2025-01-13: News Headlines

Amira Jarmakani, Mondoweiss. (2025-01-13). Despite Repression, Campus Movement For Palestine Remains Strong. popularresistance.org This December and January, 50 protestors are facing arraignment for their May 15, 2024 arrests at a University of California Irvine (UCI) protest opposing the Gaza genocide. The hushed arraignments of student protestors and their supporters is just one node in the network of quiet repression spindling across university campuses this past fall, which includes banning students from campus and using punishments to chill student speech. | One of those set to be arraigned is Dr. Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, who was arrested while supporting student protests, effectively nullifying her university-required de-escalation t…

Hugo GABBERO (2025-01-13). SOS-defenders platform: Expose arbitrary detention of human rights defenders worldwide. fidh.org A collective of local, regional and international human rights organisations unveils SOS-Defenders, an action platform that exposes the alarming scale of arbitrary detention of human rights defenders worldwide.
Geneva, 13 December 2024. This information hub, which will progressively expand to cover more countries, has already documented 274 cases of arbitrarily detained human rights defenders across 17 countries (Bahrain, Belarus, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Iran, Jordan, (…) | – |

Sharon Zhang, Truthout. (2025-01-13). UN Experts Slam US Bill Sanctioning International Criminal Court. popularresistance.org A group of UN human rights experts is urging the U.S. Senate to block a bill that seeks to punish the International Criminal Court (ICC) and people affiliated with it after the body issued arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, condemning the bill as "dangerous" and against international law. | "It is shocking to see a country that considers itself a champion of the rule of law trying to stymie the actions of an independent and impartial tribunal set up by the international community, to thwart accountability," the four experts said in a statement on Friday.

Sarah Hyden (2025-01-13). Smokey Bear is Partially Right. counterpunch.org Smokey Bear tells us "only you can prevent wildfires." That has been Smokey's simple message since 1944, but nevertheless he has been long associated with the policy of immediately suppressing all wildfires. This policy was called the 10 AM policy, and it meant that all wildfires should be suppressed by 10 AM of the morning

Arvind Dilawar, Waging Nonviolence. (2025-01-13). How US Activists Are Infiltrating Israeli Events Selling Palestinian Land. popularresistance.org Outside of a synagogue in West Orange, New Jersey, a hundred people with PAL-Awda NY/NJ, a local Palestinian rights organization, gathered to protest an Israeli real estate event taking place there on Nov. 13. The protesters accused the realtors from My Israel Home, an Israeli real estate company based outside of Jerusalem, of marketing Palestinian land. They also said that the company was discriminating against event attendees by religion, effectively excluding everyone except especially religious Jews. According to PAL-Awda, the protesters were attacked by counter-protesters, including an organizer of the event…

Michael Hudson (2025-01-13). Democracy and Debt: Has the Link been Broken? cadtm.org The year 2025 is considered by Christians to be a jubilee year under the banner of debt cancellation. To mark the occasion, the CADTM is republishing a series of articles on debt cancellation, the struggles for debt cancellation and the role of debt in political, social and geostrategic conflicts throughout history.
| Debt Slavery — Why It Destroyed Rome, Why It Will Destroy Us Unless It's Stopped
| Book V of Aristotle's Politics describes the eternal transition of oligarchies making themselves (…) | – |

UMMID (2025-01-13). Released from Israeli prison, Palestinian Doctor returns to hospital. ummid.com In a show of unmatched grit, Palestinian Doctor Mahmoud Abu Shehada returned to hospital the same day he was released from the Israeli Jail following a court order.

A A (2025-01-13). HTS-led Syrian security forces step up sectarian killings: Report. strategic-culture.su

UMMID (2025-01-13). Handshake Choices Obviously Not Syria's Priority. ummid.com Whatever Western media may have you believe, the Syrian leadership's handshake choices will not determine the country's future.

Guest Blogger (2025-01-13). The Global Net Zero Financial Cartel, Falling Apart. wattsupwiththat.com Less than three weeks ago, on December 23, in a post on optimism about the potential demise of the green energy fantasy, I took note that two of the largest U.S. banks had just quit something called the "Net Zero Banking Alliance." The two were Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. These two banks, along with many others, including all of the biggest ones, had joined the NZBA as it was getting organized under auspices of the UN back in 2021. NZBA, together with other related groups organized around the same time, aspired to be cartels of financial institutions that would save the planet by starving hydrocarbon fuels of…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2025-01-13). Poland To 'Shield' Netanyahu From ICC Arrest Warrant During Visit. popularresistance.org Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced on 9 January that his government would shield Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, from possible arrest on war crimes charges ahead of a visit to Poland this month to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz. | Netanyahu faces an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged war crimes in Gaza, including seeking to starve Palestinians to death by imposing a total blockade on the strip. The ICC also issued a warrant for former defense minister Yoav Gallant on the same charges.

Binoy Kampmark (2025-01-13). Targeting Climate Change Protests. counterpunch.org Climate change, like any crisis afflicting earth and humanity, is bound to bring out the best and the worst of a species that soils its nest, salts the earth, and poisons its nourishing rivers. For those benefiting from plunder and bounty, change is a hard thing to accept. Kleptocrats and the extractive industries, renters of land, and

David Rovics (2025-01-13). The Coming Fires. counterpunch.org LA completely embodies the concept of the endless American suburb, where people have historically gone to buy their little patch of paradise, or their big patch of paradise, depending on how wealthy they may be. But now paradise has burned, again. And whether you're one of the estimated 70,000 people in Los Angeles County living on the streets (some of whom may be staying warm in the winter with propane heaters in their tents), or a movie star in a mansion with a nice, safe, fireplace, we're all equal under the Santa Anna winds, just as prone to the errant cigarette butt as everyone else, just as strong as the we…

hindustantimes (2025-01-13). California Fire: Americans Try To Profit As Death Toll Rises; Massive Hike In Price Of… | Los Angeles. hindustantimes.com California is facing a fresh crisis as authorities continue to battle raging wildfires, with the death toll rising to 24. In response, state officials issued a stern warning. With more than 12,000 structures destroyed so far, the destruction has led to a spike in rental and hotel rates. Earlier, California's governor announced that laws banning price gouging had been put into effect. However, despite these warnings, news reports suggest that prices were being inflated in Los Angeles. Watch the full video for more.

Rachel Dempsey (2025-01-13). How "Stay-or-Pay" Contracts Are Used to Abuse Immigrant Workers. aclu.org Shiny Lal is a nurse who came to the U.S. from India at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic. In a new country facing an unprecedented virus, she dedicated herself to the difficult, dangerous work of front-line caregiving to create a better life for her family. But it wasn't long before her American dream turned into a nightmare. Her employer, MedPro Healthcare Staffing, is among

The Canary (2025-01-13). The Scottish government has 'abjectly failed' over ordinary people's access to justice. thecanary.co Environmental charities including the RSPB and the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland (ERCS) have called out the Scottish government's 'abject failure' to meet the access to justice requirements of the UN Aarhus Convention. Scottish government is failing over access to justice In 2021, the Convention's compliance committee gave Scotland six recommendations to remove barriers that […] | By

Ed Sykes (2025-01-13). David Lammy just visited Israel. The UK media's silence is deafening. thecanary.co Human rights experts agree that Israel has been committing genocide in occupied Gaza since October 2023. There are international arrest warrants out for top-level Israeli politicians. But Britain's participation in the genocide continues, and the UK has even welcomed Israel's army chief to the country. Now, foreign secretary David Lammy has visited Israel. And yet […] | By

tn.ai (2025-01-13). Iran Sets Sights on Lunar Exploration with New Rover Project. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's Space Agency has launched its first major lunar rover project, signaling a strategic move to tap into the Moon's resources and join the ranks of other spacefaring nations.

Hugo GABBERO (2025-01-13). Thailand : Sixth conviction of pro-democracy activist Anon Nampa under "lèse-majesté" charges. fidh.org

_____ (2025-01-13). How the Human Rights Industry Manufactures Consent for "Regime Change" transcend.org According to the UN, "human rights" range from the right to life to rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty, but this has become distorted both by the UN and what Alfred de Zayas calls the "Human Rights Industry."

Eileen Kinch (2025-01-13). Jesus the immigrant. anabaptistworld.org In mid-November, flyers were dropped in my neighborhood, in Goshen, Indiana. The image on the flyers was of Uncle Sam kicking a family. The top of the flyer read, "Leave Now," and below the family, it read, "Avoid Deportation." The flyer included contact information from "Trinity White Knights from the Ku Klux Klan," with an …

The Canary (2025-01-13). Palestine Action has a new company in its sights over Israel's genocide in Gaza. thecanary.co Palestine Action Scotland targeted the offices of military parts manufacturer Parker Hannifin at its Glasgow production facility overnight on Monday 13 January, damaging the building and covering it in red paint, which it said was 'symbolic of the Palestinian blood on the hands of the company'. The building on Seaford Road South, which Parker Hannifin […] | By

Hugo GABBERO (2025-01-13). Zimbabwe's civic space in crisis: New report details growing operational obstacles and legal threats to civil society. fidh.org The ouster of President Robert Mugabe in 2017 in Zimbabwe was followed by a brief period of cautious optimism for increased civil liberties. Regrettably, that optimism has been overshadowed by persistent restrictions, with recent years marked by heightened repression, harassment, and arrests of human rights defenders. The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint programme of the International Federation for Human (…) | – |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2025-01-13). Sidelined in Mali, Barrick Turns Tanzania Mine into 'Armed Encampment'. libya360.wordpress.com Owen Schalk Barrick Gold's North Mara gold mine in Tanzania. Photo by Twiga Minerals/Instagram. Barrick has been accused of human rights abuses at its North Mara gold mine in Tanzania. Three months ago, Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold received some good news. A case filed against the company by Tanzanian villagers, alleging Barrick's complicity in…

Mark Gruenberg (2025-01-13). Worker rights big issue in Colorado legislature. peoplesworld.org DENVER—Worker rights, and a unique state stumbling block to them, became a key issue when the Colorado legislature convened on January 8. The battle, pitting the state AFL-CIO and its progressive allies versus the Denver Area Chamber of Commerce and its corporate cronies, revolves around the "Labor Peace Act" that for decades has made the …

Hugo GABBERO (2025-01-13). Azerbaijan: Arbitrary detention and judicial harassment against Rufat Safarov. fidh.org

Zane McNeill (2025-01-13). Amazon Quietly Rescinds Pledges to Protect Black and LGBTQ Rights. truthout.org Amazon has quietly removed commitments to protecting the rights of Black and LGBTQ people from its publicly listed corporate policies. This change comes as part of broader corporate rollbacks of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, seemingly aligning with the GOP's far right agenda and signaling a disregard for the safety of marginalized communities ahead of Donald Trump's inauguration… |

Andrea GIORGETTA (2025-01-13). Laos: States should ask "Where is Sombath?" at upcoming review of human rights record. fidh.org

Joshua Stylman (2025-01-13). The Cost of Facebook's Now-Repudiated Censorship. globalresearch.ca History will remember this era as the moment when America's most sacred principles collided with unprecedented institutional power — and lost. The systematic dismantling of fundamental rights didn't happen through military force or executive decree, but through the quiet cooperation …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2025-01-13). Films Review: Victoria, The Young Queen, The Monarchy Rebranded, Poldark, Historical Insights on Class Conflict. globalresearch.ca "All men were born in the same way: no privilege existed which was not of man's own contriving." —Winston Graham Ross Poldark (1945)
| Introduction: | The recent drama, Victoria (2016-2019) on Netflix based on the life of Queen Victoria is …

Ned Resnikoff (2025-01-13). Supply and the Housing Crisis: A Debate. dissentmagazine.org How do we achieve housing for all?

Ofra Bengio (2025-01-13). Why Syria's Kurds are calling for a strategic alliance with Israel. haaretz.com Threatened by Turkey and its proxies in the north of Syria, and the Islamists in power in the south, the PKK and its Syrian branch, the PYD, are sending feelers towards Israel. But can Israel fully respond without opening another war front, this time with Ankara?

Rachel Fink (2025-01-13). Arkia announces flights to New York in collaboration with Israeli high-tech sector. haaretz.com A 'historic day': Arkia CEO commended the airline's collaboration with DemocraTech, the high-tech workers anti-judicial coup protest movement. Round-trip tickets to New York will start at $1,199…

WSWS (2025-01-13). The political censorship of No Other Land in the US, the film exposing Israeli criminality and violence on the West Bank: "Americans have a responsibility" wsws.org To speak the truth about oppression in the West Bank is impermissible because it unavoidably points to the wider issue of Zionist crimes.

WSWS (2025-01-13). Labour in crisis and Reform UK gaining ground—build the Socialist Equality Party! wsws.org With the class struggle suppressed and Labour in power, opportunity has been given to the far-right to scapegoat migrants for the deep social grievances of the working class.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Tortured body of abducted Syrian cleric found in Damascus outskirts. presstv.ir The body of a moderate Sunni Muslim preacher abducted by unknown militants has been found on the outskirts of the Syrian capital.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Iraqi FM warns against reemergence of Daesh terrorists in Syria. presstv.ir Iraqi FM warns against the reemergence of Daesh terrorists in Syria following the fall of Assad's government.

newarab (2025-01-13). US diplomat told not include starving Gaza children in reports. newarab.com US diplomats have revealed the prominent role A US diplomat based in the UAE with two decades of MENA experience,

newarab (2025-01-13). ITA airways resumes flights to Libya's Tripoli after a decade. newarab.com Italy's ITA Airways resumed direct flights to ITA said it would operate two direct flights a week from Rome's Fiumicino airport to Tripoli's Mitiga airport. | "We are proud to inaugurate today our first direct commercial flight between Tripoli and Rome Fiumicino, strengthening commercial and cultural ties between Libya…

WSWS (2025-01-13). Bronx apartment building fire exemplifies the crisis in working class housing. wsws.org The fire drove approximately 200 working class residents into the frigid street in the middle of the night from a building owned by a landlord once rated as the "worst" in the city.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Concerns mounting over new energy crisis in EU as Russian gas transit via Ukraine ends. presstv.ir As the agreement allowing Russian gas transit through Ukraine to Europe expires on Tuesday, concerns are mounting over new energy crisis in EU.

Abdullah Jallow (2025-01-13). Islamic Identity Crisis — Brief rebuttal to Samuel J. Hyde. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: The Prophethood will remain amongst you for as long as Allaah wills it to be. Then Allaah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be the khilaafah …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2025-01-13). Political Crisis in Mozambique Escalates Following Controversial Election Ruling. orinocotribune.com By Nicholas Mwangi — Jan 10, 2025 | The political crisis in Mozambique is in crisis after the Constitutional Court upheld controversial election results. | Mozambique has been experiencing increased tensions on the streets since the Constitutional Court validated the October 9 general election results on December 23, 2024. The court confirmed Daniel Chapo of the FRELIMO party, which has governed Mozambique since independence in 1975, as the winner of the presidential race with 65.17% of the vote. The announcement sparked accusations of electoral fraud and led to widespread violence, resulting in over 50 deat…

James Wright (2025-01-13). One in six UK workers skipping meals as cost of living crisis deepens under Labour. thecanary.co A survey from the Trade Union Congress (TUC) has found that more than one in six UK adults working full time or part time have had to skip meals to make ends meet. The figures come as workers have undergone the largest squeeze in real term pay since Napoleonic times. Real wage growth fell from […] | By

Staff (2025-01-13). One in six UK workers skipping meals as cost of living crisis deepens under Labour. thecanary.co A survey from the Trade Union Congress (TUC) has found that more than one in six UK adults working full time or part time have had to skip meals to make ends meet. The figures come as workers have undergone the largest squeeze in real term pay since Napoleonic times. Real wage growth fell from …

Yazan Mohammad (2025-01-13). Rutgers student lived through the Gaza genocide but says she didn't survive. mondoweiss.net Basma Alafifi may have lived through the Gaza genocide, but she doesn't feel she survived. Now studying at Rutgers University in New Jersey, separated from her family, the genocide hasn't ended, it has just shifted its location.

