Daily Archives: February 26, 2020

2020-02-26: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Julian Assange, Political Offences and Legal Restraints: Day Three of Extradition Hearings
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-27
Wednesday, February 26, Woolwich Crown Court. Today, the focus shifted to the protagonist himself and the nature of the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003, a contentious document that shines all too favourably for US citizens. | Julian Assange, whose …

John Pilger: Llegó el momento para que Julian Assange sea liberado, no traicionado
John Pilger | thegrayzone.com | 2020-02-27
La verdad es que Australia podía haber rescatado a Julian Assange, y todavía puede. Los líderes de su tierra natal…

Syria: "Moderate Rebels" or "Intelligence Assets"?
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-27
"Moderates" never existed except as an "intelligence" agency narrative to protect and arm all the terrorists. "Rebels" never existed except as an "intelligence" agency ploy to falsely portray a Regime Change war as a "revolution" or a "civil war". | Prof. | …

US Sanctions Hezbollah-Linked Lebanese Companies
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-27
United States Treasury Department blacklisted Wednesday several companies and individuals of investment firms in Lebanon, accusing them of being owned or controlled by Hezbollah's Martyrs Foundation. | RELATED: | IMF Extends Visit To Crisis-Hit Lebanon: Sources | The department blacklisted Beirut-based Atlas Holding and its affiliates as "Specially Designated Global Terrorists," therefore, the targeted individuals' and companies' assets in the U.S. territory are frozen and prohibits U.S. nati…

Centrist Candidates Are Losing the Plot
Bill Boyarsky | truthdig.com | 2020-02-27
I thought I might end up watching an Iowa-style meltdown when my cousin, a precinct chair in Nevada, invited me to Reno to watch the complicated vote counting at the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Feb. 24, less than three weeks after Iowa's disaster. | I hate to admit it, being a cynical correspondent for a skeptical progressive website, but things went pretty well. Those tallying up the votes appeared to be honest and dedicated to doing a good job. | The participants gathered at Swope Middle School on a Sunday morning were in a good mood. Under the direction of chairs like my cousin, they divided up quickly, as t…

At Least 5 Killed, 20,000 Displaced in Jakarta Floods
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-27
At least five people were killed, three were missing and nearly 20,000 had been displaced by floods in Jakarta following torrential rains, Indonesian authorities said on Wednesday. | RELEASED: | 'I'm Still Scared': Asia Remembers Tsunami That Killed 230,000 | The floods, which saw waters rising as high as 1.5 meters in some areas of the city, affected some 75,000 people and 22,000 houses, national disaster management authority ( BNPB) spokespe…

Union Finds Opera Singer Placido Domingo Sexually Harassed Women
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-27
Opera singer Placido Domingo apologized to the women who have accused him of sexual harassment on Tuesday after an investigation by the American Guild of Musical Artists concluded he had behaved inappropriately with female performers. | RELATED: | New York Jury Convicts Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Assault, Rape | One of the most feted and powerful opera stars of the modern era, Domingo said in a statement he had spent several months…

California confirms first possible 'community transmission' of coronavirus as China reports fewest new fatalities in month
rt.com | 2020-02-27
California health officials have detected what may be the first local transmission of the deadly COVID-19 virus in the US

Trump appoints VP Pence to lead coronavirus response, says US 'totally prepared'
rt.com | 2020-02-27
US President Donald Trump brushed off concerns about COVID-19 coronavirus spreading in the US, saying the containment measures so far have been very effective but that his government is also fully prepared if they fail. | Holding a press conference at the White House on Wednesday evening, shortly after returning from India, Trump told Americans not to panic and argued that the measures he ordered undertaken

MSM's insatiable anti-Sanders venom forces them to dig through archives & smear veteran American reporter (because Russia!)
rt.com | 2020-02-27
Mainstream outlets are so determined to derail Bernie Sanders's campaign they'll dig up a 2016 interview of his wife with RT's late host Ed Schultz

China's foreign ministry summons US embassy official over Pompeo's threat to eject Chinese reporters, vows response
rt.com | 2020-02-27
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has called for a meeting with a US embassy official after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to expel Chinese reporters working in the US, as the two sides become embroiled in a "press war." | "In recent years, the US government has adopted various restrictions on Chinese news organizations in the United States," said Hua Chunying, head of the foreign ministry's news department. | "If the US takes further harassment and restriction measures against Chinese news organizations in the US, the Chinese side will certainly respond further." | The stern statement comes after the T…

