2024-04-05: News Headlines

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2024-04-05). Quds Day Rallies in Yemen Intensify Amid Biden's Strategic Shift. mintpressnews.com On International Quds Day, when protests are held around the world to show solidarity with Palestinians, Yemenis are once again at the forefront of worldwide solidarity with Gaza. Yemenis of all stripes took to the streets in unprecedented numbers on Friday to demonstrate their support for Palestine as well as Ansar Allah's (Houthis) Red Sea operation against Israeli, American and British ships until the war in Gaza is stopped and the blockade is lifted. This year's protests came as the Biden Administration embarked upon new moves aimed at Yemen's Central Bank in a bid to pressure Ansar Allah to stop targeting Is…

Staff (2024-04-05). Quds Day Rallies in Yemen Intensify Amid Biden's Strategic Shift. mintpressnews.com On International Quds Day, when protests are held around the world to show solidarity with Palestinians, Yemenis are once again at the forefront of worldwide solidarity with Gaza. Yemenis of all stripes took to the streets in unprecedented numbers on Friday to demonstrate their support for Palestine as well as Ansar Allah's (Houthis) Red Sea …

Mnar Adley (2024-04-05). Presidential Candidate Jill Stein On Gaza, The Two-Party System and US Militarism. mintpressnews.com Green Party Presidential candidate Dr.Jill Stein joins Mint Press director and host of the MintCast podcast Mnar Adley to talk about Dr. Stein's position on Gaza, the two-party system, US militarism, climate change and her campaign objectives…

Jessica Buxbaum (2024-04-05). Israel's Celebrity Charm Offensive: The Truth Behind the Glamorous Trips. mintpressnews.com Since Israel launched a war on Gaza in October, it's been accused of genocide, been on trial for war crimes, and seen According to the Israeli newspaper

Pavan Kulkarni (2024-04-05). Looting of food grains continues in Nigeria as almost half its population suffers hunger. peoplesdispatch.org President Bola Tinubu's lifting of fuel subsidies and liberalization of currency trade has pleased the IMF and increased hunger in Africa's most populous country…

Staff (2024-04-05). Looting of food grains continues in Nigeria as almost half its population suffers hunger. peoplesdispatch.org With hunger now affecting nearly half the population, Nigeria has witnessed a wave of looting of food grains from trucks and warehouses across the country over the last few weeks. In Akure, the capital of Ondo State in the southwestern region, petty traders, drivers, artisans and other residents forced themselves on to a truck on …

teleSUR (2024-04-05). WFP Warns of Worsening Famine in Sudan. telesurenglish.net The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) warned on Friday that Sudan's hunger crisis will worsen unless its people receive a constant flow of aid via all possible humanitarian corridors. | RELATED: | WFP representative and country director in Sudan, Eddie Rowe said in a statement, "I fear that we will see unprecedented levels of starvation and malnutrition sweep across Sudan in this lean season." | According to Rowe, the temporary halt…

Pressenza New York (2024-04-05). Interview with Larry Hebert on hunger strike outside the White House, Mike Ferner, and Jacqui Jill. pressenza.com Interview with Senior Airman Larry Hebert, Active Duty Air Force, on hunger strike outside the White House, Mike Ferner National Director for Veterans for Peace and Jacqui Jill Peace Activist in Long Island NY and contributor with Pressenza | Larry has been holding a sign that reads "Active Duty Airman Refuses to Eat While Gaza Starves." "It's just completely wrong and immoral for civilians to be starved and bombed and targeted in any manner," says Hebert.

SAM (2024-04-05). Despite Aid Worker Killings, Biden Approved Bomb Sale To Israel. progressivehub.net SHARON ZHANG | TRUTHOUT…

WSWS (2024-04-05). The US-Israeli murder of World Central Kitchen aid workers. wsws.org The Gaza genocide, now six months old, marks a major milestone in the criminalization of imperialist foreign policy, in which systematic mass murder, starvation and genocide are being normalized as tools of statecraft.

counterpunch.org (2024-04-05). The United States and the Cult of Israel Ever since European Zionists invaded the land of Palestine, Israel has made the indigenous people prisoners and refugees in their own land. Why, until now, have their colonization and imprisonment received so little attention in the United States?

counterpunch.org (2024-04-05). The United States and the Cult of Israel Ever since European Zionists invaded the land of Palestine, Israel has made the indigenous people prisoners and refugees in their own land. Why, until now, have their colonization and imprisonment received so little attention in the United States?

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-05). Killing Aid Workers: Australia's Muddled Policy on Israel. dissidentvoice.org The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, was distraught and testy. It seemed that, on this occasion, Israel had gone too far. Not too far in killing over 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a staggering percentage of them being children. Not too far in terms of using starvation as a weapon of war. Not too far in …

Staff (2024-04-05). Headlines for April 5, 2024. democracynow.org Israel Says It Will Allow Aid in Gaza After U.S. Warns of Possible "Policy Change", Biden Continues to Funnel Arms to Israel Despite Killing of Aid Workers, Warning to Netanyahu, New Video Shows Israeli Military Killing Innocent Gazan Walking with Airdropped Aid Package, Euro-Med Says Israel Killed 563 People Around Aid Sites; Palestine Red Crescent Says 15 Staff Killed, "Kill Them, But Nicely": Gazans Condemn U.S. Hypocrisy as Israeli Bombs and Missiles Rain Down, HRW Says Israel's Oct. 31 Attack on 6-Story Apartment Building a Likely War Crime, "We Are All Complicit": I…

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Israeli killing of aid workers condemned by international community. ecns.cn Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised a full investigation into the air strike saying "while tragic, these things happen in war".

Qassam Muaddi (2024-04-05). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 182: Israel says it will 'temporarily' allow aid into Gaza. mondoweiss.net Following international outcry at the targeting of World Central Kitchen aid workers, Israel said that it would "temporarily" allow aid into Gaza. Meanwhile, Israeli forces raided the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and killed a Palestinian man in Tulkarem.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-05). Killing Aid Workers: Australia's Muddled Policy on Israel. asia-pacificresearch.com

Staff (2024-04-05). Biden's Warning To Netanyahu is Pure Theatrics. youtube.com Joe Biden called Benjamin Netanyahu and told him that if Israel didn't do more to protect civilians and aid workers, the US would change its position on Israel and possibly leverage weapons shipments in the future. But this vague statement could just be cover to distance the Biden administration from Netanyahu while Israel massacres Gaza. …

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-05). The 'Human Shields' Lie Has Been Conclusively, Irrefutably Debunked. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Israel isn't being "forced" to kill Palestinian children, it is knowingly choosing to.

Angela (2024-04-05). Wednesday 4/3: Demand a Ceasefire at Sonoma City Council Meeting. indybay.org 177 1st St W | Sonoma, CA…

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/6: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

Staff (2024-04-05). "No Other Land": Israeli Director Slams Claims of Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale. democracynow.org We continue our conversation with Israeli journalist and filmmaker Yuval Abraham about the award-winning new documentary No Other Land, which he co-directed with Palestinian activist Basel Adra, about land dispossession in Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank. While accepting the audience award for best documentary at the Berlinale, Abraham said Israel was practicing apartheid, a comment for which he later received death threats. "You have German politicians who are not Jewish who labeled me as an antisemite. For what? For calling for a ceasefire? For calling for equality between Israelis and Palestinian…

German Coordination Group Palestine Israel, Popular Resistance. (2024-04-05). No More German Contribution To The Genocide In Gaza! popularresistance.org Let's raise our protest, loud and clear, during the Hearings of the Nicaragua (April 8, 2024) and Germany (April 9, 2024) cases before the ICJ in The Hague against Germany's complicity and assistance in Israel's genocide. | On these two days, rallies and vigils will be organized in front of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and in front of many embassies and consulates of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad. | This background to the proceedings before the International Court of Justice can and will also be highlighted in the days and weeks before and after the planned Palestine Solidarity events…

Editor (2024-04-05). People of the world demand action now! workers.org The world cheered when the International Court of Justice, the United Nation's highest court, issued a preliminary decision Jan. 26 on the complaint submitted by the South African government on Dec. 29, 2023, that documented Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The ICJ's ruling instructed Israel to do . . . |

C.J. Hopkins (2024-04-05). Degenerate Art in New Normal Germany. dissidentvoice.org One of the first things totalitarians do when they set about transforming a democratic society into whatever type of strictly-regulated, utterly soul-deadening totalitarian dystopia they are trying to transform it into is radically overhaul and remake its culture. You can't impose your new official ideology on a formerly democratic society with a bunch of artists …

Robert Hunziker (2024-04-05). WMO Bright Red Alert. dissidentvoice.org The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. "As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state of the climate." The WMO has issued an annual State of the Climate Report for …

Alfred de Zayas, John Perry (2024-04-05). UN Human Rights Council again supports US regime change plans for Nicaragua. dissidentvoice.org When the United Nations sets up a "commission of inquiry," it can result in a powerful analysis of violations of human rights law, such as the one appointed in 2021 to examine Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and its Apartheid practices. But other commissions can become political platforms aimed at demonizing a particular government …

Media Lens (2024-04-05). "Genocide Enablers" Gaza And The Corporate Media. dissidentvoice.org A key function of the state-corporate media is to deny reality. They do supply news. But it is no accident that they supply news of a type that covers up the crimes of elite power. However, the appalling violence and destruction being inflicted in Gaza by Israel are simply too great to conceal. We may …

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Train services in Chinese mainland make adjustments following intense earthquake. ecns.cn Some train services operating in the eastern part of the mainland have been temporarily suspended or have implemented a speed limited starting Wednesday as they have been affected by the earthquake near Hualien county, Taiwan island.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). 7.3-magnitude earthquake kills 4, traps 77 in Taiwan. ecns.cn Four people were killed, 711 injured, and another 77 trapped as of 2 p.m. local time in the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that struck Hualien, Taiwan on Wednesday morning, China Times reported.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Taiwan faces potential tsunami threat after powerful earthquake. ecns.cn The Ministry of Natural Resources issued a second-highest level orange tsunami alert on Wednesday morning following a strong 7.3-magnitude earthquake.

geo.tv (2024-04-05). Magnitude 4.7 earthquake hits New York City region, USGS says. geo.tv Earthquake felt in New York City, New Jersey, northern Pennsylvania, and western Connecticut…

UFCLP (2024-04-05). Earthquake Danger-Stop Robo-Taxis & Defend Landlines! Tech For Workers Not Billioaires. indybay.org On the commemoration of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake a Speakout/Press Conference will be held to call for the immediate halt of all Waymo robo taxis and other autonomous vehicles and to defend Landlines from AT&T's plans to destroy 4 million landlines in California. An earthquake would shutdown these robo taxis in the middle of the streets blocks taxis and fire trucks. A major earthquake would also disrupt cell phones meaning that landlines would be the only means of communication. We must protect workers and the public.

Staff (2024-04-05). Taiwan earthquake, Kobe Bryant's lookalike in China, Singapore's 34-year-old grandma: SCMP's 7 highlights of the week. scmp.com From Taipei rebuffing Beijing's aid after earthquake to a Singaporean influencer becoming a grandmother at 34, here are a few highlights from SCMP's recent reporting.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Mainland offers aid to Taiwan after powerful earthquake. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office on Wednesday expressed concern and offered assistance to Taiwan following a strong 7.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the island earlier that day.

geo.tv (2024-04-05). Doomsday fish surfaces hours before Taiwan earthquake. geo.tv

Ruwaida Amer (2024-04-05). Memories of my cousin, killed by Israel. electronicintifada.net Abdul Rahman's mother saw him as a "gift from God."

Michael F. Brown (2024-04-05). Biden thinks you're stupid. electronicintifada.net The president's words are undercut by his arming of Israel.

Mohammed Abu Shamala (2024-04-05). Six months of genocide but Gaza hasn't surrendered. electronicintifada.net If every Palestinian in Gaza spoke about their loss and suffering, the sea would run dry before these stories could end.

Salma Yaseen (2024-04-05). Rafah on a razor edge. electronicintifada.net Massacres and starvation expected if Israel carries out threat of a major offensive.

Ali Abunimah (2024-04-05). How World Central Kitchen serves Israel's genocidal agenda. electronicintifada.net The food charity has been given preferential treatment by Israel and the White House at the expense of more effective aid.

Kathleen Wallace (2024-04-05). The Death of Plausible Deniability: An Ethnic Cleansing in Real Time. counterpunch.org The average American has been either feeling that support for Israel is mandatory because of the holocaust or is merely hiding behind an ignorance of current events. Life is hard here so they really aren't paying attention to what happens elsewhere. The irony is that part of why life is hard here is because the resources of the state are being shuffled elsewhere, and the safety net here has been shredded worse than old fishnet stockings. 2,000-pound bombs would fund a lot of healthcare.

Staff (2024-04-05). Al-Quds Day mobilization takes on new importance amid Israel's genocide of Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org Around the world, mass mobilizations have already begun to mark International Al-Quds Day, an annual event in support of the Palestinian struggle which was declared by Iranian revolutionaries in 1979. Al-Quds Day is held on the last Friday of Ramadan. This year, as Israeli forces have been carrying out genocide on the Gaza Strip for …

Larissa Truchan (2024-04-05). What Did the U.N. Report on Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 Really Find? progressive.org The United Nations cannot let governments and the media misconstrue its research to justify genocide, writes contributor Larissa Truchan.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). Presidential Candidate Jill Stein On Gaza Genocide, Two Party System & US Militarism. libya360.wordpress.com MintPress News Green Party Presidential candidate Dr.Jill Stein joins Mint Press director and host of the MintCast podcast Mnar Adley to talk about Dr. Stein's position on Gaza, the two-party system, US militarism, climate change and her campaign objectives…

WSWS (2024-04-05). Hundreds of students protest against authoritarian policy at University of Michigan. wsws.org The ongoing protests at U-M, as well as campuses across the US and internationally, will not be able to force their administrations to divest from Israel, let alone stop the genocide, so long as they remain isolated on the campuses.

Wendy S (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/20: No Climate Justice on a Foundation of Genocide: Uhuru Solidarity Movement Political Pop-Up. indybay.org Near the Lake Merritt Columns, 577 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA…

International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine, Popular Resistance. (2024-04-05). Civil And Legal Campaign Launch Against Day And Zimmermann. popularresistance.org Following legal briefings and preparation of a Notice & Demand letter from the PAL Law Commission to major munitions supplier Day & Zimmermann (D&Z), the Philly Palestine Coalition (PPC) and the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP), along with numerous social justice organizations, will hold a protest outside Day & Zimmermann's national headquarters in Philadelphia, today at 4pm. These actions are part of the launch a nationwide PAL/ICSGP campaign to denounce and block Day & Zimmermann's key role in the ongoing genocide against Palestinians—producing a major…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). US Elections: Biden and Trump Are Two Sides of the Same Murderous Coin. libya360.wordpress.com Hamid Dabashi 'Genocide Joe' and 'Don the Con' are the morally depraved choices for a sham democracy run for billionaires that slaughters countless innocent people globally. I cannot vote for either There is no lesser evil — evil is evil — and American political culture is evil. These two ageing men are the top two…

Angela (2024-04-05). Thursday 4/4: Virtual Workshop on Genocide and War Tax Resistance. indybay.org Zoom | bit.ly/genocidetax

teleSUR (2024-04-05). UN Attempts to Stop Arms Sales to Israel. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted for a resolution that paralyses arms sales to Israel at risk of genocide in Gaza. | RELATED: | The main objective of the resolution is to stop the sale of military equipment, arms and ammunition to Tel Aviv troops and thus prevent the increase in aggression against Palestine in the long term. | In addition, Israel was called to account for allegations of abuses, war crimes…

WSWS (2024-04-05). Mehring Yayıncılık publishes Turkish edition of The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide. wsws.org Mehring Yayıncılık is pleased to announce the publication of the Turkish edition of The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide by David North.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-04-05). Al-Quds Day mobilization takes on new importance amid Israel's genocide of Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org Around the world, mass mobilizations have already begun to mark International Al-Quds Day, an annual event in support of the Palestinian struggle which was declared by Iranian revolutionaries in 1979. Al-Quds Day is held on the last Friday of Ramadan. | This year, as Israeli forces have been carrying out genocide on the Gaza Strip for the six month in a row, Al-Quds Day mobilizations are set to be the largest in decades. Even countries like the United States, where Al-Quds Day has not been widely commemorated, the growing Palestine solidarity movement will mobilize across the nation. | Al-Quds Day was first obser…

infobrics (2024-04-05). Members roll eyes as NATO demands another $100 billion for Neo-Nazi junta. infobrics.org The increasingly cash-strapped NATO members, particularly those in Europe, aren't exactly thrilled about the idea, to put it mildly. As Politico writes, the reactions were mixed, with Poland, Turkey and Germany on board with the proposal, while the rest of the foreign ministers were either indifferent or opposed to it. According to the report, one diplomat said that some ministers rolled their eyes at the €100 billion number, wondering where it came from.

infobrics (2024-04-05). Can BRICS Be a Leader in Artificial Intelligence Governance. infobrics.org The BRICS bloc is a growing home for nations eager to counter the West's position, or at least hedge their bets when it comes to international trade, development support, and conflicts, writes Marita Kassis…

infobrics (2024-04-05). US using Nordic countries' NATO membership to advance Arctic militarization. infobrics.org According to a US military official, Washington will build a new weapons warehouse in the Arctic region.

infobrics (2024-04-05). BRICS Aiming to Secure $5 Billion in Loans. infobrics.org The New Development Bank (NDB), established by the BRICS group of emerging economies, has set an ambitious target of making approximately US$5 billion in loans this year, according to its vice president, Zhou Qiangwu…

infobrics (2024-04-05). BRICS Enlargement – a "Non-Event" or a Stage Victory Against the West. infobrics.org The enlargement of the BRICS group at the beginning of the year to include five new member states raises questions about the political and economic consequences. What do the existing members expect from the expansion?>

infobrics (2024-04-05). Trump warns: "lunatic" Biden could start World War III. infobrics.org Biden continues to trail the former president in the polls.