Editor (2025-01-13). Juan Cole: CBS' 60 Minutes Exposes the Biden Administration's Complicity in Gaza Genocide, Interviews the Whistleblowers. scheerpost.com By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The amazingly brave Cecilia Vega at CBS' 60 Minutes did a groundbreaking segment on Sunday in which she interviewed US government officials involved with the Israeli war on Gaza, who resigned in protest either explicitly or implicitly. She also screened the sort of horrific footage of …

WSWS (2025-01-13). Students at Berlin's Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences for Social Work protest against genocide in Gaza. wsws.org Students at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin occupied the main lecture hall to protest the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

themalaysianreserve.com (2025-01-13). The wish list of the century Other reputable sources, however, estimate the casualty numbers to be much higher, with up to 200,000 deaths since tens of thousands are missing, believed to be buried under the flattened ruins of Gaza. | | With an eye on the brutal quarter century of past, what is the main wish for the next 25 years?

ilkha.com (2025-01-13). Seven Israeli soldiers killed, dozens injured in northern The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have confirmed the deaths of seven soldiers and injuries to 30 others during ongoing battles in Gaza, underscoring the heavy toll of its relentless aggression against the besieged Palestinian territory. | | ilkha.com/english/world/seven-israeli-so…

ilkha.com (2025-01-13). ilkha.com/english/world/seven-israeli-so… The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have confirmed the deaths of seven soldiers and injuries to 30 others during ongoing battles in Gaza, underscoring the heavy toll of its relentless aggression against the besieged Palestinian territory. | | ilkha.com/english/world/seven-israeli-so…

thesunchronicle.com (2025-01-13). Tens of thousands protest in Romania's capital against annulled presidential race Tens of thousands protested in Romania's capital against a top court's decision last month to annul the presidential election after an outsider candidate unexpectedly emerged as the frontrunner

WSWS (2025-01-13). American Historical Association condemns Gaza genocide. wsws.org The AHA passed a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide in Gaza and calling the destruction of education in Gaza "scholasticide."

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Protesters gather in Jordan in solidarity with Palestinians. presstv.ir Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Friday, condemning Israel's genocide in Gaza and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Ex-State Dept. officials confirm US bombs used in children massacres in Gaza. presstv.ir American government officials who resigned in protest over Washington's role in the Israeli war on Gaza have confirmed the US complicity in Israel's genocide.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Criminal silence of the world as Israel destroys Gaza. ummid.com One wonders if the world had paid even the slightest attention to Gaza and the cries of people trapped behind walls, barbed wire, and electric fences, whether the current war and genocide could have been avoided.

The Canary (2025-01-13). 13 Holocaust survivors and descendants slam Met Police over Palestine demo ban at BBC. thecanary.co Thirteen Holocaust survivors and survivor descendants have just signed a joint letter protesting against the Met Police's plans to prevent the next Palestine march from gathering outside the BBC headquarters on 18 January. Palestine protest: it is not antisemitic As survivors of the Jewish genocide, or descendants of such survivors, the 13 say they are in despair […] | By

Staff (2025-01-13). 13 Holocaust survivors and descendants slam Met Police over Palestine demo ban at BBC. thecanary.co Thirteen Holocaust survivors and survivor descendants have just signed a joint letter protesting against the Met Police's plans to prevent the next Palestine march from gathering outside the BBC headquarters on 18 January. Palestine protest: it is not antisemitic As survivors of the Jewish genocide, or descendants of such survivors, the 13 say they are in despair …

Ed Sykes (2025-01-13). The US government wants TikTok banned because it's lost control of the narrative. thecanary.co The US government's threat to ban TikTok is a massive attempt at censorship. For the country's corrupt political establishment to keep its power, media control is essential. And amid the social-media livestreaming of Israel's genocide in Gaza, it was clear the establishment had lost control of the narrative. It couldn't manufacture mass public support for […] | By

Staff (2025-01-13). The US government wants TikTok banned because it's lost control of the narrative. thecanary.co The US government's threat to ban TikTok is a massive attempt at censorship. For the country's corrupt political establishment to keep its power, media control is essential. And amid the social-media livestreaming of Israel's genocide in Gaza, it was clear the establishment had lost control of the narrative. It couldn't manufacture mass public support for …

Sharon Zhang (2025-01-13). "America's Stamp Is Everywhere" on Bomb Shells in Gaza, Report Finds. truthout.org Former U.S. officials have spoken out about the Biden administration's deep complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza, highlighting that the assault would not be possible without U.S. assistance and that the State Department is censoring those within the agency who speak out against it. In a new interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Josh Paul, who formerly oversaw arms shipment… |

Staff (2025-01-13). "Seeking Justice": How the Hind Rajab Foundation Pursues Israeli Soldiers for War Crimes. democracynow.org Belgian Lebanese activist Dyab Abou Jahjah, the founder of the Hind Rajab Foundation, discusses how the organization seeks to hold Israeli soldiers accountable for war crimes committed in Gaza. Named after a 6-year-old girl who was killed by Israeli forces in Gaza almost a year ago, the Hind Rajab Foundation uses evidence gathered from soldiers' own social media to build cases against them. The group recently filed a complaint against a soldier in Brazil, leading a local judge to issue an arrest warrant for him that he only avoided by fleeing to Argentina. "Unfortunately, the Israeli government smuggl…

Democracy Now! (2025-01-13). "Seeking Justice": How the Hind Rajab Foundation Pursues Israeli Soldiers for War Crimes (Extended Interview). democracynow.org Belgian Lebanese activist Dyab Abou Jahjah, the founder of the Hind Rajab Foundation, discusses how the organization seeks to hold Israeli soldiers accountable for war crimes committed in Gaza. Named after a 6-year-old girl who was killed by Israeli forces in Gaza almost a year ago, the Hind Rajab Foundation uses evidence gathered from soldiers' own social media to build cases against them. The group recently filed a complaint against a soldier in Brazil, leading a local judge to issue an arrest warrant for him that he only avoided by fleeing to Argentina. "Unfortunately, the Israeli government smuggled the soldi…

Democracy Now! (2025-01-13). Democracy Now! 2025-01-13 Monday. democracynow.org Headlines for January 13, 2025; Untold Stories of L.A. Fires: Incarcerated Firefighters, Black Altadena & Octavia Butler's Warning; "Tinderbox": How Fossil Fuel Companies & Electric Utilities Intensified L.A. Wildfires, Climate Chaos; "Journalism Is Not a Crime": Gaza Reporter Slams International Press as Journalist Death Toll Rises; "Seeking Justice": How the Hind Rajab Foundation Pursues Israeli Soldiers for War Crimes | Headlines for January 13, 2025; Untold Stories of L.A. Fires: Incarcerated Firefighters, Black Altadena & Octavia Butler's Warning; "Tinderbo…

Kathy Kelly (2025-01-13). Dr. Martin Luther King's Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death. counterpunch.org Over the past three years, a collective of volunteer researchers, lawyers, and commentators created The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, dedicated to holding accountable four weapon manufacturing corporations based in the U.S. Their tribunal amassed copious evidence to prove that Boeing, Lockheed Martin, RTX (formerly Raytheon), and General Atomics (a company which manufactures weaponized

UMMID (2025-01-13). U.S. House passes bill to sanction ICC, Poland announces protection for Netanyahu. ummid.com In another move confirming the complicity of the U.S. and its allies in the Israeli war crimes, the U.S. Congress passed a Bill seeking sanctions against the International Criminal Court while Poland says there is no bar for Netanyahu from visiting the country despite ICC warrant.

Amy Goodman (2025-01-13). Hind Rajab Foundation Seeks to Hold Israeli Soldiers Accountable for War Crimes. truthout.org Belgian Lebanese activist Dyab Abou Jahjah, the founder of the Hind Rajab Foundation, discusses how the organization seeks to hold Israeli soldiers accountable for war crimes committed in Gaza. Named after a 6-year-old girl who was killed by Israeli forces in Gaza almost a year ago, the Hind Rajab Foundation uses evidence gathered from soldiers' own social media to build cases against them. |

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Biden speaks with Israel's Netanyahu, urges 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza. aljazeera.com Call comes as Israel keeps up its siege on north Gaza, with at least 5,000 killed and missing in 100 days.

Amir Tibon (2025-01-13). Netanyahu's far-right allies hurl last-minute wrecking ball at hostage negotiations. haaretz.com Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is part of an Israeli government which badly failed the hostages. It's inexcusable that he's making it harder to bring them back alive to their families…

Ben Samuels (2025-01-13). Former Biden officials slam U.S. failure to curb Israel's disproportionate use of force in Gaza. haaretz.com Andrew Miller, the former State Department point person on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said that the U.S. did not impose any red lines, leaving Netanyahu with the message that 'he was the one in the driver's seat'…

Gidi Weitz (2025-01-13). Israel's AG orders disciplinary probe into Netanyahu-tapped Civil Service Commissioner over embellished resume. haaretz.com Newly-appointed acting Civil Service Commissioner Roi Kahlon said that he ran a health club with millions of shekels in turnover and managed dozens of employees, which turned out to be false, Haaretz reported last week…

Talia Banon Tsur (2025-01-13). 'The character is reminiscent of Sara Netanyahu, but it wasn't written about Sara'. haaretz.com 'See it and judge for yourself,' says Osnat Fishman, one of the leads in 'Devour.' Written by Yaakov Shabtai in 1977, the play's revival by Tel Aviv's Habima theater is particularly relevant…

SKWAWKBOX (2025-01-13). Polish deputy foreign minister: no such place as Palestine and it'd be 'obscene' to arrest Netanyahu. skwawkbox.org Polish Deputy Foreign Minister W≈Çadys≈Çaw Bartoszewski defends Poland's free pass for wanted war criminal Polish Deputy Foreign Minister W≈Çadys≈Çaw Bartoszewski has said today that that there is no such thing as Palestine, according to local reports — despite the fact that Poland has formally recognised Palestine since 1982 and that the Palestinian state has its …

Staff (2025-01-13). Headlines for January 13, 2025. democracynow.org L.A. Wildfires Death Toll Rises to 24 as Health Officials Declare Emergency over Air Quality, Mexico Sends Firefighters to Help L.A. Wildfire Effort; 1,000 Incarcerated Firefighters Battling Blazes, Israel Killed Over 5,000 Palestinians in North Gaza Since Start of Siege, Another Palestinian Journalist, Saed Abu Nabhan, Killed by Israeli Forces in Gaza, Poland Paves Way for Netanyahu to Attend Auschwitz Commemoration Without Risking Arrest, Trump Sentenced to Unconditional Discharge, Avoiding Prison in 2016 NY Hush Money Case, Senate Begins Confirmation Hearing for Trump Noms Incl. Defense Pick Pete Hegseth, Accu…

Steven Ganot (2025-01-13). Netanyahu Faces Political Crossroads as Trump's Hostage Ultimatum Nears. themedialine.org

newarab (2025-01-13). UNRWA's expulsion from Jerusalem will seal Israel's annexation. newarab.com In the last week of January, two Knesset bills ending Israel's "cooperation" with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA), are scheduled to come into force. If they do, UNRWA's activities in the territory of the state of Israel would be illegal under Israeli law and any Israeli official or institution engaging with the agency would be breaking the law. | In

Ali Salam (2025-01-13). Israeli Forces Injure Palestinians, Abduct One, in Tulkarem. imemc.org
| On Sunday, Israeli forces abducted a Palestinian young man and injured others, in the Tulkarem governorate in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank. | Media sources said that occupation forces invaded the town of Anabta, east of Tulkarem, at dawn Sunday and abducted the young man, Laith Mu'ayyad Abu Asal, after storming and searching his home.

Ali Salam (2025-01-13). Israeli Forces Shoot Two Palestinian Children Near Jenin. imemc.org
| Israeli forces shot two Palestinian children, on Sunday, near the village of Jaba', southwest of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank, coinciding with a settler incursion in the nearby town of Silat Ad-Dhahr. | Media sources said that on Sunday morning, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian citizens, shooting two children, near the village of Jaba', southwest of Jenin.

IMEMC News (2025-01-13). Another Imprisoned Palestinian Tortured to Death in Israeli Prison. imemc.org A Palestinian man, Moataz Abu Zneid (35 years old) from Dura, south of Hebron, who has been held in Israeli detention without charges for over a year, was declared dead in the Israeli Soroka Hospital on Sunday after Israeli torture and medical neglect. 68 Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli prisons as a result of …

Ana Vraƒçar (2025-01-13). Milanoviƒá triumphs in Croatia's presidential election opposing deployment of Croatian forces in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org Incumbent Zoran Milanoviƒá achieved a major win in the second round of Croatia's presidential election, defeating rival Dragan Primorac by nearly 750,000 votes…

Editor (2025-01-13). Ellen Brown: Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game — The Bank of North Dakota Model. scheerpost.com By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost North Dakota is staunchly conservative, having voted Republican in every presidential election since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. So how is it that the state boasts the only state-owned bank in the nation? Has it secretly gone socialist? No. The Bank of North Dakota (BND) operates on the same …

Sarah Jones (2025-01-13). Pride and Prejudice. dissentmagazine.org For Arlie Russell Hochschild, understanding why rural voters favor Trump required coming to grips with the role of emotion in politics.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). ICJ judge Salam secures enough votes to become Lebanon's prime minister. presstv.ir Lebanon's newly elected President Joseph Aoun has picked Nawaf Salam, the presiding judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as prime minister following consultations with lawmakers.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Photos: India kicks off a huge Hindu festival, Maha Kumbh Mela. aljazeera.com Millions of Hindu devotees will gather for the Kumbh Mela festival, the largest religious congregation on earth.

Farah Samer Zaina (2025-01-13). The unknown fate of Palestinian journalist Haitham Abd Elwahed. mondoweiss.net For more than a year, Israeli authorities have refused to give any information about what has happened to Haitham Abd Elwahed since October 7, 2023 — leaving his family in heartbreaking limbo.

