2024-02-23: News Headlines

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-23). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 140: UN experts urge countries to stop arming Israel as Netanyahu unveils postwar plan. mondoweiss.net

Anna Lekas Miller (2024-02-23). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 140: UN experts urge countries to stop arming Israel as Netanyahu unveils postwar plan. mondoweiss.net Benjamin Netanyahu's postwar plan would see Israel exerting direct control over a demilitarized Gaza Strip while permanently dismantling UNRWA and assigning "local officials" to govern civilian affairs.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-02-23). United States Kills Fourth United Nations Call For Peace In Gaza. popularresistance.org The United States has since October voted against four United Nations Security Council resolutions that called for peace in Gaza. | Top UN officials have called for a ceasefire, but the US government has stood in their way, facilitating further violence. | In January, the highest UN judicial authority, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), ruled that Israel must abide by the Genocide Convention and stop killing Palestinians. But Tel Aviv ignored the Hague's decision and killed thousands more Palestinian civilians. | By vetoing a fourth Gaza-related Security Council resolution on February 20, and by continuing…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-02-23). Malnourishment could lead to even more deaths among children in Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org A new report found that that over 15% of children under the age of 2 in northern Gaza are acutely malnourished, with 3% of them suffering from wasting. The World Food Programme has warned that without a ceasefire, a famine may ravage Gaza by May…

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-02-23). Biden won't let Israel's rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions. mondoweiss.net In yet another clear sign from Israel, the Knesset overwhelmingly voted this week to reject any "unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state." But this isn't stopping the Biden administration from clinging to its two-state fantasy.

Codepink (2024-02-23). How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons; Stop the Oil; Stop the Tech. pressenza.com How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons; Stop the Oil; Stop the Tech | By Marcy Winograd | If the nations of the world—particularly the United States and the Arab countries—wanted to stop Israel's slaughter, torture and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they could do so tomorrow with suspension of oil, arms and technology imports and exports to Israel. Though "Free Palestine" "and Let Gaza Live" protesters may shut down bridges, occupy train stations and march by the millions in cities across the globe, key governments—the US, UK, Germany, Canada, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and I…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-23). How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide. libya360.wordpress.com Marcy Winograd Israeli protesters demonstrate outside the Israeli army's headquarters in Tel Aviv, calling for a ceasefire in the war on Gaza, October 28, 2023. (Oren Ziv) If the nations of the world—particularly the United States and the Arab countries—wanted to stop Israel's slaughter, torture and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they could do so tomorrow…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-23). The Descent into Barbarism. libya360.wordpress.com Prabhat Patnaik Rosa Luxemburg in London The barbarity of capitalism is evident at present like never before, and the most heart-rending, the most incredibly cruel instance of it is the genocide of the Palestinians that is currently occurring with the combined blessings of all advanced capitalist countries. In The Junius Pamphlet written from jail in…

Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter. (2024-02-23). Assange Appeal Hearing Plagued By Media Access Issues. popularresistance.org In a high-profile extradition case widely regarded as a threat to global press freedom, administrators of the United Kingdom's courts have repeatedly shown that they are incapable and unwilling to ensure open justice for journalists. | All reporters outside of England and Wales (including this reporter) were barred from accessing the audio-visual link for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's hearing, where he urged the British High Court of Justice grant permission to appeal extradition to the United States. | Several journalists who traveled internationally to cover proceedings have been seated in a section of the…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-02-23). Imperial Venality Defends Itself: Day Two of Julian Assange's High Court Appeal. dissidentvoice.org On February 21, the Royal Courts of Justice hosted a second day of carnivalesque mockery regarding the appeal by lawyers representing an ill Julian Assange, whose publishing efforts are being impugned by the United States as having compromised the identities of informants while damaging national security. Extradition awaits, only being postponed by rearguard actions such …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-02-23). Imperial Venality Defends Itself: Day Two of Julian Assange's High Court Appeal. globalresearch.ca

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-02-23). Global South Stands Against Israeli Occupation Of Palestine At ICJ. popularresistance.org The International Court of Justice (ICJ) held its third day of hearings on 21 February on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank territories. | The ICJ is now halfway through its hearing in which 52 nations and three organizations — the Arab League, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and African Union — are set to present arguments related to Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem. | Colombia's representative, Andrea Jiménez Herrera, made her opening remarks by saying, "The occupation of the Palestinian territory is a violation of international law and is cont…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-02-23). Just Keep Bringing Awareness To The Depravity Of The Empire In As Many Ways As Possible. caitlinjohnstone.com.au You never know what could be the one thing that snaps somebody's eyes open.

Redaàßà£o Sà£o Paulo (2024-02-23). Lula withdraws Brazil's ambassador to Israel and asks his colleague to leave the country. pressenza.com Brazil is severing all diplomatic relations with Israel and has decided to expel Israel's ambassador to Brazil and recall its ambassador to Tel Aviv. | This was announced today by President Luis Ignacio Da Silva in response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Days earlier, Lula had strongly criticized the Israeli government, comparing its actions in Gaza to the Holocaust, for which he was declared persona non grata. | In response, Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, commented on his X account (formerly Twitter): "I express my total solidarity with President Lula of Brazil. In Gaza there is genocide and thousands of…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Hezbollah Attacks Overburden Israel's North: Black Fate Haunting Settlers. english.almanar.com.lb The Islamic Resistance fighters have been attacking the Israeli military sites and settlements in the north of occupied Palestine in support of Gaza for around 140 days. A heavy missile and artillery fire has left numerous fatalities among the enemy soldiers and settlers and caused a massive destruction in the settlements. Hezbollah attacks, thus, have …

Editor (2024-02-23). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 139: As Palestinians in North Gaza Starve, Israel Attacks MSF Building in Rafah. scheerpost.com

Shatha Hanaysha (2024-02-23). Two Palestinians killed, 14 injured by Israeli drone strike on vehicle in Jenin refugee camp. mondoweiss.net The Israeli army is now killing resistance fighters in the Jenin Brigade using drones after several failed assassination attempts by Israeli special forces on the ground, an associate of the Jenin Brigade told Mondoweiss.

CounterSpin (2024-02-23). Gregory Shupak and Trita Parsi on Gaza Assault. fair.org This week on CounterSpin: International human rights lawyer Craig Mokhiber told Electronic Intifada recently that the International Court of Justice hearings on the legality of Israel's 56-year occupation of Palestinian land are the largest case in history—more than 50 countries are taking part in this, and the US is virtually alone…in defending the legality …

Sharon Zhang (2024-02-23). AOC Calls AIPAC "NRA of Foreign Policy" Over Right-Wing, Pro-Israel Attacks. truthout.org Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has sharply criticized the U.S.'s most prominent pro-Israel lobbying group over its support of Israel's genocide in Gaza, likening it to the notorious far right National Rifle Association (NRA) as the group launches well-funded attacks on progressive lawmakers who support Palestinian rights. This week, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee… |

bwitanek (2024-02-23). All Out Feb 27 — 28! No Genocide Agenda Curriculum in Livingston Public Schools! Stop Misuse of Public Schools for Genocidal Purpose! fightbackbetter.com nj11forpalestine 4m üì¢ Announcement: Update on Vigil and Actions üïäÔ∏è A PEACEFUL Rally üóìÔ∏è Wednesday, 2/28/24 üï∞Ô∏è 5: 30 PM üìç…

bwitanek (2024-02-23). Kim is a Genocider of Many Words — Just Not the Words "Permanent Cease FIre" — He is Another Menendez on Palestine and Israel! fightbackbetter.com KIm was recently confronted at Ridgewood, NJ meet and greet on Thursday, Feb 22. His AIPAC funding means he is…

Tamara Nassar (2024-02-23). Settler fresh from Gaza genocide wounded in West Bank shooting. electronicintifada.net Two Palestinian brothers killed.

Staff (2024-02-23). Peace Fighter: A Podcast Interview With Crystal Zevon. worldbeyondwar.org By Marc Eliot Stein, World BEYOND War, February 23, 2024 Crystal Zevon travelled from Vermont to Washington DC to join protestors from Code Pink and elsewhere in confronting cowering politicians and diplomats in Washington DC about Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza. This was a familiar journey for Crystal, a deeply committed longtime activist who kicked …

bwitanek (2024-02-23). Problematic NJ School Districts Toward Palestine Realities. fightbackbetter.com Below are just SOME of the examples of how school districts have played a role often in support of genocide by creating obstacles for exercise of speech and assembly rights of students, staff, board members and community in opposition to genocide and in the case of Livingston, the Superintendent is acting as a publicist for Israeli genocide the with Livingston tax payers picking up the tab for his volunteering of Livingston resources to the genocide campaign. | Please let us know of additional instances, e-mail Editor@FightBackBetter.com so we can provide a better list. If you are targeted there are several group…

thecommunists (2024-02-23). Tick. Tock. What did you do to stop the genocide in Gaza, Daddy? thecommunists.org On Wednesday 21 February, while British justice was in action figuring out how best to break all its own rules so as to accede to the wishes of US imperialism and extradite the persecuted journalist Julian Assange, the Mother of all Parliaments was making a mockery of another pillar of our hallowed British democracy by …

WSWS (2024-02-23). Australian pseudo-left promotes pro-genocide Labor Party in Gaza protest movement. wsws.org The pseudo-left Solidarity group is aggressively advocating for Labor, including with a demand that its MPs be given a platform at pro-Palestinian protests, as it continues to support the genocide.

unitedEditor (2024-02-23). Strong support for Palestinian self-determination. uwidata.com On Thursday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague continued its hearings on "The Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem." The ongoing ICJ hearings are the consequence of a resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNSC) in 2022. Once …

Staff (2024-02-23). Israeli occupation violates Palestinians' right to self-determination: Malaysia. muslimmirror.com ANKARA : Malaysia told a hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday that Palestine has the right to self-determination and that this right has been violated due to the Israeli occupation. The hearings, where the legal consequences of Israel's actions in the occupied Palestinian territories are being discussed, are taking place at …

Staff (2024-02-23). UN agency for Palestinian refugees at 'breaking point': Press TV, Iran. gilbertdoctorow.com UN agency for Palestinian refugees at 'breaking point': Press TV, Iran I recommend this 10 minute video both for what the presenter and my fellow panelist said as they described Israel's unconscionable efforts to destroy UNRWA, the main provider of humanitarian assistance to Palestinians inside and outside of Gaza, and also to what I was …

Staff (2024-02-23). Headlines for February 23, 2024. democracynow.org "We Are on the Edge of a Monumental Disaster": UNRWA Says It's Reached a Breaking Point, Israeli Attack on Homes in Deir al-Balah Kill at Least 40 Palestinians, Incl. Infants, MSF: Traumatized Gazan Children Tell Aid Workers They'd Prefer to Die, Norwegian Pension Fund Divests from Israeli War Machine; UC Davis Students Pass BDS Resolution, "Zionism Misrepresents Judaism": Jewish American Activists Protest AIPAC, NY Politicians, Alexei Navalny's Mother Sees Son's Body, Says She Is Being Blackmailed into Having Private Burial, "The Era of Peace in Europe Is Ove…

Anna Lekas Miller (2024-02-23). Netanyahu's Postwar Plan Would End UNRWA and Fully Control Demilitarized Gaza. truthout.org Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled a postwar plan for Gaza for the first time since the start of the war. The short-term objectives of the plan — to fully dismantle Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and secure the release of all Israeli captives — would be followed by the full demilitarization of Gaza, over which Israel would play a role in governing civilian affairs… |

Sharon Zhang (2024-02-23). UNRWA Has Reached "Breaking Point" Due to Israel's Attacks, Agency Chief Says. truthout.org The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is at a "breaking point" in its ability to serve Palestinians in Gaza and beyond due to relentless attacks and smears by Israeli forces, the agency's chief said this week in a letter to the leader of the UN General Assembly pleading for the assembly to provide the political support to urge partner countries to restore funding. |

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-02-23). The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats. caitlinjohnstone.com.au The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans do evil things for evil reasons, whereas Democrats do evil things for noble humanitarian reasons.

