National Guard during a 1970 anti-war demonstration, part of countrywide protests after the U.S. expanded the Vietnam war with the bombing of Cambodia. Every year, activities on the KSU campus honor the memory of Sandy Scheuer, Allison Krause, Bill Schroeder and Jeffrey Miller, along with Phillip Gibbs and James Earl Green, Black students killed by police at Jackson State University on May 15, 1970. Kent State University shooting commemoration. Kent, Ohio, May 4, 2024. (Photo: Susan…

MEE staff (2024-05-11). Jordanian authorities shut down Muslim Brotherhood-linked TV station. middleeasteye.net Jordanian authorities shut down Muslim Brotherhood-linked TV station | Closure of the network comes amid a crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism in Jordan | | A demonstrator holds a sign that says "From Amman, greetings to the American students" during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza, in…

Staff (2024-05-11). If we have to take this country forward, we will have to take all communities together: Sharad Pawar. muslimmirror.com Veteran politician Sharad Pawar has reaffirmed his strong allegiance to the Nehru-Gandhi ideology while emphasizing the importance of unity and inclusivity in India's societal fabric. Speaking at a public event, Pawar's remarks resonated with a wide audience, particularly in light of recent political developments and discourse. "We admire the Nehru-Gandhi ideology. We will not go …

Staff (2024-05-11). Modi's hate speeches spark a wave of sympathy for Muslims, veteran politicians advocate for Muslim reservation. muslimmirror.com Modi's hate speeches have inadvertently sparked a wave of sympathy for Muslims, leading to veteran politicians openly advocating for Muslim reservation. By Syed Zubair Ahmad Modi's relentless attacks on Congress in the context of Muslims have been a recurring theme over the years, but during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, they seem to have reached …

Staff (2024-05-11). Renowned Islamic scholar and Chancellor of Jamia Darussalam Oomerabad, Maulana Kaka Sayeed Ahmed Oomeri, passes away. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Desk Renowned Islamic scholar and Chancellor of Jamia Darussalam Oomerabad, Maulana Kaka Sayeed Ahmed Oomeri, has passed away on Saturday, May 11, 2024, in Oomerabad, Tamil Nadu. He also held the esteemed position of Vice President of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB). Maulana Kaka Sayeed Ahmed Oomeri hailed from …

Staff (2024-05-11). 140 cr people have to fight against dictatorship, says Kejriwal walking out of jail. muslimmirror.com New Delhi : After his release from Tihar Jail on Friday evening, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal told a large gathering of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supporters that the 140 crore people of the country will have to fight together against dictatorship. "I said I will come out soon, now I have arrived. Crores of …

Staff (2024-05-11). UN member nations vote overwhelmingly to back Palestinian membership bid. muslimmirror.com UNITED NATIONS : The U.N. General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new "rights and privileges" to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine's request to become the 194th member of the United Nations. The world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 …

Staff (2024-05-11). Ziauddin Sardar: A polymath of some magnanimity. muslimmirror.com By Dr. Bilal Ahmad Dar When we talk about the intellectuals, philosophers and thinkers of the contemporary era, Ziauddin Sardar sits on the highest pedestal because of his polyvalent personality. Ziauddin Sardar is a British-Pakistan scholar, cultural critic, public speaker, intellectual of high repute, specializing in Muslim thought. He was born in Dipalpur, Pakistan in …

Will Porter (2024-05-11). US Orders Troops to Leave Niger. news.antiwar.com The Pentagon has ordered more than 1,000 US soldiers to leave Niger and deploy to other countries in the region, POLITICO reported. Talks with local officials are ongoing, however, and the Joe Biden administration hopes to reverse the drawdown before a final timeline is set. The withdrawal is planned over "the next several months" and …

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-05-11). On Nurses Day, struggles continue for better conditions amid unfulfilled promises. peoplesdispatch.org Ahead of another International Nurses Day on May 12, health workers continue to struggle for fair working conditions and safe staffing levels in the sector…

