2024-06-24 Writers Note: Israel sets its sights on Lebanon

2024-06-24 Writers Note:   Israel sets its sights on Lebanon

Note: This Writers tip is a synthesis of the most-pressing news stories of the day and is being live-edited (apologies) and produced by Positive Universe staff.   It will appear as a separate post on this site after today. Please feel free to reprint. We make no copyright claims, in whole or in part, on anything that originates from us.

  Apartheid Israel is learning that it can easily destroy the entire societal infrastructure and can commit unthinkable genocide against a defenseless population, mostly comprised of women, youth, children and babies.   But it is also learning that it can not, maybe ever, defeat a systemic array of associated, volunteer guerilla bands known as Hamas, formerly the governing political party of Gaza, in the national State of Palestine. The state includes a separate territory known as the West Bank, which is managed by Fatah, a political wing of the Palestinian National Authority, which has no authority over Gaza. The West Bank is ruthlessly controlled by Israel and a large influx of illegal settlers, mostly nationals from Europe and the United States.

  Since Israel was proclaimed a state on May 14, 1948, created by various shenanigans and recognized by the United States a year later, it has continuously tormented the indigenous peoples of the Palestinian territories, routinely murdering and imprisoning Palestinians without any reasonable form of due process, quite often detaining and torturing men, women, and children for years without any due process at all.

October 7, 2023.   Hamas planned to free some of thousands of Israeli-held Palestinian prisoners by in-turn capturing some Israelis in an illegal settler kibbutz in the West Bank on October 7th, 2023 in order to force a prisoner swap.   Supposedly, the whole plan exploded beyond imagination because it turned out that there was a large concert rave taking place, resulting in many more potential captives, and for some unexplainable reason Israel had uncharacteristically relaxed their own security by many measures. Israel also discarded warnings of the plan from others, such as Egypt, and even officials in its national security apparatus.   Some say that Israel took the Hamas-planned bait and stepped in it. Others say Israel actually wanted and let a 9-11 level attack happened to legitimize its decades-old planning to conduct an ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Territories.   Either way, Israel reacted unbelievably bloodthirsty, maniacal, and mindlessly; even beyond what anyone could have predicted.

  And now, Israel is losing militarily to Hamas and is desperate beyond its own belief. It is also finding itself continuously condemned throughout universal public opinion — including vociferously from many Jewish religious, social, and political groups — as well as endless multitudes of students, most visibly on college campuses worldwide.

As it turns out, Israel is losing the war because it has completed none of its military objectives and Hamas has not even come close to being defeated. Some say it is conducting a genocide in frustration and to keep the Israeli public believing that its military is all powerful and winning. But, in truth, it now needs an escape route, so it now sets its sites on a Lebanese religious movement and paramilitary organization known as Hezbollah (aka Hezballah, Hisbollah, Hizballah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah), who has moderately supported Hamas.   It is obvious, that Israel seeks any kind of military victory for the blood-thirsty right-wing elements of its society (who are embarrassed by their lack of total annihilation of Gaza society or extermination of its people). As Israel is now being monitored by the International Court of Justice (ICJ, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations) and the International Criminal Court (ICC, an independent international organization), and the world at large. Israel needs a symbolic victory soon to satisfy the bloodthirsty segments of its society in order to preserve the current Zionist and Fascistic cabal of warmongers in power.   And its leaders think that the best chance for that is by pressuring the United States to do its national budget‑draining, fighting and dying for it from now on.

  It's a fools errand, because there are many guerilla groups across many nearby states (known as The Resistance) who will likely join the resistance, like the indigenous Ansar Allah Movement (Houthis peoples) of Yemen, and together they will likely create a conflagration for both Israel and the U.S. for generations to come.   The multi-state resistance will very likely force the end of the Zionist entity known as Israel.   Arabs and Jews (Muslims, Christians, and other Sects) would be compelled to co-exist peacefully for their collective survival in a more just, non-racist, majority Palestinian democratic society, most likely simply called Palestine, like before.

  Israel's fantasy of manipulating the U.S. into being their proxy could only be achieved by suckering in a greedy, bloodthirsty cabal of American corporate-puppet political neocons (now fully controlling U.S. power and government), which includes a tragically-but-obviously demented head of state.   It could end up being one of the dumbest historical and political blowback blunders in world history.