2024-03-07: News Headlines

scheerpost.com (2024-03-07). There Are 1 Million Cases of Infectious Disease in Gaza, Health Ministry Says There is currently about one infectious disease for every two people in Gaza, according to data released by the Gaza Health Ministry, as experts warn that the avoidance of a large epidemic so far has been "lucky." | | In a statement on Monday, Gaza health officials said that they have detected 1 million cases of infectious diseases in Gaza, a situation that the ministry called "extremely catastrophic." | | Because of Israel's six month-long blockade of food, water, electricity, medicine and other basic hygienic needs, cases of infectious diseases like diarrhea, chickenpox, and respiratory, staph and urinary tract infections have been fiercely spreading across the region for months.

johnmenadue.com (2024-03-07). South Africa requests ICJ emergency orders to halt "unspeakable" Gazan genocide Israel is now massacring desperate, starving Palestinians seeking to obtain food for their slowly-dying children." The situation in Gaza is now so terrifying as to be unspeakable, writes South Africa in an urgent request for the International Court of Justice to issue additional provisional measures to stop Israel's genocide.

citizen.co.za (2024-03-07). SA files 'urgent request' for additional measures in genocide case against Israel As Israel continues its bombing of Gaza, South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to enforce additional emergency measures against Israel, accusing it of violating existing measures, the United Nations' top court announced on Wednesday. | | In its application, South Africa warned that Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation, a crisis that has claimed the lives of at least 15 children in the past week alone, with the actual numbers believed to be much higher.

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  • yenisafak.com (2024-03-07). More than 60,000 olive trees burnt in Israeli attacks: Lebanon Lebanon accused Israel on Wednesday of burning more than 60,000 olive trees in airstrikes in southern Lebanon since last October. "Southern Lebanon is bombarded daily by Israel with internationally banned white phosphorus bombs," Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan told a meeting at the UN headquarters in the capital Beirut.
  • reformer.com (2024-03-07). Living with the Long Emergency: The Flour MassacreThe unconscionable crime in Gaza City last Thursday, known by Palestinians as "The Flour Massacre," occurred when Israeli soldiers fired on a crowd of starving Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy, killing at least 112 people, and wounding more than 700 others. In miniature, this was an unadorned, unambiguous example of Israel's racist genocide.
  • cadtm.org (2024-03-07). Trying to understand the genocidal drift of Israeli society! The methodical extermination of the Palestinian people, which the Israeli army has been successfully carrying out for the past four months, does not fall from the sky, and would not be possible without the active and even enthusiastic approval of Israeli society.
  • lemonde.fr (2024-03-07). All 12 universities in Gaza have been the target of Israeli attacks: 'It's a war against education' The higher education establishments in the Palestinian enclave have endured damage or complete destruction by Israeli forces. Three presidents and nearly a hundred deans and professors have so far been killed in the bombardments.
  • newint.org (2024-03-06). THE BETRAYAL …There has been a stark disconnect between the popular Arab support for Palestinian liberation and the action or inaction of Arab regimes. It has not gone unnoticed by Palestinians who have long expressed their rage at what is called khiyanah – betrayal or treachery in Arabic – of their struggle.
  • aljazeera.com (2024-03-06). Why are people blaming Yemen's Houthis for cutting the Red Sea cables? Questions swirled after four cables were cut; some observers say it may be the Houthis, others say it was an accident.
  • aljazeera.com (2024-03-06). 'Birthright' in a time of genocide In January, the Birthright Israel programme resumed operations following a brief suspension of activity. The hiatus was triggered by the October 7 Hamas attack and the ensuing Israeli-perpetrated genocide in the Gaza Strip, which has thus far killed well over 30,000 Palestinians.

lbc.co.uk (2024-03-07). Houthis kill three cargo ship crew members with missile strike, the first casualties of attacks on merchant vessels The deaths mark the first casualties taken by the Yemeni rebels in their missile strikes on merchant vessels, part of their ongoing conflict with the US and UK in the Red Sea.
  At least four crew members were wounded in the attack on the Barbados-flagged bulk carrier True Confidence, alongside the three people killed.
  The rest of the crew fled in lifeboats. The damage to the ship itself remains unclear.

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2024-03-07). The Minds Of Desperate Men. popularresistance.org With these words, William Shakespeare, the immortal bard, captures the psychology of men who, believing they are confronted with a situation for which there is no hope of resolving, undertake actions that will inevitably lead to their death. | Although set in 14th century Mantua, Italy, Shakespeare's tragedy could easily have been transported in time to present day France, where French President Emmanuel Macron, in the role of a modern Romeo, after learning of the demise of his true love, Ukraine, decides to commit suicide by encouraging the dispatch of NATO troops to Ukraine to confront Russia militarily.

ttnews.com (2024-03-07). Anchor From Houthi-Sunk Ship May Have Severed Red Sea Cables The anchor of a cargo ship that was attacked by Houthi militants was the most likely cause of damage to three telecommunications cables in the Red Sea in late February, according to a subsea cable trade group that includes companies operating in the region.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-03-07). Tel Aviv On Edge Over Talk Of Mass Troop Resignations. popularresistance.org The Israeli army is worried about the rise of members in its ranks voluntarily leaving the forces just as reports have surfaced that the military is in need of an increase in support, Israel Hayom reported on 5 March. | Higher-ups within the Israeli army have raised alarms over talks between the younger soldiers and more veteran career officers who have voiced desires to leave the forces as soon as the operation situation allows it. | Career officers have even expressed envy toward the reservist forces.

Lyn Bender (2024-03-07). Israeli propaganda bordering on absurdity. independentaustralia.net

wsws.org (2024-03-07). White House attempted to hide arms shipments for Israeli genocide On Wednesday, the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal reported that the Biden administration has worked to hide weapons transfers for use in Gaza by splitting them up into over 100 separate transactions falling below a minimum threshold for reporting to Congress.

Wyatt Reed (2024-03-07). Western media concocts 'evidence' UN report on Oct 7 sex crimes failed to deliver. thegrayzone.com Western media promoted a UN report as proof Hamas sexually assaulted Israelis. Yet the report's authors admitted they couldn't locate a single victim, suggested Israeli officials staged a rape scene, and denounced "inaccurate forensic interpretations." On March 4, the United Nations released a report into sexual violence which has supposedly taken place amid the Israeli war on Gaza. The report was immediately celebrated in mainstream media outlets as proof of what scores of Israel lobbyists and journalists under their sway …

Max Blumenthal (2024-03-07). Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with 'Hamas rape' claims. thegrayzone.com The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military's rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened …

Dave DeCamp (2024-03-07). US Says Three Crewmembers Killed in Houthi Attack on Commercial Ship. news.antiwar.com The US military said Wednesday that a Houthi attack on a cargo ship killed three crewmembers and wounded four, marking the first casualties in the Houthi operations against commercial shipping that were launched in response to the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. US Central Command said a Houthi ballistic missile hit the M/V True …

haberler (2024-03-07). US State Department Says Israeli Ministers Blocking Gaza Aid Deliveries. indybay.org "Some of the obstacles that we have seen from the Israeli political establishment, you have seen ministers in the Israeli government block the release of flour from the port at Ashdod. You have seen ministers of the Israeli government supporting protests that blocked aid from going in to Karem Shalom," spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters, referring to a key border crossing between Israel and Gaza.

A Guest Author (2024-03-07). Palestinian factions call for global Ramadan Flood campaign. workers.org Palestinian fighters The following statement was issued March 3, 2024, on Resistance News Network by the Palestinian factions. It regards the Ramadan Flood campaign and the global movement to confront the Zionist occupation's plans and the genocidal war targeting the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian cause and the Gaza Strip are . . . |

Editor (2024-03-07). Ralph Nader: Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza. scheerpost.com By Ralph Nader / Nader.org Since the Hamas raid penetrated the multi-tiered Israeli border security on October 7, 2023 (an unexplained collapse of Israel's defensive capabilities), 2.3 million utterly defenseless Palestinians in the tiny crowded Gaza enclave have been on the receiving end of over 65,000 bombs/missiles plus non-stop tank shelling and snipers. The extreme …

honisoit.com (2024-03-07). South Africa files another request to the ICJ, seeks additional measures and modification to existing order On March 6, South Africa filed this urgent request for increased provisional measures as well as modifications to the order of January 26, and February 16 decision which rejected South Africa's previous request for additional measures concerning the large-scale attacks on Rafah.

Jacques Baud, Scheer Post. (2024-03-07). Former NATO Analyst Jacques Baud On Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. popularresistance.org This doctrine was developed by Daniel Bethlehem, legal advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu and then to British Prime Minister Tony Blair. It postulates that states are entitled to preventive self-defense against an "imminent" attack. The difficulty here is to determine the "imminent" nature of an attack, which implies that the terrorist action is close in time and that there is a body of evidence to confirm it. | In February 2013, NBC News released a Department of Justice "White Paper" defining "imminent: " | The imminent threat of a violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have pro…

Editor (2024-03-07). Over 30,000 Palestinians Have Been Killed. Biden Says Critics Should, "Give This Just a Little Bit of Time" scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Israel Didn't Even Try to Defend the Legality of Its Occupation to World Court. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Michael Brenner: The West's Reckoning? scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Glenn Greenwald: SCOTUS Rejects Colorado's Trump Ballot Ban. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Why Dennis Kucinich Left RFK Jr.'s Campaign & is Running Independent for Congress. scheerpost.com By Briahna Joy Gray / Bad Faith Former Ohio Representative and youngest mayor of a major American city (Cleveland) Dennis Kucinich joins Bad Faith to talk about his campaign to return to the House representing Cleveland's 7th district, and his tenure as campaign manager for the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign. Brie asks whether RFK …

Editor (2024-03-07). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Patrick Lawrence: The Russians in Ukraine. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-03-07). Patrick Lawrence: The CIA in Ukraine — The NY Times Gets a Guided Tour. scheerpost.com

DikelediM (2024-03-07). SA requests ICJ to act to prevent famine in Gaza. sanews.gov.za SA requests ICJ to act to prevent famine in Gaza | South Africa has urgently asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to enforce additional emergency measures against Israel to prevent a famine in the Gaza strip. | A statement released by the Presidency on Wednesday detailed that South Africa approached the ICJ with an urgent application for the provisional measures the court ordered on 26 January 2024 to be strengthened. | According to the Presidency, the urgent application has been necessitated by widespread starvation in Gaza, which has claimed the lives of at least 15 children in the past week alone, wi…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-07). SA Requests ICJ to Act to Prevent Famine and Genocide in Gaza. libya360.wordpress.com SOUTH AFRICA REQUESTS INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE TO URGENTLY ACT TO PREVENT FAMINE IN GAZA GENOCIDE Wednesday, 6 March 2024 South Africa has today (Wednesday, 6 March 2024) approached the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with an urgent application for the provisional measures the court ordered on 26 January 2024 to be strengthened to prevent…

MEE staff (2024-03-07). War on Gaza: Israel air drops Ramadan leaflets on Gaza amid widespread starvation. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Israel air drops Ramadan leaflets on Gaza amid widespread starvation | Move is denounced as a form of 'psychological torture' as several aid agencies have declared Gaza as being on the brink of famine | | The leaflets call on citizens to 'feed the needy and speak kindly' (Screengrab/X)…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-03-07). Aiding Those We Kill: US Humanitarianism in Gaza. dissidentvoice.org The spectacle, if it did not say it all, said much of it. Planes dropping humanitarian aid to a starving, famine-threatened populace of Gaza (the United Nations warns that 576,000 are "one step from famine"), with parachuted packages veering off course, some falling into the sea. Cargo also coming into Israel, with bullets, weaponry and …

ANBAMED (2024-03-07). Starving Gaza. An ARCI report from Rafah. pressenza.com We publish the report sent from the Rafah crossing, on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, by ARCI President Walter Massa, a member of the Italian delegation organized by AOI (1), in collaboration with ARCI (2) and Assopace Palestine and composed of 50 people including parliamentarians, associations, NGOs, academics and journalists. | We returned a little over an hour ago from the Rafah crossing. I didn't think I would hear and see worse things than I have heard in the past few days. But I did. The endless lines of trucks stopped with aid from all over the world; two main parking lots, one with 800 and t…

Chloe Atkinson (2024-03-07). Saving the Innocents. counterpunch.org Civilians around the world are suffering immeasurably. Whether it's Palestinians dying in Gaza, Haitians threatened by gangs, Rohingya Muslims facing death in Myanmar, violence in Chad, or Sudanese starving, they are all civilians, and the international community barely seems to be able to do much about it. It's 2024, aren't we civilized enough to be

Jamal Kanj (2024-03-07). Gaza: Genocide by Starving. globalresearch.ca

Phil Pasquini (2024-03-07). Senate Global Food Security Commission Discusses Gaza Starvation. indybay.org The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing March 6 on Global Food Security, a timely topic especially so with millions starving in Gaza…

Isaac Nellist (2024-03-07). Green Left News Podcast Ep 34: Israel starves Gaza, students strike for Palestine & Mardi Gras. greenleft.org.au Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist goes through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

Tamara Nassar (2024-03-07). Will Ramadan tip the West Bank into eruption? electronicintifada.net Children bear brunt of increasing military raids, as Israel announced further settlement expansions.

nosihle (2024-03-07). Road safety initiative for children launched in Gauteng. sanews.gov.za Road safety initiative for children launched in Gauteng | The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has partnered with Santam on an initiative to reduce the high proportion of children who lose their lives in road-related incidents. | Santam Head of Market Development, Neptal Khoza, said they have identified a need to roll out scholar patrol projects in townships where many children walk or commute to school without adult supervision and often need to cross dangerous, multi-lane roads. | The scholar patrol initiative will be set up in at 10 schools in the Sedibeng District Municipality in Gauteng. | Safety p…

mondoweiss.net (2024-03-06). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin – Mondoweiss 30,717+ killed* and at least 72,156 wounded in the Gaza Strip. | 423+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** | Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. | 586 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.

