Daily Archives: February 1, 2020

2020-02-01: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Rising Numbers of US Troops in Iraq with Traumatic Brain Injuries
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
In retaliation for the Trump regime's assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani on January 3, the IRGC struck two Pentagon bases in Iraq days later. | Iranian missiles successfully penetrated US air defenses, striking targets with pinpoint accuracy

DNC Insiders Plot Return of Superdelegates to Stop Sanders at Convention
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-01
As the first contests of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary draw near and Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to rise in polling, a small group of party insiders are considering making a bid to reverse a rule change won by progressives and allow the establishment to pick a candidate. | That's according to reporting from Politico Friday night which claims a cadre of Democratic National Committee (DNC) insiders are plotting to return superdelegates–unelected party officials and elites–t…

President Trump expands anti-Muslim travel ban to thirteen countries
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Trump's war on immigrants is intensifying in the aftermath of the impeachment trial and in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election in November.

Bolivia's Coup-Born Regime Arrests Socialist Political Refugees
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
Bolivia's Former Mining Minister Cesar Navarro and former Agriculture Minister Pedro Dorado were arrested at the El Alto airport on Saturday when they were about to board a plane as political refugees. | RELATED: | Bolivia: Socialist Candidate Arce Attended Prosecutor's Office | For the past 82 days, these Socialists politicians remained at the Mexican embassy. Yesterday, they received a safe-conduct allowing their free departure from the country. | "The Mexican embassy transfer…

Israel has played a key role in US aggression towards Iran
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2020-02-01
Before the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, Israel played a key and overlooked role in the Trump administration's aggression campaign against…

Assange would be held in "darkest corner of the prison system" if extradited to the US
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
If dispatched to the US, the WikiLeaks founder will be held in extreme isolation–conditions usually inflicted on individuals convicted of terrorism offences.

Montreal meeting this Sunday to demand freedom for Julian Assange
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
The Socialist Equality Party (Canada) is holding a public meeting in Montreal this Sunday, to fight for the freedom of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, oppose war, and defend democratic rights.

Media on Climate Crisis: Don't Organize, Mourn
Neil Demause | zcomm.org | 2020-02-01
The newfound attention to climate came with a strange disjunction: being aware of this massive threat to humanity hasn't translated into much concerted action to stop it…

US bans foreign nationals from entry over coronavirus
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Governments internationally are promulgating travel restrictions with China.

US Pilots and Flight Attendants Demand Flights to China Stop
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
U.S.-based pilots and flight attendants are demanding their airlines stop flights to China, which have already been substantially reduced over the last week. | RELATED: | Coronavirus Is a Business Opportunity: US Secretary of Commerce | The Allied Pilots Association (APA), which represents American Airlines (AA) pilots, cited "serious, and in many ways still unknown, health threats posed by the coronavirus" in a lawsuit filed in Texas. | This legal action was supported by AA flig…

Int'l Community Offer Aid, Support as China Fights Virus
Xinhua | telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
Countries around the world are offering recognition of China's efforts to battle the novel coronavirus outbreak, showing confidence in the ultimate triumph over virus and pledging aid and support. | RELATED: | WHO Declares Global Emergency for Outbreak of New Coronavirus | In his call to Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered sympathies over the pain and loss inflicted on Chinese families and wished each patient a speedy recovery. | He expressed be…

Sharp fall on Wall Street as coronavirus hits global markets
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Financial analysts are warning that the virus has created a more uncertain environment than the US-China trade war and its impact could be greater than that of the SARS virus in 2002–2003.

Death toll at 259 as more coronavirus cases confirmed
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-02-01
The death toll from the coronavirus has risen to 259 and the number of confirmed cases of infection has increased to 11,791, Chinese authorities said. | The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the virus a global health emergency. However, the vast majority of cases have been in China's Hubei province and its provincial capital, Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak. No deaths have been reported outside China. | Meanwhile, the UK Foreign Office is reportedly withdrawing staf…

Coronavirus Has Been Declared a Global Emergency. What's Happening in China
Tom Clifford | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
Tom Clifford reporting from Beijing | The new coronavirus has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization. | "The main reason for this declaration is not what is happening in China but what is happening in other countries," said …

Panama Canal Declares Security Measures Against Coronavirus
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
The Ministry of Public Health of Panama confirmed the strengthening of security measures to prevent the entry of the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV into the country, which also affects the crossing of its transoceanic canal. | RELATED: | Coronavirus Pneumonia: 9,822 Confirmed Cases Reported Worldwide | Vessels must notify within 30 days before arriving at the isthmus, if they have traveled to ports located in countries that have confirmed cases of the infection, Panama Canal Authorities…

