Monthly Archives: March 2020

2020-03-31: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

'We will go to the governor's door': Fired Amazon walkout leader vows BIGGER protest if Covid-19 safety demands not met | 2020-04-01
The leader of an Amazon warehouse walkout will take his fight for a safe workplace to the New York governor's office if needed, he told RT. City authorities are investigating whether he was fired in retaliation for the protest. | Chris Smalls, the Amazon associate who led Monday's walkout at the megacorporation's mammoth Staten Island warehouse, believes he was fired over his leadership of the protest, but he told RT he isn't done fighting for the safety of what were until recently his fellow employees. "My plan of action is to continue to fight until the buildings are closed down," he said. "They got rid of m……

US breaks its one-day record with 865 Covid-19 fatalities, but peak not expected until mid-April | 2020-04-01
The US has shattered its one-day record for Covid-19 fatalities, tallying some 865 deaths on Tuesday alone as the lethal illness rapidly spreads in major hotspots across the country. | Counting more than 188,000 confirmed cases nationwide, the world's leading epicenter for Covid-19 has achieved another grim milestone, with data gathered by Johns Hopkins University showing the US broke its own record for the number of deaths recorded in a single day. The 865 new fatalities bring the total US death toll to 3,873, well surpassing China, where the coronavirus outbreak originated last December. | Also on…

Stick to the 'chain of command'! Pentagon rejects aircraft carrier captain's plea to save crew as 100+ sailors contract Covid-19 | 2020-04-01
US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said it was too soon to evacuate an aircraft carrier where over 100 sailors were infected with Covid-19, despite the unusual plea by the ship's captain to quarantine the entire crew. | Asked about removing over 4,000 sailors aboard the USS Theordore Roosevelt

Barbaric Decisions: Coronavirus, Refusing Bail and Julian Assange
Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-03-31
"To expose another human being to serious illness, and to the threat of losing their life, is grotesque and quite unnecessary. This is not justice, it is a barbaric decision."

Venezuelan Attorney General Summons Juan Guaido Over Coup Plot | 2020-03-31
The Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced on Tuesday that the Public Ministry of the Bolivarian Republic issued an official summons to the self-proclaimed 'president' Juan Guaidó to appear before the court this Thursday at 9: 00 a.m. (local time). | RELATED: | Chinese Specialists Arrive in Venezuela to Combat Coronavirus | The objective is for him to appear before the prosecutor who is handling the case for the attempted coup d'état and assassination of gov……

FROM THE FIELD: Humanitarians on the frontline in COVID-19 fight | 2020-03-31
Humanitarian workers in developing countries are on the front lines and taking "urgent action" in the fight against the spread of the deadly new coronavirus, COVID-19, according to the United Nations.…

Coronavirus Cemetery to Be Built in Ecuador | 2020-03-31
Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno announced Monday the construction of a burial ground for the COVID-19 victims in Guayaquil. This measure is a contingency solution for sanitary emergencies due to the virus spreading in the South American nation. | RELATED: | Ecuadorian-Colombian Indigenous Alone Against COVID-19 | Guayaquil's administration informed about the test bought and medicines for the ones in need but many Ecuadorean citizens denounced the medical supplies that hav……

Growing protests in US immigrant detention centers over coronavirus pandemic | 2020-03-31
Detainees have stepped up their protests against unsanitary conditions over the very real fear of coronavirus spreading rapidly through the vast immigration detention network in the US.…

Visas extended for overseas doctors, nurses and paramedics fighting virus in UK
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
Doctors, nurses and paramedics from abroad are to have their visas extended so they can "focus on fighting coronavirus". | The extension will apply to around 2,800 migrant health professionals who are working for the NHS and have UK work visas which are due to expire before 1 October. | They will be renewed automatically for a year free of charge so they can remain working in the country, the Home Office said. | The changes will also apply to their family members. | Restrictions have also been lifted on how many hours international student doctors and nurses can work for the NHS per week, according to an announce……

Many immigrants left out of pandemic aid acts
Fight Back | | 2020-03-31
San José, CA – Many immigrants won't be able to get help from the bipartisan COVID-19 pandemic aid bills passed by Congress and signed by President Trump. More than 4 million undocumented immigrants who are paying taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN, will not qualify for the $1200 per person benefit because they have no Social Security number. Another 5 million American citizen children with undocumented parents also will not get the $500 per child benefit. | Legal immigrants and naturalized citizens tend to have lower incomes than native-born Americans. People whose income is low en……

Out of the Coronavirus Crisis Can Come Efficient Historic Changes for Justice
Ralph Nader | | 2020-03-31
Many of us have heard that the Chinese character for "crisis" is also the character for "opportunity." During the coronavirus crisis, we have a duty to apply political solutions and emerge much superior than before the pandemic struck an unready country. The time for serious civic reforms is now! Here are five fundamental opportunities for……

Corona is More Than a Health Disaster: It's a Human Calamity
Peter Koenig | | 2020-03-31
The New York Times of March 20, asks rhetorically: "Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?" The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by WHO's Director General, Dr. Tedros, on 30 January 2020, when outside of China there were only 150 WHO-registered infections. This declaration as a pandemic

Growing xenophobia against China in the midst of CoronaShock
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-03-31
Violent attacks against Asians in the United States has spiked as a consequence of the stigma driven by the Trump administration.…

Workers strike over safety failures; progressives hatch plans for next stimulus
Mark Gruenberg | | 2020-03-31
WASHINGTON–From Sara Nelson to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, from the Economic Policy Institute to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, progressive leaders and groups are hatching ambitious plans for measures they insist should be in the government's next economic stimulus bill to deal with the coronavirus pandemic's impact. And this time, they declare they won't accept a business-heavy measure ……

Brazil's ex-President Lula on Venezuela: Maduro is democratic, Guaidó should be in prison, US blockade kills civilians
Ben Norton | | 2020-03-31
In comments ignored by English-language media, Lula da Silva slammed the US coup attempt against Venezuela, calling Nicolás Maduro a……

Brazil's ex-President Lula on Venezuela: Maduro is democratic, Guaidó should be in prison, US blockade kills civilians
Ben Norton | | 2020-03-31
In comments ignored by English language media, Lula da Silva slammed the US coup attempt against Venezuela, calling Nicolás Maduro……

Southcom boosts US military presence in Latin America, citing China, Russia 'threats'
Ben Norton | | 2020-03-31
Southern Command is ramping up the US military presence in Latin America to counter China, Russia, and Venezuela, after signing……

Our nativist freakout about China hides the real origin of the coronavirus. It's political, global, and made in the USA
Yasha Levine | | 2020-03-31
We're facing something that's more difficult than a medical emergency. We're facing a political fight against the most powerful corporations……

Corporate coronavirus bailout threatens prolonged economic pain
Aaron Maté | | 2020-03-31
Without a New Deal-style public works program, the coronavirus pandemic threatens major economic damage. The coronavirus pandemic has left millions……

Right-Wing Media Joined Trump in Enabling Health Disaster
Karl Grossman | | 2020-03-31
"If Hitler succeeds in pointing the way of peace and order and an ethical development which has been destroyed throughout the world by war, he will have accomplished a measure of good not only for his own people but for all humanity."–William Randolph Hearst (New York Times, 8/23/1934) | The downplaying of the coronavirus by the right-wing press in the United States was preceded decades ago by the media owned by William Randolph Hearst enabling a different sort of toxicity by promoting a positive image of Nazism in the US.…

