Brazil: Bolsonaro Leads 2019 Record for Attacks on the Press | 2020-01-17
Brazil's National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj) Thursday presented its "Report on Violence Against Journalists and Press Freedom", highlighting that 208 attacks on media outlets and journalists were reported in 2019, which means an increase of 54 percent over the previous year | RELATED: ‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã | Brazil to Go Through With Mining on Tribal Lands | "The main threat to pre……
At US Border, Inaccurate Mayan-Language Interpretation Can Lead to Deportation
Staff | | 2020-01-17
As the U.S. continues to use hostile policies to stop people from seeking refuge and asylum in the United States, we look at a key problem that is preventing migrants from getting due process, and in many cases getting them deported: inadequate interpretation for indigenous asylum seekers who speak Mayan languages. Guatemala has a population of 15 million people, and at least 40% of them are indigenous. In the past year, a quarter of a million Guatemalan migrants have been apprehended at the U.…
Sanctions harm reconstruction in Syria's Homs province
Karin Leukefeld | | 2020-01-17
Published in Junge Welt, Dec. 16. Translation by John Catalinotto. According to Gov. Talal Barasi, about half a million people fled from Homs province, the largest in Syria, during the war. Some 2.3 million people had lived in Homs before the war, Barasi explained in an interview with Junge Welt. . . . | Continue reading Sanctions harm reconstruction in Syria's Homs province at…
Trump Calls for New Iran Nuclear Deal that Renders the Country Defenseless
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-17
Last week, Trump called for a new Iran nuclear deal, claiming: | "(W)e must all work together toward making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place (sic)." | That's precisely the JCPOA's aim
The Women's March Is Back and Ready to Defeat Trump
Staff | | 2020-01-17
The Women's March is back this year
In France's Longest Protests Since 1968, Striking Workers Continue the Fight Against Neoliberalism
Alan Macleod | | 2020-01-17
From bus drivers to ballet dancers, workers from across France have taken to the streets in opposition to President Emmanual Macron's attempts to reshape the country into a U.S.-style neoliberal state.…
As Senators Are Sworn In, Calls for a Full for Impeachment Trial Intensify
Staff | | 2020-01-17
For just the third time in history, the U.S. Senate has opened a trial to determine if a sitting president should be removed from office. The Senate trial comes a month after the House impeached President Trump for pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who will preside over the impeachment trial in the Senate, later swore in senators who will serve as jurors when the trial officially begins on Tuesday. This comes as more inf……
Will the Constitution Fail Again?
Frank Joyce | | 2020-01-17
Extreme worship of the Constitution is a feature of U.S. life. It's been that way for a long time. Even so, the zeal with which it has been deployed throughout the current impeachment process is a wonder to behold.…
Will the Constitution Fail Again?
Frank Joyce | | 2020-01-17
Extreme worship of the Constitution is a feature of U.S. life. It's been that way for a long time. Even so, the zeal with which it has been deployed throughout the current impeachment process is a wonder to behold.…
Finally a Christian Call for Trump's Removal
Rev. William Alberts | | 2020-01-17
One would think that liberal faith-based groups would lead the way in calling for President Trump's impeachment and removal from office. That is not the case. It took an evangelical Christian publication, Christianity Today, to speak such prophetic truth to power. CT editor-in-chief Mark Galli called President Trump's attempted used of his……
Finally a Christian Call for Trump's Removal
Rev. William Alberts | | 2020-01-17
One would think that liberal faith-based groups would lead the way in calling for President Trump's impeachment and removal from office. That is not the case. It took an evangelical Christian publication, Christianity Today, to speak such prophetic truth to power. CT editor-in-chief Mark Galli called President Trump's attempted used of his……
A Trump impeachment trial primer–How it will proceed (or not)
Al Neal | | 2020-01-17
The seven prosecutors–Democratic House members who will serve as impeachment managers–have been selected, and all of them are experienced litigators to one degree or another. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has taken the oath as trial adjudicator, and all 100 U.S. Senators have been sworn in as jurors for the impeachment trial of ……
The impeachment trial begins as Trump escalates fascistic appeals | 2020-01-17
The Democratic impeachment process will not stop Trump's increasingly blatant assault on the constitutional foundations of basic democratic rights.…
Senate approves 'New NAFTA' legislation; Sanders and Machinists union still opposed
PAI | | 2020-01-17
