Monthly Archives: April 2021

2021-04-03: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

La Victoria and El Ripial Calm and Under Military Protection (Apure State) | 2021-04-03
The commander of the Strategic Integral Defense Region (REDI) Los Llanos, General Alejandro Guevara Hernández, reported that the people of El Ripial, La Victoria and other areas of the Apure state are "calm and under the protection of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB)." | He also informed that the inhabitants of these communities are receiving food, medicine and other necessary items from the social programs of the Venezuelan government. In addition, electrical services and water supply in the regions have already been restored. | La FANB continua desplegada garantizando la paz, la tranquilidad y en cons……

Latest Developments in Apure: Families Displaced in Border Clashes Return to Their Homes in El Ripial | 2021-04-03
Inhabitants of El Ripial town in Apure state, who were displaced due to clashes between the Venezuelan military and Colombian paramilitary gangs over the last few days, are returning home with support from the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) deployment protecting the border zones. El Ripial is one of the localities from which the Venezuelan military has expelled Colombian armed narco-paramilitary gangs. This follows violent actions committed by the said criminal groups, reported from multiple locations close to the Colombia-Venezuela border in Apure. | Last week, facing violence from the Colombian narco-te……

'It's Not a Border Crisis. It's an Imperialism Crisis… a Climate Crisis… a Trade Crisis.'
Jessica Corbett | | 2021-04-03
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to social media Tuesday night with a detailed reminder of the root causes of Central Americans and other migrants seeking asylum at the United States' southern border……

Turkmenistan's Currency Slides Sharply To New Lows
RFE RL | | 2021-04-03
( RFE/RL) — Turkmenistan's already battered currency slid sharply, as black market rates reached 40 manats to the U.S. dollar, down nearly 50 percent since January. | The manat has been under pressure for months now, a slide blamed in part on a decrease in remittances sent by Turkmen migrant workers from Turkey to their families. | In mid-January, the manat was trading on the black market for around 27 or 28 to the dollar. | In recent weeks, however, the currency has slid further, and on April 3, RFE/R……

'It's Not a Border Crisis. It's an Imperialism Crisis… a Climate Crisis… a Trade Crisis.'
Jessica Corbett | | 2021-04-03
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to social media Tuesday night with a detailed reminder of the root causes of Central Americans and other migrants seeking asylum at the United States' southern border……

Kim Stanley Robinson's 'The Ministry For The Future'
_____ | | 2021-04-03
The Ministry for the Future (Orbit, 2020) is a magnificent novel but also an especially welcome resource for thinking about ecosocialist initiatives for a near-future global Green New Deal. Could not be more timely! This was my initial impression upon reading it last week. After some reflection, I am somewhat more critical but still highly recommend this novel for its inspiration and provocation — particularly because of how Kim Stanley Robinson (KSR) concretely addresses the radical transformation of real existing capitalism dominated by its militarized fossil legacy. Ministry should certainly be subject t……

Saturday 4/3: 150 years since the Paris Commune
World Socialist Web Site | | 2021-04-03
An online meeting streamed at……

Sunday 4/18: Environmental Destruction and the Ecosocialist Solution
Sarah Gold, Freedom Socialist Party | | 2021-04-03
Online event | Please register in advance: | http: //……

Saturday 4/24: IndigeFest: A Celebration of Indigenous Cultures from Across Turtle Island
American Indian Resource Center at UCSC | | 2021-04-03
Free Online Event: |……

Hundreds of houseless people evicted from Echo Park
Jonathan Kim | | 2021-04-03
The use of massive police force to evict the most vulnerable comes as special cruelty in the midst of the nation's worst pandemic…

Sunday 4/11: Climate Justice & Planetary Health: Stopping the Next Pandemic
Right to Health Action | | 2021-04-03
Online teach-in……

Hundreds of houseless people evicted from Echo Park
Jonathan Kim | | 2021-04-03
The use of massive police force to evict the most vulnerable comes as special cruelty in the midst of the nation's worst pandemic…

Two letters to the editor on the pandemic lockdown | | 2021-04-03

Our collective thinking has often been manipulated and corrupted (eg Vietnam, Iraq, Nicaragua, Iran). According to, the WHO made a late admission on Jan 20, 2021 that "the lockdown has no scientific basis" and test results are misleading. "Release the vaccines and put an end to the lockdown," urges Jens Berger, editor of…

WHO's COVID-19 Origins Team Member Says 'Demonstrably False' Attacks on Report 'Undermine Science'
Morgan Artyukhina | | 2021-04-03
Since before the the 12-nation team of scientists visited Wuhan, China, earlier this year in an attempt to discover the origins of the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, Western nations and corporate media outlets were claiming China would block their efforts, reviving politically useful but scientifically discredited conspiracy theories. | In the wake of the World Health Organization (WHO) team's report from Wuhan on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, the US and its allies have cried foul. They claim the Chinese government fouled their investigation after it failed to point t……

The Vaccine Must Be a Common Good for Humanity
Vijay Prashad | | 2021-04-03
Nearly three million people have reportedly been killed by the novel coronavirus (SAR-CoV-2) and upwards of 128 million people have been infected by the virus……

Georgia's New Voting Law Is Rife With Hidden Horrors
Greg Palast | | 2021-04-03
The GOP believes Georgia's voters can't be trusted to choose their senators and governor. Rather, Republicans are counting on Jim Crow to "true the vote."…

Georgia's New Voting Law Is Rife With Hidden Horrors
Greg Palast | | 2021-04-03
The GOP believes Georgia's voters can't be trusted to choose their senators and governor. Rather, Republicans are counting on Jim Crow to "true the vote."…

US Church Membership Falls Under 50 Percent
Juan Cole | | 2021-04-03
Many Millennials who become unchurched cite discomfort with the prejudice and discrimination against LGBTQ persons in churches……

US Church Membership Falls Under 50 Percent
Juan Cole | | 2021-04-03
Many Millennials who become unchurched cite discomfort with the prejudice and discrimination against LGBTQ persons in churches……

Netherlands Halts Vaccination With Astrazeneca COVID-19 Vaccine | 2021-04-03
The Netherlands' Health Minister Hugo de Jonge announced a temporary suspension on the use of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines for people below 60 years of age. | RELATED: | Spain Could Produce Sputnik V Vaccine | At least five cases of serious adverse effects in women between 25 and 65 years of age, one of whom died, were reported in the country. | The decision comes days after the German government also decided to halt inoculations with AstraZeneca's vaccines over concerns of "unusual blood clot……

Treasury Notifies Congress of $650 Billion Emergency Reserves to Fight Global COVID Crisis
Zachary Conti | | 2021-04-03
Washington DC –Treasury notified Congress of its support for $650 billion in IMF global reserves, also known as Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), to assist developing countries struggling with the coronavirus crisis. US law requires a ninety-day advance alert to Congress before the US votes for SDRs with the IMF board.…

Vaccine Nationalism Is Putting World Health At Risk
_____ | | 2021-04-03
It's 9: 21pm, and the phones of journalists across South Africa are buzzing. The health department has just released the country's daily Covid-19 statistics in a WhatsApp message. | 'We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.' The single line has been repeated in every statement, every night, for the last year. | Officially, 52,846 people in the country of almost 59 million have died of Covid-19 since the epidemic began in March. But experts warn that the true death toll could be in the hundreds of thousands. Today, just 0.4 percent of So……

Beyond COVID: The essential building blocks of a just world
Graham Peebles | | 2021-04-03
The qualities inherent in this global cleansing are perennial principles that many hold dear: sharing, cooperation, tolerance, understanding.…

Fake News Warfare in Venezuela: Now an Alleged Morgue Collapse Due to COVID-19
Jose Manuel Blanco Diaz | | 2021-04-03
Friday, April 2, social media networks in Venezuela were once again the center of a debate in which users revealed a case of fake news. The action began with photographs that were circulated depicting an alleged "COVID-19 death surge" in the Bello Monte morgue in Caracas. | The issue became a trending topic at a time when the country is going through a second wave of coronavirus infections. On the same day, for example, 1,254 new positive cases, and 13 deaths from the illness were reported. | #2Abril así se encuentra la morgue de Bello……

Just Say No To Another "Roaring Twenties"
Michael K. Smith | | 2021-04-03
The lure of a perpetually rising standard of living administered by corporate America can be seen for what it always was: a capitalist mirage……

The Heat: China pushes back on Western narrative on Xinjiang
Anand Naidoo | | 2021-04-03
The Chinese government pushes back against critical Western reporting on Xinjiang.…

Why Is The United Kingdom Raising Its Nuclear Stockpile Limits?
_____ | | 2021-04-03
On March 16, the United Kingdom announced it was significantly raising a self-imposed cap on its overall nuclear stockpile, from a previous target of 180 warheads by the mid-2020s to a new cap of 260. The decision was outlined in the United Kingdom's Integrated Review, a landmark strategic update, which also said the country will no longer declare the size of its operational warhead stockpile (previously 120), or the numbers of warheads and operational missiles deployed on submarines (previously 40 and no more than 8, respectively). A previous review in 2015 had left open the possibility of a future change in nuc……

50 Years of Injustice: Free Black Panther Political Prisoner Ed Poindexter Now!
Jamal Journal interviews Michael Richardson | | 2021-04-03
In our interview conducted earlier this week, author Michael Richardson discusses the role of the FBI's infamous COINTELPRO in the frameup of the Omaha Two and provides an important update on Ed Poindexter's urgent health situation. Richardson also explains how you can help Ed Poindexter, an elder in poor health who is a 50-year victim of an obvious and well documented COINTELPRO frameup. We highly recommend reading Michael Richardson's book to learn more about this extreme injustice that needs to end immediately. Free Ed Poindexter now!…