unitedEditor (2024-02-23). Ceasefire, "normalization" and independence in Gaza and Palestine. uwidata.com Hamas demands a ceasefire, but only on the condition that their demands are met. Who tends to accept Hamas's terms and to what extent and with what kind of amendments and the relative political, military, diplomatic and morale powers of the sides seem to determine the final outcome of the ceasefire negotiations. Egypt, Qatar and …

SKWAWKBOX (2024-02-23). Starmer reported to parliamentary Privileges Committee over Hoyle threat. skwawkbox.org Starmer alleged to have threatened Speaker Lindsay Hoyle with removal under Labour government if he refused to break Commons protocol and allow Labour to hijack SNP Gaza ceasefire motion Keir Starmer has been reported to the parliamentary Privileges Committee over his alleged but widely-reported threat to remove Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle under a Labour government, …

Michael Arria, Mondoweiss. (2024-02-23). Momentum Grows For Protest Vote Against Biden In Michigan Primary. popularresistance.org Activists are calling for a ballot protest at Michigan's February 27 primary, in an effort to push President Joe Biden to support a ceasefire and end the administration's support for Israel's brutal assault on Gaza. | Our Revolution has become the latest organization to back the movement. The progressive action group recently sent an email to 87,000 of its members in Michigan and nearly 225,000 supporters in other states, calling on them to vote uncommitted. | "We need to send President Biden a message: We are outraged by U.S. complicity in the destruction of Gaza, the killing of thousands of civilians, including…

Chris Walker (2024-02-23). Jewish Voice for Peace Demands Gaza Ceasefire Outside AIPAC's NYC Headquarters. truthout.org On Thursday afternoon, thousands of Jewish New Yorkers and their allies protested in front of the headquarters for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobbying group that has funneled millions in donations to lawmakers in Congress in order to push Washington to reject calls for a ceasefire in Israel's genocidal military campaign against Palestinians in Gaza. |

Staff (2024-02-23). Press Freedom on Trial: Julian Assange's Lawyer on Extradition Case & Criminalizing Journalism. democracynow.org At a critical hearing this week in London, lawyers for imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange asked the British High Court of Justice to grant him a new appeal in what is likely his last chance to avoid extradition to the United States, where he faces a 175-year prison sentence for publishing classified documents that exposed U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Assange's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, says the judges were receptive to their arguments that Assange could face the death penalty in the U.S. and that an extradition would set a dangerous precedent for press freedom. "If Julian is extr…

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-23). New evidence emerges of Israel killing its own civilians. electronicintifada.net

aljazeera.com (2024-02-22). Houthis order 'ban' on Israel, US and UK-linked ships in the Red SeaYemen's Houthis have announced they have "banned" vessels linked to Israel, the United States and United Kingdom from sailing in surrounding seas, as the rebels seek to reinforce their military campaign, which they say is in support of Palestinians in Gaza. | | The Houthi's Humanitarian Operations Coordination Center sent formal notices of the ban to shipping insurers and firms operating in the region on Thursday, the Reuters news agency quoted a statement as saying.

aljazeera.com (2024-02-22). US tells ICJ Israel should not be ordered to immediately end occupationThe United States has told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that it should not order the unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian territories without security guarantees. | | The ICJ, also known as the World Court, is hearing from about 50 countries throughout the week to present their arguments on the issue of a nonbinding opinion on the legal consequences of the Israeli occupation.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Al-Quds Brigades says fighters ambushed two Israeli Merkavas in Gaza City's Zeitoun Neighborhood. english.almanar.com.lb

SKWAWKBOX (2024-02-23). Starmer admits spoke to Israeli president before torpedoing SNP Gaza motion. Sky deletes vid. skwawkbox.org Starmer's admission too hot for Sky News to handle? Keir Starmer admitted today that he had spoken to Israeli president Isaac Herzog before embarking on the parliamentary manoeuvres — including alleged threats to Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle, though Starmer has since denied it — that torpedoed the Scottish National Party's motion calling for a full …

Staff (2024-02-23). Gaza: 104 Palestinians killed, 160 injured by Israeli bombings last 24 hours. muslimnews.co.uk Gaza City, (OCHA, Al Jazeera, Wafa): Between the afternoon of 22 February and 10: 30 on 23 February, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 104 Palestinians were killed, and 160 were injured by Israeli indiscriminate bombing. Between 7 October 2023 and 10: 30 on 23 February 2024, at least 29,514 Palestinians were killed, including …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Al-Quds Brigades says fighters fired mortar rounds at Israeli gathering east of Gaza Central Province. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Al-Manar correspondent in Gaza: At least 6 people martyred as Israeli warplanes strike area near Askalan School east of Khan Younis. english.almanar.com.lb

Morning Star (2024-02-23). By Deliberately Derailing the Gaza Vote, UK Labour Party Leader Starmer Shames Democracy and Betrays Humanity. morningstaronline.co.uk

Media Lens (2024-02-23). Elite Fear of the Public: Ukraine, Gaza and Assange. dissidentvoice.org It is a historical fact that powerful elites do not wish to be diverted from pursuing their selfish interests by the public. Minimal, unthreatening expressions of dissent may be tolerated in ostensible 'democracies'. But public opinion needs to be managed, manipulated or, if necessary, simply ignored. After all, as Noam Chomsky has said, real 'democracy is …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Israeli occupation forces storm Al-Samoa' village near Al-Khalil (Hebron) in the West Bank. english.almanar.com.lb

Rick Thomas (2024-02-23). Israel's War on Palestine. Escalation in the Middle East. Towards a World War III Scenario? The Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca

Marwa Osman (2024-02-23). Hezbollah vows escalation. thealtworld.com After the Israeli entity airstrikes that targeted several towns in southern Lebanon over the past two days, resulting in the martyrdom of 9 Lebanese civilians and the martyrdom of several resistance Hezbollah and Amal Movement fighters, Hezbollah threatened escalation on the border. | Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday, that the Israeli entity attacks on Nabatieh and Sawaneh areas in southern Lebanon "constitute an escalation" because they targeted civilians and killed a large number of them, hinting at striking Eilat inside occupied Palestine. | Meanwhile, in full view of the worl…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon: Israeli enemy forces open fire towards Blida cemetery as the town's residents prepare graves for martyrs who fell during earlier Israeli aggression. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Hezbollah Heavily Retaliates following Israeli Strike on Lebanese Health Center. english.almanar.com.lb At least two rescue workers were martyred as Israeli warplanes targeted a health center in the southern border town of Blida, prompting Hezbollah to heavily retaliate. The Islamic Health Society announced on Friday that two of its staff embraced martyrdom All the Way to Al-Quds, after one of its civil defense centers was struck by …

Staff (2024-02-23). 'Israel keeps denying inalienable rights of Palestinian nation'. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman has lambasted Israel for deliberately denying the rights of the Palestinians, including their right to self-determination and the formation of an independent Palestinian state. Nasser Kanaani, in a message on X social network referred to the recent announcement by Israel's Knesset and the far-right cabinet under Prime Minister Benjamin …

Mike Ludwig (2024-02-23). US Anti-Terror Law Has Stigmatized Palestinians as "Terrorists" Since 1969. truthout.org The word "terrorism" first appeared in a U.S. federal law in 1969. Introduced by a Zionist congressman from New York who claimed "terrorists" were training children in refugee camps for the Palestinians forced from their homes by Israel, the provision banned U.S. humanitarian aid from benefiting any refugee who received military training from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) or "has… |

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-23). Netanyahu Agrees to Send Negotiators to Paris for Hostage Deal Talks. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to send negotiators for hostage deal talks with US, Egyptian, and Qatari officials in Paris on Friday after declining to participate in a previous round of talks. The decision came after Brett McGurk, President Biden's top Middle East official on the National Security Council, met with officials in …

Pepe Escobar (2024-02-23). Putin and China Send DEVASTATING Warning as Yemen Sinks US-UK Ships in Red Sea. thealtworld.com Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar discusses Yemen's ongoing Red Sea campaign and how Russia and China have sent a warning to the neocons by way of their exemption from the blockade. | This video breaks down why Yemen has allowed Russia and China to pass through the Red Sea as well as Putin and Xi Jingping's view on this critical geopolitical flashpoint.

EDWIN (2024-02-23). Two to appear in Khayelitsha Court. sanews.gov.za Two to appear in Khayelitsha Court | Two people have been arrested after a 25-year-old kidnapped woman was rescued in the Western Cape. | This followed a collaboration between various specialised units in the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Strand. | On Thursday, a multi-disciplinary Anti-Kidnapping Investigation task team, supported by the Provincial Operations Command Center Combat Unit, detectives, and crime intelligence among others, embarked on a takedown operation. | This followed further investigation into the kidnapping incident of 05 February that is linked to house robbery that occurred in Strand…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-23). Great Powers vs International Law: Breaking the Cycle of Impunity. orinocotribune.com By Lama El Horr — Feb 20, 2024 | Ever since the creation of the United Nations after the Second World War, the subordination of international law to the interests of the collective West led by the United States has amply demonstrated the inability of this mechanism to settle disputes between states, guarantee global development and preserve world peace. | Would Algeria and Vietnam have won their independence, or South Africa abolished the apartheid regime without an armed struggle? Would the United States have dropped two atomic bombs on Japan (between the signing and the adoption of the UN Charter, incident…

GABIK (2024-02-23). Infrastructure project funding under the spotlight. sanews.gov.za Infrastructure project funding under the spotlight | Partnership between the private sector and government, as well as its entities, with regard to the funding of infrastructure projects has taken centre stage at a Southern African Development Community (SADC) panel discussion. | The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), in partnership with the Department of Water and Sanitation, Infrastructure South Africa (ISA), South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL), and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), hosted a virtual discussion focusing on infrastructure. | "The participation of the pri…

DikelediM (2024-02-23). Government congratulates Sibusiso Ngalwa on Africa Editors Forum appointment. sanews.gov.za Government congratulates Sibusiso Ngalwa on Africa Editors Forum appointment | The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) has congratulated Sibusiso Ngalwa who is the current Chairperson of the South African National Editors Forum on his appointment to the Executive Committee of the Africa Editors Forum. | In a statement on Thursday, the GCIS said this appointment is particularly important as the media sector is facing a variety of challenges such as fake news and declining revenues. | The editor's forum is an expression of the need for editors and all media practitioners on the continent to wor…

aljazeera.com (2024-02-22). World slams US ceasefire veto at UN Security Council on Israel's Gaza war"The US veto… to a ceasefire in Gaza is "nothing different from giving the green light to the continued slaughter". | | "Only by extinguishing the flames of war in Gaza can the world prevent the fires of hell from engulfing the entire region," Xinhua quoted him as saying. | | Russia's Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzia said the US veto marked "another black page in the history of the Security Council". | | He accused the US of trying to play for time so that Israel could complete its "inhumane plans" for Gaza, namely to squeeze the Palestinians out of the territory and completely "cleanse" the enclave.

EDWIN (2024-02-23). Last chance to register to vote. sanews.gov.za Last chance to register to vote | South Africans who are eligible to vote have just a few hours left to register or update their information before the voter's roll closes. | Voter registration for the 2024 General Elections will close at midnight, which is the day of proclamation of the General Election 2024. | The President and the Provincial Premiers will proclaim Election Day, 29 May 2024, during the course of today. | "The 2024 general elections are historic in that they mark the 30th year of electoral democracy. We do not wish for any eligible citizen to miss out on this historic democratic process," said E…

infobrics (2024-02-23). SA to Help China Build a Research Base on the Moon – This Is What It Might Look Like. infobrics.org South Africa is set to work with China and other countries to build a research base on the moon…

Vijay Prashad (2024-02-23). If I understand the world, I can march to change it: The Eighth Newsletter (2024). mronline.org In December 2023, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a stunning report showing that, since 2018, literacy in reading and mathematics has declined amongst the world's students.

