US & allies ignore Colombia political assassinations
Anya Parampil | | 2020-09-23
Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with human rights lawyer Santiago Salinas Miranda about a wave of massacres and political assassinations sweeping Colombia. They discuss the Colombian government's role in the murders and ask why the international community has turned a blind eye to the killings.…
Grand juries fail to charge police in cases like the Breonna Taylor killing. That's by design
Staff | | 2020-09-23
The indictment of one of three officers who took part in the botched drug raid that killed Breonna Taylor raises serious questions about the role of grand juries investigating police involved killings.…
Online Charter Schools Are Not a Solution to Education in a Pandemic
Florina Rodov | | 2020-09-23
"Instead of going to school every morning, what if school could come to you?" an ad asks enticingly, promising students "online personalized learning" tailored to their specific needs. It's one of hundreds of active Facebook ads run by K12 Inc., the largest for-profit virtual charter school provider in the United States. As public schools rose to the……
Workers World Party demands "Stop Censoring Palestinian Resistance!"
Workers World Party | | 2020-09-23
Sept. 23 — Today, three media platforms, Facebook, Zoom and YouTube, collaborated to censor a Palestinian program featuring Palestinian revolutionary Leila Khaled and U.S. political prisoners. Workers World Party condemns this censorship and expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination and freedom. The WWP Facebook . . . | Continue reading Workers World Party demands "Stop Censoring Palestinian Resistance!" at……
Hoping to Force an Outcome, US Sanctions Opposition Parties in Venezuela Ahead of Elections
Alan Macleod | | 2020-09-23
Sanctions on Venezuela are nothing new. But Secretary of State Pompeo recently took the unusual step of sanctioning leaders of local opposition parties in an attempt to pressure them to pull out of upcoming elections.…
New Report Links Mass Extinction of Animals To Human Activity
Alan Macleod | | 2020-09-23
A new report by the WWF shows that humans are overusing earth's biocapacity by over 50%, rendering over 68% of all the world's animal life extinct.…
Clashed Visions at the 2020 UN General Assembly: The Speeches of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping
Andrew Korybko | | 2020-09-23
The speeches given by Presidents Trump, Putin, and Xi via video during the 2020 UN General Assembly predictably revealed that the American leader's assessment of the contemporary international situation and related vision of the future markedly differ from his Russian ……
Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 14
Craig Murray | | 2020-09-23
Monday was a frustrating day as the Assange Hearing drifted deep into a fantasy land where nobody knows or is allowed to say that people were tortured in Guantanamo Bay and under extraordinary rendition. The willingness of Judge Baraitser to ……
Why Are Amnesty International Monitors Not Able to Observe the Assange Hearing?
Stefan Simanowitz | | 2020-09-23
Earlier this month, the street outside the Old Bailey criminal court in London, where Julian Assange's extradition hearing has been taking place, was transformed into a carnival. | Inside the Old Bailey, the courtroom has turned into a circus. There have ……
Former CIA Director Leon Panetta: We Are Prosecuting Assange to Intimidate Others
Oscar Grenfell | | 2020-09-23
Leon Panetta, who served as director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2009 to 2011, and then as the Obama administration's secretary for defence, has let the cat out of the bag, telling interviewers that the US ……
Venezuela Denounces New Aggressions from the US
Telesur | | 2020-09-23
The Simon Bolivar Great Patriotic Pole (GPPSB) alerted that plans are being made to generate violence in the country, after the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to countries bordering Venezuela. | In a press conference held ……
What is Covid-19, SARS-2. How is it Tested? How is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-09-23
The data and concepts have been manipulated with a view to sustaining the fear campaign. The estimates are meaningless. The figures have been hyped to justify the closure of the national economy. Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.…
Two Capitalisms: A Challenge To Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, Progressives and Welfare State Liberals
stclair | | 2020-09-23
[O]n September 24, 1599, in a timbered building off Moorgate Fields, not far from where Shakespeare was struggling to complete Hamlet, a new type of company was founded. [O]wnership of the new firm, called the East India Company, was sliced into tiny pieces to be bought and sold freely…Liberalism's fatal hypocrisy was to celebrate the virtuous……
Teaching During a Pandemic
Howard Lisnoff | | 2020-09-23
As the summer wore on, the Covid-19 pandemic marched on and on and on. I wondered how I could help with the education of one of my grandchildren. When a curriculum and content text arrived in the mail, I began drawing up a plan for our first lesson together. Since my grandchild will visit over……
'Confirmed' Has Become a Meaningless Word in Mainstream News Reporting
_____ | | 2020-09-23
Caitlin JOHNSTONE | Last week Politico published a major exclusive report that the "Iranian government is weighing an assassination attempt against the American ambassador to South Africa" in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani earlier this year, citing (you guessed it) anonymous government officials. | The claim was nonsensical on its face; the idea that Iran would see the assassination of some random ambassador to an irrelevant country as a proportionate……
As Assange Faces Extradition, the State of U.S. Prisons Grows Worse
_____ | | 2020-09-23
John KIRIAKOU | The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is in a state of chaos. Leadership changes, Covid-19, and criminal activity on the part of BOP officers and staff members has plunged the Justice Department's largest and best-funded bureau into a scandal that, while it has not made the mainstream media, has harmed thousands of prisoners. | [The issue was raised last week in the hearing of Julian Assange in London as the state of mental health care for prisoners, cited in a BOP report, came up in witness testimony in the defense's argument against sending Assange to the U.S. to face time in a U.S. prison.] Micha……
The End Of The 'Rules Based International Order'
_____ | | 2020-09-23
The 'western' countries, i.e. the United States and its 'allies', love to speak of a 'rules based international order' which they say everyone should follow. That 'rules based order' is a way more vague concept than the actual rule of law: | The G7 is united by its shared values and commitment to a rules based international order. That order is being challenged by authoritarianism, serious violations of human rights, exclusion and discrimination, humanitarian and security crises, and the defiance of international law and standards. | As members of the G7, we are convinced that our societies and the world have rea……
Assange's Eleventh Day at the Old Bailey: Suicide, Hallucinations and Psychological Torture
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-09-23
Today, the prosecutors in the Julian Assange case did their show trial predecessors from other legal traditions proud. The ghosts of such figures as Soviet state prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky, would have approved of the line of questioning taken by ……
Facebook Suspends Accounts Associated with Event Targeting Coastal GasLink Pipeline
Greenpeace | | 2020-09-23
Hundreds of individual accounts linked to Indigenous, environmental, and social justice organizations were suspended from Facebook because they were co-hosts of an online Facebook event targeting the Coastal GasLink pipeline majority funder.…
The US is using the Guardian to justify jailing Assange for life. Why is the paper so silent?