Eva Bartlett (2024-04-05). Interviewed on The David Kurten Show: "Hypocrisy and culpability of Western politicians/MSM on Ukraine and Gaza" ingaza.wordpress.com

Editor (2024-04-05). Doctor at Israeli Detention Camp for Gazans Blows Whistle on War Crimes. scheerpost.com

Staff (2024-04-05). Israel restricts Palestinians' access to Al-Aqsa Mosque for 4th Friday of Muslim holy month. muslimmirror.com RAMALLAH, Palestine : Israeli authorities barred Palestinians in the West Bank from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem for the fourth consecutive Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The Israeli army deployed its forces at the crossings leading to Jerusalem, scrutinizing the identities of Palestinians and denying entry to some …

Danna Frank (2024-04-05). 'We brought dad home to Israel. He can keep dreaming here'. haaretz.com This week at Ben Gurion Airpot: A brother and sister accompany their father on his final journey to his homeland, and a young Israeli whose grandma refuses to tell her Holocaust story…

Angela (2024-04-05). Monday 4/15: Webinar: USCPR Tax Day Mass Movement Call: No More Money for Israel's Crimes. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Staff (2024-04-05). Lavender & Where's Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes. democracynow.org The Israeli publications +972 and Local Call have exposed how the Israeli military used an artificial intelligence program known as Lavender to develop a "kill list" in Gaza that includes as many as 37,000 Palestinians who were targeted for assassination with little human oversight. A second AI system known as "Where's Daddy?" tracked Palestinians on the kill list and was purposely designed to help Israel target individuals when they were at home at night with their families. The targeting systems, combined with an "extremely permissive" bombing policy in the Israeli mili…

Chen Maanit (2024-04-05). Israel's top court: Not enough humanitarian aid is getting into the Gaza Strip. haaretz.com During High Court hearing on a petition filed by human rights organizations, justices asked the state to explain why more aid is not being allowed into the Strip…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). UN Human Rights Council Calls for Suspension of Arms Sales to Israel. libya360.wordpress.com MEE Smoke billows during Israeli bombardment on Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on 3 April 2024 (AFP/Said Khatib) Resolution passes after 28 of 47 members vote in favour, marking the first time the UN body has taken a position on Gaza war. The UN Human Rights Council has called for a suspension of…

Alfred de Zayas (2024-04-05). UN Human Rights Council Again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua. orinocotribune.com By Alfred de Zayas and John Perry — Apr 3, 2024 | When the United Nations sets up a "commission of inquiry," it can result in a powerful analysis of violations of human rights law, such as the one appointed in 2021 to examine Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and its Apartheid practices. But other commissions can become political platforms aimed at demonizing a particular government by crafting narratives that give the semblance of objectivity while suppressing all evidence that contradicts the prevailing geopolitical consensus. The ultimate aim of such commissions is not to investigate…

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2024-04-05). British Rebellion Grows Against Arming Israel. popularresistance.org London's mayor, 50 Labour MPs and Winston Churchill's grandson have joined widening calls to defy Israel's impunity by demanding the U.K. stop sending it arms.

WSWS (2024-04-05). UK arts centre HOME forced to reverse censorship of Palestinian event after protests. wsws.org The decision by HOME to reinstate Voices of Resilience is a political victory over the supporters of Israel's war on the Palestinians, and the attempts of Zionists to silence opposition by levelling bogus allegations of antisemitism.

Batoul Suleiman, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-04-05). The Israeli Agricultural Industry: A Strategic Weakness. popularresistance.org Since the beginning of the brutal war waged by the Zionist enemy on Gaza, the agricultural industry in the Zionist entity has witnessed a significant shortage of agricultural labor. The Israeli government issued a decree prohibiting Palestinian workers—some of whom work in the agricultural sector—from entering the Occupied Territories. This was accompanied by the departure of around 8,000 Thai workers from the Occupied Territories at the beginning of the war. This crisis posed a challenge for Zionist farmers, especially in the Gaza Envelope.

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-04-05). Netanyahu's endgame and the Israeli far-right's regional ambitions. mondoweiss.net The events of recent days suggest we may be seeing the Israeli endgame take shape. Netanyahu's far right government's goals are not limited to Gaza: it wants to take over all of Palestine and start a war with Hezbollah and Iran as well.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-04-05). Irremediable Defeat: On Israel's Other Unwinnable War. counterpunch.org Historically, wars unite Israelis. Not anymore. Not that Israelis do not agree with Benjamin Netanyahu's war; they simply do not believe that the prime minister is the man who could win this supposedly existential fight. But Netanyahu's war remains unwinnable simply because liberation wars, often conducted through guerrilla warfare tactics, are far more complicated than

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Israelis Attack Palestinians at Al-Aqsa Mosque. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Israeli occupation forces attacked Palestinian worshipers who had attended dawn prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque in occupied Jerusalem. | RELATED: | Over 65,000 Palestinians wanted to access the sacred site for the day of prayers corresponding to dawn this Friday, the fifth of the holy month of Ramadan. | The occupation forces launched tear gas bombs against thousands of worshipers in Al-Aqsa who chanted slogans in rep…

Amira Hass (2024-04-05). Settlement security head joined brutal raid of Palestinian village near Ramallah. haaretz.com Witnesses from Mukhmas village say about 30 Israelis entered their agricultural land and beat residents; IDF: Incident preceded by report of attack on Israeli shepherd…

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2024-04-05). US And Allies Refuse To Condemn Israeli Attacks On Iranian Consulate. popularresistance.org During an UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, April 2, the US and its European allies, the UK and France, failed to condemn the Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consular mission in Damascus a day earlier in which 13 people were killed. | In the Security Council meeting which was called by Russia following Iran's request, representatives of France and the UK refused to acknowledge the Israeli role in the attacks and rather blamed Iran for provoking regional escalation. | The US representative Robert Wood also refused to condemn Israel and instead warned Iran against any further escalation.

Dave Reed (2024-04-05). Engineering social collapse in Palestine. mondoweiss.net Despite its claim that the goal of the war in Gaza is the elimination of Hamas, Israel's actions reveal its true intention: the collapse of Palestinian society.

Editor (2024-04-05). British Rebellion Grows Against Arming Israel. scheerpost.com

Democracy Now! (2024-04-05). Democracy Now! 2024-04-05 Friday. democracynow.org Headlines for April 05, 2024; Lavender & Where's Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes; "No Other Land": Israeli Director Slams Claims of Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale | Headlines for April 05, 2024; Lavender & Where's Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes; "No Other Land": Israeli Director Slams Claims of Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale…

M. Reza Behnam (2024-04-05). The United States and the Cult of Israel. counterpunch.org Ever since European Zionists invaded the land of Palestine, Israel has made the indigenous people prisoners and refugees in their own land. Why, until now, have their colonization and imprisonment received so little attention in the United States? Why has the nation that birthed the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence been willing

Judy Maltz (2024-04-05). Families of Canadians killed by Hamas sue own government over renewing aid to UNRWA. haaretz.com Applicants argued that the government's decision was 'unreasonable,' given UNRWA's ties to Hamas, which is defined as a terrorist organization by Canadian law…

Kyle Anzalone (2024-04-05). Aid Group Hit by IDF Strike Says Israeli Response 'Cold Comfort'. news.antiwar.com Israel said its probe into the killing of seven members of the World Central Kitchen's Gaza aid team found that serious mistakes were made and punished five soldiers. WCK said the move meant little after the deaths and called on Israel to respect all civilian lives. On Monday, Israel conducted a series of three strikes …

Democracy Now! (2024-04-05). Democracy Now! 2024-04-05 Friday. democracynow.org Headlines for April 05, 2024; Lavender & Where's Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes; "No Other Land": Israeli Director Slams Claims of Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale | Headlines for April 05, 2024; Lavender & Where's Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes; "No Other Land": Israeli Director Slams Claims of Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale…

James North, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-05). Netanyahu Killed A Top Iranian General To Provoke Regional Conflict. popularresistance.org Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel's provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu's latest effort to expand the fighting across the region, partly to put off his own painful day of reckoning. He knows that America has troops stationed all over the Mideast, and he hopes that Iran will retaliate against them, escalating conflict.

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-05). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 181: Child Deaths In Gaza On The Rise. popularresistance.org Israeli forces killed 62 Palestinians and wounded 91 across the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, according to the Gaza-based Palestinian health ministry. | Meanwhile, local media sources reported that Israeli artillery shelled the Atatra neighborhood in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. Simultaneously, accounts from al-Shifa Hospital continued to report the recovery of dozens of dead bodies in the surroundings of the hospital, three days after Israeli forces withdrew from the medical complex following two weeks of raids.

Shlomi Eldar (2024-04-05). Hamas actually believed it would conquer Israel. In preparation, it divided the country into cantons. haaretz.com Tens of thousands of Gazans have fled to Egypt since the war broke out, many of them members of the elite who are able to pay the enormous costs. I met old friends in Cairo who were still astonished at the messianic insanity that seized Hamas' leadership…

Daniel Warner (2024-04-05). What Biden and Netanyahu are Thinking is the Wrong Question. counterpunch.org A Tribute to Daniel Kahneman and Adversarial Collaboration "What is Biden thinking about Bibi?" Foreign Policy (FP) headlined in a recent issue. Indeed, one would like to ask President Biden as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu what they are thinking as the humanitarian catastrophe continues in Gaza with over 30,000 fatalities, over 70,000

Vijay Prashad (2024-04-05). Thousands have lived without love, but not one without water: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2024). mronline.org Amid the intensifying water crisis that plagues billions of people across the world, Israel is using water as a weapon in its war against Palestinians by denying access and destroying infrastructure.

Zaheer Ali Naqvi (2024-04-05). Massive Protest in India's Mumbai Against Israeli Crimes. telesurenglish.net The rise of the Muslims on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan is a potent symbol of their support for the Palestinian cause. | RELATED: | A massive rally happened at Yari Road, Andheri West, Mumbai on 5th April, the last Friday of Ramadan 2024. | This was to mark a protest against the crimes of the illegitimate Israeli regime. The protest at Yari Road, Mumbai saw infants to aged senior civilians participate to…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). White House Approved Bombs to Israel on the Day of WCR Attack. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that the White House approved more bombs to Israel on the day the Israeli military struck a convoy and killed seven workers of a food charity group delivering aid to Gaza. | RELATED: | The Washington Post based its report on information it received from three U.S. officials, who the newspaper said revealed the detail about the approval this week. | The State Department approved…

Agence France-Presse (2024-04-05). Israel to allow 'temporary' aid into northern Gaza after Biden's warning. scmp.com Israel said aid will be delivered through Ashdod and the Erez checkpoint to 'prevent a humanitarian crisis'.

teleSUR (2024-04-05). UNRWA Denounces Destruction of Homes in Gaza. telesurenglish.net The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) denounced the destruction of more than 60 per cent of the housing fund in Gaza Strip as a result of Israeli aggression. | RELATED: | In addition, the organization also denounced the displacements, reporting that, more than 75% of the population of Gaza is displaced, many of them have been displaced several times. | On the other hand, Israeli bombardments…

Mark Fiore (2024-04-05). An Offensive Defense. progressive.org The United States isn't helping Israel defend itself—It's helping Israel murder tens of thousands of civilians.

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-04-05). Incident on the Al-Rashid Coastal Road. counterpunch.org The darkly ironic thing is that World Central Kitchens was supposed to serve as Biden's replacement for UNRWA, a private relief effort under the control of the US, instead of the UN. Some Palestinians had even come to view Andrés as a US agent, his group a kind of Blackwater in humanitarian garb. And the Israelis just blew it up: one, two, three. Because any sustained aid to the Palestinians subverts their goal of using starvation to force them to either die or leave Gaza. The arrogance would stun anyone but the benumbed Biden.

Ryan Cristián (2024-04-05). NATO Member Ukraine, Israel Bombing Aid, AI Assassination & The US' Rapidly Shifting Israel Coverage. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/5/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Editor (2024-04-05). Apr 5, 2024. sitrepworld.info Agnus Dei — Samuel Barber What Happened to America's Anti-Fascist Traditions? by Matthew Ehret Propaganda: a double-edged sword? by Lucy Wyatt Sick Cultures: When Belief Systems Turn Pathological, by Lawrence Davidson Unbecoming American: Diplomacy and Distraction, by T.P. Wilkinson More Deaths in Gaza, by Philip Giraldi 'Beyond Parody': Biden Pushing for $18 Billion Warplane Sale to Israel, by Brett Wilkins The 'Human Shields' Lie Has Been Conclusively, Irrefutably Debunked, by Caitlin Johnstone Israel's Lavender Murderbot is Programmed to Kill up to a Third of all Palestinian Civilian…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Israel Uses AI to Mark Thousands of Its Victims in Gaza. telesurenglish.net On Friday, United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres voiced concern over reports of the Israeli military using artificial intelligence (AI) in its bombing in Gaza. | RELATED: | The Israeli magazine +972 published a report showing that Israeli occupation forces use artificial intelligence to identify targets in Gaza, "in some cases with as little as 20 seconds of human oversight," the Insider Paper reported. | "The +972 report…

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2024-04-05). Israel And The United States Are Gangster States. popularresistance.org Every war crime committed by the state of Israel, no matter how horrific, is logical if one considers a few basic facts. First, one of Israel's goals is to ethnically cleanse Gaza. They have to kill thousands of people in increasingly brutal ways, terrorize the survivors, and turn hospitals and universities and mosques and churches into military targets. The end game is to force the population out of Gaza and make it safe for Israeli settlers, gas exploration, and the construction of a canal to replace the Suez. Even the building of a pier to bring in humanitarian aid is a trojan horse meant to send Gaza's popula…

Amos Harel (2024-04-05). After six months, few of the Israel-Gaza war's goals have been achieved. haaretz.com Although there was a measure of logic to the decision to mount a ground invasion of Gaza, it's necessary to acknowledge its failures: Expectations were too high, tensions with U.S. have spiked, and the hostages are still in Gaza…

Philip Giraldi (2024-04-05). More Deaths in Gaza: Lies and Deception by Joe Biden to Cover-up Israel's War Crimes Must End. globalresearch.ca

Jason Ditz (2024-04-05). Israeli Airstrike on Amal Movement Site in South Lebanon Kills Three. news.antiwar.com At least three people were killed and others wounded today in Marjaayoun when Israeli fighter jets attacked a building belonging to the Amal Movement, the largest Shi'ite political party in southern Lebanon. The Amal Movement is politically aligned with Hezbollah, and Israel appears to be treating it like an armed faction, even though the group …

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-04-05). Monday 4/8: Peace Delegation to German Consul, Stop Arming Israel! indybay.org German Consulate, 1960 Jackson St.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-04-05). Thousands Have Lived Without Love, But Not One Without Water. popularresistance.org By November 2023, it was already clear that the Israeli government had begun to deny Palestinians in Gaza access to water. 'Every hour that passes with Israel preventing the provision of safe drinking water in the Gaza strip, in brazen breach of international law, puts Gazans at risk of dying of thirst and diseases related to the lack of safe drinking water', said Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, UN special rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. 'Israel', he noted, 'must stop using water as a weapon of war'.

