Daily Archives: October 4, 2020

2020-10-04: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

The call to free Julian Assange echoes around the world
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-04
Ahead of and during the extradition hearings for Julian Assange, political leaders, activists, journalists and lawyers across the world have condemned the prosecution and demanded the dropping of charges…

Combating The Virus: Mass Unemployment is Not the Solution
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
Image: India unemployment at record high | Millions of people around the World are victims of the fear campaign. Panic prevails. Day after day, the persistent impact of media disinformation concerning the Killer Virus is overwhelming. | Fear and panic, coupled …

Will Lebanon be the Next US-NATO Humanitarian War? The Elimination of Hezbollah is Israel's Top Priority
Steven Sahiounie | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
The waters off Lebanon are the scene of a gathering Armada of French and American naval ships. What appeared at first to be a humanitarian response to the devastating Beirut Port explosion on August 4, is now feared to …

The BIGGEST housing takeover in the U.S.! Positive Leftist News!
MEXIE | mronline.org | 2020-10-04
The BIGGEST housing takeover in the U.S.! Positive Leftist News! September 2020…

Beyond Obama and Bernie
Paul Street | counterpunch.org | 2020-10-04
Future NBA Owner Barack Obama: "Voting is the Most Important Action We Can Take" One of the Democratic Party's main missions is to keep people off the streets no matter how urgent it is for the masses to flood the nation's roads, sidewalks, town halls and public plazas. As failed state America sinker further into…

Germany's Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigative Commission Launching a Class Action Suit Against Corona Criminals
Peter Koenig | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
Germany is again in the forefront in fighting the devastating, unjustified, illegal, economy-destructive, people debilitating and outright genocidal — Corona Measures. The German COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee — in German — ACU — German acronym for Ausserparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss…

Houston protesters demand accountability after recent spate of racist police killings
Caleb Granger | liberationnews.org | 2020-10-04
Earlier this year, within a period of just six weeks, Houston police officers shot and killed at least six different people, all of them either Black or Latino.

The Ballot & The Bullet
subMedia | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-10-04
In this episode we look at the continuing racial tensions in the United States, political violence in Kenosha and Portland, and the effect this is all having on the upcoming US election. We then shift our attention to the uprising in Belarus, and chat with Minsk-based anarchist, "Maria".

Walking the Talk
Craig Wood | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-10-04
Member of the radical 1960's anti-war group Baltimore Four reflects on social justice, his life and going through it with a disability Although activist Jim Mengel recalls falling asleep in class, he didn't know he had narcolepsy until after he was married. At 92, he still dozes off occasionally, but that doesn't stop him from attending weekly …

Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley — "Lost Voices"
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-10-04
Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley — "Lost Voices" (CUPSI 2015)…

The 2020 Battle Lines Are Drawn–It's Time for Action
Editor | scheerpost.com | 2020-10-04
risingthermals / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0] By Alan Minsky Sometimes, maybe, when a bout of writer's block arrives it's 'cause there's nothing left to say. This morning I woke, stared into the proverbial blank page and quickly came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time to torture myself with words not forthcoming. Here's why: We know the score. The time for words is over. It's time to get in the… | Source…

Israel Lobby Will Face Blowback, eventually
Yves Engler | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-10-04
How much is too much? When will Israeli nationalists in North America completely discredit themselves by overusing their power to crush those defending Palestinians? The recent ruthlessness of the Israel lobby is remarkable. Recently they've convinced Zoom to cancel a university sponsored talk, a prominent law program to rescind a job offer, a public broadcaster …

The Idiotic Claim That Other Nations Are 'Disrupting the Public Conversation' on U.S. Politics
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-10-04
Caitlin JOHNSTONE | "Based on intel provided by the FBI, last night we removed approximately 130 accounts that appeared to originate in Iran," a thread by the Twitter Safety account reads. "They were attempting to disrupt the public conversation during the first 2020 US Presidential Debate. We identified these accounts quickly, removed them from Twitter, and shared full details with our peers, as standard. They had very low engagement and did not make an impact on the public conversation. Our capacity and speed…

Senate Democrats' leader Schumer slams idea of virtual hearing for SCOTUS pick — but not all the other virtual Senate hearings
rt.com | 2020-10-04
"A virtual hearing is virtually no hearing at all," the New York Senator says, suggesting the decision on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett should be postponed, despite Senate already using the practice throughout pandemic. | "If it's not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it's not safe for the hearings to go forward," Chuck Schumer said at a Sunday press conference. | The Senate has already cancelled meetings this week due to several senators, including two on the judiciary committee, revealing they are positive for Covid-19. | The idea of virtual hearings has been suggested, but Democrats have bee…

Senate Democrats' leader Schumer slams idea of virtual hearing for SCOTUS pick – but not all the other virtual Senate hearings
rt.com | 2020-10-04
"A virtual hearing is virtually no hearing at all," the New York Senator says, suggesting the decision on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett should be postponed, despite Senate already using the practice throughout pandemic. | "If it's not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it's not safe for the hearings to go forward," Chuck Schumer said at a Sunday press conference. | The Senate has already cancelled meetings this week due to several senators, including two on the judiciary committee, revealing they are positive for Covid-19. | The idea of virtual hearings has been suggested, but Democrats have bee…

Paul Craig Roberts | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-04
It looks as if the Establishment has found a way to assassinate Trump! | Why didn't Trump call in Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York or Dr. Didier Raoult from France?! | Why is Trump being given experimental drugs and not the known safe HCQ cure? | To Scott Atlas, White House coronavirus advisor | from Jon Rappoport | October 3, 2020 | Scott: | If media reports are correct, the president is receiving 2 experimental drugs: the antibody cocktail, Regeneron, and the antiviral, Remdesivir. | Aside from their individual adverse effects… | THESE DRUGS HAVE NEVER BEEN STUDIED FOR THEIR COMBINED EFFECTS ON A PATIENT. A…

Trump's Turn From Immigration to the Enemy Within
Ryan Devereaux | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
Trump's shift from demonizing immigrants to targeting leftists is straight out of the fascist playbook…

Workers At Amazon Center In Minnesota Walk Out
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
Minnesota – About two dozen Amazon employees in Shakopee walked off their jobs Thursday night to support a colleague whom they said was unjustly fired earlier this week. | The former employee, Farhiyo Warsame, also showed up at the walkout as her colleagues chanted her name. | The employees chanted, clapped, and confronted a manager about Farhiyo's termination for two hours, through chilly temperatures and darkness. | As Farhiyo spoke to the crowd in front of the building, an operations manager with the company, flanked by a pair of other employees wearing neon vests, came out the front door.

John Pilger: Eyewitness To The Agony Of Julian Assange
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
The prevailing atmosphere has been shocking. I say that without hesitation; I have sat in many courts and seldom known such a corruption of due process; this is due revenge. Putting aside the ritual associated with 'British justice', at times it has been evocative of a Stalinist show trial. One difference is that in the show trials, the defendant stood in the court proper. In the Assange trial, the defendant was caged behind thick glass, and had to crawl on his knees to a slit in the glass, overseen by his guard, to make contact with his lawyers.

FBI Seized Legally Privileged Materials From Julian Assange
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
The FBI in the United Kingdom enlisted the Ecuador government's help in seizing legally privileged materials from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after he was arrested and expelled from their embassy in London on April 11, 2019. | According to Gareth Peirce, one of Assange's attorneys, that day she "made immediate contact with the embassy in regard to legally privileged material, an issue of huge concern." Assange wanted the material–in addition to "confidential medical data"–"identified and released to his lawyers."

On Contact: Assange Extradition Hearing
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
Chris Hedges discusses with former British ambassador Craig Murray the hearing that just adjourned in London to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States. Murray's exhaustive reporting, which can be found at craigmurray.org.uk, has become one of the few sources of reliable information about the hearing, which has become notoriously difficult to cover due to court restrictions imposed on the press, and is being ignored by most mainstream news organizations.

Spike in Boycotts of Turkish Goods and Services
Lucine Kasbarian | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
For years, Turkey has injected itself, often militarily, into the sovereign affairs of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, India, and now, Armenia and Artsakh. On October 2, reports emerged that Turkey is using NATO and American facilities to attack Armenia and Artsakh. Since NATO is unable or unwilling to rein in this rogue nation that many consider to be the single greatest threat to global security, public boycotts are increasingly gaining favor.

Iran's positions on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Iran has been calling for restraint and dialog between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute and most recently has given a stern warning to the two warring sides against violating Iran's territory.

