Monthly Archives: August 2023

Recent News Monitor on Africa

thecommunists (2023-08-07). Russia pulls out of phony Ukrainian grain deal, 'turns its face' towards Africa. In July 2022. it was announced that Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations had come to an understanding whereby Russia would ensure Ukraine's continued export of grain and fertiliser. At the same time, all restrictions on the export of Russian agricultural products and fertilisers to countries in need would also be lifted. To allow …

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-08-07). US/France Threaten Intervention In Resource-Rich Niger. The US and France have threatened foreign intervention to re-install a pro-Western regime in Niger. | Niger is a major producer of gold and uranium, the latter of which is needed for European nuclear energy. The country has significant oil reserves to which foreign corporations have wanted access. It also hosts large US drone bases. | These Western threats follow coups led by nationalist, anti-colonial military officers in neighboring Burkina Faso and Mali, whose governments have warned that intervention would be considered an act of war, and could thus set off a regional conflict. | West Africa is rich in natura…

Larry Johnson (2023-08-07). A Preview With Michael Savage and a New Question — Will Weapons Shipped to Ukraine Be Used in Africa? I was interviewed last week by the iconic Michael Savage. Yes, he is a mensch. I understand the full interview will be posted sometime this week. Here is a snippet….

Pavan Kulkarni. People's Dispatch. (2023-08-07). Nigeria's Senate Refuses To Support ECOWAS Plan For Military Intervention. The regional bloc, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has drawn up a plan for a military invasion of Niger to restore the ousted Mohamed Bazoum to presidency. However, in Nigeria, whose president Bola Tinubu is the current chair of ECOWAS, the Senate has refused to support the military intervention. | On Saturday, August 5, at a closed-door executive session to deliberate on Tinubu's letter seeking the Senate's support for "military buildup and deployment of personnel for military intervention," "almost all senators… totally ruled out the military options," an unnamed senator told Premium Times…

_____ (2023-08-06). The Russia-Africa Summit Defeats West's 'Russia-Isolation' Project.

Anonymous103 (2023-08-06). Coup D'Etat In Niger: Africa On Verge Of New War With Deep Geopolitical Effects. Illustrative Image | Eleven days have passed since the military coup against the pro-Western government of Mohamed Bazoum, and foreign efforts to thwart the coup d'état and return Bazoum to power continue. At first glance, this coup may not seem so important, but the background and the special value of Niger in Africa show the high importance of the recent events in the country, important events that can ultimately lead to political, military and even economic changes in Africa. | On Wednesday, July 26, Niger…

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-06). Nigeria Senate Warns Against Military Intervention in Niger. Nigeria's Senate has warned against military intervention in neighboring Niger after Nigerian President Bola Tinubu requested backing for such an action against Niger's new military junta. Nigeria currently holds the rotating presidency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which has threatened to use military force if Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum is not …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). Algeria and the Sahel on the Brink of War. Mohsen Abdelmoumen France wants to burn Africa. Here, the French army north of Niamey. D. R. All the imperialist scavengers are there. All the ingredients are ready for war, and all the geopolitical players are in place. All that remains is the final act. Don't imagine that Europe will be spared. The fires of hell…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). From Chi-Town Bagman to ECOWAS Chairman: Former Money Launderer Leads the Push to Invade Niger. Alexander Rubenstein and Kit Klarenberg Since the overthrow of Niger's US-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an invasion of their neighbor. Before leading the charge for intervention, ECOWAS chair Bola Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals. Hours after…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-06). The Sahel on the Brink of War. Mohsen Abdelmoumen France wants to burn Africa. Here, the French army north of Niamey. D. R. All the imperialist scavengers are there. All the ingredients are ready for war, and all the geopolitical players are in place. All that remains is the final act. Don't imagine that Europe will be spared. The fires of hell…

JANET (2023-08-06). No U.S./French-backed invasion of Niger! August 6, 2023 "When Africa becomes economically free and politically united, the monopolists will come face to face with their own working class in their own countries, and a new struggle will arise within which the liquidation and collapse of imperialism will be complete." — Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of imperialism Today, Aug. 6, is the deadline issued by the Economic Community Of West African States for the current government of Niger, headed by Abdourahamane Tchiani, to abdicate power or face a possible military intervention by ECOWAS forces. Tchiani came to power through a military…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-06). Ultimatum deadline raises questions for Niger. Niamey, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) No preparations in particular seem to be taking place in the capital of Niger despite the fact that the ultimatum of the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) for the reinstatement of ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum expires today.