Staff (2024-04-05). LIVE: NYC Al-Quds Day Palestine Protest after Israeli Assassination of Top Iranian Generals in Syria. youtube.com New Yorkers are marching for Al-Quds Day, a day which falls on the last Friday of Ramadan every lunar year. Al-Quds Day is marked by intensified struggle for Palestine and the liberation of Jerusalem specifically. This year's demonstration follows a massive escalation by Israel, which assassinated a number of top Iranian generals in Syria last …

Pressenza IPA (2024-04-05). International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Break the Siege of Gaza. pressenza.com Getting humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza is urgent, but it is not sufficient. We must end Israel's unlawful, deadly blockade as well as Israel's overall control of Gaza. Allowing Israel to control what and how much humanitarian aid can get to Palestinians in Gaza is like letting the fox manage the henhouse. And yet, this is what the international community of states is allowing by refusing to sanction Israel and defy its genocidal policies in order to ensure that enough aid reaches the trapped, beleaguered and bombarded civilian population. | The Cyprus maritime corridor, the U.S. floating pier project, a…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-05). Iran Consulate Attack Last Nail in Coffin of Dying and Decaying Israeli Regime. orinocotribune.com By Wesam Bahrani — Apr 2, 2024 | The foolhardy move to carry out a dastardly act of terrorism in the Syrian capital — bombing the Iranian embassy's consular affairs building — is the latest example of how the Israeli regime flouts international law. | It is also a reminder that the regime is bound to perish, like all illegitimate entities are. They come with an expiry date and the West-backed Zionist entity's time has come. | The cowardly attack on the Iranian embassy's consular affairs section in Damascus in blatant violation of all international conventions smacks of utter frustration and a reali…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). Biden and Netanyahu: United in Goal, Divided by Strategy. libya360.wordpress.com Mohamad Hasan Sweidan US President Joe Biden's goals in Gaza align with Tel Aviv's. But his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu's execution of these objectives are heavily clashing with US interests, undermining its soft power elsewhere in the region. In an interview with MSNBC last month, US President Joe Biden took a rare firm stance against his staunch…

Kyle Anzalone (2024-04-05). Blinken: Israel Becoming 'Indistinguishable' From Hamas. news.antiwar.com Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a stark warning to Tel Aviv that Israel risked becoming no different from Hamas if it did not curb civilian casualties in Gaza. The senior official also said that the White House welcomed the opening of another border crossing into the territory, but would not be satisfied until more …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). A Ring of Enemies Surrounds Israel. libya360.wordpress.com Abbas Juma On Monday, the Israeli Air Force struck a building near the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital. As a result of the attack, the consulate building was destroyed and the commanders of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) unit, Generals Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, were killed. President Ebrahim…

Alfred de Zayas — John Perry (2024-04-05). UN Human Rights Council Again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua. counterpunch.org When the United Nations sets up a "commission of inquiry," it can result in a powerful analysis of violations of human rights law, such as the one appointed in 2021 to examine Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and its Apartheid practices. But other commissions can become political platforms aimed at demonizing a particular government

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-05). Israeli Embassies Around the World Put on High Alert Over Potential Iran Retaliation. news.antiwar.com Israeli embassies around the world have been put on high alert as Israel is bracing for potential retaliation for bombing Iran's consulate building next to its embassy in Damascus, Syria. Sources told The Jerusalem Post that some Israeli ambassadors had been warned not to attend public events due to concerns about their safety. The Israeli …

SAM (2024-04-05). Is Israel's Plan To Draw The U.S. Into A War With Iran? progressivehub.net PAUL R. PILLAR | RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT…

Jonathan Lis (2024-04-05). Foreign diplomat says Israel-Hamas talks could last weeks, deal isn't Netanyahu's top priority. haaretz.com The envoy said he could tell that Hamas would reject the latest cease-fire proposal because it wasn't significantly different enough from the previous offer…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Iran: Israel Will Fall If US And Western Support Ceases. telesurenglish.net The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Forces, Hossein Salami, confirmed this Friday that the Zionist entity currently lives on American and Western support. | RELATED: | According to the Commander-in-Chief, if this support ceases, this entity will fall, a day that is not far off, he said. | In his speech during the International Jerusalem Day activities in Tehran, as well as at the funeral ceremony for the…

Associated Press (2024-04-05). Donald Trump tells Israel to stop killing people and get Gaza war over 'fast'. scmp.com The former US president called for a swift end to the bloodshed, saying Israel is 'absolutely losing the PR war' by releasing footage of its military campaign.

Avi Scharf (2024-04-05). At Singapore Airshow, the Gaza war was a selling point for Israeli arms makers. haaretz.com Singapore reveals the weapons it bought from Israel; Israeli firms unveil the next generation of loitering munitions; and makers of anti-drone technology recall the urgent phone call they received on October 7. A visit to the biggest arms trade show in Asia…

Editor (2024-04-05). 'Lavender': The AI machine directing Israel's bombing spree in Gaza. mronline.org The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal.

Yossi Verter (2024-04-05). The countdown to Israel's next elections has begun. haaretz.com Even if Benny Gantz hasn't yet decided what to do, the ball is rolling, and the dynamics of the seething street and the polarized political system will dictate the reality — elections, and soon…

Melvin Goodman (2024-04-05). Meet the Newest Apologist for Israel: Rear Admiral John Kirby. counterpunch.org

Michael Arria (2024-04-05). Israeli capitulation exposes the lie behind Biden's Gaza policy. mondoweiss.net For months the Biden administration has insisted there's little it can do to impact Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza. The events of the last 24 hours have shown that this is a lie.

Nino Pagliccia (2024-04-05). Venezuelan Electoral Laws Are Designed to Guarantee Democracy Despite Personal Ambitions. orinocotribune.com By Nino Pagliccia — Apr 3, 2024 | Venezuela has one of the most progressive

scorinoco (2024-04-05). Venezuela Makes Arrangements to Receive International Observers for July Presidential Elections. orinocotribune.com Representatives of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela held a working meeting to draw up plans related to the invitations and reception of the international observers who will visit Venezuela for the July 28 presidential elections. | During a press conference held on Thursday, April 4, at the CNE headquarters, its president Elvis Amoroso announced that foreign delegations will be able to personally verify the transparency and efficiency of the Venezuelan voting system. |

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-05). Imperialism Is the Problem, Not Religion. orinocotribune.com By Agonas — Apr 2, 2024 | "The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world." — Kwame Ture | Imperialism, as a system of domination and exploitation, not only seeks to control territories and resources but also aims to impose its cultural and ideological values on colonized peoples. | Imperialism's use of religion and culture to uphold its dominance is a form of soft power, exerting influence through persuasion, ideology, and cultural representation rather than through overt force. | By controlling the narrative and shaping the cultural disco…

scorinoco (2024-04-05). El Salvador: 241 Prisoner Deaths Reported Over Last 2 Years. orinocotribune.com At least 241 people, including two minors, have died in prisons in El Salvador, in the context of a state of emergency that has been in force in the country since March 2022 allegedly to combat gangs. This was reported by Ingrid Escobar, director of the civil society organization Socorro Jurídico Humanitario (SJH), at a press conference on Wednesday, April 3. | Escobar, who leads the legal aid organization that supports relatives of detainees with free legal assistance, reported that 239 of the detainees who died in custory were adults while two were minors, whose deaths were caused by pneumonia and renal complic…

Staff (2024-04-05). Key Elements of Venezuela's Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba. orinocotribune.com

Misión Verdad (2024-04-05). Venezuela's Battle Against Fascism: Past and Present. orinocotribune.com

People's Dispatch. (2024-04-05). As The US Starves The Cuban People, Activists Launch Solidarity Campaign. popularresistance.org In the wake of the US' deliberate starvation of the Cuban people through sanctions, solidarity activists with the People's Forum, a New York-based political education space, has organized a massive campaign to send 800 tons of wheat flour to the island. | The United States policy of continuing the over 60-year-long blockade of the island, as well as maintaining the socialist nation on the "State Sponsors of Terrorism" list, has engineered severe shortages of vital goods on Cuba, including food. | The People's Forum is soliciting donations to help provide much-needed wheat flour to Cuba.

David Bollier. (2024-04-05). Building Democratic Governance On The Internet. popularresistance.org The default form of governance on Internet platforms is "implicit feudalism," Nathan Schneider provocatively declares in his new book Governance Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life. Implicit feudalism is "a bias, both cultural and technical, for building communities as fiefdoms," in which founders become "benevolent dictators for life," he argues. | Unfortunately, authoritarian governance is not confined to social media platforms. The same tendencies bleed into the "real world," too, if only because the lines between online and "real life" have become quite blurry these days.

Christina Lieffring, In These Times. (2024-04-05). 50,000 'Uninstructed' Wisconsin Voters Send Biden Clear Message. popularresistance.org A mix of rain and snow pelted Wisconsin on Tuesday, covering streets with sludge as voters braved their way to the polls. But despite the weather and what appeared to be low turnout in the primary, Listen to Wisconsin's Uninstructed campaign defied expectations and netted nearly 50,000 votes. | President Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by only about 20,000 votes in Wisconsin in 2020, and the strong showing for the Uninstructed campaign is a harsh rebuke of Biden's policies around Gaza and the larger Democratic agenda as the incumbent is now faced with yet another critical Midwest swing state that may be lost come Nov…

Nick Turse, Consortium News. (2024-04-05). Niger To United States: Pack Up Your Forever War. popularresistance.org Dressed in green military fatigues and a blue garrison cap, Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for Niger's ruling junta, took to local television last month to criticize the United States and sever the long-standing military partnership between the two countries. | "The government of Niger, taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people, revokes, with immediate effect, the agreement concerning the status of United States military personnel and civilian Defense Department employees," he said, insisting that their 12-year-old security pact violated Niger's constitution.

Cira Pascual Marquina, Venezuelanalysis. (2024-04-05). Urban Agriculture In The Heart Of Caracas. popularresistance.org Urban agriculture gardens, inspired by methods developed during Cuba's special period, are being used to promote food security in Venezuela.

Helen Yuill, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-04-05). Climate Justice Means Holistic Transformation, Not Tinkering. popularresistance.org 'The climate crisis has many dimensions: social, political, economic, environmental, moral, ethical, and ideological. The way out of the crisis must address the root cause: the endless, limitless, mindless accumulation and concentration of capital on a planet with finite resources,' Valdrak Jaentschke, head of the Nicaragua delegation, said in his speech at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. In turn, climate justice must be multi-dimensional recognising that climate justice is an integral part of social, political, environmental, and ethical justice.

Les Leopold, Scheer Post. (2024-04-05). Please Launch Workers United Against Mass Layoffs. popularresistance.org It's time for a new organization to protect working people from the plague of mass layoffs. Let's call it, for now, Workers United Against Mass Layoffs. | Given the United Autoworkers' growing prestige, this seems like the ideal moment for the union to lead the fight against needless mass layoffs everywhere and for everyone. | The United Autoworkers know all about mass layoffs. Currently, GM is laying off 1,314 workers across two plants in Michigan, and another 322 UAW members are losing their jobs at Missouri Central School Bus. | They are not alone.

Mel Duncan, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-04-05). There's A Better Way To Make Communities Safer. popularresistance.org Over the past 25 years, as co-creator of Nonviolent Peaceforce, I have seen unarmed civilian protection (also known as UCP or UCP/A to include the methodology of accompaniment) evolve to the point where our teams have worked alongside local communities using evidenced-based, civilian-led approaches to prevent violence and protect civilians in 15 countries. In helping to foster a community of practice, I have witnessed dozens of small and large organizations using active nonviolent methods to create community safety. Here are three examples I find to be particularly inspiring.

Katya Schwenk, The Lever. (2024-04-05). The Supreme Court May Give Us Another 2008 Financial Crisis. popularresistance.org The United States Supreme Court will soon decide a case that could decimate consumer protections against abusive banking practices — potentially allowing banks to disregard state laws meant to prevent the kind of predatory lending that led to the 2008 financial crisis. | Legal experts say that the case, Cantero v. Bank of America, could invalidate a host of state laws that protect people from predatory lending, junk fees, and other financial scams. The case is ostensibly about a New York statute that forces banks to pay interest to consumers on certain mortgage accounts — but big banks are fighting fo…

Bob Hennelly, Work Bites. (2024-04-05). The Dali Disaster Is What Profit-Driven Economics Looks Like. popularresistance.org On March 26, the day after the commemoration of the 113th anniversary of the Triangle factory fire that killed 146 mostly female immigrant garment workers in lower Manhattan — a crew of a half-dozen immigrant men in a non-union paving crew fell 185 feet to their deaths from Baltimore's Francis Scott Key bridge after it was rammed by the Dali, a rudderless massive cargo ship that was trying to leave the port without a tug escort. | Police were able to close the bridge to traffic just before the catastrophic collision took place after the powerless and adrift Singaporean-flagged Dali got out a mayday call at…

Shaka Shakur, Black Agenda Report. (2024-04-05). The New Modern Day Militarized Fort! popularresistance.org This week represents the first year anniversary of the State's attack and arrest of Amin Chaoui and others who were challenging its attempt to build another kop city, this time within the Atlanta, Georgia, area. | It's important to look at the creation of kop city within the larger context of State repression and the creation of an expanded police State of hyper surveillance, pushing ever greater intrusion into the private lives of the people. The repressive State relies upon the use of poor or working class folks to police and dominate other poor, oppressed and marginalized folks.

Editor (2024-04-05). Bidenomics and Its Discontents. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-04-05). The US and ISIS: It's Complicated. scheerpost.com