Jonathan Cook | | 2020-09-23
There are conomic forces that need a media elite, just as they do a political elite, to shore up an ideological worldview that keeps those elites in power. Assange threatened to bring that whole edifice crashing down……
A Most Dire Warning
Jack Rasmus | | 2020-09-23
Failure of the Democrats to have stopped Trump the past four years will likely usher in a basic political party re-alignment in the US as a form of authoritarian government takes hold under Trump……
People of Praise: Former Member of Group Tied to SCOTUS Front-Runner Amy Barrett Calls It a "Cult"
Staff | | 2020-09-23
As President Trump appears poised to announce a nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, we speak with a former member of the secretive Catholic group People of Praise, known for its rigid gender roles and lifelong loyalty oaths, which apparent front-runner Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a member of. "Many call it a community, but I describe it as a cult," says Coral Anika Theill, who was a member of People of Praise from 1979 to 1984 and is now speaking out against the organization.…
Who Is Amy Barrett? Front-Runner to Replace RBG Is Anti-Abortion Member of Patriarchal Catholic Group
Staff | | 2020-09-23
We look at President Trump's top pick for a woman to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who is a devout Catholic who has taken conservative stances on abortion, gun rights, immigration and LGBTQ rights. Barrett's involvement with the conservative Catholic group People of Praise, whose members pledge a lifelong loyalty oath to the group, has also raised questions about her ability to rule independently. "There's some real concerns about whether her involvement in there will affect her ability to be impartial a……
No Más Bebés: ICE Hysterectomy Scandal Recalls 1970s LA, When a Hospital Sterilized Chicana Patients
Staff | | 2020-09-23
As immigration authorities say they have stopped sending women to a Georgia gynecologist accused of sterilizing female prisoners without their consent, we continue our look at United States' disturbing history of forced sterilization with the producer and historian behind the 2016 documentary called "No Más Bebés," which tells the story of how a whistleblower doctor spoke out about a large number of tubal ligations performed on mostly Latinx patients at the Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center some 46 years ago. "Quite often they did not understand the terminology. They did not, in some cases, understand the lan……
Facebook Prepared to 'Restrict' Content Circulation if US Election Descends Into Online Chaos | 2020-09-23
Facebook will take an array of measures to "restrict the circulation of content" if the November 3 US presidential election devolves into chaos and unrest, according to a Tuesday report by the Financial Times.…
Breonna Taylor Killing: Only One Police Officer Facing Criminal Charges
Staff | | 2020-09-23
A grand jury has determined that criminal proceedings can move forward against one of the three white police officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor, a Black emergency medical technician, in her Louisville, Kentucky, apartment in the early morning hours of March 13. | The grand jury's decision, officially released from the office of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, is not a pronouncement of guilt, but rather means that formal prosecutorial charges can be issued against the officers who……
50+ Progressive Writers and Activists Pen Open Letter Urging Vote for Biden
Staff | | 2020-09-23
More than 50 progressive writers and activists — including prominent left-wing voices such as Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Cornel West — unveiled an open letter Wednesday morning that argues a vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in November is essential because while "the lesser evil is evil… in this case, the greater evil is simply off the charts." | Citing……
Leaked docs expose massive Syria propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors and media
Ben Norton | | 2020-09-23
Western government-funded intelligence cutouts trained Syrian opposition leaders, planted stories in media outlets from BBC to Al Jazeera, and ran a cadre of journalists. A trove of leaked documents exposes the propaganda network. By Ben Norton Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition. Virtually every aspect of the Syrian opposition was cultivated and marketed by Western government-backed public relations firms, from their ……
The US Is Using the Guardian to Justify Jailing Assange for Life. Why Is the Paper So Silent?
Jonathan Cook | | 2020-09-23
Julian Assange is not on trial simply for his liberty and his life. He is fighting for the right of every journalist to do hard-hitting investigative journalism without fear of arrest and extradition to the United States. Assange faces 175 ……
A Most Dire Warning. The 2020 November Elections. Chaos in America
Dr. Jack Rasmus | | 2020-09-23
The rumor today is that Romney will reportedly say he'll support Trump's 3rd SCOTUS vote. So there you have it! 2020 election Game Over! | Trump will now get his 3rd Supreme Court nominee accepted by McConnell's Senate–either before Nov. 3 ……
Ginsburg's Legacy Is Vast, But a Trump Appointee Could Overturn Her Best Rulings
Prof. Marjorie Cohn | | 2020-09-23
When I was sworn in to practice before the Supreme Court in 2007, I sat near the front of the gallery. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the five-foot-tall justice, was barely visible over the bench behind which she sat. On two ……
Elected Syrian Government, Led by President Assad, Saves Christianity in Syria
Mark Taliano | | 2020-09-23
Since the beginning of the Regime Change war against Syria, Western -supported sectarian terrorists — al Qaeda, ISIS and affiliates — have actively sought to destroy and extinguish Christians and Christianity from Syria. President Assad and the Syrian people have ……
A Marxist view from Portugal on U.S. elections and decline of Washington's power
Manuel Raposo | | 2020-09-23
A Portuguese Marxist analyst looks at the Trump vs. Biden election, assessing its possible impact on U.S. foreign policy. This article was first published Sept. 1 on the website, which is edited by Raposo. Translation by John Catalinotto. The confrontation between Trump and Biden, regarding the upcoming U.S. presidential . . . | Continue reading A Marxist view from Portugal on U.S. elections and decline of Washington's power at……
With Ginsburg's Death Cue the Last Stand of American Marxists
_____ | | 2020-09-23
For all of the bad things that have happened in 2020 don't for a second believe that 2021 won't be infinitely worse. It has been clear to me for months that the fight for the White House is one for the ages. | While every election is 'the most important one ever' in the minds of the politicos who see the other side for what it is, an existential threat to their power, this election is, I feel, finally one worth that moniker. But, that said, nearly every election truly is one where voters are presented a Hobson's Choice where there is no real difference between the standard bearers of both major parties. | And the……
Mediterranean Europe Will Continue Dealing with Migrant Crisis Instigated by Germany Despite Alleviation Efforts
Paul Antonopoulos | | 2020-09-23
The European Union has announced a new immigration and asylum policy based on the so-called solidarity of its members. However, this initiative will once again not receive unanimous support from all 27 member states. Since Germany instigated the migrant crisis ……
How class oppression drives climate crises
Mirinda Crissman | | 2020-09-23
Climate change refugees, Bangladesh. Climate emergencies and U.S. imperialism have quite a bit of overlap. Both are increasingly displacing the living at home and abroad on an almost unbelievable scale. These conditions are creating migrants and refugees who have to stay on the move to survive. To stave off climate . . . | Continue reading How class oppression drives climate crises at……
Reproductive Abuse is Rampant in the Immigration Detention System
Brigitte Amiri | | 2020-09-23
Last week, a hideous allegation emerged in a complaint filed on behalf of immigrants detained at the privately operated Irwin County Detention Center (ICDC) in Georgia. In the complaint, nurse Dawn Wooten blew the whistle on "jarring medical neglect" she says she learned about while working at the facility, including an allegation that a government-contracted doctor repeatedly performed sterilizing procedures on women in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody without their knowledge or consent., , These alleg……
Thursday 9/24: Healthcare as Sanctuary: ICE, Birthing People, and Justice for Immigrants
UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative | | 2020-09-23
Online (FREE)……
EU aims at keeping migrants out with new asylum pact | 2020-09-23
The European Commission proposed a new Pact on Migration and Asylum, focusing on returns, pre-entry checks, and partnership with third countries to prevent migration flows.The proposal is "a fair balance of responsibility and solidarity among member states," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the press.The new reform package will help the bloc to "move away from ad-hoc solutions" by setting a "predictable and reliable migration scene", according to the top EU official.Under the new system, the national authorities and EU agencies would carry out pre-entry screenings at the bloc's external bor……
Internationalism or Extinction
Noam Chomsky | | 2020-09-23
PI Council Member Noam Chomsky's keynote speech at the Progressive International's inaugural summit.…
'Unaltered position': Kuwait denies Trump claim it will back Israel normalisation
Yasmena al-Mulla | | 2020-09-23
'Unaltered position': Kuwait denies Trump claim it will back Israel normalisation | Cabinet of ministers' statement reflects strong historical relations between the Gulf country and Palestine | | Yasmena al-Mulla | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 14: 21 | Sheikh Nasser Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah accepts the US Legion of Merit, Degree Chief Commander on behalf of his father the Kuwaiti emir during a ceremony at the……
Palestine hails Erdogan's speech to UN | 2020-09-23
The Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday hailed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's speech to the United Nations General Assembly. | "We must thank the Turkish president for his insistence on reminding the world of the Palestinian people's suffering as well as their right to freedom and independence and his rejection of any initiative that the Palestinian rejects," the ministry said in a statement. | In his speech, Erdogan said: "Upon rejection of the document of surrender, which was tried to be imposed on Palestine under the name of 'Deal of the Century,' Israel this time accelerated its attempts to 'h……
Car caravan rally held in Arlington to protest UAE-Israel relations
Fight Back | | 2020-09-23
Arlington, Texas – On September 20, over 50 people gathered at Masjid Dar El Eman, an Islamic center, for a car protest against the United Arab Emirates' and Bahrain's normalization of relations with Israel. The car caravan was organized by the Dallas Palestine Coalition; Palestinian Youth Movement-Dallas, Muslim Democratic Caucus-Texas; American Muslims for Palestine-Texas; Code Pink-Greater Dallas, and Veterans for Peace-Dallas. | After a short prayer, a car caravan drove around South Arlington. Many of the protesters attached Palestinian and American flags to their cars to call for an end to U.S. support……
Washington Is Left Isolated as It Passes Renewed Sanctions Against Iran
Paul Antonopoulos | | 2020-09-23
After the US State Department claimed that Tehran did not meet the terms of the "nuclear deal," Washington renewed its anti-Iranian sanctions on Monday. The UN and the EU found the claims made by Washington to be unconvincing and refused ……
Iran — US Sanctions — Unilateralism — Turning the Clock Back to Before the Nuclear Deal
Peter Koenig | | 2020-09-23
Background | Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has slammed US sanctions against his country, saying they are a flagrant violation of the UN charter. | In an address to the UN General Assembly, Rouhani said the Iranian nation successfully withstood the US maximum ……
André Vltchek — Remembered
Peter Koenig | | 2020-09-23
André, my good friend and comrade is no more. | We worked on several investigative projects together. André's professional rigor, sharpness of understanding, vision and ability to connecting the dots is exemplary. | We shared some unforgettable moments, when we followed a ……
TG 87: There is no peace in Trump's Mid East Peace Plan
Philip Giraldi | | 2020-09-23
Peter Lavelle and George Szamuely gaggle with Philip Giraldi on the topic of Trump's so-called Middle East peace plan.…
No socialist paradise: Sweden's COVID-19 response is nothing to envy
Eds. | | 2020-09-23
Eleanor Goldfield reports from Stockholm on how COVID-19 has laid bare the U..S-style capitalist reality creeping into Sweden's already struggling socialized programs.…
Saturday 10/3: Suds Snacks & Socialism: Elections Part 2: Socialist Perspectives on the Presidential Race
Peace and Freedom Party, Alameda County | | 2020-09-23…
Video: Turkish-based Syrian Militants Prepare to Participate in Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict
South Front | | 2020-09-23
1,000 fighters of the so-called Syrian National Army, a coalition of Turkish-funded militant groups, will be moved to Azerbaijan in September as a part of a 6-month long deployment, Syrian pro-militant media reported. According to reports, Turkish proxies will pass ……
Navalny Incident a US Plot to Block Nord Stream 2's Completion?
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-09-23
When completed and operational, Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany will double the amount of natural gas Gazprom will be able to supply the country and other European ones — at around a 30% lower cost than US LNG….…
Much at stake for workers in federal appeals courts
Mark Gruenberg | | 2020-09-23
WASHINGTON –If there ever were six months which proved the importance of federal appeals courts to workers, the first half of 2020 was it. Both for, and often against, those judges, especially on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, determined workers' fate, even more so than the U.S. Supreme Court or ……
Protest At Mitch McConnell's House Over Supreme Court Vacancy
_____ | | 2020-09-23
A crowd of protesters swarmed outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's Kentucky home after the Republican leader said he would move to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death. | About 100 protesters gathered outside McConnell's Louisville home on Saturday after he said he would push for a Senate vote on filling the seat with the presidential election is less than seven weeks away, the Louisville Courier Journal reported. | The demonstrators called out "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Mitch McConnell has got to go," "vote him out" and ditch Mitch."…
A 6-3 court could cement minority Republican rule for decades
Staff | | 2020-09-23
The Appeal's Daniel Nichanian discusses the consequences of Trump filling the seat of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.…
Poor People's Campaign and progressive allies take fight to Mitch McConnell's doorstep
Jamal Rich | | 2020-09-23
WASHINGTON–On Monday, Sept. 21, just days after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death, organizers from the D.C. Poor People's Campaign and other major local organizations demonstrated by foot and car caravan outside of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's house to demand that he not appoint yet another extreme right Supreme Court justice, that ……
Wednesday 9/30: What's At Stake: Gender, Health Care & the Supreme Court w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Wednesday 9/23: Recording: Supreme Court Lying in Repose Ceremony for Justice Ginsburg (watch anytime)
ERA Coalition | | 2020-09-23
Online recording……
Wall Street Reportedly Braces for Market Volatility in Case of US Supreme Court Vote Before Election | 2020-09-23
Later this week, President Donald Trump is expected to announce his choice for Supreme Court justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on 18 September due to cancer complications. Democrats insist that the new justice should be nominated after the 3 November presidential election.…
Front-Runner to Replace RBG Is Anti-Abortion Member of Catholic Group
Staff | | 2020-09-23
We look at President Trump's top pick for a woman to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who is a devout Catholic who has taken conservative stances on abortion, gun rights, immigration and LGBTQ rights. Barrett's involvement with the conservative Catholic group People of Praise, whose members pledge a lifelong loyalty oath to the group, has also raised questions about her ability to rule independen……
Romney Crowns His Hypocrisy by Backing McConnell's Push to Fill Ginsburg's Seat
Staff | | 2020-09-23
Mitt Romney — a politician who has made a career of bending hypocrisy into bold new shapes — signaled yesterday that he will support Donald Trump's intention to stuff a new far-right Supreme Court nominee on to the still-warm seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. | Romney's decision to allow Mitch McConnell's brazen hypocrisy to stand unchallenged…
Afghanistan's top peace broker to visit Pakistan | 2020-09-23
The top Afghan peace negotiator in talks with the Taliban will travel to Pakistan next week to discuss matters related to the ongoing talks in the Qatari capital, Doha.On Monday, Abdullah Abdullah will go for the first time since 2008 to Islamabad, Pakistan's capital, upon an earlier invitation by the South Asian country's Prime Minister Imran Khan, according to his office, the High Council of National Reconciliation, which is a top-level body designated to broker a peace deal with the insurgents.Addressing the US Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Tuesday, Abdullah said there is a "lot of mistrust, found……
Bill Gates' Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life
Vandana Shiva | | 2020-09-23
When we wage war on the biodiversity of our forests, our farms, and in our guts, we wage war on ourselves……
The CDC retracts its guidance that stipulated the airborne danger of the coronavirus | 2020-09-23
Though the CDC said it had erroneously published the unvetted draft, the political fallout faced by the CDC suggests it was a political maneuver to save face.…
Guterres advocates for digital world that 'strengthens human rights, advances peace' | 2020-09-23
Amidst a technological era that "beckons with vast opportunity", new risks exist to global peace, stability and development, the UN chief told a side event of the General Assembly on Wednesday, aiming to help ensure access to digital technologies for all.…
Journalists Need to Be Clear About a Clear Threat to Democracy
Editor | | 2020-09-23
Matt Johnson / CC BY 2.0] By Joshua Cho / FAIR When the president of the United States has: explicitly declared his intentions to withhold federal election funding from states that are trying to make it easier to vote during a pandemic; appointed a major donor to his campaign with conflicts of interest to sabotage the US Postal Service–while stating that he opposes additional funding for……
US envoy to Israel says UAE will have to wait 'six or seven years' for F-35 jets
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
US envoy to Israel says UAE will have to wait 'six or seven years' for F-35 jets | David Friedman tells Jerusalem Post that Israel's military edge in region is 'matter of law, not a matter of policy' | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 18: 23 | UAE has long voiced interest in F-35 jets and were promised chance to buy them when agreeing to normalise ties with Israel (AFP/File photo) | US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman say……
48 especies de animales salvadas de la extinción
Fabián Capecchi | | 2020-09-23
Escrito por Fabián Capecchi basado en el artículo original publicado en The Guardian. Los grupos conservacionistas se han apuntado un gran éxito. El esfuerzo coordinado a nivel mundial para preservar la biodiversidad ha logrado salvar 48 especies de animales de la extinción, según un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista Conservation Letters (solo en inglés). ……
War zone America?