Staff (2024-02-23). Workers are 'fighting for their lives' as a national, multi-union Greek strike is set to take place. thecanary.co Greece's All Workers Militant Front (PAME) has called for "massive militant preparation of the private and public sector" ahead of a public sector Greek strike on Wednesday 28 February. As Crisis 24 reported: On February 28, unionized workers will stage walkouts impacting transport, health, hospitality, public administration, construction, and telecommunications sectors. Striking workers could stage …

tvbrics (2024-02-23). China implements a renewable energy programme in Cuba. tvbrics.com Three Cuban provinces are installing photovoltaic parks…

infobrics (2024-02-23). Will Russian Aerospace Forces really "go extinct at this ratio of losses". infobrics.org According to Forbes, Washington DC was "the biggest donor of 'Patriot' missiles, and Russia-aligned Republicans in the US Congress blocked further aid to Ukraine starting in October". And indeed, the news about all these supposed Sukhoi "shootdowns" show the timing is perfect for giving more "aid" to the Kiev regime.

infobrics (2024-02-23). Biden and US media lies about Ukraine are reminiscent of Vietnam War — American Conservative. infobrics.org "Will we ever learn?" ponders former State Department advisor.

tvbrics (2024-02-23). GITIS students performed the musical Casting at the Indian National Theatre Festival. tvbrics.com The artists received a warm welcome…

infobrics (2024-02-23). Ethiopian Officials Discuss Active BRICS Integration. infobrics.org Ethiopian government officials gathered in Addis Ababa to discuss the nation's integration into the BRICS grouping and to strategize on mutual benefits within the framework…

infobrics (2024-02-23). Can Navalny's death be compared to Jeffrey Epstein's case. infobrics.org His death is being heavily politicized, and even weaponized, with Joe Biden meeting with his widow and announcing further sanctions against Vladimir Putin. But before jumping to wild conclusions one should first assess the existing evidence. The problem is that in the age of information warfare and in the middle of the New Cold War it will be hard or impossible to get even slightly balanced coverage of the matter.

tvbrics (2024-02-23). Restoration of two Citadel towers completes in Egypt. tvbrics.com The expansion of the Citadel tour route will affect the number of days tourists spend in Cairo…

tvbrics (2024-02-23). Lula da Silva to attend BRICS summit in Kazan. tvbrics.com The Brazilian President held a scheduled meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister…

tvbrics (2024-02-23). Global Green Growth Institute praises Ethiopia's readiness to tackle climate change. tvbrics.com The parties discussed green bonds and carbon markets…

unitedEditor (2024-02-23). How did Western sanctions affect Russia? uwidata.com Russian economist Sergey Glazyev gave Turkish TV channel CNN TàúRK an interview covering the topics of effects of the sanctions on Russia, changing trading profile of Russia after the sanctions, relations between Russia and Türkiye, "BRICS currency", trade with local currencies and possibility of Türkiye joining BRICS. The interview, including the introductory part, was translated …

infobrics (2024-02-23). SME Development in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Analysis of Russia and China. infobrics.org

infobrics (2024-02-23). Fewer and fewer Europeans believe in 'Ukrainian victory'. infobrics.org Kiev's frequent losses on the battlefield make it impossible to believe in a Ukrainian military victory.

albawaba (2024-02-23). Putin takes flight on bomber aircraft. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Tatarstan's city, Kazan, is home to an aircraft manufacturing that was visited by Russian President Vladimir Putin. After his visit, he took off on a test flight in Russia's newest, nuclear-capable strategic bomber aircraft.President Putin arrived in Kazan with his group, and together they toured the upgraded TU-160 M bomber aircraft at the factory.The TU-160 M is a platform for aerial missiles, including those with nuclear warheads, and is a representation of Russia's state-of-the-art supersonic heavy strategic bomber aircraft. President Putin used the occasion to look inside one of the recently produ…

Michael Sainato, Portside. (2024-02-23). Twenty-Five US Universities Face Calls To Cancel Starbucks Contracts. popularresistance.org Student organizers, faculty and workers at 25 university campuses across the US are calling for their institutions to cancel their contracts with Starbucks in protest against the company's response to union organizing efforts. | The "Starbucks gets an F" actions will take place on Thursday at campuses including the University of Chicago, the University of South Florida, UW-Madison, New York University, Georgetown and Rutgers. | Hundreds of college campuses have Starbucks locations on them, either through licensing agreements or through contracts with third-party vendors. | Student organizers are circulating petit…

Staff (2024-02-23). Ending the War in Ukraine, Off the Battlefield. scheerpost.com Protests Against War in Ukraine. Photo from Wikimedia Commons by Amaury Laporte on February 27, 2022. By Vijay Prishad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has begun a massive military exercise called Steadfast Defender 2024 that will continue until the end of May. Over 90,000 troops from NATO countries (and one partner …

Editor (2024-02-23). Ending the War in Ukraine, Off the Battlefield. scheerpost.com By Vijay Prishad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has begun a massive military exercise called Steadfast Defender 2024 that will continue until the end of May. Over 90,000 troops from NATO countries (and one partner country, Sweden), including 50 naval groups and more than 80 air platforms, will deploy in 13 countries to …

Brasil de Fato (2024-02-23). Milei government shuts down institute against discrimination, xenophobia and racism: "It serves no purpose" peoplesdispatch.org The Argentine government of Javier Milei decided on February 22 to close the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (Inadi), presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni announced in a press conference. | "The decision has been taken to proceed with the dismantling of institutes that serve absolutely no purpose, such as Inadi," said Adorni. The Milei government spokesman also questioned the "suitability" of those who run certain government institutes and considered them to be "political pigeon holes or places to generate activist jobs." | Created in 1995 by the Law on Discriminatory Acts, Inadi…

Aram Aharonian (2024-02-23). Argentina: Mileinato loses centrality, Macri and Cristina enter the arena. pressenza.com The Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata was a political-territorial entity established by the Spanish Crown in the Americas as an integral part of the Spanish Empire from 1776 to 1810, with the port of Buenos Aires as its capital. And 214 years later, an ultra-right-wing president seems to want to re-establish it in Argentina as Mileinato, now dependent on Western powers and large transnational corporations. | Reality shows that Javier Milei's "all or nothing" approach is holding up his plan to dismantle the Argentine state, and he is once again threatening to make the dollar legal tender, thereby surrendering mon…

WSWS (2024-02-23). Quebec government reinvokes "notwithstanding clause" to shield its chauvinist "secularism" law from court challenge. wsws.org In 2021, a Quebec court found that Bill 21 violates basic rights and is having a "cruel" and "dehumanizing" impact on minorities, especially Muslim women. However, it nevertheless upheld the discriminatory ban on religious signs as the CAQ government's invocation of the "notwithstanding clause" was "lawful."

Howell Woltz (2024-02-23). Globalists to Start WWIII Over Russian Spy Navalny? globalresearch.ca

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-23). Biden shows signs of capitulating to conservatives on immigration, conservatives don't care. peoplesdispatch.org Biden is This action would put a stop to the right of migrants to request asylum once on US soil. Su…

Elijah Magnier (2024-02-23). US Empire's Self-Inflicted Destruction; Corporate Media is an Arm of Imperial Power; Assange Hearing. thealtworld.com The US Empire is pushing media tropes and propaganda to hold power as China invests in hardware and software developments. | Dr. Margaret Flowers, activist and editor of "Popular Resistance.org," joins us to discuss President Biden's latest moves to make it difficult for immigrants to seek asylum in the US. | EJ Magnier, veteran Middle East War correspondent, joins us to discuss Sergey Lavrov's bilateral meetings at the G20 summit, the US empire's failed war on Russia, and the Russia sanctions causing economic pain for the EU. | Dr. Radhika Desai, author and professor in the Department of Political Studies and Di…

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (2024-02-23). UK: Small boats, big business: The industrialization of cross-channel migrant smuggling. reliefweb.int Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Belgium, France, Iraq, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, World | Source: The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime | Please refer to the attached file. | As of January 2024, over 100 000 people had crossed the English Channel using small boats since 2018. The current peak came in 2022, when over 45 000 people were detected arriving in the UK illegally using small boats launched from the coast of northern France. Although small in comparison with the flows of migrants risking the journey across the Mediterranean to reach Europe each year,…

WSWS (2024-02-23). Biden White House prepares Trump-style anti-immigrant executive order barring asylum claims. wsws.org Multiple media outlets have reported that President Joe Biden is considering using the same law employed by the Trump administration, 212(f) of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, to block virtually all asylum claims to the US.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Biden White House prepares Trump-style anti-immigrant executive order barring asylum claims. wsws.org Multiple media outlets reported that President Joe Biden is considering using the same law employed by the Trump administration, 212(f) of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, to block virtually all asylum claims to the US.

UN Women (2024-02-23). Ukrainian refugees launch businesses and build a new community in Moldova. reliefweb.int Countries: Moldova, Ukraine | Source: UN Women | Prior to Russia's 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Evghenia enjoyed a comfortable and secure life in the southern city of Mykolaiv. She shared her days with friends and her mother, while finding fulfilment in her work as an art teacher. | After her city faced relentless bombings, it became too dangerous for Evgheniato stay in her home. Together with her mother, Evghenia fled west, joining Upon arriving in…

Staff (2024-02-23). Biden shows signs of capitulating to conservatives on immigration, conservatives don't care. peoplesdispatch.org Biden is reportedly weighing executive action on immigration that could prevent those crossing the US border unlawfully from claiming asylum. If enacted, the action would be similar to former President Donald Trump's attempt to target asylum seekers in 2018, which was blocked by federal courts and denounced by Democrats at the time. This action would …

Staff (2024-02-23). Haitian Asylum Seekers Take Biden Admin to Court for Racial Discrimination, Rights Violations. democracynow.org A federal court in Washington, D.C., heard arguments Thursday in a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of racial discrimination and rights violations of Haitian asylum seekers. The suit was brought on behalf of 11 Haitian asylum seekers who were abused by U.S. border agents as more than 15,000 people, mostly from Haiti, were forced to stay in a makeshift border encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the Acuña-Del Rio International Bridge in Texas. One of the plaintiffs is Mirard Joseph, the asylum seeker whose image went viral after being photographed while a Border Patrol agent on horseback lashed…

Staff (2024-02-23). UK workers put in £26‚ÄØBILLION of unpaid overtime in 2023. Bosses must be ecstatic — so, take your lunch NOW. thecanary.co Friday 23 February is 'Work Your Proper Hours Day' — when workers are encouraged to take their lunch break and finish on time. It comes as the Trades Union Congress (TUC) published analysis that released UK bosses claimed £26bn of free labour last year because of workers doing unpaid overtime Work Your Proper Hours Day …

WSWS (2024-02-23). Northern Virginia transit workers launch largest transit strike in half a decade in the Washington, D.C. region. wsws.org The walkout is the largest strike the Washington, D.C. transit system has seen since 2019, when the Fairfax Connector

Zane McNeill (2024-02-23). More Than 50 Obstetricians Have Fled Idaho Since Abortion Ban Was Implemented. truthout.org Idaho has lost 22 percent of its practicing obstetricians in the 15 months since the state's near-complete ban on abortion was implemented, a new study finds. The research, conducted by the Idaho Physician Well-Being Action Collaborative (IPWAC), reveals that over 50 obstetricians in Idaho have left the state since August 2022, meaning that only an estimated 210 obstetricians are available to… |

United Nations University (2024-02-23). World: UNU and UNCCD to advance collaboration on desertification and drought work. reliefweb.int Country: World | Source: United Nations University | Desertification is a complex issue that negatively impacts the lives and livelihoods of 3.2 billion people worldwide. During the 1992 Rio Summit, desertification was identified as one of the greatest challenges to sustainable development, leading to the foundation of the Desertification, land degradation and drought are also among the research topics that UNU scientists work on, sometimes in close cooperation with UNCCD. This is why UNU and UNCCD have…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarusian laptop gifted to Zimbabwe president. eng.belta.by The meeting primarily focused on interaction in economic affairs, including agriculture, manufacturing cooperation, food production, healthcare, and other things.