_____ (2025-01-13). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Caitlin Johnstone (2025-01-13). It's Not the Responsibility of the Global South to Bring Down the Empire. It's Ours. globalresearch.ca The past year has shown that a lot of anti-imperialists tend to exaggerate the strength of the US empire's enemies. | After October 7 many said the attack would unify the Axis of Resistance against Israel and the Zionist entity would …

Staff (2025-01-13). "Journalism Is Not a Crime": Gaza Reporter Slams International Press as Journalist Death Toll Rises. democracynow.org As negotiators from Israel and Hamas continue discussions in Qatar about a possible Gaza ceasefire, we speak with Palestinian journalist Abubaker Abed, who spoke at a press conference of Gaza media workers last week urging the international press to speak up for their Palestinian colleagues. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says nearly 200 journalists have been killed in Israeli attacks since October 2023. "The world just keeps turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is happening," says Abed from outside the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah. "It's completely enraging and u…

Dave DeCamp (2025-01-13). Israeli Airstrikes in Yemen Killed 15 Civilians in December. news.antiwar.com Two rounds of Israeli airstrikes on Yemen in December killed 15 civilians and wounded 43 others, according to a monthly update from the Yemen Data Project (YDP). The YDP said that every Israeli airstrike in Yemen since July "hit non-military, civilian targets with no Houthi military sites being bombed, resulting in an unprecedented rate of …

Dave DeCamp (2025-01-13). Smotrich Vows To Oppose Ceasefire Deal, Says It's Time for Israel To 'Cleanse' Gaza. news.antiwar.com Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Monday expressed strong opposition to a hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas amid reports negotiations are making progress and said it was time for Israel to "occupy and cleanse" the entire Gaza Strip. "The emerging deal is a catastrophe for the national security of the State of Israel. We …

Dave DeCamp (2025-01-13). Israeli Attacks Kill 45 More Palestinians Across Gaza. news.antiwar.com The Israeli military continued its relentless bombing of Gaza on Monday, killing at least 45 more Palestinians across the Strip, medical sources told Al Jazeera. Israeli strikes on Monday included heavy attacks on Gaza City, including a strike on a school-turned-shelter for displaced Palestinians, which killed at least five. Two separate airstrikes on homes in …

Abdul Rahman (2025-01-13). Students in Singapore demand their universities cut ties with Israel. peoplesdispatch.org Students pointed out that due to research collaborations with Israeli universities that help develop military technology and training, universities in Singapore are "major accomplices in Israel's occupation and apartheid"

Editor (2025-01-13). Glenn Greenwald: Insane New York Speech Crackdown Shields Israel Only. scheerpost.com

Editor (2025-01-13). Israeli Attacks Kill 28 More Palestinians in Gaza Over 24 Hours. scheerpost.com

Editor (2025-01-13). Report: Israel Refusing To Commit to a Permanent Gaza Ceasefire as Part of Hostage Deal. scheerpost.com

M. Reza Behnam (2025-01-13). Israel Bombs, America Yawns and Gatekeepers Con. counterpunch.org As gatekeepers of the corporate information bazaar, you have served Israel well. Echoing the propaganda of Tel Aviv and Washington has become mainstream fare, with omission at the heart of the campaign. Thomas Jefferson, America's third president, judiciously wrote in 1789: "Whenever the people are well informed, they may be trusted with their own government." Unfortunately, today's media mind

Ramzy Baroud (2025-01-13). Israel Destroyed Gaza 'for Generations to Come' and the World Stayed Silent. counterpunch.org The first official reference to Gaza becoming increasingly uninhabitable was made by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2012, when the population of the Gaza Strip was estimated at 1.8 million inhabitants. The intention of the report, "The Gaza Strip: The Economic Situation and the Prospects for Development," was not merely

The Media Line Staff (2025-01-13). Report: Israel and Hamas Receive Final Draft of Ceasefire Agreement From Qatar. themedialine.org

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Israel turns hospitals into mass graves in 'hellish' north: Gaza Health Ministry. presstv.ir The Ministry of Health in Gaza says Israel has turned the situation in the north of the strip to "hell."

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). At least 13 Israeli troopers killed, injured in retaliatory op in northern Gaza. presstv.ir Palestinian resistance fighters have killed and wounded 13 Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza, media outlets reported.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Qassam Brigades: Over 10 Israeli troops killed in north Gaza within 72 hours. presstv.ir The Qassam Brigades says its fighters have killed more than 10 Israeli soldiers and injured dozens more in the northern Gaza Strip during the past 72 hours.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Hamas urges world to protect Palestinians from Israeli torture. presstv.ir The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called on the international community to address torture and violations against the Palestinians being held in Israeli jails.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Israel may burn Gaza schools, but Palestinians shall resist. aljazeera.com Education is at the core of Palestinian identity and even at the risk of death, Palestinians still pursue it.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). 100 days of siege in north Gaza. aljazeera.com 5,000 Palestinians have been killed during Israel's 100-day siege of northern Gaza.

Isabelle Ponet (2025-01-13). Debt cancellation in the land of Canaan in the first millennium BC. cadtm.org The year 2025 is considered by Christians to be a jubilee year under the banner of debt cancellation. To mark the occasion, the CADTM is republishing a series of articles on debt cancellation, the struggles for debt cancellation and the role of debt in political, social and geostrategic conflicts throughout history.
| Social justice, in particular in regard to the cancellation of debts that keep the poor enslaved to the rich, is a leitmotif in the history of ancient Israel.
| The Deuteronomic (…) | – | / |

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). West Bank | Palestinian Authority Clashes in Jenin as IOF Conduct Arrests, Raids, Demolitions. english.almanar.com.lb The Palestinian Authority's security forces continue their 40-day siege of Jenin Camp in the occupied West Bank, collaborating with the Israeli occupation against resistance fighters who are bravely defending against both. On Monday morning and at dawn, Israeli occupation forces launched a series of raids and incursions across the West Bank, resulting in arrests in …

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Al-Quds Brigades: Our fighters targeted an Israeli military vehicle with an IED explosion in Beit Hanoun, killing or injuring all the soldiers on board. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Israeli media: 5 soldiers from the Nahal Brigade of the occupation army were killed, and 11 others were injured in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, today. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Video| Lebanese Army Deployment in South Lebanon Disrupted by Israeli Ceasefire Violations. english.almanar.com.lb The Lebanese Army decided to delay the deployment of the military units in Central South Lebanon towns, especially Aitaroun and Mais Al-Jabal, due to the Israeli enemy's ceasefire violations. According to well-informed sources, the Lebanese Army will resume deploying troops in around 48 hours in preparation for the return of the civilians to their villages. …

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Yemeni Armed Forces Strike Tel Aviv with Ballistic Missile, Four Drones. english.almanar.com.lb The missile force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a military operation, targeting a vital target of the Israeli enemy in the occupied area of Jaffa (Jaffa) using a hypersonic ballistic missile, type Palestine 2, according to a statement issued by the military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sarea. "The operation achieved its goal successfully, …

Deiaa Haj Yahia (2025-01-13). Two Acre residents sentenced to seven years in prison for attempted lynch of Jewish driver. haaretz.com The victim, Mor Janashvili, was required to undergo long-term rehabilitation after the defendants and others attacked him with steel rods and clubs, even after he fell to the ground…

Ido David Cohen (2025-01-13). Israeli channel drops foreign news editor from appearances after calling for end to war. haaretz.com The foreign news editor for Channel 12 hasn't been invited back to appear on-air after a broadcast on the 100th day of the war, in which he said 'if the price [to return hostages] is to stop the fighting now, let's stop the fighting now'…

Jack Khoury (2025-01-13). Israeli official denies reports that 'final' draft of Gaza cease-fire deal passed to Israel and Hamas. haaretz.com After sources told Haaretz that a significant development occurred in the negotiations overnight — and that the parties are 'very, very close to finalizing a deal' — Hamas said that Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails are 'close to reaching their freedom'…

Jack Khoury (2025-01-13). In first phase, 33 hostages to be released, Palestinians to return to north Gaza. haaretz.com Sixteen days after an agreement is signed, negotiations over the release of remaining hostages in a second phase will begin. Hamas said that their response 'will be positive' provided that there is 'no harm to the key points important to our people'…

Josh Breiner (2025-01-13). Criminal suspicions against Israel Prison chief grow, Justice Ministry investigators say. haaretz.com Israel Prison Service chief Kobi Yaakobi is suspected of obstruction of justice and breach of trust. Department officials believe there is sufficient evidence against him to file criminal charges…

Linda Dayan (2025-01-13). 'Cutting the head off 200 organizations': Inside Israel's war on NGOs that aid Palestinians. haaretz.com The Israeli government has announced regulations that could bar NGOs and their workers from the country. Three senior officials in the field worry the move will stop humanitarian aid to the West Bank and Gaza. 'The West should know what's going on,' says one…

Nettanel Slyomovics (2025-01-13). Franklin Foer to Haaretz: 'Biden botched the biggest objective of his presidency'. haaretz.com The Atlantic's Franklin Foer, in Israel for a series of lectures at Tel Aviv University, tells Haaretz how President Biden's mistakes helped Trump win…

Nir Hasson (2025-01-13). Gazans left without humanitarian aid as the Israeli army, Hamas and the UN trade blame. haaretz.com While the UN blames Israel for targeting aid convoys and the IDF accuses Hamas of attempting to seize control of aid deliveries, it is the residents of Gaza who pay the price, as some aid remains stuck on the Israeli side of the border, while other supplies are looted within Gaza itself…

Ofer Aderet (2025-01-13). 'Youssef was a diabetes patient. Thinking about how he would survive in Gaza tugged at my heart'. haaretz.com Father and son Youssef and Hamza Alziadana were kidnapped alive by Hamas on October 7 and later killed in captivity, their bodies recovered by the Israeli army last week. 'Youssef was an amazing person,' their friend and manager recalls…

Rachel Fink (2025-01-13). Taylor Swift in Tel Aviv and Israeli World Cup win: AI music video imagines peaceful future. haaretz.com 'Maybe we should just start with a happy ending and work backwards,' says the opening of Yoni Bloch's new song, which is accompanied by a hyper-realistic portrayal of a hopeful and optimistic future in Israel…

Ruti Levy (2025-01-13). Unable to cure their kids' ultra-rare diseases, Israeli parents built company saving others. haaretz.com The technology of QRGenetics identifies the activity of defective proteins in children with ultra-rare disease with no cure, and seeks out existing drugs for other uses — that may change the course of the disease. Despite a long list of remarkable successes, the company is still struggling for funding…

Staff (2025-01-13). Five soldiers killed, eight seriously wounded in north Gaza; IDF intercepts missile from Yemen. haaretz.com ISRAEL: IDF intercepts missile fired from Yemen toward West Bank ‚ñ LEBANON: Nawaf Salam, ICJ President, set to become Lebanese PM in blow to Hezbollah ‚ñ GAZA: Report: Hamas agrees to the final draft of cease-fire deal, will announce after Israeli approval…

Talia Banon Tsur (2025-01-13). 'Assault on culture': head of Israel's national theater has a dire warning. haaretz.com Habima CEO Danny Weiss warned against a string of funding cuts and closures of beloved institutions in Israel. Even Tel Aviv Cinematheque to the Batsheva Dance Company are under threat…

Ben Samuels (2025-01-13). Mike Huckabee's evangelical beliefs shaped his connection to Israel, but Christian views are changing. haaretz.com Donald Trump tapped Mike Huckabee to be the next U.S. ambassador to Israel back in November. Few people have a better understanding of the former governor than fellow evangelical Todd Deatherage, who says conservative Christians approach Israel-Palestine with 'good intentions but often in really unhelpful ways'…

Robert S. Becker (2025-01-13). Why not buy Israel, engulf it as a colony/state, then sell Ukraine to cover costs, scooping up a fat profit? nationofchange.org No one takes arms to protect Panama's billions in unfair trade from our Canal. What other southern sh-t-hole place roars against the mightiest lion on earth?>

Stan Cox (2025-01-13). When Israeli warplanes rain death on Gaza, the copilot is Uncle Sam. nationofchange.org Arming Israel still has bipartisan support in Washington.

newarab (2025-01-13). How Israeli soldiers abroad are facing arrest over the Gaza war. newarab.com Israeli soldiers are facing the growing risk of A week ago, a former Israeli soldier A complaint lo…

newarab (2025-01-13). Israel increases attacks, US says ceasefire 'possible this week'. newarab.com Israeli forces targeted multiple locations across the northern Gaza Strip on Monday, killing at least 33 people since dawn, medical teams have said. | Palestinian have been killed in Jabalia and Shujaiya, as well as several neighbourhoods of Gaza City, including a school-turned-shelter. | Northern Gaza has been under attack and siege for more than 100 days, with the intensification of attacks beginning in early October. | Meanwhile, the Biden administration sees a possible Gaza truce as soon as this week, White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan told Bloomberg News on Monday, adding that there were…

Jason Ditz (2025-01-13). 'Anti-Israel' ICJ President Nawaf Salam Designated Lebanon's PM. news.antiwar.com Just months ago the western media was panning International Court of Justice (ICJ) President Nawaf Salam as having an "anti-Israel" bias. Today he's been concurrently named Prime Minister-Designate in Lebanon, although the media's focus today is less on his Israel position than on reports that Hezbollah didn't support his nomination. Salam's family has a long …

SKWAWKBOX (2025-01-13). Jewish Chronicle deletes article on Caplin paedo arrest as 'MSM' circle wagons in cover-up. skwawkbox.org '404' result greets would-be JC readers as BBC et all ignore arrest of right-wing Labour former minister The right-wing, pro-Israel, anti-Corbyn libel-factory The Jewish Chronicle has deleted its coverage of the arrest for alleged paedophilia yesterday of the right-wing, pro-Israel, anti-Corbyn former Labour government minister Ivor Caplin, as the rest of the so-called 'mainstream' media …

Stan Cox (2025-01-13). Washington Doubles Down on Arming Israel. fpif.org In recent weeks, political soothsayers have speculated about a wide variety of odious new policies the incoming Trump administration and its allies in Congress may or may not pursue. No one can predict with certainty which of those measures they will inflict on us and which they'll forget about. But we can make one prediction with utter confidence. The White House and large bipartisan majorities in Congress will continue their lavish support for Israel's war on Gaza, however catastrophic the results. | Washington has supplied a large share of the armaments that have allowed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to…

Sharon Zhang (2025-01-13). Israel, Hamas Hostage Swap Deal Close to Completion, Reports Say. truthout.org Israel and Hamas are nearing a deal for a hostage swap and temporary pause in fighting, various sources say — but Israeli leaders are reportedly insisting that any deal allow the military to continue their assault and occupation in Gaza. Sources from both sides as well as U.S. officials said on Monday that negotiations have reached a breakthrough point and a deal may be reached within the… |

_____ (2025-01-13). (Português) A Geopolítica da Insanidade da Elite (Parte 2): Criando Eretz Yisrael para Remodelar a Ordem Mundial. transcend.org À medida que o programa multifacetado das Elites para remodelar a ordem mundial, capturar a propriedade e o controle de todos os recursos-chave, matar uma proporàßà£o substancial da populaàßà£o humana, e impor uma ditadura tecnocrática sobre os "transumanos" que sobraram vivos, avanàßa rapidamente.

Staff (2025-01-13). Cuba formaliza su adhesión a la demanda de Sudáfrica contra Israel por el genocidio en Palestina. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de la República de Cuba hizo entrega formal ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia en su sede en La Haya, Países Bajos, de la Declaración de intervención en el caso Sudáfrica contra Israel. El Gobierno de Cuba reitera su profunda preocupación con la continua escalada de violencia, por parte de Israel, en los territorios palestinos ilegalmente ocupados.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Palestina reclamó al mundo poner fin a la agresión israelí. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) La presidencia palestina pidió hoy, otra vez, al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU obligar a Israel a finalizar su campaña bélica contra la Franja de Gaza e impulsar la entrada sin restricciones de ayuda para la población.

Staff (2025-01-13). Presos palestinos relatan abusos en cárceles israelíes: "Vivíamos en un infierno" cubadebate.cu Los testimonios de los presos palestinos en cárceles israelíes ponen de relieve una serie de abusos, torturas sistemáticas, tratos graves, negligencia médica y palizas brutales, informa el Centro de Información sobre Palestina. Numerosos informes de derechos humanos han documentado la muerte de decenas de detenidos, además de ejecuciones sobre el terreno.

Harvey Wasserman (2025-01-13). Newsom's Atomic Folly: Now By Fire, Next by Quake, Then by Apocalyptic Radiation? counterpunch.org Los Angeles is now being destroyed by fire. Next will be the "Big One" earthquake everyone knows is coming. And then—unless we take immediate action—Diablo Canyon's radioactive cloud will make this region a radioactive dead zone. My family is now besieged by four fires raging less than four miles away. We don't know how long our

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Iran Army unveils 'daunting' laser-powered air defense system guarding nuclear sites. presstv.ir Iran's Army unveils a state-of-the-art laser-powered air defense system during its Air Defense Forces' military maneuvers in the country's western and northern areas.

