2024-02-03: News Headlines

Anna Lekas Miller, Mondoweiss. (2024-02-03). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 119: Israel Pushes Forward Into Rafah. popularresistance.org Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has officially declared that "victory will not be complete until the military expands into Rafah," the southern-most enclave of the Gaza Strip that is currently sheltering around 1.9 million Palestinians. | "The Khan Younis Brigade of the Hamas organization is disbanded, we will complete the mission there and continue to Rafah," he wrote in a post on the social media platform X. | "The great pressure that the forces exert on Hamas targets brings us closer to the return of abductees more than anything else. We will continue to the end, there is no other way."

Maureen Clare Murphy (2024-02-03). Funding freeze could halt UNRWA operations by end of month. electronicintifada.net Rights groups say suspension of support could "constitute complicity in genocide."

newarab (2024-02-03). Israel says 'mission complete' in Khan Younis, Rafah next. newarab.com "Hamas's Khan Younis Brigade boasted that it would…

newarab (2024-02-03). Gaza: Rafah 'pressure cooker of despair' as assault looms. newarab.com The United Nations humanitarian office on Friday voiced concern about the hostilities in Khan Younis that have forced more people to flee to The comments come as Israel prepares to advance its war on Gaza farther south, close to the Egyptian border, where most Gazans have sought refuge from the Israeli offensive. | "I want to emphasize our deep concern about the escalation of hostilities in Khan Younis, which has resulted…

newarab (2024-02-03). Gaza: Strikes kill scores in Rafah, mediators push for truce. newarab.com Deadly strikes were reported early Saturday in Hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians have fled south to The city was formerly home to 200,000 inhabitants. Now, more than half of Ga…

newarab (2024-02-03). Blinken snubbed by Palestinian Americans over Israel support. newarab.com A group of "We do not know what more Secretary Blinken or President Biden need to hear or see to compel them to end their complicity in this genocide," several…

Editor (2024-02-03). Silent 'genocide': Israel's war on Palestinian Bedouin communities in West Bank. mronline.org They left behind their homes with everything in them and were not able to return, not even to collect their belongings. Anyone who dared to go back was beaten, arrested, or had his vehicle burned.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-03). South Africa: All Nations Must Ban Aid To Israel. orinocotribune.com All countries must refrain from supporting Israel's military in light of last week's International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling concerning the war in Gaza, as they could be making themselves accomplices to genocide, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor has argued. | "The finding, we think, makes it clear that it is plausible that genocide is taking place against the Palestinian people in Gaza," Pandor

albawaba (2024-02-03). ICJ greenlights probe into alleged genocide in eastern Ukraine. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has greenlit an investigation into Ukraine's claim that Russia committed genocide against the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine. The court, led by U.S. judge Joan Donoghue and consisting of a 16-judge panel, will specifically focus on determining if the alleged genocide took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, currently under Russian control.However, the ICJ ruled that it lacks jurisdiction over Ukraine's broader claim, which accuses Russia of violating the United Nations Genocide Convention by invading the country.The case originated from Rus…

Steve Gillis (2024-02-03). Pro-Palestine movement wins City Council "ceasefire" resolution. workers.org Boston — Following a months-long campaign by a coalition of organizations outraged by U.S. support for Israel's genocide in Gaza, on Jan. 29 the Cambridge, Massachusetts, City Council finally bent to mass community pressure. The council unanimously voted to resolve: "That the Cambridge City Council go on record expressing its . . . |

newarab (2024-02-03). Provisionally Stopping Genocide. newarab.com

Michael Steven Smith, The Indypendent. (2024-02-03). The ICJ's Genocide Ruling Against Israel Is Well-Deserved. popularresistance.org Historically the two effective canards advanced by antisemites about the Jews were that they killed Christ and they killed Christian children for their blood to use to make matzoh, the unleavened bread that is central to the Passover celebration. | The notion that the Jews killed Christ, that they committed the crime of deicide, was spread by the Catholic Church and not rescinded until 1965. The charge of ritual killing of children to make matzoh fell on its face because of the ridiculousness of the assertion. | But this time, because Israel has succeeded in identifying Judaism with Zionism, the International Cou…

newarab (2024-02-03). Genocide prevention group warns of UNRWA threat to Gaza. newarab.com A leading The

reuters.com (2024-02-03). U.S. launches strikes in Iraq, Syria, nearly 40 reported killedThe White House said the United States had informed Iraq ahead of strikes. Baghdad later accused the United States of deception, saying a U.S. claim of coordination with the Iraqi authorities was "unfounded".

reuters.com (2024-02-03). US airstrikes in Iraq killed 16 including civilians -Iraqi PM's officeSixteen people were killed, among them civilians, and 25 injured in overnight U.S. airstrikes on pro-Iran targets in Iraq, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani's office said on Saturday.

dailymail.co.uk (2024-02-03). U.S. Bombs 85 sites in Iraq and Syria.US drops 125 bombs on 85 targets linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard in devastating airstrikes on Iraq and Syria: Biden warns retaliation for drone attack that killed three soldiers will CONTINUE after long-range bombers and drones hit Middle East

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-02-03). The Only Right That Palestinians Have Not Been Denied Is The Right To Dream. popularresistance.org On 26 January, the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that it is 'plausible' that Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The ICJ called upon Israel to 'take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts' that violate the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948). Although the ICJ did not call explicitly for a ceasefire (as it did in 2022 when it ordered Russia to 'suspend [its] military operation' in Ukraine), even a casual reading of this order shows that to comply with the court's ruling, Israel must end its…

A Guest Author (2024-02-03). The 'War on Gaza' is not taking place A media analysis of the Palestinian Genocide. workers.org By Daphne Barroeta Every single bourgeois media outlet, from BBC to NPR to MSNBC, is presenting the Palestinian genocide and the cocurrent Israeli destruction of the Gaza Strip as the "War on Gaza." Those of us who are supporting the resistance movement to imperialism and the protests happening worldwide in . . . |

Editor (2024-02-03). How the Genocide in Gaza Shattered My Family. scheerpost.com

Mick Kelly, Fight Back News!. (2024-02-03). National Week Of Action: Stop US/Israeli Genocide In Gaza! popularresistance.org The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR), and National Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) call for a week of action against the U.S./Israeli genocide in Gaza from February 5 to 11. | The call for the week of actions comes at a time when President Biden states the U.S. is going to step up its military intervention in the Middle East. | A statement from the groups initiating the week of protests states, "The people of Palestine are fighting for their liberation and the people of Yemen are standing with them. The U.S. government is se…

newarab (2024-02-03). Is Israel complying with the ICJ genocide ruling on Gaza. newarab.com

Kit Klarenberg (2024-02-03). Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat Paved the Way for Israel's Slaughter in Gaza. orinocotribune.com By Kit Klarenberg — Jan 30, 2024 | In the wake of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) landmark ruling in a case brought by South Africa against Israel, which found the Jewish state could be committing genocide in Gaza and must immediately cease its indiscriminate, industrial-scale slaughter of unarmed, innocent Palestinians of all ages, many Western journalists, politicians, pundits and influencers have changed their tune on the savagery. Or at least gone eerily silent, having previously whitewashed, legitimized, or even outright endorsed a twenty-first-century Holocaust. | This abrupt volte-face cann…

WSWS (2024-02-03). New York City vigil commemorates Palestinian journalists, artists murdered in Gaza by Israeli military. wsws.org A vigil of about 200 people commemorated the lives and work of journalists and artists among the victims of Israeli genocide in Gaza with a reading of Palestinian poetry and letters.

WSWS (2024-02-03). University of Michigan regents affirm commitment to free speech: The facts say otherwise. wsws.org The regents' compendium of clichéd affirmations of the university's devotion to free speech includes wording that directly contradicts the justification given by U-M President Ono in December for a permanent ban on student government resolutions denouncing the genocide in Gaza.

Editor (2024-02-03). Israel Bombed Belgian Aid Office in Gaza After Nation Refused to Halt UNRWA Funding. scheerpost.com

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-02-03). U.S. admits it hasn't verified Israel's UNRWA claims, media ignores it. mondoweiss.net Secretary Blinken admits that the U.S. has been unable to investigate the "evidence" presented by Israel claiming 13 of UNRWA's 13,000 Gaza employees participated in October 7. Biden took Israel's word for it anyway.

truthout.org (2024-02-02). After Belgium Refused to Cut Off UNRWA Funding Israel Bombed Its Gaza Aid OfficeBelgian officials expressed outrage Thursday after Israeli forces reportedly bombed the office building of the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation in the Gaza Strip, an attack that came after Belgium declined to join the U.S. and more than a dozen other countries in cutting off funding to the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency.

newarab (2024-02-03). Gaza war: UN experts say UNRWA funding cut 'defies humanity'. newarab.com UN human rights experts on Friday condemned in the "strongest possible terms" any attempts to "delegitimise" the Several countries "The grossly disproportionate decision to suspend funding by some of the largest dono…

Meena M., CODEPINK. (2024-02-03). UNRWA Saves Palestinian Lives; Save UNRWA. popularresistance.org Since its establishment in 1950, UNRWA has stood as the cornerstone of Palestinian healthcare, delivering essential services such as primary care clinics for basic health needs, assistance in accessing advanced medical treatment care at hospitals, implementing nutritional aid programs, and organizing environmental health initiatives across occupied Palestinian territories and refugee camps. UNRWA's impact is further amplified by offering education to all individuals in need. Today, a substantial 5.9 million refugees benefit from the resources offered by the organization. | In recent weeks, serious allegations aga…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-03). Threats to UNRWA put two million Palestinians in Gaza at risk. plenglish.com United Nations, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) The colossal humanitarian needs for over two million people in Gaza are at risk given the lack of funds, the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) warned on Friday.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-02-03). Biden Says The US "Does Not Seek Conflict In The Middle East" While Actively Dropping Bombs There. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Saying the US does not seek conflict in the middle east is like saying the Kardashians do not seek attention. It's like saying Jeff Bezos doesn't seek money. It's like saying the Hamburglar doesn't seek hamburgers. It's kind of their thing.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-02-03). Never Before Has The Empire Been So Exposed. caitlinjohnstone.com.au I've been railing against the US war machine for around seven years now, and never during that time have I had more westerners on my side than right now.

newarab (2024-02-03). After ICJ ruling, Algeria pushes for Gaza ceasefire in UNSC. newarab.com The draft also "rejects the forced displacement of the Pales…

Kate Hudson, Counter Punch. (2024-02-03). The Unthinkable Looms: Nuclear-Armed Israel Is At War. popularresistance.org The attack on Yemen by US, Britain and other forces is a dangerous escalation of the war in the Middle East. The attack is intended to halt the Houthi support for the people of Gaza that has taken the form of attacks on Israel-bound shipping. But as the Houthis have made clear, the attacks will not end their support for the Palestinians. | The only way to stop this unfolding and escalating conflict in the Middle East, is to stop the war on Gaza: to implement an immediate and permanent ceasefire and to ensure freedom and sovereignty for Palestine, as enshrined in UN resolutions and international law.

Anna Lekas Miller (2024-02-03). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 120: Gaza's economy in shambles amid fears of escalating regional tensions. mondoweiss.net Hamas leaders continue to deliberate a ceasefire agreement as the U.S. intensifies strikes on Iran-affiliated targets in Iraq and Syria.

newarab (2024-02-03). US to back strikes on Iran targets as Gaza truce hopes rise. newarab.com The planned targets for US strikes in Iraq and Syria in response to the killing of The United States has assessed that the drone, which also wounded more than 40 people, was made by

Staff (2024-02-03). Gaza: 112 Palestinians killed, 165 injured by Israeli bombing in past 24 hours. muslimnews.co.uk London, (The Muslim News): Gaza's Health Ministry reported that 112 Palestinians were killed and 165 injured by Israeli indiscriminate bombing during the past 24 hours in Gaza. This brings to total Palestinians killed by Israeli forces according to Gaza Health Ministry to 27,238, including 11,500 children, 8,000 women and 66,452 injured. 8,000 ciGazavilians are missing, …

newarab (2024-02-03). The loss of innocence: What's it like to be a child in Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-02-03). How Biden spread Gaza misinformation from world's top pulpit. newarab.com On 10 October, in some of his first According to US newspaper The Washington Post, White House staffers

newarab (2024-02-03). Czech Republic: A movement for Palestine is gaining momentum. newarab.com Last December, the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala showed his support to Israel in its ongoing war in Gaza by participating in a pro-Israel rally held in Prague. Despite the cold and damp weather, hundreds of people gathered to join the rally, and the mood was sombre. | A dominating silent eerie engulfed all. But the vibe changed when the premier was invited to say a few words on stage. All eyes focused on their ally who returned a week from Tel Aviv after meeting his Israeli counterpart. | They eagerly wanted to know what he was about to say. To their comfort, he said exactly what they wanted to hear: "I have…

newarab (2024-02-03). US sanctions four West Bank Israeli settlers amid Gaza war. newarab.com The US on Thursday imposed The sanctions marked a rare US move against Israel, which has been conducting The move comes as…

albawaba (2024-02-03). Israeli withdrawal leaves devastation at Gaza rehabilitation hospital. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a stark aftermath of the Israeli army's recent withdrawal from northwest Gaza Strip, the Sheikh Hamed bin Khalifa Al Thani Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Hospital stands as a symbol of profound destruction.This withdrawal marked the first time Israeli forces retreated from the northwest areas of Gaza City since the initiation of the ground offensive on October 27, 2023. The offensive, characterized by attacks on various regions and neighborhoods, was a response to continuous violations against Palestinians and sacred sites, notably Al-Aqsa Mosque.Established in 2019 with a generous $407 million donat…