WASHINGTON (PAI)–By an overwhelming, bipartisan vote, the GOP-run Senate pushed the "New NAFTA" over the line when it passed legislation, HR5430, on Jan. 16 to allow the "free trade" pact to take effect. Trump will sign it. The vote that morning preceded the official start of Trump's impeachment trial in the Upper Chamber, as Chief ……
Sealed Off and Forgotten: What You Should Know about Israel's 'Firing Zones' in the West Bank
Ramzy Baroud | | 2020-01-17
A seemingly ordinary news story, published in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, on January 7, shed light on a long-forgotten, yet crucial, subject: Israel's so-called "firing zones" in the West Bank.…
San Francisco Labor Council Resolution: "Support the rising anti-war and pro-peace movement"
| | 2020-01-17
The following resolution was adopted Jan. 13 by unanimous vote of the San Francisco Labor Council. Whereas, President Trump has placed the whole world on alert and brought the United States closer to war due to the irresponsible assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani; and Whereas, President Trump has threatened . . . | Continue reading San Francisco Labor Council Resolution: "Support the rising anti-war and pro-peace movement" at…
Battle of the Ages to Stop Eurasian Integration
Pepe Escobar | | 2020-01-17
The Raging Twenties started with a bang with the targeted assassination of Iran's General Qasem Soleimani. | Yet a bigger bang awaits us throughout the decade: the myriad declinations of the New Great Game in Eurasia, which pits the US ……
How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq
Whitney Webb | | 2020-01-17
The U.S. is adamant that its assassination of Qassem Soleimani and refusal to leave Iraq is about protecting Americans, but a little known Iraqi parliamentary session reveals how China increasingly strong ties to Baghdad may be shaping America's new Mideast strategy.…
Three Reasons Why Trump Ordered Soleimani's Killing
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2020-01-17
President Donald Trump's administration has trotted out an embarrassingly inconsistent series of justifications for the recent drone strike in Iraq that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The ever-changing story of why Soleimani was killed underscores the Trump administration's thin rationale for an action so provocative that it could have triggered an all-out war. | The day after the attack, Trump spoke from the White House. He said, "Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught hi……
Trump's True Motives in Iraq: What You're Not Being Told
Whitney Webb | | 2020-01-17
(MPN Op-Ed)
Three Reasons Trump Ordered Soleimani's Killing
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2020-01-17
The president may not want war with Iran, but he does want to push the regime into submission and tout U.S. military dominance to his base.…
The bombs of the last war and preparations for the next rattle Germany
Victor Grossman | | 2020-01-17
BERLIN–"ALARM! Twelve thousand residents must immediately leave their homes! All hospital clinics must be evacuated! No exceptions! Hasten!" Not in burning Australia nor a besieged town in Syria or Afghanistan were those words heard, but rather on Jan. 12, 2020 in the otherwise peaceful if no longer prosperous Dortmund, in Germany's Ruhr Valley. Once again, unexploded ……
The climate-migration-industrial complex
Eds. | | 2020-01-17
Thirty years ago there were fifteen border walls around the world. Now there are seventy walls and over one billion national and international migrants. International migrants alone may even double in the next forty years due to global warming. | Source……
Mexico's President Offers 4,000 Jobs in Attempt to Stop Caravan | 2020-01-17
Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) Friday reported that his government will not grant transit visas to migrants from the caravan trying to reach the United States but that there are about 4.000 jobs available. | RELATED: | 'Mexico Won't Let the Caravan Pass' Guatemala's President Says | "Between 2,500 and 3,000 Honduran and Salvadora……
The Battle With Trump Over Refugee Resettlement Is Not Over Yet
Staff | | 2020-01-17
Refugee resettlement groups throughout the country are, thankfully, back to their usual work of finding new homes for refugees following this week's ruling by a federal judge in Maryland temporarily barring the implementation of Trump's executive order 13888, signed this past September. That order, part of a much broader package of anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and ant……
Trump's Space Force Is Worse Than Reagan's Star Wars
Staff | | 2020-01-17
With a stroke of a pen, Donald Trump created an entirely new branch of the armed forces last year. It's the first new branch of the U.S. military since 1947. | The Space Force is not exactly a new idea. It's a revival of a Reagan-era initiative that had been set up to oversee missile defense, which the George W. Bush administration repurposed after 9/11 to focus on the war in Afghanistan. | Yet what Trump has put together is fundamentally different, and potentially more destabilizing, than the previous incarnation.…
