2024-07-05: News Headlines

aljazeera.com (2024-07-05).   Israel war on Gaza live: 'Cautious optimism' as ceasefire talks revived   Israeli officials are "cautiously optimistic" as ceasefire talks on Gaza are revived though key issues remain outstanding for both Israel and Hamas, Al Jazeera's correspondent Hamdah Salhut reports. | Israel's Mossad spy chief David Barnea will travel to Doha as the head of a negotiating delegation and meet with Qatar's prime minister before the start of talks, sources tell Al Jazeera, amid reports of a "breakthrough" following Hamas's latest response to a ceasefire proposal.

IMEMC News (2024-07-05). Day 272 Update: Ongoing Bombing Across Gaza, Dozens Killed. imemc.org On Thursday, Day 272 of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians in the destroyed Gaza Strip, the Israeli army continued the bombing and shelling of various parts of the coastal enclave, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, including many children and women. In northern Gaza, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said its medics located …

Aseel Saleh (2024-07-05). Hezbollah responds to the killing of its senior commander with rocket and drone attacks on Israel. peoplesdispatch.org The killing of Hezbollah's commander Mohammad Nimah Nasser may lead to an escalation of a multi-front, regional war with Israel…

M. Reza Behnam (2024-07-05). Stolen Land, Stolen Lives: Israel's War on Palestine. counterpunch.org Israeli Zionists have always lusted after Palestine, but loathed its people. Today is no exception. Ever since the birth of organized Zionism in 1897, its adherents have been bent on establishing a Jewish majority on a land not theirs and populated with a Palestinian Arab majority. Following the prison break of the Islamic Resistance Movement,

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Israel using water as weapon of genocide in Gaza Strip: Rights monitor. presstv.ir An international human rights organization says the Israeli regime is using water as a weapon of genocide against the Palestinian population in the besieged Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Hezbollah pounds Israeli positions, kills senior commander. presstv.ir Hezbollah conducts new operations against Israeli military targets in northern parts of the 1948-occupied territories in retaliation for the assassination of a top commander of the group.

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Rashid Khalidi: The Neck and The Sword. newleftreview.org Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali discuss the political and intellectual history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught entanglement with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the 'peace process', Israel's grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations—or miscalculations—of Hamas.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'Whoever harms us is marked for death', Israeli PM warns Hezbollah. aljazeera.com 'Whoever harms us is marked for death'. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a warning to Hezbollah.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Lebanon As Next War Zone Could Threaten World Peace. ummid.com A bigger war between Israel and Hezbollah and an invasion by Israel exist which will draw in the USA and Iran to a bigger extent and make the Middle East region an even more dangerous place than it already is, for its people as for the world peace.

Nathan Klabin (2024-07-05). Hezbollah's 'Kinetic Diplomacy' Trying To Exhaust Israel, and They're Doing It Very Well, Expert tells TML. themedialine.org

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Hezbollah says ready for worst-case scenario; Israel 'unlikely' to expand war soon. presstv.ir Hezbollah's Deputy Secretary-General, Naim Qassem, says an expanded war with Israel is not likely in the near future, but his group is prepared for the worst-case scenario.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Hezbollah strikes Israeli military sites after top commander's assassination. presstv.ir Hezbollah strikes a number of Israeli military sites in retaliation for the regime's recent assassination of a top commander of the resistance movement.

Staff (2024-07-05). Hamas reportedly informs Hezbollah it agrees to Gaza truce proposal with Israel. haaretz.com Hezbollah deputy leader says expanding fighting with Israel 'isn't a viable option at the moment' ‚ñ Hezbollah leader Nasrallah meets a Hamas delegation to discuss situation in Gaza, cease-fire talks ‚ñ Palestinian Health Ministry says six Palestinians killed in Jenin, West Bank, following an exchange of fire with IDF special forces ‚ñ IDF strikes in southern Lebanon after Hezbollah launches over 200 rockets and drones at Israel…

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Saudi FM warns of Gaza war spillover into southern Lebanon, region. presstv.ir Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has warned that Israel's bloody onslaught on the Gaza Strip is affecting the entire West Asia region, including southern Lebanon.

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Iran Holds Israel Responsible for 1982 Abduction of Diplomats in Lebanon. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran issued a statement on the 42nd anniversary of kidnapping of four Iranian diplomats by mercenaries of the Zionist regime in Lebanon in 1982, saying Israel is politically and legally responsible for the abduction.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Any new tension in region will work against warmongers, Iran warns. presstv.ir Iran's interim foreign minister says warns of detrimental consequences of any new tension in the region.

Qassam Muaddi (2024-07-05). Why there is no uprising in the West Bank — yet. mondoweiss.net The West Bank remains unusually calm as Israel carries out its genocide in Gaza. But while Israeli repression has dissuaded an uprising in the streets, the tectonic plates underneath continue to shift.

The Independent (2024-07-05). Rwanda celebrates 30th liberation anniversary with President Kagame highlighting unity, progress. independent.co.ug KIGALI | Xinhua | Rwanda on Thursday marked the 30th anniversary of its liberation with a grand celebration at Amahoro Stadium in Kigali, the Rwandan capital. The event, known locally as Kwibohora, commemorates the end of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi, a tragic event that claimed more than one million lives. The Rwandan Patriotic …

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Gaza themed UK elections. presstv.ir Many voters in the UK general elections are planning to vote for candidates prioritizing ending Britain's support for the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza at the core of their foreign policy.

Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity (2024-07-05). Thursday 7/4: July 4th: SAY NO to Celebrating America— Truly a Model of Depraved, Racist Genocide. indybay.org 24th and Mission, San Francisco…

Will Hodgkinson, Workers. (2024-07-05). Shut Down Elbit! No Military Tech For Israel! popularresistance.org Cambridge, Massachusetts – Over 100 activists, including members of Workers World Party Boston, gathered on June 29 at Harvard Square to shut down Elbit Systems. Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement and BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement) Boston, Saturday's action expands the campaign targeting the Israeli-owned arms maker, which continues to supply the weapons and surveillance tech Zionist occupation forces are using in their ongoing genocide of Palestine. | Since these actions began, Elbit stock has fallen by over 30%. JPMorgan Chase, a major shareholder, has reduced its investment by 70%, from…

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-07-05). Liberal Zionists answer the Gaza genocide by appealing for 'nuance'. mondoweiss.net Liberal Zionists are trying to rehabilitate Israel's image among young American Jews after the Gaza genocide by appealing for "nuance" and sending them to indoctrination camps. But these attempts ring more hollow than ever.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-07-05). President of Bolivia promulgates law of accession to Mercosur. plenglish.com La Paz, July 5 (Prensa Latina) President Luis Arce promulgated Law 1567 of the Protocol of Accession of Bolivia to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), an event that he described today as "strategic" on social networks.

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-07-05). 'Operation al-Aqsa Flood' Day 272: Israelis Urge Acceptance Of Ceasefire. popularresistance.org The Israeli Mossad and the office of Israel's Prime Minister announced on Wednesday that mediators in the ceasefire talks gave Israel Hamas's response to the U.S.-amended ceasefire proposal. Benjamin Netanyahu is set to head a cabinet meeting later on Thursday to discuss Hamas's response. Meanwhile, Israel's Channel 12 quoted a high-ranking Israeli official saying that Hamas's response "for the first time allows for making progress in negotiations." | For its part, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported that the heads of Israel's security forces were "angry at the attempts of Netanyahu and Smotrich to sabotage…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-07-05). SCOTUS Furthers Deconstruction Of The Administrative State. popularresistance.org On June 28, the six reactionary members of the Supreme Court put a final nail in the coffin of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, in the companion cases of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce. | By overruling Chevron, the court dramatically curtailed the power of federal agencies to interpret statutes they administer, ruling that courts should provide their own interpretations of ambiguous statutes. This decision will imperil the rights of workers and consumers and threaten the environment and our health and safety, while providing a boon to corporations.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-07-05). Letting The Cruelty Of The World Break Our Hearts Together. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Let's allow the cruelty of the world to break our hearts, kind friend.

John Laforge (2024-07-05). Fukushima's Forever Quagmire of Radiation Hazards. counterpunch.org Earthquakes routinely threaten reactor site The dumping of radioactive wastewater from the rubbished Fukushima nuclear reactor site in Japan was suspended for a day last March, after a 5.98-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the site, the Malaysia Star and Arab News Japan report. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) said through a spokesperson that

Michael F. Brown (2024-07-05). Trump would pour petrol on Biden's flames. electronicintifada.net Former president eyes West Bank annexation as Israeli right wing slow-walks process with Biden.

newarab (2024-07-05). Optimism over Gaza truce despite fierce battles in Al-Shujaiya. newarab.com The Israeli military continued its assaults across the In northern Gaza, two Israeli soldiers were killed in battle on Thursday, including a commander, bringing the total number of Israeli troops killed in the ground offensive to 324. | The army claimed it had struck dozens of Hamas target…

Evan Jones (2024-07-05). Zionism and the Academy Revisited. counterpunch.org The Background The background should be uncontroversial. Israel was created by terrorism, facilitated by prior settler colonialism under a British umbrella, and not by the UN General Assembly 'partition' Resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 (Suárez 2017a; Suárez 2017b). The majority vote was obtained by great powers realpolitik, by threats (including letter bombs) and

Reuters (2024-07-05). Gaza war: Israel sends delegation to resume stalled talks on hostage agreement with Hamas. scmp.com The militant group has reportedly shown flexibility over some clauses that would allow a framework deal to be reached should Israel approve.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-07-05). Sharon Revisited: Netanyahu's Ultimate Aim in Gaza and Why It Will Fail. counterpunch.org Israel never learns from its mistakes. What Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to implement in Gaza is but a poor copy of previous strategies that were used in the past by other Israeli leaders. If these strategies had succeeded, Israel would not be in this position in the first place. The main reason

Ali Salam (2024-07-05). Army Abducts Two in Hebron, One in Qalqilia. imemc.org Israeli forces abducted, on Thursday, two Palestinian citizens, including a former prisoner, near Hebron, and one in the city of Qalqilia, in the southern and northwestern parts of the West Bank. Before dawn Thursday, occupation forces invaded several areas of the Hebron governorate, in the southern West Bank, and abducted three young men. Media sources …

newarab (2024-07-05). Seven killed in Israeli West Bank raid: health ministry. newarab.com Israeli troops killed seven Palestinians — with Hamas claiming five as members — in a raid on At least 14 Palestinians have now been killed in Israeli operations this week in the West Bank, where the The Israeli military said the raid was carried out to find fighters behind an attack last week in which an Israeli captain was killed. Hamas said one of the…

Maxime Duriez (2024-07-05). Who will stop Israel's illegal annexations of Palestinian land ? fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) condemns Israel's plans to annex and expand illegal settlements in the West Bank, actions that constitute war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Third countries must uphold international law for the Palestinian people, or it will eventually cease to exist. FIDH call on all states to deploy all the necessary efforts in order to end Israel's settler-colonialism and apartheid, and work towards the realisation of the Palestinian (…) | – | /…

Editor (2024-07-05). Jul 5, 2024. sitrepworld.info Seo Linn — àìró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile Regime Media Utters the Un-utterable, by Simplicius Happy Holiday! by Matt Taibbi This Civilization Is Deeply Unnatural, by Caitlin Johnstone Salutary Neglect is Our Best Hope, by John Leake Autonomy and the Automaton, by N.S. Lyons Are Kingmakers Betting that Voters Prefer a Puppet Over Trump? by John Leake Declaring Our Independence from War: "War is a madhouse," by Bill Astore The Global Chemistry of 1776, by Matthew Ehret "Gaza Is Complicated!" No It Isn't. Grow Up, by Caitlin Johnstone Israel Admits Hamas Can't Be Defeated Yet Gaza Attack…

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Israeli airstrike destroys UN school sheltering displaced Palestinians. presstv.ir An Israeli airstrike has destroyed a UN school building housing displaced Palestinians.

IMEMC News (2024-07-05). Israeli Soldiers Injure Several Palestinians, Abduct One, In Nablus. imemc.org On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers injured several Palestinians, including one they assaulted in his shop before abducting him, in Beita town, south of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank's northern part. Several military vehicles invaded the town, leading to protests, and fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades. Medical sources have …

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Israel approves largest land grab in 30 years in West Bank. presstv.ir The regime also approved 5,295 extra settler units in dozens of existing settlements.

newarab (2024-07-05). Saudi FM calls for sanctions on Israeli officials over Gaza. newarab.com Saudi Arabia's foreign minister is calling for Speaking at the 'Wars and shadow wars: What are Europe's options in the Middle East?' panel at the European Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Madrid,

Jack Khoury (2024-07-05). Palestinians report seven dead in Israeli raid in West Bank's Jenin; IDF says it targeted militants. haaretz.com The IDF said Palestinian militants were struck from the air by a drone, killing Jenin Brigade operatives and a 54-year-old person hit by a sniper while watching the raid on the roof. The Red Crescent says two more people suffered severe and critical wounds…

Ran Shimoni (2024-07-05). Police: Three Israelis who were not part of defense forces suspected of murder of a Palestinian on October 7. haaretz.com The case has been under investigation for months, but the court gag-order has now been lifted. The three are suspected of taking arms from fallen soldiers and using them to kill a Palestinian from Gaza who entered Israel during the attacks, who sources say had weapons in his possession…

newarab (2024-07-05). Israel behind GPS spoofing attacks affecting air travel: study. newarab.com An University of Texas researchers Todd Humphreys and Zach Clements were quoted by the New York Times as saying they were "highly confident" that the spoofing came from Israel's Ein Shemer Airfield. | The practice, known as 'spoofing', manipulates data to make a plane's GPS receiver think it is in a different location. | Pilots affected by the attacks have falsely believed t…

Nir Hasson (2024-07-05). How this Israeli went from major Bibi supporter to leading antigovernment protester. haaretz.com Meet Michal Deutsch, who holds he national record for number of arrests in protests against Israel's government…

Reuters (2024-07-05). 'Breakthrough' as Israel sends delegation to resume stalled Gaza hostage talks with Hamas. scmp.com The militants have reportedly made a significant adjustment in their position that would allow a deal to be reached should Israel approve.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). US, UK warplanes blitz western Yemen in fresh aggression. presstv.ir American and British warplanes stage airstrikes against two western Yemeni provinces in a fresh attempt at stopping the country's anti-Israeli operations.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Israeli police crack down on pro-Palestine demonstrators. aljazeera.com Video shows Israeli police using force to break up a peaceful pro-Palestine protest in Haifa.

Arie W. Kruglanski (2024-07-05). For the Israeli-Palestinian struggle to end, two psychological realities must align. haaretz.com Has the time come to apply therapeutic principles to the seemingly unendable Israel-Palestine struggle?

Yossi Verter (2024-07-05). Netanyahu tried to derail the hostage deal even before Hamas responded. haaretz.com The Israeli prime minister's eagerness to put a spoke into the wheels of any deal is shared by his partner-in-crime, Bezalel Smotrich ‚ñ The evil twins of judicial reform have returned to our lives like a recurring nightmare and are flooding the Knesset with semi-fascist legislation…

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). 'Time to close deal,' Biden tells Netanyahu. presstv.ir The US president reportedly talks to Israeli prime minister to address underway efforts at conclusion of a truce deal between the occupying regime and Hamas.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Arab League appeals for freezing of Israel at UN General Assembly. ecns.cn The Council of the Arab League has demanded freezing Israel's participation at the United Nations General Assembly as Tel Aviv continued to defy the UN Charter and international laws in its military offensive to destroy Hamas in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). At least 10 Israeli troopers killed in Gaza in resistance fighters' attacks. presstv.ir Palestinian resistance fighters have killed at least 10 Israeli troops in a military operation against the enemy forces in Gaza City.

Bar Peleg (2024-07-05). Israeli AG accuses Ben-Gvir of thwarting transfer of Gazans from controversial detention center. haaretz.com In letter to Netanyahu, Baharav-Miara warns of 'far-reaching consequences' if Israel continues to hold Palestinians at Sde Teiman, where rights groups say conditions are inhumane…

Ali Salam (2024-07-05). Colonizers Burn a Vehicle, Land, and a Home, Near Jenin. imemc.org Illegal Israeli colonizers attacked, on Thursday, citizens' homes and destroyed their property near the city of Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank. On Thursday afternoon, dozens of Israeli colonizers set fire to a Palestinian-owned vehicle in the village of Al-Fandaqumiya, southwest of Jenin in the northern West Bank. Saqr Qarariya, the Fatah Secretary in …

newarab (2024-07-05). Rebuild Gaza today or else Israel will erase Palestine tomorrow. newarab.com Israel may have failed to ethnically cleanse Gaza for the time being, but it could still do so by stopping Gaza's reconstruction after the war. | As I speak to friends and family back home, I hear about their daily struggle to find food, water, sleep, or charge their phones. Israel has damaged or destroyed approximately 62 percent of all our homes, equivalent to 290,820 housing units, not to mention the destruction of essential infrastructure like water, sewage electricity, and telecommunication lines. | "A ceasefire means I don't die today," a friend told me. "But there are a million other ways to die." | We'

Vijay Prashad (2024-07-05). The Unbelievable Stories About the Children of Gaza. counterpunch.org The story should not be real. It was the morning of January 29, 2004. The Israeli military had already bombed substantial parts of the affluent Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City, including—in October 2023—the totality of the Gaza City campus of the Islamic University of Gaza. Following a warning from the Israeli military, seven members

MEE staff (2024-07-05). Israel optimistic on ceasefire talks, as US says Biden and Netanyahu meeting likely. middleeasteye.net Israel optimistic on ceasefire talks, as US says Biden and Netanyahu meeting likely | Hamas says it opposes foreign forces in Gaza, in a sign it may be considering postwar plans for the enclave | | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during joint press conference with German Chancellor a…

(2024-07-05). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Zvi Bar'el (2024-07-05). The reoccupation of Gaza will not bring security, or deterrence, back to Israel. haaretz.com Unlike in 1967, when it was initially captured, Gaza now has no local leadership, no civil infrastructure, no economy, no housing and no hope for a future. Long term control over Gaza will be a burden on Israel's economy and military, and a population with nothing to lose can't be deterred…

newarab (2024-07-05). Israel spy chief to travel to Qatar for Gaza ceasefire talks. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Efforts to secure Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal gain momentum. newarab.com Efforts to secure a ceasefire and hostage release in Israeli Prime Minister

Democracy Now! (2024-07-05). Democracy Now! 2024-07-05 Friday. democracynow.org "The Night Won't End": New Film Investigates Civilian Killings in Gaza and U.S. Backing of Israeli Assault; "Better Living Through Birding": Christian Cooper on Birding While Black & the Central Park Incident | "The Night Won't End": New Film Investigates Civilian Killings in Gaza and U.S. Backing of Israeli Assault; "Better Living Through Birding": Christian Cooper on Birding While Black & the Central Park Incident…

