Daily Archives: April 11, 2020

2020-04-11: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!
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Trump administration using pandemic to deport 30,000 refugees and asylum seekers to Mexico
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
US government has been using an obscure statute on communicable diseases to expel tens of thousands.

John Pilger: Can we trust our governments in what they say to us about Coronavirus? No, we can't, absolutely not!
John Pilger | mronline.org | 2020-04-11
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and film-maker John Pilger about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

To Heal From COVID-19, We Must Imagine a Different World
Noam Chomsky | zcomm.org | 2020-04-11
Neoliberal indoctrination has pampered big business and Wall Street into believing that corporate socialism will always be theirs for the asking…

A year since the arrest of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Assange's arrest was an historic crime, setting a precedent for escalating attacks on press freedom and the democratic rights of the working class.

A year since the arrest of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Assange's arrest was an historic crime, setting a precedent for escalating attacks on press freedom and the democratic rights of the working class.

Venezuela Donates COVID-19 Tests to Caribbean Countries
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez reported Friday that the Bolivarian Government donated rapid and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests to several Caribbean countries to help them in the fight against COVID-19. | RELATED: | COVID-19 in the Caribbean: Overview of the Situation, Outbreak | Rodríguez said that, by order of President Nicolas Maduro, tests were sent to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua, and Barbuda, as well as Dominica and Grenada. | "To our brothers in…

Colombia's Government Acts Like Doormat for U.S
Vijay Prashad | zcomm.org | 2020-04-11
–and Its People Aren't Going Along With It…

Trump Welcomes More Guest Workers Amid Crisis While Rejecting Asylum Seekers
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
Two recent news items neatly sum up U.S. immigration policy during the COVID-19 crisis. | Asylum seekers are now being turned away at the border without even a chance to make their asylum claims; the excuse for the new policy is a March 20 order from the…

Trump Welcomes More Guest Workers Amid Crisis While Rejecting Asylum Seekers
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
Two recent news items neatly sum up U.S. immigration policy during the COVID-19 crisis. | Asylum seekers are now being turned away at the border without even a chance to make their asylum claims; the excuse for the new policy is a March 20 order from the…

[Comment] Offline: COVID-19–bewilderment and candour
Richard Horton | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
"This disease is unlike anything I have seen before. If you end up on ICU, you are potentially in real trouble. I have never seen anything like it before." These words were written by one intensive care physician working at a London teaching hospital. As deaths accumulate, the early message that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 causes mostly a mild illness has been shown to be dangerously false. One in five patients develop complications and are at grave risk. A further misunderstanding concerns age.

[Comment] Centring sexual and reproductive health and justice in the global COVID-19 response
Kelli Stidham Hall, Goleen Samari, Samantha Garbers, Sara E Casey, Dazon Dixon Diallo, Miriam Orcutt, Rachel T Moresky, Micaela Elvira Martinez, Terry McGovern | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
Global responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are converging with pervasive, existing sexual and reproductive health and justice inequities to disproportionately impact the health, wellbeing, and economic stability of women, girls, and vulnerable populations. People whose human rights are least protected are likely to experience unique difficulties from COVID-19.1 Women, girls, and marginalised groups are likely to carry a heavier burden of what will be the devastating downstream economic and social consequences of this pandemic.

[Editorial] Palliative care and the COVID-19 pandemic
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
Palliative care services are under-resourced at the best of times. The 2017 Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief described the widespread lack of access to inexpensive and effective interventions as a travesty of justice. And these are not the best of times. As health systems become strained under COVID-19, providing safe and effective palliative care, including end-of-life care, becomes especially vital and especially difficult.

[World Report] Regulators split on antimalarials for COVID-19
Susan Jaffe | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
US and French authorities have authorised the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, but the EU regulator and WHO say the science doesn't support the decision. Susan Jaffe reports.

[World Report] Virtual health care in the era of COVID-19
Paul Webster | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
Patients are under lockdown and health workers are at risk of infection. Paul Webster reports on how telemedicine is being embraced like never before.

The US Seeks to Set New Military Base in Syria Amid Pandemic
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
President Donald Trump administration on Friday deployed a military convoy in Syria to establish a new base in this Arab nation. | RELATED: | Erdogan, Merkel, Macron, Johnson Address Situation of Syria | A caravan of 35 trucks loaded with vehicles and warfare and logistics materials headed for the city of Shadadi, in the southern Hasakeh province, 866 kilometers northeast of Damascus, as reported by outlet Ikhbariya TV. | Local activists reported on the convoy as it was traveling on…

Will This Public Health Crisis Lead to a Voting Rights Crisis?
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
Welcome to Moyers on Democracy. | Bill's guest in this episode is the journalist David Daley. His best-selling first book, Ratf**ked

Rapid spread of COVID-19 in US meat processing facilities
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Coronavirus has hit the US meatpacking industry, provoking worker protests, short-term closures and an outburst by Vice President Mike Pence.