Pants on fire! Joe Biden's campaign says he was never 'arrested' trying to visit Nelson Mandela
rt.com | 2020-02-27
Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden claimed he was arrested in the 1970s while trying to visit jailed South African civil rights campaigner Nelson Mandela. After critics called him out, his campaign now denies the claim. | Courting the black vote in South Carolina and Nevada this month. Biden brought up his 1970s visit to South Africa, taken when he was a Senator for Delaware. He told a South Carolina crowd that he "had the great honor of being arrested with our UN ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see [Mandela] on Robben Island." At a black history awards event in Las Vegas last week,…

Persecuted journalist Assange handcuffed, stripped naked on first day of extradition trial
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
As proceedings were due to begin, a court official told WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson that he was barred from the public gallery.

With Wikileaks, Julian Assange Did What All Journalists Should Do
Patrick Cockburn | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
I was in Kabul in 2010 when Julian Assange and WikiLeaks first released a vast archive of classified US government documents, revealing what Washington really knew about what was happening in the world. I was particularly interested in one of these disclosures which came in the shape of a video that the Pentagon had refused to release despite…

Assange's Extradition Hearing Reveals Trump's War on Free Press Is Targeting WikiLeaks Publisher
Nozomi Hayase | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
On Monday, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange's one-week extradition hearing began at Woolwich Crown Court in SouthEast London. The judge heard the opening arguments for the prosecution and defense. The prosecution began, accusing the journalist who exposed the US government's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan of espionage charges that would carry 175 years in jail.

Julian Assange Against the Imperium: Day Two of Extradition Hearings
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
The second day of extradition hearings against Julian Assange and by virtue of that, WikiLeaks, saw Mark Summers QC deliver a formidable serve for the defence at Woolwich Crown Court. "It's difficult to conceive of a clearer example of an …

Russiagate: The Toxic Gift That Keeps on Giving
Kollibri terre Sonnenblume | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
All smears are boomerang smears. That is why anyone worth a damn does not engage in it. That goes for the Russia-Gaters, the left/right smears on Gabbard, the years of left/right smears on Assange, the attacks on the Green Party and now the Russia narrative attacks on Sanders. Falling into line with the secret police…

Black America May Decide the Fate of the Democratic Party
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
"There are seven white people on this stage talking about racial justice," said former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg last night at the Democratic debate in South Carolina. The debate in Charleston quickly became a rhetorical tug-of-war between presidential candidates vying for Black votes. They fought over stop and frisk, loyalty to Obama and redlining. | The high–stakes backdrop of the February 25 debate was the collapse of neoliberal politics in the face of a rising progressive wing led by Sen. Bernie…

Vanderbilt oligarch heir Anderson Cooper worked at CIA in college
Ben Norton | thegrayzone.com | 2020-02-26
CNN and 60 Minutes host Anderson Cooper, who red-baited Bernie Sanders over old comments praising Fidel Castro's literacy program, worked…

SEG (New Zealand) rally in Wellington demands freedom for Assange and Manning
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
Speakers denounced the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder and the whistleblower, Chelsea Manning, who are both in prison and being psychologically tortured for revealing US war crimes.

Police State US/UK v. Julian Assange
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Tuesday was day two of Assange's Orwellian extradition hearing

SEP US presidential candidate Joseph Kishore: "Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!"
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
The Socialist Equality Party opposes Assange's extradition to the United States. We demand immediate freedom for Assange and for whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Video: Erdogan Forces Recaptured Nayrab but Lost Another Dozen of Villages to Syrian Army
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
On February 24 morning, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other Idlib groups supported by the Turkish Army launched a new attempt to capture the village of Nayrab from the Syrian Army. Turkish-backed rebels bedecked with ISIS insignias once again reached the …

Turkey's Request for U.S. Patriot Missiles to Pressure Russia in Syria Will Not Work
Paul Antonopoulos | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Ankara's statements about an imminent military operation in Syria and the Turkish authorities' request for Washington to supply them with U.S.-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems are just Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's manoeuvres to leverage against Russia that his …

Turkey's War on Syria: Erdogan Sponsored Terrorists Cut Drinking Water off Al-Hasakah, Two Million People Affected, an Explicit War Crime
Arabi Souri | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Terrorists loyal to Erdogan along with Turkish Army forces cut the drinking water off more than 2 million people in the city of Hasakah and its suburbs yesterday. | The terrorists infested the Alouk Water Station, the main source for drinking …