The Vaccine Must Be A Common Good For Humanity
_____ | | 2021-04-03
Nearly three million people have reportedly been killed by the novel coronavirus (SAR-CoV-2) and upwards of 128 million people have been infected by the virus, many with long-lasting health repercussions. Thus far, roughly 1.5% of the world's population of 7.7 billion have been vaccinated, but 80% of them are from only ten countries. In February, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research warned about the 'medical apartheid' that has shaped the vaccine roll-out. | Since 1950, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has celebrated Global Health Day on 7 April. Each year, the WHO choses a different theme for the day……

Regarding The Farewell Of Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald
The Family & Committee To Free Chip | | 2021-04-03
This new statement has just been released.…

Modified Injunction is Bad News for the Unhoused; Prepare to Resist Now, or Regret Later
Robert Norse | | 2021-04-03
Judge Susan van Kuelen's March 30th modifications in the 1-20-21 Preliminary Injunction previously protecting the San Lorenzo Survival Campground was published April 1st. It allows a week or two relief, if that, before the unhoused population faces restored confinement or persecution.…

Lenin Moreno and the CIA against Andres Arauz
Eds. | | 2021-04-03
The second round of the Ecuadorian election between the candidate of the pro-Correa citizen revolution Arauz and the banker Lasso is approaching, and things are accelerating in the axis formed by Lenin Moreno and the United States, with its intelligence services at the forefront. | April 2, 2021 | Newswire……

Brothers EMpowered Is Building That Village We All Need to Thrive
_____ | | 2021-04-03
Charles Caine has a dream. Just like Martin Luther King understood civil rights include economic rights, Caine wants to give all people an opportunity to prosper. That mission starts with his two sons (ages 16 and 13) and the other youth he mentors in North Minneapolis as the president and executive director of Brothers EMpowered. | Caine founded the community mentorship organization in 2014 to help men of color overcome the barriers in their lives and the lives in their communities. His inspiration came from years of struggling as a young Black man in urban America. After overcoming many challenges and barriers……

Russian Opposition Must Shed Its Illusions About Navalny, Putin And Possibilities For Change — OpEd
Paul Goble | | 2021-04-03
The chief problem of the Russian opposition, Vladislav Inozemtsev says, is that its hopes and expectations increasingly take precedence over a sober assessment of the realities of their situation, one in which they expect to be able to liberate Aleksey Navalny and create "a beautiful Russia of the future." | Their world, however, is imaginary, the Russian analyst says, and it is getting in the way of taking the kinds of steps needed to make real progress in more limited ways possible. The opposition doesn't understand that it needs to operate within the Russia that exists and not the one its members have dream……

"We will protest for as long as possible"
Eds. | | 2021-04-03
Farmers from Uttarakhand and northwest UP–several of whom have taken part in the farm protests–say that the state-run mandis, though flawed, are essential for their survival. | April 3, 2021 | Newswire……

Friday 4/9: Community Discussion: Anti-AAPI Racism and Solidarity
DXE | | 2021-04-03

[Clinical Picture] Anterior uveitis in paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2
Justin E R E Wong Chung, àñ Engin, T F W Wolfs, T J C Renson, J H de Boer | | 2021-04-03
A 12-year-old boy was referred to our hospital with a 6-day history of a fever–maximum 40 ∞C–of unknown origin and malaise. He had no previous medical problems, no prior upper respiratory tract symptoms, or known exposure to a SARS-CoV-2-positive individual.…(21)00579-1/fulltext?rss=yes

Spirit of Love, Show of Strength at Rally Opposing Violence Against Asians
HLECRIRC | | 2021-04-03
Spirit of love, show of strength, and commitment to resistance in the air and on placards in the Silicon Valley community of Redwood City–the date was March 27, eleven days after hate crime mass shooting in Atlanta.…

Saturday 4/24: How to Change the World in One Generation – DxE Intro Workshop
DXE | | 2021-04-03

Biden, Pentagon, NATO signal readiness to go to war against Russia over Ukraine
Rick Rozoff | | 2021-04-03
Biden, Pentagon, NATO signal readiness to go to war against Russia over UkraineRick Rozoff Recent press releases from the White House, the Defense Department and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization uniformly communicate the message that the U.S. and NATO are willing, and perhaps are preparing, to enter into armed conflict with Russia over their joint ……

Mexican feminists rise up against femicide
Peoples Dispatch | | 2021-04-03
Feminist collectives, women's organizations and residents of the Tulum municipality took to the streets demanding justice for Victoria Esperanza Salazar who was murdered by the local police. Mexican women denounced the escalation of femicides in the country and the impunity surrounding the crime.…

Just Say No To Another "Roaring Twenties"
Michael K. Smith | | 2021-04-03
The lure of a perpetually rising standard of living administered by corporate America can be seen for what it always was: a capitalist mirage……

Possible Trigger For Crohn's Disease Identified
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-03
People living with the often-debilitating effects of Crohn's disease may finally gain some relief, thanks to ground-breaking research led by McMaster University. | McMaster investigator Brian Coombes said his team identified a strain of adherent-invasive E-coli (AIEC) that is strongly implicated in the condition and is often found in the intestines of people with Crohn's disease. | "If you examine the gut lining of patients with Crohn's disease, you will find that around 70 to 80 per cent of them test positive for AIEC bacteria, but one of the things we don't understand is why," said Coombes, professor and cha……

Luxembourg A Tax Haven For Finnish Companies And Super-Rich
EurActiv | | 2021-04-03
By Pekka Vanttinen | ( EurActiv) — Hundreds of Finnish companies, high profile business tycoons and CEOs have been seeking tax relief in Luxembourg, with assets managed by favourable agreements amounting to tens of billions of euros. | The list of names, revealed by the Finnish Broadcasting Company's investigative journalism programme MOT on Monday, includes former Nokia CEO Jorma Ollila and Ilkka Herlin, member of the Herlin family, which owns Kone, a leading international engin……

Mali: Four UN Peacekeepers, Two Soldiers Killed In Two Separate Attacks (Photos)
Anonymous669 | | 2021-04-03
Click to see full-size image. Source: | On April 2, four UN peacekeepers, two Malian soldiers were killed and several others were injured in two separate terrorist attacks in Mali. | The peacekeepers were killed in a large attack by gunmen on base of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the eastern area of Kidal. According to a statement by the MINUSMA, the gunmen, who are yet to be identified, were heavily armed."Heavily armed terrorists carried out an a……

'Global Britain', aggressive imperialism and draconian policing
Rohan Rice | | 2021-04-03
Belligerent abroad and oppressive at home, the government's rhetoric is being gradually cemented into law — to which protest is the only answer……

Killing the Black Snake: Native Youths Incredible Stand Against Pipelines in Washington
Brenda Norrell | | 2021-04-03
Native youths ran to the White House, locked down on tripods outside, and delivered more than 400,000 petitions to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers demanding the shut down of Dakota Access Pipeline, and Enbridge Line 3. They marched through the streets of Washington DC with a 200-foot black snake representing the pipelines, and "killed" the snake outside the White House.…

Chaos of capitalist production: 15 million vaccine doses ruined
Jordan Woll | | 2021-04-03
Most of the deficiencies cited in FDA investigation reports from 2020 indicate the lack of rigor that capitalism incentivizes with its "race to the bottom" profit motive.…

Is The Long War Finally Ending?
_____ | | 2021-04-03
In October 1944, with the end of World War II in sight, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin passed a note back and forth to each other at a conference in Moscow. On the piece of paper, Churchill had assigned percentages to several Eastern European countries. Stalin amended the numbers, and Churchill agreed. The deal remained secret for nearly a decade. | The percentages on the piece of paper referred to the amount of influence that the Soviet Union and the West would wield in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Greece, with the first three countries falling in the Soviet sphere, control divided evenly in……

Thursday 4/8: Climate Action Crash Course
Climate Now | | 2021-04-03
Online, via zoom……

No Talks Needed For US Return To Iran Nuclear Deal
_____ | | 2021-04-03
Last month, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei announced that Tehran is in "no hurry" to return to its obligations under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and is prepared to wait until the US lifts its illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic. | Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi has stated that a possible US decision to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal, also known asthe Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), does not require any talks. | Speaking to the deal's remaining signatories during a virtual meeting on Friday, Araqchi added that "Iran will suspend its steps [scaling back compliance……

Peoples Coalition Helps Elect New Orleans Progressive Prosecutor
Bill Quigley | | 2021-04-03
"Our mission is to create a District Attorney's office that is ethical, equitable, compassionate, and accountable to all of its constituents so that we may end the era of mass incarceration in New Orleans."…

Sunday 4/4: 'Breaking The Silence': MLK JR's Anti-War Speech & Anniversary of His Assassination
King, Breaking Silence Project | | 2021-04-03
Online event w/ ASL + Spanish translation……

How pharma companies created a bottleneck in vaccine distribution
Newsclick | | 2021-04-03
In this episode of 'Talking Science & Tech', we look at how private pharma companies and developed nations have created a bottleneck in vaccine distribution through the use of patents and legislation.…

New priorities, same struggle
Boston DSA | | 2021-04-03
Organizing in the Boston Area……

Oakland Youths March in Support of Asians
Leon Kunstenaar | | 2021-04-03
Loud march from City Hall to Lake Merritt……

Time to put the spotlight on corporate taxes
Martin Hart-Landsberg | | 2021-04-03
A battle is slowly brewing in Washington DC over whether to raise corporate taxes to help finance new infrastructure investments. | April 3, 2021 | Newswire……

Capitol police officer, driver killed in vehicle attack near US Capitol | 2021-04-03
The driver of the vehicle, identified as 25-year-old Noah Green of Indiana, was shot and killed by police after he crashed his vehicle into a barricade outside the Capitol.…