Trump Is the Third President to Lie About Afghan War Success
Staff | | 2020-01-17
The Bush, Obama and Trump administrations all routinely lied to the American people about the success of the 18-year war in Afghanistan. They exaggerated progress and inflated statistics to create an illusion that that the war was winnable. But after the deaths of 157,000 people at a cost of $2 trillion, corruption is rampant and the carnage continues. | "There's an odor of mendacity throughout the Afghanistan issue … mendacity and hubris," John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstructi……
Canada's Media and Political Establishment Endorse Illegal Assassination of Iranian General Suleimani
Roger Jordan | | 2020-01-17
In the two weeks since Washington violated Iraq's sovereignty to assassinate Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) General Qassem Suleimani, major Canadian corporate media outlets and leading figures within the political establishment have voiced their support for such acts of state terrorism. ……
Iraq Set to Buy Russian S-400 Air Defense System and Assert Its Sovereignty
Steven Sahiounie | | 2020-01-17
Iran attacked US forces stationed at two bases in Iraq with 15 missiles on January 8th, but it does not appear missile defense systems were used to counter them. Eric Gomez, a missile defense policy analyst at the Cato ……
Not an Inch: Indian Students Stand Against the Far Right
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-01-17
With her head bandaged and her arm in a sling, university student Aishe Ghosh went before the cameras to say that the students of the university she attends in New Delhi would move "not an inch back." The students would continue to agitate to defend Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and its union, and to fight……
Not an Inch: Indian Students Stand Against the Far Right
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-01-17
With her head bandaged and her arm in a sling, university student Aishe Ghosh went before the cameras to say that the students of the university she attends in New Delhi would move "not an inch back." The students would continue to agitate to defend Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and its union, and to fight……
Your arrow can pierce the sky, but ours has gone into orbit
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-01-17
On Wednesday, 15 January, China and the United States agreed to suspend their full-scale trade war. From February 2018, the United States placed tariffs on Chinese goods that entered the US market, and then China retaliated. This tit-for-tat game continued for almost two years, causing massive disruption in the global value chain. | Source……
The Rumbling Methane Enigma
Robert Hunziker | | 2020-01-17
The northern continental shelves of Russia, inclusive of the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea (ESAS) are some of the least researched yet most controversial subjects in climate science today. It's the one region that has the biggest potential to trigger runaway global warming because of sizeable subsea methane deposits, thereby……
The Maldives Seek Financing to Manage Climate Change Impacts | 2020-01-17
The Republic of Maldives' Foreign Affairs Minister Abdulla Shahid Thursday indicated that his country, a small island nation located in the Indian Ocean, is struggling to find financing that will allow it to build infrastructure to mitigate the risks of sea-level rise. | RELATED: | Germany Agrees on Plan to Phase out Coal Power by 2038 | "For the Maldives, and, for the world over, climate change can be best described as a security and human rights challenge," said Shahid at the Raisina……
The ERA Just Got Ratified by Virginia, the Needed 38th State!
Dave Lindorff | | 2020-01-17
Here's a big deal that's bound to become a lot bigger this year. Exactly 100 years after women finally won the vote with ratification of a 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, the state legislature of Virginia on January 15 finally became the needed 38th state of the Union to ratify the proposed Equal Rights……
The ERA Just Got Ratified by Virginia, the Needed 38th State!
Dave Lindorff | | 2020-01-17
Here's a big deal that's bound to become a lot bigger this year. Exactly 100 years after women finally won the vote with ratification of a 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, the state legislature of Virginia on January 15 finally became the needed 38th state of the Union to ratify the proposed Equal Rights……
America's Long History of Meddling in Russia
Ted Rall | | 2020-01-17
Top Brazilian paper reveals Bolsonaro government's terror plot against Venezuela
Ben Norton | | 2020-01-17
Brazil's right-wing government attempted to attack Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has……
Mexico Takes Action on Coup in Bolivia and on CELAC
W. T. Whitney | | 2020-01-17
Mexico's government intervened recently in two difficult situations beyond its borders. One is turmoil in Bolivia following a U.S.