How the Border Patrol's Unchecked Powers and Carelessness Separated a Family
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-01
Mirza had a sense of foreboding soon after she crossed into the U.S. with her two children and their father, David. A Border Patrol agent ordered the family from Honduras and the rest of their group to divide into two lines: "Women to one side, men to the other." | Mirza held 19-month-old Lia and joined the women's line. David took their 6-year-old son Sebastian and lined up with the men. An agent told them not to worry, everyone was going to the same place. A bus took them in two trips to a c…

The Real John Bolton
Melvin A. Goodman | zcomm.org | 2020-02-01
It is useful to have Bolton's testimony at the climactic moment in the current impeachment trial, but it should't blind us to his deceit and disinformation over his thirty years of opposition to U.S. international diplomacy…

Limiting Senate inquiry ignores Founders' intent for impeachment
Clark D. Cunningham | zcomm.org | 2020-02-01
Impeachment was "an essential security for the good behaviour" of the president; otherwise, "he will spare no efforts or means whatever to get himself re-elected."

The Trump Impeachment Defense. "The Best Interest of the Country" Concept
Robert Fantina | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
With the impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump in full swing, a new defense was presented by Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz. | Dershowitz made an astounding defense, saying that as long as the president acted in what he thought …

Senate rejects witnesses in Trump impeachment trial, setting the stage for acquittal
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
The Democrats, refusing to oppose Trump on the basis of his real crimes, sought to use impeachment to settle differences over foreign policy.

Polling: Americans Dissatisfied with the State of the Union
Staff | truthdig.com | 2020-02-01

US deploys "usable" nuclear weapon amid continuing war threats against Iran
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
For all the talk of war with Iran having been averted, the reality is that the world remains on the knife's edge of a catastrophic military confrontation.

Iraqi Blocs Choose New PM-Designate After Weeks of Jockeying
Staff | truthdig.com | 2020-02-01

Arab League Rejects Trump's Deal, Palestine Breaks Ties With US
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
At the end of an emergency meeting held in Cairo (Egypt) on Saturday, the Arab League passed a resolution that rejects the so-called "Agreement of the Century" on the grounds that it does not consider the aspirations of the Palestinian people and international law. | RELATED: | President Abbas: 'I Won't Go Down in History Selling Jerusalem' | "The Arab League…

Israel-Palestine: Time for Russia to Step up to the Plate
Eric Walberg | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-02-01
Is Israel US property? In many ways, yes. Despite its willful ways, Israel is always pushing the envelope with the US. It has been getting away with murder since it was founded, abetted and funded by the US. But the US has failed, and Jared Kushner is the perfect envoy for this latest ultimatum, crafted …

South Korea deploys naval unit to Strait of Hormuz
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Behind the backs of the South Korean working class, Seoul is supporting US war plans that could lead to a wider conflict with China and Russia.

Egypt Detains Doctor, Parents as Girl Dies From Genital Cutting
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
Egypt has detained a retired doctor after the death of a 12-year-old girl on whom he performed female genital mutilation (FGM) sparked anger among women's rights activists. | RELATED: | ' The World Don't Give a Shit' About FGM, Survivor Says | The victim's parents and aunt took her to a private clinic where she underwent the illegal procedure, also known as female circumcision, the public prosecutor's office said in a statement. | "After she left, she suffered comp…

U.S. States Join Global Push to Ban Animal-Tested Cosmetics
Staff | truthdig.com | 2020-02-01
This would further pressure China to impel its cosmetics companies to rely on non-animal tests if they want to sell their products here.

Australia's Marine Animals Are the Fires' Unseen Victims
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-01
As wildfires ravage Australia's land and forests, so far killing an estimated one billion terrestrial animals, researchers worry marine and freshwater species will become invisible victims. | More than 17.1 million hectares of land have burned across the country, with the worst fires currently raging in New South Wales and Victoria, states in the nation's southeast, according to Australia's Department of the Environment…

NFL's Racism Runs Deep, All the Way to the Super Bowl
The Real News Network | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-02-01
For example: Teams with racist names; only three Black coaches when 70% of players are Black; players like Colin Kaepernick are sidelined for life; billionaire owners who support Trump; and players who are treated like meat to be bought and sold.

As GM Detroit-Hamtramck shutdown looms, media touts promise of investments
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
With a host of UAW and Democratic Party officials present, GM President Mark Reuss formally announced that his company would invest $2.2 billion to build an electric pickup truck at the site of the soon-to-be-idled Detroit-Hamtramck plant.