The Media Line Staff (2024-07-05). Israel To Engage in Renewed Cease-fire Talks Following Hamas's Proposal Amendments. themedialine.org

IMEMC News (2024-07-05). Israeli Colonizers Fire At Homes, Assault Displaced Palestinians, In Hebron. imemc.org On Thursday evening, a group of extremist paramilitary Israeli colonizers, illegally squatting on stolen Palestinian lands, opened fire at many Palestinian homes and attacked several residents whose homes were demolished earlier, in Doura town and Birin village, near Hebron in the occupied West Bank's southern part. Media sources said the paramilitary colonizers, from the recently …

(2024-07-05). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

Carmen Russell-Sluchansky (2024-07-05). Hundreds of Palestine activists protest Israel in Philadelphia amid Gaza peace negotiations. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Hundreds of supporters of a free Palestine rallied at Rittenhouse Square on Thursday to condemn Israel's Gaza occupation and demand an immediate cease-fire. The rally, dubbed "All Out for Gaza," was organized by the Philly Palestine Coalition, which

newarab (2024-07-05). Ex-prime minister Liz Truss loses seat at UK election. newarab.com Truss's defeat came as the constituencies of all her predecessors since the Tories won power in 2010 turned either Labour or Liberal Democrat — a damning indictment on the Conservatives' 14 years in power. | Truss, who sparked financial turmoil during her 4…

newarab (2024-07-05). Independent Corbyn defeats Labour to win parliament seat. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Turkey says Demiral ban for Euros 'wolf' salute is unfair. newarab.com Turkey defender Merih Demiral will miss his team's Demiral scored both of Turkey's goals in the 2-1 last-16 win over Austria on Tuesday and during celebrations for his second goal made a gesture associated with Turkish right-wing extremist group Grey Wolves. | UEFA said in a statement it was banning Demiral "for violating the basic rul…

newarab (2024-07-05). New UK government Middle East policy 'dependent' on US election. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Medical Aid for Palestinians CEO resigns after election as UK MP. newarab.com The CEO of a medical charity that provides assistance to Melanie Ward, the now former head of

newarab (2024-07-05). Who could replace Biden on the Democratic ticket. newarab.com After US President Joe Biden's shockingly If so, by whom, and how would that work? | Kamala Harris: | As vice president, Kamala Harris would be the default choice and logistically the most straightforward to tak…

newarab (2024-07-05). UK elections, UN meets Taliban, Turkish mobs attack Syrians. newarab.com This week on The New Arab Weekly podcast we talk the UK election, how the main parties have tackled issues surrounding the ongoing war in Gaza, the recent UN meeting with the Taliban and the notable absence of women, and the violent mobs in Turkey that have target Syrian communities and the Syrians who have targeted Turkish forces in northern Syria. | This week, we're joined by The New Arab's reporter and journalist Nick McAlpin ( Picks of the Week |

newarab (2024-07-05). Trump and Sudanese warlord Hemedti: The conspiracy no one wanted. newarab.com As a political cartoonist deeply entrenched in the world of social media, I've witnessed these platforms undergo a remarkable transformation over the years. | I've watched these platforms transform into arenas where attention often triumphs over truth. In this digital theatre, two seemingly disparate yet interconnected narratives have emerged: the astonishing ascent of Donald Trump in the US and Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, better known as Hemedti, in Sudan. | Despite hailing from vastly different backgrounds and corners of the globe, the experiences of Trump and Hemedti's supporters unveil a disconcerting undercur…

newarab (2024-07-05). How will France-Algeria relations fare under French far-right. newarab.com For sixty-two years, Algeria struggled to move past its bloody history with France, and a memory accord with Paris was made in hopes to heal the wounds of colonisation. However, the rise of the far-right threatens to derail this process. | In the first round of French legislative elections, the far-right National Rally (RN) and its allies obtained nearly 33.34% of the vote, electing 39 deputies directly. | If they come first in the second round, scheduled for 7 July, Jordan Bardella, the party's controversial figure, will become the country's prime minister. | Bardella, who has garnered wide popularity in Fran…

newarab (2024-07-05). Turkey's Demiral to be suspended for two games over wolf gesture. newarab.com The 26-year-old centre back scored twice in a

newarab (2024-07-05). Syrian teenager stabbed to death in Turkey amid ongoing tensions. newarab.com A 15-year-old Syrian boy was stabbed to death on Wednesday in Turkey's southwestern city of Antalya, the Turkish news website Bianet reported the following day. | Ahmed Hamdan El Naif was in the Serik district of the city when he was attacked by three people on motorcycles. | The suspects, who were all minors themselves and identified only by their initials RO, YY, and IA, were arrested and charged following the incident, according to Bianet. | Turkey has been

newarab (2024-07-05). UK left-wing candidate Galloway loses parliamentary seat. newarab.com Veteran left-wing political maverick Galloway had served for just four months after winning a The Workers Party le…

newarab (2024-07-05). Pro-Palestine independents win five seats in UK election. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Who is Ziad al-Nakhalah, head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). MENA Sports Wrap: Turkey with epic win against Austria in Euros. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Labour set for super majority in UK general election. newarab.com As polling stations closed at 10: 00 pm (2100 GMT), the survey for UK broadcasters suggested centre-left Labour would w…

newarab (2024-07-05). Big wins for pro-Gaza bloc in UK election amid Labour landslide>. newarab.com In an unprecedented electoral breakthrough, five pro-Gaza independents won seats in the UK parliament following Thursday night's This included former UK Labour leader Corbyn, 75, who has represented the London constituency of Islington North for more than 40 years, won the seat comfortably — but for the first time without Labour affiliation. | J…

newarab (2024-07-05). Masoud Barzani visits Baghdad for first time since 2018. newarab.com Masoud Barzani, leader of the "This visit to Baghdad, given the significance of the meetings and dialogues, is particularly important as we speak with a na…

newarab (2024-07-05). Farage's Reform breaks through in UK election with seat wins. newarab.com Reform UK, the right-wing populist party led by Farage, a driving force behind

newarab (2024-07-05). Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 match in Berlin as diplomatic row spirals. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Anglo-Saxon warriors might have fought in northern Syria. newarab.com The Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic-speaking people who invaded and settled in England — during and after the fall of the Roman Empire — greatly influencing language, culture, and governance on the British Isles. | Dr. St John Simpson, a senior curator at the British Museum,…

newarab (2024-07-05). Iran sentences woman labour activist to death: rights group. newarab.com Iranian authorities on Thursday Sharifeh Mohammadi, initially arrested in December in Rasht, Iran, was convicted of the capital crime of rebellion and sentenced to death, said the Norway-based Hengaw and US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency. | She is accused of being a member of the Kurdish separati…

newarab (2024-07-05). How the Middle East could maximise AI's potential. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). UK's Sunak says 'sorry' to public as he leaves office. newarab.com The 44-year-old former financier gambled on going to the country six months before he had to, hoping that better economic data would swing public support back towards the Tories. | But Thursday's vote indicated that Britons wanted to send a clear message to the party by kicking them ou…

newarab (2024-07-05). Exit poll analysis cautions Reform gains but mega win for Labour. newarab.com The poll, taken as members of the public across the UK exit polling stations, is a reliable prediction of the results which are expected to trickle in as votes are counted overnight Thursday. | Sir Keir Starmer's Labour i…

newarab (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer's Labour wins UK general election. newarab.com "The Labour Party has won this general election, and I have called Sir Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory," a sombre-looking "Today, powe…

newarab (2024-07-05). What did some MENA outlets say about Labour's election win. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Saudi Netflix show creator convicted by anti-terrorism court. newarab.com

newarab (2024-07-05). Labour's David Lammy aims for UK foreign policy reset. newarab.com Labour's The centre-left Labour Party

newarab (2024-07-05). Reformist faces ultraconservative as Iran votes for president. newarab.com Iranians voted on Friday in a The election, called early after the death of ultraconservative president In a contest between reformist Masoud Pezeshkia…

newarab (2024-07-05). Who will be the UK's next foreign secretary. newarab.com Britain goes to the A final poll by YouGov MRP on Wednesday projects a With global issues like the war on Gaza w…

newarab (2024-07-05). How will UK's Labour tackle domestic and foreign issues. newarab.com Here are its policies on key issues: | Economy | Labour has vowed to follow the UK fiscal rules and ruled out

newarab (2024-07-05). Sweden confirms three citizens sentenced to death in Iraq. newarab.com Three The government summoned Iraq's charge d'affaires last month to protest the death sentence against one of the three involved in the shooting. | Sweden does not have the death penalty and opposes its…

newarab (2024-07-05). Tunisian police arrest candidate for presidential election. newarab.com The head of a Mraihi, the leader of Republican Union Party, and one of the most prominent critics of President Kais Saied, was arrested late on Wednesday, politicians and local media said. | Tunis court spokesman said earlier this week that Mraihi faces charges of mo…

Georgia Jensen, Inequality. (2024-07-05). We Need Our Public Libraries, And Now They Need Us Too. popularresistance.org If you've been anywhere near New York City these past couple weeks, you know it's been miserable outside, with temperatures in the nineties and a heat advisory warning residents to stay inside. But that's not always an option, particularly for unhoused or low-income individuals who don't have access to reliably air-conditioned spaces. | These individuals are often forced to bear the consequences of extreme weather, facing dehydration, heat stroke, and more. For these people, access to cooling centers can be a matter of life and death. | As the latest heatwave drags on across the eastern U.S. and prepares to hit t…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-07-05). The War In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo Will End. popularresistance.org On 20 June, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) condemned the attacks on civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 'in the strongest terms'. In its press statement, the UNSC wrote that these attacks — by both the DRC's armed forces and various rebel groups supported by neighbouring countries such as Rwanda and Uganda — 'are worsening the volatile security and stability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the region and further exacerbating the current humanitarian situation'. Five days later, on 25 June, the United Nations peacekeeping force in eastern DRC withdrew, in…

In These Times. (2024-07-05). Frederick Douglass On The Meaning Of July Fourth To The Slave. popularresistance.org Fellow-citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us? I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! | Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distanc…

Demetrius Johnson, NDN Collective. (2024-07-05). The Fight To Free Leonard Peltier Continues. popularresistance.org On June 10th Leonard Peltier appeared before the US Parole Commission to state his case for freedom for the 4th time— his three previous parole attempts in 1993, 1996, and 2009 were all denied. On July 2nd, the US Parole Commission denied Leonard Peltier parole for the 4th time. At 79 years old and battling multiple serious health conditions without proper medical treatment, Leonard Peltier most likely won't make it another 15 years for his next parole hearing scheduled for June 2039. But that does not mean the fight for justice is over. In a phone call from Leonard Peltier to Nick Tilsen, President and CEO…

Colleen Scerpella, Exposed CMD. (2024-07-05). Right-Wing Network Manufacturing The War Against Higher Education. popularresistance.org A recent white paper by Isaac Kamola, director of the Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, details the ongoing culture-war backlash against higher education in America, largely in response to the grassroots activism of Black Lives Matter in 2020 and increasing LGBTQ+ visibility. More than 150 bills seeking to undermine academic freedom and intervene in university governance were introduced in state legislatures across the country during 2021-2023. While these bills are typically interpreted as an "organic" consequence of increasing polarization among Americans, the current wave of legislation targeting hig…

Kossi "Ayomide" Paul, Black Agenda Report. (2024-07-05). France, Its Far-right, And Africa. popularresistance.org Elections for the European Parliament took place on June 9, 2024. These elections are generally shunned by the French electorate, and the latest was no exception with nearly 50% abstaining from voting. This is one of the highest abstention rates in the region – a clear sign of the disconnect between the people and its institutions. The results[1] were clear-cut: over 30% of votes for France's main far-right party, the Rassemblement National (and around 10% more for the various conservative and nationalist right-wing movements), less than 15% for the party of the current government, and less than 25% overall for t…

Pablo Meriguet, People's Dispatch. (2024-07-05). Ecuadorians Call For An End To Noboa's Austerity Measures. popularresistance.org Ecuadorian trade union the Unitary Workers' Front (FUT), has called for a national mobilization on July 4 against the increase in gasoline prices in the country. | On June 26, through Executive Decree 308, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa ordered the elimination of gasoline subsidies in accordance with the provisions of the International Monetary Fund. The government has already reached agreements with some transportation unions to prevent them from joining future protests. According to the government, these unions will receive monthly compensation for the increase in gasoline costs. This agreement has been seen…

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Houthi: US aircraft carriers not worth money after Yemeni ops. presstv.ir "Battle in the Red Sea has attested the fact that US aircraft carriers are an obsolete weapons system," Houthi said.

Editor (2024-07-05). The Supreme Court Criminalizes Being Homeless. scheerpost.com The Supreme Court's recent decision to allow cities to ban people from sleeping outdoors presents a major shift in the perception of poverty and homelessness in the U.S. and what the Eighth Amendment represents. Clare Pastore, a law professor at the University of Southern California, joins her faculty colleague Robert Scheer on this episode of …

Larry Johnson (2024-07-05). Reflections on Independence Day in the United States. sonar21.com Fifth Great Uncle Charles Thomson | Today, July 4th, is supposed to be celebrated as Independence Day in the United States. It commemorates the victory of Britain's American colonies in declaring their Independence from British colonial rule and becoming a new nation no longer beholden to the King of England. Sadly, the people of the United States have largely forgotten their revolutionary roots. By the start of the 20th Century, the United States was in the process of becoming the very thing it rebelled against — a colonial empire. In the wake of World War II, noveau colonialism captured U.S. foreign po…

Dania Akkad (2024-07-05). British families call on Labour government to 'stand up and fight' for nationals held abroad. middleeasteye.net British families call on Labour government to 'stand up and fight' for nationals held abroad | Labour pledged to make consular assistance a right for British nationals in human rights cases overseas. But families push new administration to do more | | A family photo of Anoosheh Ashoori and Sher…

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Wu carries bags of confidence to Paris. ecns.cn Wu expressed her determination to present herself as the most stylish, confident, and capable version of herself on the track, a promise she felt she fulfilled admirably.

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). Xi calls for building common home of solidarity, prosperity and fairness. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called for building a common home featuring solidarity and mutual trust, peace and tranquility, prosperity and development, good-neighborliness and friendship, as well as fairness and justice.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning's regular press conference on July 5, 2024. ecns.cn At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Prime Minister Charlot Salwai of the Republic of Vanuatu will pay an official visit to China from July 7 to 12.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Digital revamp boosting financial development. ecns.cn Further efforts are expected to drive the digital transformation of the financial sector, in order to ride the global digitalization wave and better support the development of real sectors like manufacturing.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Insights | Nepal's former PM: People-oriented CPC integral to China's economic success. ecns.cn "The CPC is the largest communist party in the world today," Nepal's Former Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal noted, "and it's the (reason) why within 30 or 40 years of time China has now become one of the most powerful economies in the world."

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). China urges consensus on global AI governance. ecns.cn China is ready to work with other countries around the globe to promote artificial intelligence to better serve global development and the well-being of humanity, moving toward a brighter intelligent future, Premier Li Qiang said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Full Text of Chinese president Xi Jinping's signed article on Tajik media. ecns.cn A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Working Together for a Brighter Future of China-Tajikistan Relations" was published on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Core role of UN in intl affairs emphasized. ecns.cn China will always follow true multilateralism and support the United Nations in playing a core role in international affairs, no matter how the international situation may change, President Xi Jinping said when meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). SCO nations urged to strengthen ties. ecns.cn The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route is a rail freight corridor linking China and the European Union through Central Asia, the Caucasus, Türkiye and Eastern Europe, according to the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi meets with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi meets with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Chinese automakers act against EU's tariffs. ecns.cn Chinese automobile companies and industry associations are taking active actions against the EU's provisional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs).

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship. ecns.cn China and Türkiye should push for greater development of their strategic cooperative relationship, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). International arrivals in China surge by 152.7% in first half. ecns.cn From January to June, immigration authorities across China handled 287 million entries and exits, an increase of 70.9 percent year-on-year.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi congratulates Ghazouani on re-election as Mauritanian president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message to Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani, congratulating him on re-election as president of Mauritania.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi calls for bolstering SCO unity, cooperation. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping stressed on Thursday the necessity for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to bolster unity and cooperation, saying that the grouping must safeguard its security baseline, defend the right to development and build up its unity.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Flags of China, Tajikistan flutter in Dushanbe for Xi's visit. ecns.cn Flags of China and Tajikistan flutter in Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan, on July 4, 2024, to welcome the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). China, India keen to build on shared interests. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Thursday in Astana.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). President congratulates Belarus on SCO status. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping congratulated Belarus on becoming a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, during his meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Key visit heralds new era of Sino-Tajik ties. ecns.cn Xi arrived in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, on Thursday night after attending the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana, Kazakhstan.

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). Xi says China-Belarus relations to develop healthily, with great strides. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Thursday that he believes China-Belarus relations will continue to develop healthily and with great strides under joint efforts of both countries.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). EU imposes Provisional Tariffs on Chinese EVs amid widespread opposition. ecns.cn The European Commission (EU) on Thursday announced that nine months after the initiation of an ex officio anti-subsidy investigation, it has imposed provisional countervailing duties on imports of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from China.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Former residents answer flood response call. ecns.cn Heavy rains lashing southern China have triggered widespread flood control measures, with authorities crediting swift responses for minimizing casualties and damage.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Tornado leaves one dead, 79 hurt in Shandong. ecns.cn One person was killed and 79 others injured when a tornado hit Dongming county in Shandong province at around 2: 30 pm on Friday, said the county's emergency management bureau.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). China, Tajikistan support forming inclusive government in Afghanistan — joint statement. ecns.cn China and Tajikistan on Friday expressed their support in a joint statement for the establishment of an inclusive government with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghanistan.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Nepal ready to foster closer ties with China: Envoy. ecns.cn The enduring relationship between China and Nepal is becoming more dynamic and vibrant over the years and the collaboration between the two opens broader opportunities for both to prosper together.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). In Numbers: China logs 14.64 million inbound trips by foreigners in H1. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi says China to unswervingly promote friendly, mutually beneficial cooperation with Tajikistan. ecns.cn China will continue to unswervingly promote the friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Tajikistan, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Full Text of Chinese president's signed article on Tajik media. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Railway brings more Laotians to scenic Pu'er. ecns.cn The launch of the China-Laos Railway is another important reason for him to choose Yunnan as it makes it easier for him to return home to see his family.

