Climate, crude, and COVID devastate Ecuador's Amazon
Staff | | 2020-08-11
Unprecedented flooding, the COVID-19 pandemic, and catastrophic oil spills are wreaking havoc in Ecuador's Amazon and its Indigenous communities, one of the groups hardest hit by the climate-related emergencies fueled by unbridled drilling for oil and mining for minerals. | In April, as COVID-19 began to overwhelm the healthcare system, both of Ecuador's transnational oil pipelines ruptured, dumping thousands of barrels of oil into the Coca river and its tributaries that provide fresh water and livelihoods to native communities. Regarded as Ecuador's worst spill in a decade, the collapsed pipelines are still not……
End Torture and Medical Neglect of Julian Assange
Dr. C. Stephen Frost | | 2020-08-11
Repost, first published on February 11, 2020 | On Nov 22, 2019, we, a group of more than 60 medical doctors, wrote to the UK Home Secretary to express our serious concerns about the physical and mental health of Julian Assange.1 ……
Twitter spreads paid U.S. gov't propaganda while falsely claiming it bans state media ads
Ben Norton | | 2020-08-11
Twitter says it bans ads from state-affiliated media outlets. However, U.S. government propaganda organs like Voice of America's VOA Persian pay the social media corporation huge sums of money to spread disinformation against Iran and other foreign adversaries.…
Towards a US-China War? The Creation of a Global Totalitarian System, A "One World Government"?
F. William Engdahl | | 2020-08-11
If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine ……
Ilhan Omar speaks at Minneapolis celebration of NO BAN Act passage In House
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Minneapolis, MN – A small crowd gathered in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood on August 10 for a press conference celebrating the passage of the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants (NO BAN) Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. | The bill would repeal President Trump's racist travel ban that has prevented immigration from a list of Muslim-majority and African countries. It would also strengthen prohibitions against discrimination on visa applications, permanently barring the executive branch from banning people from entering the United States on the basis of religious affiliation. Approv……
Ilhan Omar speaks at Minneapolis celebration of NO BAN Act passage In House
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Minneapolis, MN – A small crowd gathered in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood on August 10 for a press conference celebrating the passage of the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants (NO BAN) Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. | The bill would repeal President Trump's racist travel ban that has prevented immigration from a list of Muslim-majority and African countries. It would also strengthen prohibitions against discrimination on visa applications, permanently barring the executive branch from banning people from entering the United States on the basis of religious affiliation. Approv……
'Day of Judgment' Protesters Occupy Gov't Buildings, Banking Assn., Forcing New Elections
Juan Cole | | 2020-08-11
Angry about the criminal government negligence that led to the destruction of Beirut's port and part of the city by ammonium nitrate stores, they occupied the offices of the ministry of the economy, the ministry of energy, the ministry of the environment, and the foreign ministry……
Era Of US Domination Of Latin America Coming To An End
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers | | 2020-08-11
Marcha en Venezuela contra las sanciones de Trump (Reuters) Despite its failings at home, the United States intervenes in countries across multiple continents seeking to control their governments and resources. This week, we look at the US' latest efforts in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Bolivia to undermine their independence and force them to serve the interests of ……
Radical historian challenges traditional Marxist view of 'so-called' American Revolution
Jamal Rich | | 2020-08-11
WASHINGTON–The 'so-called' American Revolution of 1776 was not a bourgeois-democratic uprising for liberty as the common view would have it. Instead, it was a settler-colonialist revolt, a reactionary event aimed at blocking the impending abolition of slavery. That according to radical historian Gerald Horne, who is challenging both mainstream as well as traditional Marxist narratives about ……
Evo Morales denounces latest coup plot, warns of an immanent massacre
Eds. | | 2020-08-11
Last minute information, I denounce that General Ivan Ortiz Bravo, head of the third department of the Armed Forces Command, on the instruction of the commander in chief of the Armed Forces, General (Sergio Carlos Orellana), has a coup d'état plan. — Former Bolivian president Evo Morales Ayma……
Meatpackers fired for asking for COVID precautions, organize a picket to fight back
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Franklin, WI – On the morning of August 7, a crowd of around 80 people marched outside a Strauss Brands meatpacking facility located in the small town of Franklin just south of Milwaukee. In the crowd were workers from United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1473 (UFCW 1473) and their families, and members of other unions and community groups; most visibly immigrant rights group Voces de la Frontera. | The crowd was gathered to call for justice for 31 line workers who had been fired for organizing for better COVID-19 protections. Strauss fired these Latino workers with Social Security No Match letters from the S……
Meatpackers fired for asking for COVID precautions, organize a picket to fight back
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Franklin, WI – On the morning of August 7, a crowd of around 80 people marched outside a Strauss Brands meatpacking facility located in the small town of Franklin just south of Milwaukee. In the crowd were workers from United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1473 (UFCW 1473) and their families, and members of other unions and community groups; most visibly immigrant rights group Voces de la Frontera. | The crowd was gathered to call for justice for 31 line workers who had been fired for organizing for better COVID-19 protections. Strauss fired these Latino workers with Social Security No Match letters from the S……
U.S. and China Will Not Go to War Before the Presidential Elections as Some Speculate
Paul Antonopoulos | | 2020-08-11
Wang Yunfei, a recently retired Chinese naval officer announced online that U.S. President Donald Trump could launch a "controlled" military conflict with China in the South China Sea to increase his chances in the upcoming presidential election. Some analysts ……
Defund Fascism, Blue and Orange
Paul Street | | 2020-08-11
The American ruling class says it is opposed to "big government." It isn't. The wealthy Few are only against what the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu called "the left hand of the state" — those parts of government that reflect the victories of past and ongoing social movements by serving the common good, regulating Big Business,……
Global Destruction, 
The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic and Social Impacts
Peter Koenig | | 2020-08-11
Planned Destruction of World-wide Economy | What we have to realize is that the global, country-by-country destruction — happening simultaneously — is not a coincidence. | It has been planned for decades. Thousands of pages were written alone for the preparation of ……
Horror in Beirut. A Critical Examination. The Catastrophe in A Broader Context
Philip Giraldi | | 2020-08-11
The Establishment explanation for what occurred in Beirut's port on August 5th is that the horrific series of explosions that killed hundreds, injured thousands and left hundreds of thousands homeless was a terrible accident that came about due to …
Why Capitalism is in Constant Conflict With Democracy
Richard D. Wolff | | 2020-08-11
The capitalist economic system has always had a big problem with politics in societies with universal suffrage. Anticipating that, most capitalists opposed and long resisted extending suffrage beyond the rich who possessed capital. Only mass pressures from below forced repeated extensions of voting rights until universal suffrage was achieved–at least legally. To this day, capitalists……
Why a growing force in Brazil is charging that President Jair Bolsonaro has committed crimes against humanity
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-08-11
Jhuliana Rodrigues works as a nurse technician at the Hospital Sà£o Vicente in Jundiaí, Brazil. "It is very difficult," she says of her job these days. Brazil has just passed 100,000 deaths from COVID-19, with 3 million Brazilians infected with the virus.…
Lebanon's Gov't Resigns Amid Public Rage over Beirut Blast, But Protesters Demand Structural Change
Staff | | 2020-08-11
After days of protests, Lebanon's government has resigned following the devastating explosion at the Port of Beirut that killed 200 people and injured thousands. The port blast, the source of which was 2,700 tons of highly explosive ammonium nitrate left unattended in a warehouse for more than six years, occurred as Lebanon was already facing political, economic and public health crises. We speak with Ziad Abu-Rish, a historian and research fellow at the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies and co-director of Bard College's Masters of Arts program in human rights and the arts, who says despite public outrage toppli……
"Prisons Are Not Fit for Human Occupation": San Quentin Prisoners Speak Out as Virus Deaths Reach 25
Staff | | 2020-08-11