Iranian parliamentary members visit Nagorno-Karabakh border
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Following recent conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh region, a group of Iranian Parliamentary members visited Nagorno-Karabakh border on Sunday morning.

4 civilians killed in Taliban attack in Afghanistan
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — The spokesperson of police forces in Kapisa Province in Afghanistan announced that 4 civilians have been killed in a Taliban attack.

In Address on Inequality Amid Pandemic, Pope Calls on Global Community to Confront 'Destructive Effects of Empire of Money'
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
In his third encyclical Sunday morning, Pope Francis denounced free market capitalism and the "magic" theory of trickle-down economics, saying the coronavirus pandemic has once and for all disproven the notion that it will benefit low-income people through job creation and investments. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

As Covid-Positive GOP Politicians Enjoy Healthcare They 'Would Deny Others,' Coronavirus Pandemic Again Makes Case for Medicare for All
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
The case for Medicare for All was once again made by the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, Sen. Ed Markey tweeted on Sunday, after Republican politicians including President Donald Trump were able to check themselves into hospitals shortly after announcing they had tested positive for Covid-19. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Tens of Millions in PPP Loans Went to Corporate Polluters After Companies Were Fined $52 Million, Analysis Shows
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
At least five companies which were previously fined for pollution violations received millions of dollars in loans via the Paycheck Protection Program which was introduced in March. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Trump's Biggest Advantage in Fighting Off Covid: His Wealth
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
President Donald Trump speaks during a press conference in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House on September 23, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

LancetGate: "Scientific Corona Lies" and Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead's Remdesivir
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed "evaluation" published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials.

What do Covid-19 studies tell us?
Newsclick | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-04
In this interview with Dr. Satyajit Rath, we talk about the recent studies done on COVID-19 across the globe. We also look at the state of the vaccines under trial and the delivery mechanisms…

South African unions prepare for historic strike on October 7
Pavan Kulkarni | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-04
The strike has been called by the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the largest trade union confederation in the country and a traditional ally of the ruling ANC. The union now says the ANC has betrayed the working class…

Episode 110 — Election 2020: Covering The Media with Professor Melissa Camacho
Project Censored | projectcensored.org | 2020-10-04
On today's episode, Nicholas Baham II (Dr. Dreadlocks), Janice Domingo, and Nolan Higdon host San Francisco State University's Melissa Camacho. Along The Line is a non-profit, education-based podcast that provides…

Philadelphia: Court moves to preserve secrecy in bail hearings
Royal Thomas | liberationnews.org | 2020-10-04
A recent federal court decision has ruled that the right to record bail hearings is not protected by the constitution, overturning a lower court decision. In July 2019, a representative for the Philadelphia Bail Fund filed a lawsuit against several city officials in order to reserve the right to record bail hearings. Currently, the official …

"It's Poor People and Young People Who Are Paying the Cost of the Lockdown," Says Stanford Professor
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
In an interview with John Anderson, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine and Professor (by Courtesy) of Economics at Stanford University, had this to say about who is paying the cost of the new normal: | "We're asking our | …

Denver SDS rallies to defund campus police
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-10-04
Denver, CO – On the evening of September 28, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) led a rally of students and community members on Auraria campus in Denver. The rally demanded that the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) defund and disarm the Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD). | "Recently, AHEC approved a new budget for the 2020-2021 school and, unbelievably, ACPD is actually receiving a larger percentage of the budget this school year than they did for last year, despite the fact that there's hardly any students on campus," said Shaine Carroll-Frey, a member of SDS. | "We believe that the 4.2 millio…

Fractal Politics 2.1
Joseph Natoli | counterpunch.org | 2020-10-04
While the sphere of finance is ruled by algorithms that connect fractals of precarious labor, the sphere of life is invaded by flows of chaos that paralyze the social body and stifle breathing into suffocation." Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Breathing, 2018 Two paragraphs convey the assumptions of Fractal Politics 1.1: The coastline of the American mass…

Painter Opposes Covid "New Normal" Nonsense Without Sacrificing His Artistic Aspirations
John C. A. Manley | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
"I believe that opposing what is wrong and furthering what is right is a moral imperative; and that it is my responsibility to do so in direct proportion to the power I posses at the time," painter Jordan Henderson told …

Truth and Lies in the Time of COVID-19
Joel P. Garduce | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
These days of the COVID-19 global crisis, I'm sure you've often felt being lied to. | Tens of millions of Filipinos know the feeling. Fudged updates on COVID-19 stats, denials of corruption and treason in high places, trolls actively spreading outright …

Denver SDS rallies to defund campus police
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-10-04
Denver, CO – On the evening of September 28, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) led a rally of students and community members on Auraria campus in Denver. The rally demanded that the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) defund and disarm the Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD). | "Recently, AHEC approved a new budget for the 2020-2021 school and, unbelievably, ACPD is actually receiving a larger percentage of the budget this school year than they did for last year, despite the fact that there's hardly any students on campus," said Shaine Carroll-Frey, a member of SDS. | "We believe that the 4.2 millio…

New York Governor Cuomo announces 'aggressive enforcement' of Covid-19 protocols, will close non-compliant businesses
rt.com | 2020-10-04
New York's Covid-19 battle appears to be far from over, as several "hot zones" in the city will be shut down, and Governor Andrew Cuomo announced state-run "aggressive enforcement" starting this week. | Queens, Brooklyn, Orange, and Rockland counties have all seen recent increases in positive coronavirus cases, identified areas will be the target of "direct enforcement," ensuring businesses and citizens are abiding by mask mandates, social distancing orders, and other regulations in place in the state. | "Local governments have not done an effective job of enforcement in these hotspot ZIP codes. [New York Stat…

Greening of India's railway network on track
news.un.org | 2020-10-04
An ambitious plan to make one of the world's largest and most complex railway networks a net zero carbon emitter by 2030 is moving full steam ahead, although without the steam, thanks, in part, to support from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

Face Masks Causing "Decaying Teeth, Receding Gum Lines and Seriously Sour Breath" Reports NY Dentists
John C. A. Manley | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
"Now that dentists have reopened their doors, they're having patients show up with a nasty set of symptoms, which the doctors have dubbed 'mask mouth,'" reports FOX News. "The new oral hygiene issue — caused by, you guessed it, …

Top US Scientist: A Second Trump Term Would be 'Game Over' for the Climate
Mark Hertsgaard | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
Michael Mann, one of the world's preeminent climate experts, says averting a global climate catastrophe would be "essentially impossible" if Donald Trump is re-elected. There is no more important way for US citizens to exercise agency than to vote…

The Proud Boys are celebrating Trump telling them to 'stand by'
Alex Henderson | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
That expression of solidarity, journalists Sheera Frenkel and Annie Karni report in the New York Times, is not lost on the Proud Boys — who are celebrating the president's statement…

Stop Trump from Stealing the Election: An Activist's Checklist for Winning the Election
John W. Lawrence | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
Beating Trump in 2020 is going to take a massive organizing effort…

United Front or Bust
Ethen Young | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
There is only one option for the left before the big showdown: Close ranks with the centrists and work harder than them to oust Trump, and hopefully flip the Senate. Numbers and unity needs to be the focus of our strategy, short and long-term…

Trump Megadonors Bankroll QAnon-Supporting, Extremist Candidates
Alex Kotch | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
The Republican Party overall has become more receptive to QAnon, likely recognizing that its adherents have become part of the GOP base…

Restaurant Workers Are Building Solidarity Amid the Pandemic
Alice Herman | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
Giv ≠en the chal ≠lenges, restau ≠rant work ≠ers are band ≠ing togeth ≠er across restau ≠rants and across cities…

Educators set donation records, back Biden over Trump nearly 6-1
Eliana Miller | zcomm.org | 2020-10-04
During his three years in office, Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos have attempted to expand school choice and redirect money from public schools to private and charter schools…

Health Justice And Black Liberation: Ugo Edu
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
I remember always wanting to be a doctor–perhaps because my parents are Nigerian–and having a genuine concern with people's health. I soon became disillusioned with treatment and the competition that entailed pre-med education as an undergrad at UCLA. Nonetheless, I decided public health better suited my interest and desire to develop preventive interventions. Public health left out too many factors to be the only means by which I felt I could contribute to health–I decided to study medical anthropology, simultaneously exploring other disciplinary offerings. My current work draws on all these as…