Julia Conley (2024-02-03). Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons as Aid Bill Looms. truthout.org Calling on the United States to "end its complicity in the nightmare unfolding in Gaza," U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday said he would introduce an amendment to remove more than $10 billion from the foreign aid supplemental requested by President Joe Biden. The $10.1 billion has been proposed to pay for offensive weaponry funding for the Israeli government, which has killed at least 27,131… |

newarab (2024-02-03). Gaza war: Israel 'imprisoned 82-year-old with Alzheimer's'. newarab.com

newarab (2024-02-03). Belgium summons Israeli ambassador over bombing of agency. newarab.com Belgium's Minister of Foreign Affairs "I have just summoned the Israeli ambassador to express our strong condemnation of the destruction of Enabel offices in Gaza. Attacks on civilian infrastructure breach the principles of international humanitarian law," Lahbib posted on X. "All parties must adhere to it." | Images shared online showed the build…

Staff (2024-02-03). At least 17,000 unaccompanied children in Gaza: UN. muslimmirror.com Geneva : At least 17,000 children in the Gaza Strip are now either unaccompanied by or separated from their parents or relatives, the United Nations (UN) has estimated. Speaking from Jerusalem on Friday, Jonathan Crickx, chief of communication in the State of Palestine for the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said this figure corresponds to one …

newarab (2024-02-03). Gaza has revived colonial tactics of silencing dissent. newarab.com

Staff (2024-02-03). Thousands of Yemenis stage rallies across Houthi-controlled region in support of Palestinians in Gaza. muslimmirror.com SANAA, Yemen : Thousands of Yemenis held mass rallies across the Houthi-controlled region on Friday in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza, which is currently under siege and has been subjected to intensified Israeli military attacks since Oct. 7. People took to the streets of various cities and towns controlled by the Houthi group, …

Jake Johnson, Common Dreams. (2024-02-03). Israel Bombed Belgian Aid Office In Gaza. popularresistance.org Belgian officials expressed outrage Thursday after Israeli forces reportedly bombed the office building of the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation in the Gaza Strip, an attack that came after Belgium declined to join the U.S. and more than a dozen other countries in cutting off funding to the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency. | "The offices of Enabel, the Belgian development agency in Gaza, were bombed and destroyed," Hadja Lahbib, Belgium's foreign affairs minister, wrote on social media. "Targeting civilian buildings is unacceptable." | Lahbib and Caroline Gennez, Belgium's minister of developm…

newarab (2024-02-03). UK Muslims should 'punish Labour' over Gaza: Dr. Abu Sitta. newarab.com Renowned British-Palestinian doctor Abu Sitta, who spent over 40 days as a volunteer performing surger…

Ryan Cristián (2024-02-03). Over 100k Gazans Dead, Injured, Or Presumed Dead & US Allies Get Away With Murder (And Much Worse). thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Corey Winchester (2024-02-03). In My Classroom, Storytelling Helped Unlock New Perspectives on Palestine. truthout.org In my role as a public school educator in Evanston, Illinois, I work in a community of learners with intimate ties to what today is called Israel and Palestine. There, I have struggled, alongside students and colleagues, with how to cultivate honest, ethical and just learning environments to understand and address what is happening in Gaza. The schools in Evanston — a suburban city to the north of… |

Staff (2024-02-03). Thousands of Yemenis stage rallies across Houthi-controlled region in support of Palestinians in Gaza. muslimmirror.com SANAA, Yemen : Thousands of Yemenis held mass rallies across the Houthi-controlled region on Friday in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza, which is currently under siege and has been subjected to intensified Israeli military attacks since Oct. 7. People took to the streets of various cities and towns controlled by the Houthi group, …

Staff (2024-02-03). At least 17,000 unaccompanied children in Gaza: UN. muslimmirror.com Geneva : At least 17,000 children in the Gaza Strip are now either unaccompanied by or separated from their parents or relatives, the United Nations (UN) has estimated. Speaking from Jerusalem on Friday, Jonathan Crickx, chief of communication in the State of Palestine for the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said this figure corresponds to one …

Stephen Zunes (2024-02-03). The Political Costs of Biden's Support for Israel's War Are Mounting. truthout.org It would not be an exaggeration to say that President Joe Biden's support for Israel's ongoing carnage in Gaza puts him in the same position as George W. Bush with the invasion of Iraq, Ronald Reagan with his support for death squads in Central America and Richard Nixon with his bombing of Vietnam. Like the other conflicts, the civilian death toll is extraordinarily high, the United States is… |

newarab (2024-02-03). Hollywood, Palestine, and celebrity 'breadcrumb activism'. newarab.com As debates rage on whether or not celebrities have a social responsibility to acknowledge the humanitarian crisis happening in Gaza and Palestine, many of the world's most visible people in Hollywood have found a way to appease those looking for recognition, while maintaining an image that keeps them employable. | But in an age where celebrity influence has the power to boost economies and cause riots, this breadcrumb activism must be called out in favour of more direct action. | When the Golden Globes and Emmys aired in January, I waited to see if anyone on the carpet for either event would mention Gaza or us…

Carla Stea (2024-02-03). Brzezinski's Barbaric Dream. The Israeli-Gaza Conflict is the Beginning of A Broader War, "Spreading Towards Iran": Dr. Paul C. Roberts. globalresearch.ca

newarab (2024-02-03). Israel 'set 100s of Gaza houses ablaze' on commander orders. newarab.com

albawaba (2024-02-03). French company suspends shipments in the Red Sea. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In an announcement by the French transportation company CMA CGM, it has been stated that all shipments in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, which are connected by the Bab el-Mandab Strait, have been suspended due to the ongoing conflicts between Houthis in Yemen and US forces.While the Iran-backed Houthi attacks on commercial ships persist in Yemen, another company has suspended shipments made through the Red Sea. In a statement by the French transportation company CMA CGM, it was mentioned that all shipments on the Bab el-Mandab Strait, connecting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, have been suspended…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-03). All Nations Must Ban Aid To Israel— South Africa. orinocotribune.com

youtube (2024-02-03). Should Palestinians, Israelis live equally in one state? youtube.com Israeli-American peace activist Miko Peled has been advocating anti-Zionism for decades.

newarab (2024-02-03). Iran Guard among three dead in Israel strikes in Syria. newarab.com The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said "three members of pro-Iran groups, including an Iranian and an Iraqi" were killed in "Israeli a…

Editor (2024-02-03). US Is Underwriting Israel's Crimes — Americans Can No Longer Claim Ignorance. scheerpost.com

guest author (2024-02-03). Venezuelan analyst: Lenin on 'Socialism and War'. workers.org A message from Rodríguez Gelfenstein, a political analyst and former Venezuelan diplomat and official, to the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21 in New York City. Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein, the author. Amid the horror exposed by Israel's colonial-imperialist aggression against the Palestinian people, we commemorate . . . |

newarab (2024-02-03). MENA Sports Wrap: Arab nations felled in Asian Cup, AFCON. newarab.com The last Arab teams exited the Morocco, the last North African side in the tournament, hoped to replicate their World Cup run when they faced South Africa in the round of 16. | Jordan and Qatar are the last Arab survivors in the Asian Cup, with a full wrap-up of both tournaments in this week's AFC Asian Cup: Arab teams fall at the wa…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). What do you know about pancreatitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, a long, flat gland that lies horizontally behind your stomach. The pancreas produces enzymes for digestion and hormones that regulate the way your body processes sugar. About 275,000 hospital stays for acute pancreatitis occur in the U.S. each year, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. Chronic pancreatitis is less common, with about 86,000 hospital stays per year. And although pancreatitis is rare in children,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Born at less than a pound, 22-week preemie makes journey from NICU to home sweet home. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org On Christmas Eve 2022, Sharni Saravanan was rushed to Mayo Clinic Health System in Red Wing. She was pregnant and bleeding, a terrifying combination. But doctors assured Sharni and her husband, Karthik Viswanathan, that she and their baby were fine. This past year, Christmas Eve looked much different for Sharni and Karthik. There were no trips to the hospital, no worries about anyone's health. And there was someone new joining the celebration: their son, Heeran,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic hospitals named 'America's Best Hospitals' by Healthgrades. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Healthgrades, an independent health ratings company, ranked the performance of nearly 4,500 hospitals in overall clinical excellence. Mayo Clinic hospitals in Arizona; Florida; Rochester and Mankato, Minnesota; and Eau Claire, Wisconsin, were named among "America's Best Hospitals." Mayo Clinic hospitals in Arizona, Florida and Rochester, Minnesota, and Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota, were named among "America's 50 Best Hospitals" by Healthgrades, an independent healthcare ratings company. In addition, Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire,…

tvbrics (2024-02-03). State-owned vaccine production company was set up in Ethiopia. tvbrics.com The company has a great potential to enter the global market…

tvbrics (2024-02-03). Brazil creates 1.48 million formal jobs in 2023. tvbrics.com The largest employment growth came from the services sector…

tvbrics (2024-02-03). Indian Energy Week to be attended by ministers from 17 countries. tvbrics.com

unitedEditor (2024-02-03). The trap in the sale of F-16 to Türkiye. uwidata.com The Turkish parliament gave its approval to Sweden's NATO membership on 23 January. This approval has been a precondition for the US to allow the sale of the 40 F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye. On 26 January, the US government approved the sale. But the process is not yet finalized. There seems to be a …

WSWS (2024-02-03). DeSantis pledges 1,000 Florida National Guard troops in support of Texas Gov. Abbott's anti-migrant campaign. wsws.org After Trump ordered Republicans to support Abbott's usurpation of federal authority at the US-Mexico border, DeSantis pledged to send National Guard and Florida Guard soldiers.

Tina Renier (2024-02-03). Immigration Ideologies: Ottawa's Cap on Admission of International Students and Canada's Housing Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Sara Flounders (2024-02-03). Solidarity with Palestine sparks a global upsurge. workers.org Sara Flounders (WW Photo: Joe Piette) Flounders is a contributing editor of Workers World newspaper and co-director of the International Action Center. She presented these remarks at the International Assembly against Imperialism and in solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21, in New York city. Flounders began her talk, on which . . . |

Joe Piette (2024-02-03). Pennsylvania prison bans WW article on disability struggles. workers.org A Workers World article featuring an incarcerated person's struggles for disability rights is being denied entry into the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institute at Coal Township. William "Billy" Rinick, who wrote the letter to WW newspaper featured in the article entitled "Fighting for disability rights behind bars" (workers.org/2024/01/76247/) cannot read the . . . |

Partido Humanista de Chile (2024-02-03). Empty shell after 17 years of pension discussion. pressenza.com The system installed under the dictatorship: | For those who want to observe the characteristics and main direction of the current pension system, it is a model that obliges workers to save, gathering with this money a fund that goes to a private administration system (AFPs) who have assured, in all events, their operating charges, independently of the results of their financial administration, in the speculative financial system. | These funds, month after month, place substantial flows of fresh, real money in the hands of the corporate and banking elite. In other words, workers finance the operations of…

Redacción Madrid (2024-02-03). Europe's agricultural sector rises up against the crisis and reaches Brussels. pressenza.com Emmanuel Macron's government has been forced to announce new measures in an attempt to defuse protests in the agricultural sector. The pulse of the sector points to the free trade agreement with Mercosur. | The agricultural sector is in turmoil in the European Union as a whole. Except in Spain, where there have not yet been any major protests, farm workers throughout the EU, with particular emphasis on France, but also in Germany and Poland, where mobilization has begun, are protesting against a series of measures taken separately in the different states. | They all point to poor working conditions in agriculture…

Editor (2024-02-03). After Historic Strike, UAW Bureaucrats Sit By As Stellantis Lays Off Hundreds of Workers. scheerpost.com Only a few months after a historic contract struggle and strike, Stellantis announced job cuts in early December that have begun and will continue to take effect this month. A reminder that under capitalism the only way for workers to get what they need is self-organization, independent of the union bureaucracy, Democrats and Republicans.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Last day of work for thousands of laid-off Stellantis autoworkers at Toledo and Detroit plants. wsws.org The workers are being laid off without the slightest opposition from the United Auto Workers bureaucracy.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Sri Lankan Collective of Workers Action Committees hold public meeting to defend victimised electricity employees. wsws.org The meeting unanimously passed a resolution condemning the government's attacks on Ceylon Electricity Board workers and demanded the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of all suspended workers.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Quebec educator speaks out on unions' demobilization of public sector workers. wsws.org Far from being a democratic exercise, the union-organized general assemblies were designed to exclude, divide, demobilize and demoralize the rank and file.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Australian maritime union pushes sellout deal with DP World. wsws.org Although workers have not even seen the full proposed agreement, let alone voted on it, the union has called off all industrial action against the stevedoring company.