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). Xi says UN's role as core platform for practicing multilateralism should be strengthened. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Thursday that as the core platform for practicing multilateralism and advancing global governance, the United Nations' role can only be strengthened, not weakened.

ecns.cn (2024-07-04). Full text of Xi Jinping's speech at "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus" Meeting in Astana. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech Thursday at "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus" meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). China's modified Long March rocket sends satellite group into space. ecns.cn China launched the Tianhui 5-02 satellite group at 6: 49 a.m. Beijing Time on Friday from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi Province.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi awards Tajik President Rahmon China's friendship medal. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday awarded Tajik President Emomali Rahmon the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). China welcomes more countries that recognize Shanghai Spirit to join SCO family: spokesperson. ecns.cn China welcomes more countries that recognize the Shanghai Spirit and the purposes and principles of the SCO to join the SCO family, work together to build an even closer SCO community with a shared future, jointly uphold international fairness and justice, promote world peace and stability, and make SCO's contribution to global prosperity and development, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday…

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). AI expected to improve crop yields, food security. ecns.cn Research on digital humans — robots with emotions and intelligence — topped this year's list of frontier scientific questions at the annual conference of the China Association for Science and Technology.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). SCODA seeks investors to develop. ecns.cn To this end, the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area will further promote comprehensive reform in the months to come.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Beijing, Ankara vow to boost mutual trust. ecns.cn China and Türkiye should support each other in defending their core interests, consolidate political mutual trust and advance high-level mutually beneficial cooperation, President Xi Jinping said when meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). 287 million entries and exits in the first half of 2024. ecns.cn From January to June, immigration authorities across China handled 287 million entries and exits, an increase of 70.9% year-on-year.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi, Tajik President Rahmon jointly meet press. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon on Friday jointly met the press after they held talks.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). China, Tajikistan vow to jointly build multimodal transport corridor: joint statement. ecns.cn China and Tajikistan will jointly build the multimodal transport corridor linking China and Türkiye via regional countries, said a joint statement between the two countries released on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi says China, Tajikistan to announce elevation of ties to comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China and Tajikistan will announce the elevation of ties to comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

ecns.cn (2024-07-05). Xi, Tajik President Rahmon attend inauguration of Chinese-aided parliament building, government building. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon on Friday attended the inauguration of a parliament building and a government building aided by China in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-05). Structural Adjustment and the Washington Consensus Are Not Abandoned in 2000. cadtm.org

Michael Roberts (2024-07-05). France: Macron's gamble. cadtm.org

Neeraj Jain (2024-07-05). India : Analysis of Budget 2024—25, Part 1: Declining Budget Outlay. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint, Mario Hernandez (2024-07-05). Dark clouds over Europe with a few sunny patches. cadtm.org

Front Populaire Social (2024-07-05). Joining forces with the social movement. cadtm.org

Chris Dite, Li Andersson (2024-07-05). In Finland, the Left Alliance Just Trounced the Far Right. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-05). Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-05). Europe is turning black and brown. cadtm.org How should we interpret the results of the EU parliamentary elections?
| In Croatia the voter turnout was only 21.35%
| The first observation: in the EU elections held in all 27 member countries between 6 and 9 June 2024, voter turnout was once again very low. The average for the entire European Union was 51%. But keep in mind that countries where voting is compulsory also figure into the calculation of that average — for example Belgium, where voter turnout was 90%. Without those countries, (…) | – | /…

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-07-05). France: With the New Popular Front against the deadly fascist threat! cadtm.org

Melvin Goodman (2024-07-05). How the Presidential Debate Harmed US Foreign Policy. counterpunch.org Last week's Biden-Trump debate harmed U.S. foreign policy, and the international community was left to debate what was said and what was left unsaid. In view of the harmful potential for wider wars in East Europe and the Middle East in addition to the potential for China's increased military pressure on Taiwan, it is shocking that only ten minutes of the 90-minute debate was devoted to national security policy. The inept CNN moderators—Jake Tapper and Dana Bash—were partly responsible because of the dearth of questions on foreign policy. Nevertheless, the answers provided by President Joe Biden and fo…

Jack Rasmus (2024-07-05). The Presidential Debate That Wasn't. counterpunch.org In the days immediately following the first US presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, countless analyses have appeared. Nearly all have focused on the candidates' delivery, less on what they said, and almost nothing about what should have been but was not said. Trump was obviously coached by his team to tone down

Michael T. Klare (2024-07-05). Trusting the "Five Eyes" Only. counterpunch.org Wherever he travels globally, President Biden has sought to project the United States as the rejuvenated leader of a broad coalition of democratic nations seeking to defend the "rules-based international order" against encroachments by hostile autocratic powers, especially China, Russia, and North Korea. "We established NATO, the greatest military alliance in the history of the

Joseph Natoli (2024-07-05). Phrases for Thought: July 4, 2024. counterpunch.org "The linkages between phases are not "right" or "wrong," but rather suitable or unsuitable, useful or superfluous, meaningful or senseless." — Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Differend: Phrases in Dispute If Biden runs and wins, we go along with an order of things established in his first term, an order of things structured and carried out by

Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. (2024-07-05). The Paradox of Public Health Situations That Worsen With Climate Change. counterpunch.org In Louisiana's "Cancer Alley," where the air is thick with pollutants and asthma rates are alarmingly high, a troublesome irony is unfolding. This region is home to sprawling petrochemical plants and toxic fossil fuels that disproportionately affect the respiratory health of the area's majority-Black residents. Here, inhalers — one of the key tools for managing

Katherine Dolan (2024-07-05). How Science Fiction Can Inspire Climate Activism. counterpunch.org Climate change is, by far, the biggest story of our era, an existential threat that has already profoundly affected life on Earth and promises to change it even more radically over the next few centuries. As our most pressing problem, it has inspired numerous non-fiction texts—news articles, science journalism, documentaries, academic monographs, and pop-science books

Mitchell Zimmerman (2024-07-05). Supreme Court's Immunity Ruling Gives President's George III-like Power. counterpunch.org If you hadn't read the news in four years — or just arrived from another galaxy — the Supreme Court's de facto grant of immunity to Donald Trump for his alleged federal crimes might sound almost reasonable. There are "unique risks," six right-wing justices warned, that if a president were required to answer criminal charges, his energies would be

Eve Ottenberg (2024-07-05). Lawmakers Abandon Congress — Maybe That is a Good Thing. counterpunch.org A record number of Congress members will leave government come November, so many that the New York Times published an article May 30 bemoaning the phenomenon. But maybe it's not so terrible. Maybe we'll be better off without the people who gave us the Select Committee on (bashing) China, the (anti) Patriot Act, the trillion-dollar

Omar Zahzah (2024-07-05). Refusing the Language of Silence: Palestinian Resistance Goes Digital. counterpunch.org It's an increasingly familiar contradiction: digital platforms that position themselves as an accessible alternative to corporate media emerge as new censors in their own right. Social media and the internet make it possible to disseminate material that would otherwise have been suppressed, thereby helping to bring alternative conversations to the fore of mainstream awareness. And

Ron Jacobs (2024-07-05). Scab of a Nation-4th of July 2024 Edition. counterpunch.org I've been on the road most of the last three weeks. Right now, River Shook's new disc Revelation with her band Sarah Shook and the Disarmers is playing in the car. The Disarmers replaced a couple members since their last disc, providing a more rounded sound. Likewise, the lyrics are perhaps a bit more introspective.

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2024-07-05). Supreme Court Madness. counterpunch.org If you are a millionaire or billionaire, the United States in 2024 is a dream nation. Super rich Americans have converted the country from a permanent war "middle class" society to a permanent war oligarchy with monarchical greed and ambition. The Supreme Court favors the metamorphosis of the more or less democratic United States to

Daniel Warner (2024-07-05). French European Soccer Nationalism Transcends Xenophobia, at Least for the Moment. counterpunch.org Impressive far-right anti-immigration electoral gains caused French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the French National Assembly and call for snap legislative elections. But on the soccer pitch, all right-wing talk of "invading hordes" disappeared as French fans cheered on their national team led by players of foreign origin in the quadrennial European soccer tournament. Successful

Matthew Stevenson (2024-07-05). Say It Ain't So, Joe. counterpunch.org On screen, Biden looked and sounded like a somnambulist whose only connection to politics was a haphazard, recited laundry list of federal programs that have saved everyone from unwed mothers to homeless veterans, but at least the president came to the debate with malice toward none (Gazans might have been the exception), while from the other lectern Trump was little more than a fountain of bile.

Henry Giroux (2024-07-05). The Dismantling of Democracy: A Grim Projection of American Fascism Under Trump. counterpunch.org The guardrails of democracy have been blasted into dust. The Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity grants presidents carte blanche to commit crimes as long as they act within their "constitutional authority." Welcome to gangster capitalism. Trump, the convicted felon, white nationalist, white supremacist, and aspiring dictator, can rest assured that his dream of unaccountable

John P. Ruehl (2024-07-05). The Growing Weaponization of Open-Source Information. counterpunch.org Within a day of the June 2, 2024, release of a video documenting the abuse of prisoners of war by a Russian soldier in Ukraine, open-source intelligence (OSINT) researchers had identified the Russian citizen and his involvement in Ukraine going back a decade. Ukrainian officials subsequently sent letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the

Stewart Lawrence (2024-07-05). Can the Democrats "Rehabilitate" Kamala Harris? They May Have No Choice. counterpunch.org Like it or not, if Joe Biden does decide to step down, or is somehow forced out of office, there's only one person who can possibly replace him: VP Kamala Haris. Thanks to the Democrats' abject refusal to pressure Biden to step aside last year, and to Biden's own Mexican-style kibosh on the idea of

Kathleen Wallace (2024-07-05). The 1930s Business Plot Redux: This Time Success! counterpunch.org You may have heard about the rumblings that happened during the FDR New Deal era that came from the business oligarchs. They were not pleased with the notion of any federal relief to mitigate the ongoing depression misery in the United States during the 1930's. Some things certainly never change. Anyway, the banker-friendly oligarch types

Peter Certo (2024-07-05). Extreme Inequality is a Threat to Free Speech. counterpunch.org I was a student in the late 2000s when I had my first brush with "cancel culture." A campus group had invited Nick Griffin — a racist Holocaust denier and leader of a fascist British political party, among other charming things — to speak. Many shocked students, including me, called Griffin's views vile and warned

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-07-05). Animal Factories: On the Killing Floor. counterpunch.org I grew up south of Indianapolis on the glacier-smoothed plains of central Indiana. My grandparents owned a small farm, whittled down over the years to about 40 acres of bottomland, in some of the most productive agricultural land in America. Like many of their neighbors they mostly grew field corn (and later soybeans), raised a few cows and bred a few horses. |

Julie Wark (2024-07-05). Paniai, West Papua: Politics of Displacement. counterpunch.org As in Palestine, much of the displacement in West Papua is caused by settlers, but this time funded by the World Bank. Respectably called "transmigration" and officially lasting until 2015, this policy affects Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Maluku but, above all, West Papua because the transmigrants aren't Melanesian, so the possibility of ethnic and religious strife is high.

(2024-07-05). UN group says detention of Guatemalan journalist Zamora violates international law. cpj.org

(2024-07-05). Myanmar journalist Htet Aung sentenced to 5 years in prison under counterterrorism law. cpj.org/feed/atom/

(2024-07-05). Three journalists disappear, 3 media outlets suspended in Burkina Faso. cpj.org

Eugene Puryear (2024-07-05). American inquisition part 1: The origins of the Cold War and McCarthyism. liberationnews.org The ghost of "Tail-Gunner Joe" McCarthy is haunting the U.S. Congress.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-07-05). How Gordon Brown's Target Culture Destroyed Britain. expose-news.com In 2008, Dr. Vernon Coleman publicly called Gordon Brown, the then UK Prime Minster, a moron. It's no exaggeration. He wrote a book that describes how the last Labour government destroyed public …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-07-05). Here are the alarming signals that World War III is fast approaching. expose-news.com Alarming warning signals are flashing all around us that preparations for a global war are being made. Yet, most of the population of the Western world seems absolutely clueless about what is …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-07-05). Oxford Nanopore: The Internet of Living Things is closer than you think. expose-news.com During the covid era, Oxford Nanopore's portable genomic sequencers were already used in 82 countries around the world. These devices are one of the methods that will be used to collect data …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-07-05). New study may have identified an "off switch" for spike proteins produced in the body caused by mRNA injections. expose-news.com Covid-19 mRNA "vaccines" have shown wider distribution in the body than initially claimed, raising concerns about unintended effects and the need for an "off switch" to stop ongoing spike protein production. A …

Michael Klare (2024-07-05). Early Signs of the Failure of American Global Power? fpif.org

| Wherever he travels globally, President Biden has sought to project the United States as the rejuvenated leader of a broad coalition of democratic nations seeking to defend the "rules-based international order" against encroachments by hostile autocratic powers, especially China, Russia, and North Korea. "We established NATO, the greatest military alliance in the history of the world," he told veterans of D-Day while at Normandy, France on June 6th. "Today… NATO is more united than ever and even more prepared to keep the peace, deter aggression, defend freedom all around the world." | In other ve…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Saudi Arabia approves citizenship for foreign professionals. geo.tv This image shows the flag of Saudi Arabia. — UnsplashSaudi Arabia has issued a royal decree to grant Saudi citizenships to a number of scientists, medical doctors, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and distinguished talents with unique expertise and…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). New UK PM Keir Starmer pledges action not words to fix Britain. geo.tv Labour Party's Keir Starmer delivers his first national speech as new prime minister of the UK outside No 10. — ReutersLONDON: Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged action to fix the country, not just words, on Friday, but warned the voters who handed him a massive electoral…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer: Who's the 'lawyer' of Labour. geo.tv Britain's opposition Labour Party Leader Keir Starmer is seen in his office as he launches 'Call Keir' online public meetings, at the Houses of Parliament, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease , in London, Britain, April 30, 2020.UK Labour leader Keir Starmer is…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Why exit poll is a critical indicator in UK's election process. geo.tv UK polling staff busy arranging ballot papers at a polling station. — ReutersThe exit poll holds significant importance in the United Kingdom's electoral process. It marks a key moment when an extensive analysis conducted by a think tank reveals the winning trend.Normally,…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Iranians head to polls as voting begins in runoff presidential election. geo.tv An Iranian voter participates in the runoff presidential election between Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili, at the Iranian consulate in Najaf, Iraq, on July 5, 2024. — ReutersIranians vote to choose successor to Ebrahim Raisi.Election may shape succession of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.Voter…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). 'Change begins now': UK's Starmer says after winning election. geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-07-05). What UK's foreign policy would be like under Labour? geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer officially appointed UK's prime minister after meeting King Charles. geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-07-05). Starmer set to become UK's next PM as Labour delivers the goods. geo.tv British Labour Party leader Keir Starmer attends a Labour general election campaign event at Priestfield Stadium, in Gillingham, southeast Britain, on May 23, 2024. — ReutersKeir Starmer will be Britain's next prime minister with his Labour Party set to win a massive majority in a…

geo.tv (2024-07-05). What Herculean 'Labours' lie ahead for Keir Starmer. geo.tv Supporters of UK's Labour Party hold placards reading "Change" during election campaign in this undated photo. — ReutersKeir Starmer has a daunting in-tray when his Labour party gets to work governing Britain after almost a decade and a half in opposition."It's more a gigantic…

Janine Mendes-Franco (2024-07-05). After devastating the Caribbean, Hurricane Beryl has been downgraded, but can continue to bring ruin. globalvoices.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). China: Regional Symposium for the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the 1977 Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions held in Beijing. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). International Humanitarian Law and China: Historical Timeline. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Customary international humanitarian law: Questions and answers. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). A, Committee, 1854 – ongoing, 54 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). How does international humanitarian law protect journalists in armed conflict situations? icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Education programmes for young people. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Internal conflicts or other situations of violence — what is the difference for victims? icrc.org At what point does violence become an armed conflict? What difference does it make to those involved in or affected by that violence? The distinction matters because how the situation is characterized will determine what law is applicable.

ICRC (2024-07-05). How is the term "armed conflict" defined in international humanitarian law? icrc.org Opinion paper – definition of "international armed conflict" and "non-international armed conflict" under International Humanitarian Law, the branch of international law which governs armed conflict.

ICRC (2024-07-05). The United Nations and International Humanitarian Law: The International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations' involvement in the implementation of international humanitarian law. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). South Africa: The 6th Commonwealth Conference. icrc.org Building a culture of IHL compliance in Commonwealth Nations and commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions…

ICRC (2024-07-05). V, Various, 1840-ongoing, 552 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). ICRC Director General's speech on the 120th anniversary ceremony of the RCSC. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). B, General services, 1917- ongoing, 3313 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). How "grave breaches" are defined in the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Direct participation in hostilities: Questions & answers. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Launch of the Chinese Version of the Customary International Humanitarian Law Study. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). CHINA: First national inter-university moot court competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) held in Beijing. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Georgia: Closure after 30 years as family receives remains of missing loved one, give a burial. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Virtual Reality & Innovation. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Occupation and international humanitarian law: Questions and answers. icrc.org A series of questions and answers by the ICRC's legal team on what defines occupation, the laws that apply, how people are protected, and the ICRC's role.

ICRC (2024-07-05). C, Tracing and protection, 1870 – ongoing, 2298 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). O, Humanitarian coordination bodies, 1921- ongoing, 127 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). Protocols I and II additional to the Geneva Conventions. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). ICRC's response to missing and dead migrants along the US—Mexico border. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-07-05). D, Delegations, 1921-ongoing, 356 metres of shelf space. icrc.org

ANON (2024-07-05). Woodwalton PE285Y — The Village Where Nazis Are Always Welcome. indybay.org The inexorable march towards Fascism in the U.K. and U.S. continues unabated. And with each step, the inverted value system of the rich and powerful, is revealed in ever more hideous detail.

David Giesen (2024-07-05). Monday 7/15: San Francisco School of Real Estate: Noodlemania ! indybay.org Notable House | 189 Ellsworth St. | San Francisco…

NorCal AntiWar Action (2024-07-05). Roseville Police Assault and Arrest Peaceful Protesters. indybay.org The Roseville police department used extremely excessive force to assault and arrest protesters who weren't breaking any laws.

Labor Video Project (2024-07-05). Labor & Palestine, ILWU 10 Retired Secretary Treasurer Clarence Thomas On Palestine. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 retired secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas was invited to speak at the People's Conference on Palestine in Detroit on May 24, 25 & 26. This is his presentation for the conference.

Angela (2024-07-05). Saturday 7/6: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Tears of Gaza" indybay.org Zoom | us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fkxF…

Angela (2024-07-05). Sunday 7/7: Palo Alto Vigil for the Children of Gaza. indybay.org Corner of Town & Country Village | 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Angela (2024-07-05). Thursday 7/4: Virtual Teach-In about Palestine. indybay.org Zoom | http: //tinyurl.com/PalestineThursday…

Berkeley Copwatch (2024-07-05). Tuesday 7/23: Copwatching at Protests and Preparing for Arrests. indybay.org Grassroots House, 2022 Blake St. Berkeley. In the back room. There's a ramp at the front entrance.