Brasil de Fato (2024-05-11). The principle of Landless Solidarity and the recent rains in Rio Grande do Sul. peoplesdispatch.org With five settlements facing major flooding, the MST has launched a campaign to support those affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-05-11). University of California workers could launch strike to reject repression of student protests. peoplesdispatch.org UAW Local 4811, representing student workers from the University of California system, are holding a strike vote in response to the university's actions against pro-Palestine protesters…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-05-11). Laos denounced US strategy of maximum pressure against Cuba. plenglish.com Xamneau, Laos, May 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Ambassador Enna Viant denounced here the multidimensional strategy of maximum pressure applied today by the U.S. government against Cuba, which includes the reinforcement of the prolonged economic, financial, and commercial blockade.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-05-11). Weather disaster with 127 deaths battered the week in Brazil. plenglish.com Brasilia, May 11 (Prensa Latina) The climatic calamity caused by the scourge of storms in Rio Grande do Sul state, which has caused 127 deaths and 141 missing persons, marked the ending week today in Brazil.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-05-11). Wild animals invade residential areas in Angola's province. plenglish.com Luanda, May 11 (Prensa Latina) The province of Huíla, in Angola, reports today incidents of invasion of wild animals in residential areas, due to the approach of urbanization to the habitat of these species.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-05-11). Petro's request to defend progressivism marked week in Colombia. plenglish.com Bogota, May 11 (Prensa Latina) President Gustavo Petro's request to the people to defend the government project underway, the declaration of a war on corruption, and cabinet meetings with popular neighborhoods marked the week ending today in Colombia.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-05-11). President of Cuba meets with the director-general of ONUDI (+Photos). plenglish.com Havana, May 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel held a meeting with the director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ONUDI), Gerd Màºller, on a visit to the island, it was reported today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-05-11). Costa Rican power cuts will affect internet and other services. plenglish.com San José, May 11 (Prensa Latina) The power cuts in Costa Rica, whose beginning was announced by the Government for next Monday, will cause other deficits in telecommunications services such as the Internet, a specialized entity assured today.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-05-11). Magnetic storm on Earth intensified to very high level. plenglish.com Moscow, May 11 (Prensa Latina) The magnetic storm affecting the Earth has intensified to very high levels, the Institute of Applied Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-05-11). Chinese president congratulates president-elect in Panama. plenglish.com In his message, released here, Xi highlighted that the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Panama in June 2017 opened a new chapter in bilateral relations, adding that in this time the ties achieve fruitful results for the benefit of both peoples. | The head of state of China also indicated that bilateral ties with Panama are proving to be in line with the fundamental interests of both countries, and that the promotion of these ties and adherence to the principle of One China have become a common consensus in all sectors of both societies. | Xi added that he is willing to work with Mulino to promot…

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-05-11). EcoWaste Coalition Lauds Looming Phase-Out of Synthetic Fragrance Ingredient Toxic to Reproduction. pressenza.com Consumers advised not to give perfumes with "reprotoxic" chemical on Mother's Day: | 12 May 2024, Quezon City. As Mother's Day is celebrated, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition welcomed the upcoming phase-out deadline for a synthetic fragrance ingredient that can harm the reproductive health of women, as well as men. | Effective November 21, 2024, cosmetics such as perfumes containing 2-(4-tert-butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde or p-BMHCA shall be withdrawn from the market and only compliant products shall be allowed following the grace period of 24 months that commenced in November 2022. | Also know…

poonal, Pressedienst lateinamerikanischer Nachrichtenagenturen (2024-05-11). What do Zara and H&M have to do with illegal deforestation? pressenza.com For more than a decade, the British NGO Earth Sight has been tracking the fate of 816,000 tons of cotton linked to human rights abuses and deforestation in the Brazilian Cerrado. The cotton was made into clothing and then sold in Inditex and H&M stores in Spain, most of which carry the Better Cotton sustainability label. Inditex is one of the largest textile companies in the world. Its headquarters are in Arteixo, a suburb of A Coruña in Galicia. Its subsidiaries include Pull&Bear, Bershka, and Zara. The Swedish company H&M operates worldwide through shops and online sales. | Dirty cotton: | For more than…

María Candela (2024-05-11). Poemario de Fina García Marruz será presentado en La Habana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 may (RHC) Las miradas perdidas, poemario de la escritora Fina García Marruz (1923-2022), publicado por la Editorial Letras Cubanas, será presentado hoy en el tradicional espacio Sábado del Libro, en la céntrica Calle de Madera, a un costado de la Plaza de Armas de La Habana Vieja.

María Candela (2024-05-11). Destacan primera de 12 visitas de Fidel Castro a Brasil. radiohc.cu Brasilia, 11 may (RHC) El 29 de abril se cumplieron 65 años de la primera de 12 visitas a Brasil del líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, destacó este sábado el embajador de la isla caribeña Adolfo Curbelo.

María Candela (2024-05-11). Díaz-Canel recibió a director general de Onudi (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 may (RHC) El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, sostuvo un encuentro con el director general de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (Onudi), Gerd Màºller, de visita en la isla, trascendió este sábado.