Rapid spread of COVID-19 in US meat processing facilities
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Coronavirus has hit the US meatpacking industry, provoking worker protests, short-term closures and an outburst by Vice President Mike Pence.

Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Help Curb War and Militarism?
Lawrence Wittner | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-11
Decades ago, when I began teaching international history, I used to ask students if they thought it was possible for nations to end their fighting of wars against one another. Their responses varied. But the more pessimistic conclusions were sometimes tempered by the contention that, if the world's nations faced a common foe, such as …

St. Vincent & Grenadines, Grenada Thank Venezuela for Donations
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves appreciated the COVID-19 screening tests that Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro sent to his country on Saturday. | RELATED: | Venezuela Donates COVID-19 Tests to Caribbean Countries | "We have received 3,000 rapid test kits for the COVID-19 and a relevant quantity of reagents for the PCR test,"

Sanders "Broke the Spell" of Neoliberalism
Naomi Klein | zcomm.org | 2020-04-11
Interview about Bernie Sanders's historic presidential campaign and coronavirus capitalism

Interview with Bronx emergency room nurse: "Some critical patients are not getting the medication and IV pumps they need"
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Hospitals throughout New York City, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, are running out of medication and equipment.

US blocks IMF loan for Iran's fight against COVID-19
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
The denial of desperately needed aid as Iran confronts one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the world is part of a US sanctions regime that is tantamount to a state of war.

Cruise ship workers expose deadly conditions, financial ruin in light of coronavirus pandemic
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Some 200,000 crew members are stranded on board, half in US waters.

New York City digging mass graves for coronavirus victims
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Victims of the pandemic are being buried en masse on Hart Island off the coast of the Bronx, just 16 miles from Wall Street, the center of world finance.

UK: Heathrow Airport demands workers to take pay cut or face dismissal
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
With significantly reduced air traffic due to the coronavirus pandemic, Heathrow Airport told thousands of workers that they must accept a 15 percent wage reduction, or they will lose their jobs.

Quebec government, big business push for return to work as COVID-19 deaths soar
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
As coronavirus cases and deaths surge across Canada, any lifting of the Quebec shutdown would be nothing short of criminal.

African economies in free fall as coronavirus pandemic worsens
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
An African Union study predicts that some 20 million jobs are at risk in Africa due to the impact of the pandemic.

UK: Heathrow Airport demands workers to take pay cut or face dismissal
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
With significantly reduced air traffic due to the coronavirus pandemic, Heathrow Airport told thousands of workers that they must accept a 15 percent wage reduction, or they will lose their jobs.

Detroit nurse fired by Sinai-Grace Hospital for demanding action to improve desperate conditions
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Kenisa Barkei was dismissed for insisting hospital management protect staff and provide the necessary care for the expanding number of coronavirus patients.

African economies in free fall as coronavirus pandemic worsens
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
An African Union study predicts that some 20 million jobs are at risk in Africa due to the impact of the pandemic.

Thousands line up at US food pantries as hunger surges due to coronavirus crisis
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
With supermarkets emptied of staples and cupboards increasingly bare, people struggling with hunger are lining up in record numbers at food pantries across the country.

Detroit nurse fired by Sinai-Grace Hospital for demanding action to improve desperate conditions
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Kenisa Barkei was dismissed for insisting hospital management protect staff and provide the necessary care for the expanding number of coronavirus patients.

German hospitals become COVID-19 hotspots for health care workers
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than 2,300 doctors and nurses have been infected with coronavirus in Germany.

Thousands line up at US food pantries as hunger surges due to coronavirus crisis
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
With supermarkets emptied of staples and cupboards increasingly bare, people struggling with hunger are lining up in record numbers at food pantries across the country.

Understanding vaccines during COVID-19
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-04-11
Dr. Jo Anne Welsch, currently working on vaccine development for low and middle income countries at a global health organization, discusses how vaccines are developed and tested, and the implications of the process for the coronavirus.

New York City digging mass graves for coronavirus victims
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Victims of the pandemic are being buried en masse on Hart Island off the coast of the Bronx, just 16 miles from Wall Street, the center of world finance.

Systemic Racism Is Making Coronavirus Worse in Black America
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a nightmare unfolding before our eyes that could have devastating impacts that Black Americans could feel most acutely. With scarce testing, health care workers and ventilators, combined with a pattern of red state governors ignoring science and placing profits above people, there are signs that Black communities across the country are bearing the brunt of an…

Systemic Racism Is Making Coronavirus Worse in Black America
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a nightmare unfolding before our eyes that could have devastating impacts that Black Americans could feel most acutely. With scarce testing, health care workers and ventilators, combined with a pattern of red state governors ignoring science and placing profits above people, there are signs that Black communities across the country are bearing the brunt of an…

German hospitals become COVID-19 hotspots for health care workers
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than 2,300 doctors and nurses have been infected with coronavirus in Germany.