Angela (2024-07-05). Friday 7/26: Webinar: Palestine Solidarity Announcements. indybay.org Zoom | bit.ly/FridayPSAs

Haymarket Books (2024-07-05). Cultivating Solidarity: Responding to Political Repression. indybay.org "This webinar introduces a new tool developed by abolitionist organizers addressing common talking points that undermine solidarity in the face of repression of movements. … The hope is to equip commentators to respond to legal repression with nuance and attention to long histories of legal subjugation." Video is just under 80 minutes.

San José Peace & Justice Center (2024-07-05). Sunday 7/7: Al-Shifa Hospital: The Crimes They Tried to Bury. indybay.org Arab American Cultural Center of Silicon Valley | 3968 Twilight Drive, Bldg 2, Houge Park | San José, CA 95124…

Angela (2024-07-05). Thursday 7/11: Webinar: European Peace Movement Perspectives: Ukraine, Gaza, Nukes & Elections. indybay.org Online | masspeace.us/euro-peace-movement

OXFAM (2024-07-05). Tuesday 7/16: Demanding Better Support for Crucial Family Leave & Care Services at the Ballot Box. indybay.org Virtual event…

anonymous (2024-07-05). Tragedy, Sacrifice, and Radical Politics. indybay.org How are tragedy and sacrifice relevant for the radicals of our time?>

Angela (2024-07-05). Tuesday 7/30: Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Rep. Mike Thompson's office | 622 Main Street | Woodland, CA…

San José Against War (2024-07-05). Saturday 7/6: Rally to Resist NATO and Cancel RIMPAC. indybay.org Santana Row and Stevens Creek Blvd. | San José, CA 95128…

Sunnyvale Location (2024-07-05). Protest at Northrop Grumman Manufacturing Facility during Week Against Weapons. indybay.org Singing and chanting at pro Palestine demonstration outside weapons manufacturer in Sunnyvale, California…

David Giesen (2024-07-05). Saturday 7/6: Independence Day walking tour. indybay.org meet in the lobby of the American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

Fabio Vighi (2024-07-05). The Enemy and the Libidinal Economy of the Apocalypse. indybay.org The West continues to avoid introspection by invoking the Other as pure evil. While the terminal crisis of capitalist civilization is truly global, and no emancipatory model can be seen on the geopolitical chessboard, it is also evident that today's anti-Russian sentiment stems from a consolidated ideological framework. Seen from the West, Russians have always been an inferior race, barbarians…

Wright Social Spot (2024-07-05). Saturday 7/13: Antioch Comedy Night. indybay.org 3740 Pintail Dr, | Antioch. California…

John Malkin (2024-07-05). DEATH STRIKES: THE EMPEROR OF ATLANTIS. indybay.org Interview with Dave Maass, author of the new graphic novel "Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis" based on a suppressed opera written in 1943 by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, two prisoners at the Terezín Nazi concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The authors did not live to see their masterpiece performed. Dave Maass is also investigations director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This interview was originally broadcast on "Transformation Highway" with John Malkin on KZSC 88.1 FM / kzsc.org at the University of California Santa Cruz.

Angela (2024-07-05). Saturday 7/6: San Diego Weekly Peace Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

Angela (2024-07-05). Friday 7/19: Power Half Hour for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom | http: //jvp.org/gazaph…

Community member (2024-07-05). Thursday 7/4: #SaveDemocracy: Join 4th of July Discussion about SCOTUS Ruling on Presidential Immunity. indybay.org Shelldance Orchid Gardens | 2000 California 1 | Pacifica, CA 94044…

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2024-07-05). Extreme Inequality Is a Threat to Free Speech. inequality.org

Basit Mahmood (2024-07-05). BREAKING: Penny Mordaunt loses her seat of Portsmouth North. leftfootforward.org

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Greens get MAJOR breakthrough after winning North Herefordshire from Tories. leftfootforward.org The Green Party has delivered its best ever general election result, gaining seats from both Labour and the Tories. | Earlier in the night, the Greens' co-leader Carla Denyer was elected as the MP for Bristol Central, becoming the first Green ever elected outside of Brighton Pavilion. She defeated Labour's shadow culture secretary Thangam Debbonaire. | Now, Ellie Chowns has been elected in North Herefordshire, unseating a Tory MP in the process. | Chowns received 43.2% of the vote to the Tories' 34.4%. | Following her election, Chowns said: "I am absolutely delighted, honoured and humbled to have been elected…

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). BREAKING: Thérèse Coffey loses seat to Labour. leftfootforward.org Former cabinet member Thérèse Coffey has lost her seat to Labour. | Coffey was the MP for Suffolk Coastal. | Labour won 32% of the vote in the seat to the Tories' 30%. | Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward | To reach hundreds of thousands of new readers and to make the biggest impact we can in the next general election, we need to grow our donor base substantially. | That's why in 2024, we are seeking to generate 150 additional regular donors to support Left Foot Forward's work. | We still need another 124 people to donate to hit the target. You can help. Donate today. |

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Green Party co-leader GAINS Waveney Valley from Tories. leftfootforward.org The Green Party's co-leader Adrian Ramsay Adrian Ramsay has been elected as the MP for Waveney Valley. | Ramsay's victory comes on an historic night for the Greens as he is the third MP elected for the party. | Before the 2024 general election, the Green Party had never won more than one MP. | Ramsay won 41.7% of the vote to the Tories' 30.3%. | Speaking following his election, Ramsay said: "The voters of Waveney Valley have made a momentous and exciting decision today to vote for positive change, and I am profoundly humbled by the faith they have placed in me and the Green Party in electing me as their MP.

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer to become prime minister after historic landslide victory for Labour. leftfootforward.org Keir Starmer is set to become the UK's next prime minister after Labour has won a landslide victory in the general election. | At the time of writing, Labour has won 389 seats in the House of Commons, gaining 190 seats mostly at the expense of the Tories. | The Tories are down 215 seats, having lost seats to Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and Reform UK. Among the high profile Tories to lose their seats were Grant Shapps, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Penny Mordaunt. | In a bad night for the SNP, the party has been left with just 7 seats at the time of writing. | The Liberal Democrats have made 51 gains at th…

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Jacob Rees-Mogg loses seat to Labour. leftfootforward.org Prominent Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has lost his seat to the Labour Party. In North East Somerset and Hanham, Labour's Dan Norris won 40.6% of the vote. Rees-Mogg came second with 30.2%. Rees-Mogg is one of many high profile Toriestest…

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Wes Streeting narrowly holds seat after strong independent challenge. leftfootforward.org The shadow health secretary Wes Streeting has narrowly held his seat after a strong challenge from an independent candidate. | Streeting held his seat by just over 500 votes. | Labour has faced a series of challenges from the left, having lost Islington North to Jeremy Corbyn and Bristol Central to the Greens. | Streeting won 33.4% of the vote in Ilford North. Independent candidate Leanne Mohamad received 32.2% of the vote. | Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward | To reach hundreds of thousands of new readers and to make the biggest impact we can in the next general election, w…

Hannah Davenport (2024-07-05). BREAKING: Liz Truss loses her seat in South West Norfolk in humiliating defeat. leftfootforward.org Liz Truss has lost her seat in South West Norfolk to Labour by a margin of 630 votes. She joins dozens of top Tories who have lost their seats this general election including Mark Harper, Penny Mordaunt, Therese Coffey, Grant Shapps and Jacob Rees-Mogg. | In a humiliating defeat for the former Prime Minister, Truss gained 11,217 voters compared to Labour candidate Terry Jermy who won 11,847 votes. It's in comparison to the 2019 general election when she won with a huge seat majority of 26,195. | In her former constituency, Liz Truss gained 25% of the vote share to Labour's 27% while the Reform UK candidate Tob…

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Green Party wins four seats in breakthrough election. leftfootforward.org The Green Party has secured its best ever general election result on an historic night for the country. | At the time of writing, the Greens have won four seats in the House of Commons. Prior to this election, the party had never won more than one seat. | The Green Party's co-leaders were both elected to parliament, with Carla Denyer unseating Labour's Thangam Debbonaire, and Adrian Ramsay gaining Waveney Valley from the Tories. | Former party co-leader Sian Berry replaces Caroline Lucas as the MP for Brighton Pavilion, and Ellie Chowns gained North Herefordshire from the Tories. | The Greens are also on trac…

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-05). Liberal Democrats win over 60 seats in best result since coalition government. leftfootforward.org Labour has won a landslide victory in the general election, with Keir Starmer set to enter Number 10 as the UK's next prime minister. | But the story of the election isn't just the Labour victory, it's also the Tory wipeout. The Liberal Democrats have made massive gains at the Tories' expense, winning more than 60 seats. | At the time of writing, the Lib Dems have made 55 gains, taking their total seat tally to 62. That's the best result for the party since at least 2005, and marks a moment of major recovery after almost a decade in the wilderness. | After the Lib Dems entered into the coalition government in…

WSWS (2024-07-05). Political prisoner and Native American activist Leonard Peltier denied parole again. wsws.org Native American activist and political prisoner Leonard Peltier, 79, who was framed up for the death of two FBI agents in 1975 and has been in prison for nearly 50 years, was denied his request for parole on Tuesday.

Arjun Singh (2024-07-05). Who Broke The Economy? levernews.com

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Ayoub Khan pulls off shock win against Khalid Mahmood. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Ayoub Khan pulls off shock win against Khalid Mahmood | Mahmood, who had represented the constituency since 2001, lost the seat of Birmingham Perry Barr by 507 votes to Ayoub Khan | | Ayoub Khan speaks to the media after winning the seat of Birmingham…

MEE staff (2024-07-05). Saudi Arabia's oil exports plunge as it surrenders market share to Russia, UAE. middleeasteye.net Saudi Arabia's oil exports plunge as it surrenders market share to Russia, UAE | Saudi Arabia's decision to restrict oil production has benefited Russia and the UAE, analysts say | | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman chairing the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Saudi Arabia's capital Ri…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine independent beats Labour's Jon Ashworth in Leicester South. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine independent beats Labour's Jon Ashworth in Leicester South | Shockat Adam, a 51-year-old local who ran on a pro-Gaza platform, won with 14,739 votes, defeating Shadow Cabinet minister Jon Ashworth by 979 votes | | Shockat Adam, 51 (Imran Mulla/MEE) | Independen…

Daniel Hilton (2024-07-05). UK elections 2024: Pro-Palestine candidates' victories stun as Labour sweeps to win. middleeasteye.net UK elections 2024: Pro-Palestine candidates' victories stun as Labour sweeps to win | Keir Starmer becomes prime minister after Labour landslide ends Conservatives' 14-year rule, but party stung by Gaza protest votes | | British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (L) shakes hands with King Charl…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate wins with thumping majority in Dewsbury & Batley. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate wins with thumping majority in Dewsbury & Batley | Iqbal Mohamed received more than 40 percent of the votes, with Labour's Heather Iqbal coming a distant second with 22.9 percent of the total vote share | | Iqbal Mohamed with his campaigners (Iqbal Mo…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine independent beats Labour's Jon Ashworth in Leicester South. middleeasteye.net

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Ayoub Khan pulls off shock win against Khalid Mahmood. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Ayoub Khan pulls off shock win against Khalid Mahmood | Mahmood, who had represented the constituency since 2001, lost the seat of Birmingham Perry Barr by 507 votes | | Ayoub Khan (Andalou Ajansi) | Pro-Palestine independent candidate Ayoub Khan pull…

Areeb Ullah (2024-07-05). 'No excuse': Frustration in East London as low turnout helps Rushanara Ali hang on. middleeasteye.net 'No excuse': Frustration in East London as low turnout helps Rushanara Ali hang on | Apathy and anger are rife in Bethnal Green and Stepney as preacher Ajmal Masroor's bid to unseat Labour MP falls short by a few hundred votes | | People gather at the East London Mosque for Friday prayers on 5…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Jeremy Corbyn beats Labour challenge to retain London seat. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Jeremy Corbyn beats Labour challenge to retain London seat | Former Labour leader – who has held London seat since 1983 but was standing as an independent – won almost 50 percent of votes | | Jeremy Corbyn outside Islington Town Hall in June (AFP) | Former Labour Party leade…

Areeb Ullah (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Labour's Rushanara Ali holds Bethnal Green and Stepney after tight race. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Labour's Rushanara Ali holds Bethnal Green and Stepney after tight race | Ali, who won by 1,689 votes, faced criticism for abstaining on a ceasefire vote on Gaza and refusing to condemn Labour leader Keir Starmer over comments about Bangladeshi migrants | | Labour MP Rushanara…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Labour leader Keir Starmer's vote share slashed by Gaza protest vote. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Labour leader Keir Starmer's vote share slashed by Gaza protest vote | Starmer, who is set to become prime minister, retained his London seat but saw local support fall by 17 percent | | Keir Starmer, the incumbent candidate, won in the London constituency with 18,884 votes…

Areeb Ullah (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Labour's Shabana Mahmood fends off challenge from Akhmed Yakoob. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Labour's Shabana Mahmood fends off challenge from Akhmed Yakoob | Mahmood faced a close race after Yakoob slashed her majority of 28,582
| | Yakoob gained prominence after coming third in the West Midlands Mayoral race with 70,000 votes (Supplied) | Labour's shadow justice…

Areeb Ullah (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Labour's Rushanara Ali holds Bethnal Green and Stepney after divisive race. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Labour's Rushanara Ali holds Bethnal Green and Stepney after divisive race | Ali, who won by 1,689 votes, faced criticism for abstaining on a ceasefire vote on Gaza and refusing to condemn Keir Starmer over comments about Bangladeshi migrants | | Rushanara Ali (second from lef…

Ragip Soylu (2024-07-05). Erdogan plans to invite Syria's Assad to Turkey. middleeasteye.net Erdogan plans to invite Syria's Assad to Turkey | The Turkish president may come together with his longtime foe through Russian mediation | | Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) listens to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad during a news conference at Ciragan Palace on 7 June 2010 in…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Jeremy Corbyn beats Labour challenge to retain London seat. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Jeremy Corbyn beats Labour challenge to retain London seat | 'Palestine was on the ballot,' former Labour leader, who has represented Islington North since 1983, told MEE | | Jeremy Corbyn outside Islington Town Hall in June (AFP) | Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn h…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Labour leader Keir Starmer's majority slashed by Gaza protest vote. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Labour leader Keir Starmer's majority slashed by Gaza protest vote | Starmer, who is set to become prime minister, retained his London seat but saw his vote share drop by 17 percent | | Keir Starmer, the incumbent candidate, won in the London constituency with 18,884 votes -…

Rayhan Uddin (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Five things we learned from Labour's landslide election victory. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Five things we learned from Labour's landslide election victory | From shock wins for pro-Palestine candidates to the rise of the far right, MEE breaks down the key themes from the UK polls | | Britain's incoming Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Downing Street in London on 5…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Adnan Hussain defeats Labour in Blackburn. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Pro-Palestine candidate Adnan Hussain defeats Labour in Blackburn | Blackburn has been represented by Labour MPs for 69 years | | Adnan Hussain in Blackburn (Adnan Hussain) | Independent candidate Adnan Hussain unseated Labour's Kate Hollern in the northwestern ex-industrial…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-05). UK election 2024: British-Palestinian Leanne Mohamad narrowly loses to Labour's Wes Streeting. middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: British-Palestinian Leanne Mohamad narrowly loses to Labour's Wes Streeting | Streeting, a senior Labour figure, has been reelected with a slim majority, after Mohamad channelled local opposition to party's position on Gaza war | | Leanne Mohamad is standing as the independe…

Staff (2024-07-05). India must end racial discrimination against Rohingya: UN Body. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Desk A recent report by a United Nations body has called upon India to address and end the racial discrimination faced by the Rohingya community within its borders. This directive comes amid growing international concerns about the treatment of the Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group originally from Myanmar, who have faced …

Staff (2024-07-05). India must end racial discrimination against Rohingya: UN Body. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Desk A recent report by a United Nations body has called upon India to address and end the racial discrimination faced by the Rohingya community within its borders. This directive comes amid growing international concerns about the treatment of the Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group originally from Myanmar, who have faced …

Ruth Milka (2024-07-05). Study links common foods to elevated PFAS levels in humans, raising health concerns. nationofchange.org Research finds coffee, eggs, white rice, and seafood contribute to higher concentrations of harmful 'forever chemicals.'

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2024-07-05). AI energy demand drives Google's emissions up 48% in five years. nationofchange.org The report said its 2023 emissions had reached 14.3 metric tons.

Alexis Sterling (2024-07-05). Project 2025 architect warns of violence if Trump-led 'revolution' faces resistance. nationofchange.org Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts signals potential bloodshed as Project 2025 aims to centralize power under a Trump presidency.