Action on Armed Violence (2024-05-11). DR Congo: DRC: 12 civilians killed and 20 injured in shell blasts on two encampments in North Kivu. reliefweb.int Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo | Source: Action on Armed Violence | On Friday 4th May, twin shell blasts Congolese army spokesman Lt. Colonel Ndjike Kaiko blamed the two attacks on the rebel group known widely as M23, who have alleged connections to Rwanda. However, the group M23 has den…

International Rescue Committee (2024-05-11). IRC: At least 250 lives lost in major flooding in Afghanistan; thousands of families cut off from essential services. reliefweb.int Country: Afghanistan | Source: International Rescue Committee | IRC: At least 250 lives lost in major flooding in Afghanistan; thousands of families cut off from essential services | Kabul, Afghanistan , May 11, 2024 — Major flooding has hit at least seven provinces in Afghanistan, with over 250 lives lost and thousands more stranded without access to services. | Alongside the tragic loss of life, infrastructure including roads and power lines, has been destroyed in Baghlan, Ghor, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Samangan, Badghis and Takhar provinces. The International Rescue Committee is preparing to scale up its emerg…

Education Cluster (2024-05-11). Afghanistan Joint Child Protection AoR and Education Cluster – Localization Initiative Dashboard, October 2023. reliefweb.int Country: Afghanistan | Sources: Education Cluster, UN Children's Fund | Please refer to the attached Infographic.

African Development Bank (2024-05-11). World: African Development Bank and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute partner to advance evidence-based conflict prevention and resilience building in Africa. reliefweb.int Country: World | Source: African Development Bank | On the sidelines of the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, the African Development Bank and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further advance their collaboration. | The agreement builds on the existing cooperation between both organizations and underlines their joint commitment to deepen the understanding of drivers of fragility and insecurity, and to promote actions that prevent conflicts and build resilience in Africa. | Speaking on the partnership, Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade…

tvbrics (2024-05-11). Egypt's Ministry of Planning and Economic Development unveils strategy to invest in economy of Ismailia Governorate. tvbrics.com The plan, which covers the 2023/24 fiscal year, includes 333 innovative projects that require a significant investment of EGP 6.5bn…

tvbrics (2024-05-11). UAE tourism market offers tool for calculating the carbon footprint of hotels. tvbrics.com This tool helps UAE to achieve climate neutrality by 2050‚Å…

tvbrics (2024-05-11). Let Ethiopia Produce programme registers greater step forward in enabling SMEs to contribute to country's productive capacity. tvbrics.com A breakthrough has been achieved in the development of small and medium industries across Ethiopia…

tvbrics (2024-05-11). India demonstrates growth in cashless payments. tvbrics.com Digital infrastructure is becoming a key element of the country's identity in the world…

tvbrics (2024-05-11). Saudi Arabia's tourism sector hits record highs. tvbrics.com Kingdom's citizens are more likely to choose domestic tourism…

Liu Zhen (2024-05-11). China's Ukraine point man closes Middle East diplomacy trip marked by call to 'cool down the situation'. scmp.com Envoy who visited Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE said to have encountered general agreement with Beijing's push for restraint and direct dialogue.

aljazeera (2024-05-11). Russia claims capture of villages in northeast Ukraine amid renewed assault. aljazeera.com Ukrainian officials say intensifying fighting in contested border areas has forced more than 1,700 civilians to flee.

A A (2024-05-11). Why neo-nazi problem In Ukraine persists — analysts. strategic-culture.su

yalensis (2024-05-11). Ukraine War Day #808: Z Assassination Plot — Real or B.S? — Part I. awfulavalanche.wordpress.com

aljazeera (2024-05-11). It is time to seek justice for environmental war crimes. aljazeera.com Ukrainian efforts to document and prosecute atrocities linked to the environment can help with accountability elsewhere.

newleftreview (2024-05-11). Joy Neumeyer: Moscow's Story. newleftreview.org Joy Neumeyer on Jade McGlynn, Memory Makers and Russia's War. Twin studies, scholarly and less so, of the uses of the past in Putin's war for Ukraine.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Robert Altman's Thieves Likes Us (1974): "What is robbing a bank compared with founding a bank?" wsws.org The socially intriguing and historically authentic film was an opportunity for the director to reveal his attitude towards American capitalism during the Great Depression.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Foreign Affairs article lays out path for war against China. wsws.org According to the author, war planning must be "embedded" within the economic agencies of the US.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Boeing 737-300 catches fire on runway in Senegal, injures 10. wsws.org It is only a matter of time before more people are killed on Boeing planes, repeating or exceeding the tragedies of the two 737 MAX 8 crashes in 2018 and 2019.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Florida deputy kills airman after entering the wrong apartment. wsws.org Senior Airman Roger Fortson, 23, was in his off-base apartment when he was fatally shot by a deputy, who was responding to a disturbance call in a difference apartment.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Healthcare giant Steward Health Care files for Bankruptcy. wsws.org Steward Health Care filed for bankruptcy in Dallas this week threatening the closure of more than 30 hospitals. This will have a devastating impact on more than 30,000 healthcare workers and more than two million patients.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org South Korea: Costco workers demand better pay and conditions; India: Air India Express workers strike over new employment terms; Australia: Wilmar Sugar mill workers walkout for higher wages in Queensland; Submarine maintenance workers in South Australia down tools; Fiji Water bottling plant workers strike.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Australia: Union bureaucracy blocks NSW nurses and midwives' demand for 30 percent pay rise. wsws.org Nurses and Midwives Association officials ended the May 3 meeting before members could vote on a motion to double their wage claim and take up a campaign of industrial action.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Australian government hails High Court ruling backing indefinite immigration detention. wsws.org The Labor government's determination to proceed with its immigration bill as fast as possible shows that its imprisonment and deportation plans go far beyond the up to 200 detainees directly affected by the verdict.