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2024-02-23). Support For Julian Assange As He Fights Extradition To The US. popularresistance.org There is no benefit to the people for Julian Assange to be extradited or to be charged, none whatsoever. He should be free, he should never have been forced into the Ecuadorian embassy. And by the way, he always made it clear that he would go to Sweden and face those charges against him if he was guaranteed not to be turned over to the U.S. And his fears were well founded, as we now see. He exposed corruption, political corruption, financial corruption, and that is what makes him an enemy of powerful people, and a friend to people around the world. So I support Julian Assange.

Brian Berletic (2024-02-23). The Fatal Flaw Undermining America's Defense Industrial Base. thealtworld.com — The US DoD published its first National Defense Industrial Strategy report, detailing major problems preventing America from mobilizing its industry to out-compete Russia and China; | — Most problems identified by the report stem from the DoD's dependence on private industry, yet private industry itself was never identified as a problem; | — The foreign and domestic policy is based on profit-driven prioritizing, creating industry that pursues profits at the cost of fulfilling that industry's role in providing goods and services for society; | — Russia and China maintain massive state-owned e…

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-23). US Congressional Delegation Led by House's Top China Hawk Visits Taiwan. news.antiwar.com

F. William Engdahl (2024-02-23). Gene-Edited Catastrophe in Brazil. Mosquitoes. A Gates Foundation Project. globalresearch.ca First published on October 3, 2019 | . | Update: | "It may sound like the premise for a horror movie, or a biblical plague, but the World Mosquito Program plans to release five billion mosquitos …

F. William Engdahl (2024-02-23). Gene Edited Catastrophe in Brazil. Mosquitos. A Gates Foundation Project. globalresearch.ca First published on October 3, 2019 | *** | A British-American gene-editing company has released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes containing a dominant lethal gene, each week for 27 months in the Bahia, Brazil region in a test to see if the …

Joe Lauria (2024-02-23). US Reinforces Grand Assange Deception. orinocotribune.com By Joe Lauria — Feb 22, 2024 | A delusory tale that turns journalism into a unique evil because it exposes secret U.S. crimes was heard in a London courtroom on Wednesday with Julian Assange's fate yet to be determined, reports Joe Lauria. | On the second and final day of Julian Assange's High Court hearing, barristers for the United States wove a delusory tale in which journalism is espionage, First Amendment rights are stripped from foreigners on U.S. soil and a government hunting a dissident journalist who revealed its secret crimes is lauded as a beacon of democracy. | However, outside the courthouse on…

Kevin Gosztola (2024-02-23). Unauthorized Disclosure: Subscriber Show For February 23. thedissenter.org Subscribe to The Dissenter and get access to exclusive and full episodes of the "Unauthorized Disclosure" podcast…

Kevin Gosztola (2024-02-23). US Government Indicts Journalist For Uncovering Unaired Parts Of Tucker Carlson's Interview With Kanye West. thedissenter.org

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-23). Political turmoil continues in Pakistan despite power sharing deal among establishment parties. peoplesdispatch.org The Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) have agreed to form the new government. However, several parties, including Imran Khan's PTI, have refused to accept the results and have alleged widespread rigging…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-23). "Death does not dazzle the eyes of the Partisans" peoplesdispatch.org On the 80th anniversary of the execution of Armenia-born French resistance fighter Missak Manouchian by the Nazi forces in 1944, the French government bestowed national honor on him by interring his remains and his wife Mélinée in the Panthéon in Paris…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-23). The Axis of Asymmetry Takes on the 'Rules-Based Order'. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar World War III is here, playing out asymmetrically in military, financial, and institutional battlefields, and the fight is an existential one. The western Hegemon, in truth, is at war against international law, and only 'kinetic military action' can bring it to heel. The Axis of Asymmetry is in full swing. These are the…

People's Dispatch. (2024-02-23). US Obfuscates And Misrepresents On Second Day Of Assange Hearings. popularresistance.org On the second and final day of the crucial appeal permission hearing for Julian Assange, the US repeated long-debunked and discredited theories and allegations. On Wednesday, February 21, the court began by hearing the submission by the prosecution representing the US government. | The prosecution team led by Claire Dobbin and Joel Smith presented arguments that obfuscated facts and misrepresented both the prosecution against Assange and the nature of work done by WikiLeaks. | The US opened with unsubstantiated claims that Assange's publishing of the classified documents exposed several contacts, putting them in…

Cindy Forster, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-23). Bolivia: A Judicial Coup. popularresistance.org On Monday, January 22nd, the poor in Bolivia set up road blockades. That day marks the fifteenth anniversary of a great step in human dignity called the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The blockaders resisted police aggression for nearly 2 weeks. The closure of the roads had only one objective: To stop a judicial coup that aims to dismantle a range of collective rights enshrined in the 2009 Constitution, a spectacular constitution that was born of the thirty-six; original and indigenous nations including the Quechua, Mojeña, and Aymara, whose organizing changed modern history. The United Nations declared itself o…

Sam Husseini, Scheer Post. (2024-02-23). The Prophecies Of Malcolm X: Zionism Is A New Kind Of Colonialism. popularresistance.org I doubt it's a coincidence that Malcolm — born 99 years ago this year and assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965 — was a model for the martyred Palestinian writer Refaat Alareer. | Indeed, at a talk in 2012, Alareer would recall his introduction to Malcolm: "I was teaching a course, and there was an amazing passage about this man, of whom I had never heard before. The passage was so eloquent, so articulate, so amazing that it pulled me into this personality, this area of knowledge that I, again, never knew before. … Malcolm X has had, since then, an amazing influence on my life, to the extent that I now name…

canadiandimension (2024-02-23). Buried trial verdict confirms false-flag Maidan massacre in Ukraine. canadiandimension.com Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist and professor Ivan Katchanovski on the hidden origins of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Tim Huber (2024-02-23). MCC Ukraine aid exceeds $14 million. anabaptistworld.org Since February 2022, when Russia began its large-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mennonite Central Committee has raised more than $14.4 million for emergency relief.

New Zealand Red Cross (2024-02-23). Ukraine: Two years on. reliefweb.int Countries: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine | Source: New Zealand Red Cross | Two years since the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine armed conflict, fighting and shelling are still everyday realities for millions of people living in Ukraine. | The scale of destruction is immense. Ukrainians have lost their loved ones, homes, livelihoods, and are struggling to get the basics necessary for survival. | Recent research by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) shows more than half the people in Ukraine, and Ukrainians living in neighbouring European countries, are stil…

UN Women (2024-02-23). En Ukraine, plus de 8 millions de femmes et de filles auront besoin d'une aide humanitaire en 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: UN Women | *New York, 22 février 2024 *— Les deux années de guerre totale menée par la Russie en Ukraine ont coûté la vie à des milliers de personnes, provoqué des destructions incalculables, déplacé des millions de personnes, traumatisé toute une génération, déchiré des familles et des communautés et dévasté l'économie. Selon les estimations de la Banque mondiale, de la Commission européenne, des Nations Unies et du gouvernement ukrainien, le coût total pour la reconstruction et le relèvement de l'Ukraine s'élèvera à 486 milliards de dollars US au cours de la prochaine décenni…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-02-23). Biden Moving to Send Long-Range Ballistic Missiles to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Amnesty International (2024-02-23). Ukraine/Russia: Justice for Ukraine means accountability for all crimes committed by Russia since 2014. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: Amnesty International | There can be no justice for Ukrainians without full accountability for all crimes committed by Russia since its military intervention in 2014, Amnesty International said today, on the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion. | Since the 2014 occupation of Ukraine's Crimea, Amnesty International has documented numerous atrocities, including the deliberate targeting of civilians and critical civilian infrastructure, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, torture, unlawful deprivation of freedom, forcible transfer of civilians and the abuse…

albawaba (2024-02-23). UEFA Europa League 2023-24 Round of 16 draw in full. albawaba.com The UEFA Europa League 2023-24 Round of 16 draw was held today in Switzerland with the following results: Europa League 2023-24 Round of 16 draw in full: Sparta Prague vs. LiverpoolMarseille vs. VillarrealRoma vs. BrightonBenfica vs. RangersFreiburg vs. West HamSporting CP vs. AtalantaMilan vs. Slavia PragueQarabag vs. Bayer LeverkusenThe first leg will take place on Match 7th, while the return leg will be played a week later.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Opinion: Games of the Future are paving way for new trend in sport. eng.belta.by The Games of the Future running in Kazan these days are a large-scale and spectacular project at the intersection of sport, innovation and technology, said Ksenia Sankovich, Secretary General of the NOC of Belarus.

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (2024-02-23). Strengthening legislation to build climate change resilience in the Cook Islands. reliefweb.int Country: Cook Islands | Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme | Home to approximately 18,000 people, the Cook Islands is made up of 15 small islands scattered over an area of 1.8 million square kilometres of the Pacific Ocean. The islands are divided into two groups, the northern group being low-lying atolls and the southern group comprising of volcanic islands with low-lying coastal areas and shallow lagoons. | The geography and remoteness of the Cook Islands makes it highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, where climate change threatens sustainable development, natural…

UN Development Programme (2024-02-23). A small grant's big impact on ensuring sustainable harvests in Nigeria. reliefweb.int

Unicorn Riot (2024-02-23). 'Ya'll Just Voted to Kill People!': Denver City Council Upholds Mayor's 'No Freezing Sweeps' Veto. unicornriot.ninja

Alisha, Josh Garber (2024-02-23). Five things Friday roundup: Jesus' subversive revolution. anabaptistworld.org Answering the call to serve outside of one's passport country brings with it the cautionary tale of many others who have come before us. How does one partner with the Holy Spirit and serve with a pure heart, while also naming and tenderly addressing the atrocities of colonialism and whitewashing that have happened in the …

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). CEC head: High voter turnout in 2024 elections in Belarus. eng.belta.by The voter turnout is quite lively. Early voting is going well. Young people are going to the polls," Igor Karpenko noted.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2024-02-23). Future of Sport Lies in Emerging Countries. globalresearch.ca

albawaba (2024-02-23). Elon Musk Unveils XMail: first competitor to Gmail. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Elon Musk has declared his desire to start a new email service that will directly compete with Google's Gmail, a move that is sure to upend the IT industry. The information was made public by Musk on his platform X in a social media post where he hinted to the release of a product called "XMail."This new effort expands Musk's portfolio of disruptive inventions; earlier this year, his initiative xAI unveiled Grok, an AI project meant to compete with ChatGPT.Musk has not disclosed many details about the future email service, including its features or anticipated launch date. Industry insiders predict tha…

NetHope (2024-02-23). World: Empowering Humanitarian Response Through Crisis Informatics. reliefweb.int Country: World | Source: NetHope | Please refer to the attached file. | Leveraging Data for Effective Decision-Making in Emergencies | In the age of And there is a wealth of data available – be it through international institutions such as the UN'

Abul Rizvi (2024-02-23). Sky News debate on asylum seeker policy: Indisputable facts. independentaustralia.net

Sasha Abramsky (2024-02-23). South Carolina's Primary Will Show Degree of Support for Programmatic Fascism. truthout.org As South Carolina voters prepare to cast their ballots in their state's Republican primary this Saturday, current polling suggests that Trump's lone remaining challenger, ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, may be on track for a drubbing in her home state. If the polls are accurate, Trump has the potential to outperform Haley by a two-to-one margin. Haley has said she's in the race for the long… |

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-23). Survey of embalmers shows how many are finding rubbery clots; "the science" will never cover stories which threaten Big Pharma sponsors. expose-news.com Former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland surveyed embalmers in 2022 about unusual clots being found in the bodies of vaccinated deceased. Haviland did a second survey for 2023. While reviewing and commenting …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-23). Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene's toxicity is very limited. expose-news.com The testing of graphene-derived materials for toxicity has been very limited, and even the limited testing has shown a wide range of potential harms — yet graphene materials are being broadly introduced …

Mark David (2024-02-23). CARTOONS: Dutton confuses cost-of-living crisis. independentaustralia.net

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2024-02-23). History of Art, The Power Ballads: Don't Catch You Slippin' Up! globalresearch.ca

Staff (2024-02-23). Delhi HC refuses to permit Shab-e-Barat prayers at Akhoondji mosque in Mehrauli. muslimmirror.com New Delhi : The Delhi High Court on Friday refused to permit prayers at the recently demolished 'Akhoondji mosque' and the nearby graveyard in Mehrauli on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat. Muslims seek forgiveness from Allah for their sins and those of their ancestors on Shab-e-Barat (the night of atonement). Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav, while dealing …

GABIK (2024-02-23). Government intervenes to resolve KwaXimba water challenges. sanews.gov.za Government intervenes to resolve KwaXimba water challenges | Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu, has reiterated the department's commitment to work alongside the eThekwini Municipality and uMngeni-uThukela Water to resolve water-related challenges in KwaXimba. | The Minister, joined by Deputy Minister David Mahlobo, eThekwini Municipality Mayor, Mxolisi Kaunda, and Inkosi Mlaba KwaXimba, held a joint Imbizo at the Inkosi Msinga Sports Centre on Thursday, which aimed to address water provision in KwaXimba ward 1. | The community raised their concerns at the constant interruptions in water supply during a…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). No site for building radioactive waste storage facility in Belarus selected yet. eng.belta.by Viktor Karankevich said: "Districts and territories where the facility may be potentially placed are being analyzed. All the aspects are taken into account such as ecological, economic, social, organizational, and technical ones."