Nicholas Aderinto, Gbolahan Olatunji (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Addressing Nigeria's proposed bill on the emigration of doctors. thelancet.com The migration of health-care workers poses a formidable challenge in sub-Saharan countries, with Nigeria grappling with an ongoing exodus of doctors. Compounded by an already low doctor—patient ratio, Nigeria's health-care system falls considerably below recommended standards.1 In an effort to address this pressing issue, the Nigerian House of Representatives has introduced the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act (Amendment) Bill, 2022, which seeks to impose a mandatory, 5-year, post-qualification work period for doctors trained in Nigeria.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: How precise diagnosis of lymphoma offers patients best treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lisa Rimsza is a pathologist, director of the Mayo Clinic Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and researcher with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research specializes in lymphoma, with a focus on developing tests for accurate patient diagnoses and assessing disease aggressiveness. Dr. Rimsza has made significant advances in this field of research. She says having a precise diagnosis allows physicians to provide patients with the best possible treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/M6ARKpwlWYU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

newarab (2024-02-03). After Iraq, Syria hits, US 'will not strike Iran' — for now. newarab.com The United States will not strike targets inside Iran for now, a former defence secretary said following US Friday's strikes hit over 85 targets linked to Iran's Friday's airstrikes followed a…

Larry Johnson (2024-02-03). Round Table with the Judge as U.S. Fulfills Ground Hog Day Prediction. sonar21.com Was a very busy day on the podcast front. In addition to my solo outing, I talked with RT about the sentencing of the CIA contractor who leaked the Vault 7 documents to Wikileaks, chatted with the Judge and Ray McGovern on the weekly roundtable and did an hour with Nima (that should post on Sunday). | News was breaking as Ray and I came on live with the Judge. We originally planned to discuss the soap opera drama in Ukraine but all networks were lighting up to report the U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq were underway. This is a colossal waste of expensive U.S. weaponry that is going to achieve nothing sign…

Dave DeCamp, Scheer Post. (2024-02-03). US Plans Weeks-Long Bombing Campaign Against Iranian Targets. popularresistance.org US officials told NBC News that the US is planning to launch a weeks-long bombing campaign in the Middle East in retaliation for the drone attack in northeast Jordan that killed three American soldiers. | The officials said that the targets are expected to include Iranian targets outside of Iran, and the campaign will involve strikes and cyber operations. Other reports have said the US is considering targeting Iranians in Iraq and Syria or the Iranian navy. | While the potential targets are not inside Iran, direct attacks on the Iranian military could provoke a full-blown war between the US and Iran.

Staff (2024-02-03). US strikes will bring disastrous consequences for the region: Iraq. muslimmirror.com Baghdad : Iraq has said that the US retaliatory strikes will bring disastrous consequences for the region, a media report said. According to the Iraqi government, at least 16 people, including civilians, have been killed while 25 others have been wounded in the country as a result of the strikes carried out by the US …

Kyle Anzalone (2024-02-03). US Strikes in Iraq and Syria Kill About 40, Including Civilians. news.antiwar.com A massive US bombing campaign struck scores of targets in Iraq and Syria with over 100 bombs, leaving about 40 people dead, including civilians. President Joe Biden ordered the strikes as tensions in the Middle East are rapidly escalating. On Friday, US Central Command announced the "military forces struck more than 85 targets, with numerous …

CADTM International (2024-02-03). CADTM International supports the general strike in Argentina on 24 January 2024 and the popular uprising against debt. cadtm.org

newarab (2024-02-03). US strikes Iran-linked militia targets in Iraq and Syria. newarab.com The US launched air strikes on At least 18 pro-Iran fighters were killed in the half-hour of strikes in eastern Syria and Iraq, a war monitor said. | Strikes were reported in the Al-Qaim area of the Iraq-Syria border, where Iran-linked militias are present, and other parts of Iraq and Sy…

Kyle Anzalone (2024-02-03). Iraqi Bases Housing US Troops Attacked Following Strikes on Militias in Iraq and Syria. news.antiwar.com Following the attacks on dozens of sites across Iraq and Syria, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced it attacked bases that house US soldiers. Last week, three American soldiers in Jordan, near the Syrian border, were killed by a drone. The White House blamed Iran for the attack, a charge Tehran denies. Pentagon Press Secretary …

albawaba (2024-02-03). Alleged US airstrikes hits multiple areas in Syria. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a tragic incident, unidentified aircraft carried out three rounds of airstrikes on locations in the Deir ez-Zor countryside in eastern Syria, leaving six individuals dead, according to reports from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Friday.Details reveal that the aircraft, whose identity remains unknown, targeted sites in Al-Hajeera and Al-Shabli in the deserts of Deir ez-Zor. Afterward, they revisited these locations and struck another site near the Ain Ali base in Deir ez-Zor.A third round of airstrikes followed, hitting the Ain Ali Shrine in the Deir ez-Zor desert, resulting in additional…

newarab (2024-02-03). US launches strikes on Iran-linked targets in Syria, Iraq. newarab.com The US military launched The extensive air attacks were ordered in response to the deaths of the soldiers last Sunday in a drone strike blamed by Washington on Iran-backed forces. | "Our response began today. It…

albawaba (2024-02-03). US Responds with Precision: 85 Strikes on Iranian Targets in Syria and Iraq. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a swift response to the attack on the American base along the Syria-Jordan border on January 28, the U.S. Central Command revealed that it conducted airstrikes, marking its first military action in the region in retaliation.The CENTCOM statement disclosed that over 85 targets associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force and affiliated militia groups faced precision strikes in both Syria and Iraq.The operation involved the deployment of long-range bombers from the U.S., utilizing more than 125 guided bombs. Among the targeted sites were command and control centers, rocket install…

WSWS (2024-02-03). US unleashes military strikes in Iraq and Syria, targeting Iran. wsws.org The United States formally launched Friday what US officials billed as a weeks- or months-long campaign in the Middle East targeting groups opposed to the US' decades-long occupation of the region, and whose central target is Iran.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women need to be screened for cervical cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While all women can develop cervical cancer, non-Hispanic Black women are more likely to be diagnosed and die of cervical cancer, compared to white women in the U.S.This disparity is not due to genetic differences among white, Black or Hispanic women, but rather related to systemic racism, access to healthcare and socioeconomic factors, says Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist. That is why she encourages women to learn more about this often-avoidable cancer and…

Eric Zuesse (2024-02-03). "Victoria Nuland — she's the real ruler of Ukraine" dissidentvoice.org Alexander Mercouris has perhaps the best track-record of all prognosticators on the important international news-stories, and this very much includes on the important news stories regarding the Ukraine crisis, not only since Russia's invasion of Ukraine started on 24 February 2022, but going all the way back to 2016 when he first reported. And, more …

Carla Stea (2024-02-03). Ukrainian "Myrotvorets" Kill List Claims Another Assassination, the Torture and Murder of American Journalist Gonzalo Lira. globalresearch.ca

Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter. (2024-02-03). US Government Treats Use Of Privacy Tools As Criminal Activity. popularresistance.org In Espionage Act prosecutions involving leaks, attorneys at the United States (DOJ) consistently treat the use of privacy tools as evidence of criminality. This tendency should alarm journalists and news media organizations that rely on such tools for newsgathering. | A jury convicted former CIA programmer Joshua Schulte of disclosing CIA cyber warfare materials to WikiLeaks in July 2022. Schulte is scheduled to be sentenced in the U.S. Southern District Court of New York on February 1. | The U.S. government's sentencing memo [PDF] asserted that "between April 18 and May 5, 2016, Schulte took a number of steps to…

Kit Klarenberg (2024-02-03). Enslaved by nonprofits: How NGO's colonize developing countries. mronline.org November 21 marked the 28th anniversary of the signing of the U.S.-brokered Dayton Agreement, which brought an end to the proxy war in Bosnia after three years and eight months.

albawaba (2024-02-03). Ukraine unleashes drones in daring naval operation, sinks Russian warship. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a dramatic revelation, Ukraine has disclosed a military operation near Crimea, the region annexed by Russia in 2014, asserting that they successfully attacked and sank a Russian warship.The Ukrainian military intelligence shared a video on social media, showcasing a fleet of drones encircling a ship and initiating gunfire. The video concludes with the ship submerging into the water. Ukraine identifies the sunken vessel as the Ivanovets, a Russian Navy ship, a confirmation echoed by Russian war bloggers.Valued between 60-70 million dollars, the Ivanovets, a small missile ship, is believed to have had…

Bharat Dogra (2024-02-03). The Difference Between Common Perception and Reality Regarding the Ukraine Conflict. globalresearch.ca

albawaba (2024-02-03). Exploring Your Destiny: Daily Horoscope – February 4, 2024. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Curious about what your horoscope predictions will be for February 4, 2024? What's in store for you in your horoscope, astronomer? Let's find out. ShutterstockExploring Your Destiny: Daily Horoscope – February 4, 2024: Aries (March 21 – April 19): ShutterstockAries, tomorrow a possible unexpected encounter could completely change your perspective. Be open to new opportunities and take a chance on something different. This could lead to a wonderful adventure or a shift in your career. Embrace the unexpected and step out of your comfort zone, for it may bring you great rewards.Taurus (A…

Dr. Mathew Maavak (2024-02-03). The Gulf Arab Dilemma: Countering Geostrategic Encirclement. Geographic Pivots of Global Trade. globalresearch.ca

Guillermo Garcia (2024-02-03). Julian Assange and his possible extradition to the US: on the legal and procedural situation. cadtm.org

albawaba (2024-02-03). Saudi woman preserves tanned leather 150-year-old. albawaba.com

Eric Toussaint, Maxime Perriot (2024-02-03). Is there a debt crisis in the South and what is recommended by the CADTM? cadtm.org Maxime Perriot: In an article published in December 2023 you claimed in the wake of a World Bank report that "developing countries" were trapped in a new debt crisis, yet the Financial Times and other sources point out that in the first two weeks of 2024 several so-called developing countries managed to easily refinance their debt. What is actually the situation?
| The three developing countries that managed to sell sovereign bonds all produce oil and gas
| Éric Toussaint: The three countries (…) | – |

albawaba (2024-02-03). Jim Carrey to play Dr. Robotnik again in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. albawaba.com Fans of the blue hedgehog and the comedy legend are in for a treat, as Jim Carrey has confirmed that he will return as the evil Dr. Robotnik in "Sonic the Hedgehog 3."The third installment of the popular video game adaptation will hit the big screen on Dec. 20, 2024, from Paramount Pictures.Carrey, who has been one of the most successful comic actors in movie history with hits like "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective," "Dumb and Dumber," "The Mask" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," has also shown his dramatic range in films like "The Truman Show," "Man on the Moon" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." He has…

newarab (2024-02-03). Assad regime 'levelled' mass graves: Saydnaya Detainees. newarab.com Satellite imagery has revealed levelling operations at the site of mass graves believed to hold thousands of political detainees killed in Satellite analysis of the site shows extensive excavation and levelling of the land, including upturning of the soil, between the summer of 2022 and January 2023…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Kilise saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±na 25 tutuklama. yenisafak.com 9 ≈üàºpheli ise adli kontrol ≈üartƒ±yla serbest bƒ±rakƒ±ldƒ±. Olayla ilgili adli soru≈üturma kapsamƒ±nda hàºcrenin à∂rgàºtsel kodlarƒ± tek tek de≈üifre ediliyor. ƒ∞llegal faaliyetleri aà߃±ƒüa à߃±kan zanlƒ±larƒ±n kim olduklarƒ± gàºnyàºzàºne à߃±karken, tutuklananlar arasƒ±ndaki bir isim dikkat àßekti. Tanduev'in irtibatta olduƒ&uuml…

John Mullen (2024-02-03). Farmers' revolt in France. mronline.org Farmers in France are not a homogenous block, and the left needs to be able to unite with its more progressive elements to generalize revolt, argues John Mullen.