WSWS (2024-05-11). Canada Post, announcing major losses, demands massive concessions from workers. wsws.org The announcement of a $748 million loss last year comes as the Crown corporation is in the midst of negotiations with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers bureaucracy over contracts for 42,000 Urban Postal Operations workers and 8,000 rural and suburban mail carriers.

Geoff Watts (2024-05-11). Obituary] Alasdair Macintosh Geddes. thelancet.com Infectious diseases physician and renowned antimicrobial trialist. Born in Fortrose, Scotland, on May 14, 1934, he died in Birmingham, UK, on April 9, 2024, aged 89 years.

Clotilde Bigot (2024-05-11). World Report] Lebanese hospitals prepare for escalating war. thelancet.com Medics are preparing as best they can despite shortages of personnel and equipment. Clotilde Bigot reports.

Belinda Jones (2024-05-11). The Budget Circus is coming to town. independentaustralia.net

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-11). Mayo Clinic Minute: Melanoma misconception — dark skin tones at risk, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The myth that people with dark skin are immune to melanoma, a type of skin cancer, has persisted for many years. It's a dangerous misconception that has caused some people not to be diligent about protecting themselves against dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, says people with darker skin tones need to be vigilant about sun protection. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/rcsfbWZm6CY Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 57) is in the…

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-05-11). Tory MP faces calls to resign for banning asylum cases from his surgery. leftfootforward.org Marco Longhi, the Conservative MP for Dudley North, has come under criticism for saying he has instructed staff not to deal with asylum seeker cases. | Speaking to the House of Commons, Longhi said that he wanted to "put the people of Dudley first." | "I have stopped the large number of so-called asylum seekers from attending my surgeries and I have instructed my office to not deal with asylum cases for two reasons. | "As MPs, we have zero authority, zero mandate or influence over Home Office decisions. We have very limited resources and I, for one, want to dedicate my resources to putting Dudley people first…

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-05-11). Will Sunak now shift to the left or right? leftfootforward.org In a bid to see-off more humiliating defections, there is likely to be more of the same desperation to get flights to Rwanda off the ground, more speeches littered with US-imported culture war rhetoric, and still more pledges to control spending to pave the way for tax cuts from the Prime Minister.

bwitanek (2024-05-11). "Find It" A Song for Gaza by Eva Jaber . . . Wiping the Tears Ed. fightbackbetter.com Start your day off with this song about Gaza by my incredibly talented niece, Eva.

newleftreview (2024-05-11). Lola Seaton: Good Mistakes. newleftreview.org Lola Seaton on Anne Carson, Wrong Norma. Multi-form collection from one of the most erudite and ludic contemporary poets.

Agence France-Presse (2024-05-11). 2 women charged with spraying MeToo graffiti on nude painting at Paris museum. scmp.com They defaced 'The Origin of the World', a nude painted by French artist Gustave Courbet, and four other works at the Pompidou-Metz museum.

Anthony Rowley (2024-05-11). Cold war 2.0 would exact a much higher economic price. scmp.com It is starting to look as if the changes in global economic ties will lead not to a hot war but a new ice age where US- and China-aligned blocs coexist in an environment of slow growth and tension…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-05-11). Mayo Clinic Minute: Advances in minimally invasive kidney stone surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most small kidney stones can pass on their own. However, kidney stones that are too large to pass on their own or cause bleeding, kidney damage or ongoing urinary tract infections may require surgical treatment. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Aaron Potretzke, a Mayo Clinic urologist, explains some of the different surgical options for removing kidney stones. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/jGO6cb3XT2o Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

APR editor (2024-05-11). NZ delivers humanitarian supplies to disaster-hit PNG provinces. asiapacificreport.nz PNG Post-Courier New Zealand High Commissioner Peter Zwart and PNG Defence Minister Dr Billy Joseph welcomed a C-130 Hercules to Port Moresby this week to support Papua New Guinea's response to the March 24 earthquake and recent severe flooding. "Papua New Guinea has requested New Zealand's assistance to transport emergency relief items from Port Moresby…