Evidence on Continuing US-NATO Media Lies About the War in Syria
James ONeill | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
One of the clearest indicators of the legitimacy or otherwise of Western military actions is the coverage that is given to it by the western media. When evidence emerges that the given military action was at best ill-founded and more …

Will Media Support or Oppose Sanders if He Maintains Momentum?
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
It's early in the race for the White House with a long way to go, Sanders the current frontrunner to become Dem standard bearer

Nonviolent Action for Peace
David Swanson | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
George Lakey's new book is called How We Win: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning. On its cover is a drawing of a hand holding up two fingers in what is more often considered a peace sign than a victory sign, but I suppose it is meant as both. Perhaps nobody is better qualified…

Podcast: Abby Martin Resists Anti-BDS Laws & The Israeli Lobby
Mnar Muhawesh | mintpressnews.com | 2020-02-26
Abby Martin discusses her lawsuit against the state of Georgia over it's anti-BDS law, the Israeli government's heavy hand in pushing anti-free speech laws, the pro-Israel Democratic candidates and…

China Will Remain Economic Powerhouse After Virus: Amb. to UK
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
China's economy is "highly resilient" and its "immune system" is robust, Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming said Monday, stressing that any negative impact of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak is "short-term and temporary." | RELATED: | Germany: The Beginning of a Possible Coronavirus Epidemic | "The fundamentals that sustain long-term growth have not changed and will not change," Liu said in his speech 'Join Hands to Meet Challenges and Embrace the New Spring' at a dinner…

China auto sales plummet as coronavirus threatens to trigger global downturn
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
In a country of nearly 1.4 billion people, average sales dropped to a staggering 811 vehicles a day in the first week of February.

Is Wall Street Behind the Delay in Declaring the Coronavirus Outbreak a "Pandemic"?
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2020-02-26
A little known financial mechanism set up by the World Bank could be behind the decision not to declare the coronavirus a pandemic reports Whitney Webb.

As Coronavirus Hits Italy, Hand Sanitizer Rises to €30 per Bottle on Amazon
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-02-26
As is the case with most natural disasters, the Coronavirus has triggered price gouging on basic items like hand sanitizer and face masks.

First Coronavirus Infection Reported in Latin America
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
In the midst of the popular carnival parties in Brazil, the Ministry of Health confirmed on Wednesday the first case of the coronavirus infection of a Brazilian citizen resident that spent the first ten days of February in Italy. | RELATED: | Death Toll Rises to 12 as Coronavirus Spreads in Italy | "The initial diagnosis was confirmed," Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta explained in a press conference in Brasilia, adding that the emergency committee is meeting in Sao Paulo and thi…

Wall Street falls as coronavirus spreads
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
After reaching record highs last week, the major indexes have lost all their gains for the year, wiping out some $2.1 trillion from share values.

GOP Senators Slam Trump Administration Over Coronavirus
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
Senators from both parties slammed the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus amid dire warnings from health officials. | The Senate was briefed by Trump administration officials after Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the administration was "asleep at the wheel" as the country faces a "pandemic." | Senators apparently did not get the answers they were looking for. | "This morning's classified coronavirus briefing sho…

Germany: The Beginning of a Possible Coronavirus Epidemic
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Germany declared that it was heading towards a coronavirus epidemic and could no longer trace all cases, when the number of infected patients inside China has, for the first time, been overtaken by those elsewhere. | RELATED: | First Coronavirus Infection Reported in Latin America | According to the daily The Berlin Spectator, what the authorities feared might be happening: precisely two weeks after the last Coronavirus case was confirmed in the Bavarian nation, the 16th one, seven…

Trump's India Visit Was Aimed Against China but Produced No Results
Paul Antonopoulos | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
During U.S. President Donald Trump's visit to India on Monday and Tuesday, he was led to a packed cricket stadium with about 100,000 people in Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat, the home of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. …

Heaven Protect Us From Men Who Live the Illusion of Danger: Pete Buttigieg and the US Military
Matthew Hoh | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
#CIAPete has been trending on social media this past month as stories and commentaries have emerged telling and re-telling Pete Buttigieg's role as a naval intelligence officer in Afghanistan, his duties in his assignment in Kabul as a member of the Afghan Threat Finance Cell, and his relationship to CIA colleagues. This would be all rather amusing and just another dust speck of non-sense in the vast universe of inanity that is the US presidential race, if it were not for Buttigieg's own use of his time in uniform and in Afghanistan as a cudgel to silence others from both an informed and moral perspective on issu…

Supreme Court Ruling Hands US Border Patrol a Licence to Kill With Impunity
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-02-26
The Supreme Court set a dangerous precedent yesterday when it ruled in favor of the US Border Patrol in the cross-border murder of a young teenage boy who was shot in the face by an overzealous agent.