'Two Young Black Men' Killed in a Church Shooting in Florida
telesurenglish.net | 2020-02-01
At least two people were killed and two others injured Saturday in a shooting that took place at a funeral in Riviera Beach, Florida, police said. | RELATED: | Five Dead, 21 Wounded, Suspect Killed in Texas Shooting | According to the Riviera Beach Police Department, the shooting happened after a funeral around 2: 30 p.m. at Victory City Church, a predominantly black church, in the West Palm Beach suburb. | A 15-year-old boy and an adult male were pronounced dead at the scene while a wo…

Rome Before it Became Empire: A Pax Americana or a Republic If You Can Keep It?
Cynthia Chung | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
"Fortune thus blinds the minds of men when she does not wish them to resist her power."

Maneuvering Hell for Our Advantage
Robert C. Koehler | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
When the mainstream media writes about war, even critically, the image that often comes to mind for me is an infant wrapped in plastic. That infant is naked reality, a.k.a., the present moment, suffocating and screaming for its life; the …

Did Vladimir Lenin Foresee the Information Glut? Commemorating the Birth of José Marti
Prof Susan Babbitt | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
At the start of the twentieth century, Vladimir Lenin was studying Hegel's notes on science. [i] Stalin told him not to bother, that it was more important to unify the party. Lenin replied that by the end of the century, …

The Rise and Fall of the British Nation. The Land that Labour Built
Ann Talbot | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
This new edition of David Edgerton's book The Rise and Fall of the British Nation is timely and apposite given the unprecedented Conservative landslide in traditional Labour seats in the recent general election. Inevitably in the world of day-to-day, …

Canada's New Democrats plead for cooperation with Liberals, as Trudeau government lurches further right
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Amid a resurgence of the class struggle in Canada and internationally, the NDP and their trade union allies are seeking to collaborate still more closely with the pro-austerity, pro-war Liberal government.

Firms responsible for covering Grenfell in flammable cladding demand immunity from prosecution
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
Evidence revealed as the second phase of the inquiry began demonstrates that the 72 people who were killed in the Grenfell fire inferno were victims of the heinous crime of social murder.

Maryland police officer faces murder charges after shooting handcuffed man seven times inside patrol car
wsws.org | 2020-02-01
With highly unusual swiftness, Prince George's County police charged the officer, Michael Owen, 31, with second-degree murder and manslaughter within 24 hours of the shooting.

How the Border Patrol's Unchecked Powers and Carelessness Separated a Family
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-01
Mirza held 19-month-old Lia and joined the women's line. David took their 6-year-old son Sebastian and lined up with the men. An agent told them not to worry, everyone was going to the same place. A bus took them in two trips to a collection of tents and trailers where they would be processed. | They arrived a few hours apart, held separately in a large waiting area. Mirza grew more anxious as she spotted David and Sebastian across the room. She motioned for Sebastian to bring her a bottle of…

In Rural Areas, a "Quiet Jail-Building Boom" Is Taking Place
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-02-01
I live in Champaign County, the heart of the Illinois cornfields. Our somewhat liberal-minded county of 200,000 is home to the flagship campus of the University of Illinois, the "Fighting Illini." But our county has another distinction: While Black people only comprise 13 percent of our population, they consistently make up 50-71 percent of those in the local jail, resulting in one of the highest racial discrepancies in the country. | For the past decade, rather than attempt to correct this gross inequity, loca…

US declares public health emergency over coronavirus, limits flights from China to 7 cities
rt.com | 2020-02-01
The US has declared an ongoing coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency, limiting points of entry to incoming Chinese flights and banning from entry some foreign nationals who traveled to China in the last two weeks. | "I have today declared that coronavirus presents a public health emergency in the United States," Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said, announcing the measure on Friday. He stressed that the move was to "complement the work of China and the World Health Organization" that declared a global health crisis on Thursday. | The death toll from the novel virus, which originated in C…

Russia stops processing Chinese work visas & scraps visa-free travel amid coronavirus epidemic
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Moscow has temporarily halted issuing work visas to Chinese citizens and suspended visa-free travel for Chinese tourist groups in response to the coronavirus epidemic in the country. | The travel restriction come into force from Sunday. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who ordered them, stressed that the measures are temporary and are only meant to protect people in Russia from health risks posed by the infection