Cav Scott (2024-03-07). A look at the union and university offers as they stand. newschoolfreepress.com With the SENS-UAW strike underway, there remains a wide gap between what the union and the university are offering in their most recent negotiations. At last night's bargaining session which ended around 5 a.m. this morning, new tentative agreements were reached regarding international student worker support and childcare, among other articles. Despite long-awaited agreements on…

albawaba (2024-03-07). 'Pigol from another planet': Israelis mock Palestinian child Yazan Kafarna. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Social media platforms were buzzed by the story of the Palestinian child Yazan Kafarna, who died of hunger in Gaza. However, Israeli accounts are turning his story into "funny content".An Israeli Telegram channel posted a photo of Yazan Kafarna, 9, one of the 18 people who died due to malnutrition and dehydration in Gaza, and mocked him and likened him to an Alien.Israeli Telegram channel posted the photo of Yazan Kafarna and claimed that this is an upcoming movie on Netflix by the American film director "Steven Spiegulberg"."AHMET – Pigol from another planet,"

Ruwaida Amer (2024-03-07). Months without bread . electronicintifada.net Parents can't feed hungry children.

Ellen Cantarow (2024-03-07). I Could Not Save a Single Child in Gaza, Revisited. counterpunch.org This article was originally written in 2009, but has been revised to encompass Israel's 2024 assault on Gaza. But the 2024 devastation of Gaza is almost complete, unlike that caused by Israel's attacks in 2009. The numbers killed and wounded — nearly 30,000 by the third week in February 2024, with over 7000 buried under

albawaba (2024-03-07). Did Cristiano Ronaldo secretly marry Georgina in Morocco. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Through Italian press and Erem News, rumor has it that football star Cristiano Ronaldo has been reportedly married to Georgina since 2019 after their trip to Morocco without announcing a date and details of the ceremony. The couple currently reside in Saudi Arabia because of Cristiano's team Al Nassr FC alongside their five children who aren't all from Georgina. Despite arguably being the most famous football player next to Lionel Messi, his personal life remains a mystery to many, but we know that he's very proud of his son Cristiano Ronaldo Junior who is aiming to become a professional footballer lik…

albawaba (2024-03-07). First Arab woman to graduate from the NASA training program. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Nora Al Matrooshi, a 30-year-old Emirati astronaut, has finally fulfilled her childhood dream of flying to the Moon by becoming the first Arab woman to graduate from NASA's training program. Like many, Nora's fascination with space began in elementary school, during a lesson about the lunar surface. From that day on, she knew she wanted to explore the stars for real.Nora Al Matrooshi (R) waves during the graduation ceremony for NASA Artemis astronaut candidates at Johnson Space Center. (Photo by Mark Felix / AFP)As a mechanical engineer with experience in the oil industry, Nora was selected by the Unit…

haberler (2024-03-07). UN Food Agency Says Food Deliveries To Northern Gaza Facing 'Further Setbacks'. indybay.org 14 truck convoy turned back by Israeli forces after 3 hour wait at Wadi Gaza checkpoint, says World Food Program. Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

Zack Kaldveer, Fatinah Judeh (2024-03-07). Media malpractice: Blacking out genocide and disenfranchising Palestinian pain. nationofchange.org American media's Israel bias and censoring journalists.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-03-07). At every turn, US politicians are hounded for their support for Israel. peoplesdispatch.org Political figures who refuse to call for an end to Israeli genocide in Gaza are called out by the public, Biden's unpopularity grows in Democratic primaries…

World Beyond War (2024-03-07). We don't need a "Rules-Based Order." We need a U.S. government that obeys laws. pressenza.com The Problem: | The Vetoes: | Since 1972, the U.S. government has been far and away the leading user of the veto in the UN Security Council, often blocking the will of every or nearly every other national government on Earth. It has vetoed U.N. condemnation of South African apartheid, Israel's wars and occupations, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons proliferation and first use and use against non-nuclear nations, U.S. wars in Nicaragua and Grenada and Panama, the U.S. embargo on Cuba, Rwandan genocide, the deployment of weapons in outerspace, and much more. Dozens of times the U.S. ha…

wsws.org (2024-03-06). Hunger and starvation intensifying in Gaza Among the latest reports, Gaza's Health Ministry said 15 children had died of malnutrition in a single hospital in northern Gaza in recent days.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-03-07). Oscar Winners Who Don't Speak Out On Gaza This Weekend Will Be Complicit In Genocide. caitlinjohnstone.com.au If you're given a major platform and your government is committing genocide, you are morally obligated use that platform to condemn your government's actions.

bwitanek (2024-03-07). Palestine: Genocide, Colonialism, & Feminist Liberation, Fri March 8 1pm Register Now for Webinar. fightbackbetter.com teachingpalestine Register at this link: bit.ly/PalestineIWD Please join us on Friday, March 8, at 10am PST/1pm EST/8pm Palestine for "Palestine:…

WSWS (2024-03-07). Video report: Thousands protest across Australia against Gaza genocide. wsws.org "We need to take this system down and create something more fair for humanity."

WSWS (2024-03-07). Venice Biennale rejects appeal by 22,000 artists for Israel's exclusion over Gaza genocide. wsws.org The signatories assert that "platforming art representing a state engaged in ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza is unacceptable. No Genocide Pavilion at the Venice Biennale."

WSWS (2024-03-07). Law firm refers Australian Prime Minister Albanese to International Criminal Court for complicity in Gaza genocide. wsws.org By citing their own statements and actions, the legal brief establishes irrefutably that Labor ministers have facilitated and cheered-on a genocide against the Palestinians in real time.

WSWS (2024-03-07). White House attempted to hide arms shipments for Israeli genocide. wsws.org The Biden administration has worked to conceal weapons transfers for use in Gaza by dividing them into more than 100 separate transactions that fall below the minimum threshold for reporting to Congress.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Put the SEP on the ballot! Become an electoral member of the SEP! Take up the fight against genocide, war and inequality! wsws.org This campaign is essential to ensure that the Socialist Equality Party's name appears on the ballot papers for the next federal election, as the only party fighting for the socialist alternative to capitalist barbarism, war, inequality and dictatorship.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Protests in New Zealand denounce government's complicity in genocide in Gaza. wsws.org Protesters denounced the blatant hypocrisy of the New Zealand government's decision to designate Hamas as a terrorist organisation, while supporting Israel's genocidal slaughter in Gaza.

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2024-03-07). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 151: Israel 'Campaigns' To End UNRWA. popularresistance.org Israeli forces shot at Palestinians in north Gaza as they waited for aid trucks to arrive, killing and injuring several people. Such an incident has been repeated a few times since last week when Israel killed more than 100 Palestinians seeking food and water, in what is now known as the "flour massacre." | Al-Jazeera's correspondent, Anas al-Sharif, was with the Palestinian crowd on Monday night, waiting in the dark and running in a destroyed, dusty road behind international aid trucks. However, when vehicles arrived at north Gaza's Kuwaiti roundabout, Palestinians were scattered, running in different directions…

Staff (2024-03-07). Nothing can justify human rights violations in Gaza, West Bank: Cuban President. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has called the Israeli massacre of Palestinians a new horrifying holocaust, saying that nothing can justify the blatant violation of human rights in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Diaz-Canel said in a video message published on his X (formerly Twitter) account that the people of Cuba will …

WSWS (2024-03-07). Jobs massacre in German industry. wsws.org The layoffs are not limited to the automotive industry. The chemical, steel, construction, household appliances and IT sectors are also affected. In retail, in the health sector, where dozens of hospitals are threatened with bankruptcy, and in rail freight, tens of thousands of jobs are also at risk.

Reuters (2024-03-07). With police absent in war-torn Gaza, masked vigilantes patrol streets. scmp.com Masked men take to the streets to ensure public safety and stop profiteers in Gaza's southernmost city of Rafah.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi: Palestine-Israel conflict a tragedy, disgrace. ecns.cn It's "a tragedy for humanity and a disgrace for civilization" that the humanitarian disaster caused by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict fails to end, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday, urging the international community to act for an immediate ceasefire.

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Labor must listen to 81% saying ceasefire. greenleft.org.au

AROC (2024-03-07). SFPD Attack Peaceful Protestors Demanding Gaza Ceasefire. indybay.org On March 2, SFPD officers assaulted a number of people at a rally calling for peace and an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza.

albawaba (2024-03-07). Chinese FM calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – China reaffirmed its previous calls for a ceasefire truce in Gaza as the war enters its fifth month today with dozens of thousands killed, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a statement.Chinese FM stressed the need to reach peace, stability and international solidarity after the latest truce talks failed to reach an agreement point.Wang said: "Life should not be labeled by race." He added: "This is a disgrace for civilization…a tragedy for humanity." His statements come as the death toll in the Gaza Strip reached 30,717.Nonetheless, the Gaza Ministry of Health said more than 72,156 have been in…

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Tasmanian Palestine Advocacy Network campaigns for ceasefire, LGBTIQ rights. greenleft.org.au

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/9: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

Kim Ives, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-03-07). Flouting High Court, Haitian Outrage, US Storms Forward With Intervention. popularresistance.org Just as it is opposing and trampling the International Court of Justice's ruling against Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza, Washington is running roughshod over the Kenyan High Court's Janurary 26 ruling that the East African nation's police force cannot be deployed to Haiti under Kenya's Constitution. | The Court explained that, to be legal, Haiti would have to request a "bilateral" arrangement for deployment with Kenya, an apparent loophole that Washington and Kenya's President William Ruto leapt for. | At an Italy-Africa summit in Rome on January 30, Ruto declared that the mission would go ahead as soon as "

Dania Akkad (2024-03-07). UK won't say if arms export licences to Israel flagged over concerns were revoked. middleeasteye.net UK won't say if arms export licences to Israel flagged over concerns were revoked | NGOs say British public has again been left in the dark about whether UK-made arms are being used by Israel in Gaza war | | An F-35 fighter jet seen in South Carolina where UK personnel were training with the U…

Bahaar Tadjbakhsh, Labor Notes. (2024-03-07). Union Members Step Up And Dig In For Palestine Solidarity. popularresistance.org When street protests seem ignored by the war machine, what are union members to do? | In the San Francisco Bay Area, unions and rank-and-file networks are using direct action and endorsement-revoking campaigns to target the politicians who are still shipping weapons to Israel for its scorched-earth campaign. Meanwhile we've held a teach-in and launched campaigns to boycott Israeli goods and divest our pensions from the occupation. | Nearly six months in, Israel's invasion of Gaza is responsible for 30,000 Palestinian deaths and counting. Across the U.S., more than 100 union locals, six internationals, and the AFL…

albawaba (2024-03-07). Was Palestinian Robin Hood killed by Israel? concern over Hamas fighter. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Rumors are circulating on X (Formerly known as Twitter) about the possibility that the beloved and stylish Hamas fighter, crowned as Palestinian Robin Hood was allegedly killed by the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza. Users on X took to the platform in concern over the Hamas fighter after claiming that the individual died but in an unconfirmed report. A post by

Ralph Nader (2024-03-07). Stop the Worsening Undercount of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza. Ralph Nader. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Israel Killed 127 Palestinian Journalists Since October. telesurenglish.net Israeli troops killed 11 Palestinian journalists in February, bringing to 127 the death toll since the start of the aggression against Gaza on October 7, an industry source said today. | RELATED: | The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate's Freedoms Committee said in a statement that last month Israeli forces killed 10 journalists in Gaza and another in the West Bank. | In at least seven cases, the drone attacks resulted in limb amputations of reporters…

Angela (2024-03-07). Monday 3/11: Power Half Hour for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Editors, In These Times. (2024-03-07). Where Can Democrats Vote Uncommitted After Super Tuesday? popularresistance.org As Super Tuesday returns come in, it appears that almost 20% of Democratic presidential primary voters in Minnesota have cast ballots for "uncommitted," ensuring at least one convention delegate. About 12% of North Carolina voters opted for "no preference." | Campaigns in Minnesota, Massachusetts, Colorado, North Carolina and other states with March 5 primaries asked voters to cast a protest vote over President Joe Biden's support of Israel's war on Gaza. | The uncommitted push began with the Listen to Michigan campaign, which urged voters to fill in the uncommitted bubbl…

Patrick Hilsman (2024-03-07). World Food Program says IOF blocked trucks delivering food to Gaza. indybay.org The WFP said after the trucks were turned away and rerouted they were "stopped by a large crowd of desperate people" who took about 200 tons of food.

