Israel's Next Move: The Real Danger in US Decision to Normalize Illegal Jewish Settlements
Ramzy Baroud | | 2019-11-29
It is hardly shocking that the United States government has finally decreed that illegal Jewish settlements which have been built in defiance of international law, are, somehow, "consistent" with international law. US foreign policy has been edging closer towards this conclusion for some time. Since his advent to the White House in January 2017, President……
Trump Imperils the Peace Process
William Bell | | 2019-11-29
The Trump administration's declaration that it does not consider Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory a violation of international law has torn up four decades of American policy, and risks making life even worse for the most marginalised groups ……
Trump Claims that Nicaragua Is a "National Security Threat" to Legitimize U.S. Economic Aggression
Paul Antonopoulos | | 2019-11-29
Nicaragua has been experiencing a political crisis since mid-April 2018 when a reform of the Social Security system was used as a pretext to unleash pro-U.S. violent protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega. | The ruling party detected and ……
Bolivia — The Danger of "Neoliberalism with Fascist Characteristics"
Nino Pagliccia | | 2019-11-29
A relevant article by Thierry Meyssan has been published that reveals the deep historical fascist/catholic links leading up to the coup in Bolivia and the danger that may lie ahead as a result. It is important to be aware of ……
Bolivia: Anatomy of a Coup
Jeff Mackler and Lazaro Monteverde | | 2019-11-29
On Sunday, October 20 Evo Morales was re-elected president of Bolivia with 46.85 per cent of the vote against his nearest competitor, Carlos Mesa, who received 36.74 percent. In anticipation of a Morales victory the U.S. corporate media launched a fake news disinformation barrage nine days earlier aimed at discrediting the result and setting the……
Controlling the Message in Bolivia, Silencing Dissent, Hardening Dictatorial Rule
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-11-29
The US-installed coup d'etat regime is going all out to solidify dictatorial power. | Top priorities are eliminating challenges to its tyrannical rule and silencing dissent. | Pro-democracy supporters, independent journalists, human rights workers, and others supporting equity and justice risk arrest ……
Evo Morales and the Rights of Mother Earth
Ellen Taylor | | 2019-11-29
I lived in Bolivia for about 9 months in 1991, in a small town near Vinto. Vinto is the place where, a couple of week ago, a mob of thugs dragged the mayor, Patricia Arce, out of her office, cut all her hair off, drenched her in red paint and shoved her barefoot through the……
Gas Mask in a Shopping Bag: Looking Back at WTO Seattle
Peter Knutson | | 2019-11-29
WTO one-year anniversary rally, 2000, Seattle Central Community College I've never been much of a shopper, particularly at places like Nordstrom's or the Gap, (I like Value Village) but today since we're marching downtown to celebrate N30 I brought a couple of shopping bags with me. It's a good idea to bring your own bags……
Turkey Holds NATO Hostage Until Syria-related Demands Are Met
Sarah Abed | | 2019-11-29
NATO is in a state of division and instability with the US, Turkey, and France at odds, providing President Trump with the perfect opportunity to pull out of both NATO and the UN. | Next week NATO will be holding its ……
Video: Is Northeastern Syria Turning into A Death Trap for Russia?
South Front | | 2019-11-29
The northeastern part of Syria remains one of the main hot points of the conflict despite the ceasefire regime formally declared in the region. | Clashes between Turkish-backed armed groups, on the one side, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) ……
Chile: People With Eye Injuries To File Lawsuit Against Piñera | 2019-11-29
Chile's Coordinator of the Victims of Eye Traumas (CVTO) announced Thursday that it will file a lawsuit against President Sebastian Piñera as directly responsible for human rights violations. | RELATED: | Chile's Lawmakers Approve Impeachment of Interior Minister | "We seek justice. People responsible for serious injuries to citizens should not go unpunished. That……
Iran May be the Only Winner in Iraq
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-11-29
Intelligence documents reveal how Tehran took advantage of US blundering | The American invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of that nation's government in 2003 has rightly been described as the greatest foreign policy disaster in the history of the United ……
The Seattle WTO Uprising & the Indymedia Movement, Twenty Years Later
Kollibri terre Sonnenblume | | 2019-11-29
This week marks the 20th anniversary of the WTO protests in Seattle. The event was a spark set to dry kindling, and the flames that raced across the nation afterwards danced for a few years before they were smothered. As a moment, it was transformative for many people, myself included; my own life trajectory took……