Patricia Harrity (2024-02-03). Trial begins: Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Denies Breach of Trust. expose-news.com The trial began last week against Dr Reiner Fuellmich who has been accused of embezzling more than 700,000 euros from the Corona Committee and using it for his own personal purposes. The …


yenisafak (2024-02-03). Afgan Muradi sanmƒ±≈ü. yenisafak.com Savcƒ±lƒ±k ifadesinde Ramazan Pi≈ükin'i tanƒ±madƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± belirten Baykut, Pi≈ükin'i babasƒ±nƒ±n yanƒ±nda àßalƒ±≈üƒ±rken tanƒ±≈ütƒ±ƒüƒ± Saboor Muradi isimli Afgan uyruklu ki≈üiyle karƒ±≈ütƒ±rdƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± sà∂yledi. Kandisini evine davet edip uyu≈üturucu veren Muradi taraf&fnof…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-03). BBC Radio airs programme in an attempt to stifle farmer protests in the UK. expose-news.com Earlier today, a reader left a comment under one of our articles describing a BBC Radio 4 programme, 'Farming Today' aired at 6: 30 am this morning. The subject of the radio programme …

yenisafak (2024-02-03). ABD'nin saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± sonrasƒ± Irak'ta àºàß gàºnlàºk yas kararƒ±. yenisafak.com Irak hàºkàºmeti, ABD'nin saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nda à∂lenler iàßin àºlkede 3 gàºn yas ilan etti.Irak Ba≈übakanlƒ±k Basƒ±n Ofisi tarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, "Ba≈übakan Muhammed ≈ûiya es-Sudani, silahlƒ± kuvvetlerimizde ≈üehit olanlarƒ±n anƒ±sƒ±na tàºm devlet daireleri ve kurumlarƒ±nda 3 gàºnlàºk genel yas ilan edilmesini talimatƒ&pl…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Bakan Kacƒ±r'dan Gezeravcƒ±'nƒ±n ertelenen dà∂nàº≈üຠile ilgili ilk aà߃±klama. yenisafak.com

Carla Stea (2024-02-03). Remembrance of a Miracle at the United Nations: Father Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, President of the SixtyThird UN General Assembly, 2008-2009. globalresearch.ca On Monday February 5 2024, we commemorate Padre Miguel d'Escoto, a powerful voice, whose Legacy will live forever. | In 2020, the Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) established the Miguel d'Escoto Brockman Centre of Development Studies (CEDMEB). | The following article by…

albawaba (2024-02-03). Saudi woman preserves tanned leather 150-year-old. albawaba.com ALBAWABA A Saudi woman has made a resolute decision to preserve a piece of tanned leather with a rich history. This individual, residing in the scenic landscapes of Al Hashr, declined a substantial offer of 50,000 Saudi riyals, staunchly asserting that the leather, which once served as a protective barrier for houses against rain and sun, holds an immeasurable value to her.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-02-03). Flashpoint for War: The Drone Killings at Tower 22. What are US forces doing in Jordan? globalresearch.ca

albawaba (2024-02-03). Michael Jordan's 1990s Sneakers smash auction records, sell for $8M. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a historic auction held in New York by Sotheby's, Michael Jordan's six 'single' sneakers, worn during championship games in the 1990s, were sold for a staggering $8 million. This sale marks a new record for the highest price ever paid for 'game-worn sneakers' at auction.The legendary NBA star's iconic footwear from six championship matches in the '90s found a new owner, contributing to the ongoing fascination with memorabilia from basketball's golden era. Sotheby's, renowned for its high-profile auctions, revealed the significant sale, emphasizing its status as the most expensive transaction for 'ga…

Staff (2024-02-03). Latin American Leaders Celebrate 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. orinocotribune.com

Patricia Harrity (2024-02-03). The First Casualty of War Is Truth. And Propaganda is the First Weapon Used in Times of War. expose-news.com "Propaganda is the way the ruling classes get the working classes to march off to war and how the billionaire CEOs of the multinational big Pharma, Big Medicine corporations (and Bill Gates, …

CADTM, Eric Toussaint (2024-02-03). Éric Toussaint argues in favour of a law against vulture funds at the French National Assembly. cadtm.org

Staff (2024-02-03). Right-wing group moves Agra court against annual Urs at Taj Mahal. muslimmirror.com Agra : A right wing organisation has filed a petition in an Agra court seeking prohibitory injunction against the observation of the 'Urs' at Taj Mahal. The petitioner, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, has also challenged free entry inside the Taj for 'Urs'. Agra Court has accepted the petition and has fixed March 4 as the …

Sushovan Dhar (2024-02-03). ADB violates its own safeguard policies in Nepal Hydropower Project. cadtm.org

Lora Lumpe (2024-02-03). Congress Is Poised to Cede Even More of Its Oversight of Foreign Weapons Sales. truthout.org At a time of record U.S. weapons sales and many wars, the House Foreign Affairs Committee has decided that Congress should provide less, rather than more oversight of the booming business. Next week, the committee is marking up the Foreign Military Sales Technical, Industrial and Governmental Engagement for Readiness Act. But don't be fooled by the mundane title — this bill would mark a major… |

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-03). Farmers in Europe are protesting because they are being destroyed, Dutch MP says. expose-news.com Farmers have taken to the streets en masse in several places in Europe. To ensure MPs hadn't lost touch with the people and public sentiment, Caroline van der Plas told the Dutch …

Staff (2024-02-03). Right-wing group moves Agra court against annual Urs at Taj Mahal. muslimmirror.com Agra : A right wing organisation has filed a petition in an Agra court seeking prohibitory injunction against the observation of the 'Urs' at Taj Mahal. The petitioner, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, has also challenged free entry inside the Taj for 'Urs'. Agra Court has accepted the petition and has fixed March 4 as the …

Staff (2024-02-03). CAA will implemented at earliest, those opposing for 'political reasons': Union min. muslimmirror.com Kolkata : Union minister Shantanu Thakur on Saturday asserted that the CAA will be implemented "at the earliest" and that those opposing the legislation are doing so for political reasons. Thakur had last Sunday claimed that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act would be implemented across the country "within a week", following which West Bengal Chief Minister …

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan Hatay'da hastane aà߃±lƒ±≈üƒ±nda konu≈ütu: ≈ûehirlerimizi en kƒ±sa sàºrede ayaƒüa kaldƒ±racaƒüƒ±z. yenisafak.com Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan Hatay Eƒüitim ve Ara≈ütƒ±rma Hastanesi ile ƒ∞skenderun Devlet Hastanesi Aà߃±lƒ±≈ü Tà∂reni'nde aà߃±klama yaptƒ±.Aà߃±klamadan à∂ne à߃±kan ba≈ülƒ±klar ≈üà∂yle: Biz millet olarak tarihi boyunca nice badirelere gà∂ƒüàºs gerdik. ƒ∞n≈üallah bu me≈üakatli dà∂neminden àºstesinden gelece&fnof…

Editor (2024-02-03). Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it. Prepare to lose several centuries of progress. mronline.org Public health cannot be individualized. Abandoning collective approaches to disease mitigation is a recipe for disaster.

SAM (2024-02-03). The Penalty for Exposing How Our Plutocracy Operates? Five Years Behind Bars. inequality.org

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Meral Ak≈üener'in acƒ± gàºnàº. yenisafak.com ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Meral Ak≈üener'in ablasƒ± Mualla àñzen hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetti. | àñzen'in vefatƒ±nƒ± sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan duyuran ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti Genel Ba≈ükan Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± ve Parti Sà∂zcàºsຠKàºr≈üad Zorlu, "Genel Ba≈ükanƒ±mƒ±z Meral Ak≈üener'in kƒ±ymetli ablasƒ± Mualla àñzen, Hakkƒ&…

Alasdair Baverstock (2024-02-03). El Salvador to hold presidential election. america.cgtn.com El Salvador holds its presidential election on Sunday and President Nayib Bukele is widely expected in a landslide to become the Central American country's first-ever two-term president and pave the way for one of Latin America's most outspoken leaders to remain in office.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-03). Owning the Weather in 2025: A forecast study published in 1996 by the US Airforce. expose-news.com There is so much evidence surrounding geoengineering operations. A research paper by the US Air Force written in 1996 describes how geoengineering operations and dispersing nanoparticle technology would allow the military to …

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Filistin yà∂netimi uyardƒ±: ƒ∞srail'den Refah'ta yeni soykƒ±rƒ±m hazƒ±rlƒ±ƒüƒ±. yenisafak.com Filistin Yà∂netimi, ƒ∞srail ordusunun saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±nƒ± Gazze ≈ûeridi'nin gàºneyindeki Refah ≈üehrine ta≈üƒ±ma tehdidinin,1 milyon 500 bin ki≈üinin "yeni bir soykƒ±rƒ±m dà∂ngàºsàº" iàßine sokacaƒüƒ± ve bunun "ciddi bir tehlike" doƒüuracaƒüƒ± uyarƒ±sƒ±nda bulundu.Filistin Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± yapt&…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Rize'de gol sesi à߃±kmadƒ±: TàúMOSAN Konyaspor zorlu deplasmandan 1 puan à߃±kardƒ±. yenisafak.com

albawaba (2024-02-03). Where is Wendy Williams? TV star returns after talk show exit in new documentary. albawaba.com Wendy Williams, the former host of the popular daytime talk show "The Wendy Williams Show", is back in the spotlight with a new documentary that reveals the challenges she faced after leaving her show in 2021 due to health issues and personal turmoil.The documentary, titled "Where is Wendy Williams?", is a two-part series that will air on Lifetime on February 24 and 25. It was produced by Williams herself and filmed over the course of two years, giving viewers an unprecedented access to her private life and struggles.pic.twitter.com/YEnoL8K2LA— Pop Base (@PopBase) albawaba (2024-02-03). Carl Weathers, 'Rocky' Apollo Creed and 'Mandalorian' actor, dies at 76. albawaba.com Carl Weathers, the actor who played Apollo Creed in the "Rocky" franchise and appeared in "The Mandalorian", has died at the age of 76.His family confirmed that he passed away peacefully in his sleep on Thursday, February 1, 2024.Carl Weathers has sadly passed away at the age of 76.

Desinformémonos (2024-02-03). Lonko Mauro Millán: "They call us terrorists for defending life". pressenza.com "Walking and defending life" is the slogan of

yenisafak (2024-02-03). AFAD duyurdu: Ege'de korkutan deprem. yenisafak.com

Ibrahim Husseini (2024-02-03). Silwan faces escalating home demolitions in fight against messianic settlers. mondoweiss.net Home demolitions in East Jerusalem are rampant, but none more than in Silwan, where messianic settlers backed by the state are attempting to establish fanciful "archaeological" parks on top of Palestinian homes.

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Hakkari'de 4.3 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem. yenisafak.com Afet ve Acil Durum Yà∂netimi Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±n (AFAD) internet sitesinde yer alan veriye gà∂re, saat 06.09'da merkez àºssຠHakkari Yàºksekova olan 4,3 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde sarsƒ±ntƒ± kaydedildi.Depremin 7 kilometre derinlikte geràßekle≈ütiƒüi belirlendi.

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Milyonlarca emeklinin beklediƒüi dàºzenleme Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlandƒ±: En dàº≈üàºk maa≈ü 10 bin liraya yàºkseldi. yenisafak.com àáalƒ±≈üma hayatƒ±yla ilgili dàºzenlemeler iàßeren ve Türkiye Bàºyàºk Millet Meclisi Genel Kurulu'nda kabul edilen ƒ∞≈üsizlik Sigortasƒ± Kanunu ile Bazƒ± Kanunlarda Deƒüi≈üiklik Yapƒ±lmasƒ±na Dair Kanun, Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlandƒ±. | Kanun ile birlikte, SSK ve Baƒü-Kur emekli maa≈ülarƒ±nda ocak à∂deme dà∂nemi itibarƒ±yla geàßerli olacak 6 aylƒ±k artƒ&plus…

Staff (2024-02-03). The Press Club of India vehemently condemns the allegations made by Maulana Mahmood Madani. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror The Press Club of India (PCI) has dismissed the allegations made by Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind President Maulana Mahmood Madani as 'baseless'. During a press conference of Muslim leaders held in New Delhi on Friday under the auspices of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Maulana Madani raised concerns about the freedom of …

albawaba (2024-02-03). First Turkish astronaut, Alper Gezeravcƒ±'s return to earth. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The much-anticipated return of Alper Gezeravcƒ±, Turkey's trailblazing astronaut on his historic space journey, faces a temporary setback. Due to adverse weather conditions at the designated landing site, the return mission is now rescheduled for Monday.Industry and Technology Minister, Mehmet Fatih Kacƒ±r, took to social media to share the news, explaining that the decision was prompted by the unsuitable weather conditions in the landing zone. Kacƒ±r added that the subsequent estimated departure from the International Space Station (ISS) is now slated for Monday.Gez…

The Exposé (2024-02-03). US Military has secretly been controlling Australia's Health Institutions & COVID Vaccine Roll-Out. expose-news.com It is a fair bet that almost no Australians realise that their health system has been effectively taken over by the US Department of Defence ("DoD"). Yet that appears to be what …

Pressenza Philippines (2024-02-03). BCU Empowers Scholars Through AI-Powered Tools: Towards Writing and Publication Success. pressenza.com by Michael Tomas Sebullen and Genevieve B. Kupang | Catalyzing Global Excellence Towards Research Writing and Publication Left to Right: Dr. Lourdes M. Trajano and Dr. Josephine M. Aguirre, Graduate School faculty members and in charge of registration. Dr. Elma D. Donaal, Vice President for Academic Affairs, delivers the opening remarks, and Dr. Marilou De La Pena, Director of the Research and Development Office, introduces the speaker. Photo Credit: Michael Sebullen and Michael Rodriguez. Dr. Jimmy G. Catanes, Education Supervisor II of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)- Cordillera Administrative Region…

