2024-04-02: News Headlines

wsws.org (2024-04-02). Washington's enablers of Israeli genocide in Gaza The scenes of destruction and mass death at Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, in the wake of the pullback from the premises by the Israel Defense Force (IDF), are among the most horrific the world has witnessed since the barbarism of the Nazis in World War II.

teleSUR (2024-04-02). Israel Launches Deadly Attack on Iranian Consulate in Syria. telesurenglish.net Israeli airstrikes hit the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday, killing at least five people, including a senior Iranian commander. | RELATED: | According to the Syrian Defense Ministry the missile attack occurred at about 5: 00 p.m. local time (1400 GMT) when Israel launched an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, targeting the building of the Iranian Consu…

Mnar Adley (2024-04-02). Exclusive: Behind the Scenes of Ansar Allah's Operations aboard the Galaxy Leader Ship. mintpressnews.com Get unprecedented insight into Ansar Allah's strategies and operations as we take you aboard the Galaxy Leader ship and speak directly with top officials.

Alan Macleod (2024-04-02). The US and ISIS: It's Complicated. mintpressnews.com While ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for the Moscow shooting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the United States might have been behind the attack. | Although he provided no evidence for his claim, it is true that ISIS and the United States government have a long and complicated relationship, with Washington using the group for its own geopolitical purposes and that former ISIS fighters are active in Ukraine, as MintPress News explores.
  A Brutal Attack: | On March 22, gunmen opened fire at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, killi…

Qassam Muaddi (2024-04-02). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 179: Israel kills 7 international aid workers in central Gaza, passes law banning Al Jazeera. mondoweiss.net The World Central Kitchen called the attack that killed seven of its aid workers "unforgivable" as Israeli forces killed 71 people across the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the Israeli government voted to approve a bill banning Al Jazeera.

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-02). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 178: Israel Withdraws From Hospital. popularresistance.org The Palestinian health ministry reported that Israeli forces committed 14 massacres across the Gaza Strip since Saturday, killing 140 Palestinians and wounding 202, raising the death toll of Israel's assault since October 7 to 32,782 with more than 75,392 wounded. | In Gaza City, medical sources reported finding at least 50 dead bodies in the surroundings of al-Shifa hospital after the Israeli army withdrew from the medical complex following two weeks of raids. The health ministry said in a statement on Sunday that medical staff are unable to recover the bodies and the wounded under the rubble.

news.un.org (2024-04-01). Israel continues to block aid into northern Gaza; UN sending team to shattered Al-Shifa Hospital Israeli forces are blocking aid deliveries into famine-stricken northern Gaza as the five-month-long war grinds on despite recent strong demands from the top UN court and the Security Council for open aid access into the enclave

Jonathan Michels, Will Cox, Jacobin. (2024-04-02). The UAW's 2028 National Strike Should Center Medicare For All. popularresistance.org The United Auto Workers (UAW) are laying the groundwork for workers across multiple sectors to join them in a general strike on International Workers Day, May 1, 2028. | UAW president Shawn Fain's call to utilize labor power — four hundred thousand working members and six hundred thousand retirees make up the UAW alone — for the "good of the entire working class" is a major departure from business-as-usual unionism and represents a potential game changer for social movements to secure public goods, including Medicare for All, that extend beyond the shop floor.

Sophia Assis, People's Dispatch. (2024-04-02). In Palestine, Healthcare Is Also A Form Of Resistance. popularresistance.org When we talk about the strength of the health system, we are talking about these highly educated and dedicated professionals who are also a sort of resistance. If you need to exterminate a population because you want to take its lands, healthcare workers are the first ones to be attacked. We see that not only in the case of health care, but also in the case of cultural and intellectual figures, journalists, professors, and scientists, who have been murdered. They represent part of people's needs; if you have a tactic of extermination, they are the first targets. | That's what we have seen during all Israel's atta…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-04-02). UK Court Gives Biden Chance To Dodge Assange Appeal. popularresistance.org WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is closer than ever to being extradited to the United States for trial on 17 counts under the Espionage Act and one count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion over WikiLeaks's 2010-2011 revelation of evidence of U.S. war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay. He faces 175 years in prison. | "This is a signal to all of you that if you expose the interests that are driving war they will come after you, they will put you in prison and they will try to kill you," said Stella Assange, Julian's wife, of his prosecution.

Resistance News Network, Workers' World. (2024-04-02). Palestinian Resistance Demands 'Land Back' On Land Day. popularresistance.org Land Day was a qualitative, cumulative event in the context of the ongoing and comprehensive battle that our people are waging against the Zionist colonialist and racist settler project. On this day, the Arab masses in the occupied interior demonstrated their insistence on clinging to their land and not abandoning it, and the unity of the land, identity and destiny. | We call on our masses in the occupied territories in 1948 to unite and confront the racist Zionist policies and laws, and the necessity of abandoning any illusions regarding political, electoral and parliamentary participation in the enemy's institu…

2024-04-01: Israel Attacks Iranian Embassy in Syria

Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist.

Laura V. Mar, Victor Villalba Gutiérrez, Resumen English. (2024-04-02). A Collective Mural Calls For Neighborhood Reflection. popularresistance.org Artists and cartoonists carried out an urban intervention in the central Paseo Avenue of the Cuban capital, on the occasion of the Palestinian Land Day, that commemorates the first general strike against the theft of part of the Palestinian territory by the Zionist regime. | Now, 176 days after the unprecedented massacre in Gaza, world solidarity is increasingly necessary. The solidarity cannot slow down it needs to grow in many ways. This was the understanding of the renowned cartoonist Ares, National Humor Prize (Cuba 2020) and Grand Prix UYACC Anticoronavirus (China 2020), when he called others to join in on t…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-04-02). International Coalition To Stop Genocide In Palestine Global Action. popularresistance.org On March 17, the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) held its first Global Call to Action as a webinar moderated by Ajamu Baraka of The Black Alliance for Peace and featuring Azhar Sakoor, a lawyer and executive with the Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League in South Africa, Marcy Winograd with CODEPINK, Pavel Wargan, the Coordinator of the Secretariat at the Progressive International, Lamis Deek, a Palestinian born and internationally practicing attorney based in New York…

aljazeera.com (2024-04-02). Israel's war on Gaza live: Seven aid workers killed after food deliveryUS-based aid group World Central Kitchen confirms seven staff members were killed in a "targeted attack" by the Israeli military and called on it to stop "this indiscriminate killing" in Gaza. Those killed were from Palestine, Australia, Poland, the UK, and a US-Canada citizen.

Brian Kaller, Resilience. (2024-04-02). The Hidden Potential Of Bicycles. popularresistance.org In perhaps one of the great ironies of human civilisation, mechanical devices to truly magnify human power came along as soon as we didn't need them. Pedal-powered devices like bicycles only appeared after coal had already begun to transform the landscape, however — mass production was necessary for the standardised metal parts — and around the same time that gasoline was first being introduced as a fuel for automobiles. | We tend to forget, then, three important things about the bicycle. First, it remains the most efficient method of using our bodies, allowing us to attain higher machine speeds for l…

Middle East Monitor. (2024-04-02). Colombia President Threatens To Break Relations With Israel. popularresistance.org Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, warned on Tuesday that Colombia will break diplomatic relations with Israel if it does not comply with the recent resolution of the United Nations Security Council, which demands a ceasefire in Gaza, Anadolu Agency reports. | "If Israel does not comply with the United Nations ceasefire resolution, we will break diplomatic relations with Israel," Petro published on his X account. | Israel's response to the Colombian President's statement did not take long. The country's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, responded on X that Petro ¥s "support" of Hamas is a "disgrace to the Colom…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-02). Israel Keeps Getting More Murderous. caitlinjohnstone.com.au In the span of just a few hours we learned that Israel committed a horrific massacre at al-Shifa hospital, struck an Iranian consulate in Syria killing multiple Iranian military officers, and killed a vehicle full of international aid workers in an airstrike.

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-04-02). Monday 4/1: Representative Nancy Pelosi Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza; Press Conference. indybay.org San Francisco City Hall, Polk Street steps…

Staff (2024-04-02). Charlottesville Passes Ceasefire Resolution. davidswanson.org On Monday evening, the City Council of Charlottesville passed a ceasefire in Gaza resolution by a vote of 3 to 1 with 1 abstention, after having voted it down two weeks prior by a vote of 2 to 3. The difference was Council Member Brian Pinkston, to his credit, having the decency to change his …

David Swanson (2024-04-02). Charlottesville Passes Ceasefire Resolution. worldbeyondwar.org On Monday evening, the City Council of Charlottesville passed a ceasefire in Gaza resolution by a vote of 3 to 1 with 1 abstention, after having voted it down two weeks prior by a vote of 2 to 3. #WorldBEYONDWar…

Staff (2024-04-02). Sunrise Movement Calls Thousands of Wisconsin Voters for Ceasefire. commondreams.org Sunrise Movement has continued its support for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza by calling youth voters in the lead up to the April 2nd primary in Wisconsin. This follows mobilization by Sunrise volunteers in Michigan and other states with uncommitted on the ballot. This effort for voters to vote uninstructed in Wisconsin is the latest …

David Swanson (2024-04-02). What Charlottesville Should Be Known For. worldbeyondwar.org By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 2, 2024 | The City of Charlottesville, Virginia, has nudged the state of Virginia and the United States in the right direction for a long time. | Having lived in the city since 2005 and in the area much longer, I've seen and been part of some of it, including by supporting these resolutions passed by the City Council: |

Kieran Kelly (2024-04-02). Why and How the UK and US Shaped Israel to Create Endless Conflict. dissidentvoice.org Even though the land could not yet absorb sixteen million, nor even eight, enough could return… to prove that the enterprise was one that blessed him that gave as well as him that took by forming for England a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism." — Ronald Storrs, Military Governor …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2024-04-02). Spring Traditions and Celebrations: The Past, The Present and the Future of Farming. dissidentvoice.org The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (1559) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder Introduction Eleanor Parker writes in her book, Winters in the World, that "in Anglo-Saxon poetry winter is often imagined as a season when the earth and human beings are imprisoned, kept captive by the 'fetters of the frost'. Naturally enough, then, spring is …

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-02). The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Conspiracy as Mother's Milk. dissidentvoice.org The human mind is often incapable of tolerating the limitless nature of a universe, the absence of a divine architect, or appreciate that intended designs may be absent when it comes to events awful, ghastly and catastrophic. A disaster with some human agency is bound to have arisen because of a constructed plan, a template …

Roba Almadhoun (2024-04-02). Postpartum depression and trauma await mothers and newborns in Gaza. electronicintifada.net Rates of PTSD and depression spiking as a result of Israel's genocidal violence.

Sahar Qeshta (2024-04-02). Israel views us as subhuman. electronicintifada.net A neighbor of mine died after an attack on an aid warehouse.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Washington's enablers of Israeli genocide in Gaza. wsws.org The Biden administration and the entire US ruling elite are directly responsible for the war of extermination that Israel is waging against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Staff (2024-04-02). Haitian Community Defenders Fight US-Armed Death Squads and Puppet Governments. scheerpost.com Movement of Equality and Liberation for All Haitians (MOLEGHAF) organizes an event in Port-au-Prince in February 2024 against the genocide in Gaza. MOVEMENT OF EQUALITY AND LIBERATION FOR ALL HAITIANS By Danny Shaw / Truthout As the stars illuminate the dark alleyways of Solino, Ezayi's heavy beige Timberlands stomp across the cracked concrete. He is …

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Jewish activists demand an end to Israel's genocide, occupation, apartheid. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2024-04-02). Erdoğan's AKP suffers setback in Turkish local elections as CHP comes first. wsws.org In elections dominated by the cost-of-living crisis and held amidst the genocide in Gaza and NATO's escalating war against Russia, the ruling party suffered a significant defeat.