Peoples Dispatch (2024-04-05). As the US deliberately starves the Cuban people, solidarity activists launch campaign to send flour. peoplesdispatch.org The People's Forum, based in the United States, has launched a solidarity campaign with Cuban neighbors living under brutal US blockade…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Women's Rights Activists Welcome DRC's First Female PM. telesurenglish.net Judith Suminwa Tuluka is an economist who worked in the banking sector and the UN before being appointed a minister of planning in 2023. | President Felix Tshisekedi's appointment of Judith Suminwa as the country's Prime Minister fulfills a campaign promise and marks a significant step towards gender equality in Congolese politics. Apr. 5, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Cuban President Travels the Productive Poles of San José de Las Lajas. telesurenglish.net The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez, toured this Friday the municipality of San José de Las Lajas, belonging to the province of Mayabeque, southeast of Havana. | RELATED: | Accompanied by the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Roberto Morales Ojeda, the Cuban president began his government visit in the Basic Business Unit (UEB) Ma…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Left-Green Movement Leader to Run for Icelandic Presidency. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Iceland's Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir announced that she would resign from her current position to run for president in the June election. | RELATED: | Through a video posted on Facebook, she indicated that many people have recently encouraged her to run for president and she decided some time ago not to run in the next parliamentary elections. | In Iceland, presidential elections occur every four years, and…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Nicaragua Declares Alert Due to Screwworm Disease in Livestock. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Agricultural Protection and Health Institute (IPSA) declared a health alert throughout Nicaraguan territory due to the presence of the screw-worm fly in livestock. | RELATED: | The screwworm disease is caused by the larvae of the Cochliomyia hominivorax fly, which lays its eggs in any open wound of a warm-blooded animal, including humans. Hours after being laid, the eggs hatch into worms that feed…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). State Workers Strike and Protest Against Layoffs. telesurenglish.net The State Workers' Association (ATE) led a general strike and stopped activities led by state workers from different companies. The demonstrators are calling on the Ministry of Economy for the mass layoffs. | RELATED: | State employees, led by the head of the ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar, will take over ministries and public buildings, resulting in a crossing with the Argentine police forces. | In social networks, Aguiar de…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Venezuela and Cuba Discuss Migration Flow between the Two Countries. telesurenglish.net Delegations from Venezuela and Cuba evaluated in Caracas this Thursday the behavior of the migratory flow between both countries on the occasion of the VI Round of Migration Talks between the two countries. | RELATED: | The meeting was chaired by the Venezuelan Vice Minister for the Caribbean of the Foreign Ministry, Raúl Lí Causi, his counterpart for Havana, Josefina Vidal; the island's ambassador in this capital, Dagobert…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Venezuelan President Rejects Milei's Request for Sanctions. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, President Nicolas Maduro rejected the intentions of Argentine President Javier Milei to promote international sanctions against Venezuela. | RELATED: | The Bolivarian leader pointed out that Zionism, which he equated to the new fascism, came to power with Milei's rise to office. | "Milei says he will lead a crusade to have Venezuela sanctioned, surrounded, and beaten. From Caracas'

teleSUR (2024-04-05). SouthCom to Have Presence at Argentina's Integrated Naval Base. telesurenglish.net In the early hours of Friday, Argentine President Javier Milei and Gen. Laura Richardson, the commander of the U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom), held a meeting in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in this South American country. | RELATED: | During a speech to military personnel from both countries, the far-right politician reiterated his willingness to forge a "strategic alliance" with the United States and its allies, sugg…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Train Drivers in Britain Begin Strike Over Pay Dispute. telesurenglish.net On Friday, train drivers at 16 rail companies in Britain began a new wave of strikes, amid a long-running dispute over pay. | RELATED: | Members of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF), a trade union of train drivers in England, Scotland and Wales, were expected to take part in a program of rolling one-day strikes between Friday and next Monday. | ASLEF announced the industrial action las…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Bus Accident in Paraguay Leaves 2 Dead and 16 Injured. telesurenglish.net In the early hours of Friday, a bus suffered a car accident in the town of Monte Lindo, Paraguay. | RELATED: | The vehicle collided with a structure at a roundabout on the roadside. The bus route included the section from Asunción to Ciudad Mariscal, in the department of Boquerón. | The collision left 2 people dead and 16 injured, 7 of them present a serious life-threatening picture. Both fatalities were adult men aged 28 and…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Spreading Bird Flu in US Raises Worries Over Its Risks to Human. telesurenglish.net As of Thursday, bird flu has spread among herds in at least six states, with at least two confirmed human infections, raising worries over its risks to humans and a hike in egg prices. | RELATED: | The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) confirmed that infections have been reported in seven dairy herds in Texas, two in Kansas, and one each in New Mexico, Ohio, Michigan and Idaho since last month. | The agency is currently testing more, warning that…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). South Sudan President Pushes for Elections Be Held on Schedule. telesurenglish.net South Sudan President Salva Kiir on Wednesday warned lawmakers against an extension of the period of transition urging Parliament to pass the necessary laws to pave the way for elections. | RELATED: | On the occassion, Parliament Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba said lawmakers would redouble their efforts to ensure that all the prerequisites for elections are met. | According to the latest roadmap, the country was expected to hold elections next…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Opposition forces "Tgadum" discussed Sudan's crisis. telesurenglish.net The new opposition forces known as Tgadum "means progress in Arabic" outlined on Thursday, during their April 2-4 meeting in Addis Ababa, a comprehensive vision to end the ongoing war and rebuild the Sudanese state. | RELATED: | These meetings culminated in a vision document proposing a path towards lasting peace and national reconstruction. This comes amid warnings of potential fragmentation and warlord control if the conflict persists. It tackled urgent…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Mexico Grants Asylum to Former Ecuadorian Vice President Glas. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary issued a statement announcing that Mexico grants political asylum to former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas. | RELATED: | "After a thorough analysis of the information received, the Mexican government decided to grant political asylum to Jorge Glas, who is currently at the Mexican Embassy in Quito," it said. | "This will be officially communicated to the Ecuadorian autho…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). Jorge Arreaza Meets With Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda. telesurenglish.net On Friday night, the executive secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas Free Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), Jorge Arreaza, was received by the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, to discuss issues of common interest. | RELATED: | During the exchange, the objectives of the 2030 agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean and the objectives for the sustainable development of the reg…

teleSUR (2024-04-05). UN Earmarks $12 Million for Gang Violence Victims in Haiti. telesurenglish.net The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced the release of $12 million to help the Haitian population affected by gang violence. | RELATED: | According to OCHA, resources from the global organization's Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will help provide food, water, protection, medical care, and sanitation and hygiene support for displaced people and host communities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, and…

Marc Vandepitte (2024-04-05). Why is China's economy doing so well and why is that a good thing? workers.org By Marc Vandepitte Workers World publishes the following article with the permission of the Belgian political analyst Marc Vandepitte, who addresses people living in Europe. He makes a strong argument opposing the efforts of the U.S. and European ruling class to turn the population against China, despite the advantages of . . . |

G. Dunkel (2024-04-05). What's Washington preparing in Haiti? workers.org For over 200 years, the rulers of the United States — the largest, wealthiest state in the Western Hemisphere — have been intensely concerned with controlling the internal affairs of Haiti, the most exploited state in this hemisphere, to the advantage of U.S. ruling class interests. The main obstacle to . . . |

Gloria Rubac (2024-04-05). Houston Activists say NO! to SB4. workers.org Houston Over a hundred Houstonians gathered on a holiday weekend on March 30 to condemn Texas' SB4, the anti-immigrant, anti-Latiné bill passed by the Texas Legislature and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in December. Chanting "Hey, hey, ho, ho, SB4 has got to go," the crowd marched from a downtown . . . |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). Can Latin America & Caribbean Unite Against the Empire? libya360.wordpress.com BreakThrough News Jorge Arreaza, former Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, describes the historic fight against U.S. imperialism in Venezuela, Latin America & all over the world. Brian Becker is joined by Jorge Arreaza, Executive Secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) and former Venezuelan Minister of…

Adam Fishbein (2024-04-05). Unemployment Dips to 3.8 Percent, Economy Adds 303,000 Jobs in March. cepr.net This was another very solid month for jobs growth as the economy added 303,000 jobs, bringing the gain over the last year to 2,927,000. Unlike in prior months, the household survey also showed a solid picture, with an increase in employment of 498,000 and a dip in the unemployment rate to 3.8 percent. This is …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2024-04-05). Spring Traditions and Celebrations: The Past, the Present and the Future of Farming. counterpunch.org Introduction Eleanor Parker writes in her book, Winters in the World, that "in Anglo-Saxon poetry winter is often imagined as a season when the earth and human beings are imprisoned, kept captive by the 'fetters of the frost'. Naturally enough, then, spring is associated with images of liberation and freedom once those fetters are released." (p.

BenoàÆt Bréville (2024-04-05). Politicians Make Bad Historians. counterpunch.org It's like a game of spot the difference, but instead of looking for discrepancies between two almost identical pictures, it's about identifying similarities in disparate images. But they're so richly detailed it's always possible to find they have something in common. This game is especially popular in wartime, when commentators and decision-makers scour the past

Stewart Lawrence (2024-04-05). Do Crime Stats Matter? counterpunch.org Politicians love to point to high crime rates to justify tough law-and-order policies on the right or strict gun control measures on the left. But surprisingly little of this hot-button crime debate is based on how much actual crime is occurring. Even when crime rates fall, as indeed they have — and fairly consistently —

Richard Schulman (2024-04-05). Architecture of Cities: Something Blue, Frank Gehry. counterpunch.org Frank Gehry sat by my side. Frank looked like a cat on a hammock with a Cheshire grin. The "cat" whispered: "Let's roll". The two-hour train from New Haven Connecticut to New York City Grand Central station was possibly an imaginative reality: There was and is always an illusory frequency of highlighted cinematic rewinds in

Nicky Reid (2024-04-05). Law and Order Is Republicrat for Fascism. counterpunch.org "Force is the midwife of any old society pregnant with a new one." -Karl Marx If you watch the news today, you'd think that Americans are living in one big stateless continental crimewave, stretching from sea to shining sea. Even on the crunchy granola liberal networks, every hour carries another newsflash about our nation's perilous

Tim Palmer (2024-04-05). Floods Aren't Going Away, But There's a Better Way to Handle Them. counterpunch.org As the water rose during the most damaging flood in American history up to that time, I happened to be living at ground-zero of the storm. My house was narrowly spared, but neighbors suffered deeply. Stranded in an Appalachian valley of northcentral Pennsylvania, I helped in the emergency response. As soon as the water subsided

Greg Moses (2024-04-05). Like Improving Texas Woodlands by First Attacking the Roots. counterpunch.org Stepping away from the careless noise of the headlined campus, we feel our hearts loosen at the fingertip touch of the cedar bush that brushes against one shoulder. And already, we make note of the first two questions that will be on the final: How does Confucius develop his mission statement for higher ed with

Eve Ottenberg (2024-04-05). Hypochondriacs Can Relax: Havana Syndrome Is Baloney. counterpunch.org Havana Syndrome, it turns out, is a figment of lots of overheated imaginations. There are no death-ray microwaves aimed at American heads in the U.S. embassies in nations Washington doesn't like. In March, the National Institutes of Health said so. NIH studies found neither vocational harm, nor brain injury, nor blood biomarkers, pace 60 Minutes.

David Yearsley (2024-04-05). Opera Theatres of War: La Forza del Destino at the Met. counterpunch.org (Met Opera photo) With the United States fighting two bloody proxy wars, it made bizarre geo-political sense to head to the Metropolitan Opera House last Friday evening for the final performance this season of the company's new production of Verdi's La Forza del Destino. Opera and war go together like Pavarotti and high Cs. Monteverdi's

Ishmael Reed (2024-04-05). Voting For a Man Who Called Black Mothers Bitches? counterpunch.org An NBC poll shows 16 percent support for Donald Trump among Black voters. Is it because they haven't studied how a Trump regime would affect Blacks? Trump wanted to shoot those who were demonstrating under the Black Lives Matter banner. Even though FBI statistics show a decrease in crime, he's threatened to use the army

Peter Bach (2024-04-05). Letter from London: Late Show at the Too Much Fun Club. counterpunch.org There have been some very English ripples of late coming from London's Garrick Club, the pretty much sealed-off talking shop named after 18th-century actor David Garrick. A story broke a few weeks ago listing its members — the King is a ceremonial one — including establishment figures such as Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden and

Ishmael Reed (2024-04-05). Voting For a Man Who Called Black Mothers Bitches? counterpunch.org Trump wanted to shoot those who were demonstrating under the Black Lives Matter banner. Even though FBI statistics show a decrease in crime, he's threatened to use the army to combat crime, which means the occupation of Black neighborhoods, which is where the media locates crime even though there are higher crime rates in some Red States and contrary to Senator Tim Scott's singling out New York and San Francisco as the centers of U.S. crime, crime has declined in both places.

L. Michael Hager (2024-04-05). Letters the NYT Wouldn't Print. counterpunch.org Since last October, I have sent some 14 letters to the editor of the New York Times. To date, the Letters Editor has declined to accept any of them. The first seven of my letters are copied below. October 29, 2023 It's not just Biden's age that causes me to oppose his reelection as President. His

Michael Donnelly (2024-04-05). "Won't You Care for John Sinclair?" counterpunch.org John Sinclair at Hempstalk. "Won't you care for John Sinclair?" — John Lennon "Our culture is a revolutionary culture, a revolutionary force on the planet, the seed of the new order that will come to flower with the disintegration and collapse of the obsolete social and economic forms which presently infest the earth." — John

Edward Hunt (2024-04-05). Want Faster Shipping? There's an Illegal US War for That. counterpunch.org The United States is waging an illegal war in Yemen, where major shipping routes along the country's coastlines have been disrupted by ongoing violence in the region. Despite widespread understanding in Washington that U.S. military operations in Yemen violate U.S. law, U.S. officials continue to insist that they must continue their military campaign, which they

Ed Sanders (2024-04-05). The Entrapment of John Sinclair. counterpunch.org Editor's Note: John Sinclair, poet, musician, manager of the MC5 and founder of the White Panthers, died this week at 71. Here's his friend Ed Sanders account of how John Lennon and Yoko Ono came to learn about Sinclair's incarceration in a drug entrapment case that landed him with a 10-year sentence for the possession

Robert Hunziker (2024-04-05). WMO Bright Red Alert. counterpunch.org The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. "As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state of the climate." The WMO has issued an annual State of the Climate Report for

Patricia Harrity (2024-04-05). Ed Dowd Identifies Disturbing Problem in Cancer Trends. expose-news.com Data analyst Edward Dowd said and has unveiled startling data that points to a significant and troubling rise in cancer deaths. The former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, Dowd is the co …

The Exposé (2024-04-05). Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly alll across Europe? expose-news.com Data quietly published by a host of countries across Europe reveals that excess deaths among children are still occurring at an alarming rate as we enter the spring of 2024. The deaths …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-05). Caretaker Dutch Prime Minister looks to become the next NATO Secretary General. expose-news.com Prime Minister Mark Rutte is the top candidate to become the next NATO Secretary-General with sources within NATO saying that Rutte now has the backing of 28 of the 32 allied nations. …

The Exposé (2024-04-05). April Fundraising Campaign — The Establishment is trying to Silence & Bankrupt us… expose-news.com We should now be fundraising for May. But The Establishment is trying to bankrupt The Expose & shut us down by repeatedly freezing our funds. Therefore, we only recently managed to be …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-05). What 'Brave New World' and '1984' got wrong and what 'The Castle' got right. expose-news.com Charles Hugh Smith compares the writings of Kafka, Huxley and Orwell in the context of our current predicament. For self-evident reasons, the fictional visions of Orwell and Huxley resonate as maps to …

The Exposé (2024-04-05). Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly all across Europe? expose-news.com Data quietly published by a host of countries across Europe reveals that excess deaths among children are still occurring at an alarming rate as we enter the spring of 2024. The deaths …

geo.tv (2024-04-05). Jill Biden's private conversation with Joe Biden revealed. geo.tv What did first lady privately tell US president?>

geo.tv (2024-04-05). World's oldest man: 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood, born in same year Titanic sank. geo.tv Guinness World Records names new world's oldest living man…

geo.tv (2024-04-05). Pope Francis makes bold statement about Benedict. geo.tv Francis was accused by unnamed cardinals of heresies…

Edward Curtin (2024-04-05). Night for Day or Day for Night in the Heart of Darkness. globalresearch.ca

Karsten Riise (2024-04-05). Bad Developments for US Chip-making Dreams. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2024-04-05). Selected Articles: UN Human Rights Council Again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua. globalresearch.ca By When the United Nations sets up a "commission o…

Michael Welch (2024-04-05). NATO at 75. A Diamond Anniversary of Security by Fair Means or Foul. globalresearch.ca

Stephen Karganovic (2024-04-05). Drang Nach Arktik: Continental Shelf Extension, an Emerging Cold War 2.0 Battleground in the Arctic. globalresearch.ca

Richard C. Cook (2024-04-05). Baltimore's Frances Scott Key Bridge Disaster Declared a "Crime Scene" globalresearch.ca

Khushboo Razdan (2024-04-05). The Baltimore Bridge Collapse and Its Impact on Global Trade. globalresearch.ca

CODEPINK (2024-04-05). International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Break the Siege of Gaza. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-04-05). Hypothetical "Disease X": The WHO Pandemic Treaty is A Fraud. Demands Compliance for "Next Pandemic" globalresearch.ca There is no such thing as "Disease X". It's a hypothetical construct. According to Bill Gates "Another Pandemic Is All But Certain"… And now, a "Vaccine" is being developed to protect us against a non-existent "Disease X"

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-04-05). Putin's Road to Armageddon? globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2024-04-05). Netanyahu Is Determined to Drag the US Into War with Iran. globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2024-04-05). North Korea Ahead of US in Hypersonic Weapons? Analysis. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2024-04-05). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2024-04-05). A Turbo Cancer "Dual Diagnosis" Phenomenon in the COVID-19 Vaccinated. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2024-04-05). Sunday 4/7: Palo Alto Vigil for the Children of Gaza. indybay.org Corner of Town & Country Village | 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Fabio Vighi (2024-04-05). A Philosopher's Critique. indybay.org Because the declining middle classes are unable to see past individualism and economic self-interest, they stick with the fantasy that any loss of purchasing power is a temporary glitch awaiting systemic resolution — as if Capital were an eternal and inexhaustible mode of wealth creation.