Coal Industry Seeks Cuts to Payments for Miners With Black Lung Amid Pandemic
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
Some of the largest coal companies in the United States are using the coronavirus crisis to pressure Congress to slash the tax that finances the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, a lifeline for more than 20,000 miners whose lung disease makes them more vulnerable to COVID-19. | The Washington Post reported this…

Interview with Bronx emergency room nurse: "Some critical patients are not getting the medication and IV pumps they need
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Hospitals throughout New York City, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, are running out of medication and equipment.

Quebec government, big business push for return to work as COVID-19 deaths soar
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
As coronavirus cases and deaths surge across Canada, any lifting of the Quebec shutdown would be nothing short of criminal.

The Post-Pandemic Economy
Dean Baker | cepr.net | 2020-04-11
(This post first appeared on my Patreon page.) We have a lot of economist type people telling us how awful the economy will be once we get through our near-term shutdown period. At the risk of being accused of unwarranted optimism, I am not sure I buy the pessimists' story. Before saying anything about the …

"This is forced labor": Six GM workers stricken with COVID-19 at parts warehouse
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
While GM assembly plants remain shut, the company's Burton, Michigan parts warehouse is operating with 200 "volunteers."

"This is forced labor": Six GM workers stricken with COVID-19 at parts warehouse
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
While GM assembly plants remain shut, the company's Burton, Michigan parts warehouse is operating with 200 "volunteers."

Fascists Are Using COVID-19 to Advance Their Agenda. It's Up to Us to Stop Them
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-11
The COVID-19 crisis is a story of a predictable pandemic. It is a result of the willful ignorance of the impact of the climate crisis and unsustainable expansion, a failure of multiple governments and the intentional under-resourcing of public health and medical systems. It results from our societies' ignoring of the conditions for poor people, the unhoused, disabled and chronically ill peopl…

Neoliberalism, Climate Change and the Future of Architecture
Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-11
Introduction What is the future for architecture in these times of climate change and economic crises? Should sustainability and affordability be a major factor in the design and development of future buildings? What about aesthetics? There are many individual examples of modern buildings today that have positive aesthetic qualities, but can major future problems, like …

Trump, neo-fascism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Michael D. Yates | mronline.org | 2020-04-11
The world is now in what scientists are calling a no-analogue situation. The dangers are increasing and so is the space for revolutionary human development, calling for a new Earth movement, if humanity is to survive, a renewed struggle for freedom as necessity.

Pandemic and socialism
Prabhat Patnaik | mronline.org | 2020-04-11
As COVID-19 grips the world, in country after country, there is socialization of healthcare and of production of some essential goods, which markedly departs from the capitalist norm…

The Most Important Thing Media Can Tell Us Is How We're Getting Infected
Jim Naureckas | fair.org | 2020-04-11
There are countless healthcare heroes putting their own lives on the line to save sick people's lives, but the real front line of this pandemic is regular people trying to keep from getting sick in the first place. | Barring the discovery of a miracle treatment, medical intervention can only do so much. The main way to save lives, and the best hope for stopping the outbreak, is for individuals to change their behavior so we stop spreading the virus. (Individuals, of course, do not always choose their circumstances; societ…

The EPA Just Gave Polluters A License To Kill
Lois Gibbs | zcomm.org | 2020-04-11
Using the pandemic as cover, the agency is suspending environmental regulations. I've seen firsthand what happens next

European governments plot return to work in midst of pandemic
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
As plans were being hatched over how to impose a return to work, over 4,000 new pandemic deaths were reported in Europe on Friday, bringing the total for the continent to over 70,000.

Spanish government to force workers in non-essential industries back-to-work
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Podemos and the Spanish social democrats are needlessly sacrificing thousands of workers' lives in order to boost corporate profits amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australian hospitals lack ventilators and staff to deal with pandemic
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
A ventilator manufacturing deal this week highlighted the shortage of urgently-needed intensive care medical equipment.

US trade talks must be put on hold to deal with Covid-19 pandemic, demand campaigners
graham | truepublica.org.uk | 2020-04-11
A group of charities and campaigning groups has written to the government, calling on them to halt trade negotiations with the United States to focus instead on the health and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The letter was sent following comments made by the United States Trade Representative on Monday 23 March 2020 in which …

Australian hospitals lack ventilators and staff to deal with pandemic
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
A ventilator manufacturing deal this week highlighted the shortage of urgently-needed intensive care medical equipment.

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish government steps up attacks on workers
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
President Erdogan has made clear that his priority is maintaining production, exports and high profits, despite a surge of COVID-19 cases in the factories.

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish government steps up attacks on workers
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
President Erdogan has made clear that his priority is maintaining production, exports and high profits, despite a surge of COVID-19 cases in the factories.

