2024-12-19: News Headlines

hrw.org (2024-12-19).   Israel's Crime of Extermination, Acts of Genocide in Gaza   Comment: It's just unbelievable how barbaric, cruel, and inhumane Israelis have become toward the indigenous peoples of Palestine.    Israeli authorities have deliberately inflicted conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of the population in Gaza by intentionally depriving Palestinian civilians there of adequate access to water, most likely resulting in thousands of deaths. | In doing so, Israeli authorities are responsible for the crime against humanity of extermination and for acts of genocide.

en.irna.ir (2024-12-19).   US-Israeli bombing of Yemen's civilian facilities exposes West's hypocrisy: AnsarullahComment:   It seems like the primary military strategy of the US and Israel is simply to kill as many civilians as they can. Shameful, just shameful!   The US-Israeli bombing of civilian facilities in Yemen exposes the West's hypocrisy and refutes all its humanitarian claims, says a member of the political bureau of the Ansarullah resistance movement.

Conference Organizing Committee, Black Agenda Report. (2024-12-19). Declaration Of The International Conference Cuba 2024. popularresistance.org From December 9th to the 13th, the 240 delegates, coming from 30 nations from four continents, gathered for the International Conference "Cuba 2024 Decade for People of African Descent. Equality – Equity – Social Justice", that took place in the cities of Havana and Matanzas. | Attended by 103 delegates from Cuba and 137 from the following geographical áreas: | From the Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama. | From the African continent: Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Comoros, Ghana, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, To…

Urban CNY News (2024-12-19). New York State Division of Human Rights Enforces Compliance in a Long Island Housing Discrimination Matter. urbancny.com

ICRC (2024-12-19). Brazil: Members of Safer Access network discuss ways to reduce impact of armed violence. icrc.org The event in Fortaleza covered operations in such fields as health, education, social work, youth and human rights.

Owen Schalk (2024-12-19). Israeli historian accuses Canadian media of enabling Gaza war crimes. mronline.org Lee Mordechai says Israel's war has been "enabled and facilitated by massive media efforts to shape discourse" in the West.

APR editor (2024-12-19). West and media are 'erasing' Palestinian history, say critics. asiapacificreport.nz Asia Pacific Report Palestinian history is "deliberately ignored" and is being effectively "erased" as part of Western news media narratives, while establishment forces work to shut down anyone speaking out against Israel's slaughter in Gaza, academics have told a university conference of legal and Middle East experts. A two-day online summit Erasure and Defiance: the…

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