2024-06-25: News Headlines

Kyle Anzalone (2024-06-25). Israeli Officials Signal Coming War in Lebanon. news.antiwar.com Top Israeli officials have laid out plans to reduce military operations in Gaza to gear up for a war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. US military officials have warned that Tel Aviv's missile defense could be overwhelmed, and Iran may enter the war. Countries around the globe are instructing their citizens to avoid Lebanon. On Sunday, …

WSWS (2024-06-25). Washington rolls out the red carpet for war criminal Gallant, as US imperialism prepares to endorse Israel's war in Lebanon. wsws.org Far from being held accountable for his barbaric crimes, Gallant was welcomed in the cockpit of world imperialism with open arms by fellow war criminals drenched in the blood of Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Ukrainians and Russians.

Greg Stoker (2024-06-25). Israeli Military on the Brink: Intelligence Failures and Political Chaos. mintpressnews.com The State of Israel finds itself in an impossible military and political predicament. For decades, a cornerstone of Israeli defense has been the universal belief in its deterrence capacity—rooted in the strength and potency of its unconquerable military and the omniscience of its intelligence agencies. | The escalation of hostilities on October 7, marked by the largest intelligence failure in recent history, combined with a politically damaging campaign of violence in Gaza, has shattered this myth. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have failed to achieve any of their stated operational goals, leaving Israel v…

A a (2024-06-25). U.S. missiles massacre beachgoers in Crimea, as U.S. says Ukraine can strike "anywhere" in Russia. strategic-culture.su By Andre DAEMON | ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on , , and . | Contact us: | Four people were killed and 144 were injured Su…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Thousands of regional resistance fighters say ready to join Hezbollah in case of war with Israel. presstv.ir Anti-terrorism volunteer groups in West Asia voice their readiness to fight alongside the Hezbollah resistance movement in case of an Israeli war on Lebanon.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-06-25). Assange Is Free, But Justice Has Not Been Done. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Julian Assange is free. As of this writing he is en route to the Northern Mariana Islands, a remote US territory in the western Pacific, to finalize a plea deal with the US government which will see him sentenced to time served in Belmarsh …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh in Gaza. aljazeera.com Israeli forces kill 24 Palestinians in three attacks as Hamas blames Biden administration for war of 'extermination'.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Hezbollah's threat caught Cyprus off guard, what are the issues at stake? aljazeera.com Hezbollah has several concerns about Cyprus, analysts say, and can 'attack' it in more ways than one.

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Israel kills sister of Hamas leader in strike on shelter. middleeasteye.net Israel kills sister of Hamas leader in strike on shelter | Meanwhile, the US warned it would not be able to stop Israel from invading Lebanon | | Palestinians carry a casualty outside an Unrwa centre following an Israeli strike on 23 June 2024 (Reuters/Mahmoud Issa) | At least 21 Palestinians were k…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Haniyeh's sister among 40 killed in deadly morning of Israeli strikes. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Haniyeh's sister among 40 killed in deadly morning of Israeli strikes | Israeli fighter jets bomb schools and homes in starved and war-ravaged northern Gaza | | A woman mourns by one of the retrieved bodies of victims killed in overnight Israeli bombardment at the UN-run Asma school in…

Open Letter, Mondoweiss. (2024-06-25). International Olympic Committee Must Sanction Israel Over Its Genocidal War. popularresistance.org Like apartheid South Africa, Israel uses its participation in international sport as a tool for normalizing its systematic discrimination against Palestinians. In response, Palestinians are making the same calls for boycotts as black South Africans did. Palestinian civil society groups are urging us to isolate Israel and hold it accountable for breaches of international law and crimes against humanity. | The indiscriminate killing being conducted in Gaza, described by many as the first live-streamed genocide, is just the latest example of industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians by Israel's leaders. In January…

Hoda Osman (2024-06-25). Israel's War On Gaza Is the Deadliest Conflict On Record for Journalists. theintercept.com In partnership with ⚪ | This investigation, conducted by Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, is part of Salman Bashir had been covering Israel's war in Gaza on the ground for a month when his fellow journalist, Mohammed Abu Hatab, was killed. He threw his vest emblazoned with "PRESS" dow…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). US urges Israel's defence minister to avoid Lebanon escalation. scmp.com US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant met in Washington to discuss Middle East tensions.

newarab (2024-06-25). Israel bombs Gaza as US warns against wider regional war. newarab.com

WSWS (2024-06-25). Bernie Sanders stumps for Jamaal Bowman, defends Israel at sparsely attended Bronx rally with Ocasio-Cortez. wsws.org The tiny crowd for Saturday's rally is of objective significance. The "left" face of the Democratic Party stands exposed in the minds of millions as supporters of genocide and war.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-06-25). US Veterans Denounce Prolonged Militarization, Ongoing War In Korea. popularresistance.org Two members of Veterans for Peace participated in a recent delegation to South Korea to mark the anniversary of two young girls who were killed by a US tank during a military exercise. Clearing the FOG speaks with Ellen Barfield, a long time activist who was on delegation and who was serving in South Korea in 1980 when the massacre of students and leftists occurred in Gwangju, about the trip and the ongoing war in Korea. Barfield also discusses the RIMPAC military exercises that begin this week in the Pacific and the veteran-led Peace Walk that is headed to Washington, DC for the anti-NATO activities starting the…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). A massacre, an exodus from Darfur and years of rehab for Sudanese refugees. aljazeera.com

JTA (2024-06-25). Victims of October 7 attack against Israel sue UNRWA for allegedly laundering money for Hamas. haaretz.com Dozens of victims of the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7 are alleging in a lawsuit that UNRWA assisted Hamas by paying its operatives as employees and relaying Hamas propaganda through its schools…

Steven Sahiounie (2024-06-25). Israel and Hezbollah on the Brink of War. globalresearch.ca

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hezbollah Drones Strike Israeli Brigade Headquarters of 91st Division in Nahal Gershom Area. english.almanar.com.lb In solidarity with the people of occupied Palestine and the resistance in the Gaza Strip and amidst Zionist aggression on several villages in South Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon persistently targeted on Tuesday Israeli occupation soldiers and sites near the Lebanese-Palestinian borders. Hezbollah's Military Media released consecutive statements outlining the attacks and their outcomes: …

Nagham Zbeedat (2024-06-25). Fearing all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, Lebanese politicians, pundits and people speak out. haaretz.com As the hashtag #LebanonDoesNotWantAWar trends on social media, leading Lebanese politicians seek de-escalation, clerics denounce 'Zionist interference' and Lebanese citizens voice open criticism of Hezbollah…

Staff (2024-06-25). Fire breaks out in northern Israel following latest rocket barrage from Lebanon. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ U.S. urgently seeking diplomatic agreement between Israel and Hezbollah, Austin says ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hezbollah: All sensitive Israeli targets within range; Tel Aviv seeks to make up for losses. presstv.ir Hezbollah says waging war on Lebanon will not help the Israeli regime make up for its defeats.

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-06-25). Gallant to Blinken: 'Eyes of enemies' on U.S.-Israel relations, dispute must be solved quickly. haaretz.com Amid tensions between Netanyahu and Washington, the Israeli defense minister said the U.S. standing by Israel impacts the actions taken by Hezbollah and Iran. Politico reports that the U.S. warned Hezbollah through intermediaries not to assume that it could prevent Israel from attacking…

Staff (2024-06-25). Reports in Gaza: At least 13 killed in IDF strike in Gaza City, including Hamas Chief Haniyeh's sister. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ IDF announces that abducted Israeli soldier was killed on Oct. 7, his body held in Gaza ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). US warns Israel that conflict with Hezbollah could spark regional war. presstv.ir The US says it is urgently working towards a diplomatic agreement to prevent a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Rachel Fink (2024-06-25). Canada extends work visa deadline for Israelis due to rising tensions with Hezbollah. haaretz.com Canada initially opened a visa initiative for Israelis in February as of the Israel-Hamas war, and offered a three-year work permit with no restrictions on profession or education. The deadline was slated to close in June but has now been extended to the end of July 2025…

Amos Harel (2024-06-25). The Netanyahu doctrine has failed and is now endangering Israel's security. haaretz.com One miscalculation could tip Israel and Hezbollah into all-out war, with mass civilian casualties. While the United States has vowed it has Israel's back, it insists that it cannot guarantee an optimal outcome from Jerusalem's perspective…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Lebanon to sue UK's Telegraph for 'ridiculous' report against Hezbollah. presstv.ir Lebanon vows to sue British daily The Telegraph over a media report alleging Hezbollah is storing weapons at Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport.

Robert Inlakesh (2024-06-25). Media Claims of Hezbollah Weapons at Beirut Airport Echo Gaza Reports. mintpressnews.com On Sunday, The Telegraph published an article alleging that whistleblowers had informed them that Hezbollah was storing a range of missiles and explosives at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, Lebanon. The report attempted to link this claim to the catastrophic Beirut Port explosion in 2020. | However, the British media outlet has since retracted the original article and replaced it with another piece that covers Lebanese refutations of the allegations. | An article published by The Telegraph, claiming it had acquired knowledge from unnamed sources about the presence of Iranian-made weapons being s…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iraqi resistance to fight Israel 'at zero distance,' official warns. presstv.ir Iraqi official warns that the country's resistance fighters would engage the Israeli regime "at zero distance" if the latter waged a war against Lebanon.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). US interests will be targeted if Israel attacks Lebanon, warns Iraqi resistance. presstv.ir The secretary general of Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq resistance movement says the US interests in West Asia will be targeted in case Israel wages military aggression on Lebanon.

newarab (2024-06-25). How Israel wages psychological warfare on Lebanon. newarab.com As From

newarab (2024-06-25). US urges Israel's defense minister to avoid Lebanon escalation. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Lebanon's 'Soldiers of God' endorse Le Pen in French elections. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). As Gaza 'winds down', is Lebanon next in Israel's crosshairs. newarab.com On Sunday, Israeli The comments sparked fears that Lebanon could be next in Israel's crosshairs, with a build up of troops in the border region coinciding wit…

bwitanek (2024-06-25). Protected Speech Slate-of-80 Moves Forward — Two Dozen on Board Already — As NJ Senate Loads Ammunition into Weapons of War on NJ Citizens and Residents Via Repressive Legislation Mandating Loyalty to Israel's Genocide. fightbackbetter.com Editor's Update — Two dozen respondents have already expressed interest in joining the slate. This effort is entirely do-able! paccusa/…

Maureen Skehan, Workers' World. (2024-06-25). Boston: No Cops, No Corporations, No Pride In Genocide! popularresistance.org In the spirit of global solidarity with oppressed people's resistance, from Stonewall to Palestine, over 70 queer/trans, pro-Palestinian and pro-working class organizations in the greater Boston area united under the banner of "Liberate Boston Pride," demanding "No cops! No corporations! and "No Pride in Genocide!" (liberatebostonpride.wordpress.com/) | Endorsing organizations included Students for Justice in Palestine, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, ACT UP Boston, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Boston, Democratic Socialists of America Boston, the Dyke March,…

Reuters (2024-06-25). UNRWA sued by Israeli victims of October 7 Hamas attack. scmp.com UN Palestinian refugee agency sued by 101 plaintiffs in Manhattan court for 'aiding and abetting Hamas' genocide, crimes against humanity, and torture'.

english.palinfo.com (2024-06-24).   Hamas: Netanyahu's comments on 'partial agreement' show he rejects Biden proposal   The Hamas Movement has issued a statement describing recent remarks from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as showing that he only wants a "partial agreement after which the war would resume" and not the proposal the Biden administration "tried to market". ⚪ Netanyahu's positions are "a clear confirmation of his rejection of the recent Security Council resolution, and the proposals of US President Joe Biden," Hamas said in a statement.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hamas slams Biden administration for support of Israel's Gaza genocide. presstv.ir The Palestinian resistance movement said Washington continues to politically and militarily support Israel in its carnage in the besieged territory.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Turkey: Cyprus becoming 'operation center' for Israel's genocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Turkey has criticized the Greek Cypriot administration for allowing two British bases on the island to be used for US arms shipments to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). UK Muslims gravitate toward independent candidates. presstv.ir British Muslims have traditionally voted Labour; however the party's stance on the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza has cast doubt on that support in the upcoming general elections.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hamas: We hold Biden administration responsible for the ongoing genocide against our people in Gaza by giving the occupation political and military cover. english.almanar.com.lb

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Netahyahu dismisses ceasefire proposal, threatens to continue Gaza genocide. presstv.ir Benjamin Netanyahu says he won't agree to a ceasefire that ends the regime's offensive in Gaza.

Dan Lieberman (2024-06-25). Preventing the Genocide. dissidentvoice.org Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is "proposing changes that are not workable." without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing …

newarab (2024-06-25). 2,000 medical evacuations prevented by Gaza's Rafah closure: WHO. newarab.com The closure of the Before the closure, "approximately 50 critical patients a day left Gaza … It means that since the 7th of May at least 2,000 people have been unable to leave Gaza to receive medical care,…

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). As Israel Fails With Brute Force, New Plan To Kill Hamas War Leaders? Main Weapon Man Dead, Says IDF. hindustantimes.com The Israeli Army, on June 24, claimed to have killed a senior Hamas weapons expert. The slain Muhammad Salah was an operative in Hamas' weapons manufacturing headquarters. Salah was reportedly eliminated by an Israeli Air Force aircraft on IDF intel. Separately, IDF added that troops continue to operate in Rafah and Central Gaza. Watch for more.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Al-Quds Brigades: Our fighters bombarded IOF gatherings in Rafah with mortar shells. english.almanar.com.lb

Alaa Madi (2024-06-25). Cancer and dialysis patients at great risk after Rafah invasion. electronicintifada.net There are no functioning hospitals left in Rafah and hundreds of thousands of people have no access to medical services.

The Lead Up To and Triumph of Liberating Julian Assange

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The Independent (2024-06-25). ICC hires British lawyer to represent LRA commander Joseph Kony. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The International Criminal Court (ICC) has appointed Peter Haynes, a British national as the counsel to represent the rights and interests of Joseph Kony, the fugitive rebel commander of the notorious Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Haynes, a renowned international criminal and humanitarian lawyer was appointed by the ICC Registry …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian army chief, former defence minister. aljazeera.com Court accuses them of war crimes and crimes against humanity for directing attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine.

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Russian army chief, ex-defence minister face ICC arrest warrants. geo.tv Former Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov attend a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia February 27, 2022. — Reuters | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange looks out a plane window as he approaches Bangkok airport for layover on June 25, 2024. — Reuters via X/@wikileaksJulian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has agreed to plead guilty on Wednesday to a single charge of violating United States espionage…

Alan Macleod (2024-06-25). Maduro vs. US Election Interference: A Battle for Venezuela's Future. mintpressnews.com With upcoming elections scheduled for July 28, the United States is working overtime to dislodge the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro. Ten individuals are vying for the position, including nine in opposition to Maduro, who heads a coalition of 13 leftist groups. | Washington, though, has made clear that its preferred candidate is 74-year-old retired diplomat Edmundo González, and is spending big, bankrolling a myriad of opposition organizations, from political parties to NGOs and media outlets, all with the same goal in mind: ousting Maduro and returning Venezuela into the U.S. sphere of influence. | The U.

Kim Petersen (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Released from Prison: What Does it Mean? dissidentvoice.org The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, will at long last taste freedom again. He should never have been imprisoned. Nevertheless, the release is conditional on his accepting to plead guilty to espionage in the United States — in the far-flung US territory of Saipan. There he is to be sentenced to 62 months of time already …

Greg Godels (2024-06-25). Lessons of the European Elections. dissidentvoice.org The recent European Parliament elections shocked the mainstream European parties and their international friends and allies. The 720-member European legislature has largely been the handmaiden for the technocrats in Brussels, who craft the economic and social direction of the European Union. Since its inception, the EU has presented a stable, reliable face of capitalist rule …

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2024-06-25). Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won't Hear from Trump or Biden. dissidentvoice.org No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire …

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-25). DINA: Pinochet's Directorate for Murder and Torture. dissidentvoice.org There are three sources of power in Chile: Pinochet, God and DINA. — Chilean intelligence officer, remarks to a US military attaché, 1974 Decree 521 of the Chilean government of June 18, 1974, was a chilling moment in the country's convulsed history. With the state now in the pathologically disturbed hands of a military dictatorship …

Tasneem Elholy (2024-06-25). The gradual turn to despair. electronicintifada.net Dentist graduate details her journey as one displacement after another takes a toll.

susan abulhawa (2024-06-25). Gaza is changing all of us. electronicintifada.net We are altered by a holocaust in real time.

Rifqa Hijazi (2024-06-25). Pain upon pain upon pain. electronicintifada.net It's not over. The sadness, death and longing. They didn't end.

Michael F. Brown (2024-06-25). The anti-Palestinian canards of Congressman Chip Roy. electronicintifada.net Democratic Party splits on sanctioning ICC officials over Israeli war crimes.

Rifqa Hijazi (2024-06-25). Pain upon pain upon pain. electronicintifada.net It's not over. The sadness, death, and longing. They didn't end. #eiGazaDispatches…

David Cronin (2024-06-25). Smear campaign against French left smacks of desperation. electronicintifada.net Palestinian lives don't matter for top pro-Israel group in Paris.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2024-06-25). Bombing and starving Gaza can't reverse Israel's strategic failure. electronicintifada.net Hamas isn't going anywhere amid looming full confrontation with Hizballah.

newarab (2024-06-25). Experts say Gaza at 'high risk' of famine despite aid influx. newarab.com Despite an The report by the leading international authority on the severity of hunger crises said nearly everyon…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Famine threat persists as half a million starving, monitor finds. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Famine threat persists as half a million starving, monitor finds | UN-backed report says hundreds of thousands of people people go entire days and nights without eating as Israel tightens siege
| | Palestinian four-year-old with cerebral palsy who also suffers from malnutrition res…

infobrics (2024-06-25). Russia's enemies keep trying to spread terror among civilians. infobrics.org Terrorist groups and foreign intelligence agencies want to resume the terror attacks that affected Russia during the 1990s and 2000s.

infobrics (2024-06-25). Forging a Unified Path in Space: BRICS Space Agencies Convene in Moscow. infobrics.org The Russian delegation proposed the establishment of a BRICS Space Council, which garnered significant interest from the participating countries…

infobrics (2024-06-25). BRICS Countries Launch Joint Tourism Roadmap at Moscow Forum. infobrics.org New strategy includes increased mobility between the nine countries…

infobrics (2024-06-25). France loses its power on the world stage. infobrics.org Current developments are reducing the reputation of a great nation Foreign policy failures and domestic problems are changing France's status on the world stage.

infobrics (2024-06-25). Former PM Azarov says Ukraine has no opposition: 'They are in prison or abroad'. infobrics.org Kiev will be forced to accept any agreement between Moscow and Washington…

infobrics (2024-06-25). Turkish Foreign Minister Reaffirms Ankara's Desire to Become Part of Brics Bloc. infobrics.org China is ready to strengthen strategic alignment with Turkey to counter "power politics" on the international stage, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan…

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). Explained: What is Israel's 'submarine affair' and could it sink Netanyahu? haaretz.com What do the cautionary letters issued Monday by national commission of inquiry into the so-called submarine affair mean and will they lead to a criminal investigation?

Staff (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel 'committed' to Gaza ceasefire proposal. muslimmirror.com Jerusalem : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said on Monday during a special plenum session …

UMMID (2024-06-25). Indigenous People of Palestine and its Real Owners. ummid.com Jews have no right over the land of Palestine. The reason behind it is that this land was given to the Israelites; when they, under the guidance of Allah's Prophets (Peace be upon them!), raised the flag of the Oneness of Allah and remained steadfast on Oneness. When they deviated then their disgrace and humiliation started.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). At least 41 people martyred in Israeli strikes on Gaza City since dawn on Tuesday. english.almanar.com.lb

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). In blow to Netanyahu's government, Israel's top court rules state must draft ultra-Orthodox into IDF. haaretz.com The unanimous ruling by nine High Court justices comes after years of legal and political wrangling, and is set to send shockwaves across Netanyahu's coalition. After the ruling, Israel's attorney general ordered the defense establishment to immediately recruit 3000 ultra-Orthodox men to the IDF…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israel's Supreme Court orders conscription for ultra-Orthodox men. aljazeera.com The ruling risks the further destabilisation of Israel's government, with key religiously conservative parties opposed.

Josh Breiner (2024-06-25). Police chief: Discourse on Israel Police crossed a red line, we are not a militia. haaretz.com Kobi Shabtai, who ends his stint next month, says 'the police do not seek confrontation' and promises that cases of excessive force will be investigated. Brother of hostage held in Gaza: 'When your flagship tool is a water cannon, violence will result'…

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Agresiones israelíes contra el Líbano ocasionan daños materiales. radiohc.cu Beirut, 25 junio (RHC) El ejército israelí perpetró nuevos ataques contra las localidades en el sur del Líbano, ocasionando pérdidas en las viviendas, propiedades e infraestructura.