Oil prices see biggest January loss in 30 years
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Crude oil prices slid a painful 15% in January – the biggest January slide since 1991- as the coronavirus claims the death of more than 200 souls and counting. | After a couple weeks of continued slippage, the price of the Brent and WTI benchmarks were trading down 0.98 percent and 0.73 percent on the day, respectively, at 9: 51am as the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency. | Also on rt.com | | Feast in time of plague? Trump official says China coronavirus is good for US economy | While the WHO did not recommend any trav…

Germany evacuates 100 from coronavirus-gripped Wuhan
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Over 100 German citizens and family members have been flown from Wuhan to Frankfurt on Saturday. | None of the passengers have manifestations of the disease, which prompted the lockdown of the Chinese city in an attempt to stop the spread of the infection. However, they will be kept in quarantine for a checkup, since the virus may be spread by people without the pneumonia-like symptoms. | Health Minister Jens Spahn bemoaned the dissemination of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus on social media, saying they only "spread uncertainty" about the disease.

'Virus control beyond standards': China warns countries against spreading havoc as more borders shut & flights canceled worldwide
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Beijing has lashed out at countries fanning fears of the novel coronavirus

Apple closes all stores in China over mounting coronavirus worries
rt.com | 2020-02-01
The iPhone maker has temporarily shut down all its retail stores and offices across mainland China till February 10 as part of preemptive measures amid the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus. | The measure came into force on Saturday, but some stores were still open on that day, according to the company's website. Starting on Sunday all the shops will be closed until midnight February 9. However, online store in China remains open. | Also on rt.com | | McDonald's shuts down restaurants in five Chinese cities as coronavirus spreads | Some st…

'If I opened the door, he would've killed us': 15yo says she helped 20+ kids survive Indian hostage horror by hiding in basement
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A teenager, who together with two dozen other children was held hostage by an Indian man during a nine-hour standoff with police, said that her quick thinking helped to dodge certain death at the hands of a convicted killer. | The 15-year-old girl was the eldest of some 25 kids who were taken captive by convicted murderer Subhash Batham in a village in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. The horrific case, which sent shock waves across India, ended with the man being shot dead by police. His wife, allegedly an accomplice in the grim enterprise, was stoned to death by an angry crowd. | The children, some of whom were as…

Indian court AGAIN postpones hanging for 4 men convicted in 2012 gang rape & murder case that inspired Netflix series
rt.com | 2020-02-01
The execution of four Indians convicted in the heinous 2012 'Nirbhaya' gang-rape case has been delayed yet again at the last minute

Airbus with 110 on board skids off runway in western Iran amid heavy snowfall (VIDEO)
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A packed Airbus A319, operated by Iran's flag carrier, failed to land safely at Kermanshah Airport, ending up in the middle of a snow-covered field off the runway. Authorities blame the incident on a faulty landing gear. | The Iran Air plane departed Tehran's Mehrabad Airport earlier on Saturday, carrying 102 passengers and eight crew, according to Mehr news agency, citing a Civil Aviation Organization official. It ran out of runway when landing at Kermanshah later in the day, it has emerged. | VIDEO: Un Airbus de Iran Air con 110 pasajeros a bordo se sale de la pista en el oeste de Irán | ‚û°&…

Arab League rejects Trump's 'deal of the century' at Cairo summit with Abbas
rt.com | 2020-02-01
The Arab League has shot down US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan, saying it would not lead to a just peace between Israel and Palestine. The deal has already been rejected by the Palestinian side. | League members met in Cairo on Saturday to discuss the deal, touted by Trump as the "deal of the century," and a realistic roadmap to peace between Israel and Palestine. Speaking at the meeting, Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas announced he would cut all ties with the US and Israel over the plan, and would not go down in history as the person who "sold out Jerusalem." | Many feared (or hoped) the…

'It's not about Jose vs Pep': Mourinho preaches peace ahead of latest clash with Guardiola – but rivalry has been an explosive one
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Jose Mourinho has played down any notion of lingering hostilities with Pep Guardiola as the Portuguese prepares his Tottenham team to face Manchester City, but the past decade has seen some combustible clashes between the pair. | While Lionel Messi against Cristiano Ronaldo is seen as the defining individual rivalry of our time on the pitch, Mourinho versus Guardiola is arguably the managerial equivalent, given the frequency and intensity with which the two have crossed swords over more than a decade. | That rivalry enters a new phase as Mourinho faces off against Guardiola for the first time as Spurs boss on…