Dozens Dead as Hindu Mobs Launch Anti-Muslim Pogroms Amid Trump Visit to India
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-02-26
Gangs of Hindu mobs and paramilitaries are roaming Dehli, attacking those protesting against Modi's anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Registration Council (NRC) laws.

The US-India Strategic Partnership: Geopolitical Pivot In Favor of US After Trump's Delhi Visit
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
India's gradual geopolitical pivot towards the US

Solidarity with Palestine: 'If They Suppress BDS, No Other Movement Is Safe'
Omar Barghouti | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
As alarming, anti-democratic measures are aimed at Palestine solidarity activists in the UK and beyond, Husna Rizvi speaks to Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement. | *** | 'We are armed only with our rights, and our dignity.' | …

Sanders Gains Support in South Carolina as Steyer Siphons Votes From Biden
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
Tuesday night's Democratic presidential debate comes just four days before South Carolina's first-in-the-South primary

The 2020 Election Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
The 10th Democratic presidential debate took place Tuesday in Charleston, South Carolina, and two billionaires were at either end of the stage: Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. Front-runner Bernie Sanders, who has made attacking the power of the "billionaire class" a central theme of his campaign, stood in the middle. It was a visual representation of the split within the Democratic Party, in which a growing number of people are "rising up against plutocracy," says Anand Giridharadas, editor-at-large at Time magazin…

Bernie Sanders gains support in South Carolina as billionaire Tom Steyer draws votes from Joe Biden
Amy Goodman | nationofchange.org | 2020-02-26
Billionaire Tom Steyer has poured money into outreach to African-American voters, who make up more than half of South Carolina's Democratic electorate.

Bloomberg Campaign Deletes Tweets of Fake Quotes of Sanders Praising Despots
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's campaign came under fire after posting a series of now-deleted tweets that included fake quotes of 2020 Democratic front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders praising authoritarianism. | As Common Dreams reported, Sanders' comments praising former Cuban President Fidel Castro for literacy programs in the island nation echoe…

Anti-Russian Xenophobia Reaches Ridiculous Levels
Jeremy Kuzmarov | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
Following his resounding defeat in Nevada in the Democratic Party Caucus, Joe Biden blamed the Russians, telling CBS News that the "Russians don't want me to be the nominee, they like Bernie." The intelligence communities a few days earlier accused Russia of favoring Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump. Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic Party…

How the US Intelligence Community is Interfering in the 2020 Elections
Jefferson Morley | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
President Trump's ongoing purge of the intelligence community, along with Bernie Sanders' surge in the Democratic presidential race, has triggered an unprecedented intervention of U.S. intelligence agencies in the U.S. presidential election on factually dubious grounds. Former CIA director John Brennan sees a "full-blown national security crisis" in President Trump's latest moves against the intelligence…

The "Liberal" Media's Propaganda War on Bernie Sanders
Paul Street | zcomm.org | 2020-02-26
Do not be surprised if the Russia angle becomes a master narrative in coming weeks…

Everything We Were Told About Bernie Sanders Was Wrong
Mehdi Hasan | zcomm.org | 2020-02-26
Can we agree, in the wake of primary contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, and now Nevada, that everything we were told about Sen. Bernie Sanders was wrong?

