Drug Trafficking Militias Massacre Social Leaders in Colombia
Lucas Leiroz de Almeida | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
In Colombia, a terrible wave of violence affects the people and especially traditional indigenous communities. According to United Nations data, more than 40 murders of social leaders have occurred this year alone. | Last Tuesday, August 18, three Indians of the …
Understanding India's low COVID-19 death rate
Subodh Varma | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
Contrary to the Narendra Modi government's claims, India's low case fatality rate in the COVID-19 pandemic is not because of any well-thought out strategy. It is rather due to a relatively young population and some statistical tricks…
"Save Mercy" rally protests hospital closure in Chicago
Dave Power | liberationnews.org | 2020-08-21
"…if you look at all the data that came before COVID hit, it was a very busy hospital with very sick patients. It can't close."
Florida education workers organize week of action
| workers.org | 2020-08-21
By Sharon Paige Tallahassee, Fla. To protect school staff, bus drivers, students and parents during the COVID-19 crisis, Workers World Party-Central Gulf Coast and the Party for Socialism and Liberation-Central Gulf Coast teamed up to call "Six Days of Actions: Florida Fights Back!" across the state on Aug. 3-8. . . . | Continue reading Florida education workers organize week of action at Workers.org…
The Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines
Tony Cartalucci | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
Before even debating the efficacy, safety, and necessity of different vaccines — one must get past the fact that the most corrupt corporations on Earth hold a monopoly over their development (and the profits made from them). | Forbes in their …
'Black Suns' at Louvre Lens: Coal mines transformed into gift shops
Dennis Broe | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
Lens, a small town, but a highly important one in the industrial era of the late 19th century, located in the former French-Belgian coal belt, is now the home of the Louvre satellite museum Louvre-Lens and the site of the first major post-COVID lockdown exhibition in France and perhaps the first in the world. Soleils …
Love in the time of Coronavirus: We are in this together
Aimee Rickman | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
In April, as the Donald Trump administration brushed off responsibility for federal regulatory oversight and on-the-ground protections of public health, Johnson & Johnson joined the onslaught of eager multinationals claiming to be on the same team as horrified screen-bound America watching coronavirus spread throughout the country. "If nothing else," they wrote, "Covid-19 has taught us …
Mismanagement of the Covid Crisis: Governments and Their Agencies Are Killing Their Own People?
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
Governments subservient to globalist diktats are willfully killing their own people in the name of fighting a misnamed "pandemic". | SARS-COV-2, the virus said to be the causative agent of COVID-19, has been neither isolated nor purified. Nevertheless, even according to …
The Covid-19 "Big Lie": Is This What You Want for Your Children?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
The Daily Mail has come out with an incisive review of a Kinder-garden in Thailand which has applied the model of social engineering imposed by the Royal Thai government. | Similar guidelines have been imposed by governments throughout the World. | Social …
A feminist response to the pandemic
ROAR Collective | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the essential roles care work and reproductive labor fulfill in our societies. But will it lead to gender liberation?>…
Only Medicare For All Can Beat Covid
Eve Ottenberg | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
The horrible irony is that the one candidate, Sanders, who could have done the most good for pandemic victims, lost the race just when he was most needed. Since then his somewhat muted support for Medicare for All and how uniquely helpful it would be at this historic juncture, is dispiriting. The thought that this relative silence originates in a desire not to offend the candidate, Biden, whom he now supports, is downright depressing.
"Light Is More Powerful Than Dark": Biden Vows to Fight COVID, Climate, Racism & Economic Meltdown
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-08-21
We air highlights from Joe Biden's highly anticipated speech on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, in which he formally accepted the Democratic presidential nomination, focused on the dangers of President Trump's reelection and pledged to address the four simultaneous crises of systemic racism, the pandemic, the economic downturn and the climate crisis. "United, we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America," Biden said. The 25-minute speech was delivered from his home state of Delaware.
3 Iranian hostages held by Somali pirates released
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-08-21
TEHRAN, Aug. 21 (MNA) — Three Iranian fishermen who were taken hostage by Somali pirates five years ago and released this week, arrived in Tehran on Friday.
GLIDE Expands Access to its Free, Low-barrier Tenderloin Neighborhood COVID Testing Site
GLIDE | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
GLIDE expands access to its free, low-barrier Tenderloin neighborhood COVID testing site and continues to provide essential services to meet the growing needs of vulnerable residents.
New York Teachers Union To Strike Against School Reopening
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
Despite Donald Trump's administration pressure for schools reopening, several states and institutions postponed the resume of learning activities or issued not-in-person strategies due to new spikes of COVID-19 cases. | The U.S New York United Federation of Teachers (UFT) on Wednesday said the organization would strike or sue district authorities if they do not enforce an accurate precautionary plan before schools reopening. | "The minute we feel that the mayor is trying to force people into a situation that is unsafe, we go to court, we take job action," UFT President Michael Mulgrew said.
Half of young people want a job in the green economy, survey finds
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
Published on the eve of so-called Earth Overshoot Day, a survey of 1,000 people aged 18 to 34 found 50% wanted a job in the green economy. Earth Overshoot Day marks the point at which humanity has used up all the resources the planet can provide for a year.This year, the date was pushed back by three weeks due to a reduction in carbon emissions and commercial forestry caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It had previously been falling earlier and earlier — arriving in July for the first time in 2019.Overshot: The Global Footprint Network calculates that humans currently use 60% more resource…
Four-week extension of eviction ban confirmed amid fears of homelessness surge
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
The eviction ban has been extended for four weeks and landlords will have to give the majority of tenants six months' notice to protect vulnerable renters hit by the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis from a winter eviction. | 28 days: | The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) announced the move after charities warned there could be mass evictions around Christmas and said tens of thousands of outgoing tenants could be unable to access affordable homes, prompting a "devastating homelessness crisis". | Renters have been protected during the virus crisis by a ban announced in March and…
Six million people in UK are behind on bills due to coronavirus, study finds
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
Six million people across the UK have fallen behind on household bills due to coronavirus (Covid-19), a new study has found. Research from Citizens Advice shows that one in nine people in the UK are behind on bills, with around a fifth of these individuals having to go without essentials including food. | Disparity: | The study finds that carers, those who were shielding during the pandemic, and key workers are twice as likely to have fallen behind on bill payments due to coronavirus. It also found that Black people, those aged between 18 and 34, and disabled people are at least twice as likely to be in a…
Six million people in UK are behind on bills due to coronavirus, study finds
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
Six million people across the UK have fallen behind on household bills due to coronavirus (Covid-19), a new study has found. Research from Citizens Advice shows that one in nine people in the UK are behind on bills, with around a fifth of these individuals having to go without essentials including food. | Disparity: | The study finds that carers, those who were shielding during the pandemic, and key workers are twice as likely to have fallen behind on bill payments due to coronavirus. It also found that Black people, those aged between 18 and 34, and disabled people are at least twice as likely to be in a…
Experts 'do not have confidence that R is currently below 1 in England'
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
There is a risk the overall coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in the UK is growing as figures for the reproduction number (R value) suggest it has risen above 1.0. Data released on Friday by the Government Office for Science and the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) shows the estimate for R across the UK is now between 0.9 and 1.1. This is an increase from the range of between 0.8 and 1.0 one week ago.Transmission: The growth rate of coronavirus transmission, which reflects how quickly the number of infections is changing day by day, has also changed slightly across the UK since last week, wit…
MPs slam ministers for paying 'scant regard' to data protection during pandemic
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
The UK's information rights body must act to ensure the government stops "playing fast and loose" with people's health, it has been claimed.A cross-party group of MPs has written to information commissioner Elizabeth Denham raising concerns over the government's approach to data protection and privacy.In a letter, the group accused ministers of paying "scant regard" to both privacy concerns and data protection duties during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.Government "appears unwilling to understand its legal duties": The group accused the government of engaging with private contractors that have "probl…
COVID-19 vaccine to seek regulatory review in October
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
German-based biotech firm BioNTech announced late Thursday that vaccine candidate for COVID-19 with US drug giant Pfizer was on track for regulatory review as early as October."Assuming clinical success, Pfizer and BioNTech are on track to seek regulatory review of BNT162b2 as early as October 2020," said the company statement."If regulatory authorization or approval is obtained, currently plan to supply up to 100 million doses worldwide by the end of 2020 and approximately 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021," it added.The companies also released additional data from phase 2/3 trial of the BNT162b2 mRNA-based v…
'Bangladesh needs other testing methods for COVID-19'
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
Experts in Bangladesh suggested that alternative testing methods be introduced alongside the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis amid low COVID-19 testing and sample collection, which has raised fears over the further spread of the deadly disease in the country.The time has come for utilizing antibody and antigen testing to detect the coronavirus as a supporting method as such testing involves less effort and is hassle free, they observed.Bangladesh is now the 16th worst affected country in the world in terms of total infections. Meanwhile, there is an over 20% infection rate in dail…
What you need to know about the coronavirus right now
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
Here's what you need to know about the coronavirus right now: New, milder, virus variant foundResearchers in Singapore have discovered a new variant of the COVID-19 coronavirus that causes milder infections, a study published in The Lancet medical journal found.The study showed that COVID-19 patients infected with the variant of SARS-CoV-2 had better clinical outcomes, with a lower proportion developing low blood oxygen or requiring intensive care.The study also showed the variant elicited a more robust immune response.The variant, which likely came from Wuhan, China, was detected in a cluster of infections from J…
U.S. cities, states look to socialist Cuba for COVID-19 help
Betsey Piette | workers.org | 2020-08-21
With the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 expected to surpass 200,000 by the end of August, governing bodies in U.S. cities and states are taking matters into their own hands. They are calling for U.S.-Cuba scientific and medical collaboration against the pandemic. On July 21, the San Francisco Board of . . . | Continue reading U.S. cities, states look to socialist Cuba for COVID-19 help at Workers.org…
Lancetgate: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to Treat Covid-19 Patients. Why Was this "Monumental Fraud" Not a Huge Scandal?