It's Factually Incorrect to Claim that Bolivia Has a So-Called Interim Government
Andrew Korybko | | 2020-01-17
The individuals who seized power after the military coup in Bolivia don't constitute a so-called "interim government" because the radical policy changes that they've implemented since then go far and beyond simply presiding over the state until new elections are ……
San Francisco Labor Council opposes the coup in Bolivia
| | 2020-01-17
The following resolution was passed by unanimous vote of the San Francisco Labor Council on Jan. 13. Whereas Evo Morales, running for his fourth term of office as President of Bolivia, had the highest vote count in the unofficial and official vote results, leading by over 10% his nearest rival . . . | Continue reading San Francisco Labor Council opposes the coup in Bolivia at…
In Venezuela, reactionary Guaidó humiliated by assembly defeat
John Catalinotto | | 2020-01-17
The self-appointed "interim president" of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, received a humiliating setback in that country's National Assembly vote on Jan. 5. He was deposed as leader of the parliamentary body. Throughout 2019, Guaidó served as the designated puppet of U.S. imperialism in Venezuela. He made five attempts with a reactionary, . . . | Continue reading In Venezuela, reactionary Guaidó humiliated by assembly defeat at…
Trump Prosecutors Make Move to Ensure that Embassy Protectors are Convicted
Ajamu Baraka | | 2020-01-17
As the trial approaches, the lawyers for the Trump Administration's prosecution of the four Venezuelan Embassy Protectors who were arrested last May are asking the court to make sure the jury is kept ignorant about the facts and circumstances surrounding the actions of the protectors. In a recently filed motion by government lawyers, state prosecutors……
Canada's media and political establishment endorse illegal assassination of Iranian General Suleimani | 2020-01-17
To the extent that criticisms have been made, they have revolved around the question of whether Suleimani's murder by drone strike was tactically wise.…
NATO Terrorists Bomb Aleppo Neighborhood: 5 Murdered, 15 Injured
Miri Wood | | 2020-01-17
NATO terrorists continued their slaughter of Syrian civilians. Courtesy of mostly the US taxpayer, another residential neighborhood in Aleppo was bombed. Five persons were murdered. Fifteen persons were injured. Homes and other buildings were damaged. | The wounded were rushed to ……
Institutional murder of Rohith Vemula in India
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-01-17
He committed suicide at the age of 26, distressed due to the ostracization inflicted up on him by the university authorities at the instigation of the right wing Hindu outfits in and outside the campus.…
Colombia: Armed Incursion to Jamundi Leaves Five Civilians Dead | 2020-01-17
Five young farmers were killed in the middle of a confrontation among illegal armed groups operating in the municipality of Jamundi, at the Cauca valley, in Colombia. | RELATED: | 17 Social Leaders Assassinated so Far This Year in Colombia | According to local media, the victims were traveling in three cars when members of those armed groups threw explosives into the vehicles destroying them. | On Thursday night, there was a clash among criminal organizations, one of which was ap……
Assassination of Congolese independence leader and revolutionary Patrice Lumumba
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-01-17
On January 17, 1961, Congolese independence leader, Patrice Lumumba was assassinated by counter-revolutionary forces, backed by the US and Belgium. He was the first Prime Minister of the independent Democratic Republic of the Congo (then Republic of the Congo). He played a significant role in the transformation of the Congo from a colony of Belgium into an independent republic. Ideologically an African nationalist and Pan-Africanist, he led the Congolese National Movement (MNC) party from 1958 until his assassination.…
Learning From King's Last Campaign
Jessicah Pierre | | 2020-01-17
As we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., it's natural to remember his courageous advocacy for racial equity. But before he was assassinated, King had also begun to broaden his efforts to unify the around economic justice. That's worth remembering today. In December 1967, King, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and other conveners……
Learning From King's Last Campaign
Jessicah Pierre | | 2020-01-17
As we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., it's natural to remember his courageous advocacy for racial equity. But before he was assassinated, King had also begun to broaden his efforts to unify the around economic justice. That's worth remembering today. In December 1967, King, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and other conveners……
MLK's final campaign lives on: The war against racism and poverty
Jessicah Pierre | | 2020-01-17