Spanish government to force workers in non-essential industries back to work
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
Podemos and the Spanish social democrats are needlessly sacrificing thousands of workers' lives in order to boost corporate profits amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Iran Begins Production of Antibody-Based Rapid Detection Tests
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Surena Satari informed that Iran began the production of Serological Antibody Detection (SAD) Tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19. | RELATED: | US 'Calexit' Would Consider a Different Approach to Iran | This new industrial development, which builds on the existing production of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests, gives Iran a potential competitive advantage in global markets. | "We can become one of the major exporters of different types of…

Cuban Doctors Arrive in Angola to Train 1500 Health Technicians
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Angola's Health Minister Silvia Lutucuta informed that 1,500 health technicians will be trained by Cuban doctors in matters of family medicine for community epidemiological surveillance. | RELATED: | Cuba: Government Implements New Measures to Prevent COVID-19 | "The training will take place at Girassol Hospital… because it has excellent simulators for practical classes, which is an indispensable condition," local outlet SAPO reported. | With that training, "Angolan doctors will…

Thousands of Florida residents claim unemployment benefits as state governor says schools must reopen despite increasing COVID-19 infections
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
So many people are applying for unemployment compensation in Florida that the state's web site has collapsed.

Thousands of Florida residents claim unemployment benefits as state governor says schools must reopen despite increasing COVID-19 infections
wsws.org | 2020-04-11
So many people are applying for unemployment compensation in Florida that the state's web site has collapsed.

'The gig economy is really just pushing people into precarious work'
Janine Jackson | mronline.org | 2020-04-11
CounterSpin interview with Bama Athreya on the gig economy and Covid-19…

The Fundamentalist Religion of the Market and COVID-19
Richard Foltz | zcomm.org | 2020-04-11
The dominant faith system practiced across the globe today is in fact that of so-called "free-market" capitalism, a self-serving ideology forcibly imposed by a worldwide plutocracy of psychopathic bullies…

Bolsonaro Prompts Crowds After Visiting Emergency Hospital
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro Saturday made his visit to Aguas Lindas city, state of Goias, a reason to gather his supporters, although quarantine regulations recommend otherwise. | . | RELATED: | Brazil Bolsonaro Hits the Streets To Defy COVID-19 Guidelines | After visiting an emergency hospital, the former captain went out to meet his fans who wanted to…

Apple and Google Partner on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-11
Apple and Google on Friday announced a joint effort to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help governments and health agencies reduce COVID-19 spread. | RELATED: | Defiant US Churches Plan Easter Services Despite Health Risks | Apple and Google said in a joint statement that they will launch a comprehensive solution that includes application programming interfaces (APIs) and operating system-level technology to assist in enabling contact tracing, as public health official…

Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain: "Imperialism is the real virus that kills the people"
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-04-11
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by the Political Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España). | While Europe is being declared to be in a pre-state of emergency due to the expansion of COVID 19, the troops of the imperialist invader are moving freely throughout the partner countries of the criminal NATO coalition. For them there are no restrictions or quarantines | In yet another of its arrogant imperialist displays, NATO is violating the sovereignty of the peoples and imposing its inherent criminal…

China sends virologists & aid to Russia ahead of its Covid-19 peak
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Just out of its own fight against the coronavirus, China has sent several tons of medical supplies as well as a team of virologists and doctors that will share their firsthand experience with their Russian colleagues. | Invited by the city authorities of Moscow, the Chinese medical team boarded their flight on Saturday, Russia's consulate in Harbin, China said. The task force is comprised of "renowned Chinese virologists and doctors who have huge clinical experience and practical knowledge," the consulate stated. | | © Russian Consulate in Harbin | The mission, run by China's National Health Commission…

Car production resumes at almost full pace as coronavirus restrictions ease in China
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Almost all car production lines in China have returned to business after prolonged closures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus, according to a survey cited by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM). | The poll of 204 auto manufacturing bases shows that 86 percent of employees returned to work, while the production resumption rate hit 99.5 percent, the association said on Friday. | However, China's auto market, which was hit hard by the pandemic as demand was crippled, is struggling to get sales back to normal after prolonged lockdowns and restrictions. Sales on the world's biggest…

Grim record: US overtakes Italy in Covid-19 death toll as fatalities go past 20,000
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The US has become the country with most coronavirus fatalities in the world after the death toll exceeded 20,280 people and surpassed Italy's numbers, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. | Italy, which remained atop the grim rankings for weeks, has so far registered 19,468 deaths, with third-placed Spain reporting 16,480 people killed by the virus. | The US has taken the lead after recording around 2,000 lethal cases from Covid-19 on each of the last four days – eventually crossing the single-day milestone on Friday. | The Big Apple has remained the nation's hardest-hit city, with death toll ther…

Cuba enraged over 'cruel & genocidal' US blockade impeding anti-coronavirus efforts
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The suffocating sanctions in place for almost six decades make it extremely difficult for the island nation to import essential supplies needed to battle the coronavirus, Cuban health officials say. | "The United States' economic-financial blockade is the most unfair, severe, prolonged system of sanctions of all time by one country against another," Nestor Marimon, the Cuban Health Ministry's international relations director, told re…