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-03). SUNFED versus World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

David Kowalski (2024-02-03). Tired of the Hottest 100? We've got countdowns for you! independentaustralia.net

newarab (2024-02-03). Tunisia: Ennahda leader Ghannouchi handed new jail term. newarab.com Rached Ghannouchi, the jailed leader of the Tunisian opposition party A rival of Tunisia's President

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Bakan àñzhaseki: Vatanda≈ülarƒ±mƒ±z evlerine girinceye kadar àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ±mƒ±z devam edecek. yenisafak.com Atatàºrk Caddesi Emlak Konut ≈üantiyesini ziyaret edip àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ± inceleyen àáevre, ≈ûehircilik ve ƒ∞klim Deƒüi≈üikliƒüi Bakanƒ± Mehmet àñzhaseki'ye, milletvekilleri ve Toplu Konut ƒ∞daresi (TOKƒ∞) Ba≈ükanƒ± àñmer Bulut da e≈ülik etti. Bakan àñzhaseki, konu≈ümasƒ±nda, 1 yƒ±l à∂nce herkesin derinden àºzàºld຃üຠ2 depremin àºst à&o…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Ba≈üak≈üehir sahasƒ±nda ƒ∞stanbulspor'u 2 golle geàßti | àñZET. yenisafak.com Trendyol Sàºper Lig 24. haftasƒ±nda Ba≈üak≈üehir sahasƒ±nda ƒ∞stanbulspor'u 2-0 maƒülup etti. | Galibiyeti getiren golleri dakika 36′ 71′ Piatek (2) kaydetti. | Turuncu-lacivertliler bu galibiyetle birlikte puanƒ±nƒ± 33'e yàºkselterek 7. sƒ±raya yàºkseldi. | Ba≈üak≈üehir à∂nàºmàºzdeki hafta deplasmanda Galatasaray'a konuk olacak.BA≈ûAK≈ûEHƒ∞R-ƒ∞STANBULSPOR MAàá SONUCU:">www.yenisafak.

Editor (2024-02-03). Climate activists party around burning 'your future' sign as Shell announces 28 billion in profits. mronline.org Greenpeace campaigners said that the oil group should pay some of its profits into a fund agreed upon at Cop28 climate talks last month to help pay for loss and damage caused by climate change.

img.piri.net (2024-02-03). Türkiye'nin be≈ü aylƒ±k fƒ±ndƒ±k ihracatƒ± 1 milyar dolarƒ± a≈ütƒ±. img.piri.net Karadeniz Fƒ±ndƒ±k ve Mamulleri ƒ∞hracatà߃±larƒ± Birliƒüinden yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, 1 Eylàºl'de ba≈ülayan 2023-2024 ihracat sezonunun geride kalan be≈ü aylƒ±k dà∂nemine ili≈ükin bilgi verildi. | Yurt dƒ±≈üƒ±na 1 Eylàºl-31 Ocak tarihlerinde 1 milyar 16 milyon 920 bin 103 dolar kar≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nda 142 bin 173 ton fƒ±nd…

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-03). Early conflicts between the UN and the World Bank/IMF tandem. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

albawaba (2024-02-03). Turkish intelligence uncovers extensive MOSSAD network in Turkey. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – In a developing narrative, intriguing details emerge as the interrogation of the seven suspects apprehended in a joint Mƒ∞T and General Directorate of Security operation unfolds in Istanbul and Izmir.As per insider information, it's revealed that MOSSAD initiated contact with the suspects, posing as a research company. Initial tasks involved basic research assignments to identify individuals, later escalating to more ominous roles such as extortion or potential assassinations.The suspects, while aware of their association with a foreign intelligence agency, continued their involvement with M…

Kate Fisher (2024-02-03). South Carolina holds Democratic primary. america.cgtn.com Voters in the U.S. state of South Carolina cast the first official ballots in the Democratic nominating contest of the 2024 presidential election. Incumbent President Joe Biden was expected to coast to victory in the state that resurrected his foundering campaign in 2020. Turnout was being closely watched to see how Biden's support might translate in upcoming primaries.

EcoWatch (2024-02-03). Fossil Fuel Industry Was Aware of Climate Threats as Early as 1954, New Documents Reveal. pressenza.com Newly discovered documents confirm that the petroleum and By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes | The documents show that i…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Antalyaspor – Fenerbahàße | canlƒ± skor – canlƒ± sonuàß. yenisafak.com Fenerbahàße, Sàºper Lig 24. haftasƒ±nda deplasmanda Antalyaspor ile kar≈üƒ± kar≈üƒ±ya geliyor. | Màºcadele saat 19.00'da ba≈ülayacak. Kar≈üƒ±la≈üma BeIN Sports 1 ekranlarƒ±ndan naklen yayƒ±nlanacak. | ANTALYASPOR-FENERBAHàáE ƒ∞LK 11'LER: Antalyaspor: Helton, Erdoƒüan, Bahadƒ±r, Veysel, Gàºray, Kaluzinski, Saric, Safuri, Larsson, Bytyqi, Buksa.Fenerbahàße: Livakovic, Mert, àáaƒülar Sà∂yàºnc…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Astronotlarƒ± Dàºnya'ya dà∂nàº≈üte me≈üakkatli bir yolculuk bekliyor. yenisafak.com Uzay araàßlarƒ±nƒ±n ISS'den Dàºnya'ya dà∂nàº≈üàºne kadar sàºrecin nasƒ±l i≈ülediƒüine dair bilgiler derlendi. | ƒ∞ni≈ü sàºrecinde uzay ajanslarƒ± ve ≈üirketler, à∂ncelikli ve alternatif ini≈ü alanlarƒ±na karar veriyor. Piste inebilen uzay araàßlarƒ±nƒ±n àßoƒüu denize ya da okyanusa da ini≈ü yapabiliyor. Deƒüerlendirmelerin ardƒ±ndan uzay aracƒ± ià&sz…

Olivia Rosane (2024-02-03). Exxon and Chevron Announce Record Shareholder Returns in Hottest Year on Record. truthout.org oil companies ExxonMobil and Chevron announced their second-highest profits in a decade on Friday, with both companies paying out a record amount to shareholders in 2023, which was the hottest year on record due largely to the burning of fossil fuels. "In 2023, we returned more cash to shareholders and produced more oil and natural gas than any year in the company's history… |

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). China launches Geely-02 satellites. ecns.cn China on Saturday sent a group of 11 satellites into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwestern Sichuan Province.

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-03). The WB assists those in power in a witch-hunting context. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Ryan Cristián (2024-02-03). Dr. Philipe Grandjean Exposes The History Of Fluoride's Harms. thelastamericanvagabond.com On February 2nd, 2024, TLAV lead investigator Derrick Broze interviewed Dr. Phillipe Grandjean regarding his work on mercury, the toxicity of fluoride, and the pressure he has faced for speaking out. Dr. Grandjean is one of the expert witnesses testifying on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and plaintiffs in the Fluoride Lawsuit. Grandjean is

MEE staff (2024-02-03). Egypt pyramid restoration plans under review following outcry. middleeasteye.net

yenisafak (2024-02-03). ABD Savunma Bakanƒ± Austin: àús saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±na kar≈üƒ± saldƒ±rƒ±lar sàºrecek. yenisafak.com Austin, 28 Ocak'ta Suriye-àúrdàºn sƒ±nƒ±rƒ±ndaki Amerikan àºssàºne dàºzenlenen saldƒ±rƒ±ya kar≈üƒ±lƒ±k vermeye ba≈üladƒ±klarƒ±nƒ± duyurdu. | Austin, Irak ve Suriye'de bulunan ve ƒ∞ran Devrim Muhafƒ±zlarƒ± Ordusu (DMO) Kudàºs Gàºcຠile buna baƒülƒ± milis gruplara ait en az 85 hedefin hava saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±yla vurulduƒüunu bildirdi.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Xi stresses development of new productive forces, high-quality development. ecns.cn The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held its 11th group study session on making solid progress in promoting high-quality development on the afternoon of Jan. 31.

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Bakan Bayraktar'dan 6 ≈ûubat depremlerine ili≈ükin payla≈üƒ±m: Rabbim bir daha bà∂yle acƒ±larƒ± bizlere ya≈üatmasƒ±n. yenisafak.com Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanƒ± Alparslan Bayraktar, X sosyal medya platformundan yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± payla≈üƒ±mda, ≈üunlarƒ± kaydetti: | "Hepimizi derinden sarsan asrƒ±n felaketinin àºzerinden tam bir yƒ±l geàßti. ƒ∞lk gàºnden itibaren devletimiz hƒ±zla yaralarƒ± sarmak iàßin tàºm gàºcàºyle vatanda≈üƒ±mƒ±zƒ±n yanƒ±nda oldu. Depremden etkilenen ≈üehirlerimizi aya&fno…

Mark Gruenberg (2024-02-03). One Year After East Palestine Spill, the Next Catastrophe Is Waiting to Happen. truthout.org WASHINGTON — One year after a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed and crashed, with chemicals pouring from its tank cars to poison the small town of East Palestine, Ohio, there's a consensus among railroaders and their unions: Another such disaster is waiting to happen. And it could occur, they add, not in a small rural town with one rail track, such as East Palestine, but in a major rail hub… |

yenisafak (2024-02-03). ABD'nin misillemesine Irak'tan ilk tepki: àúlke egemenliƒüi ihlal edildi. yenisafak.com Irak Ba≈übakanlƒ±k Askeri Sà∂zcàºsຠGeneral Yahya Resul, yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, Irak'ƒ±n batƒ±sƒ±ndaki Enbar'a baƒülƒ± Kaim ve sƒ±nƒ±r bà∂lgelerinin ABD uàßaklarƒ± tarafƒ±ndan saldƒ±rƒ±ya maruz kaldƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± belirterek, "Bu saldƒ±rƒ±lar, Irak'ƒ±n bà∂lgede istikrar&f…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-03). Professor gives Australian Senate Committee "powerful reasons" to establish royal commission into response to covid. expose-news.com On Thursday, Professor Ian Brighthope testified at the Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee. He gave "powerful reasons" why a royal commission should be established: why safe and effective treatments …

albawaba (2024-02-03). Dr. Phil's visits the border: A shocking report on the crisis Kamala Harris ignores. albawaba.com TV personality and psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw has joined the chorus of voices criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her lack of action on the border crisis.Dr. Phil, who is known for his popular talk show and his new network Dr. Phil Primetime, visited the southern border in Texas to witness the situation firsthand. He said he was shocked by what he saw and called it a "humanitarian crisis unlike anything we've seen before."NEW: Dr. Phil is at the Southern Border blasting Kamala Harris and speaking out against the Biden Border Crisis calling it a "humanitarian crisis unlike anything we've seen before."

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Adana'da korkutan fabrika yangƒ±nƒ±: Kƒ±sa sàºrede sà∂ndàºràºldàº. yenisafak.com Karata≈ü ilàßesi Tabaklar Mahallesi'ndeki tahƒ±l kurutma fabrikasƒ±nda yangƒ±n à߃±ktƒ±ƒüƒ± ihbarƒ± àºzerine olay yerine itfaiye ekipleri sevk edildi. | Olay yerine ula≈üan Adana Bàºyàºk≈üehir Belediyesi itfaiyesi, tahƒ±l àßuvallarƒ±nda à߃±kan yangƒ±nƒ± bàºyàºmeden sà∂ndàºrdàº. | Ekipler, hasara neden olan yangƒ±nƒ±n à߃±k&f…

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). China's Smart Dragon-3 rocket launches 9 satellites from sea. ecns.cn

Allen Forrest (2024-02-03). A Way to Overcome Elite Sociopaths? dissidentvoice.org

albawaba (2024-02-03). The dark side of Tom Hanks: QAnon exposes his secret life and pedophilia. albawaba.com Tom Hanks is a well-known actor and a Greek citizen, who has starred in many popular movies and won several awards.He is also one of the celebrities who has been accused of pedophilia by a group of internet conspiracy theorists called QAnon.QAnon is a movement that believes that a secret cabal of elite pedophiles, led by Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and billionaires, is running a global child sex trafficking ring and plotting against Donald Trump. They also believe that Trump is secretly fighting this cabal, and that he will soon expose and execute them in a day of reckoning called "the Storm".It was this pr…

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Cradle of Civilization: Artifact shaped like loong. ecns.cn

Staff (2024-02-03). On 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution: President Maduro Highlights His Loyalty to Chávez and the Revolutionary Path. orinocotribune.com On this day 25 years ago, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chávez Frías, known to the Venezuelan people as Commander Hugo Chávez, took office as Constitutional President of the then-Republic of Venezuela. | On the 25th anniversary of Chávez's arrival in Miraflores Palace, the seat of the presidency of Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro, who had been accompanying Chávez since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution, recalled that day. | "25 years ago the people entered the Miraflores Palace together with Commander Chávez, which marked the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution in political power, a path of struggles, b…

newarab (2024-02-03). Tunisia jails artist Rashad Tamboura for anti-Saied mural. newarab.com On Wednesday, a Tunisian court upheld a two-year sentence against Tunisian artist Rashad Tamboura for painting a mural criticising President Kais Saied's stance on migration. | The court's decision sparked a nationwide controversy in the bedrock of the 2011 revolutions, where freedoms have been shrinking since Saied's power grab three years ago. | "This sentence confirms the persistence of President Kais Saied's regime in pursuing policies of silencing voices and cuffing hands. (…) Tunisia is being pushed into the square of despotism that the Tunisian people fought to break away from," the Intersection Assoc…