7 delectable deviled egg variations for springtime snacking
Ashlie D. Stevens | | 2021-04-03
There's an egg for everyone, from an updated classic with frizzled shallots to one with a hit of secret Sriracha……

'Global Britain', aggressive imperialism and draconian policing
Rohan Rice | | 2021-04-03
Belligerent abroad and oppressive at home, the government's rhetoric is being gradually cemented into law — to which protest is the only answer……

New priorities, same struggle
Boston DSA | | 2021-04-03
Organizing in the Boston Area……

Ukraine To Regain 'Occupied Territory' in Crimea and Sevastopol
Editor2 | | 2021-04-03
In 2014, the Russian-speaking population living in the Donbas region set the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. Ukraine does not recognize that decision to date. | Over the last week, Ukraine has been moving military vehicles and troops to the front lines, a measure that increases its military tensions with Russia. | On March 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the Decree 117/2021 approving the "strategy of disoccupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city." | In practical terms, Ukraine's decision could trigger actions lea……

Green hydrogen could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 25 million tonnes in German Ruhr region
Clean Energy Wire | | 2021-04-03
By Charlotte Nijhuis | — Green hydrogen technology can help reduce emissions from industry, transport and heating in the German Ruhr region up to 72 percent by 2050 compared to 2018, the private industry-sponsored German Economic Institute (IW) shows in a report commissioned by the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR). The IW looked at six different ……

We're Colorado legislative aides and political workers. Here's why we formed a union
Heather Bradley, Brooke Holmes, Logan Davis,, Meredith Phillips | | 2021-04-03
To those concerned that having organized labor so close to seats of power might lead to more pro-worker policies, we say: Good……

KPFA and the vast conspiracy: "New Day" Pacifica's Redbaiting Tactics
repost | | 2021-04-03
The faction trying to corporatize the Pacifica bylaws who call themselves "New Day Pacifica" have used redbaiting claiming that Pacifica has been taken over by the Green Party and the Workers World party. These rebating tactics show the real character of these people. It also raises questions about why programmers at KPFA are supporting these tactics by backing New Day Pacifica.…

We're Colorado legislative aides and political workers. Here's why we formed a union
Heather Bradley, Brooke Holmes, Logan Davis,, Meredith Phillips | | 2021-04-03
To those concerned that having organized labor so close to seats of power might lead to more pro-worker policies, we say: Good……

Friday 4/2: Virtual Forum: 60-year Blockade on Cuba & Unions Fight for Safe Schools
Party for Socialism, Liberation | | 2021-04-03……

Biden, Pentagon, NATO Signal Readiness to Go to War Against Russia Over Ukraine
Rick Rozoff | | 2021-04-03
Recent press releases from the White House, the Defense Department and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization uniformly communicate the message that the U.S. and NATO are willing, and perhaps are preparing, to enter into armed conflict with Russia over their joint client regime in Ukraine. On April 1 U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin held a … Continue reading "Biden, Pentagon, NATO Signal Readiness to Go to War Against Russia Over Ukraine"…

News on China | No. 45
Dongsheng News | | 2021-04-03

US Sanctions Are Killing Innocent Syrians
_____ | | 2021-04-03
A friend of mine was found dead in his bed this past winter because he had no heating. Why? Because U.S. sanctions are hurting ordinary people rather than Bashar al-Assad's government; there is only an hour or so of electricity per day. | Last month, my phone rang. A relative in Damascus asked me to help a young Syrian child, Mohammed Daafis. Two-year-old Mohammed's family uses a Primus kerosene stove, a Victorian-era product, for cooking. There is no boiler for running hot water in the shower. Electricity rationing in Syria has reached its highest levels due to the government's inability to secure the fuel neede……

Peoples Coalition Helps Elect New Orleans Progressive Prosecutor
Bill Quigley | | 2021-04-03
"Our mission is to create a District Attorney's office that is ethical, equitable, compassionate, and accountable to all of its constituents so that we may end the era of mass incarceration in New Orleans."…

Saturday 4/17: End Gun Violence Town Hall w/ March For Our Lives San Jose
March For Our Lives | | 2021-04-03
Online town hall……

Stop Asian Hate! N. Cal Filipinos & Asians Speak-out Against Racist Violence and Murders
Labor Video Project | | 2021-04-03
Hundreds of Northern California Filipinos and Asian Americans spoke out against the racist violence and murders taking place in the Bay Are and nationally. The march and rally took place on March 26, 2021……

Venezuelan Minister for Defense: Colombia is Using PsyOps and Media Warfare to Undermine Venezuelan Army | 2021-04-03
This Friday, April 2, Venezuelan Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, denounced the use of psyops and media manipulation on the part of the Colombian government to defend its economic interests, create unrest among the Venezuelan population, manipulate public opinion at the international level and thus destabilize Venezuela. | On his Twitter account @vladimirpadrino, he wrote that "this conflict, in which the Republic makes legitimate use of its weapons to expel the groups that want to use our territory for bastard purposes, is accompanied by other weapons that seek various objectives: | 1 Defend the eco……

Chauvin trial, week 1: Will there be justice for George Floyd?
Chris Banks | | 2021-04-02
The entire world saw Chauvin commit the infamous murder of Floyd thanks to viral bystander video, and the attention of millions are now fixed on the courtroom.…

Evidence grows against former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin on day four of murder trial | 2021-04-02
Chauvin's former supervising officer told the court officers used force against George Floyd beyond the point which they should have stopped.…

Edge of Sports: Blinded by 'the Eyes of Texas'
Dave Zirin | | 2021-04-02
Concerns over "The Eyes of Texas" ramped up during last summer's mass demonstrations over the police murder of George Floyd.…

Far Right Cries Out for Foreign Intervention Due to Colombian Paramilitary Attacks in Apure
Jose Manuel Blanco Diaz | | 2021-04-02
In the midst of the struggle by Venezuelan security and defense agencies to expel the threat of Colombian paramilitary gangs from the state of Apure, the spokespeople for Venezuela's extreme right are again launching requests for foreign intervention and military interference in Venezuela. | Since the first skirmishes against criminal organizations were recorded in the border area of La Victoria in Apure state, on March 21, calls for foreign interference proliferated on social media networks, in addition to censure of the work of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB). | One of the representatives of the opp……

The War Scenario in Apure is Transferred to the Media and Social Networks
Editor2 | | 2021-04-02
By Misión Verdad — Mar 30, 2021 | Since the beginning of the clashes last Sunday, March 21, between Venezuelan state security forces and armed groups operating in Apure, on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, attempts were made to construct a false narrative aimed at criminalizing the government of President Nicolás Maduro and involving secondary actors. | The discourse framework promoted hours after the events was that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) had bombed the civilian population of La Victoria, a border town in the Venezuelan plains state, and was confronting an alleged faction of the disside……

The War Scenario in Apure is Transferred to the Media and Social Media Networks
Editor2 | | 2021-04-02
By Misión Verdad — Mar 30, 2021 | Since the beginning of the clashes last Sunday, March 21, between Venezuelan state security forces and armed groups operating in Apure, on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, attempts were made to construct a false narrative aimed at criminalizing the government of President Nicolás Maduro and involving secondary actors. | The discourse framework promoted hours after the events was that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) had bombed the civilian population of La Victoria, a border town in the Venezuelan plains state, and was confronting an alleged faction of the disside……

Credit Suisse's 'Suspicious' Forecast for Venezuelan Economy: 4% Growth in 2021
Jose Manuel Blanco Diaz | | 2021-04-02
In an economic forecast made public by the controversial AP journalist Joshua Goodman last Friday, March 26, which could be defined as a suspicious and unusual compliment, the Credit Suisse bank foresees the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to have a GDP increase of 4% in 2021. | The forecast is a surprise because the international financial institution considers the fact that the South American country is subject to a commercial and financial blockade, to which private corporations such as Credit Suisse itself capitulates, under the direction of the United States government and the European Union. | "We project……

Two More Venezuelan Soldiers Killed by Colombian Paramilitaries in Apure | 2021-04-02
This Thursday, April 1, two Venezuelan soldiers died as a result of the detonation of a landmine by Colombian criminal groups upon a patrol operating in the El Ripial sector of José Antonio Páez municipality, in Apure state, where the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is executing operation Bolivarian Shield 2021 against drug trafficking and paramilitary cells, which intend to enter Venezuelan territory to expand their criminal networks. | "We report that First Sergeant Andriel Istúriz Sojo and Second Sergeant Jesús Alexander Vásquez Pérez died today," read a statement by the Venezuelan ministry for defense……

The Other Americans: Now It's Biden's Turn to Repel Migrants
Jeff Abbott | | 2021-04-02
The Biden Administration is continuing old policies of turning back desperate people from the border.…

Another migrant caravan leaves from Honduras towards the US border
Peoples Dispatch | | 2021-04-02
Social and economic conditions in the country continue to worsen while the institutional crisis also deepens following the drug trafficking conviction of the president's brother in a US court……

Thousands of migrant children remain detained in overflowing detention camps along southern US border | 2021-04-02
Children are being kept in eight "pods" consisting of 500 children each, crowded into cages lined with see-through plastic sheets at a Department of Homeland Security facility in Donna, Texas.…

The Liberal Contempt for Martin Luther King's Final Year
Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon | | 2021-04-02
The anniversary of his assassination always brings a flood of tributes to Martin Luther King Jr., and this Sunday will surely be no exception. But those tributes — including from countless organizations calling themselves progressive — are routinely evasive about the anti-militarist ideals that King passionately expressed during the final year of his life. You……