Seattle +20: What the Global Justice Movement Got Right
Sameer Dossani | | 2019-11-29
Twenty years ago, protesters forced the cancellation of parts of the third ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. A combination of internal advocacy within the ministerial and protests outside (The Battle of Seattle) stopped the WTO from carrying out an agenda designed to enrich corporate elites and impoverish everyone else. At the……
Australian Labor Party shuts down parliamentary discussion on Assange | 2019-11-29
It is a glaring exposure of the thoroughly rotten character of the Labor Party that, on the issue of Assange, it is well to the right of Joyce, a conservative nationalist and populist.…
Australia: Queensland parliament forum reflects growing support for Assange | 2019-11-29
While largely focussed on lobbying parliamentarians, the meeting gave expression to the deep-felt concern of working class and professional people over the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder.…
Delay in publication of UK security report used to feed anti-Russian campaign | 2019-11-29
Allegations of Russian attempts to influence the UK's 2016 EU referendum and 2017 general election reveal sharp factional disputes within the British bourgeoisie.…
Eastern Europe Is Turning into an Energy Battleground
RFE | | 2019-11-29
Bulgaria has agreed to allow NATO to use its Black Sea port for naval coordination efforts as tensions rise between the Western military alliance and Russia. | The agreement was reached following a meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Bulgarian……
The Grand Illusion
Carl Boggs | | 2019-11-29
As the ecological crisis deepens, nearing the infamous Tipping Point — taking us closer to planetary catastrophe — we are being led to believe that an imminent "greening" of the world economy will deliver us from a very dark future. Somehow, against all logic, we have adopted a collective faith in the willingness of ruling governments and corporations to do the right thing. Carbon footprints will be drastically reduced thanks to a combination of market stratagems and technological magic. While greenhouse mitigation seamlessly advances, the ruling forces can return to what they do best — indulge……
Britain's Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn
Jonathan Cook | | 2019-11-29
Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has not only misrepresented the known facts about Labour and its supposed antisemitism crisis. He has not only interfered in an overtly, politically partisan manner in the December 12 election campaign by suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn | ……
What Should You Do About Climate Change?
Manuel García, Jr. | | 2019-11-29
Earth's climate is changing before our eyes, and at a faster rate than given by all previous scientific predictions. The melting of glaciers and permafrost, and the methane burping from tundras and the Arctic Sea; the enhanced power of hurricanes, rain and snow storms, and floods; the swelling of the oceans and the creeping inundation……
Alternative Media promotes Canadian Foreign Policy
Yves Engler | | 2019-11-29
Why would an alternative media website that questions government and corporate policies about climate change and the environment have so much trouble understanding that the same sort of skepticism is necessary regarding Canadian foreign policy? Imagine a self-declared progressive media outlet saying they don't cover racism, patriarchy or the dispossession of First Nations because they ……
The Hong Kong Local Elections Were a Monumental Defeat for Fake News, Not China
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-11-29
Marsha Blackburn, a Republican Senator from Tennessee, burnished her anti-China hawk credentials by ridiculously tweeting that the Hong Kong local elections were a "monumental defeat" for "pro-China lawmakers". The politician has been on a hostile anti-Chinese spree all this ……
Trump signs Hong Kong "democracy" bill | 2019-11-29
Entitled the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act"–and passed by the US Congress with only one dissenting voice in the House of Representatives so it was veto-proof–the legislation has nothing to do with either.…
Reality on Thanksgiving Weekend
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-11-29
America's privileged class never had things better throughout the year. | The vast majority of ordinary people struggle to get by, a few lost paychecks from homelessness, hunger and despair. | The world's richest country exploits them so wealth, power and privilege ……
Why the UkraineGate Hearings Didn't Move the Dial
Paul Street | | 2019-11-29
CNN and MSDNC's talking heads seemed surprised and disappointed that the recent televised impeachment hearings do not appear to have moved any but a small number of Republicans into supporting the impeachment and removal of the demented fascist oligarch Donald Trump. Liberals roll their eyes while discussing surveys showing that Republican voters are unmoved by……
Thanksgiving 2019: Where Are We Now?