California's notorious San Quentin State Prison is experiencing the worst coronavirus outbreak in the United States. At least 2,200 prisoners have been infected, and 25 have died. More than 260 staff members have also been infected. We hear from two people incarcerated at San Quentin about conditions inside and the punitive measures authorities have taken against prisoners campaigning for better safety measures, and speak with James King, a member of the Stop San Quentin Outbreak Coalition. "The conditions at San Quentin are horrific," says King, who was incarcerated at San Quentin from 2013 until December 2019.…
How the Pandemic Defeated America: Ed Yong on How COVID-19 Humiliated Planet's Most Powerful Nation
Staff | | 2020-08-11
As the world passes a grim milestone of 20 million coronavirus cases, we look at how the pandemic humbled and humiliated the world's most powerful country. Over a quarter of the confirmed infections and deaths have been in the United States, which has less than 5% of the world's population. Ed Yong, a science writer at The Atlantic who has been covering the pandemic extensively since March, says existing gaps in the U.S. social safety net and the Trump administration's "devastatingly inept response" made for a deadly combination.…
8 Afghan policemen killed in Nangarhar Province
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Eight members of Afghan local police forces were killed by Taliban in Nangarhar Province on Tuesday.…
New Alternative Left Alliance Forms In Venezuela
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Merida – Two major Venezuelan left-wing parties have announced that they will not be backing government candidates in the upcoming December 6 parliamentary elections. | For the first time, the Homeland for All Party (PPT) and Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) are set to lead a broad alternative coalition for the 277 seats up for grabs. Apart from the two parties, the inaugural Popular Revolutionary Alternative(APR) will look to incorporate trade unions, social movements, LGBTIQ groups, communes and campesinos organisations, as well as a range of smaller leftist currents.…
UFO hunter claims to have unearthed 'alien underground bases' in South Carolina | 2020-08-11
A self-proclaimed UFO expert claims to have discovered the entrances to five different underground bases in South Carolina. The alien hunter says he believes that the alleged bases have secret passages that lead to the sea. | Scott Waring of ET DataBase says he discovered the alien outposts hiding in plain sight in South Carolina's Pee Dee Island while trawling through Google Earth. The features in question are five oval-shaped depressions, which appear to line-up perfectly in the satellite image. | This striking formation was enough to convince Waring that the ovals hide underground alien bases and prompted h……
Why Capitalism is in Constant Conflict With Democracy
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Richard D. WOLFF | The capitalist economic system has always had a big problem with politics in societies with universal suffrage. Anticipating that, most capitalists opposed and long resisted extending suffrage beyond the rich who possessed capital. Only mass pressures from below forced repeated extensions of voting rights until universal suffrage was achieved–at least legally. To this day, capitalists develop and apply all sorts of legal and illegal mechanisms to limit and constrain suffrage. Among those committed to conserving capitalism, fear of universal suffrage runs deep. Trump and his Republicans ex……
The Green New Deal Just Won a Major Union Endorsement. What's Stopping the AFL-CIO?
Mindy Isser | | 2020-08-11
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten greets a crowd of striking teachers in Grand Park on January 22, 2019 in downtown Los Angeles, California. (Photo: Scott Heins/Getty Images) |… ……
Coronavirus Is the New 'Terrorism'
Rep. Ron Paul | | 2020-08-11
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar "coronavirus relief" spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a "national strategic plan" she has been advocating. The Trump administration ……
The Rise of Nationalism Has Led to the Increased Repression of Minorities
Patrick Cockburn | | 2020-08-11
We live in an era of resurgent nationalism. From Scotland to Sri Lanka, from China to Brazil, governments rely on nationalism as a source of communal identity and a vehicle for common action. In countries where religious identity appears to dominate, as with Islam in Turkey and Hinduism in India, religion has bonded with nationalism.…
Video: Chaos in Lebanon, Marked by Start of New Round of Israeli-Iranian Standoff
South Front | | 2020-08-11
The explosion in the port of Beirut in early August that caused thousands of casualties became a trigger point for the further development of the already existing crisis in Lebanon. | In the following week days after the August 4 explosion, ……
No Extradition: New film documents Julian Assange's plight for freedom
John McEvoy | | 2020-08-11
On Thursday 13 August, the new documentary No Extradition: Julian Assange's Father & The Struggle for His Son's Freedom will premiere. It's about the ongoing extradition proceedings against WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange. The 32-minute film, which also screens on Saturday 15 August, features exclusive interviews with Assange's father John Shipto……
Why a growing force in Brazil is charging that President Jair Bolsonaro has committed crimes against humanity
Vijay Prashad | | 2020-08-11
Trade unions in Brazil have taken to the International Criminal Court to charge President Jair Bolsonaro with crimes against humanity over his mismanagement of the pandemic……
Some Come, Others Go
Victor Grossman | | 2020-08-11
The pressure to move instead towards diplomacy, détente and demilitarization — to safeguard our troubled world — now on Trump, after January 20 hopefully on Biden, must grow and grow……
Bolivians brave repression, continue struggle for democracy
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-08-11
The national strike and road blockades have intensified across Bolivia. The Bolivian Workers' Center (COB) called for these actions to oppose……
Rural Organizing Pays Off
Jordan Green | | 2020-08-11
"Organizing in rural spaces with progressive, multiracial solidarity messaging is the future. Either we get there first or white supremacists get there first."…
'Beirut is burning': Lebanese youth leader says country in trouble before blast
Robin Talbot, Ewan Simpson | | 2020-08-11
Following the devastating Beirut explosion, Robin Talbot and Ewan Simpson of the Young Communist League of Britain spoke to Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth (ULDY) president Adnan Al-Mokdad about his organization's response and the fast-moving political situation in Lebanon. The following article detailing their conversation is an edited version of an article that originally appeared ……
Rebellion reignites in Chicago
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Chicago, IL – Chicago police shot a 20-year-old Black man, Latrell Allen, in the Englewood neighborhood on Sunday afternoon, August 9. His mother told the media that he was shot five times, and she and an eyewitness both said he didn't have a gun at the time. | Community members angrily challenged the police. In response, the cops became brutal. One eyewitness, Joseph Williams, described on social media, "When I came out, the police were literally whupping a young man. One of them even kicked him in the face, which led to the blood on the ground," as he pointed to a stain on the pavement. | The police escalated.…
Coping With a Deadly Virus, a Social One, Too
Parth M.N. | | 2020-08-11
It didn't matter that all but one of them had tested negative for coronavirus. The sarpanch, in agreement with the villagers, had issued a diktat. The family couldn't leave their home for a month — though the mandatory quarantine period was 14 days. One of them had been infected with the virus. To make things……
S.F. judge: Uber, Lyft drivers are 'employees' with worker rights, not 'contractors'
Mark Gruenberg | | 2020-08-11
SAN FRANCISCO–The big ride-sharing apps Uber and Lyft break California law by misclassifying their drivers as "independent contractors," not "employees" with worker rights. Now a San Francisco judge is ordering them to follow it. Not only that, but the state Labor and Industries Department decided the same day as the judge ruled to sue the ……
Lebanese government resigns amid mounting anger over port blast | 2020-08-11
While the blast's immediate cause has not been confirmed, the disaster was the result of criminal neglect and callous indifference by successive governments and Lebanon's ruling elite.…
Minneapolis: Proposed charter amendment on police won't be on November ballot
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J) was joined by community supporters and Jamar Clark's family for a press conference demanding community control of the police and a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). After working on CPAC for years, organizing has been kicked into high gear by the uprising for George Floyd and empty responses from local politicians. Two months after nine Minneapolis City Council members declared a "commitment to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department," even their empty promises have stalled out. | One such response was a city charter amendme……
Violence in Sudan's Western Darfur forces 2,500 into Chad, reports UN refugee agency | 2020-08-11
Recent clashes in Sudan's Western Darfur region has driven more than 2,500 people across the border into neighbouring Chad, the United Nations refugee agency has reported.…
Authorities Visit Loring Park Tent Encampment, Bring Eviction Scare
Unicorn Riot | | 2020-08-11
Minneapolis, MN — On Monday afternoon, authorities visited the Loring Park Sanctuary to speak with residents of the outdoor tent community, stoking fears of another clearing of the park. | Three weeks ago, law enforcement bulldozed dozens of tents in Powderhorn Park, arrested about 20 people,…
COVID-19 surges in Florida after data whistleblower fired
Staff | | 2020-08-11
"Somebody needs to put a muzzle on [Trump] before he gets another 100,000 people killed. The United States does not have this under control."…