Pompeo says US can cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs amid Minsk row with Moscow
rt.com | 2020-02-01
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has offered to cover all Belarus oil needs with American product at competitive prices. The sales pitch comes after Belarus lost access to low price crude from Russia. | The top US diplomat is visiting Minsk on Saturday to court its longtime leader, President Aleksandr Lukashenko. Belarus is currently struggling to replace Russian crude, which it had imported for years at low prices to refine and resell at a considerable premium. Pompeo seized the opportunity to offer American supplies as an alternative. | "The United States wants to help Belarus build its own sovereign countr…

WATCH breathtaking fireball burst into life as it rains down on Russia's Urals
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A meteor which put on a spectacular show as it sped across Russia's Urals region was caught on camera lighting up the night sky as it erupted in a blaze of glory this week. | Photographer Ilya Jankowsky captured the stunning spectacle in the town of Irbit in Sverdlovsk Oblast on Thursday night. | The amateur astronomer shot footage of the impressive natural light show as a meteor shower swept across the Urals. The meteor erupted into life as it burned up while entering the Earth's atmosphere shortly after 3am local time. | The dazzling burst of light was so bright that it was observed around 800km away in O…

'He's in our anthem, why not in constitution?' Russian Patriarch wants GOD mentioned in state charter
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, says believers should pray for a constitutional amendment that would add a reference to God. He thinks the mention would be appreciated by all faiths alike. | "Most Russian citizens believe in God. Not just the Orthodox Christians

1 dead after café roof collapses in Novosibirsk, Russia, trapping visitors
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A roof of a café came crashing down on diners in the city of Novosibirsk in southern Siberia, killing one woman and trapping several people under rubble. Some 200 people fled the scene of the collapse on their own. | One person was confirmed dead, and four people were taken to hospital after the roof of a cloakroom adjacent to a cafe collapsed on Saturday night. Two of the victims are currently in surgery, while the other two injuried have since been released. | The café was packed with diners at the time, and some 200 people managed to evacuate on their own, local emergency services said. | While the i…

1 dead after café roof collapses in Novosibirsk, Russia, trapping visitors
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A roof of a café came crashing down on diners in the city of Novosibirsk in southern Siberia, killing at least one woman and trapping several people under rubble. A rescue effort has been underway amid reports of dozens evacuated. | One person was confirmed dead, and four people, including a man in critical condition, were taken to hospital after the roof of a cloak-room adjacent to a cafe collapsed on Saturday night. The café was packed with diners at the time, and some 200 people managed to evacuate on their own, local emergency services said. | While the investigation into the incident is yet in its…

Breaking the ice: Hockey-loving new US ambassador visits Moscow game… and reveals his favorite player is RUSSIAN
rt.com | 2020-02-01
America's new ambassador to Russia, John Sullivan, said ice hockey could help bring the two nations closer together as he visited a game in Moscow, also singing the praises of his favorite player, Russia's Alexander Ovechkin. | Sullivan took up his post earlier this year, and as an avid hockey fan wasted little time in arranging a visit to a game in the Russian capital. | The American diplomat was at the local derby between Moscow clubs Spartak and Dynamo on Saturday, where, suitably dressed in a Washington Capitals NHL jersey, he dropped the ceremonial first puck alongside Russian hockey legends Vyacheslav Fe…

WATCH breathtaking fireball burst into life as it rains down on Russia's Urals
rt.com | 2020-02-01
A meteor which put on a spectacular show as it sped across Russia's Urals region was caught on camera lighting up the night sky as it erupted in a blaze of glory this week. | Photographer Ilya Jankowsky captured the stunning spectacle in the town of Irbit in Sverdlovsk Oblast on Thursday night. | The amateur astronomer captured footage of the impressive natural light show as a meteor shower swept across the Urals. The meteor erupted into life as it burned up while entering Earth's atmosphere shortly after 3am local time. | The dazzling burst of light was so bright that it was observed around 800km away in O…

Pompeo vows to name US envoy to Belarus as Lukashenko praises him for RISK to visit Minsk & scrutinize country's democracy
rt.com | 2020-02-01
Mike Pompeo has tried to de-ice relations with Belarus, a country sanctioned by the US over a decade ago, promising to appoint an ambassador to Minsk along with other perks for siding with Washington. | "We are confident that together we can make real progress across every dimension of our relationship," Pompeo told President Alexander Lukashenko as he greeted him on Saturday. | Returning the charm offensive, the Belarusian leader said it was "very good that you risked coming to Minsk after various misunderstandings between Belarus and the US." | Lukashenko, whom Western media notoriously labeled "Europe's las…

Object-lesson in ruling class privilege? Democrats ditch donor threshold for primary debates so Bloomberg can participate
rt.com | 2020-02-01
The Democratic National Committee is loosening its debate qualifying criteria, opening the door to billionaire establishment darling Michael Bloomberg and angering candidates that had been excluded from prior events. | The same DNC that has held fast to its rules while one candidate after another complained about the seemingly arbitrary means of deciding which polls would count toward a qualifying threshold has opted to discard its individual donor requirement starting with the February debate. The rule had prevented former New York Mayor and billionaire media mogul Bloomberg from joining the previous forums.