Pablo Meriguet (2024-07-05). Out LUMA!: Puerto Ricans demand an end to the privatization of energy. peoplesdispatch.org The agreement between LUMA Energy and the government of Puerto Rico has not solved its main objective to solve the island's serious electricity problems…

Mark Gruenberg (2024-07-05). Stand By Your Man: AFL-CIO says it's sticking with Biden. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (PAI)—In 1968, country and western singer Tammy Wynette hit the top of the charts with the song "Stand By Your Man." Well, that's what the AFL-CIO is doing: Standing by its man, and woman, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. With flak flying from big Democratic donors and at least two incumbent lawmakers, scared that …

Jamal Rich (2024-07-05). U.S. Virgin Islands takes up resolution in support of D.C. statehood. peoplesworld.org On May 31, 2024, in the legislature of the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Committee on Government Operations, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection introduced a resolution in support of admitting the District of Columbia as a state in the United States of America. The resolution notes that when the seat of government was transferred from Pennsylvania …

Greg Kearney (2024-07-05). Supreme Court crowns King Donald. peoplesworld.org

C.J. Atkins (2024-07-05). Architect of Project 2025 cheers U.S.' march toward dictatorship. peoplesworld.org On the eve of the United States' 248th birthday, Kevin Roberts — president of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank — cheered on the country's descent toward dictatorship and made clear that the far right will not hesitate to use violence to achieve its aims. Speaking on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast, Roberts said the …

Andrew Murray (2024-07-05). Labour Party scores landslide in British election, but left wing puts government on notice. peoplesworld.org LONDON—Fourteen years of catastrophic Tory rule in Britain came to an end Friday morning as the Labour Party secured a landslide general election win. New Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in the early hours: "Change begins now. And it feels good, I have to be honest. Four and a half years of work changing the …

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-05). Young doctors trained in Cuba graduate in South Africa. plenglish.com The 103 new doctors come from seven of South Africa's nine provinces. | At the ceremony, held at the University of the Witwatersrand, they received their professional degree from Dr. of Science Heidi Soca, from Cuban Universities of Medical Sciences, who was accompanied at the ceremony by Dr. of Science Fidela Reyes, from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health. | The graduates, according to the representatives of the SA Ministry of Health attending the ceremony, received a unique perspective based on preventive care during their training in Cuba. | In their words, they thanked Cuba for having trained them as 'compa…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-07-05). Cuba greets anniversary of the independence of Cape Verde. plenglish.com Havana, July 5 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban authorities issued a message of congratulations to Cape Verde and reiterated their willingness to strengthen ties with that African nation, which today celebrates its independence.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-05). Exhibition dedicated to Cuba's heritage city. plenglish.com Camagàºey, Cuba, Jul 5 (Prensa Latina) Heritage in Pixels, a photographic exhibition by five professionals, arrives today as a tribute to the declaration of the Historic Center of Camagàºey, in eastern Cuba, as a World Heritage Site.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-07-05). Argentine front called for a national day of struggle. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, July 5 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Front of State Unions and Public Companies today called for a national day of struggle in defense of sovereignty and the public, against layoffs and the scrapping of the State, which will take place on Thursday.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-05). Venezuela's worthy and brave people will never retreat, Maduro says. plenglish.com Caracas, Jul 5 (Prensa Latina) President Nicolás Maduro affirmed today that the dignified and brave people of Venezuela will never go back to the darkness of colonial oppression.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-05). Cuba highlights the liberating spirit of the Venezuelan people. plenglish.com Havana, Jul 5 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan ambassador to Cuba, Orlando Maneiro, highlighted here today the liberating feeling and spirit of the Venezuelan people, on the occasion of the 213th anniversary of the independence of this South American nation.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-07-05). PT Brazil asks to exclude Cuba from US unilateral list on terrorism. plenglish.com Brasilia, July 5 (Prensa Latina) The Workers' Party (PT) of Brazil asked the US to exclude Cuba from the unilateral list of countries that sponsor terrorism and condemned the blockade that weighs more than ever on the island today.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-05). Angola's Health Ministry denies existence of Mpox cases. plenglish.com Luanda, Jul 5 (Prensa Latina) The Angolan Health Ministry today denied the existence of cases of smallpox (Mpox) in the country, and presented to the media the laboratory tests performed on a suspected case.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Iran takes enhanced measures to facilitate voting for expats: Official. presstv.ir Iran has notably increased the number of ballot boxes by over 90, resulting in a total of 350 boxes strategically placed across 89 countries within 138 constituencies.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Sir Keir Starmer seals landslide victory for British Labour Party. presstv.ir Rishi Sunak, Conservative UK Prime Minister since October 2022, has suffered a catastrophic defeat, handing a Landslide victory to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Pro-Palestine senator quits, protesters scale roof of Australia's parliament. presstv.ir They stood on the roof for around an hour, unfurling black banners including one which read, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Russia says destroyed multiple Ukrainian warplanes over past 24 hours. presstv.ir The Russian army conducted cluster strikes on Ukrainian military airports with high-precision weapons.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Leader: Voter turnout 'backbone' of Islamic Republic; Friday runoff 'very important'. presstv.ir Ayatollah Khamenei has called on Iranians who favor the country's progress to participate in the presidential runoff election on Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Evacuations, clean up begin in southern China flood-hit cities. presstv.ir Rescues evacuated residents in flood-hit cities across southern China after historic floods.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Starmer on course to oust Sunak as UK's Labour scores landslide election win: Exit polls. presstv.ir Exit polls tap the UK's Labour Party for a "landslide" victory in parliamentary elections, a triumph that would end the Conservatives 14-year stay in power.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Campaigning for Iran's 2024 presidential runoff ends. presstv.ir Campaigning for Iran's 2024 presidential runoff election has officially ends after Pezeshkian and Jalili held a week-long intense campaign rallies and meetings.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Experts Speak: How should Iran's foreign policy under new president look like. presstv.ir As the two candidates gear up for the presidential run-off election on Friday, a key area of focus that will determine the outcome of the vote is foreign policy.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Police chief says presidential runoff election 'entirely peaceful'. presstv.ir Iran is holding the runoff presidential election in full security and calm, police chief says.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Several dead and injured as Kenya protesters attack parliament. presstv.ir Five people were shot dead and dozens wounded in Kenya in mounting anti-tax hike protests, NGOs said.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Higher votes to enable president to execute plans better: Judiciary chief. presstv.ir The Iranian judiciary chief underlines the need for a massive turnout in the 2024 presidential runoff election, saying higher votes for the country's future chief executive boosts his public support.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Search underway as 20 bodies found in South Korean battery plant fire. presstv.ir Around 20 bodies have been found at a South Korean lithium battery factory after a massive blaze.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Erdogan: Turkey may extend invitation to Syria's Bashar al-Assad. presstv.ir The Turkish president has signaled potential rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus, suggesting a potential invitation to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Interior minister: Polling day runs 'smoothly'; election 'well-organized'. presstv.ir Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi says the voting process in Iran's run-off presidential election has been running smoothly.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Russian military vessels dock in Venezuela. presstv.ir Russian military vessels arrive in Venezuela shortly after visiting Cuba.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). 'No Bombs, Just Bubbles': Children lead pro-Palestine protest in Rotterdam. presstv.ir Families organized a children's protest called 'No Bombs, Just Bubbles' in Rotterdam in support of children in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Final result still uncertain as far right leads France election, exit polls show. presstv.ir France's far-right National Rally party emerges ahead in the first round of parliamentary elections.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Leader hails people's participation in Iran election runoff. presstv.ir Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed the Iranian people's "active involvement" in the presidential election as polls opened nationwide Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Russia carries out exercises with mobile nuclear missile units. presstv.ir Russia conducts military drills with mobile nuclear missile launchers.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Iranians in US stage 'very good' voter participation despite obstacles: Diplomat. presstv.ir Diplomat says US-based Iranians have been staging a "very good" participation in the Islamic Republic's presidential runoff, despite some obstructive efforts.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Tehran hails 'magnificent' turnout of Iranians overseas in runoff. presstv.ir The spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry says the participation of Iranian nationals living abroad in the presidential election runoff has increased compared to the first round.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). EU angry as Hungarian leader meets with Russia's Putin in 'peace mission'. presstv.ir Prime Minister Viktor Orban met Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss peace in Ukraine.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Iran Votes 2024: Millions go to polls in presidential runoff election. presstv.ir Iranians have headed to the polls in the runoff presidential election, a week after none of the candidates could secure the majority of votes in the snap election.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). 'This is for Gaza': Pro-Palestine UK politicians defeat rivals. presstv.ir Pro-Palestinian independent British politicians, Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain have emerged victorious in UK general elections after defeating Labour Party candidates in a sign that the party's stance on the Gaza conflict caused a rift among voters.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Leader hails people's participation in Iran's presidential runoff vote. presstv.ir Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed the Iranian people's "active involvement" in the presidential election as polls opened nationwide Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Iran votes 2024: People go to polls in presidential election runoff. presstv.ir Iranians have headed to the polls in the runoff presidential election, a week after none of the candidates could secure the majority of votes in the snap election.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). UK's Labour Party set to achieve largest majority in modern history: Survey. presstv.ir The UK's Labour Party is poised to achieve the largest majority of any single party since 1832, a survey shows.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). 'He's the devil', Trump critics speak out against Supreme Court immunity ruling. presstv.ir Protesters gathered at the US Supreme Court after it recognized that ex-presidents have immunity from prosecution for certain actions taken in office.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). In Pictures: Iranians overseas vote in presidential runoff election with patriotic fervor. presstv.ir Iranian nationals living abroad started heading to polling stations in the early hours on Friday to cast their ballots in the country's presidential runoff election.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Student march onto US consulate in Karachi in support of Palestinians. presstv.ir Student members of Jamaat-e-Islami march onto US consulate in Karachi to express solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Iran election runoff: Voting extended for third time amid large turnout. presstv.ir The Interior Ministry announced another two-hour extension to the voting time of Iran's presidential election runoff.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). Starmer to become UK prime minister after defeating Sunak. presstv.ir Keir Starmer's Labour wins UK's 2024 general election.

presstv.ir (2024-07-05). President Raeisi's unmatched role in empowering Eastern bloc. presstv.ir Iran's membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a legacy of late President Ebrahim Raeisi, has injected a new spirit into the bloc and made it more prominent.

ptcnews.tv (2024-07-05). UK General Elections 2024 | Keir Starmer to become UK's next PM ? Check exit poll analysis. ptcnews.tv UK General Elections 2024 | Following exit polls that revealed a landslide victory for the Labour Party, its leader, Keir Starmer who is poised to become United Kingdom's next prime minister on Friday. As per the exit poll analysis, the centre-left Labour Party is set to secure a decisive victory in Britain's general election. This outcome ends a 14-year reign of the Conservative Party and positions Labour leader Keir Starmer to assume the role of prime minister imminently, media sources reported. Under the leadership of Keir Starmer, the Labour Party leads with 221 seats, while Rishi Sunak's party has secured o…

ptcnews.tv (2024-07-05). UK Election Results 2024 | Labour Party sweeps UK polls; Keir Starmer becomes UK's PM. ptcnews.tv UK Election Results 2024 | The United Kingdom made a significant political shift as the Keir Starmer-led Labour Party registered a landslide victory in UK Elections. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has conceded defeat, paving the way for Keir Starmer, the Labour Party's candidate for PM. As Keir Starmer entered Downing Street for the first time as prime minister of the United Kingdom on Friday, Keir Starmer pledged swift action to turn around the nation's fortunes.In Thursday's general election, the head of the Labour party led the party to a resounding win, bringing an end to the 14 years of Rishi Sunak's Conservati…

ptcnews.tv (2024-07-05). A Proud Moment: Labour Party's historic landslide win sees record 10 Sikh MPs elected to UK Parliament. ptcnews.tv PTC Web Desk: The Labour Party achieved a historic landslide victory in the UK parliamentary elections, securing a significant number of seats and marking a pivotal change in the political landscape. This victory was particularly notable for the Sikh community, as a record 10 Sikh members were elected to Parliament, all representing the Labour Party. Among these, five are women and five are men. Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi and Preet Kaur Gill, who have earlier been vocal advocates for Sikh and other minority issues in UK Parliament, were re-elected for their third consecutive terms. Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, re-elected…

María Candela (2024-07-05). Canciller de Cuba felicita a nuevo primer ministro de Reino Unido. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, felicitó al nuevo primer ministro de Reino Unido, Keir Starmer, oficializado en el cargo este viernes, tras dominar las elecciones al frente del Partido Laborista.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Violencia política en Francia, contabilizan 51 agresiones. radiohc.cu París, 5 julio (RHC) La polarización política imperante en Francia por las elecciones legislativas escaló a hechos de violencia, con 51 agresiones físicas o verbales señaladas hoy por el ministro del Interior, Gérald Darmanin.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Quimi-Vio, vacuna antineumocócica de Cuba recibe registro sanitario. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) La vacuna antineumocócica cubana Quimi-Vio recibió este viernes el registro sanitario por parte de la entidad reguladora de la nación caribeña, después de realizar un proceso riguroso de evaluación.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Virtual golpe de Estado. radiohc.cu El presidente, Ronald Reagan, líder de la "revolución conservadora" de la década de los 80 del pasado siglo, clave esencial para entender la actual política del Partido Republicano, no llegó tan lejos.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Dedican muestra expositiva a ciudad patrimonial de Cuba. radiohc.cu Camagàºey, 5 julio (RHC) La exposición fotográfica de cinco profesionales, Patrimonio en Píxeles, llega hoy como homenaje a la declaratoria como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, del Centro Histórico camagàºeyano, en el oriente de Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Sin afectaciones la provincia cubana de Granma por el huracán Beryl. radiohc.cu Bayamo, 5 jul (RHC) El paso del potente huracán Beryl por el área del caribe, no dejó ninguna afectación en la provincia cubana de Granma, territorio ubicado al sur de la Mayor de las Antillas.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Jóvenes médicos formados en Cuba se gradúan en Sudáfrica (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Johannesburgo, 5 jul (RHC) Más de 100 jóvenes procedentes de siete de las nueve provincias de Sudáfrica se graduaron este viernes aquí tras haber cursado la carrera de Medicina en Cuba.

noreply (2024-07-05). Well, We Knew Larry Was Irish… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

tvbrics (2024-07-05). Ethiopia launches first Pan-African Conference on Girls and Women's Education. tvbrics.com The nation is developing long-term educational frameworks to expand learning opportunities throughout Africa…

tvbrics (2024-07-05). ANC official emphasises prioritisation of economy and job creation in South Africa's coalition government. tvbrics.com The government is tasked with accelerating economic growth…

tvbrics (2024-07-05). China plans to significantly expand use of IT in public hospitals. tvbrics.com The importance of strengthening audit and supervision through information technology and establishing a reliable long-term monitoring mechanism is emphasised…

tvbrics (2024-07-05). Iran highlights tourism as one of priority areas for the state's economic growth. tvbrics.com Experts discussed strategies to empower and develop the sector…

tvbrics (2024-07-05). India launches new projects in space and ocean exploration. tvbrics.com An Indian cabinet official has revealed details of two national missions…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 861. aljazeera.com As the war enters its 861st day, these are the main developments.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Sri Lankan workers and youth support public meeting to demand release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk. wsws.org "The Ukrainian government has imprisoned Bogdan Syrotiuk because in his activism he tells workers and young people that this is not your war. I demand he be released forthwith." — Sanduni, a Jaffna University zoology student…

Reuters (2024-07-05). Vladimir Putin says he still prefers Joe Biden as US president despite debate flop. scmp.com The Russian leader also says he takes Trump seriously when he says he would move to swiftly end the Ukraine war.

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-05). Hungary's Viktor Orban says Russia Putin meeting is part of 'peace mission', EU leaders voice concern. scmp.com The Hungarian leader, who recently took the helm of the EU's presidency, has travelled to Russia days after visiting Ukraine, with Putin telling him his nation's peace initiatives are key to settling the conflict.

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-05). Hungary's Viktor Orban to visit Russia, report says, as EU leaders worry. scmp.com The Hungarian PM, who recently took the helm of the EU's presidency, is expected to meet Putin in Russia, just days after visiting Ukraine.

WSWS (2024-07-05). 9,000 Liquor Control Board of Ontario workers on strike for real wage increases and job security. wsws.org Around 9,000 Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) workers walked out on strike at 12: 01 a.m. Friday, July 5. The strike is the first in the 100-year history of Ontario's public provider of alcoholic beverages.

WSWS (2024-07-05). France's Lutte Ouvrière backs New Popular Front as it seeks alliance with Macron. wsws.org LO is a petty-bourgeois cog in the machine the French ruling class has set up to try to tie workers to Macron, the "president of the rich" who rules against the people.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Demand a new UAW election! All power to the rank and file! wsws.org The UAW bureaucracy's continued sellout of workers, the further exposure of corruption and now the exposure that Fain was installed in an illegitimate election, makes an indisputable case for the holding of new UAW election.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Demand a new UAW election! All power to the rank and file! wsws.org The UAW bureaucracy's continued sellout of workers, the further exposure of corruption, and now the exposure that Fain was installed in an illegitimate election make an indisputable case for the holding of a new UAW election.

WSWS (2024-07-05). No to anti-immigrant campaign and imperialist war! Unite the workers of Turkey, Syria and the Middle East! wsws.org The defense of the democratic rights of refugees and migrant workers, the victims of imperialist wars, cannot be separated from the struggle against war and the capitalist system that produces it. It is a struggle to unite workers in oppressed regions like the Middle East and in the imperialist centers into an international socialist movement against war.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Landslide victory against Tories, but collapse in Labour's popular vote heralds UK government of crisis. wsws.org Labour takes power with the lowest share of the popular vote of any incoming government in British history.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Australian university union tries to block campaign against Western Sydney University College job cuts. wsws.org The NTEU sent an email to its members at WSU College that attempts to split them into "individual cases" and encourages them to accept redundancy packages.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Contract negotiations in Germany's metal and electrical industries a prelude to job cuts in automotive sector. wsws.org IG Metall plans to use contract negotiations in the metal and electrical industries to slash corporate costs through lowering wages and cutting thousands of jobs.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Biden admits to seeing doctor after debate debacle. wsws.org In a meeting held with 22 Democratic governors, Biden admitted to seeing a physician after the debate, contradicting previous statements given by his White House press secretary.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Biden admits to seeing doctor after halting debate. wsws.org In a meeting held with 22 Democratic governors, Biden admitted to seeing a physician after the debate contradicting previous statements given by his White House press secretary.

WSWS (2024-07-05). California grocery warehouse workers fight unionbusting by Smart & Final. wsws.org Over 600 workers, members of Teamsters Local 630, have been on strike for two weeks at two Chedraui-owned Smart & Final grocery warehouses in the City of Commerce and Riverside in the Los Angeles area.

WSWS (2024-07-05). Fatima Payman resigns, Australian Labor government on Islamophobic rampage. wsws.org Labor's furious response to Payman's limited stand can only be understood in the context of the government's deepgoing crisis and its commitment to imperialist war in Gaza and globally.

WSWS (2024-07-05). The anatomy of an act of censorship: St. Louis arts center shuts down pro-Palestinian exhibition. wsws.org Craft Alliance officials shut down an exhibition by artists Dani Collette and Allora McCullough, accusing the pair of using "antisemitic slogan[s] and imagery."

Guest Blogger (2024-07-05). Humanity's Ascent Linked to Fossil Fuels: A Story Less Told. wattsupwiththat.com The story of human advancement since the 1950s is inextricably linked to our harnessing of fossil fuels and our ever-expanding scientific understanding. As we look to the future, we must build upon these foundations, pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Andrew Hammond (2024-07-05). Labour's landslide victory has ushered in a new dawn in British politics. scmp.com Having come to power on the back of big promises of change, Labour will look to capitalise on the disorientation of Conservatives to deliver.

Léon Crémieux (2024-07-05). France: Combating the major risk of the far right (plus statements by Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste). links.org.au Léon Crémieux — The far right is on the brink of an absolute majority following the first round of early parliamentary elections in France.

Sophia Schmidt (2024-07-05). Don't be fooled by these common flood insurance myths in the Philly region. whyy.org Have a question about Philly's neighborhoods or the systems that shape them? PlanPhilly reporters want to hear from you! The Philadelphia region is vulnerable to flooding, whether it's from

George Grundy (2024-07-05). America's gathering storm: Trump stacks Supreme Court to get away with murder. independentaustralia.net

UMMID (2024-07-05). 4mn Muslims, 1mn Hindus seek to assert as UK goes to polls Thursday. ummid.com As many as 4 million Muslims and 1 million Hindus seek to assert their political weight and importance as the United Kingdom goes to national elections Thursday July 04, 2024.

noemail (2024-07-05). Germany's Coalition Secures 2025 Budget Amidst Tensions. devdiscourse.com Germany's coalition government has clinched an agreement on the budget for 2025 that will adhere to the country's strict spending rules following months of negotiations, government sources told Reuters on Friday. Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD), Economy Minister Robert Habeck's Greens and Finance Minister Christian Lindner's Free Democrats (FDP) have been battling to resolve differences over future cuts and spending plans.