San José Against War (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/6: Palestine Poster Screen Printing Workshop. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Brava Theater Center (2024-04-05). Wednesday 4/24: Indomitas: Live Podcast with guest Aida Salazar. indybay.org Brava Cabaret | 2773 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Brigadier General Stand Waite (2024-04-05). Saturday 6/22: Final Confederate Surrender after June 19, 1865, Black Miners Bar, Day Use Area. indybay.org Historic 175th Year of California Pioneers of Pan African Ancestry a planned "Stolen Legacy" of 1849 validated and supported by Confederate Brigadier General Waite offspring in today's newly created 2022 "Black Miners Bar."

Angela (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/6: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "My Tree" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2024-04-05). Monday 4/22: The Supreme Court & Abortion Access — Virtual Teach-In. indybay.org Virtual – Zoom…

Angela (2024-04-05). Sunday 4/7: Monterey Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Angela (2024-04-05). Tuesday 4/9: Woodland Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Rep. Mike Thompson's office | 622 Main St | Woodland, CA…

UFCLP (2024-04-05). Monday 4/15: Class Struggle in Korea – A Report On Korean Workers Struggles. indybay.org San Francisco Main Public Library | Latino Room | 500 Larkin St., San Francisco…

Healthcare Workers 4 Palestine (2024-04-05). Friday 4/5: Healthcare Workers 4 Palestine Call for Vigil for International Palestinian Children's Day. indybay.org UCSF PARNASSUS CAMPUS | In Front Of UC Library | 530 Parnassus Avenue | San Francisco…

Angela (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/6: Davis: Silent Walk of Solidarity. indybay.org Meet at 3rd & A Sts. | Davis, CA…

Angela (2024-04-05). Friday 4/5: Palo Alto: Silent Vigil for Palestine/Gaza and Ukraine. indybay.org 855 El Camino, Palo Alto, CA | corner of Embarcadero and El Camino, on the public sidewalk just outside Town & Country Village, in front of the big lamppost "sign"

repost (2024-04-05). Demo Congressman Ro Khanna of CA Helping To Bust Up Medicare For Insurance Industry. indybay.org Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna is proposing to deregulate medicare and turn it over to the states which would allow more privatization. He is being supported by the insurance industry which want to privatize medicare.

San Francisco Public Library (2024-04-05). Saturday 4/20: Pueblote: Public Land in People's Hands with PODER. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Rooms A and B | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

KQED Live (2024-04-05). Wednesday 5/8: Climate Book Club. indybay.org The Commons, KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

The Worker Agency (2024-04-05). Thursday 4/11: "The Hammer" Author Hamilton Nolan Live at Oaklandia Cafe x Bakery. indybay.org Oaklandia Cafe x Bakery, 555 12th street, Oakland…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2024-04-05). Wednesday 4/24: Mar Monte Monthly: Crisis Care in Jeopardy. indybay.org Virtual – Zoom…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). Canada Recruits Nazi Apologists to Battle "Disinformation" and Indoctrinate the Public. libya360.wordpress.com Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba & Aidan Jonah Canada's descent into fascism will be spearheaded by Global Affairs Canada, headed by the genocidal maniac, Melanie Joly. Joly, as a representative of Canada's currently governing Liberal Party, will invoke the Nazi cells and pro-colonial propaganda divisions hidden and sheltered throughout the Canadian political environment, including the Ukrainian Canadian…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-05). Haiti: A Power Struggle Between Two Antagonistic Groups. libya360.wordpress.com Berthony Dupont A demonstrator holds up a Haitian flag during a protest against Prime Minister Ariel Henry's government and insecurity, in Port-au-Prince The Haitian political class are now acting as subcontractors in the service of the great colonial powers.The current crisis in the country has made it clear that this class of men and women,…

Staff (2024-04-05). LIVE with Scott Ritter: Resistance, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, NATO & WW3. youtube.com Support independent watchdog journalism! | www.patreon.com/MintPressNews

Staff (2024-04-05). Need to oppose Communalism to protect secularism: Kerala CM. muslimmirror.com Kottayam : Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Friday continued his attack on the Sangh Parivar and the Congress party and said that to protect secularism, everyone needs to oppose communalism unequivocally. While addressing an election campaign for the LDF candidate of the Kottayam constituency Thomas Chazhikadan, Vijayan said the Congress was sticking to the …

Staff (2024-04-05). Islamic Revolution kept Quds, Palestine causes alive: Nakhalah. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement Ziyad al-Nakhalah says the Islamic Revolution has kept the causes of al-Quds and Palestine alive. He made the remarks in a meeting with advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader for International Affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, in Tehran on Thursday. During the meeting, al-Nakhalah said that Palestinians …

Staff (2024-04-05). ED moves court against Amanatullah Khan for non-compliance with summons. muslimmirror.com New Delhi : The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has moved the Rouse Avenue Court here against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legislator Amanatullah Khan for non-compliance of its summons in connection with the money laundering case linked to the Delhi Waqf Board regularities. The ED has moved the court over the matter, and the court is likely …

Staff (2024-04-05). Supreme Court stays Allahabad High Court order invalidating UP Madrasa Board. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror The Supreme Court has decided to stay the Allahabad High Court order that struck down the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Madrasa Education Board Ordinance, which was used to regulate the functioning of madrasas in the state. This decision comes after the UP government challenged the High Court's ruling, arguing that it was unconstitutional …

Vijay Prashad (2024-04-05). ÔªøÔªøThe unremarkable death of migrants in the Sahara Desert. peoplesdispatch.org Sabah, Libya, is an oasis town at the northern edge of the Sahara Desert. To stand at the edge of the town and look southward into the desert toward Niger is forbidding. The sand stretches past infinity, and if there is a wind, it lifts the sand to cover the sky. Cars come down the road past the al-Baraka Mosque into the town. Some of these cars come from Algeria (although the border is often closed) or from Djebel al-Akakus, the mountains that run along the western edge of Libya. Occasionally, a white Toyota truck filled with men from the Sahel region of Africa and from western Africa makes its way into Sabah. M…

Staff (2024-04-05). ÔªøÔªøThe unremarkable death of migrants in the Sahara Desert. peoplesdispatch.org Sabah, Libya, is an oasis town at the northern edge of the Sahara Desert. To stand at the edge of the town and look southward into the desert toward Niger is forbidding. The sand stretches past infinity, and if there is a wind, it lifts the sand to cover the sky. Cars come down the …

Jyotsna Singh (2024-04-05). India's newly amended patent rules threaten affordable medicines in the Global South. peoplesdispatch.org New amendments to patent rules in India will jeopardize the country's ability to produce generics, dealing a strong blow to access to medicines in both India and other countries of the Global South…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-05). Cancer cases expected to surge to 35 million worldwide by 2050. plenglish.com Washington, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) The American Cancer Society (ACS) has released Global Cancer Statistics 2022, an update of the organization's report on global cancer facts and trends.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-04-05). Conflicts and climate crisis: hinder the right to health. plenglish.com Geneva, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) Political inaction, conflicts, biases and the climate crisis are nowadays hindering the right of all people, wherever they are, to access quality health services.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-05). Haitian pharmacists warn against boom in counterfeit drugs. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) The Haitian Pharmacists Association warned against a rise in counterfeit medicines in the country, where shortages in pharmacies and the health system are notorious.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-04-05). Guatemala assists over 500 irregular migrants. plenglish.com Guatemala City, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) Guatemala transferred and provided humanitarian, medical and psychological assistance from the onset of 2024 until today to 507 migrants in the center for irregular foreigners, located in this capital.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-05). Gaza conflict records number of child deaths, says NGO. plenglish.com United Nations, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) Conflict in Gaza has caused more deaths of children than all armed conflicts on the planet in the last four years, said the Executive Director of the UN Save the Children Janti Soeripto.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-04-05). Argentina's ATE describes anti-protest protocol as undemocratic. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) The General Secretary of the Argentinian State Workers Association (ATE) Rodolfo Aguiar described on Friday as very serious and undemocratic the actions of the Federal Police against the affiliates who marched to the surroundings of the Ministry of Economy.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-05). Former president regrets Argentine government's submission to the U.S. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) Former Argentine President Alberto Fernandez on Friday deplored the submission of Javier Milei's government to the United States and warned about the provocations to other countries in the region.

Aram Aharonian (2024-04-05). Argentina: a nervous top and a bottom that is already moving. pressenza.com The application of neoliberal-libertarian dogma has plunged Argentina into its worst crisis in more than two decades in the space of a hundred days, thanks to a government that has — deliberately — pulverized the purchasing power of workers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises alike: its anti-inflation strategy consists of liquefying incomes, i.e. making prices stop rising simply because nobody can buy anything anymore. | In just one month, poverty rose from 49.5 to 57.4 percent of the population, and Unicef estimates that 70 percent of children could be in this situation. From December 2023 to…

Pressenza IPA (2024-04-05). Senegal: Opposition leader sworn in as president-elect. pressenza.com Bassirou Diomaye Faye has been sworn in as President of Senegal. In just a few weeks, Faye went from prison to the presidential palace in an electoral process that, despite the difficult path it took and the country's difficult context, managed to conclude with clear results. | The elections were held on 24 March, just two weeks after Faye and Ousmane Sonko, from the rival party of the former president, had been released from prison following an amnesty granted by the former president, Macky Sall. They campaigned on a platform of fighting corruption and improving the management of natural resources, the basis of…

Pilar Paricio (2024-04-05). New cycle of human development workshops in Buenos Aires prisons. pressenza.com A new cycle of human development workshops has begun in the prisons of Buenos Aires. The workshops are given online by volunteers from the Humanist Movement based in different cities and involve more than 3,000 people deprived of their liberty. The content of the workshops is aimed at recognizing and resisting violence within and without us, as well as learning how to give coherent answers in the different situations of our lives. | Josefa Salazar is the coordinator of these workshops and confirms that the 2024 cycle has just begun. | What do these workshops consist of? | We are framing this proposal within the s…

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-04-05). EcoWaste Coalition Provides Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna with a Map of 52 Errant Stores Selling Banned Cosmetics with Mercury. pressenza.com 5 April 2024, Quezon City. Ahead of World Health Day on April 7, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition today provided the City Government of Manila with a map of wholesale and retail stores selling skin-lightening products laced with mercury to help the local authorities in enforcing the ban on such dangerous cosmetics. | Based on the market investigation conducted by the group from March 10 to 27, 52 stores were found selling contraband mercury-containing cosmetics for lightening the skin tone and for removing age spots, blemishes, freckles, wrinkles, and other skin woes. The Food and Drug Administration…

Oleg Yasinsky (2024-04-05). The secret of their spirituality. pressenza.com Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the spiritual approach of the ruling system can be found in the famous book 'The Secret' by the Australian writer Rhonda Byrne. This work is like an extension of the previous recipe book of compilations of infallible formulas on how to have many friends, succeed in business, or seduce objects of reproductive desire. As people read less and less, even bestsellers like this one, 'The Secret', migrated to the cinema, giving rise to a series of videos with instructions for happiness. I remember the tears of emotion in the eyes of people who finally found an easy answer to the q…

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Investigan causa de incendio en provincia oriental de Cuba. radiohc.cu Holguín, 5 abr (RHC) Autoridades de esta oriental provincia de Cuba investigan las causas de un incendio ocurrido la víspera, en la Loma de la Cruz, en esta urbe, informaron medios digitales.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Vicepresidente de Cuba chequea programas de producción de alimentos en Camagàºey. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) El vicepresidente de la República de Cuba, Salvador Valdés Mesa chequeó este viernes programas de producción de alimentos en la centro oriental provincia de Camagàºey.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Presenta cartas credenciales nuevo representante de Cuba ante la ONU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) El secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), António Guterres recibió este viernes en Nueva York, las cartas credencias del nuevo representante permanente de Cuba ante el organismo, Ernesto Soberón.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Poetisa cubana Nancy Morejón en EEUU para conferencia internacional. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) La poetisa cubana Nancy Morejón, Premio Nacional de Litreratura 2001, viajó a Estados Unidos para asistir a la conferencia internacional Legados Afrocubanos en la Universidad de Misuri.

María Candela (2024-04-05). Participarán historiadores de Villa Clara en el XXVIII Taller Nacional sobre las guerras de independencia en Cuba, Playita de Cajobabo (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Santa Clara, 5 abr (RHC) Tres historiadores de la central provincia de Villa Clara participarán en el XXVIII Taller Nacional sobre las guerras de independencia en Cuba, Playita de Cajobabo, a efectuarse en Guantánamo, del 11 al 13 de abril próximos.

María Candela (2024-04-05). Soco Uribe: Son magos con mis obras en Holguín. radiohc.cu Con las raíces natales en Zelalla, en Guanajuato,México, Soco Uribe, ha pisado tierra holguinera en la zona oriental de Cuba, por primera vez.

noreply (2024-04-05). About The Actual Movie… smoothiex12.blogspot.com Incident at the Map Grid 36-80. In Russian only.

noreply (2024-04-05). Map Grid 36-80… smoothiex12.blogspot.com my latest.

noreply (2024-04-05). The Mystery Has Been Solved… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Megacity in People's Republic of China to test 6G technology. tvbrics.com This will help integrate the information and communications industry with the industrial economy…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Indian government approves export of 10,000 tonnes of onions to UAE. tvbrics.com The decision follows an order issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) on Tuesday, in addition to the 14,400 tonnes of onions allowed for export to the UAE…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Russia is fifth among G20 countries in terms of economic growth rate. tvbrics.com The rankings were based on 2023 results…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Brazilian municipality is declared capital of marine sports. tvbrics.com Law 10.309/24, authored by state MP Vitor Junior (PDT), was approved by Rio State Governor Claudio Castro…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Ethiopia's Foreign Minister speak about implementation of Smart City project in capital city of Ethiopia. tvbrics.com He briefed diplomats in Addis Ababa…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Exhibition dedicated to flight of country's first citizen into space opens in India. tvbrics.com The exhibition is held at the Russian House in Chennai…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). X BRICS Youth Summit in Ulyanovsk to bring together young leaders of developing countries. tvbrics.com Presentation of the event took place in Moscow…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). South Africa's Presidential Climate Commission submits initial comments on draft Integrated Resource Plan to President Ramaphosa. tvbrics.com The introduction of long-term scenarios for 2050 allowed for an in-depth analysis of a sustainable energy future…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Brazilian authorities allocates US$2 billion to combat climate change. tvbrics.com A dedicated national fund will receive the funds…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Iran's Ministry of Petroleum supports projects of more than 50 knowledge-intensive companies. tvbrics.com The ministry is making efforts to support domestic producers…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Andrey Baklanov, Head of the Middle East and North Africa Research Section, National Research University Higher School of Economics: Saudi Arabia's influence in the world will increase after joining BRICS. tvbrics.com The expert spoke about the prospects opening up after the Kingdom's accession to the group…

tvbrics (2024-04-05). Kazakhstan hosts 19th meeting of secretaries of security councils of SCO member states. tvbrics.com A protocol was signed at the end of the meeting…

WSWS (2024-04-05). France rejects Russian offer of Ukraine peace talks. wsws.org The Russian and French defense ministers, Sergei Shoigu and Sébastien Lecornu, spoke for an hour via phone on the Ukraine war and the March 22 terror attack in Moscow.

unitedEditor (2024-04-05). Western influence in the current political situation in Sudan. uwidata.com By Dr. Mayada Kamal Eldeen * "The largest humanitarian crisis in the world" The war waged by the Rapid Support Forces commenced on April 15, 2023, and is nearing its second year without cessation this April. The United Nations estimates that at least 12,000 people have perished (as of February 2024), while local authorities posit …

David Swanson (2024-04-05). Videos of the First International Neutrality Congress. worldbeyondwar.org By World BEYOND War, April 5, 2024 | A Call to Action for Neutrality and World Peace! | 4th — 7th April, Bogotá…

WSWS (2024-04-05). Trump, Republicans step up anti-migrant hate campaign. wsws.org The Democrats trail behind, declaring that "migrant crime" is a legitimate political concern.

WSWS (2024-04-05). German public service union agrees wage cuts and industrial action amnesty for Lufthansa ground staff. wsws.org After three days of negotiations behind closed doors, on March 27 the executive of Germany's Lufthansa Airways and the public service union Verdi announced a wage deal for ground staff.

WSWS (2024-04-05). Socialist Alternative boosts presidential campaign of Cornel West. wsws.org Whatever their radical rhetoric, the principal concern of Socialist Alternative and Cornel West is to preempt a challenge to capitalism, US imperialism and one of its principal instruments of class rule and war—the Democratic Party—from the working class.