UN Regrets Lack of Progress in Middle East Peace | 2020-03-31
UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov on Monday said he regretted the lack of progress on the ground, expressing concern over Israeli settlements and its plans to annex Palestinian land. | RELATED: | Palestinian Shoemaker Starts West Bank's Mask Factory Overnight | The expansion of Israeli settlements continues to pose a significant obstacle to achieving a viable two-state solution, Mladenov told the Security Council via video teleconference……

Bolivia: People Break Quarantine to Protest for Lack of Food | 2020-03-31
Bolivia's coup-born regime led by Jeanine Añez was emphatically rejected for failing to keep its promises in Riberalta city where the population took to the streets on Tuesday morning to protest against the lack of provisions and food. | RELATED: | Bolivia: Health Minister Reports First Death Due to Covid-19 | "The government locks us up and hunger wil……

Trump's Chernobyl Moment: the US May Lose Its Status as World Superpower and Not Recover
Patrick Cockburn | | 2020-03-31
The US may be reaching its "Chernobyl moment" as it fails to lead in combating the coronavirus epidemic. As with the nuclear accident in the Soviet Union in 1986, a cataclysm is exposing systemic failings that have already weakened US hegemony in the world. Whatever the outcome of the pandemic, nobody is today looking to……

IYSSE (Australia) online lecture tonight 7pm on the contemporary significance of the Russian Revolution | 2020-03-31
WSWS writer Nick Beams will explain the necessity to turn to the socialist and internationalist perspective of the Russian Revolution, amid the crisis of world capitalism triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.…

Nearly 1/3 of US Doctors are Foreign-Born, on Pandemic Front Lines
Juan Cole | | 2020-03-31
It turns out we need those foreigners after all, despite what Trump thinks……

Trump's narcoterrorism indictment of Maduro already backfires
Leonardo Flores | | 2020-03-31
Among those indicted by the U.S. was Cliver Alcalá, a retired general who is considered the military leader of the pro-Juan Guaidó forces. Soon, Alcalá posted videos that threaten to cause further splits in the opposition and could result in the arrest of Guaidó.…

COVID-19 proves workers, not bosses, are essential
Eds. | | 2020-03-31
The Marxist argument that it's the labour of workers, and not the supposed intelligence and entrepreneurial spirit of bosses, that keeps society running, has long been ridiculed by defenders of capitalism. In the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the truth of Marx's claim has been brought into sharp relief.…

Meet the Americans Studying Medicine on the Cuban Government's Dime
Alan Macleod | | 2020-03-31
The Cuban government has been paying Americans through a little known program to study medicine in order to return to the United States and serve underprivileged communities.…

One Quarter of the World's Population is Under US Sanctions
Alan MacLeod | | 2020-03-31
Eight countries, representing around one-quarter of all humanity, say that Washington's actions are undermining their response to the COVID–19 pandemic sweeping the planet.…

Has America Reached Its Endgame in Afghanistan?
M. K. Bhadrakumar | | 2020-03-31
In an extraordinary statement titled "On the Political Impasse in Afghanistan," Washington has admitted to the failure of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's mission to Kabul on March 23, which was taken up to heal the political rift among Afghan politicians and to urge them to form an inclusive government so as to implement the……

Already Faced with Famine and War, Yemenis Fear Saudi Arabia is Weaponizing COVID-19
Ahmed Abdulkareem | | 2020-03-31
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Saudi Arabia has engaged in a number of questionable practices that have Yemenis fearing the Kingdom may be intentionally trying to spread the virus.…

Venezuela Rejects the Trump Administration's Transition Plan | 2020-03-31
Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza Tuesday assured that his country's sovereignty is not negotiable and rejected a proposal by the United States for a "political transition." | RELATED: | Venezuelan Attorney General Summons Juan Guaido Over Coup Plot | "They can say what they want when they want, and how they want. However, the decisions on Venezuel……

Coronavirus hasn't stopped bombs falling in Yemen. And our government's complicit in death
Fréa Lockley | | 2020-03-31
On 30 March, airstrikes continued in Yemen. This came only five days after a promised ceasefire intended to help Yemen's healthcare system prepare for the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. But with the whole world in crisis, it's vital we don't forget that the UK is still complicit in arming devastating and destructive attacks on Yemen. | Crisis: | Saudi Arabia has been leading a brutal……

Endangered Animals Sighted in Mexican Caribbean Due to COVID-19 | 2020-03-31
Endangered animals such as jaguars, leatherback turtles, great curassow birds and crocodiles have been sighted in the urban areas and even in hotels of Cancun and the Riviera Maya in the Mexican Caribbean that have been empty of people following restrictions imposed on account of the coronavirus pandemic. | RELATED: | Coronavirus Cemetery to Be Built in Ecuador | Alfredo Arellano, secretary of ecology and environment of the state of Quintana Roo, confirmed reports of a sighting of a jaguar in the pu……

The Deep State's Demolition of Democracy
James Bovard | | 2020-03-31
"Thank God for the Deep State," declared former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin while appearing on a panel at the National Press Club last October. In 2018, the New York Times asserted that Trump's use of the term "Deep State" and similar rhetoric……

The profit system is sabotaging the struggle against the coronavirus | 2020-03-31
Giant American corporations have blocked the development of inexpensive ventilators and are hoarding supplies of materials needing to make billions of N95 masks for health care workers.…

Australian government resorts to "pandemic capitalism" as depression looms | 2020-03-31
The $130 billion "wage subsidy" bonanza for employers is more than the annual federal government budget for health and education combined.…

Twitter Blocks Iranian Leader's Accounts | 2020-03-31
In the early hours onTuesday morning, Twitter blocked the accounts of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. | RELATED: US Sanctions 20 Iranian, Iraqi Entities Despite Virus Outbreak | According to the Twitter notification, the Iranian supreme leader accounts violate the social network policies. Twitter administration did not give more details of specific reasons for the action. | The profiles in Arab, English, and Persian were censored. Then Persian and English on……

Beyond Chutzpah: US Charges Venezuela With Nacro-Terrorism
Roger Harris | | 2020-03-31
According to the parable, the ungrateful son takes out a life insurance policy on his parents, murders them to collect, and is caught and found guilty. At his sentencing, the judge asks if he has anything to say on his behalf. The son replies: "Have mercy upon me because I am an orphan." That's chutzpah.…

New Zealand: Christchurch terrorist pleads guilty | 2020-03-31
Many questions remain about the attack by fascist gunman Brenton Tarrant last year, which killed 51 people and injured 49 at two Christchurch mosques.…

The Fault Lines of a Failed Society Begin to Open Up Into Chasms
Howard Lisnoff | | 2020-03-31
The area from which I write and live is a tourist area. It's located in the Berkshire Hills (foothills of the Appalachian Mountain chain) of Massachusetts. Signs on roadways leading to the area read: "America's Premier Cultural Resort." There are lots of live entertainment venues here including theater, music, and dance. The demographics here point……

Trump's Cure and Our Disease
Mel Gurtov | | 2020-03-31
The surgeon-general said so. The federal reserve chairman said so. Epidemiologists across the US said so. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most credible member of Trump's coronavirus task force, said so. Numerous other medical specialists said so, governors and mayors said so. But Donald Trump did not say so:……

Erik Olin Wright and the Anti-Capitalist Economy
Edward Martin | | 2020-03-31
Tubac, Arizona The devastating effects of neoliberal economic schemes have laid the foundation for rebellion against this very system. Neoliberalism, understood as unrestricted free market economics can be traced to the sixteenth-century European colonization of the "new world" and its later manifestation in imperialism and neo-imperialism. This strategy has also fueled the industrial revolution until……