Tracking Apps Are Unlikely to Help Stop COVID-19
Jay Stanley | | 2020-08-11
Proposals to use the tracking capabilities of our cell phones to help fight COVID-19 have probably received more attention than any other technology issue during the pandemic. Here at the ACLU, we have been skeptical of schemes to use apps ……
Chart of the day
David Ruccio | | 2020-08-11
The American economy gained 1.8 million jobs last month, even as the coronavirus surged in many parts of the country and newly reintroduced restrictions caused some businesses to close for a second time.…
Sudanese protest against continuing atrocities by Rapid Support Forces militia
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-08-11
The Rapid Support Forces militia has reportedly engaged in brutal violence in the States of South and West Darfur, as well as the State of South Kordofan, over the past few weeks.…
Trump's Threat to Press Freedom Is Global
Malkia Devich-Cyril | | 2020-08-11
Attacks on the press are part of a broader effort to breed a level and type of confusion that forces a power vacuum which centralizes authority over U.S. institutions into the hands of the executive branch……
The "Election Interference" Fearmongers Think You're Stupid
Thomas Knapp | | 2020-08-11
Xi Jinping and Ali Khamenei prefer Joe Biden to Donald Trump. Vladimir Putin prefers Donald Trump to Joe Biden. That's according to William Evanina, Director of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center. "Many foreign actors," he says,……
Rebellion reignites in Chicago
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Chicago, IL – Chicago police shot a 20-year-old Black man, Latrell Allen, in the Englewood neighborhood on Sunday afternoon, August 9. His mother told the media that he was shot five times, and she and an eyewitness both said he didn't have a gun at the time. | Community members angrily challenged the police. In response, the cops became brutal. One eyewitness, Joseph Williams, described on social media, "When I came out, the police were literally whupping a young man. One of them even kicked him in the face, which led to the blood on the ground," as he pointed to a stain on the pavement. | The police escalated.…
Pushing GMO Crops into India: Experts Debunk High-Level Claims of Bt Cotton Success
Colin Todhunter | | 2020-08-11
On 6 July 2020, an article extolling the benefits of genetically modified (GM) crops appeared on the BloombergQuint website based on an interview with Dr Ramesh Chand, a member of the key Indian Government think tank Niti Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) . On 17 July, another piece that placed a positive spin on GM crops……
US, Israeli Media Scramble to Blame Hezbollah for Deadly Beirut Explosion
Raul Diego | | 2020-08-11
Pundits in the US and Israel are sounding the trumpets of war and trying to blame Hezbollah for the massive explosion in the port of Beirut. But a closer look at the stories being promulgated turn up the same old propaganda by the usual suspects……
Utah teachers challenge state's reopening plans
a guest author | | 2020-08-11
By Alyssa Faith and Summer Autumn School districts across Utah are planning to open with in-person classes for the start of the new school year, despite the state having twice the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus as they did when schools closed in March. Governor Gary Hubert requested school . . . | Continue reading Utah teachers challenge state's reopening plans at……
Chicago mayor locks down business district after police shooting sparks looting | 2020-08-11
Democratic officials responded by deploying more police, threatening more aggressive prosecutions and cutting off nighttime access to the Loop.…
Jobless workers will get little or no help from Trump's executive orders
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
San José, CA – On Saturday, August 8, President Trump signed four executive orders that he declared would "take care of, pretty much, the entire situation." But jobless workers will get little or no help from the triple whammy of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic crisis and the recent loss of the additional $600 a week in unemployment benefits, known as the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, of FPUC. | Instead, Trump ordered $400 a week in additional payments, calling the cut in benefits "generous." But he ordered the money to come from the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA. There is only enough mon……
Debt cancellation is vital for global recovery
Claudia Webbe | | 2020-08-11
Cancelling debt for poor countries is desperately needed to shore up public health systems, social protections and address global structural inequality……
Cuba's doctors to the rescue
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-08-11
The efforts by Cuba's Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade have been the most significant example of medical internationalism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The brigade was set up in 2005 by Fidel Castro.…
America's Political Crisis: Organized Riots and the Economic Lockdown
Renee Parsons | | 2020-08-11
In case you missed it, not one member of the Democratic hierarchy: not the DNC Chair, not one Democratic Member of Congress, Governor or Mayor, has spoken out to criticize the myriad of riots occurring across US cities or ……
Teaching Torture: The Death and Legacy of Dan Mitrione
Brett Wilkins | | 2020-08-11
Although Dan Mitrione has been dead for half a century, his legacy lives on in the words and deeds of a new generation of US torturers……
The Backstory to Portland? Two Decades of 'Homeland Security'
Khury Petersen-Smith | | 2020-08-11
The calls for oversight and demands that federal agents be withdrawn from our cities are urgent. The move to deploy these forces in brazen contempt for civil rights is escalating repression to a frightening new level……
Boston school bus drivers: 'No reopening without safety first!'
| | 2020-08-11
By USWA Local 8751 On July 29, the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, United Steelworkers Local 8751 issued the statement below, which President Andre Franàßois read on the August 6 Workers World Party webinar. Left to right, USW Local 8751 Chief Steward Frantz Cadet, Trustee Fred Floreal, and President Andre . . . | Continue reading Boston school bus drivers: 'No reopening without safety first!' at……
Both Parties Honor the Dark Side
Staff | | 2020-08-11
Stir Crazy! Episode 77: Today we are joined by the Outreach Director for Rent Strike 2020 Holly Blue and Detroit Action's Director Brandon Snyder. Hosted by Kim Brown. If you have comments or suggestions email us at……
Trump and Biden, Two Ignoble Minds Here O'erthrown
Andrew Levine | | 2020-08-11
At the presidential level and perhaps down-ticket too, this year's electoral circus will be a spectacle well calculated to cause disgust and despair — thanks mainly to Donald Trump's unprecedented machinations, but also because, at least in the presidential contest, the main contenders, both of them, are embarrassingly unfit to serve. For kindness sake, one……
Murder charges sought against deputy for shooting death of Andres Guardado
Paul Krehbiel | | 2020-08-11
COMPTON, Calif. — Community pressure is mounting on authorities to bring murder charges against Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Miguel Vega for murdering Andres Guardado on June 18 in broad daylight, near Gardena and West Compton in Los Angeles County. Deputy Vega shot the 18-year-old Guardado in the back five times when the youth was kneeling ……
Trump's Presidency is a Death Cult
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2020-08-11
When President Donald Trump was challenged by Axios national political correspondent Jonathan Swan to respond to the fact that, "a thousand Americans are dying a day" due to COVID-19, the president responded as though the grim tally was perfectly acceptable, saying, "They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is." While observers were……
Portugal mourns death of leading cultural worker Fernanda Lapa
Special to People's World | | 2020-08-11
The well-known actress and director Fernanda Lapa, a major personality in Portuguese culture and theater, died at the age of 77 on August 6 in Cascais, not far from her home. The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) issued a moving statement of mourning. Born in Lisbon in 1943, Fernanda ……
Is Big Pharma more Interested in Profiteering than Protecting us from Coronavirus?
F. Douglas Stephenson | | 2020-08-11
Forty years of private corporatist Big Pharma and oligarch control of our economy has left the public totally exposed and ill-prepared to face the public health crisis of COVID-19……
Jobless workers will get little or no help from Trump's executive orders
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
San José, CA – On Saturday, August 8, President Trump signed four executive orders that he declared would "take care of, pretty much, the entire situation." But jobless workers will get little or no help from the triple whammy of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic crisis and the recent loss of the additional $600 a week in unemployment benefits, known as the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, of FPUC. | Instead, Trump ordered $400 a week in additional payments, calling the cut in benefits "generous." But he ordered the money to come from the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA. There is only enough mon……
34 Attorneys General Call to Bust Gilead's Pharma Monopoly on COVID Treatment Remdesivir
Alex Lawson | | 2020-08-11
On August 4, nearly three dozen attorneys general representing nearly 60 percent of the U.S. population published an open letteraddressing top federal health officials. Even by the standards of an increasingly heated and high-stakes debate over drug prices, the letter is a remarkable document. With clarity and urgency, the signatories push the federal government to……
Democracy — We've had the Russia Report, now where is the America Report?