Staff (2024-02-23). Maulana Azad wanted journalists' pen completely free and fearless: Masoom Murdabadi. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Network On the occasion of the death anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the Lucknow Campus of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) organised an extension lecture on 22nd February, 2024. Mr. Masoom Muradabadi, a renowned journalist, delivered the lecture on Maulana Azad's contribution to Urdu Journalism. During his extension lecture, Mr. …

Pedro Pozas Terrados (2024-02-23). Plastics: the recycling hoax. pressenza.com On 15 February 2024, the Center for Climate Integrity (CCC) released a devastating report, The Fraud of Plastic Recycling, which, based on numerous previous studies and recently uncovered internal documents, shows us that we have been misled and misinformed about the recyclability of plastic products and that we have been misinformed about the recyclability of plastics, in yet another of the most environmentally significant deceptions of the public, orchestrated by multinational corporations who knew that plastic recycling was neither technically nor economically feasible. | This serious news, which should be on…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Order of Mother awarded to 186 mothers from Belarusian regions. eng.belta.by For giving birth to and bringing up five and more children the Order of Mother has been awarded to representatives of various professions and fields of activity.

Adam Fishbein (2024-02-23). What's at Stake at the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference This Month in Abu Dhabi? cepr.net Commentary by Deborah James From February 26—29, 2024, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will host the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Governments from 164 countries will be joined by Timor-Leste and Comoros, the first two nations to join the group since 2017. At stake is a fight between two visions …

Editor (2024-02-23). NECESSITY: A two-part documentary series on climate resistance. mronline.org Grounded in people and places at the heart of the climate crisis, 'Oil, Water and Climate Resistance' traces the fight in Minnesota against the expansion of pipelines carrying toxic tar sands oil through North America.

Staff (2024-02-23). Find solutions to Kashi, Mathura outside courts: Ajmer Dargah chief. muslimmirror.com Jaipur : Ajmer Dargah chief Syed Zainul Abedin said political parties should try to find solutions to disputes such as in Mathura and Kashi outside the courts. Any dispute that is resolved by mutual consent will win hearts and trust of communities, he said. The Ajmer Dargah chief was addressing a conference titled "Paigam-e-Mohabbat Hum …

albawaba (2024-02-23). K-pop idols Hyunjin and Ningning meet Anne Hathaway at Versace show. albawaba.com The internet is buzzing over a video of K-pop stars Hyunjin of Stray Kids and Ningning of aespa sitting next to Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway at the Versace show during Milan Fashion Week.The video, which was posted on YouTube by a fan account, shows the three celebrities chatting and laughing together as they watch the models walk the runway. The video has already amassed over 10 million views and thousands of comments from fans who are gushing over the interaction.OMFG NINGNING WITH ANNE HATHAWAY AND HYUNJIN

NEOB (2024-02-23). SIU launches maladministration probes in KZN and Free State. sanews.gov.za SIU launches maladministration probes in KZN and Free State | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has been authorised — through Presidential proclamation — to launch a probe into allegations of serious maladministration in the affairs of the Free State Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and Human Settlements, the Free State Provincial Legislature and the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport. | The SIU said in the Free State investigation, the unit will probe the procurement of, or contracting for goods and services in relation to the Ramkraal Project by the provincial legislature. | "The…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). CIS chief: CIS observers did not detect violations during early voting in Belarus. eng.belta.by Sergei Lebedev recalled that observers from the CIS countries were dispatched to all regions of Belarus in order to get a broader picture of the early voting process and the elections in general.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-23). Jaw Dropping Report About U.S.'s Impact In Africa. youtu.be

United Nations Population Fund (2024-02-23). UNFPA Pacific and Fiji Ministry of Education cement partnership to strengthen Family Life Education in schools. reliefweb.int Country: Fiji | Source: United Nations Population Fund | SUVA, Fiji — The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Pacific and the Fiji Ministry of Education (MOE) achieved a significant milestone on 21 February when both signed the Implementing Partner (IP) Agreement. This Agreement forged under UNFPA Pacific's Multi-Country Programme (2023-2027) will enable UNFPA to formalize its assistance to MOE's on-going efforts at rolling out the Family Life Education (FLE) programme based on the international standards in Years 4 to 12 across all the 736 primary and 176 secondary schools in the country. | "The Mini…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarus, Zimbabwe agree to explore markets of southern African countries together. eng.belta.by Belarus and Zimbabwe seek to explore the markets of southern African countries together, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik told reporters during his visit to Zimbabwe.

Naveena Sadasivam (2024-02-23). Oil and Gas Industry Could See Methane Pollution Fees Exceeding $1 Billion. truthout.org The Inflation Reduction Act, the 2021 U.S. climate law abbreviated IRA, primarily reduces emissions through financial incentives, rather than binding rules. But in addition to all its well-known carrots, lawmakers quietly included a smaller number of sticks — particularly when it comes to the potent greenhouse gas methane, which has proven to be a pesky source of increasing climate pollution with… |

Staff (2024-02-23). Acu Seeds: the BBC is STILL dismissing people's complaints — so, here's what to do next. thecanary.co The BBC has been issuing stock responses to chronically ill people over a now-notorious episode of Dragon's Den that featured the Acu Seeds product. A lot of people living with the disease the programme discussed, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) are too unwell to keep having to jump through the BBC's complaint hoops just to have their …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-23). UK needs an entirely different political class that's willing to puncture our national delusions. expose-news.com The UK is facing a serious crisis as it continues to live beyond its means and remains detached from reality. The current state of affairs is unsustainable. It's time to face reality …

albawaba (2024-02-23). Elmhurst mom shares her journey with rare SPS disorder Celine Dion has. albawaba.com

Dr. Lewis Coleman (2024-02-23). Carbon Dioxide Climate Hoax: The Big Reveal. globalresearch.ca

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Uzbekistan's CEC praises organization of elections in Belarus. eng.belta.by "I am confident that the Belarusian people will elect worthy people to parliament and local councils," the CEC head added.

Basit Mahmood (2024-02-23). Here's how we can fix England's water and sewage industry. leftfootforward.org Directors of water companies have been incentivised to inflict five broad harms on all, with the aim of securing bigger profits and pay-packets.

British Medical Journal (2024-02-23). World: The climate missing: identifying bodies and preventing disappearances linked to climate change. reliefweb.int Country: World | Source: British Medical Journal | Malcolm Araos, Matthew Wolfe | Summary box | It is known that the absence of a missing person has significant negative consequences for the health of families. The kin of individuals who disappear in the context of forced separations reliably report depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, somatisation and a special, incomplete form of grief termed 'ambiguous loss'. It is also well-documented that anthropogenic climate change harms human health through a wide variety of pathways, resulting in shifting patterns of global illness, injury and death. | Scholars…

Kelly Hayes (2024-02-23). Our Mourning for Nex Benedict Calls Us to Action Against Transphobia and Fascism. truthout.org As a nonbinary Native person, I am holding Nex Benedict in my heart this weekend. Nex was a gender-expansive 16-year-old whose mother was a member of the Choctaw Nation. Nex died on February 8, after enduring a beating in their high school bathroom on February 7. Nex's grandmother and adoptive parent Sue Benedict said of their identity, "Nex did not see themselves as male or female. |

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Minister comments on role of commodity exchange in Belarus' peat exports. eng.belta.by The minister stressed that the peat factories will continue working with the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). BelTA's Sovereign Belarus exhibition reaches Brest. eng.belta.by The Sovereign Belarus photo exhibition put together by the Belarusian news agency BelTA continues its journey around the country.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarus considers nominating Brest Fortress for UNESCO World Heritage List. eng.belta.by The Prosecutor General's Office has submitted a proposal to the Council of Ministers to nominate the Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex for the inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

NEOB (2024-02-23). Transnet makes progress at Eastern Cape ports. sanews.gov.za Transnet makes progress at Eastern Cape ports | Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) says it is forging ahead with the implementation of the state-owned company's Recovery Plan at its Eastern Cape ports. | The plan is aimed at enabling efficient utilisation of port infrastructure and improving operational efficiencies at its Central Region ports of East London, Ngqura and Port Elizabeth. | According to TNPA, the improvements are also geared at ensuring competitiveness of the central region ports "through robust port operations oversight, delivery of critical infrastructure and investing in reliable marine fle…

Tim Huber (2024-02-23). Breaking chains, mending walls. anabaptistworld.org "Do we know what it means to ≠remove chains?" asked Joanne ≠Gallardo, co-conference minister for Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Con ≠ference, at Mennonite Church USA's 11th Hope for the Future conference on Feb. 9-11 in Dallas.

Unicorn Riot (2024-02-23). Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Relatives Remembered. unicornriot.ninja

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Russian CEC: Single voting day is convenient for candidates and voters. eng.belta.by "Russia has had a single voting day for a long time. It is convenient in terms of organization and is also convenient for both candidates and voters," Nikolai Bulaev said.

Gabisile (2024-02-23). Concern over HIV patients who are not receiving treatment. sanews.gov.za Concern over HIV patients who are not receiving treatment | Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, says he remains concerned by those who are not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) despite knowing their HIV status. | "We are doing extremely well on the number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) who know their status. However, we have been struggling to reach a great milestone on the number of people that are on ARTs," he said on Thursday. | Speaking at the high-level meeting convened in Cape Town by the US President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar), Phaahla said a majority of these patients do come for treat…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarus' peat output at 2.2m tonnes in 2023. eng.belta.by "Last year, the peat industry extracted 2.2 million tonnes of peat. During the reporting period, we produced more than 1.2 million tonnes of peat briquettes and dried products and about 136,000 tonnes of non-fuel peat products," Viktor Karankevich said.

Global Research News (2024-02-23). Selected Articles: Warning: This Website May Harm Your Preconceptions. globalresearch.ca By The Powers-that-be do not like websites that question or contradict the Official Narratives, whether those narratives pertain to the Covid plandemic, the "safe and effective" Covid …

Global Research News (2024-02-23). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Allen Forrest (2024-02-23). The WWII Elitist Reality Show. dissidentvoice.org While regular guys were putting their lives on the line fighting the "good war" for their country, what was their government doing?

Larry Johnson (2024-02-23). The U.K.'s Ejectile Dysfunction — FAilure to Launch. sonar21.com The missile hatch opened, the firm rocket stood stiff in the shaft. The button was pushed and . . . and . . . pfffft, plop. Failure to launch. We are not talking about Premature Ejectulation. Nope. This was worse. We're talking a major case of Ejectile Dysfunction. I bet that Britain's Lilliputian Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, could find a big, blue pill that would cure the EDS (i.e., Ejectile Dysfunction Syndrome) that afflicts the British Navy. What a travesty! The Brits can't get it up and can't get it out — their ships and missiles to be precise. Is my sexual innuendo and double entendre intended?