ABC News Suspends Reporter for Identifying as a 'Socialist'
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
United States ABC News said Wednesday that it suspended veteran correspondent David Wright after he was heard describing himself as a "socialist," and criticizing the outlet's political coverage in an undercover video released by right-wing website Project Veritas. | RELATED: | Bernie Sanders Wins New Hampshire | "Any action that damages our reputation for fairness and impartiality or gives the appearance of compromising it harms…

Sanders Could Beat Trump in the Race for U.S. Presidency
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
A growing number of Democratic voters see Senator Bernie Sanders as the best chance to prevent President Donald Trump's re-election in November, even though the rest of the party's candidates claim that is impossible. | RELATED: | Bernie Sanders To Skip AIPAC Conference On Political Reasons | The growing force of the self-described Socialist Democrat in the race for president, which includes a close victory in Iowa, a narrow victory in New Hampshire and a decisive victory in…

Bolivia: Luis Arce Alerts About Risk of Fraud in May Elections
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
The candidate for the presidency of Bolivia for the Movement to Socialism (MAS), Luis Arce, denounces possible fraud in general elections called for May 3, given the changes made to the election system, also exposed by several political actors as 'nothing transparent'. | RELATED: | ALBA Rejects Disqualification of Evo Morales' Candidacy | The alarms rang off because there will be no informing of preliminary ballot counts; therefore, the results of the votes will be announced once the review of…

Chile Kicks Off Campaign for Constitutional Reform
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
On Wednesday, the campaign for the constitutional plebiscite on April 26 will begin in Chile, a process that calls for democratization and the end of the enclaves of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990), which persist in the Latin American country. | RELATED: | Chilean President Piñera's Disapproval Increases to 83%: Survey | During the campaign, the country's political parties will broadcast their message house to house, in streets, on radio and television, to call on Chileans to vote for or against repealing the current…

Climate Change and Voting 2020
Manuel García, Jr. | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
Today, humanity faces a situation unique in the 200,000 year existence of our species Homo sapiens sapiens, and unique in the 2 million year existence of our genus, Homo: the unprecedented steady linear advance of global warming since 1970, which is making our planet irreversibly less habitable as time progresses, and which is driven entirely…

Climate Activist Thunberg Among Favorites To Win Nobel Prize
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is among the favorites to win the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, following nominations by politicians. | RELATED: | 'You Have Not Seen Anything Yet,' Thunberg Warns Ahead of Davos | Norway's Nobel Institute, which does not confirm or deny the names of any particular individuals or organizations nominated, said on Wednesday it had received nominations for 317 candidates this year, up from 301 in 2019. Of these 210 were individuals and 107 were orga…

2020 began with the hottest January in recorded history
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
One of the major consequences of human-induced climate change is sea level rise, which threatens coastal flooding and the displacement of hundreds of millions of people.

Colombian Court Seeks to Decriminalize Abortion
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
On Wednesday Colombia's Constitutional Court will make an important decision on the legalization of abortion in the country, which could lead to the total decriminalization of women who decide to terminate their pregnancies, according to local sources. | RELATED: | Pot-Banging in Colombia Against Government's Political Genocide | After two weeks of evaluating a lawsuit by lawyer Natalia Bernal, which demanded that the high court penalize women who interrupt their pregnancies, a…

Four-Day Ecuador Carnival Leaves 55 Dead, 33 in Road Accidents
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
More than 50 people died, and more than 170 were injured in Ecuador during the country's four-day Carnival holiday, officials said on Tuesday. | RELATED: | Ecuador: Andean Peoples Greet New Year Dancing 'La Diablada' | Juan Zapata, director-general of Ecuador's security services, gave a preliminary estimate in a press conference as the event began Saturday. | "The [security services] have so far recorded 33 dead and 171 injuries (traffic accidents). Public Safety [has recorded…

Donziguer, Not the Lawyer Depicted by Chevron-Texaco: Report
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Environmental attorney Steven Donziger, known for winning the Chevron-Texaco oil spill case for Ecuador, got a 36-page recommendation letter. The letter asks for his law license back on Monday after a suspension and house arrest in a ruling that he claimed was pushed by Chevron as retaliation. | RELATED: | Canada's Indigenous Community Challenges Pipeline | "My recommendation is that his interim suspension should be ended, and that he should be allowed to resume the practice…

With help from US media allies, Nicaragua's coup-mongers are aiming for Western hearts and minds
Nan McCurdy | thegrayzone.com | 2020-02-26
With its support tanking at home, Nicaragua's opposition is seeking to win over public opinion in the West. A factually…

Going Off-Script in the Age of Trump
Andrew Bacevich | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
The impeachment of the president of the United States! Surely such a mega-historic event would reverberate for weeks or months, leaving in its wake no end of consequences, large and small. Wouldn't it? Shouldn't it? Truth to tell, the word historic does get tossed around rather loosely these days. Just about anything that happens at…