Andrea Mazzarino | | 2020-09-23
Military families — most so much more than mine — have already suffered for far too long without watching our own country become a new war zone.…
European unity is an example to the world: Bosnia and Herzegovina Head of State | 2020-09-23
≈ efik D≈æaferoviƒá, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Head of State, used his address to the General Debate of the General Assembly on Wednesday to praise the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the help it has given to non-EU countries, such as his own.…
For Justice Ginsburg, Abortion Was About Equality
Louise Melling | | 2020-09-23
Justice Ginsburg is often quoted as having said, "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." She did exactly that when it came to reproductive rights and abortion in particular. Justice Ginsburg fought, she cast decisive votes, and she led in a way to bring others along by speaking the truth about why abortion matters: Abortion rights are about equality, restrictions on abortion about the forever story to treat women as second-class citizens. Her mark is in the jurisprudence, it's on our protest posters, and it's in our hearts., , Writing in dis……
Utah police release body cam video of officer shooting unarmed 13-year-old boy
Andrew Emett | | 2020-09-23
The district attorney's office is continuing to review the shooting and determine whether the officer was legally justified in firing his weapon at Cameron.…
More than 14 million people internally displaced in first half of 2020: Report
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
More than 14 million people internally displaced in first half of 2020: Report | The majority of the displacements were caused by natural disasters across the world, while Syrians were the largest group displaced by conflict | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 19: 50 | Children ride in the back of a truck with furniture, mattresses, and blankets while passing by an internally-displaced persons (IDP) camp west of Aleppo on 16……
Activists in Idaho say: Defund the Police
Madi B | | 2020-09-23
Boise City Council voted to increase police spending by $1.1 million. Local organizers, activist groups, and community members have been demonstrating with a variety of tactics to oppose Boise's new budget ever since it was first proposed.…
Video footage exposes police shooting of 13-year-old autistic boy in Salt Lake City | 2020-09-23
While Linden Cameron somehow survived being shot 11 times, police in the US are still on track to kill nearly 1,000 people, a grim toll they have exacted every year since 2015.…
Israeli airliner flies to Bahrain in wake of normalisation deal
MEE and agencies | | 2020-09-23
Israeli airliner flies to Bahrain in wake of normalisation deal | Tracking data showed the Israir Airlines jet flew to the Gulf kingdom over Saudi Arabian airspace | MEE and agencies | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 12: 41 | This picture taken on 9 June 2020 shows an Israir Airlines ATR 72-500 turboprop aircraft landing at Cyprus' Larnaca International Airport (AFP) | An Israeli airliner flew to the Gulf kingdom of Bahra……
The Concept of the Weed
Elliot Sperber | | 2020-09-23
The Concept of the Weed What's a weed? A weed's, well, what? a plant that's in the wrong place But — that's it; It's out of order In the wrong subsection of the Nomos Also, you know, the weed's said to grow In a vigorous way Is renowned for its growth It grows — the……
A US Government-Funded Petition to Rewrite Thailand's Constitution
Tony Cartalucci | | 2020-09-23
An organization calling itself Internet Law Reform Dialogue or "iLaw" has for over a month now been organizing a petition nationwide at literally every anti-government rally — big or small, at every opposition venue or office headquarters, and at every ……
Libyan Oil Export Agreement Between GNA and LNA the First Step Toward Peace
Steven Sahiounie | | 2020-09-23
Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya, Ahmed Maiteeq announced that he had reached a deal on behalf of the Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli and the head of the Libyan National Army (LNA) Brigadier General Khalifa ……
Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal could create greatest economic crisis in history
Eds. | | 2020-09-23
The leak of the FinCEN Files over the weekend has rocked global markets and augurs a financial crisis of epic proportions as Deutsche Bank hovers over the precipice.…
Big Data and the science of manipulating the masses
Eds. | | 2020-09-23
With the advance of communications technology, the information society and internet, this knowledge has become so sophisticated that its impact is difficult to estimate.…
The No-Compromise Texas Republican Party Resolution Telling the Republican Governor to Immediately End His Entire Coronavirus Crackdown
Adam Dick | | 2020-09-23
The Republican Party of Texas executive committee has taken a heroic action that could serve as an example for Republican and Democratic parties across America. It has adopted, by a 54 to 4 vote, a resolution clearly and emphatically demanding ……
Are Red State Governors Getting Their People Killed to Help Donald Trump's Re-election Chances?
Dean Baker | | 2020-09-23
This is an incredibly ghoulish question, that it would absurd to ask in normal times. But these are not normal times. We know Donald Trump has staffed the top levels of his administration with people who unhesitatingly put Donald Trump's political prospects above the well-being of the people. It is certainly plausible that Republican governors……
Proposal to reduce MPs in Italy approved in referendum with support of establishment parties
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-09-23
The proposal to reduce the number of members of both of houses of parliament was opposed by the left parties which said it would decrease democratic representation……
The End of "Climate Change"
Rob Okun | | 2020-09-23
"Climate change" is over. No, not the relentless, catastrophic environmental crisis that's spreading like, well, wildfire around the world. That is definitely real and definitely far from over. What I'm talking about is the anemic, wishy-washy term "climate change," which does such a poor job of communicating the existential threat to the planet. Let's face……
Mali: Rights expert calls for 'immediate release' of former officials detained during coup | 2020-09-23
An independent UN human rights expert has called on Mali's coup leaders to release former government officials, who have been detained for more than a month.…
Saudi King outlines country's contributions to pandemic response, denounces attack on its oil facilities | 2020-09-23
Saudi Arabia continues to promote global response efforts and help countries reeling under the devastating impact of COVID-19, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud told world leaders, gathered virtually at the United Nations General Assembly.…
Arming the Planet: the USA as the World's Leading Weapons Dealer
Melvin Goodman | | 2020-09-23
For the past several decades, the United States has been the world's leading producer of major weapons systems and the leader in global arms sales. More of these sales have taken place in the globe's most volatile region, the Middle East, than in any other region of the world. The so-called peace deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrein, which were brokered by the United States, were business deals designed to expand U.S. arms sales in the Persian Gulf.…
Colombians rise up against injustice
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-09-23
Massive demonstrations were carried out in different cities in rejection of police brutality, economic crisis, mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and ceaseless assassination of social leaders.…
On Proper Naming: The Reflection of Ancient Asian Philosophy on Modern Society. The Quest for Peace and Livelihood
Jenn Zhu | | 2020-09-23
The original article in Chinese will be available on our Chine language page | Throughout human history, no matter in the east or in the west, there would be a chaotic situation taking place every few decades in human society. In ……
Saudi King Salman delivers scathing attack on Iran in UN speech
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
Saudi King Salman delivers scathing attack on Iran in UN speech | Saudi monarch suggests kingdom backs its Gulf neighbours' normalisation deals with Israel on second day of UN General Assembly | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 17: 09 | 'We support the efforts of the current US administration to achieve peace in the Middle East,' Saudi Arabia's Salman says (AFP/File photo) | Saudi Arabia's King Salman delivered a scathing at……
Why are Indian farmers protesting Modi's agriculture bills?