Akielly Hu (2024-05-11). A year in, New York's pioneering public power law makes uneven progress. grist.org This story was originally published by One year ago, New York state passed one of the country's most ambitious clean energy and climate justice laws. The

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-11). European Elections 2024: FIDH calls on European election candidates to commit to human rights. fidh.org

Agnes Applegate, Taylor NƒÅhulukeaokalani Cozloff (2024-05-11). Q&A with Interim President Donna Shalala. newschoolfreepress.com The New School Free Press sat down with Interim President Donna Shalala, on Thursday, May 9 — less than one week after she sent a letter to the New York Police Department and requested they clear out student demonstrators in the University Center and Kerrey Hall. The NYPD arrested 45 people for criminal trespassing, though…

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). China and U.S. jointly intensify climate action. ecns.cn China and the United States will intensify technical and policy exchanges on realizing their respective goals on energy transitions, and promote bilateral cooperation and capacity building on methane emissions control.

Carlos Lancho (2024-05-11). Colombia: ICC prosecutor should explain closure of preliminary examination to victims. fidh.org

Matthew L Costa, on behalf of the authors of the WHiTE trial (2024-05-11). Correspondence] High-dose dual-antibiotic loaded cement for hip hemiarthroplasty — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We would like to thank Yi Liu and colleagues, Yang Liu and Hua Fa, and Po-Jui Chu and colleagues for their Correspondences about our WHiTE 8 trial.1 Regarding long-term follow-up, Liu and colleagues raise an important point. Nearly all the literature pertaining to long-term outcomes following deep surgical site infection around a hip arthroplasty comes from planned surgery, most commonly hip replacement for arthritis.2 These reports show that deep surgical site infection has implications for patients in the long term.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Upgraded China-Hungary ties boost bilateral cooperation and beyond. ecns.cn China and Hungary on Thursday elevated their relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

Hilary Schan (2024-05-11). Why I've quit Labour to campaign for Greens and Independents. leftfootforward.org Hilary Schan is a councillor in Worthing and former Co-Chair of the Labour campaign group Momentum. | I've quit the Party I've given eight years of my life to. When While it's no surprise that the 'prince of darkness', who is reportedly advising Sta…

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Eight more travel endorsements issued for Hong Kong and Macao. ecns.cn Eight more cities were allowed to issue individual travel endorsements for trips to Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions from May 27.

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-11). Afghanistan flash floods: Over 200 killed, several missing, homes damaged after intense floods hit Baghlan. ptcnews.tv Afghanistan flash floods: The recent devastating flash floods in Baghlan, Afghanistan, have claimed the lives of over 200 individuals, with several others reported missing. The floods, triggered by intense rainfall, wreaked havoc in the region, leaving behind a trail of destruction and loss. Rescue efforts are underway to locate and aid those who have been affected by this natural disaster.The overwhelming floods in the region caused thousands of homes to be completely destroyed or seriously damaged, leaving communities to deal with the consequences of the disaster. | As per the sources, the floods have occurred…

Carlos Lancho (2024-05-11). FIDH and Provea react to ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan's Venezuela visit. fidh.org

Christie Ileto, 6abc (2024-05-11). ACCT Philly dealing with severe overcrowding, in need of short-term fosters. whyy.org This story originally appeared on Kennels are filling up and ACCT Philly is in dire need of short or long-term fosters as it tries to navigate severe overcrowding. | ACCT Philly says in the first quarter of this year, their population was up 30 percent from 2023 when it took in an extra 1,000 dogs. This week they are sounding the alarm as the volume and speed with which the dogs coming in is shocking. | "On Wednesday we had staff holding ont…

Coco Feng (2024-05-11). TikTok automatically tags external AI-generated content as Chinese version Douyin works on similar standard. scmp.com Douyin is working on technologies similar to what has been adopted by TikTok to automatically label artificial-intelligence-generated content (AIGC).

Agence France-Presse (2024-05-11). Auroras sparkle as massive solar storm strikes Earth, threatening to disrupt satellites, power grids. scmp.com The strongest geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years hit Earth, lighting up the night skies from northern Europe and Australasia.

Terry Evans (2024-05-11). 'Gag' order on Trump is attack on free speech. themilitant.com For a second time, Judge Juan Merchan threatened to throw presidential candidate Donald Trump in jail for his public comments. Merchan's assault on free speech came in response to a prosecutor's motion for sanctions against Trump for an alleged violation of a gag order during his New York trial on charges cooked up by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Democrat. | "Going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction," Merchan said May 6, after fining Trump $1,000 for saying, "The jury was picked so fast — 95% Democrats," April 22. "The area's mostly Democrat. It's a very unfair situation…

Giulia Bonavina, Randa Kaltoud, Federico Chiodi Daelli, Friedablu Dané, Alessandro Bulfoni, Massimo Candiani, Fabio Ciceri (2024-05-11). Correspondence] Women's health amidst Sudan's civil war. thelancet.com Sudan is facing its most severe humanitarian crisis since gaining independence in 1956. The history of conflicts in Sudan is long and heterogeneous, moving from foreign colonisation to internal ethnic and religious disputes, including almost 20 military coups interspersed with shorts periods of democracy.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). More cities to open flights to Hungary. ecns.cn The number of Chinese cities with direct flights to Budapest will increase to seven starting this summer, including Shenzhen and Guangzhou in Guangdong province, making Hungary the most frequented destination for Chinese tourists in Central and Eastern Europe.