Editor (2024-02-03). More 'Navigators' Are Helping Women Travel to Have Abortions. scheerpost.com By Lillian Mongeau Hughes / KFF Health News Chloe Bell is a case manager at the National Abortion Federation. She spends her days helping people cover the cost of an abortion and, increasingly, the interstate travel many of them need to get the procedure. "What price did they quote you?" Bell asked a woman from New …

Patricia Harrity (2024-02-03). 'Blood On Your Hands': Mark Zuckerberg Grilled Over Child Sexual Exploitation. expose-news.com

teleSUR (2024-02-03). Petro Denounces Institutional Breakdown in Colombia. telesurenglish.net Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, denounced on Friday the institutional rupture in the South American country. | RELATED: | Through his official account on the social network X, the president denounced what is happening in some state institutions that are still in the hands of the right wing. | "There is a serious constitutional rupture when the Attorney General's Office investigates the President of the Republic", said Petro pointing out…

Staff (2024-02-03). The Press Club of India vehemently condemns the allegations made by Maulana Mahmood Madani. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror The Press Club of India (PCI) has dismissed the allegations made by Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind President Maulana Mahmood Madani as 'baseless'. During a press conference of Muslim leaders held in New Delhi on Friday under the auspices of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Maulana Madani raised concerns about the freedom of …

Abdullah Jallow (2024-02-03). The Humble Beginnings of The Masjid That Established Tawheed, Iman, The Sunnah, and Sound Rectification. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Masjid with a Dripping Ceiling and Occasionally Scorching Floor — A Reminder for Our Communities during Masjid Construction or Renovation Anas Bin Malik [may Allah be pleased with him] narrated: "We used to pray with the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah …

yenisafak (2024-02-03). àúàß ilde pe≈ü pe≈üe korkutan depremler: àáevre illerden de hissedildi paniƒüe neden oldu. yenisafak.com Afet ve Acil Durum Yà∂netimi Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± (AFAD) Deprem Dairesi'nin merkez àºssàºnຠHakkari'nin Yàºksekova ilàßesi olarak aà߃±kladƒ±ƒüƒ± deprem, saat 06.09'da oldu. Yerin 7 kilometre derinliƒüinde olan deprem ilàßede paniƒüe neden oldu. | Depremin, Hakkari'nin yanƒ± sƒ±ra àßevre il ve ilàßelerde de hissedildiƒüi bildirildi. | Depremde ilk belirlemelere gà∂re herhangi bir olumsuzluk ya≈üanmazken, e…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan Hatay'da deprem konutlarƒ± teslim tà∂reninde konu≈ütu: Kar≈üƒ±la≈ütƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±z tabloyu asla unutmayacaƒüƒ±z. yenisafak.com Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan, 6 ≈ûubat 2023'te meydana gelen Kahramanmara≈ü merkezli depremlerden etkilenen Hatay'da Deprem Konutlarƒ± Kura ve Anahtar Teslim Tà∂reni'nde konu≈ütu. | ƒ∞≈üte Erdoƒüan'ƒ±n aà߃±klamalarƒ±; | Sevgili karde≈ülerim, zamanla yarƒ±≈ümak àºzere à∂nce ≈üà∂yle butona basalƒ±m, Hak sahiplerini in≈üallah belirlemeye ba≈ülayalƒ&plusm…

Belinda Jones (2024-02-03). Entitlement on display as Newington co-ed outrage erupts. independentaustralia.net

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Molly Show: New Year Snack Time! Small tangerines symbolize great luck. ecns.cn

yenisafak (2024-02-03). ƒ∞nterpol Kƒ±rmƒ±zƒ± Bàºlteniyle aranan uyu≈üturucu kartelinin eleba≈üƒ± Rawi Ali Qureshi ƒ∞stanbul'da yakalandƒ±. yenisafak.com Hollanda tarafƒ±ndan kƒ±rmƒ±zƒ± bàºltenle aranan uyu≈üturucu kartelinin eleba≈üƒ± Rawi Ali Qureshƒ± ƒ∞stanbul'da yakalandƒ±. | Bakan Yerlikaya operasyona ili≈ükin payla≈üƒ±mƒ±nda ≈üu ifadelere yer verdi: | Aziz Milletimizin Bilmesini ƒ∞sterim ki; | Hangi bàºyàºklàºkte olursa olsun, hangi bàºlten ile aranƒ±rsa aransƒ±n, uluslararasƒ± organize suàß à∂rgàºtle…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Adƒ±m adƒ±m yerel seàßimlere: AK Parti'nin Trabzon adaylarƒ± belli oldu. yenisafak.com Be≈üirli àáok Amaàßlƒ± Spor Salonu'nda dàºzenlenen tà∂rene, AK Parti Genel Ba≈ükan Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Yusuf Ziya Yƒ±lmaz'ƒ±n telefonundan katƒ±lan Erdoƒüan, "Sevgili hem≈üehrilerim, ƒ∞stanbul'dan sizlere en kalbi duygularla selam ve sevgilerimi gà∂nderiyorum. Trabzon aday tanƒ±tƒ±m toplantƒ±sƒ±nƒ±n àßok àßok gàºàßlຠgeàßtiƒüinin haberlerini aldƒ&p…

yenisafak (2024-02-03). àúrdàºn'deki saldƒ±rƒ±ya kar≈üƒ±lƒ±k Irak ve Suriye'deki misilleme sonrasƒ± Biden'dan ilk aà߃±klama: Yanƒ±tƒ±mƒ±z bugàºn ba≈üladƒ± ve devam edecek. yenisafak.com àúrdàºn'deki Tower 22 adlƒ± ABD àºssàºne insansƒ±z hava aracƒ± (ƒ∞HA) ile yapƒ±lan ve 3 askerin hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybettiƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±ya ABD'den yanƒ±t geldi. | ABD Ba≈ükanƒ± Joe Biden yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, Irak ve Suriye'de bulunan ve ƒ∞ran Devrim Muhafƒ±zlarƒ± ve baƒülƒ± milislerin ABD gàºàßl…

Editor (2024-02-03). The Alabama State Government's Killing of Kenneth Smith. scheerpost.com

yenisafak (2024-02-03). 7 MOSSAD muhbiri daha yakalandı. yenisafak.com

yenisafak (2024-02-03). ABD'nin Irak ve Suriye'deki saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± sonrasƒ± bà∂lgede tansiyon hƒ±zla yàºkseliyor: 16 ki≈üi à∂ldຠnota verilecek. yenisafak.com Irak, àºlkedeki saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± nedeniyle ABD'ye nota vereceƒüini duyurdu. | Irak Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, ABD'nin Irak'taki askeri ve sivil mevzilere saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±ndan dolayƒ±, bu àºlkenin bàºyàºkelàßisinin de Baƒüdat'ta olmamasƒ± nedeniyle, maslahatgàºzarƒ±nƒ±n bakanlƒ±ƒ…

newarab (2024-02-03). Saudi Arabia, Kuwait reaffirm Durra gas field ownership. newarab.com The two countries released a joint statement asserting their ownership of the gas field following a visit on Tuesday by Kuwait's

ATTAC (2024-02-03). Figuig water is not for sale. cadtm.org

yenisafak (2024-02-03). 10 kur≈üun olsa 10'unu da sƒ±kardƒ±m! yenisafak.com ƒ∞zmir'deki taksici cinayeti kamuoyunda infiale neden oldu. 2 àßocuk babasƒ± taksici Oƒüuz Erge'yi silahla vurup à∂ldàºren 19 ya≈üƒ±ndaki Delil Aysal, seri ≈üekilde dàºzenlenen operasyonla yakalanƒ±p tutuklandƒ±. Araàß iàßindeki kameranƒ±n saniye saniye kaydettiƒüi kan donduran cinayetten sonra ƒ∞zmir polisi katili yakalamak iàßin harekete geàßti. Ba≈üta gà∂ràºntàºler olmak àºzere eldeki veriler toplandƒ±…

albawaba (2024-02-03). Where is Wendy Williams? TV star returns after talk show exit in new documentary. albawaba.com

WSWS (2024-02-03). Australian police admit: No evidence of "gas the Jews" chant at Sydney Opera House. wsws.org The police admission came nearly four months after manipulated Zionist footage of the alleged incident was broadcast on social media and by corporate media outlets around the world.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Opposition INDIA electoral bloc in shambles after key partner defects to Modi-led alliance. wsws.org Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his Janata Dal (United) party ditched the Congress Party-led INDIA electoral bloc last Sunday and immediately re-entered the National Democratic Alliance of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu supremacist BJP.

WSWS (2024-02-03). New Zealand establishes closer military ties with Australia against China. wsws.org A joint ministerial statement affirmed support for the alliance with the US and its war against Russia, the expanding conflict in the Middle East, and the US-war drive in the Indo-Pacific against China.

WSWS (2024-02-03). The global resurgence of measles and the abdication of prioritizing public health. wsws.org The global resurgence of measles has raised alarms across the world about the threat of a pathogen that just two decades ago was nearly eradicated.

WSWS (2024-02-03). South Australian educators oppose union's sell-out school agreement. wsws.org A primary teacher, with more than ten years' experience, said: "I'm voting 'no' for a number of reasons. Partly pay, partly workload and partly lack of union fight."

WSWS (2024-02-03). Alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower hit with 40-year sentence: A warning of what's in store for Assange if extradition is not defeated. wsws.org For allegedly exposing illegal CIA hacking and spying operations, Joshua Schulte has been treated like a terrorist and held in conditions akin to a medieval dungeon.

WSWS (2024-02-03). US historians file brief with Supreme Court calling for Trump's exclusion from the ballot under the Fourteenth Amendment. wsws.org The very fact that the third clause of the Fourteenth Amendment–banning those who have committed insurrection from holding public office–is now relevant testifies to the depth of the present crisis.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Youngstown, Ohio public schools face closures and potential layoffs. wsws.org The Youngstown City School District (YCSD) announced on January 7th that it will consolidate or eliminate five elementary schools and consider teacher layoffs. A state-authorized audit is demanding the district "rearrange" funds for the 2024-25 school year.

WSWS (2024-02-03). Banks starting to take a hit from commercial property downturn. wsws.org This week, three banks on three different continents have revealed significant losses and problems due to their exposure to commercial property.

WSWS (2024-02-03). School districts across US announce massive cuts in response to fiscal cliff, as teachers fight to defend ecuation. wsws.org Predicted by many analysts to be the year of the "bloodletting" in public education, schools across the US have announced mass layoffs, school closures, and program eliminations, fueling the onset of a new wave of educator struggles.

WSWS (2024-02-03). School districts across US announce massive cuts in response to fiscal cliff, as teachers fight to defend education. wsws.org Predicted by many analysts to be the year of the "bloodletting" in public education, schools across the US have announced mass layoffs, school closures, and program eliminations, fueling the onset of a new wave of educator struggles.

Andrew Green (2024-02-03). World Report] Partners in Health: targeting health equity in the USA. thelancet.com Partners in Health, known for its work in some of the world's poorest countries, has begun efforts to strengthen health care in the USA. Andrew Green reports.

Daniel Bernal-Serrano, Paola Abril Campos, Rafael Velasco-Vazquez (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Missing voices from Latin America in the O'Neill—Lancet Commission. thelancet.com We commend the O'Neill—Lancet Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health for advancing health equity for all.1 However, there is a concern regarding the insufficient representation from Latin America, a highly unequal region with a complex colonial history. This omission could perpetuate power imbalances in global health.

Jasmine Brown (2024-02-03). Perspectives] The battle to become a Black physician in the USA: past and present. thelancet.com Throughout history, Black people in the USA have faced an uphill battle to enter the medical profession. There have been countless challenges from overt discrimination to subconscious biases that have impacted the journey of Black physicians. I explored this history in my book, Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians from the Civil War to the 21st Century. Reflecting on this history can provide perspective and insight on the continued importance of striving towards equity within the medical profession, especially after the 2023 decision of the US Supreme Court to overturn affirma…

Jocalyn Clark (2024-02-03). Perspectives] Shannon Watts: fearless gun safety advocate. thelancet.com "There are 400 million guns in a country of 330 million", says Shannon Watts, the dynamic founder of Moms Demand Action, a grass-roots network in the USA that advocates for public safety measures to prevent gun violence. "Every day, 120 Americans are killed with guns and more than 200 are shot and wounded. Since 2020, guns are now the leading cause of death among children aged 1—19 years in America", she explains. Watts attributes the harms from gun violence to a "gun culture" tied to the Second Amendment of the US Constitution guaranteeing the right to bear arms in a country where the powerful gun lobby gr…

Lara Catherine Morley, Colette Sparey, Dileep Wijeratne, Kerry Turner (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Treatment modalities for placenta accreta spectrum — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We read the comments from Nuala Lucas and colleagues on our Clinical Picture1 with interest. The major risk factor for placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is myometrial scarring, the prevalence of which is increasing with the consistent rise in caesarean section births globally. As such, we welcome additional discourse on the subject.