COVID-19 in Germany: Explaining a Low Death Rate
Thomas Klikauer | | 2020-03-31
On 31st March 2020, calculated the global death toll from Corona tallied 38,000. Among comparable European countries, Italy (population 60 million) had 11,600 Corona deaths, Spain (46,6 million) registered 7,700, France (67 million) 3,000, the UK (67 million) noted 1,400 deaths, the Netherlands (17 million) 740, the USA (330 million) 3,000, and Germany (83……

Why is the U.S. so Exceptionally Vulnerable to Covid-19?
Nicolas J S Davies | | 2020-03-31
The United States has become the new center of the global coronavirus pandemic, with over 80,000 cases, more than China or Italy. More than a thousand Americans have already died, but this is surely only the very beginning of this deadly collision between the U.S.'s exceptionally inadequate public healthcare system and a real pandemic. On the other hand, China and South Korea, which both have universal public health systems that……

Face Off: the Problem With Social Distancing
Michael Doliner | | 2020-03-31
Where the kids routinely outscored the apes was in tasks that involved reading social cues. When the children were given a hint about where to find a reward

Cuba: An Example of Solidarity In a Time of Crisis
Nino Pagliccia | | 2020-03-31
The most frequent qualifier used to describe the global experience of the pandemic we are currently witnessing or affected by, is "crisis". And I am reminded of political theorist Antonio Gramsci's words:……

The Politics of COVID-19
John Feffer | | 2020-03-31
The far right thrives on fear. It's no surprise, then, that it would use the latest pandemic, which has generated widespread panic, to bolster its own agenda. All of the hallmarks of the far right are in play during the current crisis. It has pushed to close borders. It has demonized foreigners and particularly border-crossers.…

Apocalyptic and Revolutionary Education in Times of Pandemic
Thomas Stephens | | 2020-03-31
After the crash of 2009 came the uprisings beginning a so-called "Arab Spring", the city square occupations of the Indignados, and the Occupy movement. What would Wayne Gretzky[1] do today, facing the currently unknown aftermath of the historic Covid-19 pandemic crash? What should popular movements do under the historically unprecedented circumstances we face today? How……

"Can I Keep You Safe? Your Future Is Uncertain": Climate And The Fate Of Humanity
Media Lens | | 2020-03-31
In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, the most immediate objective is to slow its spread, minimise the death toll and help people through the crisis. But, despite government promises to support citizens who are now losing their jobs and income, the underlying establishment concern will be as it always has been: to preserve the ……

Neoliberalism is terminally ill–There can be no more 'business as usual'
Marc Vandepitte | | 2020-03-31
In terms of health, the coronavirus is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges in recent history. But it may also turn our economic system upside-down completely. It is already clear that in future we will look back on 2020 as a turning point, the beginning of a new era. COVID-19 is an unusually aggressive virus, ……

COVID-19 Will "Escalate and Worsen" on the American Continent | 2020-03-31
The situation due to the new coronavirus will "escalate and worsen" in the American continent until reaching the peak of contagion probably in "one or two months," the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned Tuesday. | RELATED: | Covid-19 Death Toll Rises Moderately in Latin America | "In recent weeks the pandemic in the American continent has intensified and tends to escalate and worsen rather than improve, as it has in other regions of the world," PAHO Director Carissa Etienne s……

After Securing Corporate Bailout, Trump and GOP Largely Oppose New Stimulus
Staff | | 2020-03-31
Having secured a multi-trillion-dollar bailout fund for large corporations and minimal relief for the public as the U.S. economy reels from the coronavirus crisis, the White House and Republican leaders in Congress are already throwing cold water on the prospect of a fourth stimulus bill that progressives say is necessary to address the deep flaws and g……

Evidence mounts that Trump is squashing federal response to coronavirus
John Wojcik | | 2020-03-31
The figures as of this morning are horrific. More than 173,000 Americans are infected–well over twice the number infected in China, which has four times as many people as the United States. More than 3,400 are dead–also more than in China, where the pandemic started. The nation's top health officials say that if everything goes ……

Feeder driver William Young of Teamsters Local 710 passes from coronavirus
Fight Back | | 2020-03-31
Chicago, IL – Teamsters Local 710 published an online memorial to Brother William "Dollar Bill" Young, who passed away on Sunday, March 29. Brother Young worked at the UPS CACH facility and was remembered as "hard working," and "dedicated to his craft and always a friendly face." | While possibly the first UPS coronavirus fatality, Young's death is unlikely to be the last. UPS continues to struggle with implementing social distancing guidelines and cleanliness standards at centers across the United States, putting many employees at risk. | Young's death has prompted another round of Teamsters calling fo……

Who's happy about coronavirus?
Claire Provost | | 2020-03-31
Our rights and democracies are under threat. But how this crisis reshapes our world depends on us……

Wuhan Hovers Between Hope And Fear As Shops Slowly Open | 2020-03-31
Markets and small businesses are some of the few places that have opened in a Wuhan, as the city at the heart of the global coronavirus pandemic slowly returns to normal. | RELATED: | China: Wuhan Hospitals Overcome Collapse, Focus on Severe Cases | Despite no official new infections being registered since 17 March, the city of 11 million continues to live with the fear an outbreak could resurface as authorities slowly ease the strict quarantine measures that have been in place……

Scientists Help Governors to Confront Coronavirus in Brazil | 2020-03-31
A videoconference held Tuesday morning brought together Governors of Brazil's northeastern states, including Rui Costa, the Workers' party governor of Bahia, and members of the Scientific Committee of the Northeast Consortium to combat the spread of coronavirus. | RELATED: | Brazil: Opposition Unites Against President, Demands His Removal | Doctors, scientists, physicists, and researchers came together to assist Brazilian governors in taking the right health decisions to confr……

The Swedish Alternative: Coronavirus as a Grand Gamble
Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-03-31
As draconian lockdowns, punitive regimes and surveillance become the norm of the coronavirus world, Sweden has treaded more softly in the field. This is certainly in contrast to its Scandinavian cousins, Denmark and Norway. The rudiments of a life uninterrupted generally remain in place. Cafes, restaurants and shops, for the most part, remain open and ……

As 150,000 hotel rooms remain empty, Las Vegas government forces 500 homeless residents to sleep outside on asphalt parking lot | 2020-03-31
The action follows the closure of one of the few homeless shelters in the city after someone staying there tested positive for coronavirus.…

US nears China's virus death toll as New York calls for help
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
The mounting death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in the United States had it poised to overtake China's total of 3,300 deaths.Hard-hit Italy and Spain have already overtaken China and now account for more than half of the nearly 38,000 Covid-19 deaths worldwide, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.But the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned on Tuesday that while attention has shifted to epicentres in Western Europe and North America, the coronavirus pandemic was far from over in Asia."This is going to be a long-term battle and we cannot let down our guard," said Dr Takeshi Kasai, the WHO re……

One little autistic boy's coronavirus story should help us all
Steve Topple | | 2020-03-31
With around 20% of the world's population on coronavirus lockdown, many people might be struggling to cope with the drastic changes in lifestyle. But one little boy's story may offer a message of support to many people. Because lockdown is all the more daunting for him, as he's autistic.Autism Awareness Week: Autism Awareness Week has been running since M……

As most people fight to save lives, some on the right are showing truly barbaric priorities
Ed Sykes | | 2020-03-31
The coronavirus response from eugenicist attention-seeker Toby Young has been utterly disgusting, as you'd expect. But it's perfect for summing up the hard-right's barbaric, even sociopathic, priorities right now. | In new comments, Young has criticised the government's "economic bailout", saying: Spending that kind of money to extend the lives of a few hundred thousand mostly……