WSWS (2024-04-05). Oklahoma executes Michael Smith despite claims of intellectual disability. wsws.org Smith maintained his innocence during a clemency hearing last month, insisting: "I didn't commit these crimes. I didn't kill these people. I was high on drugs. I don't even remember getting arrested."

WSWS (2024-04-05). Australia: Mine owner rejected safety measures ahead of fatal collapse, citing "significant cost" wsws.org An internal company memo issued last year declared that the "globally accepted standard, that 'we don't work under unsupported ground," was "dated."

WSWS (2024-04-05). Federal judge dismisses $600 million lawsuit against paper mill for decades of toxic chemical releases in Kalamazoo, Michigan. wsws.org US District Judge Hala Y. Jarbou sided with Graphic Packaging International and 21 government defendants and threw out the lawsuit filed on behalf of the Northside Kalamazoo residents, who were demanding compensation for damages from decades of toxic pollution in their neighborhood.

WSWS (2024-04-05). Royal Mail delivery worker explains: "The Communication Workers Union is facilitating a race to the bottom" wsws.org Ian said: "Dave Ward and the CWU Postal Executive signed us up for the gig-economy at Royal Mail and totally sold us down the river. It is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank."

WSWS (2024-04-05). US Federal Railroad Administration finalizes regulations on two-person crews full of exceptions and loopholes. wsws.org The rules requires all locomotives to be operated by a two-person crew, but includes an extensive list of exceptions and loopholes that make the regulation toothless.

WSWS (2024-04-05). 13 Russian miners declared dead after rescue effort ends. wsws.org Efforts to rescue the miners trapped 410 feet underground came to a halt on Monday.

WSWS (2024-04-05). St. Paul and Minneapolis Public Schools reveal plans to cut hundreds of jobs and gut student programs. wsws.org The proposed cuts to Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools are set to eliminate hundreds of full-time positions across numerous departments, drastically reduce department budgets by up to 60 percent and impact afterschool programs.

WSWS (2024-04-05). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org India: Vistara airline pilots strike over wage cut; Andhra Pradesh port workers protest wage rise delay; Airport firefighters across Australia to walk out over pay and safety; New Zealand Pathlab blood-testing workers strike…

WSWS (2024-04-05). UK minister told to name sources in Afghan war crimes inquiry or face jail. wsws.org Mercer also told the inquiry he had gradually become aware of the SAS allegations on his last tour of Afghanistan in 2010 and then been given two specific warning by former colleagues—one a senior officer—in 2017 after he had become an MP.

WSWS (2024-04-05). Dangerous heatwaves in West Africa exacerbated by climate change. wsws.org A World Weather Attribution study shows that climate change has sharply increased both the severity and frequency of extraordinary heat events in Africa's Guinea region.

Nora Colton (2024-04-05). To overcome global health challenges, collaboration is vital. scmp.com Pandemic showed global health systems can pull together against an acute shared threat. The momentum must be kept up. Recent UK healthcare education mission to China is a testament to that.

Bill Lueders (2024-04-05). Donald Trump's Actual Record on COVID-19. progressive.org A look back at how the former President botched the defining challenge of his presidency.

Zack Linly (2024-04-05). Donald Trump Calls Undocumented Migrants 'Sick' Disease Carriers Who Are 'Animals' And 'Not Human'. newsone.com Source: The Washington Post / Getty | Here is a demonstrable truth that does not need to include an "allegedly" or any other type of disclaimer: Donald Trump is a xenophobic bigot. | And now that the immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border has become a hot topic and a thing of major concern to the American populace—albeit, mostly on the side of the populace that adheres to the white nationalist

Staff (2024-04-05). UK: Awareness needed for importance of taking MMR vaccine. muslimnews.co.uk NHS Advertorial There is an increase in measles cases — community leaders encourage people to make sure they have had two doses of the MMR vaccine There is an increasing number of people in London with measles and most of these are young children who have not had their measles mumps and rubella …

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). China's largest land port handles over 5 mln metric tons of imports and exports in Q1. ecns.cn China's largest land port Manzhouli handled over 5.48 million metric tons of imports and exports in the first quarter of 2024, data from the Harbin bureau of China Railway Corporation showed on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Fans in South Korea say goodbye to giant panda Fu Bao in rain. ecns.cn Fu Bao, the first giant panda born through natural breeding in South Korea, departed for China on Wednesday. South Korean theme park Everland hosted the event for fans and the media to say goodbye to Fu Bao."ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Cultural relics of Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasties on display in Hong Kong. ecns.cn The exhibition showcases more than 150 pieces of artifacts including bronze, jade, pottery wares and oracle bones.

SCMP (2024-04-05). China's businesses in Mexico. scmp.com In-depth looks at how Chinese businesses are investing in Mexico, and the hurdles they must clear.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-04-05). Guerrillas attack military base in Cali, Colombia's 3rd largest city. colombiareports.com Alleged EMC guerrillas carried out a mortar attack on the 3rd Division army base in Colombia's third largest city Cali. The attack against the army base in southern Cali took…

Franc Contreras (2024-04-05). How migrant caravans mobilize. america.cgtn.com In the lead-up to the November presidential election in the United States, the candidates will likely focus their attention on the issue surrounding so-called migrant caravans. | Many questions linger over how the groups are formed and why they decrease in size as the migrants advance toward the U.S.-Mexico border. | CGTN's Franc Contreras reports from the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

Christopher Smith (2024-04-05). Kyle Rittenhouse's Ex-Spokesperson Calls Him 'Uneducated, Arrogant, and Antagonistic'. newsone.com David Hancock, a former spokesperson for the notorious right-wing figure Kyle Rittenhouse, blasted him in a series of posts on X, formerly Twitter on Monday. Hancock also dispelled narratives used to protect him in his 2021 trial.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Culture Fact: Qingming Festival. ecns.cn

Bloomberg (2024-04-05). Tesla seeks Apple help to prove driver Walter Huang who died in Autopilot crash was playing video game on his phone. scmp.com The victim's lawyers said Apple was 'secretly' manoeuvring to support Tesla's attempt to blame distracted driving for the 2018 accident.

SAM (2024-04-05). Is The U.S. Turning A Corner On The Electoral College? progressivehub.net ALEX SKOPIC | CURRENT AFFAIRS…

Eric Brooks (2024-04-05). DC CPUSA demands home rule, democracy, and people before profits. cpusa.org Editor's Note: Main report presented to the Washington DC CPUSA District Convention on March 30, 2024 by the District leadership. | Democracy in the District of Columbia, and in particular, Home Rule, is under severe attack. Not only are we in a crisis similar to the Control Board period of the late 1990s, but we face the rise of a potential fascist government in the White House coming in 2025. Since the Republican-led Congressional repeal of the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022, the District has been under constant attack from extreme right forces within the federal government for supposedly not being suffic…

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). China launches Yaogan satellite. ecns.cn A Long March-2D carrier rocket carrying the Yaogan-42 01 satellite blasts off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province, April 3, 2024.

William Nash, Middlebury (2024-04-05). Meet Linda Martell, One Of Beyoncé's Biggest Inspirations In Country Music. newsone.com Country musician Linda Martell at her home in South Carolina in 2021. | One of the most impressive parts of Beyoncé's new album, " But to me, the most important guest voice is the one least lik…

Lisa Chiu (2024-04-05). Authorities hope to make more progress on Baltimore bridge disaster. america.cgtn.com The Maryland Transportation Authority says the state will rebuild and recover from a bridge collapse in the U.S. city of Baltimore. A cargo ship lost power and crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge last week, collapsing it. | At a monthly board meeting on Thursday — delayed in the wake of the tragedy — officials hailed emergency responders and vowed to clear the debris as soon as safely possible. | The vessel is still lodged in the tangled metal, blocking a vital shipping route in and out of the port. Benji Hyer reports.

Agence France-Presse (2024-04-05). Czech hospital gives woman involuntary abortion after mixing up Asian patients. scmp.com The woman was due for a regular check on her pregnancy, but staff performed tissue removal surgery instead, causing her to lose her fetus.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). London Tourist's Low-carbon Trip to Lushan: Warmth at an Altitude of a Thousand Meters. ecns.cn In the summer of 1886, British missionary Selby Little visited the town below the summit of Mount Lushan and found it to be an excellent place to escape the heat. He decided to name the town "Cooling Town," which cleverly combines the English word "cool" with the Chinese name "Guling."

Staff (2024-04-05). Before Caitlin Clark: The Hidden History of Women's College Basketball. therealnews.com When Iowa's Caitlin Clark broke Kelsey Plum's NCAA women's points record, she was inaccurately named the highest scoring player in the history of women's collegiate basketball. But another player, Kansas legend Lynette Woodard, had actually scored more points in her career as part of the pre-NCAA Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW). Clark eventually …

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Culture Fact: Take a bite of qingtuan and taste the flavor of spring. ecns.cn

unitedEditor (2024-04-05). Western influence in the current political situation in Sudan. unitedworldint.com By Dr. Mayada Kamal Eldeen * "The largest humanitarian crisis in the world" The war waged by the Rapid Support Forces commenced on April 15, 2023, and is nearing its second year without cessation this April. The United Nations estimates that at least 12,000 people have perished (as of February 2024), while local authorities posit …

Bloomberg (2024-04-05). Apple cut at least 600 jobs when it axed car, smartwatch screen projects. scmp.com Apple began to wind down the two moonshot efforts in February, but the notices of job cuts in California do not reflect the full scope of reductions.

Zack Linly (2024-04-05). Diddy Named In Lawsuit By Yacht Employee Accusing His Son, Christian Combs, Of Sexual Assault. newsone.com Source: Kevin Winter / Getty | The hits just keep on coming for The Bad Boy mogul who is currently the main suspect in a federal

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). China gears up for 75 million passenger trips during Qingming Festival travel rush. ecns.cn China's national railway network anticipates a surge in travel demand as the five-day Qingming Festival travel rush commences on Wednesday. China State Railway Group, the national railway operator, expects to handle roughly 75 million passenger trips during this period.

Shamika Sanders (2024-04-05). Ernie Hudson Looks Amazing: How The 78-Year-Old Actor Stays So Fit. newsone.com Source: Karwai Tang / Getty | Ernie Hudson is 78 years old. Yes, you read that correctly. And yes, that is a recent picture of him above. The Ghostbusters star went viral after his appearance at the Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire premiere. Hudson kept it casual in a black tee and jeans that highlighted his toned arms and pecks which can be seen through his shirt and social media is fawning over the actor's physique. | Even actress Holly Robinson Pete got in on the craze, tweeting, "Who you gonna call ?.. E…

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). 7 dead, over 550 evacuated as wind, hail hit Jiangxi. ecns.cn Seven people lost their lives, and more than 550 were evacuated as strong wind and hail swept across Nanchang and Jiujiang in East China's Jiangxi province starting Sunday, said the provincial flood and drought control headquarters on Wednesday.

The Independent (2024-04-05). Governor of Russia's Murmansk region in serious condition after being stabbed in stomach. independent.co.ug MOSCOW | Xinhua | Governor of Russia's Murmansk region Andrei Chibis is in a serious condition and is being operated on in the intensive care unit, said Yuri Shiryaev, chief doctor of the Apatity-Kirov Hospital, on Friday. The 45-year-old Chibis was stabbed in the stomach after a meeting in the town of Apatity Thursday evening. …

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Qingming Festival: Culture facts and more. ecns.cn

Bilal G. Morris (2024-04-05). Sleep Health: Why Black People Should Be Tracking Their Sleep. newsone.com

The Independent (2024-04-05). Former parliament speaker arrested on corruption, money laundering charges. independent.co.ug CAPE TOWN, South Africa | Xinhua | South Africa's former parliament speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, was arrested and charged with corruption on Thursday, a day after she resigned over graft allegations. National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Henry Mamothame confirmed that Mapisa-Nqakula was formally detained after handing herself over to police in Pretoria and made her first court …

Bloomberg (2024-04-05). ChatGPT Enterprise quadruples user numbers in first quarter as OpenAI targets corporate use. scmp.com OpenAI's chief operating officer Brad Lightcap said there are 600,000 people signed up to use ChatGPT Enterprise, up from 150,000 in January.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). China launches new remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn China on Wednesday launched a Long March-2D carrier rocket, placing a remote-sensing satellite in space."ÄÄ…

img.piri.net (2024-04-05). 20 milyar dolarlƒ±k àºretim Türkiye'de. img.piri.net ƒ∞ngiliz motor ≈üirketi Rolls Royce ile filosundaki Airbus A350 uàßaklarƒ±nƒ±n motorbakƒ±m hizmeti ve yedek motor temini konularƒ±nda i≈ü birliƒüi yapan THY, Türkiye'nin kàºresel sivil havacƒ±lƒ±k sektà∂ràºndeki konumunu gàºàßlendirecek àßok à∂nemli bir adƒ±m daha atƒ±yor. Geàßtiƒüimiz yƒ±l 350 uàßak sipari≈üi veren THY, toplam bedeli 70 milyar dolarƒ± bulan bu sipari&asymp…

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Exploring China's germplasm resources 'Noah's Ark'. ecns.cn A total of 459,228 germplasm resources of 220 crop species, including grain, cotton, oil, fruit, vegetables, tea, sugar and grass are preserved at the back-up bank as of April 2024. The bank has been operating safely for 50 year.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Meet China's first corgi police dog. ecns.cn After making his debut recently at the open day event held at a police camp in the city of Weifang in east China's Shandong Province, the adorable corgi went viral thanks to the iconic smiley face, cute "little short legs" and outstanding skills in bomb searching."ÄÄ…

Staff (2024-04-05). We just met with the Vice President of Colombia to talk about peace. davidswanson.org

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). China launches new remote-sensing satellite on Long March 2D rocket. ecns.cn China successfully launched a Long March 2D carrier rocket on Wednesday morning, deploying a new remote-sensing satellite into orbit, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The Independent (2024-04-05). Visually impaired get brail version of budget guide. independent.co.ug SPECIAL REPORT | THE INDEPENDENT | Visually-impaired Ugandans mainly those interested in budget transparency and accountability will now find it a little easier to follow the developments, following the introduction of the brail format of the citizen's guide to the budget. The Citizen's Guide to the Budget is a simplified document that enables the public to …

Ediz Tiyansan (2024-04-05). California's record rainfall, landslides, damaged roads add to push for infrastructure improvements. america.cgtn.com Hundreds were stranded in California's iconic town of Big Sur, after a chunk of the iconic Pacific Coast Highway collapsed into the ocean following the latest storm to hit the state this year. | Governor Gavin Newsom has previously announced California's plans to deal with water resilience and climate adaptation, at a time that marks the state's wettest winter on record. | Ediz Tiyansan reports from Los Angeles.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Interesting Chinese Festival | How football became popular in ancient China during Tomb-sweeping Day. ecns.cn Chinese people always recall this poem when referring to the Tomb-sweeping Day! However, in addition to tomb-sweeping and ancestor worship, football is also popular among ancient people on this festival. Why is that? Let's check it out!

Staff (2024-04-05). From layoffs to lawsuits, billionaires are striking back to crush worker power. therealnews.com The resurgence of the labor movement in 2023 galvanized and emboldened unions around the country—and sent capitalists scrambling to squash the nascent militancy of their workers. Among the attempts of the billionaire class to retaliate is a major legal challenge to the National Labor Relations Board, the government body that has protected the right of …

Reuters (2024-04-05). UK billionaire Joe Lewis avoids jail, fined US$5 million by US judge for insider trading. scmp.com The 87-year-old Tavistock Group founder, who shared illegal stock tips, will serve 3 years of probation after prosecutors and his lawyers asked for leniency.

Amanda Lee (2024-04-05). China's yuan: central bank sees resolve for stable currency, stimulus tested as Fed holds firm on rates. scmp.com In an uncertain monetary environment where the US Federal Reserve has yet to announce interest rate cuts, China's central bank is seeing potential moves to increase activity constrained by pressures on the yuan.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). First giant panda born in South Korea leaves for China. ecns.cn Fu Bao left South Korea for China on Wednesday amid a large crowd's tearful farewell.

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Comicomment: NATO at 75, what's next. ecns.cn

Mark David (2024-04-05). CARTOONS: Taxes, tolls and begging bowls. independentaustralia.net

Bloomberg (2024-04-05). No Labels drops third-party White House bid against Joe Biden and Donald Trump. scmp.com The centrist US group will not be fielding a presidential candidate, saying none with a 'credible path' to winning the election had emerged.