graham | | 2020-08-11
By Rob Woodward — TruePublica: The long-awaited Russia report was published with a call for "immediate action" by the government and intelligence services to tackle the threat from just one country — Russia. The reality was that while Russia may have been meddling at the edges of Britain's democracy, America has been actively involved in ……
Autonomous zones get the goods
Staff | | 2020-08-11
The next temporary autonomous zone could connect the history of public property as protest and centering the work of current activists for a more impactful zone.…
Voter intimidation? GOP sending 'poll monitors' to watch who votes
Eric Tucker, Nicholas Riccardi | | 2020-08-11
WASHINGTON (AP)–Since 1937, the state of Pennsylvania has had strict rules about who can stand in polling stations and challenge the eligibility of voters. The restrictions are meant to limit the use of "poll monitors" long sent by both parties to look out for voting mishaps but at times used to intimidate voters. In June, ……
Minneapolis: Proposed charter amendment on police won't be on November ballot
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J) was joined by community supporters and Jamar Clark's family for a press conference demanding community control of the police and a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). After working on CPAC for years, organizing has been kicked into high gear by the uprising for George Floyd and empty responses from local politicians. Two months after nine Minneapolis City Council members declared a "commitment to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department," even their empty promises have stalled out. | One such response was a city charter amendme……
Left-progressive Cori Bush makes her mark–On the neoliberal agenda
Staff | | 2020-08-11
Racial justice activist Cori Bush's stunning upset against a Congressional Black Caucus-backed incumbent in Missouri underscores the power of the growing movement against racism and corporate greed.…
Two years of Duque's Colombia: deepening neoliberalism, increased violence and a public health crisis
Zoe PC | | 2020-08-11
Colombian social leader Milena Ochoa analyses the past two years of Iván Duque's government and explains how its functioning has been completely in favor of big business, landowners, paramilitaries and the corrupt……
Video: The Great Reset: Covid-19 and the WEF Plan to Impose A New World Order
Michael J. Matt | | 2020-08-11
Michael J. Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what's really going on with the global pandemic. | To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland–to the World Economic Forum–where the movers and ……
Historic win for labor: California child care workers unionize
Kathy Durkin | | 2020-08-11
In a stunning victory for the U.S. labor movement, childcare workers in California voted nearly unanimously to unionize. The successful election came after public sector unions conducted a 17-year campaign aimed at pressuring state legislators to permit these workers to bargain collectively. Election results were announced July 27. California childcare . . . | Continue reading Historic win for labor: California child care workers unionize at……
Cops out of unions! Solidarity with the righteous rebellion!
| | 2020-08-11
On July 7 the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, United Steelworkers Local 8751, passed "Resolution in solidarity with the righteous rebellion against racism, police brutality and white supremacy." Included was a demand to "Expel all so-called 'police unions' from the AFL-CIO!" USW Local 8751 Trustee Fred Floreal speaking at Mass . . . | Continue reading Cops out of unions! Solidarity with the righteous rebellion! at……
Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine
Jordan Schachtel | | 2020-08-11
Here in the United States, we have become inundated with tales of COVID-19 doom and gloom. In America, the mainstream narrative is rife with hopelessness. | We are told that there is simply no way to stop this virus without repetitive ……
Don't Stigmatise the Nuke! Opponents of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-08-11
It would seem a logical step, at least from an existential perspective: to ban something so utterly horrendous to life; to forbid its use in any circumstances, whatever rationale employed to justify its use. But the nuclear weapon has its admirers. There are those who continue to worship its sovereign properties, and those who leave ……
The Flaw in the US Plan to Rally Democracies Against China
Sholto Byrnes | | 2020-08-11
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called last week for "a new alliance of democracies" to fight what he called "the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party". In a speech delivered at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in California, Mr ……
Student-athletes organize for health, Black Lives Matter, labor rights
Monica Moorehead | | 2020-08-11
Since March 12, the coronavirus has impacted every sector of U.S. society, not only health but also social life. With all the suffering going on and with no national public health care system in the U.S., different sectors of society are seeking to protect themselves by preventing the spread of . . . | Continue reading Student-athletes organize for health, Black Lives Matter, labor rights at……
US Attorney General Barr gives fascistic tirade against Antifa, Black Lives Matter | 2020-08-11
Barr made a political amalgam connecting the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and terrorism.…
Don't Stigmatise the Nuke! Opponents of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-08-11
It would seem a logical step, at least from an existential perspective: to ban something so utterly horrendous to life; to forbid its use in any circumstances, whatever rationale employed to justify its use. But the nuclear weapon has its ……
Invasion of the New Normals
C.J. Hopkins | | 2020-08-11
They're here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We're not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I'm afraid it is a little more serious than that. People's minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively ……
The Paranoid President
Gregory P. Williams | | 2020-08-11
Trump's rhetoric adheres to a longstanding tradition of political paranoia. To understand it, twenty-first century radicals could benefit from an unlikely source:……
Christian Nationalists and Christian Zionists March Lockstep to Secure Another Four Years for Trump
Kathryn Shihadah | | 2020-08-11
Christian Nationalists and their cousins, Christian Zionists — have made their way into the halls of power, and may be the key to another four-year term for arguably the most catastrophic president in US history.…
The paranoid president
Gregory P. Williams | | 2020-08-11
Trump's rhetoric adheres to a longstanding tradition of political paranoia. To understand it, twenty-first century radicals could benefit from an unlikely source:……
There's No Debate; Southern States Need Congress to Extend CARES Act Unemployment Benefits
Wingo Smith | | 2020-08-11…
Pro-Labor Candidates Are Upending New York Politics–Where Are the Unions?
Sam Lewis | | 2020-08-11
If this year's results are any indication, unions should worry less about their relationships with a political establishment that just keeps losing, and instead embrace the opportunity to elect working class people with a bold pro-worker agenda……
The Heat: Race for White House as Trump battles Democrats
Anand Naidoo | | 2020-08-11
The race for the White House heats us as Trump and Democrats battle over economic aid.…
Iran's Intelligence Min. arrests five spy teams
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Deputy Counterintelligence Ministry of Intelligence said that forces of the ministry nabbed five intelligence teams of foreign countries and thwarted their conspiracies waged against the Islamic Republic of Iran.…
Beirut Blast, chance for great unity in Lebanon
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Leaving a note in the memorial notebook of Lebanon, an Iranian politician considered the threat caused by the recent blast in Beirut as an opportunity for reaching a great unity among the diverse Lebanese nation.…
Iran, Russia discuss on broadening bilateral media coop
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA)- Spokespersons of Iranian and Russian Foreign Ministry discussed about ways to expand bilateral cooperation in the field of media and to counter unrealistic atmosphere created by western states through video conference on Tue.…
Iran exports $153.7mn worth of dairies in four months: IRICA
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Spokesman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) said that the country exported $153.7 million worth of dairy products in the first four months of the current year (from March 21 to July 22).…
Trump, Kushner promised money by MBS: Prof. Askari
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) — Professor Hossein Askari, an expert on Saudi Arabia, believes that the US will be reducing its footprint in the Middle East and China will be poised to fill the vacuum.…
Stock market beats housing sector in attracting liquidity