Trump Is Using the COVID-19 Pandemic to Wage a Partisan Civil War
Staff | | 2020-03-31
The number of deaths in the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. will soon exceed the number killed in the 9/11 attacks, and we're just past 10 weeks since the nation's first confirmed case of the new virus. This deadly pathogen is one of the gravest national threats in a century, and it is now clear that Donald Trump is not only ill-equipped to handle the crisis

Police told to be 'consistent' over coronavirus lockdown rules
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
Police forces have been told to be "consistent" over their handling of new powers to enforce the Covid-19 lockdown. | It comes following criticism of how some have been applying the powers, which include fines and arrests, brought in after the government introduced social-distancing measures last week. | Transport secretary Grant Shapps admitted there had been "one or two instances" of police being heavy-handed but said in the main, forces were being "sensible". | Guidance sent out to forces said communities must receive a "consistent" level of service from officers along with a "single style and tone", according……

COVID-19 Vaccine Will Take At Least 1 Year: EU Medicines Agency | 2020-03-31
The development of a vaccine against the new coronavirus will take at least a year, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said Tuesday. | RELATED: | Cuba's Interferon Alpha 2B, Successful in Treating COVID-19 | According to the EMA, it could be "at least a year before a COVID-19 vaccine is ready for approval and there are sufficient quantities to allow widespread use" worldwide. | The Amsterdam-based agency explained that it was based on current data and the time it took to develop ot……

Coronavirus death toll rising rapidly in Detroit | 2020-03-31
The number of deaths increased by 27 on Monday as the coronavirus continued to spread rapidly in Detroit and southeast Michigan.…

UK government advice for coronavirus self-isolation at odds with WHO and latest evidence
Tom Coburg | | 2020-03-31
The UK government's advice on ending self-isolation after displaying signs of coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms is at variance not only with that recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) but also with the latest clinical evidence. | UK government guidance: | The UK government recommends that a person who appears to have become infected with Covid-19 can end their period of self-isolation seven days from commencement of symptoms. | The guidance says: if you live alone and you have sympto……

Unfair lender tactics putting firms off emergency loans, MPs warn
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
Small firms are being put off taking out government-backed emergency coronavirus loans due to unfair tactics being used by some lenders, the chair of the Business Select Committee has warned.Rachel Reeves has written to the chancellor on behalf of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee outlining concerns over the way lenders are "interpreting" the emergency loan scheme.In the letter to Rishi Sunak, she said there were worries that some lenders were choosing to push their own financial products before the emergency loans, while others are seeking to apply high interest rates once the interest rate-……

Language Barriers Leave US Communities out of COVID-19 Info | 2020-03-31
Various communities across the United States (U.S.) are struggling to keep up with information concerning the spread and the dangerousness of the novel coronavirus because of language barriers, a report from Al Jazeera showed Tuesday. | RELATED: | Latin American Trans People Face Discrimination Over COVID-19 | In a city with a long history of receiving refugees like Des Moines, Iowa, not less than 100 spoken languages exist. | Around 22 percent of the students in public schools qualify……

Amid the crisis, let's name and shame the companies treating workers 'like rats'
Fréa Lockley | | 2020-03-31
The coronavirus pandemic has revealed both the best and worst of people. Communities around the UK are helping each other via mutual aid groups. Many small businesses are doing their best to support people through the lockdown. Meanwhile, some large companies have redefined the very definition of disaster capitalism. In their chase for profit, they're putting workers at risk, and one stands accused of treating employees "like rats". | "Cradle of disease": | The GMB union sent a su……

750,000 coronavirus volunteers shows country uniting 'as one'
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
One of the 750,000 volunteers who signed up to help the NHS through the coronavirus crisis said he hopes to bring fun and happiness to those who need it most.Self-confessed chatterbox Alex O'Reilly, originally from Tamworth, said people want to stand up to the virus and come together "as one" as the country answered the biggest call-out for volunteers in England since the Second World War.Recruitment of the "volunteer army" has been paused after the appeal attracted three times the initial target, and a spokesperson for the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) said it is hoped it will be up and running properly by mid-w……

COVID-19 Could Claim 100K – 240K Lives in US Even with Lockdown | 2020-03-31
Health experts on the White House Coronavirus Task Force said Tuesday that even with the Trump administration's national social distancing guidelines in place, the country still should be prepared for the prospect of the coronavirus causing 100,000 to 240,000 deaths. | RELATED: | Italy Reached the Peak of COVID-19 Infections | Presenting the models before reporters at a White House press briefing, the task force's response coordinator Deborah Birx said as many as 1.5 million to 2.2 million peop……

The Federal Reserve's Coronavirus crisis actions, explained (Part 3)
Nathan Tankus | | 2020-03-31
The International Aspects……

Germany: The coronavirus pandemic and the destruction of the public health system | 2020-03-31
Over the last 30 years, the German health care system has been radically damaged as a result of austerity, privatised and its institutions trimmed for profit.…

Italy Reached the Peak of COVID-19 Infections | 2020-03-31
The Higher Institute of Health (ISS) president Silvio Brusaferro Tuesday assured that Italy has reached the peak in the contagion curve and that the number of cases will begin to drop, although it is not yet possible to estimate when social activities can be restarted to fullness. | RELATED: | Cuba Comes to Italy's Aid by Sending Team of Doctors and Nurses | For this to happen and the pandemic to be completely overcome, Brusaferro warned that precautionary measures should be ke……

Peru: Congress Approves Police Protection Law | 2020-03-31
Human rights organizations and the Legal Defense Institute of Peru denounced on Monday the approval of a bill giving police forces legal protection while using armament during operations. | RELATED: | Peru Withdraws Its Candidate for OAS Chief | The Peruvian Congress presented the bill N ∞ 31012 to parliament in September of 2019. The legal body approved the law project on March 16. Congress alleges the bill is valid due to COVID-19 spreading in the Andean nation. | The main reason for the……

Brazil: National Security Force Engages in COVID-19 Actions | 2020-03-31
Brazil's Justice Minister Sergio Moro Monday authorized the National Public Security Force (FNSP) to participate in the control of the pandemic even by taking coercive action. | RELATED: | Brazil: Opposition Unites Against President, Demands His Removal | Created in 2004, the FNSP, which is made up of elite groups of civilian and military police f……

China: Wuhan Hospitals Overcome Collapse, Focus on Severe Cases | 2020-03-31
With the worst time of the COVID-19 pandemic over, nine hospitals in Wuhan are focused on treating 1,459 patients and 493 critically ill patients who remain in the city that was the epicenter of the disease. | RELATED: | China Gradually Back to Normal After the COVID-19 Pandemic | The good news is that 269 people were discharged in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 46,002 to date. However, health authorities reported 23 deaths in the past week. | Neither new cases nor suspic……

US Unemployment Rate Could Soon Reach 32%: Fed Economists Warn | 2020-03-31
United States economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis warned Tuesday that if the current rate of U.S. job losses continues the country's unemployment rate could reach 32.1 percent, the highest in nearly a century. | RELATED: | More US Unemployment Claims Last Week Than Ever in History: EPI | The projections are even worse than St. Louis Fed Pres……

"Stay Home and Have the Baby"
Jenny Brown | | 2020-03-31
Texas and Ohio have ordered a stop to abortions, saying they're not essential medical services. Other states will follow. Right-wing forces are using the pandemic as a pretext to crack down dramatically on abortion rights. We can't let them……