Death Toll in Delhi Reaches 25, People Flee Violence-Hit Areas
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
At least 25 people have been killed in India's capital Delhi as a result of extremely violent religious clashes between Hindus and Muslims, according to a health official cited Wednesday by local media Asian News International. | RELATED: | India Erects Walls Hiding Slums Ahead of Trump Visit | Many people living in mixed neighborhoods, both Hindus and Muslims, have started moving out in the wake of the violence, which is the worst the capital has experienced in decades. | The death tol…

The Movement to Protect Grand Canyon from Uranium Mining.Threat to People, Land, Water and Wildlife

| globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
The National Congress of American Indians and conservation groups today urged Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) to cosponsor the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act, which permanently bans new uranium mining across 1 million acres of public land around Grand Canyon …

The Pentagon's New Map: How to Know if America Is Your Enemy
Eric Zuesse | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
If your country is friendly toward Russia, China, or Iran, then today's American Government is probably applying subversion, economic sanctions, or maybe even planning a coup, or (if none of those will succeed) probably is war-gaming now for a possible …

How Globalization and China's Economic Crisis Might Jeopardize Our Precarious Medical Supply Chains
F. William Engdahl | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
The grave risks and dangers in the process of worldwide out-sourcing and so-called globalization of the past 30 years or so are becoming starkly clear as the ongoing health emergency across China threatens vital world supply chains from China to …

Dominican Republic: No Mediators to Clarify Electoral Crisis
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
The electoral crisis in the Dominican Republic, since the failure of the municipal elections on February 16th, has yet to find impartial interlocutors to clarify the political uncertainty in the country. | RELATED: | Protests Continue in Dominican Republic | After the suspension of the February 16th elections, due to the collapse of the automated voting system, the Central Electoral Board (JCE, by its Spanish abbreviation) called for the signing of a political pact among almost 100 Dominican organiz…

Court Sides With Trump in 'Sanctuary Cities' Grant Fight
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
The Trump administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement grants to force states called 'Sanctuaries' to cooperate with U.S. immigration enforcement. | RELATED: | Sanctuary Cities to Welcome Migrants If Trump's Idea Goes Thru | The decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan, on Wednesday, overturned a lower court's ruling ordering the administration to release funding to New York City and seven states – New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wa…

US Supreme Court grants border police a license to kill
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
The latest 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court follows a series of anti-immigrant court rulings and provocations by the Trump administration.

Putin Urges Russian Police to Increase Crime Solving Rate
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Russian police should significantly intensify work to increase the solving rate of crimes, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday. | RELATED: | Russia to Complete Observation Flight Over Turkey | "This is one of your main tasks. The operating, investigative and all other units should concentrate efforts on it," Putin said at an annual meeting of senior officials of the Russian interior ministry. | Putin also urged the ministry to ensure the rule of law durin…

Making America Unsafe Again
John Feffer | zcomm.org | 2020-02-26
Whether it's Russian hackers, deadly viruses, or unscrupulous investors, the Trump administration has made it much easier for some foreign agents to destabilize the United States…

Venezuela Reaffirms Cooperation With UN on Human Rights
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza ratified Wednesday his government's willingness to cooperate with the United Nations on human rights issues. | RELATED: | Majority of Venezuelans Against U.S. Sanctions, Poll Reveals | In a meeting with the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the top diplomat said that his government assumes the protection and respect for fundamental rights as a state policy. | This is part of the minister's agenda during th…

The Good Die Young
T.P. Wilkinson | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-02-26
Last year was the thirtieth anniversary of the annexation of the German Democratic Republic. It was the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Shortly after that annexation in 1989 began and was consummated in 1990, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was dissolved and the core of that union, the …

Democratic Socialism in the Twenty-First Century
Scott Tucker | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
In the previous century I was a regular columnist for The Humanist magazine, and I was fortunate to work for an editor, Rick Szykowny, who was committed to publishing both class conscious and explicitly socialist writers. On March 1, 1994, The Humanist published my article titled…

A new Israeli atrocity in Gaza was carried out with the help of a multinational corporation
Tom Anderson | thecanary.co | 2020-02-26
Trigger warning: this piece contains video footage that some viewers may find distressing. | Disclosure: The author of this piece is also a researcher for Corporate Occupation, whose work this article cites. | On Monday 24 February the world woke up to a new set of gruesome images showing the terrible reality of Israel's siege of the Gaza Strip. | A young man called Mohammed al-Naem was killed by the Israeli military, close to the Israeli…