As we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., it's natural to remember his courageous advocacy for racial equity. But before he was assassinated, King had also begun to broaden his efforts to unify the movement around economic justice. That's worth remembering today. In December 1967, King, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and other ……
91% of Peer-Reviewed Papers Find Medicare for All Would Save Public Money, Cover Everyone
Alan Macleod | | 2020-01-17
An analysis of peer-revied scientific papers found overwhelming consensus in the conclusion that Medicare for All would indeed save the American taxpayer money.…
91% of Peer-Reviewed Papers Find Medicare for All Would Save Public Money, Cover Everyone
Alan Macleod | | 2020-01-17
An analysis of peer-reviewed scientific papers found overwhelming consensus in the conclusion that Medicare for All would indeed save the American taxpayer money.…
Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture
Colin Todhunter | | 2020-01-17
A common claim is that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are essential to agriculture if we are to feed an ever-growing global population. Supporters of genetically engineered (GE) crops argue that by increasing productivity and yields, this technology will also help ……
IYSSE holds first meeting in campaign for student parliament elections at Berlin's Humboldt University | 2020-01-17
The meeting focused on the dangerous developments in the Middle East since the beginning of the year and the need for a socialist and internationalist programme to put an end to war.…
The Business Party Syndicate
James McFadden | | 2020-01-17
Each year Leftist Democrats, Socialists and Radicals are asked to hold their noses and vote for the lesser-of-two-evils. This is a false choice because we live in a rigged One-Party state
The Business Party Syndicate
James McFadden | | 2020-01-17
Each year Leftist Democrats, Socialists and Radicals are asked to hold their noses and vote for the lesser-of-two-evils. This is a false choice because we live in a rigged One-Party state
The World Looks to Abandon the Dollar as US Sanctions Tighten Their Grip
Ryan McMaken | | 2020-01-17
When the US places financial sanctions on one country, it de facto sanctions many other countries as well
Washington continues war buildup against Iran | 2020-01-17
Another squadron of F15-E fighter jets has been dispatched to the region, while the threat of a "nuclear option" is on the table.…
Canada's Dark History vis-à -vis Iran
Yves Engler | | 2020-01-17
To understand where you are, it is necessary to know where you have been. To understand current Canadian policy towards the 18th most populous country in the world, it is necessary to look at the history of Ottawa's relations with Iran. For the first 75 years after Confederation Canada's foreign policy was largely shaped by ……
Canada Opposed Iranian Democracy
Yves Engler | | 2020-01-17
To understand where you are, it is necessary to know where you have been. To understand current Canadian policy towards the 18th most populous country in the world, it is necessary to look at the history of Ottawa's relations ……
Washington Continues War Buildup Against Iran
Bill Van Auken | | 2020-01-17
With a series of new US military deployments, Washington is escalating its preparations for a full-scale war with Iran. The buildup is continuing despite what has been universally described in the media as an easing of tensions following the January ……
US students and youth speak out against the threat of war with Iran | 2020-01-17
"We know who war benefits. It benefits the rich, and it's always the poor and the working class who suffer the consequences. My father fought in World War II and the Korean War and it totally destroyed him."…
Julian Assange's battle for justice
Vyshakh T | | 2020-01-17
Julian Assange's extradition hearing is scheduled to begin on February 25. We bring you a timeline of the major developments in the case since his arrest in April 2019.…
Sam Mendes' 1917: A technological step forward, several ideological and artistic steps back | 2020-01-17
1917, directed by British filmmaker Sam Mendes, recounts a fictionalized episode set during World War I. Failing to indict those responsible for the carnage or explore its context, the movie does not qualify as an anti-war film.…
'Protecting TeleSUR Is Protecting the Peoples' Voice' Villegas | 2020-01-17
The New Television of the South (teleSUR) president Patricia Villegas Thursday warned about the difficulties of doing progressive journalism in Latin America and stressed that "protecting teleSUR is protecting the voice of the peoples of the world". | RELATED: | Desperate Juan Guaido Vows Again to Plunder teleSUR's Signal | At teleSUR "we have been accustomed all this time to resist amid adversities," Villegas said and recalled that "we are a very powerful voice … the vision of……
Israel Bombs Gaza Strip in Response to Incendiary Balloons