Andrew Levine | | 2019-11-29
Thanksgiving is a fine time to take stock. As it happens, this year, with Congress in recess and the president spending more time than usual mentally decomposing and sending out tweets too absurd to warrant a passing comment, it is an especially fine time to take stock of how matters stand with Democrats and Republicans,……
Scorsese's Irishman, Dobbs' Hoffa
Louis Proyect | | 2019-11-29
This fall, I've suffered through some of the worst Hollywood films I've seen in eighteen years of film reviewing. Each year I get a bunch of DVDs or Vimeo links from Hollywood studios to influence the ballot I cast for the NY Film Critics Online (NYFCO) awards meeting in early December. This year I began……
Fire Brigades Union study exposes decades of deregulation and cost cutting that led to Grenfell Tower inferno–Part 1 | 2019-11-29
The FBU's study is all the more important in the context of a concerted smear campaign by the media and the official Grenfell Tower Inquiry, which have set out to cover up the principal causes of the fire and shift the blame towards the London Fire Brigade and firefighters.…
Privacy and Big Tech's Surveillance of Our Lives and Bodies
Julian Vigo | | 2019-11-29
Data privacy is the biggest tech human rights concern today. While this contention might seem exaggerated to some, to most people working in tech today experts are aware of how new technology poses serious threats to our privacy as the recent case of Google's recent purchase of Fitbit which ensures the tech giant's reach into……
Trump Sentences Future War Criminals to Death
Thomas Knapp | | 2019-11-29
On November 15, US president Donald Trump pardoned two US Army officers accused of war crimes (one convicted, the other awaiting trial). Trump also re-promoted US Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher from Petty Officer First Class to Chief Petty Officer. Gallagher was convicted of a minor war crime (posing for a photo with a corpse) after……
5G Cell Phone Radiation: How the Telecom Companies Are Losing the Battle to Impose 5G Against the Will of the People
Claire Edwards | | 2019-11-29
The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable. That you are nothing and no one in the face of a lethal multi-trillion-dollar agenda imposed by some of the most powerful entities on the planet.…
Street Fighting Man: The Night New York City Cops Beat Me Bloody
Jonah Raskin | | 2019-11-29
I know your eyes are glued to the circus in D.C. and the slaughter that's taking place in Afghanistan and half-a-dozen other places in a world that's on fire. I'm paying close attention, too. I'm also paying attention to my strangely electrifying memories of the night I was arrested and beaten by a dozen or so……
As Global Inequality Rises, So Are the Movements Fighting It
Jenny Ricks | | 2019-11-29
This week we as Fight Inequality Alliance have released our first report, The State of the Growing Movement Fighting Inequality. We aimed to begin balancing the plethora of research on inequality — its causes and symptoms, as well as the data crunching and killer stats that others have been doing so well since inequality has……
What is Happening in Spain?
Vicente Navarro | | 2019-11-29
The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Spain (1978) was carried out under conditions very favorable to the profoundly conservative forces that controlled the Spanish state and the majority of the media. The democratic forces (lead by the clandestine left wing parties) were institutionally weak. It is true that popular resistance against the dictatorship had been strong primarily among the working class, the base of these parties. Spain had the largest number of political strikes in Europe during the transition period (1975-1979), which played an important role in forcing the end of the extremely repress……
Why Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis is Wrong About Labor Anti-Semitism
Michael Barker | | 2019-11-29
The Tories strategy for 'hiding' their deep-rooted racism involves them perpetuating gratuitous acts of racism so regularly that they are effectively normalised. Nothing to report here apparently. Yet the corporate-owned, Tory-supporting media can't stop discussing Labour's alleged racism, which has them furiously salivating over Jeremy Corbyn's covert anti-Semitism. The main reason for this focus revolves……
The Impunity Doctrine: The Meek Shall be Buried Beneath the Earth
Jennifer Matsui | | 2019-11-29
The ruling class are feeling the heat. By feeling the heat, I mean they are disproportionately perturbed by toothless condemnation of their tax-avoiding wealth accumulation by presidential hopefuls looking to shore up "progressive" support during the primaries. Never mind that this highly scripted spectacle is underwritten by Wall Street, and its executive producers are the……
Gleaning the Dumps of Deonar: "I Was Born in Garbage, I Will Die in Garbage"
Shraddha Agarwal | | 2019-11-29
Kitabun Nisa Shaikh is standing on the edge of a hillock of rubble and garbage, picking out plastic from a nallah slowly flowing by her house in Rafiq Nagar. Some of the waste has slithered there from the adjoining Deonar landfill, some of it is garbage thrown right into the open drain. Using a long……
When Trump Became Messiah to the American Right
Natalie Dowzicky | | 2019-11-29
The Divine Right of Rulers isn't a new concept–it's one of the oldest and worst political tricks in the book. So when Energy Secretary Rick Perry appeared on Fox News and referred to President Trump as the "chosen one" and "sent by God to do great things," no one should have been shocked. Of course,……
Modern-day Artistic Reaction: The New York Times Considers "Canceling" French Painter Paul Gauguin
David Walsh | | 2019-11-29
According to Victoria Charles, a biographer of French Post-Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), the artist died in Atuona, in the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia, "having lost a futile and fatally exhausting battle with colonial officials, threatened with a ……
