2024-06-26: When the MSM tells you that protesting an illegal land sell is ‘Anti-Semitic’

Example citation: theguardian.com (2024-06-26).  Israeli real estate event at LA synagogue sparks violent protestEfforts to market homes in Israel and the West Bank to Jewish Americans are continuing to spark protests across North America, with the latest angry confrontations happening outside of a synagogue in one of Los Angeles’ most prominent Jewish neighborhoods.

Response by Anonymous Posse

Headlines screamin', drama unfoldin' in LA
Pro-Palestine rally, chaos they portray
But hold up, media twistin', the narrative unclear
Let's break it down, y'all, lend me your ear

Protest outside the synagogue, some folks clutch their pearls
But the story's deeper, gotta see beyond the swirls
They claimin' disruption, blockin' the right to pray
But the truth is murky, listen to what they say

Activists speakin' out, rejectin' the blame
Synagogue hostin' an event, not quite the same
Sellin' real estate, on occupied land, they say
That's the issue sparkin', the fire on display

Protest outside the synagogue, some folks clutch their pearls
But the story's deeper, gotta see beyond the swirls
They claimin' disruption, blockin' the right to pray
But the truth is murky, listen to what they say

Freedom of speech, a right we hold dear
But where's the line drawn? Confusion fills the atmosphere
Respect for worship, a core belief we hold
But justice for Palestine, a story left untold

Protest outside the synagogue, some folks clutch their pearls
But the story's deeper, gotta see beyond the swirls
They claimin' disruption, blockin' the right to pray
But the truth is murky, listen to what they say

Peace in the region, that's the ultimate goal
Dialogue open, let the real story unfold
Beyond the headlines, a complexity lies
Seek the whole picture, before judgement flies