Middle East Eye | | 2020-01-17
CNN is Trash
David Swanson | | 2020-01-17
Why has the hash tag #CNNisTrash been popular since this week's presidential primary debate? There was nothing new about the corporate, militarist, anti-progressive slant of the debate "moderation." What was new was the level of blatant bias so extreme that even viewers who knew nothing about the issues couldn't miss it, plus the amount of……
CNN is Trash
David Swanson | | 2020-01-17
Why has the hash tag #CNNisTrash been popular since this week's presidential primary debate? There was nothing new about the corporate, militarist, anti-progressive slant of the debate "moderation." What was new was the level of blatant bias so extreme that even viewers who knew nothing about the issues couldn't miss it, plus the amount of……
The TEPCO Trial: Prosecution and Acquittal after Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown
Prof. David T. Johnson | | 2020-01-17
On September 19, 2019, a panel of three professional judges in the Tokyo District Court acquitted three former executives of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The defendants were former chairman Katsumata Tsunehisa (79), and former vice presidents Takekuro Ichiro ……
In Commune: Altos de Lídice
Eds. | | 2020-01-17
This video was made recently about the Altos de Lidice Commune in Caracas. We were there. | Source……
Trump Vastly Overestimates America's Readiness for War
Staff | | 2020-01-17
A series of recent accidents suggests that the U.S. military is not as prepared for a conflict in the Middle East as the president insists.…
Trump's Feeble Phase 1 China-US Trade Deal
Dr. Jack Rasmus | | 2020-01-17
With the announcement today, January 16, 2020 of the signing of the US-China Phase 1 'mini' trade deal, and the US Senate's simultaneous ratification of the USMCA 'NAFTA 2.0' trade agreement, Trump's so-called 'trade wars' are at an end. In ……
Soviet army liberates Warsaw from Nazi forces
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-01-17
The operation was part of the Vistula–Oder Offensive, which was a successful Red Army operation on the Eastern Front in the European Theatre of World War II in January 1945.…
Joe Biden Can't Outrun His Record on Social Security
Staff | | 2020-01-17
As a senator of Delaware, he repeatedly tried to freeze federal spending. Democrats would be suicidal to nominate him against Donald Trump.…
China, Number One Economic Power for Half Decade, Dashes on
John V. Walsh | | 2020-01-17
The recent China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai attracted little attention in the Western press but it is one more reminder that China is an economic and trading powerhouse that has surpassed the US. That is right, the word is "surpassed." The CIIE also serves to remind us that China's economic power now stands on four ……
The Market in this New Decade
Bryant Brown | | 2020-01-17
On January first of this new decade, 2020 the Dow Jones was at a record high; $28,634. What does that mean? | Since the great depression of 1929 there have been 13 severe downturns revealing time and again that the market ……
Virginia declares state of emergency barring guns at State Capitol ahead of far-right rally | 2020-01-17
According to the governor's executive order thousands of "advocates" will be descending on the city, many armed, with the intent to engage in "violence, rioting, and insurrection."…
Trump administration to illegally divert an additional $7.2 billion to border wall construction | 2020-01-17
For the second year in a row, the Trump administration is diverting congressional appropriated funds in violation of the Constitution.…
Saint Greta and the Dragon
Mark Dickman | | 2020-01-17
Seated before a corner lamppost, at the foot of the J.P. Morgan Chase Tower, was a blind man with a Starbuck's venti cup and a hand-lettered cardboard sign. Resting against his knees on the pavement, it read: "Please help the homeless." Clothed in a gray sweatshirt, mangy coat and army surplus trousers, he was half-asleep,……
Reducing the Health Care Tax
Jared Bernstein, Dean Baker | | 2020-01-17
One of most enduring, economically and socially damaging, downright frustrating facts about life in the United States is how expensive health care is here. Not only does U.S. health care cost far more than in other advanced economies, but compared with the nations that spend less, we have worse or equivalent health outcomes. In fact,……
Claims that the 'NAFTA 2' Agreement is Better are a Macabre Joke
Pete Dolack | | 2020-01-17
Democratic Party House representatives have voted by a wide margin to approve version 2 of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Even Rose DeLauro of Connecticut, in the past a strong leader within Congress in the fight against so-called "free trade" agreements, is on board with this one. Representative……
The Irregulators vs. FCC: the Trial Begins
David Rosen | | 2020-01-17