Cat scratch fever? Indian state orders ZOOS to report suspected coronavirus cases among animals after tiger in US tests positive
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The Indian state of Maharashtra has instructed zoos and rescue centers to send reports on animals showing signs of Covid-19, after concerns were raised when a tiger living in a US zoo was diagnosed with the deadly virus. | The Maharashtra Zoo Authority (MZA) on Friday called on facilities across the state to provide information on any captive animals displaying symptoms of the coronavirus, which include all the typical signs of the illness in humans, such as fever, coughing or difficulties breathing. | "So far we have no reports of any animals showing unusual symptoms or ill-health across any captive animal ce…

NY's Cuomo pleases crowds with 'Hero Compensation Fund' for healthcare workers… after 9 years of hospital cuts
rt.com | 2020-04-11
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has launched a fund to support sick healthcare workers and their families, but some blame him for the dire working conditions facing the state's caregivers after nine years of hospital budget cuts. | Cuomo announced the state is working on a "Covid-19 Heroes Compensation Fund" to support healthcare workers and their families who have been diagnosed with the coronavirus during his daily briefing on Friday. It was heralded by his growing Democratic fan club as a generous, thoughtful move from a politician who cares about the "frontline workers." | AAbsent from the lovefest was any…

Coronavirus has been 'freewheeling' in California since December, says government official
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Though California recorded its first case of coronavirus in late January, one Santa Clara physician and government leader says that the virus was likely "freewheeling" through the Sunshine State months before anyone took notice. | Dr. Jeff Smith, a physician and executive officer in the Santa Clara County government, told the Los Angeles Times on Saturday that the Covid-19 coronavirus "was freewheeling in our community and probably has been here for quite so…

Lotto tickets are OK, but not seeds? Residents baffled after Michigan bans purchases of 'non-essential' items
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Michigan residents and local businesses are furious over a new rule, purportedly aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus, which bars them from buying and selling seeds

Unprecedented: US becomes 1st country to report 2,000+ Covid-19 deaths in SINGLE DAY, breaking global record
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The US has counted more than 2,000 Covid-19 fatalities in the space of 24 hours, smashing all previous daily death tolls worldwide as the US outbreak shows little sign of abating, according to Johns Hopkins University. | On Friday, 2,108 new deaths were reported in the US, data gathered by Johns Hopkins shows, putting the US' total at over 18,600, just shy of Italy's death toll, the overall leader in fatalities globally. | After Thursday's casualty count saw a brief drop-off, deaths again surged on Friday, the country's deadliest day yet. | Though US President Donald Trump has stated that the US' epidemic is n…

What will happen to India's economy if coronavirus lockdown isn't lifted until May?
rt.com | 2020-04-11
With India set to extend the lockdown that was due to end next week in an effort to prevent the further spread of Covid-19, global consulting firm McKinsey & Co has warned that the measures could come at a great cost. | …

Public backlash as star journo Ross Kemp allowed into Covid-19 ward, but visits remain off limits for mortals
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Relatives and friends of Covid-19 patients aren't allowed to visit their loved ones in hospital. But celebrity journalist Ross Kemp and his camera crew are. Commenters on twitter are furious. | More than 78,000 cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus have been recorded in the UK, with more than 1,500 of these critical. Owing to the risk of transmission, the National Health Service (NHS) last week suspended all hospital visits "with immediate effect and until furth…

Latest Covid-19 cultural casualty: Famed art & music festival Burning Man canceled
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Burning Man, the flamboyant annual party held in the Nevada desert, will not take place this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizers have announced. Instead, a "virtual" event will be held. | The Burning Man Project said in a statement that the world-renowned festival has been canceled due to the "painful reality" of Covid-19. Organizers explained they were "heartbroken" but decided to call off the event in order to safeguard "public health and the well-being of our participants, staff and neighbors." | Burning Man 2020 was scheduled to take place in the Black Rock Desert of northern Nevada from Augus…

Grim record: US overtakes Italy in Covid-19 death toll as fatalities go past 20,000
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The US has become the country with most coronavirus fatalities in the world after the death toll exceeded 20,280 people and surpassed Italy's numbers, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. | Italy, which remained atop the grim rankings for weeks, has so far registered 19,468 deaths, with third-placed Spain reporting 16,480 people killed by the virus. | The US has taken the lead after recording around 2,000 lethal cases from Covid-19 on each of the last four days – eventually crossing the single-day milestone on Friday. | The Big Apple has remained the nation's hardest-hit city, with death toll ther…

NY's Cuomo pleases crowds with 'Hero Compensation Fund' for healthcare workers – after 9 years of hospital cuts
rt.com | 2020-04-11
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has launched a fund to support sick healthcare workers and their families, but some blame him for the dire working conditions facing the state's caregivers after nine years of hospital budget cuts. | Cuomo announced the state is working on a "Covid-19 Heroes Compensation Fund" to support healthcare workers and their families who have been diagnosed with the coronavirus during his daily briefing on Friday. It was heralded by his growing Democratic fan club as a generous, thoughtful move from a politician who cares about the "frontline workers." | Absent from the lovefest was any m…