Yves Engler (2024-04-02). On Cartoon Noses, Antisemitism and the Slaughter in Gaza. orinocotribune.com By Yves Engler — Mar 26, 2024 | Once again, the accusation of antisemitism was weaponized to trump both common sense and support for the victims of Israel's murderous rampage. | Last week prominent Quebec cartoonist Serge Chapleau caricatured Benjamin Netanyahu as a vampire. The cartoon published in La Presse reads "Nosfenyahou, en route to Rafah." | The pro-Israel and genocide lobby immediately condemned the caricature of Israel's prime minister. So did NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice and others. | In my opinion there's nothing antisemitic about the cartoon and Chapleau should be celebrated for using his mainst…

Labor Video Project (2024-04-02). Stop Genocide! Protest at US Naval Ship Harvey Milk in San Francisco. indybay.org Hundreds of opponents of the genocide in Gaza rallied at the US naval ship Harvey Milk in San Francisco and some tried to stop the sailing of the ship by boarding it.

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Jewish activists demand an end to Israel's genocide, occupation, apartheid. greenleft.org.au

Jonathan Cook (2024-04-02). War on Gaza: We were lied into genocide. Al Jazeera has shown us how. mronline.org Myth-busting documentary finally breaks the stranglehold of Israel and its western media acolytes over the story of what happened on 7 October.

infobrics (2024-04-02). Kuleba urges India to end its "Soviet legacy" of close ties with Moscow. infobrics.org US Ambassador warns India not to cross "unacceptable red line".

infobrics (2024-04-02). France sending obsolete weapons to Ukraine. infobrics.org Without anything new to send to Kiev, Western countries start to send outdated arms.

infobrics (2024-04-02). Paris wants to show strength, but faces geopolitical crisis in Africa. infobrics.org French neocolonial grip over the African continent increasingly under question.

infobrics (2024-04-02). Current New Trade Path Possibly to Revolutionize Russia-India Trade. infobrics.org The burgeoning trajectory of India's oil demand growth mirrors the evolving landscape of global energy consumption. According to projections by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), India's oil demand is expected to reach 5.59 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2024, marking a marginal increase from 5.37 million b/d in the previous year…

infobrics (2024-04-02). Why Has China's Automobile Exports Increased Significantly? — Analysis. infobrics.org "New quality productive force" is now a new buzzword in China, particularly associated with the nation's car exports. China's car exports, including new energy vehicles (NEVs), have indeed grown significantly, to the point where the U.S. is considering imposing policy restrictions on the country…

infobrics (2024-04-02). Saudi Arabia Gives Update on Joining BRICS Alliance. infobrics.org During the 2023 annual summit, the BRICS bloc invited six countries to join its collective. Of those, five had responded with intentions of being the first expansion nations for the bloc since 2001. However, since the start of the year, uncertainty has abounded over Saudi Arabia's status regarding joining the BRICS alliance…

infobrics (2024-04-02). Russian Fertilizer Supplies to China Have Soared. infobrics.org According to the results of January-February 2024, the supply of Russian fertilizers to China soared by 94 percent compared to the same period in 2023 and reached the level of 891.3 thousand tons…

infobrics (2024-04-02). Geopolitical Chessboard: Pakistan's BRICS Ambitions Amidst Russia's 2024 Presidency. infobrics.org Pakistan's intellectual and political circles regard BRICS as an essential platform for advancing the nation's strategic and economic interests globally. Achieving this goal, however, demands meticulous navigation of geopolitical challenges, particularly with India, and crafting a persuasive argument for Pakistan's inclusion in BRICS…

infobrics (2024-04-02). Will Turkey fully support Neo-Nazi junta in exchange for return to F-35 program. infobrics.org The US would be "willing to provide F-35 fifth generation fighter jets to Turkey" if it meets "American conditions in regards to ensuring it does not operate Russian S-400 air defense systems alongside [the F-35]". If Washington DC returns Ankara to "the fold" and the latter acquires the F-35, it would give NATO another certain carrier of the latest B61 thermonuclear bombs, helping the belligerent alliance in surrounding Russia with hostile nuclear-armed vassals.

infobrics (2024-04-02). A Relevant BRICS: Reimagining Global Economic Reform>. infobrics.org As BRICS navigates the evolving global economic landscape, its trade, investment, and finance progress underscores its significance as a transformative force…

Amy Goodman (2024-04-02). Iran Vows Retaliation After Israel Bombs Its Consulate in Syria. truthout.org Iran has vowed to retaliate after Israel bombed the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing at least seven people, including three senior Iranian commanders and at least four other Iranian officers. Among the dead is senior commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the highest-ranking Iranian military officer to be killed since the U.S. assassinated General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad in 2020. |

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-02). Israeli Forces Retreat From Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital After Weeks of Siege. orinocotribune.com The Gaza Health Ministry says Israeli forces have withdrawn tanks and vehicles from Gaza's main hospital al-Shifa after a two-week siege of the medical complex. | In a statement on Monday, the ministry said that dozens of bodies, some of them decomposed, had been found at the complex after the Israeli pullout, which also left behind a vast swath of destruction. | It emphasized that Israel retreated from the hospital "after burning down the complex buildings and putting it completely out of service." | "The scale of the destruction inside the complex and the buildings around it is very large," the ministry said.

Angela (2024-04-02). Tuesday 4/2: Virtual Event: Canada Bans Weapons to Israel – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/cpc042

MEE staff (2024-04-01). War on Gaza: Israeli strike kills British aid worker along with six others. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Israeli strike kills British aid worker along with six others | Attack on World Central Kitchen staff comes amid sustained Israeli targeting of aid workers in Gaza | | UN staff inspect the carcass of a car used by the US-based aid group World Central Kitchen on 2 April 2024, that was hi…

Staff (2024-04-02). Israel "Risking a Two-Front War, Maybe a Three-Front War," After Latest Strike Against Iran in Syria. democracynow.org Iran has vowed to retaliate after Israel bombed the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing at least seven people, including three senior Iranian commanders and at least four other Iranian officers. Among the dead is senior commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the highest-ranking Iranian military officer to be killed since the U.S. assassinated General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad in 2020. While Israel sees strikes on foreign soil as "part of their self-defense strategy," Iran feels it must respond to this "breaching serious diplomatic norms," says Akbar Shahid Ahmed, senior diplomatic cor…

SAM (2024-04-02). Huge Transfer Of U.S. Bombs To Israel Not Newsworthy To The New York Times. progressivehub.net NORMAN SOLOMON…

Inside Yemen's Capture of Israel's Galaxy Leader Ship

This short documentary was written and directed by Mnar Adley, founder and director of MintPress and It was produced by Ahmed Qahtan, an independent Yemeni journalist.

Posted by MintPress News.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-02). Israel's Chain of Command Disintegrating! youtu.be

Staff (2024-04-02). Headlines for April 2, 2024. democracynow.org World Central Kitchen Suspends Aid Operations After Israeli Airstrike Kills 7 of Its Workers, Biden Admin Could Send Another $18M in Arms to Israel Despite Mounting Deaths, Public Opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu Plans to Ban Al Jazeera, One of the Few Major Outlets Reporting Inside Gaza, Tehran Vows Revenge After Israeli Attack in Syria Kills 7 Iranian Officials, Incl. Top Commander, Primary Voters Urged to Protest Biden Support for War on Gaza at the Ballot Box, Florida's Top Court Approves 6-Week Abortion Ban But Offers Hope with Abortion Ballot Measure, Germany Decriminalizes Cannabis for Personal Use, Ar…

Editor (2024-04-02). 'Obscene': Biden Quietly OKs More 2,000-Pound Bombs, Warplanes for Israel. scheerpost.com

WSWS (2024-04-02). White House defends Shifa hospital massacre that killed over 400. wsws.org The Israeli army's withdrawal from Shifa Hospital in Gaza on Monday revealed that the complex had been turned into a killing field, with hundreds of bodies of men, women and children showing signs of mass summary execution, torture and mutilation.

Jake Johnson (2024-04-02). DC-Based Aid Group Pauses Gaza Operations After Israeli Strike Kills 7 Workers. truthout.org World Central Kitchen said Tuesday that a targeted Israeli airstrike killed seven members of its aid team in Gaza as they left a warehouse in the city of Deir al-Balah, where they had just unloaded more than 100 tons of food set to be distributed to starving Palestinians. The Washington, D.C.-based aid organization said the seven killed included a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada as well as… |

Editor (2024-04-02). I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns from State Dept. over U.S. Gaza Policy. scheerpost.com By Amy Goodman / Democracy Now! A State Department official working on human rights issues in the Middle East resigned Wednesday in protest of U.S. support for Israel's assault on Gaza. Annelle Sheline, who worked as a foreign affairs officer in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, was not planning on publicly resigning, …

David Swanson (2024-04-02). Latest Huge Transfer of 2,000-Pound Bombs from U.S. to Israel Not Newsworthy to the New York Times. worldbeyondwar.org When the Washington Post revealed Friday afternoon that "the Biden administration in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel," a lot of people cared. #WorldBEYONDWar…

WSWS (2024-04-02). Israeli airstrike destroys Iranian consulate in Syria. wsws.org The Israeli attack is a flagrant act of war, undoubtedly discussed with Washington, aimed at provoking a wider conflict throughout the Middle East with Iran and its allies.

Staff (2024-04-02). Israel Kills 6 Int'l Aid Workers & Gazan Driver in Attack on Chef Andrés's World Central Kitchen Convoy. democracynow.org Israel is facing global condemnation after killing several international aid workers in Gaza. The workers with charity group World Central Kitchen were killed by an Israeli airstrike after unloading more than 100 tons of food aid carried by ship from Cyprus into Gaza. The charity staff, including three British nationals, an Australian, a Polish national and an American-Canadian dual citizen, and their Palestinian driver were struck while traveling in a clearly marked convoy branded with the charity's logo. World Central Kitchen said the attack occurred after the workers left a warehouse in Deir al-Balah, ev…

Staff (2024-04-02). State Dept. Whistleblower: Biden Is Skirting U.S. Law by Rushing More Bombs & Warplanes to Israel. democracynow.org The Washington Post reports the Biden administration has recently authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel. The arms package includes more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, which can be used to level entire city blocks. The U.S. is also sending 500 MK-82 500-pound bombs and 25 F-35 fighter jets. "It has been doing this on a weekly basis since the conflict began, just an open tab of arms," says Josh Paul, former State Department official who worked on arms transfers before resigning in October to protest increasing arms sales to Israel. "These are the a…

Larry Haiven (2024-04-02). Falling Into the pro-Israel Trap: The La Presse Cartoon Scandal. socialistproject.ca On 20 March, Montreal newspaper La Presse published a cartoon by Serge Chapleau harshly critical of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's announced intention to invade Rafah, where millions of Gazans are taking refuge. From across the globe, condemnations, even from political leaders, warn of the further deadly consequences of the attack, coming, as it does, after more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and even more starve. | The cartoon portrays Netanyahu in the iconic pose of