MEE staff (2024-03-07). Norway issues formal advice against trade with Israeli settlements. middleeasteye.net Norway issues formal advice against trade with Israeli settlements | Foreign ministry cites increased settler activity and violence against Palestinians for update on business advice | | Demonstrators take part in a march in support of Palestinians outside parliament in Oslo, Norway on 4 November, 2…

MEE staff (2024-03-07). Sexual abuse allegation in Kibbutz Be'eri on 7 October 'not true', says spokesperson. middleeasteye.net Sexual abuse allegation in Kibbutz Be'eri on 7 October 'not true', says spokesperson | New York Times report alleging sexual abuse against two sisters during Hamas attack denied by kibbutz spokesperson | | A volunteer searches through the debris in Kibbutz Beeri near the Israeli boundary with Gaza o…

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Anti-war groups protest Defence Industry Conference, amid war on Gaza. greenleft.org.au

Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (2024-03-07). CALL for an Olympic Truce during the Paris Olympic Games! to establish a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere. pressenza.com The ancient Greeks suspended the warring between themselves for the duration of the Olympic Games. In those days, the Games lasted only five days. But the truce lasted as long as the athletes needed to get to and from Olympia,…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Egypt Joins International Operation to Airdrop Aid to Gaza. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Egyptian military joined an international operation to airdrop humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Gaza Strip which is currently facing ongoing Israeli siege and bombardment. | RELATED: | "Members of the Egyptian Air Force participate in the international coalition to airdrop aid into Gaza from Jordan," the Egyptian Army said, noting that Jordan, the U.S. France, the Netherlands, and Belgium also took part in the operation. | A…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-03-07). Aiding Those We Kill: US Humanitarianism in Gaza. globalresearch.ca

Nadda Osman (2024-03-07). War on Gaza: Egyptian artist returns Goethe Medal over German 'complicity in Israeli aggression'. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Egyptian artist returns Goethe Medal over German 'complicity in Israeli aggression' | Mohamed Abla gives back award in solidarity with Gaza and calls on other artists to take action | | Mohamed Abla said the German government's actions contradicted the philosophy behind the award…

Toby Blomé (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/9: IWD 2024: March for GAZA on the Golden Gate Bridge. indybay.org Welcome Center Plaza: Southeast end of Golden Gate Bridge, SF…

albawaba (2024-03-07). US and UK warplanes strike Yemen's Hodeida airport. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- US and UK warplanes launched airstrikes on Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen, targeting the facility with two raids. This action follows closely after the Houthis struck the US vessel, True Confidence, in the Red Sea, resulting in damage to the ship and fatalities among its crew.The White House released a statement reaffirming the United States' commitment to taking necessary measures against the Houthis. They emphasized that these attacks pose not only a threat to the US but also constitute an international problem requiring concerted action. | #ÿߟÑÿ≠Ÿ…

albawaba (2024-03-07). Houthis target American Vessel, True Confidence, killing many. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- An American official informed Al Jazeera that the Houthis had launched a ballistic missile at the vessel True Confidence, flying the Barbados flag, as it traversed Aden Bay, inflicting severe damage. The official also revealed that this marked the fifth anti-ship ballistic missile launched by the Houthis within the past two days. Urging global action against these assaults, the official condemned the attacks as shameful.According to reports from AFP, two individuals lost their lives, and one was injured in the strike on the True Confidence. Associated Press highlighted that this incident marked the firs…

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Community leaders call on Albanese to isolate apartheid Israel, scrap weapons deals. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Foreign Ministry helped thousands of overseas Chinese, Wang says. ecns.cn China handled more than 80,000 cases with strengthened consular protection efforts, issued over 6,000 alerts and evacuated thousands of Chinese citizens from Sudan, Palestine, Israel and other places over the past year.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-07). Israel Sets 15 March Deadline to Launch a 'Broad War' against Lebanon. libya360.wordpress.com The Cradle Tel Aviv has threatened to 'push Hezbollah' away from the border if diplomatic efforts fail, as the Lebanese resistance has successfully created a military buffer zone extending deep into the northern occupied territories. Israel has informed its western sponsors of a 15 March deadline to reach "a political settlement with Lebanon," after which Tel Aviv…

albawaba (2024-03-07). Philippine: 2 citizens killed, 2 injured in Houthi attack. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The Philippine government announced on Thursday that 2 citizens were killed in a Houthi attack that targeted an American ship in the Gulf of Aden.Houthi forces attacked a vessel on Wednesday in the Gulf of Aden resulting in the death of three people. A ballistic missile targeted the vessel True Confidence, which was flying the Barbados flag."With great sadness," the Department of Migrant Workers confirmed the death of "two Filipino seafarers in the most recent attack by Houthi rebels on ships plying the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.""We are also informed that two other Filipino crewmen were severely in…

Reuters (2024-03-07). Red Sea crisis: Philippine crew among 3 dead in Houthi rebels' first fatal attack on shipping. scmp.com Greek-owned vessel True Confidence is drifting and ablaze after a strike by the Iran-backed Yemen rebels.

Paul Cochrane (2024-03-07). Rubymar sinking: Did Houthi ship attack sever Red Sea internet cables? middleeasteye.net Rubymar sinking: Did Houthi ship attack sever Red Sea internet cables? | Damage to fibre optic cables in the Red Sea has laid bare how vulnerable global internet traffic is to disruption, and the lack of alternative routes through the Middle East | | A photo of the Rubymar cargo ship tak…

tvbrics (2024-03-07). Africa Energy Indaba 2024 opens in South Africa. tvbrics.com It aims to promote energy issues at the global level…

GABIK (2024-03-07). Four foreign nationals, South African found guilty of fraud and corruption. sanews.gov.za Four foreign nationals, South African found guilty of fraud and corruption | Five people, including four foreign nationals and one South African national, have been found guilty of fraud and corruption by the Durban Magistrate's Court. | Hawks spokesperson Colonel Katlego Mogale said Tausi Majani Kahwere (25) and John Majani Kahwere (44), who are both Congolese, were convicted on Monday. | Other three accused, Morshed Alam (25), Saiful Islam Sujon (43), both Bangladeshi nationals and Oliver Whendle Hurriparsad (42), a South African national, were found guilty on Tuesday. | Mogale said the convictions follow a le…

anonimo (2024-03-07). Gasoline and diesel prices increase in South Africa. plenglish.com Pretoria, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The prices of gasoline and diesel in South Africa increased considerably after the costs in the international market and the dollar/rand exchange rate were evaluated.

Gabisile (2024-03-07). Innovative businesses gain more access to global markets, study finds. sanews.gov.za Innovative businesses gain more access to global markets, study finds | Innovation-active South African businesses have more skilled labour and greater access to the global markets compared to non-innovation enterprises, according to results from the latest round of the South African Business Innovation Survey (BIS). | The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) survey revealed that during the 2019 to 2021 period, 62% of South African businesses took scientific, technological, organisational, financial, or commercial steps aimed at realising an innovation. | According to the statement, training emerged as the mo…

NEOB (2024-03-07). President Ramaphosa visits new Mpumalanga hospital. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa visits new Mpumalanga hospital | President Cyril Ramaphosa has conducted a site visit and inspection of the newly constructed Middelburg Hospital in Mpumalanga. | "This is most impressive. It's a modern, state-of-the-art and it's going to serve the community of about 330 000 people. This is development. This is how we are developing our country from a social and health point of view and we're doing it cost-effectively as well," the President said on Thursday. | This was ahead of the District Development Model Presidential Imbizo held at Emalahleni in the province the same day. | "I also apprec…

infobrics (2024-03-07). BRICS Nations Unite in Arkhangelsk to Forge New Paths in Disaster Risk Management. infobrics.org The BRICS Joint Task Force on Disaster Risk Management is set to meet in Arkhangelsk, Russia, marking a pivotal moment for international collaboration. Learn how the BRICS nations are uniting to address disaster challenges and build resilience for the future.

tvbrics (2024-03-07). BRICS Working Group on Agriculture holds inaugural meeting via videoconference. tvbrics.com The participants of the meeting intend to continue cooperation…

infobrics (2024-03-07). Ukraine does not want foreign troops and intends to fight alone, claims White House. infobrics.org Zelensky has continuously tried to drag NATO into war with Russia.

tvbrics (2024-03-07). Brazil implements large-scale programme to provide food to poor. tvbrics.com Authorities have also optimised the composition of the basic food basket…

infobrics (2024-03-07). Egypt Will Urge Trade in National Currencies Within BRICS. infobrics.org Egypt is planning to urge BRICS member states to trade in their national currencies, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoting the newly appointed Personal Representative of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to the BRICS Summit Ambassador Ragy El-Etreby…

infobrics (2024-03-07). Zelensky's wife ignores Biden alleging 'busy schedule'. infobrics.org According to Western media, the real reason for her refusal is due to Yulia Navalnaya's presence in the event.

tvbrics (2024-03-07). China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi: BRICS expansion could radically change the global economic map. tvbrics.com The Foreign Minister said this on the sidelines of thesecond session of the 14th National People's Congress…

infobrics (2024-03-07). Singapore inadvertently reveals more about direct US involvement in Ukraine. infobrics.org Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen's revelations about the usage of US jets in the Ukrainian conflict are part of the procurement process that aims to justify the F-35B's enormous acquisition costs.

tvbrics (2024-03-07). Ethiopia develops a ground station-as-a-service initiative in space science and geospatial applications. tvbrics.com It provides the capability to acquire and process satellite data for different countries, organisations and users…

tvbrics (2024-03-07). Vladimir Putin: BRICS is a magnet that attracts many countries. tvbrics.com The Russian president spoke about the birth and development of the alliance…

tvbrics (2024-03-07). Leading experts on improving urban environment take part in Sustainable Cities in Action Forum in UAE. tvbrics.com It united city leaders, developers, architects, designers and urban planners in one place…

infobrics (2024-03-07). A Relevant BRICS: Reimagining Global Economic Reform>. infobrics.org As BRICS navigates the evolving global economic landscape, its trade, investment, and finance progress underscores its significance as a transformative force…

infobrics (2024-03-07). India and Russia Foster Enduring Partnerships. infobrics.org As President of the Indian Business Alliance (IBA) and the Founder of The Imperial Tailoring Co., Sammy Kotwani offers comprehensive insights on the evolving dynamics of Indian investment prospects in the Russian Federation…

infobrics (2024-03-07). BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRICS CCI) Launches UAE Chapter. infobrics.org The BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRICS CCI), a not-for-profit organization, recognized by the United Nations that promotes commerce and industry in the BRICS and other friendly nations has officially launched its UAE Chapter office…

infobrics (2024-03-07). Expansion of BRICS, Geopolitical Implications and Prospect for Bangladesh. infobrics.org The recent BRICS 15th summit held in Johannesburg, has garnered more attention compared to previous gatherings. The focal point of this summit was the announcement of new member nations. Notably, six countries—namely, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE got invitation to join this influential economic coalition…

Editor (2024-03-07). Climate crisis and nuclear waste in the U.S. mronline.org Climate crisis could disturb Cold War-era nuclear waste buried by the U.S. decades ago, according to a U.S. federal report.

Brenda Norrell (2024-03-07). Nuclear Holocaust in Indian Country: Natives Testify Before Inter-American Commission. indybay.org Navajo, White Mesa Ute, Havasuapai, Northern Arapaho and Oglala Lakota testified before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, revealing the nuclear holocaust in Indian country, of uranium mining, scattered radioactive waste, and deadly uranium mills poisoning the aquifers and land of Native people. They countered the claims by the EPA, BIA and Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials that claimed they were abiding by U.S. federal laws requiring consultation, upholding Treaties and safeguarding the land and water.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). China to unveil fourth aircraft carrier soon: PLA Navy political commissar. ecns.cn China will unveil its fourth aircraft carrier soon and answer the question as to whether it will be nuclear-powered, said the political commissar of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy at the ongoing two sessions in Beijing.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Austria interested in sharing nuclear, radiation safety information with Belarus. eng.belta.by Gosatomnadzor Head Olga Lugovskaya stressed that as a nuclear and radiation safety regulatory body the department remains open to all partners, who are interested in working with Belarus.

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2024-03-07). On the Brink of Nuclear War. counterpunch.org Depravity and hubris The story of nuclear weapons is a story of depravity and hubris that has terrorized humanity for the last eighty years or so. The spark for that road to nowhere started during the massive slaughter of WWII. Winning the war was much more important than opening the tightly shut doors of the

Nayvin Gordon (2024-03-07). US-NATO is Continuing to Provoke Nuclear War What can we do? indybay.org An international anti-war direct action movement can end the threat of nuclear war…

Joseph Gerson (2024-03-07). Lessons From the Criminal Bravo Nuclear Test. counterpunch.org The disastrous underwater Baker atomic test at Bikini Atoll that preceded the even more out of control Bravo shot. (Photo: U.S. Army Photographic Signal Corps/Wikimedia Commons) Later this month I will return to Japan for the annual Bikini commemoration and the Gensuikyō, or Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, annual conference. There won't be

Associated Press (2024-03-07). Mitch McConnell endorses Donald Trump, whom he once blamed for 'disgraceful' January 6 attack. scmp.com The senator was the last Republican leader to fall in line, declaring his support in a short statement after the ex-US president's Super Tuesday wins.

bwitanek (2024-03-07). Teaneck Students Heroic Support for Palestine and Gottheimer's Shameful Role Against High School Students Reported Internationally by Intercept! fightbackbetter.com Asked to comment on this blockbuster report in the Intercept, one of the coordinators of the Teaneck students comments: i'm…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). NATO Drills Spark Tensions and Shake Global Stability: Russia. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said that the ongoing NATO Steadfast Defender military exercises escalate tensions and undermine global stability. | RELATED: | The large-scale war game going on in Europe is a way for NATO to rehearse "a scenario of armed confrontation with Russia," he said. | "The destructive role of the United States in recent history is evident. No other country…

Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism. (2024-03-07). Victoria Nuland Retires Unexpectedly. popularresistance.org It is a cause for celebration that behind-the-scenes neocon mover-and-shaker Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, is retiring at the end of March. Her replacement is Dick Bass, former ambassador to Afghanistan, and like Nuland herself, also a former direct report to Dick Cheney, i.e, another dyed-in-the-wool warmonger. However, Nuland was singularly effective, as proven by her longevity and in serving both parties, with the Trump Administration her only time out of formal power since 1993, when she was chief of staff to Strobe Talbott, then Deputy Secretary of State.

Agence France-Presse (2024-03-07). Thousands march for Liza, who fled Belarus only to be raped and killed in Poland. scmp.com A man has been charged with assault for the attack on a 25-year-old migrant that has sparked outrage among women's rights groups and fellow refugees.

albawaba (2024-03-07). IOM: 2023 was the deadliest year for migrants. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The UN's International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported Wednesday that at least 8,565 people died on migration routes around the world in 2023, making it the worst year since records began a decade ago."The 2023 death toll represents a tragic increase of 20 percent compared to 2022, highlighting the urgent need for action to prevent further loss of life," the IOM said in a statement. Last year's total surpassed the previous record set in 2016 when 8,084 people died while migrating.According to the IOM, because safe and regulated migration options are restricted, hundreds of thousands of indivi…

Margaret Kimberley (2024-03-07). Racist asylum and immigration policy in the U.S. and Canada. mronline.org Fears of an "invasion" at the border are nothing more than white supremacy being openly expressed. It could not be otherwise in a settler colony created by migration from Europe. To millions of people the word American still refers to whites only.

Editor (2024-03-07). Growth is not good: the great GDP myth. mronline.org It's not some question of being realistic yet effective over being compassionate but economically incompetent: there is absolutely no material basis to continue to measure societies by their GDP, explains BERT SCHOUWENBURG…

Basit Mahmood (2024-03-07). Tories will preside over the first parliament in modern history to see a fall in living standards, damning analysis finds. leftfootforward.org That's the Tory record in office, declining living standards with workers left worse off.