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — In the first four months of the current Iranian year (March 21-July 21), the Iranian stock market could attract 840bn rials ($3.7mn) of liquidity beating its rival, the housing sector, which absorbed 600bn rials ($2.6mn).…
Iran to continue efforts to produce COVID-19 vaccine strongly
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that efforts to produce coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccine and drugs will continue vigorously until the final result is achieved.…
Regional states should strengthen coop. in combating COVID19
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Iranian Minister of Health Saeed Namaki held talks with WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Ahmed Al-Mandhari on the expansion of regional cooperation in the fight against coronavirus via videoconference.…
Police bust over 750kg of opium in southeastern Iran
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 12 (MNA) — Police forces of the Sistan and Baluchestan province, southeastern Iran, have busted a big haul of opium in Iranshahr, weighing over 750 kilograms.…
Honey extraction in Daryan, NW Iran
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
DARYAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Some 15.025 tons of honey are produced per annum from 1,391,679 hives in East Azarbaijan Province, northwest Iran. The images show the process of honey extraction in Daryan Village in Shabestar County.…
Over 331K people infected by COVID-19, death toll at 18,800
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Iran's Health Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday that 184 more Iranians have died from coronavirus (COVID-19) over the past 24 hours, bringing the total deaths to 18,800.…
Russia 1st country to register COVID-19 vaccine, says Putin
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia has become the first country in the world to register a vaccine against COVID-19.…
Saudi Arabia abusing old regulatory gap in IAEA: Mousavi
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said that Saudi Arabia continues to refuse to accept IAEA inspections, despite currently pursuing a comprehensive nuclear program.…
19th edition of 'Mehr Vision' addresses Post-Corona Order
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — The latest edition of 'Mehr Vision' rounds up international thinker's view on……
Extending arms embargo on Iran lacks legal basis
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — A Chinese diplomat at the UN said that extending the Arms Embargo on Iran in whatever form lacks legal basis and will undermine efforts to preserve the Nuclear Deal.…
3rd Iranian film week opens in Japan
Mehr News Agency | | 2020-08-11
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — The third Iranian Film Week opened in Japan on Monday and was welcomed by a large number of Japanese enthusiasts on the first day.…
The global impact of Imperial's COVID-19 Response Team | 2020-08-11
Imperial's COVID-19 Response Team have been working with health services and governments around the world to help plan responses to the pandemic.…
Santa Cruz for Bernie Endorses Brown, Hill and Kumar for Santa Cruz City Council
Santa Cruz News Network | | 2020-08-11
Santa Cruz County for Bernie Sanders has announced their organization is endorsing three progressive candidates for Santa Cruz City Council in the November 2020 election: Sandy Brown, Kelsey Hill, and Kayla Kumar.…
Thursday 8/20: Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastic: Impact on Climate (Part 2 of 2)
People Over Petro | | 2020-08-11
BREAKING: Reina Robinson Launches Campaign for Vallejo City Unified School District Trustee
Reina Robinson | | 2020-08-11
Reina Robinson announced her candidacy for the Vallejo City Unified School District's newly created Trustee Area 2 today, along with a major community endorsement from Vallejo Girls Youth Empowerment Group. Her candidacy for VCUSD Trustee Area 2 comes nearly two years after the City of Vallejo was found to be in violation of the California Voting Rights Act.…
Saturday 8/29: #AllOut Against Racist 'Hate-Pride' Anti-LGBT Rally in Modesto
DEFEND 209 | | 2020-08-11
1431 McHenry Ave, Planned Parenthood Parking lot.…
Saturday 8/15: Love, Peace and Justice
Martha Hubert | | 2020-08-11
Highland Avenue Bridge @ Arlington, over the San Jose Ave. exit/entrance to Interstate 280, in the Bernal/Mission/Noe/Glen Park vicinity.…
Thursday 8/13: How Citizen Science Can Help Save the Bees
Earth Day Network | | 2020-08-11
Online via livestream & Zoom……
Another Toxic S.C. City Council Meeting Today
Robert Norse | | 2020-08-11
I wrote a letter to Justin Cummings last week about the upcoming "public" City Council meeting. On the agenda are the usual rubberstamping of City Manager Bernal's diktats, new police funding, denying claims against the police, the zombie resurrection of an anti-Vending law, inadequate "controls" on facial technology use, and a sell-out CACH homeless report.…
Saturday 8/29: Silicon Valley Pride 2020: A Digital Celebration
Silicon Valley Pride | | 2020-08-11
Online via livestream……
Sunday 8/30: Silicon Valley Pride 2020: A Digital Celebration (Aug. 30)
Silicon Valley Pride | | 2020-08-11
Online via livestream……
In SF, Low Riders Join Day to Demand "Shut Down CA Concentration Camps"
PIMHCH | | 2020-08-11
First there was a rally at Justin Herman Plaza, then a caravan led by Roberto Hernandez of the SF Low Rider Council in his classic white convertible. On August 8, during a statewide day of action to end ICE detention camps, over 1,000 marched behind the caravan of low riders in San Francisco. The culmination of the protest was at ICE headquarters on San Francisco's Sansome St. where demonstrators left red colored handprints to say, "ICE….you have blood on your hands."…
National nurse survey reveals devastating impact of reopening too soon
National Nurses United | | 2020-08-11
Photo: NNU press conference to release results of first national nurse survey – March 5, 2020……
Friday 8/14: Giants and Warriors Workers Fight Back
Marc Norton | | 2020-08-11
Willie Mays statue, 3rd and King Streets, Giants ballpark (Oracle Park)……
Tuesday 8/11: Defund the Police; Refund the Community
Food Not Bombs, SC Homeless Union, HUFF | | 2020-08-11
Santa Cruz Town Clock……
Eviction crisis across the nation threatens 30-40 million people
Lynda Carson | | 2020-08-11
Protesting Tenants Demanding That The Rent Must Be Cancelled:……
Thursday 8/13: No Place to Grow (Film + Q&A)
Watsonville Film Festival | | 2020-08-11
Via Zoom: |… | Meeting ID: 828 4954 1440 | Passcode: VWFF2020 | One tap mobile: +16699009128……
Feds: High Extinction Risk for All Seven Leatherback Sea Turtle Populations
Center for Biological Diversity | | 2020-08-11
Atlantic Population Faces 50% Drop by 2050, Pacific Declining 5% Annually……
Saturday 8/22: Stop the Racist Attacks! Black Incarcerated Lives Matter!
Judy Greenspan | | 2020-08-11
The event will be held in front of the gates of Soledad State Prison CTF off Highway 101 in Soledad, CA……
Santa Barbara County to Vote on ExxonMobil Plan to Restart Offshore Platforms, Truck Oil in California
Center for Biological Diversity | | 2020-08-11
Final Environmental Study Released, Project Approval Hearings Announced……
Tuesday 8/18: Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastic: Impact on Climate (Part 1 of 2)
People Over Petro | | 2020-08-11
Wolf Update: California's Lassen Pack Grows
Environmental Protection Information Center | | 2020-08-11
California's only known gray wolf family welcomes a minimum of eight new pups this year.…
Friday 9/18: Juneteenth Holiday Education Symposium
Michael Harris | | 2020-08-11
Historic Gold Mining Town | Negro Bar, California | Historic Folsom District……
Sunday 8/16: Anarchist Black Cross – Virtual Political Prisoner Support
Direct Action Monterey Network | | 2020-08-11
Wednesday 8/26: Women Take The Stage: Rally & Concert Honoring the 19th Amendment's Centennial
Women Take The Stage | | 2020-08-11
Online via livestream (free)……
Saturday 8/15: Demand Justice for Brutalized Black Prisoners!
Tasha Williams | | 2020-08-11
In front of Soledad State Prison CTF, off Highway 101 in Soledad, CA……
How South Korea's past informs Moon Jae-In's civil rights policy
Michael Owens | | 2020-08-11
President Moon Jae-In is the current president of South Korea. His presidency began without the typical two-month adjustment period, coming out of the previous scandal involving President Park Geun-hye. His justice minister pick became embroiled in a scandal, and the country's economy and unemployment rate have taken a turn for the worse. His approval rates have fallen to record lows, as protestors take to the streets. What actions is President Moon taking to bolster his candidacy? Let's examine how South Korea's political history has informed President Moon Jae In's public policy.…
Wednesday 9/30: District 11 San Francisco Board of Supervisors Candidate Forum
LWVSF | | 2020-08-11
Shark vs. Human: Who Is More Dangerous?
Animal Welfare Institute | | 2020-08-11
Washington, DC, August 10, 2020 — As Shark Week kicks off this week, more than 200 restaurants across the United States and Canada are exacerbating the rapid decline in shark species by continuing to serve an expensive soup made from their butchered fins.…
Saturday 9/5: San Francisco: Nationwide Mass Protest to Demand Trump Pence Out Now!