Andrew Korybko (2024-04-02). Israel's Bombing of the Iranian Consulate in Damascus Was a Strategic Mistake. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2024-04-02). Israel coordinates with international food aid workers, only to murder them in a drone strike. thecanary.co NGO World Central Kitchen aid workers were coordinating their journey with Israel and in clearly marked vehicles when the Israeli military murdered them with repeated drone strikes. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) killed seven people working with the NGO after the aid workers dropped off 100 tonnes of food at a warehouse in central Gazan …

Abdul Rahman (2024-04-02). Israel passes law to ban Al-Jazeera, calls it a "terrorist channel" peoplesdispatch.org The Israeli parliament passed a law on Monday, April 1 giving direct powers to the government to ban Al-Jazeera from broadcasting in the country and seize its assets. "I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel's activities," Netanyhau The law, first introduced in February this year, was adopted on April 1 by a vote of 71 members of the Israeli parliament (Knesset) in favor and just 10 aga…

Angela (2024-04-02). Tuesday 4/2: Webinar: Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom. indybay.org YouTube | www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f0JydhiYps

The Cradle (2024-04-02). Israel in Chaos as Largest Protests Since 7 October Erupt. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2024-04-02). Israeli missile hits Iranian consulate building in Syrian capital. muslimmirror.com Damascus : An Israeli missile strike hit the consulate building in the compound of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus, leveling the building to the ground and leaving an unknown number of casualties, according to a media report. Reporters on Monday saw thick plumes of smoke rising from the building located on the …

MEE staff (2024-04-02). Al Jazeera accuses Netanyahu of 'frantic campaign' after parliament bill. middleeasteye.net Al Jazeera accuses Netanyahu of 'frantic campaign' after parliament bill | After the Israeli parliament passed a bill allowing the temporary closure of the Qatari network, Al Jazeera accused prime minister of 'dangerous, ludicrous' lies | | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pictured on 18 Fe…

Staff (2024-04-02). Beyond Any Reasonable Circumstances. commondreams.org Honestly, we were going to mark the date with a spoof report — light in the darkness! — of Israel razing multiple pavilions at the upcoming Venice Art Biennale because they mistook talk of a new hummus place for threats of a new Hamas attack. But Gaza's latest news is too gutting: Hundreds of burned, …

Editor (2024-04-02). Apr 2, 2024. sitrepworld.info George Carlin — You Have No Choice (Video) Why We Question Everything, by John Leake How Private Interests Seized Control of America, by Paul Craig Roberts Israel: In Violation of God's Law, Natural Justice, the Laws of War & Intl Humanitarian Law, by Ilana Mercer Starvation in Gaza: The World Court's latest intervention, by Binoy Kampmark Israel's war, Netanyahu's gamble, by Alastair Crooke Israel's Savage Destruction Of Gaza's Healthcare System Is Exactly What It Looks Like, by Caitlin Johnstone MoA: Zionist Entity Assassinates Iranian General In Syria Russian aerospace forces are quickly whittling away at…

A Guest Author (2024-04-02). Assassination of Iranian brigadier general. workers.org The following statement was released by the Resistance News Network on April 1, 2024 from the official for Arab and National Relations in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Ahmad Fouad, to Al-Mayadeen. Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi The "israeli" aggression on the Iranian consulate in Damascus . . . |

Norman Solomon (2024-04-02). Huge Transfer of 2,000-Pound Bombs from U.S. to Israel Not Newsworthy to the NY Times. indybay.org Not Newsworthy to the New York Times…

Rodney Atkinson (2024-04-02). Crocus Massacre Ukraine Escape, UK / USA Teach Hatred and Killing of Russians, Ukraine Leaders Boast of AssassinationsÔªø. globalresearch.ca

Ariadna Eljuri (2024-04-02). Venezuela: Over 10 Million Traveled During Holy Week. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reported this Monday, April 1, that over 10,600,000 people traveled throughout Venezuela to enjoy the holiday along with the recreational and cultural activities organized during Holy Week. | The statements were made in the company of different government authorities from Diego Ibarra Square in Caracas, where a brief about the major holiday was made. | Rodríguez noted that this data shows an increase of about 13% in travelers compared to the same holiday in 2023. | "Travel in our country increased by 12.63%. A total of 10,621,606 people traveled, an increase in national m…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-02). Palestinian Resistance on Land Day: Liberation Can Only Be Achieved via Resistance. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2024-04-02). PSUV on María Corina Machado's New Scam: Candidate Substitution 10 Days Before Election. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( Cabello explained that Machado did not properly register her movement Vente Venezuela as a political party. He added that she could have also registered her…

Staff (2024-04-02). Fresh US-led airstrikes hit Houthi targets in Yemen's port city. muslimmirror.com Sanaa : A warplane of the US-British coalition launched airstrikes on Houthi military targets in Yemen's port city of Hodeidah on the Red Sea, the media reported. The Houthi-run al-Masirah TV said on Monday that the strikes hit the al-Taif area in the southern Durayhimi district, without providing more details. The coalition has been striking …

Editor (2024-04-02). 45 Years After Three Mile Island, We Need a 'No Nukes' Comeback. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-04-02). While Immigrants Die to Repair Bridges, US Politicians Risk Lives by Building Walls. scheerpost.com

Staff (2024-04-02). While Immigrants Die to Repair Bridges, US Politicians Risk Lives by Building Walls. scheerpost.com A Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City MH-60 Jayhawk crew conducts an overflight assessment of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, March 29, 2024. The Key Bridge was struck by the Singapore-flagged cargo ship Dali early morning on March 26, 2024. (U. S. Coast Guard photo illustration by Petty Officer 1st Class …

Editor (2024-04-02). Haitian Community Defenders Fight US-Armed Death Squads and Puppet Governments. scheerpost.com

Erin Reed (2024-04-02). LGBTQ Advocacy Groups Urge Tennessee Governor to Veto New Adoption Bill. truthout.org On Monday evening, Tennessee passed a bill allowing parents with "religious or moral beliefs" that being LGBTQ+ is wrong to adopt LGBTQ+ children. This bill could expose these children to harmful practices such as conversion therapy or familial rejection of their gender identity or sexuality. If signed into law, it could also come into conflict with federal rules that require safe placements for… |

Nick Turse (2024-04-02). New Junta in Niger Tells the US to Pack Up Its War and Go Home. truthout.org Dressed in green military fatigues and a blue garrison cap, Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for Niger's ruling junta, took to local television last month to criticize the United States and sever the long-standing military partnership between the two countries. "The government of Niger, taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people, revokes, with immediate effect… |

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-02). Speaker Johnson Says He Supports Giving Frozen Russian Assets to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said in an interview on Sunday that he supports the idea of giving frozen Russian Central Bank funds to Ukraine to fuel the proxy war, a step that would significantly escalate the US economic campaign against Russia. Johnson expressed support for the REPO Act, a bill that's been introduced in …

Animal Welfare Institute (2024-04-02). Newborn Dairy Calves Endure Long, Grueling Journeys Across the United States. indybay.org Government records reveal that hundreds of thousands of dairy calves are routinely transported 1,000 miles or more, compromising animal welfare and human health.

City Lights Bookstore (2024-04-02). Thursday 4/18: "In the Shadow of Liberty": Book Talk on U.S. Immigrant Detention w/ A R Minian, Stanford. indybay.org City Lights Bookstore | 261 Columbus Avenue | San Francisco, CA 94133 | Or join via Zoom: www.eventbrite.com/e/ana-raquel-minian-t…

Gavrilah (2024-04-02). Wednesday 4/3: Close Guantanamo Monthly Vigil & Photo Action. indybay.org Crissy Field near the Warming Hut Park Store, Presidio, San Francisco…

Creative Growth United (2024-04-02). Creative Growth Workers Unionize, Announce Rally. indybay.org ACTION ALERT: Solidarity Rally on Saturday, April 6, 12pm outside SFMOMA (151 3rd Street) coinciding with the public opening of "Creative Growth: The House that Art Built."

Bruce Neuburger (2024-04-02). On the Right of Resistance Then and Now. indybay.org From a descendant of victims of the Holocaust…

Edward Escobar, founder #DriversUnite (2024-04-02). Drivers Are No Fools: Rideshare Drivers Rally for Fair Treatment and Livelihoods. indybay.org Rideshare drivers from Uber and Lyft are taking a stand. On Monday, April 1, 2024, April Fools Day – they will stage a series of events to address critical issues affecting their work and livelihoods. Declaring loudly "Drivers Are No Fools!"

Santa Cruz News (2024-04-02). The Hook Outlet's Proposed Dispensary Project with WAMM Faces Appeal to City Council. indybay.org On May 14, The Hook Outlet and WAMM Phytotherapies will go before the Santa Cruz City Council to face an appeal of their proposed cannabis dispensary project. The dispensary was initially approved by the Planning Commission on March 7, however an appeal of that decision was filed on March 18.

7×7 Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Specialist (2024-04-02). Wednesday 4/24: 7×7 Always April. indybay.org 99 W Portal Ave | San Francisco, CA 94127…

Lynda Carson (2024-04-02). Sexually abused women work for slave wages at FCI, Dublin a.k.a. the "Rape Club" indybay.org Famed Attorney Tony Serra Shortly After His Release From Prison In 2007. Lydia Gans Photo.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2024-04-02). Spring 2024 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! indybay.org The World and Activists Demands: Free Palestine! NO Attacks on Palestinian-American Anti-War Activists! Gaza Special Report…

Angela (2024-04-02). Thursday 4/4: Virtual Teach-In about Palestine. indybay.org Zoom | http: //tinyurl.com/PalestineThursday…

Santa Cruz Bread, Roses (2024-04-02). Friday 4/19: Open Mic for Collective Care & Joyful Resilience. indybay.org The Clock Tower, 142 Knight Street, Santa Cruz…

Angela (2024-04-02). Friday 4/12: Virtual Action Hour. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Citizen Climate Lobby (2024-04-02). Friday 4/26: Youth v Gov Film Screening. indybay.org The 418 Project 155 River St, Santa Cruz…

Angela (2024-04-02). Tuesday 4/2: Phone Bank for Listen to Wisconsin. indybay.org

Fridays for Future Palo Alto (2024-04-02). Friday 4/19: Palo Alto: #End Fossil Fuels – Global Climate Strike Rally. indybay.org Lytton Plaza | 200 University Ave | Palo Alto, CA 94303 US…

Angela (2024-04-02). Friday 4/5: Power Half Hour for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom | http: //jvp.org/gazaph…

Geert Lovink (2024-04-02). All people are reporters. On media use in the Internet age. indybay.org What is missing in the mainstream media landscape are background reports, essays, longer interviews, travel reports and what is called "investigative journalism". What is perhaps boring are ideology-critical internal debates about the right line, i.e. hermetic, exclusionary language. Many people know that Marxian political economy is back in fashion. But it needs an update.

John Malkin (2024-04-02). Omar Sosa's 88 Well-Tuned Drums. indybay.org Interview with Afro-Cuban pianist/composer Omar Sosa, who is on a world tour that includes Kuumbwa Jazz Center in Santa Cruz on Monday, April 1 and Birdland in NYC April 9 to 13.

People's Park Council (2024-04-02). Friday 4/5: March for People's Park. indybay.org Starts at Willard Park, ends at Sproul Plaza.