Sign our online birthday card to say: "Free Georges Abdallah!" on his 70th birthday! #MacronLibérezAbdallah | 2021-04-02
It's Georges Abdallah's 70th birthday. This Lebanese Arab communist struggler for Palestine is marking this birthday in Lannemezan Prison, after being jailed by France for over 36 years. Join us today to take action online to demand his immediate liberation. First, join the Twitterstorm! #MacronLibérezAbdallah Twitter Storm Friday, 2 April 2021 10 am Pacific — 1 pm Eastern — 7 pm central Europe — 8 pm Palestine Use the hashtag: #MacronLibérezAbdallah Sample Tweets: Tag: @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin to direct your demand to French officials. Sign our collective birthday……

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa | 2021-04-02
2,000 Amazon workers at five German fulfilment centres in four-day pay strike; one-day general strike of Belgian private sector workers against 0.4 percent pay rise cap; 2,000 coal miners' strike in Bosnia and Herzegovina over months of unpaid and inconsistent wages; French primary school teachers to walk out over school reopenings……

Atlanta / Solidarity with Alabama Amazon workers
Dianne Mathiowetz | | 2021-04-02
Photo credit: Aleksander Kline Members of the ATL Amazon Workers Solidarity Network in Atlanta, Ga., on March 30 publicly thanked the BAmazon Union for leading the way to organize the unorganized. They were gathered in front of the new office site of the National Labor Relations Board one day after . . . | Continue reading Atlanta / Solidarity with Alabama Amazon workers at…

After BAmazon/ Alabama mine workers go out on strike
Devin Cole | | 2021-04-02
On April 1, the United Mine Workers of America announced that more than 1,100 workers at the Brookwood, Ala., locations of Warrior Met Coal (WMC) had gone out on strike and were walking the picket line. The strike involves workers at two mines, one preparation plant and Central Shop. The . . . | Continue reading After BAmazon/ Alabama mine workers go out on strike at…

The real victory in Bessemer: Renewal of working class organizing — a WW commentary
Scott Williams | | 2021-04-02
"The workers in Bessemer never thought they'd spark a national discussion. This is their moment, but it's not just about Amazon. This is about every employer and the right of every worker to fair pay, safe workplaces, a voice in their workplace and the right to organize unions without illegal . . . | Continue reading The real victory in Bessemer: Renewal of working class organizing — a WW commentary at…

Demented Thinking on Joe Biden
Ted Rall | | 2021-04-02
The president is suffering from dementia. I'm a cartoonist and a writer and I am most assuredly not a gerontologist. I did not go to medical school. If I am not an expert in aging and cognitive decline, how do I know Biden has dementia? The same way I and you and everyone else know……

Hands Off Yemen!
Editor2 | | 2021-04-02
February 15, 2021, marks one year since the Saudi-led coalition's horrific air raid on a residential area in Yemen's northern province of al-Jawf. The bombing killed 35 people, including 25 children, and 18 children were amongst the 23 injured. According to the Yemen Data Project, "During 2020, air raids in #Yemen averaged 6 per day — double the average daily rate in 2019. Despite the pandemic, strikes hit healthcare facilities, markets, farms, schools, and vital water infrastructure, including water wells. At least one Covid-19 quarantine centre was bombed." | The brutal U.S.-backed Saudi-led war on Yemen…

$13,000-plus kicks off FRSO fundraising drive
Fight Back | | 2021-04-02
Minneapolis, MN — More than $13,000 has been donated to the Freedom Road Socialist Origination (FRSO) Spring Fundraising drive as of March 31, and thousands more are expected in the upcoming week. Given the rapid growth of FRSO, funds are being raised for a national office and staff, with the aim of carrying out a big leap forward in our efforts to build a strong, revolutionary organization. | A number of members and supporters of FRSO are donating their $1400 stimulus checks. | Sarah Martin, a long time FRSO member and anti-war activist, is giving $1400. Martin stated, "I contributed to the FRSO funding dr……

Despite US' Dirty Tricks, Bolivia Is Finding A Way To Stay Independent
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Sentiments in Bolivia for and against the coup d'etat of November 2019 are predictably along class lines. Those from more affluent sections felt that the socialist policies of the government of President Evo Morales (which was in power from 2006 to 2019) were eating into their authority. But these sections could not oust Morales at the ballot box because his policies of redistribution were wildly popular among the mass of the population. Morales won three elections, each of them with a decisive mandate: winning 53.74% in 2005, 64.08% in 2009, and 61.36% in 2014. | Pressure to prevent Morales from running in the e……

$13,000-plus kicks off FRSO fundraising drive
Fight Back | | 2021-04-02
Minneapolis, MN — More than $13,000 has been donated to the Freedom Road Socialist Origination (FRSO) Spring Fundraising drive as of March 31, and thousands more are expected in the upcoming week. Given the rapid growth of FRSO, funds are being raised for a national office and staff, with the aim of carrying out a big leap forward in our efforts to build a strong, revolutionary organization. | A number of members and supporters of FRSO are donating their $1400 stimulus checks. | Sarah Martin, a long time FRSO member and anti-war activist, is giving $1400. Martin stated, "I contributed to the FRSO funding dr……

Why Kindness is Not Enough
Michael Barker | | 2021-04-02
Marxists tend to have a realistic view of humanity. We believe that history is replete with examples demonstrating that our species strongest instinctual urges move us in the direction of cooperation not violence. At the same time, we understand that a small clique of self-centred individuals, the ruling-class, use their power to undermine our ability……

Charlottesville City to Remove Confederate Generals Statues | 2021-04-02
Virginia Supreme Court Justice Bernard Goodwyn on Thursday authorized Charlottesville City to take down statues of the Confederate Generals Robert Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. | RELATED: | Rampant Racial Injustice in US Reveals Double Standards on Human Rights | "The team in the City Attorney's office did an amazing job; this court decision will positively impact so many lives," said Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker. | "We are forever indebte……

The Adani Business Formula: Dealing with Myanmar's Military
Binoy Kampmark | | 2021-04-02
Corporate morality can be a flexible thing. Some companies see tantalising dollar signs afloat in the spilt blood of civilians and dissidents. Military governments, however trigger crazed, offer ideal opportunities; potentially, corners can be cut, regulations relaxed. The Adani Group has shown itself to be particularly unscrupulous in this regard. In many ways, it is ……

Bangladesh Could Become Hub for Jihadists if It Continues Appeasing Islamic Radicals
Paul Antonopoulos | | 2021-04-02…

Spain: Headquarters of Leftist Party Podemos Vandalized | 2021-04-02
The Podemos President Pablo Iglesias denounced an attack with explosives on this leftist party's headquarters in Cartagena city in Murcia province. | RELATED: | Spain's Parliament To Approve Law Regulating Euthanasia | In May and September last year, the same building was vandalized and threatening graffiti with neo-Nazi symbology appeared on the walls. | "Far-right terrorism is not going to intimidate us… Democracy, freedom of expression, and social justice is the response to thes……

Maj. Danny Sjursen: What Is It About the Democrats' Love of War?
Moderator | | 2021-04-02
Click to subscribe on: Apple / Spotify / Google Play Nearly two full decades into the Afghanistan War, with just a month left before the United States under President Trump had agreed to withdraw its remaining troops from Afghanistan at long last, it seems Joe Biden is going to backtrack on his predecessor's promise. At his first press conference as U.S. president, Biden stated, " It's going to be… | Source……

Dozens of Canadian Indigenous communities under boil-water advisories one year into pandemic | 2021-04-02
Fifty-eight long-term boil-water advisories remain in effect on First Nation reserves across Canada– some of them more than two decades-old.…

Another Indigenous People Leader Assassinated in Colombia | 2021-04-02
The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) condemned the assassination of Wayuu Indigenous people leader Aura Garcia in the La Guajira department. | RELATED: | Colombia Allows Second Fracking Project in the Magdalena Basin | She was a traditional authority of the Arronshy community in Uribia municipality. She was ambushed by two unknown individuals and shot to death on Wednesday afternoon. | Previously, she had denounced several threats that led her to request pro……

Letters From Minsk: Echoes of Munich Over Wroclaw, Poland
Matthew Stevenson | | 2021-04-02
This is the fourth in a series about train and bicycle rides from Switzerland to Belarus, in those carefree days before pandemic lockdowns. My Wroclaw train dropped me at the main station just outside the downtown in the middle of the afternoon, when chilly winds off the central European plains were whipping around the cobblestoned……

China Turns Cautious On Fast Economic Growth — Analysis
RFA | | 2021-04-02
By Michael Lelyveld | China's government is facing a tough challenge in managing expectations of high economic growth rates as the country recovers from the COVID-19 crisis this year. | On March 11, Premier Li Keqiang defended the government's decision to set a relatively low bar for the economy after delivering his annual work report to the National People's Congress (NPC) with a growth goal of "over 6 percent." | At a press conference, Li pushed back at the notion that the government had deliberately low-balled the recovery from the pandemic following gross domestic product growth of 2.3 percent in 2020, the……

Macron's pandemic speech and the politics of "social murder" | 2021-04-02
The ruling elite in France and internationally refuses to take meaningful action to stop a new wave of COVID-19 deaths that is sweeping the globe.…

Live Animal Markets Should Be Closed to Prevent the Next Pandemic
Reynard Loki | | 2021-04-02
The exact origin of the coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, which started the COVID-19 pandemic, is still unclear. Early reports suggested that the virus jumped from an animal to a human at Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a "wet market" that sells live animals. Today, the international team of scientists assembled by the World Health Organization (WHO)……

Ecuador Declares 'State of Emergency' in Eight Provinces | 2021-04-02
Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno on Thursday imposed a 30-days state of emergency in eight provinces to curb the pandemic. | RELATED: | Ecuador: Andres Arauz Rejects "Dirty Campaign" Against Him | Azuay, Guayas, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Manabi, Pichincha, Loja, and Santo Domingo de Los Tsachilas must observe new restrictions due to the rebound of infections and hospital overcrowding. | Besides no on-site working for public sector employees, residents in these provinces must obey a curfew……