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-09-23
During this pandemic, the Narendra Modi led BJP government in India has pushed through multiple legislations that are a direct assault on people's rights. The latest among these are three bills on agriculture. The government passed these three bills brazenly flouting parliamentary rules and ignoring the protesting farmers across the country.…
The Critical Importance of Independent Media
The Global Research Team | | 2020-09-23
Never before has the need for independent, honest voices and sources of information been so dire. We are — as a society — inundated with a flood of unrelenting unreliable information. The mainstream media, concentrated in the hands of a ……
Hundreds of Kenosha, Wisconsin teachers call in sick to force schools to close | 2020-09-23
Starting Monday, 276 Kenosha teachers engaged in a sickout strike in opposition to increasing COVID-19 outbreaks and deadly conditions in the school district.…
Organizers in Oshkosh, WI demand justice for Isaiah Tucker
Fight Back | | 2020-09-23
Oshkosh, WI – On the afternoon of September 19, over 30 people gathered in Menominee Park in Oshkosh to demand justice for Isaiah Tucker. The group came together to protest the violent police killing of Tucker and to demand the officers responsible be held accountable. Tucker was a 28-year-old Black man from Oshkosh, and a father of three, who was murdered at the hands of Oshkosh Police Department officers Aaron Achterberg and Kyler Roberts. | After the demonstrators rallied on a busy street corner with signs and banners that read "Justice for Isaiah Tucker!" and "Police accountability now!" they marched through……
Egypt: Dozens arrested as anti-Sisi protests continue for third day
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
Egypt: Dozens arrested as anti-Sisi protests continue for third day | Egyptian villages in several governorates have witnessed continued protest since Sunday in response to a call by self-exiled activist Mohamed Ali | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 09: 47 | Egyptian protesters shout slogans as they take part in a protest calling for the removal of President Abdelfattah el-Sisi in Cairo's downtown on 20 September, 2019 (AFP……
Democrats Mock the GOP for Denying Climate Science, But They are Still Addicted to Fossil Fuel Funders
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2020-09-23
The recent chorus of Democratic Party leaders lining up to denounce President Donald Trump's climate science denial is deafening. As the West Coast of the United States burns relentlessly, taking lives and land, spewing ash and smoke, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Bidendenounced Trump's refusal to acknowledge climate science, saying in a speech,……
Hamas and Fatah begin reconciliation talks in Turkey
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-09-23
The meeting is a follow-up of an earlier meeting in which their general secretaries took part earlier this month. The factions have agreed to adhere to a principle of peaceful transfer of power on the basis of fresh elections……
TIME top 100: Waad al-Kateab, Lina Attalah and Yousef al-Otaiba make annual 'most influential' list
Rayhan Uddin | | 2020-09-23
TIME top 100: Waad al-Kateab, Lina Attalah and Yousef al-Otaiba make annual 'most influential' list | Syrian filmmaker and Egyptian journalist are praised for courageous documenting and reporting, while UAE ambassador gets recognition for building ties with US and Israel | Rayhan Uddin | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 14: 15 | (Left to right) Waad al-Kateab, Lina Attalah and Yousef al-Otaiba made the list for TIME magazine's 100……
Public Health Lessons Learned from Biases in Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation
Dr. Ronald B. Brown | | 2020-09-23
The following is an important article by Dr. Ronald B Brown's focussing on coronavirus mortality overestimation. | This scientific contribution provides and understanding of the Covid crisis and the often misleading estimates provided by our health authorities. | Our thanks to Dr. ……
Defend BLM activist lawyers!
| | 2020-09-23
Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman By Noor Jehan Bano A surveillance camera outside this city's 88th Precinct in New York captured footage on May 30 of a Molotov cocktail setting an abandoned, badly damaged, and heavily spray-painted police car on fire. That same night, police kidnapped and caged Urooj Rahman . . . | Continue reading Defend BLM activist lawyers! at……
Movies Need More Diversity
Kiki Monifa | | 2020-09-23
While yes, there is cause for celebration, there's also clearly more work to be done.…
COVID19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless
Torsten Engelbrecht | | 2020-09-23
First published on June 29, 2020 | Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify "positive" patients, whereby "positive" is usually equated with ……
The Democrats' immigration agenda
David L. Wilson | | 2020-09-23
The immigration plank in this year's Democratic Party platform is a reminder that real immigration reform isn't going to happen without serious grassroots organizing.…
Fenway Park expected to be used as voting venue
Associated Press | | 2020-09-23
BOSTON (AP) — There's the windup, the pitch — and the vote. Election officials in Boston are expected to approve Fenway Park as an early voting venue when they meet Thursday after Red Sox owner John Henry offered the storied ballpark for voters hesitant to cast ballots indoors. City officials toured the park and have ……
Morgan Stanley announces new climate commitment, first American bank to set target
Ashley Curtin | | 2020-09-23
The financial institute is the first major American bank to commit to "providing financing, expertise and thought leadership to support the transition to a low-carbon world."…
US Tells Kenya to Publicly Support Israel or Forget Free Trade Deal
Aggrey Mutambo | | 2020-09-23
The US wants Kenya to support Israel's political and commercial interests, or forget a free trade deal (FTA) with the world's biggest economy. | This is one of a raft of conditions set in the ongoing FTA negotiations between Nairobi and ……
Senate Democrats want $350 billion to prepare for war with China
Eds. | | 2020-09-23
Democrats in the Senate announced September 17 a massive spending bill aimed at stepping up U.S. hostility towards China to the tune of $350 billion.…
Debris from Beirut explosion adds to Lebanon's rubbish crisis
Nadda Osman | | 2020-09-23
Debris from Beirut explosion adds to Lebanon's rubbish crisis | The port blast has damaged many waste management facilities, leaving rubbish to pile up again | Nadda Osman | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 12: 20 | Rubbish has started piling up in streets as the country struggles to deal with the aftermath of the explosion (AFP) | Last month's port blast in Beirut has put further stress on Lebanon's waste management infrastructure,……
At UN Assembly, Lebanese leader appeals for help to rebuild after Beirut explosion | 2020-09-23
Lebanon will need support from the international community to rebuild in the aftermath of the devastating explosion in the port of its capital, Beirut, the country's President told world leaders, gathered virtually at the United Nations General Assembly.…
Countries urged to act against COVID-19 'infodemic' | 2020-09-23
The UN and partners have urged countries to take urgent action to address what they have described as the "infodemic" that has surfaced in tandem with the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the real world and online.…
Turkey, Greece agree to 'exploratory' talks over Eastern Mediterranean disputes
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
Turkey, Greece agree to 'exploratory' talks over Eastern Mediterranean disputes | Officials say talks will be held 'soon in Istanbul' following German-led efforts to defuse tensions | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 11: 34 | Turkey and Greece agreed to hold talks over disputes in the Mediterranean, following a video conference between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Counc……
In Covering the West Coast Fires, We Can't Ignore People with Chronic Illnesses
Brijana Prooker | | 2020-09-23
My autoimmune disease symptoms are flaring uncontrollably from the smoke, and I'm not alone in my plight.…
Category 5 capitalism
Devin Cole | | 2020-09-23
Creek/Muscogee land (Pensacola, Fla., and Gulf Shores, Ala.) — Hurricane Sally made landfall in Gulf Shores on Sept. 16 as a Category 2 storm. But meteorologists admitted its slow speed caused rainfall levels to match those of a Category 5 hurricane. It quickly moved towards Pensacola, collapsing a section of . . . | Continue reading Category 5 capitalism at……
Pentagon Used Taxpayer Money Meant for Masks and Swabs to Make Jet Engine Parts and Body Armor
Aaron Gregg | | 2020-09-23
Excerpts of article from the Washington Post | "A $1 billion fund Congress gave the Pentagon in March to build up the country's supplies of medical equipment has instead been mostly funneled to defense contractors and used to make things such | ……
The 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Zionist Origins of Saudi Arabia
Rez Karim | | 2020-09-23