Otis Grotewohl (2024-03-07). 'The West against the Rest'. workers.org Developing countries in orange, least developed in red, make up the Global South. Countries in blue make up the Global North. (U.N. map, April 2023) Recently, the European Union's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, made a surprising admission in a blog post . . . |

Aarya Kini (2024-03-07). New School Teamsters express solidarity with striking SENS workers. newschoolfreepress.com In a statement shared with the Free Press, Teamsters Local 1205 expressed solidarity with striking workers from SENS-UAW Local 7902. The message comes as the first public expression of solidarity with SENS from any other non-UAW union on campus. The Free Press received the statement via email from Yvonne Garrett at 5: 19 p.m., closely following…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). UK Cuts National Insurance Contributions for Workers. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the United Kingdom's Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt announced that National Insurance contributions would be cut for 27 million British workers. | RELATED: | From April 6, employees' National Insurance, a payroll tax, will be cut from 10 percent to 8 percent. Meanwhile, self-employed national insurance will be cut from 8 percent to 6 percent, said Hunt when delivering this year's budget speech in the House of Comm…

Labor Video Project (2024-03-07). Breed "Sucking Up To SEIU" While Attacking SF City Workers With 2% Wages & Privatization. indybay.org San Francisco Mayor London Breed was accused by Gavin Newsom of "sucking up to the SEIU" by wearing a purple dress. At the same time she is attacking City workers by only offering 2% which amounts to a wage cut and also continuing to outsource City jobs to non-profits. There is also a massive corruption crisis in the City.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Teamsters declare ratification of sellout contract at Anheuser-Busch. wsws.org Workers were given little time to review the contents of the contract, and the bureaucracy threatened that if they did not ratify the contract their strike pay would be cut in half.

WSWS (2024-03-07). War and class warfare: A socialist strategy is needed to defend jobs in Germany. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of jobs, some of them employing highly qualified workers, are being cut in German industry, especially in the automotive and car parts sectors. But the chemical, steel, construction, household appliance and software industries as well as the retail trade and the health sector are also affected.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Chilean Senate Begins Processing the Pension Reform. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Senate's Labor Committee began to study the bill for pension reform presented by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | "The dialogue has just begun. The president has instructed us to be open to seeking formulas that allow us to increase the amount of pensions, which is the objective of this reform," Labor Minister Jeannete Jara said. | Presented in November 2022, the bill proposes the creation of a m…

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). China advocates for equal and orderly multi-polar world. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday that China is ready to collaborate with other countries to make global governance more just and equitable.

albawaba (2024-03-07). Shocking video showing plane struck by lightning during takeoff. albawaba.com ALBAWABA Social media platforms have been abuzz with a gripping video depicting a plane being struck by lightning as it took off from Vancouver International Airport. The footage, recorded on March 3rd, has garnered widespread attention, raising concerns about the safety of air travel amidst adverse weather conditions.The video captures a harrowing moment as a plane, reportedly operated by Air Canada, ascended into the skies only to be met with a powerful lightning strike. The aircraft visibly jolted as the bolt of lightning struck, prompting fears among viewers about the potential consequences. | Despite the int…

Bloomberg (2024-03-07). Russian missile lands near Ukraine's Zelensky and Greek prime minister during Odesa visit. scmp.com The strike occurred near Zelensky's motorcade, killing five people, though the leaders and officials were unharmed.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Union rams through non-existent "tentative agreement" to end Northern Virginia transit strike. wsws.org The ATU Local 689 has created conditions for the extortion of its own members. The fine print and numerous loopholes that have doubtlessly been introduced into the final contract after the fact will more than make up for whatever compromises Transdev has accepted.

albawaba (2024-03-07). Women's Day: most successful Arab businesswomen. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — As the world celebrates half of its population during International Women's Day on Mar. 8, in support of women's rights movement, we take a look at the most successful and influential women the Arab world birthed to society found the on Forbes' 100 most powerful Arab businesswomen list.The list contains successful women from all around the Arab world that lead a diverse and wide range of fields from investment, real estate, healthcare and telecommunication firms, with an advanced skillsets and education levels.Farah Foustok: Formerly serving as the Middle East's managing director and CEO o…

AL. Sene, Black Agenda Report. (2024-03-07). Western Climate Agenda Goes Against African Development. popularresistance.org The exuberance of carbon and biodiversity offsets reached its pinnacle in Africa with several governments signing deals to concede vast sections of their primary forests to global carbon markets. Essentially, carbon and biodiversity offsets are premised on the flawed logic that forests, rangelands, mangroves and other important ecosystems of the world peripheries can serve as carbon sinks and neutralise the ecological effects of the unsustainable economic growth of the imperial core. The 2022 Land Gap Report estimates that the total area of land needed to meet climate pledges is almost 1.2 billion hectares global…

F. William Engdahl (2024-03-07). Is Gene Editing the New Name for Eugenics? "Enter Bill Gates" globalresearch.ca A major new technology known as Gene Editing has gained significant attention in recent months. Its advocates claim it will revolutionize everything from agriculture production to disease treatment. Is this technology a stealth way to introduce GMO genetic manipulation by way of another technique.

Ahmed Adel (2024-03-07). Ukraine Does Not Want Foreign Troops and Intends to Fight Alone, Claims White House. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). FM: China supports int'l peace conference on Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn China supports holding an international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine in due course, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday at a news conference during the second session of the 14th National People's Congress.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Belarusian implicated in foiled terrorist attack in Russia's Republic of Karelia. eng.belta.by Born in 1974, the Belarus citizen was a member of the extremist unit Kastus Kalinouski Regiment and was on the interstate wanted list. This agent of Ukraine's intelligence services had been gathering and passing on information about transport infrastructure facilities and local executive authorities.

Ahmed Adel (2024-03-07). Spanish Government Continues to Supply Ukraine with Weapons Despite Increasing Poverty in Spain. globalresearch.ca

albawaba (2024-03-07). Russian missile nearly kills Zelensky and the Greek PM. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- CNN reported that a Russian missile landed dangerously close to the convoy of Ukrainian President Zelensky and the Greek Prime Minister in Odesa, claiming the loss of five lives. In response, the White House emphasized the urgent need to support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized the notion of a single global power, stating that it undermines the world order's foundation, as RIA reported. He pointed out what he perceives as the United States' role in destabilizing global politics, suggesting that other countries have the right to defend their…

Mike Whitney (2024-03-07). Was Nuland Fired for Her Role in the Ukraine Debacle? globalresearch.ca

Editor (2024-03-07). Mar 7, 2024. sitrepworld.info Love Me, I'm a Liberal — Phil Ochs When The Music's Over… Turn out the lights, by Aurelien Living on the Wrong World: A Planetary Cease Fire is Desperately Needed, by Tom Engelhardt BDS The U.S. — The World Must Hold the U.S. Government to the Rule of Law — World BEYOND War Youhoo! Tucker! Here is why Putin calls for denazification, by Don Hank Was Nuland Fired for Her Role In the Ukraine Debacle? by Mike Whitney Toria Missed, by Oliver Boyd-Barrett Victoria Nuland, Major Force Behind Failed Project Ukraine, Retires Unexpectedly, by Yves Smith The West's Reckoning? by Micha…

Drago Bosnic (2024-03-07). Singapore Inadvertently Reveals More About Direct US Involvement in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2024-03-07). Amid Ukraine war, EU Commission adopts plan for European war economy. wsws.org The European imperialist powers' war on Russia in Ukraine is bound up with a war on the working class at home waged by a vast military-police machine the EU is setting out to build.

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). What does it take to make climate change a key election issue? greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Protest calls on UQ to cut ties with Boeing. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi: China, Russia forging new major country relations. ecns.cn China and Russia have forged a new paradigm of major country relations that differs from the obsolete Cold War approach, and strive for lasting good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and are not targeting any third party.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). The Ayotzinapa Case to Be Attended, Mexican President AMLO Vows. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, citizens broke down one of the doors of the National Palace, where Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) was holding his daily press conference. | RELATED: | They were angered by the slow pace of justice in the 10-year-old Ayotzinapa case, which involves 43 missing students in the southern state of Guerrero in September 2014. | Although President Lopez Obrador described the protest as inappropriate, he promised to meet…

bwitanek (2024-03-07). NorthJersey.com Breaks Fake Estate Sale. fightbackbetter.com NorthJersey.com has broken the Some of the counter points being made in this article to the arguments that have been made against the sale are: | It is taking place in a place of worship which should not be protested on that basis. | The location is not directly involved in the operation — it is purely a building rental situation. | Non Jews are indee…

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Decent people wanted for Belarusian parliament's upper chamber. eng.belta.by According to the speaker of the upper chamber of the parliament, Natalya Kochanova and Aleksandr Lukashenko discussed matters concerning the formation of the new composition of the parliament and the tasks it will have to accomplish.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Congressional threat of TikTok ban a living example of protectionism, pan-security: experts. ecns.cn The action came just about three months after a U.S. judge blocked a ban on the use of TikTok in late November 2023, saying that it violated users' free speech rights.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). 2nd plenary meeting of 2nd session of 14th CPPCC National Committee held in Beijing. ecns.cn The second plenary meeting of the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 7, 2024.

Michelle Pini (2024-03-07). R v Lehrmann and metastasising legal matters. independentaustralia.net

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). 'All of Australia is the West Bank': An interview with Uncle Robbie Thorpe. greenleft.org.au

Jose R. Cabañas Rodriguez (2024-03-07). Biden 2.0 or Trump 2.0? That is the Question. telesurenglish.net During the current year, a great deal of energy is being invested in trying to predict who will be the winner of the presidential elections next November in the United States, which party will win the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, allowing or not the President to have the necessary support to develop his agenda for the next four years. | RELATED: | The 2025-2029 period will be one of the most complex in the recent history of that cou…

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Book about Belarusian Bolshoi Theater to be presented at Minsk book fair. eng.belta.by The book is the joint project of the Belarusian Information Ministry and | the winner of the president's Spiritual Revival award Vladimir | Likhodedov.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). China announces visa-free policy for six countries. ecns.cn China will grant a visa-free policy to Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg on China will grant a visa-free policy to Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg on a trial basis starting on March 14, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefs the media: Highlights. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, answers questions about the country's foreign policy and diplomatic relations at a press conference on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi warns against creating AI barriers. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned on Thursday against practices of "building a small yard with high fence" in artificial intelligence, saying that doing so would be a new historic mistake that hinders the technological development of various nations.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Aleksandr Yegorov appointed Deputy Head of Belarus President Administration. eng.belta.by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has made a decision to appoint | Aleksandr Yegorov Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). NY governor sends National Guard into subway system. ecns.cn New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Wednesday announced she is sending a force of nearly 1,000 including National Guard troops into New York City's subway system to conduct bag checks for weapons and "rid our subways of people who commit crimes".

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-07). El Niño is among five strongest events on record in 2023-2024. plenglish.com Geneva, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The 2023-2024 El Niño weather event is one of the five strongest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Andy Kroll (2024-03-07). Is There a Journalism That Doesn't Love a War? tomdispatch.com War, what is it good for? Well, the media for starters. Shortly after the Biden administration responded to the killing of three American soldiers in a drone attack on a base in Jordan by bombing 85 Iran-connected targets in Iraq and Syria, the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) asked in a headline: "Is the press dragging America to war again?" Again? I thought. Shouldn't that be "still"? That headline was on a recent Media Today newsletter by Jon Allsop who regularly covers what could be considered the favorite topic of journalists: themselves. He was mulling over media criticism of how the government had (or hadn…

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Victoria's voluntary assisted dying review told of cruel delays, access inequality. greenleft.org.au

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-03-07). France leads global charge for reproductive rights by anchoring abortion in its Constitution. nationofchange.org In a landmark move, France becomes the first nation to constitutionally guarantee abortion rights, setting a precedent amidst global reproductive rights rollbacks.

Reuters (2024-03-07). Protesters smash door of Mexico's presidential palace with truck. scmp.com A group demonstrating over 43 missing students tried to force their way into the building as President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was giving a news conference inside.

Aidan Hill (2024-03-07). Friday 3/15: March for People's Park: A Stand for Green Space and Justice on Regent St. indybay.org The march begins at Willard Park and progresses along Telegraph Avenue to Sproul Plaza, ending at the People's Park Mural/Chess Club at Haste and Telegraph.

GABIK (2024-03-07). Mchunu continues to engage on Joburg City water challenges. sanews.gov.za Mchunu continues to engage on Joburg City water challenges | Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu continues to engage with the City of Johannesburg on measures to ensure water supply sustainability. | The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) said a meeting was convened this week, where a detailed presentation was made by Deputy Director-General for Water and Sanitation Services Management, Dr Risimati Mathye. | The meeting was attended by the city's Acting Executive Mayor Loyiso Masuku, Joburg Water and the Rand Water Board, amongst others. | Mathye said the city's total average water supply/volume is…

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Ideas to brighten biz climate mark two sessions. ecns.cn Making domestic business rules better align with international ones and providing stronger support to private-sector incubators and industrial parks — these are among the suggestions made by national lawmakers and political advisers to improve the business environment in the country.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-07). Tinnitus: Some strategies to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms. expose-news.com Tinnitus affects nearly 15% of the population, and sufferers are getting younger. Although there is no cure, there are some treatments that may reduce your symptoms. Dr. Joseph Mercola gives some strategies …

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Iran joins EAEU project Eurasian Agroexpress. eng.belta.by "In the course of work on the free trade zone between the Eurasian | Economic Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran, we agreed on many | things and we are now putting all our agreements into practice," Member | of the Board (Minister) for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission | Andrei Slepnev said at a meeting with the Iranian side on the Eurasian…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Peruvians Take to the Streets to Defend National Justice Board. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Peruvian social and political organizations took to the streets of Lima to support the National Justice Board (JNJ). | RELATED: | The citizens marched peacefully to Congress, where a plenary session is scheduled to debate the disqualification of several judges. If that happens, some JNJ members will be banned from holding public office for the next ten years. | Previously, far-right legislator Esdras Medina filed a…

Unicorn Riot (2024-03-07). Nationwide 'Week of Abolition' Envisions an Abolitionist Future Without Prisons, Police. unicornriot.ninja

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). President Xi engages in lively discussion with deputies. ecns.cn For the national lawmakers from Jiangsu province, the panel discussion with President Xi Jinping on Tuesday afternoon was a moment they "have long waited for". It was a session permeating messages of confidence, encouragement and vigor.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-03-07). Fires increase in El Salvador in 2024. plenglish.com Firefighters Director Baltazar Solano showed figures that denote that the increase is serious. To date, there have been 1,553 fires, compared to 1,243 in 2023, 310 more incidents so far this year. | It is striking that most of the fires were in dry undergrowth, which is indicative of the effects of drought in the country and climate change, Solano said. | Of all 1,553 emergencies reported in 2024, 1,060, or 68 percent, occurred in dry undergrowth, followed by 74 forest fires. | The executive said that the burning of vegetation and dry undergrowth triggers secondary effects such as environmental contamination, so…

Ruth Milka (2024-03-07). Courts halt DeSantis' 'Stop WOKE Act': A victory for free speech and diversity training. nationofchange.org In a striking defense of the First Amendment, a federal appeals court blocks Florida's "Stop WOKE Act", safeguarding diversity and inclusion discussions in workplaces.