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Kazakhstan CEC sees interaction with Belarusian CEC as important. eng.belta.by "Our very close, friendly relations go way back. I fully concur with you that communication and interaction that we are developing at the professional level [between the CECs of Belarus and Kazakhstan] are very important," Nurlan Abdirov said.

Government of Sri Lanka (2024-02-23). Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington D.C. facilitates urgent in-kind medicines worth a total of USD 53.9 million from US NGOs to people of Sri Lanka. reliefweb.int Country: Sri Lanka | Source: Government of Sri Lanka | At a time when international aid and medicinal supplies are imperative for Sri Lanka, upon an urgent request for assistance from Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Washington D.C. Mahinda Samarasinghe and the Mission, the support of three renowned U.S. NGOs was generously extended on an in-kind basis to the people of Sri Lanka. The most recent figures show that from July 2022 to date, the Mission along with the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has coordinated and facilitated a total of approx. USD 53.9 million worth (approx. LKR 17,067,973,528) of in-kind medicinal…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Al-Quds Brigades: We targeted a Zionist Merkava tank with a Tandem shell and eliminated a number of soldiers inside it from point-blank range in the area of Abasan Al-Kabira, east of Khan Younis. english.almanar.com.lb

Michael Jansen (2024-02-23). The Biden Administration's Stupendous Willful Disconnect from Reality. globalresearch.ca

John Perry (2024-02-23). The "Human Rights Industry" and Nicaragua. globalresearch.ca

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). MFA: Belarus counts on constructive cooperation with Armenia in the future. eng.belta.by "As for the legal aspects of the CSTO's activities, we have not received any official notifications in this regard," the spokesperson said.

Ted Snider (2024-02-23). Zelensky Selects General Syrsky: The Untold Half of the Zaluzhny Story. globalresearch.ca

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Additional options for spending family capital early offered to Belarusians. eng.belta.by The decree forbids parting with the housing that has been acquired using family capital for five years as from the property ownership registration date for the premises, the right to own which was registered prior to 2022.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Uzbekistan's CEC chief: Belarus' CEC has vast experience in holding elections. eng.belta.by "The Central Election Commission of Belarus has 35 years of experience in arranging and holding elections and referendums. The Central Election Commission of Belarus does a lot to educate young people about elections," said Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-23). Tel Aviv to expand West Bank settlements in response to resistance attacks. thecradle.co

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarus' natural gas consumption down to 17bn cubic meters in 2023. eng.belta.by "Last year the natural gas consumption amounted to 17 billion cubic meters, down 1.7 billion cubic meters, or 9.6% as compared to 2022," Viktor Karankevich said.

Drago Bosnic (2024-02-23). Will Russian Aerospace Forces Really "Go Extinct at This Ratio of Losses"? War Propaganda. globalresearch.ca

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Malkiya site with missile weapons, achieving direct hits: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Belarusian PM shares his expectations of new members of Parliament. eng.belta.by The head of government talked to journalists and shared his expectations of the new members of parliament. "I look forward to active and professional work.

Amnesty International (2024-02-23). Algeria: Five years after Hirak protest movement repressive clampdown continues unabated [EN/AR]. reliefweb.int Country: Algeria | Source: Amnesty International | Please refer to the attached file. | Algerian authorities continue to clamp down on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly five years after the Hirak protest movement first began, said Amnesty International, by targeting critical voices of dissent, whether they be protesters, journalists or people expressing their views on social media. | After the Hirak protest movement was halted due to Covid-19 in 2020, the Algerian authorities escalated their repression of peaceful dissent. Hundreds of people have been arbitrarily arrested and detaine…

bwitanek (2024-02-23). North Bergen NJ passes cease fire resolution! fightbackbetter.com

Alexander Zaitchik (2024-02-23). What's next for Julian Assange. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in This is Part III of the LONDON — The hearings on Julian Assange's appeal request ended yesterday, as expected, without closure. "We will reserve our decision," said one of the two presiding judges. The choice to delay an announcement may have been influenced by the pr…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-23). Islamic Resistance fighters fire two Burkan missiles at Al-Malkiyah occupation site, hitting it directly: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

Chris Walker (2024-02-23). Trump Uses Christian Nationalist Dog Whistles in Nashville Campaign Speech. truthout.org Former President Donald Trump appeared in Nashville on Thursday night to give a speech to a group of evangelical Christian broadcasters, employing numerous Christian nationalist dog whistles throughout his remarks. During his speech, Trump repeatedly returned to a refrain often used by the far right: that Christians are somehow being punished for their beliefs under President Joe Biden… |

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Zimbabwe president confirms readiness to visit Belarus. eng.belta.by Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik met with Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa during his visit to Harare on 23 February.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). CEC: All doors are open for international election observers in Belarus. eng.belta.by "You know that Belarus is working to build a good foundation in the cooperation with the organization [the Shanghai Cooperation Organization]. Unfortunately, the modern architecture of the world order is bursting at the seams. On our part, we share the new ideas based on mutual respect, cooperation, and interaction," Igor Karpenko said.

albawaba (2024-02-23). Porsha William and Simon Guobadia divorce after 15 months of marriage. albawaba.com

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-23). President Maduro Provides Further Details About 'Bulla Loca' Gold Mine. orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke about the tragedy at the Bulla Loca gold mine, near La Paragua, Bolívar state, after the landslide that he clarified left 15 dead and 11 injured so far. | During a working meeting with agro-producers, the Venezuelan leader explained that the situation was caused by a massive hole that collapsed. The illegal mine had a depth of 30 meters and was 100 meters long. | During the activity, President Maduro took the opportunity to rectify the mayor of the Angostura municipality, Yordi Arciniegas, who earlier misrepresented the figures of those affected by the collapse of…

Staff (2024-02-23). "Governments Are Trying to Frighten Journalists": Fmr. Guardian Head Alan Rusbridger on Assange Case. democracynow.org As Julian Assange awaits a decision from a British court on his possible extradition to the United States, Democracy Now! speaks with Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of The Guardian, who worked with Assange to publish hundreds of thousands of classified records from the U.S. acquired by WikiLeaks that document war crimes in the Middle East. "What the governments are now trying to do is to frighten journalists off," says Rusbridger. "I think the world should wake up as to what the nature of the threat is going to be to mainstream journalism if this extradition is successful."…

FBATA (2024-02-23). Mozambique: New Ibo advanced health care centre offers essential care to 41,000 people in Ibo and coastal areas. icrc.org Refurbished by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in support of the Ministry of Health, the advanced care health centre (Type II) has in-patient rooms and an operating theatre, an upgrade and expansion of the reference health centre damaged by Cyclone Kenneth in 2019."The combined impact of the armed conflict and extreme weather on the most vulnerable has been devastating," said Valentina Torricelli, head of ICRC Mozambique's Pemba sub-delegation. | Language | English | Document type:

Janine (2024-02-23). State-funded bursary beneficiary vows to advance service delivery. sanews.gov.za State-funded bursary beneficiary vows to advance service delivery | A 29-year-old youngster from Cape Town considers himself fortunate after being awarded a government-funded bursary to pursue further studies. | Lonwabo Mfubesi, who graduated with a BSc Degree in Construction Management from Nelson Mandela University, uses his expertise to serve his country as an employee of the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. | He was one of the lucky students who was awarded a bursary during his first year which covered his full tuition fees, stationery, food, an allowance and accommodation until comple…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Head of Tajik CEC: Elections in Belarus are organized at highest level. eng.belta.by The elections in Belarus have been organized at the highest level, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Khudoyorzoda noted during a meeting with Chairman of the Belarusian Central Election Commission Igor Karpenko in Minsk on 23 February.

Amnesty International (2024-02-23). Algeria: Algérie. Cinq ans après le mouvement de protestation du Hirak, la répression continue sans relâche. reliefweb.int Country: Algeria | Source: Amnesty International | Les autorités algériennes continuent de réprimer les droits à la liberté d'expression et de réunion pacifique cinq ans après le début du mouvement de protestation du Hirak, a déclaré Amnesty International le 22 février 2024, en ciblant les voix critiques et dissidentes, qu'il s'agisse de manifestant ∑e ∑s, de journalistes ou de personnes exprimant leurs opinions sur les réseaux sociaux. | Après l'arrêt du mouvement de protestation du Hirak en raison du COVID-19 en 2020, les autorités algériennes ont intensifié leur répression de la dissidence pacifique…

Belén Fernández (2024-02-23). The Trials of Julian Assange: A Death Sentence for Democracy. aljazeera.com

albawaba (2024-02-23). Nestle reports sharp profit decline in middle east since October 7th. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Nestle CEO Mark Schneider has discussed the apparent consumer boycott of Western brands in the Middle East in response to recent events in the region.Schneider's comments followed the release of the company's annual financial results, which prompted an analysis of how the regional developments affected the market dynamics.He said, "Since the tragic events of October 7th in the Middle East and certain Asian countries, there has been a discernible hesitation among consumers, particularly when it comes to embracing global and Western brands."Schneider stressed that rather than being directly directed at t…

NEO (2024-02-23). Showing up for SA. sanews.gov.za Showing up for SA | Even if one does not usually pay attention on a daily basis to the ins and outs of government and the political landscape in the country; the flurry of activities within this domain over the past few weeks could hardly be missed. | Invited into our living rooms have been the country's number one citizen President Cyril Ramaphosa delivering his State of the Nation Address (SoNA) on our TVs; various political parties responding to that Address, and then of course the President again in his reply to those debates. | I should stop here to remind all that we will be seeing all of this again in a f…

Eileen Kinch (2024-02-23). The Soil and The Seed Project releases musical collection for Lent, Easter and Pentecost. anabaptistworld.org The Soil and The Seed Project, an arts ministry of Virginia Mennonite Missions, has released its musical collection for the 2024 Lent-Easter-Pentecost season. The 12 songs follow scripture and themes in the Revised Common Lectionary and come with a booklet of Little Liturgies that can be used in family or small-group settings. Begun in 2021, …

Editor (2024-02-23). Latest CPI Report : The 'soft landing' plane is still circling. mronline.org For months the mainstream media and Washington Pols have been pushing the metaphor that the U.S. economy is a plane on its final approach to a 'soft landing'. Soft landing is defined as inflation steadily coming down to the Federal Reserve's goal of a 2% price level AND does so without provoking a recession.

Amy Goodman (2024-02-23). Haitian Asylum Seekers Take the Biden Administration to Court. truthout.org A federal court in Washington, D.C., heard arguments Thursday in a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of racial discrimination and rights violations of Haitian asylum seekers. The suit was brought on behalf of 11 Haitian asylum seekers who were abused by U.S. border agents as more than 15,000 people, mostly from Haiti, were forced to stay in a makeshift border encampment on the banks of the… |

Basit Mahmood (2024-02-23). Liz Truss 'willing to work' with Nigel Farage to change the Conservative Party and the country. leftfootforward.org In recent days and weeks Truss has also claimed that the system is rigged against Conservative policies…

K. Faksova (2024-02-23). COVID-19 Vaccines and Adverse Events of Special Interest: A Multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) Cohort Study of 99 Million Vaccinated Individuals. globalresearch.ca

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (2024-02-23). Balance Migratorio '23: "2,789 people lost their lives or disappeared forever at Spain's southern border". pressenza.com This is the record number of deaths and disappearances at the southern border since 1988 when the first registers were documented. A total of 58,267 people entered the Spanish state irregularly through its southern border, an increase of 40% compared…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Minister: Belarus will continue grid modernization in 2024. eng.belta.by "In order to meet the growing demand of the economy and households for electricity, we are modernizing the power grid infrastructure. Energy supply organizations built and modernized 1,700km of power grids in 2022, and about 2,700km in 2023. In 2024, the plan is 3,000km," Viktor Karankevich said.