Preempting Progress In The South
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
A new report from the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) at EPI and the Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) describes the ways in which state interference–in the form of preemption–is impeding local democracy and hamstringing progress on a variety of economic, social, and public health issues for communities throughout the South. The report also describes how this interference is a continuation of long-standing state-imposed policies and practices rooted in anti-Black racism and how modern-day misuse of preemption disproportionately disadvantages workers of color, women, and low-income wo…

New Jobs Report Consistent With Weak Economy
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
Weaker-than-expected job growth in September sent a signal that the sharp economic recovery off the coronavirus shutdown may be hitting a wall. | The Labor Department reported Friday that nonfarm payrolls increased by 661,000 in September, held back by declines in government employment and an exodus of workers from the labor force. | In normal times, that type of hiring pace would be considered a sign of a robust job market. The total, in fact, would have been the best month the U.S. had seen since 1983 — if these were normal times and not amid the Covid-19 era that has changed the benchmarks by which econo…

Baltimore Teachers Demand 'Masks, Tests And Plexiglass!'
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
On Sept. 30, the Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) held a protest and die-in in front of the Baltimore City Public Schools headquarters in Baltimore City. | Diana Desierto, BTU member and speech language pathologist, explained: "I am out here for the National Day of Resistance to make sure that our students, families and staff in Baltimore City are prepared and will be accommodated with all the things they need to return to school safely. | "I'm here to support my students and their families. It's been a struggle for them and for all of us. Of course we want to go back to school, we just want to go back safely."

Tribes Defend Themselves Against A Pandemic
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-04
As COVID-19 numbers soared across the country this spring, tribal nations began closing their reservation boundaries to non-residents. The Cheyenne River Sioux and Oglala Sioux erected checkpoints on roads entering their reservations in order to protect their citizens, even as the state of South Dakota refused to require masks or mandate social distance. By early May, South Dakota Gov. Kirsti Noem, R, explicitly told the tribes to remove their checkpoints or face the consequences. | Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman Harold Frazier declined, saying that doing so would "seriously undermine our ability to protect…

Monday 10/5: Nationwide Digital Protest Against Mitch McConnell-Led Senate w/ Poor People's Campaign
Poor People's Campaign | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
Online via livestream and protest actions via phone, email, faxing, social media…

Monday 10/5: Disinfo Decoded: Gender and Racial Bias Faced by Women and Candidates of Color
Planned Parenthood Votes | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
Online event…

Wednesday 10/7: Colonialism as Cuisine Web Series – Focus on Food Deserts
Uhuru Foods & Pies | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
Zoom – once you sign up on eventbrite, we will send you the zoom link.

11/3/20 Election: The Stakes; The Cal & S.F Propositions
30 Days to Go | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
What is at stake in this election are the very existence of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, food stamps, the right to abortion and birth control pills, funding Planned Parenthood, funding the Violence Against Women Act, the existence of all environmental regulations, all consumer protection laws, all gun control laws, all civil rights laws, all labor laws, an efficient, patronage-free mail system, federally funded affordable housing, public school education, federal funds for state governments and raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Further, all progress we have made in…

Friday 10/16: Juneteenth Food and Wine – Virtual Celebration
Khubaka, Michael Harris | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
TBD and Virtual Online…

Sunday 10/4: A Circle of Speaking Truth – In Honor of Aaron Steichen
Anisha | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
The Pergola at Lake Merritt…

A Neo-Conservative Ghoul Runs for the SF Board of Supervisors
Kevin Keating | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
One of the Candidates for District 3 of the SF Board of Supes has a dark and sordid track record…

the con-vid hoax
ALETH | indybay.org | 2020-10-04
there is no "covid" and bill gates is its propheteer…

'Iran, Kuwait to witness ever-increasing ties'
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — In a message to the new Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed hoped that the bilateral ties between the two sides will experience an ever-increasing trend.

Al-Kadhimi assesses Iran-Iraq relations as good
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — The Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi described his country's relations with Iran as good and said there are no real problems in the relations between the two countries.

Iran Passive Defense Org. role vital in foiling new threats
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Deputy Coordinator of the General Staff of Iran's Armed Forces described Passive Defense Organization as a vital organ due to its crucial role in preventing the country against the unexpected and new cyber threats.

Iranian Realtors in Canada, US
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Hearing the name of a realtor, many people remembered intermediaries. Most people think that realtors' role in the transaction can be eliminated, and their role can be ignored.

2nd section of Resistance Film fest. welcomed home, abroad
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Although the deadline for submission of works in the second section of the 16th Resistance International Film Festival, will be over in Oct 21, so far, the event has been warmly welcomed by artists from home and abroad.

Iran's nuclear power capacity to be tripled: minister
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-04
TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Iranian Energy Minister announced on Sunday that the country plans to increase its nuclear power capacity from its current 1,000 megawatts to 3,000 MW in future.

Johnson blames the chaos of his 10pm curfew on 'hobnobbers'
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-10-04
Boris Johnson has defended the controversial 10pm curfew. And he's blamed people who choose to "hobnob" outside pubs after hours for the sometimes chaotic scenes in city centres at closing time.Scientists advising the government have already warned that the measure may be doing more harm than good. It's caused long queues outside off-licences, as people rush to buy more alcohol, and revellers piling onto public transport with little or no social distancing.The prime minister also said that if the Eat Out To Help Out discount scheme had helped to spread coronavirus (Covid-19), then that needs to be counteracted wi…

A further 12,872 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-10-04
The government has confirmed almost 13,000 new cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) in the UK. | As of 9am on Saturday 3 October, there had reportedly been a further 12,872 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus. This was up from a further 6,968 lab-confirmed cases in the UK as of 9am on Friday 2 October. | The official dashboard said on 3 October that due to a technical issue, which has now been resolved, there was a delay in publishing a number of cases. | This means that the total reported over the coming days will include some additional cases from the period between 24 September and 1 October. | The figure from 3 Oct…

Thousands of jobs at risk as Cineworld set to close all UK sites
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-10-04
Cinema chain Cineworld is set to close its UK sites in the coming weeks. The closures come as the release of the latest James Bond film was further delayed from November to spring 2021, the PA news agency understands. | "Unviable": | As first reported in the Sunday Times, bosses will write to prime minister Boris Johnson and culture secretary Oliver Dowden. They will reportedly tell the prime minister and culture secretary that cinema has become "unviable" as studios keep delaying blockbuster releases. | The closure of its 128 sites across the country will put up to 5,500 jobs at risk. | In July, the gove…

Why Far-Right Paramilitaries Are Not Just 'Vigilantes'
Zolt√°n Grossman | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, was arrested at his home in Antioch, Illinois on August 24, 2020, a day after he allegedly shot and killed two protesters, and wounded a third, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Photo: Andalou/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

How to Avoid Banana Republic Elections
Steven Hill | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
A voter puts a ballot in a ballot box on June 9, 2020 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Heels Not Heils: Hijacking the Proud Boys and MAGA Narrative Amidst Ruinous Reality
Futher Column, By Abby Zimet, Staff Writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04

A New Nonviolent Medicaid Army Is on the March
Rev Dr Liz Theoharis, Nijmie Dzurinko | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
Activists rally against the Republican healthcare agenda outside of the Metropolitan Republican Club on July 5, 2017 in New York City. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Donald Trump Makes the Swamp Bigger
John Feffer, Jim Lardner | commondreams.org | 2020-10-04
Then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump delivered remarks with his children—from left, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump—during the grand opening ceremony of the new Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 26, 2016. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

We Are Being Brainwashed Into Another Lockdown
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-04
On NPR yesterday afternoon (Oct. 2) a former Obama regime official argued for a 90% lockdown of the economy for 6 weeks and mandatory masks. He said this was the only way we can save ourselves from mass deaths that …

As polls shows climate action winning issue, green campaigners mobilize for Democrats in key Senate and House races
Julia Conley | nationofchange.org | 2020-10-03

'Postpone the Hearing': Democrats Demand Delay in Barrett's Confirmation Process After Third GOP Senator Tests Positive for Covid-19
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-03
Democratic lawmakers and progressive advocates demanded on Friday and into Saturday that the Senate Judiciary Committee postpone Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing for the U.S. Supreme Court after at least three Republican senators tested positive for the coronavirus. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Timeline of Trump's Illness Confounds Experts, But Critics Say What's Clear Is President 'Knowingly Exposed People' to Covid-19
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-03
Journalists and public health experts on Saturday raised questions over the mixed messages coming out of the White House and President Donald Trump's medical team after Dr. Sean Conley, the president's physician, told reporters Trump was "72 hours into the diagnosis" of Covid-19. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

