Monthly Archives: December 2022

2011-12-31: UN Member States Vote Overwhelmingly to Refer Israel Occupation to the International Criminal Court of Justice (2022-12-31).  UN Votes for International Court of Justice to Examine Israeli Occupation

Two days after a declaration by the incoming government of Benjamin Netanyahu that the Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel, including the illegally annexed Syrian Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to render an Advisory Opinion on the legality of Israels 55-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank. (2022-12-31). UN Approves Request for an ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel's West Bank Conduct (2022-12-31). Palestinians Welcomes UN Resolution Asking ICJ For Opinion (2022-12-31). U.N. vote on Israel's occupation 'a victory', Palestinians say (2022-12-31). General Assembly refers Israeli occupation to UN court (2022-12-31). Palestinians welcome U.N. vote on Israel's occupation as 'a victory'