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Wary of Sinophobia: Anwar Ibrahim at the ASEAN summit. greenleft.org.au

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). China slams U.S.' citing mutual defense treaty to back Philippine provocations in South China Sea. ecns.cn China on Wednesday reiterated its stance over South China Sea including the Ren'an Jiao (Ren'ai Reef) and slammed the Philippines' provocations and the U.S.' backing the Philippines regardless of the facts.

Kevin Proescholdt (2024-03-07). Protecting Wilderness in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. counterpunch.org "With regard to areas of wilderness, we should be guardians not gardeners." — Howard Zahniser, Wilderness Act author Last September, Wilderness Watch, Sequoia ForestKeeper, and Tule River Conservancy filed a lawsuit against the National Park Service (NPS), challenging the agency's unlawful decision to implement extensive and motorized tree cutting and burning across thousands of acres of

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Foreign trade growth on solid ground. ecns.cn China is confident that it can sustain the sound fundamentals of foreign trade, with exports climbing the value chain and the import market presenting greater opportunities amid the complex global economic environment and uncertainties.

bwitanek (2024-03-07). Educators Know Your Rights Notes from Teaching While Muslim Webinar. fightbackbetter.com

img.piri.net (2024-03-07). Türkiye teknolojik devrime hazƒ±rlanƒ±yor: 300 bin ki≈üilik 'yazƒ±lƒ±mcƒ± ordusu' olu≈ütu. img.piri.net Türkiye, "Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi" ve "dijital dà∂nàº≈üàºm" àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ±yla yazƒ±lƒ±m ekosistemini gàºàßlendirmeye àßalƒ±≈üƒ±rken bu alanda faaliyet gà∂sterenlerin sayƒ±sƒ± 300 bine doƒüru ilerliyor. | Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± 2023 Yƒ±lƒ± Faaliyet Raporu'ndan derlenen bilgiye gà∂re, Türkiye'nin ileri teknoloji alanlarƒ±nda ihtiyaàß du…

Dr. William Makis (2024-03-07). COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Pregnancies, Cardiac Arrests, Aneurysms, Sudden Deaths. globalresearch.ca

ICRC (2024-03-07). Focus on cyber operations that cause physical damage is not enough. icrc.org Statement | Ambassador Gafoor, Excellencies, Colleagues,Under your leadership, Chair, this working group has built significant agreement on ICT threats in the context of international security, including in situations of armed conflict.Delegations share a concer…

Cira Pascual Marquina (2024-03-07). Internationalist Doctors: A conversation with Vanessa Almeida and John Chikuike Ogbu. mronline.org Two students from Venezuela's ELAM medical school talk about becoming physicians in the service of the people.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang: China addresses hotspot issues through the Chinese way. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China has found the Chinese way to address hotspot issues featuring commitments to non-interference in internal affairs, to political settlement, to objectivity and impartiality, and a commitment to addressing both symptoms and root causes.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). China has further room to reduce RRR with ample monetary policy reserves: PBOC governor. ecns.cn China's monetary policymakers have a rich toolbox and ample options, and there is still further room to slash the reserve requirement ratio (RRR), Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). TCM urged to embrace cutting-edge technology. ecns.cn Traditional Chinese medicine must embrace modern technologies to achieve innovative development, Zhang Boli, a TCM expert, said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Chinese films expected to shine at Oscars in future. ecns.cn The Chinese movie industry will have a greater influence on the Academy Awards in the future, said Janet Yang, president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, renowned for its annual Oscars.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). China's foreign trade up 8.7% in Jan-Feb period. ecns.cn China's foreign trade expanded 8.7 percent year-on-year to 6.61 trillion yuan ($847.4 billion) in the first two months of 2024, official data showed on Thursday.

Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels (2024-03-07). Americanizing France: The Marshall Plan, Reconsidered. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Venezuelan Authorities Summon International Electoral Observers. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) called on international organizations to act as observers in the presidential elections scheduled for July 28th. | RELATED: | CNE President Elvis Amoroso confirmed that invitations have been sent to institutions such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the African Union (AU), the European Union (EU),…

albawaba (2024-03-07). Egyptian guard of tomb of Akhenaten resembles Akhenaten himself(Video). albawaba.com

Angela (2024-03-07). Friday 3/8: Free virtual screening of documentary film "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Habano Festival, A Luxury Opportunity. telesurenglish.net Throughout the years, the Habano Festival continues to be the ideal scenario and the largest international gathering for lovers of what is considered the best cigar in the world: the Habano. | RELATED: | Created in 1999, the Festival is held annually in the last week of February in Cuba's capital, Havana, keeping intact its spirit of celebration and homage to the best tobacco in the world. Not only has it become the best exponent of Habanos' fundamentals of excellence and qua…

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Agency eyes more Luban Workshops. ecns.cn Luo Zhaohui, chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, is a keen advocate of Luban Workshop — the vocational education brand that China runs to offer skills training, Mandarin study and job opportunities in foreign countries.

Bloomberg (2024-03-07). US calls for Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, Japan to tighten chip curbs on China, drawing resistance from allies. scmp.com Japan and the Netherlands have responded coolly to US push to plug holes in its export controls, arguing that they want to first assess the impact of current curbs, sources say.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Computing power holds key to propelling digital economy into the future. ecns.cn OpenAI's latest artificial intelligence model, Sora, took center stage on Chinese social media platforms during Spring Festival with its stunning text-to-video effects. The model sparked heated discussion about AI and the surging demand for computing power.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). 20,000 Pastors Join the Venezuelan Social Protection System. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro held a meeting with over 17,000 Christian pastors on the Puerto Cabello boardwalk in Carabobo state. | RELATED: | During that massive meeting, the Bolivarian leader made several announcements related to policies to strengthen this South American country's welfare system. Among them is the incorporation of 20,000 pastors into the Homeland System's social protection plan. | "I pr…

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Belarus progress to UIPM 2024 Pentathlon World Cup semifinal. eng.belta.by This tournament is the first one for Belarusian athletes after their | return to the world arena. The Wednesday program featured men's | qualification events. Among the top performers in Qualification Group B | was Belarus' Maksim Maruk (1,182 points, 3rd position). Belarus'

Laith Fadel (2024-03-07). The growing menace of wildfires. america.cgtn.com As the planet heats up, wildfires are posing a growing danger in the United States. Climate change experts warn that existing environmental regulations are inadequate to combat the increasing unpredictability of these blazes. Poppie Mphuthing provides insight into this pressing issue.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Xi calls for building broad consensus. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping called on Wednesday for national political advisers to pool strengths and build broad consensus to contribute to Chinese modernization.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Peaceful principles playing key role in intl relations, FM says. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have become basic norms governing international relations and fundamental principles of international law.

Angela (2024-03-07). Tuesday 3/12: Woodland Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Rep. Mike Thompson's office | 622 Main St | Woodland, CA…

UFCLP (2024-03-07). Thursday 3/7: Press Conference At CPUC: Defend Landlines & Stop Robo Google Robo Taxis NOW! indybay.org California Public Commission…

The Salafi Centre of Manchester (2024-03-07). 2] Seeking to Discredit Scholars of Ahlul Athar! [Muhammad Hijaab Manifests Behaviour of The Unrighteous]. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Malik Bin Deenaar (may Allah have mercy upon him) said, "It is enough evil for a man that he is not righteous yet he speaks ill of the righteous". [Shu'ab Al-Iman 9/121] So, let it be known to Muhammad Hijaab and all those …

DikelediM (2024-03-07). President affirms removal of Judges Hlophe and Motata. sanews.gov.za President affirms removal of Judges Hlophe and Motata | President Cyril Ramaphosa has officially removed Judges John Mandlakayise Hlophe and Nkola Motata from judicial office following the National Assembly resolutions to remove them. | In a statement, the Presidency said the Constitution states that a judge may be removed from office only if the Judicial Service Commission finds that the judge suffers from an incapacity, is grossly incompetent, or is guilty of gross misconduct and the National Assembly calls for that judge to be removed, by a resolution adopted with a supporting vote of at least two thirds of i…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-03-07). Big Pharma and Its Shills Are Having to Adjust Their COVID Fiction to the Facts. globalresearch.ca

ICRC (2024-03-07). From China to the world: the journey of a solar lamp. icrc.org Video | Join us in a captivating journey with a solar lamp personified as a boy, from its birth in China, through distribution across the globe, and to its destination in communities worldwide, bringing light and hope to people in need.

Basit Mahmood (2024-03-07). Jeremy Hunt lashes out at BBC presenter over being called 'fiscal drag queen'. leftfootforward.org Chancellor Jeremy Hunt isn't too happy that his budget hasn't gone down as well as he would've hoped, as he lashed out at a BBC presenter for being called a 'fiscal drag queen'. | Hunt, who delivered his budget yesterday, in what is likely to be the last budget, and possibly the final fiscal event before the general election later this year, prioritised tax cuts for the wealthy while doing very little to help those most in need. | The biggest announcement in his budget was the plan to cut national insurance by 2p, which is being portrayed as a pre-election giveaway. | However, the reductions in national insura…

SF Repro Justice (2024-03-07). Sunday 3/24: Rally: US Supreme Court Hands Off the Abortion Pill! indybay.org Federal Building | 90 7th Street (the corner of Mission and 7th streets)…

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Crackdown on telecom fraud bears fruit, says chief of top procuratorate. ecns.cn An integrated approach will be adopted combining measures to combat, prevent and control telecommunications fraud and related crimes and promote comprehensive governance of the telecom network, as the situation regarding such crimes remains complex.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). China story is of benefiting the world, Wang Yi says. ecns.cn The most far-reaching part of China's stories is that the country has grown stronger and brought benefits to the world as it takes determined steps to reform and opening-up, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). 2nd plenary meeting of 2nd session of 14th CPPCC National Committee held in Beijing. ecns.cn The second plenary meeting of the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 7, 2024.

Angela (2024-03-07). Sunday 3/10: Monterey Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). FM calls for more cooperation in China-EU relations. ecns.cn China and the European Union should be characterized as partners with cooperation being the defining feature, autonomy being the key value and win-win outcomes being the future the relationship, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

TheOoze (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/16: Parenting Through Apocalyptic Times. indybay.org This is a virtual meeting held on zoom.

Editor (2024-03-07). UPDATED] Another lost Cold War document: Zhou Enlai's March 8, 1952 denunciation of U.S. germ warfare. mronline.org When the U.S. began its aerial germ war bombing campaign over No. Korea & China in Winter 1952, China's Foreign Affairs Minister publicly accused the U.S. of dropping infected insects in Northeast China.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). China needs to ramp up Ro-Ro ocean shipping capacity for NEV exports: NPC deputy. ecns.cn A deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) called for efforts to tackle shortage and bottleneck in China's roll-on/roll-off (Ro-RO) cargo vessel capacity so as to improve transportation conditions of the country's surging new-energy vehicle (NEV) exports.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). New battery operates well in cold temperatures. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed a new high-energy lithiumion battery that can operate reliably in temperatures as low as — 60 C, a feat that could significantly improve the performance of electric vehicles and other devices in extremely cold regions.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Xi calls on political advisors to build consensus for Chinese modernization. ecns.cn Xi participated in their joint group meeting, and heard their comments and suggestions.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Belarus' gold, forex reserves at $8.219bn on 1 March 2024. eng.belta.by The country's gold and foreign currency reserves went up by $125.1 | million (or 1.55%) in February 2024 after declining by $33.9 million | (0.44%) in January 2024.

Global Research News (2024-03-07). Selected Articles: Is Gene-Editing the New Name for Eugenics? "Enter Bill Gates" globalresearch.ca By The scientific magazine, Nature Studies, has published two studies that suggest that gene-editing techniques may weaken a person's ability to fight off …

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Xinjiang to open up further to world despite West's smearing. ecns.cn Despite some Western political forces continuing to run smear campaigns about the human rights situation in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, it won't deter the region from opening up further to the world, the region's top official said.

albawaba (2024-03-07). Anne Hathaway falls for a pop star in 'The Idea of You' trailer. albawaba.com

Christopher Tang (2024-03-07). US can't beat China, so it should join it in the EV revolution. scmp.com Efforts to keep Chinese electric vehicles out of the US will only hurt American consumers and manufacturers in the long run. Instead, the Biden administration should welcome Chinese carmakers into the US to improve innovation and competitiveness.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Minister: Belarus plans to increase export of construction services in 2024. eng.belta.by "The construction industry in 2023 was one of the main drivers of | economic growth. We met all the targets. Along with trade and | manufacturing sector, we contributed more than 5% to the national GDP. | We did well in terms of manufacturing (both the volume of production and | physical values), and also in terms of export of services and goods,"

NEOB (2024-03-07). Government services on hand at Mpumalanga Imbizo. sanews.gov.za Government services on hand at Mpumalanga Imbizo | Government is bringing services even closer to the people of Mpumalanga, with departments and entities offering services on the sidelines of the District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo held at Emalahleni on Thursday. | Today's imbizo allows President Cyril Ramaphosa and other leaders in government to assess progress made and to be briefed on challenges associated with the improvement of service delivery since the President's previous imbizo held in Carolina in May 2022. | Now, residents in Emalahleni are encouraged to visit the government exhibition…

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Insights‰∏®Foreign experts: The world draws lessons on China's integrated urban-rural development. ecns.cn China News Network exclusively interviewed Berthold Kuhn, Adj. professor at Freie Università§t Berlin and consultant to the European Commission, Dennis Mwaniki, executive director of China-Africa Centre: Africa Policy Institute, and Lewis Ndichu, research director at the Centre for China-Africa Policy.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). GDP growth of 5% achievable. ecns.cn China's economic growth target this year of around 5 percent is achievable via enhanced efforts, and it was set after comprehensive consideration of how to balance current and long-term needs.