Daniel Espinosa | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
A high-profile and highly influential scientific study regarding the potential of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid-19 patients was retracted among suggestions of fraud back in June. The research in question was headed by a ren…
In Further War Crime, Israelis cut Electricity to Gaza, Idling 50,000 Factory Workers
Juan Cole | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
Source: Informed Comment The government of far right Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu cut off fuel for the sole power plant in the Gaza Strip, a small Palestinian territory surrounded on three sides by and blockaded by Israel. As a result, on Monday the Gaza Strip's sole power plant went dark, Al Jazeera reports. The Read…
Israel's Blockade of 2 Million Palestinians in Gaza is making it Uninhabitable
Yousef Alhelou | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
Gantz, Netanyahu and others know for sure that Gazans have nothing to lose as life is unbearable under the ongoing 14-year siege, while peace on Israeli terms is a mirage…
The Specter of a Fascist Coup by Trump Haunts the US, But There's Worse to Worry About
Roger Harris | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Spreading faster than COVID-19 among those on the portside, warnings of a fascist-style coup by Trump are rampant this presidential campaign season. Should Trump fail to carry the Electoral College, Noam Chomsky admonishes,…
Will Public Schools Survive Covid-19?
Belle Chesler | thenation.com | 2020-08-21
Will Public Schools Survive Covid-19?
"A disturbing milestone": America's top 12 plutocrats now own $1 Trillion in wealth
Alan MacLeod | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
New figures from the Institute for Policy Studies show that, despite a pandemic that has stunted the economy for months, America's billionaire class is becoming richer than ever, adding nearly $700 billion to their fortune since the nationwide lockdown in March.
Landlords Pressuring Tenants To Pay Rent Are Getting Pandemic Relief
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
The first time she remembers protesting in the region, about 10 years ago, Tara Maxwell was outside the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. His wife Virginia, the target of Maxwell's ire that day, is a prominent right-wing lobbyist and current adviser to President Donald Trump's administration. | "If I can protest at Clarence Thomas' house, I can protest at anybody's house," Maxwell says dryly. "It doesn't bother me." | So when Maxwell, an independent contractor with experience in law enforcement and political consulting, moved into the Park 7 Apartments on Minnesota Avenue NE last August, she…
Dorothy Day Found Her Calling Fighting The 1918 Flu Pandemic
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
In 1917, having dropped out of college and moved to New York with her family, Dorothy Day took her first New York job, with a daily Socialist news paper, The Call, and settled into her own one-room apartment on Cherry Street. She was 19 years old and quickly overcome by the poverty she encountered and the smell of that poverty inside the tenements she frequented. At this point, she mentions, for the first time, in her major autobiography, "The Long Loneliness," that she could feel "the spell of the long loneliness descend" on her.
Syrian NHS cleaner's plea on Channel-crossing refugees beamed onto White Cliffs of Dover
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
An emotional plea for compassion for refugees crossing the English Channel has been beamed onto the White Cliffs of Dover.The landmark was lit up with a giant video of NHS cleaner Hassan Akkad, a Syrian refugee who crossed to Britain several years ago.He highlighted the "terrifying and devastating" journeys that so many people are undertaking to reach the UK by boat. He also blamed the government for using the crisis as a distraction from the coronavirus pandemic.The giant projection is the latest stunt by Led By Donkeys, a group of activists famed for their giant billboards of politicians' tweets. | A message fr…
Love in the time of Coronavirus: We are in this together
Aimee Rickman | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
In some ways, it is true that we are in this together. We are all facing a global pandemic. We are keeping the most vulnerable among us safe by trying to follow the advice of public health experts. But, when it comes to looking out for one another's best interests, we are not in this …
Democratic convention: $4 trillion infrastructure bank would create 25 million jobs
Tim Wheeler | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
Pending legislation to establish a $4 trillion National Infrastructure Bank would rebuild the nation's rusting bridges, roads, and power grid and create 25 million union jobs desperately needed as the nation sinks into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. That was the message from building trades union leaders, economists, and community activists, speaking …
Save Social Security and the Postal Service
Lynda Carson | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Save Social Security, Now!
Save the US Postal Service and Defend the Vote
Dave Lindorff | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
No cuts in service, hours or staffing for 6 months, and make it a public bank too…
US Postal Service becomes a battleground ahead of elections
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
With presidential elections just months away, the functioning of the US Postal Service has emerged as a key issue.
Saturday 8/22: Save the Post Office Rally
Patty Hoyt | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
This will be at the Novato Post Office at 1537 S. Novato Blvd.
The Fox is Still in the Henhouse at the Post Office
Sarah Anderson | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Skyleigh Heinen, a U.S. Army veteran who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and anxiety, relies on…
Houston car caravan demands a safe reopening for students and workers
Caleb Granger | liberationnews.org | 2020-08-21
Across the nation, schools are reopening despite surging cases.
Trump administration brands educators "critical infrastructure workers" to force schools to open
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
The move comes in response to the growing opposition of educators, parents and students to the catastrophic reopening of schools, which has already infected over 2,500 students and staff across the country.
The "Great" Reopening
Belle Chesler | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
Or Setting America's Schools Up to Fail…
Belarus: Why Is Lukshenko Being Color Revolutioned Just Now?
F. William Engdahl | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
The globalist Powers That Be have clearly decided to topple the long-standing sole-ruler of Belarus, President Aleksander Lukashenko. The question is why at just this time? There is a case to be made that one reason is he is …
NATO Poses a Threat to Belarus: Why Did Russia Reaffirm Its CSTO Support to Belarus but Not to Armenia?
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
Russia's reaffirmation of its CSTO mutual defense obligations to Belarus was made in response to Lukashenko's claims that NATO poses a threat to Belarus, which Moscow evidently believes are at least credible enough to remind the alliance about its red …
Russia has not contacted us, Belarusian opposition politician Tsikhanouskaya says
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
Belarusian opposition politician Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said on Friday that Russia had not made contact with her campaign, speaking at her first press conference since fleeing into exile last week following a disputed presidential election.Tsikhanouskaya has led the biggest challenge to President Alexander Lukashenko's 26-year rule of Belarus. Mass protests broke out against Lukashenko, accusing him of rigging the August 9 election, which he denies. Russia has warned the West not to intervene and offered military help to Minsk.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny hospitalized as crisis in Belarus deepens
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
Navalny's hospitalization comes amid an escalating crisis around the protests and mass strikes in Belarus which have heightened tensions in Europe and Russia.