Patricia Harrity (2024-04-02). 'COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control' & 'The Penny Is Dropping Everywhere!'. expose-news.com "We have lived through a dark time" said Professor Dr. Stefan Homburg in a speech delivered last year reported in the Exposé soon after. However, the video of that speech has had a new lease of life on the X platform and is said to have gone viral. Dr David Cartland shared the video and wrote in his Tweet: | "Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn't want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or…

Patricia Harrity (2024-04-02). German Government Documents Obtained Under Court Order Reveal Covid Crisis Political Manipulation. expose-news.com The release of heavily redacted German government documents obtained under court order by the German alternative media magazine "Multipolar" are shaking up German politics on the eve of the critical 2024 European …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-02). South Africa publishes regulations to control speech online ahead of elections. expose-news.com The South African Film and Publication Board ("FPB") published regulations last week which are ostensibly aimed at tackling misinformation and disinformation through internet platforms, including social media, during the upcoming elections. In …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-02). Climate alarmists are warned that banks won't play their part in "net zero" commitments. expose-news.com The financial industry's initial rush to commit to net zero carbon footprints at the 2021 COP26 summit in Glasgow has hit a reality check. Banks that pledged to reduce financed emissions and …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-02). Linoleic acid: A key contributing factor in rising cancer rates. expose-news.com Global cancer incidence is increasing, particularly among those under 50, with a notable rise in breast, uterine, prostate, lung, colorectal, pancreatic, and stomach cancers, with early-onset breast cancer incidence climbing by 3.8% …

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Fire in central Istanbul kills 29 as rescue operation continues. geo.tv Authorities have yet to ascertain the cause of fire in Istanbul…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). What is No 1 thing Donald Trump will do if he becomes president. geo.tv "I'm definitely going to do. It's No. 1 on my mind," says Donald Trump…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Hillary Clinton has advice for US voters. geo.tv Former Secretary of State compares Donald Trump and Joe Biden…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). UAE announces seven-day public sector holiday for Eid ul Fitr celebration. geo.tv UAE announces week-long holiday for Eid Al Fitr; work resumes April 15…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Donald Trump 'suspends' presidential campaign in email. geo.tv "I'm suspending my campaign…" reads Donald Trump's message…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Gag order: Trump in big trouble after attacks on NY judge's daughter. geo.tv Justice Juan Merchan expands former president's gag order in hush money case after his social media rant…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Here is how April Fools' Day is celebrated worldwide. geo.tv Here are some interesting April Fools' Day customs from around the globe…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Elon Musk responds to MrBeast's big announcement. geo.tv Famous YouTube star is quitting X…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). 'Spider-Man' spotted on Indian train. His destination? Toilet. geo.tv Viral video shows severe conditions of Indian train's 'sleeper class'

geo.tv (2024-04-02). Selling Bible 'risky business for somebody like Donald Trump'. geo.tv Democrat believes if people buy Trump's Bible, they might stop following him…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). China-US ties beginning to stabilise despite 'negative factors', Xi tells Biden. geo.tv Xi, Biden hold first direct talks since their meeting in November…

geo.tv (2024-04-02). 12-year-old shooter in Finland kills 1 injures 2 other in school. geo.tv Parents rushed to school after shooting in Finland…

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2024-04-02). Western Mercenaries Participating in Attacks Against Russian Borders. globalresearch.ca

Bharat Dogra (2024-04-02). National Elections in India Are Good Time to Consider a Path Based on Justice, Peace, and Environment Protection. globalresearch.ca

Jessica Rojas (2024-04-02). Video: Vaccinated Children Versus Unvaccinated Children. Dr. Paul Thomas. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2024-04-02). Turbo Lung Cancer in Under 40 Year Olds. globalresearch.ca

Jacob Nordangard (2024-04-02). Rockefeller: Controlling the Game. globalresearch.ca

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2024-04-02). Finland Supports Open War Against Russia. globalresearch.ca

The Global Research Team (2024-04-02). Global Research Referral Drive: Our Readers Are Our Lifeline. globalresearch.ca For the newcomers: Global Research is in the crosshairs of the Establishment and the Big Tech for our fearless, no-holds-barred reporting. We are a reader-supported entity, making us accountable to no one but to our readers alone. | Like you, we …

Barış Hasan (2024-04-02). New Beginning in Turkish Politics? globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2024-04-02). Selected Articles: Western Countries in 'Peace Talks' Without Russia. globalresearch.ca By Apparently, the "peace negotiations" about Ukraine continue to take place, even without any Russian involvement in the talks. According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, …

Chris Garaffa (2024-04-02). U.S. workers forced to bail out Intel, a top 100 company. liberationnews.org The U.S. government is set to give leading microchip manufacturer Intel an $8.5 billion grant, in addition to up to $11 billion in loans and additional tax credits…

midwesternmarx (2024-04-02). Why are so many left-wing people losers? By: Ben Ughetti. midwesternmarx.com ​Ben Ughetti discusses the factors behind the left's repellent image. Picture The Activist Loser— a person who dedicates their entire personality to 'the cause'. The political stripe of said person is usually meaningless albeit almost entirely predictable. They all look a certain way with unkempt or alternative haircuts, clothes that might not look or fit right and of course hundreds of badges on their lapels— proclaiming to the world everything from th …

Staff (2024-04-02). UP Police announce reward on Atiq Ahmed's sister & sister-in-law. muslimmirror.com Prayagraj : The Uttar Pradesh Police on Tuesday announced a reward on mafia don Atiq Ahmed's sister Ayesha Noori and Zainab Fatima, wife of his brother Ashraf. The Prayagraj Commissionerate Police placed the reward of Rs 25,000 each on both of them. Both of them are accused in the Umesh Pal murder case that took …

Staff (2024-04-02). Advised to join BJP or be prepared to be arrested in a month, claims Atishi. muslimmirror.com NEW DELHI : The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Delhi Minister Atishi on Tuesday alleged a "targeted political vendetta" by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) aimed at disrupting the unity and strength of her party ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. At a press conference here, Atishi said that in the forthcoming two …

Staff (2024-04-02). Rajasthan : RSS group issues CAA eligibility certificates to Pakistan Hindus. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff For the past one week, a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-affiliated group has been organising camps and issuing "eligibility certificates" to members of the Hindu community from Pakistan to help them apply for citizenship under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA). Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has taken the initiative to issue Citizenship …

Brasil de Fato (2024-04-02). "A coup plotter lives here!": Youth movement protest far-right politicians on 60th anniversary of military coup. peoplesdispatch.org The action organized by Levante Popular targeted figures such as deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro and former Minister of Justice Anderson Torres…

Staff (2024-04-02). "A coup plotter lives here!": Youth movement protest far-right politicians on 60th anniversary of military coup. peoplesdispatch.org The Levante Popular da Juventude (Popular Youth Uprising) movement carried out, on the morning of Monday April 1, a series of escraches (public actions of denunciation) in front of the homes and committees of politicians and far-right leaders. April 1 marks the 60th anniversary of the military coup in the country. The targets they chose …

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-02). Panama seizes more than 31 tons of drugs. plenglish.com According to the report, the seizure of drugs is the result of 122 operations throughout the country, where 136 individuals were arrested, including 104 Panamanians and 32 foreigners, mostly Colombians. | Although the statement does not indicate it, the largest quantity of illicit substance seized in Panama consists of cocaine. | Last year, the security agencies seized 119,2 tons of drugs — causing hard blows to organized crime in the order of 27.2 million dollars -, a lower amount than the record figure of 138.4 tons in 2022, according to the MINSEG. | The government asserts that since it took office on Ju…

Redacción Mar del Plata (2024-04-02). New attempt to evict Mapuche community. pressenza.com The Coronado Inalef community is resisting eviction from its ancestral lands in El Bolsón.: The granddaughters and daughters of Sara Inalef, a 93-year-old Mapuche weaver and acknowledged master of the art of weaving, are resisting eviction from the territory in Mallín Ahogado that her family has inhabited for five generations. Today (25 March) they succeeded in stopping it. The story of a planned dispossession and the links with the last dictatorship. | By Camila Vautier/Cooperativa de Comunicación Popular Al Margen | The Mapuche community of Coronado Inalef has reported that the eviction scheduled for 15…

SERVINDI (2024-04-02). 2023: Indicators of an unprecedented climate crisis. pressenza.com 2023 was the hottest year on record for greenhouse gases, heat, and ocean acidification, which is raising sea levels and affecting glaciers. | This is according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the UN's authoritative voice on weather, climate, and water. | Last year, the global average near-surface temperature was 1.45 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the warmest 10-year period on record. | These climate disruptions have not only caused problems in the daily lives of millions of people but also cost millions of dollars in damages, the global report says. | Concentrations of…

Redacción Madrid (2024-04-02). "Neither Ayuso nor anyone else can decide when or how someone dies. To say so is obscene". pressenza.com Interview with Fernando Flores, editor of the report by the Citizens' Commission for the Truth in Madrid's Residences. | By Gorka Castillo/ctxt | Fernando Flores (Valencia, 1968) holds a diploma in Advanced Defense Studies from the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (Ceseden) and a degree in Constitutional Law, Political Science, and International Relations from the Spanish Centre for Constitutional Studies. He is currently a member of the Human Rights Institute of the Law Faculty of the University of Valencia, and last year he was a member of the Citizens' Commission for the Truth about the Resid…

noreply (2024-04-02). In 45 Minutes. . smoothiex12.blogspot.com Duran guys and me.

noreply (2024-04-02). A Very Needed Video… smoothiex12.blogspot.com Generally speaking, the country which just yesterday launched successfully yet another satellite(s) (wink, wink) to orbit plus delivered a crew to ISS a week prior will have very little difficulty developing asynchronous drive. It is just the matter of time and money, Russia has both. So, the headline about Siemens is really not an exaggeration. Siemens cannot produce SSJ-100 or MS-21, Russia is producing them, no matter how the combined West tries to sabotage Russian economy. Same was with propulsion for Admiral Gorshkov class frigates. Russia just needed time.