India's 'Military Diplomacy' Has Been a Mixed Bag of Success
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-11-29
India's practice of "military diplomacy" in holding joint drills with a variety of Great Powers and regional states has been a mixed bag of success since the former has resulted in sending positive signals about "multi-alignment" while the latter risks ……
Part of the Same Hypocrisy
Philip A Farruggio | | 2019-11-29
In Godfather 2 there is a riveting (in its bluntness) scene involving Michael Corleone and Nevada Senator Pat Geary. At his son's confirmation party, in a private meeting room, the senator wants a hefty bribe to help with a new …
Over 250 students arrested in Michigan by ICE in fake university scam | 2019-11-29
After arresting 161 students in January and February earlier this year, US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement revealed that they had detained an additional 91 students in an ongoing sting operation conducted by the federal agency.…
Reversing Pro-Palestinian Stance of Evo Morales, Bolivia's Coup Government Moves to Restore Ties With Israel
Jake Johnson, staff writer | | 2019-11-29
Morales cut off diplomatic ties with Israel over its deadly 2009 assault on the occupied Gaza Strip and called for top Israeli officials to be charged with genocide. |… ……
Explosive Leaked US-UK Trade Papers: Lowering Food and Health Standards under Brexit, Britain's NHS, "Chlorinated Chicken" Already on Table in US Trade Talks
Global Justice Now | | 2019-11-29
Trade campaigners have welcomed the release of leaked papers detailing trade talks between the Trump administration and British government officials, which show the US government pushing Britain into as hard a Brexit as possible because they see this as the ……
Qatari foreign minister visits Saudi Arabia to ease Gulf rift — report | 2019-11-29
Qatar's foreign minister has made an unannounced visit to Riyadh, Reuters reported, citing sources, amid signs that a rift among US-allied Gulf Arab states could soon subside. | Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani met with senior Saudi officials last month, said one of the sources familiar with the trip. If confirmed, it would be the highest-level visit since May when Qatar's prime minister attended an Arab summit in Mecca. | Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic and trade links with Qatar in June 2017, accusing it of backing terrorism. The boycotting nations set 13 dema……
"It Was Twenty Years Ago Today:" Seattle Diary
Jeffrey St. Clair | | 2019-11-29
I arrived in Seattle at dusk and settled into the King's Inn, my ratty hotel on Fifth Avenue two blocks up from the ugly Doric column of the Westin, the HQ of the US trade delegation and on Tuesday and Wednesday nights the high-rise hovel of Bill Clinton. On the drive up from Portland, I had decided to forego the press briefings, NGO policy sessions and staged debates slated at dozens of venues around Seattle. Instead, I was determined to pitch my tent with the activists who had vowed in January to shut down Seattle during WTO week. After all, the plan seemed remotely possible. The city with its overburdened stre……
Across the Balkans: Banja Luka
Matthew Stevenson | | 2019-11-29
An account of a journey from Croatia to Kosovo, by way of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Serbia, and with a detour into Montenegro. This is part II of a series. The bus to Banja Luka, presumably filled with Bosnian Serbs (perhaps the most unloved people in the Balkans), departed on-time around 3: 00 p.m. On the way to……
Boris Johnson is 'running scared' and 'threatening free press' over C4 debate row
The Canary | | 2019-11-29
Labour has accused the Prime Minister of "trying to restrict the free press" by threatening Channel 4 and of "running scared" of scrutiny by not committing to a BBC interview with Andrew Neil.A Tory source suggested the party may review Channel 4's public service broadcasting position after it replaced the PM with an ice sculpture on Thursday evening when he refused to take part in a climate change debate.The party also made a formal complaint to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom's election committee over what it said was "a provocative partisan stunt, which would itself constitute making a political opinion in its own……
Native leader says Trump's empty promises won't halt crisis of murdered Indigenous women
Brenda Norrell | | 2019-11-29
Ohlone Chair Dee Dee Ybarra said Trump's empty promises to halt the ongoing genocide of missing and murdered Indigenous women is no more than political rhetoric aimed at getting votes.…
Animal activists banned via Whole Foods' restraining order hold 24-hour fast & protest in Oakland
DXE | | 2019-11-29
Activists say Whole Foods' parent-company Amazon continually seeks to silence animal cruelty and transparency concerns with heavy-handed legal actions……
National Climate Strike in San Ramon
Sunrise Movement San Ramon | | 2019-11-29
Tri Valley area: San Ramon City Hall, 7000 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon 94582……
National Climate Strike at UC Davis
Sunrise Movement Davis | | 2019-11-29
UC Davis Quad, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616……
National Climate Strikes in Mill Valley
two events | | 2019-11-29
11 AM @ Depot Plaza Mill Valley, 87 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 | 3 PM @ The Redwoods Corner, Miller Ave & Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 94941……
Black Friday Climate Strike at State Capitol Sacramento
Fridays For Future Sacramento | | 2019-11-29
California State Capitol, North Steps, 1100 L Street, Sacramento , CA 95814……
National Climate Strike in San Rafael
350Marin, Sierra Club, and others | | 2019-11-29
San Rafael City Plaza, 1000 4th Street, San Rafael, CA 94960……
National Climate Strike in Palo Alto
350 Silicon Valley | | 2019-11-29