First group of volunteers assembled as Russia prepares for human testing of Covid-19 vaccine
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The initial human volunteers have been selected to test a Russian vaccine against the deadly new coronavirus in trials set to begin in late June. The project's chief developer is leading by example by taking his place among them. | Work on the biological preparation began in February at the Vector Institute, Russia's leading virology and biotechnology research center. It's based in Novosibirsk, the largest city in Siberia. Earlier in April, researchers announced that the vaccine had successfully passed trials on mice and ferrets, with preparations for human testing in full swing. | The first stage will see 60…

Real opposition? Labour's Starmer stands up for NHS workers… but gets slammed for being late & doing it on Twitter
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Labour leader Keir Starmer has been accused of political theatrics after firing off an angry tweet about the government's handling of the coronavirus crisis. Some have asked

Ambulances create traffic jams outside Moscow hospitals as Covid-19 patients keep coming (VIDEO)
rt.com | 2020-04-11
While heavy traffic is no longer an issue on Moscow's roads due to the coronavirus lockdown, the city's emergency medical response teams have encountered another unexpected problem

Anti-5G fever spreads to the Netherlands as towers suffer 'arson and sabotage'
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Several 5G broadcasting masts across the Netherlands were damaged in what authorities have described as "a worrying development." Similar acts of sabotage have previously been seen in the UK. | The Netherlands has experienced a string of arson attacks in the past fortnight, with the latest one happening on Friday in the northern city of Groningen, according to a report by newspaper De Telegraaf. The outlet cites Rob Bongelaar, director of the Monet Foundation, an industry group in…

1st squad of volunteers assembled as Russia prepares for human testing of Covid-19 vaccine
rt.com | 2020-04-11
The fist team of people who will test a Russian vaccine against the coronavirus on themselves

NY's Cuomo pleases crowds with 'Hero Compensation Fund' for healthcare workers… after 9 years of hospital cuts
rt.com | 2020-04-11
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has launched a fund to support sick healthcare workers and their families, but some blame him for the dire working conditions facing the state's caregivers after nine years of hospital budget cuts. | Cuomo announced the state is working on a "Covid-19 Heroes Compensation Fund" to support healthcare workers and their families who have been diagnosed with the coronavirus during his daily briefing on Friday. It was heralded by his growing Democratic fan club as a generous, thoughtful move from a politician who cares about the "frontline workers." | AAbsent from the lovefest was any…

India sees sharpest ever single-day spike in Covid-19 cases as nationwide total nears 7,500
rt.com | 2020-04-11
India has seen its greatest surge in new coronavirus cases since its outbreak began, counting over 1,000 infections in the space of one day, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. | The spate of new Covid-19 patients, 1,035 on Friday alone, sends India's total disease toll to 7,447, ANI reported, citing health officials. Forty new deaths were also recorded on the same day, added to the nearly 200 already accounted for. | The sudden increase in infections comes as regional authorities look to track down members of Tablighi Jamaat, a Muslim religious community, after thousands of adherents atten…

Latest Covid-19 cultural casualty: Famed art & music festival Burning Man canceled
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Burning Man, the flamboyant annual party held in the Nevada desert, will not take place this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizers have announced. Instead, a "virtual" event will be held. | The Burning Man Project said in a statement that the world-renowned festival has been canceled due to the "painful reality" of Covid-19. Organizers explained they were "heartbroken" but decided to call off the event in order to safeguard "public health and the well-being of our participants, staff and neighbors." | Burning Man 2020 was scheduled to take place in the Black Rock Desert of northern Nevada from Augus…

Sanctions the best cure? Trump signs order laying out visa sanctions for countries that 'delay or deny' return of their citizens
rt.com | 2020-04-11
US President Donald Trump has signed an order envisioning penalties for foreign nations that are reluctant to take back their citizens or residents as the coronavirus ravages the US, citing "public health risks." | "Countries that deny or unreasonably delay the acceptance of their citizens, subjects, nationals, or residents from the United States during the ongoing pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 create unacceptable public health risks for Americans," the memo released by the White House late on F…

British PM Johson say he 'owes his life' to NHS staff as UK coronavirus death toll closes in on 10,000
rt.com | 2020-04-11
UK PM Boris Johnson has credited doctors that have been treating him for coronavirus for saving his life in his first statement after being released from intensive care, as the country's death toll continues to soar. | "I can't thank them enough. I owe them my life," Johnson was cited as saying in a short statement, reported by British media. | The brief statement, issued late Saturday, has become the first the ailing PM made after he was taken to instensive care in St Thomas' Hospital in central London on Monday after his condition deteriorated due to him experiencing "persistent" coronavirus symptoms. | Also…

India's coronavirus lockdown prolonged beyond existing deadline
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to extend the nationwide lockdown which was set to end next Tuesday, Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has confirmed. | The measure comes after several states reportedly urged Modi not to end the restrictions, despite concerns that they have badly affected millions of poor people who migrated from large cities to the countryside. | Commenting on the announcement, Delhi's chief minister said: "India's position is better than many developed countries because we started lockdown early." He warned that "all gains would be lost" if the lockdown was lifted. | India has r…