Reuters (2024-03-07). Rust shooting: armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. scmp.com Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was found guilty after a two-week trial, following the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of western film Rust in 2021.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Regulators assure cheaper finance. ecns.cn China's policymakers will further reduce financing costs, ensure ample liquidity and enhance protection of capital market investors' legitimate rights this year to create an accommodative financial environment for the country's economic recovery.

Gavrilah (2024-03-07). Thursday 3/14: (Un)Equal Under the Law: Extreme Sentencing and Racial Justice in California. indybay.org (doors open at 5pm, program begins at 5: 30 sharp) | Jack Adams Hall, San Francisco State University…

Eileen Kinch (2024-03-07). When food doesn't fix. anabaptistworld.org Amnon said to Tamar, "Bring the food into the chamber so that I may eat from your hand." So Tamar took the cakes she had made and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother. But when she brought them near him to eat, he took hold of her and said to her, "Come, …

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordination nets results. ecns.cn Over 10 years ago, daring to hang your clothes out to dry was often a fool's errand in the dusty Luquan district in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, as they'd likely come indoors dirtier than they were before.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). France scaling down the size of Olympics opening event. ecns.cn France has reduced the planned scale of July's Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony on the River Seine due to concerns about a potential terror attack, moving from an initially envisioned crowd of 2 million to 600,000 spectators.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-03-07). Women's Day 2024: America's "Just War" against Afghanistan: Women's Rights "Before" and "After" America's Destructive Wars. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). More efforts needed to boost homegrown jet. ecns.cn It is necessary to enhance operational efficiency and raise the core competitiveness of the C919, China's domestically produced commercial aircraft, with closer cooperation from participants along the industry chain and stronger support for research and development.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-07). Enlaces de Red Latina sin fronteras 06.03.2024. indybay.org ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 06.03.2024 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). EPP Proposes Transfer of Asylum Seekers to Safe Third Countries. telesurenglish.net The European People's Party (EPP), the European Parliament's main center-right grouping, has proposed major changes to the European Union (EU)'s asylum system, including the possibility of deporting asylum seekers to "safe third countries." | RELATED: | Presented during their Congress in Bucharest, Romania, the EPP manifesto emphasizes the right for the EU and its member states to determine where and to whom asylum is granted. | Unde…

albawaba (2024-03-07). PSG president Al-Khelaifi refuses to comment on Mbappe's future. albawaba.com Paris Saint-Germain president Nasser Al-Khelaifi refused to comment on Kylian Mbappe's future following the team's Champions League win at Real Sociedad.PSG clinched a 2-1 victory over the Spanish side on Tuesday to earn a spot in the quarter-finals.Mbappe who is set to leave the club at the end of season scored the two goals.Earlier reports claim the 25-year-old will be joining Real Madrid this summer.Al-Khelaifi spoke about the Frenchman's performance and future, as quoted by Tribal Football : "Kylian Mbappé's performance? Kylian is Kylian, one of the best players in the world. "The whole team played well. It's…

Angela (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/9: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Waters of South China Sea should be kept calm, Wang Yi says. ecns.cn Differences regarding the South China Sea should be properly managed and resolved through dialogue and consultation between states directly involved, while peace at sea should be jointly upheld by China and ASEAN members.

Staff (2024-03-07). Badruddin Ajmal will be arrested if he practices 'magical healing': Assam CM. muslimmirror.com Guwahati : Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Wednesday warned All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) chief and Lok Sabha MP Badruddin Ajmal not to practice "magical healing" in the state, otherwise he might get arrested. While launching several development projects in the state's Lakhimpur district, the Chief Minister said: "Badruddin Ajmal practices magical …

EDWIN (2024-03-07). Communities have their say at Imbizo. sanews.gov.za Communities have their say at Imbizo | Many a community member attended President Cyril Ramaphosa's District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga, on Thursday. | Themed: "Leave No One Behind," the 12th Presidential Imbizo promotes participatory democracy and inclusive development by allowing community members and stakeholders to voice proposals and express any concerns or dissatisfaction they have about conditions in the district or province. | Some community members told SAnews that they have been waiting for this day to come to interact directly with the President and his Cabine…

Associated Press (2024-03-07). Ex-Google engineer Linwei Ding charged with stealing AI secrets to aid Chinese companies. scmp.com Chinese national Linwei Ding was arrested in California on 4 counts of federal trade secret theft, each punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Freedom Socialist Party (2024-03-07). Sunday 3/17: Deep Care — A history of radical reproductive rights activism and lessons for today. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco | 7 blocks from Civic Center BART& on or near the #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 Muni bus lines | Also available online — to register: bit.ly/DeepCare-March17

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Kasinsky comments on failed attempts to destabilize situation in Belarus. eng.belta.by Earlier, at a large meeting with the senior staff of the country's | national security bodies Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said | that the self-exiled opposition and their foreign handlers from…

Ragip Soylu (2024-03-07). Turkey signs oil and gas exploration deal with Somalia. middleeasteye.net Turkey signs oil and gas exploration deal with Somalia | With a hydrocarbon drilling agreement, Mogadishu deepens Ankara ties amid tensions with neighbouring Ethiopia | | The Turkish drilling ship Kanuni is seen at the port of Haydarpasa in Istanbul, Turkey, 19 October 2020 (Reuters/Murad Seze…

Staff (2024-03-07). Islamic Republic is opposed to arrogance and tyranny, not governments and nations: Supreme Leader. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Supreme Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the Islamic Republic does not have any conflicts with governments and nations, but it is opposed to aggression and tyranny pushed by Western democracy. Ayatollah Khamenei made the comment on Thursday as he met with the outgoing members of the …

Reuters (2024-03-07). OpenAI hits back at Elon Musk, says billionaire pushed for merger to make Tesla its 'cash cow'. scmp.com OpenAI's responses hit at the heart of a lawsuit filed by Musk, accusing the start-up of breaching their founding agreement to develop AI for the benefit of humanity.

Danielle Dunsmore (2024-03-07). Gold Coast in need of new leadership for a better future. independentaustralia.net

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-03-07). Ubiquitous threat: Microplastics discovered in every human placenta sample. nationofchange.org This revelation underscores a growing environmental crisis, highlighting the pervasive infiltration of microplastics into the most intimate aspects of human life.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Chinese foreign minister meets press in Beijing. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends a press conference on China's foreign policy and foreign relations on the sidelines of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) in Beijing, March 7, 2024.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Opinion: Cooperation of business unions encourages people's economic initiative. eng.belta.by Cooperation of business unions stimulates economic initiative of | citizens, Andrei Kopytok, Chairman of the Supreme Coordinating Council | of the Union of Legal Entities "Confederation of Entrepreneurship", said…

Hans Stehling (2024-03-07). This Is Arab Land! globalresearch.ca

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Haiti: Gang Attacks and Burns Police Station in Capital City. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, a police station in Haiti was attacked and burned down by a gang operating in the capital, where insecurity continues to be rife. | RELATED: | Before setting fire to the police station located in Marché Salomón, the thugs looted its premises, but also set fire to houses and businesses in the area. | Recently, the National Union of Haitian Policemen reported the death of four policemen in an attack on two sub-stations, which were…

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefs the media: Highlights. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, answers questions about the country's foreign policy and diplomatic relations at a press conference on Thursday.

CCSF HEAT (2024-03-07). Wednesday 3/13: Panel SF City College Accreditor's Auditor Is Attacking Public Education Again-Why? indybay.org To register and receive the Zoom link, go to us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcO2…

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Deputy hopes digitization can drive interest in relics. ecns.cn Zoya Bahit, an archaeologist from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region who is a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, said she has developed an emotional attachment to relics and will spend a lifetime exploring the mysteries behind them.

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2024-03-07). The Digital Revolution of Artificial Intelligence: Beneficial Economic Creative Destruction or Systemic Dehumanization. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi reiterates Beijing's desire for peaceful reunification with Taiwan. ecns.cn The stronger the commitment to the one-China principle is, the greater guarantee there is for peace across the Taiwan Strait, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

unitedEditor (2024-03-07). Statements of Foreign Minister Fidan; American diplomats go door to door, threaten Turkish companies dealing with Russia; Minister of Economy ≈ûim≈üek on inflation. uwidata.com The agenda was busy in Turkey last week. The Antalya Diplomacy Forum was held with wide participation from abroad and domestically. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan's statements regarding foreign policy stood out. On the other hand, Aydƒ±nlƒ±k newspaper's report that American diplomats pressured Turkish companies to comply with anti-Russian sanctions made a big …

Bloomberg (2024-03-07). Haiti gangs threaten civil war as PM Ariel Henry faces pressure to quit. scmp.com Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry is being pressured to quit or present a plan for a new government, as gang leaders who have unleashed deadly violence tighten their grip on the country.

albawaba (2024-03-07). Real Madrid plan swap deal for Bayern's Alphonso Davies. albawaba.com Real Madrid are planning to offer Bayern Munich a swap deal that involves left-back Alphonso Davies.Recent reports claim the 23-year-old has accepted to join the Madrid-based club. However, talks between the two giants are yet to begin.El Chiringuito says Bayern Munich are demanding €70 million to let the Canada international.Meanwhile, Real Madrid are hoping to convince the German club to part ways with their star by offering an amount of money plus Ferland Mendy.Davies' deal at Bayern expires in the summer 2025, whereas, Mendy is tied to Madrid until June of the same year.

Angela (2024-03-07). Monday 3/11: Virtual Community Hour: The Missing Peace. indybay.org

bwitanek (2024-03-07). Wayne NJ Passes Cease Fire Resolution 3/6/24. fightbackbetter.com Roll the Cease Fire resolutions on! | Congrats to…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Chad: Submission of Candidates for Presidential Election Started. telesurenglish.net The political and military situation in Chad has deteriorated since 2021 following the death of former President Idriss Deby Itno, the father of Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno. | The first round of the presidential election is scheduled in the Central African country on May 6, with a possible second round on June 22. Mar. 7, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). The Current World Order Denies Equal Conditions for All: Putin. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in the closing ceremony of the World Youth Festival, which took place in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea. | RELATED: | In his speech before hundreds of young people from around the world, Putin emphasized the importance of "traditional values" in shaping contemporary Russian society. | "There is something that unites us all. Today, in Russia, it is ou…

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi: U.S. must be rational about China. ecns.cn Beijing urges Washington "to be clear-eyed about the trend of the times, view China's development objectively and rationally, engage in exchanges with China proactively and pragmatically, and act to fulfill its commitments".

albawaba (2024-03-07). Guilty! Alec Baldwin 'Rust' armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter. albawaba.com

Robert Jensen (2024-03-07). Why I Don't Rely on Hope. counterpunch.org "Where do you find hope?" "How do you sustain hope?" Those are probably the most common questions in response to more than three decades of writing and lecturing about today's multiple cascading social and ecological crises. For years I struggled with how to answer, wanting to be honest but sensitive to the anxiety that typically

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Liaoning set to play bigger role as key trade hub. ecns.cn Liaoning province aims to develop itself into a hub of Northeast Asian cooperation, deeply integrating with the Belt and Road Initiative and playing a greater role in connecting domestic and international markets.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang warns against stirring trouble in the Korean Peninsula. ecns.cn Anyone undermining peace and stability will pay a heavy price, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said when taking a question from the media on the Korean Peninsula issue at a news conference in Beijing on Thursday.

GABIK (2024-03-07). Four suspects implicated in Joslin Smith disappearance appear in court. sanews.gov.za Four suspects implicated in Joslin Smith disappearance appear in court | Four suspects implicated in the disappearance of six-year-old Joslin Smith made a short appearance at Vredenburg Magistrate's Court in Western Cape on Thursday. | The suspects, Jacquen Rowhan Appollis, Steveno Dumaizio van Rhyn, Racquel Chantel Smith and Phumza Sigaqa appeared in court on Thursday facing charges of trafficking persons for the purposes of exploitation and kidnapping. | Joslin, from Diazville in Saldanha Bay, went missing on 19 February 2024 while in the care of her mother's boyfriend. | The search for Joslin, which is still u…

Bloomberg (2024-03-07). New York deploys National Guard to subways after rash of violent crimes. scmp.com A rash of violent incidents has reignited fresh concerns about safety on the biggest US transit network.

Agence France-Presse (2024-03-07). Canada reaches settlement with Michael Spavor, 1 of 'Two Michaels' in China spy row. scmp.com Ottawa reached a settlement with Canadian Michael Spavor, who was jailed in China for nearly three years and claimed he had been unwittingly used for intelligence gathering.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Breathtaking scenery of blooming cole flowers under starry sky in Yunnan. ecns.cn Breathtaking scenery of blooming cole flowers under starry sky in Luoping County, southwest China's Yunnan Province, March 5, 2024.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Wang Yi reiterates support to Africa. ecns.cn China will continue to support Africa in its self-driven development and faster modernization, and hopes that all sides will pay more attention to, and increase input for Africa's development.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Global South main force behind reforming international order, Wang says. ecns.cn The Global South is no longer the "silent majority", but a key force for reforming the international order, and China will always act as a crucial force for development and prosperity of the Global South.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Xizang set to build world's largest national park by 2025. ecns.cn The Xizang autonomous region plans to build the highest and largest national park in the world by 2025, the chairman of the regional government said on Wednesday.

greenleft.org.au (2024-03-07). Nasser Mashni leads pro-Palestine march in Garramilla/Darwin. greenleft.org.au

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Foreign currency sales exceed purchases by $168m in Belarus in February. eng.belta.by In February individuals bought the equivalent of $753.1 million in cash | and cashless forms and sold $921.1 million worth of foreign currency. In | January-February foreign currency sales by individuals exceeded…

Angela (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/9: Folsom: Rally & March for Palestine. indybay.org Folsom Palladio | corner of East Bidwell and Iron Point | Folsom, CA…

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (2024-03-07). Wednesday 3/6: USCPR Phone Zap: Not My Tax Dollars. indybay.org Online via Zoom.

eng.belta.by (2024-03-07). Formation of Belarusian parliament's upper chamber discussed. eng.belta.by The nomination of candidates to the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus will begin on 12 March and has to end on 21 March at the latest. The actual elections to the Council of the Republic are supposed to take place on 4 April 2024.