_____ (2025-01-13). (Italiano) I tre temi scottanti nucleari. transcend.org 3 Gennaio 2025 – I tre temi sono disarmo-proliferazione, uso militare e uso teologico delle armi nucleari. Tutti piuttosto intrattabili.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2025-01-13). AUKUS: Flawed and Sinking. globalresearch.ca A stillborn agreement treated as thrivingly alive; an understanding celebrated as consensual and equal. | The AUKUS security arrangement between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, envisaging the transfer and building of nuclear-powered submarines to the Royal Australian …

Global Research News (2025-01-13). Selected Articles: Video: Peace in the Middle East or Nuclear War? globalresearch.ca By This video with subtitles in 8 languages, English, French, Spanish, Arabi…

Kit Klarenberg (2025-01-13). Skripal poisoning victim disputed UK narrative, official inquiry reveals. thegrayzone.com An official inquiry into a notorious 2018 Novichok poisoning case has found the victim briefly emerged from a coma, revealing information which wholly undermined the British government's narrative. While the medical professional she told was muzzled, mainstream media has ignored the new finding. On March 8, 2018, just four days after being hospitalized for having allegedly been contaminated with novichok, which is said to be the world's deadliest military grade nerve agent, Yulia Skripal was roused from her coma. Upon …

Editor (2025-01-13). Chris Hedges: Big Tech Employees Expose their Former Employers. scheerpost.com

Editor (2025-01-13). Chris Hedges: Fire Weather. scheerpost.com

Staff (2025-01-13). Chris Hedges: Fire Weather. scheerpost.com A Final Toast — by Mr. Fish By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost The apocalyptic wildfires that have erupted in the boreal forest in Siberia, the Russian Far East and Canada, climate scientists repeatedly warned, would inevitably move southwards as rising global temperatures created hotter, more fire-prone landscapes. Now they have. The failures in California, where Los Angeles has …

Medea Benjamin (2025-01-13). Ukrainian Neutrality Is Still the Key to Peace. globalresearch.ca President-elect Trump said on January 9th that he is

Alexandra Jacobo, Nation of Change. (2025-01-13). Vermont Faces Legal Challenge From Big Oil Over New Law. popularresistance.org In a move that could set a precedent for climate accountability laws across the United States, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Petroleum Institute (API) have filed a lawsuit against the state of Vermont. The lawsuit challenges Vermont's groundbreaking law that requires fossil fuel companies to pay for damages caused by climate change, which has increasingly devastated the state through extreme weather events. | The law, passed in 2024, makes Vermont the first state in the nation to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for a share of the financial burden caused by climate change.

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2025-01-13). A Global Minimum Wage Would Reduce Poverty and Corporate Power. inequality.org In today's world of widespread poverty and unprecedented wealth, how about raising the wages of the most poorly-paid workers? This October, the World Bank reported that "8.5 percent of the global population‚Äïalmost 700 million people‚Äïlive today on less than $2.15 per day," while "44 percent of the global population‚Äïaround 3.5 billion people‚Äïlive today on less than $6.85 …

The Media Line Staff (2025-01-13). After 3-Year Hiatus, UAE Moves To Restore Embassy in Beirut. themedialine.org

The Media Line Staff (2025-01-13). IDF Strikes Hezbollah Targets, Citing Ceasefire Violations. themedialine.org

infobrics (2025-01-13). Zuckerberg declares war on censorship following Elon Musk's success with X. infobrics.org European Union responds angrily to Zuckerberg no longer conforming to censorship demands.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…

Alina Ramos Martin (2025-01-13). Deadly earthquake raises fears in El Salvador. plenglish.com On a day like today, 24 years ago, the strongest seismic activity, recorded with instruments in the country, occurred at 11: 35 am (local time). During 45 seconds, the earth shook all along the volcanic chain filling the country with mourning. | One of the most affected areas was the colony Las Colinas, in Santa Tecla, La Libertad, where more than a hundred homes were buried when a portion of the Balsamo Mountain Range came off. | The earth movements of recent weeks in the departments of La Unión, La Paz, and Sonsonate increased fears that something with a magnitude close to 7,7 on the Richter scale could shake t…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-13). Italy recorded almost 17 thousand earthquakes in 2024. plenglish.com Rome, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) In Italy, a total of 16,826 earthquakes occurred in 2024, although most were mild, with a magnitude of less than 2.0 on the Richter scale, a report said today.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Lebanon President Joseph Aoun starts consultations for PM selection. aljazeera.com Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and top ICJ judge Nawaf Salam seen as frontrunners.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Lebanon's president names ICJ judge Nawaf Salam as PM-designate. aljazeera.com The designation shows a shift in the power balance in Lebanon as Hezbollah wanted Najib Mikati to keep the job.

Steven Ganot (2025-01-13). Nawaf Salam Appointed as Lebanon's New Prime Minister in Landmark Political Shift. themedialine.org

Vanessa Ogle (2025-01-13). Noblesse Without Oblige. dissentmagazine.org The super-rich opt out of the social contract by picking and choosing which laws apply to them, whether in offshore tax havens or at home.

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc asks Lebanese President to postpone their meeting for parliamentary consultations until Tuesday. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Lebanese President Joseph Aoun designates Nawwaf Salam to form new government on the basis of binding parliamentary nominations. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Lebanon: 85 out of 128 Members of Parliament Name Nawaf Salam as Prime Minister-designate. english.almanar.com.lb The Lebanese President General Joseph Aoun held on Monday the binding parliamentary consultations to designate a new prime minister, meeting with all the blocs in addition to the independent members of the House. As a result of the parliamentary nominations, President Aoun designated Nawaf Salam to form the new government after the latter gained the …

newarab (2025-01-13). How Lebanon's new president reflects a shifting power balance. newarab.com Lebanon's parliament Hezbollah and the Amal Movement – often referred to in Lebanon as the Shia duo – both ended up voting for army commander

newarab (2025-01-13). Lebanon: Nawaf Salam officially announced as prime minister. newarab.com Lebanese President "The president of the republic called on Judge Nawaf Salam to task him with forming a government, knowing that he is currently abroad. It has been decided he will return tomorrow," it said. | The Harvard-ed…

newarab (2025-01-13). UAE to reopen Lebanon embassy after more than three years. newarab.com A high-level United Arab Emirates delegation was in Lebanon on Monday to make arrangements for the reopening of The UAE withdrew its diplomats from Lebanon and closed the embassy in October 2021, aligning with Saudi Arabia after

newarab (2025-01-13). Who is Judge Nawaf Salam, Lebanon's new prime minister. newarab.com Salam has a long political career in Lebanon and also has a strong international profile, with him currently

newarab (2025-01-13). World number 219 Habib puts Lebanon on the map at Australian Open. newarab.com Lebanese qualifier Hady Habib broke new ground for the nation on Sunday The world number 219 became his country's first player to win a men's singles main draw match at a Grand Slam in the professional era and soaked up wild cheers from a rowdy crowd packing the small terraces on Melbourne Park's Court 13. | "It's such an credible feeling to get this win not only for myself but for Lebanon and Lebanese tennis… the crowd was absolutely wi…

newarab (2025-01-13). Is Lebanon's new president a reformer or 'just another general'. newarab.com Lebanon has a Yet, while a functioning presidency is, in theory, vital for a government's proper operation, let's not mistake this procedural box-ticking exercise for genuine progress. | The way thi…

_____ (2025-01-13). Eyes on the South: Low Intensity Conflict and Escalation-Risk in Lebanon. transcend.org To analyze and contextualize the burgeoning war in south Lebanon, this paper borrows the theoretical concepts of Galtung's conflict theory.

Contributing Writers (2025-01-13). David Miller, Anti-Zionism and Free Speech. marktanliano.net

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Al-Quds Brigades: We have seized a Zionist reconnaissance drone of the "EVO Max" type while it was carrying out intelligence missions in the skies of northern Gaza. english.almanar.com.lb

Arnaud Natal, Isabelle Guérin, Sébastien Michiels, Timothée Narring (2025-01-13). The Urgent Need to Better Measure Household Debt. cadtm.org

CADTM Switzerland , Collective, Les Amis de la Terre (2025-01-13). Binding Treaty: Civil society decries corporate influence at the UN. cadtm.org

Christoph Sorg (2025-01-13). CADTM and the experience of the Greek Truth Committee on Public Debt. cadtm.org

Jean Andreau (2025-01-13). Personal endebtment and debt forgivness in the Roman empire. cadtm.org

Michael Roberts (2025-01-13). Forecast 2025: roaring or tepid? cadtm.org

tn.ai (2025-01-13). Iran Army Adds 1,000 High-Tech Drones to Combat Fleet. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Islamic Republic of Iran's Army has reinforced its combat forces by incorporating 1,000 state-of-the-art drones, designed for strategic missions and long-range operations.

tn.ai (2025-01-13). IRGC Underground Missile City Showcases Iran's Might, Qalibaf Says. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said the recent unveiling of a new "missile city" of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) highlighted Iran's power.

tn.ai (2025-01-13). Iran Summons French Envoy over Paris' Hosting of Terrorists. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The French ambassador in Tehran was summoned by the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday in protest at France hosting terrorism, the ministry's spokesman said.

tn.ai (2025-01-13). Iranian Drones Capable of Sea Operations: Defense Minister. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh said the country's drones, which are part of a larger strategy to increase the military's operational flexibility and readiness, are now capable of landing at sea.

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Chinese scientists develop advanced solid electrolyte interphase. tvbrics.com The innovation is poised to drive technological advancements in next-generation energy storage…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Ethiopia and Brazil strengthen agricultural and food security cooperation. tvbrics.com Officials discussed several initiatives aimed at fostering partnerships in agriculture, food security, and tackling climate change…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Ethiopian President Taye Atske-Selassie celebrates his 69th birthday. tvbrics.com This is his first birthday as President of Ethiopia…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). How BRICS strengthens regional digital trade. tvbrics.com BRICS is setting a new standard for digital trade by developing independent financial infrastructures and supporting MSMEs…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Indonesia expresses strong endorsement for Malaysia's 2025 ASEAN Chairmanship. tvbrics.com This partnership marks a new step in reinforcing ASEAN's collective vision while showcasing the strength of regional cooperation…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Iran to launch satellite constellation for enhancing space capabilities. tvbrics.com The constellation is expected to significantly enhance Iran's space operations and technological advancements…

tvbrics (2025-01-13). Public Development Banks and their global partners to create innovative green solutions at Finance in Common summit. tvbrics.com The Finance in Common Summit (FiCS) will be held in Cape Town…

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Armed groups kill at least 40 farmers in Nigeria's Borno State. aljazeera.com Officials say Boko Haram and ISWAP groups suspected of being behind the attacks on farmers in the Dumba region.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). DR Congo says several towns recaptured from rebels, but fighting persists. aljazeera.com Despite recent military gains, eastern DRC remains mired in conflict, mainly as a result of the M23 rebellion.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Mozambique opens new parliament amid opposition protests and boycotts. aljazeera.com About 250 lawmakers sworn in, while the opposition calls for a strike to protest against disputed election results.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Nigerian air raid targeting bandits mistakenly kills civilians. aljazeera.com Nigerian air force launches investigation after reports say at least 15 people killed in air attack in Zamfara State.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Pakistan watches with caution as old ally Taliban gets closer to India. aljazeera.com While some analysts say Pakistan need not worry, others warn that Indian influence in Afghanistan could strain ties.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Russia 'prepared for any scenario' on Ukraine war as Trump presidency nears. aljazeera.com The US president-elect has promised to end the conflict in Ukraine but the Kremlin has not endorsed any tentative plans.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Trump's 'all hell' comments a threat to Hamas, says US VP-elect Vance. aljazeera.com JD Vance warns of consequences if Gaza captive deal does not happen, including knocking out 'final' Hamas battalions.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Why are California inmates deployed to help fight LA wildfires? aljazeera.com Canada and Mexico have offered to deploy firefighters as US inmates join in efforts to put out LA's wildfires.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Why fire hydrants and water supply failed during Los Angeles wildfires. aljazeera.com The LA wildfires continue to burn, with Santa Ana winds set to intensify and challenges hampering rescue efforts.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). The short shelf life of corporate DEI. aljazeera.com 'Wokeism' is out, bigotry is in. Meanwhile, inequality continues unabated.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Donald Trump and the Bitcoin rise. aljazeera.com Bitcoin rose to more than $100,000 in 2024. Donald Trump has been pro-crypto for some time. Did that influence its rise?>

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Before and after images show destruction of LA fires. aljazeera.com

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Coaching 'pods' get mixed reaction from top players at Australian Open 2025. aljazeera.com New court-side seating allows players to communicate with coaches and other team members during the match.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Djokovic, Alcaraz and Sinner in Australian Open round two, but Kyrgios out. aljazeera.com Aussie favourite Kyrgios says his first-round loss might be his last singles appearance in Melbourne.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Heavyweight boxer Tyson Fury announces retirement weeks after Usyk loss. aljazeera.com Fury made the decision less than a month after his world heavyweight title defeat to Oleksandr Usyk in Riyadh.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). China's exports hit record high as Trump tariffs loom. aljazeera.com Exports rose 10.7 percent in 2024, beating economists' forecasts, customs data shows.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Trump ally Steve Bannon blasts Elon Musk as 'truly evil' in MAGA split. aljazeera.com Former Trump adviser tells Italian newspaper that Tesla CEO intends to implement 'techno-feudalism on a global scale'.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). UK's Starmer touts plan to 'turbocharge' living standards with AI. aljazeera.com British Prime Minister says AI has the potential to 'transform the lives of working people'.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Rehearsal and walkthrough for Donald Trump's inauguration. aljazeera.com

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Austrian woman kidnapped by unknown gunmen in Niger. aljazeera.com Residents and local media report that the victim is a 73-year-old who was taken in the city of Agadez.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 1,054. aljazeera.com Here are the key developments on the 1,054th day of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Thousands of Hindus bathe in holy rivers at India Maha Kumbh Mela festival. aljazeera.com The festival that attracts over 400 million people takes place where Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati rivers meet.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Zelenskyy ready to exchange N Korean soldiers for Ukrainians held in Russia. aljazeera.com Offer comes after Ukraine announced capturing two North Korean soldiers in Russia's Kursk region.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Thabo Bester: Prison Break. aljazeera.com Thabo Bester is South Africa's most notorious con man.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). The Khalistan Assassinations. aljazeera.com A murder that rocked the Sikh community in British Columbia, Canada.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Cummins, Hazlewood return as Australia name ICC Champions Trophy squad. aljazeera.com World champions Australia rely on experience and all-round abilities as they seek third Champions Trophy title.

aljazeera (2025-01-13). Ibrahim Zadran returns for Afghanistan in Champions Trophy squad. aljazeera.com Prolific opener makes a comeback from injury but spinner Mujeeb Ur Rahman misses out as he recovers from hand sprain.

Andrew Korybko (2025-01-13). Lithuania's Provocative Remark About Kaliningrad Doesn't Equate To A Territorial Claim. thealtworld.com Referring to places by the names that a certain group once used doesn't automatically imply territorial claims, though it can be interpreted as such depending on the context, but it's also understandable that the current inhabitants might consider it provocative if they now describe those places differently. | Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted to Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda's remarks on X describing Kaliningrad city as "Karaliaucius" and its oblast/region as "Lithuania Minor" by

A A (2025-01-13). The Muslim Brotherhood's IRA stooges target Ireland's top footballers as part of their BDS propaganda. strategic-culture.su

GABIK (2025-01-13). Class of 2024 commended for their resilience. sanews.gov.za Class of 2024 commended for their resilience | Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube has commended the 2024 matric top achievers for their resilience and determination. | | Gwarube, together with mobile network provider, MTN, hosted a Ministerial Breakfast in honour of 39 matric top achievers on Monday. | | Held in Randburg, Johannesburg, the event comes ahead of the official announcement of the 2024 matric results later on Monday . | | Congratulating the country's top achievers, Gwarube said the learners demonstrated that challenges are not roadblocks, but stepping stones to greatness. | | Despite punishing povert…

GABIK (2025-01-13). Determination pays off for top achievers. sanews.gov.za Determination pays off for top achievers | Despite coming from a financially poor background, without parental support, matric learner Thobeka Langa has proven that determination and hard work can change your outcomes. | Aged 17, Thobeka from Rustenburg, North West, was among the country's 2024 matric top achievers, who were honoured by Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube during a Ministerial Breakfast held in Randburg, Johannesburg, on Monday. | The 39 top achievers were honoured ahead of the announcement of the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results, which takes place later today. | Speaking to SAne…

_____ (2025-01-13). Yanis Varoufakis: What to Watch for in 2025 — Trump, the US Dollar, China. transcend.org 31 Dec 2024 – Yanis Varoufakis dives into the key global trends and challenges shaping 2025 and breaks down what these developments mean for the world economy and politics.