US prisons begin release of inmates after COVID-19 pandemic engulfs system | 2020-03-31
An acute outbreak of COVID-19 in many US prisons is underway, with hundreds of prisoners and staff members testing positive for COVID-19.…

Nurse suicides rise in Europe amid stress of COVID-19 pandemic | 2020-03-31
Last week, 34-year-old nurse Daniella Trezzi, who worked in the COVID-19 intensive care ward of San Gerardo hospital at Monza, near Milan, committed suicide.…

Teachers across the US discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic | 2020-03-31
The WSWS spoke with teachers across the US about the conditions they face amid school closures, and their thoughts on the broader political crisis.…

Millions of Europe's health care workers endangered by government neglect | 2020-03-31
The crisis is taking a particularly heavy toll on health care workers fighting on the front lines of the pandemic.…

Trump boasts holding US pandemic deaths to 200,000 would be "a good job" | 2020-03-31
In a press briefing held Monday in the White House Rose Garden, President Donald Trump declared that a death toll of 100,000 to 200,000 in the United States as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic would represent "a good job" by his administration.…

New York City paramedic speaks out about dire conditions amid the COVID-19 pandemic | 2020-03-31
New York is now the center of the pandemic. As of Monday night, 1,342 people have died and 67,325 have tested positive. Over 36,000 of the infected are in New York City.…

Calif. governor bans evictions during pandemic; housing advocates say that's not enough
Marilyn Bechtel | | 2020-03-31
OAKLAND, Calif.–As California counties and cities moved to protect tenants and homeowners against losing their homes because of COVID-19's impact on their finances, Gov. Gavin Newsom on March 27 announced an executive order barring landlords throughout the state from evicting tenants who can document the pandemic's financial consequences. Newsom's order extends through May 31. It ……

COVID-19 be damned, Belarusian Premier Soccer League plays on
Al Neal | | 2020-03-31
Crisis is such a curious and complex system. This is something we can all agree on. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to much fear and uncertainty regarding what the near future will look like; it has also magnified and brought forward the best and worst in people. On the front lines we see nurses, doctors, grocery ……

The Future May Be Female
Rebecca Gordon | | 2020-03-31
But the Pandemic Is Patriarchal……

Nicaragua and the COVID-19 pandemic
Eds. | | 2020-03-31
While each country's experience facing the COVID-19 pandemic is different, some common fundamental factors can make the difference between widespread catastrophe and relative stability. Nicaragua has so far been among the most successful countries in Latin America in protecting its population from the virus while also maintaining normal economic life. As of March 28th, Nicaragua ……

Great Lakes Coca-Cola Teamsters fight for safety measures and hazard pay
Fight Back | | 2020-03-31
Milwaukee, WI – A wave of worker activity has sprung up in the past two weeks as the slow government and employer response to COVID-19 has thrown millions of workers into dangerous working conditions. Workers have organized petitions, walkouts and sickouts at dozens of workplaces this week, demanding safe working conditions and hazard pay for essential workers during the pandemic. | In response to the wave of worker activity, many companies have begun to offer hazard pay, increased time-off benefits and new safety measures. Warehouse and distribution workers on the frontlines have been leading workplace actions a……

Papua New Guinea: 4,000 nurses to strike over COVID-19 readiness | 2020-03-31
The strike comes as the COVID-19 pandemic escalates across the Pacific with the region's first fatality reported in Guam.…

Limiting Trump's Screen Time Isn't 'Censorship,' It's Journalism
Neil deMause | | 2020-03-31
Choosing to keep cameras trained on the president necessarily means devoting less time to other stories that might actually inform viewers about the course of the pandemic and how to fight it–whether it's talking to infectious disease experts on what measures are necessary to limit the death toll, or reporting on other nations' successes and failures.…

The US Decries Political Persecution of Nicaraguans But Won't Grant Them Asylum
Staff | | 2020-03-31
The second time around, John Martínez-Picado knew what awaited him inside "El Chipote." It had been almost a year but the spiral-shaped prison with its overcrowded underground cells and concrete beds on the floor still haunted him. He hadn't forgotten the suffocating feeling

Winners: Wars, Walls and Wealthy; Losers: Diplomacy, Public Health, Environment
H. Patricia Hynes | | 2020-03-31
Why do we fail in protecting our own people's health and well-being while we squander more than a trillion dollars each year

Teamsters – Join the fight for hazard pay!
Fight Back | | 2020-03-31
Chicago, IL – The COVID-19 health crisis has (rightly) led to millions of people staying home in order to reduce the spread of the virus. For hundreds of thousands of Teamsters though – drivers and warehouse workers at UPS and YRC, grocery store clerks and food service workers – all deemed "essential services" by the Trump administration – we have to continue to work regardless of the risks. | It is the immediate task of every Teamster to ensure that we are working safely right now. We must force every employer to provide us with all of the safety equipment we need to do our jobs as safely as possible. Every wor……

Australian warehouse workers strike over COVID-19 safety demands | 2020-03-31
The strike lasted several hours, only ending after management promised to improve social distancing and sanitising.…

German government preparing major domestic military deployment | 2020-03-31
Regardless of how much medical assistance the military ends up providing, its deployment must be understood as a warning.…

"This is a worldwide medical emergency and we shouldn't put our frontline NHS staff at risk" UK doctor in forensic pathology speaks to WSWS | 2020-03-31
The doctor raised concerns about the Johnson government's failures in combating the virus, including a lack of personal protective equipment and its impact on the safety and morale of National Health Service workers in Britain.…

Covid-19: When will we get out of lockdown?
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
Experts disagree on how long it could take to lift the UK's restrictions on daily life fully, but most are hoping some will ease over the summer.Are we in for the long haul?It seems so, yes. England's deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries has suggested normal life will not resume for at least six months.Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia (UEA), says it is plausible that if lots of people have had the virus already, restrictions could ease in June.However, he says that is a big if and nobody can really predict the end of the epidemic. | Stay at home and save lives.?&#……

Tennessee state officials recommend health care workers use swim goggles, diapers and garbage bags as protection from COVID-19 | 2020-03-31
As of Monday, the state has reported 1,818 infections and ten deaths, with a shortfall of the intensive care units needed to treat the critically ill expected to come in the next two weeks.…

As Fashion Lines Are Praised for Making Face Masks, Don't Ignore Garment Workers
Staff | | 2020-03-31
Fashion labels from Christian Siriano, H&M and Zara to luxury firms like LVMH, Kering and Prada have recently pledged to redirect their resources to making medical masks and (non-medical-grade) face mask covers. If all goes according to plan, fashion firms will donate many tens of millions of masks to the battle against COVID-19 in the hardest-hit places in the U.S. and Europe. | But when fashion designers and CEOs of fashion firms promise to make masks, they don't mean that they will be pe……

The politics of Covid-19: Time to requisition empty homes
Adam Peggs | | 2020-03-31
The government's actions to try and house rough sleepers are inadequate. The acquisition of empty homes for the homeless is a viable short and long-term solution……

Do they really want to kill us?
Eric A. Gordon | | 2020-03-31
The American response to COVID-19 has taken a myriad of daily twists and turns. Last week, the buzz was all about getting us out of our sheltering in place and back to work. By Easter (April 12), the president expressed hopefully, we'd see the churches packed with people! My thought at the time was, migod, ……

Covid-19's attacks on the down-and-out in ultra-unequal South Africa
Patrick Bond | | 2020-03-31
Lacking linkages to the necessary street-heat that should accompany all the new policy demands, most pro-poor advocacy has been directed at meekly persuading a Presidency, Treasury and Reserve Bank to reverse course……