_____ (2024-06-25). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Lubna Masarwa (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Hunger 'worse than bombings' for starving Palestinians. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Hunger 'worse than bombings' for starving Palestinians | Food is scarce, spoilt and often non-existent in besieged enclave, leaving people dizzy and weak | | Jana Ayad, a malnourished Palestinian girl, rests on a bed as she receives treatment at the International Medical Cor…

newarab (2024-06-25). Protest at US synagogue event 'mischaracterised' as antisemitic. newarab.com A pro-Palestinian demonstration outside a synagogue in Los Angeles was "wrongly characterised" by media outlets and some political figures, including Many activist groups also contested the portrayals, stating that the protest did not interfere with any Jewish services and that Adas Torah synagogue was being used for a controversial event which was selling real estate in Israel as well as the occupied West Bank. | In a statement sent to The New Ar…

Steven Ganot (2024-06-25). Israeli High Court Orders Ultra-Orthodox Conscription, Threatening Netanyahu's Coalition. themedialine.org

Michael Hauser Tov (2024-06-25). PM's wife, Sara Netanyahu, tells hostage families army chiefs want to stage a coup against her husband. haaretz.com In a small meeting with a handful of hostage families, the prime minister's wife repeatedly stated that she doesn't trust army leaders. 'The plague of false, tendentious and constant leaks about Mrs. Netanyahu constitutes a heinous injustice,' said a spokesman on her behalf…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Report on Israeli targeting of journalists adds to scrutiny of women's foundation. middleeasteye.net Report on Israeli targeting of journalists adds to scrutiny of women's foundation | Investigation finds that Israel treats some reporters as 'legitimate targets' in Gaza, days after prize rescinded from MEE contributor over false allegations | | Al Jazeera's bureau chief in Gaza, Wael Al-Dahdouh, at…

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (2024-06-25). BlackRock — No Compromise with Evil. Allied to Israel's Weapons Industry. globalresearch.ca

aljazeera (2024-06-25). What have Palestine activists in Germany been facing? aljazeera.com We look at the violence and intimidation that face those in Germany calling for an end to Israel's war on Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Protesters clash in Brooklyn as Israeli firm hosts event to sell stolen Palestinian land. presstv.ir New York's Jewish community has been hosting events annually to auction off land in Israel and in West Bank settlements.

_____ (2024-06-25). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

(2024-06-25). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Tia Goldenberg, Samy Magdy (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says he won't agree to a deal that ends the war in Gaza, testing the latest truce proposal. whyy.org The viability of a U.S.-backed proposal to wind down the In an interview broadcast late Sunday on Israeli Channel 14, a conservative, pro-Netanyahu station, the Israeli leader said he was "prepared to make a partial deal — this is no secret — that will return to us some of the peopl…

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). Israeli top court justices resume prison visits, but won't see those holding Palestinians. haaretz.com Supreme Court justices are authorized to conduct both random and prearranged visits of all prisons in order to assess inmates holding conditions. No such tours of facilities where Palestinian inmates are kept were made since Gaza war started…

Staff (2024-06-25). Headlines for June 25, 2024. democracynow.org Julian Assange Secures Freedom After Reaching Plea Deal with U.S., Leaving U.K. Prison, "A Nightmare from Which They Cannot Wake": UNRWA Head on Gaza's Catastrophic Reality, Gaza Health Workers Call on International Community to Protect Palestinian Medical Sector, Israel's Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Serve in Military, Russian Strike Kills 5 in Eastern Ukraine's Pokrovsk, as Moscow Vows Retaliation for Crimea Attack, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Call for National Strike Against Tax Plan, Kenya Prepares to Deploy 400 Troops to Haiti, Protests Revived in New…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Israel escalating abduction of Palestinian children: Rights group. presstv.ir The Palestinian Prisoners Society said at least seven children, including two brothers, had been kidnapped in the previous 24 hours.

Ido Rakovsky (2024-06-25). Goalkeepers and peacekeepers: Israeli Kibbutzniks, Bedouin and evacuees unite for soccer. haaretz.com To maintain tradition and sanity, residents of Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek, the village of Ka'abiyye and evacuees from Nahal Oz united for a soccer tournament. Everyone was a winner…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Israeli forces abduct 60 Palestinians in West Bank amid prison overcrowding. presstv.ir Israeli forces have abducted dozens of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, despite the fact that the military had to halt around 20 arrests of activists in the area due to its already overcrowded prisons.

Josh Breiner (2024-06-25). Police chief: Discourse on Israel Police crossed a red line, police are not a militia. haaretz.com Kobi Shabtai, who ends his stint next month, says 'the police do not seek confrontation' and promises that cases of excessive force will be investigated. Brother of hostage held in Gaza: 'When your flagship tool is a water cannon, violence will result'…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Israeli high court rules ultra-Orthodox men must serve in the military. middleeasteye.net Israeli high court rules ultra-Orthodox men must serve in the military | Ruling is a major blow to Netanyahu's coalition, which includes two Haredi parties that oppose conscription | | An Israeli mounted policeman scatters ultra-Orthodox Jewish men at a protest after Israel's Supreme Court convened…

Adi Hashmonai (2024-06-25). Jews and Arabs were good neighbors in this Israeli city. Then settlers showed up with guns. haaretz.com The Arab community in the city of Beit She'an is mostly made up of families who cooperated with Israeli security forces. Violent right-wing extremists have decided they cannot stay there…

Lawrence Davidson, Consortium News. (2024-06-25). 'Faith In Dialogue' Won't Stop Zionist Violence. popularresistance.org In the early 2000s, I was a member of a group called Academics for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. The group went often to the Middle East, visiting most of the countries of that region. | We repeatedly traveled to Israel and the Palestinian Territories. We interviewed both leaders and ordinary folks. When we would return to the U.S., I would seek out venues to report on our findings — which could be critical of Israel. | I spoke at academic institutions, civic organizations, and to religious groups. However there were always two groups which kept me away from their members: | Most synagogues — It was easy…

newarab (2024-06-25). Netanyahu 'Gaza war end' comments attacked by far-right Ben-Gvir. newarab.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under fire from the political left and right after hinting at the On Sunday evening, the premier said the "intense stage" of the Gaza assault

Associated Press (2024-06-25). Israel's top court rules army must draft ultra-Orthodox men, risking Netanyahu's coalition. scmp.com Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government relies on two ultra-Orthodox parties, and if the military exemptions are ended, they could leave the alliance.

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Gaza onslaught blocks exams, crushes Palestinian students' dreams. presstv.ir The Israeli onslaught on Gaza dashes hopes of Palestinian students who want to pursue higher education.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hamas chief's sister among dozens killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. presstv.ir Israeli warplanes conduct fresh air raids on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 27 Palestinians, including Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sister.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel "committed" to Gaza ceasefire proposal. independent.co.ug JERUSALEM, Israel | Xinhua| Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said during a special plenum …

newarab (2024-06-25). Mountains of waste 'ticking timebomb' as disease spreads in Gaza. newarab.com Israel's eight-month This situation has seen a proliferation of

newarab (2024-06-25). South Korea NGO files case against Israel for Gaza war crimes. newarab.com A lawsuit has been filed in The complaint was lodged with the South Korean Police Investigation Agency by the NGO People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) against Netanyahu as well as Israeli President Isaac Herzog, Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Defence Minister Yoav…

Eric Brooks (2024-06-25). Why elections? Nuts and bolts of how movements change laws. cpusa.org Some left and progressive people today are understandably too disgusted with the Biden administration's support for Israel as it carries out its genocidal campaign in Palestine to even consider joining mobilizations to the polls in November to prevent a MAGA—Trump victory. While anger with both major parties leading to disaffection with voting is not a new phenomenon, the question has become sharper in the context of mass struggles for justice in Palestine, and this is reflected in debates taking place within the party. Some party members are searching for various theories that could show how a boycott o…

Zvi Bar'el (2024-06-25). Power struggles within Palestinian Authority play right into Israel's plans of weakening it. haaretz.com A Palestinian initiative to revitalize the PLO was harshly criticized by the Palestinian Authority. These internal struggles play into Israel's plans of controlling the Gaza Strip, tightening its grip on the West bank, and bringing about the collapse of the only representative body of the Palestinians…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). India providing arms to Israel for Kargil help, says ex-ambassador. geo.tv An Israeli soldier looks out from a tank as an artillery unit gathers on October 12, 2023. — Reuters

Democracy Now! (2024-06-25). Democracy Now! 2024-06-25 Tuesday. democracynow.org Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Julian Assange's Release, But Warn of Impact of Plea Deal; Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters; NYC Congestion Pricing: Advocates Slam NY Gov for Halting Plan to Reduce Emissions, Fund Mass Transit | Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Juli…

Noa Shpigel (2024-06-25). Israel's top court 'wants to force religious war': Haredi MKs blast dramatic ruling on ultra-Orthodox draft. haaretz.com The High Court's unanimous ruling requiring the state to draft Haredim elicited strong reactions across the political spectrum, with one politician saying, 'There is no force in the world that can sever the people of Israel from Torah study' as others called the court a 'dictatorial body that has wrested power from the elected government'…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hamas calls on the int'l community and the UN to assume responsibilities towards the horrible crimes taking place in Gaza and to act to protect innocent civilians and hold the terrorist Israeli occupation accountable. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-06-25). Leanne Mohamad: East London's rising political star. newarab.com It has been a jam-packed few months for 23-year-old British Palestinian human rights activist, Leanne Mohamad. | In addition to tirelessly speaking up about Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza at On July 4 2024, she will run as Ilford North's independent parliamentary candidate. | "Our current government and MP's refusal to…

newarab (2024-06-25). Overcrowded jails force Israel to 'halt arrests' of Palestinians. newarab.com The Israeli army was due to make 20 arrests of Palestinians in the coming week but was forced to cancel due to a lack of

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Over 17,000 Palestinian children orphaned by war as 21,000 kids missing. presstv.ir The Government Media Office in Gaza says more than 17,000 children have been orphaned since the beginning of Israel's genocidal war on the Palestinian territory more than eight months ago.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iran urges D-8 dynamic role to promote multilateralism. presstv.ir Ali Bagheri Kani says the D-8 should promote constructive interaction among independent bodies based on multilateralism.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Gaza war: Israeli air strikes kill 24 Palestinians, including relatives of Hamas chief. scmp.com Ismail Haniyeh, the public face of the Hamas group that has been running Gaza, has lost many relatives in Israeli air strikes since October 7, including three sons.

newarab (2024-06-25). Israel's government advances bill to ban Al Jazeera permanently. newarab.com Israel has moved a step closer to making a The temporary measure, currently in place, allows Israel to suspend broadcasts of

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israeli air strikes kill dozens of Palestinian civilians across Gaza. aljazeera.com Victims include 10 relatives of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who were killed in the Shati refugee camp.

Yossi Verter (2024-06-25). Netanyahu's submarine warning letter is another chapter of failure for Israel's biggest bungler. haaretz.com The cautionary letter issued against the prime minister precisely describes the prologue to the failure of October 7 – and the ensuing failure from that moment on…

latintimes (2024-06-25). Israel Bombs Gaza As US Warns Against Wider War. latintimes.com Israeli forces launched more deadly strikes, with 13 people killed across two schools and a home hit in Gaza City, according to the Hamas-run territory's civil defence agency.

Hoda Osman (2024-06-25). The Day Israeli Tanks Fired Directly at AFP's Gaza Bureau. theintercept.com Israel denied the attack, but a four-month investigation shows the office came under direct tank fire. israel gaza AFP office tanks

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Pro-Palestine protesters march in Ghent, call for sanctions on Israel. presstv.ir A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Ghent, Belgium, attracted a significant turnout of over a thousand participants on Saturday, advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza and urging for sanctions against Israel.

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). In blow to Netanyahu's government, Israel's top court rules state must draft ultra-Orthodox into IDF. haaretz.com The unanimous ruling comes after years of legal and political wrangling, and is set to send shockwaves across Netanyahu's ruling coalition…

newarab (2024-06-25). Morocco: activists protest Israeli warship 'docking' in Tangier. newarab.com In Morocco, pro-Palestine activists are set to take to the streets in protest of the alleged docking of an Israeli ship in Tangier port amid Tel Aviv's "The new Israeli Navy landing ship INS Komemiyut docked at the port of Tangier, Morocco, for supplies while sailing from the United States to Israel," In early June, Israel's INS Komemiyut made a…

(2024-06-25). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

newarab (2024-06-25). Progressives fear a Bowman loss in NY could empower big money. newarab.com On the eve of the New York Democratic primary race, progressives are expressing concern that if Representative These concerns come as Bowman trails his opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, in recent polls by around 17 points, following months of heavy spending by right-leaning political action committees. | "This election is not about Jamaal versus Mr. Latimer. This election i…

newarab (2024-06-25). Libya delays reopening Ras Jedir border crossing with Tunisia. newarab.com "Armed groups from the city of Zuwara closed the main road leading to the Ras Jedir border crossing with Tunisia, causing…

newarab (2024-06-25). Keir Starmer has lost the British Arab voter. He doesn't care. newarab.com As Keir Starmer's Labour Party readies itself to form a new government on July 5, there are many lingering uncertainties and blurred lines. Are the party's plans ambitious enough to meet the nation's needs? Will Starmer make a stand or continue to flip-flop between policies? Is the forthcoming election victory merely a castle made of sand? | One element however is crystal clear: Labour has irrevocably lost the support of the 500,000-strong Recent polling b…

newarab (2024-06-25). WikiLeaks says Julian Assange is 'free' after US plea deal. newarab.com "Julian Assange is free," WikiLeaks wrote on X of its founder, who had been detained in Britain for five years as he fought extraditi…

newarab (2024-06-25). 10 children per day losing one or two legs in Gaza: UNRWA. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Iran's presidential election dominated by Khamenei loyalists. newarab.com Iranians choose a president on Friday in a tightly controlled election following With Iran's supreme leader now 85, it is likely that the next president will be closely involved in the eventual process of choosing a successor to Khamenei, who has ensu…

newarab (2024-06-25). Here's why I can't sympathise with Asma al-Assad's cancer stunts. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran soon. newarab.com Moscow expects to sign a new agreement on comprehensive "We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion. All the necessary wording has been found," RIA cited Rudenko as saying. | Earlier in June, Russia's foreign ministry said that work on the agreement was temporarily suspend…

newarab (2024-06-25). Flick Drummond: Conservative Friend of Palestine running for MP. newarab.com She is standing in the Winchester constituency in southern England, having been MP for the now-defunct seat of Meon Valley, since 2019, and nearby Portsmouth South between 2015 and 2017. | Drummond co-founded

newarab (2024-06-25). US sanctions 'shadow banking network' supporting Iran's military. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Kuwaiti ex-MP jailed for criticising dissolution of parliament. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Brazilian police deport alleged Palestinian member of Hamas. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). More than 20,000 Palestinian children missing or dead in Gaza. newarab.com Some 21,000 Save the Children estimates that 17,000

newarab (2024-06-25). Saudi futuristic 'mega cities' could get quiet downgrade: report. newarab.com Saudi Arabia's An anonymous government-linked source told the BBC that some projects in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030 plan, designed to wean the kingdom off its reliance on oil and gas revenues, could be delayed or scaled down due to a less optimistic forecast…

newarab (2024-06-25). Dozens of Kurdish migrants drown in capsized yacht near Italy. newarab.com Nearly 30 people, including women and children from The Italian Coast G…

newarab (2024-06-25). Egypt needs $1.18 billion in fuel imports to end power cuts: PM. newarab.com It hopes the shipments will arrive in full around the third week of July, by which point the government aims to stop cutting power during the remaining summer months, he added. | It has already st…

newarab (2024-06-25). Hamas refutes reports of political bureau relocating to Iraq. newarab.com As negotiations for a potential ceasefire in In a statement on his Telegram account, Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the Hamas political bureau, dismissed claims from Sky News Arabia, which ref…

newarab (2024-06-25). Czech Republic to lead mission to Syria to study refugee return. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). US blacklists Brunei, Sudan on human trafficking. newarab.com The In an annual report, the

newarab (2024-06-25). US couple 'walked for hours' before dying in Hajj heat. newarab.com A Maryland couple, originally from Alhaji Alieu Dausy Wurie, 71, and Haja Isatu Wurie, 65, had been missing for days after they lost contact with their daughter after pay…

newarab (2024-06-25). Egypt's PM vows to end blackouts, apologises to Egyptians. newarab.com Egypt's Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly During an afternoon press conference

newarab (2024-06-25). 'Break down of civil order' impeding aid delivery in Gaza: UNRWA. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). UN alarmed by Gaza war's toll on children, 'catastrophic' hunger. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Celebrations erupt in Afghan cities after World Cup heroics. newarab.com Rare celebrations erupted in multiple Afghan cities on Tuesday after the national cricket team reached the World Cup semi-finals for the first time with a nail-biting T20 win over Bangladesh. | Thousands gathered in the capital Kabul and in Khost, Jalalabad and other cities to celebrate the fairytale win, which also eliminated the formidable Australians from the competition. | Fans chanted praise for their "heroes", set off fireworks and danced in the streets. Some shed tears of joy. | "I am lost for words," Hassan Khan Niazai told AFP in Kabul while celebrating the landmark achievement. | "It is a special and…

newarab (2024-06-25). Biden 'disturbed' by alleged attack on US-Palestinian child. newarab.com The woman has been charged with capital murder, court records show, following the May The 42-y…

newarab (2024-06-25). Julian Assange: The leaks that shook the Middle East. newarab.com Reports of a deal set to free Assange, 52, agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents, according to filings in the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Is…

newarab (2024-06-25). Captain Nacho to leave Real Madrid for reported Saudi move. newarab.com Club captain Nacho Fernandez will leave The 34-year-old centre-back spent 23 years with the club – 12 of them in the first team squad – lifting the European crown six times, La Liga on four occasions and the Copa del Rey twice. | According to Spanish media, Nacho has signed a two-year deal with Al-Qadsiah, who were rec…

newarab (2024-06-25). Fourth Iranian presidential debate sees foreign policy discussed. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Afghanistan braced for 'massive' T20 World Cup semi-final. newarab.com It is an intriguing encounter which will produce a first-time finalist to take on either 2007 winners India or defending champions England who meet in the second semi-final at Guyana's Providence Stadium on Thursday. | Celebr…

newarab (2024-06-25). Jordan police detonate explosives hidden in Amman warehouse. newarab.com Jordanian security forces said they uncovered and detonated explosives hidden in a commercial warehouse in an industrial area southeast of the capital Amman on Monday that security sources say were part of an Iran-linked plot to Witnesses earlier said security forces had sealed the Abu Alanda area in a wide scale security operation two days after authorities announced they had detonated explosives uncovered in another location in the capital. The authorities said the explosives found on Monday were hidde…

newarab (2024-06-25). Netanyahu wants Biden out and Trump back in power. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Egypt's evolving diplomatic approach to Sudan's war. newarab.com Since *Ahmed entered Egypt illegally last summer through a now well-developed Driven by relentless shelling near his home in Omdurman and th…

newarab (2024-06-25). EU adopts sanctions against six over Sudan civil war. newarab.com EU countries adopted The listings include a general commanding the RSF in

newarab (2024-06-25). How Cairo's Palestine Hospital keeps Palestine's heritage alive. newarab.com Amid the bustling heart of Cairo, Rafeeq Taweel steps into a robust tall building that contrasts with This building is a hospital, one of the many in the Egyptian capital and home to some of the region's most prestigious medical centres. | The Palestinian nurse, however, feels a unique welcoming breeze as he enters these premises. | Nino Pagliccia (2024-06-25). We Remember the Battle of Carabobo Not Because We Worship War but Because We Worship Freedom From Colonisation and Exploitation. orinocotribune.com By Nino Pagliccia — Jun 24, 2024 | Every June 24 Venezuelans honor the memory of the Battle of Carabobo in 1821. This year the historic date marks the 203rd anniversary. | The Battle of Carabobo sealed our independence and our identity as a nation when Simón Bolívar, at the head of the rebel army, defeated the royalist (Spanish) troops under the command of Field Marshal Miguel De la Torre. | Having liberated Nueva Granada with the extraordinary Battle of Boyacá on August 7, 1819, Bolívar then set out to liberate his native land so it could be integrated in what Bolívar envisioned as the Gran Colombia. This g…

Staff (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Released From UK Prison, Returning Home — WikiLeaks. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2024-06-25). Venezuela Celebrates 203th Anniversary of Battle of Carabobo: 'No One Will Bring Gringos to Run our Military'. orinocotribune.com Caracas (OrinocoTribune.com)—In the early hours of Monday, June 24, events commemorating the 203rd anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo and Army Day began all over Venezuela. | By raising the Venezuelan flag at the National Pantheon in Caracas, Venezuelan authorities paid respect to the father of the nation, Liberator Simón Bolívar. | The ceremony was led by Venezuelan Minister of Interior Remigio Ceballos, who received the national flag that he then presented to Venezuelan Military Academy cadets. Later, the pavilion was moved through the courtyard to raise the main flagpole. | Also present at the event w…

Staff (2024-06-25). Venezuela's Defense Minister: Army Prepared to Fight New Foreign Threats. orinocotribune.com This Monday, Venezuelan Minister for Defense Vladimir Padrino said that the Bolivarian Army has demonstrated in different circumstances that it is prepared to combat new threats from foreign powers. | Through a statement regarding the 203rd anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo, Minister Padrino stated that "in the wild savanna of Carabobo, the strident targets and the intense tremor of cavalry still resonate," reported Venezuelan state news channel VTV. | "You can still feel the indomitable force of that group of soldiers led by General in Chief Simón Bolívar, who, from the top of Buena Vista Hill, suspiciously…

Defending Rights, Dissent. (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Free, But Government Still Abused The Espionage Act. popularresistance.org Defending Rights & Dissent welcomes the news that Julian Assange will go free for the first time in over a decade. For over five years, Assange has been confined to Belmarsh Prison in London, as he contested his extradition to the US. Prior to that, Assange spent seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy under what a United Nations Work Group deemed to be arbitrary detention. | On Monday, it was announced that Assange had filed a guilty plea in the US District of Northern Mariana Islands. Assange, who faced 17 counts under the Espionage Act and one count of conspiracy to violate the Computer Fraud And Abuse Act,…

Chris Townsend, MLToday. (2024-06-25). The Biggest Organizing Wave You Never Heard Of. popularresistance.org Nobody would pick the U.S. state of Virginia to be a trade union organizing hotspot. But that's what increasingly is happening, despite the fact that many of the unions and certainly the national AFL-CIO are oblivious to it. Richmond the state capital was once the capital of the Confederacy, and Virginia is in many ways the ideological and historical home of U.S. segregationist and anti-union bigotry. | Virginia is seeing a significant and remarkable expansion of its small but wily labor movement. In a labor movement urgently in need of new union organizing experimentation it would certainly be of value to consid…

Lewis Raven Wallace, Truthout. (2024-06-25). Queer Activists Are Making BDS A Key Question Of Pride This Year. popularresistance.org Every June, as rainbow boas and blue and pink banners unfurl, and jello shots and plastic cups of light beer tumble onto the streets, borne by tens of thousands of happy gays, a cultural battle ensues. Pride season is here, and everyone is pissed. | On one side of the battle, you have the corporate gays, the nonprofit-industrial complex of LGBTQ organizations, the glitzy and boozy Pride parades and parties, and the representation of gay and trans identity as a fully assimilated, capitalism-compatible lifestyle. | On the other, you have all of us who recognize that Pride emerged from a legacy of anti-police uprisi…

Eric Zuesse, The Greanville Post. (2024-06-25). Russia States The Conditions Under Which It Will Invade NATO. popularresistance.org On June 20th, the Russian Government's RT News issued an English-language translation, titled "Russia fears a NATO attack. Here's why.", of a June 19th Russian-language article by Professor Igor Istomin, who is the acting head of the Department of Applied Analysis of International Problems, at MGIMO University, which is a part of Russia's Foreign Ministry. This article would not be so published if it did not express accurately the views and policies of Russia's Government. | It stated that there are three things which would spark a Russian response to eliminate "the notorious 'decision centers'" within NATO.