Caitlin Johnstone (2025-01-13). Amazon Is Censoring My Most Recent Magazine Issue. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Without explanation Amazon has blocked and unpublished my last issue of JOHNSTONE magazine which features my painting of Luigi Mangione on the cover.

Mike Whitney (2025-01-13). Washington's Attempts to Bully China Will Only Backfire. Mike Whitney. globalresearch.ca Can we have a serious conversation about China? | China is rapidly overtaking the United States in a number of areas that threaten to undermine America's position in the world. Naturally, US leaders and their billionaire backers are concerned about this …

infobrics (2025-01-13). India Puts Prosperity Before Hostility Despite Election Hard Line on China. infobrics.org Opening up to Chinese investments could boost the global economy…

A A (2025-01-13). Sicut in Coelo et in Terra: China and the U.S., the space race. strategic-culture.su

Joel Wendland-Liu (2025-01-13). Hu Yamin's new book on Chinese Marxist literary criticism. peoplesworld.org Hu Yamin is a prominent Chinese scholar specializing in comparative Marxist literary criticism. Her recent work, The Contemporary Construction of the Chinese Form of Marxist Literary Criticism, offers a historical-geographic comparative analysis of Western and Chinese Marxist literary theories. Her previous translated work includes a two-volume edited set titled Keywords in Western Literary Criticism and …

Staff (2025-01-13). øCómo podría Canadá enfrentarse a Donald Trump? cubadebate.cu Aunque algunos analistas creen que la retórica es la típica bravuconada de Trump, sus comentarios han sido ampliamente condenados por políticos y economistas canadienses, ya que Canadá no fue uno de los principales objetivos del candidato republicano durante la campaña electoral estadounidense, a diferencia de China, México, los BRICS y la OTAN.

Staff (2025-01-13). Public Citizen Co-Presidents Request to Join DOGE. commondreams.org Today, Public Citizen co-presidents Robert Weissman and Lisa Gilbert sent a letter to Trump transition co-chairs Howard Lutnick and Linda McMahon requesting to be appointed as members of the "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE). If appointed, Weissman and Gilbert would bring to the table years of experience advocating for the interests of consumers and the …

Staff (2025-01-13). Public Citizen Co-Presidents Request to Join DOGE. commondreams.org Today, Public Citizen co-presidents Robert Weissman and Lisa Gilbert sent a letter to Trump transition co-chairs Howard Lutnick and Linda McMahon requesting to be appointed as members of the "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE). If appointed, Weissman and Gilbert would bring to the table years of experience advocating for the interests of consumers and the …

Staff (2025-01-13). The Revolving Door Project Condemns Democrats' Cowardice In The Face Of Trump's Nominees. commondreams.org The Revolving Door Project Executive Director, Jeff Hauser released the following statement: "The one constant within the Democratic Party is that its leaders will inevitably default to the belief that wisdom counsels caution. That is why it is unsurprising that Democrats are only offering more than perfunctory resistance to the few Trump nominees so brazenly …

Dean Baker (2025-01-13). Trump's Tariffs Mean Taxes at Temu. counterpunch.org Donald Trump seems confused about how tariffs work, but that doesn't mean the rest of us need to be also. It actually is fairly simple, let's take the case where we are shopping at Temu. Temu advertises this neat icemaker for $52.62. Trump says he wants to place a 100 percent tariff on the goods

George Ochenski (2025-01-13). Beware 'Unleashing Freedom' to Plunder and Pollute. counterpunch.org In his recent inaugural speech, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte spoke about how we have what the rest of the nation wants, saying: "The American dream lives in Montana and it's here where we are proving what is possible when the government gets out of the way and empowers the people." If anything, his words reflect

Nick Licata (2025-01-13). Are the Republicans Now the Working-Class Party? counterpunch.org Conservatives claim that Donald Trump's electoral victories show that his Republican Party, not the Democrats, now represents the working class. Sen. Josh Hawley tweeted on election night 2020, "We are a working-class party now. That's the future." Although unions only represent 10% of the working-class labor force, since 1980, Democrats have not dipped below 51%. However, as

Rick Baum (2025-01-13). The Unfairness and Inadequacy of Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment Increases. counterpunch.org Reductions in the purchasing power of one's income occur when cost-of-living increases just keep up with the rate of inflation and are simultaneously accompanied by greater imposed costs. This has happened to Social Security recipients who are on Medicare. The 2025 Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 2.5% is being undermined by the

Thomas Drake (2025-01-13). Pre-Inauguration Perceptions on Eve of Trump 2.0. counterpunch.org What's possible with Trump 2.0? As pie in the sky as it might seem or appear (and chances that admittedly approach zero), the incoming Trump 2.0 Administration does have a golden opportunity to reform the federal government, the administrative state, the 'deep state' and truly re-make democracy in America for, of and by the People — without dismantling or demolishing it in the process.

Alina Ramos Martin (2025-01-13). Vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 and RSV in Uruguay. plenglish.com The immunization will be done with the drug Comirnaty JN.1, a vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and adapted to the Omicron JN.1 subvariant of the virus. | In the first instance, risk groups will be considered, including older adults, people with comorbidities and minors with moderate to severe immunosuppresion. | Also pregnant women, people with Down syndrome, health care workers with potential risk and caregivers. | The MSP recommends that the booster dose should be given at least four months after the last dose received or after the infection. | The MSP will also roll out from Monday a vac…

Dave DeCamp (2025-01-13). Trump's Incoming Ukraine Envoy Speaks at Event Hosted by Cult That Wants Regime Change in Iran. news.antiwar.com Keith Kellog, who will serve as an envoy for the Ukraine war in the incoming Trump administration, spoke at an event in Paris over the weekend hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, an organization led by the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a cult that seeks regime change in Iran. Kellog said at the …

Staff (2025-01-13). "Tinderbox": How Fossil Fuel Companies & Electric Utilities Intensified L.A. Wildfires, Climate Chaos. democracynow.org We speak with Leah Stokes, a researcher on climate and energy policy, who says the scale of the Los Angeles wildfires is a result of burning fossil fuels and destabilizing the planet's equilibrium. "The ultimate driver here is climate change," says Stokes. She says that as people begin to consider rebuilding their communities, they should think about how to build more resilient homes or whether the risk is simply too great in some areas. "Are these places where people really want to be building back at that same density, with that same risk?" she asks. "We do have to be asking…

Staff (2025-01-13). Untold Stories of L.A. Fires: Incarcerated Firefighters, Black Altadena & Octavia Butler's Warning. democracynow.org We continue our coverage of the devastating wildfires in Southern California, which have killed at least 24 people as of Monday. Some 150,000 more have been forced to evacuate their homes and over 40,000 acres have burned up as firefighters struggle to contain the multiple fires still raging in the Los Angeles area. | Journalist and activist Sonali Kolhatkar, who recently returned to her home in Pasadena, describes community mutual aid efforts underway and how they stand in stark contrast to the militarized response from police and National Guard forces who are seemingly more interested in protecting property tha…

The Media Line Staff (2025-01-13). Tehran Bolsters Defense Fleet, Adds 1,000 Long-Range Drones. themedialine.org

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). 1,000 strategic, anti-fortification drones join Iran Army arsenal. presstv.ir As many as 1,000 strategic, stealth, and anti-fortification unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) join the Iranian Army's Combat Organization.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Defense minister: Skies under Iran's command for fatal blow; big surprises in 'store'. presstv.ir Iran's defense minister commends the superior stance of the capabilities of the country's Armed Forces.

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-13). Iran Army Can Conquer the Sky with Its AI-equipped Drones: Defense Minister. english.almanar.com.lb The Iranian Army can dominate the sky with its advanced, AI-equipped drones if necessary, says Iran's defense minister. Addressing a ceremony to deliver 1000 strategic drones to the Army on Monday, Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh highlighted the Iranian Armed Forces' advanced capability in drone technology, especially the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in its aircraft. …

newarab (2025-01-13). Iran confirms national's return from Italy despite US extradition request. newarab.com Iran announced on Sunday that a national held in Italy had return home, shortly after Mohammad Abedini, 38, was arrested in Italy last month at the behest of the United States, which accused him of supplying sophisticated drone navigation technology to Iran's military, in violation of "Esmaeil Baqaei, the spokesman of the Ministry of Fo…

SAM (2025-01-13). How The U.S. Media Hide Truths About The Gaza War. progressivehub.net NORMAN SOLOMON…

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Iran FM to attend Security Council session on Gaza in New York. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister plans to participate in a foreign ministerial session to be held in New York to discuss the latest developments in West Asia, particularly in Palestine.

Aaron Kirshenbaum (2025-01-13). The Fires in Gaza Are the Fires in Los Angeles? globalresearch.ca "Has Greta Thunberg taken her keffiyeh off to address the fires in LA yet or are there too many Jews living here for her to …

newarab (2025-01-13). Gaza truce might be declared 'today or tomorrow' amid Doha talks. newarab.com

newarab (2025-01-13). Palestinians in Gaza resort to digging holes for shelter. newarab.com "Death is difficult, but what is even more difficult is to make a grave for your The 41-year-old father of eight decided to dig a large hole, two meters deep and four meters…

_____ (2025-01-13). No Civilians—Everyone's a Terrorist': Arbitrary Killings & Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor. transcend.org 23 Dec 2024 – 'Of 200 bodies, only 10 were confirmed as Hamas members': IDF soldiers tell Haaretz that anyone who crosses an imaginary line in the Neztarim corridor is shot to death, counting as a terrorist ⚪ even if just a child.

infobrics (2025-01-13). BRlCS by BRlCS for a Better Future. infobrics.org Over the past 18 years, BRICS has evolved from a concept into a vibrant grouping for the Global South and grown ever stronger. It has become an essential player on the international stage…

Chaitanya Davé (2025-01-13). Never Mind the Propaganda, the World Should Know About America's Countless Wars. globalresearch.ca Throughout history, U.S. Administrations, led by their presidents, on the pretext of one fictitious reason or another, go to wars with a weaker country around the world. The real reasons being their unsatiable greed and appetite for other countries' lands …

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2025-01-13). How Excess Iodine Is Undermining Thyroid Health and What to Do About It. globalresearch.ca While iodine fortification in salt was introduced in the 1920s to prevent goiters, this intervention led to a dramatic increase in thyroid disease | Modern food production and industry has created widespread iodine overload through multiple sources: iodized animal feed, dairy …

Drago Bosnic (2025-01-13). The European Union Threatens Germany, Freedom of Expression is Gone, We Will "Enforce Democracy" on EU-NATO Nation States. globalresearch.ca For decades, the European Union was known for its chest-thumping about "freedom, democracy and the rule of law". | The troubled bloc also claimed that it was purely an "economic project" and that it "had nothing to do" with NATO, geopolitics, …

Prof. Ruel F. Pepa (2025-01-13). Revisiting Finland-Russia Relations: A Flawed Narrative on Migration and Security. globalresearch.ca Introduction: | The article "

Manlio Dinucci (2025-01-13). Western Governments Grand Maneuvers. Military Spending is "Good for Business". Manlio Dinucci. globalresearch.ca Biden ends his presidency on a high note by giving the highest award — the Medal of Freedom — to Hillary Clinton and George Soros, those who did the most to launch the NATO-Russia war in the heart of Europe …

Myers Mortuary, Ogden (2025-01-13). Childhood Vaccine Injury: Gardasil HPV Vaccine Victim 17-year-old Colton Roger Berrett. globalresearch.ca Colton Roger Berrett, 17, of Farr West, Utah, son, brother, grandson, cousin and friend passed away Jan 5th, 2018. He returned to his loving Heavenly Father where he is now in a state of peace and happiness. | Colton was …

Staff (2025-01-13). The Red Nation Podcast — YOTED: Alienation before alienation. therednation.org YOTED is back! Comrades Justine and Levi, and East is a Podcast host, Sina, join to discuss the documentary Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults (2020). Watch the video edition on The Red Nation YouTube channel; don't forget to like and subscribe! Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Listen and download for free on Libsyn! Empower our work: GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/f/empower-red-medias-in… Subscribe to …

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2025-01-13). The 'Uber Model' Comes for Nursing. inequality.org The "gig" model of labor popularized by Uber has found a new sector to upend: health care. On-demand nursing companies likeCareRev, Clipboard Health, ShiftKey, and ShiftMed promise understaffed hospitals more control and overworked nurses more flexibility. But this labor model and the companies that push it endanger workers and patients alike. In a recently published brief for …

infobrics (2025-01-13). Libya Expresses Interest in Joining BRICS. infobrics.org Libya is considering the possibility of joining the BRICS group of emerging economies, according to the acting Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Libyan Government of National Unity, Taher Al-Baour…

infobrics (2025-01-13). Brussels bureaucrat threatens Germany, shows EU effectively a dictatorship. infobrics.org "We did it in Romania, and if necessary, we will have to do it in Germany as well," former French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton stated on live TV, threatening to "enforce democracy" in Germany just like the bloc did in Romania.

infobrics (2025-01-13). Zelensky accuses West of grabbing $88.5 billion or half of all money sent to Ukraine. infobrics.org Zelensky may point fingers, but he himself has his own share of skeletons in the closet. By this point, any expose of corruption in the West would only fuel inquiries on the Ukrainian government's itself, and would potentially compromise further aid to Kyiv.

infobrics (2025-01-13). Switzerland violates its historical neutrality as it promptly approaches NATO. infobrics.org The country is increasingly taking a pro-NATO turn in its foreign policy, reverting an entire history of neutrality.

Final Straw (2025-01-13). We (Must) Keep Us Safe: On Repression, Trauma, Security Culture, and Revolutionary Solidarity. itsgoingdown.org Long-running anarchist radio show and podcast The Final Straw speaks with a guest on state repression, trauma, and beyond. This week, we're featuring an anonymized chat with a longtime anarchist on lessons learned trying to stay sane while facing state repression. We talk about experiencing trauma, the need for strong relationships and movements offering shelter…

It's Going Down (2025-01-13). Protests Spread Throughout Central Valley Following ICE Raids in Farmworker Communities. itsgoingdown.org Hundreds of people are mobilizing in protest of raids by ICE in an operation termed, "Return to Sender," which targeted several working-class communities across the Central Valley of California. ABC News reported that at least "78 undocumented migrants were detained by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents across Kern and Fresno Counties last weeks" although…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2025-01-13). Canada to the Predator Nation: Go to Hell. libya360.wordpress.com Christopher Black Donald Trump's unprecedented threats against allies like Canada, Denmark, and NATO itself have sparked outrage and highlighted the fragility of international alliances under his administration. Trump's Betrayal President Trump won his election to the US presidency partly on the promise to bring peace to the world, to end US wars. But he has…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2025-01-13). Trump's Statements on the Panama Canal: An Attempt to Revive an Unwanted Past for Panamanians. libya360.wordpress.com Roman A. Atencio An effigy of President-elect Donald Trump is set on fire during a demonstration marking Martyrs' Day, a national day of mourning to honor the 21 Panamanians who were killed during the January 1964 anti-American riots over sovereignty of the Panama Canal Zone, in Panama City, Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. (AP Photo/Agustin Herrera)…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2025-01-13). Annexation Redux: Trump's Expansionist Threats Unmask Longstanding Policy. libya360.wordpress.com Lev KoufaxHomes are illuminated after sunset in Tasiilaq, Greenland. In the past few weeks, we've seen a buzz in the corporate media about President-elect Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric on annexation. As Trump approaches his second term in office, he has ramped up his talk about territorial expansion. His rhetoric has thus far targeted Canada, Mexico,…

María Candela (2025-01-13). Nicolás Maduro, pudo el pueblo, para Venezuela lo que viene es paz, reconciliación, entendimiento (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu En la clausura del Festival Mundial Antifascista en Caracas, el Presidente Nicolás Maduro abogó por la paz, la reconciliación, el entendimiento y convocó a fortalecer la Internacional Antifascista para detener el avance y vencer ese flagelo mundial.