More Than 25 Leaders Back Idea of Pandemic Treaty: WHO Chief | 2021-04-02
More than 25 leaders from "the G20, G7 and from every region" have united in an urgent call for an international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response, chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) said Thursday. | RELATED: | Over 1M Health Workers Infected with COVID in the Americas | The pandemic treaty would be a generational commitment to keeping the world safe from new pathogens with pandemic potential in the future, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said……

America: The land of lost causes
Staff | | 2021-04-02
As the pandemic hammers the world of higher education, graduate student-workers are fighting for their livelihoods; then, we examine the continuing relevance of forgotten 19th-century political struggles in the U.S.…

United Auto Workers executives received massive payout in 2020 as COVID-19 ravaged auto plants | 2021-04-02
The latest US Department of Labor report for 2020 filed by the UAW shows that it increased both its income and assets even as its membership declined amid the coronavirus pandemic.…

How Cutting Down Military Spending Could Bring About Peace
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Since the end of WWII, especially since the breakup of the Soviet Union, it appears as if US political leaders feel they are trapped in a time warp and are unable to break free. They seem to believe that they must repeat the same disastrous foreign policy of regime change over and over. Since 9/11, the US has attacked or supported attacks against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. | The attacks, especially the horrendous US-led war crime against Iraq, have destabilized and created havoc in the Middle East, devastated these nations and caused death and appalling suffering for the people. | In addition, the……

Screen Shot 2021-04-01 at 9.01.02 AM.png
Mark Fiore | | 2021-04-02
When your ideas don't win people over, just keep the other side from getting votes.…

Battleground Baltimore: Make It Make Sense
Staff | | 2021-04-02
In this week's round-up of Baltimore news: COVID-19 numbers continue to rise but Maryland stays open, the winding and confusing road to police accountability, the latest on paraphernalia decriminalization, and……

Rebuttal Letter to European Medicines Agency (EMA) from Doctors for COVID Ethics
Doctors for COVID Ethics | | 2021-04-02
Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines ……

The antiscientific campaign to promote "living with the virus" | 2021-04-02
The media use of the term "endemicity" is an effort to employ scientific-sounding language to promote the false conception that COVID-19 will inevitably become a permanent fixture of human society like the influenza and the common cold. Behind this campaign lie powerful social interests.…

WSWS publishes Chinese translation of "800,000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe: capitalism, social murder and the case for socialism" | 2021-04-02
Translated into Chinese, the article explains how the political representatives of the financial aristocracy have condemned hundreds of thousands to death and the necessity for the international working class to put an end to the capitalist system.…

Undeniable Spike: Venezuela Reports 1,254 COVID-19 Cases, 13 Deaths, and 92% Recovered on Thursday
Jose Manuel Blanco Diaz | | 2021-04-02
This Thursday, April 1, Venezuela marked its 382nd day in the battle against COVID-19. In the last 24 hours, the country registered 1,254 new cases: 1,237 of community transmission and 17 imported, in addition to 13 deaths. This was reported by the Minister for Communication and Information, Freddy àëáñez. | Thus, Venezuela's totals up until day 382, ‚Äã‚Äãin the second wave of COVID-19, include 161,751 infections and 1,615 deaths from this disease. On the other hand, 11,480 cases are reported as active. Of this sum, 11,127 are receiving free care in the national public he……

Belgium Must Lift 'All COVID-19 Measures' within 30 Days, Brussels Court Rules
MaàØthé Chini | | 2021-04-02
The Belgian State has been ordered to lift "all coronavirus measures" ……

New studies show COVID-19 leads to significant organ damage and the death of many survivors | 2021-04-02
The UK study builds on previous research on outcomes for patients taken into hospital with COVID-19 but based on tens of thousands of cases is able to draw conclusions about the extent of dysfunction in organs of those affected.…

Train Crash Kills at Least 51 People in Taiwan | 2021-04-02
At least 51 people died after a train derailment on Friday in Taiwan, as authorities reported that it was the country's deadliest train crash in decades. | RELATED: | Covid-19 Update: Taiwan Prohibits Foreigners From Entering | The 408 Taroko Express collided inside of a tunnel on its way to the southern region of Taitung. The passengers were trapped for hours as rescue teams tried to access the train. | Latest: 51 dead and ~160 injured, the deadliest train crash in Taiwan in decade……

Tanzania's Late President Magufuli: 'Science Denier' or Threat to Empire?
Jeremy Loffredo | | 2021-04-02
While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance ……

Why Biden's Choice to Bomb Outer Space Is So Damn Exciting
Lee Camp | | 2021-04-02
President Biden has announced he will be continuing to build Donald Trump's Space Force — an idea Trump probably dreamed up while high on some bizarre pills his special "doctor" gave him and had left the rubber cement jar open on his desk. The Space Force is the new branch of our military designed to conquer and……

Cesar Chavez Day
Gloria Rubac | | 2021-04-02
Houston Residents here honored labor leader and United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez March 27 with a caravan through the East Side, led by over 25 motorcycles, dozens of Chicano lowrider cars and other cars with signs and union flags on them. They met up with a large contingent of . . . | Continue reading Cesar Chavez Day at…

Detected Lottery-Like Behavior In Cryptocurrency Markets
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Recent research from the University of Vaasa and the University of Jyvà§skyla shows that speculation and lottery-like behavior is a fundamental factor for the pricing of cryptocurrencies. Speculation could explain the enormous increase in the market capitalizations of cryptocurrencies. | Nowadays more than 8000 cryptocurrencies have been launched. Unlike traditional assets like stocks, research has shown that investments in cryptocurrencies are associated with a considerably higher level of uncertainty. The price of Bitcoin, which is the first traded cryptocurrency, increased by from $7,200.17 to $29,374.…

Scientists At CERN Successfully Laser-Cool Antimatter For The First Time
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Swansea University physicists, as leading members of the ALPHA collaboration at CERN, have demonstrated laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms for the first time. The groundbreaking achievement produces colder antimatter than ever before and enables an entirely new class of experiments, helping scientists learn more about antimatter in future. | In a paper published in Nature, the collaboration reports that the temperature of antihydrogen atoms trapped inside a magnetic bottle is reduced when the atoms scatter light from an ultraviolet laser beam, slowing the atoms down and reducing the space they occupy in the b……

New Domestic Terrorism Laws Won't End White Supremacy
Jacob deCastro | | 2021-04-02
After the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, calls for new domestic terrorism laws grew louder. Proponents of the laws argue they'll provide law enforcement with more resources to go after white supremacists and stop the violence. Now, with the country reeling from a recent spike in mass shootings, the calls continue. | Not so fast, says Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU's National Security Project. New domestic terorrism laws will give the government even more power to surveil and criminalize communities of color. Existing counterrorism laws have already disproportionately affected these communities, an……

More Cheap Fun: Comparing Job Growth Under Trump and Biden After Two Months
Dean Baker | | 2021-04-02
As I noted with Round I, this is stupid since there are so many things for which the president is not responsible. But, as we all know, the Trump crew would be pushing this graph everywhere if the situation was reversed, so here it is. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. As we can see, after ……

Saudi Arabia's Plans To Grow Forests In Desert Could Change The World — OpEd
Arab News | | 2021-04-02
By Zaid M. Belbagi* | For any country that relies upon hydrocarbons to provide 99 percent of its energy, you might imagine that announcing an ambitiously huge entry into the renewables space would be daunting. | Not for Saudi Arabia. With average annual sun hours in excess of 3,000, miles upon miles of untouched shoreline and a landmass the size of Western Europe, the potential is immense. | For decades the Saudi Ministry of Petroleum was OPEC's poster boy, leading the way on the pricing of crude and helping to keep cars moving, ships sailing and the global economy ticking over. The oil crisis of 1973 undersco……

ATI to bring in scabs against strike of 1,300 steelworkers | 2021-04-02
A western Pennsylvania specialty steelmaker is moving forward with plans to hire replacements for the 1,300 steelworkers that went on strike this past Tuesday.…

Woke–Except For My Beef Bowl
Martha Rosenberg | | 2021-04-02
It is amazing how many Woke people are not vegan. Their anti-racism, anti-white supremacy, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia and anti-Asian discrimination credentials are impeccable…and then they reach for their Thai chicken or beef bowl. What? Doesn't speciesism–believing that humans rule over other species and have the right to use them however they wish–showcase the nexus of all……

Is the Long War Finally Ending?
John Feffer | | 2021-04-02
In October 1944, with the end of World War II in sight, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin passed a note back and forth to each other at a conference in Moscow. On the piece of paper, Churchill had assigned percentages to several Eastern European countries. Stalin amended the numbers, and Churchill agreed. The deal remained……

Citing Unfair Labor Practices, 1,300 Steelworkers Strike In Five States
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Brackenridge, PA – At 7: 00 AM on Tuesday, March 30, 1,300 Steelworkers employed by Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI) walked out in protest at facilities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The strike comes just over a year after United Steelworkers began negotiations with ATI. According to a statement released that day, the union is dissatisfied with company demands for ‚Äã"major economic and contract language concessions." | United Steelworkers further claims that ATI has committed unfair labor practices. A charge filed with the National Labor Relations Boar……

Scientists Turn To Deep Learning To Improve Air Quality Forecasts
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels impacts human health but predicting pollution levels at a given time and place remains challenging, according to a team of scientists who are turning to deep learning to improve air quality estimates. Results of the team's study could be helpful for modelers examining how economic factors like industrial productivity and health factors like hospitalizations change with pollution levels. | "Air quality is one of the major issues within an urban area that affects people's lives," said Manzhu Yu, assistant professor of geography at Penn State. "Yet existing observati……