UK News: Brexit, the Election and OPCW Disclosures
Michael Welch | globalresearch.ca | 2020-02-01
"So the cold hard truth about Brexit is this. There is only one Brexit as Mervyn King says

Victory for a murdered solicitor's family in the High Court underlines the importance of human rights law in Brexit UK
Peadar O'Cearnaigh | thecanary.co | 2020-02-01
On 31 January, Geraldine Finucane, the widow of murdered human rights solicitor Pat Finucane, moved a step closer to a full public inquiry into her husband's killing. The High Court granted her permission to challenge the apparent lack of action that followed the Supreme Court's ruling in February 2019. The Supreme Court ruled that…

Turkey hails common political will on relations with UK
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Turkey welcomed "the existing common political will" to further develop the relations with the U.K. after Brexit, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday."In the new period, relations between Turkey and the U.K. will provide significant opportunities to enhance regional and global stability as well as both parties' interests," the ministry said in a written statement.Three-and-a-half years after 2016 referendum, when the clocks strike 11 p.m. (2300GMT) in London or midnight in Brussels, the U.K.-EU partnership will be done and dusted in technical terms.The ministry underlined that while leaving the EU, the U.K. will…

Climate Groups Target JPMorgan Chase "Money Pipeline"
Leon Kunstenaar | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area and climate activists in SF financial district demonstration…

Reject the Coverup! Protest of Trump Impeachment Coverup in Napa
RejectTheCoverup | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Veterans Park, 3rd St. and Main St., Napa, CA 94558…

Reject the Coverup! Nationwide Protests Against the Trump Impeachment Coverup
RejectTheCoverup | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Around the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and across the USA…

Reject the Coverup! Protest of Trump Impeachment Coverup in San Jose
Families Belong Together and others | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and N. Winchester Blvd (by Santana Row and Valley Fair Mall), border of San Jose & Santa Clara in the South Bay…

Reject the Coverup! Impeachment Coverup Protest in Palo Alto
RejectTheCoverup | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Lytton Plaza, 220 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301…

Sanders Beats Trump and Trump Throws Dynamite in the Powder Keg
savin and Friedrich Steinfeld | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
With Sander's election as the Democratic Party candidate, the US would have been the only country to have had a free health insurance policy since Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s… The USA and also Turkey have in fact long since left NATO and are following their own interests without taking their previous "partners" into consideration.

International Women's Day 2020 Celebration in Hayward
City of Hayward, AAUW, and others | indybay.org | 2020-02-01
Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Hayward, CA 94541…

Russian armed forces aircraft to evacuate citizens from China
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Russia's aerospace defence forces, part of the armed forces, will start evacuating Russian citizens on Saturday from China due to the coronavirus outbreak, news agencies reported, citing the Kremlin spokesman.Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters the evacuation would take place in regions that had been most affected by the outbreak, Interfax and TASS news agencies reported.Russia joins other countries in evacuating their citizens from China, where the number of cases of the new virus is rising.Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova said on Friday that Russia planned to evacuate more than 600 of its citizens now…

Russian Aerospace Forces to Evacuate Russians From Virus-Stricken China – Kremlin
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces will be engaged in bringing Russian nationals from China's provinces that are most affected by the novel coronavirus beginning on Saturday, Dmitry Peskov, said.

Turkish, Palestinian presidents speak over phone
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday held a phone conversation with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas, according to the Turkish communications directorate.Erdogan and Abbas talked about the latest developments and regional issues.The Turkish president reiterated his country's support to Palestine in the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump's so-called Middle East peace plan.On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump released his plan to end the Israeli-Palestinian dispute at the White House alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with no Palestinian officials present.During the event…

Australian wildfires burning out of control in new areas
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2020-02-01
Wildfires burned out of control near Australia's national capital, Canberra, and across surrounding New South Wales state on Saturday, with endangered residents warned to prepare to evacuate. | The capital region declared a state of emergency on Friday because of a fire that by Saturday covered 88,500 acres (35,800 hectares) of forest and farmland south of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory emergency services agency commissioner Georgeina Whelan said. | t.co/gkiuxXl1T0 #OrroralFire …