Raúl Rodríguez (2025-01-13). Cuba cae frente a club croata rumbo a Mundial de Balonmano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (ACN) La selección nacional cubana de balonmano, que debutará el 16 de enero en el Campeonato Mundial de la disciplina, cayó 36 a 35 frente al Club RK Porek de la liga premier croata en partido de preparación celebrado en la ciudad balcánica de Umag.

The Canary (2025-01-13). Met Police under pressure as outcry increases over Palestine BBC protest ban. thecanary.co Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and Coalition partners are today issuing a statement that reaffirms their determination to lead a protest at BBC headquarters in central London despite the efforts of the Met Police to prevent a March for Palestine which it previously agreed to in November 2024. March for Palestine: the Met under fire Over […] | By

Staff (2025-01-13). Met Police under pressure as outcry increases over Palestine BBC protest ban. thecanary.co Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and Coalition partners are today issuing a statement that reaffirms their determination to lead a protest at BBC headquarters in central London despite the efforts of the Met Police to prevent a March for Palestine which it previously agreed to in November 2024. March for Palestine: the Met under fire Over …

Peoples Dispatch (2025-01-13). Deadly attack on MST settlement in Sà£o Paulo: two killed, six injured amid land disputes. peoplesdispatch.org The armed attack left two dead and six injured. Lula's government pledges support for the victims and a renewed focus on agrarian reform.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-13). Bolivia advances in certification of 200 tourist destinations. plenglish.com La Paz, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President Luis Arce reaffirmed the commitment that his government is currently promoting tourism, with the certification of 200 destinations underway, of which 20 emblematic ones will be selected for international promotion.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-13). Cuba and Russia strengthen collaboration for scientific research. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Immunoessay Center signed an agreement for Cooperation in Scientific Research with the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (EIMB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), it was revealed today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-13). Most of the oil spilled in the Black Sea is being removed. plenglish.com Moscow, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) Russian specialists have so far removed most of the oil spilled in the Black Sea in recent days, following the sinking of the Volgoneft-239 tanker, which ran aground off the coast of the Temryusk region.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-13). Over 3.9 million tourists arrived in Mexico in November 2024. plenglish.com Mexico City, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) Mexico received 3,943,297 international tourists last November, 13.2 percent more than the same month a year earlier, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography reported today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-13). Kyrgyzstan's high-level delegation for the first time in Ethiopia. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) A high-level delegation from Kyrgyzstan, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Aseim Isaev, arrived today in Ethiopia for the first time on an official visit since the beginning of bilateral relations in 2016.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-13). Proposal of intervention against Venezuela rejected in Colombia. plenglish.com Bogota, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) The proposal of former Colombian President àÅlvaro Uribe (2002-2010) of a military intervention in Venezuela, deserves today the rejection of politicians, organizations and also intellectuals of the nation.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-13). World Day for the fight against depression celebrated. plenglish.com According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability and contributes significantly to the global burden of disease. | It is a complex disorder that influences mood, thinking, behavior, and physical functioning. It is characterized by profound sadness, loss of interest, changes in appetite and sleep, fatigue, guilt feelings, and difficulties in concentration. | In any case, specialized medical attention is required for timely diagnosis and treatment. | It is not a simple decline in mood or emotional state, as it can lead to the emergence of other diseases such as stress, phobia…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Bienal de La Habana continúa con propuestas de las artes visuales. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) La XV Bienal de La Habana, el mayor evento de las artes visuales en Cuba, continúa hoy con diferentes exposiciones abiertas al público en varios espacios de esta capital.

Raúl Rodríguez (2025-01-13). Cubano Erislandy àÅlvarez no boxeará el 18 de enero. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (JIT).- Contrario a lo pactado inicialmente, la semifinal de la Copa del Mundo Profesional de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA) que implicará al cubano Erislandy àÅlvarez (63,5 kg) no se disputará el próximo día 18.

Raúl Rodríguez (2025-01-13). Aplican modificaciones en el voleibol desde este año. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (JIT).- Tres modificaciones ya se implementan en 2025 para partidos oficiales del deporte de la malla alta, las que se aprobaron en el XXXIX Congreso Mundial de la Federación Internacional de Voleibol (FIVB), celebrado en Portugal en noviembre último.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Semana de confirmaciones de elegidos de Trump en Senado de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Los elegidos del futuro presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, para su gabinete enfrentarán en la semana legislativa que comienza hoy audiencias de confirmación en el Senado, entre ellos algunos polémicos nombramientos como el de Pete Hegseth.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Ultiman detalles para debate presidencial en Ecuador. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) El Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) de Ecuador ultimará hoy detalles para la realización del debate entre los 16 candidatos a la presidencia que se disputarán el cargo en los comicios del próximo 9 de febrero.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Inversiones hidráulicas en Holguín priorizaron mejorar el bombeo y la calidad del agua. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) A las mejoras en el abasto y a la purificación del agua que consume la población se dedicó una parte considerable de los 728 millones de pesos correspondientes al plan de inversiones del Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos en esta provincia, en 2024.

Raúl Rodríguez (2025-01-13). Cubano Roamy Alonso pasa al frente de los máximos bloqueadores en Italia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC).- El central cubano Roamy Alonso sigue envuelto en una gran temporada en la Superliga de Voleibol de Italia. Con los cinco puntos por bloqueos que marcó el domingo pasó a la cima de ese importante apartado en la mejor liga el mundo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Artistas de Ballet Beyond Borders HAVBANA actúan en Cienfuegos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Bailarines de varios países compartirán hoy la escena del Teatro Tomás Terry de la ciudad de Cienfuegos en una gala especial de Ballet Beyond Borders (BBB) HAVBANA 2025, evento organizado por Cuba y Estados Unidos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Evocan pobladores heroica quema de Bayamo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Con una gala político-cultural en la primera plaza denominada de la Revolución en Cuba, artistas, autoridades y pueblo evocaron la gloriosa quema de la ciudad de Bayamo por sus moradores, trascendental hecho acaecido el 12 de enero de 1869.

Raúl Rodríguez (2025-01-13). Se retira el pesista cubano Olfides Sáez. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (ACN).- El adiós al deporte activo de Olfides Sáez, relevante pesista de la provincia de Cienfuegos, y uno de los de mejores resultados para Cuba en los últimos años, centró esta semana las noticias locales de mayor impacto en la prensa provincial.

María Candela (2025-01-13). Reconocidos investigadores cienfuegueros por el Día de la Ciencia Cubana (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 13 ene (RHC) Investigadores cienfuegueros recibieron reconocimientos por el Día de la Ciencia Cubana en el acto provincial efectuado en el Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos (CEAC), donde también estimularon a varios sectores destacados.

María Candela (2025-01-13). Vietnamitas en Los Palacios con eficiente técnica arrocera. radiohc.cu La inversión extranjera en Cuba y la sostenida colaboración con Vietnam adquieren nuevos ribetes, al calor de un plan para aumentar la producción de arroz en el archipiélago caribeño, donde el cereal es altamente demandado.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-13). Por un control efectivo sobre los incendios forestales en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Entre el 90 % y el 95 % de los incendios forestales en Cuba tienen origen humano, fundamentalmente por las quemas para diferentes fines, fumadores y transeúntes irresponsables, la circulación de vehículos con desperfectos técnicos en el sistema de escape de los gases de combustión….

The Sirius Report (2025-01-13). Ukraine Briefing: Trump-Putin Talks, Turkstream sabotage, Russian strategic victories, Western plans. thesiriusreport.com

Staff (2025-01-13). Firstpost (India) Spotlight program: US Sanctions On Russia's Oil Hit India. gilbertdoctorow.com As they used to say at the betting parlors, 'five will get you ten.' Once you appear on one television station, the others also want some fresh blood. And so I was not surprised to be invited this morning to appear on a new giant in Indian global broadcasting which calls itself Firstpost. They boast …

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Eyewitness video shows moment of plane crash in Kazakhstan. presstv.ir A passenger plane flying from Azerbaijan to Russia crashed near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Iran, Russia to sign strategic partnership deal on Friday: Kremlin. presstv.ir The presidents of Iran and Russia will sign a "comprehensive strategic partnership" agreement in Moscow on Friday, the Kremlin says.

Thomas Newdick (2025-01-13). North Korean Air Defense System Revealed In Ukraine By Russian Friendly Fire Strike. twz.com A North Korean-made surface-to-air missile system, broadly analogous to the Russian Tor, has appeared for the first time in combat in the Kursk region.

Staff (2025-01-13). Russian elites are delighted with Donald Trump's Mar a Lago press conference. gilbertdoctorow.com During an on-air conversation last Thursday with Judge Andrew Napolitano on 'Judging Freeedom,' I was asked how the Kremlin and Russian elites view the announcement by Donald Trump at his Mar a Lago press conference that he plans to take possession of Greenland and is prepared to use military force or economic pressure, as necessary, …

Staff (2025-01-13). Patrick Lawrence: The Nihilism of Antony Blinken. scheerpost.com Secretary of State Antony Blinken hold a press conference on their recent meeting in Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on April 25, 2022, in Poland near the Ukrainian border. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Catessa Palone) By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost Readers write from time to time thanking me for keeping up …

Basit Mahmood (2025-01-13). A full list of Nigel Farage's 9 jobs and how much he earns from each one. leftfootforward.org It's been revealed that self-proclaimed man of the people, Nigel Farage, who is the UK's highest-earning MP, now has nine jobs, meaning that he earns more than any other MP from outside earnings. | On top of his MPs salary of £91,346, Farage is also raking in £571,585 from outside jobs, in less than six months. | Last week, the Guardian reported that Farage made £189,000 last year as a brand ambassador for a gold bullion company. | With the Mirror revealing that the Reform UK leader now has nine jobs, here's a full list of them and how much the arch Brexiteer is making from each one. | Reform…

____ (2025-01-13). Ania And Yours Truly. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Live in 30 minutes.

____ (2025-01-13). Documentary About … smoothiex12.blogspot.com how the F-16 (one of) of Ukie AF was lost. Generally speaking, the mental state of what is left of Ukrainian nation should be strongly considered when discussing the future in that cursed land. But I have to admit, the documentary is impressive.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Iran: US military, political intervention in Yemen complicating Red Sea situation. presstv.ir A senior Iranian diplomat has warned of the intensification of insecurity in the West Asia region amid the US-UK airstrikes in Yemen.

Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (2025-01-13). PMPI Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Municipal Waters. pressenza.com We, the 230 members of the Philippine-Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI), express profound concern regarding the Supreme Court's First Division's affirmation of the Malabon Regional Trial Court's decision declaring Sections 4 (58), 16, and 18 of the Philippine Fisheries Code (Republic Act No. 8550, as amended by RA 10654) unconstitutional. This decision would allow large-scale commercial fishers to operate within municipal waters, further threatening the livelihoods of small-scale fishers who depend on these waters for their daily sustenance. | We are alarmed and greatly disappointed that this ruling on Section…

Jessica Corbett (2025-01-13). Supreme Court Rules Against Big Oil in Landmark Hawaii Climate Lawsuit. truthout.org Climate campaigners and scientists on Monday welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to reject attempts by fossil fuel giants to quash the Hawaii capital's lawsuit aiming to hold the major polluters accountable for the devastating impacts of their products. "This is a significant day for the people of Honolulu and the rule of law," Ben Sullivan, executive director and chief resilience… |

UMMID (2025-01-13). India Courts Taliban 2.0. ummid.com The pragmatic Indian move to court Taliban 2.0 has sent ripples in the region, particularly in Pakistan, their common foe.

Katya Schwenk (2025-01-13). How Big Developers Crushed Regulation That Could Have Mitigated LA Fires. truthout.org Back in 2019, a California state climate task force issued a stark warning: Endless development in the state's high-risk wildfire zones was magnifying wildfires and putting more people in their path. It was a call that has echoed in the state for decades from environmentalists, urban planners, and policymakers, even as developers pushed to build ever more homes in zones designated as "very… |

C.J. Polychroniou (2025-01-13). There's Much to Say About Economics of War, But Most Economists Won't Address It. truthout.org "Economic policies have profound effects on the tensions within and between countries — tensions that can lead to war," renowned progressive economist James K. Boyce remarked to me recently, adding that economics is in part "about plunder … and plunder sometimes morphs into war." Given that economic triggers clearly contribute to conflicts, why is war a topic largely neglected by the… |

Jake Johnson (2025-01-13). GOP Is Gearing Up to Push Major Medicaid Cuts, Leaked Document Reveals. truthout.org Policy analysts and Democratic lawmakers raised alarm over the weekend at a leaked document indicating that House Republicans intend to pursue massive cuts to Medicaid, a program that provides sometimes lifesaving coverage to roughly 80 million people across the United States. Near the top of a list of "spending reform options" that House Republicans are considering to help finance additional… |

Nora Loreto (2025-01-13). Tooth Decay Rose in Canadian Cities Without Fluoride. RFK Wants This for the US. truthout.org It's not uncommon for Canadian dentist Brandon Doucet to see patients who are in so much pain that they've tried to extract their own teeth. As a dental student, Doucet was inspired by Bernie Sanders's first presidential campaign and realized that he needed to take action where he was, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 2019, Doucet founded a group called the Coalition for Dental Care to advocate… |

WSWS (2025-01-13). Sri Lankan IYSSE holds meeting in Kandy on the fight against the IMF program. wsws.org SEP Assistant Secretary Saman Gunadasa told the meeting that the JVP/NPP government's pledge to impose the IMF's dictates was supported by all of Sri Lanka's capitalist parties.

WSWS (2025-01-13). Official death toll in Los Angeles fires climbs to 24, as rising winds threaten further devastation. wsws.org FEMA has not increased its limit on the grants for those who have lost their homes, which is capped at $87,970.

WSWS (2025-01-13). 22,000 patients lose coverage at 2 Massachusetts hospitals. wsws.org On January 1, 22,000 patients covered by Tufts Health Direct health insurance lost in-network coverage at UMASS Memorial Health and Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts, resulting in a situation where patients must either switch doctors or find new health insurance.

WSWS (2025-01-13). 140 years since the Berlin Congress: The new Scramble for Africa—Part Three. wsws.org Driven by internal crises and faced with the rapidly declining position of US and European imperialism on the world scale, the African continent and its rich resources are increasingly seen as a necessary means for their other war fronts.

WSWS (2025-01-13). Australian Labor government's school funding model entrenches underfunding and inequality. wsws.org With private schools continuing to enjoy lavish government funding, the Australian school system remains among the world's most socially polarised and unequal.