Lytton Plaza, intersection of University Ave & Emerson Street, Palo Alto 94301……
National Climate Strike in Oakland
Youth vs. Apocalypse and others | | 2019-11-29
Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA, 94612……
National Climate Strike: Die-ins, March, Vigil in Santa Rosa
Sonoma County Sunrise Hub | | 2019-11-29
Old Courthouse Square, 3rd & Santa Rosa Ave and 4th & Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404……
National Climate Strike in Sonoma
Sonoma High School Earth Club | | 2019-11-29
Sonoma Plaza, 453 1st St E, Sonoma, CA 95476……
Oakland Raids Housing Justice Village: Being Houseless Is Not a Crime
Cat Brooks | | 2019-11-29
Last night, dozens of unhoused community members with The Village and East Oakland Collective placed their tents on the lawn of City Hall; demanding to be seen, heard and helped by city officials. Instead they were terrorized, brutalized, arrested and taken to Santa Rita Jail.…
The Occupation of Alcatraz: LaNada War Jack 'From Self-Determination Back to Termination'
Brenda Norrell | | 2019-11-29
Dr. LaNada War Jack, Shoshone Bannock, said the Occupation of Alcatraz meant a new era of self-determination which is now threatened by the Trump administration's era of termination. Speaking at the annual AIM West UnThanksgiving Feast, during the 50 Year Anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz, War Jack shared memories of 'Taking the Rock' in 1969.…
Indian police arrest 4 suspects following chilling rape & murder of vet in Hyderabad | 2019-11-29
Police have arrested four suspects in the wake a brutal rape and murder of a veterinarian in the Hyderabad area of India. Those detained include a prime suspect in the harrowing crime that has shocked the nation. | The four men were brought into custody on Friday, just one day after the badly burnt body of 27-year-old vet Priyanka Reddy was found, local media reported. The police were able to flag the suspects after browsing through CCTV footage from the crime scene. | Among those arrested is the prime suspect, identified as Mohammed Pasha, a local truck driver. Pasha, along with the other three men, is accuse……
'I want the accused burnt alive': Mother of slaughtered Indian vet demands justice | 2019-11-29
India is in shock after the brutal rape and murder of 27-year-old veterinarian Priyanka Reddy this week. Her father has called for the perpetrators to be hanged, while her mother wants them to be publicly burned alive. | Reddy was allegedly raped, murdered and her body burned on Wednesday night. Her charred corpse was discovered on Thursday morning by locals after a frantic search by her family and local authorities. Her remains were identified by a locket she wore around her neck. | Hyderabad police have arrested four men, including truck driver Mohammed Pasha, in connection with the incident. | Also on……
Leaders of Turkey, Germany, France & Britain to discuss Syria before NATO summit | 2019-11-29
The leaders of Turkey, Britain, Germany and France will meet to discuss the situation in Syria before a NATO summit in London next week, the German government said on Friday. | Chancellor Angela Merkel will get together with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, British PM Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron after she arrives in the British capital on Tuesday, AP quoted German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer as saying. | Ankara's unilateral decision to intervene in northern Syria without warning its allies has been a source of tension in NATO. | Turkish troops and Ankara-backed opposition……
Cyprus decries maritime border deal between Turkey & Libya's govt | 2019-11-29
Cyprus' Foreign Ministry on Friday decried an agreement between Turkey and Libya's UN-backed government to delineate the maritime boundaries between the two countries as a serious breach of international law. | The ministry said a memorandum of understanding which the two countries signed has no legal validity and can't undermine the rights of Cyprus or other eastern Mediterranean countries, AP reports. | It also said Turkey's "distortion" of international law doesn't afford it any legal rights and demonstrates that Ankara "is alone in its views." | Turkey doesn't recognize Cyprus as a state and is conducting……
Cyprus decries maritime border deal between Turkey, Libya's govt | 2019-11-29
Cyprus' Foreign Ministry on Friday decried an agreement between Turkey and Libya's UN-backed government to delineate the maritime boundaries between the two countries as a serious breach of international law. | The ministry said a Memorandum of Understanding the two countries signed has no legal validity and can't undermine the rights of Cyprus or other eastern Mediterranean countries, AP reports. | It also said Turkey's "distortion" of international law doesn't afford it any legal rights and demonstrates that Ankara "is alone in its views." | Turkey doesn't recognize Cyprus as a state and is conducting explor……
Macron should have his own 'brain death' checked before attacking NATO allies, Erdogan says | 2019-11-29
French President Emmanuel Macron should determine the level of his own "brain death," before accusing NATO of lacking gray matter, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan has quipped. | France has no right to criticize Turkey's military incursion into Syria, or to make presumptions about NATO as a whole, Erdogan said in a speech at the University of Marmara in Istanbul on Friday. The Turkish leader even attacked Macron personally, retooling the French president's claim that NATO was suffering from "brain death." | First of all, have your own brain death checked. These statements are suitable only to people like you who……
New round of Syria constitutional talks ends as gov't, opposition can't reach consensus on agenda | 2019-11-29