Marta Paterlini (2024-02-03). World Report] Italy to expand care for eating disorders after protests. thelancet.com Nationwide demonstrations took place after the Health Ministry cut funding for anorexia and bulimia, but activists remain sceptical. Marta Paterlini reports.

Nuala Lucas, Steffen Rex, Sarah Devroe (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Treatment modalities for placenta accreta spectrum. thelancet.com We read with interest Lara Morley and colleagues' Clinical Picture on the use of elective caesarean hysterectomy in a patient with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS).1 This widely used technique in PAS can be associated with haemorrhage-related morbidity, as demonstrated in this case, where the blood loss was 2 ∑5 L. We believe it is essential to highlight alternative treatment modalities for PAS.

Paul Adepoju (2024-02-03). World Report] Routine malaria vaccinations begin. thelancet.com Starting in Cameroon, over 3 million children in 20 countries are due to receive malaria vaccination in 2024. Paul Adepoju reports.

Sam Shuster (2024-02-03). Correspondence] The Letby murders: a fatal diagnostic omission. thelancet.com Explanations as to how the Letby murders continued undetected have mostly settled on administrative neglect of suspicion,1,2 although the absence of autopsy reports was ignored. Failure to do autopsies was the error that allowed the Letby murders to continue; had they been done, it would have been shown that there were no obvious causes of death, and further pathological and police investigations would have exposed them as murders. There will be explanations of this omission, but there can be no excuse.

The Lancet (2024-02-03). Editorial] Cancer research equity: innovations for the many, not the few. thelancet.com Cancer research continues to deliver hugely successful innovations. Each year brings more and better therapeutic drugs. New medical technologies, such as CAR T-cell therapy, are improving outcomes and our understanding of cancer has never been so advanced. Yet, globally the number of cancer deaths has increased by 40% in just over a decade. According to new estimates, more than 35 million new cancer cases are predicted in 2050 (a 77% increase from the 20 million cases in 2022), mostly in countries with a low or medium Human Development Index.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Prostate cancer: screening and treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. While many prostate cancers grow slowly and remain localized, other types are aggressive and spread quickly. That's why Dr. Carlos Vargas, a Mayo Clinic radiation oncologist, encourages regular screening. He says the goal of screening is to detect prostate cancer early, when it's still confined to the prostate gland and has the best chance for successful treatment. "It's important to get adequate screening,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Hepatitis B vaccine: What to know to protect yourself. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Hepatitis is inflammation in the liver caused by specific viruses. The hepatitis viruses are referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. All types affect the liver, but they differ in illness severity and prevention options. In the U.S., the most common forms are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Acute or chronic hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the liver. It's one of the more…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Advances in knee replacement surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org An aging population drives the global demand for knee replacement surgery, exceeding 1 million procedures annually. In the U.S. alone, the need for knee replacements is projected to grow by 673%, reaching approximately 3.48 million procedures by 2030, according to a 2007 study. Dr. Charles Hannon, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon, says that Mayo Clinic is at the forefront of total knee replacement innovation, developing advanced tools and delivering precision robotic surgery to patients. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/BGjw3V08A9s

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can honey help with coughs? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Coughs due to respiratory infections such as colds are common this time of year. An effective treatment for a disruptive cough might be sitting in your kitchen pantry. Dr. Angela Mattke, a pediatrician with Mayo Clinic Children's Center, says honey can help soothe coughs for adults and children. But, she says, never give honey to a child under 1. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/15hD2BHRQfY Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 56) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Aging and the benefits of exercising. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Exercising as you age can be challenging. Sometimes it can feel like your body is breaking down. One possible reason for this could be senescent cells, which build up in your body as you get older and contribute to age-related disorders. A recent study by Mayo Clinic shows that exercise and other physical activities can reduce the number of senescent cells. Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur, director of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can vitamin C keep the common cold away? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter is cold and flu season. If you take in more vitamin C, will it help prevent you from getting sick? Dr. Jesse Bracamonte, a Mayo Clinic family physician, explains more about the health benefits of vitamin C in this Mayo Clinic Minute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/uo0fL-RI3x0 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Want to keep…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). New Mayo Clinic stem cell research to take flight into space. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Update 1-30-24: According to NASA, a successful launch occurred at 12: 07 EST. The spacecraft is scheduled to link with the International Space Station during the early morning hours of Feb.1. Update 1-29-24: NASA has moved the launch of this mission to Tuesday, Jan. 30, subject to weather conditions and other factors. You can watch for updates by following NASA's launch schedule. Video assets with Dr. Zubair have been added below. A Mayo Clinic research experiment…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Toolkit for reducing cervical cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. In the U.S., cervical cancer is no longer a common cause of cancer death because of the use of a screening test called a Pap smear, which detects changes in cervical cells. While the overall rate of cervical cancer in the U.S. is declining, the number of people diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer is increasing, and rates among Black women are disproportionately high. Research also indicates…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 things your blood can tell you about your health. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Blood tests are commonly used to help not only monitor one's health but also to diagnose conditions. A blood sample can reveal a lot about a person's health. One of the most frequently ordered tests is a CBC, or complete blood cell count, which tells you the different cells that are in your blood, how many they are, and whether they're abnormal or normal. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/kpdBa9FKSu0 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Family history, ethnicity give insights into glaucoma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Glaucoma has been called the silent thief of sight because its onset can be so gradual that you may not notice changes in your vision until the disease is in its later stages. About 3 million people in the U.S. have glaucoma. Half of those people don't know they have the condition. How glaucoma affects your vision Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damages the optic nerve, which sends visual information from your eye to your…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Donations needed: Nation's blood supply critically low. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Severe weather across many parts of the country has caused a lot of problems, but one effect you may not have heard about is on the nation's blood supply. According to the American Red Cross, the nation's blood supply is critically low. The organization reports that the weather has caused many blood drives to be canceled and made it harder for the Red Cross to move supplies around to meet needs. January is National Blood…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Statement regarding Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Mayo Clinic's interest in Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC). Following the completion of the transaction, SSMC will be wholly owned and operated by SEHA. Mayo Clinic and SEHA remain committed to serving patients from the UAE, the surrounding region and abroad." Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) and Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Mayo Clinic expert: Warm climates offer mobility options for snowbirds after surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org PHOENIX — For snowbirds who need joint replacement surgery, places like Arizona and Florida offer an enticing prospect in the dead of winter — the opportunity to recuperate in a warmer climate without fear of slipping and falling on ice. Snowbirds are people who typically seek out warm winter climates to escape Arctic-like conditions at home, but there are also benefits from a medical standpoint. Regaining mobility after joint replacement is an important milestone for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-03). Save the date! RegenBio Summit: Transforming Next-Gen Biotherapeutics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The need for lifesaving options for diseases with no treatment or cure is great, and Mayo Clinic is addressing that challenge in part with a new conference focused on advancing first-of-their kind regenerative biotherapies. RegenBio Summit: Transforming Next-Gen Biotherapeutics will be held Dec. 9 to 11 at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Save the date for an event that will bring together the best minds in medicine, biotechnology and…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-03). The world lost a third of wetlands in the last 50 years. plenglish.com United Nations, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) In the last 50 years the world has lost 35% of wetlands, the most threatened ecosystem, which is disappearing three times faster than forests, the United Nations warned on Friday.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-03). China ¥s Geely launches 11 low-orbit satellites. plenglish.com Beijing, Feb 3 (Prensa Latina) Chinese automaker Geely Holding Group said on Saturday it has launched 11 low-earth orbit satellites, its second dispatch, as it expands its capacity to provide more accurate navigation for autonomous vehicles.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-03). SAIDR Sara Minkara visits Cuba. plenglish.com During her visit, SAIDR Minkara urged for greater inclusion of Cubans with disabilities in all aspects of society. She engaged with representatives from the Cuban government, alumni of Embassy-sponsored programs, and students from educational institutions in Havana. | During her visit, SAIDR Minkara underscored that policies promoting inclusion, diversity, and equality in the workplace encourage economic growth and respect for human rights across society. | She also emphasized the importance of dismantling physical and cultural barriers for persons with disabilities in order to build a world where "society demand…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-03). Syria: Our response began today, claims President Joe Biden. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) "Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing," said President Joe Biden after ordering at least 85 attacks in Iraq and Syria, something that could further fuel the fire in the volatile Middle East region.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). HK officials clarify fallacies over legislation of Article 23. ecns.cn Hong Kong on Tuesday began a monthlong public consultation about the legislation of Article 23, by way of introducing a new piece of legislation titled Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Global South urged to make voices heard. ecns.cn Representatives from G77 and China stated that the organization underscored their critical role in providing the Global South with the means to articulate their shared vision, promote their interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). China to export commuter trains to Indonesia for first time. ecns.cn China's leading train manufacturer CRRC Sifang announced to export commuter electronic trains to Indonesia for the first time, marking another breakthrough after the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail EMU project.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Xi visits people in Tianjin ahead of Spring Festival. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited people in the northern city of Tianjin ahead of the Spring Festival.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Chinese scientists make breakthrough in BCI-assisted rehabilitation trial. ecns.cn Chinese scientists had made a breakthrough in the world's first patient brain-computer interfaces (BCI) rehabilitation trial on Monday, one day after Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the success of a procedure to implant Neuralink's brain chip into the first human patient.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Culture Fact | Xiaonian Festival: a sweet send-off for the Kitchen God. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Picturesque winter scenery of Longtou Mountain in Shaanxi. ecns.cn Picturesque scenery of clouds shrouded Longtou Mountain with snow in Hanzhong, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Dragon-themed special exhibition kicks off at Summer Palace. ecns.cn A total of 66 pieces of cultural relics with dragon patterns are on show at the exhibition.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Hoisting drill for CZ-8 rocket conducted in Hainan. ecns.cn A hoisting drill was carried out on Thursday to welcome the CZ-8 rocket launch mission.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Giant panda cubs make appearance for Chinese New Year celebration. ecns.cn Keepers hold giant panda cubs during acelebration event for the upcoming Spring Festival at the Chongqing Zoo, Feb. 2, 2024.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). In Numbers: China to expand visa-free travel to more countries, seeking further exemptions. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). In Numbers: Xinjiang sees robust tourism growth in 2023. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). In Numbers: Number of individually owned businesses in China hits 124 mln. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Molly Show: New Year Snack Time! Sugar Melon a prayer for sweet year ahead. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Hoisting drill for simulated rocket held in S China's commercial spacecraft launch site. ecns.cn A hoisting drill for a simulated rocket at the No. 1 launch pad of Hainan commercial spacecraft launch site was conducted on Thursday in Wenchang, south China's Hainan Province.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Splendid lanterns illuminate night in E China. ecns.cn As Chinese New Year approaches, splendid lanterns are illuminating night in east China.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). China's Deep Sea No.1 gas field sees key construction progress. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Dragon-themed rocket model on show in Shanghai. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Lionel Messi arrives in Hong Kong with Inter Miami. ecns.cn Argentinian football star Lionel Messi and his Inter Miami team arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Rare migratory birds spotted across China. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Regulation put forward as way to control bride prices. ecns.cn In the ongoing campaign against the escalating bride prices prevailing in rural China, a policy adviser from Jiangxi province has advocated for a solution — introducing a certification system for rural matchmakers.

ecns.cn (2024-02-03). Efforts pledged to prevent mining accidents. ecns.cn China on Thursday pledged more stringent efforts to prevent major safety accidents in the mining sector, after a spate of serious mining production safety accidents across the nation since 2023, especially in the past two months.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-03). Nicaragua denuncia cómplices imperialistas de genocidio en Gaza. telesurtv.net Managua denunció que estos países cometen "violaciones flagrantes y sistemáticas" a la Convención de Genocidio.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-03). Argelia exige alto el fuego en Gaza en Consejo de Seguridad. telesurtv.net El embajador sudafricano, Mathu Joyini, recordó que "tras la orden del tribunal, los Estados han sido advertidos de la existencia de un grave riesgo de genocidio contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza".