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin: BRICS Sports Games to be reason for pride. tvbrics.com The BRICS Games will be held in Kazan from 10 to 26 June 2024…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Iran's power plant capacity increases by 965 megawatts. tvbrics.com The capacity of the country's gas-fired power plants increased by 3,1 per cent…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). India's foreign minister emphasises country's strong relations with UAE. tvbrics.com Bilateral trade has grown significantly since the conclusion of the free trade agreement…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). UAE and Kenya sign co-operation document on technology and AI. tvbrics.com The partnership could become a growth driver for other sectors and boost the economies of both countries…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Think tanks from all over the world highlight growing interest in China's development. tvbrics.com China has achieved results in five key areas such as living standards, consumption, production, infrastructure and services…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). China-SCO Urgent Medical Care Centre is established in Beijing. tvbrics.com The institution will organise academic events and scientific exchanges…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Saudi Arabia breaks record in inbound tourist spending last year. tvbrics.com The country received US$36 billion from tourists…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Egypt inaugurates president. tvbrics.com Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi was re-elected to…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Egypt to allocate $2,5 billion in preferential financing for agricultural and industrial production activities. tvbrics.com This is aimed at boosting agricultural and industrial productions…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). Ethiopian expert emphasises importance for Nile Basin countries to cooperate in construction of hydropower projects. tvbrics.com Projects will serve the improvement and development of the region…

tvbrics (2024-04-02). New initiatives launched in Saudi Arabia to reduce food waste. tvbrics.com The strategic programmes were unveiled at a ceremony marking International Zero Waste Day in Riyadh…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Moscow tells Kyiv to extradite security chief. ecns.cn Russia is demanding that Ukraine hand over all those who have been connected to terrorist acts committed in Russia, including the head of Ukraine's SBU Security Service, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

unitedEditor (2024-04-02). "The Astana Model may be applied to Iraq too" uwidata.com Türkiye has signed a joint declaration with Iraq regarding the common fight against terror and the elevation of bilateral relations to the strategic level. The two countries established several bilateral standing committees regarding, among other topics, trade, energy, water, agriculture and cooperation against terror organizations. This declaration comes amidst a strong and evolving context: The …

unitedEditor (2024-04-02). Local elections in Türkiye — Economic punch to the government. uwidata.com Local elections in Türkiye resulted in a heavy defeat for the government and a victory for the main opposition party, Republican People's Party (CHP). A total of 48,153,788 citizens voted in the elections held on March 31, with a turnout of 78.53%. 35 political parties and independent candidates participated in the elections. Big shock for …

unitedEditor (2024-04-02). French neocolonialism and New Caledonia. uwidata.com Azerbaijan plays an important role in the fight against the neo-colonialist policies of France, Marie-Lyn Sakilia, deputy chairwoman of the New Caledonia Parliament's Commission on Family and Women's Affairs, said in an exclusive interview with Trend. As United World International, we have translated this interview published in Russian. "The activities of the Baku Initiative Group …

David Swanson (2024-04-02). A Conversation with Matthieu Aikins, Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist. worldbeyondwar.org The Tribunal interviews Matthieu Aikins, Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist who reported from Afghanistan and the Middle East since 2008. Aikins received the 2022 Pulitzer for international reporting. #WorldBEYONDWar…

WSWS (2024-04-02). Migrant children held in fetid open-air encampments near Southern California-Mexico border. wsws.org With tens of thousands of migrants and their children left at open-air encampments without food, shelter or medical care, diseases and malnutrition run rampant.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Study demonstrates effectiveness of air cleaners at daycare centers. wsws.org Despite the growing evidence for air purifiers and other public health measures, the capitalist ruling elites continue to display criminal indifference to the suffering of their populations.

WSWS (2024-04-02). World-renowned pianist Maurizio Pollini (1942-2024). wsws.org Pollini was one of the most important pianists and artistic personalities of the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Financial assets of UAW rose in 2023 as bureaucracy pushed through sellout contracts. wsws.org UAW net assets topped $1.13 billion even as membership fell to the lowest level since 2009.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Growing outrage among Canada Post workers over miserable working conditions and complicity of CUPW bureaucracy. wsws.org The major issues currently facing the approximately 50,000 postal workers across the country include real wage cuts, increased workloads and speed-up, multi-tier pay scales, and aggressive bullying from management.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Oppose union-management cost cutting at Australia Post! Build rank-and-file committees to fight for jobs, wages and conditions! wsws.org The PWRFC warns that upcoming enterprise bargaining will be used by Australia Post and the Communication Workers Union bureaucracy to impose further cuts to real wages and clear the way for the slashing of jobs and conditions in the ongoing restructure.

WSWS (2024-04-02). UAW-backed Mexican union tries to ram through sell-out contract at General Motors. wsws.org The so-called "independent" union SINTTIA is described by workers as just another "company union" that consistently takes the side of management.

WSWS (2024-04-02). 19 million in the US purged from Medicaid rolls in "post-pandemic" unwinding of expanded coverage. wsws.org Millions have been kicked off Medicaid health insurance over the past year after bipartisan agreement to roll back the expansion of the program that was implemented at the beginning of the pandemic.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Union announces tentative agreement, unilaterally calls off nurses strike in Staten Island, New York. wsws.org Following its long-standing practice, the New York State Nurses Association is attempting to head off a fight and push workers into accepting an agreement favorable to the hospital.

WSWS (2024-04-02). Sudden death of Sri Lankan student at Kelaniya University exposes harsh conditions facing undergraduates. wsws.org The circumstances facing Sri Lankan students cannot be reduced to the personal indifference of university administrations but are the direct result of spending cuts by successive Colombo governments.

NEOB (2024-04-02). President Ramaphosa to unveil KZN terminal and Tetra Pak Manufacturing plant. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa to unveil KZN terminal and Tetra Pak Manufacturing plant | President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to officially open the Newlyn PX Terminal and the Tetra Pak Manufacturing plant in KwaZulu-Natal on Thursday as part of South Africa's investment drive. | These entities made pledges through the South African Investment Conference, an initiative led by President Ramaphosa with the ambitious goal of attracting R1.2 trillion in investments over five years. | "The multi modal rail terminal in Bayhead next to the port of Durban pledged R2 billion for the development of the largest multi modal rail term…

Edward Hunt (2024-04-02). Want Faster Shipping? There's an Illegal U.S. War for That. fpif.org

SAM (2024-04-02). The U.S.'s Forever Wars In Africa Are Wearing Out The Welcome. progressivehub.net NICK TURSE | TOM DISPATCH…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Washington urged to respect rule of law in Hong Kong. ecns.cn China will take resolute countermeasures if the United States imposes visa restrictions on Hong Kong officials, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday, urging Washington to stop meddling in the region's affairs by any means.

publicbooks (2024-04-02). When NYC Invented Modern Policing: Emily Brooks on WWII—Era Surveillance and Discrimination. publicbooks.org "I often think how much better off we would be if there were more free recreational activities for youth that were not nested under the carceral sphere."

Editor (2024-04-02). 'Too soon to tell': On revolutionary temporality. mronline.org The Dialectics of Time and Revolutionary Struggle.

img.piri.net (2024-04-02). Bolu'da ilàße belediye ba≈ükan adayƒ± aldƒ±ƒüƒ± 3 oyla Türkiye tarihine geàßti. img.piri.net GBP, 31 Mart Mahalli ƒ∞dareler Genel Seàßimleri'nde tek adayƒ±nƒ± Mudurnu ilàßesinden gà∂sterdi. Aday olarak belirlenen evli ve 4 àßocuk babasƒ± 48 ya≈üƒ±ndaki Doƒüramacƒ±, pazar gàºnຠgeràßekle≈ütirilen seàßimde 3 oy aldƒ±.Türkiye tarihinde "en az oy alan partinin adayƒ±" olan Doƒüramacƒ±, kendisi ve ailesinin ikametinin Bolu kent merkezinde bulunmasƒ± nedeniyle adaylƒ±ƒüƒ&plus…

SAM (2024-04-02). The Police Have A Dark Money Slush Fund. progressivehub.net KATYA SCHWENK | THE LEVER…

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). First Nations peoples tell of their resistance to fossil fuel corporations. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Beat the Facebook ban on Green Left! greenleft.org.au

NEOB (2024-04-02). Eskom applies electricity tariff increase. sanews.gov.za Eskom applies electricity tariff increase | The price of electricity will increase this week, following Eskom's implementation of its new electricity tariff of between 12.72% and 12.74%. | This after the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) determined the increases in December last year. | The increases are as follows: | Local authority tariff charges: 1 July 2024 — 30 June 2025: 12.72% | Eskom direct customers: 1 April 2024 — 31 March 2025: | All tariff charges except the affordability subsidy charge: 12.74%. | Homelight 20A: 12.74%. | Affordability subsidy charge: 25.24% | "The average…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Three facts that the Philippines breaks promise on South China Sea: Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson. ecns.cn The Philippines tries to hide the fact that it has broken its promise to China, violated China's sovereignty and kept provoking China, and this is the only viable explanation for the Philippines' string of false accusations against China, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday.

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Chinese military carrying out live-fire exercises to protect border stability. ecns.cn The Chinese military on Tuesday started carrying out live-fire exercises in regions along the country's borders with Myanmar, according to a People's Liberation Army spokesman.

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). First unit of China's high-altitude connected to grid. ecns.cn No. 5 unit of the Maerdang Hydropower Station, China's highest-altitude facility of its kind on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, has successfully completed trial operation and was connected to the grid for power generation on Monday.

nosihle (2024-04-02). SARS collects R2.155 trillion in taxes. sanews.gov.za SARS collects R2.155 trillion in taxes | While South Africa's economy continues to face challenges of load shedding and impaired port and logistics operations, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has collected a gross tax revenue of R2.155 trillion for the 2023/24 financial year. | Addressing a media briefing on the preliminary revenue outcome for the 2023/24 financial year, SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter said this amount was in line with the revised estimate representing a year-on-year growth of 4.2% against a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.9%. | "Net revenue, which is the revenue after refu…

EDWIN (2024-04-02). DPWI to host Young Professionals seminar. sanews.gov.za DPWI to host Young Professionals seminar | Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Sihle Zikalala, together with Deputy Minister Bernice Swarts, will on Wednesday host the Young Professionals seminar in Pretoria. | The DPWI's Young Professionals programme seeks to address skills shortages in the built industry and build skills capacity to support the built environment industry. | The seminar seeks to have an engagement between industry players, the department and young professionals on a number of issues in the built industry. | The Young Professionals programme is a structured DPWI mentorship programme aimed…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Palace Museum 'meets' Palace of Versailles. ecns.cn The exhibition opened at the Palace Museum on Monday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Cultural Tourism Year. A total of 200 artifacts are showcased at the exhibition.

Staff (2024-04-02). A disabled man is being PROSECUTED for blocking parliament with his MOBILITY SCOOTER. thecanary.co The below article is an opinion piece from Neil Goodwin, an activist who was arrested for blocking an entrance to parliament with his mobility scooter I'm in Westminster Magistrate's Court at 10am on Wednesday 3 April, charged with blocking the entrance to parliament in my mobility scooter; I'm disabled, living with multiple sclerosis (MS). This …

Editor (2024-04-02). 'Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World' — book review. mronline.org Naomi Klein's exploration of the spread of conspiracy theory and the 'other Naomi' is baggy but contains useful insights, argues Lindsey German.

NEOB (2024-04-02). Probe into corruption at KZN Sports, Arts and Culture department launched. sanews.gov.za Probe into corruption at KZN Sports, Arts and Culture department launched | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is expected to commence an investigation into the affairs of the KwaZulu-Natal Sports, Arts and Culture department. | This after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a proclamation authorising the corruption busting unit to probe allegations of serious maladministration and corruption in that department that took place between 1 January 2020 and 28 March 2024. | "Proclamation 160 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement of and contracting for serious maladministration for the construction of nin…

Stephen Koukoulas (2024-04-02). Let's celebrate low unemployment and rising real wages. independentaustralia.net

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Australian Greens MPs, unionists sign on to demand Russian anti-war activist Boris Kagarlitsky's freedom. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Unions asked to put 'green bans' on public housing demolitions. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Julian Assange must be freed. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Racism behind go-stop-partly-go visas for Gazans. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Translucent Manla reservoir in Xizang. ecns.cn The Manla reservoir looks like a jade surrounded by snow-covered mountains in Gyangze County of Shigatse, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Time-lapse video: Golden sunshine on top of Mount Namcha Barwa. ecns.cn On Monday, golden sunlight blanketed"ÄÄMount Namcha Barwa"ÄÄin"ÄÄNyingchi"ÄÄCity, southwest China's Xizang"ÄÄAutonomous Region."ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Four dead after thunderstorms batter Nanchang. ecns.cn Four people died and more than 10 others were injured when severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall struck Nanchang, in East China's Jiangxi province, early Sunday morning, China Central Television reported on Monday.