Pakistan Prime Minister warns repeat of Myanmar in India
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned the international community that India's ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) was preparing to repeat the Myanmar style genocide and exclusion of its minority population.He said that as many as 500 million people will be excluded from the citizenship list under India's new controversial citizenship law, which is followed by updating the exercise of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, Khan spoke in details on an array of issues including situation in the Middle East, Afghanistan, re…

Taiwan confirms 10th case of coronavirus
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
A total of 10 cases of coronavirus that caused pneumonia have been confirmed so far in Taiwan, according to China's news agency.The 10th patient had returned from Wuhan, China, the heart of coronavirus outbreak on Jan. 12, and was later misdiagnosed with flu on Jan. 22, with "no symptoms of pneumonia", Chinese news agency Xinhua on Friday reported, citing Taiwan's epidemic monitoring agency.He went through further medical examination and the infection was confirmed after his wife, the 9th confirmed case, was found Thursday infected by a coronavirus.Additionally, people who have close contacts with the couple were…

Turkish plane lands in Mongolia with evacuees
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
A Turkish cargo plane, en route to Turkey on Saturday to evacuate Turkish citizens from Wuhan, the heart of deadly coronavirus outbreak, landed in Mongolia's capital to refuel after three hours flight. Turkish Armed Forces' A400M type cargo plane departed from Wuhan, China on Saturday airlifting 42 people, including the citizens of Turkey and other nearby countries.Passengers' health conditions are good and their oxygen levels as well as body temperature are normal, the officials told Anadolu Agency reporter on board.With 11 military personnel, six health employees, two press members and one Foreign Ministry rep…

China orders 200M masks from Turkey amid virus outbreak
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
China has put in orders for a total of 200 million protective face masks from Turkish medical firms over the past 10 days, as the country wrestles an outbreak of the novel coronavirus.Anadolu Agency reached out to a stakeholder, Fatih Arpaci, in a medical firm based in Turkey's western province.Arpaci said as a "surprising" turnout of events, Chinese firms ordered a total of 200 million face masks in one go."It is surprising to us as China is one of the biggest face mask producers in the world. Turkey produces a total of 150 million face masks in one year. But they wanted 200 million face masks," he said."Demands…

Pakistani premier says war averted in Middle East, things still tense
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said diplomatic efforts have brought down tension in the Middle East following the recent U.S.-Iran conflict."We feel we played our part in bringing down tensions and we have averted war," Khan said during his interview with Anadolu Agency on Thursday evening.But things are still tense and need some more efforts for a permanent solution, he warned.Speaking about his country's relations with Turkey, Khan said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to visit Islamabad in the middle of February and hoped this visit would further strengthen the brotherly relationship bet…

Palestinians in 'shock, disbelief' at Trump plan: UNWRA
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Palestinians seem to have reacted with "shock and disbelief" at the U.S.' so-called peace plan for the Middle East, the acting head of UN agency for Palestine refugees said on Friday.Christian Saunders, the Acting Commissioner-General of UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), was responding to questions at a UN press conference in Geneva on a $1.4 billion U.S. budget appeal for the agency which lost $360 million of U.S. funding in 2018.UNWRA is the UN agency mandated by the UN General Assembly to provide protection and assistance to some 5.6 million Palestine refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon,…

Apple to shut down all official stores in Chinese mainland due to virus outbreak
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Apple Inc on Saturday said it has decided to shut down all of its official stores in mainland China until Feb 9., as fe…

Poland signs off on purchase of 32 F-35s worth $4.6B
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
The U.S. welcomed Friday Poland's decision to purchase 32 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters in a deal estimated to be worth $4.6 billion."We commend President Duda, Prime Minister Morawiecki, and the Polish government's commitment to continue modernizing Poland's military through the acquisition of the world's most advanced fighter aircraft, which will improve Poland's ability to provide collective and self-defense," State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement."We look forward to working with our NATO Ally Poland on this project and continuing to enhance our long-term strategic partnership," she adde…

Turkey urges joint effort against extremism in Europe
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Turkish foreign minister Friday called for joint effort to ward off extremist ideas in Europe."We should fight against these extremist ideas no matter in which country they are. Our common values will continue to wear off if we do not challenge movements that are racist and hate everybody except themselves," said Mevlut Cavusoglu in Sofia, Bulgaria's capital.His remarks came in a news conference alongside his Bulgarian counterpart Ekaterina Zakharieva, in the wake of a racist attack of independent Greek member of European Parliament (EP) against Turkish flag.Addressing the EP on Wednesday, Ioannis Lagos tore up a…

Barƒ±≈ü Manàßo: Turkish music legend, cultural envoy
yenisafak.com | 2020-02-01
Baris Manco, one of Turkey's most important figures

China's Babyface Bodybuilder Reveals How She Is Going to Combat Coronavirus
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
Chinese blogger Yuan Herong has amassed over 345,000 followers on Instagram sharing photos of her pumped up body and impressive muscles. However, as the bodybuilder claims, this is only a hobby in addition to her medical career. As her country has been hit by a new deadly virus, Yuan revealed that she is working to beat the outbreak.