A new Israeli atrocity in Gaza was carried out with the help of a multinational corporation
Tom Anderson | thecanary.co | 2020-02-26
Trigger warning: this piece contains video footage that some viewers may find distressing. | Disclosure: The author of this piece is also a researcher for Corporate Occupation, whose work this article cites. | On Monday 24 February the world woke up to a new set of gruesome images showing the terrible reality of Israel's siege of the Gaza Strip. | A young man called Mohammed al-Naem was killed by the Israeli military, close to the Israeli…

Arguments About Bloomberg's "Electability" Overlook His Racism and Misogyny
Prof. Marjorie Cohn | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
As billionaire Michael Bloomberg endeavors to buy his way to the presidency, some pundits continue to speculate that he has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump, even after his abysmal debate performance in Nevada. Bloomberg's campaign says Bernie …

Musical Chairs in the White House
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Here in the Land of Oz, otherwise known as Washington, one continues to run into people who should know better who insist that they have a friend in the White House who confirms that President Donald Trump is really a …

Bloomberg's Public Education Legacy Is a Case Study in Disastrous Privatization
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
As of mid-February, Michael Bloomberg has spent over $400 million on his presidential campaign, including blanketing the air waves with ads and is on track to spend more than a billion dollars. As a result, he has risen sharply in the polls, and in turn, begun to receive critical attention regarding his record on certain issues, such as racial profiling and his stop-and-frisk policies.

Lula Counters Bolsonaro's and General's Call Against Democracy
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called on Congress and Brazilian citizens to defend democracy against the calls for a coup by ultra-right-wing ruler Jair Bolsonaro and retired general Augusto Heleno. | RELATED: | Geneva: Brazil Faces Accusations of Human Rights Violations | Bolsonaro sent a message via WhatsApp to his close circle of allies in which he calls for "action" against Congress and follows the proposal of General Heleno, his advisor, and current Minist…

Brazil in Search for "Fake Enemies"
Lucas Leiroz de Almeida | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Recently, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense published a dossier on possible threats to national security over the next two decades. The document, however, is far from showing any sign of seriousness, being full of unfounded predictions, which call into question …

The Call of the Wild (2020): A Cinematic Fairy Tale for the Age of Environmental Disaster
Jonah Raskin | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
The problem with Jack London has always been that while he was a compelling storyteller with a vivid imagination, he was also a racist, or at least a writer who embraced racial ideas about the superiority of Anglo Saxons and the inferiority of African Americans, Asians and Latinos. Most of the racism that's embedded in The…

Meet Brad Karp, the Top Lawyer Bankrolling the Democrats
Max Moran | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
The insidious influence of the wealthy over our politics, as Alexander Sammon wrote last month, is perhaps the defining issue of the 2020 Democratic primary. It's the reason we at the Revolving Door Project have been yammering on about bundlers–the wealthy and well-connected volunteer fundraisers who almost inevitably end up receiving or influencing key jobs across the executive…

The Ex-Terr GooGoo Eyes "The Russkies Did it!" Plot
Ed Sanders | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
The Ex-Terr GooGoo Eyes "The Russkies Did it!" Plot The Ex-Terr saucer folk Thought they'd have fun By floating a balloon Yolk Painted with GooGoo Eyes From one of their ships To Startle the masses from the Skies Ahh, how it worked, alas! How it freaked out the Mass! Who flooded Social Media And pages…

Is It as Impossible to Build Jerusalem as It is to Escape Babylon? (Part Two)
Peter Harrison | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
(Part Two of Three) An interview with Peter Harrison by GYRUS. The late French anthropologist Pierre Clastres seems to be a big influence on ‚Äãyour work, and I was interested to gather from your work that he seems to be influencing quite a bit of recent anthropology. His theories are a kind of subversion of the…

Whatever Happened to the Greater Yellowstone Coalition?
George Wuerthner | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
Recently the Greater Yellowstone Coalition announced they were working to reduce the wildlife impacts of fences. Not by removing the fences but by changing the wire on them to facilitate easier wildlife passage. Fences, as the Coalition noted, hinder wildlife migrations, and in particular, are a barrier to pronghorn, which are reluctant to jump a…

Why We Shouldn't Run Government Like a Business
George Ochenski | counterpunch.org | 2020-02-26
It's been popular in recent years for certain wealthy capitalists to claim they will "run government like a business" when they seek political office. While that may sound good to some, neither the state nor national Constitution ever suggests that governance and business are or should be the same

After acquittal in Gezi Park trial, Turkish state re-launches prosecution
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
The Gezi Park trial was a politically motivated legal vendetta, aimed at managing the Turkish state's relations with the imperialist powers while intimidating and discrediting social opposition inside Turkey itself.