Eve Andrews, Ambrook. (2024-06-25). Around The Mountain Valley Pipeline, Farmers Losing Access To Clean Water. popularresistance.org There are some who say the water of Monroe County, West Virginia, is the purest and best-tasting in the world — or at least it was in the 1990s. The springs on Peters Mountain, which straddles the border with Virginia, won first prize at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting four times in that decade, beating out — as farmer Maury Johnson will tell you — the renowned municipal water of New York City. | Johnson's family has owned over 200 acres of farmland in Monroe County for 130 years, in the verdant Hans Creek Valley. Coming around the bend of a two-lane road into the valley, you be…

Lisa Song, ProPublica. (2024-06-25). Selling A Mirage. popularresistance.org Last year, I became obsessed with a plastic cup. | It was a small container that held diced fruit, the type thrown into lunch boxes. And it was the first product I'd seen born of what's being touted as a cure for a crisis. | Plastic doesn't break down in nature. If you turned all of what's been made into cling wrap, it would cover every inch of the globe. It's piling up, leaching into our water and poisoning our bodies. | Scientists say the key to fixing this is to make less of it; the world churns out 430 million metric tons each year. | But businesses that rely on plastic production, like fossil fuel and chemic…

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Houthi Chief Roars At Biden After 'Forcing' U.S. Carrier To Leave Red Sea: 'Tyrant Of…' | Gaza. hindustantimes.com The Chief of Yemen's Houthi rebels launched a blistering attack on the United States. Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi accused the U.S. of trying to impose its authority over Muslims. The Houthi leader described Washington as "the arrogant tyrant of this era". Watch for more.

Staff (2024-06-25). Statement by Muslim Abuumar on his Deportation from Brazil due to US & Zionist Interference. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network reiterates our strongest solidarity with Muslim Abuumar, the Palestinian scholar who was deported from Brazil with his family despite holding a valid visa to visit his brother, who has lived in Brazil for many years. This case is particularly concerning because it involves the interference of the U.S. Embassy, and …

Editor (2024-06-25). 'Julian Assange Is Free': WikiLeaks Founder Strikes Plea Deal With US. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-06-25). Assange Released from Prison After Agreeing To Plead Guilty to Espionage Act Violation. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-06-25). How America's "Most Powerful Lobby" Is Stifling Efforts to Reform Oil Well Cleanup in State After State. scheerpost.com By Mark Olalde / Last year, representatives of New Mexico's oil industry met behind closed doors…

Editor (2024-06-25). An Open Letter from Editors and Publishers: Publishing is Not a Crime. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-06-25). Jun 25, 2024. sitrepworld.info This Song Will Lift Your Spirit | Oceans — Hillsong United Julian Assange Is Free! by Joe Lauria 'Draft Notice' from the Shop of Horrors, by Dennis Kucinich Here It Comes, by James Howard Kunstler Putin's "war" to re-shape the American Zeitgeist, by Alastair Crooke Bring Back Capitalism !?, by Matt Taibbi Stumbling Into Ruin: Reflections on senescence, amnesia, and war, by John Leake Belief in eternal progress has been a driving element of liberalism for generations, by eugyppius We're all buying more nukes. Here are the five main reasons why, by Martin Jay American Pravda: JFK, LB…

Larry Johnson (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is free and My Recent Podcasts with Judge Napolitano and Nima. sonar21.com The news reports are true and we have reason to celebrate. Julian Assange signed off on a plea deal with the United States — he pleads guilty to one charge and then walks free. It looks like the Biden Administration is trying to clean up extraneous issues before the November election and did not want to have Assange as a distraction. They ain't doing this because it is the right thing to do. Don't kid yourself. | After years of suffering, Assange is likely to cash in. I see a book and movie in his future, not to mention speaking fees. He is returning to Australia and is likely to become a political fo…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Half a million Gazans face 'catastrophic food insecurity' as 90% of children malnourished. presstv.ir Nearly half a million Palestinians in Gaza face severe food shortages, according to the UN and humanitarian organizations.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-25). DINA: Pinochet's Directorate for Murder and Torture. globalresearch.ca

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). 10 children in Gaza losing one or both legs every day: UNRWA. presstv.ir URRWA chief Lazzarini said the figures by UNICEF do not include children who have lost their hands or arms.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Polish President Andrzej Duda in Beijing. ecns.cn Xi held talks with Duda at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). MOFCOM deplores U.S. government plan to curb outbound investment in Chinese technology firms. ecns.cn China's Commerce Ministry on Monday hit back at the U.S.' plans to curb new U.S. investment in critical Chinese tech industries, saying China firmly opposes the U.S.' coercive move and reserves the right to take counter measures.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Icebreaking ship for marine research delivered. ecns.cn China bolstered its marine research and disaster preparedness capabilities on Monday with the delivery of a new domestically designed icebreaking survey vessel, Ji Di.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). U.S. lens on investments to hinder AI, chip sectors. ecns.cn Washington's latest proposal to restrict and monitor U.S. companies' and individuals' investments in key technologies in China will jeopardize the global artificial intelligence and semiconductor supply chains.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). China's unilateral visa-free policy boosts Polish netizens' searches for China tourism. ecns.cn Searches for China-related keywords on travel platforms by Polish users increased by 40 percent compared to the previous day, according to media reports, following China's decision on Monday to implement a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). First cross-broader electric coach linking Hong Kong and Shenzhen starts operation. ecns.cn An inauguration ceremony for the operation of first cross-border electric tourist coach between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province is held at a cross-boundary coach terminal in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong on June 24.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) British scholar: China is better placed to cope with possible dangers of AI. ecns.cn The development of AI should be regulated, and compared to the United States, China is better placed to cope with the possible dangers of AI, said David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, in the latest W.E. Talk.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Xi to attend conference marking 70th anniversary of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and deliver an important speech on June 28 in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) How to meet the challenges posed by AI using Marxism views. ecns.cn In the latest W.E. Talk with China News Service, Xu Feng, deputy director of the United Front Theory Department at the Central Institute of Socialism, said that the answer to the question of whether there will be an emergence of autonomous consciousness as a result of AI's autonomous learning is still controversial, and the standards and criteria for examining it are varied.In his opinion, there is still a high probability that humankind will be able to control AI as much as possible and make it work for humankind and will not rapidly go in the direction of alienation and dissimulation."ÄÄ"&…

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). At UN, call to restore nuclear plan for Iran. ecns.cn The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations on Monday called for the resumption of talks to restore implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran's nuclear program.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). HKSAR government vehemently opposes U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report 2024. ecns.cn The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) strongly objected to the unsubstantiated remarks about Hong Kong in the Trafficking in Persons Report 2024 (Report) of the Department of State of the United States.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). National Land Day: China's spectacular landscapes. ecns.cn China's National Land Day, observed on June 25, celebrates the country's rich soil diversity, crucial for its agricultural success. From the humus-rich black soil in the northeast to the brick-red soil in the south, these soils contribute to China's stunning scenery. Lush mountains piercing through clouds, patchwork rice terraces, and tranquil rivers with fishermen and cormorants create a paradise for dreamers and photographers alike.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Cultivating talent is laureate's 'greatest source of joy'. ecns.cn A science laureate has emphasized the importance of nurturing talent, reflecting on his own long career as an educator alongside his achievements as a researcher.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). China to further open up market for foreign businesses. ecns.cn China will further open up its vast domestic market for foreign businesses through a slew of measures.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Environmental emergencies decreasing, but risks remain. ecns.cn The number of environmental emergencies has declined, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said on Monday, while cautioning against complacency.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chinese visitors to Dubai seen surging. ecns.cn There has been a significant surge in Chinese tourists to Dubai, the city's Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) said during a roadshow in Shanghai last week.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival kicks off in Fuzhou. ecns.cn The Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival opened in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province on Monday.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Nation sees surge in blue-collar work. ecns.cn China's job market is experiencing a surge in blue-collar professions, fueled by the nation's economic transformation and a growing need for skilled workers.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Extended metro line put into operation in Paris for upcoming Olympics. ecns.cn The photo shows a metro train entering a station of a new line of the Paris Metro June 24, with the emblem of the Paris Olympics printed on the door. The extended lines of the Paris Metro have been put into operation in Paris for upcoming Olympics.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Two scientists win China's top sci-tech award for 2023. ecns.cn Two Chinese scientists, Li Deren and Xue Qikun, won China's top science award on Monday for their contributions to the country's science and technology development.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). In Numbers: 2024 Summer Davos. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Researchers grow meat onto grains of rice. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have taken a bite-sized step toward the future of food with the development of "chicken rice" and "pork rice" — innovative dishes combining cell-cultured meat and staple grains.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Global governance school set to boost country's role on world stage. ecns.cn The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics inaugurated the School of Global Governance, the first of its kind in Shanghai, on May 27, with the aim of training young talented Chinese to work in the global arena.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chinese light rail in Saudi Arabia carries over 2 mln pilgrims during Hajj. ecns.cn A rail service built and operated by China played a critical role in facilitating the annual Hajj pilgrimage this year amid scorching temperatures in Saudi Arabia.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chang'e 6 lunar probe on its way back to Earth. ecns.cn China's Chang'e 6 lunar probe is on its way back to Earth and will land in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Unleashing agricultural potential in saline-alkali soil. ecns.cn Since 2012, President Xi Jinping has given important instructions on the protection of farmland and utilization of saline-alkali soil.

Geopolitical Economics (2024-06-25). A look inside China: Is this the most sovereign country on Earth? indybay.org Journalist Ben Norton discusses his experience living in China. | China went through a partial colonialization, a century of humiliation. | China is responsible for 3/4 of all poverty reduction and has lifted 800 million out of extreme poverty…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-25). Victory for the Disposables: The Sentencing of the Hindujas. counterpunch.org In his seminal work on modern slavery, Kevin Bales does away with certain, antiquated concepts. In its insidious, older form, one focused on the concept of natal alienation, slaves were chattels and assets, outrightly owned. Each slave system was distinct and protean, if marked by certain universal features. The universal feature of ownership, at least when it

Eric Toussaint, Mario Hernandez (2024-06-25). Dark clouds over Europe with a few sunny patches. cadtm.org

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-06-25). France: With the New Popular Front against the deadly fascist threat! cadtm.org

GRAIN (2024-06-25). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble. cadtm.org

CADTM International, Eric Toussaint, Maria Elena Saludas (2024-06-25). The ETERNAL Norita! cadtm.org

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-06-25). When the new South Africa of the betrayed expectations, also betrays its hero Dimitri Tsafendas! cadtm.org

Front Populaire Social (2024-06-25). Joining forces with the social movement. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-25). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Neeraj Jain (2024-06-25). India : Analysis of Budget 2024—25, Part 1: Declining Budget Outlay. cadtm.org

Emmanuelle Carton (2024-06-25). The Pact on Migration and Asylum: another step forward for necropolitics in Europe. cadtm.org

Adam Fishbein (2024-06-25). Why Is Chuck Schumer Refusing a Vote on the Child Tax Credit? cepr.net The Hill Read article on original site This week, reports emerged that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is under pressure from vulnerable Democratic Senators to hold a vote on one of the most popular major bipartisan bills of the 118th Congress— a $78 billion package to expand the Child Tax Credit and restore the deductibility …

Bob Topper (2024-06-25). Straw Men and Strange Bedfellows. counterpunch.org In my college days I was a Goldwater Republican. My roommate and I saw eye-to-eye. Today he is a conservative Republican, and I am a progressive Democrat. We remain close friends, but this divide troubled me. I asked him to help me understand why the right harbors so much animosity towards the left. He responded

Sam Pizzigati (2024-06-25). In France, a Bold New Take on 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité'. counterpunch.org France has rendered unto the world, over the past quarter-century, a distinct public service. Thanks to the trailblazing research of three French scholars — Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman — we know much more about the world's maldistributed wealth than ever before. Could France now be on the brink of making another significant

Don Fitz (2024-06-25). Lock Them Both Up! counterpunch.org During the 2016 election Trump fanatics chanted "Lock her up," referring to Hillary Clinton. The tables have now turned. Trump is a convicted criminal and Biden violates international law. In one of the most twisted forms of logic ever to appear in politics, liberals believe that screaming "Trump is a fascist" somehow proves that Biden is not. If

Steve Kelly (2024-06-25). Property Law, Settler-Colonialism, and the Vatican. counterpunch.org Newsflash! Property law in the U.S. is not rooted in the Constitution. America's legal foundation for property law (possession), "anti-Indian law," and the concept of nation-states is religious, not secular. Where did this deep sense of entitlement, hierarchy, and dominion over unknown lands and its original sovereign peoples originate? How was this wilderness continent, upon

David McCall (2024-06-25). How Workers Are Winning as the Nation Adds Jobs, Manufacturing. counterpunch.org John Ralston went into bargaining with Transco last fall intending to negotiate one of the strongest union contracts in his three decades with the company. Carmakers urgently wanted to get new vehicles to market. The railroads needed to get more autoracks—enclosed rail cars used to transport vehicles—into service. And Ralston said he and his co-workers,

Ashley Smith (2024-06-25). Answering the Call to Fight Injustice: An Interview with Barbara Smith. counterpunch.org Barbara Smith is one of the leading intellectuals and activists who developed the traditions of Black feminism. A part of a group of Black lesbian socialists, she co-authored the groundbreaking "Combahee River Collective Statement." A prolific writer, she has published many books and articles that have emphasized the interlocking nature of systems of oppression under

Dean Baker (2024-06-25). The Labor Price of Gas is at Trumpian Levels. counterpunch.org The media have told us endlessly how people can no longer afford things due to higher prices and the fact that wages have risen more doesn't matter. I wouldn't want to disagree with the experts, but suppose we just did a little calculation about how much time it takes a typical worker to earn enough

Ramzy Baroud (2024-06-25). Armed Vs. Peaceful Resistance — What You Need to Know about Muqawama in Gaza. counterpunch.org The word Muqawama in Palestinian lexicon does not need elaboration beyond the immediate meaning it generates among ordinary Palestinians. Only recently, and specifically after the Oslo peace accords and the sudden infusion of western-funded NGOs, did such terms as 'peaceful resistance' and 'non-violent resistance' begin to emerge within some circles of Palestinian intellectuals. These phrases,

_____ (2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org

cpj.org (2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org Sulaymaniyah, June 24, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to immediately and unconditionally free Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed, who has been detained for eight months, and drop all charges against him. Ahmed — an Arabic editor for the local news website RojNews — is due to stand trial before Duhok Criminal…

(2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org

Arlene Getz (2024-06-25). CPJ welcomes reports that Assange will be released in plea deal. cpj.org New York, June 24, 2024— The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes reports that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be freed from prison in a plea deal with the United States Justice Department. "Julian Assange faced a prosecution that had grave implications for journalists and press freedom worldwide," said CPJ CEO Jodie Ginsberg. "While we welcome the…

Norman Solomon (2024-06-25). Daniel Ellsberg: A Fearless Revolutionary Whose Causes Endure Now. fairobserver.com On a warm evening almost a decade ago, I sat under the stars with Daniel Ellsberg while he talked about nuclear war with alarming intensity. He was most of the way through writing his last and most important book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. Somehow, he had set aside the denial…

Staff (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga. democracynow.org WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed from Belmarsh Prison in London, where he has been incarcerated for the past five years, after accepting a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors. After a decade-plus of legal challenges, Assange will plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material for publishing classified documents detailing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan on WikiLeaks. The Australian publisher is expected to be sentenced to time served and allowed to return home, where he reportedly will seek a pardon. Assange's brother Gabriel Shipton…

Staff (2024-06-25). Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Julian Assange's Release, But Warn of Impact of Plea Deal. democracynow.org We discuss the plea deal and release of Julian Assange with press freedom advocate Trevor Timm. "Thankfully, Julian Assange is finally going free today, but the press freedom implications remain to be seen," says Timm, who explains the U.S. espionage case against Assange, which was opened under the Trump administration and continued under Biden. Timm expresses disappointment that Biden chose to continue prosecuting Assange rather than demonstrating his stated support of press freedom. If convicted, Assange could have been sentenced to 175 years in U.S. prison, which Timm calls a "ticking time bo…

Staff (2024-06-25). NYC Congestion Pricing: Advocates Slam NY Gov for Halting Plan to Reduce Emissions, Fund Mass Transit. democracynow.org Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul has shocked constituents this month with a surprise decision to cancel New York City's congestion program plan just weeks before it was set to start. Hochul had previously supported the plan, which would have charged drivers $15 to enter parts of Manhattan in order to fund the city's public transportation budget. New York City's public transportation system, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), is used daily by millions of city residents but has long been plagued by underfunding for necessary expansions and repairs. Congestion pricing has bee…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Sirens sounded in Al-Malikiya and Dishon for fear of drone infiltration: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Bayad Blida site with artillery shells at 15:10 on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, hitting it directly: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Imam Khamenei: High Voter Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. english.almanar.com.lb Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies. On the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadeer and in the lead-up to the fourteenth presidential election, thousands of Iranians from five provinces across the Islamic …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Bayad Blida site with artillery shells at 15:10 on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, hitting it directly: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Islamic Resistance launched an air attack with a squadron of suicide drones on one of the headquarters of the 91st Division in the Nahal Gershom area, targeting the locations of the enemy's officers and soldiers, which led to a number of injuries and a fire outbreak: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

Rhoda Wilson (2024-06-25). The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to "reset" our food system. expose-news.com If the bird flu were to suddenly be transmissible from person to person, there would be every reason to suspect gain-of-function bioweapons research. But, all the hype about whether the bird flu …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-06-25). A legal brief filed in New Mexico describes the dangerous impacts of smart meters on human health and wildlife. expose-news.com