Emily Neil (2024-05-11). The good, the bad and the muddy: Kensington Derby boasts largest field in its 16 years. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? From a giant squid commandeering a submarine to valiant riders seeking to resuscitate the

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Dinosaur fossil find in Fujian a game changer. ecns.cn Chinese and foreign scientists in Fujian province have discovered large dinosaur tracks, which they said are the largest known Deinonychosaur tracks ever found and have led to the establishment of a new footprint genus species.

JANET (2024-05-11). Say No to Florida's abortion ban! Fight for reproductive justice! iacenter.org By Kathy Durkin May 10, 2024 Sister Song, Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective issued on May 1 the statement reproduced below denouncing Florida's six-week abortion ban which went into effect that day. Some background information is given here to explain the evolution of this repressive law and the devastating impact it will have in Florida and throughout the South — and to describe the fightback undertaken by reproductive rights activists. Demonstrators at the 2,000-strong "Rally to Stop the Six-Week Abortion Ban," to launch the "Yes on 4" campaign in Lake Eola Park, Orlando, Florida on April 13,…

Author Blank (2024-05-11). Unionists rally on May Day to boost workers' struggles. themilitant.com Hotel workers and other unionists across the country took the May Day workers' holiday to hold marches and rallies marking strikes and other fights with the bosses. Below are a few examples. | Over 1,000 D.C. hotel workers march on May 1: | BY ARRIN HAWKINS | WASHINGTON — Chants of "What do we want? A contract!" echoed through the streets as hotel workers marched here May 1. UNITE HERE Local 25 represents over 7,000 hospitality workers in D.C., Maryland and Virginia. | The UNITE HERE union set May 1 as a day of action in the U.S. and Canada. Union contracts covering 40,000 workers at 230 hotels are…

A A (2024-05-11). Don't confuse them with facts. strategic-culture.su

Business Insider (2024-05-11). US military bases and aircraft in Pacific 'most vulnerable' to Chinese missile strikes, lawmakers warn. scmp.com In a letter to the navy and air force chiefs, 13 Congress members said 'China can attack all US bases in the region', demanding the Pentagon boost passive defences.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Xi stresses breaking new ground in ideological, political education. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping has stressed efforts to continuously break new ground in ideological and political education at schools in the new era.

The Independent (2024-05-11). Charity: Over 15,000 Kenyan children may not resume learning due to flooding. independent.co.ug NAIROBI, Kenya | Xinhua | More than 15,000 children in Kenya will be unable to return to school next week due to heavy rains and floods that have submerged or destroyed at least 62 primary schools across the country, a global charity said on Friday. Save the Children said the informal settlements in the Kenyan …

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). China warns United States not to play 'Taiwan card'. ecns.cn China on Friday urged the United States to strictly abide by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758, and refrain from exploiting Taiwan to contain China, a move which is doomed to fail.

Jess Libow (2024-05-11). Perspectives] The poetics of Crohn's disease. thelancet.com In her 2013 essay collection, Meaty, the comedian and writer Samantha Irby quips that, "as autoimmune diseases go", her diagnosis of Crohn's disease "is one of the least glamorous of the bunch". As a patient with Crohn's disease myself, I can see why. Those who experience this chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract know all too well the stigmas and shame that can accompany its symptoms. Unsurprisingly, Crohn's disease rarely appears in literature not tinged with a self-help ethos.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Chinese ambassador arrives in New Delhi. ecns.cn China's new Ambassador to India Xu Feihong arrived in New Delhi on Friday to assume office, vowing to promote sound and steady development of China-India relations.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Xi returns to Beijing after state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Saturday morning after wrapping up state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary.