Abdel Aziz Ibn Saud's actions during WWI eventually led to the founding of Saudi Arabia. To document a historically accurate account of his role, we examined in Part I three official documents from WWI. In Part II, we will ……
The Dying Planet Report 2020
Robert Hunziker | | 2020-09-23
The World Wildlife Foundation, in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London, recently issued an eye-popping description of the forces of humanity versus life in nature, the Living Planet Report 2020, but the report should really be entitled the Dying Planet Report 2020 because that's what's happening in the real world. Not much remains alive. ……
American horror story of the 21st century: U.S. immigration detention centers
Chauncey K. Robinson | | 2020-09-23
Halloween may be fast approaching, but you don't have to wait until Oct. 31 for a truly scary tale. Damning reports and allegations have come out detailing the nightmarish conditions at immigration detention camps in the United States. Things were already bad inside the centers, but the situation is now exacerbated by a deadly global ……
Whistleblower exposes: ICE abuses detainees
Dianne Mathiowetz | | 2020-09-23
EDITOR'S NOTES: As we go to press, a Sept. 21 press release from Georgia Detention Watch announced that Cipriano Chavez-Alvarez, 61, is the third detainee at the Stewart Detention Center located in Lumpkin, Georgia to die of COVID-19. Press conference on ICE abuse, Ocilla, Ga., Sept. 15. Whistleblower Dawn Wooten . . . | Continue reading Whistleblower exposes: ICE abuses detainees at……
'We're Facing Some Hard Shit': Performing Artists Are Organizing to Weather the Pandemic
Annie Levin | | 2020-09-23
With the industry in freefall, the artists who remain are getting radical and getting organized.…
Review of Jairus Banaji A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism
Eds. | | 2020-09-23
For Jairus Banaji, theory and history are tightly interwoven: without history, theory ends up 'bad abstraction'; without theory, the intelligibility of history is doomed to fail.…
Albuquerque Police, Mayor Ignore CDC Advice, Aggressively Police Unsheltered People During Pandemic
Keegan James Sarmiento Kloer, David Correia, and Justin Bendell | | 2020-09-23
Albuquerque Police Department (APD) and Albuquerque's Department of Family and Community Services (FCS) engage in a pattern and practice of harassing, criminalizing, and displacing unsheltered people living on city streets, parks, or private property, according to sources on the street, a review of 32 criminal complaints filed with the courts in early 2020, and survey data collected by a group of unaffiliated advocates for the homeless.…
3-Count Felon, JPMorgan Chase, Caught Laundering More Dirty Money
Pam Martens | | 2020-09-23
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has once again managed to do what federal bank regulators refuse to do in the United States — come clean with the American people about our dirty Wall Street banks. | ICIJ dropped a ……
The Dying Planet Report 2020
Robert Hunziker | | 2020-09-23
The World Wildlife Foundation, in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London, recently issued an eye-popping description of the forces of humanity versus life in nature, the Living Planet Report 2020, but the report should really be entitled the Dying Planet Report 2020 because that's what's happening in the real world. Not much remains alive.…
Iran: US Sanctions Unilateralism
Press TV | | 2020-09-23
PressTV Interview — slightly enhanced transcript Background Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has slammed U-S sanctions against his country, saying they are a flagrant violation of the UN charter. In an address to the UN General Assembly, Rouhani said the Iranian nation successfully withstood the U-S maximum pressure campaign. He added, Iran even flourished under the ……
Put 'people before politics' in Lebanon, urges Guterres, following Beirut disaster | 2020-09-23
It's time that leaders across Lebanon put "people before politics" following last month's explosions in Beirut port, said the UN chief on Wednesday, which must serve as a wake-up call following a year of upheaval and clamour for reform on all fronts.…
Stop forced sterilizations! Shut down all detention centers!
Workers World Party | | 2020-09-23
The Prisoner Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party commends the heroic action of Dawn Wooten, a licensed practical nurse, for exposing forced sterilizations at the Irwin County, Georgia ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) Detention Center operated by LaSalle Corrections, a private for-profit prison. Project South, one of the advocacy groups . . . | Continue reading Stop forced sterilizations! Shut down all detention centers! at……
Egypt: Dozens arrested as anti-Sisi protests continue for third day
MEE staff | | 2020-09-23
Egypt: Dozens arrested as anti-Sisi protests continue for third day | Egyptian villages in several governorates have witnessed continued protest since Sunday in response to a call by self-exiled activist Mohamed Ali | MEE staff | Wed, 09/23/2020 – 09: 47 | A protest against President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in al-Warraq Island, Giza, 22 September 2020 (Screengrab/Twitter) | Egyptian security forces detained at least 150 peop……
Black people are by far the biggest victims of looting in America
Staff | | 2020-09-23
The ignored history of violence against Black people & property overshadows a few broken windows and burned buildings today.…
6 crucial races that will flip the Senate
Robert Reich | | 2020-09-23
Every school board member, state representative, and congressperson you elect can be pushed to enact policies that benefit the people, not just corporate donors.…
There is a union difference: mortality rates from COVID-19 are lower in unionized nursing homes
Martin Hart-Landsberg | | 2020-09-23
We need strong unions, all of us. Tragically, even during the pandemic, businesses continue to aggressively resist worker attempts at unionization. And recent decisions by the NLRB only add to worker difficulties.…
And Then What? — We Daren't Not Look Into the Abyss
Alastair Crooke | | 2020-09-23
The election is configured as a 'crusade' against cosmic evil — a devil, or demiurge. The two sides seem to mirror each other in these passions. | Secular Millenarianism — the belief that some transformative catharsis in history has the power to expunge the crimes and follies of the past — has a long and bloody history. The notion originally owes to religion. Theories of human 'Progress' as an upward-trending, linear continuum, inevitably leading to 'a better human end', though clothed today as technological 'miracles', were never empirical hypotheses. They were always concocted myths, answering……
Three Cities Designated As 'Anarchist Jurisdictions' — What That Means
_____ | | 2020-09-23
On Sept. 21, 2020, millions of people in three major U.S. cities awoke to find themselves living in what President Donald Trump and his Justice Department cronies had declared "anarchist jurisdictions." New York City, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle — all of which are led by Democrats — were slapped with the label and, as a result, are now at risk of being defunded by the federal government, even as they grapple with massive budget shortfalls tied to the coronavirus pandemic. The president is playing a political game with those whom he considers to be his enemies, and that list is growing day by day.…
And Then What? — We Daren't Not Look Into the Abyss
_____ | | 2020-09-23
Secular Millenarianism — the belief that some transformative catharsis in history has the power to expunge the crimes and follies of the past — has a long and bloody history. The notion originally owes to religion. Theories of human 'Progress' as an upward-trending, linear continuum, inevitably leading to 'a better human end', though clothed today as technological 'miracles', were never empirical hypotheses. They were always concocted myths, answering to a human need for meaning, yet manipulated ruthlessly in the interests of power. | But what are such myths doing in a modern U.S. Presidential electio……
VIDEO: The Creeping Socialism Republicans Cannot Understand
_____ | | 2020-09-23
Republicans have double standards when it comes to "Socialism" they are apt to point out the poverty of nations like Venezuela and Cuba but neglect to mention that it was the West who put them under further sanctions. Watch the video and read more in the article by Tim Kirby.…
Twenty Days Of Underground Protests
_____ | | 2020-09-23
Ukraine – "This is not a strike, but a protest action." Yuriy Samoilov, chairperson of the Krivoy Rog (Kryvyi Rih) organization of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine, prefers to clarify this point when talking about the underground protest of local miners. Workers of the privatized Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Plant (KZhRK) are afraid to officially call their actions a "strike" because of pressure from the Ukrainian authorities. | Protesters remember the sad experience of striking uranium miners when the leaders of the movement were put on trial.…
US Bully In Last Chance Saloon