Rhoda Wilson (2024-06-25). Eddie Hobbs: Globalists, we see you now and you're in danger from the public who are waking up to your plan. expose-news.com During a speech outside the General Post Office in Dublin, Eddie Hobbs painted a picture of how the long-standing Irish fight for freedom is being overshadowed by modern threats, likening the precarious …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-06-25). A review of 325 autopsy reports reveals 74% of deaths were directly due to covid injections. expose-news.com On 5 July 2023, a groundbreaking paper was published in The Lancet which found that 74% of deaths from 325 autopsy cases were due to covid "vaccines." Within 24 hours, The Lancet …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-06-25). Here's proof that covid injections cause cognitive decline; how does it happen and how do we treat it? expose-news.com Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury. The covid injections are no exception. They excel at causing damage to cognition and many of …

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Julian Assange leaves Britain after being released from jail: WikiLeaks. geo.tv WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrives at court in London on May 1, 2019 to be sentenced for bail violation. — AFP FileLONDON: Julian Assange's organisation announced on Tuesday that he "is free" after being released from a high-security London prison where he spent five…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Apple supplier excludes married Indian women from assembly jobs. geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-06-25). At least 10 shot dead as section of Kenyan parliament set on fire. geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Pakistan's rank remains unchanged in US State Department's annual TIP report. geo.tv Migrants rest in a shelter, following a rescue operation, after their boat capsized in the open sea, Kalamata, Greece on June 14, 2023. — ReutersPakistan retains position in Tier 2 for third consecutive time.Govt demonstrated "overall greater effort" than before, report says.4.5…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). 1,079 pilgrims out of 1,301 who died during Hajj lacked official permits. geo.tv Muslim pilgrims walk with umbrellas on the third day of the devil stoning ritual, amid extremely hot weather, during the annual haj pilgrimage, in Mina, Saudi Arabia, June 18, 2024. — Reuters Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior said Tuesday that 83% — 1,079 out of…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Free. Washington Crafted "A Face Saving Deal". Massive Violation of Habeas Corpus as a Favour to Washington. Paul C. Roberts. globalresearch.ca

Wikileaks (2024-06-25). Julian's Freedom is Our Freedom. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2024-06-25). Former PM Azarov Says Ukraine Has No Opposition: 'They are in prison or abroad'. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2024-06-25). Jetblue Pilot Captain Keith Duncan Died Suddenly During Layover in Curacao. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-06-25). The Devastating Impacts of the Covid Crisis on Mental Health. globalresearch.ca

Joe Lauria (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Finally Free! globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-06-25). "Wiki-Gate": Julian Assange Was Framed by the People Who Supported Him. globalresearch.ca Assange has been the object of an all out smear campaign by those who supported him. The Economist which granted Assange the New Media Award in 2008 intimates that he is an "enemy agent" responsible for "information anarchy … culminating in the destabilization of American democracy"

Ron Unz (2024-06-25). American Pravda: JFK, LBJ, and Our Great National Shame. Ron Unz. globalresearch.ca

Common Dreams (2024-06-25). 'Julian Assange Is Free': WikiLeaks Founder Strikes Plea Deal with US. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2024-06-25). Selected Articles: "Wiki-Gate": Julian Assange Was Framed by the People Who Supported Him. globalresearch.ca By The five major news media which were instrumental in the release and "redacting" of the WikiLeaks documents issued in 2019 a …

Health Freedom Defense Fund (2024-06-25). Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth. globalresearch.ca

Amrit Sufi (2024-06-25). Love, marriage and rebellion: Exploring feminist themes in India's Angika folk songs. globalvoices.org 'Documenting my culture has also been a journey to understanding it better …'Originally published on English translation of the text in the image: 'I won't leave Mohna's company.' Illustration by the author, used with permission. | When I was around four years old, my family moved from our village in

Mong Palatino (2024-06-25). Decolonization, the climate crisis, and improving media education in the Pacific. globalvoices.org

Amrit Sufi (2024-06-25). Love, marriage and rebellion: Exploring feminist themes in India's Angika folk songs. globalvoices.org

Jean-Christophe Brunet (2024-06-25). In Mauritania, a mesmerising musical world blends tradition and innovation. globalvoices.org

Daria Dergacheva (2024-06-25). Russian LGBTQ+ activist attended the Pride march in Moldova. globalvoices.org 'The police came to protect us. It's incredible,' activist wrote on social mediaGlobal VoicesScreenshot of a Newsmaker

Tomasz Konicz (2024-06-25). Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone. indybay.org Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare — which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction — because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.

Direct Action Everywhere (2024-06-25). Saturday 6/29: Safeway: Drop Perdue's Petaluma Poultry. indybay.org 5901 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618…

Leonard Peltier Support Group Silicon Valley (2024-06-25). Wednesday 6/26: Free Leonard Peltier! indybay.org Willow Street Frank Bramhall Park | Britton Avenue | San José, CA 95125…

Boycott Workbench (2024-06-25). Wednesday 6/26: "Clocktower Center" Virtual Community Meeting. indybay.org Webinar Link: us06web.zoom.us/j/87968605410 | Webinar ID: 879 6860 5410 | Call: 669 444 9171…

Direct Action Everywhere (2024-06-25). Sunday 6/30: Postering To Expose Petaluma Poultry. indybay.org 242 Kentucky St, Petaluma, CA 94952…

LaborFest (2024-06-25). LaborFest 2024 On 90th Anniversary Of The SF Gen Strike, Labor, Al & The Techno Fascists. indybay.org LaborFest 2024 schedule of events.

Direct Action Everywhere (2024-06-25). Sunday 7/14: Pigeon First Aid & Community Food Serve. indybay.org United Nations Plaza…

Rebuilding Alliance (2024-06-25). Wednesday 6/26: U.S. Doctors as Eyewitness Humanitarians Plead for Gaza – speakers panel. indybay.org Zoom register here: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0lUX…

Women's March (2024-06-25). Monday 6/24: Women's March for Abortion Rights in DC – Livestream of Protest at SCOTUS. indybay.org Protest at SCOTUS livestream: www.facebook.com/womensmarchonwash/

David Giesen (2024-06-25). Tuesday 6/25: A Close Reading by Leo Tolstoy of POVERTY, BY AMERICA. indybay.org on line: ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/82330465191?pwd=HYB7va…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-06-25). People's Pride March Preempts Corporate Version. indybay.org Drag, Dykes on Bikes, Black Lives Matter, and no corporations…

Wynd Kaufmyn (2024-06-25). Sunday 6/30: Queer and Trans March for Palestine Liberation. indybay.org Corner of Church and Market…

Friends of Gayle McLaughlin, FPM, RCF (2024-06-25). Friday 6/28: Richmond Banner Drop and Peace Vigil – Free Palestine. indybay.org San Luis Ave & Sacramento Ave | Richmond, Ca 94804…

UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology (2024-06-25). Saturday 6/29: Poetry and Music in the Garden. indybay.org Alan Chadwick Garden, UC Santa Cruz…

Sharat Lin, RYT (2024-06-25). Monday 7/1: Yoga for Activists. indybay.org San José Peace and Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street, Room 101 | San José, CA 95112…

SOMArts (2024-06-25). Thursday 6/27: In Solidarity: Queer and Trans Artists for a Free Palestine Closing Reception. indybay.org 934 Brannan Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Anonymous (2024-06-25). Date Changed to July 4th! -> "Fuck the 4th, Siege the Ports!" indybay.org

Allan Fisher (2024-06-25). Saturday 6/29: Santa Cruz: Banners for Palestine! indybay.org corner of Ocean and Water St., Santa Cruz…

Angela (2024-06-25). Sunday 7/21: Voices From the Holy Land Online Film Salon: In Conversation: "Humanity in Gaza" indybay.org Zoom | Tinyurl.com/VFHL-July2024

Coalition To End Factory Farming (2024-06-25). Friday 8/9: Yes On J: End Factory Farming Convergence. indybay.org City of Petaluma…

Free Skool Santa Cruz (2024-06-25). Tuesday 6/25: Soupshare. indybay.org SubRosa Community Space, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-06-25). 2025 California Juneteenth – Top California Corporations. indybay.org California Businesses beginning to align with our Federal Juneteenth Holiday. From our Statewide Hub, 1849 Historic Negro Bar we kickoff statewide efforted toward "Absolute Equity"

Pipsqueak Seattle (2024-06-25). In it for the Long Haul: Trust, Longevity, and Building Cultures of Struggle. indybay.org

San Francisco Public Library (2024-06-25). Tuesday 7/16: Author: Eddie Ahn, Advocate: A Graphic Memoir. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library, Environmental Center Exhibit Space, 5th Fl | 100 Larkin Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Kevin Gosztola (2024-06-25). The End Of The Biggest Press Freedom Case Of The Century. thedissenter.org The following article was made possible by paid subscribers of The Dissenter. 

latintimes (2024-06-25). Following a tumultuous filing period, advocates and officials encourage students to continue filing FAFSA. latintimes.com FAFSA's revamped version saw many glitches and difficulties this year, leading many students wondering about the future of their college careers…

latintimes (2024-06-25). EU Kicks Off Membership Talks With Ukraine, Moldova. latintimes.com The European Union formally launches accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on Tuesday, setting the fragile ex-Soviet states off on a long path towards membership that Russia has tried to block.

latintimes (2024-06-25). WikiLeaks Says Julian Assange Is 'Free,' Has Left UK. latintimes.com Julian Assange was released from prison Monday and has left Britain, WikiLeaks said, as he reached a landmark plea deal with US authorities that brought an end to his years-long legal drama.

latintimes (2024-06-25). Asian Markets Rebound On Bargain-buying But Tech Worries Linger. latintimes.com With US data indicating the world's top economy remains in rude health and the jobs market still tight, investors remain unsure about the Federal Reserve's plans for interest rates, with debate centred on when — or even if — it will cut this year.

latintimes (2024-06-25). Costa Rica ready to "gain experience" at Copa América 2024 with one of the youngest squads of the tournament. latintimes.com Short guide on everything a Costa Rican fan needs to know ahead of the Copa América 2024…

latintimes (2024-06-25). As HIV rates across the country decline, the number of new Latino infections rise throughout the U.S. latintimes.com

latintimes (2024-06-25). New York elections: more Latinos seek state assembly and senate seats in Queens and the Bronx. latintimes.com New York is set to hold its primary elections on Tuesday, June 25th.

latintimes (2024-06-25). Victims Of Haiti's Gangs Face Health System In Crisis. latintimes.com

latintimes (2024-06-25). Hot Cocoa Prices Bring Sweet Profits, Danger To Ecuador Producers. latintimes.com After the Ivory Coast and Ghana, Ecuador is the world's third-largest cocoa grower, producing some 420,000 tons a year.

latintimes (2024-06-25). China Lunar Probe Returns To Earth With Samples. latintimes.com It comes bearing soil and rocks from the side of the Moon facing away from Earth, a poorly understood region that scientists say holds great research promise because its rugged features are less smoothed over by ancient lava flows than the near side.

Luke Fletcher (2024-06-25). This is how Plaid Cymru would transform workers' rights. leftfootforward.org The past several years have been unimaginably difficult for the vast majority of people in the UK. | The cost-of-living crisis, inflation, soaring housing, food and energy costs, as well as the industrial disputes that followed in the wake of the resultant profiteering has meant that most have had little, if any, financial breathing room. | This gives the current General Election period a particular sense of urgency, an urgency that is both indicative of the need for a transformation in the way our society operates and yet neutralised by the hot air, bland delirium and lack of ambition from Westminster's gover…

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-25). Rishi Sunak gets roasted over tetchy response to Tory failings in leaders debate grilling. leftfootforward.org Rishi Sunak failed to dispel his reputation for being tetchy during another leader's debate grilling on Monday evening. | Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak faced questions from an audience of The Sun readers in the Never Mind the Ballots show, with even the conservative backing paper not holding back from quizzing Sunak over Tory failings. | When challenged on the realities for people in Britain after 14 years under the Tories, Sunak hit back in "desperate" defense of his party. | The Sun's political editor Harry Cole put it to Sunak: "Do you understand that feeling people have, something we hear time and time aga…

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-25). Tory election candidate describes party as a 'shower of shit'. leftfootforward.org Former Olympic rower James Cracknell made the comments in a campaign video posted on Facebook, while still pleading with voters to vote for him in Colchester.

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-25). Damning analysis reveals shocking rise in child poverty under Tories. leftfootforward.org New analysis has revealed the devastating rise of child poverty in working families in Britain under the Conservative government. | The Trades Union Congress (TUC) found that between 2010 and 2023, the number of children growing up in poverty in working households has increased by a staggering 44 per cent. | This is on average an increase of over 1,300 a week and refers to households with at least one parent in work. Children growing up in poverty in working households now account for 69% of all children in poverty, while making up for nearly a quarter of all children in working families. | In 2023, there wer…

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-25). BREAKING: Tory party withdraws support for two candidates embroiled in betting scandal. leftfootforward.org The Tory Party says it has withdrawn support for two candidates embroiled in the betting scandal. | Craig Williams and Laura Saunders are being investigated by the Gambling Commission over an alleged bet she made about the date of the General Election. | A Conservative Party spokesperson said: "As a result of ongoing internal enquiries, we have concluded that we can no longer support Craig Williams or Laura Saunders as Parliamentary Candidates at the forthcoming General Election. | "We have checked with the Gambling Commission that this decision does not compromise the investigation that they are conducting, w…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Julian Assange freed from UK prison after striking US deal. middleeasteye.net Julian Assange freed from UK prison after striking US deal | WikiLeaks founder will return to Australia after pleading guilty on single criminal count | | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange looks out of a plane's window on 25 June 2024 (Reuters) | Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been rel…

Areeb Ullah (2024-06-25). Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? middleeasteye.net Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? | Yakoob has a sizeable following on social media and has placed the war on Gaza at the centre of his election campaign in Birmingham's Ladywood | | Akhmed Yakoob came third in the West Midlands mayoral race, winning…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Turkey says Cyprus has become a military base targeting Gaza. middleeasteye.net

Imran Mulla (2024-06-25). UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? | Former candidate Tiger Patel has urged his supporters to back the Workers Party's Craig Murray, leaving two rival pro-Gaza candidates in the race – as pressure mounts for one to stand down | | Tiger Patel an…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Saudi Arabia detains Egyptian cancer patient after criticising Hajj deaths. middleeasteye.net Saudi Arabia detains Egyptian cancer patient after criticising Hajj deaths | Islam Sobhi, a pilgrim, expressed shock and dismay about the hundreds of Egyptians that died in extreme heat | | Islam Sobhi, 27, speaks from the Egyptian consulate in Jeddah before surrendering himself to authorities on 23…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Palestinian child dies of malnutrition as hunger crisis rages. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Palestinian child dies of malnutrition as hunger crisis rages | Azzam al-Shaer's emaciated corpse was captured on video in Gaza the same day the UN warned of high levels of acute food insecurity | | Hana Abdelrahaman al-Rai, a four-year-old child suffering from malnutrition and displace…

Editor (2024-06-25). How Karl Marx influenced Abraham Lincoln and his position on slavery & labor. mronline.org If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.

Editor (2024-06-25). Cuba tells the United States there is only one Cuba. mronline.org Far from being a sign of the U.S. government softening its economic and financial siege on Cuba and contributing to help Cuba's private sector, this new policy attempts to destroy the core of the ideological makeup of Cuban socialism.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram (2024-06-25). Government debt is symptom, not cause. mronline.org Developing country governments are being blamed for irresponsibly borrowing too much. The resulting debt stress has blocked investments and growth in this unequal and unfair world economic order.

Janine Jackson (2024-06-25). 'These stores are unhealthy for our communities'. mronline.org CounterSpin interview with Kennedy Smith on dollar store invasion…

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-06-25). AI and employment. mronline.org This problem, it must be noted, relates exclusively to the application of AI under capitalist conditions; but, capitalism being the reality over much of the world, the threat of AI to the working people remains extremely serious.

Staff (2024-06-25). CNAPA condemns 'Fake Encounter' of two Muslims by forest guards in Assam's Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff The Citizens' National Alliance for Peace and Accountability (CNAPA) has strongly condemned the alleged 'fake encounter' killing of two Muslim men by forest guards in Assam's Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary. The incident, which took place on June 23, has sparked outrage and calls for an independent investigation. According to local reports, the …

Staff (2024-06-25). Mosque demolished by Delhi administration over anti-encroachment drive. muslimmirror.com New Delhi : Protests erupted in northwest Delhi's Mangolpuri area, where portions of a mosque were demolished due to alleged encroachment, amid heavy police deployment, officials said on Tuesday. There was no immediate response from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), which carried out the drive. ‡•§‡•§ According to a police official, the MCD, along …

Staff (2024-06-25). Taking oath as MP, Asaduddin Owaisi ends oath in Parliament with slogan 'Jai Palestine'. muslimmirror.com NEW DELHI : All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi took oath as the member of parliament from Hyderabad on Tuesday, June 25. This will be Owaisi's fifth term as an MP from the constituency. However, this time his oath caught the attention of several people. At the end of his oath in Urdu, …

Staff (2024-06-25). Arvind Kejriwal to remain in Tihar jail as Delhi HC stays trial court's bail decision. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff In no relief for Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, the high court stayed his bail order in the excise policy case. This means the AAP chief continues to stay in jail. Senior Advocate Abhishek Singhvi, appearing for Kejriwal, sought vacating of the interim stay on the bail order. On the other …

Staff (2024-06-25). Over 20,000 children buried, trapped, detained, lost amid Gaza war: Report. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff Up to 21,000 [1] children are estimated to be missing in the chaos of the war in Gaza, many trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families, said a report by Save the Children. The agency's child protection teams are reporting that the latest displacements caused …

Alexis Sterling (2024-06-25). Julian Assange secures release after plea deal with US government. nationofchange.org WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange agrees to a plea deal, leading to his release from Belmarsh Prison and highlighting the ongoing debates about press freedom and whistleblower prosecution.

Jordan Atwood (2024-06-25). Gaza's lost children: Over 17,000 separated from parents amid ongoing conflict. nationofchange.org UNICEF estimates that at least 17,000 children in Gaza are unaccompanied or separated from their parents, highlighting heartbreaking stories of loss and survival.

Ruth Milka (2024-06-25). Exxon and Suncor lose bid to escape Boulder's climate change lawsuit. nationofchange.org

William D. Hartung (2024-06-25). Philosopher kings or new-age militarists? nationofchange.org Silicon Valley and the rush toward automated warfare.

Connor Freeman (2024-06-25). Report: US Government Spies on Thousands of Americans' Mail Every Year. news.antiwar.com The US Postal Service (USPS) has been spying on thousands of Americans' mail every year for a decade, including letters and parcels, and provided citizens' information to police and elements of the national security apparatus, a Washington Post investigation found. Tens of thousands of requests have been submitted to the USPS since 2015. Following such …

Connor Freeman (2024-06-25). EU Approves Military Aid to Ukraine Drawn From Frozen Russian Assets. news.antiwar.com European Union foreign ministers have approved, for the first time, the transfer of approximately ‚Ǩ1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) in military and financial aid to Kiev, using interest profits drawn from frozen Russian central bank assets. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell made the announcement on Monday, as reports say Washington is preparing to send Ukraine …

Kyle Anzalone (2024-06-25). Assange Released from Prison After Agreeing To Plead Guilty to Espionage Act Violation. news.antiwar.com WikiLeaks reports that its founder, Julian Assange, was released from UK prison on bail and is in the process of returning to Australia. Court documents filed by the US Justice Department indicate that he has accepted an agreement with Washington that will see the journalist enter a guilty plea to crimes under the Espionage Act. …

Skyler Martin (2024-06-25). Parsons students Community Weave to be exhibited at Stonewall National Monument. newschoolfreepress.com On June 28,1969, the Stonewall Riots, an integral part of New York City's LGBTQ+ history, began. Visitors at the Greenwich Village bar responded to police presence with a five-day riot that set the groundwork for the queer civil rights movement that continues to this day. This June, pride month, The Stonewall National Monument plans to…

Editor at NewsOne (2024-06-25). Van Jones Compares Pro-Palestinians Wearing Keffiyehs To A White Person 'With A Confederate Flag In Harlem'. newsone.com Van Jones is under fire for comparing pro-Palestinians wearing a keffiyeh at a protest to a white person "with a Confederate flag in Harlem."

Peoples Dispatch (2024-06-25). The Congolese people proclaim: the Congo is not for sale! peoplesdispatch.org A new dossier by the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research examines the Congolese vision for freedom in light of the unfettered extraction of the DRC's resources…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-06-25). Julian Assange is free. peoplesdispatch.org

Ana Vraƒçar (2024-06-25). Kindergarten strike in Croatia enters eighth week amid ongoing obstructions. peoplesdispatch.org Members of the Trade Union of Education, Media, and Culture (SOMK) at the public kindergarten in Biograd na Moru, Croatia, have entered the eighth week of a strike—a record in this sector. They demand the local administration agree to collective bargaining and harmonize salaries with those in primary education. Mayor Ivan Knez and the kindergarten head have repeatedly refused these demands: their resistance to dialogue is so fierce that the case was mentioned in a parliamentary discussion. | Initially, striking workers were confined to a single room and forbidden from communicating with colleagues or parent…

Caroline Oliveira (2024-06-25). "Julian won't be safe until he lands in Australia," says Assange's wife. peoplesdispatch.org The wife of journalist and activist Julian Assange, Stella Assange, has expressed concern about her husband's trip from the United Kingdom to the Northern Mariana Islands, a territory of the United States, between June 24 and June 26. | Julian was released on June 24 from the maximum security prison where he had been held for more than five years in London, and flew to the place where the hearing will take place. The journalist should then be released to his country of origin, Australia. | "We need all eyes on his flight in case something goes wrong," Stella wrote on her X profile. "Julian won't be safe until he…

Pablo Meriguet (2024-06-25). Will there be justice for protesters killed in Peru's anti-coup protests? peoplesdispatch.org 20 military personnel have been accused of intentional homicide in Peru for their role in repressing the December 2022 demonstrations in Ayacucho. The military allegedly fired intentionally against the unarmed civilian population.