Sanctions the best cure? Trump signs order laying out visa sanctions for countries that 'delay or deny' return of their citizens
rt.com | 2020-04-11
US President Donald Trump has signed an order envisioning penalties for foreign nations that are reluctant to take back their citizens or residents as the coronavirus ravages the US, citing "public health risks." | "Countries that deny or unreasonably delay the acceptance of their citizens, subjects, nationals, or residents from the United States during the ongoing pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 create unacceptable public health risks for Americans," the memo released by the White House late on F…

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake strikes California close to Nevada border
rt.com | 2020-04-11
A 5.3 magnitude earthquake has struck near Yosemite National Park, along the California-Nevada border. | Occurring at a depth of six miles (10km), the quake hit shortly after 7: 30am on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. | Its epicenter was around 90 miles (144km) southeast of Lake Tahoe, just north of the sprawling Yosemite National Park. | Also on rt.com | | The Big One: Fear of catastrophic quake grows in California as dormant fault line moves for 1st time in 500yrs | Yosemite draws upwards of four million visitors per year, b…

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake strikes California close to Nevada border
rt.com | 2020-04-11
A 5.3 magnitude earthquake has struck near Yosemite National Park, along the California-Nevada border. | Occurring at a depth of six miles (10km), the quake hit shortly after 7: 30am on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. | Its epicenter was around 90 miles (144km) southeast of Lake Tahoe, just north of the sprawling Yosemite National Park. | Also on rt.com | | The Big One: Fear of catastrophic quake grows in California as dormant fault line moves for 1st time in 500yrs | Yosemite draws upwards of four million visitors per year, b…

'They will not let that happen': OPEC cuts won't close Russian oil wells which would be impossible to reopen, says Novak
rt.com | 2020-04-11
Oil producers will not shut down any facilities where they would be unable to relaunch operations, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said, as the OPEC and non-cartel oil producers continued talks on historic output cuts. | Speaking to the Russia-1 news channel on Saturday, the chief energy official said that he believes the oil companies themselves "will not let that happen." | Novak was addressing earlier fears that, in order to comply with massive OPEC cuts to boost the tumbling oil market, Russia will have to stop operations at low-production oil wells. Some analysts earlier told TASS that many such f…

[Editorial] The gendered dimensions of COVID-19
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-04-11
SARS-CoV-2 does not discriminate, but without careful consideration, the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic might. Demographic data from small studies are already informing political decisions and clinical research strategies. Women and men are affected by COVID-19, but biology and gender norms are shaping the disease burden. The success of the global response–the ability of both women and men to survive and recover from the pandemic's effects–will depend on the quality of evidence informing the response and the extent to which data represent sex and gender differences.

First of its type in the world: Iran Rolls Out Ionized Protective Masks Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Sputnik News | iranian.com | 2020-04-11
The Islamic republic, considered one of the worst-hit countries in the world as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the worst in the Middle East, has been struggling to contain the rapidly spreading outbreak while under harsh unilateral US economic sanctions. Experts in the Iranian Defence Ministry have released protective face masks with ionized …

Indigenous Resilience & Activism in the East Bay (Virtual)
Richmond Museum of History & Culture | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
Online, see below.

Bernie's Decision: Retreat Should Not Be Confused with Surrender
Norman Solomon | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
Class war continues without a letup…

COVID-19: Capitalist Crisis & Socialist Solutions
Bob P | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
Online Forum: Join via internet or phone. | Register here: | zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYof-mhqjwsjeC…

Coronavirus Outbreak: 70 cases at St. Vincent De Paul shelter for the unhoused
Lynda Carson | indybay.org | 2020-04-11

Catholic Bishops Urge President Trump to Lead Global COVID-19 Debt Relief
Kate Zeller | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Jubilee USA Network, an interfaith religious group, is urging President Trump to lead the G20 on coronavirus global debt relief plans.

"It's the economy stupid!"
Detlef Umbach and Karin Lohmeyer | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
US unemployment at the start of April 2020 is higher than at the peak of the 1929 Great Depression. Trump is to blame for the botched response to the Coronavirus that he initially called a hoax. To generate economic activity, he recently proposed raising CEO deductions for entertainment and restaurant bills. We face a collapse of the GDP, consumption, investments and tax revenues.

Front Line Advocates Speak Out About Homelessness Crisis and COVID-19 in Oakland
Dave Id | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
On April 9, homeless advocates held an online Town Hall to speak out about the crisis faced by Oakland's curbside communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Over 100 people watched and/or participated. Questions from the media were taken at the end of main panel discussion.

California Buffalo Soldiers Project ~ National Buffalo Soldiers Study Celebration
Michael Harris, Congressional Action | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
National Buffalo Soldiers Study has been released and 2020 Memorial Day in Oakland and 2020 Buffalo Soldiers Day in San Francisco we share the journey toward educating everyone about the "good news."

COVID-19 SF DPH Healthcare Workers Under Attack, Health & Safety, Racism & Retaliation
Labor Video Project | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
The COVID pandemic is being used to violate union contracts and retaliate against whistleblowers. This pandemic is also hitting Black workers and their families even more heavily. There is also no enforcement by Governor Newsom's Cal-OSHA which has fewer than 200 inspectors for 18 million workers.