Drago Bosnic (2024-03-07). Why Is Pentagon Considering 'Mussolini-style Rescue' for Zelensky? globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). Industrial upgrades crucial to propelling growth. ecns.cn A leading economist has called for heightened focus on harnessing cutting-edge technologies and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to foster "new quality productive forces" and propel China's economic growth.

bwitanek (2024-03-07). Asbury Park Cease Fire Now Protest Wed. March 13, 3pm Train Station. fightbackbetter.com

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-07). mRNA injections could cause an epidemic of prion diseases — and not only in the vaccinated. expose-news.com If the spike protein of both the infection and the injection is an engineered prion, a result of bio-warfare research and development, then this has grave implications for humanity because these weaponised …

Angela (2024-03-07). Saturday 3/9: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "5 Minutes from Home" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-07). Dutch court cancels fine for writing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine prescriptions to treat covid. expose-news.com The Zeeland-West-Brabant District Court has cancelled a fine of 6,375 euros, imposed by the Health Inspectorate ("IGJ") on Dutch doctor Niek Rogger. The fine was imposed for prescribing covid treatments, particularly hydroxychloroquine …

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). EU mulls boosting military spending, relying less on U.S. ecns.cn European Union officials want member states to significantly increase the bloc's armaments production rather than continue to rely on imports from the United States.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-07). Claudia Gay and "First Ones" in an Empire of Lies and Annihilation. libya360.wordpress.com Kwaku Aurelien Harvard University The January 2nd announcement of Claudine Gay's resignation from the position of President at Harvard University has caused quite a stir in American society, especially in the context of our current historical moment and the immense pressure under which Gay made her decision. Black Americans of prominence such as Jemele Hill…

Islam Dogru & Zehra Nur Duz (2024-03-07). US, Canadian synagogues sell Palestinian land for illegal settlement. indybay.org Closed-door meetings held in some synagogues in the US and Canada to sell properties belonging to Palestinians from areas where illegal settlers reside in East Jerusalem and the West Bank have sparked outrage across the US. One of these meetings, organized by the Texas-based real estate company Keller Williams, was protested in Englewood, New Jersey.

ecns.cn (2024-03-06). Leaders highlight goals, tasks in talks. ecns.cn Premier Li Qiang urged Guangdong province to reach the commanding heights of science and technology, and continue to deepen reform and opening-up.

Reuters (2024-03-07). US presidential election 2024: Biden and Trump woo Haley voters after she ends White House bid. scmp.com Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump are scrambling to win over supporters of Nikki Haley, a constituency that could be crucial to sending either man back to the White House.

ecns.cn (2024-03-07). BRI an 'opportunity for all', says FM. ecns.cn Foreign Minister Wang Yi reaffirmed China's pledge to make the Belt and Road Initiative "a lasting opportunity shared by all" on Thursday, saying that the nation will continue to promote physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Wisconsin documents reveal details of strategy behind Donald Trump's 2020 fake elector scheme. wsws.org A trove of court documents released on Monday show Wisconsin attorney Kenneth Chesebro and former judge Jim Troupis were instrumental in formulating the strategy of Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 elections through court cases that generated "a cloud of confusion" combined with the appointment of "alternative" electors in seven key states.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Trump's Republican Party primary victory: A new stage in the crisis of American democracy. wsws.org The outcome of the Republican primaries lays bare the staggering crisis of the entire American political system.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Biden, Trump consolidate presidential nominations in "Super Tuesday" vote characterized by low turnout. wsws.org Despite cruising to primary victories in their respective races, voters registered their disgust with both political parties and their candidates by casting protest votes, actually protesting, or abstaining entirely from the "democratic" process.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Record breaking Texas Panhandle wildfires blaze into second week. wsws.org The Panhandle wildfires follow last year's record-breaking fires in Canada, with its large emissions of smoke, soot, and ash traveling for thousands of miles.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Latin American leaders line up behind Biden and Trump in 2024 US election. wsws.org Brazilian President Lula's recent expression of support for the genocidal Biden and the participation of fascist presidents Milei of Argentina and Bukele of El Salvador in the Trump-dominated CPAC are early manifestations of the particularly overwhelming impact of the US election on Latin America.

WSWS (2024-03-07). Measles outbreak continues to expand across the US. wsws.org The ongoing measles outbreak across the US, with its epicenter in Florida, continues to spread to new states.

WSWS (2024-03-07). US kidnaps president it imposed on Haitian people, as Western hemisphere's poorest country descends into chaos. wsws.org The imperialist powers are utterly indifferent to the plight of the Haitian people—for which they are principally responsible—and hostile to their democratic and social aspirations.

Staff (2024-03-07). The Khaksar Women who fought for our freedom. muslimmirror.com Allama Mashriqi Pioneered Female Empowerment By Nasim Yousaf "[Translation] After several centuries, we are again giving this lesson to every Muslim woman that the very existence and bringing up…of humankind is because of you…so is the life of a nation and Ummah also based on your commandment…" — Allama Mashriqi ("Quol-e-Faisal", 1935) The Khaksar Movement, …

Binoy Kampmark (2024-03-07). Wary of Sinophobia: Anwar Ibrahim at the ASEAN Summit. counterpunch.org It can take much bruising, much ridicule, and much castigation to eventually reach the plateau of wisdom. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who took office in November 2022, is one such character. Like a hero anointed by the gods for grand deeds and fine achievements, he was duly attacked and maligned, accused of virtually every heinous crime

Richard Slotkin (2024-03-07). Book Excerpt: Where We Stand. progressive.org If Trump were to win re-election, the damage to republican institutions and the national interest might well be irreparable, Richard Slotkin writes in his new book "A Great Disorder: National Myth and the Battle for America."

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-03-07). Fuerzas israelíes impiden entrada de camiones con comida a Gaza. telesurtv.net El director de la Organización Mundial de la Salud reiteró la necesidad de que entre a Gaza más ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-07). Expertos de DD.HH. condenan masacre en Gaza por parte de Israel. telesurtv.net Expertos de la ONU en el tema de los derechos humanos resaltaron que "la ayuda humanitaria no debe utilizarse como moneda de cambio en las negociaciones".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Sudáfrica solicita a la CIJ que asuma provisiones contra Israel. telesurtv.net Sudáfrica solicitó al tribunal que decrete que Israel debe asumir "medidas inmediatas y efectivas" para proveer a Gaza de servicios básicos.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-07). Unos tres muertos por ataque yemení contra barco en mar Rojo. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios internacionales, se trata de las primeras muertes desde que iniciaron las agresiones desde Yemen.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Jordania condena ampliación de asentamientos israelíes en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El Ministerio se pronunció luego de que Israel aprobase la construcción de cerca de 3.500 nuevas unidades de asentamiento en Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-07). Rusia ratifica disposición a colaborar con la OIEA. telesurtv.net Jefe de Estado ruso manifiesta que su país hace cuanto está a su alcance para mejorar la seguridad de las instalaciones y las centrales nucleares.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-07). Repudian asesinato de líder social en Arauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con el crimen contra Josué Castellanos Pérez, ascienden a 27 los líderes que perdieron la vida de manera violenta en lo que va de 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Rusia convoca a la embajadora de EE.UU. para ser requerida. telesurtv.net A la embajadora se le entregó una nota oficial demandando que cese cualquier colaboración con las actividades de ONGs.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-07). Presidente de Venezuela llama a rescatar historia insurgente. telesurtv.net Nicolás Maduro expresó: "Quieren borrar la memoria histórica" porque "un pueblo sin historia, sin identidad, sin puntos de encuentro, sin orgullo por lo que fue y es, es un pueblo fácil de dominar, de colonizar".

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-07). Corte Suprema de Colombia no logra elegir Fiscal General. telesurtv.net El presidente de la corte anunció que el próximo 12 de marzo se hará una sala extraordinaria para tomar una decisión.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-07). Vicepresidenta dominicana afirma disposición de ayudar a Haití. telesurtv.net Ante la ola de violencia e inseguridad que se vive en el territorio haitiano, instó a los dominicanos a no tener temor.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-07). Comisión de Justicia del Congreso español aprueba amnistía. telesurtv.net Tras su aprobación por la comisión, se elevará al Pleno del Congreso, que ya lo verá la próxima semana.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-07). Gobierno de Honduras ratifica que se desvinculará del Ciadi. telesurtv.net A juicio del Gobierno, el Ciadi se ha convertido en un sistema que "socava la soberanía (…), desplaza la función de los tribunales de la República y limita el cumplimiento de las decisiones del Gobierno democrático".

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-03-07). Telescopio James Webb identifica rara galaxia que murió joven. telesurtv.net Los expertos afirman que, pesar de haber encontrado otras galaxias muertas, JADES-GS+53.15508-27.80178 sorprende porque se encuentra tan lejos que se puede apreciar como se veía 700 millones de años después del Big Bang.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-07). Liga àÅrabe elogia heroica firmeza de las mujeres palestinas. telesurtv.net Pidió que se brinde protección a las mujeres y niñas palestinas y que se ponga fin a todas las formas de violencia contra ellas.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-07). CNE venezolano convoca a observadores internacionales para 28J. telesurtv.net La declaración de Amoroso se produce el mismo día en que el CNE publicó el cronograma para las presidenciales del 28 de julio.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-07). Realizan atentado contra vivienda de lideresa indígena peruana. telesurtv.net El atentado ocurrió un día después que se realizara un operativo de interdicción contra la minería ilegal en la región del Amazonas peruano.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-07). México dará respuestas por los desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El presidente mexicano indicó que avanza investigaciones de los desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa y garantizó que personalmente se hará cargo de dar respuesta a los familiares.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-07). Inicia paro de líneas de autobuses en la capital de Argentina. telesurtv.net Este es el segundo paro que llevan adelante los trabajadores nucleados en la Unión Tranviarios Automotor en lo que va de marzo.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-07). Presidente ruso encabezó clausura de Festival Mundial de la Juventud. telesurtv.net El presidente Putin destacó el éxito del evento y afirmó que todas las personas son iguales y no puede existir espacio para la exclusión de nadie.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-07). Trabajadores de la cultura argentina protestan contra despidos. telesurtv.net Los y las manifestantes acotaron que van a seguir reclamando salarios dignos y discutiendo la renovación de los contratos.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-07). Jura nuevo presidente del Consejo de Ministros en Perú. telesurtv.net Esto ocurre tras la renuncia de Alberto Otárola, a partir de la polémica que se generó por la acusación de la Fiscalía de facilitar un contrato irregular a su expareja, Vadire Pinedo.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-07). ALBA-TCP manifiesta preocupación por crisis haitiana. telesurtv.net La nota de la ALBA-TCP reclama que "es perentorio que se restituya la paz, la democracia y las condiciones de seguridad necesarias en el país".

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-07). Congreso de Perú aprueba bicameralidad pese a rechazo ciudadano. telesurtv.net El Pleno aprobó por mayoría la bicameralidad y la reelección legislativa inmediata, medidas que fueron rechazadas por el 90 por ciento de los ciudadanos en un referendo en 2018.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-07). Protesta mundial contra nuevas casas para colonos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El Cairo llamó a cesar estas prácticas, que, destacó, socavan los esfuerzos para una solución justa para Palestina.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-07). Reforma a las pensiones de los colombianos no avanza en el Senado. telesurtv.net Por ahora, la bancada oficialista tiene una semana más para conseguir la mayoría para sacar adelante el proyecto de reformas de pensiones…

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-07). Ataques contra la Franja de Gaza dejan al menos diez muertos. telesurtv.net Un bombardeo israelí contra el campo de refugiados de Nusseirat, provocó la muerte de al menos cinco civiles y varios heridos.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-07). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-07). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Suman cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Omán condena construcción de asentamientos israelíes en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Omán califica la decisión de Israel como "una nueva y flagrante violación de las normas del derecho internacional".

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-07). Irán captura un petrolero estadounidense en el Golfo Pérsico. telesurtv.net Estados Unidos restableció sus sanciones contra Irán en mayo de 2018 tras abandonar un acuerdo nuclear respaldado por Naciones Unidas con la República Islámica y otros cinco países.

Kent Paterson (2024-03-07). Mexico's Historic 2024 Election Campaign Enters the Final Stretch. counterpunch.org Unless the world turns upside down (a possibility in these times), it's almost certain that a woman will be elected president for the first time in Mexico. Competing for the top job are 62-year-old Claudia Sheinbaum, former Mexico City governor and the standard bearer of the three-party Sigamos Haciendo Historia (Let's Continue Making History) coalition that supports the left-leaning policies of outgoing President López Obrador (AMLO), and Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, a 61-year-old former Fox administration official who's the hopeful of a three-party center-right coalition, Fuerza y Corazón por México (Strength and Heart…

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-07). Congreso peruano debatirá inhabilitación de la JNJ. telesurtv.net El enfrentamiento entre el Congreso y la JNJ ha generado la preocupación en la presidenta peruana y en organismos internacionales como las Naciones Unidas.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-07). Senado comienza a tramitar la reforma de pensiones en Chile. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado por el Gobierno de Gabriel Boric en noviembre de 2022 y ahora debe ser tramitado por el Poder Legislativo de la nación.

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2024-03-07). Presidente de Irán visita zonas afectadas por inundaciones. telesurtv.net El líder supervisó localidades de las provincias de Sistán y Baluchistán (sureste), dos de las más afectadas por las condiciones meteorológicas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-07). Peruanos se movilizan en apoyo y defensa de la JNJ. telesurtv.net Según el corresponsal de TeleSUR en Perú, la discusión en el pleno del Congreso es otra de las estrategias del fujimorismo para seguir capturando las entidades del Estado.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-07). Congresista demócrata de EE.UU. abandona carrera y apoya a Biden. telesurtv.net Phillips convidó a movilizarse en aras de "mantener a un hombre decente e íntegro en la Casa Blanca".