Refuse Fascism Bay Area | | 2020-08-11
San Francisco: Rally Embarcadero Plaza, Market St & Steuart St, then March to San Francisco City Hall……
Federal Review of Columbia River Dams Fails to Protect Salmon, Orcas
Center for Biological Diversity | | 2020-08-11
Dam Removal Not Chosen Despite Scientific Support……
The AFL-CIO Aided US Interference in Venezuela
_____ | | 2020-08-11
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Solidarity Center has a long history of working hand in glove with the U.S. government in undermining democracy and left labor movements throughout the world. | The center emphasizes it has shifted away from these Cold War tactics in recent years. But newly obtained documents show that the Solidarity Center has worked closely with the US to undermine the Venezuelan government in the recent past. Across much of the world, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) acted as an international a……
If Trump Wins, Russia Did It, If Biden Wins, It Was China And Iran
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Mass media throughout the western world are uncritically passing along a press release from the US intelligence community because that's what passes for journalism in a world where God is dead and everything is stupid. | The press release, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and authored by National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director William Evanina, claims that Russia wants Donald Trump to win re-election in November and is pushing to advance than goal, while China and Iran are doing the same with Joe Biden. What this completely unsubstantiated narrative means, of course, is th……
China To Sanction US Senators, NED And NGO Chiefs Over Hong Kong
_____ | | 2020-08-11
China on Monday announced sanctions on a group of 11 Americans, including lawmakers and top executives of American NGOs, in retaliation for US sanctions on a group of Hong Kong and mainland Chinese officials. | Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a regular press conference that Beijing would impose sanctions on Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, and Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, all of whom are Republicans.…
Lebanon Cabinet Resigns
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Prime Minister Hassan Diab addressed the nation to formally announce the government's resignation | Lebanon cabinet has resigned, AP reported the health minister saying today, amid mounting criticism over the government's response to the explosion which rocked Beirut last week. The move comes after the Minister for the Environment Damianos Katter and Minister for Information Manal Abdel Samad submitted their resignations yesterday while Minister for Justice Marie-Claude Najm stepped down this morning. | Later today local media reported Minister of Finance Ghazi Wazni had arrived at the Grand Serail for today's ca……
Disabled Iraq Veteran Faces Prison In Alabama For Legal Medical Marijuana
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Worsley's ordeal began in 2016 when he and his wife, Eboni, were arrested late one night after stopping for gas. They were traveling through the state on their way to North Carolina, where they were planning on helping Sean's grandmother repair extensive damage to her home after Hurricane Matthew flooded her community. | "We [were] not being competitive, we were being completely compliant," Eboni Worsley told Fox News. "We're being very cooperative, so not thinking that there's going to be a major issue. … I show him I don't want trouble, don't mean any harm."…
Land Defenders Rebuild Camp Despite New Injunction
_____ | | 2020-08-11
After several arrests last week and a new court order, land defenders are digging in their heels and rebuilding 1492 Land Back Lane, a name they've given McKenzie Meadows, a disputed site of a proposed housing development in Caledonia, Ont. that borders Six Nations of the Grand River's eastern border. | "We are under constant threat of OPP invasion of our unceded Haudenosaunee territory," said community member Skyler Williams in a Facebook post on Sunday. "Despite all of this, we continue to work on and build our community here at Land Back Lane."…
School Bus Drivers: 'No Reopening Without Safety First!'
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Boston school bus drivers say, "No school reopening without Union-planned and -designed health and safety procedures!" | Teachers, nurses, bus drivers and monitors, custodians, paraprofessionals, food workers demand a seat at the planning table, now! | First step: Nurses in every school, bus yard, and food and nutrition facility to ensure frontline Emergency COVID-19 Worksite Standard Operating Procedures. | Transdev: Stop the fraud! Hire professional bus and facility disinfecting companies, now!…
Newly Released Video Shows Jailed Black Man Died In Custody
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Newly released video footage shows a Black man in custody in medical distress, repeatedly telling corrections officers he couldn't breathe as officers struggled to detain him after he experienced a medical event in a North Carolina jail two days before he died. | Five corrections officers and one nurse have since been fired and charged with involuntary manslaughter for their role in the death of a 56-year-old James Elliott Neville, who died on December 4, 2019. The video, released this week as part of a judge's order, depicts events that occurred at the Forsyth County Jail on December 2, 2019, two days before his……
'Dialogue' Called by Añez In Bolivia Failed; New Election Date Set
_____ | | 2020-08-11
After more than five hours of dialogue between the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) and the Bolivian social movements, a consensus was not reached to define a new intermediate date for the general elections, which would bring political and social stability in the country run by an interim government, Xinhua reported. | "There was no agreement and Salvador Romero, president of the TSE, did not accept an intermediate date, our fight is with the Electoral Tribunal," said the executive secretary of the COB, Juan Carlos Huarachi, leaving the meeting. He explained to journalists that……
Sky-high care home death toll in New York has actually been UNDERCOUNTED, new data reveals | 2020-08-11
New York nursing home deaths at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic may have been undercounted by as much as two-thirds, according to new federal data. Already the highest in the US, the tally likely omits thousands. | The state's official count of care home pandemic deaths — 6,600 — may be vastly undercounted, according to data from federal regulators revealed in a report from news agency AP on Tuesday that suggests the state deliberately omitted from its totals nursing home residents who died in hospital.…
Seattle's 1st black female chief RESIGNS after city council chops police budget & officers' salaries | 2020-08-11
Seattle police chief Carmen Best has announced her resignation following a city vote to slash law enforcement budgets, including her own salary. Best, who was on the force for 28 years, described the cuts as "punitive." | Seattle's city council approved legislation to enact significant cuts in a 7-1 vote on Monday, which will eliminate some $4 million from the police department's $400 million yearly budget, including a sizable reduction of $800,000 to the PD's recruitment spending. Among other measures, the 2020 budget package will also cap Best's salary at $275,000, reduced from $294,000. | Chief Best has bee……
Trump launches scathing ad on 'phony' Kamala Harris as Democrats are torn over Biden's VP pick | 2020-08-11
President Donald Trump is having a field day with the choice of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate. While Democrat elites are rallying behind the ticket, frustrated progressives point to her problematic prosecutorial past. | Democrats announced Harris as Biden's running mate on Tuesday, proving right the July scoop from Politico based on a leaked campaign email. The California senator of Jamaican and Indian descent was quickly embraced by the party establishm…
Americans give up citizenship in record-smashing numbers as expats find 'pandemic & political climate too much to bear' — report | 2020-08-11
Americans are ditching their US citizenship in droves thanks to an unbearable political atmosphere and the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, new research shows, indicating that both residents and expats are cutting ties in record numbers. | More than 5,800 Americans renounced their citizenship in the first half of 2020, according to a report by Bambridge Accountants New York, a firm that specializes in US expat tax compliance, a dramatic 1,210-percent spike compared to the last six months of 2019.…
Swarm of subsea quakes near San Andreas fault reignites doomsday prophecies, fears of impending 'Big One' | 2020-08-11
A swarm of dozens of minor earthquakes hit just south of the San Andreas Fault in a matter of mere hours, prompting concerns that California might be hit by a megaquake in the near future. | The largest temblor in Monday's swarm was a magnitude 4.6, while there were multiple magnitude 3 quakes, all of which struck in an area known as the Brawley Seismic Zone, wedged between the San Andreas Fault and the Imperial Fault which goes all the way south to Mexico. | Salton Sea earthquake swarm update: So far there's been 90+ quakes since 8: 56am PT with three quakes >M4. Largest in the sequence so far is still the……
Seattle's 1st black female chief RESIGNS after city council chops police budget & officers' salaries | 2020-08-11
Seattle police chief Carmen Best has announced her resignation following a city vote to slash law enforcement budgets, including her own salary. Best, who was on the force for 28 years, described the cuts as "punitive." | Seattle's city council approved legislation to enact significant cuts in a 7-1 vote on Monday, which will eliminate some $4 million from the police department's $400 million yearly budget, including a sizable reduction of $800,000 to the PD's recruitment spending. Among other measures, the 2020 budget package will also cap Best's salary at $275,000, reduced from $294,000. | August 11, 2020…