California Governor Newsom faces right-wing recall | 2021-04-02
The recall campaign is not targeting Newsom for reopening schools and contributing to the deaths of thousands, but for not reopening even more quickly.…

Megan Rapinoe: soccer star, political activist
Lyn Neeley | | 2021-04-02
Megan Rapinoe's captivating autobiography, "One Life," traces how her upbringing and lifelong joy of playing soccer led to stardom and political activism. Rapinoe has used her superstar status to advance the fight of workers and the oppressed. In 2012 she joined the handful of professional athletes who are out lesbians. . . . | Continue reading Megan Rapinoe: soccer star, political activist at…

Suez Highlights the Fragility of Globalization
Patrick Mazza | | 2021-04-02
The global supply chain is an elaborately choreographed ballet, nowhere more than in the flow of containers through which 60% of the world's seaborne trade travels. Calibrating a stream of over 800 million boxes each year entails sophisticated tracking that makes sure containers reach their destination. The system reaches down to the crane operator who stacks each box in……

Modern Monetary Theory
Pavlina Tcherneva | | 2021-04-02

| Pondering here from my academic station | Why has never before such a simple observation | Caused more confusion and consternation | Amongst the general population | That the government is the currency-issuing monopolist | Is not a radical idea, nor a hypothesis | It is a simple, nay, elementary fact | That is often so feverishly attacked | It conjures fears of hyperinflation | The dread of every civilized nation | A crippling phobia that stunts our facilities | To rationally think about the economic possibiliti……

What Netflix's Seaspiracy Gets Wrong
Joshua Frank | | 2021-04-02
Don't let the title of this review fool you. The new (awfully named) polemical documentary Seaspiracy, now streaming on Netflix, gets a lot right, but its shortcomings undermine its potential positive influence. Following the journey of 27-year-old director Ali Tabrizi as he explores what the hell is going on with our oceans, we are informed,……

New Mexico Passes Cannabis Legalization And Expungement Package
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Santa Fe, NM — With the New Mexico Legislature approving social justice-centered cannabis legalization during the special session today, Emily Kaltenbach, Senior Director for Resident States and New Mexico for the Drug Policy Alliance, released the following statement: | "New Mexicans are finally able to exhale. After many years of hard work, another whirlwind legislative session, and input from stakeholders throughout the state, social justice-centered cannabis legalization is on its way to the Governor's desk, where she has already agreed to sign. | We thank the Governor and our legislative allies for not……

Tens of Millions in Florida Properties Linked to Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Guillermo Lasso
Editor2 | | 2021-04-02
By Jake Johnston — Mar 31, 2021 | In March 2017, ahead of Ecuador's second-round presidential election, CEPR reported that Florida-based shell companies linked to then-candidate Guillermo Lasso owned 144 properties in Broward and Miami-Dade counties valued at over $30 million. In that election, voters approved a referendum barring politicians and civil servants from holding assets in tax havens and giving them one year to divest or transfer their holdings. Though Florida is not included among the list of tax havens, it is considered a "low tax jurisdiction," which authorities will handle on a case-by-case ba……

Fake News Op in the 'Candid Activists' Case: There was No Arrest, Only Protection of Journalists in Apure | 2021-04-02
This Thursday, April 1, the launch of a new media conspiracy against Venezuela was attempted on social media networks and in the US-financed "free press," but the truth quickly emerged. Finally, the alleged detention of journalists in Apure state, allegedly covering the events in the Colombian-Venezuelan border territory, was reported as false. | A new fake news story was spread by some media and journalists who assured that several journalists and activists were apprehended; some even dared to describe the arrests as "force disappearance." | In addition, social media exploded with manipulations and falsehoods th……

Helmet Use Linked To More Arm And Hand Injuries In Motorcycle Crash Patients, Not Less
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Maybe parents are right to bristle when their infatuated offspring brings home a motorcycle rider: despite only making up 10% of vehicles on US roads, motorcycle riders comprise 40% of all traffic accident trauma patients. It's risky business – even, it appears, when you do theright thing and wear a helmet. A new study published in the Open Access journal SICOT-J has found that, while it protects from the most severe injuries, wearing a helmet during a crash is associated with more arm and hand injuries. | Arm and hand injuries constitute 35% of all motorcycle injuries and patients often need more rehabi……

Sidewalk Terror and the Logistical Hauntings of the Flâneur
Julie Y. Chu | | 2021-04-02
You are waiting for the morning bus at the curb. You are getting ready to cross the block at a traffic light. You are stepping out of your house to empty the garbage. You are walking home from a friend's house at night. Each of these mundane acts could easily be part of the "sidewalk ballet" that the urban thinker and activist Jane Jacobs once praised as the definitive marker of vibrant stranger sociality. But then you get knocked down in front of your bus stop. Some random person punches you in the face at the crosswalk. You get doused with burning acid on the curb in front of your house. You get kidnapped and d……

NATO appoints Turkey to lead drive into the Middle East and Asia
Rick Rozoff | | 2021-04-02
NATO appoints Turkey to lead drive into the Middle East and AsiaRick Rozoff On the first of the year the North Atlantic Treaty Organization transferred command of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) to Turkey. On March 30 NATO turned over its current mission in Afghanistan to Turkish Brigadier General Selàßuk Yurtsizoƒülu. ……

Did cops retaliate against this activist?
Staff | | 2021-04-02
As we continue our investigation into overpolicing and mass incarceration in rural America, we return to Pocomoke City on Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore to speak with Michelle Lucas. Lucas is a pizza delivery driver, a proud grandmother, and community activist who asserts that she was railroaded into a felony conviction that could result in up to two years in prison. | Tune in every Thursday at 9: 00 p.m. EST for new episodes of the Police Accountability Report.…

Hidden Diversity Of Coral More Important For Conservation Than Previously Thought
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
In recent years, advancements in DNA sequencing have exposed a large amount of hidden diversity in reef-building corals: species that appear identical to one another but are genetically distinct. Typically ignored as they are invisible to the naked eye, a team of researchers at the California Academy of Sciences and The University of Queensland, along with over a dozen international collaborators, is taking a more holistic approach to understand these hidden species by investigating overlooked ecological differences that have wide-ranging implications for the vulnerability and resilience of reef-building coral……

'Pros and Cons': Scamming neoliberal scammers
Dennis Broe | | 2021-04-02

Automakers halt production at 18 plants in Brazil | 2021-04-02
There are other reasons pushing the billion-dollar companies to halt their production than their feigned concern for the "health of their employees."…

Syria and Iraq Cooperate To Promote Refugee Return | 2021-04-02
The Foreign Minister made the remarks during talks in Damascus with the Minister of Migration and Displaced Peoples in Iraq, Evan Faeq Gabro, referring to ongoing cooperation for the return of displaced Syrians. | RELATED: | Syria Faces New Refugee Crisis Amid US-Driven War and Sanctions | Mekdad denounced that some Western countries politicize the issue and impose sanctions, in addition to dissuading refugees from returning to their homes and continuing to use their suffering……

Bolivian UN Diplomat Reiterates OAS Role in Bolivian 2019 Coup | 2021-04-02
Bolivian diplomat Diego Pary reiterated that the Organization of American States (OAS) played a fundamental role in the November 2019 coup d'état in his country, local media highlighted on Friday. | RELATED: | 'It Was a Coup' Film Unveils the U.S. Interference in Bolivia | Pary, who represents Bolivia at the United Nations, recalled that the biased and partial report of the OAS on alleged irregularities in the vote count during the 2019 elections provided the excuse to break with……

While the rest of the U.S. was struggling, 55 corporations paid $0 in federal taxes last year
Marlee Kokotovic | | 2021-04-02
"We should continue to call on policymakers to address the gaping corporate tax loopholes that make this kind of tax avoidance possible."…

GM Waxy Maize: The Gene-Edited Trojan Horse Is Moving Through the Gates
GRAIN | | 2021-04-02
At least five countries– Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile and the US– ……

Young labor leader murdered by Duterte in Philippines
IndustriALL | | 2021-04-02
A 35-year old trade union leader Dandy Miguel was killed on 28 March in Calamba city, after taking cases of extrajudicial killings to the Commission of Human Rights. His death adds to the more than 50 trade unionists that have been killed since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte came to power in 2016. Dandy Miguel was ……

Saudi Foreign Minister Says Normalization Of Israel's Status Would Bring 'Tremendous Benefits' For Middle East
Arab News | | 2021-04-02
Any potential deal to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel would benefit the Middle East, but depends on the progress of the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, the Kingdom's foreign minister said on Thursday. | "The normalization of Israel's status within the region would bring tremendous benefits to the region as a whole," Prince Faisal bin Farhan said during an interview with CNN. "It would be extremely helpful economically, socially and from a security perspective." | The foreign minister added, however, that any potential deal would only be possible if progress towards peace be……

"We did not know… that there is an international law"
Michel Raimbaud | | 2021-04-02
In March 1991, Saddam Hussein's Iraq, which had just imploded under a coalition led by Washington, began its descent into hell. It would remain for a long time under close surveillance and embargo. Meanwhile, between a mirage of "glasnost" and a wave of "perestroika," Gorbachev's USSR, floundering in dreams of the West, was soon to ……

An Unannounced Rupture in Venezuelan Politics
Chris Gilbert | | 2021-04-02
The brilliant Venezuelan thinker Reinaldo Iturriza has been writing about "disaffiliation" recently. Iturriza believes that a great many Chavista voters and militants have become disaffiliated. They are not exactly depoliticized, in his view. Rather, the country's politics has become so empty — lacking in substance — that they are standing aside and waiting. Iturriza has……