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-07). Presidente venezolano lanza el programa Iglesia Social. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado venezolano escuchó las propuestas de los pastores cristianos y anunció el plan Mi Iglesia Bien Equipada.

Pajaro Valley Pride (2024-03-07). Sunday 3/10: Youth Vigil and Healing Circle Honoring Nex Benedict. indybay.org Raíces y Cariño | RC Fam, 1205 Freedom Blvd, 3B, Watsonville…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Cancilleres de Siria y Líbano se reúnen en El Cairo, Egipto. telesurtv.net El representante sirio con anterioridad se encontró con el canciller iraquí Fuad Hussein.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Trabajadores agrícolas realizan protesta en Varsovia, Polonia. telesurtv.net Los agricultores requieren disposiciones para detener el incremento de los valores debido a la acumulación de grano procedente de Ucrania y a la legislación medioambiental.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-07). Suman 30.800 los palestinos asesinados en Gaza. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con el Ministerio de Salud gazatí, otras 72.298 personas han resultado heridas por las agresiones israelíes.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-07). Aumenta a 20 la cifra de palestinos muertos por hambre en Gaza. telesurtv.net "Miles de personas corren el riesgo de morir de hambre", advirtió Al-Qudra.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-07). Asesinan a lideresa de partido político en Michoacán, México. telesurtv.net Este asesinato se suma a otros dos perpetrados contra aspirantes de partidos políticos el pasado 26 de febrero pasado con solo cinco horas de diferencia.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-07). OIM reporta cifra récord de 8.565 migrantes muertos en 2023. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con la agencia de Naciones Unidas, las cifras reportadas en 2023 superan en un 20 por ciento las de 2022.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-07). Claudia Sheinbaum recibe apoyo de pueblos indígenas mexicanos. telesurtv.net Sheinbaum destacó la necesidad de darle continuidad a los planes de justicia a favor de las comunidades indígenas.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-07). Caricom: no hay consenso entre las partes de la crisis haitiana. telesurtv.net El anuncio se produce en el marco de las reuniones para buscar el consenso entre los actores claves de Haití.

Martha Grevatt (2024-03-07). Mass protests continue solidarity with Palestine, honor Aaron Bushnell. workers.org Five months into the uprising that began October 7, there has been no letup in the movement in solidarity with Palestine. Many of the recent protests paid tribute to heroic Aaron Bushnell, a U.S. Air Force member who self-immolated outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 25 in . . . |

Susan Block (2024-03-07). The Burning Soldier. counterpunch.org It's tragic, and very strange, but I feel a kinship with Aaron Bushnell. Maybe it's because he's a self-described "anarchist" and a performance artist who performed the ultimate act of anarchistic political performance art protest on Sunday, February 25, 2024, and he did it with such pacifist grace and humble purity, without physically harming anyone but himself.

Robert Koehler (2024-03-07). Changing the World with Fire and Love. counterpunch.org The easiest way to cope with the news is to shrivel it into an us-vs.-them abstraction and, thus, to extract as much humanity from it as possible. I'm thinking about the recent protest death of Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire — doused himself in flammable liquid, lit a match and ignited himself —

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-03-07). Trying to understand the genocidal drift of Israeli society! cadtm.org

Maxime Perriot, Monower Mostafa (2024-03-07). In Bangladesh, globalization results in hardship for women workers. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-07). World Bank and IMF support to dictatorships. cadtm.org

Abdul Khaliq, Maxime Perriot (2024-03-07). Pakistan: Squeezed between IMF programmes and political repression, young people are leaving the country. cadtm.org

Balasingham Skanthakumar, Amali Wedagedara, Maxime Perriot, Nalini Ratnarajah (2024-03-07). In Sri Lanka women are the principal victims of the IMF and of microfinance. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-07). Domination of the United States on the World Bank. cadtm.org

Asma Aamir (2024-03-07). Feminist Movements In Pakistan: Challenges and Struggles. cadtm.org Asma Aamir writes about the Pakistani feminist movements history and current practices, their challenges and ways forward. This article is an edited version of her speech in the 13th International Meeting of the World March of Women, which happened in October 2023, in Ankara, Turkey.
| I would like to talk about Pakistan, a country that has not a secular State, like Turkey and others. It is officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, run by the federal and provincial governments, following (…) | – |

Deepanshu Mohan (2024-03-07). In 9 Charts: India's Growing Debt Problem Has 'Crisis-Like Symptoms'. cadtm.org

Hernán Cortés, Isabel Ortiz, Mohamed Berrada, Sara Burke (2024-03-07). World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-07). Part 4] Questions and answers on China : Could China lend differently? cadtm.org

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Hezbollah Missiles, Artillery Shells Target IOF Positions Close to Lebanon Border. english.almanar.com.lb In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The first statement mentioned that the Islamic …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Losses Inflicted upon High Ranking Israeli Commanders. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). White House Asks State Dept., Pentagon for Israel-bound Weapons List: Axios. english.almanar.com.lb Axios news website quoted four U.S. officials as saying that the White House recently asked the State Department and the Pentagon for a list of all weapons transfers to 'Israel' that are planned or are up for approval in the coming weeks. Axios claimed that the White House is seeking a full accounting of the …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Hezbollah fighters strike Avdon settlement with Katyusha missiles in response to Israeli aggression on Dhairah town which has claimed one martyr: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Resistance Fighters in West Bank Clash with IOF: Violent Confrontations Erupt as Tensions Rise. english.almanar.com.lb In a series of incursions by the Israeli occupation army in various areas of the West Bank, Palestinian resistance fighters have engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces, according to Palestinian sources. The confrontations have escalated with fighters targeting Israeli vehicles with homemade explosive devices, forcing the occupation forces to call in reinforcements. …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). A number of missiles hit Galilee Panhandle area: Israeli media. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Israeli Shin Bet Orders Probe into October 7 Failures. english.almanar.com.lb Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar instructed the Israeli security agency to launch operational investigations in the intelligence organization's departments and units related to the events of October 7 and the issues that preceded them, Israeli media reported. Ynet reported the Israeli order on Thursday, noting that the Shin Bet is joining the move started by …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Yemeni sources: Two US-UK air raids target Ras Issa area in Al-Salif directorate, Hodeidah. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Hamas: We call on our people in the West Bank and the 1948-occupied territories to guard Al-Aqsa Mosque during Holy Month of Ramadan. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-07). Hamas: Our delegation leaves Cairo today to hold consultations with the movement's leadership, talks and efforts to halt aggression ongoing. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-03-07). How would a sea corridor bringing aid to Gaza work. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). Canada set to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza famine looms. newarab.com The decision, which according to Canada's CBC is set to be announced on Wednesday, will see the government make a $25 million payment to International Developmen…

newarab (2024-03-07). US Democrats question arms to Israel over Gaza concerns. newarab.com US President Joe Biden's administration faced growing calls from his fellow Democrats on Wednesday "We need to use all the leverage we've got. The administration has not used the leverage it has to date. I don't know how many more kids have to starve…

newarab (2024-03-07). World Book Day: 10 children's books on Palestine. newarab.com This World Book Day continue their tradition by reading one of these books about Palestine to your children. | These Olive Trees, written and illustrated by Aya Ghanameh: | | Oraib is a little girl living in the Al Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus who loves helping her mother harves…

newarab (2024-03-07). ICJ: S. Africa wants more measures against Israel over Gaza. newarab.com South Africa has asked the In its application, South Africa warned that

newarab (2024-03-07). Envoys push for Gaza truce ahead of Ramadan next week. newarab.com Envoys pushed on with efforts for a US President Joe Biden had urged Hamas to accept a ceasefire plan with Israel before the Muslim fasting month begins, which could be as early as Sunday depending on the sighting of the crescent moon. | As negotiators in Egypt sough…

newarab (2024-03-07). Australia calls for 'durable' ceasefire in Gaza. newarab.com Southeast Asian and Australian leaders on Wednesday called for a quick and lasting ceasefire in "We urge for an immediate and durable humanitarian ceasefire," said the leaders of 11 nations — including Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia — after days of diplomatic wrangling over the text. | The deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip was a topic of fierce debate as leaders from the 10-nation ASEAN bloc convened in Melbourne for a th…

newarab (2024-03-07). Israeli strikes pound Gaza as US says pushing for ceasefire. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). Is Netanyahu prolonging the Gaza war to cling to power. newarab.com Since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's already rocky reputation was ruined following his In recent weeks,

newarab (2024-03-07). Cameron to press Gantz on Israel's 'obligations' in Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). UK authors rally against Gaza 'censorship' of RSL magazine. newarab.com Britain's Royal Society of Literature (RSL) has come under fire from some of its most prominent members over alleged Writers Margaret Atwood, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Philip Pullman are among 70 RSL fellows who have signed an open letter expressing concern over the alleged censorship. | The society's annual magazine was allegedly suspended in December because of one article containing a passage mentioning the "Israeli war machine".

newarab (2024-03-07). Gaza girl emerges from rubble days after Israeli raid killed family. newarab.com Tears in his eyes, Mohammed al-Sabbagh shouts into a mobile phone, imploring his niece on the other end to "be strong" as she languishes The call was made near the start of a three-day ordeal for the girl, 15-year-old Hala Hazem Hamada, who was finally rescued on Tuesday after a The bloodshed began…

newarab (2024-03-07). Trump on Israel's war on Gaza: 'Finish the problem'. newarab.com US Republican presidential frontrunner "Yes," Trump responded when asked during an interview on Fox News if he was "in Israel's camp". | The interviewer then asked if the former president was "on board" with the wa…

newarab (2024-03-07). Al-Aqsa Mosque is part of Israel, Netanyahu's office claims. newarab.com Israel will allow worshippers to access the The decision regarding the occupied East Jerusalem holy site was made at a meeting of "all security elements" led by Israeli Prime Minister

newarab (2024-03-07). In Israel, Netanyahu is not the problem. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). Chilean government bars Israeli participation in air show. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). Son of Hezbollah chief Nasrallah launches Instagram profile. newarab.com The son of Hezbollah chief Mohammad Mahdi Nasrallah's profile describes him as a "student of the Islamic sciences". | In one video, the He doesn't move his mouth, but a recorded voiceover plays in whi…

newarab (2024-03-07). Iraqi militias claim targeting of Haifa Airport with drones. newarab.com After a nearly

newarab (2024-03-07). Italy impounds charity ship involved in dispute with Libya. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). My Friends: Friendship, family and the pain of exile. newarab.com In his new novel more than a decade ago, Hisham Matar explores themes that have long concerned him: exile, family, and dissidence to the

newarab (2024-03-07). Ras al-Hekma: How Egypt is exchanging land for Gulf funds. newarab.com The Egyptian officials last weekend entered a $35 billion agreement with the UAE to develop the north coast resort of

newarab (2024-03-07). Palestinian Music in Exile: Voices of Resistance. newarab.com Palestinian Music in Exile: Voices of Resistance (AUC Press, 2023) is a book brimming with research which weaves together the many strands of Palestinian resistance, explored through music and from a Marxist perspective. | "Musical narratives are revealing of collective histories, confrontations and hopes," Louis Brehony writes in the introduction to the book. | Focusing on exile as sites where space is reclaimed, Brehony illustrates Palestine as a constant. | Despite the different exilic experiences and influences, Palestinian music encapsulates much of the anti-colonial struggle — including sumud narra…

newarab (2024-03-07). More than 20% increase in suicides in Lebanon in 2023. newarab.com New data revealed by a The mental health service, Embrace, which provides mental health services and maintains a suicide help hotline in Lebanon, said that the increase in "suicide cannot be attributed to a single cause." | Embrace said the increase "undersco…

newarab (2024-03-07). UK: Jeremy Corbyn to sue Nigel Farage over GB News comments. newarab.com

newarab (2024-03-07). California progressive advances despite AIPAC attacks. newarab.com Dave Min, a progressive running for a US House seat in southern California, has won enough votes to advance to the general election in November despite Min's race for California's 47th Congressional District, which Katie Porter vacated when she chose to run for Senate, was one of the few unpredictable outcomes on Super Tuesday. | "Overall, I think it's great that Dave Min won despite AIPAC spending US$4.5 million against him, kind of a surprising outcome there. Otherwise… not any o…

newarab (2024-03-07). IMF extends Egypt's loan programme to US$8 billion. newarab.com The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has extended Egypt's Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly told reporters in Cairo that the IMF programme targets vibrant indicators, including raising Egypt's hard currency reserve, reducing domestic and foreign debt, ensuring the flow of direct foreign investments and promoting the country's economic…

newarab (2024-03-07). Iran subjecting women to 'draconian' surveillance on hijab. newarab.com Iranian authorities are subjecting women to widespread surveillance to enforce the The Islamic republic's leadership was in 2022 shaken by

newarab (2024-03-07). Nikki Haley ends US presidential election campaign. newarab.com Republican former UN ambassador "It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and I hope he does that," Haley said in a televised address in Charleston,…

newarab (2024-03-07). Tunisia court overturns journalist's five-year jail term. newarab.com A Tunisian court overturned on Wednesday a journalist's prison sentence for revealing information about the security services, his lawyer said, paving the way for a retrial. | Khalifa Guesmi, a correspondent for Tunisia's most popular radio station Mosaique FM, was convicted in November and handed a one-year prison sentence that was later increased to five years on appeal. | The Court of Cassation "invalidated the five-year judgement and ordered it to be reviewed", Guesmi's lawyer, Rahal Jallali, told AFP. | He said Guesmi should be released by Thursday morning. |

Larry Johnson (2024-03-07). Why Torture is a Failed Policy and Practice. sonar21.com Vince Flynn Thanks Me | Judge Napolitano was the inspiration for doing this post. He wrote an excellent piece in the Daily Wire last week commenting on the apparent collapse of the criminal case against Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks. As the pre-trial hearings in the case of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and others who ar…

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