As Covid-19 Infections Increase on Capitol Hill, HHS Secretary Azar Says Public Health Protocols Don't Apply to President's Inner Circle
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2020-10-03
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Friday testified following President Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis that the Trump family can't be expected to take precautions, while also claiming the spread of the coronavirus is a matter of "individual responsibility." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Syrian rebels sign up to fight for Azeris to feed families
MEE and agencies | middleeasteye.net | 2020-10-03
Syrian rebels sign up to fight for Azeris to feed families | At least 36 Syrian rebel fighters killed in Nagorno-Karabakh in past 48 hours, according to war monitor, as Damascus claims 'blatant Turkish interference' in the conflict | MEE and agencies | Sat, 10/03/2020 – 19: 47 | Azeri troops fire artillery shells towards Armenian positions on 28 September (AFP) | Desperate to help his family displaced by Syr…

Who Stands Behind New Wave of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?
Adel Karim | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
Karabakh. The Azerbaijani and Turkish mass media and social networks persistently report about succesful actions of the Azerbaijani army and enormous losses among Armenian forces. However in fact the situation is different — the army of Azerbaijan has lost about …

This Long-Standing Battle Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Has Nothing to Do With Us
Editor | scheerpost.com | 2020-10-03
David Stanley / CC BY 2.0] By Maj. Danny Sjursen / AntiWar Journalists and geo-strategists call it a " frozen conflict" — one of several such deadlocked disputes under tenuous ceasefire in…

Spike in Boycotts of Turkish Goods and Services
Lucine Kasbarian | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
For years, Turkey has injected itself, often militarily, into the sovereign affairs of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, India, and now, Armenia and Artsakh. On October 2, reports emerged that Turkey is using NATO and American facilities to attack Armenia and Artsakh. Since NATO is unable or unwilling to rein in this rogue nation that many consider to be the single greatest threat to global security, public boycotts are increasingly gaining favor.

Explosive Stakes on Armenia-Azerbaijan Chessboard
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-10-03
Pulling Russia back into the Nagorno-Karabakh morass means more Turkish freedom of action in other war theaters | Pepe ESCOBAR | Few geopolitical hot spots across the planet may rival the Caucasus: that intractable, tribal Tower of Babel, throughout History a contentious crossroads of empires from the Levant and nomads from the Eurasian steppes. And it gets even messier when one adds the fog of war. | To try to shed some light into the current Armenia-Azerbaijan face off, let's crisscross the basic facts with some essential deep background. | Late last month Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan's proverbial "strongman", in p…

'Russia has a special position': Azerbaijan's president says Moscow is most suitable mediator in Nagorno-Karabakh dispute
rt.com | 2020-10-03
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has named Russia as the best-placed country to resolve the dispute with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, noting that Moscow has more knowledge of the region than either Paris or Washington. | "Russia is one of the countries which is a mediator, along with United States and France," Aliyev said in an interview with Al Jazeera published on Saturday. | Of course, Russia has a special position, because it's a neighbor to Azerbaijan, neighbor to the region. | Aliyev believes that, due to Russia's geographical proximity to the Caucasus, it has a better understanding of the events of…

Criminal malfeasance resulted in infection of Trump and top GOP lawmakers
John Wojcik | peoplesworld.org | 2020-10-03
In the last few days, the president of the United States, his wife, three top GOP senators, and many of his inner circle at and around the White House have been infected with the novel coronavirus COVID-19. No serious person celebrates the suffering and death that have resulted from the spread of this virus, no …

US: Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Tests Positive for COVID-19
telesurenglish.net | 2020-10-03
U.S. President Donald Trump's election campaign manager, Bill Stepien, Friday tested positive for coronavirus, according to local outlets. | RELATED: | US: Trump Plays Down COVID-19's Impact on July 4th Celebrations | Stepien will undergo a second PCR test to confirm that he is a carrier of the virus. If he tests positive again, it will be a strong blow to Trump's reelection campaign. | According to White House sources, Stepien is experiencing "mild flu-like symptoms," and they a…

Response To Trump Covid Diagnosis Shows His 'Opposition' Always Saw Him As Part Of The Club
Caitlin Johnstone | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-03
The Hill reports that according to two sources within the former vice president's camp, the campaign has "decided to scrap the negative ads before the White House announced that Trump is being taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center." | "The VP can't say 'God Bless this family' and then trash him in ads," one Biden ally told The Hill. | "Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and…

Response To Trump Covid Diagnosis Shows His 'Opposition' Always Saw Him As Part Of The Club
Caitlin Johnstone | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-03
The Joe Biden campaign is reportedly taking down all negative ads against the US president due to his recent positive test for Covid-19. | The Hill reports that according to two sources within the former vice president's camp, the campaign has "decided to scrap the negative ads before the White House announced that Trump is being taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center." | "The VP can't say 'God Bless this family' and then trash him in ads," one Biden ally told The Hill. | "Jil…

I Fear Trump Will Exploit His COVID Infection to Further Destabilize the Election
Naomi Klein | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
He has done nothing but campaign for reelection since he became president…

Trump Tweets Video Saying He Feels 'Much Better', 'Will Be Back Soon'
sputniknews.com | 2020-10-03
The president said that when he arrived at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center, after testing positive for COVID-19, he was not feeling so well, but now he feels "much better".

'Potent' experimental drug given to Trump already being used in UK
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-10-03
A "very potent" experimental coronavirus drug being given to Donald Trump is already being used in a handful of UK hospitals, according to an Oxford University professor. | The US president was given the artificial antibody treatment at the White House on Friday 2 October after being diagnosed with coronavirus (Covid-19). This was before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre. | The drug is already being used in "about three hospitals in the north" as part of Oxford University's national Recovery trial, said Professor Peter Horby. | "Very promising": | Prof Horby added that the drug…

Latest COVID Antibodies Study Shows Herd Immunity Strategy Is "Highly Unethical"
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-10-03
Less than one in ten Americans have coronavirus antibodies, according to the largest study yet of its sort which confirmed that the United States is nowhere close to "herd immunity" despite a strategy pushed by President Donald Trump's newest medical adviser. | Only about 9% of American adults have antibodies to the novel coronavirus, meaning that more than 90%…

Calls Grow for Full Transparency on Trump's Status Following Hospitalization
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-10-03
President Donald Trump was taken by helicopter to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Friday evening amid fears that his Covid-19 diagnosis could foretell an outbreak on Capitol Hill and calls for independent medical experts to evalua…

Covid Crisis Has Triggered Mass Unemployment in America: Over One Million UI Claims in the US for 28 Straight Weeks
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
Dire US economic condition exceed the worst of earlier times. | Current conditions are unprecedented in US history with no signs of turning things around any time soon. More on this below. | *** | According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), "(a)nother …

Arms Control and the Dangers of Nuclear War: Russia Rejects Unacceptable Trump Regime New START Demands
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
New START is the last remaining Russia/US arms control agreement. | Expiring on February 5, 2021 if not renewed, the Trump regime rejected Vladimir Putin's offer to extend the agreement for another five years with no pre-conditions. | On September 28, Politico …

Julian Assange's Extradition Trial and the War on Journalism
Tareq Haddad | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-03
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's legal team called their last witness in the extradition trial, which has unfolded over the past four weeks at the Old Bailey Courthouse in London. The defense and prosecution will file closing submissions to the magistrate court, and a decision on extradition is expected in January 4, 2021. | Throughout the extradition trial, independent media have led the way in defying a blackout by corporate media institutions around the world. They have worked to focus on the substance of testimony from witnesses instead of trivial moments that establishment reporters have turned into sensat…

Julian Assange's Extradition Hearing: The Only Just Outcome Is His Freedom
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
The testimony portion of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange, taking place in the United Kingdom, concluded after four weeks. Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who presided over the hearing, will not announce her decision until January. Until then, Assange will remain in detention in Belmarsh Prison. | Under conditions that violated Assange's rights and his ability to defend himself, his legal team made a clear case that for multiple reasons why the only just solution is to free Assange. However, Judge Baraitser has not ruled favorably for him in her past decisions or even in this hearing.

Global War on Humanity: America's Unceasing Pursuit of Hegemony
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
Essentially what we're looking at is a broader historical perspective on how the US de facto supported Nazi Germany with a view to destroying the Soviet Union as well as weakening the British Empire and competing empires including of course France, Belgium, Holland, etc. And those countries today are no longer colonial powers.