Stu Becker (2024-06-25). After 150 years, Black residents of Sandbranch, Texas, still have no running water. peoplesworld.org SANDBRANCH, Texas—The residents of the predominantly Black and low-income Texas community of Sandbranch can't drink the water from their taps because it's too polluted. Raising awareness and organizing a fightback against the situation was the focus of Southern Sector Rising's second annual Juneteenth Celebration here on June 19. For more than 150 years, the people …

Tania Del Moral (2024-06-25). Long live the 43: Approaching the tenth anniversary of Ayotzinapa. peoplesworld.org "Ayotzinapa Vive," reads a wall painted bright red on the corner of one of Mexico City's most transited avenues. The spirit of Ayotzinapa lives on ten years later, but only because of the victims' families' efforts to organize, march, and even knock down the door of the National Palace to demand justice for their loved …

Mark Gruenberg (2024-06-25). On the anniversary of Roe's demise, abortion rights are a major election issue. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The second anniversary of the Supreme Court's guillotining of the national constitutional right to an abortion is—or should—remind voters their decisions in this November's election, up and down the ballot, will determine not only whether that right may be restored, but so much more. Abortion rights, worker rights, living wages, Social Security's and Medicare's future, …

Lori A. Zimmerman (2024-06-25). A rogue's gallery of presidential satire served up at popular L.A. marketplace. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — Here we are mid-2024 and nothing is more welcome in this tense election year than a bit of humor and irreverence. Center for the Study of Political Graphics' exhibition Presidential Rogue's Gallery: Satirical Posters from the 1950s to the Present serves that up well, and you can view it now at Mercado …

Press Associates (2024-06-25). Gwen Mills formally takes the helm as Unite HERE President. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—Unite HERE convention delegates formally elected longtime New Haven, Conn., activist and leader Gwen Mills as the union's new president. She promptly pledged to double its organizing and deepen its already large political involvement. Mills is the first woman to lead the union, successor to three famous unions: The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers, …

Taryn Fivek (2024-06-25). The many vs. the money: Working class brings the heat to Bowman campaign. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—Despite June 22 being the hottest day of the year in the Bronx, hundreds of people — many of them union members and community organizers — gather at the Gil Scott Heron amphitheater in St. Mary's Park to support the re-election of Jamaal Bowman for Congress. An incumbent member of "The Squad," Bowman faces …

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-06-25). UN confirms deployment of experts for elections in Venezuela. plenglish.com Four experts will travel to the country at the beginning of July to provide an independent internal report on the general development of the elections scheduled for next July, the spokesman for the Secretary General (António Guterres), Stéphane Dujarric, announced at a press conference. | The news coincides with the completion of a technical evaluation announced weeks ago by the organization's Secretariat. | In accordance with United Nations regulations, the Electoral Expert Panels do not issue public evaluative statements on the general conduct of the electoral process or its results. | This assistance mechanism…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). First 400 Kenyan troops already in Haiti. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) A group of 400 Kenyan troops arrived today in the capital to help the Haitian National Police fight the gangs that control 80 percent of the capital.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Bolivia's presence in the Bioceanic Corridor gains support. plenglish.com La Paz, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's presence in the Capricorn Bioceanic Corridor, which will link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by road, was backed on Monday by participants in an international meeting on the subject, held in Paraguay.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Triumph of freedom, release of Julian Assange, affirmed Maduro. plenglish.com Caracas, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro considered today as a triumph of freedom and the struggle of humanity for the respect of Human Rights, the release of Julian Assange, after more than five years in prison.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-25). China's probe returned to Earth with samples from far side of Moon. plenglish.com Beijing, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) In a global first, the Chang'e-6 probe successfully landed in China on Tuesday carrying samples from the far side of the Moon.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-25). Amerindian genes confirmed in Cubans' genetic information. plenglish.com Havana, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) A study of 27 families in eastern Cuban provinces confirmed 20.2 percent of Amerindian genes in their DNA, which corroborates the descendants of aborigines who inhabited the Caribbean island before the conquest.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Ethiopia and EU discuss ways to strengthen parliamentary links. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia and the European Union (EU) discussed possible ways to strengthen existing parliamentary collaborations, the mission of that European political community reported today.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-06-25). Gang member calls for public services for Haiti's working class. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the gang coalition, Jimmy Cherizier, alias Barbecue, asked the Haitian Government to provide public services for the working class as a first step to pacify the country that today lives in chaos.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-06-25). Gun violence, public health crisis in the US. plenglish.com Washington, June 25 (Prensa Latina) The surgeon general of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, declared today in a historic announcement that gun violence is a public health crisis in the nation.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Chinese President celebrates success of Chang'e-6 lunar mission. plenglish.com Beijing, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday celebrated the success of the Chang'e-6 mission that managed to bring back to Earth the first samples from the hidden face of the Moon.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Russia denounces supply of radiochemical substances to Ukraine. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Several Western countries send radiochemical substances to Ukraine that can be used to create a dirty bomb, declared today the head of the Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Igor Kirilov.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-06-25). Angola and Ivory Coast will sign 12 cooperation agreements. plenglish.com Luanda, June 25 (Prensa Latina) Angola and Ivory Coast will sign 12 cooperation agreements in the context of the visit of President Joà£o Lourenàßo to that country, the Angolan Presidency reported today.

Germán Gorraiz López (2024-06-25). Is a socio-economic paradigm shift inevitable on planet Earth? pressenza.com Western society is characterised by the reign of hedonism and nihilism, as opposed to the critical spirit and culture of effort of the 20th century, because it is made up of individuals who are dependent on material goods and who form a homogeneous, uncritical mass that is easy to manipulate by the ruling classes. | To produce these consumer goods, the world's leaders have opted for the uncontrolled consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels to feed the production machinery, ignoring deforestation, uncontrolled pollution and the waste generated, which would already plunge us into a dangerous vortex of CO2 incr…

RT (2024-06-25). Russia's cancer vaccine to begin clinical trials. pressenza.com After being tested on patients with oncological diseases, the therapeutic vaccine could eradicate a variety of tumours and not just prolong the lives of those affected. | Clinical trials of the Russian cancer vaccine will begin in mid-2025, said scientist Alexander Guintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. These trials will involve "patients with oncological diseases", while the vaccine is currently being tested in mice as part of pre-clinical research. | According to Guintsburg, the technology is being developed not simply to prolong life by two or…

EcoWatch (2024-06-25). At Least 1,301 People Die During Mecca Hajj Pilgrimage in Intense Heat. pressenza.com

El Frente (2024-06-25). Germany — Protest/US military base. pressenza.com European demonstrators have gathered in a German city to demand the closure of the US military base at Ramstein. | Protesters from Germany, Austria and France gathered in the southwestern German city of Kaiserslautern on Saturday to demand the closure of the US Air Force's Ramstein air base and to call on Western countries to seek non-violent solutions to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. | Protestor Mona Aranea said: "The permission that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Alliance) states are giving to Ukraine to attack Russian targets in Russia with NATO weapons, with weapons sent from Germany, from the…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fourth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fourth televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election on the subject of foreign policy with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Kenyan demonstrators protest in Nairobi city center. presstv.ir Kenyans take to the streets of Nairobi's city centre to protest against tax increase.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iran blasts Europeans' systematic violation of JCPOA after US exit, calls for dialogue. presstv.ir A senior Iranian diplomat says US departure and E3's non-compliance with the JCPOA are the main reasons for the failure of the deal.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). 1,300-plus Hajj pilgrims die as Saudi Arabia blames heat. presstv.ir Saudi Arabia puts the death toll during this year's Hajj pilgrimage to at least 1,301 so far, blaming intense heat for the majority of the cases.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Three deaths, 10 injured in Arkansas grocery store shooting. presstv.ir A shooter opens fire at a grocery store in Arkansas, killing three people and wounding 10 others.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Leader: High voter turnout makes Iran proud, disappoints enemies. presstv.ir Ayatollah Khamenei says a higher voter turnout in the upcoming presidential election makes Iran proud and disappoints the country's enemies.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Over 1,700 Ukrainian forces killed in 24 hours: Russia. presstv.ir Russia's Defense Ministry says more than 1,700 Ukrainian forces were killed in 24 hours.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). 1000s of young Kenyans protest tax hikes. presstv.ir Young demonstrators took to the streets in Nairobi.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Live Updates: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Live updates of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Russia downs dozens of Ukrainian drones. presstv.ir Russia says its forces have shot down 30 drones fired by Ukraine over border regions between the two countries, amid reports of casualties.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Whistleblower walks free: Wikileaks founder Assange freed after US plea deal. presstv.ir WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released from a British prison after he reached a plea deal with the US that ends his 12-year legal battle and allows him to return home to Australia.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Migrant shipwrecks off Italy leave 11 dead. presstv.ir Bodies of eleven migrants recovered by the German aid group RESQSHIP were brought to Italy's Lampedusa.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Analysis: How presidential hopefuls outlined foreign policy plans in 4th debate. presstv.ir Six contenders vying for the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran outlined their detailed blueprints for the country's foreign policy during the fourth televised debate on Monday.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Muslim civil rights group demands halt to US-backed mass slaughter of Palestinian children. presstv.ir The main Muslim civil rights group in the United States calls on the international community to take action to halt mass slaughter of Palestinian children.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Search underway as 20 bodies found in South Korean battery plant fire. presstv.ir Around 20 bodies have been found at a South Korean lithium battery factory after a massive blaze.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Pro- and anti-abortion activists protest at US Supreme Court. presstv.ir Roe v. Wade was enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1973, establishing abortion as a constitutional right of women.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Tear gas fired as hundreds in Kenya continue protest against tax hikes. presstv.ir Police fire tear gas as Kenyans took to the streets.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Geoeconomic implications of Iran's Rasht-Caspian railway. presstv.ir The project is a driver of economic activities and a catalyst in the creation of logistics centers and distribution of goods, which will generate added value along the corridor and increase the country's transit capacity and income.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Oil depots on fire in Russia's Rostov region after drone attack: Officials. presstv.ir Several oil storage tanks were on fire after a drone attack early on Tuesday in the town of Azov in Russia.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). End of an era: Iran says West's unilateralism crumbling, offers new world order model. presstv.ir Iran's interim president Mohammad Mokhber says the era of unilateralism is coming to an end and a new multilateral order is emerging in the world.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Analysis: How fifth and final debate in 2024 Iran presidential election unfolded. presstv.ir The fifth and final televised debate ahead of the June 28 snap presidential election in Iran was held on Tuesday afternoon with the participation of six candidates vying for the top executive office.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Russia's Pacific Fleet holds naval drills off Kamchatka Peninsula. presstv.ir The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy holds exercises June 18-28 in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

ptcnews.tv (2024-06-25). WikiLeaks espionage case : Julian Assange flies out of UK after plea deal with US. ptcnews.tv

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Libertad de Assange genera diversas reacciones en Ecuador. radiohc.cu Quito, 25 jun (RHC) La liberación del fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, detenido en 2019 en la embajada de Ecuador en Reino Unido, ha generado diversas reacciones en este país sudamericano.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Sonda china trajo a la Tierra muestras de cara oculta de la Luna. radiohc.cu Beijing, 25 jun (RHC) La sonda Chang'e-6 aterrizó hoy de forma exitosa en China con muestras de la cara oculta de la Luna por primera ocasión en la historia de la humanidad.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-25). Cuba repudia inclusión en informe unilateral de EEUU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 jun (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, repudió hoy la arbitraria mención de esta nación caribeña en el informe anual del Departamento de Estado sobre la trata de personas.

| Peter Boyle | (2024-06-25). Why ecosocialism is not just a good idea but a necessity. socialist-alliance.org As the climate emergency and extinction crises deepen, there is no choice but to struggle to democratise the economy so that it can be made to serve social needs and ecological sustainability. Peter Boyle reports.

Harrison Dressler (2024-06-25). In Praise of Laziness. socialistproject.ca Walter A. Ratcliffe, a

Tareq Haddad (2024-06-25). Julian Assange to be Freed in U.S. Plea Deal. thealtworld.com After more than five years of incarceration, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange left H.M.P. Belmarsh on Monday after reportedly agreeing a plea deal with the United States that will see him go free. | According to There, ahead of Judge Ramona Manglona, Assange is set to plead guilt…

Ryan Cristián (2024-06-25). Assange Forced To Trade Guilty Plea For Freedom, Multiple Gaza Schools Bombed & Razing Zionist Lies. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/25/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Indian institution starts course to teach students how to formulate aromas for health items. tvbrics.com The curriculum is made to give students both broad information and useful skills…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Beijing conducts business dialogue forum with Ethiopia to exchange experience in livestock farming. tvbrics.com The forum aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the countries…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Saudi Arabia develops production of materials for innovative cancer therapies. tvbrics.com This will make the treatment more affordable for local patients…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Ethiopia aims to achieve 8.3% economic growth in the current fiscal year. tvbrics.com The strategy will continue efforts to reduce inflation and modernise market infrastructure…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Russian South-West State University celebrates its 60th anniversary. tvbrics.com On the day of the holiday, the university signed agreements with its foreign partners…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Project to abolish university tuition fees flourishes in India. tvbrics.com It was directed the education department to launch an awareness campaign about the scheme to encourage more eligible students to apply for it…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). India's Home Minister directs regional agencies to implement flood prevention recommendations. tvbrics.com He highlighted the effectiveness of using satellite imagery in predicting natural disasters…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). More than 28,000 eco-friendly cars are supplied to Egypt. tvbrics.com Minister Maait outlined ongoing initiatives to develop Egypt's automotive sector…

syndication (2024-06-25). Yak-52 Kill Marks Hint At Success In Ukraine's Drone War. twz.com A propeller-driven Yak-52 primary training aircraft has appeared with an impressive collection of

DPA (2024-06-25). EU ministers approve US$1.5 billion Ukraine military aid using Russian assets. scmp.com European Union governments agreed to use in profits from Russian frozen assets for arms and other aid to Ukraine, sparking Hungarian anger.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Top European court finds Russia guilty of rights violations in Crimea. aljazeera.com Ukraine wins its first interstate case against Russia over systematic violations of rights on its occupied peninsula.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). Ukraine war: ICC issues warrant for ex-Russian defence minister Shoigu, top military chief. scmp.com Warrants were issued for the alleged war crimes of directing attacks at civilian objects and causing excessive incidental harm to civilians, as well as the crime against humanity in Ukraine, the ICC said.

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Joy Neumeyer: Moscow's Story. newleftreview.org Joy Neumeyer on Jade McGlynn, Memory Makers and Russia's War. Twin studies, scholarly and less so, of the uses of the past in Putin's war for Ukraine.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). EU launches membership talks with Moldova and Ukraine. aljazeera.com

Bloomberg (2024-06-25). India's Modi to visit Russia for first time since Ukraine war, underscoring Delhi-Moscow ties. scmp.com India and Russia share deep economic and political ties, which have remained strong despite sanctions against Moscow after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Staff (2024-06-25). The Freeman Report, TNT Radio: Vote for Nigel Farage! Anti-globalist. Anti-Washington narrative on Ukraine. gilbertdoctorow.com

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. uwidata.com Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

WSWS (2024-06-25). Bloodbath in Nairobi as millions protest Kenyan President Ruto and parliament stormed. wsws.org Protestors stormed the Parliament and set parts of it ablaze, while lawmakers fled using underground tunnels or hid in ambulances. Police used live ammunition, teargas and truncheons, resulting in the deaths of several protestors and hundreds of injuries.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Julian Assange freed after plea deal with the US. wsws.org The arrangement represents a massive victory for Assange, whose liberation will be welcomed by defenders of democratic rights and opponents of imperialist war around the world.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Australia: Queensland Labor government's desperate "cost-of-living" budget fails to reverse collapsing support. wsws.org Facing electoral defeat, and increasing hostility among workers, the Queensland budget's token measures attempt to mask a big business agenda.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Tom Scripps wins support for socialist anti-war campaign in Holborn and St Pancras, London. wsws.org Teams on Camden Town High Street, in Kentish Town, and at workplaces including Royal Mail offices and hospitals, have distributed thousands of copies of the SEP's manifesto and sold literature.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Victorian nurses: Reject rejigged union-government sellout! Form rank-and-file committees to fight for pay and conditions! wsws.org The principled stand taken by workers at the May 20 meeting, in opposition to the ANMF bureaucracy, was important, but it is only a first step.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Putin meets Vietnamese leaders as US accelerates military build-up in Asia. wsws.org The Russian president's trip to Vietnam was aimed at countering Washington's aggressive actions throughout the Indo-Pacific aimed against both Russia and China.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Tish Murtha, photographic chronicler of unemployed youth in England's north east. wsws.org Tish Murtha wrote of the unemployed youth she photographed: "The sense of aimlessness and pent-up frustrations are reaching critical levels where they will be transformed into an explosive anger, directed against the establishment that has been so careless of their hopes and needs."

WSWS (2024-06-25). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org The 1,350 workers at the Bombardier plant in Toronto, Canada walked out Sunday after the expiration of their contract as leaders of Unifor urgently sought to continue discussions with management.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Teamsters union president to speak at Republican National Convention, in another sign of growing alliance with extreme right. wsws.org O'Brien will be speaking at a meeting that will be, for all intents and purposes, a fascist rally put on by one of the two main political parties.

WSWS (2024-06-25). An actor of the anti-establishment, Donald Sutherland, dies aged 88. wsws.org Unlike Jane Fonda, who has done everything in her power to make the public forget her onetime radical days and views, Sutherland retained a general hostility to capitalism until his death.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). US gun violence declared 'urgent public health crisis' by surgeon general, seeks controls. scmp.com The advisory by Vivek Murthy, who was nominated by President Joe Biden, is the first such major report on gun violence from a surgeon general.

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). ACHPR 79: The African Commission's Resolution on Sudan signals a positive step towards concrete engagement on the resolution of the conflict. fidh.org

theonion (2024-06-25). SATIRE: Tourist Immediately Breaks 34 Sacred Local Customs While Deboarding Airplane. theonion.com TOKYO—In a rapid-fire string of faux pas that deeply offended every single Japanese person he encountered, American tourist Max Deacon is said to have immediately broken 34 sacred local customs Tuesday while disembarking from his plane in Tokyo. Deacon, who somehow had no idea he was being offensive in any way, shape,…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Outpatient Adverse Events More Common, Preventable Than Expected. jamanetwork.com About 7% of people seen in an outpatient setting had at least 1 adverse event, according to findings from about 3100 patients from 11 sites in Massachusetts. The majority of these patients—64%—experienced drug-related adverse events, such as allergic reactions. About 15% of affected patients experienced health care—related infections like urinary tract infections; a similar proportion experienced surgical adverse events, such as serious bleeding.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-06-25). Afghanistan: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Julian Assange freed: What plea deal did WikiLeaks founder strike with US? aljazeera.com Assange will plead guilty to one espionage charge in a US court in Saipan, before returning home to Australia.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Museveni welcomes return of Ugandan artifacts from Britain. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has welcomed the return of cultural artifacts from Britain that were taken during the colonial era. A statement by the Presidential Press Unit notes that Museveni was happy that the return of the artifacts marks a profound moment in the history of Uganda. The statement …

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). The Clinic Visit. jamanetwork.com In this narrative medicine essay, a surgical oncologist reflects on his 30-year practice and the care he receives for his leukemia, understanding how vital the relationships and discourse with the care team are for his recovery.