Midstate Correctional where Ramsey Orta is incarcerated has been exposed to Covid-19
WeCopwatch | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
We have just learned that a staff member at Midstate Correctional Facility has tested positive for Covid-19 which means there are likely more cases that have either not been reported, or realized!

Reporting Your Neighbors for Violating Stay-At-Home Orders
MICK | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
David Cole, national legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stated: "All kinds of constitutional liberties are being constrained right now. They are restricted because there's a reason to restrict them. In a time like this, you have to defer substantially to public health experts." But does this mean that we should be ratting-out our neighbors for violating COVID-19 stay-at-home orders?>…

Press Release: California Courts Suspend Most Evictions During Shelter-in-Place
Posted by Lynda Carson | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
On April 6, 2020, the Judicial Council, the head of California Courts, issued new rules for court cases in California during COVID-19.

Covid-19: Workers from the Frontlines (Online meeting)
Speak Out Now | indybay.org | 2020-04-11
Online zoom meeting: cccconfer.zoom.us/j/255612056

Saudi-led coalition responsible for COVID-19 outbreak in Yemen: al-Houthi
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Yemeni forces have little reason to trust Saudi proclamations: Prof. Cavell
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Iranians voice solidarity with Japanese amid pandemic
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Businesses sustained damages due to COVID-19
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Govt. to pursue health-based policy in fight against COVID-19: Rabiei
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

Iran Health Ministry announces 1,837 new COVID-19 cases
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Busy routes blocked in Ardabil to avert coronavirus spread
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
ARDABIL, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Rouhani urges people to observe protocols to contain COVID-19
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Tehran Subway during pandemic
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Coronavirus test-kit production at 400K monthly: VP
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Iran names conditions for passengers returning home from Russia
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

6 Iranian titles screened online in New Zealand
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Rouhani stresses tech coop. with countries in pandemic battle
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Iran to showcase coronavirus-related production achievements
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Vatican responds to Iran's call for removing US sanctions
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

VIDEO: WHO warns against lifting restrictions too quickly
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

IDO introducing new approach to combat enemy's soft war amid outbreak
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Biological viruses part of future ruthless asymmetrical warfare: Ogutcu
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

'The Past Continuous' wins at Chennai filmfest. in India
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Intl. trade to drop 13-32% due to pandemic: official
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Afghanistan lauds Iran's treatment of Afghan COVID-19 patients
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

IMN urges Nigeria to free Sheikh Zakzaky amid outbreak
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Iranians start performing 'Equality, Sincere Assistance Maneuver'
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

MP says Iran can defeat outbreak thorough domestic capacities
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

'Depriving countries of their assets hampers collective anti-corona fight'
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

FDI in mineral, industrial projects at 6.5% decline in 11 months
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

'Fourteenth Day' to go on screen in Columbus Intl. Filmfest
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

'Greyish' goes to Animayo filmfest. in Spain
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Two drug smuggling gangs dismantled in Lorestan
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

'Extra Sauce' goes to Sarasota Filmfest. in US
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

Confronting American 'projects' first priority: al-Nujaba
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-11
TEHRAN, Apr. 11 (MNA)

COVID-19: Indian Economic Struggles to Continue as Labourers Likely to Return Home After Lockdown
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
New Delhi (Sputnik): Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day countrywide lockdown until 14 April, which includes the suspension of all modes of transport, including railways and buses. Immediately after the announcement, many migrant labourers set out on foot for their hometowns, deprived of work and seeking shelter.

Brazilian TV Host Axed for Saying Coronavirus Patients Should Go to Concentration Camps
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
The presenter, who was fired from another network three years ago for calling a black musician a "monkey", has now generated another wave of backlash with critics calling him a Nazi.

Dutch Arsonists Set Telecoms Towers Alight in Series of UK-Style Attacks Amid 5G Fears
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
The string of incidents follows reports earlier this week that at least twenty cellular base stations in the UK were torched by protesters amid unsubstantiated fake news rumours spread online about an alleged link between 5G technology and COVID-19.

France, Canada Deny Quid Pro Quo Over China's Coronavirus Aid and Huawei 5G Role
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
Generous donations of crucial medical equipment from China to Western countries have prompted speculation that it was either a PR stunt or an attempt to leverage market access for Huawei, which has long been accused by the US of spying on behalf of Beijing.

Robots, Joggers and Homeless: How the Streets of Washington DC Look Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
So far, at least 1,500 of the 700,000-plus population of Washington DC have contracted the COVID-19 infection.

UK Private Plane Turned Back From France After Breaking COVID-19 Restrictions
sputniknews.com | 2020-04-11
Like most other governments, France's has imposed stringent limits on public movement in an effort to tackle the spread of the Coronavirus, with people only being allowed to travel from their homes if it is deemed absolutely essential, such as to get groceries or to go to work when working from home is not possible.