On January 17, 2020, the Irregulators will appear before the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, to argue that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has facilitated one of the largest accounting scandals in American history. The Irregulators is an "independent, expert Telecom Team comprised of senior telecom experts, analysts, forensic auditors, and lawyers …," including former……
Claims that the 'NAFTA 2' Agreement is Better are a Macabre Joke
Pete Dolack | | 2020-01-17
Democratic Party House representatives have voted by a wide margin to approve version 2 of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Even Rose DeLauro of Connecticut, in the past a strong leader within Congress in the fight against so-called "free trade" agreements, is on board with this one. Representative……
Uniting "Progressives" Instead of Democrats
Clark T. Scott | | 2020-01-17
It seems that people who identify themselves as "progressive democrats" are hellbent on solidifying a tendency which I continue to resist
UK home secretary defends naming Extinction Rebellion as extremist | 2020-01-17
Home Secretary Priti Patel told a radio interviewer that although XR was not a terrorist organisation, the government had to look at "a range of security risks."…
UK home secretary defends citing Extinction Rebellion in police guide to extremism | 2020-01-17
Home Secretary Priti Patel told a radio interviewer that although XR was not a terrorist organisation, the government had to look at "a range of security risks."…
Resolutions and Obstacles/2020
Joseph Natoli | | 2020-01-17
In sociology and economics, the precariat (/prɪˈkɛəriət/) is a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which is a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare. The term is a portmanteau obtained by merging precarious with proletariat.
Democrats Should Embrace the Politics of Impeachment
Jeet Heer | | 2020-01-17
Democrats Should Embrace the Politics of Impeachment……
Republicans Are About to Show Just How Low They'll Go to Save Trump
Elie Mystal | | 2020-01-17
Republicans Are About to Show Just How Low They'll Go to Save Trump……
Thanks to Republicans, Iran Is Another Iraq Waiting to Happen
Laila Lalami | | 2020-01-17
Thanks to Republicans, Iran Is Another Iraq Waiting to Happen……
The Australian Open Is the Tip of a Melting Iceberg
Dave Zirin | | 2020-01-17
The Australian Open Is the Tip of a Melting Iceberg……
Trump's Border Wall Is an Environmental Disaster
William deBuys | | 2020-01-17
Trump's Border Wall Is an Environmental Disaster……
Moustache of Discord: South Koreans Find US Ambassador's Facial Hair Disrespectful | 2020-01-17
Apart from his personal appearance Harry Harris has angered South Koreans with his support for Donald Trump's demands to increase payment for US military protection to $5 million, as the country hosts more than 28,000 American servicemen.…
Government Supporters Gather in Tehran After Friday Prayers – Video | 2020-01-17
Iranians are gathering for a rally to commemorate those killed in the fatal crash of a Ukrainian Boeing that was shot down by an Iranian missile earlier in January near Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport, killing all 176 people on board. Earlier that day, Iran had carried out a missile attack on US bases in Iraq.…
India's Kerala State is 'Fortress of Secularism', Will Not Implement Citizenship Law – Chief Vijayan | 2020-01-17
New Delhi (Sputnik): India has witnessed widespread protests in favour and against the controversial law enacted by the federal government in December to grant citizenship rights to persecuted minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, barring Muslims.…
American Puppets: Khamenei Slams E3 Position on Nuclear Deal, Says They're Serving US Interest | 2020-01-17
On 8 January, Iran targeted two American facilities in Iraq, the Ayn al-Asad Air Base and in Erbil in retaliation for the killing of IRGC Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani in a US drone strike several days earlier.…
Johnson's Statements on JCPOA Future Derail Effort to Save Deal – Russian Deputy FM | 2020-01-17
VIENNA (Sputnik) – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's statements on the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) derail efforts to save the Iran nuclear deal, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said.…
Acting Russian FM Sergei Lavrov Holds Annual Press Conference – Video | 2020-01-17
Sergei Lavrov has just returned from Uzbekistan, the last leg on his Asian tour, which also included stops in Sri Lanka and India, where he addressed issues related to economic, political, and cultural cooperation.…
Russian Foreign Policy Won't Change After Cabinet Reshuffle – Foreign Ministry | 2020-01-17
Russia's foreign policy will remain unchanged following a cabinet reshuffle since it is determined by the president, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said in an interview with Sputnik.…