Basit Mahmood (2024-02-23). GB News investor Sir Paul Marshall liked and shared far-right, Islamophobic, homophobic, conspiracy theory posts. leftfootforward.org Sir Paul Marshall, one of the biggest and most influential media moguls in the country, is a GB News investor and reported frontrunner to buy the Spectator and Telegraph.

Mona Gonzalez (2024-02-23). Ravens Are Intelligent, Strategic, And Playful. pressenza.com A "Love for Living Animals" Essay | Ravens play, are intelligent | That was in the 1800s, but today more people, including children have even more…

Rosemary Sorensen (2024-02-23). Festival slammed for promoting Deborah Conway after Palestine comments. independentaustralia.net

Staff (2024-02-23). Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Relatives Remembered. unicornriot.ninja Minneapolis, MN — On any given month in the past decade, a range of 27 to 54 Indigenous women and girls are listed as missing in Minnesota. To raise awareness of this crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, two-spirit people and relatives (MMIW/R), activists in Minnesota use Valentine's Day, February 14, to hold events, …

albawaba (2024-02-23). Katy Perry reacts to Taylor Swift "Bad Blood" at a Sydney Eras tour. albawaba.com Katy Perry has a hilarious reaction to Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" performance at the Eras Tour in Sydney, Australia. The two pop stars, who were once rivals, have since reconciled and become friends.Perry attended Swift's concert on Friday, February 23, 2024, and shared a series of videos and photos on her Instagram account. She captioned…

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). CIS chief: Belarus' decision not to invite Western observers is justified. eng.belta.by "I have seen with my own eyes that this is a very good form of voting. It allows choosing the most convenient day for the voter," Sergei Lebedev said, answering the question why he considers early voting a good format of elections.

lefteast (2024-02-23). The Revolution against the Odds. lefteast.org An Interview on Rojava with Anya Rebrii and Liza Shishko – the Messiness of the Revolutionary Process.

eng.belta.by (2024-02-23). Gryzlov: Russia, Belarus are ready to repel any threat. eng.belta.by "The joint task force is ready to carry out combat missions; we have a unified air defense system. Patrolling of the western border of the Union State is carried out jointly," noted Boris Gryzlov.

albawaba (2024-02-23). Trump turns to divine solutions for election victory. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Donald Trump, a former US president, is highlighting religious themes in his campaign. "Vote for me to uphold Christian values," declared Trump. We are fighting this. And we need to rescue our nation. However, Christians cannot afford to remain neutral in this conflict. They have to step up pretty badly. They must prevail and take the necessary actions."Donald Trump spoke at the Nashville-based National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention as part of his ongoing campaign for the US presidency in November. Trump emphasized his accomplishments from his first term in office and…

Government of Mongolia (2024-02-23). Mongolia: Snow cover map (Ten-day period starting 11 February, 2024) [EN/MN]. reliefweb.int Country: Mongolia | Source: Government of Mongolia | Please refer to the attached Map.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-23). Vaccinated are susceptible to viral infections and "covid vaccine heart syndrome" expose-news.com

Vhyxcent Cruz (2024-02-23). Multilingual Education: A Peaceful Approach to Attaining A Free, Inclusive, and Fair Society. pressenza.com "Educational systems usually have a combination of humanistic and pragmatic rules and objectives. We seek the development of happy children because we want them to be happy adults, and happy adults don't really start wars, and don't really hurt other people. This is a simple way of really advocating for peace, and language is important to that." — Prof. Dina Joana S. Ocampo, Ph.D. | In celebration of the International Mother Language Day 2024, the University of the Philippines Department of Linguistics in partnership with the Embassy of Bangladesh to the Philippines expanded the horizons of multilingualism…

WSWS (2024-02-23). Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo allows children with measles to attend school. wsws.org A measles outbreak in Broward County, Florida, has raised alarms about the declining measles vaccination rates among young children. However, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida's reactionary surgeon general, has dismissed the threat posed by the epidemic.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Nonbinary student dead following beating by group in Oklahoma high school bathroom. wsws.org 16-year-old Nex Benedict was cornered by three older female students and suffered severe head injuries, passing away the following day. The attack takes place amid a far-right campaign against LGBTQ students led by the Republican Party.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Australian teachers and Melbourne health worker denounce Zionist doxxing of doctors. wsws.org "This oppression has grown at an exponential rate, with our words and sympathy twisted, and labelled as hate speech"—Medical health records worker…

WSWS (2024-02-23). The Assange case and the working class. wsws.org The forces arranged against Assange are powerful. But there is another, even more formidable force which has yet to have its say—the British, American and international working class.

WSWS (2024-02-23). The Assange case and the working class. wsws.org The forces arrayed against Assange are powerful. But there is another, even more formidable force which has yet to have its say—the British, American and international working class.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Germany: The commemoration of the racist shooting spree in Hanau and the SPD's crocodile tears. wsws.org On February 19, 2020, 43-year-old racist Tobias Rathjen randomly shot nine young people from his neighbourhood before killing his mother and himself.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Johnny & Me: An animated film about left-wing German artist John Heartfield. wsws.org Heartfield's artistic efforts of the 1920s and 1930s were directed against the same militarists, nationalists and fascists once again crawling out of the woodwork of today's crisis-ridden capitalist society.

WSWS (2024-02-23). While layoffs accelerate at UPS, Teamsters bureaucracy makes huge donation to the Republican Party. wsws.org The jobs massacre is accelerating at UPS, with new layoffs in New York, Ohio, Virginia, Rhode Island and North Carolina.

WSWS (2024-02-23). Congress prepares renewal of Section 702 warrantless surveillance by US intelligence. wsws.org The House of Representatives delayed discussion on renewal of the Section 702 provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which permit the US government to collect electronic communications without a warrant and are set to expire on April 19.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Ataques israelíes en el centro y sur de la Franja de Gaza dejan 46 muertos. telesurtv.net Medios palestinos reportaron que al menos seis personas fallecieron y varias resultaron heridas en el este de la ciudad de Rafah producto de un ataque israelí.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Presidente palestino pide intervención internacional. telesurtv.net En el pedido de ayuda a la comunidad internacional, el presidente palestino incluyo la provisión de alimentos y asistencia médica en la Franja de Gaza, aseguró que el pedido es desesperado sobretodo en la región norte.

bwitanek (2024-02-23). COSECHA presses for Cease Fire — Viva Palestina! fightbackbetter.com cosechanj Mientras que 97 Palestinos pierden la vida, y 132 son heridos in Gaza en las últimas 24 horas. Coordinadores del movimiento pro inmigrante @cosechanj se une al esfuerzo y exigen un alto al fuego inmediato, permanente e incondicional en Palestina. La ciudad de Newark quisieron negarle entrada a estudiantes tal cómo a miembros de la comunidad durante una votación por la paz. La comunidad Palestine le pidió a la ciudad que clarifique que lo que se exigió es un alto al fuego no un llamado a la paz. Residentes de New Jersey continúan exigiendo un alto al fuego. El movimiento cuenta con apoyo en múltiples ciu…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Expertos de la ONU piden embargo global de armas a Israel. telesurtv.net Señalaron que EE.UU. y Alemania son con gran diferencia los principales exportadores de armamento a Israel, con un aumento de sus envíos desde el inicio de la ofensiva el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Incendio deja al menos cuatro muertos en Valencia, España. telesurtv.net El servicio de emergencias de Valencia informó que de los 14 lesionados, al menos 12 fueron trasladados a diferentes centros hospitalarios.

Amnesty International (2024-02-23). Ukraine: Ucrania y Rusia: La justicia para Ucrania significa que se rindan cuentas de todos los crímenes cometidos por Rusia desde 2014. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: Amnesty International | No puede haber justicia para la población de Ucrania si no se rinden cuentas plenamente de todos los crímenes cometidos por Rusia desde su intervención militar en 2014. Así lo ha manifestado Amnistía Internacional hoy, en el segundo aniversario de la invasión en gran escala lanzada por Rusia. | Desde la ocupación en 2014 de la Crimea ucraniana, Amnistía Internacional ha documentado numerosas atrocidades, incluidos el ataque deliberado contra población civil e infraestructuras civiles fundamentales, desapariciones forzadas, ejecuciones extrajudiciales, tortura,…

Amnesty International (2024-02-23). La justice pour l'Ukraine passe par l'établissement des responsabilités pour tous les crimes commis par la Russie depuis 2014. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: Amnesty International | Il ne saurait y avoir de justice pour les Ukrainien ∑ne ∑s sans que les responsables des crimes commis par la Russie depuis son intervention militaire en 2014 ne soient amenés à rendre des comptes, a déclaré Amnesty International jeudi 22 février, à l'occasion du deuxième anniversaire de l'invasion générale de l'Ukraine par la Russie. | Depuis le début de l'occupation de la Crimée ukrainienne en 2014, Amnesty International a recueilli des informations sur de nombreuses exactions, notamment le ciblage délibéré de civil ∑e ∑s et d'infrastructures…

UN Women (2024-02-23). Ukraine: Más de 8 millones de mujeres y niñas ucranianas necesitarán asistencia humanitaria en 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: UN Women | *Nueva York, 22 de febrero *— La guerra a gran escala de Rusia contra Ucrania, de cuyo inicio se cumplen ya dos años, se ha cobrado miles de vidas, ha causado una destrucción incalculable, desplazado a millones de personas, traumatizado a toda una generación, desgarrado familias y comunidades enteras y devastado la economía. El Banco Mundial, la Comisión Europea, las Naciones Unidas y el Gobierno de Ucrania estiman que el costo total de la reconstrucción y la recuperación de Ucrania ascenderá a 486.000 millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos a lo largo del próximo…

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Canciller ruso afirmó que EE.UU. manipula la economía global. telesurtv.net Serguéi Lavrov, señaló que durante la reunión del G20, EE.UU. y sus aliados intentaron desviar la agenda hacia el tema de Ucrania y las acusaciones infundadas contra su país,…

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). TSE salvadoreño rechaza pedido de anular comicios legislativas. telesurtv.net Partidos de oposición salvadoreños sostienen que se presentaron irregularidades en los comicios legislativos donde el partido Nuevas Ideas ganó 54 de 60 escaños.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Guatemala descarta pedir ayuda para combatir incendios. telesurtv.net Karin Herrera, vicepresidenta de Guatemala pero en funciones para encabezar el Ejecutivo nacional, aseguró que el siniestro fue controlado en un 40 por ciento, por lo que no se necesita ayuda de organismos internacionales.

teleSUR, rzr, JDO (2024-02-23). Al menos ocho muertos por lluvias e inundaciones en Brasil. telesurtv.net Las fuertes lluvias que azotan la región de Río de Janeiro desde la noche del pasado miércoles han provocado fuertes inundaciones, principalmente en la región metropolitana.

teleSUR . rzr (2024-02-23). Perú y China perfilan aumentar sus relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Representantes de ambas naciones también dialogaron sobre las "acciones conjuntas que se impulsarán" con vistas a la próxima cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia peruana rechaza excarcelación de expresidente Toledo. telesurtv.net La defensa de Toledo solicitó al juzgado que se incluyan en el tiempo de reclusión del expresidente peruano en Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-23). Bolivia entrega más de 60 toneladas de ayuda por desastres. telesurtv.net El ministro de Defensa boliviano, Edmundo Novillo manifestó que fueron entregadas 60.17 toneladas de ayuda para ser repartidas entre 6.261 familias damnificadas.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-23). OMS exhorta a poner en marcha plan contra sarampión en Europa. telesurtv.net La OMS indicó que en el 2023 más de 58.000 personas de 41 de los 53 Estados miembros de la región europea se infectaron de sarampión.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Concluyó visita de Hamás a Egipto para negociaciones de tregua. telesurtv.net Esta prevista una reunión este viernes en París, Francia, entre el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Israel y Egipto, además del primer ministro de Catar.

teleSUR- lvm (2024-02-23). Sector agrícola y ganadero continúa protestas en España. telesurtv.net "Nos estas ahogando", es una de las consignas lanzadas por los manifestantes.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-23). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Más de 29.500 personas asesinadas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas 24 horas las fuerzas de ocupación cometieron diez masacres con un saldo de 104 muertos y 160 heridos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-23). Israel asesina 23 palestinos en el centro de Gaza. telesurtv.net La mayoría de los muertos eran mujeres y niños.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Omán y Siria refuerzan lazos de cooperación económica. telesurtv.net Las reuniones entre Siria y Omán servirán para profundizar en los aspectos ya existentes y encontrar nuevas vías de intercambio mutuo.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-23). Se movilizan en Argentina contra ajuste neoliberal de Milei. telesurtv.net Cerca de 500 cortes en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades, desde donde también se reclama al Gobierno la entrega de alimentos para los comedores comunitarios.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Presidente boliviano llamó a luchar en conjunto contra narcotráfico. telesurtv.net Luis Arce recalcó los cambios en el tráfico de drogas durante los últimos años y la importancia de luchar tanto contra el consumo, como contra la producción.