Staff (2024-04-05). Just Stop Oil co-founder avoids jail over Heathrow drone protest, as does Scientist Rebellion co-founder. thecanary.co Three activists who were warned they might face prison for taking direct action with drones near Heathrow Airport over the climate crisis have all received suspended sentences — but not without the judge in the case 'grossly violating natural justice'. Suspended sentences for the 'Heathrow Drones Three' Mike Lynch-White, Scientist Rebellion co-founder and climate and …

Khushboo Razdan (2024-04-05). Tech war: Intel's US$7 billion loss a cost of winning back American supremacy in chip production, says chief executive. scmp.com Intel chief executive Patrick Gelsinger discusses developments in the technology industry, implications of geopolitical conflicts on global trade, and leadership lessons learned.

Reuters (2024-04-05). Double whammy for Donald Trump as 2 judges reject calls to dismiss charges. scmp.com The ex-US president suffered legal setbacks in both his Georgia election interference case and his Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.

Editor (2024-04-05). A journalist bothers the Indian far-right. mronline.org Prabir Purkayastha created a vibrant publication in Delhi, connected to social movements and successful. He ¥s now imprisoned at 78 under an infamous law. The episode reveals much about the nature, methods, and vulnerabilities of Narendra Modi ¥s regime.

Staff (2024-04-05). Millions across the Middle East took to the streets to commemorate #QudsDay #Jerusalem #Gaza. youtube.com

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Insights丨Rector of Unicamp: Transition to renewables important to Brazilian-Chinese cooperation. ecns.cn

Nick Turse (2024-04-05). The Forever Failure of America's Failed Forever Wars. fpif.org Dressed in green military fatigues and a blue garrison cap, Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for Niger's ruling junta, took to local television last month to criticize the United States and sever the long-standing military partnership between the two countries. "The government of Niger, taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people, revokes, with immediate effect, the agreement concerning the status of United States military personnel and civilian Defense Department employees," he said, insisting that their 12-year-old security pact violated Niger's constitution. | Another sometime…

The Independent (2024-04-05). Mak University: Museveni alerted of Prof. Bazeyo's nomination for chancellor. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A Makerere University alumnus has asked President Museveni not to assent to the University Council's recommendation to appoint Professor William Bazeyo Chancellor. The Chancellor is the titular head of the University. He presides at all ceremonial assemblies of the University and in this name, confers degrees and other academic titles …

Christopher Smith (2024-04-05). The Resurrection of Elev8, New Site Shines Light On Christian Hip-Hop & R&B Trailblazers. newsone.com 'Elev8,' the platform dedicated to exploring the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit was relaunched today by iOne Digital. The relaunch was kickstarted by a sweeping profile of seven rising Christian Hip-Hop and R&B artists.

Abul Rizvi (2024-04-05). Turning point for student visas and net migration now confirmed. independentaustralia.net

ecns.cn (2024-04-05). Qingming Festival: Chinese wisdom and tradition reflected in an ancient poem. ecns.cn Qingming is not only a festival that involves ancestor worship, but also one of the 24 solar terms."ÄÄA poem written by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu more than 1,000 years ago is still popular today, reminding people of the features of this solar term. "ÄÄ…

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-04-05). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Organizaciones de DD.HH. han realizado varios llamados a un alto al fuego inmediato ante la grave situación que se vive en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Mueren al menos 54 palestinos en las últimas 24 horas en Gaza. telesurtv.net El ente sanitario reportó que a los 182 días de la agresión de las fuerzas de ocupación Israel realiza 5 masacres contra la población civil de la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Denuncian que Israel asesinó con alevosía a cooperantes humanitarios. telesurtv.net Una investigación independiente del ataque al convoy de World Central Kitchen muestra que fue bombardeado deliberadamente.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-05). México exige a Israel extradición de dos personas. telesurtv.net La acción legal que reclama México al Gobierno de Israel busca la extradición de una persona acusada de ejercer actos de violencia, infundir miedo, torturar y permanecer prófuga de la justicia.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Denuncian que francotiradores israelíes disparan contra niños en Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios hospitales gazatíes han sido atendidos niños con heridas de balas en la cabeza y el pecho.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-05). Realizan rapada por Palestina frente a Embajada de Israel en México. telesurtv.net Las participantes en la actividad llevaron imágenes de víctimas que ha dejado la agresión constante de Israel desde el 7 de octubre de 2023.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Organización World Central Kitchen acusa a Israel de atacar a sus trabajadores humanitarios en Gaza. telesurtv.net El líder de la organización benéfica asegura que el ataque de las fuerzas israelíes del pasado lunes no puede calificarse de "error".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Unrwa confirma que 62 % de viviendas en Gaza han sido destruidas. telesurtv.net La infraestructura vital, incluida la que pertenece a la Unrwa, y los edificios que albergan a familias desplazadas, también han sido atacados.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Temporada ciclónica 2024 podría quedar en los récords. radiohc.cu Washington, 5 abr (RHC) Los más recientes pronósticos de la temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico anuncian desde hoy que dicho período podría quedar en los récords con unas 23 tormentas con nombres, 11 huracanes; de ellos, 5 de categoría 3 o más.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Firman convenios en beneficio del transporte y la logística. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) En el marco de la II Feria Internacional de esas áreas (FITL), que finaliza hoy en el recinto ferial Pabexpo, se firmó un convenio de colaboración entre la Empresa Cubana de Aeropuertos y Servicios Aeroportuarios S.A. (Ecasa) e Infraero, su homóloga de Brasil.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Terremoto de magnitud 4,8 sacude Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) Un terremoto de magnitud 4,8 en la escala de Ritcher sacudió este viernes Nueva York y una franja de terreno de unos 500 kilómetros de largo que se extiende en dirección suroeste desde esa ciudad hasta la capital de EEUU, Washington, pasando por Filadelfia.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Cuba y Chile intercambian criterios sobre industria biofarmacéutica. radiohc.cu Matanzas, 5 abr (RHC) En el contexto del evento BioHabana 2024 que se celebra desde el lunes último en la ciudad balneario de Varadero, Cuba y Chile intercambiaron criterios sobre la industria biofarmacéutica.

María Candela (2024-04-05). Genio y figura hasta la sepultura. radiohc.cu "El dicho popular, genio y figura hasta la sepultura, se usa para evidenciar esas características de las personas que no cambian con el paso del tiempo. El genio asociado al carácter y la figura a la apariencia".

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-04-05). Vegueros de Pinar se aproxima al líder en torneo beisbolero cubano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (PL).- Con su victoria sobre Camagàºey, el equipo de Pinar del Río quedó a solo dos juegos de la cima que ocupa Ciego de Avila, mientras William Saavedra ascendió al liderazgo en jonrones (10) en la temporada cubana de béisbol.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Presidente cubano analiza situación de canasta familiar normada. telesurtv.net El mandatario afirmó que se hacen "todos los esfuerzos para estabilizar la canasta" y distribuirla sin fraccionamientos.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-04-05). México rompe relaciones diplomáticas con Ecuador tras violación a la soberanía nacional. telesurtv.net López Obrador confirmó que "policías de Ecuador entraron por la fuerza a nuestra embajada y se llevaron detenido al exvicepresidente" Glas.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Presidente cubano recorre municipio San José de Las Lajas en Mayabeque. telesurtv.net El mandatario cubano reconoció que se han vivido meses complejos, pero aseguró que "los últimos días han sido distintos".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Trabajadores estatales argentinos realizan paro nacional. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes exigen conocer el listado de trabajadores administrativos designados por políticos, que ocupan puestos de trabajo sin cumplir función alguna.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-04-05). Sectores sociales anuncian "No" en consulta popular en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Señalan que esta barca asuntos que pueden tratarse en la Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento) sin necesidad de realizar el proceso.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-04-05). Anuncian racionamiento de agua en la capital colombiana. telesurtv.net El alcalde de Bogotá confesó que las precipitaciones caídas en la ciudad en los últimos días no son suficientes para recuperar los niveles de los embalses.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Congreso de Perú desestima mociones de vacancia contra Boluarte. telesurtv.net Se presentaron por bancadas de izquierda a propósito de irregularidades que reveló la investigación por el caso Rolex y el asesinato de más de 70 peruanos durante las protestas en el sur del país, hechos que quedaron impunes.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Presidente de México llama a respetar proceso electoral venezolano. telesurtv.net Aseguró que los procesos revolucionarios en Venezuela y Cuba tienen frente a sí a toda la derecha del mundo.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-04-05). Piden justicia por asesinato de candidata en Guanajuato, México. telesurtv.net El mandatario mexicano declaró que es muy lamentable lo que sucede en esa entidad desde hace años, la cual ocupa el primer lugar en homicidios en el país.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-05). Venezuela rechaza declaración de Guyana. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano reiteró que el Acuerdo de Ginebra es el único instrumento válido para resolver de práctica y satisfactoria la controversia territorial.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-04-05). López Obrador acusa a Ecuador de exceso de uso de fuerza. telesurtv.net El presidente mexicano aseguró que su país no romperá relaciones con Ecuador, ni adoptará medidas similares de expulsión del embajador de esa nación.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-04-05). Conductores de tren comienzan huelga en Inglaterra, Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Este paro se suma a una prohibición sindical de las horas extraordinarias para todos los operadores que comenzó el jueves y se prolongará hasta el sábado.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-05). Presidente venezolano activa Brigadas Territoriales de Acción. telesurtv.net El mandatario afirmó que las brigadas territoriales serán el instrumento de poder organizativo en las comunidades de la Gran Misión de Nueva Generación, Igualdad y Justicia Social.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Celebran el Día Nacional del Cuatro en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El titular de Cultura, Ernesto Villegas, acotó que las cuatro cuerdas del instrumento " dan identidad cohesión y alegría" a Venezuela.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-05). Presidente venezolano rechaza pretensiones de Javier Milei en promover sanciones para el país. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado expresó que lo que llegó con Javier Milei al poder en Argentina fue "el fascismo, el sionismo, que es el nuevo fascismo".

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-04-05). Alrededor de 13 mil haitianos han sido repatriados en el 2024. telesurtv.net La situación en Haití se ha complicado para los casi 100.000 desplazados internos que viven en refugios en condiciones deplorables.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). CNE venezolano informa a Cancillería sobre el proceso electoral. telesurtv.net Tenemos 13 candidatos y un gran número de organizaciones políticas que participarán en las próximas elecciones presidenciales, expresó el rector del CNE.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-05). Canciller venezolano criticó a opositores que piden sanciones. telesurtv.net El canciller Yván Gil criticó que representantes de la oposición política sigan solicitando más sanciones contra el Gobierno y pueblo venezolano.

Staff (2024-04-05). 'Seguiremos trabajando por nuestro comunidad': La comunidad Latina en Baltimore responde a la crisis del Puente de Francis Scott Key. therealnews.com Cuando el icónico puente de Francis Scott Key en Baltimore colapsó alrededor de las 1: 30 am del martes, 26 de marzo, ocho hombres que se encontraban trabajando en el puente en ese momento fueron arrojados a las frías aguas del río Patapsco. Dos de esos hombres fueron recuperados con vida, los otros seis no. Así …

María Candela (2024-04-05). Inicia en Villa Clara jornada de celebraciones por el 1 de mayo (+Foto). radiohc.cu Santa Clara, 5 abr (RHC) Como reconocimiento a su condición de colectivo Vanguardia Nacional por dos años consecutivos y sus aportes a la línea energética de Cuba, la Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) Automatización Integral más conocida como CEDAI acogió la lectura de la convocatoria al Primero de Mayo en Villa Clara.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Cuba camino a revitalizar su turismo, señaló experto. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) Cuba experimenta en el primer trimestre de 2024 un discreto incremento en la llegada de visitantes extranjeros, señaló hoy un comentario del investigador y catedrático local José Luís Perelló.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Eligen nuevo secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba en La Habana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) El pleno del Comité Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) en esta capital acordó este viernes liberar por renovación de su responsabilidad como primer secretario a Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, y eligió a Liván Izquierdo Alonso.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-05). México otorga asilo político a exvicepresidente Jorge Glass. telesurtv.net El 17 de diciembre de 2023 Jorge Glas Espinel se presentó en la sede de la Embajada de México en Quito para solicitar su ingreso y salvaguarda, expresando temor por su seguridad y libertad personal.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Convocan en Cuba a celebrar Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) La Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) convocó hoy a celebrar el próximo 1 de mayo en todo el país el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores con una jornada de movilización bajo el lema "Por Cuba, juntos creamos".

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Secretario del ALBA-TCP se reúne con delegación de Instituto de Cuba. radiohc.cu Caracas, 5 abr (RHC) El secretario ejecutivo de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP), Jorge Arreaza, se reunió hoy aquí con una delegación del Instituto de Información y Comunicación Social de Cuba.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-05). Solicitudes de ayuda por desempleo en EE.UU. escalan en dos meses. telesurtv.net Las solicitudes semanales de desempleo son consideradas un indicador del número de despidos en Estados Unidos en una semana determinada y una señal de hacia dónde se dirige el mercado laboral.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-05). Presidenta peruana acudirá al Ministerio Público por Caso Rolex. telesurtv.net Al momento de la presentación de Dina Boluarte en el Ministerio Público, se espera una movilización en todo el país en contra de la jefa de Estado.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-05). Aprueban ley "antipandillas" en Bahamas. telesurtv.net La nueva legislación pena con una multa de hasta 100.000 dólares y 25 años de prisión a quien participe en actividades del crimen organizado…

teleSUR, idg, YSM (2024-04-05). Registran sismo de magnitud 4,8 en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Muchos residentes afirmaron haber sentido el temblor por unos segundos, incluso, la etiqueta terremoto está entre las tendencias de X.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Iraq y Argelia condenan agresión israelí a Consulado de Irán en Siria. telesurtv.net El primer ministro iraquí, Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani, mostró sus condolencias al Gobierno y al pueblo de Irán.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Ocupantes israelíes atacan a fieles palestinos en mezquita Al-Aqsa. telesurtv.net Les lanzaron bombas de gas lacrimógeno, incluso con empleo de un dron, y arrestaron al menos a cinco creyentes.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-04-05). López y Simón brillan en ligas de voli de Brasil e Italia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (JIT).- Los cubanos Miguel àÅngel López y Robertlandy Simón brillaron en los playoffs con sus equipos Sada Cruzeiro y Piacenza, respectivamente, en las superligas brasileña e italiana de voleibol.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Díaz-Canel continúa recorridos de trabajo en provincia de Mayabeque (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (CC-PCC) y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel llegó este viernes a San José de Las Lajas, capital de la occidental provincia de Mayabeque, para dar continuidad a sus recorridos de trabajo.

Martha Ríos (2024-04-05). Fiscalía interroga a presidenta de Perú durante cinco horas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 5 abr (RHC) El Ministerio Público de Perú interrogó este viernes, durante cinco horas, a la presidenta de ese país, Dina Boluarte, por presunto enriquecimiento ilícito (posesión de relojes de lujo, joyas y fondos no justificados).

Maria Calvo (2024-04-05). Trabajadores sociales del mundo debaten sobre migración irregular. radiohc.cu Ciudad de Panamá, 5 abr (RHC) La Conferencia Mundial Conjunta de Trabajo Social, Educación y Desarrollo Social enfatiza hoy en Panamá sobre la creciente migración irregular.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-05). Arrestan a tres implicados en el atentado de Crocus City Hall. telesurtv.net "El FSB detuvo en las ciudades de Moscú, Ekaterimburgo y Omsk a un ciudadano ruso y dos ciudadanos extranjeros procedentes de la región de Asia Central, involucrados en el ataque terrorista perpetrado el 22 marzo de 2024 en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall", resalta el comunicado.

teleSUR, dcdcc- DRL (2024-04-05). Efectúan audiencia contra líderes de Santa Marta, El Salvador. telesurtv.net La defensa pidió el retiro de los cargos en contra de los líderes ambientalistas y de la comunidad debido a la falta de pruebas por parte de la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR).