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-03). Israel asesina a 13 palestinos tras bombardear refugios en Gaza. telesurtv.net Se registraron al menos 13 mártires que sufrieron el bombardeo israelí; otros cuantos sobrevivieron pero con lesiones potencialmente mortales.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-03). Unicef: al menos 17.000 niños subsisten sin familia en Gaza. telesurtv.net Unicef calcula que cada uno de los niños y niñas no acompañados o separados de sus familias es una desgarradora historia de pérdida y dolor.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-03). Trasladan a cuidados intensivos a expresidente Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El abogado del expresidente Pedro Castillo informó que tendría síntomas de un preinfarto y exigió ser trasladado a un hospital.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-03). ONU exige la liberación de dos indígenas colombianos en el Cauca. telesurtv.net La oficina de la ONU en Colombia denunció que aún desconocen el paradero de los líderes indígenas José Adelmo Chocue Tombe y María Eugenia Caviche.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-03). Denuncian presuntas irregularidades en veda electoral en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Se presentaron una serie de denuncias al proceso electoral a pocos días que se realicen los comicios presidenciales y para diputados.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-03). Diputados argentinos continúan debate sobre ley ómnibus. telesurtv.net El titular del bloque de Diputados de La Libertad Avanza expresó que el proyecto debe ser votado esta jornada.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-03). Agricultores polacos en huelga bloquean frontera con Ucrania. telesurtv.net Los agricultores se oponen al aumento en los costos de energía, la subida de los precios de insumos como los fertilizantes, el incremento de importaciones en el bloque de alimentos más económicos que los cultivados en la UE.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-03). Conmemoran aniversario de primera asunción presidencial de Hugo Chávez. telesurtv.net El presidente Nicolás Maduro afirmó que este hecho "marcó el inicio de la Revolución Bolivariana en el poder político, un camino de luchas, batallas y victorias".

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-03). Gobierno de México denuncia extracción de datos de periodistas. telesurtv.net El Gobierno federal aseguró que se mantendrán atentos a las averiguaciones hechas por la Fiscalía y esperan que las investigaciones lleguen a "quienes resulten de la sustracción ilícita reciban sanciones conforme a la ley".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-03). Javier Milei firma DNU para intervenir medios públicos argentinos. telesurtv.net El jefe de Gabinete tiene la atribución, de "administrar y controlar los medios de difusión" que se encuentran bajo la responsabilidad del Poder Ejecutivo Nacional.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-03). Rurales de España mantienen protestas tras reunión con Gobierno. telesurtv.net El titular de Agricultura señaló que las políticas nacionales y europeas tienen una carga administrativa "insoportable".

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-03). Grupo de Puebla respalda a Gustavo Petro ante persecución judicial. telesurtv.net Alegan que la justicia se debe a ser utilizada como un instrumento político en detrimento de la democracia y el Estado de derecho.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-02-03). Manifestaciones de agricultores se extienden por países de Europa. telesurtv.net Las asociaciones sindicales afirman que en la UE el trabajo de los agricultores prácticamente dejó de ser rentable debido a las políticas de la Comisión Europea (CE) y de los países del bloque.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-03). Presidente colombiano denuncia ruptura institucional en el país. telesurtv.net El mandatario se refirió a lo que está sucediendo en algunas instituciones del Estado que continúan en manos de la derecha.

yenisafak (2024-02-03). Emine Erdoƒüan 'Sanayide Su Verimliliƒüi ƒ∞≈ü Birliƒüi Protokolàº'nàºn hayƒ±rlƒ± olmasƒ±nƒ± diledi. yenisafak.com Emine Erdoƒüan, X sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan, Tarƒ±m ve Orman Bakanƒ± ƒ∞brahim Yumaklƒ±'nƒ±n, Tarƒ±m ve Orman Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± ile Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± arasƒ±nda sanayide kullanƒ±lan suya yà∂nelik kayƒ±plarƒ±n azaltƒ±lmasƒ± ve tasarrufun saƒülanmasƒ± amacƒ±yla imzalanan "Sanayide Su Verimliliƒüi" protokolàºne ili≈ü…

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-03). Panamá ganó en su debut en la Serie del Caribe, Miami 2024. telesurtv.net Tras su primera derrota ante Venezuela, República Dominicana se repuso y ganó por apretado marcador ante Nicaragua, cinco anotaciones por cuatro.

Manlio Dinucci (2024-02-03). La "Demolizione Controllata" dello Stato di Palestina. globalresearch.ca "Le demolizioni controllate di Israele stanno radendo al suolo i quartieri di Gaza", titola il New York Times. Le forze terrestri israeliane minano e fanno saltare scuole, moschee, quartieri residenziali, in una sistematica demolizione di edifici e infrastrutture. Cià≤ conferma …

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-03). Reportan sismo de magnitud 4,9 en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Según este organismo, el epicentro del temblor estuvo localizado a unos 109 kilómetros de la ciudad de Eureka a una profundidad de 2,3 kilómetros.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-03). Trinidad y Tobago solicita a Haití fijar calendario electoral. telesurtv.net La Caricom ha estado trabajando en una especia de mediación entre los distintos actores políticos haitianos para ayudar a la celebración de nuevas elecciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-03). Ascienden a 27.131 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net Unas 30.000 personas desplazadas en colegios cerca del Hospital de Naser, y otras refugiadas en el propio Hospital de Al Amal, sufren de falta de agua, comida y medicinas.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-03). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Más de 110 días se han cumplido de los ataques continuos de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, SH, JGN (2024-02-03). Caída del dictador paraguayo Alfredo Stroessner. telesurtv.net El legado de la dictadura de Alfredo Stroessner en Paraguay son los 20.814 exiliados, los 20.000 detenidos sometidos a torturas y las 425 personas desaparecidas.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-03). Cámara de Diputados argentina aprueba proyecto de Ley àìmnibus. telesurtv.net Con 144 votos a favor y en contra 109 fue aprobado el proyecto de ley Bases y Principios para la Libertad de los Argentinos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-03). Resistencia iraquí ataca bases estadounidenses en Irak y Siria. telesurtv.net La resistencia iraquí empleó un dron y misiles contra las bases estadounidenses de Al Tanf y Green Village en Siria.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-02-03). Incendio obliga la evacuación de comunas de dos puertos chilenos. telesurtv.net El Senapred emitió alerta roja y solicitó la evacuación de seis comunas, cinco próximas a la ciudad de Viña del Mar, pegada a Valparaíso.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2024-02-03). Vicepresidenta venezolana encabeza debate de las 7T. telesurtv.net "Nos guía la protección del pueblo y nos guía la sabiduría del pueblo", afirmó la vicetitular del Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-03). Detienen a delincuentes tras atacar un retén militar en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los supuestos delincuentes resultaron ser dos jóvenes, sin antecedentes penales y cuyo automóvil no contaba con ningún reporte de haber sido robado.

Sandeep B Maharaj, Darleen Y Franco, Terence A R Seemungal (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Consideration for selecting international commissioners. thelancet.com We, the authors of the letter Not allowed to speak—another let-down for the Caribbean people,1 wish to acknowledge the appointment of a commissioner with Caribbean roots on the O'Neill—Lancet Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health.2 We believe that Commissioner Alissa Trotz will do our region proud given her background.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-03). Corte panameña deja en firme condena contra expresidente Martinelli. telesurtv.net El fallo fue plasmado en el Edicto No. 26 con fecha del 2 de febrero de la Sala Segunda de lo Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-03). Reclaman a desaparecidos tras dictadura de Stroessner en Paraguay. telesurtv.net El grupo exigió al Estado garantizar los recursos para completar la búsqueda, exhumación e identificación de los restos óseos de las víctimas asesinadas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-03). Incendios forestales dejan al menos diez fallecidos en Chile. telesurtv.net El presidente Gabriel Boric decretó el estado de excepción en la región de Valparaíso debido a los incendios forestales.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-03). Presidente Maduro conmemora el 25 ∞ aniversario de la Revolución Bolivariana. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado inauguró la Expo Gobierno 2024 e invitó a la población a asistir para conocer sobre los 25 años de la nueva historia.

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-02-03). Gaza Delenda Est. counterpunch.org The Biden Administration's decision to cut off critical funding to UNRWA is the default form of collective punishment for Clintonian liberals, where the denial of humanitarian aid is used as a weapon to punish (ie., starve) people who have no responsibility for the alleged transgression. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, check the status of your access In order…

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Freezing aid to Gaza: Israel's war against UNRWA. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Israeli settlers call for 'colonisation of Gaza'. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Labor doubles down on support for genocidal Israel after ICJ ruling. greenleft.org.au

Jacob Andrewartha (2024-02-03). Community demands closure of weapon's facility which helps arm Israel. greenleft.org.au Community members demanded the closure of the Heat Treatment Australia weapons manufacturing facility in Campbellfield in Naarm/Melbourne, for its role in arming Israel. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Anti-Zionist Jews refuse to legitimise Israel's bloodthirsty conquest of Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Peter Boyle (2024-02-03). The war on wages. greenleft.org.au As the Reserve Bank of Australia and Labor and the Coalition bipartisan policy continues to supress wages, living costs continue to rise. Peter Boyle reports.

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Labor's 'Stage 3 Lite' still gives biggest tax cuts to the rich. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Peter Khalil MP targeted again for not speaking out for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Julian Assange faces final British appeal. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). We need a policy of neutrality to help stop war on China. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Coroner refers Jai Wright's death to DPP. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). From PM to arms industry: Scott Morrison joins 'revolving door' trend. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-03). Puerto Rico and Palestine: 'Our struggles are linked'. greenleft.org.au

Angela (2024-02-03). Sunday 2/11: Webinar: South Africa v Israel — The International Coalition Against Genocide. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-03). Thursday 2/1: Virtual Global Rally Against Complicity in Gaza Genocide. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-03). Friday 2/23: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Call for Ceasefire Not More Weapons for Ukraine or Israel! indybay.org in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

Angela (2024-02-03). Friday 2/9: Power Half Hour for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Open Secrets (2024-02-03). Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024. indybay.org Israel and Zionists have given millions to US capitalists politicians and have captured the Congress…

San Jose Against War (2024-02-03). Tuesday 2/6: Pack the San Jose City Council Meeting to Demand a Ban on Travel to Israel. indybay.org San Jose City Hall | City Council Chambers | 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113…

Angela (2024-02-03). Tuesday 2/6: Virtual Event: Yemen Explained – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Labor Video Project (2024-02-03). Reinstate Namibian Hasab Mine Unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje. indybay.org Namibian unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje is a union leader at the second largest uranium mine in the world owned by Chinese state owned China General Nuclear Power Group CGNP. She was fired after exposing the conditions at the mine and participating in the Namibian Labour Tribunal last October in the capital Windhoek. She also went to the media and that was one of the charges against her. The Chinese owners said that she had exposed the work conditions embarrassing the company and it's subcontractor Eagle Night Watch. These workers are forced to do mine work at substandard wages with no healthcare and benefits. Sinc…

ajay tallam (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: Permaculture Workday. indybay.org the gardens at lake merritt…

ajay tallam (2024-02-03). Monday 2/12: Fungus Among us — February Permaculture Meetup and Potluck. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: San Jose Against War. indybay.org 48 S 7th St | San Jose, CA…

Angela (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: Webinar: From Turtle Island to Kashmir to Palestine: Settler Colonialism is a Crime. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Mostly British Film Festival (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/17: Pretty Red Dress. indybay.org 3290 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA 94115…

Angela (2024-02-03). Sunday 2/4: A Virtual Conversation with Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac: Confronting Christian Zionism. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/10: Virtual Meet-Up: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-03). Sunday 2/4: LA: Shut It Down For Palestine! indybay.org Pershing Square | 532 S Olive St | Los Angeles, CA…

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-02-03). Six Pesticides Threaten Over Half of Endangered Species. indybay.org Lawsuit Targets Federal Fish and Wildlife Service's Failure to Protect Endangered Species From Toxic Pesticides…

David Giesen (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: "One big world" public policy: the walking tour. indybay.org meet in the lobby of | The American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles (2024-02-03). Friday 2/23: Drawing from Film with Catherine Goodman. indybay.org Hauser & Wirth, 901 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90013…

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2024-02-03). Friday 3/1: "Method Sampling: How To Build The Future Together" Film Screening & Discussion. indybay.org Oakland Asian Cultural Center…

PSL (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: Shut it Down for Palestine at the Farmers Market Outside the San Francisco Ferry Building. indybay.org Farmers Market outside at 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco.

Ramona Duhoux (2024-02-03). Elected officials want inclusive, equitable offshore wind power development. indybay.org For security and equitability offshore wind will move America off its dependence on fossil fuels. Over 550 elected officials want inclusive, equitable offshore wind power development to improve health, economies and mitigate climate disasters.

Angela (2024-02-03). Tuesday 2/6: Fairfield City Council Meeting. indybay.org Fairfield City Council Chamber | 1000 Webster Street | Fairfield, CA | OR | Zoom | fairfieldca.zoom.us/j/89060213840?pwd=UU…

People's Park Council (2024-02-03). Sunday 2/11: Street Mural for People's Park. indybay.org Haste St and Bowditch St, Berkeley…

San Jose Against War (2024-02-03). Saturday 2/3: San Jose Against War – 1st Public Meeting. indybay.org San Jose Peace & Justice Center | 48 S 7th St, San Jose, CA 95112…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-02). China lanza 11 satélites enfocados en servicios de empresa Geely. radiohc.cu Beijing, 3 feb (RHC) China lanzó este viernes 11 satélites al espacio que forman parte de la constelación Geely-02, enfocada en servicios de comunicación entre vehículos de conducción autónoma para la empresa del mismo nombre.

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