A second week-long round of Syrian talks has ended without a meeting of the group of 45 delegates meant to be negotiating on the constitution, United Nations Special Envoy Geir Pedersen has said. | The Syrian government and opposition co-chairs were unable to agree an agenda for the constitutional talks, the UN envoy said in Geneva on Friday. "We have been trying to reach consensus but, as I said, we are not there yet," Reuters quoted Pedersen as saying. | The talks are intended as a step forward in what the UN says will be a long road to political rapprochement, followed by elections.…
Iraqi PM Abdul Mahdi says he will resign after top Shiite Muslim cleric's call for change | 2019-11-29
Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Friday he would tender his resignation to parliament so lawmakers could choose a new government, Reuters reported, citing his office. | Abdul Mahdi's decision came in response to a call for a change of leadership on Friday by Iraq's top Shia Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the statement said. | On October 31, Iraqi President Barham Salih said that PM Abdul Mahdi would only resign in response to mass protests if parliamentary blocs were to agree on his replacement to avoid a constitutional vacuum. The prime minister "had previously agreed to submit his……
Iraq's top cleric Sistani calls on parliament to end support for govt | 2019-11-29
Iraq's top Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani urged parliament on Friday to drop its support for the current cabinet after two months of anti-government protests that have left nearly 400 dead, Reuters said. | "The parliament, from which this current government is drawn, is asked to reconsider its choice in this regard and act according to Iraq's interest," Sistani said in a weekly sermon delivered by his representative in the holy city of Karbala. He condemned the use of lethal force against protesters and urged demonstrators to reject acts of violence and vandalism. | "Attacks against peaceful protest……
Sudan's authorities adopt law to dissolve Bashir party, 'dismantle' regime | 2019-11-29
New authorities in Sudan have ordered that the party of ousted leader Omar al-Bashir be dissolved and his regime "dismantled," heeding the call of protesters, AFP reports. Bashir and his Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) had ruled the northeast African country since 1989 before a nationwide protest movement resulted in him being deposed earlier this year. | The new ruling sovereign council and the cabinet led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok made the decision on Thursday to dissolve the party, approving a law titled "Dismantling of the regime of 30th June 1989." | The decree said that a committee will be……
Afghanistan's presidential election recount draws protests in Kabul | 2019-11-29
Afghanistan's leading presidential candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, has organized protests over a recount in elections that have been mired in accusations of fraud. | Thousands of Abdullah's supporters rallied on Friday in Kabul, against "the presence of faked ballots" amid a controversial recount that seems set to favor the incumbent, President Ashraf Ghani, AP reports. | Results for the September 28 presidential polls have been repeatedly delayed, amid accusations of misconduct and technical problems with counting ballots. If no candidate obtains over 50 percent in the results, a second round of voting will be……
'Telling the truth becomes a crime': UK & international pundits blast Assange imprisonment | 2019-11-29
An array of public figures, among them a retired British ambassador and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, again threw their weight behind Julian Assange, predicting the launch of a massive campaign in his support next year. | Pundits, public figures and Julian Assange's supporters flocked to an event called 'Free the Truth' in London. The Ruptly video agency filmed the exhibition of posters decrying Assange's imprisonment, as well as artworks inspired by him. | "So many activists are coming together at a time when I feel there's been a real change in public sentiment," Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador……
In swipe at US, New Delhi says foreign nations must 'respect' its decision to purchase Russian S-400 systems | 2019-11-29
The decision to purchase Russian S-400 systems was based solely on the merit of the military hardware, India's foreign minister has said, stressing that national security will never be undermined by objections from foreign states. | Despite pressure from Washington to abandon the deal, India is set to procure five S-400 anti-air batteries as part of a $5.4 billion arms sale with Moscow. Speaking on Thursday to India's upper house, the Council of States, External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar stressed that New Delhi had made the merits of the purchase "very clear," and that national security cannot b……
Russia & China complete their first cross-border mega highway bridge (VIDEO) | 2019-11-29
The construction of a bridge over the Amur River to link Russia and neighboring China has been completed in the Far East. The historic road is first of its kind between the two states and is set to boost economic ties. | ……
Eurobest shortlists #Romanovs100 AR Photo Album for Digital & Interactive Design award | 2019-11-29
One of the world's most remarkable festivals of creativity, Eurobest, has picked RT's augmented reality photo album, commemorating Russia's last royal family, as a finalist for the prestigious Digital & Interactive Design award. | "Thanks to all the jury for honoring our work with a shortlist in Design at this year's Eurobest awards! Humbled and excited!" said Kirill Karnovich-Valua, Creative Director of the project. | This year, the Eurobest event, which is organised by the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, lists 26 major categories, including Design, Creative Effectiveness, Media, Print, Bra……
India offers funds to Sri Lanka to counter China's influence in region | 2019-11-29