Centre for Civil, Political Rights (2024-02-23). Honduras y el Comité de Derechos Humanos. reliefweb.int

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Se cumplen cinco años de la Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La invencible unión cívico-militar-policial bolivariana derrotó el plan de invasión", afirmó el mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Docentes en Argentina anuncian huelga por desmejora salarial. telesurtv.net Como respuesta al clamor de los responsables de la educación, el Gobierno de Milei tomó "la decisión de comenzar con la evaluación para declarar la educación servicio esencial".De gestarse esta iniciativa, quedarían suspendidos los derechos a huelgas masivas en el sector educativo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Se registra sismo de 6,3 en el pacífico de Chile. telesurtv.net El sismo se produjo a más de 3.000 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Valdivia, donde viven más de 130.000 personas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Elevan emergencia sanitaria por inundaciones en Chone, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud autorizó a suspender los servicios médicos debido a las inundaciones de varios centros de salud en la zona de Chone.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia panameña ordena detención de expresidente Martinelli. telesurtv.net El expresidente Ricardo Martinelli presentó múltiples recursos de apelación, pero perdió el último ante la Corte Suprema el pasado 2 de febrero.

Jamal Kanj (2024-02-23). Rafah, Between Netanyahu's Metaphysical Power and Western's Reality Disconnect. counterpunch.org Allow me to begin this piece by sharing the story of a child from Gaza. Unlike your child, sister, or niece, Hind Rajab didn't live to see her 6th birthday. Children her age typically have grand plans, eagerly anticipating to start schooling and perhaps grappling with the challenge of completing a Lego game. As a

Miguel A. Cruz-Díaz (2024-02-23). On the Shame of Living Through Times of Genocide. counterpunch.org I suffered from suicidal ideation yesterday. No, that's not right. I shouldn't say that. Mental illness is still a taboo. I shouldn't say if I ever have suicidal ideation because that would make me unemployable. So, let's try that again. I wanted to kill myself yesterday. There. Better. Less wordy and more to the point.

Rebecca Maria Goldschmidt (2024-02-23). Palestine is a Nuclear Issue — Why is Hiroshima Silent? counterpunch.org On October 13, 2023, CounterPunch published my article "This is Genocide: All Out to End the War on Gaza", in which I sounded the alarm about the genocidal actions of the Israeli state from my perspective as a Jew of Color living in Hiroshima. Since that day, Hiroshima citizens have held a candlelight vigil every

Graham Peebles (2024-02-23). Peace Requires Freedom and Justice. counterpunch.org The mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians by Israel has shaken people throughout the world. It is a brutal, unfathomable expression of hate and violence; systemic genocide, long in the planning, that can only be described as an act of evil. Whilst the Israeli government and their henchmen are the principle perpetrators, they have been supported

Kathleen Wallace (2024-02-23). It Ain't Over Till the Fascist Lady Sings. counterpunch.org All the horror and violence going on in the world right now…the continued slaughter in Gaza and the seeming numbness to it that most Americans display—what do we truly need to fully exacerbate the miserable situation into the stratosphere? Who can we turn to for continued disinformation, callous disregard for life and the always successful

M. Reza Behnam (2024-02-23). For Israel, the Writing's on the Wall. counterpunch.org Israel's military conduct in Gaza has been "over the top." — U.S. president, Joe Biden, 3 February 2024 "What's happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn't happened at any other historical period. In fact, it happened when Hitler decided to kill the Jews." — Brazil's president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 19 February 2024 Israel is the

Walden Bello (2024-02-23). Palestine Lights the Way Forward. counterpunch.org I have not had a good night's sleep since the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Indeed, one cannot enjoy one moment of personal happiness while massive carnage is taking place somewhere in the world. This ability to empathize with others' sufferings is the basis of human solidarity. It stems from our common humanity.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-02-23). 'Two-State Solution' as a Distraction — The Problem is Zionism. counterpunch.org The problem is not the absence of a Palestinian state, but Zionism itself. What is the use of a Palestinian state, if Zionism, as a racist, exclusivist ideology continues to define Israel, and impose that definition on the Palestinians? This ideology calls for racial purity of Jews in Palestine, of course, at the expense of

John P. Ruehl (2024-02-23). Understanding Iran's Non-State Network. counterpunch.org During a three-day period in January 2024, Iranian-supported militant groups employed an anti-ship missile to attack an oil tanker in the Red Sea, launched rockets into northern Israel from Lebanon, and used a drone striketo kill three U.S. soldiers in Jordan. These incidents marked the extension of attacks by Iranian-backed groups in the Middle East into the fourth straight month

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-02-23). Roaming Charges: Somewhat Immature. counterpunch.org As Biden moves to out-Trump Trump on the border, he may end up wrecking what's left of the economy. A recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report credits the "migrant surges" with adding $7 trillion to the US economy, lowering the federal deficit and being the prime reason the US economy has outpaced EU nations since the pandemic.

Eve Ottenberg (2024-02-23). Mass Layoff: Why the Teamsters Should Have Struck UPS. counterpunch.org Last summer, 340,000 Teamsters were ready to strike UPS, but the union settled instead. One could argue it made a mistake. "We've changed the game," the Teamsters announced at the time, because they got some of the life-and-death air-conditioning they demanded in UPS trucks, higher wages, more jobs, part-time rewards, equal pay and a MLK

Melvin Goodman (2024-02-23). CIA's Torture and Abuse: America's Shame! counterpunch.org

Robert Hunziker (2024-02-23). The Fastest Warming on Earth. counterpunch.org In the High Arctic scientists discovered million-year-old methane (CH4) trapped under some of the world's mightiest glaciers detected via unprecedented groundwater springs. Analyses of 123 springs found CH4 in all but one. As the massive glaciers recede, space opens at the edge of permafrost, releasing ancient methane. This is one more totally unexpected global warming

Farrah Hassen (2024-02-23). The Rent's Still Too High! counterpunch.org "How we gonna pay last year's rent?" the chorus implores in the song "Rent" from Jonathan Larson's 1996 musical of the same name. It's the same refrain for many Americans today. A new Harvard study found that half of U.S. renter households now spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent and utilities. And rent increases continue to outpace their income gains.

Linda Pentz Gunter (2024-02-23). Ignoring the Tanker on the Beach. counterpunch.org After enduring 2021's trying-too-hard-to-be-funny Hollywood A-list scenery chew that was Don't Look Up, it was refreshing to watch a new feature film that truly captures our dangerous inertia with much more subtlety and thereby with far greater alarm. (Did I mention that I didn't find Don't Look Up funny? Why didn't they let Armando Iannucci

Daniel Warner (2024-02-23). Wars and Conflicts are Pushing Cooperation Off the Radar Screen. counterpunch.org Global conflicts dominate today. A wise man once told me; "When the pendulum gets to the bottom it can only go up." I responded: "Just tell me when it gets to the bottom and starts to go up." For the moment, the pendulum is accelerating downward on cooperation with no bottom in sight and accelerating

Lee Hall (2024-02-23). What Took Me So Long? Transit and Resistance. counterpunch.org Ever noticed hikers spending more time driving to a hike than they do on the trail itself? I notice, these days. I live on a multi-unit property. I mean 500+. No one else here takes the bus anywhere, though there's a bus stop on the corner. To get to a train, people drive. There is

Richard Schulman (2024-02-23). The Architecture of Cities: the Beauty of Looking Up. counterpunch.org The beauty of looking up: The earliest examples of some portrait photography were about the essence of gazing into the twilight lives of others: The most significant recipients of a photographer's exposure were beautifully executed studies of a subjects gaze: The freeze, the subjects had to undertake early on was part art, part scientific experiment: if

Lance Olsen (2024-02-23). Fossil Fuel and the Breadth of Human Mortality. counterpunch.org After reading a recent update on the consequences of firing up the fossil fuels, and thus turning the atmosphere into a furnace, a longtime correspondent told me, "I look at my grandchild, age 5, and think about her early death." The rest of the story is that grandparents are also getting their lives cut short

E. Ahmet Tonak, Sungur Savran (2024-02-23). An Interview with Paul Sweezy, a Giant of 20th Century Marxist Thinking. counterpunch.org The Sweezy interview owed its origin to the urge to counter internationally the rise of left-wing liberalism ("liberalism in the European sense) and postmodernism on the left in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Some countries felt this earlier and more strongly: France, which was home to these schools, or some Eastern European countries, where

Stephen F. Eisenman (2024-02-23). Secret Tape of Trump's Negotiation to Secure a Nearly $500 Million Appeal Bond to Cover Court Imposed Penalties for Fraud. counterpunch.org The following is a partial transcript of the bond negotiating session held in the penthouse of Trump Tower between former President Donald Trump and four others: the current head of the Trump organization, Eric Trump; New York State Attorney General Letitia James; court appointed monitor, Judge Barbara Jones; and Joey Profaci Jr. of Bada-Bing Bonds

Ron Jacobs (2024-02-23). Every Drop of Blood Drawn With the Lash Shall be Paid by Another Drawn With the Sword. counterpunch.org It is quite reasonable to argue that the enslavement of Africans and their descendants in the British colonies and the United States is the foundation of the US empire. Of course, the entire truth is considerably more complex, just like the mechanisms of slavery in the United States involved more than kidnapping humans and making

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Socialist Alliance: Labor must support an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Palestine, South Africa activists to address Ecosocialism 2024. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). No to Woodside's Burrup Hub gas expansion. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Border paranoia breaks out in Fortress Australia. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Peace and community groups join forces to sink AUKUS. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). The Julian Assange 'death plots'. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Day two of Julian Assange's High Court appeal. greenleft.org.au

Matt Broomfield, Robin Fleming (2024-02-23). Balochistan finds its voice. greenleft.org.au When the young activist Dr Mahrang Baloch returned to her native Balochistan from Islamabad, tens of thousands defied a government ban on public assemblies to give her a hero's welcome, report Matt Broomfield and Robin Fleming.

Ana Zorita (2024-02-23). The 500-year-old toxic legacy of Peru's 'Mine of Death'. greenleft.org.au High in the Peruvian Andes, in the southeastern region of Huancavelica, lies a brown, treeless mountaintop — the scars of the now-boarded-up Santa Bárbara mercury mine, whose legacy is social and environmental devastation, reports Ana Zorita.

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Big support for Pride Festival. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). NSW police officer charged on 2nd anniversary of Jai Wright's death. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-23). Day one of Julian Assange's High Court appeal. greenleft.org.au

albawaba (2024-02-22). Daily Horoscope, February 23, 2024-Today. albawaba.com Welcome to your daily horoscope for February 23, 2024. As the cosmos continues its intricate dance, the celestial energies influence each zodiac sign in unique ways, shaping the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Explore what the universe has in store for you today as we delve into the astrological forecast for each zodiac sign.Horoscope Friday, February 23, 2024: Aries Today(March 21 – April 19): : | Today, Aries, you may find yourself feeling particularly ambitious and driven. Harness this energy to pursue your goals with determination and focus. However, be mindful not to let your compe…

2024-02-23 19:21:04 | 19:21 EST | sr | 299 | 0 | 5 | 293 | 0