Author Blank (2024-05-11). 25, 50, and 75 years ago. themilitant.com May 24, 1999 : | The U.S.-organized NATO forces bombed the central market and a hospital in Nis, Yugoslavia, in midday May 7, killing 14 civilians. They blasted the Chinese embassy in downtown Belgrade that night, killing three people. | As protests erupted around the world over the embassy bombing, Washington stepped up its campaign of destroying factories, infrastructure and working-class neighborhoods across Yugoslavia. The resulting death toll is rising. These events reveal a bit more of the brutal face of imperialism. | "Age-old ethnic rivalries" are not the cause of the carnage in Yugoslavia. The ri…

Terry Evans (2024-05-11). Biden, bipartisan Congress expand FBI spy powers. themilitant.com After a yearlong dispute, Democrats and Republicans reached a bipartisan agreement April 20 to renew and expand secret spy powers contained in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In the process, they advanced steps to try to refurbish the reputation of the FBI, the capitalist rulers' political police. | The law lets the government snoop on any non-U.S. citizen living abroad and any U.S. citizens that these noncitizens email, text or call without needing to get a warrant. | To reach the agreement, amendments were added that supposedly curtail the spy agencies' powers, including limits on the number of agent…

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Starry night with rare aurora borealis in N China. ecns.cn A beautiful Milky Way arches over a rare aurora borealis in Xilinhot, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, May 11, 2024. The aurora activity was related to recent geomagnetic storms on Earth.

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-11). Syria/Dabbagh case : First trial in France of the crimes of the Syrian authorities. fidh.org

Ahsan Ahmad, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Michel Kazatchkine, Ruth Dreifuss, Helen Clark (2024-05-11). Correspondence] The 67th UN CND—upholding human rights in drug policy. thelancet.com Addressing the harms associated with drug use, illicit transnational drug trade, and the policies tied to them is one of the greatest policy challenges of our time—with intersectionalities to health, economics, and security. Restrictive interpretations by many Member States of the International Drug Control Conventions over the last 60 years have led to mass incarceration, lack of due process and fair trial, disproportionate sentencing, corporal punishment, ineffective compulsory drug treatment centres, extra-judicial killings, and iniquitous death penalty.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Insights | Serbian scholar enjoys enriching experience in China for 14 years. ecns.cn Nataša Radosavljević-Gaberova, who is from Serbia, said in an interview with China News Network that over the 14 years in China, she has had the privilege of immersing herself in various aspects of Chinese culture, and it's been a wonderfully enriching experience.

Dan Gelston (2024-05-11). The Phillies are hot, loose and loving life as one of the best teams in baseball. whyy.org The Phillies are hot, that much is certain, with Bryce Harper and Zack Wheeler powering and pitching the team to the best record in baseball and a recent home winning streak that nearly matched the franchise record. | Hot, yes. But sexy, too? | Well, no team has been quite as alluring to the packed crowds at Citizens Bank Park as the Phillies. Just ask them. | Brandon Marsh, the outfielder with the Rip Van Winkle whiskers, was mic'd up for an ESPN Sunday night game when he was relayed a fan

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). The political difference between billionaires and everybody else. theduran.com

John Steele (2024-05-11). Railroad, port workers in Canada vote to go on strike. themilitant.com MONTREAL — Some 9,300 freight workers at Canadian Pacific Kansas City and Canadian National — Canada's largest railways — and over 1,200 Montreal port workers have voted by big majorities to strike for better contracts. The rail workers are members of the Teamsters and the port workers are represented by Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 375. | Rail workers rejected a series of concessions, including being forced to work 12-hour shifts rather than 10; a cut from 10 to five days for personal leave, which can be taken whenever workers need them; and job combinations that will pave the way f…

The Independent (2024-05-11). Experts: Accessible treatments not helping severe patients of asthma. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Scientists at the Makerere University Lung Institute have urged the government to revise its essential lists of medicines and incorporate medicines that work well for patients who suffer from severe asthma. This recommendation is being made after a study found that 25.6 percent of the over a thousand asthmatic patients …

Editorial (2024-05-11). A road forward amid capitalist world disorder. themilitant.com The capitalist rulers in the U.S. triumphantly declared the birth of a "new world order" after they emerged as top dog out of the second imperialist world slaughter in 1945. They declared another giant step forward with the collapse of the Stalinist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1990-91. | But neither Washington, nor any of its rivals, won the Cold War. The U.S. rulers' Iraq war in 1991 showed that what lay ahead was not decades of an American Century, but sharpening imperialist conflicts. | In the years that followed, the U.S. rulers have proved incapable of winning wars in Iraq, Afghanistan…

A A (2024-05-11). Empire managers explain why this new protest movement scares them. strategic-culture.su

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-11). Azerbaijan: Arbitrary detention of Anar Mammadli. fidh.org In a context of increasing crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan, more than 30 organisations including OMCT and FIDH in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders call for the immediate release of Anar Mammadli and urge the authorities of Azerbaijan to end reprisals against human rights defenders in the country.
We, the undersigned human rights organisations, condemn in strongest possible terms the Azerbaijani authorities' detention of Anar Mammadli, (…) | – |

Richard Horton (2024-05-11). Comment] Offline: A peculiar indifference. thelancet.com "Everything I thought was wrong." With those powerful yet disarming words, Linda Villarosa begins her study of America's most intractable pathology—racism. Under the Skin: Racism, Inequality, and the Health of Our Nation was published in 2022 and its messages should be central to the political debates emerging today, in advance of the US Presidential election later this year. Racism, she argues, "is the American problem in need of an American solution". But racism is, of course, more than an American problem.

ecns.cn (2024-05-11). Xi attends farewell event held by Hungarian PM Orban. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan attend a farewell event at the invitation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife in Budapest, Hungary, May 10, 2024.