Business Insider (2024-07-05). Joe Biden's new plan after debate catastrophe: stop doing events at night. scmp.com The US president told Democratic governors he just needs to get more sleep but is ready to defeat Trump in the coming election.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'I'm not going anywhere': Biden again slaps down calls to step aside. aljazeera.com US president remains under pressure to assuage doubts about his fitness after dismal debate performance.

UMMID (2024-07-05). LG Expands its Thinnest and Lightest Lineup of Laptops – Explore. ummid.com Expanding further its thinnest and lightest line-up of laptops LG Electronics USA (LG) Thursday announced the unveiling of the LG Gram SuperSlim in a crisp white colorway.

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Kick off the SCSD Summer Meal Program with Free Meals and Fun at Burnet Park! urbancny.com Summer Schedule Download Available The Syracuse City School District is excited to kick off the Summer Meal Program at Burnet Park on Monday, July 8, 2024, from 11: 00 a.m. to 1: 00 p.m. Join us for a fun-filled event with free meals, exciting activities, and special addresses from Mayor Ben Walsh, Superintendent Anthony Davis, and Parks Commissioner Tony Williams. Kids and teens under 18 are invited to enjoy a complimentary meal, participate in engaging activities, and pick up fresh fruits and vegetables. This event officially launches the SCSD Summer Meal Service, which provides free breakfast and lunch Monday th…

The Independent (2024-07-05). UK Labour Party defeats Rishi Sunak's Conservatives. independent.co.ug üî¥ Labour have officially won üî¥ Sunak has conceded defeat üî¥ Senior Tories defeated including Rees-Mogg üî¥ Farage elected as an MP for first time üî¥ Corbyn re-elected as MP LONDON | BBC and Xinhua | Rishi Sunak has said he accepts responsibility for the Conservative Party's historic general election defeat. Sir Keir Starmer has led …

noemail (2024-07-05). Anders Antonsen's Triumph: A Badminton Comeback for the Ages. devdiscourse.com The 2023 Malaysia Open was just another leg on the elite badminton world tour for most, but to Anders Antonsen it meant everything.

Plus News (2024-07-05). Cancer Institute To Introduce New Technology In Cancer Screening. plusnews.ug Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI) plans to introduce Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in cancer treatment in Uganda. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that can help reveal the metabolic or biochemical function of your tissues and organs. Uganda will be the only country in East Africa in terms of screening for …

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Rebecca Lossin: The Multiple Gaze. newleftreview.org Resisting the erasure of working-class life in the American rust belt, the critical photography of LaToya Ruby Frazier combines intimate portraiture with representations of capital's flight. Rebecca Lossin reflects on MoMA's recent retrospective of her work—and on the cultural politics of documentary image-making in an age saturated with the visual.

Staff (2024-07-05). Significance of the latest Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. gilbertdoctorow.com Yesterday saw the conclusion of the two-day summit in Astana, Kazakhstan that brought together the heads of state and government of eight of the nine members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The only missing prime minister was Modi from India, but he will shortly make amends by paying a state visit in Moscow in the …

aljazeera (2024-07-05). At least 89 people dead as boat capsizes off Mauritania. aljazeera.com Dozens missing after fishing vessel left from border of Senegal and Gambia with 170 believed to have been on board.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Rahul Gandhi's Speech in Lok Sabha: Key Takeways. ummid.com Rahul Gandhi's speech in Lok Sabha sets the stage for a robust and dynamic debate on the future direction of the country, urging all political actors to work together for a more just and equitable India. Here are key takeways.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Man who stabbed South Korea opposition leader gets 15 years in jail. aljazeera.com Lee Jae-myung suffered a wound to his jugular vein and underwent emergency surgery after the attack in January.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Over 100 killed in stampede at Hindu saint's congregation in Hathras, UP. ummid.com Over 100 people, most of them women and children, have been killed in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh after a stampede broke out during a religious congregation organised by the Manav Mangal Milan Sadbhavna Samagam Committee Tuesday July 02, 2024.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'We are not criminals': Philippines considers making divorce legal. aljazeera.com The staunchly Catholic Southeast Asian nation is the only place other than the Vatican where divorce is banned.

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Presidential Runoff in Iran Extended for 2 Hours. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Elections Headquarters of Iran issued a statement on Friday afternoon, declaring that the ongoing presidential runoff election will be extended for two more hours beyond the initial time limit.

Plus News (2024-07-05). DPP to Decide Fate of Soldier Accused of Attempting to Rape Daughter. plusnews.ug The Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) has sent the file of a Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) soldier, Brasil Okwang, accused of attempting to rape his daughter to the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP). Pte Okwang who returned from African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) is being accused by his 17-year-old daughter of attempting to …

Staff (2024-07-05). Taiwan's 'carrier killers', what makes China Coast Guard so powerful: 7 highlights. scmp.com From Taiwan's 'carrier killers' to the new mainland travel permit for Hong Kong permanent residents, here are a few highlights from SCMP's recent reporting.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'Change begins immediately,' says new UK PM Keir Starmer. aljazeera.com Labour Party leader says his party will 'deliver change' as it is clear that the country needs a 'bigger reset'.

UMMID (2024-07-05). 'Blaze Star' Explosion: How, When and Where to Watch. ummid.com Astronomers and sky-gazers worldwide are eagerly awaiting a rarest of rare celestial event this summer when a star, nicknamed 'Blaze Star', will explode and light up our night though the space agencies are yet to confirm the exact date and time.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-07-05). China: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org On 4 July 2024, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) delivered a statement at the 56th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council for the adoption of the report of China's Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The statement expressed disappointment over the Chinese government's rejection of numerous key recommendations made by UN member states. Read the statement below.
UN Human Rights Council — 56th session
| Item 6: Adoption of the Universal Periodic Review (…) | – | /…

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Iran A Partner in SCO's Decisions: Caretaker FM. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran has now turned into a partner in the process of decision-making in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Caretaker Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri said.

Ed Sykes (2024-07-05). "The real hard work starts on Monday": #CanaryCandidates Dave Nellist, Rachel Maughan, & Brian Agar react to exit poll. thecanary.co Reacting to the exit poll, Transform candidates Rachel Maughan and Brian Agar said they're holding out hope that Jeremy Corbyn has managed to win in Islington North, and are hoping the Andrew Feinstein has managed to defeat Starmer in Holborn and St Pancras. As Maughan insisted, though: The real hard work starts on Monday The […] | By

Rachael Swindon (2024-07-05). HISTORY MADE! Staggering Corbyn victory leaves establishment REELING. thecanary.co He's only gone and done it. The allotment-loving, jam-making, peace-seeking, award-winning, greatest bearded vegan in political history, Jeremy Corbyn, has delivered the goods once more. Peter Mandelson, Neil Kinnock, Margaret Hodge: your boy Praful took a hell of a beating. Context: The Labour Party has the money, the machine, and of course, the mainstream media. […] | By

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-05). UK teacher Rebecca Joynes jailed after having sex with schoolboys, having baby with one. scmp.com Rebecca Joynes was already on police bail for sexual activity with one teen when she had sex with another boy and became pregnant.

The Independent (2024-07-05). Kenya to overhaul budget after finance bill withdrawal amid protests. independent.co.ug NAIROBI, Kenya | Xinhua | The Kenyan government is reorganizing the budget following the withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024, which sparked protests across the country in the past three weeks, President William Ruto said Thursday. Ruto, who chaired a Cabinet meeting in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, said the National Treasury will substantially cut the …

UMMID (2024-07-05). Combating Fake News requires concerted efforts from all sectors of society. ummid.com Combating Fake News requires a concerted effort from all sectors of the society. By working together, we can protect the truth, uphold democratic values, and ensure that our information landscape remains robust and reliable.

Robert Boxwell (2024-07-05). Trump can storm back into the White House if he loses his belligerence. scmp.com With Biden's chances damaged, voters may reward a better-behaved Trump because his policies do appeal to many across the political spectrum…

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? newleftreview.org Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

GABIK (2024-07-05). Government assistance benefits Umzimkhulu community. sanews.gov.za Government assistance benefits Umzimkhulu community | Emerging wool producers in Umzimkhulu have received a shot in the arm following the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government's assistance aimed at enhancing wool quality and increasing production. | This as Premier Thami Ntuli handed over resources' worth over R6 million to Umzimkhulu wool growers associations in the Harry Gwala District. | The support, which includes rams, grazing fence and dip, is aimed at stimulating the growth and sustainability of rural economies and providing resources and infrastructure to rural communal businesses. | Ntuli and Agriculture…

Associated Press (2024-07-05). Newsom touts his support for Biden and sidesteps replacement talk in 2024 US race. scmp.com California Governor Gavin Newsom is among those mentioned as potential replacements should Joe Biden step aside and allow an open convention when Democratic delegates convene next month.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-07-05). Myanmar: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org

aljazeera (2024-07-05). World leaders congratulate Starmer after stunning election win. aljazeera.com 'Let's get to it, my friend': Canada's Trudeau urges Starmer to work together to build 'progressive, fair future'.

The Independent (2024-07-05). Xi warns SCO members of real threat from Cold War mentality. independent.co.ug ASTANA | Xinhua | Chinese President Xi Jinping here Thursday called on the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to ensure security in the face of real threat from the Cold War mentality. Xi made the remarks when attending the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO. He urged …

UMMID (2024-07-05). Question after Modi's LS Speech: Will Parliament's proceedings serve any purpose? ummid.com Parliament Debate: The opposition seeks to play by the book and expects the treasury benches to respond in the same way. They might pretend to do so, but there is little evidence that there will be any seriousness in such response.

NEOB (2024-07-05). Ramokgopa pleased with 100 days of no load shedding. sanews.gov.za Ramokgopa pleased with 100 days of no load shedding | With today marking 100 days of no-load shedding, Minister of Electricity and Energy, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, says this milestone is a testament to the hard work and dedication of not only Eskom employees but also the collaboration of those in the energy sector. | Eskom marked 100 days without scheduled rolling power cuts for the first time since 2020. | "This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of all those involved in the energy sector. I want to express my sincere appreciation to Eskom, its competent employees, and al…

Guest Blogger (2024-07-05). The Net Zero Cure is Far Worse Than the Disease. wattsupwiththat.com Yet we continue down the path of Net Zero, wreaking havoc on industry, jobs and the environment, pushing up energy bills and damaging the mental health of our children. The Net Zero 'cure' is worse than the supposed climate change disease.

Andrew London (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer to become UK prime minister as Labour sweeps to power. scmp.com Keir Starmer pledged 'change begins now' after leading Britain's Labour Party to a historic election victory.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Tainted Entrance Exams and Collapsing Education System. ummid.com Failure of the National Testing Agency (NTA) to conduct various competitive examinations in a fair manner has not only exposed the corruption that has crept into it, but has also pointed towards the collapse of our entire education system.

Plus News (2024-07-05). One Electrocuted in Kamwenge, Eight Injured. plusnews.ug One person has died after being electrocuted in Kamwenge District. The incident happened on Thursday in Rwenkuna village, Kahunge Town Council. The deceased has been identified as Wilson Mwesigye a resident of Rwenkuba Village in Kahunge Town Council. Didas Ndizeyi the LCI Chairperson of Rwenkuba Village said that Mwesigye and eight others were electrocuted as …

noemail (2024-07-05). 77 roads closed in Himachal Pradesh due to heavy rain, landslides. devdiscourse.com Following heavy rain and landslides, 77 roads were closed in Himachal Pradesh on Friday, said authorities. Also due to the rain, 236 electricity supply schemes are disrupted and 19 water supply schemes have been hampered in the state today.

Reuters (2024-07-05). Labour's David Lammy aims for UK foreign policy reset, Rachel Reeves becomes first female chancellor, as PM Starmer appoints cabinet. scmp.com Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has been appointing his cabinet, with Rachel Reeves becoming the first woman in charge of the country's finances.

Gabisile (2024-07-05). Mpox cases rise to 20 with infections expected to increase. sanews.gov.za Mpox cases rise to 20 with infections expected to increase | Four additional Mpox cases have been reported in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, with infections expected to rise as contact tracing efforts are stepped up. | This pushes the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of Mpox in South Africa to 20 since the outbreak in May 2024. | According to the Department of Health's data, all cases involve males aged between 17 to 43 years old. | The recent infections include a 17-year-old man from Hillbrow in Johannesburg, a 37-year-old from Pretoria East, a 29-year-old from West Rand, and a 19-year-old from Durban in…

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Attorney General James Takes Action to Uphold Federal Ghost Gun Regulations. urbancny.com New York — Attorney General Letitia James today joined a coalition of 24 attorneys general in urging the United States Supreme Court to uphold a federal rule that regulates ghost guns—untraceable weapons often made at home from kits—like other firearms. The coalition filed an amicus brief in Garland v. VanDerStok, urging the court to reverse a decision by an appeals court overturning this commonsense gun safety rule. In the brief, Attorney General James and the coalition argue that the rule clarifies existing law, is necessary to prevent gun violence, and helps law enforcement solve serious crim…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Pro-Palestine candidates, including Corbyn, secure wins in UK election. aljazeera.com Former Labour Party leader and pro-Palestine activist Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected in Islington North as an independent.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Samsung in full-on campaign mode ahead of 'Galaxy Unpacked 2024'. ummid.com Ahead of the Galaxy Unpacked July 2024 event, 'Galaxy AI is Here', tech giant Samsung Electronics unleashed a global billboard campaign in anticipation of the next chapter of Galaxy AI.

noemail (2024-07-05). Hurricane Beryl Hits Mexico's Tourist Hotspots with Deadly Force. devdiscourse.com Mexico's top tourist destinations were on red alert as Hurricane Beryl strengthened to a Category 3 storm on Thursday evening after leaving behind a deadly trail of destruction across several Caribbean islands. Beryl was packing winds up to 115 mph (185 kph) as it beared down on the Yucatan peninsula's eastern coast early Friday, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC), which warned of a dangerous storm surge and damaging waves.

The Independent (2024-07-05). Paul Put: Uganda Cranes ready to battle South Africa, Congo. independent.co.ug Uganda Cranes AFCON Qualifying Group Fair-Coach Paul Put Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Cranes Head Coach Joseph Paul Put believes that the team's Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifying group is fair but warns against underestimating their opponents. The draws, conducted on Thursday in Johannesburg, South Africa, placed Uganda in Group K alongside …

Maxime Duriez (2024-07-05). Al Hassan case: a welcomed conviction that falls short of justice for victims of gender-based crimes. fidh.org

UMMID (2024-07-05). 'I beg with folded hands': Punjab MP urges Modi, BJP not to divide society. ummid.com In a strong appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), Congress MP from Ludhiana Amrinder Singh Raja Warring Monday urged them not to divide the society on the communal lines.

David Kowalski (2024-07-05). Government delays Oz music artists from earning their worth. independentaustralia.net

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Tony Wood: Mexico in Flux. newleftreview.org Against the rightward trend of the Old World, countries in Latin America continue to favour governments of the left. The resounding mandate for Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico's presidential election confirms Morena's hegemony within the new party system. Where exactly on the political map should its project be placed?

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Grey Anderson: Imperium Uncloaked. newleftreview.org Grey Anderson on Tom Stevenson, Someone Else's Empire. Lucid anatomization of the American imperium, with a devastating assessment of the UK's equerry role.

Peter Isackson (2024-07-05). FO ∞ Crucible: Money Matters in a Multipolar World, Part 7. fairobserver.com Our conversation about the evolving question of challenging the primacy of the dollar in the global economy has led us well beyond the mechanics of foreign exchange and even trade relations. It inevitably touches on some much bigger questions concerning the evolution of regional and global hegemony as the former unipolar world gives way to…

SKWAWKBOX (2024-07-05). Greens' Carla Denyer takes Bristol Central from Debbonaire. skwawkbox.org Shadow Cabinet member Thangam Debbonaire — who would have become a minister tomorrow — has lost the new Bristol Central, which replaced Debbonaire's previous seat of Bristol West, to the Greens' Carla Denyer. The defeat has long been predicted because of Debbonaire's growing unpopularity. SKWAWKBOX needs your help. The site is provided free of charge …

GABIK (2024-07-05). Women Ministry denounces acts of violence against the elderly. sanews.gov.za Women Ministry denounces acts of violence against the elderly | The Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Sindisiwe Chikunga, has welcomed the arrest of a 19-year-old man for allegedly assaulting his grandmother. | The teenager was arrested by the police in the Western Cape after being seen assaulting his grandmother in a video that went viral on social media. | According to the South African Police Service (SAPS), the incident occurred last month at the grandmother's home, and at that time, officers were summoned to the scene. However, the family refused police assistance. | "The suspect was tr…

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Leader Casts Vote in Iran's Runoff Presidential Election. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei cast his ballot in Iran's runoff presidential election on Friday morning.

UMMID (2024-07-05). KCET 2024: Last chance to make application correction till July 6. ummid.com The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has given candidates to make correction if any in the UGCET 2024 application form from July 4 to 6, 2024.

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-05). Migrants face 'unimaginable horrors' crossing Africa to reach Mediterranean, says UN. scmp.com Many more people are believed to be dying on land routes than at sea, with thousands of deaths each year, as issues including conflict, climate change, and racism increasingly spur people to leave their homelands.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Preventative Measures and Treatment Options. ummid.com Ovarian cancer, which is one of the deadliest issues confronting women today, is in fact a silent killer, thus women need to be taught to be cautious of the symptoms, as they are so common that most go undetected and in turn untreated.

Rachael Swindon (2024-07-05). 'Swindon Girl' Heidi Alexander's win sums up Slippery Starmer's shiftiness. thecanary.co In 1997 we were living through the 'Cool Britannia' era. Oasis topped the charts, Britishness wasn't quite as embarrassing, and I vaguely remember it being a damn sight warmer than what it is tonight. Skip forward to 2024, and Labour's thumping election victory promises no more than a continuation of the cruel Britannia policies of […] | By

hindustantimes (2024-07-05). New UK PM Starmer Drops Big Russia War Hints In 1st Speech From 10, Downing Street; Hails Sunak For… hindustantimes.com Keir Starmer delivered his first speech as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom outside 10 Downing Street on July 5. He pitched himself as a leader for "stability and moderation" who will rebuild Britain.

The Independent (2024-07-05). Karamoja gets new Bishop. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The House of Bishops of Church of Uganda (COU) sitting at Lweza Training and Conference Centre, has elected Rev Ven. Michael Chorey as the 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Karamoja. According to the Provincial Secretary, Rev. Can. William Ongeng, Rev. Ven. Chorey will be consecrated and enthroned as …

UMMID (2024-07-05). Australia could cease to be preferred destination for students after visa fee hike. ummid.com Indian students planning to migrate to Australia for higher education would likely require to revisit their plans as Canberra has more than doubled the visa fees for the international students.