[Correspondence] Essential medical equipment for Gaza
Iyad Khamaysi, Raphi Walden | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
In June, 2018, The Lancet published our Correspondence about a cross-border collaboration that led to the acquisition of an advanced gastrointestinal endoscopic unit for the European Gaza Hospital.1…

The China And Africa Connection US Imperialism Does Not Want You To Know About
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
We have a monumental problem on our hands. The issue of the U.S.' policy of Full-spectrum Dominance is one that is connected to a host of contradictions afflicting the U.S. imperial order at this time. For nearly a decade, U.S. military power has made an enormous strategic shift to both the Asia Pacific and to Africa. At the center of the transition is the growth of China as an economic world power and the decline of the U.S. as a global hegemon. | China has much to offer Africa and the Global South at this time. China shares a common history of colonialism and imperialist humiliation with Africa.

First Person: 'I'm happy to be able to give back'
news.un.org | 2020-10-03
Luis Jose Faife, a UN refugee agency (UNHCR) worker from Mozambique, survived the devastation of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, which killed more than 600 people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and displaced some 2.2. million people, in March 2019. Now COVID-19 is posing a new challenge to humanitarian workers, and they people they help.

Social movements denounce Bolsonaro's plan for the mining sector
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-03
More room for foreign capital, more flexibility with environmental laws, the destruction of the environment and attacks against the rights of indigenous people. According to the Movement for People's Sovereignty Over Mining (MAM) and the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), these will be the consequences of the Mining Development Program (PMD) announced this past Monday, September 28th, by the Federal government. | The program defines the Bolsonaro agenda…

China Changes Its Economic Strategy: Strengthens Domestic Consumer Market
Lucas Leiroz de Almeida | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
China is radically changing its economic strategy. Faced with an international scenario that only tends to worsen with an unprecedented economic crisis approaching in the midst of a devastating pandemic, Beijing decided to adopt an economic internalization plan, seeking to …

Economic theories and systems
David Ruccio | mronline.org | 2020-10-03
In the previous chapter, we saw that Marxian economics represents a two-fold critique: a critique of mainstream economic theory and a critique of capitalism, the economic and social system celebrated by mainstream economists.

Two years after Khashoggi's murder, why is America still an accomplice to MBS's crimes?
Medea Benjamin | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
As long as U.S. leaders continue to coddle the Saudis, it's difficult not to ask who is more evil–the maniacal Saudi crown prince responsible for Khashoggi's murder and the slaughter of more than a hundred thousand Yemenis, or the mendacious Western governments and businesspeople who continue to support and profit from his crimes?

Border Wall threatens extinction of numerous endangered species
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The ongoing construction increased an already tragic rate of migrant deaths, destroyed hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat and now threatens the extinction of more than 100 endangered species on the border.

Pregnant Ethiopians languish in 'hellish' Saudi detention centres: Amnesty International
Areeb Ullah | middleeasteye.net | 2020-10-03
Pregnant Ethiopians languish in 'hellish' Saudi detention centres: Amnesty International | Detainees say they were forced to stay in crowded cells and to use their cell floors as toilets | Areeb Ullah | Sat, 10/03/2020 – 11: 38 | Ethiopia has called for a halt in repatriations because of Covid-19. It brought back nearly 4,000 Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia between April and September 2020 (AFP) | Ethiopian migrants impr…

Ginsburg Institute for Justice Needed for Our Depleted Democracy
Ralph Nader | commondreams.org | 2020-10-03
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appears at the Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center on Sept. 21, 2016 in New York City. (Photo: Michael Kovac/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Communist and Workers Party's declaration for the repatriation and freedom of Simon Trinidad
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-10-03
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following declaration demanding the release of Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the signers. | The Communist Parties and Workers signed by this declaration, we demand from the Government of the United States of America the immediate repatriation and release of political prisoner Ricardo Palmera Pineda, better known as Simon Trinidad in his militancy in the insurgent organization FARC-EP. | Simón Trinidad was captured in January 2004 in Quito, Ecuador, while advancing contacts for future peace talks. It was immediately hande…

Communist and Workers Party's declaration for the repatriation and freedom of Simon Trinidad
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-10-03
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following declaration demanding the release of Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the signers. | The Communist Parties and Workers signed by this declaration, we demand from the Government of the United States of America the immediate repatriation and release of political prisoner Ricardo Palmera Pineda, better known as Simon Trinidad in his militancy in the insurgent organization FARC-EP. | Simón Trinidad was captured in January 2004 in Quito, Ecuador, while advancing contacts for future peace talks. It was immediately hande…

'Giant step backwards': 30 years into German unity Russia-Europe cooperation sacrificed to US ambition, German ex-diplomat to RT
rt.com | 2020-10-03
Germany's reunification 30 years ago could have started an era of unprecedented cooperation between the US, Europe and Russia, German ex-diplomat Frank Elbe told RT. Yet, Washington chose domination over lucrative partnership. | On October 3, Germany celebrates the day of national unity — a holiday marking the moment when capitalist West Germany and socialist East Germany officially merged into one state once again. With Moscow still having a sway over the situation in the East, the historical reunification could not have been possible without the tacit support of the then-Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev…

Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Ren Zhiqiang was not arrested for 'anti-communism'
Raymond Tyler | workers.org | 2020-10-03
When influential, former property executive Ren Zhiqiang was given an 18-year sentence in China, the Western media were quick to label his imprisonment as due to alleged "anti-communist" activity. The Washington Post, CNN, the Guardian, and the New York Times parroted the same message: that Zhiqiang was imprisoned for being . . . | Continue reading Ren Zhiqiang was not arrested for 'anti-communism' at Workers.org

Detroit bus drivers stop work again over ongoing safety issues
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
On Friday morning, Detroit bus drivers staged a job action, citing safety concerns over exposure to COVID-19 and tensions related to the social crisis in the city.

Jordan's King Abdullah accepts resignation of Prime Minister Omar al Razzaz
MEE and agencies | middleeasteye.net | 2020-10-03
Jordan's King Abdullah accepts resignation of Prime Minister Omar al Razzaz | PM will stay on until monarch designates a successor to oversee parliamentary elections on 10 November, as country grapples with Covid-19 surge | MEE and agencies | Sat, 10/03/2020 – 22: 06 | The monarch told Razzaz in a letter accepting his resignation that mistakes had been made in the handling of the pandemic (AFP) | Jordan's Ki…

PSOE, Podemos propose herd immunity as COVID-19 rips through Madrid
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
This week, the Spanish government reached a deal with Madrid regional authorities on policies for the working class districts hardest hit by the virus.

The COVID-19 Vaccine. The Imposition of Compulsory Vaccination with a Biometric Health Passport?
Dr. Pascal Sacré | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
The COVID-19 vaccine… Is this THE final goal of this crisis, to impose a compulsory vaccination on everyone, with a biometric health passport and without it, the impossibility to move, to buy, to eat? The near future will tell.

UN report on Venezuela omits the greatest violation of human rights: US aggression
Leonardo Flores | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-03
The victim's of Venezuela's right-wing mobs have been completely left out of the UNHRC's report on Venezuela, Leonardo Flores looks at the politicized nature of this report and the intentional omissions…

New report reveals a planet overwhelmed by tidal wave of plastic
Meena Menon | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-03
Brands such as Coca-Cola, Nestlé, PepsiCo and P&G have failed to meet their voluntary commitments or shifted the goalposts. However, even if these commitments were to be realized, they would still not be ambitious enough to make a dent in the plastics crisis…

Cost cutting and council's austerity measures led to Grenfell tragedy
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The role of JRP, the company overseeing onsite safety at Grenfell, mainly consisted of walking around, getting "a general feel for what the client has asked us to do" and asking the questions "have you guys checked that it's compliant and have building control approved it?"

Jalil Muntaqim scheduled for release — Free them all!
Judy Greenspan | workers.org | 2020-10-03
The New York State Parole Board has finally ordered the release of Jalil Muntaqim, aka Anthony Bottom, a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. Imprisoned for nearly 50 years, since he was 19, Muntaqim is one of the longest-held political prisoners in the world. . . . | Continue reading Jalil Muntaqim scheduled for release — Free them all! at Workers.org

University of Cambridge announces divestment from fossil fuels after five-year student, staff campaign
Ashley Curtin | nationofchange.org | 2020-10-03
The University of Cambridge announced it will "remove all direct and indirect investments in the fossil fuel industry from its £3.5 billion endowment fund by 2030."

Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won't Keep Us Safe
James Bovard | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
Politicians have destroyed more than 13 million jobs this year in a deluge of edicts aimed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 200,000 Americans still died from the coronavirus, but the anti-COVID government crackdowns probably did far more damage …

UK students denounce dangerous conditions in universities and halls of residence
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
University students, lecturers and members of the public have been speaking out against the absurd and dangerous conditions facing thousands of young people as they start the university year.

'A Little More Democracy': An Interview with Margaret Morrison
Asher Luberto | progressive.org | 2020-10-03
Following the release of the new documentary 'Resisterhood,' one activist in the film shares her message of optimism in comparing the march in Selma in 1965 to today's anti-racism protests.

Tennessee governor Bill Lee hails "strong safety measures" in schools amid growing anger from teachers
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
On Monday, Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee praised "very strong safety measures" in schools in Knox County, despite over a thousand students and staff in quarantine.

Thousands declare their solidarity with framed Denver anti-racist organizers: Add your name here
Liberation Staff | liberationnews.org | 2020-10-03
Over 2,000 movement leaders, scholars, journalists and people of conscience have signed their names to the solidarity statement in support of the Denver anti-racist organizers facing decades in prison on bogus felony charges. The outpouring of support across the country and around the world has helped secure the release of the organizers from jail, but …

Peru Orders Arrest of Officials Linked to Corruption Case
telesurenglish.net | 2020-10-03
Peruvian Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office requested preventive detention for some of the people linked to the singer Richard Swing's case. | RELATED: | Peru: Health Workers Demand Better Conditions To Face COVID-19 | Ten people, who were previously under pre-trial detention, will comply with other seven days of preliminary detention as part of the investigations. Among them, there are two former secretaries of Peru's President Martin Vizcarra. | "This case is still under evaluation an…

New York Times echoes Trump's attacks on "violent anarchists"
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
Times editorial board member Farah Stockman attacks supposed anarchists from the standpoint of the privileged African American upper middle class.

Two charged in Massachusetts nursing home catastrophe that left 76 veterans dead from COVID-19
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
Both indictments represent the first criminal case in the country brought against administrators at nursing homes during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Next Steps in Eviction Defense
David Rovics | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-10-03
A few thoughts on intentions, tactics, and building eviction defense networks. Here in Portland, there are signs that the movement for Black lives and the movement for actually affordable housing are increasingly intersecting in all kinds of ways. Among the networks engaged in popular education and resistance organizing efforts around housing issues, you'll find groups …

Chinese students support historian Joseph Scalice against Stalinist slanders
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
We urge our readers, including in China, to come to the defence of Dr. Scalice, including by sending statements of support to the WSWS opposing the slanderous attack on him by the CPP and sharing his lecture widely.

Malign neglect in New York schools: The politics of the SUNY Board of Trustees
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The Board of Trustees for the State University of New York is packed with members and strategists of the Democratic Party.

"The housing deficit is solved by comprehensive policies," says Federico Fagioli
Julián Inzaugarat | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-10-03
At only 28 years of age, Federico Fagioli is a national deputy for the Buenos Aires Province for the ruling center-left coalition, Frente de Todos. The legislator lives in Pueblo Unido, a working-class neighborhood in a settlement built on land that was occupied and taken over by the organized community. Fagioli himself helped lead the land occupation and has helped provide housing to many people. | Fagioli's political journey is linked to the workers of the popular economy and the struggle for right to housing policies. "From the neighborhood to the Congress" was his campaign slogan, and once he arrived, he didn…

US deploys missile destroyer off coast of Venezuela
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The military provocation has come amid a wave of new sanctions against both Venezuela and Iran, which is supplying the South American country with vital fuel supplies.

Wildfires continue to rage across western United States
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The raging wildfires in the western part of the United States continue to threaten the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands, while setting the stage for an even greater crisis of homelessness.

Health care workers stage strikes, protests in Chile and Argentina
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
According to Amnesty International, of the 7,000 health professionals in the world who have died after contracting COVID-19, more than a third are from the Americas.

A good way to be kinder to elephants is to stop riding them
NIna Jackel | nationofchange.org | 2020-10-03
When animal tourism resumes in Bali after COVID-19, there is an opportunity to do better by the lives of animals.

Bolivia's Regime Opens to Foreign NGOs & Intervention
teleSUR, CE | telesurenglish.net | 2020-10-03
Bolivia's Jeanine Añez has lifted restrictions on foreign Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) in a reversal of the pro-sovereignty policy previously implemented by President Evo Morales. | RELATED: | Bolivia: Violent Pro-Coup Extremists Assault MAS Canvassers | Supreme Decree 4353 ends rules which had been enacted by Morales in order to restrict NGO's, particularly the usual influx of those from the United States, from intervening in domestic politics. | Añez presented the decre…

The 6 most revealing moments from the presidential debate
Robert Reich | nationofchange.org | 2020-10-03
The first presidential debate was as horrific as we feared it would be.

EU summit backs herd immunity policy and sanctions against Belarus
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The European Council of EU heads of state met for two days in Brussels, Thursday and Friday, to discuss the bloc's foreign and economic policy.

Book Review: Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency
Simon Butler | mronline.org | 2020-10-03
Gradual reforms can't do the job: only profoundly radical measures can ensure human survival in an epoch of global sickening.

A second chance for Kushal
| workers.org | 2020-10-03
By Kushal K. Shah As a child, I was a loner. I was not popular with my peers and I was the black sheep of my family. I had a speech issue and because of that I was picked on and made fun of. When it came to family outings, . . . | Continue reading A second chance for Kushal at Workers.org

Drop in September job growth shows slowdown in US recovery
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The September employment report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the economic recovery–largely based on the CARES Act infusion of government money into Wall Street and corporate America–is stalling, as millions of workers remain unemployed and a new round of corporate layoffs is being carried out.

The Truth about "The Truth about Today's Anarchists"
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-10-03
Then comes the strangest part of the article. In a rare moment of honesty, Stockman soberly assesses the impact of the riots, and concludes, "Anarchy got results."

30 years of German unity
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
As German political leaders commemorate the dissolution of East Germany and its incorporation by West Germany 30 years ago, the earlier promises of freedom, democracy, and prosperity are being refuted daily by reality.

Do Canadian Sanctions Against Venezuela Violate Canadian Law? A Question of Democracy
Andrew Dekany | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
"Sanctions must be treated as a form of warfare. . . . Let us regard the imposition of sanctions with the same gravity as we would regard the act of going to war." — Mehran Nakhjavani[1] | There is widespread …

Ninth COVID-19 death reported at California poultry processor Foster Farms
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
The poultry processor in Merced County, California bitterly resisted all efforts at regulation despite the unchecked spread of the deadly virus at the facility.

COVID-19 in Germany: No protection for high-risk groups despite dramatic increase in infections
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
As in other European countries, the number of infections in Germany is reaching dramatic highs after school reopenings, exposing schoolchildren, teachers and educators to mortal danger.

Trump falls victim to his own "herd immunity" policy
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
While the short-term political consequences are highly unpredictable, the Trump diagnosis does not alter the fundamental trajectory of the social and political crisis of American capitalism.

Breonna Taylor police murder grand jury proceedings released by Kentucky court
wsws.org | 2020-10-03
In an extraordinary development, over 20 hours of previously sealed audio recordings have been released after an unidentified juror disputed the explanation given for why no one was charged over Taylor's killing.