Suspect Rams Car Into US Capitol Barricade, Killing 1 Officer
VOA | | 2021-04-02
By Katherine Gypson | One U.S Capitol Police officer died and another was injured Friday when a driver slammed a car into a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol. | According to the U.S. Capitol Police, the suspect exited a car with a weapon and lunged at officers. | "U.S. Capitol Police officers fired upon him. At this time, the suspect has been pronounced dead," Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told reporters. | Police identified the officer who died as William "Billy" Evans. He was a member of the first responders unit and an 18-year veteran of the U.S. Capitol Police. | The incident happened……

Oregon unions update organizing
Johnnie Lewis | | 2021-04-02
Portland, Ore. Doughnut Workers United . . . | Continue reading Oregon unions update organizing at…

US-NATO Targeting of Assad in Proxy War Against Syria
Shane Quinn | | 2021-04-02
By Shane Quinn — Mar 31, 2021 | The Syrian president Bashar al-Assad must have looked on with some concern, as US-NATO began their attack on Libya in mid-March 2011. There was good reason for Assad to be worried, considering Libya's close enough proximity to Syria, coupled with the fact that the Americans had designated him for removal years before. | Washington's plan to oust Assad was outlined in a classified memorandum, written up in the Pentagon as early as the autumn of 2001, a few months into the George W. Bush presidency. Muammar Gaddafi's Libya was included at the same time on the Pentagon list for i……

Record surge in coronavirus cases at Stellantis' Sterling Stamping Plant | 2021-04-02
New cases at the plant surged in March to the highest levels on record, surpassing the previous monthly high from last November.…

Globalink: What Is the Main Factor Behind Yellow Dust Storms in Mongolia? | 2021-04-02
The frequency of natural disasters, including yellow dust storms, has increased significantly in Mongolia in recent years. What is the main factor behind it? Let's hear what Mongolian officials and experts from other countries say.…

Helmet Use Linked To More Arm And Hand Injuries In Motorcycle Crash Patients, Not Less
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Maybe parents are right to bristle when their infatuated offspring brings home a motorcycle rider: despite only making up 10% of vehicles on US roads, motorcycle riders comprise 40% of all traffic accident trauma patients. It's risky business — even, it appears, when you do theright thing and wear a helmet. A new study published in the Open Access journal SICOT-J has found that, while it protects from the most severe injuries, wearing a helmet during a crash is associated with more arm and hand injuries. | Arm and hand injuries constitute 35% of all motorcycle injuries and patients often need more rehabi……

Inside Track On Marvel's Latest TV Show 'The Falcon And The Winter Soldier'
Arab News | | 2021-04-02
By William Mullally | In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even the smallest moments can be big. Take one short scene in 2016's "Captain America: Civil War," for example, in which The Falcon (Anthony Mackie) and the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), two supporting characters in the franchise, sit in a car while the film's titular star discusses more-important business. | In the scene, one sits in the front seat, the other in the back. One asks the other, "Can you move your seat up?" only for the other to respond with a terse "No." | Their exchange lasts mere seconds, but fans went wild for it, focusing in on the c……

Mapping Policy For How EU Can Reduce Its Impact On Tropical Deforestation
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
EU imports of certain products contribute significantly to deforestation in other parts of the world. | In a new study, researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and University of Louvain, Belgium, evaluated thousands of policy proposals for how the EU could reduce this impact, to assess which would have the largest potential to reduce deforestation – while also being politically feasible. | "Unsurprisingly, there is weaker support for tougher regulations, such as import restrictions on certain goods. But our study shows that there is broad support in general, including for certain policies t……

UK variant discovered at University of Pittsburgh and Penn State campuses | 2021-04-02
The University of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania State University have reported the presence of the UK variant among students, accompanied by a spike in cases on both campuses.…

Minari: Filmmaking "interested in life" for a change | 2021-04-02
Minari is a semi-autobiographical fiction film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung. It is an honest and moving work, nominated for various Academy Awards.…

Biden and Latin America
Brett Heinz | | 2021-04-02
This article was originally published in Spanish by La Diaria on March 6, 2021. Late in the morning of November 8, 2020 cheering and honking erupted throughout Washington, DC as news outlets announced that Joe Biden was the projected winner of the US presidential election. Thousands of mostly young Washingtonians gathered in Black Lives Matter …

Let's end the insanity of colossal military spending during a global health emergency
Sonja Scherndl, Adam Parsons | | 2021-04-02
Imagine what could be achieved if just a portion of the money spent on military expenditures were pooled into a global fund, and redirected towards ending hunger and massively investing in public health systems. ***** If nations had a referendum, asking the public if they want their taxes to go to military weapons that are ……

Bolsonaro Swears in New Banco Do Brasil CEO | 2021-04-02
Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro appointed on Thursday Fausto Ribeiro as the new chief executive of Banco do Brasil amid resignations and political turmoil over the replacement of several top officials in recent days. | RELATED: | Brazilian Lawmakers Push For Impeachment Against Bolsonaro | The former chairman Helio Magalhaes and board member Jose Guimaraes Monforte filed their resignations hours before the announcement, according to securities filings quoted by Reuters. The execu……

Hundreds of houseless people evicted from Echo Park
Jonathan Kim | | 2021-04-02
With news of an impending LAPD sweep in Echo Park, organizations working to defend the park against inhumane evictions called for an urgent action to defend the park against this new onslaught.…

Why I changed my mind about charter schools
Florina Rodov | | 2021-04-02
I fell for the charter school hype. I agreed with former President Obama's education secretary Arne Duncan who advocated for "school choice." I trusted the research that said charters "close [the] achievement gap" for Black and Latino students. When I saw "Waiting for 'Superman,'" I rooted for the kids in the documentary to escape their ……

'What Other Country Would Do this to Its People?' Cambodian Land Grab Victims Seek International Justice
Gerald Flynn | | 2021-04-02…

Labor groups and activists decry continued raids and arrests in the Philippines
Peoples Dispatch | | 2021-04-02
Social movements and community organizations are coming together to raise their voice against the continued violence and bloodshed inflicted on activists in the Philippines……

Extinction Rebellion Sprays Bank Of England With 'Oil'
_____ | | 2021-04-02
City of London – Several people have been arrested as Extinction Rebellion's 'Fossil Fool' protesters sprayed the Bank of England with fake oil to highlight the "societal collapse" the activist group say global financial institutions are driving the planet towards. | XR's latest theatrical protest saw suit-clad activists descend on the heart of London's financial district, demanding the Bank of England regulate the banks which continue to fund fossil fuel companies. | The biodegradable fake oil, a mixture of black pond dye and guar gum extracted from beans, was sprayed from fire extinguishers onto the grand entra……

Robert Reich: What If We Actually Taxed The Rich? — OpEd
Robert Reich | | 2021-04-02
Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than at any time over the last 80 years, and our unjust tax system is a big reason why. The tax code is rigged for the rich, enabling a handful of wealthy individuals to exert undue influence over our economy and democracy. | Conservatives fret about budget deficits. Well, then, to pay for what the nation needs – ending poverty, universal health care, infrastructure, reversing climate change, investing in communities, and so much more – the super-wealthy have to pay their fair share. | Here are seven necessary ways to tax the rich. | First:……

Kathmandu's Deteriorating Air Quality: Nepal Should Seek Compensation From China, India — Analysis
South Asia Monitor | | 2021-04-02
By Jivesh Jha and Alok Kumar Yadav* | If there is one thing that Kathmandu's poor air quality has shown us is that a place could gain the tag of 'the most polluted' city even though the country's carbon emissions are very low in comparison to the developed countries of the world. | Air pollution is the presence of air pollutant that is detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole. Air pollutant could often transcend national frontiers and cause adverse impact on neighbouring countries too. That's why pollution that adversely affects the areas in one country could cause damage in another country by cro……

Chilean Senate to vote on the postponement of upcoming elections
Peoples Dispatch | | 2021-04-02
In a special session to be held on Easter Sunday, the Chilean Senate will decide whether or not to postpone the elections wherein over 15 million Chileans will elect 155 members of the Constitutional Convention……

Drone Whistleblower Charged With Violating Espionage Act Pleads Guilty
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Daniel Hale, who blew the whistle on the United States government's targeted assassination program that includes drones, pled guilty to transmitting and retaining "national defense information" in violation of the Espionage Act. | The guilty plea by Hale makes him the first whistleblower to be convicted under the Espionage Act during President Joe Biden's administration. | A change of plea hearing was held on March 31 in the Eastern District of Virginia, around a week before Hale was scheduled to go to trial. | Judge Liam O'Grady permitted Hale to remain under supervision by a probation officer until sentencing o……

Russia Says Iran and US Are On Track to Return to Nuclear Deal | 2021-04-02
In a positive sign, both parties agreed to meet formally in person in Vienna on Tuesday. | Based in the Austrian capital, the joint commission's virtual meeting followed a breakthrough earlier in the week in private talks on how Iran and the US could both rejoin the deal on a step-by-step basis. | RELATED: | Iran Not to Accept Renegotiations of 2015 Nuclear Deal | The commission, comprised of France, the UK, Germany, China, the EU, and Russia, is responsible for monitoring the deal's i……

Gerald Reed freed after 31 years of wrongful imprisonment
John Bachtell | | 2021-04-02
Gerald Reed is finally free after spending 31 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker commuted Reed's sentence to time served on April 1. Reed was one of the hundreds of young African American men brutally tortured into making a false confession by Chicago police during the 1970s, 80s ……

Is There No Link Between Terrorism And Religion? — OpEd
UCAN | | 2021-04-02
By Ryan Dagur | In a statement shortly after the March 28 suicide bomb attack on the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Makassar, capital of Indonesia's South Sulawesi province, President Joko Widodo said "terrorism is a crime against humanity and has nothing to do with any religion." | "All religious teachings oppose terrorism, whatever the reason," he added. | A statement with a similar tone came from Anwar Abbas, deputy chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, who asked that the incident……