At least it wasn't Susan Rice: Democrats could have made a worse running mate pick for Biden | 2020-08-11
Barack Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice would have ticked off the woke politics box, but her foreign policy failures and lack of domestic experience ultimately made someone else Joe Biden's running mate. | On Tuesday, hours before Senator Kamala Harris of California was announced as Biden's VP pick on the Democrats' 2020 ticket, the betting markets had pivoted to Rice. | This was based on her taking a leave of absence from her New York Times opinion column and selling off stocks in Netflix, as well as the rumor mill fueled by her conspicuous absence from the list of named speakers at next week's De……
Whose convention is it again? MSNBC uses Republican backdrop to promote Democratic convention | 2020-08-11
A graphical blunder by MSNBC demonstrates two facts about modern America: that fact-checking takes second seat to pizzazz, and that neither party has a monopoly on red, white, and blue pageantry. | In a series of graphics announcing the speaker schedule for next week's Democratic National Convention, MSNBC on Tuesday listed the names over a photograph of the Republican Party's 2012 convention — where Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination in a shower of red, white, and blue balloons. | The gaffe was quickly picked up by hawk-eyed Twitter users, who mocked the network for its sloppiness. Among the fir……
Mrs Nevada pageant interrupted MIDWAY after officials swoop on venue citing coronavirus guidelines violation (VIDEO) | 2020-08-11
Police and officials showed up at a Mrs Nevada beauty contest on Sunday, though it was not their appreciation for beauty that drove them there, but rather an order to shut down the event due to the presence of more than 50 people. | ……
Joe Biden chooses Kamala Harris as running mate | 2020-08-11
2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden has announced his running mate. The Democratic challenger picked former California Senator and former prosecutor Kamala Harris, after promising to select a woman of color for the role. | Biden announced his pick on Tuesday, with Harris previously considered a front-runner for……
'Tone deaf' WaPo blogger Jennifer Rubin roasted for 'bunker' joke after Trump escorted from press briefing due to shooting at WH | 2020-08-11
The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin was shredded online for quipping that it was time for a "bunker inspection" after the Secret Service rushed the president out of a press briefing, seemingly elated that he might be in danger. | Following President Trump's abrupt evacuation from a White House press conference on Monday,……
How the Guardian Betrayed Not Only Corbyn but the Last Vestiges of British Democracy
_____ | | 2020-08-11
It is simply astonishing that the first attempt by the Guardian — the only major British newspaper styling itself as on the liberal-left — to properly examine the contents of a devastating internal Labour party report leaked in April is taking place nearly four months after the 860-page report first came to light.…
Prince Peter Kropotkin and the Murder of the Liberator Tsar
_____ | | 2020-08-11
Why did London host a convention of anarchists in July 1881 less than three months after they had murdered the Liberator Tsar of Russia? | The International Anarchist Congress of London, from July 14 to July 20, 1881 was highly unusual in many ways, though it has almost totally been forgotten by history, save as a curiosity. | It was the last such gathering to be held for more than a quarter of a century until the International Anarchist Congress of Amsterdam in August 1907. During that time, there were four other unsuccessful attempts to call international congresses, in Geneva in 1882, in Paris in 1889, in Chic……
75 Anniversary of the Nuclear Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
_____ | | 2020-08-11
2020 marks the 75 anniversary of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The United States still remains the only nation to use atomic weapons on its enemies. But was incinerating untold numbers of Japanese really necessary? The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a political act to begin the Cold War, deliberately carried out by American leaders to assert U.S. hegemony. Watch the video and read more in the Editorial article.…
Coronavirus vaccine registered in Russia, says Putin
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
Russian president Vladimir Putin says a coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine developed in the country has been registered for use and one of his daughters has already been inoculated.Putin emphasised that the vaccine underwent the necessary tests and has proven efficient, offering a lasting immunity from coronavirus.However, scientists have been sounding the alarm that the rush to start using the vaccine before Phase 3 trials — which normally last for months and involve thousands of people — could backfire.Speaking at a government meeting, Putin emphasised that the vaccine has undergone proper testing and p……
Government defends test-and-trace service amid cuts to contact tracers
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
The government has defended its test and trace programme after it was criticised as nowhere near "world-beating".Labour said there were "growing concerns" about outsourcing giant Serco's role in the programme amid reports call centre contact tracers were being "paid to watch Netflix".The party also said the service was nowhere near "world-beating" and was unable to tackle local outbreaks.The government has announced it was strengthening regional test-and-trace powers in England while axing 6,000 national contract tracers.It means people who have been in contact with confirmed coronavirus (Covid-19) cases may get……
New Zealand reports first cases of coronavirus for 102 days
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern has said four coronavirus (Covid-19) cases have been found in one Auckland household from an unknown source.The new infections are the first reported cases of local transmission in the country in 102 days. | Ardern said Auckland, the nation's largest city, will be moved to Alert Level 3 from midday on Wednesday until midnight on Friday, meaning that people will be asked to stay at home, while bars and many other businesses will be closed."These three days will give us time to assess the situation, gather information, make sure we have widespread contact tracing so we can……
Stephen Lawrence's parents will never give up hope of getting justice
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
The parents of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence have said they will never give up hope of getting justice for their son as the investigation into his death was shelved by police.Doreen and Neville Lawrence have campaigned tirelessly since the 18-year-old was murdered by racists in Eltham, south east London in April 1993. | Two of the 18-year-old's killers, Gary Dobson and David Norris, were jailed for murder in 2012, but three remain at large.Two of the three remaining suspects, brothers Neil and Jamie Acourt, have since served jail time for drug dealing, while Luke Knight has remained free.Gary Dobson and Davi……
Police force use of facial recognition technology ruled unlawful
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
The use of facial recognition technology by police did interfere with privacy and data protection laws, the Court of Appeal has ruled. | Civil rights campaigner Ed Bridges brought a legal challenge against South Wales Police arguing their use of automatic facial recognition (AFR) had caused him "distress". | He had his face scanned while he was Christmas shopping in Cardiff in 2017 and at a peaceful anti-arms protest outside the city's Motorpoint Arena in 2018. | In a ruling on Tuesday, three Court of Appeal judges ruled the force's use of AFR was unlawful, allowing Bridges' appeal on three out of five grounds he……
Government urged to increase ambition for renewables as costs fall
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
Britain should accelerate the roll-out of renewables so they generate two-thirds of electricity by 2030, government advisers have said.The National Infrastructure Commission, which provides the government with independent advice on major long-term infrastructure challenges, has upped its recommendation for renewables in light of falling costs.It now says Britain should aim to generate 65% of its electricity from renewables by 2030, an increase on its previous recommendation of 50% generation from the clean technologies by that date.The commission said falling prices of wind and solar meant that upping the ambitio……
UK-Japan trade talks hit blue cheese block
The Canary | | 2020-08-11
The terms of trade for Stilton have emerged as some of the remaining obstacles to a UK-Japan deal.Both sides in the negotiations are committed to a trade deal being largely agreed by the end of August, but access for food and agricultural products is one of the outstanding issues.A post-Brexit deal with Japan would build on the existing EU agreement, but the UK has reportedly pushed for better terms for blue cheese.A report by Japanese media group Nikkei said the UK was seeking more preferential terms for blue cheeses, but Japan wanted to keep to the existing EU tariffs.Under the EU deal tariffs of almost 30% on……
In 'Battle for the Soul of This Nation,' Biden Names Kamala Harris as Vice Presidential Running Mate
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2020-08-11
"All of us will need to do everything we can do defeat Donald Trump this November, and Joe Biden will need strong progressive energy to win," said the PCCC in response. |… ……
350 Action Responds to Biden's Choice for Vice President, Kamala Harris | 2020-08-11
Is Trump Sabotaging U.S. Postal Service Ahead of Election as Part of His Attack on Mail-in Voting?