Gabisile (2024-06-25). Fire claims patient's life at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital. sanews.gov.za Fire claims patient's life at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital | The Gauteng Department of Health has confirmed that a fire incident at the psychiatric unit of the Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital has resulted in the death of a 35-year-old female patient. | According to a statement, the patient was admitted on 20 June 2024. She was placed in a seclusion room on Monday as part of her prescribed treatment when at around 18: 35, smoke and a small fire broke out. | "Immediate actions were taken to safeguard the safety and well-being of patients. The fire was quickly contained and extinguished by the fire brigade…

The Independent (2024-06-25). Trade Ministry Official joins MPs in Luzira in Sh3.4 billion court case. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Anti-corruption Court in Kampala has remanded Leonard Kavundira, the Principal Cooperative Officer from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives to Luzira prison for allegedly conspiring with three legislators and a lawyer to divert more than sh3.4billion. Kavundira on Monday afternoon appeared before the Court presided over by …

EDWIN (2024-06-25). BMA to screen travellers at ports amid 13 Mpox cases. sanews.gov.za BMA to screen travellers at ports amid 13 Mpox cases | The Commissioner of the Border Management Authority (BMA), Dr Michael Masiapato, has announced that port health officials have developed an outbreak preparedness plan to deal with Monkey Pox or Mpox. | In response to the 13 cases that have been confirmed by the National Department of Health, the BMA is implementing screening processes for travellers entering the country at all ports of entry. | Masiapato said at the airports, the first phase of screening occurs when the conveyance operator which is the captain of the aircraft and crew members provide a genera…

Andrew Kersley (2024-06-25). New Parliament To Be Loaded with MPs From Water Industry — Amid Concerns 'Bias' Won't Help Combat Sewage Discharges. bylinetimes.com The next Parliament is set to have multiple MPs with backgrounds as staffers, consultants or lobbyists for the country's under-fire privatised water industry, Byline Times can reveal. | This newspaper has investigated the backgrounds of prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs) from both

Hugo GABBERO (2024-06-25). Thailand: Joint call to end judicial abuse and arbitrary detention, and to investigate Netiporn 'Bung' Sanesangkhom's death. fidh.org International organisations, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, call on the Thai government to end the abuse of the judicial process and the arbitrary detention of human rights defenders, activists, and protesters. Additionally, they urge a thorough and independent investigation into the death in custody one month ago of Netiporn 'Bung' Sanesangkhom.
AI Index Number: ASA 39/8157/2024
| Tawee Sodsong Minister of (…) | – |

Reuters (2024-06-25). 'Julian Assange is free': WikiLeaks founder leaves UK, will plead guilty in deal with US. scmp.com The WikiLeaks founder is due to plead guilty this week to violating US espionage law, in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Updated Absolute Mortality Rates of Lupus. jamanetwork.com The Review titled "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Review," published in the May 7, 2024, issue of JAMA, has been updated to provide the absolute mortality rates by sex, age, race, and geographic region in the Prognosis section. This article was corrected online.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). Macron warns far-right, hard-left policies could lead to 'civil war'. scmp.com French president said far-right RN 'divides and pushes towards civil war', while hard-left France Unbowed proposes 'form of communitarianism' that results in civil war.

Edith Lederer (2024-06-25). United Nations launches global principles to combat online hate and lies, demands big tech and media take action. whyy.org The United Nations chief on Monday launched global principles to combat online hate and lies and demanded that big tech companies use their power to reduce the harm they are doing to people and societies around the world. | Guterres s…

UMMID (2024-06-25). Post Hajj 2024 Umrah: Saudi Arabia begins issuing e-visas. ummid.com The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has started issuing electronic visas for post Hajj 2024 Umrah season, as part of its efforts to enable more Muslims to come to the Kingdom to perform Umrah and facilitate its procedures for them.

UMMID (2024-06-25). West Bengal UG Admission 2024: Registration Begins, Last Date to Apply July 7. ummid.com The West Bengal Council of Higher Education (WBCHSE) has started the registration process for admission in various Undergraduate (UG) courses for the academic year 2024-25.

publicbooks (2024-06-25). "The Unique Magic That Happens When Two People Come Together": Allison Pugh on Building a Society of Connection. publicbooks.org "What we are doing by mechanizing encounters is bleeding out the unique and rather mysterious social outcome."

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Philippine Court Clears Leading 'Drug War' Critic. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Former senator and human rights lawyer Leila de Lima (center right) acknowledges supporters after a court acquitted her of the last criminal charges against her, outside the court in Muntinlupa, Manila, Philippines, June 24, 2024. | © 2024 Jam Sta Rosa/AFP via Getty Images…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Beyond Life Without Parole in the US: 2nd Chances Make Communities Stronger. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Ruben R. was sentenced to life without parole for a crime he committed when he was 17 years old. Changes in law gave him the chance to go before the parole board, and he was found eligible for release. After coming home, Ruben taught himself carpentry skills, became a property manager, and worked part-time for a non-profit organization. In his spare time, he has gone back into prisons as a volunteer speaker, encouraging people to choose a path of self-improvement. Los Angeles, California. | © 2021 Chip Warren for Human Rights Watch…

(2024-06-25). Pakistani journalist Khalil Jibran shot dead following threats from militants. thenews.com.pk

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Mali's Junta Renews Assault on Political Opposition. hrw.org Click to expand Image | The leader of Mali's junta, Col. Assimi GoàØta, center, in Bamako, Mali, September 22, 2022. | © 2022 AP Photo | Mali's military junta arrested 11 opposition figures last week in the authorities' latest assault on the political opposition.On June 20, gendarmes surrounded a private home in Bamako, Mali's capital, and arrested members of the country's main opposition coalition, known as March 31 Declaration's Opposition Platform (Plateforme d'opposition de la Déclaration du 31 mars).One of those arrested, Mohamed Ali Bathily, a lawyer and former minister, was released on June…

Igor Patrick (2024-06-25). On China and AI, US sends mixed message about talks to ban the technology from nuclear use. scmp.com While State Department's No 2 touts dialogue, a National Security Council official points to Beijing's disagreement with long-stated policy.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Now, allegations of 'irregularities' in MHT CET 2024 results. ummid.com Even as the nationwide protests against the National Testing Agency (NTA) over alleged malpractices in NEET UG 2024 and UGC NET 2024 continue unabated, students are now alleging irregularities in MHT CET 2024 results.

Frank Chen,Ji Siqi (2024-06-25). Chinese premier rebuffs 'bloc confrontation', talks up open markets in 'Summer Davos' address. scmp.com In a keynote address to the 'Summer Davos' forum, Chinese Premier Li Qiang offered a strong critique of Western trade restrictions while also pitching the country as a welcoming place for overseas firms.

Tim Huber (2024-06-25). Support offered for MB LGBTQ people. anabaptistworld.org First, there was A Time to Listen, an online gathering for Canadian Mennonite Brethren church members started in 2021 that aimed to create a safe online space to hear the stories of LGBTQ members and their families.

GABIK (2024-06-25). Rand Water starts maintenance at Eikenhof and Zwartkopjes. sanews.gov.za Rand Water starts maintenance at Eikenhof and Zwartkopjes | Rand Water has started conducting extensive maintenance on their infrastructure that will affect Johannesburg Water's systems supplied by the Eikenhof and Zwartkopjes pump stations, including the Daleside Booster Station. | The bulk water supplier started maintenance work on Monday, which will affect Johannesburg water customers with low pressure to no water supply. | The maintenance will continue until 29 July 2024. | Johannesburg Water said it is estimated that full recovery of the systems may take approximately five days or longer after the supply ha…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). WHO: As Mpox Outbreaks Continue, Cases May Be Underestimated. jamanetwork.com About 2 years after the global mpox outbreak began, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided updated numbers of mpox cases and revised vaccine recommendations in a new situation report. From 2022 through March 2024, more than 95‚ÄØ200 people have developed mpox infections and 185 patients have died, WHO reported. Cases have risen in Africa in recent months, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Iranians Celebrate Eid al-Ghadeer. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Shiite Muslims across the world, including in Iran, are celebrating the Eid al-Ghadeer, which marks the appointment of the first Shiite Imam, Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), by Islam's most revered figure, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as his successor.

Charles Rotter (2024-06-25). A Day in the LIFE of a Climate Journalist. wattsupwiththat.com Josh nails it For context: We previously covered the pathetic green colonialist's hit piece here:…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Deaths During Annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia Underscore Extreme Heat Dangers. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Pilgrims use umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun as they arrive at the base of Mount Arafat, also known as Jabal al-Rahma or Mount of Mercy, during the annual hajj pilgrimage on June 15, 2024. | © 2024 Fadel Senna/AFP via Getty Images…

The Independent (2024-06-25). Sudan continues to spiral into chaos. independent.co.ug KHARTOUM | Xinhua | The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Monday said Sudan continues to spiral into chaos, with the humanitarian crisis worsening. "The lives of 800,000 people — of women, children, men, the elderly and people with disabilities — are hanging in the balance as bombing and shelling continue …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). From fastest goal to fantastic fans, Albania sprang surprises at Euro 2024. aljazeera.com Despite exit, Albania fans happy with nation's showing at Euro 2024, in what many considered to be the 'group of death'.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). At least 2 dead as fire engulfs Russian office block. scmp.com Several other people are missing after an office building in Fryazino, near Moscow, erupted in flames on Monday, authorities said.

Eileen Kinch (2024-06-25). MC USA Archives welcomes a new collection of MEDA materials. anabaptistworld.org Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) was born in 1953 out of the desire to provide support to Mennonite immigrants to Paraguay after World War II. What started with a small collection of U.S. business owners who wanted to encourage Mennonite businesses in Paraguayan colonies in the Chaco region has blossomed into a multi-national economic development …

_____ (2024-06-25). Belarus jails journalist Alena Tsimashchuk for 5 years; reason for charges undisclosed. spring96.org

UMMID (2024-06-25). Union Budget 2024-25: Real Estate Sector's Wish-list. ummid.com With Union Budget 2024-25 set to be tabled in July, the real estate sector pins renewed hope on the Modi 3.0 regime. Expectations are high for tax reliefs and other sentiment boosters.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Chinese fast-fashion giant Shein filed for London IPO in early June, sources say. scmp.com The company has also updated China's securities regulator officially about its change of listing venue, the sources say.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Study: 2 APOE4 Copies May Indicate Genetic Form of Alzheimer Disease. jamanetwork.com Almost all people who inherited 2 identical copies of the APOE4 gene variant had abnormally high levels of amyloid in their cerebrospinal fluid and brain by age 65 years, according to a new study that combined data from more than 3200 brain donors and about 10‚ÄØ000 participants with clinical data.

Henrik Jaakkola, Oleksandr Kyselov (2024-06-25). 'We Could Not Provide Any Credible Alternatives to NATO': Interview With Finnish Left Alliance's Henrik Jaakkola. links.org.au Oleksandr Kyselov interviews Henrik Jaakkola, of Finland's Vasemmistoliitto/Và§nsterfà∂rbundet (Left Alliance)…

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Kenya Parliament Breached By Anti-Tax Protesters, Part Of It Set Ablaze; 10 Killed In Police Firing. hindustantimes.com Protesters stormed Kenya's Parliament compound and set sections of it ablaze on June 25. Hundreds of demonstrators reportedly overwhelmed police to storm the compound in Nairobi. Visuals showed smoke cloud billowing from inside the Kenyan parliament. Police reportedly opened fire after tear gas and water cannon failed to disperse protesters. Watch for more.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). German far-right politician back in court over banned Nazi slogan. scmp.com Controversial German far-right politician Bjoern Hoecke said he was 'completely innocent' as he went on trial for using a banned Nazi slogan that has already earned him a conviction.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Timeline of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's legal battles. scmp.com WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a deal to plead guilty to one count of violating the US espionage law. Here is a timeline of his legal troubles.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Kenyan president flags off 400 police officers to Haiti to combat gang violence. independent.co.ug NAIROBI, Kenya | Xinhua | Kenyan President William Ruto on Monday flagged off the first group of 400 police officers, marking their deployment to Haiti to combat gang violence. The ceremony in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, saw the president hand over the Kenyan flag to the officers who will participate in the Multinational Security …

GABIK (2024-06-25). New KZN Finance MEC shuts down Treasury's secondary office. sanews.gov.za New KZN Finance MEC shuts down Treasury's secondary office | Newly appointed KwaZulu-Natal Finance MEC, Francois Rodgers, has started to demonstrate his commitment to ensure effective spending of the budget by closing down the office on the 9th floor of The Marine Building in Durban. | Rodgers said the closure of the leased offices will save the KZN Treasury an estimated R1 million a year, which will be directed to other strategic service delivery needs of the department in supporting the province. | Rodgers said his main priority was to stabilise the finances of KwaZulu-Natal and work with the Treasury team, as…

Steve Hopkins (2024-06-25). Julian Assange's Wife Urges Supporters to Keep 'Eyes' on Case as He is Freed from UK Prison and Set to Appear Before US Judge. bylinetimes.com The 52-year-old, until Monday, had been held, without trial, at London's Belmarsh prison while he awaited his next court date having, He had been at the prison for more than five years following his arrest at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London in 2019 for skipping bail. The

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Kenya police fire water cannons and tear gas at finance bill protesters. aljazeera.com Kenyan police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons at protesters angry over tax rises and spending cuts.

noemail (2024-06-25). Afghanistan's Dramatic Semi-Final Berth in T20 World Cup. devdiscourse.com Afghanistan reached the semi-finals of the Twenty20 World Cup with a dramatic eight-run victory over Bangladesh under the Duckworth Lewis System in St Vincent on Monday, joining India as the qualifiers from Group 1 and sending Australia home.

UMMID (2024-06-25). NTA Chief sacked, Govt orders CBI probe, NEET PG 2024 postponed. ummid.com Amid the intensifying protests against paper leak and irregularities in various entrance exams, the Narendra Modi government Saturday sacked the National Testing Agency (NTA) Chief, ordered CBI probe into alleged irregularities in NEET UG even as Health Ministry postponed NEET PG.

Nathan Klabin (2024-06-25). October 7 Victims Sue UN Agency for Alleged Aid Diversion to Hamas. themedialine.org

UMMID (2024-06-25). Lynching, hate crimes mar two weeks of Modi's 3rd term. ummid.com Since the day Modi became Prime Minister for the 3rd term, Hindus have started taking revenge from Muslims by one way or the other. They are angry because it is alleged that the Muslims were responsible for not making the BJP's dream of "400 par" a reality.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Iranian Presidential Candidates Attend 4th TV Debate. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The penultimate televised debate in the race for the Iranian presidency was held on Monday night in an hours-long exchange in which all candidates discussed foreign policy issues.

noemail (2024-06-25). Will support govt on LS Speaker choice if they give deputy speaker post to opposition: Rahul Gandhi. devdiscourse.com

noemail (2024-06-25). Plane thought to be carrying WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, on his way to enter a plea deal in US court, lands in Bangkok, reports AP. devdiscourse.com

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). In Russia, a Trial in Name Only. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in a courtroom at the Moscow City Court, in Moscow, Russia, December 14, 2023. | © 2023 Dmitry Serebryakov/AP Photo | On Wednesday, a court process will be opened in the Siberian city of Yekaterinburg against American Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who was arrested in March 2023 on cynically false charges of espionage. Russian President Vladimir Putin has intimated that Gershkovich is being considered for a prisoner exchange, making clear that this trial is a cruel performance that has nothing in common with justice. It…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Pediatric Phoenix Sepsis Score Challenges. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We read with great interest the article "International Consensus Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock" and commend the authors for their dedication to standardizing and improving the care of children with sepsis. By using an empirical approach in a global cohort of children, this work represents a major advancement in defining pediatric sepsis, as demonstrated by improved prediction of mortality compared with the previous definition.

GABIK (2024-06-25). DWS assures enough water supply amidst Lesotho Highlands tunnel closure. sanews.gov.za DWS assures enough water supply amidst Lesotho Highlands tunnel closure | The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has reassured Gauteng residents that water supply will not be affected during the closure of the Lesotho Highlands tunnel closure for maintenance. | Speaking at the recent City Meets Business Engagement Session, hosted by the City of Ekurhuleni, the Head of Department in Gauteng, Justice Maluleke, assured the public, including stakeholders in the water sector, that the department has taken all the necessary measures to ensure that water supply will not be affected by the closure of the tunnel, wh…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). 'Julian Assange is free', video shows WikiLeaks founder leaving UK. aljazeera.com WikiLeaks shared a video showing its founder Julian Assange boarding a plane to fly out of the UK.

Murad Gattal, Ahmed Rahmanov, Togrul Veliyev, Ahmed Mammadli (2024-06-25). Nothing but revolution can change Azerbaijan for the better: Interview with the Azerbaijani left. links.org.au Murad Gattal spoke to Azerbaijani trade unionists and left-wing activists about the state of society following Ilham Aliyev's election for the fifth presidential term and the Third Karabakh War.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Cytisinicline More Than Doubled Chances of Quitting E-Cigarettes. jamanetwork.com Millions of young people currently use e-cigarettes, according to recent data. However, there are few evidence-backed strategies to help people stop vaping. Now, a double-blind randomized study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that a drug known as cytisinicline might also help curb e-cigarette use. The results are based on data from 160 adults aged 34 years on average who reported using nicotine-containing e-cigarettes every day.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Madhya Pradesh to include Ram, Krishna in school and college curricula. ummid.com Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has declared that the teachings about Hindu lords Ram and Krishna are to be included in the school and higher education curricula of Madhya Pradesh.

Brian Cathcart (2024-06-25). A Revealing Argument from The Times of London: 'Don't Worry About Journalistic Ethics, What Matters is the Money'. bylinetimes.com The Times of London recently carried a comment article by Gerard Baker about events at Baker's high-octane contempt for…

noemail (2024-06-25). Former 'Buddha Boy' Ram Bahadur Bamjon Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse in Nepal. devdiscourse.com A Nepali court has found a man who thousands believed was a reincarnation of the Buddha guilty of child sexual abuse, a court official said on Tuesday.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Immunotherapy: Ray of Hope for Stage 4 Renal Cancer Patients. ummid.com By embracing immunotherapy as a complementary strategy alongside conventional treatments, we can forge a path towards improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life for individuals confronting stage 4 renal cancer.

The Independent (2024-06-25). CID probes death of Chinese man at hotel guarded by UPDF. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) is investigating the mysterious death of a Chinese national at a hotel guarded by Uganda People's Defence Force -UPDF soldiers in Nakawa Division in Kampala City. Ji- Feng was reportedly discovered groaning in pain and crying for help at the weekend at Golden Hotel …

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). What Participating in the UN Disabilities Conference Taught me. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Mariana Lozano, Human Rights Watch Marca Bristo Fellow 2023/2024, delivers her speech in a roundtable on promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood on June 13, 2024, as part of the annual UN conference on disability rights (COSP). | © 2024 Luis Rodríguez…

Stephen Roach (2024-06-25). The defining economic issue of 2024 US election is cost of living. scmp.com High prices weigh more on US voters' minds than falling inflation, but don't expect either major candidate to offer more than finger-pointing.

Carlos Lancho (2024-06-25). Peru in the spotlight for crimes against humanity: Boluarte's government responsible for murders. fidh.org

The Media Line Staff (2024-06-25). Global Powers Denounce Iran's Nuclear Ambitions at UN Meeting. themedialine.org

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Namibia Court Decriminalizes Consensual Same-Sex Conduct. hrw.org Click to expand Image | People hold banners in support of LGBTQ rights outside the high court which made a landmark ruling in favor of LGBTQ communities in Windhoek, Namibia, June 21, 2024. | © 2024 Opas Onucheyo/Reuters…

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). Rule of law in Poland: FIDH denounces the premature closing of Article 7(1) TEU procedure. fidh.org

Johnny Perez-Gonzalez (2024-06-25). Newark's downtown library set for a $44.4M upgrade, with emphasis on sustainability and quality space. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? One of Delaware's busiest circulating libraries, a community cornerstone since 1974, is set to receive a $44.4 million facelift. | Launched about 18 months ago, the project aims to modernize the library's building and services, tackling long-standing issues that have plagued the institution. | Those challenges include the library's aging infrastructure, HVAC issues, failing systems, limited space for programming and visitors and parking constraints. | When tackling these cha…

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

syndication (2024-06-25). The Story Of The Soviet Union's Monster Mi-6 Helicopter Airliner. twz.com The Soviet-era Mil Mi-6 Hook was a colossal helicopter. It was the largest production rotary-wing craft until its successor, the

UMMID (2024-06-25). Palestinian journalist's Courage Awards rescinded after protest by neoconservatives. ummid.com The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) revoked the 2024 Courage in Journalism Award conferred on Palestinian Journalist Maha Hussaini after the right-wing and neoconservative groups and publications in the United States accused her of being a "Hamas sympathizer" and "anti-semite".

Larry Neumeister (2024-06-25). Sen. Bob Menendez's Egypt, Qatar trip planning got 'weird,' Senate staffer recalls at bribery trial. whyy.org A Senate staffer testified Monday at a bribery trial that planning for Sen. Bob Menendez's 2021 trip to Egypt and Qatar got "weird" after the Democrat directed that Egypt be included in the process. | Sarah Arkin, a senior staffer with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified as a government witness at a trial over bribes of hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold and cash allegedly paid to the senator in return for benefits he supposedly delivered to three New Jersey businessmen from 2018 to 2022. | Among favors he allegedly carried out, one included helping Egyptian officials in exchange for one busin…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). The Texas Medical Board and the Futility of Medical Exceptions to Abortion Bans. jamanetwork.com This Viewpoint describes the failure of yet another state institution to generate meaningful guidance about medical exceptions to abortion bans.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Euro 2024: Italy stuns Croatia, Spain advances with perfect record. independent.co.ug BERLIN | Xinhua | Mattias Zaccagni's last-grasp 1-1 equalizer against Croatia sent reigning champion Italy through the Euro 2024 group stage while Spain capped a perfect Group B run with 1-0 win over Albania in the last round of group play on Monday. Croatia started offensively minded knowing that only a win would see it …

Reuters (2024-06-25). Kenya's William Ruto vows tough response after anti-tax protests turn deadly. scmp.com Police fired on demonstrators trying to storm the parliament compound, killing at least five.