Chinese Central Bank Promises Support for Coronavirus-Affected Companies
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The People's Bank of China on Saturday promised to help companies that have suffered losses from the coronavirus outbreak by lowering the interest rate on loans and increasing financial support for them.

Right-Leaning ZeroHedge Axed From Twitter After Story Referencing Coronavirus 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
The popular blog's readership has been left in the dark of late as to whether its suspension is indeed linked to a recent story speculating on the possible origins of the coronavirus flare-ups all across Central China and neighbouring countries.

How Indian Finance Minister Won Hearts With Kashmiri Poem During Budget Speech
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
New Delhi (Sputnik): Be it the Bronze-age Harappan civilisation or recollection of a famous southern Indian poet's teachings on political and economic matters, Indians who tuned in to listen to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's budget speech for any relief in view of a struggling economy, got a complementary dose of history and culture.

Incredibly Bright Fireball Illuminates Sky Like a Sun in Russia – Video
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
According to reports, the object was seen in Russia's Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, and Kurgan regions. It is not clear whether the meteor hit the ground, as rocks as bright as this one usually explode in the atmosphere.

Want A Little Bit of Food Porn? Russian 'Striptease' Skater Opens Up About Her Eating Habits
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
Russian figure skater Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is known for making bold and memorable fashion statements during her gala performances, as well as for having strong opinions about her preferred qualities in men and their earnings.

'Their Interests Are Aligned': Soros Claims Facebook's Zuckerberg is Helping Trump Win 2020 Election
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
Hungarian-American billionaire activist George Soros has repeatedly launched offensives against Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg for not being held accountable for the platform's content and maximising profits at the expense of users.

Abbas Says Palestinian National Authority Severing All Ties With Washington Including Security
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
The Palestinian Authority warned in the past that it would not accept the "deal of the century", unveiled by President Donald Trump on 28 January, citing perceived US bias in favour of the Jewish state.

Astonishing Meteor Streaks Across Sky in England – Photo, Video
sputniknews.com | 2020-02-01
Approximately 54 tonnes of extra-terrestrial rocks reach Earth every day, including interplanetary dust, meteoroids and asteroids, according to the European Space Association (ESA).

White House Curbs Immigration for 6 Nations in Election-Year Push
Staff | truthdig.com | 2020-01-31

How government and media are prepping America for a failed 2020 election
Whitney Webb | mronline.org | 2020-01-31
Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, the very technologies they are allegedly using were created by a web of companies with deep ties to Israeli intelligence. | Source…

Palestinians around the world reject Trump's 'fraud of the century'
Eds. | mronline.org | 2020-01-31
Palestinians have responded to US President Donald Trump's peace plan with a resounding "no," expressing their frustrations with what they have dubbed as the "fraud of the century." From social media to the streets, Palestinians in the occupied territory and in the diaspora have rejected Trump's vision for the region, criticizing the plan for granting […] | Source…

Do Not Light That Fuse DNC
Kathleen Wallace | counterpunch.org | 2020-01-31
Recent leaked audio indicates that Donald Trump feared Hillary Clinton opting for Bernie Sanders as her VP choice in the last election cycle. This alone should create a situation that would cause the DNC to realize the viability of a Sanders candidacy this time around, but obviously a win for their "team" is not the…

US Announces Three New Military Bases in Iraq After Iraqis Demand Full Withdrawal
Alan MacLeod | globalresearch.ca | 2020-01-31
Less than a week after millions of Iraqis took to the streets demanding the U.S. military leave for good, the United States announced that is planning to build three new military bases in Iraq, according to military news service …

Why the U.S. Might Be Angling for the Return of a New 'Strongman' Like Saddam in Iraq
M. K. Bhadrakumar | counterpunch.org | 2020-01-31
The departure of the former Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani is beginning to be felt in Iraq. The two meetings that the U.S. President Donald Trump had with the leader of Iraq's Kurdish Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani and the president of Iraq Barhem Salih in Switzerland on January 22 on the sidelines of the World…