Mark Dimondstein | | 2020-08-11
Democratic lawmakers say the Trump administration is sabotaging the United States Postal Service ahead of the November election, when a record number of votes are expected to be cast by mail……
DNC Delegates: Biden Team 'A Horror Show' of 'Disastrous' Foreign Interventionism
Barbara Boland | | 2020-08-11
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice is rumored to be near the top of Joe Biden's short list for vice presidential candidates. A new letter attacking Rice's "poor judgment" is being widely circulated among delegates to the Democratic National ……
Philippines: Condemnation of the murder of Randall Echanis
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Jose Maria Sison, National Democratic Front of the Philippines Chief Political Consultant. | In the strongest terms, I condemn the murder of Randall (Randy) Echanis and his neighbor who were unarmed. Randall was a peaceful social activist. He was a mild-mannered man of 71 years. He had a consistent modest personality with a high level of education and intellect. He had long dedicated himself to his social advocacy and had made tremendous sacrifices for many decades. | He was outstanding as an advocate of genuine land reform, rural development and n……
Philippines: Condemnation of the murder of Randall Echanis
Fight Back | | 2020-08-11
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Jose Maria Sison, National Democratic Front of the Philippines Chief Political Consultant. | In the strongest terms, I condemn the murder of Randall (Randy) Echanis and his neighbor who were unarmed. Randall was a peaceful social activist. He was a mild-mannered man of 71 years. He had a consistent modest personality with a high level of education and intellect. He had long dedicated himself to his social advocacy and had made tremendous sacrifices for many decades. | He was outstanding as an advocate of genuine land reform, rural development and n……
Mealy-Mouthed Universities: Academic Freedom and the Pavlou Problem Down Under
Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-08-11
A sorry state of affairs has descended upon Australian academic institutions like a suffocating cloak. Vice-Chancellors and their overly remunerated toadies are getting human relations departments to scribble their apologias for sins against thought. Overt political opinions, notably when expressed in a manner that might threaten brands and compromised lines of funding, are being hunted……
Put lives and livelihoods ahead of profits
pip.hinman | | 2020-08-11
Healthcare George ZangalisIssue 1276 Australia aged care COVID-19 MelbourneAugust 11, 2020The tragedy for the coronavirus victims in aged ca……
Maritime union win over Alcoa's effort to cut skilled workforce
pip.hinman | | 2020-08-11
Workers & unions Kerry SmithIssue 1276 Australia Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). MV PortlandAugust 11, 2020The Maritime Union of Australia has won an important victory as the Federal Court ruled on August 9 that seafarers who organised a t……
Firm that ran fake news advertising for Brexit campaign is rebranded as 'safety tech' expert
Tom Coburg | | 2020-08-11
A government department has described the UK as a " world-leader" for "safety tech". Such technology, the department suggests, will help ensure "the UK is the safest place in the world to go online". But in a list of companies that form this s……
How the Guardian Betrayed not only Corbyn but the Last Vestiges of British Democracy
Jonathan Cook | | 2020-08-11
It is simply astonishing that the first attempt by the Guardian — the only major British newspaper styling itself as on the liberal-left — to properly examine the contents of a devastating internal Labour party report leaked in April is taking place nearly four months after the 860-page report first came to light. If you are a Labour party ……
Joe Biden Chooses Kamala Harris as Running Mate – Greenpeace Response | 2020-08-11
Why the Stimulus Deal Should Include Free College
Margot Rathke | | 2020-08-11
"Even before the pandemic, the exorbitant cost of higher education was holding our country back. That's especially true now." (Image: via |… ……
Look! (A Bit of) Journalisting!
Futher Column, By Abby Zimet, Staff Writer | | 2020-08-11… …
Progressive Groups Pressure Biden and Trump to Include Nuclear Disarmament in Campaign Platforms
Jessica Corbett, staff writer | | 2020-08-11
"The United States urgently needs a leader who will have the courage to look at, think hard about, and speak openly about the dire perils posed by our country's vast nuclear arsenal." |… ……
PFAW Responds to Biden's VP Selection: "We Are Proud to Give Biden and Harris Our Support" | 2020-08-11
Will October Surprise Be Trump-Provoked War With Iran?
Bob Dreyfuss | | 2020-08-11
"Consider it beyond irony if, this October," writes Dreyfuss, "the latest election 'surprise' were to take us back to the very origins of the term in the form of some kind of armed conflict that could only end terribly for everyone involved." (Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/via Getty Images) |… ……
Martin's Boat — A Film By Pete McBride
CP Editor | | 2020-08-11…
UN official Expects More Allegations about Khashoggi-style Murders by Saudis
Press TV | | 2020-08-11
The United Nations' Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings says she expects more allegations to surface about Khashoggi-style murders by Saudi death squads. Agnes Callamard was reacting to a Washington Post article that detailed a lawsuit filed in the US by Saad al-Jabri, a former Saudi spy. The plaintiff said, a hit squad was sent to ……
Cosa fa l'Italia per il disarmo nucleare?
Manlio Dinucci | | 2020-08-11
Nel 75 ∞ anniversario del bombardamento atomico di Hiroshima e Nagasaki, il presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella ha ribadito che ´l'Italia sostiene con forza l'obiettivo di un mondo libero da armi nucleari ª. Gli ha fatto eco il presidente della Commissione Difesa ……
Covid-19 Does Not Have to Be a Problem
Paul Craig Roberts | | 2020-08-11
Here is the presstitute CNN's report on US Covid-19 cases–… . | According to the report, the US has the most cases of all countries and the highest number of deaths. If this is correct, it says something about our health care system and the quality of leadership at CDC and NIH. Normally, CNN is very supportive of both. | There are people who, for whatever reason, claim that the pandemic is a hoax and that no one has died, much less the 1,000 daily deaths……
How Video and Online Reading Is Undermining Cognition. Protecting and Sustaining Classroom Teaching
Prof. Robert Abele | | 2020-08-11
As the Coronavirus rages uncontrolled in the United States and elsewhere, in education we are once again relying on online delivery of courses. That of course is really the only sensible alternative we have. However, as we ramp up for ……
Selected Articles: Five Ways "The New Normal" Is Getting Worse and Worse
Global Research News | | 2020-08-11
We hope that by publishing diverse view points, submitted by journalists and experts dotted all over the world, the website can serve as a reminder that no matter what narrative we are presented with, things are rarely as cut and ……
Sri Lankan election exposes historic crisis of capitalist rule | 2020-08-11
The election is not a "people's victory," but an electoral win by a party preparing for authoritarian rule under President Rajapakse who has already appointed a host of generals to his administration.…
How Did the Internet Get So Bad?
Lisa Borst | | 2020-08-11
How Did the Internet Get So Bad?…
It's Time to Abolish Nursing Homes
Sara Luterman | | 2020-08-11
It's Time to Abolish Nursing Homes……
Trump Appoints Disgraced Iran-Contra Hawk Elliott Abrams as Iran Envoy
Alan MacLeod | | 2020-08-10
Activists, the UN, and even mainstream news outlets expressed dismay at the Trump administration's decision to appoint regime-change champion Elliot Abrahams to the role of Special Representative for Iran. | *** | The Trump administration has appointed disgraced neoconservative hawk Elliott ……
New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries
Alan Macleod | | 2020-08-10
A new report published in South African newspaper The Mail and Guardian has shed light on the opaque world of the American military presence in Africa. Last year, elite U.S. Special Operations forces were active in 22 African countries. This accounts for 14 percent of all American commandos deployed overseas, the largest number for any region besides the Middle East. American troops had also seen combat in 13 African nations. | The U.S. is not formally at war with an African nation, an……
New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African CountriesNew Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries
Alan MacLeod | | 2020-08-10
The US has roughly 6,000 military personnel scattered throughout the continent with military attachés outnumbering diplomats in ……
COVID-19: A blessing for Bezos and a nightmare for workers | 2020-08-10
While workers fight for safe working conditions and adequate pay, Amazon has taken advantage of the business opportunities opened up by COVID-19.…
Privacy Advocates Demand Ban on Facial Recognition in Schools in Response to Damning Study on the Technology
Andrea Germanos, staff writer | | 2020-08-10
A new publication warns that the surveillance technology in schools could exacerbate racial biases. |… ……
Assange: "Send Him Back" to Australia
John Hawkins | | 2020-08-10
Australia's the kind of place where, after twenty years here, you can wake up one morning to a sucker-punch epiphany — wow! This is what it would be like if the South had won the Civil War. No slavery, but a mindset, sometimes an arrogance that comes at you like Dylan's twisty freight train. Not ……
Twitter spreads paid US gov't propaganda while falsely claiming it bans state media ads
Ben Norton | | 2020-08-10
Twitter says it bans ads from state-affiliated media outlets. However, US government propaganda organs like Voice of America's VOA Persian……
Western media's favorite Hong Kong 'freedom struggle writer' is American ex-Amnesty staffer in yellowface
Max Blumenthal | | 2020-08-10
A prominent Hong Kong pundit and anti-China activist named Kong Tsung-gan has become a go-to source for Western media. An investigation by The Grayzone confirms Kong as a fake identity employed by an American teacher who's a ubiquitous figure at local protests.…