Detected Lottery-Like Behavior In Cryptocurrency Markets
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Recent research from the University of Vaasa and the University of Jyväskyla shows that speculation and lottery-like behavior is a fundamental factor for the pricing of cryptocurrencies. Speculation could explain the enormous increase in the market capitalizations of cryptocurrencies. | Nowadays more than 8000 cryptocurrencies have been launched. Unlike traditional assets like stocks, research has shown that investments in cryptocurrencies are associated with a considerably higher level of uncertainty. The price of Bitcoin, which is the first traded cryptocurrency, increased by from $7,200.17 to $29,374.1……

China's Growing Network Of Ultra-High Voltage Power Lines Has Hit Its Fair Share Of Snags — Analysis
IDN | | 2021-04-02
By Ye Ruolin and Yuan Ye * | With few coal reserves to call its own and winter rains too erratic to rely on hydropower, central China's Hunan province had long faced frequent electricity blackouts, an annoyance to residents and a hindrance to economic growth. So, when an ultra-high voltage power line was approved in 2015, hopes were high. | The new Ultra-High Voltage (UHV) connection would run all the way from the energy-rich Jiuquan region in northwestern Gansu province, and bring in enough coal, wind, and solar power to answer a quarter of……

I am Woman, Hear Me Roar
Eleanor J. Bader | | 2021-04-02
Jess Zimmerman's "Women and Other Monsters" addresses the ways that sexism and misogyny constrain women, a provocative weaving of the personal and the political.…

1,100 Mine Workers In Alabama Are Going On Strike
_____ | | 2021-04-02
Over 1,100 workers at two Alabama coal mines and related facilities will go on strike starting Thursday, April 1, at 10: 30 pm. United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) issued the strike notice against Warrior Met Coal on behalf of the workers in the company's two coal mines and related facilities after negotiations over the latest contract failed. | The last contract was negotiated in 2016, as Warrior Met Coal was bringing the company out of the bankruptcy caused by its erstwhile owner, Walter Energy. As the union's press release details, it was on the backs of the labor and sacrifice of their workers that the compa……

Globalink: China's Fast Telescope Expected To Bolster Global Astronomical Research | 2021-04-02
China's FAST telescope, the world's largest filled-aperture radio telescope, is now open to astronomers worldwide. Find out how it may bolster global astronomical research.…

A feminist path out of our bullet-riddled hell
Staff | | 2021-04-02
After last week's mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, we were told (like we're always told), that it is "disrespectful" to "politicize" this tragedy. But what can be more respectful than working to ensure that this never happens again?…

Australian Labor Party backs coal, gas and "border protection" | 2021-04-02
With no dissent, the party conference supported fossil fuel super-profits and the brutal detention of refugees.…

'Kill the Bill' protests continue across UK against Tory police bill
Peoples Dispatch | | 2021-04-02
Provisions in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill proposed in the UK parliament will give the police more discretionary powers to control protests and public gatherings……

New Developments In Alex Saab Case
_____ | | 2021-04-02
The plot around the kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab in Cape Verde peaks, intensifies and continues to be a trending topic on Twitter, while the United States government relentlessly applies pressure to bring the diplomat to its territory. | Meanwhile, social media networks again reflect opinions about the case–#EEUUCompraCaboVerde was a trending topic in Venezuela this Wednesday, March 31. This, with respect to the most recent movements of Washington through a policy that, in general, is based on blackmail and financial suffocation. | The complaints about new agreements signed between the US……

"Defender Europe 21": The US Militarization of the Balkans. A Threat Against Russia and Serbia?
Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel | | 2021-04-02
Twenty two Years Ago. 24 March 2021 marks the commemoration of ……

Biden: øQuién es el asesino?
Editor | | 2021-04-02
El 18 de marzo, el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden llamó "asesino" al presidente ruso Vladimir Putin. Dado que nadie ha retirado este insulto gratuito, suponemos que no fue una metedura de pata de Biden. Por el contrario, indica un aumento de la hostilidad de Estados Unidos hacia Rusia, al igual . . . | Continue reading Biden: øQuién es el asesino? at…

CrossTalk: Democracy vs autocracy
Rick Rozoff | | 2021-04-02
CrossTalkApril 2, 2021 Democracy vs autocracy Historically speaking, the Cold War was a great ideological confrontation. Western liberalism vs Soviet communism. According to Joe Biden, the great geopolitical struggle of our time is democracy vs autocracy. For Biden, we are in another great ideological struggle. But there is a difference: the West, particularly the US, ……

US weekly combined unemployment claims spike above 950,000 | 2021-04-02
Despite the fact that millions remain out of work, states are cutting back on unemployment eligibility in a bid to force workers back on the job.…

This Week's Most Popular Articles
Global Research News | | 2021-04-02

China Isn't the Problem, Neoliberalism Is
Rob Urie | | 2021-04-02
The ascendance of Wall Street, and of a managerial bureaucracy (PMC) more generally, largely explains the political realignments that have been playing out in the U.S. Beginning in the 1970s, the American political class made decisions at the behest of business interests and oligarchs to restructure the U.S. economy in ways intended to shift the balance of political and economic power towards capital. Finance was, and still is, the method of affecting this transfer of power. However, the current epoch of finance capitalism has run its course. Its logic has been lost. The threats to the neoliberal order are now in……

A Feminist Revolt
Eve Ottenberg | | 2021-04-02
With right-wing hysteria about the feminization of the military landing on our laptops recently, now is a good time to focus on issues dear to the hearts of actual feminists, namely, housing, health and education. These concerns were embraced, very strikingly, by feminists in apartheid South Africa. Toward the end of apartheid, many Black people……

1,100 miners commence strike action in Alabama | 2021-04-02
The action represents the latest development in a strike wave that has swept the US.…

'It's now or never' — We must free Mumia!
Larry Holmes | | 2021-04-02
These slightly edited comments were given during the March 18 Workers World Party webinar, "Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Only Treatment is His Freedom!" A quarter of a century ago, in the summer of 1995, Mumia was facing an execution date. That date was Aug. 17, [the birthday of Black Nationalist leader, . . . | Continue reading 'It's now or never' — We must free Mumia! at…

New Zealand: Pike River mine disaster families oppose government plan to end underground investigation | 2021-04-02
Many families of the 29 men who lost their lives in the 2010 coal mine disaster denounced the Labour government's decision to stop an investigation of the mine site.…

Diversity Can Prevent Failures In Large Power Grids
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
The recent power outages in Texas brought attention to its power grid being separated from the rest of the country. While it is not immediately clear whether integration with other parts of the national grid would have completely eliminated the need for rolling outages, the state's inability to import significant amounts of electricity was decisive in the blackout. | A larger power grid has perks, but also has perils that researchers at Northwestern University are hoping to address to expedite integration and improvements to the system. | An obvious challenge in larger grids is that failures can propagate furt……

Republicans Intent on Destroying Democracy
Richard C. Gross | | 2021-04-02
More than anything, every attempted liberal or progressive advance this country makes toward helping people will depend on one thing only: voter turnout. It proved its worth in the last presidential election when 81 million people dumped a madman and put Joe Biden in the White House. As for the conservative Republican Party, it seems……

Robert Reich: What If We Actually Taxed The Rich? — OpEd
Robert Reich | | 2021-04-02
Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than at any time over the last 80 years, and our unjust tax system is a big reason why. The tax code is rigged for the rich, enabling a handful of wealthy individuals to exert undue influence over our economy and democracy. | Conservatives fret about budget deficits. Well, then, to pay for what the nation needs — ending poverty, universal health care, infrastructure, reversing climate change, investing in communities, and so much more — the super-wealthy have to pay their fair share. | Here are seven necessary ways to tax the rich. | First:……

UNAC says: 'No to U.S. war threats against China!'
| | 2021-04-02
This slightly edited statement was issued by the United National Antiwar Coalition March 24. The Biden administration is intensifying its aggression against China. The Pentagon's new Pacific Deterrence Initiative includes increasing U.S. military encirclement of China and deploying nuclear missiles previously banned by the U.S.-signed Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. . . . | Continue reading UNAC says: 'No to U.S. war threats against China!' at…

Stumbling into War? Could the U.S. and China Face an Unintended Blowup in the Western Pacific in the Biden Years?
Michael T. Klare | | 2021-04-02
( — The leaders of China and the United States certainly don't seek a war with each another. Both the Biden administration and the regime of Chinese President Xi Jinping view economic renewal and growth as their principal objectives. Both are aware that any conflict arising between them, even if restricted to Asia and ……

Michigan's Middle Eastern And North African Population Face Barriers To Optimal Health
Eurasia Review | | 2021-04-02
Within southeast Michigan's Middle Eastern and North African community, those who worry about deportation or believe they've been treated unfairly are likely to face more adverse conditions associated with poor health, including food insecurity and financial distress. | The MENA people who face several of these barriers are also more likely to report chronic illness and mental health issues as well as worse overall health. | That's according to a new study by the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center, the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social……

Mexico pushes forward with ban of GMO corn, does not apply to imported animal feed
Ashley Curtin | | 2021-04-02
Under Mexico's new rule, the country will begin revoking permits allowing the import of GMO corn for animal feed and stop issuing any new permits by 2024.…

The Uncertain Future Of Online Free Speech In Indonesia — Analysis
East Asia Forum | | 2021-04-02
By Titik Puji Rahayu* | For more than a decade, the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE Law) has been the face of internet governance in Indonesia. First enacted in 2008, the law was later revised in 2016, granting the Indonesian government considerable power to control internet access in Indonesia. | Since the law's enactment, reports from Indonesian media outlets have chronicled how significant numbers of Indonesian 'netizens' have found themselves caught up in legal cases over their o……

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