Sudan's transitional government signs landmark deal with rebel groups
MEE and agencies | middleeasteye.net | 2020-10-03
Sudan's transitional government signs landmark deal with rebel groups | The historic deal signed in Juba could end decades of conflict that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in western and southern Sudan | MEE and agencies | Sat, 10/03/2020 – 14: 57 | Paramilitary leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, pictured in August 2020, signed the deal on behalf of the Sudanese government in Juba, South Sudan (AFP) | Sud…

Half a Million Sharks Could Be Killed to Make Vaccine
Robert F. Kennedy Jr | globalresearch.ca | 2020-10-03
Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline may need to slaughter half a million sharks to harvest squalene, an oil made in shark livers, to make a new line of COVID jabs. Glaxo mixes squalene with a witches' brew of proprietary surfactants to …

A bit too late? Senate committee to grill Google, Facebook & Twitter CEOs on 'domination & legal liability' days before election
rt.com | 2020-10-03
The heads of major Big Tech firms have agreed to testify to a Senate panel later this month, where they'll address legal liability for online platforms, privacy and "media domination" just days before the US election. | The CEOs of Google, Twitter and Facebook are set to testify to the Senate's Commerce Committee on October 28. The tech bigwigs will speak to lawmakers virtually during the hearing, which is scheduled only 6 days before Americans head to the polls to elect the next president. | While the Commerce Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to authorize subpoenas to force the executives to attend the…

Trump at Walter Reed, False positive and faking probably but most want him dead
Gordon Duff | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-03
Bush 43 hates Trump? Have we heard from Cheney and Rumsfeld? Dick and Donald have been relatively silent and they are the real power behind the GOP's muscle, their control of the JSOC which kept America in war during 8 years of Obama, crippling White House attempts to wrest control of the military from Pentagon traitors and private contractors paid by the Saudi's. | Unmasked Trump supporters called upon to 'protect America from excess voting' | You see, the US went rogue around 2005, when Operation 9/11 took final hold. How wa…

We Are Being Brainwashed Into Another Lockdown
Paul Craig Roberts | thealtworld.com | 2020-10-03
On NPR yesterday afternoon (Oct. 2) a former Obama regime official argued for a 90% lockdown of the economy for 6 weeks and mandatory masks. He said this was the only way we can save ourselves from mass deaths that will wreck the economy worse than the 90% lockdown would. | Keep in mind that the masks people are wearing are not N95 masks and do not prevent inhalation and exhalation of the virus. | Keep in mind that the rise in cases is the result of more testing with a test that produces false positives. | Authorities know both of these facts. | The question is: Why are authorities and presstitutes spreading this…

The Great Irony of Trump's Taxes
Jill Richardson | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
The president had just released an executive order calling America a "meritocracy" when records of his own tax avoidance came out…

A New Nonviolent Medicaid Army Is on the March
Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
Led by the poor and dispossessed, this movement is bringing the demand for healthcare rights to corporate profiteers, state houses, prisons, and police stations…

North Carolina Nurses' Union Victory Is One for the History Books
Alex N. Press | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
Earlier this month, nurses at Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina voted to unionize. Taking place in one of the most anti-union states in the country, and challenging a bitterly anti-labor employer, the campaign is a monumental victory for labor.

Trump's Taxes: A Thousand Scandals in One
Jon Schwarz | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
The president's leaked taxes are an explosion of many different scandals, like a huge fireworks display on the Fourth of July…

Why We're on a Long Road to COVID-19 Immunity Even With Vaccines
Prabir Purkayastha | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
Giving up on containing the COVID-19 pandemic is an admission that public health systems have failed…

Collective Action Is How We Shake Ourselves Free of Pandemic Isolation
Barbara Madeloni | zcomm.org | 2020-10-03
We shake ourselves free from a sense of being beaten by waves of inevitable misery, and we see how we can change the structures that create those waves…

UN Report On Venezuela Omits The Greatest Violation Of Human Rights
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
On September 23, María Eugenia Russián, president of Fundalatin, Venezuela's oldest human rights organization, testified to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and decried an attempt by a UNHRC fact-finding mission to erase people who were "lynched, burned alive, decapitated and murdered by extremist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition." This fact-finding mission had published a report a week earlier that generated sensationalist headlines of "crimes against humanity" and painted a bleak picture of the situation in Venezuela.

To Catch The Heartbeat Of Those Below
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
'It was the worst when I was released. That's the biggest prison I had to face'. | Martin Aleida recalls the moment he was released from prison at the end of 1966. The then twenty-two-year-old writer emerged from nearly a year behind bars to Jakarta unable to find his friends and comrades. His workplace, Harian Rakjat ('The People's Daily'), the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), was no longer.

Book Review: "On The Judgment Of History"
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
The scene in Charlottesville, Va., three years ago — the Confederate flags, the tiki-torch Nazis, the lethal use of a car against counterdemonstrators — left Joan Wallach Scott feeling perplexity and horror, as she recounts in On the Judgment of History (Columbia University Press). | It was not just the thuggish hatred on display, which was nothing new. Beyond that there was a kind of menacing shamelessness about all of it, even before the president gave his wink of approval: a defiance of the idea that slavery, white supremacy and fascism had been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Investments Should Be 'Determined By The Community'
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is pledging $100 million from the city's general fund to invest in communities of color. But where is that money going to go? And who is going to advise the mayor's office on how it should be spent? | Sean Goode, the executive director of Choose 180, a local organization that provides alternatives to incarceration for young people, was asked to be part of the task force that will look into how this money should be spent. He has since declined the invitation.

Homeland Security Assessment Warns Of Violent Unrest
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
In the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, potential civil unrest and worse has been predicted by multiple governmental agencies and assorted federal outfits, including the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. Last week the organization published a "supplemental threat assessment" on the upcoming electoral contest subtitled "The Convergence of COVID-19, Nationwide Civil Unrest, and the Upcoming Presidential Election." | Using COVID-19 as a backdrop, the 13-page report identifies the pandemic as the "driving factor" behind "public health fears, economic instability, political dissent, an…

How Residents Rallied To Get Their Post Office Back
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2020-10-03
On an otherwise typical summer day, rumors started spreading in the small rural mountain community of Munds Park in northern Arizona: The local post office had been shuttered. | As the chatter and gossip grew on social media, Allison Tiffany, a seasonal resident, drove down to check. She found a suspension notice taped to the building's glass door. "It was so shocking that you had to find out for yourself," she said. "Sure enough, the doors were locked." | The closure was "extraordinarily disruptive," said Tiffany, who became the de facto organizer of the community's response.

11/3/20 Election: The Stakes; The Cal & S.F Propositions
30 Days to Go | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
What is at stake in this election are the very existence of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, food stamps, the right to abortion and birth control pills, funding Planned Parenthood, funding the Violence Against Women Act, the existence of all environmental regulations, all consumer protection laws, all gun control laws, all civil rights laws, all labor laws, an efficient, patronage-free mail system, federally funded affordable housing, public school education, federal funds for state governments and raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Further, all progress we have made in…

IMF Calls for New Global Debt Policies to Confront COVID Financial Crisis
Zach Conti | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
IMF head Kristalina Georgieva warned that developing countries could face a second wave of economic crises just as they are recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

A Plea for Help from the County's Benchland Containment Camp
posted by Norse | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
I received the following letter earlier this week immediately before our Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom (Greg's a member). I'm forwarding it for community info and in response to his wishes.

Sunday 10/11: "Dazed And Confused" Cast Reunion Reading w/ Voto Latino & March for Science
Voto Latino & March for Science | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
Online event…

Treading in Deep Water
Greg Godels | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
As one good reason for voting for Biden: should he win, Democrats will not be able to continually blame all of our sorry politics and capitalism's contradictions on Trump. And the experience of a Biden government might well hasten the defection from a moribund Democratic Party.

Climate Advocates Criticize Newsom's Executive Order for Not Addressing Oil Drilling
Dan Bacher | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
"If your climate leadership does not include relief for hundreds of thousands of Californians — the majority people of color — living with oil drilling in their neighborhood, then you are not serious about climate justice and creating healthier, more resilient communities," said Martha Arguà´llo executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles and co-chair of STAND-L.A.

Monday 10/5: People's Park Gardeners tour
DARIN | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
Come to People's Park. Enjoy the garden tour. Find out what you can do to prepare for the rain in the garden.

Chile: Acerca del Proceso Constituyente
reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras | indybay.org | 2020-10-03
Chile: | Acerca del Proceso Constituyente | Entrevista al profesor Gabriel Salazar, Premio Nacional de Historia.

[Correspondence] Minimising long-term effect of COVID-19 in dementia care
Karen Harrison Dening, Mari Lloyd-Williams | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
We thank Huali Wang and colleagues1 for highlighting that dementia is also a pandemic in an ageing society,2 albeit the word pandemic generates a negative perspective of dementia.

[Perspectives] Devi Sridhar: illuminating global health governance
Richard Lane | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Devi Sridhar has travelled far in her fairly short career. She was the youngest Rhodes Scholar, aged just 18 years, and became Professor of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, UK, when she was 30. But milestones are of little interest to her, especially as her role as a leader in global health governance has been accelerated by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. "This is the time for the global public health community to step up", she comments. "We have never before been required to work so intensively and as rapidly as in today's environment, where effective public health responses and global…

[Correspondence] Amphetamine dependence in Australia
Cobus Gerber, Richard Bade, Jason White | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Chris McCall1 painted a bleak picture of amphetamine-type stimulant abuse in Australia. Amphetamine has little appeal in Australia, although methamphetamine is certainly its most problematic stimulant, despite both drugs having similar therapeutic effects. The World Report1 briefly mentioned the decade-long monitoring of drugs with abuse potential in South Australia.2,3 In 2016, this surveyance expanded to the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program, in partnership with the University of Queensland.