Doctors 'gagged' over protective equipment concerns
The Canary | | 2020-03-31
Medics have been "gagged" over speaking out about concerns around a lack of protective equipment for frontline health workers, it has been claimed.Doctors' Association UK (DAUK) said that NHS staff "should not be gagged" after reports were published of staff being ordered not to speak to the media over concerns about personal protective equipment (PPE).Global shortages of the equipment medics and carers need to protect themselves against Covid-19 have led to shortfalls in the UK.Doctors have highlighted serious shortages on the NHS frontline by speaking to the media.Some have described how kit is being "hidden" b……

US military veterans who fought as mercenaries for Ukrainian fascists indicted on double murder charges | 2020-03-31
Alex Zwiefelhofer and Craig Lang are accused of orchestrating the double murder and robbery of Serafin and Deana Lorenzo to finance a trip to Venezuela for the purpose of killing "communists."…

Germany confirms first INSTEX transaction
IRNA | | 2020-03-31
The Federal Foreign Office of Germany in a tweet confirmed the first transaction with Iran through the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) on Tuesday. The Federal Foreign Office of Germany wrote in its Twitter page, "France, Germany and the United Kingdom confirm that INSTEX has successfully concluded its first transaction, facilitating the export ……

Official: Many EU states back Iran's $5b loan bid from IMF
IRNA | | 2020-03-31
Iran's Vice President for Economic Affairs Mohammad Nahavandian said many EU states back Iran's $5b loan bid from the International Monetary Fund, adding that more serious efforts have been made for releasing country's foreign exchange reserves in other countries. Speaking in a live TV program, Nahavandian elaborated on the government's relief package to help the ……

Blast Halts Iran's Gas Exports to Turkey
Tasnim News | | 2020-03-31
Iran's natural gas exports to Turkey have stopped following an explosion on a pipeline near their joint border, an official at the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said on Tuesday. "The explosion occurred near the Iranian border, causing gas to be halted from 6: 50 (0320 GMT) this morning," Mehdi Jamshidi-Dana said, Press TV reported. The ……

World Suffering Less from Coronavirus Crisis & More from an America Crisis
John Wight | | 2020-03-31
In his 1948 classic novel "The Plague," which tells the story of the fictional outbreak of a rat-borne plague in the Algerian port city of Oran under French colonialism, French writer and thinker Albert Camus explores the way the plague and ensuing crisis taps into the very best and worst of the human condition. The current ……

"It Shattered My Life": Former Joe Biden Staffer Tara Reade Says He Sexually Assaulted Her in 1993
Staff | | 2020-03-31
In an exclusive Democracy Now! TV/radio broadcast, we speak with Tara Reade, the former staffer in Joe Biden's Senate office who has come forward with allegations that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. Last week, The Intercept reported that the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund, set up to help survivors of rape and sexual assault, refused to fund a #MeToo investigation into allegations against Biden. Reade told journalist Katie Halper in an interview published Tuesday that Biden repeatedly touched her without her consent and sexually assaulted her. Reade approached the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund in January looki……

'A Shameful New Low': Amid COVID-19 Crisis, Alberta Govt. Ponies Up $1 Billion for Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
Andrea Germanos, staff writer | | 2020-03-31
"We need billions of public dollars invested directly in vulnerable communities dying from COVID-19, not spent propping up massive oil companies and unneeded projects that would trample Indigenous rights and exacerbate the climate crisis." |……

'Pandemics Know No Borders': Democrats Call on Trump Admin to Suspend Sanctions on Iran During Coronavirus Outbreak
Eoin Higgins, staff writer | | 2020-03-31
"We need to cancel all economic sanctions during this crisis." |……

'Massachusetts Is Not Happy': Warren Condemns Trump for Outbidding States, Seizing Key Medical Supplies
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2020-03-31
Sen. Elizabeth Warren demanded to know Monday why the Trump administration seized at least two shipments of badly-needed medical supplies to fight the coronavirus pandemic after her state of Massachusetts ordered the equipment. |……

Human Rights Advocates Slam Trump for Caving to Gun Lobby and Classifying Firearms Stores as Essential Businesses Amid Pandemic
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2020-03-31
Human rights defenders on Tuesday demanded that the Trump administration reverse its decision to designate gun stores as essential businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. |……

Amazon-owned grocery chain workers stage 'sickout' for better safety & benefits as retail giants hit by sweeping strikes | 2020-03-31
Whole Foods employees have called in sick from work en masse to demand better pay, benefits and a safer working environment amid the coronavirus outbreak. They join the Amazon and Instacart workers already on strike. | Whole Worker, a group representing employees of the Amazon-owned Whole Foods grocery chain, called for a mass "sick-out" on Tuesday demanding hazard pay for those working during the epidemic, personal protection equipment and in-store safety measures, free testing and treatment for employees,……

France, Germany & Britain send medical goods to Iran, test new trade mechanism | 2020-03-31
Germany, France and Britain have exported medical goods to Iran in the first transaction conducted under a new trade mechanism, Instex, Berlin said on Tuesday. The mechanism was set up to facilitate trade in humanitarian goods and food after the US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal. | The German Foreign Ministry said the medical goods were now in Iran, adding that the trade mechanism and Tehran would now work on more transactions and on enhancing the system. | The three European states said earlier this month they had offered a $5.5 million package to Iran to help fight coronavirus there and are also sendi……

How disinformation really works: Activists linked to pro-NATO think tank smear Russian Covid-19 aid to Italy | 2020-03-31
With over 11,000 deaths and more than 100,000 cases of Covid-19, Italy is currently a country which feels under siege. But this is no impediment to the think tank racket twisting an offer of support for its propaganda purposes. | Here's what happened. The weekend before last, Vladimir Putin called Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. During the conversation, Conte asked for help, in fighting coronavirus, according to the Kremlin readout which hasn't been contradicted by Italian officials. | Let's be clear from the outset, there was undoubtably a strong PR, as well as practical, element to Russia's assistance……

Coronacrazy? Quarantined rapper cheers as his German shepherd GNAWS on retriever in sickening livestream (VIDEO) | 2020-03-31
A popular Russian rapper with a long record of controversy has added apparent animal abuse to his list of sins. He livestreamed his dog attacking someone else's pet, cheering it on and asking viewers if they wanted more action. | Animal rights activists in Russia are after the blood of Aleksey Dolmatov, better known by his stage name Guf. The 40-year-old is a veteran award-winning performer, but lately it's his erratic behavior rather than his music that has been making headlines. | On Monday, Guf seemingly hit a new low as he was walking his German shepherd named Gucci near his country house. In a livestream……

Attempted coup & assassinations: Venezuelan prosecutors subpoena Guaido as 'among main perpetrators' in US-backed regime-change op | 2020-03-31
Venezuela's prosecutors have summoned Juan Guaido over his role in the "attempted coup d'etat," as well as in alleged assassination attempts. Guaido is the main figure in US-backed efforts to oust President Nicolas Maduro. | The move was announced by Attorney General Tarek William Saab on Tuesday in a televised speech. The official described Guaido as "one of the main perpetrators" of a "new" attempted coup. | The move comes after a cache of weaponry, said to be smuggled into Venezuela, was seized in neighboring Co……

Values and virus: European Commission tells EU states emergency coronavirus laws 'cannot flout democracy' | 2020-03-31
The European Union's executive warned member states on Tuesday that emergency measures adopted to fight the coronavirus crisis cannot undercut democracy. | "It is of utmost importance that emergency measures are not at the expense of our fundamental principles and values," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement. "Democracy cannot work without free and independent media." | Any emergency measures "must be limited to what is necessary and strictly proportionate," she said, adding that "they must not last indefinitely." | Governments must make sure that such measures are subject to……