Sarah Mueller (2024-06-25). Delaware lawmakers approve fiscal year 2025 budget, tee up last week in session. whyy.org

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Unrest erupts again in New Caledonia after activists sent to France. aljazeera.com Seven pro-independence activists, including protest leader Christian Tein, have been moved to France.

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. unitedworldint.com Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

theonion (2024-06-25). SATIRE: Google Announces Everyone's Got To Chill With These Depressing Inquiries. theonion.com MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Outfitting its landing page with a pop-up alert, Google announced Tuesday that "everyone's got to chill with these depressing search inquiries," going so far as to suggest internet users "save it for [their] therapist" instead. "Our search engine is intended for use as a tool—it's not here to serve…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Accounting for Competing Risks in Clinical Research. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods article discusses accounting for competing risks in clinical research.

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Jaishankar, Indian Envoy Shame Trudeau For Skipping Pro-Khalistan Terror Mention | Canada | Kanishka. hindustantimes.com From India's foreign minister, to the Indian envoy in Canada – Justin Trudeau came under attack from senior Indian officials after failing to mention pro-Khalistani terror while speaking on the 1985 Kanishka bombing. Jaishankar said, "The anniversary is a reminder why terrorism should never be tolerated." The Indian High Commissioner fired a less-subtle jibe, saying, "No government in the world should overlook the threat of terrorism emanating from its territories for political gains." Watch the full video for more.

Robert Delaney,Khushboo Razdan (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. scmp.com Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations.

_____ (2024-06-25). Pakistani journalist Khalil Jibran shot dead following threats from militants. thenews.com.pk

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Stark Differences Exist in Health, Disability Between Males and Females. jamanetwork.com Substantial differences existed in the way the 20 leading causes of disease affected females and males worldwide, a study involving data from 1990 to 2021 found.

Tim Huber (2024-06-25). Relief quilt finds home at Grebel. anabaptistworld.org A featured quilt at the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale in Ontario raised more than $20,000 for Mennonite Central Committee in late May and will make its home at Conrad Grebel University College.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Nigeria needs Centralized Hajj Operating System: CSO. ummid.com Independent Hajj Reporters, (IHR), a civil society organization (cso), has called on the National Assembly to amend the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) Act to ensure a cohesive and effective Hajj operating system in Nigeria.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Govt cancels UGC NET June 2024 conducted by NTA amid reports of paper leak. ummid.com In yet another setback for students, the Ministry of Education Wednesday cancelled the UGC NET June 2024 conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) amid the reports alleging paper leaks.

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). European Union General Affairs Council must address continued rule of law and human rights violations in Hungary and Poland. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and other international NGOs sent a letter to EU ministers ahead of the EU General Affairs Council's meeting on 25 June 2024 where member States will hold a hearing on the situation in Hungary under the Article 7.1 TEU procedure.
In the letter, the signatory organisations point to the continued deterioration of the situation in Hungary, which fails to comply with Europea Union rule of law recommendations. Major concerns include judicial (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-06-25). Maha CET Cell mulls allowing students to verify MHT CET 2024 Answer Sheets. ummid.com In order to allay the students' concerns, the Maharashtra CET Cell is considering to allow them to verify their answer sheets (OMR Sheets) with the official answer keys.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Why is Julian Assange flying to the remote Pacific island of Saipan? scmp.com Better known for its sandy beaches and Second World War wrecks, the tropical Pacific island of Saipan will soon host the final act of Julian Assange's 14-year legal odyssey.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-06-25). Ethiopia: Halt crackdown against human rights groups. fidh.org Human rights groups, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, urge the Ethiopian authorities to halt their escalating crackdown on civic space, human rights organisations, and independent media. Ethiopia's international and regional partners must press the authorities to respect human rights obligations and ensure a safe environment for human rights defenders and journalists.
June 18, 2024 – The Ethiopian authorities (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-06-25). Indian Retail Brands Embrace Omni-Channel Strategies to Boost Consumer Experiences. ummid.com Adopting omni-channel retailing allows brands to meet the demands of today's Indian consumers, offering convenience, diversity, and connectivity.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Patient Information: Age-Related Macular Degeneration. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Patient Page describes age-related macular degeneration development and progression; symptoms and risk factors; and diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment.

UMMID (2024-06-25). From managing Railways to conducting Exams, silent takeover of Government by Business. ummid.com It seems that while it is not the business of the government to be in business, it is all right to surrender the functions and services of the government to business, lock stock and barrel.

Bloomberg (2024-06-25). US TikTok ban could hit Oracle's revenue and profit, cloud provider warns. scmp.com A law in the US that would ban hosting TikTok if ByteDance does not sell would 'adversely impact' Oracle if it cannot redeploy capacity, the company said.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Poll: Health-Related Costs Top Older Adults' Concerns. jamanetwork.com When asked about their feelings on more than 20 topics, older adults listed various health-related costs as their top 6 concerns, based on data from about 3400 respondents to the University of Michigan's National Poll on Healthy Aging. The majority of respondents aged 50 years or older were worried about the cost of medical care, home care, prescription medications, and health insurance or Medicare.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Private Equity Owns 25% of Mental Health Facilities in Some States. jamanetwork.com The number of mental health and substance use facilities that are owned by private equity firms has steadily increased in the US over the past 10 years, according to findings from about 26‚ÄØ500 facilities nationwide between 2012 and 2023. About 6% of all mental health facilities were private equity owned in 2023, as were about 7% of substance use disorder facilities.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). German far-right politician back in court over Nazi slogan. scmp.com Bjoern Hoecke is on trial for using banned Nazi slogan and salute. Alternative for Germany member was fined in previous case linked to using Nazi slogan.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Pediatric Phoenix Sepsis Score Challenges. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We think the Phoenix Sepsis Score is an important achievement as a pediatric sepsis definition, which considers the performance and application of the score in lower-resource settings. The score was developed in response to clinician survey results that emphasized that the updated score should address issues concerning inconsistent availability of diagnostic tools. Additionally, the authors developed the score for benchmarking, epidemiology, and research purposes.

SKWAWKBOX (2024-06-25). Assange 'reaches plea deal'. skwawkbox.org Jailed journalist is free and has left the UK Persecuted journalist Julian Assange is said to have reached a deal with the US to enter a guilty plea of violating espionage law, in return for the end of the Americans' disgraced attempt to extradite him. The news comes after UK judges allowed Assange to appeal …

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). What Anger Does to the Blood Vessels. jamanetwork.com This Medical News article discusses a randomized clinical trial that investigated the effects of negative emotions on blood vessel dilation.

UMMID (2024-06-25). India marks the longest day of the year. ummid.com India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries Friday June 21, 2024 marked the longest day of the year.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Alliance Francaise fills Sheraton Gardens with harmony for World Music Day. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | Kampala thumped with rhythm and melody on the June 21 as Alliance Franàßaise de Kampala (AFK) hosted a vibrant Fête de la Musique (World Music Day) celebration at the Sheraton Hotel gardens. The free concert, a Kampala tradition for years, brought together a diverse lineup of local and international …

syndication (2024-06-25). F-15EX Testers Are Now Preparing The Eagle II For Rapidly Adapting To New Missions. twz.com The U.S. Air Force is eyeing a wide range of possible non-traditional missions for the

Pacific Media Watch (2024-06-25). InsidePNG's Sincha Dimara wins East-West 'courage award' for free press. asiapacificreport.nz Pacific Media Watch Papua New Guinean journalist Sincha Dimara, news editor at the online publication InsidePNG, is one of seven recipients of this year's East-West Center Journalists of Courage Impact Award. Pakistani journalist Kamal Siddiqi, former news director at Aaj TV, also received the award last night at the EWC's International Media Conference in Manila,…

Staff (2024-06-25). Marine Le Pen: ´Combien de temps allons-nous tolérer les abjections de l'extrême-gauche sur l'antisémitisme ? ª. defenddemocracy.press Par Marine Le PenJun Jun 22, 2024 L'extrême-gauche se rend coupable d'une insupportable banalisation de l'antisémitisme contre laquelle il faut lutter, pour l'honneur de la France, estime l'ancienne candidate RN à l'élection présidentielle. En France, les actes antisémites ont progressé de 300% au premier trimestre 2024, soit quatre actes antisémites par jour. Cette hausse s'est clairement …

The Independent (2024-06-25). Six new Ugandan immigration officers head to UK, Canada, US. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control -DCICI has deployed six new immigration attaches at Uganda's foreign missions including Washington DC in USA , London in the UK capital London and Ottawa in Canada. Patrick Igera who has been serving at Entebbe International Airport has been deployed as the …

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). France's Macron warns of 'civil war' risk as elections loom. scmp.com French President Emmanuel Macron warned that the policies of his far-right and hard-left opponents as France prepares for its most divisive election in decades.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Dialogue Sole Way to Revive JCPOA: Iran UN Envoy. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the UN held the US and the EU3 accountable for the current state of the 2015 nuclear deal, hit back at them for playing a destructive blame game, and described sincere dialogue and constructive cooperation as the only viable option for restoring the JCPOA.

(2024-06-25). Niger reinstates prison sentences for journalists for defamation, insult. rfi.fr

UMMID (2024-06-25). NEET UG 2024: Arrested medical aspirants confess to receiving leaked paper. ummid.com NEET UG 2024: At least two medical aspirants, who appeared in NEET UG 2024 exams but later arrested by Bihar police have confessed to receiving leaked paper a day before the medical entrance exam.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Canada considers imposing import tariffs on Chinese EVs. scmp.com 'Chinese producers are quite intentionally generating a global oversupply that undermines EV producers around the world, including here in Canada,' said Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). FDA Announces Increased Oversight of Some Diagnostic Laboratory Tests. jamanetwork.com The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will begin supervising laboratory-developed tests more closely due to concerns that they do not always provide accurate results, the agency recently announced.

The Independent (2024-06-25). TAXES: Kenyan protesters invade parliament. independent.co.ug Nairobi, Kenya | THE INDEPENDENT | Kenyan youth protesting increased taxes in the new Finance 2024 bill, have forced their way into parliament, with police overwhelmed by their numbers. Several have however been shot dead, reports indicate. The proposed measures include new levies on basic commodities like bread, vegetable oil, sugar and a new …

The Independent (2024-06-25). New NPA board urged to focus on NDP-IV goals. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | Amos Lugoloobi, Minister of State for Planning has emphasized to the new National Planning Authority (NPA) Executive Board the importance of meticulous planning, particularly in the context of realizing Uganda's ambitious goals outlined in the Fourth National Development Plan (NDP-IV). "The Board needs to work swiftly to guide the NPA's …

The Independent (2024-06-25). Six charged for attempting to shoot minerals minister. independent.co.ug Kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Six private security guards accused of attempting to shoot at State Minister for Minerals, Phiona Nyamutoro, have been charged with seven counts of threatening violence. They are Nobert Okurboth the Manager of Wolves security company in charge of Rubanda and Kisoro districts, Robert Mucunguzi, Anthony Niwagaba, Hassan Oman, …

noemail (2024-06-25). AAP calls off Water protest by minister Atishi, says "Will raise voice in Parliament" devdiscourse.com Aam Aadmi Party Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh on Tuesday said that the indefinite strike called by Delhi Minister Atishi against the water crisis has been called off but they will continue to raise the issue in Parliament by mobilising the opposition parties. Addressing a press conference here today, Singh said, "Atishi has been on a hunger strike for 5 days. Her health was deteriorating. Doctors had been asking her to break the strike. Her health started worsening yesterday night. Her sugar level was 43. Her lowest sugar level was 36. Doctors suggested that she had to be admitted immediately; otherwise, she might…

noemail (2024-06-25). Delhi Water Minister Ends Hunger Strike After Hospitalisation. devdiscourse.com Delhi Water Minister Atishi has concluded her indefinite hunger strike aimed at addressing the severe water scarcity in the capital after being hospitalised, AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh announced.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). 'Britain's on its knees': The broken UK town backing Nigel Farage. aljazeera.com Clacton, with high unemployment and low immigration, looks set to finally deliver the right-wing populist to parliament.

Robert Delaney (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. scmp.com Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Therapies to Decrease Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Illness. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Insights discusses the use of monoclonal antibodies or protein-based vaccines to help prevent severe RSV infection in infants, children, and older adults.

syndication (2024-06-25). U.S. Ballistic Missile Submarine, 'Doomsday Plane' Take Part In Rare Show Of Force Off Norway. twz.com

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). To Fix Burnout, New Initiatives Go Beyond Worker Resilience. jamanetwork.com This Medical News article discusses the great resignation in health care and new efforts to create a sustainable medical workforce in the US.

Shawn Musgrave (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia. theintercept.com After years of fighting extradition from the United Kingdom to the U.S. on charges related to his publication of secret cables about the Iraq War, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, according to court documents filed on Monday. The Justice Department expects Assange to return home to Australia after a plea hearing Tuesday morning. | The agreement would bring to an end Assange's lengthy standoff with the White House, which has sparked diplomatic tensions and global concern about U.S. hypocrisy when it comes to advancing freedom of the press. | In 2018, the Justice…

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Too Few Clinicians Screen Patients for Intimate Partner Violence. jamanetwork.com More than 40% of women will experience intimate partner violence during their lives, as will more than one-quarter of men. That's why the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening all women of reproductive age for intimate partner violence, which can include physical, sexual, and psychological abuse by a partner. Yet only 43% of primary care clinicians who care for people enrolled in Medicaid do, a report by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) found.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Afghanistan erupts in celebration as team reaches T20 World Cup semifinal. aljazeera.com Fans take to the streets from Kabul to Kandahar and Khost to Laghman as Afghanistan reach first-ever World Cup semis.

Bochen Han (2024-06-25). Canada considers imposing new import tariffs on Chinese EVs. scmp.com Canada's auto sector faces 'unfair competition from China's intentional, state-directed policy of overcapacity', says the Canadian finance ministry.

Chris Blackhurst (2024-06-25). Top Banker Who Advised Gambling Commission to Sell National Lottery to Czech Company Was Helping Winner Just Weeks Before. bylinetimes.com The top banker who acted as lead advisor to officials deciding the destination of Britain's biggest ever public procurement contract was helping the winner of the multi-billion-pound takeover just two weeks prior to his appointment, Byline Times can reveal. | Ed Duckett, a senior banker at Rothschild & Co, advised the Gambling Commission on the competition for the National Lottery licence, worth £6.5 billon over 10 years to the winner. | The hiring of Rothschild with an accompanying quote from Duckett was announced on 22 July 2019. On 8 July 2019, Czech company Sazka had launched a successful ‚&Cce…

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). Julian Assange is free. fidh.org

Chris Blackhurst (2024-06-25). Top Banker Who Advised Gambling Commission to Award National Lottery to Czech Company Was Helping Winner Just Weeks Before. bylinetimes.com The top banker who acted as lead advisor to officials deciding the destination of Britain's biggest ever public procurement contract was helping the winner of the multi-billion-pound takeover just two weeks prior to his appointment, Byline Times can reveal. | Ed Duckett, a senior banker at Rothschild & Co, advised the Gambling Commission on the competition for the National Lottery licence, worth £6.5 billon over 10 years to the winner. | The hiring of Rothschild with an accompanying quote from Duckett was announced on 22 July 2019. On 8 July 2019, Czech company Sazka had launched a successful ‚&Cce…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Afghanistan beat Bangladesh to reach T20 World Cup semifinal. aljazeera.com Afghanistan are set to play South Africa next after historic eight-run victory, as Australia are eliminated.

G. Bin Zhao (2024-06-25). How to read China's economic report card for the first 5 months of 2024. scmp.com While some sectors may be holding back China's economic recovery, the country's long-term outlook shows promise.

Charlie Gardner (2024-06-25). 'By Mobilising Their Members Onto the Streets, Is this a New Dawn for the Power of Conservation Charities to Enact Change?'. bylinetimes.com

aljazeera (2024-06-25). China's lunar probe Chang'e-6 returns from far side of the moon. aljazeera.com China remains the only country to land a probe on the side of the moon that is always facing away from Earth.

noemail (2024-06-25). Rajnath Singh yet to get back on opposition demand for Dy speaker post: Rahul Gandhi. devdiscourse.com

Steven Ganot (2024-06-25). Experts Warn of Potential Explosive Situation as West Bank Authority Shifts to Smotrich. themedialine.org

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Pediatric Phoenix Sepsis Score Challenges—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply Ms Msefula and colleagues raise an important point regarding inclusion of tests and therapies in the Phoenix Sepsis Score that, based on the global survey performed by the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Task Force, may not be universally available. Msefula and colleagues have an associated concern that lack of these tests and therapies may lead to an underestimation of sepsis prevalence in lower-resource settings, substantiated by the prevalence rates we reported in lower- vs higher-resource settings (5.4%, vs 7.1%).

theonion (2024-06-25). SATIRE: Sister's Deadbeat Boyfriend Doing Wonders For Rest Of Family's Self-Esteem. theonion.com SANTA ROSA, CA—Admitting that they normally would not have embraced someone whose life was such a goddamn shitshow, local woman Tara Lopez told reporters Tuesday that her sister's deadbeat boyfriend was doing wonders for the rest of her family's self-esteem. "At first we hated the fact that he was an unemployed,…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). Unesco could add Stonehenge to World Heritage in Danger list over plan to dig road tunnel. scmp.com The United Nations' World Heritage Committee has recommended Stonehenge be listed as in danger after experts warned of 'permanent, irreversible harm' to the area from a planned road tunnel.

Stephen M. D. Day (2024-06-25). What We Know About Monarch Migration: The Amazing "Last Mile" fairobserver.com How does the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) navigate the so-called "last mile," or final stretch, of its migration? The precision with which these little insects home in on their target destination is nothing short of astounding. The question has foxed entomologists over the years.Scientists agree that monarchs use a complex group of sensors, mainly on…

A a (2024-06-25). Terror from all sides: The U.S.' new bet against the Russian Federation. strategic-culture.su

Staff (2024-06-25). Press TV on the Iran — Bahrain rapprochement. gilbertdoctorow.com I make it a rule to accept invitations to discuss some new and important international events only when I have some expertise in the subject at hand. Stick to your knitting! is my operating principle. Sometimes I have to bend that rule a bit, but then only when my aria from another opera makes sense …

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). Kenya force deployed to Haiti to tackle gang violence. scmp.com Kenyan President William Ruto on Monday held a departure ceremony for 400 officers who will be the first contingent to deploy to the Caribbean nation.

The Independent (2024-06-25). 113 countries have no female heads of state, gov't, new UN Women data show. independent.co.ug UNITED NATIONS | Xinhua | A staggering 113 countries worldwide have never had a woman serve as head of state or government, and only 26 countries are led by women as of today, according to UN Women's global data on Women Political Leaders 2024 published on Monday. Despite progress, women are still "largely excluded" from …

Staff (2024-06-25). France, the new Popular Front, hopes and contradictions. defenddemocracy.press By Dimitris Skarpalezos After the thunderous victory of the far-right "National Rally" in the French European elections, under the pressure of the mass of their supporters, the parties of the broader left formed a coalition for the parliamentary elections called the "New Popular Front" in reference to the Popular Front of communists and socialists …

(2024-06-25). Ghana ruling party supporters assault journalist Dokurugu Abubakar Ndeeya. modernghana.com

The Independent (2024-06-25). Chief Justice Owiny Dollo kick-starts Tororo College OBs sh3.1 billion drive. independent.co.ug TC dinner helps raise over sh110 million in cash in one night Kampala, Uganda | LOUIS JADWONG | Chief Justice Owiny Dollo has pledged to "help make St Peter's College great again" as a sh3.1 billion drive by old boys of the Tororo school kicked off with a dinner at Silver Springs Hotel in Kampala. "I …

(2024-06-25). Nigerian authorities detain journalist Precious Eze Chukwunonso for 18 days. newsplatformng.com

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Reports of live fire as Kenyan police crack down on tax bill protests. aljazeera.com Rallies and strikes have been held across the country as government plans to raise taxes.

UMMID (2024-06-25). 'Barbarism': Jamiat condemn mob lynching of Muslims in Aligarh, Raipur. ummid.com Maulana Mahmood Asa'd Madani, President of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Thursday condemned the recent incidents of mob violence in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, and Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Julian Assange freed after deal with US Justice Department. independent.co.ug LONDON | Xinhua | Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has reached a tentative deal with U.S. Justice Department to plead guilty to a single felony count of violating the Espionage Act, with no additional prison time, according to court filings released Monday evening. Assange left a British prison on bail on Monday and flew …

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Industry Payments to Physicians Endorsing Drugs and Devices on a Social Media Platform. jamanetwork.com This study evaluates adherence to industry and professional standards among physicians endorsing drugs and devices on a social media platform.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Safety and Security key concerns why millionaires migrating from India. ummid.com Safety and Security are the main reasons why thousands of millionaires are migrating from India to other countries, international investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners revealed in a report.