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). The AUKUS cash cow is robbing us. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Protesters call for native forests to be protected. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2024-04-02). The Left, the far-Right and climate chaos. mronline.org Electoral politics and compromises won't save the climate or stop the far right.

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Northwest China's Tianshui spicy hot pot goes viral on social media. ecns.cn

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Beat the Facebook ban on Green Left! greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Protesters call for native forests to be protected. greenleft.org.au

unitedEditor (2024-04-02). French neocolonialism and New Caledonia. unitedworldint.com Azerbaijan plays an important role in the fight against the neo-colonialist policies of France, Marie-Lyn Sakilia, deputy chairwoman of the New Caledonia Parliament's Commission on Family and Women's Affairs, said in an exclusive interview with Trend. As United World International, we have translated this interview published in Russian. "The activities of the Baku Initiative Group …

nosihle (2024-04-02). Arrests for violating traffic laws. sanews.gov.za Arrests for violating traffic laws | More than 1 000 road users have been arrested and 900 vehicles were impounded in law enforcement operations conducted in all nine provinces since the start of the Easter holidays. | The arrests related to various offences, such as drunken driving, producing false driving documentation, driving recklessly, operating on the roads without driving permits and the overloading of both goods and passengers. | Vehicles were impounded mainly in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga for violation of public transport operating permits. | A total of 75 961 vehicles were stopped and checked and 916…

Editor at NewsOne (2024-04-02). Rest In Power: Notable Black People Who Have Died This Year. newsone.com

Editor (2024-04-02). Samir Amin's last two battles. mronline.org Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that mainly concerned him. The first was China's refusal to succumb to financial globalization, that is, to the totalitarian power of global financial capital; the second was the need to build a "Fifth International."

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). China welcomes San Francisco mayor's visit. ecns.cn China's Foreign Ministry on Monday extended a warm welcome to San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who is expected to visit China in the coming days, saying that China always supports and encourages exchanges between all walks of life from the two countries.

Gabisile (2024-04-02). Department calls for support for those living with autism. sanews.gov.za Department calls for support for those living with autism | The Department of Health has urged families and communities to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), also known as autism, to thrive and reach their full potential, and to refrain from discriminating against them. | This as South Africa joins the global community today to increase awareness about autism and how communities can support autistic people. | Every year, on 2 April, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated to empower and help autistic people lead a full life. | The day is also used to empower the public, and health and welf…

unitedEditor (2024-04-02). "The Astana Model may be applied to Iraq too" unitedworldint.com Türkiye has signed a joint declaration with Iraq regarding the common fight against terror and the elevation of bilateral relations to the strategic level. The two countries established several bilateral standing committees regarding, among other topics, trade, energy, water, agriculture and cooperation against terror organizations. This declaration comes amidst a strong and evolving context: The …

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Australasian Muslim Times applauds growing support for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Abul Rizvi (2024-04-02). Tehan's tripe on immigration is not helping good policymaking. independentaustralia.net

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Fossil sponge of 540 million years old discovered in Hunan Province. ecns.cn A piece of fossil sponge that formed during the early Cambrian period was recently discovered in Changde, Central China's Hunan Province.

NEOB (2024-04-02). Consumers to dig deeper as petrol, diesel prices increase. sanews.gov.za Consumers to dig deeper as petrol, diesel prices increase | Motorists are expected to feel the pinch even further this month when the prices of all grades of fuel increase. | The following are the increases that have been announced by the Central Energy Fund (CEF): | Petrol (93 ULP & LRP): 65 cents increase | Petrol (95 ULP & LRP): 67 cents increase. | Diesel (0.05% sulphur): 3 cents increase. | Diesel (0.005% sulphur): 1 cent decrease. | Illuminating paraffin (wholesale): 29 cents decrease. | Single Maximum National Retail Price for illuminating paraffin: 58 cents decrease. | Maximum LP Gas retail price: 19 cent…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). World's highest UHV transmission tower completes construction. ecns.cn Construction of a new ultra-high voltage (UHV) power transmission tower for the Jinshang-Hubei 800-kilovolt UHV direct current power transmission project was completed in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). David McBride: ABC Four Corners program a 'hit job'. greenleft.org.au

The Salafi Centre of Manchester (2024-04-02). The Diseases of the Heart and Their Cure — Shaykh Saaleh al-Fawzaan. salaficentre.com I am a man who is afflicted with many diseases of the heart, they include: bad thoughts of people, arrogance, and love of being heard and seen (showing off). I know that all of this is from the Shaytaan and I try to distance myself from this. However, Shaytaan lures me each time. What is your advice, O Shaykh Saaleh (Al-Fawzaan) towards this?>

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). The AUKUS cash cow is robbing us. greenleft.org.au

Scott Ferguson (2024-04-02). Economic Democracy with Pavlina Tcherneva. mronline.org Money on the Left speaks with Pavlina Tcherneva, Professor of Economics at Bard College and leading scholar of—-and advocate for—Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Many of our listeners will be familiar with Dr. Tcherneva's contributions to MMT, especially her book, The Case for a Job Guarantee (Polity Press, 2020). We speak with Pavlina about her work, and also get her perspective on the causes and conditions of MMT's movement from the margins of economic discourse toward the mainstream of political economic thought.

Joseph Soares, Wake Forest University (2024-04-02). Will Returning To Standardized Tests For Colleges Hinder Student Diversity? newsone.com Some colleges say the tests have multiple benefits. | Earlier this year, a number of colleges announced they were going back to using the SAT and the ACT. Here,

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Cities need people-oriented development, not developer handouts. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Julian Assange tormented by the British High Court. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Shanghai to intensify efforts to achieve carbon peak. ecns.cn More efforts will be made in Shanghai this year to promote the consumption of non-fossil fuel energies and help achieve carbon peaking in key areas so that the city can more efficiently attain its green transition goals.

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). First Nations peoples tell of their resistance to fossil fuel corporations. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Racism behind go-stop-partly-go visas for Gazans. greenleft.org.au

img.piri.net (2024-04-02). ƒ∞srail'in ƒ∞ran'ƒ±n ≈ûam Bàºyàºkelàßiliƒüini hedef alan saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±na Türkiye'den kƒ±nama. img.piri.net Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, ƒ∞srail'in, ≈ûam'daki ƒ∞ran Bàºyàºkelàßiliƒüini hedef alan saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nƒ± kƒ±nadƒ±. Bakanlƒ±ktan yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, ƒ∞srail'in, son dà∂nemde i≈ülediƒüi uluslararasƒ± hukuk ihlallerine bir yenisini eklediƒüi belirtildi."ƒ∞srail'in, ≈&ucir…

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Breakthrough promises more effective drugs. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have devised a new method for designing drugs that target multiple aspects of complex diseases, potentially offering a breakthrough for treating mental illnesses like schizophrenia and dementia.

Zack Linly (2024-04-02). RFK Jr. Says Joe Biden Is A Bigger Threat To Democracy Than Donald Trump. Here's Why He's Wrong. newsone.com Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says President Joe Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump because of social media bans.

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Insights | 'Tianxia' concept in Chinese civilization benefits China and its neighbors: Indian scholar. ecns.cn Salikyu Sangtam, professor of the Department of Political Science at Tetso College in Dimapur, India, said in an interview with China News Network that China proposes to develop new quality productive forces, inheriting the "Tianxia" concept of Chinese civilization."ÄÄ…

Victoria Fielding (2024-04-02). Australian journalists need to stop legitimising Murdoch and Trump. independentaustralia.net

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Julian Assange tormented by the British High Court. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Cities need people-oriented development, not developer handouts. greenleft.org.au

EDWIN (2024-04-02). Police arrest more suspects in UFH murder case. sanews.gov.za Police arrest more suspects in UFH murder case | The South African Police Service (SAPS) National Task Team, which is assigned with the responsibility of investigating and arresting those responsible for the murder and attempted murder cases at the University of Fort Hare (UFH), has effected 15 more arrests. | This brings the number of those arrested in this case to 25 suspects. | The suspects were arrested in various provinces over the Easter weekend, including in Gauteng, the Eastern and the Western Cape, as well as KwaZulu-Natal. | The 15 suspects face a string of charges ranging from fraud, corruption, kidnap…

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Australasian Muslim Times applauds growing support for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Gabisile (2024-04-02). Phaahla visits Limpopo following crash that claimed 45 lives. sanews.gov.za Phaahla visits Limpopo following crash that claimed 45 lives | Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, is scheduled to visit Limpopo to oversee the progress of the efforts to identify human remains and repatriate the victims of the Botswana bus crash that happened over the Easter weekend. | This after the bus that was travelling from Molepolole in Botswana to Moria in Limpopo, to celebrate Easter, plunged off the bridge along the Mmamatlakala Pass on Thursday last week. | The tragic crash claimed 45 Easter pilgrims, with an eight-year-old being the sole survivor. | According to a statement, the Minister will also in…

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Julian Assange must be freed. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Forest fire claims three lives in Guizhou. ecns.cn Three people died while battling a forest fire that broke out at around 3: 30 p.m. on Monday in Maxiang Village of Changshun County, southwest China's Guizhou Province, according to local authorities.

Staff (2024-04-02). Shell dragged to court again over its "dire" exacerbation of the climate crisis. thecanary.co Shell squared off against seven environmental groups in a Dutch appeals court on Tuesday 2 April, with climate activists accusing the multinational oil giant of failing to implement a landmark 2021 judgement — worsening the climate crisis. Shell: 'one of the largest polluters in the world' Judges at the Hague District Court ruled three years …

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). China intensifies efforts for cease-fire. ecns.cn China has intensified its calls for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza as the government's special envoy on the Middle East issue Zhai Jun met with his European Union counterpart Sven Koopmans on Saturday in Beijing amid rising tensions.

Anand Naidoo (2024-04-02). The Heat: U.S. Politics. america.cgtn.com With seven months to the presidential elections, U.S. President Joe Biden and former U.S. President Donald Trump already have enough delegates to win their parties' nomination ahead of the summer conventions. What are the key issues voters care about? | Joining the discussion: |

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). Australian Greens MPs, unionists sign on to demand Russian anti-war activist Boris Kagarlitsky's freedom. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-04-02). David McBride: ABC Four Corners program a 'hit job'. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-04-02). Shanghai plans to reduce packaging waste. ecns.cn Shanghai will guide the e-commerce, express delivery and online food industries to develop plans for recycling packaging, according to a regulation passed by the city's legislative body on Wednesday.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-04-02). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Organizaciones de DD.HH. han realizado varios llamados a un alto al fuego inmediato ante la grave situación que se vive en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-02). Suman 32.845 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net La madrugada de este lunes, el Ejército israelí confirmó su retirada del hospital de Al Shifa, en ciudad de Gaza, que ha quedado fuera de servicio tras la destrucción causada por las tropas sionistas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-04-02). Israel destruye e incendia hospital Al-Shifa tras dos semanas de asedio. telesurtv.net El director del Shifa, Marwan Abu Saada, afirmó que "la destrucción del complejo hace que sea imposible retomar el trabajo y el hospital ha quedado fuera de servicio".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-02). Colombia intervendrá en la CIJ contra Israel. telesurtv.net Colombia insiste en que la comunidad internacional no puede permanecer impávida cuando un país emplea el hambre como método de guerra.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-02). Controlan incendio forestal de San Onofre en Colombia. telesurtv.net Ungrd informó que el incendio forestal dañó alrededor de 1.200 hectáreas en San Onofre.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-02). China expone que Filipinas incumple compromiso sobre mar Meridional. telesurtv.net La flota naval china, compuesta por los buques de guerra Xueshan y Lushan del Comando del Teatro Meridional del Ejército Popular de Liberación de China, realizó entrenamientos en el mar Meridional.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-02). Honduras: Incendios afectan 63.433 hectáreas en lo que va de 2024. telesurtv.net El ICF refirió que debido a los incendios, desde inicios de enero hasta marzo, se registraron 1.014 incendios, de ellos el 65,3 por ciento en marzo.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-02). Venezuela denuncia retórica guerrerista de Guyana. telesurtv.net Vladimir Padrino López mostró un video en el que el presidente de Guyana Irfaan Alí, en una reciente entrevista concedida a la BBC, habría asomado la "posibilidad de conformación de una coalición internacional.

teleSUR, JCM, YSM (2024-04-02). Fiscal general de Venezuela denuncia una nueva acción para desestabilizar al país. telesurtv.net El fiscal general Tarek William Saab informó que se investigará a Orlando Avendaño por instigación al odio, para ello se designó a la Fiscalía 19 Nacional.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-02). Rusia condena ataque de las fuerzas sionistas en Damasco, Siria. telesurtv.net María Zajárova alega la necesidad "de que todos los miembros responsables de la comunidad internacional den una posición claramente definida".