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). FOUND CLIP: Biden Said The Exact OPPOSITE of What He's Doing Now! youtu.be

Charles Rotter (2024-05-11). As Europe Deindustrializes: Is it Undergoing Economic Suicide. wattsupwiththat.com over time, 'net zero' climate policies have become increasingly unbearable for ordinary people as they reach beyond the power sector to cover agriculture, transport, homes, and buildings".

Pacific Media Watch (2024-05-11). TVNZ breached union pact when deciding on programme cuts, ERA rules. asiapacificreport.nz RNZ News Television New Zealand has breached its collective agreement with the E t≈´ union when deciding on discontinuing programmes, the Employment Relations Authority has ruled. It was announced in March that 68 staff members who work for news programmes Midday and Tonight, consumer justice programme Fair Go, current affairs programme Sunday, and the youth…

Po-Jui Chu, Ting-Han Tai, Yu-Min Huang (2024-05-11). Correspondence] High-dose dual-antibiotic loaded cement for hip hemiarthroplasty. thelancet.com In contradiction to results from previous studies, Nickil R Agni and colleagues' Article1 on the WHiTE 8 randomised controlled trial showed that high-dose dual-antibiotic loaded bone cement resulted in a similar risk of deep surgical site infection at 90 days post-operation compared with standard care single-antibiotic loaded bone cement for patients aged 60 years or older with intracapsular hip fractures treated with hip hemiarthroplasties. Although the authors presented several baseline characteristics associated with increasing incidence of surgical site infection following hip hemiarthroplasties, such as ciga…

krish-rad_ind (2024-05-11). War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young. znetwork.org

Eric J Topol (2024-05-11). Perspectives] AI-enabled opportunistic medical scan interpretation. thelancet.com Machine digital eyes can glean far more information from a scan than human experts can readily detect or accurately decipher. It may not be long before a chest x-ray report comes back with your risk of heart attack and stroke over the next decade, your coronary calcium score, your heart ejection fraction, the presence of leaky valve, and whether you have type 2 diabetes (figure). Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) make this scenario likely in the coming years. This advance is an unanticipated, opportunistic output of deep learning AI.

The Independent (2024-05-11). Landslides triggered by heavy downpour kill 8 in western Uganda. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | Xinhua | At least eight people have been killed by landslides triggered by torrential rains in Uganda's border district of Kasese on Thursday, a government official said on Friday. Joe Walusimbi, resident district commissioner for Kasese, told Xinhua by telephone that landslides swept several areas in Kyarumba and Kyondo sub-counties, leaving eight …

The Independent (2024-05-11). HIV self-testing kit launched. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Health has launched the Community CheckNow HIV-self-testing kit. The kits are meant to help communities know their HIV status in real-time. The kits were launched on Thursday at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. In a speech delivered for him by Vice President Jessica Alupo, President Museveni emphasized the need …

Finbarr Bermingham (2024-05-11). Xi Jinping, his tour over, leaves behind a Europe split by how to deal with China. scmp.com The Chinese president upgraded relations with Serbia and Hungary, but in France made few if any concessions to reduce the flood of Chinese imports into the EU.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-11). Georgia: International solidarity with Georgian civil society. fidh.org More than forty-five human rights organisations from around the world, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, signed a letter in solidarity with Georgian civil society, condemning the efforts of the Georgian government to introduce the law on the transparency of foreign influence.
As human rights defenders across the globe, we are deeply troubled by efforts of the Georgian government to stifle civil society voices (…) | – |

The Independent (2024-05-11). Parents asked to regulate internet usage among learners. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Commissioner for the National Secretariat for Patriotism Corps, Hellen Seku has encouraged parents to regulate children's access to the internet to ensure that they don't rely on it for knowledge. Seku said one of the core values of patriotism is to love and attain knowledge, but most Ugandans below …

Emily Neil (2024-05-11). Point-in-time count offers 'snapshot' of homelessness in Montgomery County. whyy.org From Delco to Chesco and Montco to Bucks, what about life in Philly's suburbs do you want WHYY News to cover? Montgomery County officials this week released point-in-time count numbers showing The year's PIT count found that 435 people were experiencing homelessness on the Code Blue night of Jan. 23, up from