WSWS (2025-01-13). New Caledonia government installs anti-independence president. wsws.org The sharp shift to the right within New Caledonia's political establishment comes after seven months of unrest by the French colony's alienated Kanak youth.

newarab (2025-01-13). Zelenskyy 'ready' to exchange N. Korean soldiers for Ukrainians. newarab.com "In addition to the first captured soldiers from North Korea, there will undoubtedly be more. It's only a matter of time before our troops manage to capture others," Zelenskiy said on the social me…

_____ (2025-01-13). Singapore ministers threaten legal action against media outlets, government demands 'corrections'. cpj.org/feed/atom/

_____ (2025-01-13). CPJ to release annual report of journalists imprisoned globally. cpj.org

_____ (2025-01-13). In India, 4 suspects arrested over killing of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar. the-independent.com

APR editor (2025-01-13). Mothballed northern New Caledonia nickel company appoints new chair. asiapacificreport.nz By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk New Caledonia's mothballed northern nickel plant, Koniambo Nickel (KNS), has appointed a new chairman to steer a shareholding transfer amid the territory's industry troubles. He is Alexandre Rousseau, who was until now the company's vice-president. The company said in a release it had this month replaced…

Ayurella Horn-Muller (2025-01-13). A secret weapon in agriculture's climate fight: Ants. grist.org The ant scurries along on six nimble legs. It catches up to its peers, a line of antennaed bugs roaming the winding surface of a tree, perpetually hunting for food. While doing so, each unknowingly leaves antibiotic microorganisms secreted from its feet. | That trail of tiny footprints, indiscernible to the naked eye, is remarkably effective at protecting the tree from pathogens and pests. That makes ants, in the eyes of Ida Cecilie Jensen, a legion of unlikely warriors — one humans should consider enlisting in the fight to grow food in a warming world. "Ants are a Swiss Army knife," said Jensen, a biolo…

editor (2025-01-13). Clean energy for Australia: the elegant solution. onlineopinion.com.au Long ago, in high school maths, I was taught about the value of 'elegant solutions'. A correct answer might be good; an elegant correct one is better.

Josiah Mortimer (2025-01-13). The Times Is Forced to Correct a Misleading Article Claiming Electric Vehicle Demand Is Falling When It's Actually Rising. bylinetimes.com The Times newspaper has been made to issue a correction regarding its reporting on electric vehicle (EV) sales, following a rare successful complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) by an anti-misinformation group. | The belated ruling last Thursday came after the the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) challenged claims made in an article by Political Editor Steven Swinford in September about a supposed "fall in demand" for electric vehicles. The claim was contradicted by market data showing EV sales are actually rising. | The case raised alarm bells among climate campaigners a…

Pacific Media Watch (2025-01-13). 'In my early days, I was reckless,' says Pultizer winner Manny Mogato. asiapacificreport.nz By Ria de Borja in Manila For 30 years, Filipino journalist Manny "Bok" Mogato covered the police and defence rounds, and everything from politics to foreign relations, sports, and entertainment, eventually bagging one of journalism's top prizes — the Pulitzer in 2018, for his reporting on Duterte's drug war along with two other Reuters correspondents,…

Poppie Mphuthing (2025-01-13). Mexico, Canada and other U.S. states join firefighting efforts in LA. america.cgtn.com As the wildfires in California continue to rage, regional neighbors Canada and Mexico are stepping up to help. Several other U.S. states have also joined the effort to extinguish the historic and deadly fires. Poppie Mphuthing reports.

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-13). Chronobiology: Doctors Get Their Timing Wrong. expose-news.com Chronobiology, the study of biological rhythms and the effects of time on biological systems, has been an acknowledged science since the 18th century, revealing that living organisms follow a 24-hour or circadian …

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-13). How to survive "The Great Taking" expose-news.com "The Great Taking" is a plan by central bankers to confiscate all securities, bank deposits and debt-financed property, as revealed by former hedge fund manager David Webb. The plan involves exploiting the …

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-13). Ivermectin and fenbendazole treats cancer. expose-news.com Mel Gibson dropped a bombshell on Joe Rogan's podcast, revealing that three of his friends had "stage four cancer," and now "all three of them don't have cancer right now at all." …

Toni Waterman (2025-01-13). LA residents return to Pacific Palisades after fire. america.cgtn.com The death toll from the Los Angeles fires has now risen to 24. Officials expect that number to rise as specialized teams, including cadaver dogs — search through the rubble. Firefighters on Sunday, Jan. 12, also continued their efforts to contain the inferno encircling downtown LA, but the return of powerful winds threatens to undo the progress that has been made. Meanwhile, the residents in Pacific Palisades are slowly making brief visits back to their neighborhood to survey the damage. Toni Waterman reports.

Caleb Crowder (2025-01-13). Video: U.S. Govt Funds Other Nations' Militaries More Than It Funds Climate Protection. ips-dc.org National Priorities Project released a new analysis of U.S. contributions to the Green Climate Fund vs. foreign military financing. The reports reads, "Over the last decade, U.S. funding to the Green Climate Fund, the primary fund for international climate resilience, totaled $2 billion. In the same period, Congress approved at least Olivia Barber (2025-01-13). Low-income households in UK worse off due to 'sky-high' housing costs. leftfootforward.org Low and middle-income families in the UK are worse off than families in other Western European countries due to 'sky-high housing costs', according to a new report by the Resolution Foundation. | The think tank said that while food costs in the UK are 12% cheaper than the average in other developed countries, less well-off Britons were more affected by the cost of housing, which is 44% higher in the UK than the OECD average. | The report found that, after adjusting for the cost of living and housing, poor German families are £2,300 a year, or 21%, better off than poor families in the UK. | The income gap…

Olivia Barber (2025-01-13). Right-wing press tries to blame private school closure over abuse scandal on Labour VAT hike. leftfootforward.org The loss-making private school announced it would be closing down three months before the general election..

EcoWatch (2025-01-13). 6 of the Largest U.S. Banks Leaving Net Zero Alliance Ahead of Trump. pressenza.com Retreat From Climate Pledges Deemed 'a Lily-Livered Effort to Avoid Criticism' Six of the largest banks in the United States have bowed out of the global Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), with the inauguration of Donald Trump predicted to bring political backlash concerning climate action, reported The…

Robert Hunziker (2025-01-13). Net Zero/2050 Fantasy or Reality? pressenza.com Net Zero/2050 Fantasy or Reality | May be the Most Significant Issue of the 21st Century | Net Zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG), such as CO2, that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere. It can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal. | The relationship between CO2 and a warmer/hotter climate is basic science: For example, according to Climate.gov: "The relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) and global temperatures is directly proportional: As CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase, so do global temperatures, primar…

The Onion Staff (2025-01-13). SATIRE: Distressing Survey Finds Most U.S. Citizens Unable To Name All 340 Million Americans. theonion.com WASHINGTON—Revealing a steep decline in the populace's knowledge of its own country, a distressing survey commissioned Monday by the Department of Education found that most U.S. citizens are unable to name all 340 million Americans. "The ability to recite from memory the names of each of the nation's residents used to be a basic component …

The Onion Staff (2025-01-13). SATIRE: Historic Wildfires Ravage Los Angeles. theonion.com At least five fires across the Los Angeles area, including one in Hollywood Hills, scorched more than 45 square miles and put roughly 180,000 people under evacuation orders. What do you think?

The Onion Staff (2025-01-13). SATIRE: Tips For Supporting New Parents. theonion.com Adjusting to life with a newborn is a formidable task. The Onion presents tips for supporting the new parents in your social circle. Drop off a meal from their favorite restaurant to remind them of their former life that's now lost forever. Stress that Cocomelon only has as much power as they give it. Get …

The Onion Staff (2025-01-13). SATIRE: Trump Suggests Changing Name Of Gulf Of Mexico. theonion.com At least five fires across the Los Angeles area, including one in Hollywood Hills, scorched more than 45 square miles and put roughly 180,000 people under evacuation orders. What do you think?

Andrew Elrod (2025-01-13). Tenants on the March: An Interview With Cea Weaver. dissentmagazine.org "Organizing tenants has the potential to shape the political landscape for decades to come."

Guest Blogger (2025-01-13). Politico and The Guardian Falsely Blame California Wildfires on Climate Change. wattsupwiththat.com By refusing to discuss the true causes of wildfires, outlets like Politico and The Guardian are complicit in hindering meaningful action. It's time for journalists to do their jobs: report facts, ask hard questions, and hold policymakers accountable. Until they do, they will remain part of the problem, not the solution.

Guest Blogger (2025-01-13). Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #626. wattsupwiththat.com Quote of the Week: I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything. — Richard Feynman (1981)…

Joanna Wuest (2025-01-13). The Bad Science Behind Trans Medicine Bans. dissentmagazine.org The conservative movement has built its case against trans medicine on the authority of anachronistic, faulty clinical research.

Matona (2025-01-13). SA's natural resources can drive inclusive growth: President Ramaphosa. sanews.gov.za SA's natural resources can drive inclusive growth: President Ramaphosa | President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa's tourism sector, largely underpinned by its natural endowments, has great potential to drive inclusive growth. | "As the festive season makes way for the start of the new year, many South Africans have been returning home from different parts of the country. Some people have been visiting family, while others have been exploring new places. | "This is a time of year when we get to appreciate why our country is such an attractive destination for visitors. We are blessed with natural splendour that…

Moira Birss (2025-01-13). A Public Model for Home Insurance. dissentmagazine.org We must reimagine our disaster risk finance system so it reduces exposure and provides protection fairly.

NEOB (2025-01-13). Inquiry makes recommendations to improve competition in fresh produce market. sanews.gov.za Inquiry makes recommendations to improve competition in fresh produce market | The Fresh Produce Market Inquiry has released its final report, which identifies features within the fresh produce value chain that impede, restrict and distort competition. | The inquiry, initiated by the Competition Commission, follows rigorous analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement aimed at assessing competition within South Africa's fresh produce market. | The inquiry began on 31 March 2023 and assessed the fresh produce value chain across three main themes, including the efficiency of the value chain, concentrating on fresh…

NEOB (2025-01-13). Umalusi approves release of Matric 2024 exam results. sanews.gov.za Umalusi approves release of Matric 2024 exam results | South Africa's national education quality assurance body, Umalusi, has approved the release of the November 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. | The national results will be released later today. | "The approval statements bring together decisions taken after careful consideration of available evidence by various role players at different stages of Umalusi's quality assurance cycle. | "EXCO's approval for the release of candidates' results is confirmation that the assessment leading to certification in schools, adult education centres and t…

nosihle (2025-01-13). Government makes quality of education a priority. sanews.gov.za Government makes quality of education a priority | While South Africa has made good progress in expanding education access, Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube says government must now focus on improving the quality of the education that learners receive. | "Learners must leave our schools with an education and a qualification that allows them to pursue higher education opportunities or enter the job market in order to live lives of dignity," Gwarube said on Monday. | Addressing the announcement of the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results in Johannesburg, the Minister said too many learners progress…

Patrick Iber (2025-01-13). The Public We Need. dissentmagazine.org It is hard to call people into a political project that is deeply incompatible with their sense of what it means to act morally in the world.

Peter Dreier (2025-01-13). The Battle Over Los Angeles's Mansion Tax. dissentmagazine.org The Measure ULA campaign shows how a housing-labor coalition can transform the political landscape, even in the face of staunch special interest reaction.

SAM (2025-01-13). Los Angeles Firefighters Begged The City Not To Cut Funding. progressivehub.net KA (JESSICA) BURBANK | DROP SITE…

Sarah Jaffe (2025-01-13). A Place to Call Home. dissentmagazine.org Tenant organizers demand that housing be more than just a bare roof over your head, and in doing so they make space for a full life.

Steven Ganot (2025-01-13). Bologna Synagogue Targeted in Violent Protests Over Police-Linked Death. themedialine.org

Veronica Neifakh (2025-01-13). Zach Sage Fox: From Comedy to Advocacy Against Antisemitic Misinformation. themedialine.org

Andrea GIORGETTA (2025-01-13). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org

Hugo GABBERO (2025-01-13). Italy: Draft bill 1236 targeting peaceful environmental activism. fidh.org

Lucia Posteraro (2025-01-13). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Two killed in US school shooting; student suspect also dead: Police. presstv.ir A shooting at a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, has left at least two people killed and multiple injured.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). 12 people killed in ammunition factory blast in northwest Turkey. presstv.ir A blast ripped through an explosives factory in northwest Turkey, killing a dozen people.

presstv.ir (2025-01-13). Los Angeles fire death toll climbs to 24 as firefighters race against intensifying winds. presstv.ir Los Angeles wildfire's death toll rises to 24 as LA firefighters race to contain the blaze as intensifying winds hit the area.

Abdullah Jallow (2025-01-13). 3] Reflections on some statements of Al-Allamah Ubaid al-Jabiri. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Shaikh, may Allah have mercy upon him, stated about Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab, may Allah have mercy upon him: He, may Allah have mercy upon him, was very clever, strong in discernment, hardworking in knowledge and sought after it, brave in …

A a (2025-01-13). øPuede Trump salvar a Estados Unidos de sí mismo? strategic-culture.su

A A (2025-01-13). Trump, Iran and the Obama strategic blueprint. strategic-culture.su

A A (2025-01-13). UK monitoring of Musk online reveals "pathetic" priorities. strategic-culture.su

A a (2025-01-13). Macron assiste impotente alla fine della Franàßafrique. strategic-culture.su

Alexandra Jacobo (2025-01-13). LA wildfire victims face exploitation as landlords hike rents in violation of emergency laws. nationofchange.org As wildfires devastate Los Angeles, landlords face accusations of illegal rent hikes, with tenant advocates calling for urgent government intervention.

Ruth Milka (2025-01-13). Global temperatures in 2024 shattered records, soaring past 1.5 ∞C as extreme weather devastated millions. nationofchange.org Deadly heatwaves, rising seas, and collapsing ecosystems signal a climate emergency at 1.5 ∞c…

Gerry Canavan (2025-01-13). Tolkien Against the Grain. dissentmagazine.org The Lord of the Rings is a book obsessed with ruins, bloodlines, and the divine right of aristocrats. Why are so many on the left able to love it?

newarab (2025-01-13). 15 killed in Yemen explosion, fire at a gas station. newarab.com

newarab (2025-01-13). 'Exhausted' Frenchman held in Iran since 2022 reveals identity. newarab.com

newarab (2025-01-13). Iraq's PM Al-Sudani visits UK as Kurdish-Iraqi tensions escalate. newarab.com

newarab (2025-01-13). Morocco dethrones Egypt, becomes top tourist spot in Africa. newarab.com

newarab (2025-01-13). SNC says al-Sharaa meet 'positive', Riyadh urges sanctions lift. newarab.com The The Turkey-based SNC, which met with al-Sharaa in

newarab (2025-01-13). Thousands flee southern Sudan town amid escalating clashes: UN. newarab.com Thousands have fled a town in southern Sudan since clashes erupted last week between the Sudanese army and rival paramilitaries, the United Nations' migration agency said Sunday. | The conflict in Sudan, which erupted in mid-April 2023, has pitted the forces of army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against his former deputy "Between 1,000 and 3,000 households were displaced from Um Rawaba town" in North Kordofan state in the country's so…

_____ (2025-01-13). Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction. transcend.org Maria Ressa speaks to computer scientist Prof. Mike Wooldridge about the promise and the dangers of AI. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 for her investigative journalism on corruption in the Philippines.

_____ (2025-01-13). (Italiano) 1421 — 1434. transcend.org Nel 1421 i cinesi viaggiarono nelle Americhe. Arrivarono, videro, non conquistarono, molti rimasero. A differenza dell'Occidente, nessun impero, nessun tentacolo succhiante. Inoltre, a differenza dell'Occidente, impararono e conservarono molto di cià≤ che avevano imparato. Il centro del mondo ora si sposta verso la Cina.

_____ (2025-01-13). (Italiano) Famiglia Scuola Lavoro: bullismo. transcend.org 24 Dicembre 2024 – I tre pilastri delle nostre società , la Famiglia che passa figli ragionevolmente socializzati alle Scuole, che a loro volta passano studenti ragionevolmente istruiti al Lavoro, che a sua volta passa cittadini inutili alla pattumiera detta Pensionamento — questi pilastri sono carichi di violenza.

_____ (2025-01-13). The Promethean Power of Burnout. transcend.org In every creative life there comes a time when the animating spark grows dim and the muscle of motivation slackens, you feel benumbed to beauty, suffocating in the exhaust fume of your own exertion, ossified with the tedium of being yourself. We call those moments burnout.