[Editorial] Building a resilient NHS, for COVID-19 and beyond
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
The UK response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been ill prepared, patchy, confused, and incompetent. From initial equivocations, to a series of policy U turns and conflicts with scientific advisers, to vague public health guidance, the UK's COVID-19 performance has fallen disastrously short and undoubtedly cost lives. It has pushed the National Health Service (NHS) to the brink. Having wasted a summer of opportunity to strengthen systems to suppress viral transmission following an easing of lockdown restrictions, the UK Government is facing a winter wave of COVID-19 with no strategy in sight.

[Correspondence] Remdesivir and COVID-19 — Authors' reply
Yeming Wang, Xiaoying Gu, Jiuyang Xu, Bin Cao, Chen Wang | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
We thank the clinicians and researchers around the world for their comprehensive interpretation of the results of our randomised controlled trial of remdesivir for COVID-19.1 They shared valuable thoughts from different perspectives according to related evidence from in vitro and animal models, and pharmacogenomic studies. A suggestion was made for subgroup analyses by concomitant lopinavir-ritonavir use. Concerns for not reaching the predetermined sample size in our study were also expressed. These comments are appreciated and helpful for future conduct and interpretation of COVID-19 therapy studies.

[Comment] Leveraging the advances in HIV for COVID-19
James H McMahon, Jennifer F Hoy, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Linda-Gail Bekker, Chris Beyrer, Sharon R Lewin | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to accelerated research efforts globally and highlighted the importance of community engagement and leadership in the COVID-19 response. To achieve these objectives, partnerships between science, government, and affected communities are crucial, but building these rapidly presents major challenges. In the past months, we have also seen how advances in confronting the global HIV epidemic have had a positive impact on the COVID-19 response.

[Correspondence] Despair and the shame of personal responsibility
Junaid Nabi | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Given the history of the USA, it is difficult–if not impossible–to discuss health outcomes and economic mobility without understanding the importance of race. This fact is why the powerful analysis by Rhea Boyd1 of the rising midlife mortality in the last decade is an urgent and important read. At the same time, any analysis that ignores the influence of an unfair US economy and has an unfaltering focus on a personal responsibility narrative will be inadequate.

[World Report] US election 2020: public health
Susan Jaffe | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
In the race for the White House, where do US President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, stand on public health? Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

[Correspondence] Gains and losses in translation of SDGs at sub-national levels
Hannelore Neuhauser, Manfred Wildner | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Samira Asma and colleagues1 show the complexity of the global monitoring of health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and argue for convergence, harmonisation, and strong data science. However, many offspring of SDG monitoring systems have emerged beyond the monitoring of UN SDG indicators, either at supra-national level (eg, the EU) or at sub-national level (eg, federal state or community level). This result is a translational process of locally reinventing the SDG narrative and choosing indicators that are appealing, appropriate, and available.

[Comment] Circulating ACE2: a novel biomarker of cardiovascular risk
Jay Ramchand, Louise M Burrell | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Dysregulation of the renin–angiotensin system plays a major role in the progression of cardiovascular disease in humans. The enzymatic reactions within the renin–angiotensin system generate angiotensin II, which promotes vasoconstriction and inflammation and deleterious cardiovascular effects.1 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) acts to counterbalance the renin–angiotensin system by degrading angiotensin II.2,3 In 2005, ACE2 was identified as the cellular receptor for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV),4 and we now know that ACE2 also facilitates viral entry of SARS-CoV…

[Correspondence] Remdesivir and COVID-19
Lei-Yun Wang, Jia-Jia Cui, Qian-Ying Ouyang, Yan Zhan, Cheng-Xian Guo, Ji-Ye Yin | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
In a Chinese clinical trial by Yeming Wang and colleagues,1 remdesivird did not show significant benefits for patients with severe COVID-19. Shortly after their study was published, remdesivir was authorised in the USA by the US Food & Drug Administration2 and approved in Japan3 for patients with severe COVID-19 on the basis of preliminary phase 3 trial results.4 We find it puzzling that the discrepancy of results between China and the USA is merely justified by different study designs.

[Articles] Plasma ACE2 and risk of death or cardiometabolic diseases: a case-cohort analysis
Sukrit Narula, Salim Yusuf, Michael Chong, Chinthanie Ramasundarahettige, Sumathy Rangarajan, Shrikant I Bangdiwala, Martin van Eikels, Kirsten Leineweber, Annie Wu, Marie Pigeyre, Guillaume Paré | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
Increased plasma ACE2 concentration was associated with increased risk of major cardiovascular events in a global study.

[Comment] Offline: Science and the breakdown of trust
Richard Horton | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
The COVID-19 syndemic is entering its most dangerous phase. There is a mounting breakdown of trust. Not only between politicians and the public. But also among politicians and publics with science and scientists. This breach of faith with science is far more threatening. For the public is slowly turning against those who have sought to guide the political response to COVID-19. As countries face a resurgence of coronavirus transmission, scientific advisers are recommending further restrictions to our liberties.

[Correspondence] Trials of locoregional therapies inspired by SABR-COMET
Nikiforos Vasiniotis Kamarinos, Laura A Dawson, Leonard B Saltz, Christopher H Crane, Michael J Overman, Jean-Nicolas Vauthey, Bruno C Odisio, Alban Denys, Thierry de Baère, Philippe L Pereira, Daniel Y Sze, Thomas J Vogl, Martijn R Meijerink, Thomas Helmberger, Hyun S Kim, Stephen B Solomon, Constantinos T Sofocleous | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
The stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) versus standard of care palliative treatment in patients with oligometastatic cancers (SABR-COMET) study is a thought-provoking addition to the literature about the treatment of oligometastatic disease.1 Despite its limitations, the authors are to be congratulated for completing a randomised trial of local therapy for oligometastases, a challenging task. Although intriguing, the results can only generate hypotheses, and cannot be regarded as able to change practice on their own.

[Correspondence] Alternative grant models might perpetuate Black–White funding gaps
Carole J Lee, Sheridan Grant, Elena A Erosheva | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
The White Coats for Black Lives and #ShutDownSTEM movements have galvanised biomedical practitioners and researchers to eliminate institutional and systematic racism, including barriers faced by Black researchers in biomedicine and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In our study on Black–White funding gaps for National Institutes of Health Research Project grants, we found that the overall award rate for Black applicants is 55% of that for white applicants.1 How can systems for allocating research grant funding be made more fair while improving their efficiency?

[Correspondence] Remdesivir and COVID-19
Matthew J Glaus, Serena Von Ruden | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
In the first published placebo-controlled trial of remdesivir for treating severe COVID-19, Yeming Wang and colleagues1 were unable to attain their primary endpoint of time to clinical improvement. Although admittedly underpowered due to early trial termination, remdesivir did not appear to affect rates of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral RNA load decline and mortality when compared with placebo. Given these disappointing findings, we are left to wonder if a lack of clinically significant outcomes in placebo-controlled trials could have been predicted.

[Correspondence] Remdesivir and COVID-19
Alicia Dennis | thelancet.com | 2020-10-03
I commend Yeming Wang and colleagues1 on their study in the difficult time of the emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus.

Why U.S. Has the Shortest Life-Expectancy of All Rich Nations
_____ | strategic-culture.org | 2020-10-03
According to the UN's "Human Development Report 2019", which is the latest available global information (published on 9 December 2019), the United States is the only country that ranks in the top 15 on "Human Development" in which the life expectancy at birth is now below 80.0 years. On "Human Development" the U.S.

France extends EMASoH mandate for 2021
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-03
TEHRAN, Oct. 03 (MNA) — France says the so-called European Maritime Awareness mission in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASoH), which is purportedly protecting shipping lanes in the strategic waterway, has been extended for the year 2021.

Late Iranian actor applauded in Brazilian filmfest
Mehr News Agency | en.mehrnews.com | 2020-10-03
TEHRAN, Oct. 03 (MNA) — The late Iranian actor, Levon Haftavan has been appreciated for his performance in the short film "Barzakh" at Rock Horror in Rio Film Festival in Brazil.