_____ (2024-06-25). CPJ welcomes reports that Assange will be released in plea deal. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

SKWAWKBOX (2024-06-25). Video: Robinson-Yaxley-Lennon arrested in Canada. skwawkbox.org Right-wing extremist detained over 'outstanding immigration warrant' Right-wing extremist Tommy Robinson — real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon — has been arrested in Canada, where he had flown to speak to a far-right 'news' outlet. Officers told him he was being arrested for an 'outstanding immigration warrant', before 'perp-walking' him to a waiting vehicle: Robinson has taken …

SKWAWKBOX (2024-06-25). Video: Starmer met US agencies about Assange extradition — CPS destroyed all records. skwawkbox.org As Director of Public Prosecutions, Starmer travelled with security officials to meet US counterparts — the second time he appears to have colluded with US in 'national security' extradition Yesterday, Julian Assange was freed, after years of wrongful imprisonment and captivity, and flew to Australia after agreeing a 'plea deal' with the US government over …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Video: Chinese moon probe returns to Earth with rock samples. aljazeera.com China's Chang'e 6 moon probe has landed back on Earth after a 53-day journey.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Leader: High Election Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies.

(2024-06-25). CPJ welcomes reports that Assange will be released in plea deal. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

UMMID (2024-06-25). KCET 2024 Document Verification start date, schedule published. ummid.com The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has released on its official website kea.kar.nic.in document verification schedule of the students whose names have appeared in the KCET 2024 Merit List and Rank, and those who are eligible for Karnataka UGCET 2024 counselling.

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. newleftreview.org Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Holly Chik (2024-06-25). Chinese firms in US see more negative business climate amid 'significant' downturn: survey. scmp.com Trade tensions and 'hostile public sentiment' fuel findings, with dips in performance resembling 2020 when coronavirus pandemic hit globally.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). 'Generational hero': Julian Assange's supporters hail his expected release. aljazeera.com Activists and politicians celebrate WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's freedom following a plea deal with the US.

(2024-06-25). Belarus jails journalist Alena Tsimashchuk for 5 years; reason for charges undisclosed. spring96.org

Cory Sharber (2024-06-25). Philly Declaration House exhibit offers 'a window into understanding' the struggles for freedom in the United States. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? A new Sonya Clark's "The Descendants of Monticello" is prominently displ…

noemail (2024-06-25). ZNet Partners with Wasabi Technologies to Transform Cloud Storage in India. devdiscourse.com ZNet Technologies, India's leading cloud distributor, has announced a strategic partnership with Wasabi Technologies, a prominent player in the cloud storage market known for its advanced hot cloud storage solutions.

Abul Rizvi (2024-06-25). Labor commits to strengthening regional migration. independentaustralia.net

The Independent (2024-06-25). CSOs identify key opportunities in the Shs72 trillion budget. independent.co.ug The non-governmental organisations call for strong anti-corruption measures and debt reduction Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), under the umbrella of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), have identified several opportunities in Uganda's new Shs72 trillion budget. They emphasize investments in human capital development, peace and security, infrastructure, wealth creation, and …

UMMID (2024-06-25). Revisiting Babri Masjid demolition in the wake of revision in NCERT textbooks. ummid.com The Babri Masjid dispute taught us lessons. Unfortunately, we could not pay enough attention to them. With news about its historical erasure from school textbooks, it is time that we revisit some of these lessons.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Long-Term Outcomes From Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance. jamanetwork.com This prospective, multicenter cohort study evaluates the long-term outcomes of men diagnosed with favorable-risk prostate cancer managed with protocol-directed active surveillance, including regular biopsies and prostate-specific antigen screening, from 2008 to 2022.

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). Serbia: Stop the extradition of Andrey Gnyot to Belarus. fidh.org

UMMID (2024-06-25). Direct 2nd Year Post SSC Diploma 2024 Maharashtra: Application Steps. ummid.com Online registration of the students seeking admission in Direct Second Year (DSD 24) Post SCC Polytechnic Diploma Courses in Engineering and Technology for the year 2024 has been started through the official website dsd24.dtemaharashtra.gov.in.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Uganda Clays unveils a 5-year strategic plan. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Clays Limited has unveiled a 5-year strategic plan aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction, boosting shareholder value, and fostering employee engagement. The strategic plan, unveiled at the company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Kampala, signifies a renewed commitment to sustainable growth and value creation under the company's slogan, "Beauty to …

Rosemary Sorensen (2024-06-25). The British Royal Family: A cult of obsession. independentaustralia.net

Catherine ABSALOM (2024-06-25). Joint NGO letter on the European Union's macro-financial assistance to Egypt and human rights. fidh.org

Eric Worrall (2024-06-25). Queensland Petition Against Wind Farms in Protected Wilderness Regions. wattsupwiththat.com "… There are no words to describe the environmental devastation that these so-called 'green' 'renewable energy' projects have already wreaked on QLD and will continue to do so …"

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Lola Seaton: Good Mistakes. newleftreview.org Lola Seaton on Anne Carson, Wrong Norma. Multi-form collection from one of the most erudite and ludic contemporary poets.

_____ (2024-06-25). Nigerian authorities detain journalist Precious Eze Chukwunonso for 18 days. newsplatformng.com

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Perry Anderson: Pathbreakers High and Low. newleftreview.org A decade ago, Christopher Clark upended conventional accounts of the origins of the First World War; he has now rewritten the history of the European revolutions of 1848—1849, and proposed a new way of considering their outcomes. Analytically, what differentiates and what connects these two outstanding achievements?

noemail (2024-06-25). Heated Bidding War: Spectrum Auction Worth Rs 96,238 Crore Kicks Off. devdiscourse.com The spectrum auction for Rs 96,238 crore commenced on Tuesday, attracting major players like Airtel and Reliance Jio. This marks the 10th auction since the online bidding process started in 2010.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Now, NTA postpones CSIR UGC NET 2024 exam. ummid.com In another decision which could further intensify protests against the National Testing Agency (NTA), the exam conducting authority has postponed the CSIR UGC NET June 2024 exam.

_____ (2024-06-25). Ghana ruling party supporters assault journalist Dokurugu Abubakar Ndeeya. modernghana.com

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Julian Assange timeline: A criminal or a hero? aljazeera.com The WikiLeaks founder is free after years-long legal battle that has stirred debate around the world on press freedom.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). T20 World Cup 2024 semifinals: Teams, dates, venues, weather, conditions. aljazeera.com Which teams are facing off and when? What are the venues and will there be any rain? Are there any reserve days?>

Associated Press (2024-06-25). Trump dramatically changes tune on Biden before televised clash: 'a worthy debater'. scmp.com After months of casting US President Joe Biden as a shell of a man incapable of putting two sentences together, Donald Trump has adjusted expectations before their first debate.

UMMID (2024-06-25). KEAM 2024: Candidates' Response, Final Answer Key Published. ummid.com The Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) Government Kerala has released the Final Answer Key of KEAM 2024 along with Candidates' Response (OMR Sheet) on its official website cee.kerala.gov.in.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Wikileaks' Julian Assange freed after long legal battle. aljazeera.com Here's a look at Assange was freed and why he was in prison in the first place.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Should we fear a far-right resurgence in Europe? aljazeera.com Situation in France and Germany is not reassuring, but there are silver linings.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Cuba pide cese de genocidio israelí en Palestina. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 junio (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, afirmó hoy en su cuenta en X, que Israel debe poner fin a sus actos de genocidio en territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-06-25). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

Staff (2024-06-25). París 2024: Delegación pequeña pero con alto rendimiento. cubadebate.cu A poco más de un mes de la inauguración oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024, la delegación cubana entra en la recta final de su preparación. José Antonio Miranda Carrera, director general de Alto Rendimiento del INDER, dijo que hasta la fecha, nuestra delegación está compuesta por 46 atletas en 14 deportes.

Staff (2024-06-25). Las 3 del día: øQué equipos estarán en las semifinales de la pelota cubana? y las noticias de la jornada (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Esta entrega de Las 3 del día la dedicamos primero a un análisis sobre los posibles equipos que pasen a semifinales de la actual temporada beisbolera y luego pasamos al habitual resumen noticioso. Quédese conectado, que ya empezamos este maratón informativo. Traemos, como de costumbre, de todo un poco.

Staff (2024-06-25). °Assange libre!: Fundador de WikiLeaks sale de prisión en Reino Unido y vuela a Australia. cubadebate.cu Se informa que Assange abandonó la cárcel de máxima seguridad de Belmarsh este lunes por la mañana tras pasar allí un total de 1.901 días. El Tribunal Superior de Londres puso al periodista en libertad bajo fianza, tras lo cual abandonó el Reino Unido.

Staff (2024-06-25). Minint detecta pérdidas por corrupción administrativa en una empresa de la gastronomía en Guantánamo (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Fuerzas del Ministerio del Interior, (Minint) revelaron la comisión de hechos delictivos y corrupción administrativa en una empresa de la gastronomía en Guantánamo, en el oriente de Cuba. Un reporte de la televisión cubana detalló que la investigación de una cadena delictiva arrojó la extracción de más de siete millones de pesos en productos que nunca llegaron a su destino.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Próximo concierto de Liuba María Hevia en Casa de las Américas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 junio (RHC) La cantautora cubana Liuba María Hevia, ofrecerá el viernes póximo, un concierto, en Casa de las Américas, donde presentará su nuevo disco Canciones que no se extraviaron.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Cuba es un país de paz y solidaridad, reafirma parlamento de la isla. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 jun (RHC) La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba -ANPP, parlamento- ratificó este martes que la nación caribeña no patrocina el terrorismo y es un país de paz y solidaridad.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Premio Nobel Adolfo Pérez Esquivel insta a defender a necesitados. radiohc.cu Buenos Aires, 25 jun (RHC) El Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel instó al pueblo argentino, las organizaciones sociales, sindicales, políticas y de derechos humanos a unirse hoy en defensa de los que menos tienen.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Exigen en Rusia sacar a Cuba de lista ilegal elaborada por EEUU. radiohc.cu Moscú, 25 jun (RHC) El Partido Comunista de la Federación de Rusia -PCFR-, emitió una declaración este martes en la que exige excluir a Cuba de la lista de estados que según Washington patrocinan el terrorismo, y poner fin al bloqueo contra la nación caribeña.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-25). Unesco advierte sobre deterioro acelerado de los océanos desde 2003. telesurtv.net La directora del ente, Audrey Azoulay, manifestó que factores como "temperatura, acidificación, nivel del mar: están sonando todas las alarmas".

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-25). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. telesurtv.net Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-06-25). Comunidad internacional saluda victoria de Sheinbaum en México. telesurtv.net Xiomara Castro dijo que acordó con Sheinbaum "trabajar juntas por la unidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-25). EE.UU. anuncia que limita las solicitudes de asilo en la frontera. telesurtv.net Su entrada en vigor se producirá cuando el número de cruces en la frontera supere los 2.500 diarios durante una semana.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-25). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-06-25). Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-25). Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. telesurtv.net Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-25). Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-25). Ataque ucraniano deja tres heridos en Bélgorod, Rusia. telesurtv.net Hace solo dos días esta región rusa registró otro ataque que cobró la vida del subjefe del municipio de Korochanski.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-06-25). Líder mapuche Héctor Llaitul inicia huelga de hambre en prisión. telesurtv.net A través de un comunicado, Llaitul exigió la nulidad del juicio y que los recursos presentados hace unas semanas sean revisados por la Corte Suprema.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-25). Eleva a 22 el número de muertos por inundaciones en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Las graves inundaciones han afectado casas que han sido arrasadas por las aguas del temporal, así como carreteras anegadas y árboles arrancados de raíz.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-25). López Obrador asegura que continuará investigación del caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El presidente destacó que "bajo ninguna circunstancia se va a cerrar el caso".

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-25). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. telesurtv.net El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

Staff (2024-06-25). Hollande poignarde la vraie gauche dans le dos. defenddemocracy.press Législatives : Hollande demande à Mélenchon de ´se taire ª, le leader insoumis refuse de ´céder ª Jun 23, 2024 Les deux hommes se sont écharpés à distance ce dimanche, alors que le Nouveau Front populaire n'a toujours pas tranché le nom de son éventuel premier ministre s'il l'emportait, le 7 juillet prochain. Entre les deux hommes, les …

Staff (2024-06-25). Vietnam estará al lado de Cuba en todas circunstancias, afirma presidente To Lam. cubadebate.cu Vietnam siempre estará al lado de Cuba en todas las circunstancias y se esforzará por apoyar a la isla en todas las capacidades y condiciones posibles, especialmente en la seguridad alimentaria, a fin de coadyuvar así a garantizar su estabilidad sociopolítica, aseveró el presidente To Lam en un encuentro con el embajador Orlando Hernández Guillén.

Staff (2024-06-25). Investigación sobre violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Cuba: Una herramienta clave para su prevención y abordaje. cubadebate.cu El texto, realizado por las investigadoras Clotilde Proveyer, María Antonia Miranda y Succel Pardini, recoge 209 estudios llevados a cabo en la nación caribeña entre el 2000 y el 2020 donde es posible encontrar claves sobre las violencias intrafamiliares, en el ámbito escolar, institucional y entre los pares.

María Candela (2024-06-25). Actores económicos: una mirada a los datos. radiohc.cu La reciente edición de la convención y feria internacional Cubaindustria 2024 fue espacio propicio para fortalecer la industria cubana, sin dudas, y como parte del tejido empresarial, los actores económicos en toda su diversidad también tuvieron su espacio.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-25). Filme Nosferatu presenta un aterrador adelanto. radiohc.cu Los àÅngeles, 25 jun (RHC) Uno de los filmes de terror más esperados de este año "Nosferatu", del director Robert Eggers, mostró su primer tráiler, el cual se puede disfrutar hoy en plataformas digitales.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Estados Unidos deja a Cuba en la lista de países sobre trata de personas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 jun (RHC) El Gobierno de Estados Unidos mantuvo arbitrariamente a Cuba en el Nivel 3 —el peor de las categorías— en su informe anual del Departamento de Estado sobre la trata de personas, publicado este lunes.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Moscú anuncia respuesta a restricciones de la UE contra medios rusos. radiohc.cu Moscú, 25 junio (RHC) Rusia restringió en su territorio el acceso a varios medios de comunicación de estados miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) como medida de respuesta, informó hoy el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-25). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. telesurtv.net Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-25). Narendra Modi celebra su victoria en las elecciones generales. telesurtv.net Narendra Modi necesitará el apoyo de otros partidos para gobernar, algo inédito en sus anteriores mandatos.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-25). Militares franceses en Ucrania serán blanco legítimo para tropas rusas. telesurtv.net Canciller Lavrov se reúne con su homólogo congoleño en Oyo, tras comenzar este lunes una gira por África para reforzar los vínculos de Rusia en el continente.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-25). ONU confirma despliegue de expertos para elecciones en Venezuela. radiohc.cu Naciones Unidas, 25 jun (RHC) La Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) confirmó hoy el despliegue de una Panel de Expertos Electorales para las venideras elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Tiroteo en ciudad estadounidense de Las Vegas ocasiona cinco muertos y niña gravemente herida. radiohc.cu Washington, 25 jun (RHC) Cinco muertos y una adolescente de 13 años gravemente herida fue el saldo de un tiroteo en el norte de la ciudad estadounidense de Las Vegas, Nevada, informó la prensa.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Aumentarán las temperaturas si se duplica cantidad de CO2 en atmósfera. radiohc.cu àÅmsterdam, 25 junio (RHC) La temperatura media de la Tierra podría aumentar de 7a 14 grados Celsius si la cantidad de dióxido de carbono (CO2) presente hoy en la atmósfera del planeta se duplicara, confirmó una publicación en Nature Communications.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-25). Devuelven a Cuba siete nuevos migrantes tras salidas irregulares del país. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 jun (RHC) Cuba recibió este martes a siete ciudadanos cubanos devueltos a la Isla a través del puerto de Orozco, Bahía Honda, Artemisa, quienes habían participado en una salida ilegal del país por Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, informó el Ministerio del Interior.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-25). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. telesurtv.net La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-25). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. telesurtv.net La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-06-25). Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. telesurtv.net El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Manifestantes bloquean puerto italiano de Génova en apoyo a Palestina. radiohc.cu Roma, 25 jun (RHC) Cientos de manifestantes, convocados por diversas organizaciones sindicales y juveniles de izquierda, bloquean hoy el puerto de Génova, en la norteña región italiana de Génova, en apoyo a Palestina y contra el envío de armas a Israel.

Staff (2024-06-25). Informa Minsap sobre presencia del virus de Oropouche en nueve provincias y 23 municipios del país. cubadebate.cu La confirmación de la presencia del virus de Oropouche en nueve provincias y 23 municipios de Matanzas, Mayabeque, Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de àÅvila, Holguín, Guantánamo, Santiago de Cuba y Cienfuegos, a partir de muestras estudiadas en el laboratorio nacional de referencia del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), activan los sistemas sanitarios en la Mayor de las Antillas.

Staff (2024-06-25). Vietnam estará al lado de Cuba en todas circunstancias, afirma presidente To Lam. cubadebate.cu Vietnam siempre estará al lado de Cuba en todas las circunstancias y se esforzará por apoyar al país caribeño en todas las capacidades y condiciones posibles, especialmente en la seguridad alimentaria, aseveró el presidente To Lam en un encuentro con el embajador cubano Orlando Hernández Guillén.

Staff (2024-06-25). Comienzan los Play Off de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol el próximo jueves. cubadebate.cu El jueves comienzan los Play Off de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. En esa jornada, Pinar del Río se enfrentará a Sancti Spíritus a las 2: 00 p.m. en el estadio Capitán San Luis, y a las 6: 30 p.m., Santiago de Cuba tendrá un duelo con Industriales en el Guillermón Moncada.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-06-25). Antropoceno, cada vez más presente…. y pesante. indybay.org Antropoceno, cada vez más presente…. y pesante | 10 junio 2024 | Luis E. Sabini Fernández…

María Candela (2024-06-25). Impacta el bloqueo en producción de la Empresa Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos. radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 24 jun (RHC) A pesar del recrudecimiento del bloque económico, comercial y financiero del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, la Empresa Oleohidráulica José Gregorio Martínez, de Cienfuegos dedicada a la fabricación de componentes hidráulicos, cilindros y mangueras apoyando la zafra azucarera y otros sectores, continúa produciendo.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Seminario en Cepal con el foco en el tema de la desigualdad. radiohc.cu Santiago de Chile, 25 jun (RHC) La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal) acoge a partir de hoy el Cuarto Seminario Regional de Desarrollo Social enfocado en fortalecer el diseño de las políticas públicas para disminuir la desigualdad.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-25). Cuba asume Presidencia del Comité de Representantes de ALADI. radiohc.cu Cuba asumió este martes la Presidencia Pro Témpore del Comité de Representantes de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI), un órgano político permanente y foro negociador dedicado a analizar tomar acuerdos sobre las iniciativas destinadas a cumplir los objetivos fijados por el Tratado constitutivo del mecanismo.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Seminario en Cepal con el foco en el tema de la desigualdad. radiohc.cu Santiago de Chile, 25 jun (RHC) La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe -Cepal-, acoge a partir de este martes el Cuarto Seminario Regional de Desarrollo Social enfocado en fortalecer el diseño de las políticas públicas para disminuir la desigualdad.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-25). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. telesurtv.net La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-06-25). Irán inicia etapa de calificación de candidatos a elecciones. telesurtv.net Tras el proceso de investigación, el Ministerio del Interior anunciará los candidatos finales el 11 de junio, y los calificados tendrán 15 días, del 12 al 26 de junio, para llevar a cabo sus campañas electorales.

Staff (2024-06-25). Le prétexte ´ Mélenchon ª. defenddemocracy.press Par Jean-Luc Mélenchon 24 juin 2024 Quand je vois comment ´ Mélenchon ª est traité, je suis saisi d'émotions glacées. La haine qui s'exprime à son égard dans les médias est d'une qualité si rare, si venimeuse, si totale. Je ne croyais plus cela possible. Il y avait si longtemps qu'on en n'avait vu de …

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-25). ONU condena más de 500 asesinatos de palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Más de 500 palestinos han muerto desde el 7 de octubre en actos de violencia en la ocupada Cisjordania vinculados al asedio del Ejército israelí de ocupación en Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-25). Presidente de Siria recibe a canciller de Irán. telesurtv.net Ambos políticos debatieron sobre el estado de las relaciones bilaterales, así como el avance de la agresión de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

Staff (2024-06-25). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" telesurtv.net El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

ecns.cn (2024-06-24). Peruvian president to visit China. ecns.cn Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, president of the Republic of Peru, will pay a state visit to China from June 25 to 29 at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Monday.

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