Trump, Erdogan speak by phone, 'stress need' for ceasefires in Syria & Libya | 2020-03-31
US President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan underlined on Tuesday the need for ceasefires in Syria and Libya during the coronavirus pandemic, the White House said. The two spoke by phone on efforts to "defeat the virus and bolster the global economy," according to its statement. | They "agreed it is more important now than ever for countries in conflict, particularly Syria and Libya, to adhere to ceasefires and work toward resolution," it said. | Syria's government has so far reported only a handful of Covid-19 cases. Health experts warn that the country, torn apart by years of c……

Could oil really fall to $0? | 2020-03-31
The outlook for US shale continues to darken with WTI testing sub-$20 territory. The supply glut could grow worse as the contraction in demand continues to deepen. | On Sunday, President Trump extended the social distancing guidelines through the end of April, retreating from his plan to "open up" the economy by Easter. And before the ink was even dry on the $2 trillion stimulus, Congress has already started preparing the fourth emergency coronavirus legislation. As of now, 193 million people in the US and a staggering 2.3 billion people worldwide are living under some sort of lockdown order, according to Raym……

Russia sets up new oil company to potentially take over operations in Venezuela | 2020-03-31
A company specializing in the production and transportation of oil and gas has been set up in Russia, according to the state registry data. The new firm could take over projects in Venezuela after Rosneft sold its assets there. | Roszarubezhneft, which is owned by the Federal Agency for Government Property Management, will have an authorized capital of 322.7 billion rubles (over $4 billion). | The company was registered in Moscow on March 28, after Russia's oil major Rosneft announced the sale of its assets in Venezuela. On Saturday, Rosneft signed an agreement with the newly established government-run company……

'Matter of life & death': Trump's Covid-19 task force projects up to 240,000 Americans will die even under strict social isolation | 2020-03-31
Senior members of the White House Covid-19 task force said Americans should prepare for at least 100,000 deaths from the pandemic, as the US president warned that following distancing guidelines was now a matter of life and death. | "The answer is yes," said Dr Anthony Fauci of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when asked at a White House press conference on Tuesday if the US could really see between 100,000 and 240,000 fatalities in the outbreak. He added that he "hoped" containment measures could reduce the number. | Without the drastic social distancing efforts over the next 30 days &#15……

Give us a password clue, Boris! PM Johnson LEAKS cabinet Zoom meeting's private ID as he tweets screenshot | 2020-03-31
Self-isolating British PM Boris Johnson has been left red-faced after making his UK cabinet Zoom meeting ID public on social media, prompting some to cheekily suggest they'll join in next time if they can guess the password. | Johnson tweeted a screenshot of his Zoom meeting on Tuesday afternoon, in which ministers and key officials all appeared on a single screen via the video conferencing app to discuss the coronavirus crisis. | However, eagle-eyed observers, like Virgin Media News' Richard Chambers, noticed that Johnson had been somewhat slack in maintaining tight security protocols by failing to hide the p……

'Happily surprised'? Trump says Russia sent US 'very, very large' aid package to combat Covid-19 | 2020-03-31
US President Donald Trump has praised Moscow for sending a 'very large planeload of things' to help fight the spread of the coronavirus and treat sickened patients, noting that China and other nations had also chipped in. | "We've had great relationships with a lot of countries," the president told reporters at his daily Covid-19 briefing on Monday, adding: "China sent us some stuff, which was terrific. Russia sent us a very, very large planeload of things, medical equipment, which was very nice." | Other countries sent us things that I was very surprised at, very happily surprised. | Trump did not specify wha……

British Airways suspends all flights from London's second largest airport Gatwick | 2020-03-31
Under mounting pressure due to the coronavirus crisis, British Airways says it has been forced to temporarily suspend flights from the UK's second largest airport Gatwick amid an ongoing battle for survival. | That's after airlines have been forced to mothball their fleets due to a drop in passenger demand and border restrictions. | "Due to the considerable restrictions and challenging market environment, like many other airlines, we will temporarily suspend our flying schedule at Gatwick," the airline said in a statement. | On Monday, airline EasyJet grounded all of its 330 planes, without specifying a date o……

Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says | 2020-03-31
A cargo plane loaded with medical supplies and protection equipment may depart for the US by the end of Tuesday, the Kremlin said, after a phone call between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. | The issue of protective gear was raised during the Monday phone talks, with Putin asking if the US needed help and Trump accepting, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. | Moscow suggested the aid in anticipation that the US will be able to return the favor if necessary, once its manufacturers of medical and protective equipment catch up with demand, Peskov said. | The……

Lower house of Russian Parliament approves fines, jail terms for quarantine offenders | 2020-03-31
Russian lawmakers in the State Duma on Tuesday approved legislation backing jail terms of up to seven years and fines of up to two million rubles ($25,500) for anyone flouting quarantine rules if their doing so led to people dying. | The lower house of the parliament also passed a bill in the first reading vesting the government with additional powers because of the coronavirus pandemic. | The legislation must be backed by the upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin before entering into force. | The official tally in Russia rose to 2,337 coronavirus ca……

Cat-astrophe in the making? ANOTHER feline tests positive for coronavirus, this time in Hong Kong | 2020-03-31
A pet cat has tested positive for the dreaded Covid-19 coronavirus in Hong Kong, after apparently contracting the disease from its owner. Last week, another feline turned out to have the virus in Belgium. | The Hong Kong cat patient was sent to a special animal quarantine facility on Monday, after its owner, a 25-year-old woman, was confirmed to have contracted the disease. Samples collected from the feline's oral, nasal and rectal cavities tested positive for the virus, but it did not show any symptoms. | "The cat has not shown any signs of disease," a spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation……

Russian dog owners offer pets for rent as excuse to walk outside despite Covid-19 'stay home' order | 2020-03-31
The quarantine in Russia leaves people with few legit excuses to go out. Some dog owners are willing to rent their pets to restless clients, so that they could take a walk not be stopped by the police. | People in many parts of Russia, including the capital, are supposed to stay home to curb the spread of Covid-19. A handful of exceptions is made, including for dog owners who need to walk their pets, but even those are expected to keep the walks short and not stray further than 100 meters from their home. | The loophole creates an obvious temporary business opportunity. Want to have a pretext to be outside and……

Global Covid-19 death toll hits 40,000 as countries continue to struggle with outbreak | 2020-03-31
The latest coronavirus figures compiled separately by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and the AFP news agency each show that the global death toll from Covid-19 has reached 40,000. | An increasing death toll across both Western Europe and in the US was a major contributor to the somber milestone. | Earlier on Tuesday, Spanish authorities confirmed a jump of 849 in Covid-19 deaths

Head of Russian coronavirus hospital visited by Putin tests positive for Covid-19 | 2020-03-31
Denis Protsenko, head doctor at a hospital treating coronavirus patients in Moscow has tested positive for Covid-19. President Vladimir Putin visited the clinic earlier this month. | Protsenko confirmed on Facebook that he has tested positive for coronavirus and is self-isolating in his office. Despite the diagnosis, he is set to continue his work as the head of the hospital. | "Dear friends, I'm really touched by your concerns. Yes, I've tested positive for the CoV, but I feel quite well. I've self-isolated at my office where I have everything n……

Covid-19 deaths in Russia almost DOUBLE in single day: Parliament clears path for state of emergency | 2020-03-31
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Russia rose by 500 on Tuesday