FSO Safer: Stricken Oil Tanker Off Yemen Coast Could Cause Explosion Dwarfing Beirut Blast
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2020-08-21
The FSO Safer, a moored oil tanker on the verge of explosion or a catastrophic spill, has become yet another bargaining chip in the ongoing war in Yemen, with the Houthis, UN, US and Saudi Arabia all vying to take possession of the valuable oil onboard.
Mail Sorting Machines Across America Dismantled Ahead of November Election
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-08-21
Some 671 mail sorting machines have already been decommissioned ahead of the upcoming presidential election, where record numbers of Americans are expected to vote by mail.
Carefully Choreographed Convention Confirms Progressive Policies Not Central to Biden Bid
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-08-21
The key message from this year's DNC is the emphasis the Biden campaign is putting on reaching out to so-called "moderate Republicans," presenting Trump as an aberration and Biden as the cure.
On Fox, The Grayzone's Anya Parampil rips 'criminal neocons' in Biden & Trump camps
Anya Parampil | thegrayzone.com | 2020-08-21
The Grayzone's Anya Parampil joins Tucker Carlson Tonight to address the revival of Iraq war neocons and militarists by both the Biden campaign and Trump White House.
Cornel West & Ben Jealous on the DNC and Whether Progressives Can Push Joe Biden Leftward
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-08-21
Harvard professor Cornel West and Ben Jealous, president of People for the American Way and former president of the NAACP, discuss the 2020 DNC, Joe Biden's vow to fight systemic racism and "overcome this season of darkness in America," the historic nomination of Kamala Harris as his partner on the ticket, and how the convention was a showcase for a broad anti-Trump coalition, including prominent Republican figures given plum speaking slots, but few voices from the party's insurgent left wing. "At this moment, with the decline and fall of the American empire, it looks as if the system is unable to generate enough…
Virtual 2020 DNC Wraps with Calls for Empathy, Unity & a Broad Coalition to Rally Around Joe Biden
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-08-21
The 2020 Democratic National Convention has wrapped up, with speakers on the final night including California Governor Gavin Newsom, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and 13-year-old Brayden Harrington, who talked about how Joe Biden had personally helped him with his stutter. We air highlights from the evening's addresses.
The Black Led "Defund the Police" Movement Wins Great Breakthrough in Los Angeles
Eric Mann | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
The people's victory, the Black victory, on June 30, 2020 to cut the LASPD budget by $25 million and 35% was a damn hard fought and wonderful victory that the whole movement should celebrate, propagate, and emulate…
The Black Led "Defund the Police" Movement Wins Great Breakthrough in Los Angeles: An Organizer's Interpretation
Eric Mann | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
At 11 PM on Tuesday June 30–after 13 hours of public testimony and board deliberations and yes, years of organizing–the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movement in Los Angeles and nationally took a great leap forward. The Los Angeles School Board, led by Board Member Monica Garcia, with the support of board members…
About My "Facilitation of, and Collaboration with, Fascism"
Gary Leupp | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
A Response to the Lying Slanderers of the RCP I notice that a recent column of mine (Aug. 13) has occasioned…
On Bombs And Bombings
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
For a full week now the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza, a population that is about to run out of fuel for its only power plant due to a years-long Israeli program of deliberate siege warfare. | Yesterday the US ordered an airstrike on Syrian forces, killing one, when they refused to let the illegal occupying force past a checkpoint in northern Syria. | In both cases, an arm of the US-centralized empire used wildly disproportionate force against people who stood against a hostile occupation of their own country. In both cases, the more powerful and violent occupiers claimed they were acting in "self-defense".
How to Rig an Election: an Interview With Greg Palast
Charlotte Dennett | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Greg Palast does not mince words about the 2020 elections. Only the voter fraud he warns about is not by the voters, as President Trump insists. It's by the vote-stealers in the Republican Party. And they've been at it for a long time, unbeknownst to the American people. The title of his new book, How…
How to Rig an Election: an Interview With Greg Palast
Charlotte Dennett | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Greg Palast does not mince words about the 2020 elections. Only the voter fraud he warns about is not by the voters, as President Trump insists. It's by the vote-stealers in the Republican Party. And they've been at it for a long time, unbeknownst to the American people.
Roaming Charges: Conventional Weapons at the DNC
Jeffrey St. Clair | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
I can't recall a GOP convention that was as saturated with religious symbolism, moral posturing and spiritual gaslighting as the one the Democrats just inflicted on us…and they didn't even let Marianne Williamson near a camera.
The DNC is over. What's next for progressives?
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-08-21
DNC member Jim Zogby, who helped run Jesse Jackson's campaign in 1984, joins The Real News Network for historical perspective and analysis of Democrats and the future we face.
Trump walks Alone
Juan Cole | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
Former US Allies Britain, France, Germany join Russia and China in Forcefully Rejecting Trump Iran Sanctions…
Fired for striking, grad students win reinstatement
Martha Grevatt | workers.org | 2020-08-21
Graduate student workers at the University of California-Santa Cruz, represented by United Auto Workers Local 2865, have won the rehiring of 41 teaching assistants fired in February for striking. "In large part, this is a win for Santa Cruz workers — for workers in general," said Veronica Hamilton, the UAW . . . | Continue reading Fired for striking, grad students win reinstatement at Workers.org…
1848: Marx's school of revolution
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
The revolutionary wave of 1848 began with a joyous struggle for democracy. But it ended with violent struggles between workers and capitalists, liberals and socialists, revolutionaries and reformers. The experience was a decisive influence on the development of Marx's theory of revolution.
Reclaiming an Irish anti-imperialist legacy
Christian Noakes | workers.org | 2020-08-21
While the dominant narrative of the "Irish experience" in the U.S. is often reduced to little more than a fairy tale of hard-working immigrants grateful for a stake in the "land of opportunity," the grim reality for Irish people in the U.S. was, for centuries, characterized by inequality, exclusion and . . . | Continue reading Reclaiming an Irish anti-imperialist legacy at Workers.org…
Latino leaders: Trump's hatred goes beyond DACA and throwing kids in cages
Mark Gruenberg | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
It's not just DACA. And it's not just having ICE agents yanking little kids away from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border and throwing them into cages. No, leaders of top Hispanic-American organizations say, GOP President Donald Trump's hate of anyone with a Hispanic name, the undocumented, migrants, and asylum seekers extends far beyond those …
Peter Dutton: the logic behind the evil
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2020-08-21
Refugees & migrants Sam WainwrightIssue 1277 Australia Tamil asylum seekers Christmas Island detention centreAugust 21, 2020The story of the Tamil asylum seekers Pri…
Palestine burning in fire of Zionist regime's impudence
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-08-21
TEHRAN, Aug. 21 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that innocent Palestine is still burning in the fire of the Zionist regime's impudence and incursion and the treason of certain Arab rulers.
"Palestine is Still the Issue": UN Vote Exposes, Isolates Canada
Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
The notion that 'Canada is better', especially when compared with US foreign policy, has persisted for many years. Recent events at the United Nations have, however, exposed the true nature of Canada's global position, particularly in the matter of its blind and unconditional support for Israel. On June 17, Canada lost its second bid for …
'Palestine is Still the Issue': UN Vote Exposes, Isolates Canada
Ramzy Baroud, Romana Rubeo | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
The notion that 'Canada is better', especially when compared with US foreign policy, has persisted for many years. Recent events at the United Nations have, however, exposed the true nature of Canada's global position, particularly in the matter of its blind and unconditional support for Israel. On June 17, Canada lost its second bid for…
Chinese Peacekeepers Provide Aid After Explosion In Beirut
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
Chinese peacekeepers will provide medical aid to Beirut following the deadly explosion on Tuesday | that killed at least 135 people and injured 5,000 others. | Upon the request of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the 18th batch of Chinese peacekeeping troops to Lebanon organised an emergency team of nine medical personnel from fields including surgery, internal medicine, burns and anaesthesiology, state news agency Xinhua reported on Wednesday. | The personnel and vehicles would head to Beirut, carrying medical supplies and protective equipment, the medical unit said.
Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. "Genetically Modified Humanity"
Peter Koenig | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
"A Wakeup Call to the World" — this is what Dr. Carrie Madej calls the hidden agenda within the barely talked about ID2020. | What is envisaged is a "genetically modified humanity" (GMH) so as to better control, command the world …
A UN Vote Exposed Canada's Blind and Unconditional Support for Israel
Ramzy Baroud | mintpressnews.com | 2020-08-21
While Canada's support for Israel is, to a certain extent, consistent with Canada's own colonial past and present interventionist foreign policy, the Canadian people and the international community remain major obstacles, challenging the toxic affinity between Ottawa and Tel Aviv.
Scheer Intelligence: Something's Rotten In The Corporate States Of America
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
Beginning with the slave trade and leading all the way up to the climate crisis, author Barbara Freese's "Industrial Strength Denial" examines eight of private industries' most egregious crimes against humanity. On this week's installment of "Scheer Intelligence," the author and former assistant attorney general of Minnesota joins Robert Scheer to discuss what the host calls "heinous behavior" on the part of the corporations involved in each case, and, most importantly, how the corporatization of the United States has allowed unfettered greed to cause irreversible harm and an astounding loss of life.
A 75th anniversary salute to Vietnam's August Revolution
Comrade Tano | workers.org | 2020-08-21
We live in tumultuous times, and it is during times like this that we as socialists must look to the struggles and successes of our predecessors to give us inspiration to continue our struggle. As a Vietnamese-American, I take heart in remembering the struggles of my people in their fight . . . | Continue reading A 75th anniversary salute to Vietnam's August Revolution at Workers.org…
A 75th anniversary salute to Vietnam's August Revolution
| workers.org | 2020-08-21
By Comrade Tano We live in tumultuous times, and it is during times like this that we as socialists must look to the struggles and successes of our predecessors to give us inspiration to continue our struggle. As a Vietnamese-American, I take heart in remembering the struggles of my people . . . | Continue reading A 75th anniversary salute to Vietnam's August Revolution at Workers.org…
Video: Idlib Is Burning. New Proxy War in Deir Ezzor
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
The series of unfortunate events involving the US-led coalition, Turkey and Turkish proxies continues in Syria's Greater Idlib. | Late on August 19 and early on August 20, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near Haranabush …
Russia/US New START Extension Talks, No Resolution of Major Differences
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
In not renewed, New START expires on February 5, 2021. | Months earlier, Trump falsely called it a "bad deal." | He never read it and knows no more about it than what Pompeo and other regime hardliners told him. | The decade-ago …
U.S. Judge Urges Supreme Court to End U.S. Police State It Imposes
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-08-21
This article reports important news-events that are not being reported in America's mainstream news-media and that are crucial for understanding both the murder of George Floyd and the current U.S. Presidential contest: | A black U.S. District Court Judge in Mississippi — one of America's most bigoted-against-Blacks states — issued on August 4th a 72-page decision, Jamison v. McClendon, containing a plea for the…
Tell the people that the struggle must go on
Vijay Prashad | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
Young children marvel at an obvious contradiction in capitalist societies: why do we have shops filled with food, and yet see hungry people on the streets? It is a question of enormous significance; but in time the question dissipates into the fog of moral ambivalence, as various explanations are used to obfuscate the clarity of …
Colleges Remain Unchartered Territories
Jill Richardson | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
In a few weeks, I begin my semester as a teaching assistant in an undergraduate sociology class. I am not sure what to expect. Last March, when our school sent the students home, everything happened suddenly. We weren't sure what time zones our students would be in. We didn't know if each student had a…
Mapuche spiritual leader ends hunger strike
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
Mapuche political prisoner and spiritual leader, Machi Celestino Córdova, on August 18, announced to end the hunger strike that he had been carrying out since May 4 after reaching an agreement with the Chilean government. However, the 26 other Mapuche political prisoners in the Angol, Lebu and Temuco prisons, who joined their spiritual leader in his protest action, continue with their strike. | Córdova has repeatedly denounced that Mapuche prisoners face discrimination and harassment in Chilean prisons and…
If you are reading this, you might be a Conspiracy Theorist
John Steppling | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
a permanent modern scenario: apocalypse looms . . . and it doesn't occur. — Susan Sontag, AIDs and its Metaphors, 1989 I should not misuse this opportunity to give you a lecture about, say, logic. I call this a misuse, for to explain a scientific matter to you it would need a course of lectures …
Submitting Photos to People's World: Basic Guidelines
People's World | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
This guide was prepared by People's World staff member Al Neal. Please contact him for further information and answers to your questions about photography and check out his photo portfolio. THE BASICS Guidelines for good photographs: 1. A clear subject or theme: Every image should tell a story or convey emotion. 2. Focused attention on …
Rockets hit U.S. base in Syria
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
According to Iran's authoritative FARS News Agency, several rockets exploded on Tuesday, August 18 at a U.S. military base north of Syria's Deir Ezzur province. The base is located near the Conoco oil field controlled by American troops. | "This is the first-ever attack on one of the 12 military facilities, created by the United States since 2015 in Syria's provinces of al-Hasakah, Raqqa and Deir Ezzur. U.S. forces, together with Kurdish groups, control oil-rich areas on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, including the oil fields of Al-Omar, Tanak, Al-Jafra and Conoco, which accounted for 80% of all oil pro…
Architect of Sweden's coronavirus policy advocated keeping schools open to reach "herd immunity" more quickly
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
Chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell's callous disregard for human life is not an individual phenomenon, rather his chilling email correspondence reflects the thinking of the ruling elites in every country.
PDF of August 20 issue
A. Majumdar | workers.org | 2020-08-21
Download the 12-page PDF. Stop Trump's attack on…
Flint's $600 million water settlement–a pittance to whitewash a massive social crime
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
The ruling class is eager to finally put the Flint water poisoning behind them and hope the multi-million-dollar payout will appease workers, at least temporarily.
The psychological impact of solitary confinement
Bryant Arroyo | workers.org | 2020-08-21
The following is a slightly edited commentary recorded for "Voices From the Inside" by PrisonRadio.org. The brain and nervous system, or "the mind," cannot function normally without stimulation. Neither can it function normally when given too much stimulus. The brain and the nervous system must be maintained in a "steady . . . | Continue reading The psychological impact of solitary confinement at Workers.org…
Anything to Salvage From the Trump Nightmare?
Joseph Natoli | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Our two party system which has operated as a duopoly on economic issues, especially in regard to letting Wall Street and business leaders shape what globalization is, can't cover the complexity of forces now surging in the U.S. President Trump is an outlier in that duopoly and as such he's been the nemesis of the…
Democratic outreach to Jewish voters cites rising anti-Semitism under Trump
Eric A. Gordon | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
One afternoon breakout session of the Democratic National Convention that took place on the afternoon of August 18, the first full day of the quadrennial nomination ritual, addressed the Jewish American community in support of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket. A reported 2000 viewers had registered for this livestreamed two-hour-plus session. The Jewish American vote …
White Nationalist Organization Forms Racist, Antisemitic Political Party
Howard Graves and Michael Edison Hayden | splcenter.org | 2020-08-21
White nationalist organization The Right Stuff (TRS) announced Wednesday the formation of a political party called the National Justice Party, which includes a cluster of known white supremacists and has a platform shaped around a conspiracy theory suggesting that whites are being deliberately eliminated in the U.S.
The Burden of the Debt: Lessons for Biden Adviser Ted Kaufman
Dean Baker | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
he idea that we would not address pressing needs, like climate change, child care, and health care because we are concerned about the debt burden is close to crazy. As long as the economy is not near its capacity, there is zero reason not to spend to address these priorities…
Murders of women rising in Turkey; government does nothing
Steve Sweeney | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
Nearly 250 women have been killed in Turkey so far this year, new statistics suggest, prompting a call for international solidarity from women's organizations in a bid to save lives. Four women were detained in Istanbul Thursday after they unveiled a banner in Taksim Square charging that the "patriarchal state" was responsible for the death …
UN rights office 'appalled' at violence against human rights defenders in the Philippines
news.un.org | 2020-08-21
The UN human rights office, OHCHR, has called for effective measures to protect rights defenders in the Philippines, amid a spate of deadly attacks against them.