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Miles de personas marchan en apoyo a Palestina en Yemen. telesurtv.net En Saná se exigió el fin del asedio a Gaza y la urgencia de entregar ayuda a sus residentes.

teleSUR, Rosa María Fernández (2024-04-05). El sonido sagrado del tambor. telesurtv.net La fe del pueblo garífuna es recogida en las tramas biográficas, históricas y estructurales, a partir de la experiencia social de esta sociedad afroindígena caribeña.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-05). Primer oro para Venezuela en los Juegos Bolivarianos de la Juventud. telesurtv.net Brito logró el oro en la categoría femenina de los 40 kg, luego de tener un arranque con 53 kg y 69 kg en el envión, levantando un total de 122 kg.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Accidente vial deja dos muertos y 16 heridos en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Los fallecidos fueron identificados como Richard Rodrigo Castillo, de 28 años y Florencio López Argüello, de 52.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Declaran alerta verde y amarilla por lluvias en Honduras. telesurtv.net En alerta amarilla está la ciudad de La Ceiba, en el Caribe y en verde, los departamentos de Colón y Atlántida.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-05). Colombia encabeza medallero de JJ.BB. de la Juventud Sucre 2024. telesurtv.net Asisten más de 1.500 competidores de Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú, Venezuela y Bolivia. Se extenderán hasta el 14 de abril.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Encuesta: 55% de estadounidenses desaprueban ataques de Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net La aprobación de los ataques de Israel contra Gaza ha caído del 50 por ciento al 36 por ciento desde la encuesta de noviembre del 2023.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Cuba recibe primera parte de un donativo de arroz procedente de China. telesurtv.net A lo largo de 2024 se espera otro envío de 20.000 toneladas de arroz vía marítima, así como otros productos procedentes de China.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). FAO: índice de precios de los alimentos subió un 1,1 % en marzo. telesurtv.net Los precios de los aceites vegetales subieron un ocho por ciento con relación a febrero, logrando el punto máximo en un año…

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-05). Declara Madagascar estado de desastre nacional tras paso de ciclón. telesurtv.net El ciclón Gamane pasó durante dos días por el noreste del país desplazando a miles de personas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-05). Emiten informe de violación de los derechos humanos en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Se han realizado 6.305 denuncias al Régimen de Excepción, de los cuales el 52.2 por ciento involucran a jóvenes entre 19 a 30 años de edad.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-05). Asciende a 12 el número de muertos por terremoto en Taiwán. telesurtv.net Ante la amenaza de más daños por las réplicas, algunos residentes de Hualien pasaron la noche a la intemperie.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-04-05). Policía ecuatoriana irrumpe a la fuerza en Embajada de México en Quito. telesurtv.net En el interior de la legación diplomática se encontraba el exvicepresidente Jorge Glas, a quien el Gobierno mexicano le concedió asilo político.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-05). Gobierno de Ecuador declara persona non grata a embajadora de México. telesurtv.net La medida se tomó tras las declaraciones del presidente mexicano Andrés López Obrador, sobre las elecciones de 2023 en Ecuador.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-05). Theoretical lies of the World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Aamanur Rahman, Abdul Khaliq, Amali Wedagedara, David Calleb Otieno, Eric Toussaint, Solange Koné (2024-04-05). New International Debt Crisis. cadtm.org

The Committee for the Respect of Freedoms, Human Rights in Tunisia (2024-04-05). Tunisian authorities strive to legalize racism with European blessing. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-05). For a Europe of the peoples against the EU fortress of capitalism. cadtm.org

Shawn Fain (2024-04-05). Shawn Fain: Workers Deserve More Time for Themselves. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-05). The World Bank and the IMF in Indonesia: an emblematic interference. cadtm.org

Franck Gaudichaud, Luis Reygada (2024-04-05). Chile : "The working classes have dropped out" cadtm.org

Capire, Helena Zelic, Tica Moreno (2024-04-05). The Voices of Palestinian Women. cadtm.org

CADTM International, PSOL, PT (2024-04-05). Ist International Antifascist Conference. cadtm.org

newarab (2024-04-05). Texas man gets 37 years for attack on Muslim-owned business. newarab.com Anthony Paz Torres, 39, pleaded guilty in September to opening fire at a Muslim-owned shop in the US in 2015. | A man who opened fire at a Muslim-owned tyre shop in Dallas in 2015, killing one person, was sentenced Wednesday to 37 years in prison on federal hate crime charges, authorities said. | Anthony Paz Torres, 39, pleaded guilty in September to five federal hate crime counts for killing one man and trying to kill four others during the shooting at Omar's Wheels and Tires on Christmas Eve in 2015, the US Department of Justice said in a news release. | He also pleaded guilty to one count of using a firearm t…

John Kendall Hawkins (2024-04-05). Death Camp: The Holocaust Hangman's Humor. counterpunch.org So, there we are a little bulb of life and light all lit up in the Christmas night, engulfed by darkness all around us, full of manufactured hope and questing for the gift-wrapped meaning that comes with faith and long suffering, singing O Tannenbaum once per year, all helio- and ego-centric. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy streaming from

newarab (2024-04-05). Sadiq Khan calls for UK arms embargo on Israel over Gaza. newarab.com Sadiq Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, said that the Israeli government should be held accountable for their actions, after aid workers were killed in Gaza. | The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, called on the UK government to immediately pause arms exports to In the video message, Khan – London's first Muslim mayor – highlighted that 33,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the start of Israel's war on the enclave in October, incl…

newarab (2024-04-05). Biden calls for immediate Gaza ceasefire in Netanyahu convo. newarab.com US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have had their first call since the killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers. |

newarab (2024-04-05). Can the Jordan protest movement force a divorce with Israel. newarab.com Thousands have gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Jordan to protest Israel's occupation, demand a ceasefire in Gaza, and sever ties with Israel. | For the past 10 days, Jordanian-Palestinian paediatrician Mohammad Al-Humaidy has broken his fast outside the Israeli embassy in Amman. | The doctor, who lives in Zarqa (30 kilometres east of Amman), travels every day to the Jordanian capital in a car carrying four other passengers. | They wouldn't normally share a car — they aren't involved in politics nor travel daily to Amman — but for the past 10 days, they have travelled together with a common go…

newarab (2024-04-05). Macron believes France, allies 'could have stopped' Rwanda genocide. newarab.com Macron will say that 'France, which could have stopped the genocide with its Western and African allies, did not have the will' to do so, an official said. | French President

newarab (2024-04-05). Israel on 'full alert' as it prepares for Iran retaliation. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). Tory party to launch probe over minister's Israel comments. newarab.com Sir Alan Duncan is being investigated by the Conservative party for calling some party members 'extremists' for condoning Israeli settlements. | Former UK Foreign Office minister Alan Duncan is being investigated by the Conservative Party after he called senior figures in the party "too pro-Israel". | The comments were made in an interview with Times Radio, where Duncan elaborated on remarks he made in a previous interview with LBC. | Duncan said that some senior Conservatives were "extremists" because they condoned Israeli settlements in the West Bank. | "All of the top of the party, the likes of [Robert] Jenr…

newarab (2024-04-05). Israel using 'Lavender' AI machine in Gaza killing spree. newarab.com An investigation has revealed that Israel's military used an AI-based tool known to have a 10 percent error rate to identify targets in Gaza | The Israeli military has been using an artificial intelligence (AI) tool known as 'Lavender', to identify targets across Gaza and direct their bombing campaign, responsible for many of the 33,000 Palestinians killed since October. | Lavender has played a "key role in the unprecedented bombing" of Palestinians, the

newarab (2024-04-05). Is a global arms embargo on Israel possible. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). 'It's on Israel' to protect us in Gaza, say aid groups. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). Former top UK judges demand government 'stop arming Israel'. newarab.com Over 600 British legal experts, including former members of the state's highest judicial body, have warned Sunak that his government must stop arming Israel. | Over 600 legal experts, including three former British Supreme Court justices, have warned the UK government that by In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday evening, the signatories — comprising former Court of Appeal judges and over 60 King's Counsels (KCs) [m…

newarab (2024-04-05). Majority of British want UK arms sales cut to Israel: poll. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). How Israel is raising the risk of a regional war with Iran. newarab.com Analysis: Israeli strikes are targeting senior Iranian and Hezbollah leaders, a sign that the once-mutual deterrence that prevented war no longer exists. | On 1 April, rockets fired by Israel ripped through Syrian airspace and struck the annexe of the Among those killed was

newarab (2024-04-05). Egypt detains activists after joining pro-Gaza protest. newarab.com Since the Israeli war on Gaza erupted in October, Egypt has been criticised for only letting critically injured Palestinians and dual nationals enter. | During Wednesday evening and the early hours of Thursday, Egyptian authorities detained several political activists after they had joined a pro-Gaza protest outside the headquarters of the Journalists' Syndicate in downtown Cairo hours earlier. | A prominent activist told The New Arab that "many of the detainees had already appeared a few hours later before a Cairo prosecutor, while the whereabouts of others remained unknown." | "They are currently being interr…

newarab (2024-04-05). Israeli minister 'yells' at US officials during Rafah talks. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). The 'modest iftar' helping Dutch Muslims empathise with Gaza. newarab.com Palestinians in the Netherlands are hosting modest iftars, emphasising shared experience instead of greed, to bring the reality of Ramadan in Gaza to light. | Amid the cold and rain, Muslims in the city of Rotterdam gathered on the streets of Marconiplein to break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan with a simple menu of dates, soup, water, and bread. | The iftar served as a poignant reminder of the harsh conditions faced by Palestinians amid Israel's genocidal war, where 1.1 million people, half of Gaza, are experiencing catastrophic food insecurity. | "As Muslims, we don't believe that evil will reign…

newarab (2024-04-05). Israel says will allow 'temporary' aid through north Gaza border. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). US stocks fall, oil prices jump on Middle East tensions. newarab.com The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended down 1.4 percent at 38,596.98, a drop of about 825 points from its session peak. | Wall Street equities tumbled while Brent oil prices finished above $90 a barrel for the first time since late October as markets took stock of rising political tensions in the After an upbeat morning that saw US stocks rebound, major indices plunged into the red in afternoon trading, finishing sharply lower. | The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended down 1.4 percent at 38,596.98, a drop of…

newarab (2024-04-05). Explainer: What is GCC's new 'Vision for Regional Security'. newarab.com The vision, which aligns key policies for Gulf states, comes following a decade mired by disputes within the Gulf Cooperation Council. | The Its launch has provoked questions about what the security plan entails and how it will be implemented, particul…

newarab (2024-04-05). Nusra Front co-founder killed in Syria: HTS, monitor. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). US TikTok ban is an attack on Palestinian digital rights. newarab.com Banning TikTok won't fix privacy issues but will set a dangerous precedent for free speech as more Americans are exposed to realities in Gaza, writes Eric Sype. | The recent United States Congressional action to Banning one of the

newarab (2024-04-05). 10 Eid gifts that help support the Palestinians. newarab.com As Eid al-Fitr approaches, celebrate with a gift that gives back. Here are 10 thoughtful ideas that help support Palestine, Gaza, and the Palestinians. | This Ramadan it has been difficult not to think about the plight of the Palestinians. | As Muslims around the world near the end of their month of fasting, many have held Palestinians of all religions

newarab (2024-04-05). Savouring the sights, smells, and taste of Ramadan in Egypt. newarab.com Ramadan brings with it a rich tradition of flavours in the Muslim world. In Egypt, culinary history is fused with community for a delectable daily ritual. | As the sun sets and the sound of the call to prayer echoes, Egyptian households get ready to perform what is probably the most important part of their day, As with every Muslim family, the evening meal to break their fast is characterised by the most special kinds of food on the…

newarab (2024-04-05). 'Elections on steroids': Kuwait votes yet again. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-05). Somalia expels Ethiopia ambassador over 'interference'. newarab.com Somalia's foreign ministry said Ethiopian ambassador Muktar Mohamed Ware had been told to leave the country 'within the next 72 hours'. | The diplomatic moves come as

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). UK facing pressure over arms sales to Israel for killing WCK aid workers. presstv.ir Sunak is facing mounting pressure over the UK's arms sales to Israel which killed seven aid workers of WCK in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). US's ongoing arms supplies for Israel exposes Washington's hypocrisy: Houthi. presstv.ir Ansarullah's leader denounces the United States' uninterrupted arms supplies for the Israeli regime, which is waging a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Hamas: Netanyahu keeps obstructing ceasefire agreement. presstv.ir Hamas says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps stonewalling a potential agreement that could end the regime's genocidal war on Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Chilean protesters demand Gaza ceasefire, end to Israeli siege. presstv.ir Chileans take to the streets of Santiago, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the Israeli siege of the territory.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Quds Day growing in popularity. presstv.ir The growing popularity of Quds Day rallies, fueled by the Israeli genocide in Gaza, has led to frantic efforts by Zionist extremists to undermine and sabotage the occasion.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Israel will receive slap in the face for Syria attack: Leader. presstv.ir The leader says Israel will be punished for its attack on Iran's diplomatic premises in Syria's Damascus.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Rescuers pull bodies from rubble after Israeli strike on Rafah. presstv.ir Rescue teams searching the area were working on retrieving two more bodies of the Zorob family from under the debris.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Raeisi hails Iran-Iraq 'shared stance' against Israel. presstv.ir Raeisi has hailed the shared stance adopted by Iran and Iraq against Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Islamic Jihad warns Israel against harming Al-Aqsa Mosque. presstv.ir The regime has imposed restrictions on access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). MSF rejects Israeli claim strike on aid convoy was 'regrettable incident'. presstv.ir The tragic strike hit a convoy transporting seven workers from the World Central Kitchen.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Operation Al-Aqsa Storm put Israel on brink of extinction: Nasrallah. presstv.ir The secretary-general of Lebanon's resistance movement said the operation shook the foundations of the regime.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Amid Gaza war, US approves supplying Israel with 1000s more bombs. presstv.ir The US approves providing the Israeli regime with thousands more bombs as Tel Aviv presses ahead with its ongoing genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Iran calls on intl. community to fully support Palestinians on Quds Day. presstv.ir Iran has called on the international community, particularly Muslim countries, to fully support oppressed Palestinian people on International Quds Day.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Spanish PM warns EU may re-evaluate relations with Israel. presstv.ir Prime Minister Sanchez has already asked the EU to review whether Israel is complying with its human rights obligations in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Funeral held for three Palestinians killed during Israeli raid on Jenin. presstv.ir Mourners take part in the funeral procession of three Palestinians killed during an Israeli raid on Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). UN warns planet 'on the brink' after warmest decade on record. presstv.ir Global temperatures "smashed" heat records last year.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Far-right Dutch politician's journey from banning to promoting Islam. presstv.ir Jaron van Klaveren dramatically converted to Islam in 2018 and is presently serving as a board member of the Islam Experience Center in Rotterdam.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). 'I saw most appalling atrocities': UK surgeon who volunteered in Gaza. presstv.ir Four medical doctors from the US, UK, and France shared their experiences in Gaza at the United Nations.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). US, S Korean troops stage wargames days after Pyongyang fires multiple rockets. presstv.ir South Korean and US troops hold joint drills.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Thousands of houses underwater as dam leak worsens flooding in Indonesia. presstv.ir

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Erdogan concedes local elections setback, calling results 'turning point' for his party. presstv.ir The Turkish president concedes his ruling party did not achieve the desired results from local elections.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Iran thwarts terrorist attack to overtake southeast military bases. presstv.ir Jaish al-Adl terrorists suffered 18 fatalities in attacks on public places and military and law enforcement bases in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). President Raeisi: Liberation of al-Quds is first issue. presstv.ir President Ebrahim Raeisi says Iran considers defense as the legitimate right of all resistance groups and loudly supports resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and all Islamic countries.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). Streets in western France turned into lake after historic flood. presstv.ir Heavy rainfall causes severe flooding in a French town.

presstv.ir (2024-04-05). South Korea's medical professors submit resignations and join protests. presstv.ir South Korean medical professors submit their resignations en masse to support a trainee doctors' strike over a government plan to boost medical school admissions.

Larry Johnson (2024-04-05). Admin Update and Two New Podcasts Re Ukraine and Israel. sonar21.com The new comment system is in place. You must register if you want to comment. One person, who uses the name "brussell" is now banned thanks to this system. I want there to be a free, open discussion. For example, if you love Israel you are welcome to comment. If you hate Israel, you also are welcome to comment. Same for Ukraine, Russia, China and any other issue. | What I will not allow are blanket, universal attacks on ethnic or religious groups. "brussell" is gone because he insists all Jews are evil. He wants to ignore the good, courageous work that Jews like Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate are doing. If y…

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