'This is NUTS!' Russiagaters see red over Putin's planeload of corona-aid for Trump, queue to look gift-horse in mouth | 2020-03-31
Russophobic pundits and red-baiting blue-checkmarks are gasping in horror and floating bizarre scenarios as Moscow prepares to send a planeload of much-needed medical supplies to the US amid its worsening coronavirus epidemic. | News that a Russian cargo plane laden with medical supplies and personal protection equipment would soon depart for the US, a gift from the Kremlin to its coronavirus-stricken rival, has the usual suspects running around in circles screeching about ulterior motives. | While President Donald Trump's announcement on Monday that "Russia sent us a very, very large planeload of things, medi……

World reaches another grim Covid-19 milestone as global cases surpass 800,000 | 2020-03-31
The number of cases of coronavirus infection around the world surpassed 800,000 confirmed cases on Tuesday, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. | At the time of writing the total number of coronavirus cases worldwide stood at 800,049 resulting in some 38,714 deaths. | Of this grim tally, the US accounts for 164,000 cases followed by Italy with 101,739 and Spain with 87,956, marking the three largest and most severe outbreaks within the wider, global pandemic. | Authorities the world over are preaching continued caution, as WHO experts in Asia warn that the pandemic in Asia is "far from……

New York coronavirus death toll surpasses 1,500 as nearly HALF tests processed in last 24h come back positive | 2020-03-31
New York has 75,795 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday, revealing that, of the 18,000 tests processed in the previous 24 hours, 9,000 came back positive. Some 1,550 people have died with the virus since the epidemic began, a single-day increase of 332. New York City has been hit particularly hard – 5,686 of the new cases are located within its five boroughs. | Some 10,929 people diagnosed with the virus are currently hospitalized in the state. Cuomo, who previously warned of the possibility of running out of ventilators, said he has ordered 17,000 of the machines from Ch……

Indonesia declares emergency, will suspend all foreign arrivals | 2020-03-31
Indonesia confirmed 114 new coronavirus infections on Tuesday, bringing the total to 1,528, a Health Ministry official said. Another 14 people had died, taking the toll to 136, according to Achmad Yurianto. | Indonesian President Joko Widodo declared a national public health emergency over the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday, and announced measures to help people with lower incomes. The measures included expanding social welfare, food assistance and giving electricity tariff discounts and waivers. | Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said Indonesia's government has decided to ban all arrivals and transits by forei……

'It will be an easy win for him': Amir Khan says Tyson Fury will defeat Anthony Joshua with ease (VIDEO) | 2020-03-31
Former unified light-welterweight world boxing champion Amir Khan has offered his take on the upcoming all-British heavyweight clash between Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua, saying "The Gypsy King" will win the fight easily. | Fury returned to the top of boxing's heavyweight tree when he stopped Deontay Wilder in the seventh round to capture the WBC heavyweight title in Las Vegas in February. | Also on | | Tyson Fury shuns coronavirus warnings to head down pub for St. Patrick's Day pint | Joshua, meanwhile, recaptured the IBF, IBO,……

12yo girl dies of Covid-19 in Belgium, as country counts 700+ victims | 2020-03-31
A 12-year-old girl has died of the coronavirus in Belgium, becoming the youngest person to succumb to the disease in the country, authorities have announced. The epidemic death toll has surpassed 700 in Belgium. | Losing the child to the disease is "an emotionally difficult moment" not only for the family, but also for medics and researchers," Belgian crisis-center coronavirus spokesman Emmanuel Andre said on Tuesday as he announced the death. | "We are thinking of her family and friends. It is an event that is very rare, but one which upsets us greatly," he added as cited by AP. | Belgium has identified 12,70……

'Happily surprised'? Trump says Russia sent US 'very, very large' aid package to combat Covid-19 | 2020-03-31
US President Donald Trump has praised Moscow for sending a 'very large planeload of things' to help fight the spread of the coronavirus and treat sickened patients, noting that China and other nations had also chipped in. | UPDATE: Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says | "We've had great relationships with a lot of countries," the president told reporters at his daily Covid-19 briefing on Monday, adding: "China sent us some stuff, which was terr……

Dutch Navy submarine aborts North Sea training mission due to Covid-19 outbreak on board | 2020-03-31
A Dutch combat submarine was forced to cut its voyage short and quickly return home after several of its crew members tested positive for the Covid-19 disease. | The mission was aborted after 15 sailors on board the Walrus-class submarine HNLMS 'Dolfijn' showed flu-like symptoms. Eight of them later tested positive for Covid-19, the Dutch Defense Ministry said. | The outbreak was discovered when the submarine was on a training mission in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland. The disease forced the vessel to cut its trip short and return to the Den Helder naval base two weeks earlier than planned. All of its……

Chris Cuomo of CNN tests positive for coronavirus after scolding people who don't self-isolate | 2020-03-31
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo is self-quarantining after testing positive for coronavirus, his brother New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has confirmed, proving that even spreading hysterical fear of the virus is no protection from it. | The journalist revealed he had tested positive in a statement posted to Twitter on Tuesday, and his older brother confirmed the diagnosis during his morning coronavirus press conference in Albany, waxing poetic about how the virus was "the great equalizer" even as he reassured reporters that the yo……

Spain's Covid-19 death toll rises by a RECORD 849 overnight, as known cases reach almost 95,000 | 2020-03-31
The number of Covid-19 cases in Spain has risen from 85,195 on Monday to 94,417 by Tuesday morning, while its death toll rose by 849 to 8,189, according to the latest figures from the Spanish Health Ministry. | The increase in the death toll was the highest one-day total in the country since the outbreak began. However, despite this, it still marked a slightly lower increase in percentage terms than on previous days. | Spain's emergency health chief Fernando Simon tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday night and he was replaced by his deputy chief, Maria Jose Sierra, who confirmed that at least 12,298 healt……

Beijing won't just 'watch Huawei be slaughtered on the chopping board', company chief warns US | 2020-03-31
Banning Chinese products from the American market may result in a retaliation from the Chinese market, Huawei head has warned. If the electronic giant is barred from the US, the same may happen to American firms in China. | "The Chinese government will not just stand by and watch Huawei be slaughtered on the chopping board," Chairman Eric Xu told reporters at the launch of Huawei's annual report. | "Why wouldn't the Chinese government ban the use of 5G chips or 5G chip-powered base stations, smartphones and other smart devices provided by American companies, for cybersecurity reasons?" | The US claims Huawei e……

Oil recovers from decades' lows as Russia & US agree energy talks | 2020-03-31
The price of crude rebounded on Tuesday from an 18-year low after Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump have agreed talks to stabilize energy markets. | International benchmark Brent rose 1.5 percent to $23.15 per barrel, as of 08: 06 GMT. US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was up six percent at $21.19 a barrel. Both Brent and the WTI closed the previous session at their lowest levels since 2002. | According to the Kremlin, Trump and Putin agreed during a phone call on Monday to have their top energy officials discuss stabilizing oil markets. | "Oil prices are clawing back from a ne……

Thousands of S. Korean workers go on unpaid leave as Seoul, Washington fail to agree on military costs | 2020-03-31
Seoul on Tuesday criticized the US military's decision to place thousands of South Korean workers on unpaid leave this week, after the two allies failed to sign a new cost-sharing agreement. Washington and Seoul are embroiled in a dispute dating back almost two years, over how much each should pay to support the roughly 28,500 US troops stationed in South Korea. | With no new pact months after the last agreement expired at the end of 2019, about half of the nearly 9,000 South Koreans employed by the US military command will be placed on unpaid leave starting on Wednesday, Reuters said. US officials have said t……