Biden's speech stirs up sense of déjà vu — same old lies disguised as new promises, little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing
Scott Ritter | thealtworld.com | 2020-08-21
One speech, well written and read well, does not a president make. At the end of the …
On the Portland Beating: The Ubiquity of Phones is Arresting
Jennifer Robin | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Portland, Oregon It's a weird position to find oneself in, a pacifist scanning video feeds for hours to detect "intentions of violence." How is it that one can spend 12 hours–on and off–reading accounts of a violent confrontation on a street corner involving many chaotic actors and by the end of it know as little…
The 'Snapback' Iran Stunt Will Blow Up in Pompeo's Face
Daniel Larison | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
Following last week's humiliating rebuke of the U.S. at the Security Council, Mike Pompeo is going to the United Nations in a transparent, bad-faith effort to trigger the so-called "snapback" provision to reimpose U.N. sanctions on Iran. Only JCPOA participants …
Still Triangulating After All These Years
Richard Moser | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
While it's stunning to watch the DNC repeat the losing strategy of 2016, we should know this is part of a decades-long history of moving toward the right: aka Triangulation. It's not that the Democrats don't want to win — Wall Street, billionaires and the war profiteers are depending on them — it's just that…
What Portland Protesters Think of the Feds
Mike Hastie | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
This image was taken on July 24, 2020, when the battle was up close at the reinforced iron fence surrounding the Mark Hatfield Federal Courthouse. These protesters had no respect for the U.S. Global Empire. You can certainly see the extremely high intensity energy in this image. Now, just imagine how horrendously loud this was,…
Why Starbucks wouldn't let us say 'Black Lives Matter'
Shoshana Jette, Starbucks worker | liberationnews.org | 2020-08-21
More than media backlash, what corporations fear the most is a united workforce.
How does China plan to counter US sanctions?
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
In the second part of the conversation on the US tech war on China, Charles Xu from Qiao Collective talks about the short and medium-term strategy of Huawei and China in general to deal with the US sanctions.
Amid French occupation pro-imperialist coup topples Malian president KeàØta
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
The coup leaders exploited growing anger among workers and youth at KeàØta, but then declared they would support France's neo-colonial occupation of their country.
Biden, Harris Feel The Heat Over Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-08-21
The DNC says the platform statement calling for an end to fossil fuel subsidies was an "error" and that's why it was removed. But climate activist circles smell a rat and are calling for clarification.
Union leader in Trinidad and Tobago warns that racial tensions "serve the interest of the elite class"
Tanya Wadhwa | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
The Oilfields Workers' Trade Union rejected the racial discourse and stressed that the racial divisions between Afro-Trinbagonians and Indo-Trinbagonians were created intentionally by politicians and the elites to divide the working class…
Why Payroll Taxes Are the Achilles Heel of Social Security
Jim Kavanagh | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
On August 8th, Donald Trump took four executive actions on coronavirus relief. One was a memorandum deferring, to the end of the year, payment of the employee portion of the payroll tax for employees making less than $4000 biweekly. (Employer payments had already been deferred in the CARES act.) He did this, according to the…
Which Side Are You On?
H. Bruce Franklin | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
In November, we will be offered a choice between a common-variety American politician and a dictator. Wake up, folks, we are living in a 21st-century American version of 1933 Germany…
Weekly jobless claims again top one million as mass evictions loom
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
The number of new unemployment claims rose unexpectedly last week as workers facing mounting economic pressures due to the ending of federal supplemental jobless benefits and the end of eviction bans.
Iraq: UN Mission condemns killings of activists in Basra
news.un.org | 2020-08-21
The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has strongly condemned the killing of two activists and attacks against others in the southern city of Basra, urging increased efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Former Trump aide Steve Bannon indicted on charges of embezzlement
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
Steve Bannon and three others launched a campaign that raised nearly USD 25 million to build a private border wall but allegedly used a portion of these funds for their personal expenses…
Iran rejects US bid to reimpose sanctions
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
The United States, despite no longer being part of the JCPOA or the Iran nuclear deal, has been seeking the resumption of sanctions against Iran for supposed violations of the provisions of the deal…
Steve Bannon arrested on fraud charges involving border wall fundraising scheme
wsws.org | 2020-08-21
The former top adviser to President Trump was arrested on Thursday along with three others on fraud charges in connection with a scheme to defraud donors who gave money to a right-wing "We Build the Wall" fundraising campaign.
Movement for community control of the police wins big in Jacksonville primary elections
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Jacksonville, FL – On August 18, Jacksonville held primary elections where movement candidates won big. Angie Nixon, a trade union leader with SEIU and a community organizer, defeated incumbent State Representative Kimberly Daniels in District 14 by a margin of 60% to 40%. Nixon, a longtime supporter of progressive movements here in Jacksonville, spoke at historic massive rallies over the summer organized by the Jacksonville Community Action Committee after the George Floyd rebellion. She pledged her support for repealing the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, a statewide statute that hinders cities in Florida from…
Infomercial Over: Not Good, But It Could Have Been A Lot Worse
Andrew Levine | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Before long, this year's Democratic Party convention, its infomercial, will be a distant memory. The production values were good. For the most part, I found it watchable, even when the focus was on Biden rather than Trump. In view of what the Democrats are selling, it could have been a lot worse. There was, of…
Convention: Having squelched left, DNC pivots hard right
Party for LIberation and Socialism | liberationnews.org | 2020-08-21
Convention highlights war makers, marginalizes progressives.
Build solidarity with prisoners: Fight for abolition!
Mirinda Crissman | workers.org | 2020-08-21
This slightly edited talk was given at an Aug. 13 Workers World Party webinar, "From Black August to Black Lives Matter," hosted by the WWP Prisoners Solidarity Committee. Texas: Credit: Kavin Rashid Johnson Revolutionary greetings from Houston, Texas, a city that contains the country's third largest jail. The Harris County Jails . . . | Continue reading Build solidarity with prisoners: Fight for abolition! at Workers.org…
Steve Bannon is Arrested for Nonprofit Fraud After Using an Octopus of Nonprofits to Help Elect Trump
Pam Martens, Russ Martens | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
One of the key right-wing architects of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, Stephen K. (Steve) Bannon, was arrested early yesterday morning while cruising in the Long Island Sound on a 150-foot yacht owned by the fugitive Chinese billionaire, Guo Wengui, according to law enforcement officials. Bannon had served as CEO of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential…
Rockets hit U.S. base in Syria
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
According to Iran's authoritative FARS News Agency, several rockets exploded on Tuesday, August 18 at a U.S. military base north of Syria's Deir Ezzur province. The base is located near the Conoco oil field controlled by American troops. | "This is the first-ever attack on one of the 12 military facilities, created by the United States since 2015 in Syria's provinces of al-Hasakah, Raqqa and Deir Ezzur. U.S. forces, together with Kurdish groups, control oil-rich areas on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, including the oil fields of Al-Omar, Tanak, Al-Jafra and Conoco, which accounted for 80% of all oil pro…
5 years later, Chicano nearly killed by LAPD is not done fighting
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Los Angeles, CA – On August 22, 2015 Alfredo Santibañez almost lost his life. Around 11: 30 p.m., Santibañez was walking along Soto Street near the 24-hour McDonalds, when he noticed two white, bald men in a Ford Crown Victoria approaching him. Santibañez says he immediately thought they were white gang members. | "Not once did they identify themselves," said Santibañez recalling the events leading up to his shooting. "One of them asked me without warning, 'Are you strapped?'" | Santibañez did not know that the two white men in the car were undercover Los Angeles Police officers David Bunch and Boyan Brkic in plai…
Libyan warring factions announce immediate ceasefire, to be followed by national elections
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
Both the Government of National Accord and the House of Representatives which supports the Libyan National Army made announcements indicating an end to all hostilities, as well as the demilitarization of the cities of Sirte and Al-Jufrah…
Kumho Tire workers beat company intimidation and win union
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Macon, GA – Workers at Kumho Tire in Macon won their battle to join the United Steelworkers (USW) despite the corporation's relentless and illegal campaign to thwart their organizing rights. | On August 11 the National Labor Relations Board declared the union drive victorious after processing the final 13 ballots from an election last fall. | Workers sought USW representation to fight low wages, hazardous working conditions and abusive treatment at Kumho, which ruthlessly harassed and bullied union supporters in an attempt to derail the organizing campaign. | "These workers voted to unionize even though Kumho tri…
Return to Leopold: Dare We Speak Up for Yellowstone?