_____ | | 2020-09-23
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced this week the reimposition of international sanctions against Iran. Trouble is nobody is listening to Washington's remonstrations any longer. Not only has the emperor no clothes, he's lost bullying power too. | The Trump administration asserts it has the legal right to invoke "snapback" UN sanctions on Iran over Washington's baseless allegations that Tehran is in breach of the 2015 international nuclear accord. This is in spite of the fact that the American side forfeited its legal rights when it unilaterally quit the nuclear deal in May 2018.…
Two Paradigms Clash: Offers for U.S.-China-Russia Partnership That Won WWII or Hellish Plunge Into WWIII
_____ | | 2020-09-23
The Pentagon's new military report on China released on September 1st has demonstrated that the outdated and deadly Cold War mentality which has wrought such destruction upon the world since the end of WWII has not only become more deeply embedded into the psyche of dominant foreign policy officials in the Pentagon, it demonstrated that the current American establishment is totally unfit to survive in today's nuclear age. In our nuclear age, Hobbesian laws of the jungle will only re……
How Police Reform Was Derailed In California
_____ | | 2020-09-23
Sacramento, CA – By the time the sun set at the Capitol on Monday evening, hours from a legal deadline to pass bills for the year, state Sen. Steven Bradford knew his proposal to strip badges from troubled officers was in trouble. | For weeks prior, police reform bills were points of contention — even among Democratic legislators publicly sympathetic to the cause but privately circumspect, often under the pressure of intense lobbying by law enforcement interests. | But then, in the last hours, chaos broke out at the Capitol……
When Truth Exposes the Unspeakable
Mike Hastie | | 2020-09-23
I photographed this billboard on September 19, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. Three days prior to this, Portland, Oregon had the worst air quality in the world, as a result of raging killer Climate Fires throughout the state. President Donald Trump believes thatGlobal Warming is a hoax. Millions of Americans are directly influenced by his opinions. As you look at……
Dangerous Streamlining: Emergencies, Militarisation and Civil Liberties
Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-09-23
Be wary of anyone insistent on using the word "streamline" in the context of policy and planning. It suggests a suspicion of sound procedure, due process and keen scrutiny. The streamliner hates accountability, attacks the world of red tape and suggests that barriers be removed. Cut the tape; free the decision maker. The streamline obsessives……
'They'll come knocking at your door': NRA says a Biden victory would deprive Americans of 'your AR-15,' sends Twitter into frenzy | 2020-09-23
Many on Twitter are up in arms over gun control once again, thanks to an NRA post warning Americans that their semi-automatic rifles would be taken away should Joe Biden win the upcoming US presidential vote. | The National Rifle Association has apparently sought to remind Americans about the Democratic Party presidential candidate's stated plans to crack down on gun ownership. However, it appears instead to have reignited the interminable controversy over the future of gun control instead. | "If Joe Biden wins — Mike Bloomberg wins — and Beto O'Rourke will be knocking on your door for your AR-15," t……
Chlamydia & gonorrhea rates in younger US women SOAR, as health experts raise alarm over drop in tests during pandemic | 2020-09-23
Rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea have skyrocketed among young women in the US in recent years. Health experts are concerned infections are now going undiagnosed after testing dropped precipitously as a result of the pandemic. | According to the results of a recent study conducted by Quest Diagnostics, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, there has been a 50 percent spike in positive cases among women aged 25 to 30. | The research examined 17 million laboratory samples from women aged 1……
Florida AG urges FBI to probe Mike Bloomberg's pro-Biden effort to pay fines of 32,000 felons so they can vote | 2020-09-23
Florida's attorney general has called on the FBI and state law enforcement to probe potential violations of election law after billionaire Michael Bloomberg raised $16 million to help felons in the state become eligible to vote. | State AG Ashley Moody penned a letter to federal and state police agencies on Wednesday, stating that "further investigation is warranted" after a preliminary review of Bloomberg's voting initiative, which helped to fundraise millions to pay off court fines for some 32,000 felons in order to qualify them to vote under Florida law. | "Today, I sent a letter to the Florida Department o……
Seattle lawmakers successfully override mayor's veto on $3 million police budget cut & 100 officer layoffs | 2020-09-23
Seattle City Council has voted to overturn Mayor Jenny Durkan's veto on legislation that would slash millions of dollars from the local police budget, a move cheered by activist groups and reviled by some residents. | The council overturned Durkan's veto by a vote of 7-2, securing exactly the number of votes needed to put the legislation into effect. | "In the wake of a racial reckoning, a $300 million budget shortfall, a pandemic, a climate crisis, a homelessness crisis… and a lack of federal leadership, our fundamental duty remains: to balance the city's budget and meet the needs of Seattle's most vulnerab……
Pentagon slammed for turning $1 billion 'coronavirus fund' into more military-industrial pork — but what did Congress expect? | 2020-09-23
The Pentagon has defended its decision to repurpose Covid-19 preparedness funds — meant for pandemic response — to prop up weapons contractors as House Democrats slammed its double-dipping. | While the Department of Defense received $1 billion in March's CARES Act stimulus bill specifically to "prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus," it ultimately diverted most of the windfall to defense contractors, the Washington Post revealed on Tuesday. | The pandemic response fund, created under the aegis of the Defense Production Act, was supposed to be used to produce N95 masks, gloves, and other……
Dems Mock GOP for Denying Climate Science, But Are Still Addicted to Fossil Fuel Funders
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2020-09-23
The liberal party offers strong rhetoric on climate change but in practice promotes continued fossil fuel production. In the face of our unfolding climate catastrophe, this needs to end now……
Youth Must Focus This Election on Climate Change — and Push Dems to Confront It
Rachel Zhang | | 2020-09-23
Together, we can transform a burnt, drained, and inequitable world into a green, replenished, and just one for generations to come……
Open Letter: Dump Trump, Then Battle Biden
55 Progressive Activists and Writers | | 2020-09-23
Protestations that Biden is beholden to elites are true but beside the point. The lesser evil is evil, but in this case, the greater evil is simply off the charts……
War Zone America?
Andrea Mazzarino | | 2020-09-23
Perspectives on a Riven Nation from a Worried Military Spouse…
McConnell must pass fair COVID-19 relief, end hypocrisy about RBG vacancy
The Poor People's Campaign | | 2020-09-23
"This is about what kind of world we want to live in, and he does not represent it"…
Wednesday 9/23: What's At Stake: The Organized Crime of Big Pharma w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Wednesday 9/23: Medicare for All Town Hall: Building the Movement for Health Care Justice
Public Citizen and numerous partners | | 2020-09-23
Friday 9/25: Climate Strike: March 4 Our Future Against Chevron Corporation in Richmond
Youth Solidarity Project | | 2020-09-23
Starting point: Judge George D Carroll Park, cross streets area of South Gardland Ave & E. Richmond Ave. & West Cutting Blvd, Richmond, CA 94801……
Sunday 9/27: #FreeTheFamilies Vigil for ICE Detainees in Walnut Creek
Families Belong Together | | 2020-09-23
Civic Park, 1375 Civic Dr, Walnut Creek, CA 94596……
Tax haven USA wants to dry up other tax havens
A.Widmann, D.Bocking and K.Schoeneberg | | 2020-09-23
The American government can certainly be accused of double standards in this matter: While the United States refuses to take action against its own tax havens, it wants to get at other tax havens..Two US states Delaware & Nevada lure with lax laws for companies. Constructions such as mailbox companies, which conceal the true owners of companies, are flourishing.…
Open Letter: Dump Trump, Then Battle Biden
55 Progressive Activists and Writers | | 2020-09-23
Priority is dumping Trump……
Wednesday 10/14: What's At Stake: Vital Role of Health Care for Millions of Americans w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Tuesday 9/29: Protect the Altar for Black Lives and Vigil for Tamario Smith
#ProtectTheAltar | | 2020-09-23
Santa Cruz Town Clock, Pacific Avenue & Water Street, Santa Cruz……
Representation & Power Zine
ZINES | | 2020-09-23
Zine version of "George Floyd Solidarity in the Bay Area: Representation and Power" by Anarchist People of Color.…
Wednesday 10/28: What's At Stake: America's Newest Pre-Existing Condition of COVID-19 w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Saturday 9/26: Zinn Zen Zoo
David Giesen | | 2020-09-23
Join Zoom Meeting |… | Meeting ID: 940 3165 1508 | Passcode: UdrDt3……