Andrew Korybko, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-08-05). The West Wants Nigeria To Invade Its Northern Neighbor. Last week's military coup in Niger could be a game-changer in the New Cold War if the junta cuts off the uranium exports upon which France's nuclear energy industry depends, kicks out its former colonizer's troops from their last regional bastion, and/or requests Russia's "Democratic Security" assistance. Unlike the patriotic military coups in Guinea, Mali, and Burkina Faso, which were condemned by the West but not considered a threat to its neocolonial stranglehold over Africa, the one in Niger is ringing alarm bells. | France and the US strongly condemned this latest regime change, with the first suspending all…

Ben Norton (2023-08-05). US/France threaten intervention in resource-rich Niger: Fears of war in West Africa. The US and France have threatened intervention to re-install a pro-Western regime in Niger, which produces uranium needed for nuclear energy, has untapped oil reserves, and hosts strategic US drone bases. This follows coups led by nationalist, anti-colonial military officers in West Africa.

Deja Gaston (2023-08-05). With grip over West Africa slipping, imperialist powers consider invasion of Niger. Niger is facing the prospect of a U.S. and France-backed invasion that threatens to cause suffering and chaos across the entire region.

Editor (2023-08-05). Burkina Faso's president Traoré delivers anti-imperialist speech at Russia—Africa summit. On the second day of the Russia—Africa summit, the president of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, delivered an anti-imperialist address and employed slogans identified with the Cuban Revolution.

Editor (2023-08-05). In Haiti, Kenya chooses imperialist servitude over Pan-African solidarity. The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) condemns in the strongest possible terms Kenya's proposal to lead what amounts to a foreign armed intervention in Haiti.

midwesternmarx (2023-08-05). African nations reject Western hegemony, embrace multipolarity. By: Shabbir Rizvi. ​For centuries, Africa has been subject to hyper-exploitation by the colonial West. From the plunder of resources, the facilitation of multiple waves of the slave trade, and the outright genocide — the cruel subjugation of the continent and its resources has known no bounds. ​To this day, African countries are subjected to exploitation. France imposes a colonial-era tax that ensures Africans live subsistence-level lives while ensnaring state enterprises wi …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-05). Burkina Faso's President Traoré Delivers Anti-Imperialist Speech at Russia—Africa Summit. By: Steve Lalla. On the second day of the Russia—Africa summit, the president of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, delivered an anti-imperialist address and employed slogans identified with the Cuban Revolution.​Traoré assumed the presidency on September 30, 2022. At age 35, he is the world's youngest head of state. Traoré has paid homage to Burkinabé socialist revolutionary Thomas Sankara who, in 1983, at age 33, took power in what was then Upper Volta. During hi …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-05). Escobar: First We Go For Moscow, Then We Take Beijing By: Tyler Durden. The Global Majority is free to choose two different paths to counteract the rabid, cognitive dissonant Straussian neocon psychos in charge of imperial foreign policy; to relentlessly ridicule them, or to work hard on the long and winding road leading to a new multipolar reality.Reality struck deep at the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg, with its astonishing breadth and scope, reflected in the official declaration and key facts such as Russia writing off no less than …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-05). Russia helped Africa reach these anti-imperialist victories. The western left was wrong to disavow it. By: Rainer Shea. It's no coincidence that multiple African countries have begun to carry out unprecedented measures towards breaking from neo-colonial control at the same time when American power has been seeing an acceleration in its decline. At a time when we're two decades into the process of realignment of global power which started in the 2000s; where the world's anti-imperialist forces began to regain their strength, while Washington's criminal actions brought upon it compoun …

Staff (2023-08-05). US/France threaten intervention in resource-rich Niger — Fears of war in West Africa. The US and France have threatened foreign intervention to re-install a pro-Western regime in Niger. Niger is a major producer of gold and uranium, the latter of which is needed for European nuclear energy. The country has significant oil reserves to which foreign corporations have wanted access. It also hosts large US drone bases. These …

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