Joseph Scalia III | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
The watchword defending what's come to be called the "collaboration and compromise" model of conservation is "practical." When confronted with its abandonment of the land ethic and conservation aesthetic that Aldo Leopold bequeathed us in the 1940's, the mainstream and best-funded conservation community defends its approach by pointing out the obvious, that the world has…
English landowners have stolen our rights. It is time to reclaim them
George Monbiot | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
Landed power, built on theft, slavery and colonial looting, crushes our freedoms. A new campaign seeks to decolonize the countryside…
US to Tighten Venezuela Sanctions after Gasoline Seizure
Ricardo Vaz | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
The Trump administration is reportedly considering ending all Venezuela oil sanctions exemptions in October. | "Whatever oil business is left has to be completed (by the deadline)," an anonymous source told Reuters, while a State Department spokesman said Washington continues | …
Lesser Evil is Still Evil
Tom Pazderka | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Every four years America is presented with a false choice, each one essentially a continuation of the status quo by different means, politically and economically related, but optically opposed. Biden had already said that nothing will fundamentally change if he is elected president, so why should any American bother to vote for this specific lesser…
Karlin Itchoak on Wildlife Refuge Drilling, Steven Rosenfeld on How to Vote
CounterSpin | fair.org | 2020-08-21
A Labor and Immigration Policy that Empowers all Workers
Paul Larudee | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
Read Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, and Part VIII. Workers are the bedrock of every nation on earth. Even autocratic and fascist societies and those that repress workers depend upon them nevertheless. The nature of work may change with technology, and the dichotomy between worker and …
The Day After Election Day
Rob Urie | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
The view passed down from on high in the U.S. is that elections are the effective and legitimate means of collective decision-making in the realm of the political. Conversely, on matters of war and peace, economic distribution, environmental wellbeing, healthcare, education, housing, and social welfare– the areas where collective outcomes matter, these are either considered…
Movement for community control of the police wins big in Jacksonville primary elections
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Jacksonville, FL – On August 18, Jacksonville held primary elections where movement candidates won big. Angie Nixon, a trade union leader with SEIU and a community organizer, defeated incumbent State Representative Kimberly Daniels in District 14 by a margin of 60% to 40%. Nixon, a longtime supporter of progressive movements here in Jacksonville, spoke at historic massive rallies over the summer organized by the Jacksonville Community Action Committee after the George Floyd rebellion. She pledged her support for repealing the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, a statewide statute that hinders cities in Florida from…
Representation Doesn't Equal Rights
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-08-21
Stir Crazy! Episode 80: Today we are joined by journalist, organizer, and founding executive director of Crushing Colonialism Jen Deerinwater, Miwok journalist and community organizer Desiree Kane, and journalist and community builder Johnnie Jae. Hosted by Kim Brown.
5 years later, Chicano nearly killed by LAPD is not done fighting
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Los Angeles, CA – On August 22, 2015 Alfredo Santibañez almost lost his life. Around 11: 30 p.m., Santibañez was walking along Soto Street near the 24-hour McDonalds, when he noticed two white, bald men in a Ford Crown Victoria approaching him. Santibañez says he immediately thought they were white gang members. | "Not once did they identify themselves," said Santibañez recalling the events leading up to his shooting. "One of them asked me without warning, 'Are you strapped?'" | Santibañez did not know that the two white men in the car were undercover Los Angeles Police officers David Bunch and Boyan Brkic in plai…
Black August honors the legacy of militant rebellion
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-08-21
Lumumba and Monifa Bandele talk about the history of Black August, continuing the legacy of freedom fighters and the Black August Hip Hop project.
Which Side Are You On?
H. Bruce Franklin | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
In November, we will not be offered a choice between a greater evil and a lesser evil, nor a choice between capitalism and socialism, and certainly not a choice between living in an empire and living in a republic. We will be offered a choice between a common-variety American politician and a dictator. Wake up,…
How America's Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice
Kim Petersen | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
Any conditions that compel the teacher to take note of failures rather than of healthy growth give false standards and result in distortion and perversion. — John Dewey,1 Academic Fredrik deBoer has written a book, The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice (All Points Books, 2020), that questions the enormous …
Añez intensifies persecution of social leaders
teleSUR Desk | mronline.org | 2020-08-21
Those who took part in the protests against…
Hungarian activists groups demand implementation of law to ensure affordable housing
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-21
The Viktor Orban government recently passed a law that gives municipalities the power to regulate online renting of homes. Activists say that this law can be used to place restrictions which will bring down housing cost…
Teamsters union gives thumbs up to Biden-Harris ticket
PAI | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
DETROIT (PAI)–The Teamsters board unanimously voted to endorse the Democratic election duo of Joe Biden for president and Kamala Harris for VP, union President Jim Hoffa announced Aug. 20. The endorsement, two days before Biden's acceptance speech to the Democratic National Convention, carries a lot of weight. The union has more than a million members …
Deep State Throats: Towards a Franker Lingua
John Hawkins | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
You should never judge a book by its title, but with whistleblower Edward Snowden's Permanent Record the reader gets as close s/he can possibly get to the soul of a narrative before actually reading it. He means it: The American government, with help of its data-gathering 5 Eyes partners, is gathering up information on every …
The Fault Dear Citizens… Elections
Philip A Farruggio | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
" … Is not in our stars but in ourselves". Paraphrased right out of Shakespeare (Julius Caesar) you have it in a nutshell, for all of you, like myself, who actually vote. | It seems that during each and every major …
Kumho Tire workers beat company intimidation and win union
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-08-21
Macon, GA – Workers at Kumho Tire in Macon won their battle to join the United Steelworkers (USW) despite the corporation's relentless and illegal campaign to thwart their organizing rights. | On August 11 the National Labor Relations Board declared the union drive victorious after processing the final 13 ballots from an election last fall. | Workers sought USW representation to fight low wages, hazardous working conditions and abusive treatment at Kumho, which ruthlessly harassed and bullied union supporters in an attempt to derail the organizing campaign. | "These workers voted to unionize even though Kumho tri…
Democratic "convention" shaped by Trump White House
Party for LIberation and Socialism | liberationnews.org | 2020-08-21
The Democratic National Convention proves exactly how far right the Democrat Party continues to move.
Long live the memory of Ka Randy!
| workers.org | 2020-08-21
By the Communist Party of the Philippines Workers World is reprinting the following statement from the Communist Party of the Phillipines that condemns the murder of Randall Echanis on Aug. 10. Since the 2016 presidential election in the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has carried out numerous assassinations of peace activists and . . . | Continue reading Long live the memory of Ka Randy! at Workers.org…
Dems Must Address Climate Crisis
Varshini Prakash | zcomm.org | 2020-08-21
DNC Drops Pledge to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies…
A Virtual Cinema Potpurri
Louis Proyect | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
AMC has announced that its theaters will be opening soon with Christopher Nolan's "Tenet", a typical summer blockbuster. Social distancing will be followed with no more than 30 percent of the seats filled and the staff wearing masks. I suppose that Nolan will be a magnet for fans of his movies, an experience roughly equivalent…
[Letter] Police use of force during street protests: A pressing public mental health concern
Jais Adam-Troian, Elif àáelebi, Yara Mahfud | thelancet.com | 2020-08-21
Street protests are a common means of civic expression and occur across the globe. In the past few years, millions of citizens have attended street protests worldwide. Sometimes however, street protests can constitute significantly stressful and violent contexts. Research has highlighted the physical health impact of street protests due to clashes between protesters and law enforcement or use of CS gas [1]. In addition, police use of less-lethal weapons, such as rubber pellet launchers, is known to cause severe ocular injuries [2].