India, anxious to counter China's regional influence, on Friday offered hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Sri Lanka, as the island's new president made his maiden trip overseas to New Delhi, AFP reported. Gotabaya Rajapaksa's visit to India, just 12 days after he became president, is being intensely watched as New Delhi and Beijing compete to control the Indian Ocean and its strategic sea routes. | Sri Lanka has traditionally been allied to India but China invested and loaned billions of dollars to the island nation during the decade-long reign of Rajapaksa's elder brother Mahinda Rajapaksa. | After ta……
Pamela Anderson urges Modi to address air pollution & climate change… by only serving vegan food at government events | 2019-11-29
Pamela Anderson has asked Narendra Modi to stop serving meat and dairy at Indian government events, arguing that a vegan-only food policy would help alleviate Delhi's air pollution problem and combat climate change. | In a letter addressed to the Indian prime minister, the Canadian-American actress, activist and honorary director of PETA US said that her "heart goes out" to all who have been affected by Delhi's dangerous level of air pollution. She expressed particular concern for animals in the city who "can't wear face masks or stay indoors." Noting that Modi shares her "concern for the future," the former B……
Iranian Navy to receive high-tech drones as part of weapons upgrade — commander | 2019-11-29
Iran will soon be armed with sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicles that can be launched from its warships, the country's navy commander has said. The announcement comes amid rising tensions in the Persian Gulf. | The Islamic Republic has successfully tested the second prototype of its first jet-powered drone, Sejjil, according Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi. | The twin-engine aircraft has a top flying speed of 1,000kph and is able to bomb targets at a range of 100km (62 miles), the commander said. The whale-shaped Sejjil is designed to be launched from the deck of Iranian warships and uses a parachute to land……
Hong Kong police secure THOUSANDS of PETROL BOMBS, GAS CANISTERS & CHEMICALS as PolyU campus standoff ends | 2019-11-29
Hong Kong police have completed searches at the Polytechnic University, removing a disturbingly vast arsenal of urban warfare weapons, including firebombs and hazardous liquids, from the recently besieged campus. | Police officers from explosive ordnance teams have secured hundreds of petrol bombs, cans of gas and buckets of chemicals after they cleared the Polytechnic University (PolyU) early on Friday. | The find adds to 3,800 petrol bombs, 921 gas canisters and 588 chemicals, including acid and other corrosive liquids, recovered the previous day, local media report. | Police have also found over 40 damaged……
Huawei reportedly to mount legal challenge to FCC ban from government subsidy program | 2019-11-29
China's Huawei has decided to challenge a US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision blocking American rural carrier customers from tapping an $8.5 billion government fund to purchase equipment from the telecoms firm. | The Wall Street Journal has reported, citing its own sources, that Huawei is expected to file a suit challenging the FCC decision in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans next week. It is also expected to make an announcement about the legal case at its Shenzhen headquarters. | "We don't comment on speculation," a Huawei spokesman in Shenzhen told Reuters about the reported……
European allies & Canada spending on defense 'more than previously thought' — NATO chief | 2019-11-29
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said European allies and Canada are spending even more on defense than had previously been thought. The statement comes days before US President Donald Trump is expected to repeat his demand that other allies boost their budgets, AP said. | European allies and Canada are now projected to increase spending on their national military budgets by around $130 billion between 2016 and 2020, Stoltenberg said on Friday. Previously, the figure had been forecast at "more than $100 billion." | At the December 3-4 summit in London, Trump is expected to repeat his demands that Wa……
Powering the $1 TRILLION Black Friday shopping spree | 2019-11-29
The holiday season has officially begun, and Americans are gearing up for a massive shopping spree that is going to require an enormous amount of energy. | Deloitte has predicted that holiday sales this year could climb 5 percent and exceed $1.1 trillion. The e-commerce sector is expected to enjoy another bumper year, with digital sales expected to clock in at $144 billion-$148 billion, good for 14-18 percent growth compared to 11.2 percent last year. | Meanwhile, shoppers are not all that jazzed about lining up for hours in retail stores, jostling with other sweaty shoppers or throwing down with someone over……
In the bad books: Selena Gomez accused of insulting Hinduism AND Islam with latest Puma photoshoot | 2019-11-29
Singer and actress Selena Gomez has incurred the wrath of well-read book worms across India after photos of her stepping on books for a promotional shoot with sports brand Puma appeared online. | Indian Twitter was gravely offended by the photoshoot of the US popstar standing on books inside a library, while showcasing a new line of sports clothing. | Selena Gomez for PUMA– Baddies. (@baddiesexplicit) November 26, 2019 | Book lovers in India we……
BoJo roasted for skipping question about his kids after branding those raised by single mums as 'illegitimate' | 2019-11-29
PM Boris Johnson has been slammed on social media after refusing to answer any questions about his kids, even how many he has, despite having made derogatory remarks in the past about those brought up by single mums. | In an interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC radio Friday, Johnson squirmed awkwardly over a question about his children. Ferrari asked Johnson why he was prepared to talk about other people's children but not his own. | There is a trust issue Mr Johnson. How many children do you have? Are you fully and wholly involved in all their lives? | Boris Johnson refuses to answer a question on how many chil……