Wednesday 10/7: What's At Stake: Black Maternal Health & Systemic Inequalities w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Friday 9/25: Climate Emergency Mobilization Summit Bay Area
Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force | | 2020-09-23
Wednesday 9/30: Virtual Rally for YES on Prop 15: Schools & Communities First w/ Alicia Garza, Rep. Lee
Schools & Communites First | | 2020-09-23
Online via Zoom……
Saturday 9/26: Climate Strike: #BayAreaShoeStrike Climate Emergency Protest Online & In-person North Bay
350 Marin & others | | 2020-09-23
In-person: Novato City Hall, 901 Sherman Ave, Novato, CA 94945 | Online via social media & YouTube……
Thursday 10/22: Root Division Announces: 19th Annual Virtual Benefit Art Auction
Renée Rhodes | | 2020-09-23
Virtual Platform……
Arrest at Extinction Rebellion Protest
Leon Kunstenaar | | 2020-09-23
"We Want to Live!" "SOUND THE ALARM" | "California Is On Fire!!"…
Monday 10/5: Voting During the COVID-19 Pandemic Virtual Townhall for Santa Clara & Alameda Counties
RVSCA | | 2020-09-23
Zionism, Labor, Privatization, AMED & Public Education With SFSU Professor Rabab Abdulhadi
Labor Video Project | | 2020-09-23
SFSU Professor and AMED Director Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi talks about the latest attack on her and her program AMED by the Zionists and the SFUSD President and executives. She discusses the terror tactics of Zioinists and Nazis and how the University officials have not only refused to protect her and the program but have been accomplices to these attacks.…
Wednesday 9/23: YES on Prop 16 South Bay Virtual Rally
YES on Prop 16 | | 2020-09-23
Thursday 9/24: "Capturing The Flag" Award Winning Film Screening & Discussion on Voter Suppression
Common Cause and others | | 2020-09-23
Online screening……
Thursday 10/1: UC Berkeley Cops off Campus Rally
UC Cops Off Campus | | 2020-09-23
Marthin Luther King Jr. Civic Park (2141 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Berkeley)……
Reunión Mundial de Cineastas y Narradores Indígenas
reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras | | 2020-09-23
Convocatoria: Reunión Mundial de Cineastas Indígenas y Narradores de Historias……
Wednesday 10/21: What's At Stake: Millions of Young Americans & Coverage Under the ACA w/ Health Care Voter
Health Care Voter | | 2020-09-23
Tuesday 9/29: Call to Aciton w/ NARAL CA: SCOTUS, Forced Sterilizations by ICE & 2020 Election
NARAL California | | 2020-09-23
Wednesday 9/30: Capitalisms Patriarchal Prison System
Party for Socialism and Liberation | | 2020-09-23
Zoom. Registration link:……
Thursday 10/1: Climate Justice in San Francisco: Racism, Radioactive & Toxic Waste, and Rising Oceans
Climate Reality Project & Commonwealth Club | | 2020-09-23
Online (FREE)……
Sunday 9/27: In Conversation! Carla Gannis with Dorothy Santos
Telematic Media Arts | | 2020-09-23
Streaming live on Twitch! | http: //……
Tuesday 9/22: National Voter Registration Day
National Voter Registration Day | | 2020-09-23
Online at | or at your county's registrar/election office……
Saturday 9/26: #FreeTheFamilies Vigil for the Women in ICE Custody (Albany)
Families Belong Together | | 2020-09-23
Albany Memorial Park, 904 Jackson St, Albany, CA 94706……
A deep learning algorithm for detection of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma from photographic images: A retrospective study
Qiuyun Fu, Yehansen Chen, Zhihang Li, Qianyan Jing, Chuanyu Hu, Han Liu, Jiahao Bao, Yuming Hong, Ting Shi, Kaixiong Li, Haixiao Zou, Yong Song, Hengkun Wang, Xiqian Wang, Yufan Wang, Jianying Liu, Hui Liu, Sulin Chen, Ruibin Chen, Man Zhang, Jingjing Zhao, Junbo Xiang, Bing Liu, Jun Jia, Hanjiang Wu, Yifang Zhao, Lin Wan, Xuepeng Xiong | | 2020-09-23
Automated detection of OCSCC by deep-learning-powered algorithm is a rapid, non-invasive, low-cost, and convenient method, which yielded comparable performance to that of human specialists and has the potential to be used as a clinical tool for fast screening, earlier detection, and therapeutic efficacy assessment of the cancer.…(20)30302-3/fulltext?rss=yes
Iran, Sweden study avenues to send food, medical aid to yemen
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister's Senior Assistant for Special Political Affairs and Sweden's Special Envoy for Yemen held an online meeting and explored possible avenues for disptaching food and medicine to Yemeni people.…
A bomb explodes on way of US terrorist army in Iraq
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iraqi sources on Wednesday said that a column belonging to the US terrorist army has been targeted by a bomb in Iraq's Salah al-Din Governorate.…
VIDEO: Blaze at Mt. Wilson comm. towers in LA
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — A big fire took place at the communication towers for TV, radio and government agencies on top of Mount Wilson, in Los Angeles County.…
Martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Roghayeh (SA) held in Tehran
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — The ceremony of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Roghayeh (SA), the youngest daughter of Imam Hussein (PBUH), was held at Imam Hussein Square of Tehran on Tue.…
IRGC Drones Trace US Aircraft Carrier Fleet
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri announced on Wednesday that the US Nimitz-Class aircraft carrier and its escorts were monitored by home-made drones at the entrance of the Persian Gulf.…
Inauguration of Holy Defense museums and exhibitions in Iran
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — An exhibition with the theme of Sacred Defense was inaugurated on Wed. with the presence of Parliament's Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf and Major General Bagheri at the Islamic Revolution & Holy Defense Museum.…
Trump mistakes United Nations for United States once again
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Trump mistook the United Nations for the United States once again.…
'That night's train' to be screened at Cinekid Festival
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iranian movie 'That night's train' by Hamidreza Ghotbi is to be screed at Cinekid Festival in Amsterdam, this October.…
Iran, Russia seeking to expand scientific cooperation
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iran's Ambassador to Moscow Kazem Jalali met and held talks with the special assistant to the Russian president for science and technology Andrei Fursenko on Wednesday.…
Iran's qanats symbolize patience, hard work
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) — Over the centuries, qanats have served as the main supplier of fresh water in arid regions of Iran, and thus helped harmonize the population distribution across the country.…
Restoration of Pahlavi one of Saddam's goal to invade Iran
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Anthony Tucker-Jones talked of Saddam's intentions and miscalculations in attacking Iran, including his attempt for the restoration of the royal family, Pahlavi.…
Tunisia always played a positive role in addressing IW issues
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-09-23
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) — Iranian Parliament Speaker's Special Aide for International Affairs said that Tunisia has always played a constructive and positive role in addressing issues of the Islamic World (IW).…
Business School students adapt to 'new normal' as they return to campus | 2020-09-23
Autumn Term has begun for the students of Imperial College Business School, with health and safety measures and 'multi-mode' delivery in place.…
Battery fires: Industry and research must work together for safer batteries | 2020-09-23
Fire safety issues with lithium-ion batteries could be addressed with better collaboration across sectors, Imperial College London experts have said.…
Podcast: Maths marvel, COVID in children and cooking with hyperfoods | 2020-09-23
In this edition: A $3m-prizewinning mathematician, a new project into how children transmit COVID-19, and recipes with anti-cancer properties.…
Early treatment for leg ulcers leads to better outcomes for patients | 2020-09-23
Early surgical treatment of leg ulcers caused by varicose veins improves healing and reduces the risk of the condition coming back,.…
Photo: Taiwan Has Cruise Missiles Capable of Reaching China Stationed at Base in Straits | 2020-09-23
A recent news report from Taiwan's Makung Air Force Base in the Taiwan Strait revealed Taiwan's air force has stationed air-to-ground cruise missiles within striking distance of the Chinese mainland.…
Netherlands Claims Thunderstorms Blocked F-35s From Escorting US B-52s During August Operation | 2020-09-23
Amsterdam claims the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) was unable to participate in the US' NATO-inclusive Operation Allied Sky because its US-made F-35 Lightning II aircraft had vulnerable fuel tanks due to pipe damage of unexplained origins, making them unsafe to fly in thunderstorms.…
Indian Markets Snap Downward Trend, Sensex Jumps 322 Points in Opening Trade | 2020-09-23
India's benchmark stock index, the Sensex, shed almost 16,000 points within weeks after a nationwide lockdown was imposed in India in late March due to COVID-19. From a peak of about 42,000 in early March, the Sensex plunged to 26,000 by the end of the same month and has since recovered almost 50 percent.…