Long live the memory of Ka Randy!
a guest author | workers.org | 2020-08-21
By the Communist Party of the Philippines Workers World is reprinting the following statement from the Communist Party of the Phillipines that condemns the murder of Randall Echanis on Aug. 10. Since the 2016 presidential election in the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has carried out numerous assassinations of peace activists and . . . | Continue reading Long live the memory of Ka Randy! at Workers.org…
The Heat: Lebanon crisis
Mike Walter | america.cgtn.com | 2020-08-21
Picking up the pieces. Two weeks after a deadly explosion rocked the capital Beirut, the Lebanese people are struggling to rebuild their city.
Muharram mourning in Mosalla of Tabriz
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-08-21
TABRIZ, Aug. 22 (MNA) — Observing health protocols and social distancing due to coronavirus, a mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein (PBUH), was held on Friday in the Mosalla of Tabriz concurrent with the start of mourning Islamic month of Muharram.
'Selfie with Democracy' to take part at US' SFFILM Festival
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-08-21
TEHRAN, Aug. 21 (MNA) — Iranian feature 'Selfie with Democracy', directed by Ali Atshani, will take par at the San Francisco International Film Festival in the US.
Wednesday 9/16: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State
Oakland Privacy | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Online, via Zoom…
"Pay Us Benefits" & "No On Prop 22" Uber Workers Protest at SF Uber World HQ
Labor Video Project | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Uber and Lyft workers and supporters protested at the UBER World Headquarters to demand worker benefits and also to oppose Proposition 22 which would undermine AB5 which forces ridedshare companies to pay workers comp, disability and social security,…
Pass AB 1436 to stop evictions and foreclosures
zrants | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
This is the short version of a request sent via email from Tenants Together, a statewide renters support group to pass legislation to protect tenants and homeowners survive this crisis without losing their homes.
Saturday 8/22: Jeremiah Wright's America
David Giesen | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Join Zoom Meeting | zoom.us/j/96790644732?pwd=Z1ByS25DMW01Nn… | Meeting ID: 967 9064 4732 | Passcode: 9KNjPY…
California Needs More Renewables Online to Match the Demands of Fire Season
Ramona du Houx | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
If California had more renewables online to match the demands of fire season the state would be combating greenhouse gasses that fuel extreme temperatures. Gov. Brown failed to do so, no Gov. Newsom appears to be doing the same.
Thursday 8/27: Supporting Voting Rights in California Jails: A Community Training
ACLU & partners | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Online via Zoom…
Thursday 8/20: On Common Ground: Para Nosotros, Por Nosotros August 20, 2020
KQED | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Online/Virtual Event…
California Moves to Protect Declining Leatherback Sea Turtles
Center for Biological Diversity | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Prehistoric Reptiles Threatened by Fishing…
Tetra Tech Corruption Scandal From Uniontown Ohio To Hunters Point/Treasure Island
repost | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
The systemic corruption of the EPA including the criminal cover-up of testing at the Hunters Point Shipyard and Treasure Island by Tetra Tech is exposed in these articles…
Tuesday 8/25: Giants and Warriors Workers Fight Back
Marc Norton | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
ORACLE PARK (Giant's ballpark) | PICKET LINE: Willie Mays statue, 3rd & King Streets | CAR CARAVAN: ILWU parking lot, 2nd & King Streets…
"Pay Us Benefits" & "No On Prop 22" UBER Workers Protest At SF UBER World HQ
Labor Video Project | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Uber and Lyft workers and supporters protested at the UBER World Headquarters to demand worker benefits and also to oppose Proposition 22 which would undermine AB5 which forces ridedshare companies to pay workers comp, disability and social security,…
Don't Throw Us Under The Bus! SMART 1741 SF School Bus Drivers Fight For Healthcare
Labor Video Project | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
The San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent Vincent Matthews and the SFUSD school board are taking away healthcare benefits from the SMART 1741 school bus drivers and union members protested on 8/20/20…
On Facebook Banning Anarchist and Antifascist Pages & the Digital Censorship to Come
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Today Facebook deleted a variety of far-Right militia and Qanon accounts along with anarchist and antifascist pages, including It's Going Down and CrimethInc. The following is a joint statement in response.
Thursday 8/20: Rideshare Drivers to Protest Across CA as Uber, Lyft Threaten to Abandon Drivers
William Fitzgerald | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
1455 Market St San Francisco, CA 94103…
Saturday 8/22: Meetup: How we will Place a Moratorium on Murder
Direct Action Everywhere | indybay.org | 2020-08-21
Online Zoom…
Jailer Who Organized Assault On An Inmate Sentenced To Prison
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
A former deputy jailer has been sentenced to four years in federal prison after pleading guilty to violating the civil rights of an inmate at the Shelby County Detention Center. | William Anthony Carey, 31, admitted to asking an inmate to assault another inmate that Carey didn't like, according to his plea agreement. | Corey Lynn Hopper, 30, the inmate Carey asked to carry out the assault, pleaded guilty in January to aiding and abetting the violation of an inmate's civil rights. Hopper admitted to enlisting several other inmates to help him beat and kick the man, leaving him with serious injuries.
600 Million Dollar Settlement In Flint Water Case
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
The state of Michigan has reached a settlement agreeing to pay $600 million to the victims of the Flint water crisis. Most of this money will be allocated to children in the city who were exposed to lead-contaminated water in their household pipes. | The details of this settlement will be officially announced on Friday, but according to EcoWatch, it is expected that tens of thousands of residents will be eligible for compensation, which is subject to approval by a federal judge in Michigan. | The settlement will be one of the largest in the state's history, reports The Detroit News.
Police Use Violence On Protesters Against Police Violence
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
A group of protesters gathered again Wednesday evening at the Point Breeze home of Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto to protest the snatching of a protest marshal off the street over the weekend by heavily armed police officers in an unmarked white van. This was the second consecutive night of protests. On Tuesday evening, an even larger crowd showed up at Peduto's front door and spent the night until they were ordered by Police to leave at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. | A different scene unfolded Wednesday evening though, as the group was met by Peduto sitting on his front porch, waiting to talk.