S. Suresh (2024-07-05). Heatwaves And Humanity: The Devastating Impact on Our World. fairobserver.com The summer solstice (the longest day in the northern hemisphere) on June 21 heralded the beginning of yet another hot summer for the planet. Heat records were being shattered across the globe even before the summer of 2024 got going. 2023 was the hottest year on record, besting the previous record set in 2016. With…

Gabisile (2024-07-05). Mpox patients receive clean bill of health. sanews.gov.za Mpox patients receive clean bill of health | The Department of Health has announced that 15 people who had Mpox have received a clean bill of health, while five remain hospitalised due to severe health complications. | The complications, the department explained, are compounded by either unmanaged or recently diagnosed underlying conditions such as HIV. | "Only one case was re-admitted for further medical attention," the department said in a statement. | The department believes that the 15 cases are a testimony that the infectious disease is treatable if diagnosed early for effective treatment. | "This is the…

UMMID (2024-07-05). Acer to showcase Next-Gen E-Bikes at Eurobike 2024. ummid.com Acer announced the launch of new Acer ebii elite, eNomad-R series and Acer eCargo-M e-bikes that will be showcased at EUROBIKE 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany from July 3 to 7, 2024.

UMMID (2024-07-05). Kamala Harris likely to replace Joe Biden as Democratic Presidential pick: Report. ummid.com Amid the chorus urging Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, reports have now emerged that the Democratic Party has made up its mind to replace the incumbent president by Vice-President Kamala Harris.

theonion (2024-07-05). SATIRE: Pros And Cons Of Granting Trump Presidential Immunity. theonion.com The Supreme Court recently made it more difficult to prosecute Donald Trump in his election interference case, ruling 6-3 along ideological lines to grant him partial immunity from criminal charges. The Onion explores the pros and cons of bolstering Trump's presidential power by making any "core" constitutional act…

(2024-07-05). CPJ welcomes investigation of prosecutor linked to murder case of journalist Garry Tesse. gazettehaiti.com

(2024-07-05). Chinese authorities arrest 2 ethnic Kazakh TV journalists in Xinjiang. rfa.org

Gabisile (2024-07-05). Apply for a PhD scholarship in science, technology and innovation policy. sanews.gov.za Apply for a PhD scholarship in science, technology and innovation policy | The National Advisory Council on Innovation, through the National Research Foundation (NRF), is offering two scholarships to full-time PhD candidates in science, technology and innovation policy for the 2025 academic year. | The scholarships will cover the full cost of study, including annual tuition fees, accommodation, transport and food allowances. | Applicants must meet the following requirements: | They must be full-time students who are registered or intend to register, for a PhD at any South African public university in 2025. | They…

NEOB (2024-07-05). Trio in court for R153 million VBS corruption matter. sanews.gov.za Trio in court for R153 million VBS corruption matter | The former Municipal Manger and acting Chief Financial Officer of the Greater Giyani Local Municipality, together with a businessman, have appeared in court in connection with a VBS corruption matter in which the municipality suffered a loss of at least R153 million. | Former Municipal Manager Risimati Maluleke, the municipality's Acting Chief Financial officer Nditshedzeni Mashau and businessman, Zwivhuya Goodness Tshishonga, appeared in the Polokwane Specialised Commercial Crimes Court. | The trio face charges of contravening the Municipal Finance Managemen…

The Independent (2024-07-05). Parliament vets Edward Akol, Mugisha Tumusiime and Patrick Wabwire. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Appointments Committee of Parliament vetted the Auditor General-designate, Edward Akol. Sources in the Committee chaired by the Speaker of Parliament, Annette Anita Among say they overwhelmingly recommended that the President appoint Edward Akol for the job. Akol is expected to replace Uganda's long-serving Auditor General, John F S …

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Hourly Turnout in Iran Presidential Runoff on the Rise. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The number of voters in the ongoing runoff presidential election of Iran by midday Friday has increased in comparison with the corresponding period in the last week's polls, an official said.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Labour's Starmer hails landslide victory in UK election. aljazeera.com The UK is getting a change of government after the opposition Labour Party secured a landslide victory.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'Peace mission': Hungary's Orban meets Putin in Russia, defying EU leaders. aljazeera.com Right-wing nationalist makes trip with no official mandate from the European bloc, causing outrage.

Reuters (2024-07-05). Nigel Farage promises trouble after election to UK parliament. scmp.com Brexit kingpin Nigel Farage has finally won a seat in Britain's parliament at the eighth attempt and is determined to be a 'bloody nuisance'.

Kimera Abdu (2024-07-05). I Take Responsibility For Our Loss — Rishi Sunak Concedes Defeat in UK Election. plusnews.ug Rishi Sunak, the former UK Prime Minister, has admitted that there is much to learn and reflect on following the verdict of the British people in the just-concluded election. Speaking after being declared the winner in his North Yorkshire constituency, Sunak affirmed that he takes responsibility for the loss and that he already called Labour …

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Syracuse Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team Called to City of Oneida to Assist with Chlorine Leak. urbancny.com Syracuse, NY- On Friday, July 5, 2024, at 7: 32 a.m., Syracuse Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Response Team was dispatched to the City of Oneida, in Madison County, to assist the City of Oneida Fire Department on a Hazardous Materials Incident. Leak detection equipment at the City of Oneida Wastewater Treatment Facility on Harden St., had detected a chlorine gas leak in a room inside the facility. Chlorine gas is an extremely hazardous, heavier-than-air gas that can cause serious injury or death in people exposed to it in high concentrations. Syracuse Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Response Team, or…

The Independent (2024-07-05). New Appropriation Bill 2024 leaves UNEB in funding crisis. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The recent reconsideration of the 2024 appropriation bill has resulted in funding gaps for the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB), leaving many crucial activities related to national examinations unfunded. During the budget process, the Parliamentary Education Committee discovered that the examination body had significant unfunded priorities. In response, the …

Steve Topple (2024-07-05). Nigel Farage has already started LYING through his fag-stained teeth. thecanary.co The UK's answer to Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, has already begun using the straw-haired sex pest's playbook when it comes to far-right populism. That is, two hours after the general election polls closed he's already crying "FOUL" about the corporate media. Farage: 'foul, FOUL I say!' (Yes, mate, you are) The exit poll is showing […] | By

Guest Blogger (2024-07-05). YAWN!!—Climate Change Pushing Up Food Prices (Again!). wattsupwiththat.com The only factor pushing up food prices is the consistently high price of oil and gas, the intended result of attempts by western governments to throttle off new drilling. This impacts both the operating costs for farmers and also the price of fertiliser.

Reuters (2024-07-05). At 10 Downing Street, UK's Keir Starmer has a large in-tray of problems. scmp.com Keir Starmer enters No 10 Downing Street with a long list of problems that could curtail any 'honeymoon period' offered by the British people.

Plus News (2024-07-05). Parliament Vets Edward Akol For Auditor General Job. plusnews.ug The Appointments Committee of Parliament vetted the Auditor General-designate, Akol Edward. Sources in the Committee chaired by the Speaker of Parliament, Annette Anita Among overwhelming recommended that the President appoint Edward Akole for the job. Akole is expected to replace Uganda's long-serving Auditor General, John F S Muwanga. John Muwanga has been at the Auditor …

EDWIN (2024-07-05). MoU to empower public servants. sanews.gov.za MoU to empower public servants | The National School of Government (NSG) and the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to introduce a new three-year postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs and African Governance for public servants in Africa. | In partnership with the African Management Development Institute Network (AMDIN), and supported by the European Union, the NSG developed the curriculum and content of…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Fighting for her land: My great-aunt Kamira, the Algerian revolutionary. aljazeera.com Kamira, a key member of the resistance fighting to end French occupation, carried intelligence to mountainous hideouts.

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-05). France election sees over 50 politicians, campaigners assaulted. scmp.com More than 30 people have been arrested, including militants from far-right and far-left groups, with tension mounting ahead of the run-off vote, and the anti-immigration National Rally party ahead.

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Blood and Bombast. newleftreview.org Sanjay Subrahmanyam on Vinayak Chaturvedi, Hindutva and Violence and Janaki Bakhle, Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva. Intellectual biographies of Hindu nationalism's Mazzini-inspired theoretician.

Peter Crimmins (2024-07-05). An artist is using sprinklers to paint the walls of a massive Spring Garden apartment complex. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? When artist Douglas Hoekzema, also known as HOXXOH, starts a new public art project, he goes to the nearest garden center. | The Miami-based muralist sprays paint through various garden hose sprinkler attachments sold off the shelf. Through trial and error, Hoekzema discovered, for example, that an oscillating lawn sprinkler will spray a cross-hatch pattern. | "I have another one that spins so it makes a spirograph pattern. Another one shoots a cone of paint about six feet w…

Associated Press (2024-07-05). Brazilian police indict Jair Bolsonaro in undeclared Saudi diamonds case. scmp.com The ex-president has been accused of trying to sneak in jewellery worth US$3 million into the country and selling two luxury watches.

UMMID (2024-07-05). 2024 Elections: UK set for all time high number of Muslim MPs. ummid.com As the British nationals vote for the 2024 General Elections, reports from ground, and the latest survey reports and projections suggest that the new Parliament in the United Kingdom will have all time high number of Muslim MPs.

SKWAWKBOX (2024-07-05). Breaking: Corbyn holds Islington North. skwawkbox.org Smears and health privatiser have failed to oust former Labour leader Labour sources have said they have failed to oust former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The margin of victory is rumoured to be tight, as few as 700 votes compared to Corbyn's previous huge majorities, but the result — if confirmed when the result is …

UMMID (2024-07-05). BJP should change its party symbol to 'Bulldozer': Kerala MP. ummid.com In a sharpest attack on the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) over demolition of homes without following due judicial process, CPI (M) MP from Kerala in Rajya Sabha John Brittas said the ruling party should change its party symbol 'Lotus' to 'Bulldozer'.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-07-05). Georgia : Serious deterioration of the situation of human rights defenders. fidh.org In recent years, human rights defenders in Georgia have faced escalating threats and violence, exacerbated by hostile rhetoric from the government and high-ranking officials in the country. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (OMCT-FIDH) and the Human Rights Center denounce the worsening conditions for civil society in Georgia and call on the authorities to ensure effective, timely, and objective investigations into attacks against human rights defenders and to put (…) | – |

noemail (2024-07-05). Modi Rallies Indian Athletes for 2036 Olympic Bid. devdiscourse.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi, displaying confidence in India's bid to host the 2036 Olympics, has called upon athletes headed to the Paris Games to provide valuable feedback on the arrangements in the French capital. The information gathered is expected to bolster India's ambitious Olympic aspirations.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-07-05). China: Government manipulates human rights review. fidh.org China's government used the United Nations (UN)-backed review of its human rights record to rebuff international concern over serious abuses, issue blanket denials, and make blatantly false statements, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Human Rights in China (HRIC), the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR), and the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) said today after the adoption of the outcome of China's (…) | – |

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Presidential Election in Home Stretch, Iranians Choosing Between Pezeshkian, Jalili. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili are facing off in the showdown to become the next president of Iran.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Gas leak at Malaysia's main international airport sickens 39. aljazeera.com Authorities say leak traced to abandoned skid tank at aircraft engineering facility.

tn.ai (2024-07-05). Presidential Runoff Held in Iran. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran is holding runoff presidential election on Friday, July 5, after no candidate could garner over 50% of the votes last week.

Reuters (2024-07-05). Iranians vote in run-off presidential race between hardliner and reformist. scmp.com Iranians vote to replace the late president Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash last month.

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Jubilee Homes Showcase Sunday's Concert Series Sunday July 7th at Jubilee Park. urbancny.com The 2nd installation of the Jubilee Homes of Syracuse, Inc.2024 Showcase Sunday Concert series will be jumping off this Sunday, July 7th and we would like to cordially like to invite you to come back. The concert will be held at the Spirit of Jubilee Park at 161 South Ave, Syracuse, NY from 4: 00PM to 7: 00PM. This weeks concert will be provided by DJ Dretronix, Steve Wolf, and Syracuse's own Trumptight315. Get ready to party! We will also have community organizations, local vendors and participants as well. Be sure to stop by for more information. We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the live entertainment.

Maxime Duriez (2024-07-05). Julian Assange is free. fidh.org

Gabisile (2024-07-05). Astronomical Union General Assembly 2024 to be held in SA. sanews.gov.za Astronomical Union General Assembly 2024 to be held in SA | With just more than a month to go, South Africa is set to become the centre of international astronomy as scientists from across the world gather for the XXXII (32nd) General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Cape Town. | The event is scheduled to take place from 6 to 15 August 2024. | According to the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), this will be the first time that an assembly of its kind will be held on African soil. | The gathering is expected to bring together over 2 000 international astronomers to address key…

Katherine Scott, 6abc (2024-07-05). Fourth of July mass shooting: 9 shot, including 4 juveniles, in Southwest Philadelphia; 1 killed. whyy.org This story originally appeared on One person was killed and eight others were injured in a Fourth of July mass shooting in Southwest Philadelphia on Thursday night. | Police say nine people, four juveniles and five adults, were shot near the intersection of 60th Street and Kingsessing Ave. at 11: 40 p.m. | Officers on routine patrol say they found one victim lying on the ground. | Additional victims were discovered by responding officers, and some other victims arrived at area hospitals.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-07-05). The Iran Notes – Protests in ‎Iran: Systematic and violent repression of freedom of assembly. fidh.org

newleftreview (2024-07-05). Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? newleftreview.org As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

SKWAWKBOX (2024-07-05). Breaking: Labour's Ashworth loses seat to independent Shockat Adam. skwawkbox.org Oh dear, how sad, never mind The winner has just been announced and it's not Labour disgrace and saboteur Jonathan Ashworth. His vote collapsed by 35.3 points — and Shockat's jumped by 35.2. Ashworth has featured in a number of videos playing the victim after being lambasted by local voters over the Labour regime's support …

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Sangomas with ring lights: Zimbabwe's traditional healers take to TikTok. aljazeera.com As a new generation of healers shares African spiritual practices on social media, critics say the two cannot mix.

NEOB (2024-07-05). Eskom marks 100 days of no load shedding. sanews.gov.za Eskom marks 100 days of no load shedding | State power utility Eskom has reached 100 days without implementing load shedding for the first time since 2020. | "Considering the Intensity and the levels of load shedding in 2023, the ability to get to 100 days without load shedding is significant, while acknowledging that the risk of load shedding still exists. | "The 100 days milestone includes around a – R6.2 billion reduction in OCT [Open cycle gas turbines] diesel expenditure from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024, compared to the same period last year and if we maintain our trajectory on reduced diesel spend, it will…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak concedes defeat in election. aljazeera.com UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded defeat to the opposition Labour party in the general election.

The Independent (2024-07-05). üî¥ LIVE: Kenya's Ruto on X Space with Gen Z. independent.co.ug üî¥ 47 State corporations dissolved üî¥ Planned CAS positions suspended üî¥ State advisors to be cut by 50% üî¥ No budget line for offices of First Lady üî¥ Budget for renovations cut by 50% üî¥ Retirement age of 60 to be implemented üî¥ No new government cars üî¥ No harambees for Govt officials üî¥ Changes …

The Independent (2024-07-05). Centenary Bank gives Nsambya Babies Home Charity Walk double boost. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Centenary Bank has announced its support for the upcoming Nsambya Babies Home charity walk, doubling its contribution to sh20 million from sh10 million last year. The walk, scheduled for September 28th, aims to raise funds for the welfare of vulnerable children at Nsambya Babies Home. The facilty provides medical …

The Independent (2024-07-05). Chinese AI firms make strides to keep pace with industry leaders. independent.co.ug BEIJING | Xinhua | After technological advances in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry marked by large language model (LLM) fever since 2022, Chinese firms in the rapidly advancing sector have cemented their position as major players and are intensifying efforts to narrow the gap with forerunners. According to a SuperBench assessment report for LLMs by …

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Shooting on Greenland Drive. urbancny.com On Thursday, July 4th, 2024, at around 4: 59 PM, Syracuse Police Officers responded to the 100 block of Greenland Drive in regard to a reported shooting with injuries. Upon arrival, officers located a 29-year-old male, who was the victim of apparent gunshot wounds to both legs. The male shooting victim was transported to University Hospital by AMR, where he is being treated for his injuries. The victim is expected to survive. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Syracuse Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at (315) 442-5222. Pixabay Photo…

Urban CNY News (2024-07-05). Broadway In Syracuse Invites Public to Open House Event. urbancny.com Wednesday, July 10 ‚Ä¢ 10AM-6PM ‚Ä¢ Landmark Theatre (Syracuse, NY) ‚Äí Broadway In Syracuse will host an open house event on Wednesday, July 10 offering patrons an exciting opportunity to explore the historic Landmark Theatre and discover the perfect seats for the upcoming season. From 10AM to 6PM, patrons are invited to "test drive" available inventory, experience the unique ambiance of the theatre, and engage with knowledgeable staff members who will be on hand to answer any questions. "These events are perfect opportunities to come see the theatre, especially…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Iranians return to polls to pick new president amid voter turnout concerns. aljazeera.com Run-off pits centrist Masoud Pezeshkian against hardliner Saeed Jalili in race to succeed Ebrahim Raisi.

Plus News (2024-07-05). Museveni Asked Not to Allow another Rig in Murchison. plusnews.ug The African Institute For Energy Governance (AFEIGO) wants President Museveni to stop Total Energies from putting up another oil drilling rig in the Murchison Fall National Park. The Energy activist group, which has been fighting for land rights and environmental concerns in the oil-rich Albertine says together with other groups, wrote to the President …

Cliff Buddle (2024-07-05). Keir Starmer vows to 'rebuild Britain' on his first day as prime minister. scmp.com Keir Starmer set out his vision in his first speech as prime minister after victory in the UK election.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'At least it's not the Tories': Rain, apathy and surprises after UK vote. aljazeera.com Pro-Palestine independent candidates, Farage's far-right party each win four seats as Labour achieves landslide victory.

noemail (2024-07-05). Meghalaya Struggles Under Torrential Rains, Government Ramps Up Relief Efforts. devdiscourse.com Meghalaya has found itself grappling with unprecedented rains, recording a substantial 44% increase in precipitation over the past month. The relentless downpour, measuring 117.32 cm, has wreaked havoc on public infrastructure and upended lives across the state.

noemail (2024-07-05). Ten Arrested in Dacoity of PWD Contractor's House. devdiscourse.com In a major breakthrough, ten individuals have been apprehended in connection with the audacious dacoity at the residence of PWD contractor Padmanabha Kotyan, according to police authorities.