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-04-02). Finaliza sin éxito rescate de 13 mineros rusos atrapados. telesurtv.net El operador de la mina señaló que las "perforaciones" realizadas han demostrado que las zonas donde podrían encontrarse los mineros, a más de 120 metros bajo tierra, han quedado sepultadas por rocas, e inundadas.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-02). Congresistas vuelven a presentar moción de vacancia en Perú. telesurtv.net "Desde el 7 de diciembre del 2022, fecha en que usurpa el cargo de la Presidencia de la República, Perú Libre no reconoce a Boluarte como presidenta legítima ni legal", refirió el partido.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-02). Corte paquistaní suspende prisión para exprimer ministro. telesurtv.net Imran Khan y su esposa también estuvieron encantados durante siete años cuando un tribunal dictaminó el 3 de febrero que su matrimonio de 2018 violaba la ley islámica.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-02). Dimite Víctor Torres Falcón, ministro del Interior de Perú. telesurtv.net El exfuncionario peruano declaró que tiene un problema de salud.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-04-02). Gobierno mexicano repatria a 34 connacionales desde Haití. telesurtv.net En su habitual intercambio con la prensa, el presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrado calificó este hecho como "una información buena".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-02). Presidente de China sostiene encuentro con su homólogo de Indonesia. telesurtv.net China considera sus relaciones con Indonesia desde una perspectiva estratégica y de largo plazo.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-04-02). Parlamento de Israel prohíbe transmisión de canal Al Jazeera. telesurtv.net El órgano aprobó una ley con la cual se podrá cerrar la señal de un canal y cuya "decisión se tomará sujeta a una opinión profesional de los funcionarios de seguridad".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-02). Masacres en costa ecuatoriana se saldan con 11 muertos. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía abrió una investigación por el asesinato de esas nueve personas, ocurrido este sábado en el Guasmo Sur, en medio de la ofensiva gubernamental contra las pandillas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-04-02). Decimonoveno Gobierno palestino presta juramento. telesurtv.net Este tiene entre sus prioridades detener la agresión israelí contra el territorio, aumentar el volumen de ayuda humanitaria para la zona afectada y mejorar las condiciones económicas y financieras.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-02). China y Francia acuerdan construir relación de mayor estabilidad. telesurtv.net La visita del canciller Stéphane Séjourné se enmarca en el 60º aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Francia y China.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-04-02). Presidente venezolano denuncia planes de conspiración financiados desde Miami, EE.UU. telesurtv.net "En el año 2023 desarticulamos cinco y este año (…) fueron desarticuladas cuatro conspiraciones", reveló el jefe de Estado venezolano.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-02). Canciller de Cuba condena ataque de Israel en Siria. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas sionistas de Israel atacaron con misiles este lunes un barrio en la capital siria las instalaciones de la embajada de Irán.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-02). Consulado de Irán en Damasco queda destruido tras ataque israelí. telesurtv.net Como consecuencia del ataque, al menos seis personas fueron asesinadas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-04-02). Venezuela condena ataque de Israel a embajada de Irán en Siria. telesurtv.net El Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica (CGRI), la unidad de élite de las Fuerzas Armadas de Irán, ha confirmado la muerte de dos de sus generales en el ataque aéreo.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-02). Canciller de Venezuela se reúne con Cuerpo Diplomático. telesurtv.net En el encuentro se repasaron los avances del proceso electoral venezolano hasta el día de las elecciones.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-02). Venezuela rechaza declaraciones del presidente de Argentina. telesurtv.net "Las macabras expectativas del neonazi se volverán a hundir", aseguró el canciller venezolano, en referencia a las pretensiones de Javier Milei.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-02). Brasil se consagra ganador de la Conmebol Sub17 Femenina 2024. telesurtv.net El encuentro se desarrolló en el Centro de Alto Rendimiento del Fútbol Femenino (Carfem), ubicado en la ciudad de Ypané, en Paraguay.

Staff (2024-04-02). Active-Duty U.S. Airman, Inspired by Aaron Bushnell, on Hunger Strike Outside White House over Gaza. democracynow.org Democracy Now! speaks with an active-duty soldier in the U.S. Air Force on hunger strike to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Senior Airman Larry Hebert is on day three of his hunger strike outside the White House, where he has been holding a sign that reads "Active Duty Airman Refuses to Eat While Gaza Starves." "It's just completely wrong and immoral for civilians to be starved and bombed and targeted in any manner," says Hebert. "I'm hoping that other active-duty members will be more public with their concern over the atrocities happening in Gaza." Hebert wa…

newarab (2024-04-02). In Gaza, our Ramadan has turned from feast to famine. newarab.com I eagerly await Each

newarab (2024-04-02). Thousands of Israelis protest Netanyahu as talks stall. newarab.com Tens of thousands of Israelis protested Protesters on Sunday said that their demonstration was the largest ever against Netanyahu since Israel's war on Gaza broke out. | They blocked one of the main highways in Jerusalem, while police used water cannons agains…

newarab (2024-04-02). Why criticism of Israel is so rare in Azerbaijan. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Israel proposes dismantling UNRWA, replacing with new body. newarab.com Israel has proposed dismantling the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees, Citing UN sources, the proposal was made last week by Israeli army chief Herzi Halevi to UN officials in Israel, who in turn passed it onto United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres. | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he wanted to see the agency dismantled and replaced with…

newarab (2024-04-02). Iran vows to punish Israel for deadly strike on embassy annex. newarab.com Iran warned arch foe Israel on Tuesday that it will punish an air strike that killed seven Four other people were also reported killed in Monday's strike which levelled the five-storey building adjacent to the Iranian embassy and further stoked tensions already running high as the Gaza war nears the end of its sixth month. | Israel declined to comment on the strike, which fuelled Middle East tensions already enflamed by the war in Gaza b…

newarab (2024-04-02). Netanyahu vows to enact Al Jazeera broadcast ban. newarab.com The potential ban escalates the running conflict between Israel's government and the

newarab (2024-04-02). Several aid workers killed in Israeli strike in Gaza: NGO. newarab.com Several people working for US-based charity World Central Kitchen were killed Monday in an World Central Kitchen "lost several of our sisters and brothers in an IDF air strike in Earlier, the health ministr…

newarab (2024-04-02). Israel claims 170 dunams as 'state land' in West Bank. newarab.com Extremist government minister The area affected, equivalent to 0.17 squ…

newarab (2024-04-02). Israel 'to take into account' US concerns over Rafah assault. newarab.com Israel will take "into account" US concerns over its planned offensive in the crowded city of Tensions have risen between Israel and its chief backer the United States over the heavy civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip, and especially over Israeli plans to send ground forces into the southern city. | But the two…

newarab (2024-04-02). US, Israel to hold virtual meeting to discuss Rafah invasion. newarab.com The US and Israel will hold a virtual meeting on Monday to discuss a possible Citing four American and Israeli officials, Axios said the meeting will discuss alternative proposals by President Joe Biden's administration to the potential invasion of Rafah, adding that the meeting was supposed to be held last week. | Rafah, at the southernmost end of the besieged Gaza Strip, is the last major urban centre in the enclave y…

newarab (2024-04-02). Arab states condemn Israel strike on Iran consulate in Syria. newarab.com Arab states have condemned a deadly strike, blamed on Israel, on The attack — suspected to have been carried out by Is…

newarab (2024-04-02). Italy plays key role in equipping Israeli navy. newarab.com [This piece is part of a yet-to-be launched investigative section called "For the Record". The New Arab believes that public interest comes first and that publishing research findings, even if not conclusive, can inform future investigative efforts]. | [This article is the third part of The Israeli Navy has been actively involved in attacks against Gaza. Since October 9, Israeli naval vessels have supported…

newarab (2024-04-02). Sullivan to visit Saudi Arabia for talks on Israel deal. newarab.com White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan plans to travel to Saudi Arabia this week for talks with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman amid a U.S. push for progress toward Talks on normalisation had been put on ice in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attack by Palestinian Hamas fighters in southern Israel and Israel's subsequent assault on Gaza, but conversations have resumed in recent months. | Riyadh has said it will only accept a deal with…

newarab (2024-04-02). Civilians under fire in Gaza as Israel creates 'kill zones'. newarab.com Anyone entering "kill zones" established by the The Israeli army has "broad latitude to designate areas with loose rules of engagement where soldiers This prac…

newarab (2024-04-02). 'Grave concern' as Israel looks to ban Al Jazeera over Gaza. newarab.com Press organisations and media workers are "alarmed" by Israel's bid to The Knesset on Monday overwhelmingly backed a bill to close foreign media networks accused of harming the "state's security" with authorities allowed to confiscate equipment. | Following the vote, Netanyahu pledged to ban Al Jazeera, who he accused of "actively" taking part in Hamas's 7…

newarab (2024-04-02). Horrific scenes follow Israeli army withdrawal from Al-Shifa. newarab.com On Monday, the Avichai Adraee, a spokesperson for the Israeli army, declared that the Israeli forces had "completed the operation" in the Al-Shifa complex and left the hospital area after a siege that lasted about two weeks. | The health mini…

newarab (2024-04-02). 11 killed, including Iran Guards, in Israeli strike in Syria. newarab.com Britain-based war monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 11 people, including several Guards members, were killed when "Israeli missiles destroyed the building of an annex to the Iranian…

newarab (2024-04-02). Biden considering $18 bn Israel arms aid amid Gaza backlash. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). What is World Central Kitchen targeted by Israel in Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Global condemnation after Israeli strike on Gaza aid workers. newarab.com The United States and Britain led international criticism Tuesday of a deadly strike in the Gaza Strip that killed seven charity staff as they unloaded desperately needed aid brought by sea to the war-torn territory. | World Central Kitchen – one of two NGOs spearheading efforts to deliver aid by boat – said a "targeted Israeli strike" on Monday killed Australian, British, Palestinian, Polish and US-Canadian staff. | Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed the strike was "unintentional". The Israeli army has vowed to hold an investigation and promised to "share our findings transparently". | The cha…

newarab (2024-04-02). Gaza's Al-Shifa 'mass graveyard' as Israel troops exit. newarab.com Hundreds of people, including some who had been sheltering in the

newarab (2024-04-02). Palestinian doctors' bodies found in Al-Shifa Hospital ruins. newarab.com The bodies of a prominent Israeli forces engaged in On Monday and Tuesday, Palestinians began to excavate some of the dead found in the hospital grou…

newarab (2024-04-02). Ships of undelivered aid to turn back after Israeli strike. newarab.com Cyprus announced on Tuesday that ships carrying around 240 tonnes of undelivered aid for Gaza will be turning back following Israel's attack which killed seven aid workers. | According to reports, three aid ships from Cyprus had arrived on Monday carrying hundreds of tonnes of food and supplies organized by the World Central Kitchen and the United Arab Emirates. | Around 100 tonnes of the aid was unloaded before the charities suspended operations. | Cyprus' Cypriot foreign ministry spokesperson Theodoros Gotsis said that the remaining 240 tonnes will be sent back to Cyprus.