The End Of The Hariri Trial
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-08-21
Judges at a U.N.-backed tribunal said Tuesday there was no evidence the leadership of the Hezbollah militant group and Syria were involved in the 2005 suicide truck bomb assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. | … | The trial centered on the alleged roles of four Hezbollah members in the suicide truck bombing that killed Hariri and 21 others and wounded 226 people. Prosecutors based their case largely on data from mobile phones allegedly used by the plotters to plan and execute the bombing. Based on that 'almost entirely circumstantial' evidence the tribunal found that only one of the accu…
The Carney/Freeland Green Reset Shapes Canada's 'New Normal'
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-08-21
Surprising ruptures have shaken the Canadian political landscape this week as Trudeau's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that she would add "Finance Minister" to her portfolio the day after scandal-ridden Bill Morneau stepped down from the position on the evening of August 16th. As Freeland gave her remarks to the press, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also announced that Ottawa's parliament would be requesting that the Queen's Governor General prorogue parliament until the end of September whereby a new Throne speech would announce a new green "economic restart" for the Canadian economy. | (In the…
Whose Century Is It? Don't Ask Donald Trump
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-08-21
Dilip HIRO | For the Trump administration's senior officials, it's been open season on bashing China. If you need an example, think of the president's blame game about " the invisible Chinese virus" as it spreads wildly across the U.S. | When it comes to China, in fact, the ever more virulent criticism never seems to stop. | Between the end of June and the end of July, four members of his cabinet vied with each other in spewing anti-Ch…
Post-Brexit trade deal talks approaching deadlock over key issues
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-08-21
Post-Brexit trade talks between the UK and EU are approaching deadlock, with progress "frozen" as both sides refuse to back down on the key issues of fisheries and state aid. | EU negotiator Michel Barnier warned that agreeing a deal before the 31 December deadline currently "seems unlikely". He suggested Britain is "wasting valuable time". | His UK counterpart David Frost also warned "there has been little progress" after the conclusion of the seventh round of talks on Friday 21 August. | "Frozen": | Both sides accept time is running out to broker a deal before the transition period comes to a close at t…
Biden: "I will be an ally of light, not darkness"
Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik | peoplesworld.org | 2020-08-21
WILMINGTON, Del.–Asking the country to "choose hope over fear," former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepted the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on Thursday night. "Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally …
Bigger bombs don't end wars
Quell Nessuno | workers.org | 2020-08-21
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the United States atomic bombing of Japan, the first and only use of nuclear weapons for warfare. On Aug. 6, 1945, the U.S. military dropped the "Little Boy" atomic device from a B-29 called Enola Gay onto the city of Hiroshima. Three days . . . | Continue reading Bigger bombs don't end wars at Workers.org…
EU-UK talks hit a snag again
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
The 7th round of the EU-UK negotiations on the partners' future ended without progress, EU's chief negotiator announced Friday. | "I am frankly disappointed, concerned and surprised as well," Michel Barnier told journalists summarizing the talks that had taken place in Brussels this week. | Despite the promises of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on speeding up the process, "the British haven't shown any willingness to move forward with topics crucial for the EU", he said. | "It feels like as if we were going backward rather than forward. At this stage, any agreement seems unlikely. I don't see why we are was…
Libyan government calls for cease-fire
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
The Libyan government on Friday announced a cease-fire and ordered the military to stop all combat operations.The Tripoli-seated Government of National Accord said that the "cease-fire requires the areas of Sirte and al-Jufra to be demilitarized within security arrangements."It called for presidential and parliamentary elections in March.For his part, Aguila Saleh, speaker of pro-Khalifa Haftar Libyan parliament, called on all parties for immediate cease-fire.He said the truce will make Sirte a temporary seat for a new presidential council to be guarded by police forces from various regions in the country.UN welc…
Turkey discovers gas reserve in Black Sea, says Erdogan
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
Turkey's drilling ship Fatih has found 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas, Erdogan addedThe Turkish ship has been operating since late July in an exploration zone known as Tuna-1, about 100 nautical miles north of the Turkish coast in the western Black Sea.Details to follow…
Europe's travel recovery stalls in August
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
Europe's travel recovery stalled at the start of August after a stronger performance in July, as quarantine rules and warnings over rising infection rates created uncertainty and deterred tourists from booking trips abroad.In July, ticket numbers for cross-border air travel within Europe stood at 28% of 2019's levels, as Europeans began to travel again after months of lockdown.But by the first week of August, volumes had fallen to 18%, according to data provided by travel analysis group ForwardKeys.Britain brought back quarantine rules for arrivals from Spain on July 26, just over two weeks after saying travel th…
Siberian hospital diagnoses Kremlin critic Navalny with metabolic disease
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
The head doctor at the Siberian hospital treating Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny said on Friday he had been diagnosed with a metabolic disease caused by low blood sugar.Alexander Murakhovsky, the head doctor at the hospital treating Navalny in the city of Omsk, added that traces of industrial chemical substances had been found on the 44-year-old's clothes and fingers.Navalny, a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin, is in a serious condition after drinking tea on Thursday morning that his allies believe was laced with poison.
UK public debt crosses $2T for first time in history
yenisafak.com | 2020-08-21
The UK's public debt has crossed £2 trillion ($2.6 trillion) for the first time in its history, the country's official statistics agency said on Friday.The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the public debt increased £227.6 billion at the end of July compared to the same time last year.Borrowing hit a record £150.5 billion this year, which the ONS said was $128.4 billion more than between April and July last year.British Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: "This crisis has put the public finances under significant strain as we have seen a hit to our economy and taken action to support millions o…
No fee hikes! Student fightback national day of action
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2020-08-21
Education Kerry SmithIssue 1277 Australia higher educationAugust 21, 2020Prime Minister Scott Morrison and education minister Dan Tehan are on the offensive against higher education. But students are fighting back. | The federal government is push to raise the cost of Ar…
Underpaying Casual Staff and Forgetting Education: The Australian University Formula
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | asia-pacificresearch.com | 2020-08-21
Underpaying Casual Staff and Forgetting Education: The Australian University Formula
Binoy Kampmark | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
Scandalous underpayment has become common fare at Australia's universities. An inverse relationship can be identified here: the wealthier the institution, the more likely it will short change staff and avoid coughing up the cash. If anything is coughed up, it will be meagrely rationed. We are not all in this together. The casualization of the …
New push to lift 33-year-old ban on uranium mining in NSW
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2020-08-21
Environment Kerry SmithIssue 1278 Australia uranium mining nuclear powerAugust 21, 2020Reports on August 20 that the New South Wales Coalition government had cemented a deal with Pauline Hanson One Nati…
China and the US: the 21st Century's "Great Game"
Conn Hallinan | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
From 1830 to 1895, the British and Russian empires schemed and plotted over control of Central and South Asia. At the heart of the "Great Game" was England's certainty that the Russians had designs on India. So wars were fought, borders drawn, and generations of young met death in desolate passes and lonely outposts. In…
Marquee Moon — LUNA
CP Editor | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
How Israel wages War on Palestinian History
Jonathan Cook | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-08-21
When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 — filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake — he chose an unusual narrator for the opening scene: a mute Palestinian youth. Jenin had been sealed off from …
How Israel Wages War on Palestinian History
Jonathan Cook | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-21
When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 — filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake — he chose an unusual | …
How Israel Wages War on Palestinian History
Jonathan Cook | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 — filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake — he chose an unusual narrator for the opening scene: a mute Palestinian youth. Jenin had been sealed off from…
Can Joe Biden Unrig the Economy?
Mike Konczal | thenation.com | 2020-08-21
Can Joe Biden Unrig the Economy?
The Burden of the Debt: Lessons for Team Biden
Dean Baker | counterpunch.org | 2020-08-21
Top Biden adviser, and long-time personal friend, Ted Kaufman was seen in the Wall Street Journal warning that the debt run up by the Trump administration will seriously limit what Biden will be able to do as president. This is wrong big time, and it is the sort of silly thing that no one in…
In Further War Crime, Israelis Cut Electricity to Gaza, Idling 50,000 Factory Workers
Prof. Juan Cole | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-20
The government of far right Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu cut off fuel for the sole power plant in the Gaza Strip, a small Palestinian territory surrounded on three sides by and blockaded by Israel. As a result, on Monday …
Mali coup: Democratic order must be restored 'as fast as possible'
news.un.org | 2020-08-20
The UN on Thursday called for the "constitutional and democratic order" to be restored as soon as possible across Mali, following the military coup, and reiterated a call to respect the rule of law, and refrain from violence.
Zambian Socialist Party Secretary General Cosmas Musumali released from detention
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-08-20
Musumali was arrested along with nearly 30 other party workers while conducting a meeting. With the parliamentary elections only a month away, the ruling Patriotic Front has been cracking down on mobilizations and meetings by the opposition…
MAS, trade unions and coup regime strike deal to quell revolt by Bolivian workers
wsws.org | 2020-08-20
This most recent betrayal of the MAS and COB proves once again they represent the interests of the Bolivian ruling class.
Will There Ever Be Elections Again in Bolivia?
Vijay Prashad | zcomm.org | 2020-08-20
It is not hard to imagine that this is what a coup regime has in mind; it did not annul democracy to allow democracy to remove it from office…
Bolivia's right-wing coup government is facing resistance
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-08-20
On 28 July, tens of thousands took to the streets of El Alto, the predominantly working-class and Indigenous city that overlooks La Paz, in a mobilisation called by the Bolivian Workers Centre (Central Obrera Boliviana, or COB), the country's chief trade union federation, together with other worker, peasant and Indigenous organisations (gathered under the title …
Was COVID-19 a Cover for an Anticipated or Planned Financial Crisis?
Anthony Hall | globalresearch.ca | 2020-08-20
A major sign of financial distress in the US economy kicked in in mid-September of 2019 when there was a breakdown in the normal operation of the Repo Market. This repurchase market in the United States is important in …
A new rapid spit test for COVID-19 could be the game changer we need
Staff | therealnews.com | 2020-08-20
Are known cases just the tip of the iceberg? A new test holds promise – and peril – for how we fight back against the disease.
COVID-19 cases surge on college campuses as Yale administrator warns students to prepare for deaths
wsws.org | 2020-08-20
Despite overwhelming scientific evidence and the most recent experiences of school like UNC-Chapel Hill and Notre Dame, many schools are still pushing forward with reopening plans.