(2024-07-05). Kosovo newspaper Insajderi threatened with injury, arson after criminal report. insajderi.org

Plus News (2024-07-05). Another Anita Among Critic Remanded To Luzira. plusnews.ug The Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court has remanded Fatuma Nansubuga a 34-year-old resident of Karerwe market, Kawempe Division to Luzira Prison on charges of common nuisance. Nansubuga who was arrested two days ago after staging a lone protest outside Parliament was on Thursday arraigned before the Court presided over by Grade One Magistrate Caroline Kyoshabire. …

UMMID (2024-07-05). Rahul Gandhi blasts Hindutva gang over hate mongering, BJP fumes. ummid.com In a fiery speech filled with inter-religion references Leader of Opposition (LoP) Rahul Gandhi Monday July 01, 2024 slammed the Hindutva gang over hate mongering, leaving the BJP MPs in the Lok Sabha fuming.

(2024-07-05). Turkish court sentences 8 Kurdish journalists to 6 years. mezopotamyaajansi.net

Andrew London,Agencies (2024-07-05). As it happened: Keir Starmer appointed UK prime minister as Labour takes power. scmp.com Keir Starmer pledged 'change begins now' after leading Britain's Labour Party to a historic election victory.

Plus News (2024-07-05). Kasese Man Kills Brother Over UGX 5,000. plusnews.ug Police in Kasese district have arrested a 34-year-old man on allegations of killing his biological brother over 5,000 shillings. The incident happened in Buhaghura village, Rukoki Sub County. The acting Rwenzori East Region Police Spokesperson SP. Luke Mbusa has identified the deceased as Kisanjya Zephanus and the suspect as Kisanjya Phinehas. The two reportedly started …

hindustantimes (2024-07-05). Biden Calls Himself 'First Black Woman To…' In New Embarrassment After Trump Debate | US Election. hindustantimes.com US President Joe Biden made a gaffe amid facing heat over his poor performance during a debate with Donald Trump on June 27. In the latest embarrassment, Biden called himself the first "black woman to serve with a black president" during a radio interview as the US celebrated Independence Day on July 4. Watch this video to learn what Biden actually meant.

UMMID (2024-07-05). UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2024 Announced, Check Here. ummid.com UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2024: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Monday July 01, 2024 declared the UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2024 on its official website upsc.gov.in.

EDWIN (2024-07-05). No new procurement of housing stock. sanews.gov.za No new procurement of housing stock | Public Works and Infrastructure Minister, Dean Macpherson, has confirmed that there will be no procuring of any new housing stock or offices for both the new Executive and Parliamentarians. | "The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure… has confirmed that while the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is facilitating a smooth ushering-in of both the Executive and Members of Parliament for the 7th Administration, by providing work offices and residential accommodation, there will be no procuring of any new housing stock or offices for both the Executive and Par…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-07-05). Hungary: Joint statement in solidarity with Transparency International Hungary and Átlátszó. fidh.org

The Independent (2024-07-05). African-Caribbean trade ties: A new era of economic collaboration. independent.co.ug ITC statistics show that trade between Africa and the Caribbean is limited and concentrated in a few sectors, notably minerals and chemicals ANALYSIS | ISAAC KHISA | African-Caribbean trade ties have remained largely unexplored for many years, despite a shared history and culture. Both regions have historically focused on solidifying relationships with larger global trade players, …

noemail (2024-07-05). NATO's Push for Standardized Artillery: A Game Changer? devdiscourse.com NATO is set to issue its first ever defence industrial pledge at its Washington summit on Wednesday, pushing countries to boost arms production and return to a stricter standardization of ammunition to make shells interoperable on the battlefield.

SKWAWKBOX (2024-07-05). Starmer holds HSP seat — with 16-point fall in vote share and almost 18,000 votes down. skwawkbox.org Keir Starmer has held onto his seat in Holborn and St Pancras, but with a massively reduced vote share and an even bigger fall in vote total because of a 7.9% drop in turnout. Starmer polled 18,884 votes, 48.9% of the total — down from 64.5% in 2019. But the 2019 vote total for Labour …

GABIK (2024-07-05). Construction key to economic growth. sanews.gov.za Construction key to economic growth | KwaZulu-Natal Transport and Human Settlements MEC, Siboniso Duma, has highlighted the significant role of new houses and related settlements construction, including roads, as a catalyst for other sectors of the economy. | "The mining sector is stimulated through the production of copper, iron ore and other raw materials used in construction. As we build houses, we are stimulating the manufacturing sector for the production of steel, bricks, tiles, doors, window frames and so on," Duma said. | Duma made the remarks during an inspection of the construction of houses and bridge…

Staff (2024-07-05). Talk World Radio: Ernesto Casteñeda on Immigration, Bigotry, and Biden. davidswanson.org THIS IS THE JULY 10 SHOW PUBLISHED EARLY AUDIO: Talk World Radio is recorded on Zoom. Here is this week's video and all the videos on Youtube. VIDEO: This week on Talk World Radio we're talking about immigration. Our guest Ernesto Castañeda is director of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies, the Immigration …

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Who is the UK's new PM, Keir Starmer? aljazeera.com The UK's new prime minister is a former lawyer who once pursued a case against Vladimir Putin. Here's a quick profile of…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). UK election results 2024: Why do some popular parties win so few seats? aljazeera.com Reform UK has won just four seats with 14 percent of the vote, while Conservatives got 121 seats on 24 percent – why?>

Nicole Leonard (2024-07-05). Philly-area parents who've lost children to opioid overdoses pledge to push forward in Purdue Pharma lawsuits. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? The pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma and its owners, the Sackler family, have become almost synonymous with discussions about the national At least, that's true for parents like MaryBeth Cichocki, of Bear, Delaware…

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Sicily closes airport as Etna and Stromboli volcanoes erupt. aljazeera.com Streets of Catania's city centre covered in black ash, slowing traffic, as residents try to clean up.

UMMID (2024-07-05). JoSAA 2024 Round 3 Seat Allotment Today: Check Here. ummid.com Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) is set to publish the Third Round of Seat Allocation, also known as JoSAA 2024 Round 3 Seat Allotment Result, for the academic year 2024-25 today on Thursday July 04, 2024.

UMMID (2024-07-05). After Oman, Trump to venture in Saudi Arabia with mega housing project. ummid.com After Oman, The Trump Organization has signed a deal with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's real estate developer, Dar Global, to build a luxury residential tower in Jeddah.

Plus News (2024-07-05). Fisherman Drowns in Lake Kyoga While Evading Arrest. plusnews.ug A fisherman has drowned in Lake Kyoga while evading arrest from the Fisheries Protection Unit of Uganda People's Defense Force. The deceased has been identified as Afani Wajokirana aged 38 years a fisherman at Ninga landing site located in Kalungi sub-county, Nakasongola district. Rogers Bisaaso Mugerwa the LCI Chairperson of Ninga village narrates that Wajokirana …

Kimera Abdu (2024-07-05). Ruto Promises Changes in Government Amidst Continuous Gen Z Protests. plusnews.ug Kenyan President William Ruto has promised significant changes in his government, alongside measures to accommodate national budget cuts. According to Ruto, the government is determined to implement these changes and other interventions to improve quality, efficiency, and transparency in serving Kenyans. He emphasized that these changes are intended to ensure citizens receive maximum value from …

aljazeera (2024-07-05). 'Conservative Party vote has collapsed' says Al Jazeera reporter. aljazeera.com Al Jazeera's Rory Challands takes a quick look at the numbers that ensured a landslide for the opposition party.

NEO (2024-07-05). GNU: A new era for SA. sanews.gov.za GNU: A new era for SA | As the new Cabinet of the seventh administration gets to grips with the workings of their various portfolios – it has been advised to place ordinary South Africans at the heart of the administration. | "Show the ordinary South Africans that their well-being is the ultimate goal and at the heart of those running government and the administration," Extraordinary Professor at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria, Henning Melber, told SAnews. | Melber's comments follow on the announcement on Sunday, 30 June 2024, of the new National Executive of the seventh admini…

UMMID (2024-07-05). ASUS unpacks GearUP Console Booster in Asia Pacific. ummid.com Tech giant ASUS Monday July 07, 2024 announced that selected routers in selected countries in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region will bundle a complementary trial subscription to GearUP Console Booster.

Bloomberg (2024-07-05). Hurricane Beryl makes landfall on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. scmp.com Beryl has already left a trail of destruction through the Caribbean.

aljazeera (2024-07-05). Rishi Sunak resigns after stunning UK election loss. aljazeera.com Rishi Sunak said he was sorry as he steps down as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after a bruising election defeat.

The Media Line Staff (2024-07-05). Runoff Election in Iran Tests Clerical Rule as Voter Apathy Grows. themedialine.org

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Ministra palestina acusó a Israel de atacar a mujeres y niños. radiohc.cu Ramala, 5 julio (RHC) La guerra que desarrolla hoy el Ejército israelí contra la Franja de Gaza apunta deliberadamente a féminas y niños porque son el núcleo del futuro palestino, denunció la ministra de Asuntos de la Mujer, Mona Al-Khalili, durante una reunión en El Cairo, Egipto.

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-07-05). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Debaten en Argentina sobre los fascismos del siglo XXI. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) Analistas, legisladores, académicos y escritores participarán en el I Foro Internacional Fascismos en el Siglo XXI desde el Sur Global, que tendrá lugar hoy y mañana en la capital argentina.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Cerrarán sus puertas en Venezuela Congresos Internacional Samuel Robinson y de la Cátedra Bolívar-Martí-Chávez-Fidel (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Trascendentes impactos que apuntan al desarrollo de una educación superior transformadora, dejan en Venezuela los Congresos Internacional "Samuel Robinson" y de la Cátedra "Bolívar-Martí-Chávez-Fidel", que serán clausurados el próximo 5 de julio con la presencia de expertos cubanos y otros especialistas de la región.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Saluda Cuba aniversario de la independencia de Cabo Verde. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 julio (RHC) La cancillería cubana emitió, a través de su cuenta en X, un mensaje de congratulación a Cabo Verde que hoy celebra su independencia.

María Candela (2024-07-05). PT-Brasil pide excluir a Cuba de lista unilateral sobre terrorismo. radiohc.cu Brasilia, 5 jul (RHC) El Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) de Brasil pidió excluir a Cuba de la lista unilateral sobre países que patrocinan el terrorismo y condenó el bloqueo de Estados Unidos que gravita hoy más que nunca sobre la isla.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Producción de alimentos a análisis en Octavo Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista. radiohc.cu La producción de alimentos aún no alcanza los niveles requeridos en el país, afectando el bienestar de la población. De ahí que sea uno de los temas que se analizará con mirada crítica en el Octavo Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, que durante dos días sesionará en La Habana.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Investigadores cubanos asistieron a Curso Regional efectuado en Colombia. radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 5 jul (RHC) Del Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos (CEAC) proceden los dos investigadores cubanos que asistieron al Curso Regional de Capacitación sobre Determinación de Metales Pesados y Mercurio en Suelos Contaminados, que tuvo lugar en el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, de Santa Marta, Colombia.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Incertidumbre en Francia. radiohc.cu Este domingo los franceses están llamados de nuevo a las urnas para realizar la segunda vuelta de las elecciones legislativas, donde lo más importante que está en juego es saber por fin si la extrema derecha alcanza o no la mayoría absoluta en la Asamblea Nacional.

teleSUR, MS (2024-07-05). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-07-05). Unesco advierte sobre deterioro acelerado de los océanos desde 2003. telesurtv.net La directora del ente, Audrey Azoulay, manifestó que factores como "temperatura, acidificación, nivel del mar: están sonando todas las alarmas".

teleSUR, JGN (2024-07-05). Comunidad internacional saluda victoria de Sheinbaum en México. telesurtv.net Xiomara Castro dijo que acordó con Sheinbaum "trabajar juntas por la unidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-07-05). EE.UU. anuncia que limita las solicitudes de asilo en la frontera. telesurtv.net Su entrada en vigor se producirá cuando el número de cruces en la frontera supere los 2.500 diarios durante una semana.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-07-05). Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-05). Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. telesurtv.net Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-07-05). Líder mapuche Héctor Llaitul inicia huelga de hambre en prisión. telesurtv.net A través de un comunicado, Llaitul exigió la nulidad del juicio y que los recursos presentados hace unas semanas sean revisados por la Corte Suprema.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-05). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. telesurtv.net El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-05). Eleva a 22 el número de muertos por inundaciones en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Las graves inundaciones han afectado casas que han sido arrasadas por las aguas del temporal, así como carreteras anegadas y árboles arrancados de raíz.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-07-05). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. telesurtv.net Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-05). Ataque ucraniano deja tres heridos en Bélgorod, Rusia. telesurtv.net Hace solo dos días esta región rusa registró otro ataque que cobró la vida del subjefe del municipio de Korochanski.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-07-05). Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-07-05). López Obrador asegura que continuará investigación del caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El presidente destacó que "bajo ninguna circunstancia se va a cerrar el caso".

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Recordarán al Mayor General José Maceo a 128 años de su caída en combate. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) El Aniversario 128 de la muerte del Mayor General José Marcelino Maceo Grajales, será recordado hoy en Santiago de Cuba y en la localidad de Loma del Gato, actual municipio de Songo La Maya, donde libró su último combate frente a fuerzas españolas.

María Candela (2024-07-05). Beryl y tierras aplanadas. radiohc.cu La temporada de huracanes llega a su punto culminante en septiembre, cuando golpean los más fuertes, pero con el paso del tiempo surgen peligrosas novedades, como la de Beryl, el de categoría 5 más rápido registrado en el Atlántico.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Comenzó el VIII Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 julio (RHC) El Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba inició en la mañana de este viernes su VIII Pleno, encabezado por su Primer Secretario y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, y conducido por el miembro del Buró Político y Secretario de Organización, Roberto Morales Ojeda.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Banco Metropolitano por mejorar la comunicación institucional. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) La versión de una nueva aplicación móvil y el relanzamiento de su sitio web permitirán en lo adelante al Banco Metropolitano (Banmet) brindar a sus clientes, y a toda la población habanera, valiosa y amplia información de sus productos y servicios, muchos de ellos sin necesidad de concurrir a las sucursales.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Cuba felicita a Venezuela por aniversario de su independencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 julio (RHC) El ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba felicitó, a través de su cuenta en X, al pueblo y gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, en el aniversario 213 de su independencia.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-07-05). Narendra Modi celebra su victoria en las elecciones generales. telesurtv.net Narendra Modi necesitará el apoyo de otros partidos para gobernar, algo inédito en sus anteriores mandatos.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-05). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. telesurtv.net Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-07-05). Militares franceses en Ucrania serán blanco legítimo para tropas rusas. telesurtv.net Canciller Lavrov se reúne con su homólogo congoleño en Oyo, tras comenzar este lunes una gira por África para reforzar los vínculos de Rusia en el continente.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Ejército israelí mató a otros cuatro palestinos en Cisjordania. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) El ejército israelí mató hoy a cuatro palestinos e hirió a varios durante una nueva incursión en la ciudad de Jenin, ubicada en el norte de la ocupada Cisjordania.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Belarús y Cuba reforzarán colaboración en la defensa. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) El ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba, àÅlvaro López, mantuvo una reunión en Minsk con el titular de Defensa de Belarús, Victor Jrenin, donde acordaron reforzar la cooperación militar, informó hoy la agencia de noticias BelTA.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Piden en Argentina fin de agresiones a Cuba. radiohc.cu Buenos Aires, 5 julio (RHC) El Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel y varios intelectuales y defensores de los derechos humanos en Argentina respaldaron hoy el reclamo internacional por la exclusión de Cuba de una lista estadounidense de supuestos patrocinadores del terrorismo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-07-05). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. telesurtv.net La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-07-05). Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. telesurtv.net El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-07-05). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. telesurtv.net La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Reanudan en Santiago de Cuba servicio regional de operaciones ortopédicas complejas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) Luego de tres años sin prestar el servicio de cirugías mayores electivas —a tenor de la situación epidemiológica ocasionada por la COVID-19 y el déficit de insumos y otros recursos materiales— desde finales de junio fueron reiniciadas estas y otras intervenciones en el Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Juan Bruno Zayas, para pacientes de las provincias orientales.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Reanudan en Santiago de Cuba servicio regional de operaciones ortopédicas complejas. radiohc.cu Santiago de Cuba, 5 julio (RHC) Luego de tres años sin prestar el servicio de cirugías mayores electivas —a tenor de la situación epidemiológica ocasionada por la COVID-19 y el déficit de insumos y otros recursos materiales— desde finales de junio fueron reiniciadas estas y otras intervenciones en el Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Juan Bruno Zayas, para pacientes de las provincias orientales.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-05). Impulsan obras en instituciones de la Salud en Sancti Spíritus. radiohc.cu Sancti Spírits, 5 julio (RHC) Dos de las más importantes instituciones sanitarias de Sancti Spíritus, el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial José Martí Pérez y el Psiquiátrico Docente Provincial, ubicado en Cabaiguán, se benefician actualmente con significativas acciones impulsadas en el contexto de la celebración del acto nacional por el 26 de Julio en el territorio.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-05). Constata vicepresidente cubano desarrollo agrícola de Artemisa. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 jul (RHC) Salvador Valdés Mesa, miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Vicepresidente de Cuba, apreció el desarrollo agrícola de Artemisa durante un recorrido este jueves por áreas productivas y el intercambio con productores y autoridades del territorio.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-07-05). Irán inicia etapa de calificación de candidatos a elecciones. telesurtv.net Tras el proceso de investigación, el Ministerio del Interior anunciará los candidatos finales el 11 de junio, y los calificados tendrán 15 días, del 12 al 26 de junio, para llevar a cabo sus campañas electorales.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-05). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. telesurtv.net La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-07-05). Thailand: Arbitrary arrest and imminent risk of extradition of Vietnamese human rights defender Y Quynh Bdap. fidh.org

noemail (2024-07-05). CJI Chandrachud Urges Participation in Special Lok Adalat to Resolve Pending Supreme Court Cases. devdiscourse.com Chief Justice of India, D Y Chandrachud, on Friday, made a public appeal to citizens with pending cases before the Supreme Court to participate in a special Lok Adalat scheduled from July 29 to August 3. This initiative aims to resolve disputes amicably and expeditiously.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-07-05). Presidente de Siria recibe a canciller de Irán. telesurtv.net Ambos políticos debatieron sobre el estado de las relaciones bilaterales, así como el avance de la agresión de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-07-05). ONU condena más de 500 asesinatos de palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Más de 500 palestinos han muerto desde el 7 de octubre en actos de violencia en la ocupada Cisjordania vinculados al asedio del Ejército israelí de ocupación en Gaza.

Staff (2024-07-05). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" telesurtv.net El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

2024-07-05 23:50:44 | 23:50 EST | sr | 579 | 2 | 11 | 653 | 0