As World Scrambles, Experts Warn Virus Is Certain to Spread in U.S
Staff | truthdig.com | 2020-02-26
CDC's call for Americans to be prepared for spread of "severe illness" added new urgency to response efforts that had focused on overseas.

South Carolina Donors Give the Most to Biden, But His Lead Is Narrowing
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
Former Vice President Joe Biden is placing his bets on a state that is his stronghold, South Carolina, after placing a distant second in the Nevada caucuses and trailing in the New Hampshire and Iowa contests. | Biden is receiving the largest amount of campaign cash from South Carolina donors compared with his Democratic presidential opponents. Almost 60 percent of Democratic voters in the state are African…

Last Night's Debate Was Like Being Trapped Inside a Headache
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-26
Tuesday night's Democratic presidential debate, hosted by CBS News, was like being trapped inside someone else's headache. The format was choppy and utterly antithetical to any coherent exchange of ideas. The two main moderators, Norah O'Donnell and Gayle King, lost control of the proceedings early and often as five candidates

The fix is in: Kenneth Feinberg to oversee payouts to Boeing crash victims
wsws.org | 2020-02-26
Feinberg's career as Wall Street's preeminent "fixer" began when he minimized the payouts Dow and Monsanto made to victims of Agent Orange during and after the Vietnam War.

Philippine Patriots Say "No" to WWIII and "Yes" to the New Silk Road
Matthew J. L. Ehret | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-02-26
The Philippines President Duterte's recent announcement that the 1998 U.S.-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) would be cancelled has renewed hope that not only would this former U.S. colony finally attain freedom from imperial manipulation, but also that a new emerging age of infrastructure development can usher in an end of poverty and war in the …

Irish Right-Wing Parties, Greens to Hold Post-Election Talks
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Ireland's acting Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, from right-wing party Fine Gael, announced Wednesday that there is currently no basis to negotiate a government program with other parties, but that he would hold talks with the only two viable coalition partners next week. | RELATED: | Left-Wing Sinn Fein Wins Popular Vote in Irish General Election | "The Taoiseach (prime minister) said he does not believe there is currently sufficient basis for appointing a negotiating team or in…

Macri's Created Poverty Is the Highest of the Decade: Report
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-26
Multidimensional poverty in Argentina rose by 10 points in the last four years, from 27.2 percent of the population in 2015 to 37.5 percent in the third quarter of 2019, affecting 15.8 million people, according to the latest report of the Social Debt Observatory of the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). | RELATED: | Argentina: Massive Marches Against International Monetary Fund | The report presented by the UCA analyzes the evolution of the material living conditions of the…

The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream
John W. Whitehead | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." ‚Äï Frédéric Bastiat…

Quebec Politics and the Rise of Québec Solidaire (QS)
André Frappier | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26


The 2018 national assembly election in Québec marked a breakthrough for the Left. While a right-wing coalition won the most votes, the election's biggest surprise was the unprecedented success of the left-wing, pro-independence party Québec solidaire (Solidarity Québec, QS). It

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"Fake Gods": Tackling the Illegality of the 5G Roll-Out. The Explosive Truth of 5G Wireless Transmission
Julian Rose | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-26
Our planet is in the hands of false gods. Fake gods. So that everything over which they preside is tainted by falsity. It is a position which underscores institutions, industries and political agendas from one end of the planet to …

Assange detention illegal under English, European and international law, defense argues
rt.com | 2020-02-26
Day three of the Julian Assange extradition hearing is focusing on whether the allegations against Assange amount to "political offenses." If so, it would likely be outside of the judge's jurisdiction to approve extradition. | Kicking off proceedings at Woolwich Crown Court on Wednesday, defense counsel Edward Fitzgerald argued that 17 of the 18 counts with which the WikiLeaks founder has been charged fall under the US Espionage Act, which makes them political on face value. He added that the 18th count, of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, was in order to carry out the other alleged offenses. | Also on…