Berlin's Schoenefeld airport shuts down after WW2 BOMB discovered | 2019-11-29
Germany's Berlin-Schoenefeld airport has suspended operations and diverted arriving flights after a World War Two bomb was discovered during construction work at the air hub. | An airport spokesman said that authorities were on the scene to determine how best to dispose of the decades-old munition. Departures and arrivals from Schoenefeld have reportedly been halted, with flights scheduled to land being diverted to other airports. | The official Twitter account of Berlin's Airport Service announced that Schoenefeld's flight operations had been "interrupted" by the bomb, but did not provide more details. | Scho……
Taliban says 'way too early' to speak of resuming talks with US after Trump's statement | 2019-11-29
The Taliban said on Friday it was "way too early" to speak of resuming direct talks with Washington. The statement came a day after US President Donald Trump said during a surprise visit to Afghanistan that the US was again meeting with the militants. | "It is way too early to talk about the resumption of talks for now. We will give our official reaction later," the group's official spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, told AFP in a WhatsApp message. | However, Mujahid was quoted by Reuters on Friday as saying that the insurgent group was "ready to restart the talks," which collapsed in September after Trump call……
Asteroids v Eiffel Tower? ESA gets cash boost, shares breathtaking mockup of space rocks at famous landmark | 2019-11-29
The ESA has been handed a huge cash injection to explore the Didymos binary asteroid with a view to protecting Earth. To mark the windfall the space agency has shared a unique photo of rogue rocks looming over the Eiffel tower. | ……
Dooming the Paris Climate Accord
Randall Enos | | 2019-11-29
Dooming the Paris Climate Accord……
Britain's Chief Rabbi is Helping to Stoke antisemitism
Jonathan Cook | | 2019-11-29
Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has not only misrepresented the known facts about Labour and its supposed antisemitism crisis. He has not only interfered in an overtly, politically partisan manner in the December 12 election campaign by suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn — against all evidence — is an antisemite. By speaking out as the voice of British Jews……
The October uprising in Iraq
Susan Price | | 2019-11-29
anti-government protest Susan Price Abeer Hasan AbdulazeezIssue 1247 Iraq 2019 Iraq protestsNovember 28, 2019Since early October, there has been a spontaneous wave of demonstr……
The answer to the climate crisis is obvious: ban climate protests
Fred_F | | 2019-11-29
environment Carlo SandsIssue 1247 Australia Carlo's CornerNovember 29, 2019As Australia burns amid record-breaking temperatures and ongoing drought, and report a……
School climate strikers sit down outside Liberal HQ
Fred_F | | 2019-11-29
Climate Zebedee ParkesIssue 1247 Australia School Strike 4 Climate SydneyNovember 29, 2019School climate strikers sat down in front of the Liberal Party's Sydney headquarters on November 29, as par……
The media's Palestine problem
Fred_F | | 2019-11-29
international solidarity Sue BoltonIssue 1247 Australia fighting fund PalestineNovember 29, 2019ABC's November 25 Q&A program discussed the push by the United States to recognise illegal Israeli……
COP25: UN climate change conference, 5 things you need to know
United Nations | | 2019-11-29
Climate change is happening–the world is already 1.1 ∞C warmer than it was at the onset of the industrial revolution, and it is already having a significant impact on the world, and on people's lives. And if current trends persist, then global temperatures can be expected to rise by 3.4 to 3.9 ∞C this century, which would bring wide-ranging and destructive climate impacts. | That's the stark warning from the international community ahead of the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference, known as COP25, which gets underway in the Spanish capital, Madrid, on 2 December. So, just two months after the Secre……
On State Contravention of the Genocide Convention
J.B. Gerald | | 2019-11-28
I'd like to note two articles by Professor Michel Chossudovsky published this November in Global Research: they help explain the current denigration of the Convention on Genocide. When we grow accustomed to our system's atrocities we lessen our humanity. In an article of November 13th, 20191 Chossudovsky outlines the history of George H.W. Bush's father, ……
Trump's Climate Recklessness Is Grounds for Impeachment
Ralph Nader | | 2019-11-28
Members of the activist group Remove Trump unfurled a 600 sq ft banner with the impeachment clause from the U.S. Constitution as they marched on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower reciting Article II Section IV of the U.S. Constitution: "High Crimes and Misdemeanors". (Photo: Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images) |… ……
Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia coup, Trump dubs Nicaragua 'national security threat' and targets Mexico
Ben Norton | | 2019-11-28
After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US dubbed Nicaragua a "national security threat" and announced new sanctions,……
Iran's Barter Deals with China Help Decoupling from Western Economies
Peter Koenig | | 2019-11-28
According to a PressTV Report of 24 November, 2019, Iran and China are working on a trade or barter deal that would circumvent US sanctions. It would bypass US-dollar denominated transactions, exchanging Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services and investments. The head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA), Masoud ……