newarab (2024-04-02). UK MPs call on govt to resume UNRWA funding 'without delay'. newarab.com British parliamentarians are calling on the government to immediately resume funding of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, In a letter sent to Foreign Minister David Cameron, MPs and members of the House of Lords questioned why the UK decided to cut off financial aid to UNRWA, an…

newarab (2024-04-02). US House Rep Tim Walberg calls for Gaza to be nuked. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Spain to recognise Palestinian statehood by July, PM says. newarab.com Spain will State news agency EFE and newspapers El Pais and La Vanguardia cited Sanchez as making the informal remarks to the travelling press corps late on Monday in the Jordanian capital,

newarab (2024-04-02). Domestic and foreign threats on the rise for Syria's Kurds. newarab.com Born out of existential necessity during the fight against the Islamic State (IS) and the long-held Domestically, tensions are on the rise. Last year Kurdish forces clashed violently with

newarab (2024-04-02). New Palestinian government sworn in, gets wary greeting. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Fire tears through Istanbul apartment block, killing 29. newarab.com A fire that raged from the basement of a 16-storey block in central Istanbul left at least 29 people dead Tuesday, with flames and thick smoke billowing for hours despite a massive emergency response. | By late afternoon around 20 fire trucks and ambulances were still crowded around the building, where builders had been working on a nightclub in the basement. | A police cordon kept onlookers and traffic 100 metres (yards) away from the scorched facade, while an AFP reporter saw three exhausted firefighters sat on the ground with smoke-blackened faces and equipment. | The fire began at 12: 47 (0947 GMT), the cit…

newarab (2024-04-02). Blinken urges Palestinian reforms in call with Abbas. newarab.com Blinken told Abbas that the United States "looks forward to working with the new PA cabinet to promote peace, security and prosperity and urged the implementation of necessary reforms," State Dep…

newarab (2024-04-02). WHO reports sharp rise in newborn deaths in Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). MENA Sports Wrap: Arab hopefuls battle for World Cup places. newarab.com Arab teams are competing for a place in the Meanwhile legend World Cup 2026 qualifier stage ho…

newarab (2024-04-02). Hamas-led authorities accuse PA of trying to infiltrate Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Morocco's feminists face death threats amid code reform. newarab.com In Morocco, women's rights activists are facing death and rape threats as the country moves to overhaul an archaic family code. | On 28 March, an Instagram account with the handle "hydra21" shared a death list of twenty-two Moroccan women's rights and LGBTQ+ activists, threatening imminent assassinations. | The list included renowned artist and activist Zainab Fassiki and members of famous local feminist NGOs such as Moroccan Outlaws, Politics4her, and Kif Mama Kif Baba. | The Instagram account, which uses a fake name, has privately messaged several targeted activists, threatening their families and workplaces…

newarab (2024-04-02). Cyprus concerned over spike in Syrian irregular migration from Lebanon. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Iran arrests two Islamic State members: media. newarab.com Iran arrested two alleged "In recent days, thanks to the efforts of the intelligence agents in the military and security forces, two terrorists belonging to the takfiri group Islamic State in Khorasan (IS-K) were arrested," Mehr News Agency said. | In Shia-dominated Iran, the term takfiri generally refers to jihadists or proponents of radical Sunni Islam. | The agency didn't specify the nationality of the two men but published their photos,…

newarab (2024-04-02). Palestine Authority seeking April vote on full UN membership. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Iran persecution of Baha'is 'crime against humanity': HRW. newarab.com The New York-based group said that the Baha'is,

newarab (2024-04-02). Rockets strike home of PM's nephew in Libya capital Tripoli. newarab.com An attack targeted the home and office of the Citing an anonymous security source, the channel…

newarab (2024-04-02). Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack, sources say. newarab.com In the deadliest attack inside Russia in 20 years, gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons at concertgoers on 22 March at the Crocus City…

newarab (2024-04-02). Moscow attack: Has the Islamic State really made a comeback. newarab.com The At the peak of the group's power, the

newarab (2024-04-02). Meet the Egyptian twins leading the Arab cartoon renaissance. newarab.com Fuelled by the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, the recipients of the Mahmoud Khalil Award have since launched the Garage Comics Magazine…

newarab (2024-04-02). Jordan makes arrests amid growing Gaza protests. newarab.com The Jordan's Public Security Directorate (PSD) announced that security forces arrested "a number of rioters" in a Palestinian refugee camp just outsid…

newarab (2024-04-02). How Turkey's opposition stunned Erdogan in local elections. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Sisi swears in as Egypt's president for another six years. newarab.com Senior state officials, including Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, General Intelligence Agency Director Abbas Kamel, and Speaker of the Senate (the upper house of th…

newarab (2024-04-02). Gaza Eid truce talks resume after standstill. newarab.com

newarab (2024-04-02). Why more non-Muslims are embracing Ramadan for Palestine. newarab.com Ramadan is the spiritual leveller. For Muslims, there's no other time like it; But not everyone is fasting for this reason. | These are non-Muslims who have committed to participating in Ramadan, not necessarily to know Allah better, but to exercise discipline, commi…

newarab (2024-04-02). Richard Dawkins says Islam is not a 'decent religion'. newarab.com Atheist and biologist Dawkins, the author of the book The God Delusion, told British radio station LBC that as a "cultural Christian" that he was "slightly horrified to hear that

newarab (2024-04-02). Nine children killed by landmine blast in Afghanistan. newarab.com Nine children were killed in a blast in southeastern The mine went off as a group of young boys and girls were playing with it in the Geru district of "An unexploded mine left over f…

newarab (2024-04-02). US ambassador to Iraq urges KDP join Kurdistan's June vote. newarab.com The United States Ambassador to Iraq, Alina L. Romanowski, is spearheading a diplomatic endeavour to encourage the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to engage in the Kurdistan region's forthcoming elections slated for June 10, as Iraq's Electoral Commission assures the timely conduct of the vote. | On March 19, the political bureau of the KDP reiterated its firm opposition to participating in the electoral process, labelling it as fundamentally flawed. This stance was prompted by the ruling of Iraq's Supreme Federal Court on February 23, which deemed the Kurdistan region parliament's minority quota seats…

Larry Johnson (2024-04-02). Israel Itching to Ignite World War III. sonar21.com There is no other way to look at it. Israel bombed a diplomatic building protected under international law when it destroyed Iran's Consulate in Damascus, Syria today. There is no justification for this. I don't care if Iran was harboring Adolf Hitler inside the Consulate, this is an egregious crossing of a redline. The United States correctly condemned the fledgling Iranian regimen when "students" stormed the U.S. Embassy in the fall of 1979 and took hostages. Yet, when Israel destroys a diplomatic facility protected by the Geneva Convention, the United States plays dumb. At this point, Iran would be fully…

Mohammed al-Hajjar (2024-04-01). War on Gaza: Israeli troops withdraw from al-Shifa hospital, leaving piles of dead bodies. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Israeli troops withdraw from al-Shifa hospital, leaving piles of dead bodies | Two week siege of Gaza's largest medical complex ends in destruction of all buildings and hundreds of deaths | | Palestinians gather to identify loved ones and survey the damage aft…

Oscar Rickett (2024-04-01). War on Gaza: The Palestinian doctors found dead in the ruins of al-Shifa hospital. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: The Palestinian doctors found dead in the ruins of al-Shifa hospital | Ahmad al-Maqadmeh and his mother Yusra, both working at al-Shifa, were found executed at the nearby Carrefour Mall roundabout | | Ahmad Maqadmeh, a plastic surgeon in his early thirties, was killed outsid…

MEE staff (2024-04-01). Iran says Israel behind deadly strikes on its consulate in Damascus. middleeasteye.net Iran says Israel behind deadly strikes on its consulate in Damascus | Iran blames Israel for the unprecedented strike against its consulate building in Syria and has vowed to respond | | Emergency and security personnel search the rubble at the site of strikes which hit a building annexed to the Ira…

MEE correspondent (2024-04-01). War on Gaza: Palestinians dig through rubble with their bare hands to find loved ones. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Palestinians dig through rubble with their bare hands to find loved ones | Hours after Israeli forces ended their siege on al-Shifa hospital, Palestinians are facing the difficult task of trying to locate survivors buried under rubble without search and rescue teams |

MEE staff (2024-04-01). Iftars hosting US and UK politicians stir outrage in Muslim communities amid Gaza war. middleeasteye.net Iftars hosting US and UK politicians stir outrage in Muslim communities amid Gaza war | Muslim activists say the iftars are 'photo ops' amid western support for Israel's war on Gaza | | New York City mayor Eric Adams speaks at an iftar in Brooklyn, New York, on 29 March 2024 (X/Mayor Eric Adams) | A…

Fayha Shalash (2024-04-01). Palestinian prisoners living 'never-ending nightmare' in Israeli detention this Ramadan. middleeasteye.net Palestinian prisoners living 'never-ending nightmare' in Israeli detention this Ramadan | Israel has arrested almost 8,000 Palestinians since 7 October. Those detained, often without charge, describe regular beatings and a solitary daily meal designed simply to keep them alive | | Relati…

Ragip Soylu (2024-04-01). Turkey local elections: Seven things we learnt from Erdogan's defeat. middleeasteye.net Turkey local elections: Seven things we learnt from Erdogan's defeat | Economic and political indicators show that the electorate wanted to vote for change. But this is good news for Turkish democracy | | Turkish President and leader of Justice and Development (AK) Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan d…

MEE staff (2024-04-01). George Washington University and programme director sued over UAE 'smear campaign'. middleeasteye.net George Washington University and programme director sued over UAE 'smear campaign' | Farid Hafez, an Austrian political scientist, alleges GWU academic falsely claimed he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood | | President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan addresses a g…

Ragip Soylu (2024-04-01). 'A tsunami': Why Erdogan lost Turkey's local elections. middleeasteye.net 'A tsunami': Why Erdogan lost Turkey's local elections | AKP supporters wanted to 'punish' the government for economic and political failures, say analysts | | Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan greets his supporters as he leaves a polling station during the local elections in Istanbul, Turkey 3…

US Agency for International Development (2024-04-01). Armenia Assistance Overview, April 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan | Source: US Agency for International Development | Please refer to the attached file. | CONTEXT | On September 19, 2023, the Government of Azerbaijan (GoAz) launched military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed region in Azerbaijan with a predominantly ethnic Armenian population at the time. This resulted in the deaths of at least 200 people, injury to at least 400 others, and the mass displacement of ethnic Armenians from the region to Armenia, according to ACAPS and the then-de facto authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh. Separately, an explosion at a fuel depot near Nagor…

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