_____ (2025-01-13). Which Is the Best Winner? transcend.org Compare…

UMMID (2025-01-13). CBSE CTET Dec 2024 Result Announced: Link to Check. ummid.com The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared on its official website cbseresults.nic.in the result of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) held in the month of December 2024.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Henley Passport Index 2025: India Slips Further Down. ummid.com India is down three points to its passport ranking in 2024 whereas Singapore retained the most powerful passport status in the world for the 3rd consecutive year, according to the Henley Passport Ranking 2025 released today.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Idli Sambhar rocks GATE 2025 ahead of exams. ummid.com In a bizarre incident, Idli, Sambhar and Chatni — popular South Indian dish, rocked GATE 2025 Thursday January 09, 2025 barely twenty days before the important engineering entrance exam.

UMMID (2025-01-13). MHT CET 2025 (PCB and PCM) dates revised. ummid.com The Maharashtra CET Cell has revised the dates of MHT CET 2025 (PCM and PCB both) and other Entrance Tests to be held for the academic year 2025-26.

UMMID (2025-01-13). SSC CGL Tier II Exam 2024 City List Out, Admit Card on Jan 14. ummid.com The Staff Selection Commission has published on its official website 'ssc.gov.in', the Exam City details for the SSC CGL Tier II exams to be held later this year.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Chaos, panic as new fire wave grips more Los Angeles areas. ummid.com A new wave of fire Thursday January 09, 2025 engulfed the West Hills neighbourhood of Los Angeles, rapidly consuming over 900 acres within hours.

UMMID (2025-01-13). 04 Muslims in 119th U.S. Congress. ummid.com There are only 04 Muslims in the Christian dominated newly elected U.S. Congress or House of Representatives which opened its 119th session on January 03, 2025.

UMMID (2025-01-13). JEE Main 2025 City Intimation Slip Published. ummid.com The National Testing Agency (NTA) has published on the official website JEE Main 2025 'Advance Intimation for Allotment of Examination City'.

UMMID (2025-01-13). 'Undivided India' to mark IMD 150th anniversary. ummid.com The India Meteorological Department (IMD) turns 150 on January 15, 2025, and to celebrate the occasion it is organising an event or seminar titled "Undivided India" in New Delhi.

UMMID (2025-01-13). GST is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich: TS Singhdeo. ummid.com India's GST (Goods and Services Tax), system is disproportionately benefiting the wealthy while burdening the middle and lower-income groups, says TS Singhdeo, former Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Hindu Nationalism versus Dr Ambedkar. ummid.com The BJP's anxiety to prove that Dr Ambedkar was part of Hindutva politics is a pure concoction.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Maharashtra Class 12 (HSC) 2025 Hall Ticket released. ummid.com Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) released today on its official website mahahsscboard.in the Hall Ticket (Admit Card) of the students who have registered for HSC (also known as Class XII and Class 12th HSC) 2025 exams.

UMMID (2025-01-13). 2024 warmest year on record: NASA scientists. ummid.com The scientists at the American space agency, NASA, based on an analysis confirmed that Earth's average surface temperature in 2024 was the warmest on record.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Latest study explores Venus's atmospheric evolution. ummid.com Exploring atmospheric evolution of Venus, a new study has examined a critical transition in the tectonic activity of Earth's sister planet, revealing how this shift fundamentally reshaped its atmosphere.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Los Angeles Fire: Death toll 16, inferno yet to be brought under control. ummid.com Death toll in the wildfire which erupted in Los Angeles and neighborhood Tuesday is now 16 even as the massive fire that had left hundreds of thousands displaced is yet to be brought under control.

UMMID (2025-01-13). Himachal TET Nov 2024 Result Out – Direct Link to Check. ummid.com The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBoSE) has released on its website hpbose.org today the Result of the candidates who appeared in the Himachal Pradesh State Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET 2024) held in November.

Joseph Trevithick (2025-01-13). $20 Billion Price Tag To Complete Development Of USAF's Next Generation Fighter. twz.com

editor (2025-01-13). An easier way for Trump to show illegals the door. onlineopinion.com.au A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that attorneys-general of many blue states are not going to give up quietly when Donald Trump, as President, begins to honour his election promises, such as the mass deportation of illegals.

Derrick Wyatt (2025-01-13). Joining the EU Single Market Could Be the Gamechanger for Keir Starmer's Government. bylinetimes.com

The Canary (2025-01-13). The Role of Heating Oil in Rural Communities. thecanary.co Rural communities face unique challenges when it comes to heating their homes, especially during harsh winters. Unlike urban areas, where natural gas pipelines and centralised heating systems are more accessible, many rural homes rely on alternative heating solutions. Among these, heating oil has stood the test of time as a reliable and efficient choice. In […] | By

The Canary (2025-01-13). Just Stop Oil take bold action — because Darwin would be turning in his grave. thecanary.co Two Just Stop Oil supporters have painted Charles Darwin's grave to demand that the UK government works with others to phase out the extraction and burning of fossil fuels by 2030. Just Stop Oil Darwin stunt At around 9: 30am on Monday 13 January, two Just Stop Oil supporters entered Westminster Abbey and proceeded to use […] | By

Tim Huber (2025-01-13). Mark Landes named 10th president of Hesston College. anabaptistworld.org Hesston College announced on Jan. 13 that Mark Landes, a local banker and former vice president at the college, will serve as its 10th president, beginning May 1.

The Onion Staff (2025-01-13). SATIRE: JD Vance Begins To Suspect There Another Group Chat. theonion.com PALM BEACH, FL—Noticing everyone else's phone simultaneously buzzing throughout a meeting, Vice President-elect JD Vance began to suspect there was another group chat among Trump's senior staff that he wasn't part of, sources confirmed Monday. "It can't be a coincidence that they all keep looking down at their phones and chuckling at the same time," …

Tim Huber (2025-01-13). Wrapped in an Anabaptist quilt. anabaptistworld.org On my bed is a quilt made by my faith community, First Mennonite Church of San Francisco. Each strip of fabric represents a member's work or profession, one of their gifts, a hobby they love, an interest they pursue or a volunteer labor they offer. Collectively, they tell the story of our community.

nosihle (2025-01-13). Class of 2024 achieves historic pass rate. sanews.gov.za Class of 2024 achieves historic pass rate | The Matric Class of 2024 has achieved an overall pass rate of 87.3%, making it the highest matric pass rate in the history of South Africa. | "I am proud to announce that in 2024, 615 429 learners passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) — more than any other time in our history. South Africa's national pass rate for the 2024 National Senior Certificate has therefore increased from 82.9% in 2023 to 87.3%," Minister of Basic Education Siviwe Gwarube said on Monday. | Addressing the announcement of the 2024 NSC results in Johannesburg, Gwarube said this was the…

Ed Sykes (2025-01-13). Child sexual abuse is not about ethnicity or politics. It's about toxic men. thecanary.co Canary writer Ed Sykes outlines our position on child sexual abuse and its current weaponisation by the far-right. Some readers may find this content distressing. Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a stain on humanity. And experts have already told Conservative and Labour governments what to do to deal with it. But the political will hasn't […] | By

Hannah Sharland (2025-01-13). REVEALED: MSM disproportionately targets mental health-related DWP claimants in attack articles. thecanary.co Disabled people living with mental health conditions came on the receiving end of an exponential surge in corporate media attacks against benefit claimants in 2024. Across the year, the right-wing press cranked up its concerted campaign to vilify chronically ill and disabled claimants more than eleven-fold. But significantly, over half of this coverage featured references […] | By

Steve Topple (2025-01-13). LA wildfires raise serious questions about who controls California's water. So, meet the Resnicks. thecanary.co In 1994, Stewart and Lynda Resnick, a billionaire couple, gained control over a significant portion of California's water resources through a series of secretive meetings. This maneuver allowed them to build a business empire — and at times, sell water back to the public, a resource largely funded by taxpayers. Now, that privatisation of an […] | By

Olivia Barber (2025-01-13). Daily Mail runs with questionable headline claiming Starmer will be out of No 10 within a year. leftfootforward.org The Mail appears to have conveniently ignored that 56% of survey respondents think Starmer will remain as PM for more than a year…

Basit Mahmood (2025-01-13). Humiliation for Brexit bankroller Arron Banks after he is denied entry to US for his own Donald Trump inauguration party. leftfootforward.org "LOL. Arron Banks has been banned from the US. I guess they took back control."

Adriaan Alsema (2025-01-13). Choco governor survives attack on convoy in western Colombia. colombiareports.com Choco Governor Nubia Carolina Cordoba said that her convoy was attacked while traveling through the province in western Colombia. According to the governor, armed men opened fire on her caravan…

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-13). Palisades fire in LA may have been caused by fireworks. expose-news.com Four wildfires are currently burning around Los Angeles, with two others now described as being contained. The largest of the wildfires is Palisades. Climate cultists immediately came out saying the fires were …

Staff (2025-01-13). US media refuses to connect LA fires to climate chaos—or the billionaires responsible for it. therealnews.com In his 2009 paper Worst-Case Scenarios, Harvard professor Cass Sunstein coined the term the "Goldstein Effect" to describe a government's "ability to intensify public concern, by giving a definite face to the adversary, specifying a human source of the underlying threat." His basic argument was that in the instance of the "War on Terror," the …

Lynda Carson (2025-01-13). Thursday 1/16: Oppose Scott Turner As Next HUD Secretary. indybay.org Stop Scott Turner From Becoming The Next HUD Secretary! | Click on the link below to send an email to all the Democrat members to voice your opposition to Scott Turner now! | Click below… | www.banking.senate.gov/about/membership

Staff (2025-01-13). Airline workers held Trump to account in his first term—here's what we can learn from them now. therealnews.com Donald Trump will once again be inaugurated as president in just a week's time, and the lessons of workers' victories from his past administration provides an important roadmap to the fight ahead. In 2019, flight attendants organized to end a government shutdown that threw airports around the country into chaos. Sara Nelson, international president of the Association …

Marc Brodine (2025-01-13). Militants and the millions: Building resistance for real world impact. peoplesworld.org Millions of people are thinking about how to build the resistance, about how they can become active in fighting the second Trump administration's plans to facilitate and impose fascism. In the process, some folks confuse sounding as radical as they want and feel with having the biggest impact on real world developments. It is important …

cameron orr (2025-01-13). We stand in solidarity with those affected by L.A.'s wildfires. cpusa.org The devastating fires in the Los Angeles area have affected entire communities and hundreds of thousands of people. As we continue to respond to this disaster, we hope you, your family, and your friends are all safe. | The Communist Party of Southern California stands in solidarity with all those in the Los Angeles area who have been directly or indirectly affected by the devastating fires. Our hearts go out to those who have lost their lives, and we extend our deepest condolences to their families and friends. The loss of family homes and entire neighborhoods is a tragedy. We demand that all levels of governm…

A a (2025-01-13). A crise da Boeing e a campanha contra a Embraer. strategic-culture.su

| É necessário recordar que os conglomerados midiáticos nà£o sà£o meras atividades jornalísticas, mas representam setores propagandísticos de interesses financeiros internacionais. | Junte-se a nós no , e .

Staff (2025-01-13). Arabia Saudita planea producir más de 90 000 toneladas de uranio. cubadebate.cu Arabia Saudita planea producir y exportar uranio, lo que supondría un importante cambio en el sector energético del país, anunció este lunes el ministro de Energía, el príncipe Abdulaziz bin Salmán. Dijo, además, que Riad está trabajando para localizar tecnologías modernas e industrias, con el sector petroquímico como pieza clave para el futuro.

Staff (2025-01-13). Canciller de Venezuela denuncia ataques contra sedes diplomáticas del país en el extranjero. cubadebate.cu El canciller de Venezuela, Yván Gil, ha hecho un llamado urgente a las autoridades de Lisboa (Portugal), Frankfurt (Alemania), Medellín (Colombia), Vigo (España) y San José (Costa Rica) para que aceleren las investigaciones relacionadas con los recientes ataques a sedes consulares venezolanas. Denunció que estos actos son parte de una "acción coordinada por los comanditos del fascismo desquiciado".

Staff (2025-01-13). TUCKER SURL: Servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento para lograr un "cambio real" cubadebate.cu Servicios integrales que combinan la limpieza y mantenimiento que permiten "un cambio real" en la instalación. Así se define TUCKER SURL, una pyme que surgió en el 2019 como TCP, hasta constituirse como pequeña empresa en el 2020. Poco a poco, se convirtieron en lo que son hoy: una empresa con prestigio, con una marca reconocida.

Staff (2025-01-13). Venezuela informa sobre detención de colaborador de María Corina Machado (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Relaciones Interiores, Justicia y Paz de Venezuela reveló este lunes que Roalmi Alberto Cabeza Cedeño, quien había sido reportado como gravemente herido durante las manifestaciones opositoras del 9 de enero, fue encontrado en perfecto estado de salud en un hotel de la Gran Caracas.

Staff (2025-01-13). Estudian agujero negro supermasivo con características "nunca vistas antes" cubadebate.cu El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participa en el estudio de una galaxia que alberga un agujero negro supermasivo con características nunca vistas previamente, como la emisión de un chorro de plasma y unas inusuales y rápidas fluctuaciones de rayos X. El descubrimiento se ha realizado en una galaxia situada a unos 270 millones de años luz en la constelación de Draco.

Staff (2025-01-13). Los bomberos han contenido un 33% del incendio de Eaton, en Los àÅngeles, según las autoridades. cubadebate.cu El incendio de Eaton en el condado de Los àÅngeles, que Cal Fire dice que es probablemente uno de los incendios más destructivos en la historia de California, fue contenido al menos en un tercio este lunes por la mañana, dijeron las autoridades. El incendio, que había quemado 14 117 hectáreas, estaba contenido en un 33% a las 7: 18 am pt de este lunes.

A A (2025-01-13). L'inutile attesa. Trump e il conflitto in Ucraina. strategic-culture.su Se andiamo ad analizzare le possibili mosse su quali possano essere le offerte-contropartite del nuovo Presidente statunitense per convincere i contendenti ad accettare un accordo definitivo o almeno un cessate il fuoco temporaneo, si fatica ad intravederne la via. | Segue nostro Man mano che si avvicina il 20 gennaio 2025, giorno dell'insediamento ufficiale dell'Amministrazione Trump, crescono le comprensibili aspettative sulla possibil…

A A (2025-01-13). Macron assiste impotente alla fine della Franàßafrique. strategic-culture.su La Franàßafrique, simbolo delle relazioni neocoloniali tra Francia e Africa, è ormai al tramonto, mentre assistiamo ad una svolta storica verso l'indipendenza economica e politica dei paesi africani, accelerata da nuove alleanze globali e dal crescente sentimento antioccidentale nel continente. | Segue nostro Franàßafrique è un termine usato per descrivere il sistema di relazioni post-coloniali tra la Francia e i suoi ex t…

Staff (2025-01-13). La infancia enfrenta una nueva era de amenazas y retos, advierte la ONU. cubadebate.cu El exponencial aumento de la desigualdad y los conflictos, junto con la amenaza del cambio climático y la tecnología crean una época de incertidumbre para los niños en todo el mundo. La agencia de la ONU para la infancia exige reforzar los sistemas diseñados a mitigar el impacto de todos esos fenómenos.

Staff (2025-01-13). Este lunes en la Mesa Redonda: El presupuesto del Estado de 2025. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu El ministro de Finanzas y Precios y otros directivos de ese ministerio comparecen este lunes en la Mesa Redonda para informar detalles sobre la conformación del Presupuesto del Estado en el 2025, el cual fue aprobado a fines de diciembre por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular.

The US Democratic Party Prepares to Leave Power with a Serious of Craven Parting Shots

  Comment: The same USA that provoked Ukraine into a disastrous war with the Russia superpower, and unabashedly funds and facilitates the US-Israel Genocide in Palestine, slaughtering tens of thousands of indigenous children in order to steal their homeland, has just now announced a $25 Million bounty on the head of the democratically-elected government of Venezuela (because it wants to capture and control for profiteering of the poor country's vast oil reserves). The USA, Israel, and Ukraine are all sick and depraved.

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